#adhd kaminari
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your-pal-crow · 6 months ago
Every once and I while I remember tumblr exists and I see a few notes from this post
Kamanari playing with Ojiro’s tail: a compilation
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strawberijasper · 4 months ago
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little guys being cute idk I was in a mood for them.
pose ref by albanenechi
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surelyimisheard · 4 months ago
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addicted to wearing glasses
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thief-of-eggs · 11 months ago
Kaminari has ADHD, and Ojiro’s tail is his fidget.
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months ago
I see a lot of Denki's training tends to be trying to get his limit higher when it's clear that his issue isn't how high his limit is, he can throw out 2 million volts before shorting out and still has a tendency to short out on the first use of his quirk, he clearly needs help controlling his power after reaching a certain wattage. It's so clear to me that his issue is that once he reaches a certain level, I'd put it a 100-150 watts, maybe less, since he's so very good at charging devices without shorting out most of the time, once he reaches that level he has trouble stopping and ends up pouring all of his energy out instead of stopping before he shorts out. What he really needs isn't a higher breaking point, it's to learn how to stop earlier. I think a good way to do this would be to give him a device to read his wattage/amps/whatever the hell measurement he uses and have him pick a number higher than the point he has trouble stopping, like 500 per say, and just keep trying to stop at exactly 500 until he learns how to stop, THEN work on getting his limit higher once he can reliably stop each time. But, this detail goes widely unnoticed as far as I can tell and I feel like that could represent the gap in teaching kids with ADHD, someone sees you have an issue but guesses on the actual cause and now their trying to fix it all wrong and there's nothing you can do about it because you're a child who doesn't know any better. Kaminari is such a good allegory for what it's like to have adhd at every turn and I love him for that but also I hate him for that, stop being so real, kid
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pridewishes · 1 month ago
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250x250 || adhd || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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pridebicons · 1 month ago
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audhd denki pride icons
requested by anon
like/rb if using + credit
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yalocalfanficaddict · 1 year ago
I don’t know why but it feels like so many characters in My Hero Academia have Autism (looking at you Bakugou and Todoroki) or ADHD (looking at you Kaminari and Kirishima) or both (looking at you Midoriya and Hatsume). Like, there are so many that seem neurodivergent to point that I wonder if Mr. Horikoshi himself is a lil funky that way…
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foreverafangirl14 · 4 months ago
KamiShima Saturday
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Kirishima is trying to help kaminari with his homework. Kamiari is distracted as usual. (Adhd headcanon)
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makethiscanon · 11 months ago
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Ojiro's the kind of boyfriend who lets his spectrum-based partner chew on his big, squishy arm-muscles while they're cuddling on the couch as a way to stim.
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gojous-adderall · 1 year ago
Another fine day of Kaminari adhd hcs
- his waiting mode is paralysing, he ceases functioning a week before exciting events
- “at the party we should-“
- cannot focus if there is more than one person with him, his brain scatters immediately
- group study sessions don’t actually work for him, he needs one person to be interrogating him (calmly, not like Bakugou lol)
- when he can't articulate something he verbally keyboard smashes
- his room is held together by spot cleaning
- has a little crash whenever his meds wear off for the day and cries in the shower, then watches memes and is fine again
- one time he accidentally showed up to an event a month in advance and understandably found the venue empty. It said July 13th and he showed up on June 8th. He is so certain he read the event was on June 8th
- he regularly loses hope in studying, it feels pointless when he has to work so much harder than everyone else just for mediocre results
- he writes himself off as stupid before anyone else can and it hurts how unquestioningly everyone believes it
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titan-god-helios · 1 year ago
okay so my mha spIn/hyperfixation just got reawakened so here’s a list of some of my favourite characters and what i think they have (headcanons duh):
Midoriya - autism + adhd
Bakugou - autism (he like me fr !!) and ptsd and adhd as well
Todoroki - autism and c-ptsd, possibly ocd too
Kaminari - adhd as fuck i love him so much
Kirishima - autism he’s so autistic and adhd
Jirou - autism
Shinsou - autism
Shigaraki - autism
Dabi - autism
Toga - adhd
in conclusion all my faves are some flavour of autistic and adhd and traumatised and i love them all theyre all my babies and i want to be friends with them all so desperately its insane
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qodlysinz · 1 year ago
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Shoto Todoroki X Denki Kaminari - My Hero Academia
CW: minor swearing?? Shoto isn’t much of a curser, but I feel like Denki does on occasion. Not as much as Bakugo, that’s for sure
Tags: fluff, Denki feels inferior 😖, dw Shoto helps him!!!, seems mostly platonic </3 NOT BETA READ
A/N: I’m literally so in love w this ship, out of all the mainstream ones, they’d probably be the healthiest bc they’re both an equal amount of stupid lmfao
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Denki groaned, his brain feeling buzzed after a long day of training. He envied his classmates, they all had such good handles on their Quirk, even Midoriya, who had started off the worst of them all, had climbed up the ranks of Strongest in Class 1-A in mere months.
Denki’s Quirk was powerful, no doubt about it, but good god! Being handicapped within moments for using your Quirk once?! How pathetic was that?
Not only did it risk his life, but it risked the life of others. Denki hated it. At times like this, when he felt weak, he wished he was just Quirkless, even though he knows how hard it is as a Quirkless person in today’s society. Midoriya had rambled on about his hardships about being a late bloomer who was presumed Quirkless for his entire life. Denki felt bad for him, he knows how it feels to be so vulnerable and helpless in dire situations.
Denki placed a hand on his head, feeling numb as the side effects of overworking himself settled in. He tried to shake it off, quite literally, by moving his head side to side, but he only felt nauseous afterwards. How did Todoroki and Bakugo do it? Their Quirks were just as dangerous, yet they were much more skilled.
Denki had tried going to Bakugo for help; but, as usual, his angry and violent classmate snapped at him for ‘being so goddamn useless’, which didn’t help his dilemma whatsoever.
So, he went to the next person! Shoto Todoroki.
“You want my help?” Asked the soft spoken boy. Denki nodded, sheepish. “Yeah, I tried Bakugo, but he just got mean.” He murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. He leaned against Yaoyorozu’s desk, she was currently chatting with Jirou across the room, so no harm was being done. Denki looked at the much kinder and gentler classmate expectantly. “Whaddya say?”
Todoroki hesitated, “are you sure? Midoriya’s a lot better at explaining things than I am.” He murmured, Denki smiled cooly, “yeah! Your Quirk seems really hard to manage, so learning from someone with a Quirk like mine would help more.” He replied, padding the toe of his shoes to the floor as Todoroki sat in silence, thinking it over.
Denki felt nervous, his cool demeanor faltering slightly. “If you don’t have time, it’s fine.” He dismissed, getting up to head to his desk. “No, it’s not that. I’ll help you.”
A breath of relief rushed out of Denki’s mouth, hand clutching his chest. “Thanks, Todoroki. You’re the best.” He held his fist out to Todoroki, nodding at him until Todoroki cautiously bumped it, blinking inquisitively. Maybe someone as outgoing as Kaminari would be beneficial for Shoto’s growth as a person. This exchange could help both of them in their respective issues.
The two of them stood out on the training ground, both dressed in their gym uniforms.
“Controlling my fire is where I have the most trouble, I’m still not fully used to it, so I’ll help you with how I control my ice. Does that make sense?” Todoroki looked at Denki, his heterochromatic eyes were lost and confused with this, but he was being kind enough to help Denki. He was grateful, and nodded. “Emit a low amount of electricity, and we’ll start from there.”
Denki exerted electricity from his body, making Todoroki flinch slightly, marveling at the sight. “Try focusing on aiming it over there, like this.” Todoroki, with one swift flick of the wrist, motioned forward, a spike of ice peaking outward in a controlled fashion.
Distracted by the sight, Denki faltered slightly and accidentally aimed for Todoroki. Catching on, the boy swerved out of the way, Denki’s stream of electricity hurdling towards the ice, causing chunks to fall and shatter.
Todoroki hummed, walking over to Denki. Being used to Bakugo’s outbursts and Jirou’s harsh teasing, Denki instinctively averted his gaze in embarrassment. Todoroki, without warning, moved Denki’s position, folding his arms neatly in front of him and adjusting his legs. “Try it again.”
“What if I hit you?” Fretted the blonde, Todoroki gave him a small smile. “You won’t. Even if you do, I know you don’t mean anything harmful.” He shook his head. Denki relaxed, emitting his Quirk once more and shooting out a small stream, bursting apart once it hit a certain distance. “Very good.” Todoroki commended.
Denki smiled, looking relieved to hear such praise from someone he respected. “You’re a fast learner, Kaminari.” Added the boy, nodding his head. “I’m not used to positive feedback.” Denki admitted awkwardly.
Todoroki rose his brows, “that probably explains why you’re struggling more often, then. The others fail to encourage you to do better.”
“Especially Bakugo.” Denki muttered, face scrunched up with annoyance. “Bakugo yells at anyone who will listen, it’s best to just tune him out and focus on yourself.” Todoroki stated, placing a hand on Denki’s shoulder. Denki nodded along, brightening up. “You’re right, thanks.”
Todoroki was stunned, face flushing slightly. “Let’s go about it again.” He murmured, Denki, none the wiser, didn’t question him and tried it again.
The following weeks, Denki would sprint up to Todoroki, asking for advice or questions on numerous things evading from Quirk training. Things like, what TV show he should start, if he should start playing a new Pokémon game, if he did the homework Aizawa assigned, or if Todoroki can help him study.
“Hey!” Denki ran over to Todoroki and Midoriya. Midoriya was used to it, but the way Todoroki’s expression changed to a much softer and relaxed was confusing, his friend had rarely showed any emotion, so seeing this was off-putting. In a good way, or course!
“Should I start using my Quirk throughout the night? Like charging my phone myself, or no because I might overwork myself?” Denki didn’t notice Midoriya’s presence, beelining straight to his new mentor. “Maybe at two hour intervals so you don’t risk harming yourself. Constantly exerting your Quirk could be detrimental.” He answered.
Denki hesitated, thinking back to their study session before nodding. “Detrimental means… dangerous, right?” He asked, Todoroki nodded with a soft smile. “Yes. It does. Nice memory.”
The blonde smiled, turning to walk away until he realized Midoriya was beside him. “Oh… hey, Midoriya.” He murmured, brows furrowed as if the male had suddenly appeared. “Hey, Kaminari.” Waved the other, watching as he walked away before making eye contact with his friend. Todoroki, as usual, didn’t understand the look in Midoriya’s eyes.
“Is something wrong?” He asked with concern. “No, no, it’s just. You and Kaminari have gotten… awfully close.” Midoriya mentioned with a swift dismissal. Todoroki nodded, “he’s improving a lot.” He said, former blank expression now shifting to the one he used when in direct contact with Denki.
Midoriya nodded skeptically. “And it’s all thanks to you? I thought he’d go to Kacchan?” He tilted his head inquisitively, Todoroki hummed, staring after the bustling blonde. “If Kirishima’s tolerance for Bakugo is any indication, he’s not a good fit for Kaminari. He’s too impatient. Bakugo, that is.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I know how Kacchan is.” Midoriya sheepishly replied, awkwardly laughing. “Do you… like him?” He slowly questioned.
Todoroki rose a brow, “yeah? We’re friends.”
Midoriya internally face-palmed. He should’ve worded it differently, but that would risk making him uncomfortable, so he just merely laughed in response with a nod. “Yeah, I guess you are.”
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00dawn00 · 2 years ago
so you know how Denki probably has ADHD, what if reader has it too. they both have to stay after school together because Momo offered to help y’all with subjects that your struggling on. but Aizawa got you both like the fidget cube thingies so that when y’all are at like a class meeting, or like a parent-teacher conference y’all have something to do. and Mina bought y’all magnetic pens that she always has on her in case y’all forget the fidget cubes at your houses. and the nice part is that Bakugo has never brought up y’all having ADHD because he doesn’t want y’all to feel like really bad about yourselfs. did i mention that if y’all pay attention the whole week Aizawa gives y’all lollipops, but he gives them to everyone to not make you both feel like your three year olds. oh and if y’all get distracted and don’t finish the notes Iida let’s you borrow his!
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years ago
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Disability Pride Month Challenge Day 3
day 3: character(s) who are neurodivergent (autism, adhd, dyslexia, tourettes, etc)
the characters we picked for this are: nene kusanagi ((headcanon) autistic), denki kaminari ((implied) adhd) + ibuki mioda ((headcanon) tourettes)
flag credits: autism flag, adhd flag, tourettes flag
feel free to use with credit as long as you aren't on our dni, but don't claim as your own! like/reblog if you save or enjoy!
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namiisei · 2 years ago
Denki fidgets with his own tiny bolts during class or study sessions with the bakusquad
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