#adhd jacob pass it on
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 years ago
Jacob: Today alone, I have lost everything the second I put it down, talked to myself all day, and genuinely forgot I needed food to survive until 9 pm after not eating all day. Is it any wonder all my teachers hated me?
Noor: It’s almost like you have an attention disorder.
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serendipitouscontaminant · 1 year ago
ALSO and I swear I will shut up after this, but—
Jacob bluntly admitting “no, that was a genuine mistake each and every time” regarding buying two of every condiment…
ADHD Jacob is real
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moonysreid · 1 year ago
three drink rule (melissa schemmenti x reader)
warnings: adhd/neurodivergent reader, not proofread (i wrote this like a year ago istg)
disclaimers: adapted from wattpad, gn!reader, it makes no sense because my brain is like mush
i needed to explain the neurodivergent issues i’m having and i’ve got the flu
"love, do you want a coffee?" you asked mel as you made your way towards the coffee machine, ready to replace the empty pot
"i'm alright, hun" she hummed as she slid her glasses back on, trying to read through her lesson plans
as the coffee was brewing you ventured towards the vending machine, which, of course, caught the eyes of jacob- his gaze followed you across the room
when the redhead went to lift her head she could see jacob’s furrowed brows “why does your face look like that?”, the look in her eyes screaming ‘unimpressed’ with his staring
“why are they getting another drink when they’re making themselves coffee?”
you stood at the vending machine, humming the harry potter theme tune, completely unaware of the way that your girlfriend was probably about the throw her stapler at jacob
“it's the three drink rule" she deadpanned as she pushed her glasses to rest on top of her head, her lack of explanation confusing jacob further
after some awkward silence janine took lead and decided to find the answer from the source, "hey, y/n"
the sudden mention of your name caused you to jump slightly from being so lost in the steam rising from the coffee, a small buzz going up your spine from the abrupt interruption
"what's the 'three drink rule?"
“oh” you beamed, kind of excited to explain the concept because people usually rather kept to judging than actually asking you
you start explaining as you absentmindedly pass an unfazed melissa your freshly made coffee “well, water is the clean, neutral drink and the fizzy can is something with a different texture and finally the coffee is the warm drink - even though i probably shouldn’t have the caffeine”
your girlfriend perked up again at the mention of you and caffeine, quickly digging through her bag and pulling out a hot chocolate sachet, “i brought some of these because i knew that you’d need something warm”
“oo, can i have some hot chocolate?”
“no, jacob”
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melleonis · 2 years ago
it’s 2015 and i am
sitting on my mattress on the floor in the spare bedroom of the chicago condo my friend’s parents bought for them with oil company money. both of us have undiagnosed and unmedicated adhd. neither of us clean. the wide, shallow bathroom sink grows a yellow-black film of residue and shaved hair.
i am trying to come to terms with being dead. the year prior was a cascade of horror, a chain of a hundred different sudden sickenings in the gut, and as far as the world and most people in it are concerned, i no longer exist - which would have been more than fine with me, except that time continues to pass.
until recently, porpentine had been writing a column for rock paper shotgun called live free play hard, reviewing free indie games. itch.io is in its infancy, but unity is ten years old now and really starting to come into its own, and this is the heyday of the so-called walking simulator - Dear Esther in 2012 to Firewatch in 2016. i never played most of the big names, the ones that attracted all that sneering gamergate hatred (Gone Home excepted) - after all, they cost money, and in 2015, i didn’t have any of that. so every porpentine article was a damp, fertile patch of sometimes-delicious always-free mushrooms. i play a LOT of itch.io games that year, and i’ve been missing them lately, so i wanted to talk about them here.
live free play hard is a decade old, at this point. links are dead. games don’t quite run the same on modern computers. twine games which once had music are now silent. these are some of the survivors.
their angelical understanding by porpentine, herself. ***STROBE WARNING*** and also for a text-based game this is an intense PTSD simulator. i considered linking others of her games here: neon haze (link appears to be broken), CYBERQUEEN (about which i’ve already said a lot) or howling dogs (which is arguably still her best), but i went with t.a.u. because, well, in 2015 a PTSD simulator was what i needed.
CHYRZA by kitty horrorshow kh has probably Made It as an indie artist more than anyone else on this list? my metric for this is that there are two whole jacob geller video essays about her games. CHYRZA is pure tone: jittery unity platforming up desert monuments collecting audiologs. trust me, it’s really effective.
Bernband by Tom van den Boogaart this one still runs, but there’s a bit of slowdown in some areas. this is pure exploration through a very pixelly alien city: nightclubs, power stations, overpasses, late-night noodle bars. an empty chapel. a trumpet recital. the empty corridors and stairwells between everything. it’s stuck with me for all these years.
SABBAT by oh no problems this is the least subtle it is possible for a text game to be. it starts with animal sacrifice and gets really fucking explicit from there. as someone who had at the time cut a picture of baphomet out of the liner notes from a random black metal cd found in a des moine record store and taped it to my bedroom doorpost like a mezuzah, all i really wanted from SABBAT was the ability to have snakes for dicks, and buddy, it delivers. i remember there used to be a sort of sludgey doom metal soundtrack, but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore, and the credits link to a nonexistent soundcloud. so it goes.
HEARTWOOD by Kerry Turner hahaha man i’d completely forgotten about this game until i went back through the archives but fuck, it rules. it’s so simple. it’s pure sensation. i loved it then and i love it now.
Off-Peak by Cosmo D i think Cosmo D is still going strong these days! actually, i’m pretty sure i have unplayed games by them in my steam library, i should fix that. Off-Peak is a jazz exploration of the world’s most colorful train station. people are playing bespoke 2015 eurogames. a vendor is selling a bunch of sheet music that musicians have had to pawn, what with the way the economy is going. you understand. triplets stalk you. a man strokes a cow, menacingly. i would say it’s peak itch.io, but in point of fact it is, of course, off-peak itch.io.
anyway i lived, eventually, and went on to make art of my own, but it’s my belief - it’s my hope - that all my writing carries the spores these games and games like them put in me when i was dead and decaying and fertile ground for such things. i hope you play some of them. i hope you enjoy them. thanks for reading <3
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howtotrainabraincell · 9 months ago
The Ultimate Cinnamon Roll Deserves Better
A lot of people don't like Jacob Frye, but I DO and anyone who doesn't and trash talks my darling British boy can see my secretary Miss. FightMeYou'llLose. She has a doctorate in Sassology.
Jacob is such a sweetheart and needs more love. I'm being serious. He needs more love. A LOT more love. I understand that his personality doesn't suit everyone, and to each their own but I can't help but get this feeling that the majority of the crazy, risky, and 'stupid' things he does are for attention.
Not because he's like an attention whore or anything who revels in attention like an egotistical narcissist/sociopath/psychopath. But he does it for attention in the context of: Evie getting more attention in their childhood and him feeling lonely and emotionally neglected as a result.
I mean their father favored Evie because she reminded him of his wife Cecily who passed away giving birth to the twins, and then Jacob I believe in his opinion was just...a spare child who he wasn't willing to "deal with". He kinda seemed to see Jacob as a spare child like - "Oops we had two and I only wanna be a dad to one, so the other one gets the short of the stick." I'm not sure that Ethan Frye blamed Jacob for Cecily's death and I can't confirm something that I'm not sure of, but I don't quite get that vibe. But I mean it could be the case as from what I remember Ethan was a harsh father to Jacob, and he certainly gained my disdain even though he was never present in the actual game.
I think he does the things he does partially because he is - AND I SAY THIS WITH LOVE - an ADHD having chaotic dumba-s, but in the best way. Evie is so 'put together' and 'well read' and 'intelligent' and 'perfect'. Meanwhile he's regarded as the 'dumb, younger, annoying, risk taking' baby brother. I don't think he's stupid either. He has a different kind of intelligence than his sister Evie which IS in fact noticeable. She is traditional, academic, and book smart and Jacob is more street smart, creative, and combat/tactical intelligence.
I am just of the opinion that Jacob Frye doesn't deserve all the hate he gets for being 'dumb and annoying'. Everyone has their opinion, but this is mine, and to me his behavior is a cry for attention due to being constantly neglected and overlooked. The shadow of his older 'perfect' sister.
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schemmentisjacket · 9 months ago
Chapter 3 - Prep Day pt 3
Authors Note: Little something something about non binary queer new teacher coming in, leading to Melissa finding the one.
Seated between Jacob and Melissa, Charlie found themselves looking up to Ava on the stage, that second coffee was starting to hit and they found their leg bouncing as Ava worked through introductions.
C pov:
‘And finally our new fourth grade teacher. Look at that fine head of hair, damn you balancing out Ed Sheeran bringing down the ginger rating. This hottie is Dr Charlie Flinn.’ Ava announced down the microphone, as Melissas hand lands on your leg, making you jump slightly.
‘Dr ay?’ Melissa leant over into their ear ‘Looking like that coffee is hitting, you okay?’
You could feel Melissa’s hand burning through your jeans, as she rests her hand on your bouncing leg. ‘Mmhm, got a phd, not a medical one though, but you think I would have learnt too much coffee affects my adhd meds,’ you chuckled quietly, ‘and being under the spotlight like this gets my anxiety going.’
The hand on your leg squeezed gently but doesn’t move, as you hear Ava move onto talking about a man a few seats down called Gregory.
The rest of the afternoon was spent moving more things into your classroom and sneaking glances across the corridor into Melissa’s room.
So far you’d realised she was a strong woman with a killer sense of humour who drove a stunning sports car, and had so far shown a softness towards you.
You couldn’t wait to learn more about Melissa Schemmenti.
M Pov:
It hit the Friday. You had been enjoying prep week. Watching the new teacher move in across the way. Everyday watching the different outfits and sneaker combo. One day cargos, another tight skinny jeans. Big hoodies, leather jackets, jean jackets. Assorted accessories. Always a pair of gloves.
Today they’d pulled up in a dark pair of oversized jeans, a flyers hoodie and a black jean jacket. Today they had a beanie perched on top of their head, their usual unruly quiff was flopped over their forehead poking out the hat.
‘Didn’t pitch you as a hockey fan,’ you called popping the trunk on her car to take out the last of the supplies she needed.
‘Yeah been watching since being a little kid. Lemme give you a hand with that,’ Charlie reached over, taking a couple of boxes out and into their arms.
‘I’ve never been. You’ll have to take me to a game sometime and come with me to the football. Ya’ know if you’d like?’ You threw out there, glancing at them as you shut the trunk and began heading towards the school.
Charlie smiled, hitching the boxes in their arm, you saw the muscles flexing in their upper arms, ‘Yeah that’d be real nice, we could maybe grab some food or something, before.’
‘Or I could cook? I’m Italian remember, I mean if you wanted to come over, though it might mean seeing Jacob. He’s staying with me at the moment cos him and his boyfriend broke up.’
‘Yeah that sounds nice, I’ll check the next few games season out and let you know, here pop your number in and I’ll drop you a message, work something out.’ They slid their phone from their jacket pocket awkwardly and passed it over to you.
You held the door open for them as you stepped through the main doors and into the school corridor, one hand tapping away into the device before slipping it back into to their pocket for them.
‘You feeling ready for next week when the kiddos get here?’
‘Absolutely cannot wait!’ Charlie grinned excitedly turning to look at you, up close you noticed a little scar on their lip, on the side that never quite curled up as much. Though you noticed when they spoke sometimes you caught a glimpse of something shiny. All week you’d slowly been noticing new things about them. Day two you had noticed they’d come in wearing a nose ring, they hadn’t the day before because they’d taken it out at the weekend. Just a small silver hoop in one nostril, matching the small silver hoop in one ear. A simple silver chain nothing thick or with any kind of charm.
‘I gotta ask what that is shining in your mouth,’ interest peaking, ‘I keep feeling like I’m going crazy seeing something.’
‘Oh this?,’ Charlie asked, raising their lip higher, the scarred lip twisting and their nose crinkling as they activated their facial muscles, to reveal a silver canine tooth. ‘Cracked tooth. One year at hockey camp in College. Someone was throwing slurs during the game and big hits at me and my team mates, so we dropped gloves. I got a cracked tooth and he got a free nose job. It’s the only time I’ve ever thrown a punch. Called my best mate the F word.’
‘On second thoughts maybe you should keep the mug I leant you Rocky.’ You could feel the heat rising across my chest and neck. The idea of them as a sweaty hockey player fighting. ‘You’re full of suprises.’
Charlie laughed softly, ‘Nah, not much going on with me really.’
You raised an eyebrow, I’m not so sure.’
The day passed quickly, with everyone focusing on finishing touches for the kids arrival on Monday and before you knew it Charlie was tapping on the doorway.
‘Hey I’m heading out. Just wanted to say have a great weekend. I’ll see you Monday.’ Charlie said slouching against the door way casually.
‘You coming in all swagged out like that for the students?’ You asked, giving their sleek casual look a once over. Looking back up you caught them watching you expectantly.
‘Ah Melissa, you have no idea.’ They throw a wink in your direction as they back out the room, ‘Something for you to look forward to.’
You let out a sigh. They had no idea.
Your phone buzzed.
From: unknown number
Took me a while to find you in my phone ‘Red Hot Italian 🤌🏻 🇮🇹’ thought I’d drop mine over incase you needed anything.
Don’t miss me too much, it’s only two days.
Your Favourite Newbie 🤓
Save New Contact:
Handsome Hockey Rocky 🏒💪🏻
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jinxshq · 1 month ago
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INCOMING  TEXT:    omg  hv  u  met  WILLOW  CUROTTE  of  the  NARIZA BOIS  yet  ?  they’re  one  of  the  crew’s  mechanic n  actually  go  by  JINX.  the  thirty  y/o  is  typically  seen  hanging  arnd  birds eye.  allegedly  they’re  frm  sydney, australia  n  hv  been  w/  the  crew  for  ONE YEAR.  wtvr.  just  watch  out  for  them,  k  ?  ttyl  !  
full name: willow curotte
nickname(s): will
alias: jinx
age: twenty eight (28)
gender: genderqueer
pronouns: they / them & she / her
birthday: april 13th
ethnicity: kanyen'kehà:ka (mohawk)
religion: agnostic
sexual & romantic orientation: queer - has no preference or care of gender or sex in a partner
status: single
residencies: born in montreal, canada; raised in sydney, australia; moved to orlando, florida and then miami, florida
languages: english, auslan
highest education level: high school dropout - completed grade 11, dropped out during grade 12
occupation(s): full time mechanic at nariza auto, mechanic for nariza bois, part-time parts puller at a junkyard
faceclaim: kawennáhere devery jacobs
eyes: brown
hair: black — shoulder length
distinguishable marks: bumblebee tattoo the back of their neck, dimples, scattered freckles on cheeks and nose, red star on left pinky (matching with their brother)
height: 5' 2"
mental: adhd (diagnosed at seven)
positive traits: loyal, secret keeper, creative, private, extroverted, ambitious, imaginative, thrifty
negative traits: unobservant, impulsive, judgmental, disorganized, obsessive, self-destructive, cowardly, impatient
alignment type: chaotic neutral
phobias: spiders, thunder storms
mannerisms: fidgets with whatever is in their hands, chews on pens, shortness of breath from talking too fast, whistles while working, head bobbing while listening to music, tends to avoid eye contact
hobbies & interests: running, reading, dance, cooking, cheesy rom-com movies, binge watching old tv reruns
daily routine: the type to fly by the seat of their pants; often changes their day to day depending on what is going on around her
diet & nutrition: somewhat unhealthy; snacks constantly
exercise habits: runs daily, at least 30 minutes every night
substance use: social drinker, non-smoker, casual daily use of marijuana
sleep patterns: chronically exhausted - tends to sleep less than 5 hours at a time
family: victor curotte (father) & anna curotte (mother) & asher curotte (elder brother)
allies & associates: nariza bois
rivalries: rodani prowlers
enemies: edgar "eddie" dunn, xile rosario
romantic history: sinthorn rattanasiri (exes)
notable friends: darius chulanont, arinya yontararak, jaeha woo, jisung seol
when did your first realize you had a passion for cars / racing? "it's that old cliche. 'my dad started it so now im obsessed' or whatever." a casual shrug. "i don't know. he liked playing with machines cause he liked knowing how it worked. passed that on to me and now i have to know how it works, why it works, and how to make it better."
tell the story behind your alias. "honestly?" a laugh, shoulders dropping and arms crossing. leaned back in the chair, comfortable. "it's so dumb? people thought i was using witchcraft to win, it was this weird rumor and i have no idea who started it. but the name's cool so it's whatever."
what car do you drive? how have your made your car your own? "a fifth gen nissan skyline gt-r." there is pride in that voice. "she's a few years old now. got her as a gift in 2002, the last year they made them. she's had a new paint a few times. recently swapped out the gearbox and upgraded the suspension. next i'm planning a whole interior remodel, starting with pink bucket seats."
do you ever have the urge to swap positions? "yeah, sometimes. i don't envy any of the drivers or anything, don't get me wrong. they look like they have a lot of fun, they get all the glory. maybe i'd like some recognition once in a while? but nothing too serious. i'm a good driver but i ain't one of the best and i don't think i could win the races they do. plus it's more fixing them most of the time."
obsessed with all things neon pink, bright cyan, and white for the car. but only the car. nothing else in their life is color coded like the car is. if its safe to paint, there are even engine parts that are covered in the colors. specifically: e51687 (pink) & 7bcabf (cyan)
guilty pleasures include reality tv and sappy romance movies.
once waited outside a coffee shop to catch a glance at their favorite musician, only to find out it was a look-a-like.
never been with a crew before the bois, always did car mods on the down low or for private things. mostly for themself as most in the scene in australia weren't open to custom mods. this would be the first time they've had unfettered access to someone else's ride and the opportunity makes them giddy.
think mad scientist level obsession with cars. think like jinx from arcane (yes thats why i made the name). very crazy with mods and messy building.
constantly covered in some kind of car fluid, be it grease, oil, coolant, transmission fluid
a snob who thinks automatic transmissions are for casuals
hard of hearing! wears hearing aids on the daily & lip reads when needed - started learning australian sign language (auslan) in high school
pinterest board
classic story of girl raised by a single dad and older brother who takes on their hobbies because what else are they supposed to bond over.
[trigger warning: parental death] born in canada but after their mom's passing when she was 5, dad moved the two kids and himself back to his home in sydney, australia.
dad works as a mechanic, passed on the love of cars to both his kids. asher become obsessed with racing, willow not so much. she just wanted to take them apart and put it all back together. evolved into making things better.
thankfully nothing tragic happens to big brother, after winning for years and becoming one of the best in the scene in sydney, he retired and started a family! go asher, we love to see it.
willow raced once and after an embarrassing display and coming dead last and losing their car, vowed never to race again. but promised never to let anyone lose either.
used their brother's connections to make some friends in the scene after they got older. never joined any crew, instead worked as a "neutral" mechanic & refused to be bought by one or another.
let for florida when they turned twenty four. was meant to be following a job and becoming a legit mechanic in the imsa but things didn't work out - for reasons she tends not to speak about.
those reasons though, were because the person they were meant to apprentice under and learn things from actually worked for the cartels.
worked for the cartel for a couple years as a mechanic before making their escape to orlando. didnt really get involved in too much but did know some things.
moved to orlando and attempted to make a shop from the ground up. when that failed, learned about the dominating crews in miami and moved that way to attempt to make friends. didn't want to go home to sydney after too many embarrassing moments.
joined nariza bois after lots and lots of groveling and proving themself. maybe flexed their brother's name too.
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dear-indies · 2 years ago
Disabled actors with ungiffed roles (of course any roles are welcomed) for disability pride month:
Michael J. Fox (1961) - has Parkinson's Disease - Designated Survivor (2018), See You Yesterday (2019).
Mat Fraser (1962) - has thalidomide-induced phocomelia - Loudermilk (2017-2020).
Daryl Mitchell (1965) African-American - is paraplegic - Fear the Walking Dead (2018-2023).
Warwick Davis (1970) - has spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita - Willow (2022-2023).
Selene Luna (1971) Mexican - has dwarfism - Mayans M.C (2022-2023).
Cherylee Houston (1974) - has Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - Coronation Street (2010-2023).
Callan Mulvey (1975) ¼ Maori, ¾ Scottish - is blind in one eye - has been in a lot of things including Last King of the Cross (2023), Firebite (2021-2022), Till Death (2021), and Mystery Road (2020).
Shannon Murray (1976) - is paraplegic - Viewpoint (2021), Get Even (2020).
Kurt Yaeger (1977) - is a leg amputee - Another Life (2021).
Katy Sullivan (1979) - is a double leg amputee - Dexter: New Blood (2021-2022).
Jamie-Lynn Sigler (1981) Cuban / Ashkenazi Jewish, Romaniote Jewish, Sephardi - has multiple sclerosis - Big Sky (2021-2023).
Prince Amponsah (1985 or 1986) Ghanaian - is a double arm amputee, with his right arm amputated above the elbow and his left arm amputated below the elbow - Avacado Toast the series (2022) and Station Eleven (2021-2022).
Rana Daggubati (1984) Telugu Indian - is blind in one eye - Rana Naidu (2023).
Rick Glassman (1984) Jewish / Italian - is autistic - As We See It (2022), Not Dead Yet (2023).
Ali Stroker (1987) - is paraplegic and bisexual - Echos (2022), Only Murders in the Building (2021-2022), Ozark (2022).
Josh Thomas (1987) - is autistic, has ADHD, and is gay - Everything’s Gonna Be Okay (2020-2021).
Jillian Mercado (1987) Domincian - has spastic muscular dystrophy - The L Word: Generation Q. (2019-2023).
Ruth Madeley (1987) - has spina bifida - The Almond and the Seahorse (2022).
Tim Renkow (1989) Mexican Jewish - has cerebral palsy - Jerk (2019-2021).
Melissa Johns (1990) - is an arm amputee - Grantchester (2021-2022).
Steve Way (1990) - has muscular dystrophy - Ramy (2019-2022).
James Moore (1992) - has cerebral palsy - Emmerdale (2018-2023).
Arthur Hughes (1992) - has an upper limb indifference - The Innocents (2018).
Madison Ferris (1992) - has muscular dystrophy - Panic (2021).
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy - The Unseen (2023).
Mei Kayama (1994) Japanese - has cerebral palsy - 37 Seconds (2019).
Ryan J. Haddad (1995) Lebanese - has cerebral palsy - The Politian (2019-2020).
Lauren Spencer / Sitting Pretty Lolo (1996) African-American - has Lou-Gehrig’s disease - The Sex Lives of College Girls (Season 2).
Annabelle Davis (1997) - has dwarfism - Hollyoaks (2023).
Kayla Cromer (1998) - is autistic - Everything’s Gonna Be Okay (2020-2021).
Micah Fowler (1998) - has cerebral palsy - Speechless (the latter seasons!)
Daniel Monks (?) - is quadriplegic - Sissy (2022).
Matthew Jeffers (?) - has dwarfism - New Amsterdam (2018-2023).
Ben Mehl (?) - has macular degeneration called Stargardt's disease, which causes one to lose central vision- You (2021).
Gloria May Eshkibok (?) Mohawk, Ottawa, Irish, French - is Two-Spirit (she/her) and has one eye - OChiSkwaCho (2018).
Zack Weinstein (?) - is quadriplegic - Sing It! (2016).
Angel Giuffria (?) - is a congenital arm amputee - To the Dust (2022), Good Trouble (2022), Impulse (2019).
Joci Scott (?) - is paraplegic - Smash or Pass (2023).
Jacob Mundell (?) - congenital hand amputee - The Expanse (2021-2022).
+ let me know if you have suggestions!
+ let me know if anybody wants suggestions with youtube content!
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gloria5413 · 1 year ago
MY Least Favorite stereotypes of the Ilvermorny Houses
I don’t like the idea that they carry around med-kits. That just stereotypes them way too much. It feels like it’s the older Pukwudgies giving tips to younger students on what herbs, teas, healing spells. Older students would also help with mental health exercises and how to deal with different triggers. Not all healers have to be in the medical field, maybe they are good at emotional healing, helping other students with their mental health because they understand their own mental struggles. It could be small things like reminding their friends to eat, take a break, drink some water. They are probably better emotionally healing because their house represents the heart. But just because they represent the heart doesn’t mean they won’t beat down anyone who threatens their loved ones. Ruled by the heart they follow emotion/feelings more than logic. They are protective, might have anger issues, and might even have a self-defensive or fight club. They probably know the signs of someone who is suicidal or on the verge of having a mental breakdown.
Most people think of them as the big dumb jocks who hit first and ask questions later, but this is not the case. The stereotype is that you might envision them with huge muscle and amazing at athletics. As J.K Rowling stated Jacob would be in the wampus house. Even though he is chubby, pudgy, not the fastest or the strongest. To be a warrior you need to be brave, but being brave doesn’t mean having no fears. They get knocked down all the time, and even though they are tired they keep trying. Because sometimes you fight not because you think you can win, but because you need to be able to look back later and say that you fought, and that you tried. There are different ways you can be a warrior; it doesn’t always mean you’re in combat. Sometimes being a warrior means to fight against your own doubts, insecurities, and demons that plague your soul.  
Their whole stereotype is that they are restless wanderers, always looking for the next adventure to fulfill their high. But having the soul of an adventure can be interpreted in many ways. For most thunderbirds it can be trying out a new coffee shop down the street, doing to a local food festival within their own town. It doesn’t always have to mean you’re traveling across the world, spending money to do extravagant things. It could just be taking baby steps to expand their introverted lifestyle. It means having the simple courage to try new things and be open to new experiences. They are more like daydreamers who encourage each other to try different things without breaking boundaries. Thunderbirds are very Intune with their emotions are likely to trust their gut/intuition which leads to them exploring a different way of doing things. Many have the mindset to take what resonates and to leave the rest.  
Horned Serpent:
Since their house favors scholars many think they are just stuck-up book worms which further from the case. They may not necessarily be studious, but they love to learn. Some of them might have some learning difficulties such (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, math dyslexia). Others gifted burnout kids that still get great grades because they can hack the tests and guess well. Some of them might love learning but hate school because it adds unnecessary stress to their mental health. But they are eager to learn about different places, ideas, aspects and concepts. They want to learn by real world applications more than books, they want the freedom to make mistakes and instead of getting penalized they are able to learn and grow as a person, that way they can pass on their knowledge to others. Being a horned serpent, they are most likely to also be street smart as well as book smart and by Combining the two it helps them and those around them succeed.
Written by Gloria.T.P
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pande-monty-um · 9 months ago
I kinda love this little fc5 community we have here 😁 I'm starting to recognize people's avatars and usernames and it feels like when you walk past someone at work who you never talk to except for the occasional "hello" and "good morning" but always acknowledge their presence with a smile whenever they're around.
Anyway that's my long winded way of saying hello! I love fc5 and would love to hear about other people's headcanons and oc's if you have any! It doesn't have to just be about Jacob or Staci! I have a bit of an anxiety disorder and Adhd so I am just as nervous as you 😅
Here are some of my headcanons (only for Staci):
I see him as having done wrestling in school. I think it was both as a way of trying to make friends and find community and to have a bit of an edge against bullies. Him having a "girly" name would probably have made things difficult for him growing up and wrestling was something that allowed him to have a healthy outlet. I think he would quit in his first or second year of high school tho to focus on passing his classes.
I think this would have helped him in the future with his police academy and the trials afterwards. He would be hard to knock down and wouldn't let himself be dragged around (before the trials). I keep imagining a scene where the first time he resists Jacob, he goes to wrestle Staci into submission himself and has a moment of surprise when he doesn't go down as easily as he thought. He'd get that trained out of him quickly tho, at least towards Jacob.
I also read some pretty fantastic fics by the same author of the deputies before the cult nonsense, and their Staci had done a year of paramedic training before he joined the force which really made sense for his character in my opinion and now it's just kinda a staple in alot of my aus lol
Also, kinda hilarious that we all collectively saw Pratt and decided he's a mama's boy!
Here's a link to one of the fics I mentioned, I definitely suggest checking out their other works!
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year ago
you know i gotta ask!
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
omg hiiiiii
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Blorbo? Singular?? I have so many it's concerning but my main four are probably Kurt Hummel, Davey Jacobs, Blaine Anderson, and Jack Kelly
Kurt Head Canons:
He's a morning person on weekdays out of duty, but if your alarm wakes him up on the weekend, he WILL kill you
He secretly likes country/folk rock music
Blaine Head Canons:
Basically anything angsty hiding underneath that persona of sunshine
Jack Head Canons:
This boy has adhd if i've ever seen it
I'm a slut for Mexican-American Jack Kelly (although I know Jeremy isn't, he graduated from a high school with a high hispanic population (fun fact: i student taught in that district! so did my best friend who introduced me to newsies lmao) and idk i just see Jack fitting in so well with this culture!)
Davey Head Canons:
Idk if it's actually canon, but it doesn't matter because it's canon TO ME! But Davey being Jewish my beloved
He collects random as fuck things like yarn from vintage doll's hair. not the dolls, not the hair, just like. cuts a piece of string off
Not a cat person by nature, but a cat chose him one day and now that cat is his life
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS (REPRISE) like. SHut the FUCK up and KISS ALREADY. Jack and Davey's chemistry in that scene makes me all rob thomas in matchbox twenty (Unwell)
I may or may not have started a one shot along those lines 👀 i just have to finish it. which is. unfair.
send a fruit to a fruit
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foxdemon-loser · 1 year ago
Dead Plate OC Lore + Fun Facts
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Jacob was born in Venice with his younger sister Olivia (Olive) they lived there until their mother passed away in a car accident where they moved to France, so they could make ends meet, Jacob worked in La Guele De Saturne, Jacob was quite the skilled chef
Fun Facts!
-Jacob has ADHD and wears earplugs on shift to not get distracted
-Sometimes he stims mid-cooking and it freaks Vincent out
-Jacobs little sister is actually his half sister, her last name is Anderetta, she calls Jacob by his last name (Sicelli) when speaking Italian, Jacob hates it
-Jacob is a violent pansexual disaster especially for Vincent bro cannot be near Jacob while he’s putting food out or Jacob will fucking die.
-Can’t take a fucking compliment without going bright red
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obsessivedilettante · 2 years ago
March 2023 round up
I have officially joined the air fryer cult. I got an air fryer on sale a few months ago and only just got around to setting it up. So far I have made many permutations of chicken and potatoes (it’s a dual basket). I’m looking forward to summer and the farmer’s market and filling my $15 bag of veg to test out my air frying skills in a more healthy manner that goes beyond chicken nuggets and tater tots.
Second concert of the year: Dreamcatcher! I was having a “Jonah day” as friends of Anne Shirley would understand, and didn’t really want to go despite these amazing women being one of my favorite girl groups. But I had paid for the Meet & Greet so doggone it I was going to go, even if I arrived a few minutes before showtime and stood in the back. I actually really enjoyed myself, despite my bone-deep exhaustion. The only negative aspect was the last half-hour when some rando decided I was the most fascinating person and insisted we be friends. I paid $$$ to see these gorgeous, talented women, not talk to his drunk ass. I actually had to be rude and blunt to get him to back off! This is why I don’t go anywhere. Sigh.
Had a coffee date with a friend! It sounds insignificant but being in your 30’s, introverted, working at home, and still being pandemic cautious, well… it’s a big deal. We want to try and get together about once a month. Probably every couple of months because we’re honest about our homebody ways.
Media I am enjoying and/or have consumed:
The Way Home. Okay. So. Backstory: as established, I work from home. I don’t often have afternoon meetings, so I’ll go relax in the living room with my laptop and my mum will come out to take her afternoon nap in front of the TV. We have somehow landed on the Murder Channel (aka Hallmark Movies and Mysteries) as the ideal afternoon watch as it’s playing Psych and Drop Dead Diva reruns. So I get my ADHD-needed background noise and my mum gets to “watch” her shows while she inevitably naps. Anyway. I kept seeing ads for this show and each week as they ran the ad for the upcoming episode, I was like, “…what IS this show? A time-traveling pond????” So of course I had to watch it, forgetting that it’s a Hallmark show. So there’s more family drama than time-travel shenanigans, and people making tearful and terrible life choices, but doggone it, if Hallmark gives me more sci-fi, I will probably watch it (plus they hardly resolved anything so guess who has to watch season 2 now to find out what happened to Jacob!).
The Company You Keep. As a Milo Ventimiglia ho (fellow millennials who grew up with Rory Gilmore will understand) and a kdrama fan, I was curious about this adaption. So far, I’m super enjoying it. I love how many main women characters there are, all with their own agency. I wonder if that’s a kdrama influence. I also am enjoying all the Leverage-lite cons.
Shazam 2. I used to use my Alamo Drafthouse season pass at least once a week before the pandemic. I didn’t cancel it during lockdown because I wanted to support the theater and I knew eventually I’d go back. I’ve gone a handful of times in the past year. Not enough to get my money’s worth, but enough that I felt like I was at least using the membership. But this was my first in-theater movie of the year! I don��t care for DC’s dark movies, but I am a sucker for the goofier ones. Especially when it hammers home the point (again) that family are the people you choose to be with.
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testingcheats0n · 4 years ago
Ngl I didn't even know he had ADHD.
I don't hate him, or think he's evil or anything like that (nor do I think he deserves hate, harassment, or a cancellation- don't do that twitter I see your fingers twitch over the keypad) because what happened isn't only on him, but traveling during a pandemic is reckless not only to his own health but also to many others'. What he did was wrong and harmful, ADHD is an explanation, not an excuse. Those other accusations are over-exaggerations that are none of my business, so I won't comment.
We have to acknowledge that, what happened should be talked about or at least pointed out (without accusing people of ableism or performative activism, eh), and he should address it and try to avoid doing it again (a thing he hasn't done, and I'm sure that people called him out back then too)
More important than that he should acknowledge it (if he has, please be so kind as to tell me where).
Man... kinda wild how everyone in the mcyt fambase is So vocal abt nd positivity and ccs being open abt mental disorders, but the Second people like Karl display symptoms of their disorders (adhd in his case) that aren't Cute And Fun- recklessness, impulsivity, lack of awareness towards social cues, accidentally talking over people or not listening because of distractions, etc- a Good Fuckin Chunk of yall suddenly decide that hes actually a bad person who doesnt deserve anything. But no yall are so Woke And Accepting. Kinda Crazy How That Works
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years ago
ksusidjdi hii- could you please do a wizards of waverly place au please?
Wizards of Waverly Place AU
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Racetrack Higgins — Alex Russo
Jack Kelly — Justin Russo
Crutchie Morris — Max Russo
Albert DaSilva — Harper Finkle
Bryan Denton — Jerry Russo
Hannah — Theresa Russi
Spot Conlon — Mason Greyback
David Jacobs — Juliet van Huesen
Race, Jack and Crutchie are siblings that live above their families sub shop in New York City, Manhattan to be exact. They are normal brothers with a complicated family life, a dad who raised them all. Jack and Race grew up with their mom before she got sick and passed and then there was Hannah, who had Crutchie and was there for them ever since.
Okay, so maybe they weren’t completely normal. Maybe they had a magical lair that was hidden in the freezer of their sub shop and maybe they carried around wands wherever they went and maybe they were a family of wizards.
Of course, no one could know that.
See, if anyone found out about the wizarding world, they would be committing a crime against their world and would be scared of what the mortal world might do to them if they found out.
Now these three brothers are competing against each other to become an all powerful family wizard. One of them gets to keep their powers, the others get theirs taken in an attempt to keep the wizarding world even more protected and discreet.
So they attend classes each morning taught by their father, who gave up the powers he won in his family tournament to marry a mortal woman who gave birth to his first two sons. He never once regretted his decision.
Now Jack is the oldest. He is by no means a scholar in academics, though he does in fact have a photographic memory. He would much rather be studying magic. He knows every spell. He is always bailing his brothers out of tricky situations. He is very good with art and often likes to make his art come to life. He may constantly call his little brothers annoying but there is nothing in the entire world that he wouldn’t do for them. He is exceedingly protective of them.
Jack has a rough time growing up. He was always bullied a bit throughout school because he was a bit chubbier than most of the kids, but he dropped a lot of weight and built a lot of muscle before and throughout high school. Still, Jack was always clueless of those who would flirt with him or like him. He is a proud bisexual who has ADHD and loves to make people laugh.
As Jack becomes more of a powerful wizard, more and more people begin to take an interest in him and Jack is always hesitant of the offers to train beneath them, because there are many wizards who turn out vengeful who steal young wizards powers for themselves. Still, Jack does learn to hunt harmful monsters and he does become infatuated with studying different creatures and cultures. He ends up falling in love with an angel, who turns out to be a demon who tricks him and his brother Race into nearly joining them. She is working for a bad wizard who holds Race captive in order to steal Jack’s magic.
After he succeeds, Jack loses his magic for long months while he helps Race and Crutchie get the hang of their own magic.
Later on, Jack meets a vampire he falls in love with quickly, though the two can only be together if Jack manages to get his powers back and keep them for good.
Now Race is a different story. The middle child, mischievous and lazy with a passion for pranks and sorcery. Race is dyslexic and has trouble memorizing spells so he often makes up his own. Race is not afraid of breaking rules in the least and actually finds it rather fun to use magic when no one is watching. He abuses his powers a lot but is terrified of losing them. He believes that his magic makes him who he is.
Race’s best friend who is not supposed to know about magic finds out very quickly that there’s something special about Race. Eventually Race reveals that he’s a wizard, though he’s not supposed to know.
Race is reckless and often calls Jack a stickler for the rules but relies heavily on his big brother to get him out of the holes he digs himself into.
Race is always chasing after some boy and is more often than not going out with some boy, but it’s not until he meets Spot Conlon that he falls in love. The boy is a werewolf and the two love to get into trouble, eventually getting Spot turned into a wolf for good.
Race doesn’t see him for a long time. He throws himself into work and he does nice things for his brothers and falls into a depression. Jack and Crutchie are the only people who can cheer him up.
Crutchie is the youngest of the bunch, and knows the least about magic, but really enjoys doing little things with it. He adores his brothers and literally lives to put up with them and their antics. He is the most innocent and clueless of the bunch but they love him anyway.
Crutchie is a mama’s boy who often uses his brothers as scapegoats for his wrong doings but always does something to make up for that later. He is often overlooked but can occasionally come up with very clever solutions to problems, however after an argument between him and his brother he is turned into a little girl who everyone adores and the mistake puts his brothers behind in the competition.
Eventually, they manage to change Crutchie back, but it takes a few months.
Anyways, if ya’ll would like to see some scenes.
For more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
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jonathanbiers · 2 years ago
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications ✨ no pressure tho
okay this is cute wtf
going to concerts/the memories made at them. just to name a few: seeing my show friends (the same 7-ish people i see at every metal show i go to), anthony didio from vein.fm holding the mic out to me to scream into(during my Favorite Song), getting to meet and get hugs from loathe (my fav band of all time), meeting jacob from thornhill and making him laugh, reba from code orange hitting me in the face with her sweaty hair (i am in love with her) honorable mention for the time griffin taylor from vended spit on me. i did get sick but i also learned something that day hjghjkdf is that too much i'm sorry something about the sweat and the body paint running everywhere ok larsen u can shut up now
my dog, he's everything to me. he gives hugs and knows how to whisper(it's his best trick) and can sleep through the most disgusting sludge metal you've ever heard in your life he's my lil moody goth boy
that feeling you get when you realize you're at the start of a new adhd hyperfixation. it's literally just dopamine but it feels like you're on top of the world and whatever Thing it is is just the best thing to exist (currently for me that is the new djo album)
long comments or incoherent comments on a fic i've written. to know that the silly words i strung together gave someone such an emotional reaction that they 1. monologued at me or 2. can't even put their own words together just HITS different
not to be sappy and gross but talking to tumblr mutuals. we're really just some silly ppl from different places across the planet brought into the same space by a piece of media and now we're shouting excitedly at each other about it and inspiring each other to make stuff about it and analyzing/hypothesizing about it together THAT'S SO CUTE
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