#actually yeah i do it was the tiktok algorithm
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theliterarywolf · 5 months ago
Uhh… context for that?
Anonymous asked: Feel free not to answer if it'll kick a hornets nest but which indy dev is doing that?
So last year an artist by the name of Keath Ósk launched a musical/narrative indie project called Yaelokre: centering around a group of fictional minstrels known as "The Lark".
Kind of trying to do what bands like The Gorillaz do but more whimsical and fantasy-core.
The project became hyper-popular online when people discovered their song "Harpy Hare"
Which prompted animatics, OC tributes, fanart, fanfiction -- the whole kit and kaboodle.
Hell, even I was considering making promo material for Speak Not to the Gilded Dragons using the song.
The first bit of wank I actually encountered with the fandom was people on sites like TikTok and Instagram vocally admitting 'oh yeah, I don't even like Yaelokre; I'm just making content for it to game the algorithm' which causes some spats that I was just watching like a nosy neighbor peeking through their curtains.
However, a few days ago, the artist behind the project made a tweet where they introduced a Google form for fans to fill out if they encounter any smut content online relating to their project or their characters so that they can go and DMCA the content in question.
They did also mention that it could also be used in case anyone was selling merch of the project without official permission, but the prior point is what the most weight seemed to be focused on.
And, look: as a creator you are MORE than in your right to tell people 'hey, I don't feel comfortable seeing NSFW content of my IP; please keep it away from me'. That's something that I wish both fans and creators would realize.
However, it's the whole making a whole-ass Google form for people to Narc to... As well as the fact that a large portion of the Yaelokre fanbase are minors... That had some people going '...Hah?'
(Especially that latter point because it's almost like you're encouraging minors to engage with NSFW material for the sake of reporting back to you, and that's... No good.)
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leidensygdom · 8 months ago
Just a bit of a personal thought, but I have grown to deeply dislike how social media, with its' competitive algorithm and need to have a perfect performance, is often giving people a really wrong idea of what is it actually to do art.
Most times, artists are rewarded by posting only their best work: A badly performing post in places like Instagram may affect how well your next post performs. It also prefers you to post finished pictures, very presentable sketches, that kind of stuff. Which is rarely the bulk of an artists' work. Even speedpaints have been chewed down into palatable videos barely reaching 15 seconds. Tiktok and Instagram reels prefer extremely short videos, and speedpaints are mostly just few (sparkles) aesthetic (sparkles) shots of minuscule parts of the process.
And all of that, I've found, gives people this really weird image of what is art actually like. A lot of starting artists grow to make idols out of bigger ones, thinking that these people can only create perfect pieces effortlessly, but that's not how it works. Very far from that. It's mostly that artists that keep active social media and have grown to know the game, know that showing the rough parts of art is not what gets you favoured by the algorithm.
I've been thinking about this ever since I saw a video on twitter of a fairly long speedpaint for what you usually see in social media, I think 4 minutes long, where the person redrew portions of the sketch up to five times. And a lot of people mentioned it was enlightening to see the struggle, to see that even a competent artist sometimes will struggle doing a little phone cord for an hour.
I think that's something I have kind of experienced, too. I'm not a big artist, but a lot of people have mentioned they find me intimidating still, up until they know me on Discord or something and realize I'm just a goof like any other. Up until I mention a face refused to work for 2 hours and I gave up, or how I randomly keep learning new basic functionalities in my drawing software of choice. And I think that's crucial to share too: Art is not a linear road! It isn't a smooth trip! You'll fail again and again and sometimes will end up going back to a previous point, then take another path. Sometimes you render a whole drawing and decide it looks bad so you start over. Sometimes you realize the lines came out wonky as hell and end up redoing it. Sometimes you gave a character 6 fingers or forgot people have eyebrows. It happens! And it's part of what making art is!
I mentioned this on Twitter- I rarely have visible proof of these struggles, but for an Artfight drawing (where I am trying to be speedy), I struggled with a cloak. For long. I made a thumbnail, I made a sketch, realized the cloak didn't work out, so I redrew it over and over again. I deleted most of the discarded sketches, but here's a few of the things that survived.
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And like, I'm tired of not talking about this! I'm sad that people think they're failing because their art process isn't as smooth as it could be! So, yeah: I guess rant over, but I just have been thinking about this a bunch lately. If you'd like, do please feel free to reblog or share in replies any similar situations, struggles and flops. I think it could help people to realize how this is actually just a natural part of the process.
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lapdogchase · 1 month ago
one thing i hate is the trend of journalling just to post it on tiktok or pinterest like what is the fucking point then !!! ur spending all that time to make ur emotions and thoughts digestible and aesthetically pleasing ??? what if later u want to know how u were Actually feeling and what u were Actually going thru but all u have is ur thoughts and feelings distilled repackaged commodified and sanitized into a perfectly repostible png ?!? like is nothing sacred !!! is nothing just for you ??? is everything to appease an audience ?!? and like yeah there's nothing wrong with it like morally and that's not what i'm saying . but what is the point if u can't be honest and vulnerable in a private space !!! how can it be fully for u when it's made with the intent of turning into Content !!! what do u even get out of it when u have to consider the aesthetics and how it caters to the algorithm rather than venting and working through things and being honest ?!! like if ur highlighter smudges and ur ink bleeds and ur words aren't perfectly publicly consumable do u even bother writing like is it all just for the performance ?!?
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livwritesstuff · 8 months ago
Hey bestie! Have you seen the voicemail trend on tiktok?? I think Eddie and Steve could send the girls and each other funny voicemails at times.
(Also do you like when we send asks involving tiktok trends? They could be apart of Hazel’s tiktok page but I just wanted to make sure you’re not getting annoyed with all the tiktok trend asks)
i LOVE when y'all send me tiktok trends bc frankly i haven't actually caught wind of most of them. at the moment my tiktok algorithm can't tell if i like sharks or judge judy more (i truly have no interest in either one) so i do appreciate the assistance.
case in point: i had no idea that this trend was a thing and it is delightful, and yeah, Hazel 100% does it with a particular voicemail Eddie left her:
"Hazel," Eddie starts, his voice muffled like he's trying to whisper, "I don't have much time. I just got an email from Amazon and I think – I think – there's a goddamn colossal package on the front porch, and I reeeeally need you to get it in the house and hide it before Pop and I get home, okay?"
There's a short, somewhat staticky pause.
"I cannot stress enough that your dad is gonna kill me if he sees what I bought. He's still annoyed with me for buying you that fuckin' mini-fridge for your makeup so you totally owe me one – oh shit, here he–"
[end of voicemail]
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obsidianpen · 22 days ago
i so agree with your gift economy stance!! i also think promoting fics on tiktok is...............interesting lmao. but it rubbed me the wrong way bcus i really do feel like fandom should be niche. its for and by people who are usually deeply obsessed with a media and it Shows in their work/contributions. theres real love and passion for the media behind these works. i love this aspect of fandom! i love you fellow obsessives! this is how fandom has been across the globe for DECADES. another thing is that you want to engage w fandom, you have to go out and seek it. its unlikely to just pop up across your feed (unless you have friends who engage in fandom) and i think this is a fundamental aspect of fandom as well. its niche, for the obsessives and the fanatics. if things were to start being heavily promoted it would disrupt this, i believe. less passion projects, more projects to gain notoriety. less genuine and earnest works. (like those ppl using AI to write fics...... yikes) it will become more about who can become The Biggest Name In (a) Fandom. i hope im conveying my thoughts well. i dont think every aspect of fandom should be mainstream and it should be reserved for the people who love it. not shoved in "outsiders" faces in the hopes of gaining views and clicks.
💯 agree! Yeah and the people who post and promote their stuff on algorithm based sites do tend to be the ones who use alts and bots and AI in order to be able to pump out stuff quickly because - you guessed it - they desperately want to be the ‘number one’ in a given category. Which is sad because fics shouldn’t be ranked like that, but the obsession with stats has grown to perilous levels as of late. Just because a fic has a lot of hits or kudos or whatever doesn’t mean it will be for you!
This also gets into the whole ‘needing fic recs’ to find something to read thing. TikTok is becoming a big place for this as fanfiction goes from being niche to mainstream - which I think is both good and bad, really, but that’s another rant for another day. A lot of new readers really have no idea how to use the tagging system on ao3 to find stories to their liking, and it shows. It’s pretty sad hearing someone say they’ve only read one story with a specific pairing because they saw it on TikTok (and that story is often a horrid example of what that fandom has to offer. Not always, but often), and now they desperately need something to read… but have no idea how to just GO FIND IT lmao it’s actually so easy and requires just a bit of gd effort 🥲.
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thisapplepielife · 8 months ago
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Oh My, Good Lord
Day #25 - Gareth | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Gareth/Di (OC), Background Steddie | Tags: Future Fic, Retired Corroded Coffin, TikTok Trends, Who Can You Traumatize If Not Your Friends?
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Gareth watches the analytics tick upwards and he's getting concerned. It was meant to be a joke. Now, it's breaking containment. 
Nobody has ID'd him yet, not as far as he knows, but there are lots of comments that mention that he looks familiar. So, it's coming. His tattoos are on full display, so he might as well be showing the world his fingerprints.
They're gonna figure it out. 
And as soon as that happens, it's gonna get picked up by TMZ and then Eddie's gonna know and never shut the fuck up about it.
He should delete it. 
Quit while he's ahead. 
But, Di likes it. Says he looks good, and that she wants to show off her sexy husband. She's the one that put it to that popular sound clip and uploaded it to an account unattached to either of them. Just for fun, and it was fun, at first. Now it's threatening to really go viral and there'll be no escaping identification if that happens.
So, he's standing by. Hoping it'll have its brief moment in the algorithm and then fizzle out.
It's not like it's that racy. He's showing less than he showed every night for decades onstage. But he still feels exposed. The before, the kind of dorky kid that was in Hellfire Club, that's how he feels inside. Not whoever that slicked-back hair guy is.
Gareth's phone buzzes on his desk, and he picks it up, and it's a text from Eddie:
Got something to tell me, kid?
Gareth isn't sure what he's talking about, but then a photo is attached and yep. There it is. A screenshot of his viral video.
This you?
Well, shit.
He hovers in the text box, and he knows Eddie can see that he's dithering. Before he can make a decision, his phone is ringing. He'd just as well face the music now, there'll be no avoiding it. Not when it comes to Eddie.
He's never gonna live this down. No way in hell.
"Shut up," Gareth says by way of greeting, and Eddie just laughs, and laughs, and laughs.
"Kid," he finally says, "does Di know you did this?"
"Di filmed it and uploaded it. Yeah, she knows. I was an innocent bystander."
Eddie laughs, "Just wait until Goodie finds out."
Gareth grabs a fistful of his own hair and tugs. Goodie won't ever let it go. Gareth may have to move to another continent to escape him. Eddie will make fun, but it won't be anything on what Goodie'll unleash.
"Do not tell him, Eddie. I swear to god. How'd you even find it in the first place?"
"Steve. It showed up on his for you page, and he yelped like he'd been struck by lightning."
"Do I at least look good?" Gareth asks.
"Uh, well, I had to tell Steve to either mute his phone, put on headphones or, you know, just stop watching it on a loop. One or the other. The music was driving me crazy."
Gareth laughs. He's under no illusions that Steve Harrington actually thinks he's attractive, that's absurd, but there was something mesmerizing about it. That seamless quick cut from one version of him to the other. The stats show that people are looping it, for sure. How, even to himself, it was crazy to watch how he changed how he looked. Like he might not have been the same person at all.
He was, though. Yeah, Di made him up to be extra dorky for the before, but she also did some magic on the after, both in real life and with some sort of filter on top. But both worked together to make him look pretty damn different than he does on a daily basis. He falls somewhere in between the two. Not that goofy, but not that attractive, either.
But, he can almost look like that. It's been a funhouse mirror of a weird thing to realize. 
And now Eddie knows. 
He finds Di in the kitchen, folding towels. 
"Eddie knows."
She looks up, meeting his eyes.
"Eddie knows what?" Di asks, folding another towel and putting it on top of the large stack on the kitchen island as she grabs the next one.
"About the tiktok," he says, and she laughs. Fucking cackles, and he smiles, because if she's that delighted there's no way he can't be, too.
"How'd he find it?" she asks.
"Steve," Gareth answers, "because the universe hates me."
"The universe wouldn't have given you that face if it hated you," she says, leaning forward and squeezing both of his cheeks between her fingers. 
He's old. A dad. Of adults. 
He was in a band, and they retired. That's how old he is. That his band stopped because they were so old they didn't want to be on the road anymore. 
Now he's a tiktok thot. 
The front door opens and slams closed, and Gareth looks up, expecting Eddie. It's not Eddie. He wishes it were Eddie.
Goodie's got his phone up, that seven-second clip of music playing on a loop.
Gareth hangs his head, "How'd you find out?"
"The kids called. Wanted to know when Uncle Gare got hot," Goodie says, "I'm traumatized. Is this a midlife crisis?"
"If it is, it's Di's," Gareth says.
"She did this?!" Goodie hollers, "She's the one that unleashed this evil onto the world?"
"Yep. Keep playing that, you're making me money." 
Goodie pauses, then slumps down onto the couch, the music abruptly cutting off, "Well. If it was Di."
"Oh, when she does it, it's fine? But if I'd done it, that'd be gross?"
"Of course. She did it, and that's funny. If you'd did it, it'd just be sad."
Gareth ignores him. Then has a thought.
"So, Uncle Gare is hot, huh?" Gareth asks, unable to resist poking Goodie just one more time.
"Stop. I beg of you. Those are my children and they both need to find Jesus for saying such things."
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: Based off this tiktok. It just felt very Gareth-coded to me, and, well, here we are. The fake tiktok video screen in the header is made from a picture from Gwydion's insta where he dressed up like Gareth.
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crazymuffin1 · 2 months ago
more or less the full tiktok situation
okay so im not tinfoil hatting because its pretty obvious when you think about it
2020 trump wants tiktok banned im pretty sure the people who overlooked the whole spiel thought that there wasnt anything wrong with it and it and continued on as normal
then for some curious reason the stupidest most tech incompetent people of the congress are part of the hearing with classics such as asking the ceo 10 different ways of "are you chinese" making the viewer think that the next question is going to be whether or not the CEO has ever eaten chinese food. there are of course the other classics (and these are all real questions) "does tiktok read your brainwaves when you put on headphones" "does it record your eyes dilating to figure out what videos to boost via the algorithm" "does tiktok access your home wi-fi network" "are you chinese" "if you turn on airplane mode while in a plane, can tiktok talk to the plane"
im not making this up. these are real actual questions. its not word for word but im not changing the meaning of the questions it really was that bad
then of course beause they took the dumbest people in the congress they made a rule that basically boils down to "apps from countries we dont like have to be owned by america" (so we can censor it) (this is while also being racist towards china and yknow being all 'china censorship bad!')
now there hasnt been an official announcement of tiktok having been bought, BUT!
while it was down for americans, these messages appeared
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message 1 ID: Sorry, Tiktok isn't available right now A law banning TikTok has been enacted in the U.S. Unfortunately, that means you can't use TikTok for now. We are fortunate that President Trump has indicated that he will work with us on a solution to reinstate TikTok once he takes office. Please stay tuned! End ID oh yeah the same trump that got it banned in the first place, right? about 15 hours later the app is up again
Message 2 ID: Welcome Back! Thanks for your patience and support. As a result of President Trump's efforts, TikTok is back in the U.S.! You can continue to create, share, and discover all the things you love on TikTok End ID.
heres the part where you gotta put the clues together! the tiktok page of the tiktok CEO no longer has "CEO of tiktok" on his profile
facebook/instagram is all of a sudden having popups of "link to tiktok" and an official tiktok page too. if youre on tiktok you get an add facebook friends promo (this hasnt happened to everyone yet, rolling out feature)
convicted felon donald trump is holding his inauguration indoors, probably because last time he got all pissy that the crowd size was small, but you cant take aerials indoors and indoors have limited seats anyway(maybe as a last fuck you, tiktok will once again reserve a bunch of seats that are left empty? oh please do that!). also its easier to check for weapons and not have snipers when indoors, which is important when first lady elon musk is going to be there, and his fellow oligarch mark zuckerberg is also going to be there. theyre reaaal scared of the snipers since their egos are so big they become an easy target!
but we all know the drill by now. "saving" tiktok is just a failed way to make the younger generation like him. even if he set it up and everyone on tiktok knows. its also a way to make people overlook whatever this weeks war crime is going to be. probably the mass deportation. forgot to add this thing but facebook recently removed fact checkers so tiktok is probably going to have even more (worse) misinformation
TL;DR facebook is going to announce they bought tiktok any day now and give the glory to trump even though he is the reason it was banned in the first place
also as a bonus on the last day, a lot of influencers and stuff like that were having the "since we're all getting banned anyway" moment so a lot of them said stuff like "i never used the products i promoted" "i hated collabing with this creator" "i was never xyz" people who did masked thirst traps (male presenting) were women all along. and then 15 hours later theyre unbanned and have to be like... yep...so that just happened.
anyway tiktok was one of the last few places people got news that werent completely filtered through the right wing lens of whoever owned the newspaper. even if there was a lot of misinfo. think of the ceo shooter and think of how the media portrayed it vs the people. "rich man is murdered in cold blood by some vile monster. he was very beloved" vs "this guy is a vile human being who is responsible for millions of deaths, and he was finally killed"
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petrssecrethideout · 11 months ago
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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rarityroo · 10 months ago
ok this is me just like losing it and i need some type of comfort but.. mizu x reader who got banned from tiktok for NONREASON 😭
Content comfort
(Modern!Mizu x Gn! Reader)
I’m so sorry but when I first read this giggled a bit. Hopefully you like this, I made it into more of a funny cute fic because I didn’t quite understand the tone of what you wanted that’s probably my fault though. I clearly love writing for Mizu so please do request for her more she’s my actual GF, she’ll always have two pics instead of one whenever I write for her, anyway, Enjoy!🫶🏻
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You stared at your phone in disbelief, you looked at the notification, again, and again. It seemed to not fully compute in your head.
As you sat on the couch staring at your phone completely lost, Mizu walked from the kitchen to where you were, the living room, Mizu looked at you with a concerned expression.
“Uh, my love?” Her voice breaks you out of your shock-induced trance. “…yeah?” You slowly said, not fully able to respond coherently. “Are you alright?” Mizu asks cautiously. You look up from your phone and turn your attention to her, “I-I don’t know?” You say disbelief very evident in your voice.
You had no way to explain this, not just the situation to Mizu but why you got banned in the first place. This definitely caught you off guard, Mizu moves closer to you, sitting next to you on the couch. “Tell me.” Mizu softly demands, she’s not one to dance around serious matters especially when they came to you. You look back down at your phone still shocked.
She puts her hand under your chin, making you look up at her when your eyes meet her beautiful blue ones, you take a deep breath, and you finally explain what happened. "So, remember that silly video I posted yesterday with our cat, Vinnie? Well, apparently TikTok didn't appreciate Vinnies moves as much as we did," you confess, trying to lighten the mood with a small chuckle. "They banned me for no reason!” You exclaimed exasperated.
Mizu's eyes widen in surprise, her expression softening into a mischievous grin. "You know…TikTok's loss is our gain," she quips, trying to humor you. "Now we have more time for our own little dance parties with Vinnie without worrying about those silly algorithms." She chuckles softly, nudging you playfully. "Who needs TikTok anyway when we've got our own private entertainment right here?" She gestures to Vinnie rolling on the floor in a crazed manner.
You can't help but smile at her attempt to inject humor into the situation, grateful for her humorous approach. "Yeah, you're right," you say, with a small laugh. "Maybe this is a sign that we should start our own rival app, 'MizuTok' or something." Mizu says in a serious tone, you stop and look at her, you stare a each other for a long moment, then burst out laughing at the idea, imagining the ridiculous videos that would fill that virtual space.
With a small grin on your face and Mizu’s supportive humor, you couldn’t help but feel a bit better.
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valyrfia · 9 months ago
I feel like there is a very big difference between posting a lestappen or f1 ship rec list in your own page, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, etc. and posting it on their page. If Alex comes across a lestappen video or rec list it's her "for you" page so she's stumbling into it for a reason. we shouldn't have to censor our space
There’s two reasons tumblr is preferred for RPF over every other social media and that’s because a. people involved tend to not be on it and b. unlike instagram or tiktok or twitter there isn’t an aggressive algorithm which is throwing different interests at you to see what sticks, everything is just in the tags you search up or the blogs you follow.
That’s why there’s no real “space” on mainstream social media like instagram/tiktok/twitter and to say that “oh Alex shouldn’t come into OUR space” is a moot point because if someone likes Formula 1 the chances are that the algorithm at some point is going to throw some sort of RPF content at them because all the algorithm of these apps is doing is trying to keep a person on the app by comparing to what a lot of others interact with. It’s why I‘ve been vocally so against blatant RPF on these sites. Like yeah if someone stumbles across RPF on tumblr or ao3 that’s on them but otherwise—I don’t know I think there’s a level of self-awareness needed. I’m not going to get into the morality debate but RPF IS a weird thing and should be widely regarded as such and there is a reason we should do everything in our power to keep it from the people involved.
Also, I interact with F1 content but absolutely no RPF content on my tiktok, and about once a month I get blatant Lestappen content or fic recs on there. I quite literally click not interested and close the app every single time in order to tell off my algorithm but it keeps happening. So if Alex or another person related to F1 stumbles across content on their FYP it’s really not their fault and I actually think it’s a little reductionist to interpret that as “oh well they’re coming into OUR space”
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needsmorecrazy · 2 months ago
Watching how people are reacting to the TikTok ban has made me support it.
I used to use TikTok everyday from like June of 2020 until November of 2024 and I stopped for my own mental health using any social media for about a month and then I realized the only social media I actually had a problem was was TikTok so I slowly started using other ones again but I am on those for maybe 20 minutes a day versus the hours I was on TikTok. I understand that people built community on TikTok I get that but I also need people to realize that that app is destroying people's mental health worse than any other social media app I can possibly think of TikTok is worse. I felt like I was going cold turkey from smoking I didn't know what to do with my time I didn't know what to do with my hands it took a couple weeks to 30 days for me to fully realize how bad it was for me.
Reading people's reaction to the ban on here and people I know and listening to their reactions it's like they just lost their dealer. And my only hope is that this ban lasts a few days at least because it only took me a few days to start realizing how bored I was because I didn't have TikTok filling my time and I had to start coming up with other things to fill it. I started doing actual art and crafts again if I needed inspiration from a video I could go to Instagram and find the same creators who did TikToks except instagram's algorithm is not great and I want off that app as quickly as I could so I could just watch the video I needed and then close the app and then Actually DO the thing.
And I'm not hounded by ads disguised as content from people making money off the TikTok shop anymore.
And I understand a lot of small business owners are going to lose their business but also a lot of people are going to save money because they're not going to get advertisement after advertisement disguised as content shoved in their face over and over again or at least not as much as before.
And how many of those TikTok shops are actually just drop shippers I wonder how much money people could potentially save by not being on TikTok anymore.
So yeah I hope the TikTok ban stays I hope the real small business owners find a way and I hope people take this opportunity to just get off social media I'm not even asking you to get off your phone I'm just asking you to do what I forced myself to do which was remember what I did with my time before TikTok and then deciding if I wanted to do that again or if I wanted to try something new.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months ago
I blame social media for ethestic-sising mental health disorders, conditions, illnesses and what have you.
Yeah it's fucking great to be visible and be normalized. But people veered right off from normalizing and visibility to "esthetic goals" and fetishizing. This include internalized fetishism and neuroableism.
Suddenly it's not about living a healthy life, and showing people we exist. Suddenly it's all about what flavor ND of the day you are, and treating being ND and the symptoms like more of a fashion statement, and an esthetic than an inevitable part of being a human being who's ND. Which of course, through making it a fashion trendy thing, all the bad things have to be hidden, and only the marketable and wholesome behaviors gets greenlit, gotta thank the algorithm for that as well as ignorant people. With a big preference being any behavior that benefits others.
The fetishizing, and internalized neuroableism also fucks me up because it goes from being about actual ND people showing our real day to day lives, good and bad, as being just as acceptable as those of NTs, and instead becomes something people try to copy because it looks "fun".
I know fake claiming is really fucking frowned on, but what else should it be called when all of the sudden an ND condition goes trending on social media, and suddenly everyone and their dog has a cool and trendy version of it. Hey this condition is super rare, and some experts aren't even sure it exists in the way we talk about it today? A few months later the next thing comes along, and the very people claiming an ND disorder move on to the next thing.
DW, pre-teen-teen Bethica and Jacques who have shown no signs of any of the conditions and symptoms needed to be diagnosed have now become experts on this topic. Fuck mental health experts, Bethica and Jacques's tiktok history and skimreading wikipedia is much more valid than 10+ years of research in the mental health field. These kids will now educate you about this while doing fancy tiktok dances, and making a complete mockery of the actual condition. Btw, if it just so happens that they have a gofundme or Ko-fi link to pay, ignore that it comes across like the scam that it is, trust me bro, these are 100% the real experts, they're definitely not saying exactly what people wanna hear who wanna pretend to be cool and fashionable by having #ND condition of the month.
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artkaolinite91 · 8 months ago
Sampostelle - My Sampo 1st Anniversary
I draw and animated this in the end of June..my Sampo obtained on 1st June 2023
So glad to able to finished this simple animation in Procreate. Too bad it's kinda flop when I uploaded it in twitter (I still have no idea how the algorithm work there) but anyway...
I edited and add the song in my TikTok. I have the vision of Sampostelle with Moonlight by Kali Uchis since loong time ago, so glad I finally finished this!! Yeah!
Alsooo, I really love how Sampo's face turned out here!! He looks pretty~ I think I need to edit Stelle's face someday..haha, it looks kinda OOC here, I know...🥲
I made the confetti on by one, and just realized there's a lot of filter in TikTok that I can actually use for similar effect hahahaha
🚫 do not use, repost, edit my arts! Thanks
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messrsrarchives · 2 months ago
Thoughts on this TikTok?? I agree with what their saying but I do also feel there is a lack of female centred content in this fandom
the way i knewww what video it was gonna be before opening it
valid points !!! mhm yah. i have a massive yap about this sitting in my drafts that i'm too scared to post but like,,, yeah. there is a lack of female-centered content compared to the men! absolutely, but it's very much a two-way street.
a lot of people who complain about the lack of content do nothing to add to it, and instead put their energy into bashing mlm ships or content. it's very much,,,, if you have the time to make a caurosel post on tiktok about how much you hate jegulus, you had the time to make one about jily headcanons that you like and encourage more. or to go to the comments of a fic that you liked and encourage and compliment the author, or to comment on videos that you do like etc etc etc - boost the content you want to see, don't bash the content you don't want to see.
and it definitely falls into a kind of spiral on tiktok. 100% because a lot of people there are posting for traction so they'll rec or reference the fics that everyone knows so that more people like it. and the algorithm thrives off of hate more than positivity so if you're looking for traction (ew) then it makes "more sense" to be hateful (though i can't imagine you're having much fun in fandom, i.e "whats a [character] headcanon that you hate?" videos rather than asking what people like)
butttt my fyp is always full of female-centric content because i engage with it. there's a lot of accounts centered around them, a lot of cosplayers etc etc. even then! if someone is overly negative about about a ship in my comments i'll toss them recs for another one. or if they're yelling in my comments about the fact i post jegulus, i'll chuck over the @'s of some of my mutuals that focus on jily and it does nothing to quench their anger actually because they're angry for the sake of being angry.
so like,,,, valid points! i think the lack of female-centric content in fandom is something to talk about, absolutely! i literally put together the femininomenon fest for that reason
BUTTTT i think a good proportion of those that bring it up in comment sections etc aren't actually fostering that discussion, if anything they're putting people off of it. if you want to see a change in fandom you need to be the change and not wait for those "above" you to start it (i.e the bit in the video about no big female centric fics - fandom is an individual experience for your own exploration, and if you're waiting for a "big" fic to encourage you to engage with something??? hm). another issue is that people don't search for fics anymore, which ties into that tiktok spiral above, but they wait for them to be recommended to them. which,,, nothing wrong with that! but if you're harping on about not seeing something and then doing nothing to find it? it's not going to come on a silver platter. and by "be he change" i don't mean bang out a 600k fic, nor do i mean by a fandom-wide change, but you can change your lil corner of it. you can search for the content you want to find, you can post your headcanons and ships, post your lil ideas, comment on fics you enjoy, encourageeee people to engage.
i mean the fact you have to search rather than have it handed over/open tiktok to a video? yeah, there's a discussion to be had, absolutely! and people have had this discussion numerous times, but if you're viewing fandom as a big trickle-down thing where you rely on others for what you enjoy, then there hasn't been some big change because very few of those complaining are actually *doing* anything (even just going to ao3 and searching like the good ol' days, just waiting for a viral tiktok to recommend some to them) - the conversation is had, there's a female centric fest once a year, there's female-centric accounts, there's people talking about it constantly but very few can hear them over the sound of themselves yelling in comments.
i hope this has come across okay! i'm not denying a lack of content, absolutely not. but instead of blowing up comments i put together a lil fest, or i open ao3, or i yap to my friends about headcanons etc etc.
because whilst i agree it's a fandom wide discussion, if you're waiting for the wider fandom to catch on, no change will ever happen because fandom isn't run by five people sitting on thrones that tell everyone what to do, it's just a massive group of loser producing what they want to produce or engaging in what they want to engage with.
soooo i think this video isn't intended as a "there's no lack of content!" kind of thing (based on the interactions me n op have had, they're a nice person) but more as a critique on how when people complain and you offer them solutions or a guiding hand to find what they want, they still complain because they don't actually *want* to engage with it, they just want to argue - which ofc isn't everyone! i'm generalising a lot here but that's the people this video is referring to. so yeah. i dont think greta is denying that fact, but i do think they raise v valid points on how it's like yelling into a void sometimes
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alittlefrenchtree · 1 year ago
If he keeps disappearing like this people will lose interest in him 😕
I don’t want to be harsh because I don’t know what your intentions are but reading stuff like this makes me a bit angry actually. 
I know you (and other people) probably don’t want to be mean but I think many people don’t realize the kind of pressure they’re putting on public people when they act like two weeks of nothing public is actually disappearing and that people will forget about them because of that. Online creators are driving themselves crazy and putting themselves through very unhealthy habits because not only algorithms force them that way but also because there are more and more people pushing this idea to them.
Giving the same treatment to any other public person and actors are even more crazy to me. Their work is to make content (movies, tvshows) that takes months and years to be done, not to be daily dopamine stimulus for people who have attention span that gets smaller every day.
A majority of people aren’t going to lose interest for anything after 12 days and even if they do, that what marketing is for. Make things exciting for people to come back. And if people do lose interest it’s honestly good riddance. You really don’t want people like that in your entourage, even if it’s the parasocial one. If they don’t want to learn that people aren’t algorithms but actual human beings, they can go back scrolling on TikTok to get their new shallow shot of dopamine from stupid dances every 24 seconds or whatever.
I know it mostly comes from a good place, from loving him and feeling happiness to see his face and see him shine, and that people often needs this source of joy, but it feels really unfair to put pressure on him (and any public person) for that. And I know you said that in my inbox so it’s a far far stretch for this to be any close to putting pressure on him but I’ve seen it elsewhere, and if it’s elsewhere it’s probably everywhere and everywhere is most likely also in his brain so yeah. I guess what I’m saying is, my inbox isn’t the best place to say that either.
Like said, it’s nothing against you and more of a general feeling for what I’ve seen and read here and there. It just makes more sense for me to say it here and now, rather that to bother people on their own spaces, telling whatever they want.
I imagine it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it felt important to be said.
All love 💜
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apoptoses · 1 year ago
would you be so kind as to explain Daniel as the latin bro tiktoker and how it affects the household dynamic
okay SO off the back of your excellent Marius Discovers Tiktok posts-
Sometimes I like to think about how he originally got on the app because of links that Daniel or Armand or even fuckin Benji sent him, and he'd be patting himself on the back when he figures out how to stitch videos and make his own tiktoks 'correcting' historical information. And ofc because it's Marius he thinks he's the first vampire to be sneaky posting on there and he takes great pride in how modern he's being, doing right by his old Roman ancestors spreading the truth about history, etc etc
Until he finds Daniel's account scrolling his for you page lmao And for those NOT IN THE KNOW there's this dude on tiktok who's studying ancient linguistics and constantly getting stoned and like, rapping in old Egyptian lmao Or translating memes in ancient Sumerian and generally making ancient language shit posts in between actually making education videos where he gently reads people down for spreading incorrect linguistics facts.
and I JUST THINK that would be Daniel lmao He's learned all this history from Marius, all these old dead languages and how they were pronounced and he's bored and wants to do something with that. And he's just so personable that people eat it up, he's got like minimum 60k views on every post.
And it just eats Marius alive hahaha Like on one hand he taught Daniel all that he knows, right?? He's proud that his fledgling's fledgling actually absorbed his lessons and is out there able to put knowledge into the world.
But ON THE OTHER he's burnt up inside about how Daniel gets so many fuckin views and people praising his account in the comments when TECHNICALLY Marius is doing the same kind of stitches correcting people and getting crickets half the time, or horny comments from booktok people who are hot for what a cold, harsh professor he is and aren't actually taking in the facts he's trying to put out there😂
And like he's too proud to ask Daniel how to game the algorithm or what he's doing wrong, and just texts him links to his old Egyptian rap videos with disapproving emoji, and sometimes when they're on the phone he chides him for making a mockery of the great cultures of the past.
(Daniel isn't dumb though, sometimes he throws him a bone and stitches one of Marius's videos being like 'yeah this dude nails it, you guys should follow him'. And Marius doesn't acknowledge the thousand extra followers he gets from that, just tells Daniel he's not required to promote him simply because of their relationship, but Daniel knows that means 'thank you' in emotionally constipated old man)
So YEAH, Daniel's success causes a little tension at first but it settles into something nice because he knows posting something real dumb gives Marius an excuse to gently scold him when they're apart. And like when they're together maybe he takes a sneaky video of Marius trying to set up a fuckin ringlight or something so he can get better video of some old text he has, and Daniel holds onto that draft for blackmail purposes lmao
(Meanwhile Armand is off making 'watch me restock my guest room drawers' videos and everyone in the comments is bewildered by the lack of hygiene items and consumables. Like vampires don't need toothpaste and deodorant and mints, so it's all weird shit like the little toys you get from gumball machines and ink for fountain pens for the vampires who visit who prefer to use tools from the time when they were mortal)
Whew who knew I had so many thoughts on that, I could go for days on this subject lmao
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