#adolescent problems.
psycho-zom-atic · 2 years
My counselling sucks but anyway, I'm terrified by the cases the professor told us. Teen age suicides! Little girls of ages 14 and 15 ending their lives just because some moron left them or got them pregnant.
My dear little sisters, I know you hate being called kids but let me call you that lovingly. Please don't fall in love with some horny idiot who only cares about having a physical relationship with you. I know this sounds like an old story. If so why am I hearing new cases? It means that it still continues. You can definitely have a boyfriend/gf, go out with them, but be responsible. You must remember that even if someone cheats you, that's not the end of your life. You have new doors open infront of you if you turn around and look. Boy or girl You're not old enough to handle toxic relationships. If someone threatens to leave you if you don't want to have a physical relationship with them, that's a toxic relationship and I recommend you close that chapter instead of giving in to that person's Wiles.
If those girls I heard about were bold enough to say no to having something they didn't want to do, they would have been alive now. You know that prevention is better than cure. I'm not judging anything. Clever ones do things in a responsible manner and no one knows, nothing happens but most teens are careless and they commit blunders. Afterwards they get into trouble with their parents, school and society. The only way out of this for them is death.(I'm talking about such societies where children are raised in fear of the parents, teachers and the entire country. ) This is where a counselor either becomes a super hero or a complete loser.
If something like that happens, first you should stop fearing the society and what they'd think of you. If you fear the society for every single thing you won't be able to handle any kind of trouble you'd get into.
Don't lose faith in your parents. They would scold and even beat you up but they will never abandon you. Some parents would readily embrace you and get all the help they can for you.
Talk with persons whom you trust. It can be your best friend, sibling, parent or teacher, just talk to them about your problems and confusions before making drastic decisions. Talk to your school counselor. They are not sitting there for nothing. They're specially trained guides like I'm under training now. They can definitely help you decide what to do and it will be a positive experience.
Learn to say no. Value yourself the most. If someone sees you like a princess at first and later treats you like trash you have no obligation to put up with it. Just say no to whatever you are not alright with. Forcing to have a physical relationship with someone is a crime. You can talk about it with your teacher, counselor or parent.
If you see a classmate whose behaviour changed suddenly, stopped studying, and exhibits withdrawal from all activities including fun and games, beware of that child. He/she is suffering from some kind of trauma and you should report it to your home room teacher.
Be safe. I know I'll be laughed at but if this feels comforting to atleast one teen on Tumblr, my efforts are meaningful.
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wildestheart4ever · 6 months
Just considering the potential horrific deaths the JL may have suffered under someone who has intangibility in their power list
Like! There’s a general agreement that Dan eviserated the JL [The magic users probably lasting longer] in his timeline but I don’t think we touched on the horrifying potential.
We are all perfectly aware of the gory violent potential Dan is capable of [*Eyeing the unspoken murder/suicide of his human half and how that might have gone*].
If he can kill off his Fenton half [and inflict whatever misery he might have gleefully put Masters through] without a thought, what do you think he would do to the caped community?
Especially if you go the “JL ignored Amity Parks’ call for help” route
Also: It wouldn’t have been a long ongoing battle. This dude would probably disappear from days to weeks at a time [Either rejuvenating in the Ghost Zone or making himself the ghost’ problem]. The heroes would be on edge just waiting for when he’d come back
Ten years of being this unkillable thing’s punching bag
Don’t mind me, just suddenly vying for a violently gruesome fic of Dan against the Justice League.
A hopeless-No light in the horizon-utter desperation fic
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 6)
I think the main thing we were supposed to see as Star's character flaw wasn't that he was acting proud/arrogant/reckless/badass (I mentioned that it's fine for him to act that way because he deserved it after everything good he did and obviously I still mean it 110%), but how that proud, charming guy was never the real him. He literally lost himself trying to feel worthy and please everyone in town. For years he's been acting the role (for a noble cause) but the price was him losing touch with the nerd he is.
Yet STILL, if only everyone had been a bit more gentle with him, I bet he'd have toned it down during the WE section, and even before that. But they all decided to let him know the truth at the worst possible time, right when he was supposed to make Clover his deputy. Right after they attacked the kid because they were jealous. It was supposed to be the PEAK of Starlo's day and they randomly threw the "we never liked any of this" bomb at him instead of trying to talk it out BEFORE things escalated. I'd be pissed too.
Oh yeah...
... his brother doesn't take him seriously apparently and doesn't realize that staying positive and strong 24/7 is tougher than it looks, especially with Starlo's insecurities (and yeah being a farmer is hard work, but so is being in Star's position; on the contrary, it's even TOUGHER) ...
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Orion should try being an entertainer for a day and see what it's like, let alone doing it for years
...Solomon says how Star thought him and Crestina didn't support his life choices...
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... and how he rarely talks to his family...
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...and it suddenly came to me: in all these years, they didn't ever bother telling him that they did support him? They didn't bother trying to reach out to him more? Understand his passion (Ceroba doesn't get it either; once again, I don't blame Starlo for caring about Clover so much, that kid understood)? Have an honest talk?
No wonder Star stopped interacting with them for the most part. Maybe him feeling worthless came from his family? Who knows (or he was bullied as a kid for being a nerd). In any case, he clearly had to deal with these feelings by himself.
This man's been through some stuff.
P.S. I know he has flaws like everyone, but you've gotta ask yourself the important question: WHY? where did all this come from? But clearly nobody in his life ever asked themselves this. So it all kept building up till he almost killed his deputy for... status. He was SO desperate to feel valued and get his friends back (who made him feel less alone.. but ultimately just left when he needed someone the most, at least ONE person) that he was ready to go all the way to achieve what he'd been lacking his entire life: *feeling like he MATTERED.*
I wonder If he'll ever go 100% back to being his true self. Slim chances :'( this is him now. Half farmer half sheriff
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deutsche-bahn · 4 months
Are stressbedingte Geheimratsecken a thing or is this just something that happened to me
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...i'm sorry but. are you saying that. ART. provided. leverage??
i have another crew it might be interested in. it and bot both, actually.
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denpachannel · 4 months
the commodification of my interests really made me harbor conflicting feelings of disgust and endless pity for the generations after me like FUCK. these poor people will never experience genuine interest or exploration of hobbies they’ll only ever live like a human sack strapped to a feeding machine of what everyone else is consuming brother EUGHHHhh they won’t know the beauty of stumbling upon an interest in the wild. Only ever will know it in the soiled context of “look what the algorithm and my peers are forcing me to look at. I think I like this and it’s my hyperfixation now” HYLICS!!!!!! That’s so fucking sad. It’s all about void filling and pissing into your eyes bickering about everything. I miss when you were automatically alienated and bullied for liking cartoons.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
#random personal stuff#I get it everyone in church wants to fuss over the babies#who are very cute and I'm glad that they're loved! they should be!#but I'd like to put in a good word *also* for a group who tend to get overlooked and undervalued#and that's older kids#once you get past baby age in the church circles I'm familiar with#you are no longer an object of adoration and are now a nuisance a burden and a problem that needs to be suppressed and contained#parents will openly complain about them and heaven forbid anyone reach adolescence because then they're regarded as next-door to a monster#and not many people are really listening to older kids or thinking about what they might need as human beings#which is connection and knowing that people give a darn about them personally#and don't just see them as something to be 'kept busy' or as free labor/babysitting for younger nuisances#I have the most interesting conversations with these kids#they're bright and hilarious and passionate about all kinds of things#and they're dealing with more than most adults seem to realize or take seriously#I remember being that age very vividly and the adult whom I wanted to be around the most was my aunt whenever she visited#because she actually took the time to listen to me and put up my jawing about [current obsession]#probably took a lot of patience on her part but I appreciated it so much#it made me feel like I mattered#sometimes the kids at church will talk to me and I want to be for them the kind of adult my aunt was for me#they ARE worth listening to!#everybody at every stage of life is worth caring about
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Seeing a little girl in white wedding attire going to her First Communion or Confirmation still manages to put a rock in my stomach.
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beatsforbrothels · 6 months
The Difference Machine - Problems
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uwt-msw-24 · 1 year
Are you Mentally Ill?!
I’m seeking to understand the impacts of receiving a mental health diagnosis and mental health stigma on children's identity development! The way kids learn about their diagnoses can be horrible for many, and we can work toward standardizing that care! This is the focus of my Social Work Master's research thesis! If you received an official mental health diagnosis before age 25, please consider taking this survey!
You’ve got to be over 18 and IT IS 100% ANONYMOUS!!!
It only takes 5-10 minutes. You get nothing in return but the satisfaction of supporting work to better care for children's mental health.
PLEASE REBLOG THIS! It’d mean the world to me and would really help the research! Thank you Tumblr I’m proud to be a part of this community, and thank you for all the support you’ve shared over the years! 
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Hammill on my banner looks so sexy, like the sort of 80s punk new wave goth (andrew eldritch reference 👀)
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espectres · 2 months
It's so hard for Shou to acquire father figures becuz the only person he wants to talk to is his dad. He'd rather gnaw and bite at his father to notice him rather than admit to himself that he's so insignificant to Toichiro specifically ( which he isn't, toichiro is just terrible at this )
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glrlafraid · 3 months
“gen z doesn’t drink, smoke, have sex, etc…” and then their evidence is just USA centric studies
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Btw shout out to s13 for giving wu character development like that, it did him good
#i wish we got to see the events afterwards bc I kinda wanna see wu kick butt#like his problem is that we always see him girlfailing like all the fucking time#pilots he jumps into the underworld to lose to sans undertale#s1 he has to go find his brother bc he managed to lose lloyd in like 1 day#also he gets eaten bc that’s what his weed told him to do#s2 he’s fine. he doesn’t do much I think?? he simps for his brother’s wife which is weird tho#s3 he’s on self sacrifice number 3 and gets hacked like a computer#s4 he is just not there for most of it#s5 he is girlfailing and just watching the consequences of his mistakes rob his dad’s grave#s6 he’s like the first one to die in a horror movie#s7 he is tormented by visions of him girlfailing and goes on his self sacrifice number 4 Jesus Christ wu this is actually concerning#that’s where the ninja get it from#s8 he baby and he’s girlbossing so much better than he has ever done and will ever do#s9 he girlbosses through his childhood and into adolescence good for him#s10 does he even do anything I genuinely forgot?#s11 man done fucked up again and he feels bad abt it for like the whole season#s12 he gets fucking damselled like L L L#s13 man has to character develop bc he girlfailed too much#the Island guess who needs saving. at least he wasn’t alone#Seabound he’s got a minor role again but he gets to hang out with Ray in this one and I’m happy for him#(haven’t finished crystalised but he says fuck the police and that is so girlboss of him actually 🤩)#got carried away in the tags oops#btw this is not wu hate I love him#he’s a girlfail and that’s okay#ninjago#Ninjago wu
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ourspecial · 1 year
Insane email from my father. Starts out with "I know you are a millennial and somewhat sensitive" which is a great lead-in to a recommendation of a Tom Cruise movie.
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bandanabiel · 5 months
i love getting older, i LOVE it so much. learned new slang online and got to bring it to my baby nephew, whose eyes widened in horror and who physically recoiled from the dinner table when i asked if he’s heard of this thing called “skibbidy ohio rizz”
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