#adaria designs
adaria-designs · 6 years
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My name is Caitlin, also known as Adaria. I have been sewing for nearly twenty years and I am professionally trained as a costume designer and costume craftswoman from High Point University. I graduated in December 2012 with my degree in Technical Theatre, a focus in Costume Construction, and since then have run my own business! In January I celebrated five years in business! It is currently best to contact me via my website; www.adaria-designs.com You will reach me fastest using the quote form on my site! Please note that contacting me directly without the information I require as listed on www.adaria-designs.com will otherwise ensure you do not get a reply. >>>>>>>Also, DO NOT send a request here on tumblr, it will not be responded to. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.<<<<<<<<< Why Choose Adaria Designs Costume Replicas? I have 15 years experience in crafting, sewing, and creating! I am a cosplayer myself and I understand deeply the needs of the client from extra pockets to breathable, comfortable materials. This is my career. This is my full-time, no vacation, six-days-a-week job. I have no distractions because this is what I do every day with all of my heart and soul. I work on a single client's project at a time to ensure I don't miss a thing. I am dedicated to the craft. I consider myself an artisan. The finite details are what really drives home the look and I don't want to skip them. Your project is truly one-of-a-kind. I may have made the same costume five times but they will all come out a little bit differently. Each fits their wearer just right and is made from scratch every time. Some say I waste time by not reusing patterns but I believe this ensures you are getting something uniquely yours. My patterns are made from the ground up with love, blood, sweat, and tears, drafted on a mannequin adjusted and formed to your size. I do not use commercial patterns often and if so it is only to confirm the shape is correct. Like the seat of pants. Those are important! You are part of the materials selection process! YES! You! As a part of my process, once we have agreed to proceed together, you will receive a very special "Materials Breakdown" with suggested fabrics, trims, notions, etc. On average each selection where applicable has 3 of the best materials I have found for you to select. I pride myself on not only giving the client an opinion in the process but also being able to see their choices and have a swatch sent to them in the mail to feel. It's not a quick and easy process, these often can take me 5 hours and are not accounted for in labor. Simply, it is something I do because I love what I do and I want the client to love their costume! All clients are given a payment plan. I realize as an artisan craftswoman I have artisan prices. To make it easier to get the costume of your dreams paid for I offer payment plans to every client unless they request otherwise. I'm glad to work with you to make a flexible plan that suits both of our needs! You will receive regular, photographic updates throughout the building process. Not only is this proof of the project in the works, to put you at ease, but you can also have the opportunity to make changes if there is something you're not quite happy with. I offer LIVE STREAMING services! I am now a Twitch Affiliate! You can tune in to see your project being made in REAL TIME and I will let you know at the start of your project when you can see me work. I am transparent. As you can see by the points above: I don't feel the need to hide anything. If I've made a mistake or something has gone wrong you will not only be informed but I will suffer the cost to right my error. I am not here to scam you. I am here to make the costume of your dreams. I stand by my product 100%. If it does not fit, or becomes damaged during wear, or perhaps you've changed sizes, I'm happy to do my best to fix the issue. Under most situations, this is a free labor service. Depending on the damage or problem, there may be a materials fee if materials must be purchased. By example, you're out at a convention and someone accidentally spilled a bottle of cola down the front of your beautiful pink Princess Aurora gown and the stain just wouldn't come out. I'm glad to rework any panels and replace them, but we may need to purchase more materials to do so. Clients are also responsible for cost of shipping to return the project to me, and then to receive it once more. Return clients receive special presents and discounts. I love you guys. You make my business go around and around. I need you! I can't keep the lights on without you. These presents and discounts may be small but it is how I feel I can best show you my appreciate and thanks for having hired me time and time again! www.adaria-designs.com www.facebook.com/AdariaDesignsCosplay/ www.instagram.com/adaria.designs/ www.twitch.tv/adariadesigns
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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ELEANOR YAXLEY is TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. She looks remarkably like MAUDE APATOW and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.
From the moment she was born, Eleanor Yaxley has truly believed that she is Merlin’s gift to humanity. The eldest of twins, Eleanor was raised on the Yaxley family estate in Greater North London in a charming little wizarding community outside the Muggle town of Radlett. There she had a charmed life, dressed in the finest threads her family could find her and the centre of her household. From an early age Eleanor had a flair for the dramatics and was only ever truly content when she was the star of the show and the centre of attention. A strong personality, Eleanor found getting her own way very easy and quickly established herself as the leader of the little Yaxley duo, much to VICTOR’s silent despair. The creative brain, Eleanor would sit and conceive ideas for plays the pair would put on in front of their family. They were normally one woman shows, though at times inspiration did strike her and the need for a second minor character was required to which her brother happily filled the spot. In Eleanor’s mind her childhood was utterly perfect. Filled with laughter, beauty and games she couldn’t have been any happier and it was inconceivable to her that anyone in her family could feel differently. If Eleanor were to have peered over her rose tinted spectacles throughout her life she may have found something quite different to the reality she had constructed in her head. But it is likely that if she had bothered to so she would have only been taken with her own reflection in them. 
Outside of Eleanor’s world her family were quite unhappy. Her mother ISMENA FLINT had married her father ELIJAH YAXLEY hoping to make a love match. The younger of the Yaxley brothers, Eleanor’s grandmother would have preferred the more serious Yaxley brother CORBAN as a husband for Ismena, but when he seemed disinterested in marriage, a contract had been drawn up between Ismena and Elijah instead. Despite being the less reliable brother Eleanor’s mother had wanted him anyway, even though it was clear he was only interested in one thing and risked a life of unhappiness because of it. Elijah loved the stage and as the second child had enjoyed a life of acting and playwriting in Carkitt Market before he had ascended to head of the family and was made to marry and have children. Eleanor heard the love story of her parents many times, memorising the look in her mother’s eyes as she spoke of how proud she had been to see Elijah on stage. Eleanor’s love of showmanship had come from those early years sitting in the front row of her father’s shows with her mother and brother longing to be up on stage as he was. Eleanor had only really seen the pretty things, to young to see what lurked beyond them. Though Eleanor idolised her father he was never really present. When her grandmother ZARIAH YAXLEY and Ismena had asked her father to give up the stage when Eleanor was around six years old, he had done so reluctantly, turning his attention to his daughter to deal with the pain of losing his passion. Producing Eleanor became the thing he was interested in, critiquing her and giving her lessons to produce her into a star. 
Despite leaving the theatre behind, Elijah still bitterly neglected his wife in favour of spending time with his daughter. Although Eleanor never cared enough to take notice, if she had done she might have noticed producing her into a star was more for her father than for Eleanor. Content with her relationship with her father, Eleanor didn’t stop to notice how this bothered her brother either. Being made to design her costumes for their nightly productions in their family parlour or running around at his sister’s every beck and call was not the ideal childhood he’d pictured but despite little comments and conversations she’d overheard between Victor and their mother he never fought back or tried to take control in any way. As far as concerned some people were born to be important like her and her father, whilst others were made for marriage and little else like Victor, her grandmother and their mother. Eleanor had a very clear idea of the way she wanted her life to go and Hogwarts was not what she had in mind. Though she begged and pleaded to attend The Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts, her grandmother outright refused. Despite being told her father was the head of their family it became quite clear Zariah was in charge of family operations as whatever decision she made Elijah backed even if he disagreed. Sorted into Slytherin, Eleanor was quite intent on doing her own thing, joining choir and doing her best to spread her wings creatively in any which way she could. 
Part of Eleanor had hoped that her beauty and talent would attract a great number of people as friends to compliment and adore her, but after meeting NARCISSA BLACK it was quite clear who that position was filled by. It was easy to be jealous of Narcissa. She was the great beauty of their year group, from a brilliantly celebrated family. Eleanor however, was never jealous of Narcissa. It was difficult for her to be jealous of people who were very different from her. Eleanor wanted to be famous for her singing abilities, Narcissa wanted to be a wife and mother. Feminism was somewhat lost on Eleanor, who had always equated ambition and success as something achieved within someone’s career and although she supported Narcissa’s choices to her face, was quite cutting about her lack of desire to do anything else with her life behind her back. None of Eleanor’s friends really desired to do anything except get married which was why she got on with them so well. The only person who was remotely like her was VIOLET BULSTRODE, a wicked girl who longed to take her place in society alongside her family with an advantageous career at The Daily Prophet. Like Eleanor, Violet didn’t have the best people skills. Whilst Eleanor found her ambition attractive, she silently believed the only way Violet would ever make it would be by people fearing her rather than schmoozing her way around as most did. 
It was this attraction to Violet that Eleanor couldn’t quite wrap her head around whilst she was at school that made Eleanor begin to question her sexuality. Eleanor was drawn to Violet in a way she hadn’t been anyone else before. Eleanor enjoyed the way she pursued her despite the numerous knock backs she gave her. Although Eleanor wasn’t sure about how she felt becoming someone’s girlfriend, she did enjoy having her around for other reasons. Violet’s loyalty to Eleanor was unwavering and anyone she hated, Violet made sure would have a miserable existence. Due to her big headedness and all around difficult personality, Eleanor made a number of enemies at school but MAREN LINWOOD and her sister LAUREL LINWOOD were two of Eleanor’s fiercest. A year younger than Eleanor, Maren joined choir and quickly became a firm favourite, edging out Eleanor due to her talent and forcing her to share the limelight. A lowly Muggle-Born witch, Eleanor made it her mission to mercilessly bully Maren with the help of Violet, which caught the attention of her older sister Laurel who tried to fight on her behalf until she graduated. For a time SIRIUS BLACK took over where Laurel left off, but he and his friends had never scared her. Eleanor liked people who stayed out of her lane and bullied anyone who encroached upon her turf, which also included her own family. It was not lost on Eleanor that she was the least favourite at family gatherings. 
Eleanor actively butted heads with ROSALIE FLINT and LYRA BRUKE. Lyra responded to any of Eleanor’s comments with her want or with verbal abuse and Rosalie was someone she had simply always been jealous of. They shared similar interests but for Eleanor that was a threat rather than the foundations for bonding. Graduating from school, Eleanor secretly took up an occasional job singing at The Grave Affair when it was taken over by ANDRESSA and CHRISTIANO PARKINSON. Singing at the club was a joy, until Rosalie showed up and ruined it. Though she’d never admit it, Eleanor was glad when her cousin went missing then she turned up again more talented than before she left. It angered her how much attention she got, sneaking around with little werewolf boyfriend JONATHAN REEVES, she did a bad job of hiding Eleanor has been tempted to hold it over her cousin’s head, but holding down a secret job she loved it wasn’t worth risking. Approaching her mid-twenties, Eleanor’s grandmother is more persistent than ever about her getting married, but Eleanor is even more determined still to never get married. Despite any meaningful connections she makes, Eleanor isn’t sure if she’ll ever be ready to make her family proud in that way. She belongs on the stage, not playing house. Unbeknownst to Eleanor there is more riding on Eleanor getting married than she believes, as her family conceal a dark secret which might make or break her. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Pansexual 
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores 
Family → Elijah Yaxley (father), Ismena Yaxley (mother), Victor Yaxley (brother), Adaria Linwood (unknown half-sister), Laurel Linwood (unknown half-sister/adversary), Maren Linwood (unknown half-sister/adversary), Corban Yaxley (uncle), Dionysus Flint (uncle), Lotte Flint (aunt), Decius Flint (cousin), Rosalie Flint (cousin), Eelis Burke (uncle), Kratista Burke (aunt) Caius Burke (cousin), Lyra Burke (cousin)
Connections  → Narcissa Black (best friend), Violet Bulstrode (best friend/potential love interest), Persephone Wilkes (close friend), Rabastan Lestrange (close friend), Regulus Black (close friend/potential love interest), Rowena Rowle (friend), William Goyle (friend), Alecto Carrow (former friend), Amycus Carrow (former friend), Christiano Parkinson (boss), Andressa Parkinson (boss)
Future Information → N/A
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allichi-27 · 8 years
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I'm bad with keeping this page updated on Cosplay progress. But as promised @dorodraws Here are a chunk of the results :) Last year I did shoot with Deana of Daisy Baby Photography. I was her first cosplayer but her love for Disney made the transition so much smoother. Her work is incredible and she's such fun to work with ❤️ This cosplay was made by the amazing @adaria-designs please check out her work! It's top notch
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Primal Lioness design done for Adaria.
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zeviraviolet-sky · 9 years
I wrote my letter of resignation today to the university. I love my job very much but I have to do what's best for myself, so I will be leaving my position as costume shop manager and returning to my business and cosplay commissions full time. Shameless plug for work: www.adaria-designs.com I will be moving in July, as my roommate is going to begin the process of selling her home soonishly. I am so very sad to go and it brings me to tears, so if I'm offline (more than usual lol) or quiet it is because I am mopey. I will continue to rp here, however! Gav, I will post a starter when I get home!
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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Now you can watch me work on Twitch!
Schedule roughly every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12p - 5p EST!
Lets learn, create, and have fun!
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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Adaria Designs Costume Replicas Where Cosplay Dreams Become Reality
Open for 2018 commission requests, I can begin stitching new projects in April! Now is your last chance to take advantage of my super amazing sale to commemorate my FIFTH YEAR OF BUSINESS!
Mention my sale and receive $250 off of your labor total and FREE shipping to clients (applicable only to those in the USA).
I have been operating Adaria Designs for five years as of December 19th, celebrate 10 years of education and experience, and delight in nearly 20 years of sewing, cosplay, and fun!
Visit my website at www.adaria-designs.com to see my favorite pieces; after five years and so many projects, it was incredibly difficult to select only my best! My website also hosts samples of my skills and lists my full range of talents from patterning and draping for the client who likes to sew their own costume, to hand and machine embroidery, painting, wig work, and props.
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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Check out my stream! Live every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12 - 5p EST! Streaming cosplay works in progress, answering your questions, and having a good time creating!
Cosplay Shown Created By Adaria Designs (Me!) Character: Ciel Phantomhive Series: Black Butler Worn By: Client - Ringaround_theroses Photography By: tyroneislington
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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Adaria Designs Costume Replicas is open for 2018 spring and summer requests!
If you're thinking about your summer line-up, please hurry on over! My calendar usually fills 6 - 9 months out and currently I have availability to start new projects in March!
I offer a wide variety of services, all of which you can see detailed on the front page of my website at www.adaria-designs.com including, but not limited to, costume craft from body suits to ball gowns, armor (no vacuum-form), wigs styling, custom one-of-a-kind pattern for you to build from with instructions, some props, and embroidery, beading, and fine detailing!
If you have any questions, I urge you to visit my website to read my policy and guidelines as well as to contact me. I will do my best to respond via messenger as available, but the most reliable form of communication will be email.
You can view works in progress and see projects not yet on my site through my Facebook page at Adaria Designs Costume Replicas or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/adaria.designs/
Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from you!
Costumes pictured above are of previous clients in their costumes that I have crafted for them including: Lux from League of Legends, Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler, Elise from Assassin's Creed, Princess Zelda from The Legends of Zelda Twilight Princess, and Gyarados from Pokemon as a humanized redesign by GeneralCowslip.
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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Final Spark!
Lux - Elementalist Skin Mystic Ver. - League of Legends
My amazing fiance surprised me with this beautiful edit of one of our Lux photos and has ordered a large canvas print! I cannot wait to see it in person!
Cosplay, Makeup, Hair; Adaria Designs (me!)
Photography: Leviathan Photography LLC
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adaria-designs · 7 years
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League of Legends; Lux
Elementalist Skin; Mystic Variant
Cosplay made and modeled by @adaria-designs
Photography by Leviathan Photography LLC
Character Design belongs to Riot Games
Want to see more of my work? Interested in a commission? Have a question about cosplay? You can find me at the following media sites!
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adaria-designs · 8 years
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Black Butler, Ciel Phantomhive Cosplay
Costume Replica Commission by Adaria Designs Costume Replicas
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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VICTOR YAXLEY is TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. He looks remarkably like NAT WOLFF and considers himself NEUTRAL. He is currently TAKEN.
The youngest of the infamous Yaxley twins, Victor Yaxley could be described as an outlandish character for those who had not met his sister ELEANOR. Born into a very wealthy family a few moments after his older sister, Victor followed Eleanor into the world and would spend his life doing the exact same thing thereafter. The only son of ELIJAH YAXLEY and ISMENA FLINT, Victor would have had an easy life if he had been an only child. The Yaxley family were fabulously wealthy, with influential ties to the Ministry through his uncle CORBAN. It was tradition that the eldest son, would take over the helm of the Yaxley family after the passing of Victor’s grandfather, but Victor’s father had always been more concerned with the stage than with balls and advantageous unions, prompting his grandmother ZARIAH YAXLEY to pressure his father into settling down and eventually marrying his mother. A larger than life man, Elijah had worked in the theatre since graduating Hogwarts, which Victor’s grandmother had always despised. A traditional woman, Zariah fiddled in the lives of her sons as she would later come to fiddle in the lives of her grandchildren. Before his marriage, Elijah had lived a life of chaos, chasing chorus girls and putting on lavish productions at the playhouse which made their family cringe. Victor had always gotten the impression from his father that marrying into the Flint family had broken his creative spirit in some way. 
After Victor and Eleanor were born, Elijah had tried to maintain his life at the theatre and Victor’s very early years were littered with memories of sitting in the front row watching his father leap around on stage pledging his undying love for actresses who wore glittering costumes Elijah had helped design. The theatre was Elijah’s passion and Victor’s mother, Ismena’s passion had been his father Elijah. Despite being raised to always think of how you were perceived by others, Ismena did her best to ignore the constant whispers as she clapped for her husband and told her children how proud she was of their father. It was when Victor and Eleanor began to grow old enough to hear the whispers themselves his mother urged Elijah to give up the stage. When it came to drawing up marriage contracts both Ismena and Zariah knew families like the Blacks and the Malfoys married their children to Pure-Bloods entering society, not the children of an actor and playwright. Despite no longer working for the theatre, the Yaxley family could not outrun Elijah’s passion. The people he’d worked with were replaced with his children and Victor’s sister became the star of the show. Eleanor, like their father, demanded attention and whilst Ismena and Zariah tried to rear Victor to one day be the head of the family, as it seemed his sister was destined for a life like her father, Eleanor didn’t quite seem to get the message and treated him like her personal assistant rather than a brother. 
As she stood in the family parlour during her one woman shoes, Victor was reduced to making costumes and dressing her in them or ushering their family in to watch her sing. His sister was the only thing that eased his father’s departure from the theatre, but even Victor could see Eleanor wasn’t enough to make him happy. No one ever commented on it, but Victor would watch it all unfold silently. His mother would often tell him to stand up to his sister and demand her respect but Victor found it difficult to take advice from a woman who had allowed her husband to treat her so terribly. It was frustrating feeling to know that in their family Victor and his mother would only ever be supporting characters though he resided not to argue with his parents or sister about it. In Victor’s opinion, Eleanor was only capable of loving herself. She was a dead ringer for their father who had never taken an interest in anyone who couldn’t give him something he wanted. As he listened to his family he made a silent promise to himself to not end up like them. Unhappy and thrown together into a situation of convenience that would never manifest true happiness. He had hoped Hogwarts would be the start of finding that happiness he so desperately desired. Although Victor was much quieter than his sister and overlooked because of that, he had all the grandeur and showmanship of his father. 
Out of his school robes, Victor only wore expensive, hand tailored clothing and often had a hand in the process of designing all of the garments he wore. It was his love for his appearance and an ability to withstand being around very strong personalities that attracted the attention of NARCISSA BLACK. Sorted into Slytherin alongside her, Narcissa was everything his sister could never be but what Victor’s mother and grandmother hoped strict schooling would turn her into. Narcissa was image conscious and constructed a friendship group of beautiful people like him and his sister. VIOLET BULSTRODE and PERSEPHONE WILKES were perfect till they opened their mouths and REGULUS BLACK and RABASTAN LESTRANGE were handsome, stoic and quiet which seemed to be how Narcissa preferred her company. Although Victor was fond of her, the constant noise from the people that surrounded her and close proximity to his sister drew him to become friends drew him to become friends with WILLIAM GOYLE and ALECTO and AMYCUS CARROW, fellow Slytherins who floated on the edge of his original group of friends. The new group allowed Victor to explore a side of himself he’d never been brave enough to look at. Alecto and Amycus were trouble maker twins with a relationship which made him envious. Amycus let Alecto take the lead but was always there to catch her when she fell or jump aboard a plan she had to make the lives of those she hated miserable. 
He wondered if he and Eleanor could have been that way if he’d been more comfortable giving her the limelight or if she’d have been happy to share it. At first his friendship with the twins and William was to help boost his ego but then it became about something else entirely. Amycus Carrow was feared by all who knew him, but Victor saw something else. He was always seen as a monster, but Victor told himself it was mostly for show. The love he had for Alecto seemed too pure for him to be completely evil and although Victor projected a very firm and cold stance to the outside world, he allowed Amycus to see a softer side to him he believed they both shared. Victor found beauty and meaning in every owl he received from him and each glance and kiss exchanged after parties in dark corridors filled Victor with the promise of something more. Even when Amycus and his family were disgraced due to his father’s gambling, Victor was still willing to marry him and offer him every happiness. The Yaxley family refused to hear of it. As they lectured him on appearance and the importance of strong ties, his father sat oddly quiet. Elijah had never been much of a father but with their family reputation in the balance, Victor had thought he would say something, but he wouldn’t. Unbeknownst to Victor, his mother and sister, his father would have been a hypocrite. More than the love of the stage had prevented him from being a proper father and husband, leaving him with little a leg to stand on. 
CHRISTINE MAY was a Muggle actress and ¼ veela who had worked opposite his father for many years. Their professional chemistry had carried off screen and due to his stupidity or perhaps out of love, three children had been born. ADAIRIA LINWOOD and LAUREL LINWOOD were born before he’d married Ismena and had been swept under the carpet by Zariah. MAREN LINWOOD was born after Victor and Eleanor and had been a closely guarded secret his grandmother and father had tried their best to keep. A year their junior, Maren had been a favourite target of Victor and Eleanor’s at school to bully. A Muggle-Born witch, they’d known her from choir and despised her talent and prettiness, none the wiser her talent ran in their veins too. Knowing that if their birth was made public it would ruin the family, Victor’s grandmother had done her best to steer the family away from drama and draw up good contracts for the rest of the family to wither the storm should it come. As such she had thrown the twins at anyone she deemed worthy and sent numerous owls to RITA SKEETER to push her endeavours and make them seem more eligible to other families. Sick of her interfering, Victor hatched a plan to keep his grandmother at bay and plan his path to happiness. Scheming with former schoolmate Persephone Wilkes, the pair have been plotting a scandal sure to keep their annoying relatives at bay and cause the right kind of stir on the Sacred Twenty-Eight social scene.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexuality  → Homosexual & Demisexual 
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → N/A
Family → Elijah Yaxley (father), Ismena Yaxley (mother), Victor Yaxley (brother), Adaria Linwood (unknown half-sister), Laurel Linwood (unknown half-sister/adversary), Maren Linwood (unknown half-sister/adversary), Corban Yaxley (uncle), Dionysus Flint (uncle), Lotte Flint (aunt), Decius Flint (cousin), Rosalie Flint(cousin), Eelis Burke (uncle), Kratista Burke (aunt) Caius Burke (cousin), Lyra Burke (cousin)
Connections  → Amycus Carrow (close friend/object of affection), Alecto Carrow (close friend), William Goyle (close friend), Narcissa Black (close friend), Persephone Wilkes (friend/faux girlfriend), Violet Bulstrode (friend), Rabastan Lestrange (friend), Regulus Black (friend)
Future Information → N/A
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adaria-designs · 8 years
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She’s speeding into my heart!
Tracer of Overwatch, Cosplay Commission in progress by Adaria Designs!
Jacket is an altered Burda pattern made with real leather ordered from https://leathertreasureshop.com/, sherpa fur from JoAnn Fabrics, and patches by the beautiful and kind @emmabellish
Interested in having a costume of your own? Please write to me through my website--I cannot promise a response through any other site due to how many requests I get and needing to streamline them. I apologize! You can write to me, view my portfolio, or see my upcoming schedule on my website!
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