#actually i been drinking chai lattes more than anything else
juicyspacesecrets · 10 months
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rebellion side hustle poster girlies
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weebwrites · 3 years
What It Takes (Meizou x Reader) (Ximen x Reader)
Fandom: Meteor Garden / Boys Over Flowers Warnings: Unrequited love, Love Triangle, Happy Ending, Sad Ending Words: 2k217 Requested By: No One Synopsis: Meizou can’t help but wonder what it will take for his fiancé to love him instead.
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Note to Self- Don’t fall In Love First
Mei Zou had been ecstatic when he first heard of the arranged business merger between his family and the Y/L/N group. Since the moment his mother brought the idea to him, he was shaking with excitement. He had always been worries of his parents plan for his future- maybe that’s why he tried to have as much fun as possible in his youth.
Mei Zou told no one about the engagement plans, but, of course, Y/n noticed. She called him out the first time she saw him since he was told the news. It never stopped shocking him; she was the most observant person Mei Zou had ever met. 
The group of five were lounging in the bridge room, and the second Y/n looked up from her music composition book she asked Meizou what made him so excited. He was quick to re-gain his composure and call it a secret- saying she’ll find out soon enough. 
The other three people in the club room looked over at the both of them. Ah Si rolled his eyes, making some remark of how freaky it was- that she knew them so well. 
Ximen walked over to her and put his hand gingerly on Y/n’s head, “I think it’s cute how her gaming strategy bleeds into her personality.” He moved his hand to her jaw so they were looking at each other, sharing a smile. 
Lei nodded, “It’s nice to have someone you can have a silent conversation with.”
Meizou kept his eyes on the pair in front of him, his hands balling at his sides, morphing into pale chords of muscles as he clenched the chair’s fabric. Y/n had looked back at her book, making progress on the song she was composing. 
He watched as her hair fell from behind her ears, obscuring his view of the girl. He noticed the signs of her becoming increasing frustrated. Just as he was about to move over, Y/n had called out to Lei. 
“I’m trying to convert my song from guitar to piano, but I’m not sure how to compensate for the fret change during the bridge. What chord do you think will work here?” She made eye-contact with the soft boy.
Before looking at where she was referring to, Hua Ze Lei gently brushed the hair from her face before answering her question. 
If only we were together already, Mei Zou thought, then I could stop them from looking at her like that. It was hard on the boy to see Y/n interact with other guys on a daily basis. He’s loved her since they were children, but he had no clue what the future held. So, for now, he bit his tongue. It would be so much easier if she loved me already. 
Note To Self- Don’t wait too long
He was many things- an artist, a bridge player, a loyal friend, a play boy, a hopeless romantic, the list goes on- but Mei Zou is not an idiot. 
He recognized the signs- falling in love was most visible from the outside. It started small, he would walk beside her in the halls. Then he would be the first to her classes, then he started to drive her home, until he’d take her out before reaching her house. It had started small, the love between an angel and a broken man. 
Meizou wasn’t an idiot. He knew Ximen was cautious with love, to the point of thinking he might never get married. It was a shock when he realized his friend was actually in love.
When Meizou first noticed his friend’s lingering glances and moment longer hands on her waist, he cornered him in the hallway. He had pushed Ximen against the lockers, grabbing his collar. Meizou scolded him, warned him that Y/n wasn’t like the girls he toys with, she’s more than them. He warned him about messing with their Y/n, the only female member of F5; Meizou gently reminded him that it wasn’t just himself Ximen would have to worry about, Ah Si and Lei cherished their princess, and they’d do anything to protect her.
Ximen shoved his friend off of him, aggressively declaring his love for her. “I love her, Meizou,” he whispered after. “I can’t stop- it’s like she’s the only thing in my life- every girl I see is just a person who isn’t her, every breath I take is one I wish was with her; she’s in every thought I have and my hand feels empty without hers’ in it. I don’t know how but I love her. I love her.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Meizou guided Ximen back to their club room to keep away from peering eyes. They sat and drank the scotch the room was stocked with. Even as Ah Si came and went, Ximen hadn’t said a word since the hallway. Nothing fell from his lips since he whispered his love for their bestfriend. Meizou had never seen Ximen so vulnerable before, so delicate; if he told his friend about the engagement plans Meizou feared he would shatter like a porcelain heart, so he waited.
Note To Self- Decide Your Priorities Early On
Having the plans be a secret wasn’t difficult. Meizou wasn’t told anything since the reveal, so it’s not like he was keeping anything other than that from hs friends. No, having it be a secret wasn’t what was difficult- but keeping it a secret was the most painful experience ever. 
Meizou watched their love story from the side lines- seeing the stages of their relationship was like watching acts of a play in a theater he couldn’t leave. He was the understudy of a lead who never got sick. Still, Meizou waited. He waited for Ximen to mess up, to freak out. It was messed up- something he never thought he would stoop low enough to do- yet every time Y/n gushed about her plans Meizou silently prayed his friend wouldn’t show up.
He prayed Ximen would forget, he prayed Ximen would make a mistake- just once. He wished he would say the wrong thing- offend her by accident; he prayed on every lucky star that Ximen would hurt her- just once.
Yet with every ill-intended wish it was like their love grew stronger. Ximen had given up his go-to dating plans the moment Y/n agreed to go out with him. Long gone were the roses and strawberry scented cards, no more was the heart on the side of the building. Y/n wasn’t like that. 
Instead they would go to a second hand book store and find a book that had been lived in- one with dog-eared pages and cracked spines. With their books in hand they would to go a cafe, they’d order two drinks (A hot tea of differing flavors and a Spiced Chai Latte) and a piece of cake. Occasionally looking up to smile at their partners, they lived through the books. Smudged highlights of their favorite quotes, smushed rants in the margins when the plot got heated, tears softening the pages which hurt their hearts; the two poured their souls into the pages, and then they gave part of themselves to the other. 
They’d go their separate ways and read the books their partners had chosen for them, laughing when they read a funny note the other had left, calling in tears when everything goes wrong, they annotated the novels. The books would be swapped back and forth, each time read from a new perspective until each page was filled with reminders of love, silly rants, or just mementos of their time together. The book became more ink and highlighter than paper, and it’s meaning had transformed. This was what they were as a couple, something that never seemed to be breakable. Something endless.
Ah Si was spectacle at first, hesitant to expose Y/n to his playboy turned romantic friend. He had always thought Y/n would end up with Lei- but he gave Ximen a chance, and he waited. He waited for Y/n to show up at his door step in tears, he waited to kill Ximen for making her cry. He waited and he waited and the day never came. 
Instead, Y/n cried over how sweet he was. Instead she told him how well he treated her, how Ximen made her feel so special. She called Ah Si late at night not heartbroken, but reduced to giggles and squeals after a perfect date. Never came the day Ah Si would comfort a heartbroken Y/n, and he had never been happier for her. 
Lei was the first to know of Y/n’s long-lasting crush on his friend. He was surprised- back when she told him at the age of twelve. But since then he expected the calls of how he was perfect, how he’d never see her as a girl. He knew Y/n’s feelings inside out, and he was worried when she told him that Ximen had taken her out on a date. He waited for Ximen to get bored, for Y/n’s perfection to not be enough for him. Lei watched silently as the pair spent every second together, watched with careful eyes as they fell hard. 
After his worries for her well being subsided, Lei waited for Y/n to fade from his life. As it was, Y/n called him every day and texted him throughout it. He waited for the calls to stop, for her texts to become once a day with simple meanings. He waited patiently to be along on the rooftop with only the memories of his bestfriend to keep him company. He waited and waited and waited, staring at the phone or the rooftop entrance. Days, weeks, a month, two, yet the phone always rang, and the door always opened. Lei realized Y/n wouldn’t be abandoning his relationship with her for someone else. Maybe it was because he chose love and abandoned his friends when he did- maybe that's why he tried to prepare himself for Y/n’s departure from his life- waiting for her to disappear. But the day never came, and Lei stopped waiting.
Ximen was terrified every day. He was anxious as he drove to her house, wondering when he would freak out. He was scared when he looked down and saw Y/n holding onto his arm, wondering when he would push her off. He clenched his hand tight as he watched her dance through the streets of Shanghi, wondering when he would ruin his one shot at happiness. 
Every date his heart was beating out of his chest, every stolen glance felt like the last. Every smile thrown his way was a wakeup call- every time her voice reached his ears it cut through the fog of self doubt and misery which swallowed him whole- she was his savior. His angel that managed to save him every time, the only life raft on the sinking boat; she was the only good thing left in the world that fought to bruise his ego and tie him to a hundred pound weight of misery. She was the softest blanket, she was the best alarm. She was everything. His hand unclenched. He calmed down.
Meizou should have known this would happen. He decided then, seeing her beautiful smile, that her happiness is all that mattered. 
Note To Self- Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out, Sometimes That’s Okay
When Meizhou told his parents he wouldn’t go through with the wedding they were furious. When he broke down in tears they had no clue what to do with themselves. 
“She’s in love with someone else,”
They comforted him as best as absentee parents could, patting his head awkwardly with empty words. They offered to go through with it anyway, have her fall in love with him after they’re married.
Meizhou refused- he didn’t want to. 
Instead, Meizhou stood at the altar, watching as Y/n approached. She was beautiful. Her dress dragged behind her and her eyes watered with tears- she was gorgeous. 
Lei and Daoming Si stood across the isle, beside Y/n as she took her rightful spot. She stared into the eyes of her beloved and, for once, it wasn’t jealousy that prickled under his skin. It was sorrow- deep and painful morning for the death of his future. His beloved would never be his, his beloved was someone else. He cried.
Y/n had never felt better. Her mother had been apprehensive about giving her consent, saying she hadn’t expected Ximen to be the one she fell in love with. Y/n wasn’t sure what she meant, but her mom dressed her to the nines and did her makeup personally. 
And now here she was, standing in front of the man she’d gladly spend every moment of her life with.
“How did I get so lucky,” she whispered, as Lei handed her Ximens ring and Meizhou handed him the other.
“No love-” Ximens eyes swirled with love and adoration, “how did I get so lucky?”
The room erupted into cheers, applause, the occasional scream or encouragement as they kissed. The world faded around them and the only thing that mattered was each other.
Meizhou waved them off as they climbed into the limo towards their honeymoon. 
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wonunuu · 3 years
iris beauty ❀
18: unexpected night
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, comedy, fluff
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
✎ word count: 1.5k+
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a/n: i apologize in advance if there are some errors. this was not proofread and was written during the midnight :) always, send your thoughts!!! if you want to be tagged, add your url here!
After your short ten-minute break, you exit the locker room and head to the front counter, notifying your co-worker that your break had finished and that you were going to take over. Walking to the front counter, you greet a customer who was patiently waiting. 
“Good afternoon! What can I get you today?” you ask the woman, whom you’ve probably seen before. “Just chai latte, please.” She smiles. You punch her order in, she hands you the money and you take it, placing it in the cashier machine. You give her the receipt and her order number, then start preparing her order.
As you give her her latte, you are surprised to see a familiar face, carefully inspecting the menu. “Thank you!” the woman says before exiting the door. 
“What are you doing here?” You inquire. Jeonghan smiles at you, “Well, I was thinking we could go out tonight if you're free?” 
“So you came here knowing that there's a possibility that I wouldn't be free?”, you asked, a little touched at his subtle act of kindness. He nods. Putting his kindness into consideration as you contemplate whether to lie and say you have plans or, to tell the truth, and agree. 
Jeonghan bites the inside of his cheek as he awaits your answer, but lets out a breath of relief when he sees you nod. You agree for three reasons. One, not to make anything seem suspicious. Rejecting his offer to take you out will most likely make him suspicious as the real Mina, whom he’s been talking to, would say yes. Two, if he’s taking you out then that would mean you’d be eating real food, and not instant noodles that have been in the kitchen cabinets for God knows how long—they’re probably way too long past their expiration date. Third, you did feel bad that he travelled long distances to come to your workplace to ask you—as Mina—out on a date, knowing that you might not be able to go.
“I still have forty minutes left before I clock out, though”, you inform him, wiping the counter. 
“That’s okay. I can just wait ‘till you finish. It's my fault for coming here without notice,” Jeonghan nervously laughs. “But I’d like something to drink while I wait.” You smile, shaking your head out of amusement. His shamelessness never fails to make you laugh. Jeonghan fondly stares at you, proud of himself for making you smile. 
“Pick any, it’s my treat.” You tell him as you fiddle around with the cashier machine, preparing to put his order in. Jeonghan’s ears perk up at your words, specifically on the last three. He excitedly scans the menu again and picks a drink of his choice. You instruct him to sit on the empty table placed in the far corner of the room. Immediately, you start making his beverage, meticulously measuring the ingredients, and once finished, you walk to where he was seated and give it to him. “Thanks,” Jeonghan mutters before taking a sip, and you watch intently, waiting for his reaction. Jeonghan frowns, you start to get worried. “Is it not good? I can make you another one—” 
“I’m just kidding, it tastes amazing.” You were cut off by Jeonghan suddenly wrapping his free arm around your waist and nuzzling his face into your stomach. You were taken aback by his actions but quickly reminded yourself that this is normal between couples—not that you and he are together, but you as Mina and he are together. Saying it in your head, you realize how confusing this whole pretending thing really is. 
You roll your eyes and smack his shoulder, he lets out a yelp in response and rubs the spot, trying to ease the sting.
He giggles, “Go work now.” You give him an “okay” before leaving him alone for you to continue working. 
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“So where are we going?”
The two of you walk out to the cafe towards his car. Jeonghan tried to hold your hand but was saddened when you hid them in your pockets. Nonetheless, he brushes it off and continues to walk beside you. 
“Uh,” he thought, looking up. “We have a few options, actually.”
You reach his car and he opens the door for you, acting like a gentleman—a tip from his friend, Joshua. You mumble a thank you before going in. He closes the door and jogs to the other side to go into the driver’s seat. 
“A, we go to the movies,” he waits for your reaction. You shake your head, he looks confused. “I thought that was what was your ideal first date?” 
You shook your head again, “I changed my mind. Tell me the other options.”
He clears his throat, “I—I actually don’t have anymore… I assumed you were going to agree to the movies.” He nervously admits. "I wanted to seem cool, you know? Like I have things planned." He looks at you hesitantly, embarrassed at his confession. You laugh, a little louder than intended, he laughs along. 
“I can't believe you. Let me look up some fun places we can go.” You say, emphasizing the word ‘fun’, Jeonghan rolls his eyes in response. 
Three long minutes have passed, lazily scrolling through your phone. Jeonghan, too, had his phone, looking for possible destinations that could interest the both of you. 
Earlier, you both discussed and agreed that you wanted something interesting to do on your first date; not sitting on some chairs watching movies. When you were about to give up, something caught your eye. You gasped, causing Jeonghan to whip his head at you. 
“There’s a night fair not too far from here! We need to go, please Han?” You excitedly squeaked, not knowing where the nickname came from. Jeonghan smirks at you, “New nickname? I like it.” Taking you by surprise, he grabs your free hand and places them on his cheek, caressing them gently with his thumb. “Give me the address, let’s go.” 
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The two of you walk tiredly around the fair after playing dozens of games. You knew about each other's competitive nature, so the competition in trying to win the games came naturally. You personally think a little competition made the games more enjoyable. 
You'd say you guys are tied; even. You had won the ring toss, gaining a mug as a prize. He won the dart game, it turned out his aim was as accurate as cupid. Et cetera. 
Now, you were trying to find something to fill your growling stomachs. There were many food booths open and you had been walking around for what felt like hours. You couldn't seem to find the right booth that offered the food. Until Jeonghan suddenly grabs your hand and pulls you towards a booth around the end of the road. 
“Oh my god,” you almost scream out of joy. “How did you know?” 
“It's my favourite too.” He tells you, smugly. 
"Hello, can we get two nakji bokkuem, please? Thank you." He orders the food while you look around to find a table to sit at. Despite the number of people, you luckily find a free spot. You walk to the empty table, leaving Jeonghan to wait for the food by himself. 
As you observe the boy from your seat, thoughts flood your head. You were suddenly worried about what Mina's reaction would be when you tell her that you, pretending to be Mina, have been meeting up with Jeonghan while she was gone. You weren't bothered about being caught because you were sure that you were going to pull it off. But one thing you fretted about the most is his reaction when Mina tells him the truth. Mina had told you that when she would come back from her trip, she would tell Jeonghan everything. You were scared for your best friend; you don't want her to feel heartbroken. 
You push your thoughts to the side when you see Jeonghan approach, food in his hands. As he takes a seat, he wafts the smoke from the food towards you. You close your eyes inhaling the smell, causing your mouth to salivate. 
"Here you go." He places the plate in front of you and takes out your chopsticks. 
"You know I can do that right?" you laughed, taking the chopsticks from his hand. 
"I know, but I want to do it for you," Jeonghan chuckles. 
The table became silent when the two of you started to eat, of course, a few comments and giggles here and there. But the two of you were too focused on eating the food, that you forgot about each other's presence. Until Jeonghan started choking on his last bite, and you being you, you stayed seated laughing as you watched the boy struggle.   
"Why didn't you help me?" Jeonghan whines, rubbing his neck. 
"I was!" You exclaimed, trying to hold yourself from laughing further. "Moral support, you know?" you continue. 
Jeonghan is out of words. "Laughing at me as I choke is not moral support!" He cried.
Your night was definitely unexpected, in the most possible good way. Spending your free time with Jeonghan was so amazing that you forgot you were even pretending to be someone else. Though you do feel guilty, you console yourself by saying that you were doing it for your best friend. 
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cyber-sub · 4 years
A Bit Colder Than Expected🍂
big hearts for such an underrated character, mister Takanobu Aone,,, how are y’all sleeping on SUCH A MAN??????? he’s literally the attractive abominable snowman i love him
Genre: fluff
anywho~~ here’s another pumpkin pie special coming right up! (you can find the masterlist right here !
warnings: self-doubt/overthinking,, i wouldn’t really call it angst but ik a lot of us think like this sometimes and it could be triggering?? just wanted to give u guys a heads up!!
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Where you lived, Autumn was always perfect. The season brought bright warm colors that contrasted the nippier weather; most days were a contradiction- the sun wasn’t afraid to shine and the colder winds weren’t afraid to blow. That being said, you were prepared for the duality the weather brought. 
With all your years of trial and error, you realized the perfect go-to outfit in this season was something that had some of your legs exposed and a chunky sweater on top, preferably oversized. This kept you perfectly warm when waiting for your crush, Takanobu Aone to get done with his volleyball practice.
You didn’t think he minded walking home together. He never opposed, though he wasn’t much of a talker to begin with. 
When you first bounded over to your classmate and budding crush- full of adrenaline and confidence- asking him if you could walk home with him, his eyes went wide as he leaned back at the sudden unfamiliar outburst. In seconds he returned back to his neutral expression to give you a curt nod but not forgetting to add, “I have volleyball practice.” He told you the time it ended in which you smiled and responded, “Perfect! I actually also have a club that ends just a bit before then, so this is great timing!”
You've been walking home together for a little over a month now and it was nice- more than nice. To you, it just felt natural; being around him made you feel a type of comfortable you’ve never felt before. 
Today however, was the first time your club ran a bit late and it stressed you out. Unwanted doubt was getting the upper hand in your mind, but you refused to let it completely take over.
He probably won't wait, it’s already dark out. You thought to yourself as you rushed in the direction of the gym. There was no harm in just checking. You added, trying to keep your optimism up and running.
The breeze swayed the dying trees in the courtyard you ran through. If it were a normal day, you would have strolled through, listening to the wind breathe past the leaves as you fantasized about simple things with Takanobu - like tangling your fingers together as you notice the difference in size of your hands or standing on your tippy toes to kiss him goodbye, savoring the warmth he radiated- not that it would ever happen. 
Despite feeling the comfort in your budding friendship with him, part of you felt like he seemed to just go along with things, as if it had no effect on him.
 On your walks home, you would start babbling on about your day and whatnot. You’d like to think he was listening to you, but the more self conscious part of you also felt that he wouldn't care if you talked or didn’t- or even showed up at the gym for that matter; like he could go home and not give you a second thought if you weren’t waiting for him.
On top of that, you had always been the one to initiate everything, so of course there was going to be the underlying doubt that he wouldn’t pay you any mind if you didn’t act first.
 Usually you don’t like to dwell on those thoughts, but today, your impact on him is being put to the test. That is, if you made any impact on him at all.
Aone is kind and respectful, but most importantly, he is aware. I wouldn’t just disappear from his mind, right?
Making it to the gym 5 minutes late, your already racing heart plummets to your stomach when you realize that he's nowhere in sight.
You're zoned in on the area surrounding the exit of the court, shoulders slumped with hands on your knees trying to ease your disappointment. Unbeknownst to you, Aone was waiting for you by the school gate. He had saw you running up to the gym with an uncharacteristically dejected look on your face. Something was wrong.
He felt something twist inside of him looking at you act so different, so... sad. He wanted to make sure everything was okay. He headed over to you and the tightness in his chest lightened up once he made eye contact with you and saw a small smile growing on those cute lips.
“Are you okay?” Aone asked quietly, wanting nothing more than to take your hands in his to ease whatever was causing you distress.
A feeling took over you so intense that it almost made you tear up. You looked up at him to try to analyze his expression, but the worry that washed over his face only flustered you further.
“I had thought you went home…” you mumbled, trailing off and looking anywhere but your classmate.
“But you weren't here, so why would I leave?” his question was stated matter-of-factly, but was laced with slight confusion. He liked walking home with you- spending time with you, why would he change that?
He didn’t want to draw attention to the tad bit of heat that ran to his cheeks but it wouldn’t go unnoticed by you. Even when Aone’s cheeks were stained pink, his face still looked… unfazed. He wasn't afraid to show that the thought of you and him walking home together made him feel… comfortable and warm. 
Only walking home wasn't going to cut it today. You wanted more time with Takanobu Aone.
You surprised yourself when you actually spoke up, but you were keen to get what you wanted. The short walk home wasn't going to cut it today. You wanted more time with Takanobu Aone.
“Hey, i'm a bit cold, can we go grab something warm to drink in town? Like a hot chai latte or… something..?” you trailed off after watching his eyebrows sew together. 
He quickly took off his team’s jacket and placed it over your shoulders without saying a word. 
The reaction of your eyes growing big and staring up at him caused Aone’s light pink hue to turn a deep red before turning to look at the gate. 
“Yea, we can go. My cousin owns a cafe not too far.” he stated before starting to head towards and out of the school gate. He didn’t look back at you but you didn’t mind.
You stayed close behind him, your heart fluttering a mile a second. You were now wrapped in his jacket- the one that just captured the smell of pine and maybe a hint of something boyish- and are headed to a cafe to drink something that perfectly captures the warm emotion you were already feeling.
The sun had set and the night sky was dotted with some of the brightest stars you’ve seen. The moon was your witness to the intense longing of slipping your hand into his. As for Takanobu, he wanted to hear your voice more than anything else at this point; the fact that you were more quiet than usual and wearing his jacket made him hyper aware of everything else going on around the two of you.
Aone loved listening to the stories you would tell and how you would chatter on, your voice was so nice to listen to. He wanted to hear it more and he wanted to hear it now. He had gotten so comfortable with hearing you on your guy’s walk home that you being quiet was off semi off putting. 
“I remember that you said you only drink hot chai tea for autumn… why?” he asked, hoping to initiate something.
Your jaw slightly fell open at his attempt to start a conversation. With a gleaming smile, you caught up to him and began talking about how chai tea is like drinking the coziness of autumn, while Aone settled into his comfortable silence.
Walking side by side, your hands would occasionally brush against one another until one of you finally decided to make the first move, having the moon be your only witness to the gentle hold of your intertwined hands.
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nerdgirljen · 4 years
This is for @aperrywilliams as part of @imagining-in-the-margins’s Secret-Fic-Swap 2020. I do not own the characters of Criminal Minds, but I do wish for a Spencer Reid of my very own.
An Autumn Meet Cute by @nerdgirljen
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The coffee shop was buzzing and the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air in the small cafe in Virginia. Fall had finally returned to Prince William County, and with it hordes of color chasers to the woods of Northern Virginia. Vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows painted the trees in glorious splendor, a sight that I love so much, but the foot traffic it brought with it was not.
The crowds that milled around the small towns each weekend was both a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that the small towns were given a few last weeks of good tourism and business, but the negative was that I could never make it anywhere on time normally, so it was almost impossible with the additional bodies crowding the sidewalks and streets.
Running early to open my bookshop for the first time in a long time, I decided to stop into the cafe across the street and get my favorite Autumn beverage before what I hoped to be a busy and successful day.
“Large caramel apple chai latte?” a barista called out before sitting the cup down on the counter. I began walking to the bar that held my sweet nectar, but was met with another hand reaching for my drink at the same time.
“Oh! I am so sorry!”
“Sorry -”
We spoke simultaneously and my gaze followed the line from hand and wrist, to arm and bicep, and finally I looked at the face of the owner of the hand I was still inexplicably touching. A small smirk graced his lips, and his hazel eyes shone with humor as he looked back at me and then at our hands.
He was handsome, no doubt about that, with a delicate sloped nose and a sharp jaw and high cheekbones. His hair was a bit longer, and the type of shaggy that either meant he never combed it or he spent a ridiculously long time styling it so - I suspect the former more so the later. He looked to be around my age, give or take a few years. And although I did not know his name, yet, I could tell he was someone I wanted to know better. He was wearing tan corduroy trousers, and a beige sweater that probably felt as soft as it looked. Peeking under the collar was the collar from a blue button up, as well as a brown tie whose knot sat just at the base of his slender neck.
“Did you know the number of pathogens passed by hands touching is staggering. It’s really safer to kiss,” he stated, almost mechanically. I quickly pulled my hand away from his and whispered an apologetic murmur. He blushed and bowed his head in embarrassment before pulling his own hand back and gesturing to me to take the drink.
“I guess we have similar tastes then?” I asked, trying to pull him into conversation and not knowing how to start. I grabbed the drink and stepped back from the counter. He stepped back from the counter and towards me to allow the next in line to access their order.
“It’s entirely possible. Humans have a myriad of different interests, so the chance of having some overlapping tastes in things is quite high,” he intoned factually looking back up at me, and I couldn’t help but giggle at his misunderstanding.
“No. I, uh, I meant about the drink,” I explained, and his eyes grew in recognition of what I was indeed asking about. “It’s one of my favorites this time of year. They’ve offered to make it for me during the rest of the year, but I fear that it will lose all appeal it holds for me.”
“No, this is my first time here,” he said. “I actually moved into an apartment close by and am checking out the area. I thought that since I’m going to need a new coffee shop anyway, I may as well try a new drink as well, and I will admit that I’ve already had too much coffee today as it is so I opted for something else.”
“In that case, welcome to our little haven,” I declared. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. And I would shake your hand, but apparently it’s more hygienic to kiss than shake hands and I don’t have a habit of kissing men I just met.” I grinned at him, and his cheeks flamed again.
“No, I am sure you aren’t,” he stated, flatly. “I’m Spencer Reid. You wouldn’t know when the bookstore across the way opens, do you? I either lost some books in the move, or my mother took them to her new home, so I need replacements.”
“As a matter of fact, I do. It opens at 10:00. I’m actually heading there now,” I said, slyly, knowing he doesn’t know that I own the shop in question. I took a sip of my drink, just as good as ever, and stated, ��Talk to the owner and ask for the ��New Neighbor' discount. I’m sure she’ll hook you up.” I winked at him, and I could feel my own cheeks heating at my wreckless flirting attempt.
“Oh wow, that’s great. I surely will. I will definitely be a frequent shopper there; the consequences of reading twenty-thousand words a minute is constantly being in need of reading material.” The barista called his drink at that point, and he took the steps needed to reach the bar for his drink. He turned back at me, and opened his mouth to say something before closing it again. Knowing what he was trying to say, I took the first step to end the meeting and let him get on with his day.
“Well, Spencer, it was nice meeting you. I hope to see you soon!” I quickly turned from him and bolted out the door and onto the sidewalk. I didn’t dare look back to see him, so I carefully looked both ways before crossing the street towards my store. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about Spencer Reid as I began the routine of opening the shop for the day, and cursed at myself for taking off so quickly. Spencer seemed so interesting, and I’d not mind getting a bit more acquainted with him.
For a few hours, though, my mind didn’t have time to think of the handsome stranger I met that morning because the additional foot traffic in town meant that tourists kept a constant stream of business going for the stores and restaurants leading to the town square. Before long, a lull in customers meant I could do some additional tasks I’d been avoiding so far that day like straighten up some children’s books and restock some shelves.
The time was now after two in the afternoon, and I had almost forgotten about the encounter entirely as I was restocking some local history books. Then all of a sudden, a hand with a coffee cup in it passed in front of my face. I let out a small “eek” of alarm as I turned to see who the hand belonged to, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it was Spencer.
“You left before I could say good-bye earlier, so I thought I would make up for that by bringing you another drink. Before you rushed off, I was going to see if you would like to go out sometime. I don’t know why because we just met, and I don’t even know if you are seeing anyone or not, and you just seem interesting and I’d like to get to know you better. And you’re not saying anything, so I’m just going to stop talking now.” He bowed his head so as to not look at me, but I could see the tips of his ears turning red from embarrassment, and I smiled at his rambling straightforwardness.
“Spencer Reid,” I said, and he looked at me, his eyes hopefully but wary. “I would love to go out with you.” I grinned at him, and his eyes lit up bright, and I knew that was something I wanted to see happen every day for the rest of my life.
Spencer and I had an amazing first date, which was followed by many more after that. I soon met his mother and he met mine. Our friends became friends through dinners and game nights we hosted. He eventually moved into my house with me where it became our home.
And it was a couple years later - on an Autumn day just like the one I met him on - that we went back to our favorite cafe, ordered our customary drink, and that he asked me to marry him. With no hesitation on my part, I said yes, and within a month we became Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid at the county courthouse.
It’s strange how life works. The day I met Spencer, I left my house and had no idea that I would be meeting a person who would become such an integral part of myself. But it happened right there on a brisk fall day in the middle of a small town in Virginia, and I’ve never been happier.
And that’s it. Sorry it’s so short, I have no been in a writing mood as of late, and I’ve just not had the inspiration for much. I’m blaming the doldrums of the pandemic.
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callboxkat · 4 years
Second Chances: Virgil’s No Good, Awful, Very Bad Week
Author’s note: Thank you everyone for your patience on this! I’m so sorry I didn’t get this out as quickly as I intended. I hope you enjoy it :)
Summary: Things had really begun to snowball for Virgil in the past week or so. And he was reaching his breaking point. 
It had started with those stupid nails.
Warnings: Food mentions, rude customers, arguing
Word Count: 4735
Second Chances Masterpost!
Writing Masterpost!
Virgil had been having a time of it lately. Seemingly everything that could possibly wrong was going wrong, and he desperately needed a me day. He was going to lose it, at this rate.
His new coworker had finally settled in enough to start being actually helpful, rather than slowing everything down and doubling the number of irate customers Virgil had to juggle, and had maybe turned out to actually not be a jerk, and things had been looking up. But of course, Virgil’s life couldn’t have that, and here he was. Things had really begun to snowball in the past week or so. And he was reaching his breaking point.
It had started with those stupid nails.
“Are you freaking kidding me,” Virgil groaned.
There was a nail in his tire. A nail, in his tire. The end of it glinted slightly in the weak sunlight, the rest completely embedded in the tire of his car.
He’d had a feeling about what he’d fine, as the low pressure warning had come on and he’d pulled onto the side of the road, although he’d hoped otherwise. This was the third time this had happened in as many months. Virgil swore someone was seeding his driveway with them.
“Great. Just great.” Virgil fished his phone out of his pocket, glanced at the time—he was definitely going to be late for work, since he wasn’t about to let his car sit in the parking lot and leak air from the tire all morning—and dialed Thomas’s number. Apparently, he and Roman would get to start today’s shift alone.
Rain began to fall, pattering the street. Even more perfect. Virgil cast one more glare at the offending tire before he got back in his car. He slammed the door just as the line picked up.
“Hey T, uh… were you going to go in today?”
“I wasn’t,” Thomas admitted. “Why, do you need me to?”
“Well, I was on my way to the café, but you’ll never guess what I just found in my tire.”
There was a sympathetic groan on the other end of the line. “Oh, no.”
“But you just got that fixed.”
“…Are you sure it’s not just a pebble?”
Virgil laughed. “Thomas, I think I know how to tell a nail head from a pebble. If I didn’t before, I sure should now.”
“That’s true.”
“So, uh, hopefully I shouldn’t be too long, but….”
“No, don’t worry about it. Do what you’ve got to do. I’ll go make sure Roman’s not by himself.”
“Yeah. Um, tell Princey I said hi, I guess. And that if he messes anything up while I’m gone, I’m gonna take his name tag and make him wear my Myrtle one.”
“…You don’t have a Myrtle nametag?”
“I’ll make one, then.”
Thomas snorted. “Alright.” He knew Virgil was joking. Which he was. Mostly.
Getting a nail in his tire sucked; but of course, it if were only the nail that he had to deal with, it wouldn’t have been so bad. Virgil could handle a minor inconvenience. A few minor inconveniences. But things only got worse from there.
“Medium chai latte with two cherries,” the woman standing in front of the register said, not looking up from her phone.
“Sure,” Virgil said. They typed in the order, then told her the price. The cherries seemed a little odd, as did the specific request for exactly two of them, but they’d put together some pretty strange orders. And it wasn’t exactly difficult to throw in a couple of cherries. It wasn’t a very expensive drink.
The woman frowned anyway and finally looked up from her phone, clearly unhappy. “But the sign says the chai latte is only—"
THUMP! The loud interruption was accompanied by a gasp and a splash. Virgil spun around, their heart immediately racing. There was a yelp from the side—probably Roman.
“Oh, goodness gracious,” Thomas sighed, one hand on the counter, looking down at the mess he’d made. He’d dropped a gallon of milk—which had been nearly full, from the look of it, and which either hadn’t had a cap, or had lost it when the jug fell, hitting the ground hard. It had, of course, tipped onto its side. Now, milk was spreading across the floor, and there were splashes of it across the bottom of the cabinets and their clothes.
Roman, the only one of the three spared from the splatter, quickly set down the pair of drinks he’d just finished before he could drop them. A bit of coffee dripped down the side of one of the cups. His eyes were wide as he looked from the splattered milk on the floor, to Thomas by the counter, to Virgil at the register.
Virgil also took a second to take in the scene, then noticed the damp feeling at the ankles of their leggings. They looked down, and their still frantic heart managed to sink as they took in their skirt. It was new, ankle length, with beading and embroidered skulls. They’d worn it with a stylishly ripped long sleeve shirt under their uniform shirt, as well as a studded choker with a dangling storm cloud pendant, which had been a birthday gift from Thomas. They were also wearing a they/them pin that they’d gotten from Roman, who’d shown up one day with a set of three pins, looking both very nervous and very pleased with himself. Virgil had still been able to see where the clearance sticker had been torn off—not that they were judging saving a little money. Virgil was 100% sure that the gift was Roman’s attempt to help himself, since apparently the name tags were too subtle. Virgil thought it was kind of hilarious—and maybe a little sweet (maybe)—so they wore the pins.
They had loved the look, minus the Sanders Café shirt; and wearing it had really brightened having to go to work so early in the morning; but now the ensemble was rather soured by the milk dripping from the skirt’s hem and splashed across their shoes. They stepped back to avoid the spreading puddle, as if it mattered at that point.
“Huh,” they said, still trying to get their heart rate to calm down.
Thomas sighed as if in agreement. A few people in line either groaned or snickered, depending on how impatient they were feeling on that particular day, but most weren’t that rude. One person whispered to their friend, “Should we go somewhere else?”
Roman, meanwhile, looked like he was waiting for someone to start yelling. He was eyeing the closet where the cleaning supplies were, but he couldn’t get to it without marching through the milk, and he was visibly hesitating. Probably didn’t want to ruin his shoes. Virgil might have been annoyed, but Roman was the only one who hadn’t already gotten milk on them, so they couldn’t really blame him.
Their gaze drifted to Thomas’s hand on the counter, and how much weight he was putting on it, and the fact that Thomas had also made no move to clean up the spill.
“I’ve got this,” Virgil said, leaving the register and the crowd behind it. A soccer mom who was waiting for her drink made a snide comment about professionalism. Virgil decided her drink was getting made last.
“Thanks,” Thomas said. He watched as Virgil righted the jug and picked it up. The side of the jug had cracked, and they quickly moved to hold the jug at an angle to avoid too much more spilling—not that there was all that much left. It continued to drip as they carried it to the sink and set it down. Then, they went to get a mop. Thomas was feigning casualness as Virgil went, clearly preferring to look a bit like a jerk than anything else in front of the customers, who probably assumed he was just a manager taking advantage of the lower ranking employee by forcing them to clean up his mess. Virgil wasn’t going to do anything to ruin that image if that was the one he preferred, although they did keep an eye on Thomas as they started to clean up the spill.
Roman slowly turned back to what he’d been doing, wiping off the side of one of the drinks and sliding the both towards the waiting crowd. He grabbed one of the café’s popular double chocolate cheesecake slices, put it on a plate, and added it to the grouping on the counter before calling the customers’ names.
After a few seconds, Thomas straightened and walked to the register, and sat down on the stool. Chatter resumed a more usual tone in the café, although Virgil did notice a few people taking pictures of the spill.
Thomas smiled brightly at Ms. Chai Latte with Two Cherries. “Sorry about the wait! Let’s see, one chai latte, with two added cherries. That’ll be—”
The woman was already waving her credit card in his direction. “I know, I know. Here.”
Finally, the spill was cleaned up, and Virgil went to put away the mop. They snagged a bag of chips from the display and tossed them to Thomas on their way. And for the rest of their shift, they desperately tried to ignore the milk still stubbornly set into their skirt and leggings.
“Sorry,” Virgil said dully, not actually sorry at all, “Would you mind repeating that again?”
The young man grinned and repeated his very, very long order, speaking fast in a way that could only be on purpose. Virgil was pretty sure the order was different this time than the first. They cast a glance at the camera phone the guy was holding up, which was recording the entire thing, as if this was somehow the thrilling content the entire internet was looking for.
“One more time,” they said. “Please,” they added, because their boss would want them to.
The guy chuckled. “A little slow, huh…” he squinted at their shirt “…Alex, are we?”
Virgil only blinked at him.
He repeated the order. He definitely changed it again, but at least he slowed down this time. Slightly. Virgil typed it in, flashed a customer-service smile that didn’t reach their eyes, and went to make the order, taking a copy of the receipt. Roman was technically meant to fill the orders, but no one else was in the café besides a pair of teens waiting for their drinks. And based on the look the other barista cast Virgil, he had no idea where to start with this guy’s order anyway, even if he wasn’t already busy. Everything the man had ordered was ridiculous and often contradictory, like an “americano” with milk and whipped cream, to start. Most of the drinks had about ten customizations each that made their drinkability questionable at best. The order was rounded out by two relatively normal cappuccinos, identical except that one was decaf, and three-quarters of a cookie (he was being charged for the full cookie). It wasn’t a cheap bill, but that didn’t seem to be a concern.
The man filmed Virgil work, making dumb comments and laughing, and calling out various things that he thought that the barista had forgotten even though they hadn’t, or saying that they hadn’t added enough sprinkles or cherries or syrup, or whatever he could think of. Virgil only checked the receipt and kept going.
When the customer clearly didn’t get the reaction he wanted from any of that nonsense, he instead started berating Virgil’s appearance, saying he hadn’t known he was at some kind of freak raccoon zoo.
Roman looked annoyed at that and opened his mouth to respond, but Virgil shook their head. “Don’t, Princey,” they said in a low voice.
Roman hadn’t looked happy, but he had dropped it, instead heading over to the register, so that he could help the newly arriving customers who would otherwise be stuck waiting.
Finally, the monstrous order was done, and Virgil placed each cup on a tray. Two trays, actually. The drinks didn’t all fit on one. They set the dumb three-quarters cookie the customer had ordered on top of the lid of one of the cups.
“Which one’s the full caff cappuccino?” he asked. “You know, with—”
He went on to list all of the specifications it had, which Virgil tuned out because they didn’t care. They calmly pointed at one of the cups.
The guy grinned, took that drink off of the tray, and set it to the side. Then he did his best to fit everything else on one tray, putting his phone in a chest pocket so he could keep filming. He wasn’t going to win any awards for cinematography. Maybe he didn’t have any friends to film for him. It wouldn’t be a surprise.
The man picked up his overflowing tray of drinks, and then he dumped the entire thing in the trash.
Some of the drinks hit the edges of the trash can’s opening, spilling over the sides; but most of the man’s order ended up firmly in the trash. Everything Virgil had spent the past… he didn’t even know how long putting together. The two teenagers in the cafe looked up from their table, their jaws falling open like they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
Roman looked even more horrified, but as angry as they were, Virgil simply blinked and turned to the drink the guy had set aside. “Oh, wait. Yeah. Sorry, that one’s actually the decaf.”
The wannabe internet star, who’d been watching their reactions smugly, paused. His face went blank with surprise, then contorted in rage. He turned off his camera phone and stormed out of the café without his drink.
Virgil counted to five, to reset, and let out a long, weary sigh. There weren’t many customers who were that horrible, but they were always a pain to deal with on the rare occasion they did show up. They turned to the small line that had collected during the show, held up by how long the one pointless order had taken. “If you all wouldn’t mind, please use the trash can on the other side of the café until further notice.” They pointed at the other trash can. They’d clean up the other once the line was gone, or make Roman do it.
Speaking of Roman, the other barista was still staring at the trashcan full of wasted drinks. Probably his first encounter with someone like that.
“Next customer,” Virgil called.
“He didn’t even… try any of them,” Roman said quietly. He looked down at the solitary, ridiculous drink left on the counter, and picked it up.
Virgil sighed. “Yeah. He was just here to make a mess for views, or whatever. Don’t worry about it. You can just throw that one away, too—we can’t sell it; and I doubt he’s coming back.” They turned and smiled at the customer before them. “So sorry about the wait. What can I get for you?”
They focused on taking the customer’s order, then turned to Roman, only to see that he hadn’t moved, still standing with the abandoned drink. He looked angry.
“I’m taking my break,” Roman said. Still holding the drink, he left the prep area, walking stiffly towards the back of the café.
Virgil watched him go, shrugged, and went to make the order herself. She handed the drink off, then paused to switch the pins on her shirt before heading back to the register.
Some time later, once the café’s line was empty and the trash can had been cleaned up, Virgil walked to the break room and leaned on the doorframe. Roman was in there, sitting on the sofa, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and looking at the floor. The drink he’d taken from the counter sat on a table, half finished.
“You drank it?”
“It was the most normal drink he ordered,” Roman said, not looking up. “And he barely touched it.”
“Yeah, but… it’s decaf.”
Roman huffed, but he didn’t actually seem amused.
“What’s up, Princey?”
Roman shook his head.
“Come on, humor me. I don’t have time to needle it out of you. Someone’s supposed to be out front.”
Roman shook his head, glanced at Virgil, and looked away again. “It’s just a big waste, okay? What that guy did. I don’t—” He shook his head. “People shouldn’t do that.”
“No,” Virgil agreed, still confused about why a few drinks mattered so much to Roman. He wasn’t the one to waste so much time putting them together, and the guy had paid for them. “They shouldn’t.”
Roman took in a shaky breath and sat up, still looking away. “Sorry, just… go back out front. I’ll join you in a second.”
“…Okay.” Virgil hesitated, glancing him up and down, but she did leave.
Roman came back soon after, but he kept acting weird for the rest of their shift.
When she got home that afternoon, Virgil wanted nothing more than to take a long nap and watch some bad television, but someone had backed into her mailbox, and she got to deal with that instead.
The next day, the fridge died.  
The freaking. Fridge. Died. They had just gotten a milk delivery!
Virgil and Thomas were stuck with a dead fridge and a crowd of customers who weren’t exactly going to leave and give them space to figure out what to do. At least they knew roughly when it had stopped working, since Virgil had checked it when he got to the café, and they’d noticed something was wrong soon after.
Thomas went to the back to make some calls about getting the fridge fixed, and Virgil went on as normal, since they had some time before this really became a problem.
He tried not to think about it too much—at least, not until Thomas returned, looking annoyed and exasperated.
“Tomorrow,” he said. “That’s the earliest they can come look at it.”
“Everything will go bad way before then,” Virgil pointed out, arching an eyebrow. “The milk.”
“So? What are we going to do?”
“Bradley told me we could figure that out. He doesn’t care.”
“Um, okay, well….”
Thomas shrugged. “Clearance sale?”
They ended up selling everything that required refrigeration for half of the regular price. Some of the less popular items, or items they had a lot of, were even further discounted. The first few customers to find this out were simply pleasantly surprised to hear the prices. Some of them added more to their orders, since they might as well.
And then, news spread, which created a new problem. Soon, the line was out the door, the café filled with customers clamoring for their discount coffee and pastry fix.
This rush, naturally, created more problems. Many of the customers seemed to be under the impression that everything was half price, and Virgil had the joyous task of dealing with many customers who were angry that their plain black coffee or chocolate chip cookies were full price, and who were unimpressed by Virgil’s suggestion that they make their americano a cappuccino or a latte if they were that set on paying less.
Thomas and Virgil were pushing out orders as fast as they could, and still it seemed like half the shop was filled with people clamoring to get their orders filled.
Mass hysteria rose when the café ran out of the popular double chocolate cheesecake. Virgil was beginning to contemplate simply closing the café for the day, cutting their losses, and hoping he wouldn’t get fired for doing so. Possibly the only reason he didn’t do that was remembering Roman’s reaction to a few (well… relatively few) drinks getting thrown away.
At one point, Thomas pulled Virgil aside. “I might need to go home,” he very reluctantly admitted. “This is… a lot. Would that be okay? I don’t want to leave you alone with all this.”
Virgil bit his lip. “Okay. Just… hold on a minute. Stay on the register. I’ll see if anyone else can come.”
Virgil pulled out his phone (which he was allowed to have in his apron pocket, at least as far as he cared) and stepped away from the crowded front of the café, retreating to the back room. He tapped his painted nails against the black, purple-rhinestone-studded phone case, thinking. Talyn and Joan would both be in class, so they weren’t an option. And he didn’t like most of the other baristas. Really, there was only one option.
Virgil selected Roman’s contact, and waited. He’d have preferred to just text—he hated phone calls—but he couldn’t be sure that a text would get Roman’s attention; and that cheap phone of his probably took forever to type on, anyway.
“Hey, Virgil,” Roman said. “What’s up? It’s my day off, isn’t it?” There was a shuffling noise, like he was scrambling to check that he hadn’t gotten the date wrong.
“Yeah—yeah, I know it is. Sorry, but, uh… we kind of have an emergency going on here, and we really need you to come in if you can. The fridge died this morning, so Thomas and I are trying to sell everything we can before it goes bad, and it’s getting crazy. And he’s not feeling well, so it’d just be me here… and—and it won’t like you’ll be losing your day off this week, since I doubt we’ll be able to open tomorrow with no fridge or supplies or anything. It’ll only be a couple of hours.” After that, they’d have to throw everything out.
Roman paused.
“Wow, you must really be desperate if you’re saying ‘please’.”
Virgil scoffed, but before he could say anything, Roman continued, “Yeah, of course I’ll come in. One sec, I’ll see if I can get a ride.” Roman seemed to freeze, as if he’d misspoken “Uhh—my car’s—it’s in the shop.”
“…Yeah, sure.” That was an obvious lie, but it was neither any of his business nor anything he particularly cared about, especially at that moment. Virgil heard a scuffing noise, then footsteps, then a muffled conversation. Virgil paced the back room impatiently.
“Alright, I’m on my way. Give me like ten minutes, maybe fifteen.”
Virgil heaved a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”
He went out to tell Thomas, who agreed to stay until Roman arrived, although he wasn’t sure how helpful he’d be.
And then a disgruntled guest threw a drink, because apparently it was taking too long to get their wife’s order. Virgil was really going to need a self-care day after the week he was having. Or two. Or ten.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to leave,” Thomas said from the register, looking unimpressed with the display.
“Sure, ma’am, whatever you say,” the customer said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Thomas frowned.
“Bye,” Virgil said pointedly.
Both customers looked annoyed, but thankfully, they did leave. The next several customers were overly nice, as if trying to make up for them. Virgil was not opposed to that, or to the substantial tips a few of them left.
Just under fifteen minutes later, Roman arrived. Another young man came in with him. Virgil assumed that he was a customer at first, but he looked around the café, grinning, chatting with Roman in a clearly familiar way.
“Wow, Roman,” Virgil heard, “is it always this busy?”
Roman laughed. “No, Pat. This is a little… unusual.”
“Oh, that’s good. It looks like a Black Friday sale in here.”
“That’s accurate,” Thomas commented, looking amused, as they came closer. He was sitting on the stool from the register, no longer taking orders—Virgil had been doing that for a while now. He started to get up, leaning on the counter to talk to Roman. “Thanks for coming in. Virge and I really appreciate it.”
Roman waved him off. “It’s fine, I wasn’t doing anything.”
“Still, thanks,” Thomas repeated. He waved at Virgil, then left the prep area, starting to untie the knot of his apron.
Virgil set down another cluster of drinks and pastries, and called the names on the orders even as hands appeared from the crowd to snatch them. Hopefully they were the right people, but if not, well… not his problem. “Who’s this?” Virgil asked, coming closer to Roman.
“Oh, Virgil, this is Patton. He gave me a ride. He’s, uh….”
“I’m his roommate,” Patton said, smiling. “And a friend.”
“Yeah,” said Roman. “Thanks, Pat. You can go home if you want.”
“Okay. Just text me when I should pick you up!” He smiled at Virgil, then glanced around at the crowded café. “Well, I won’t keep you, but it’s nice to meet you, kiddo.”
“Nice to meet you,” Virgil agreed.
The young man hugged Roman before he left, and then the baristas turned to face the mob.
By the time their clock ran out, very little was left to throw away. Still, Virgil could tell it pained Roman when they had to announce to everyone that the café was closing, and even more so when they threw out what was left. There wasn’t much to do about it, though, which Roman understood.
After their disaster of a morning came to a close, Virgil threw his apron at the hook on the wall in the wall. He missed, and the apron fell to the ground. “At least we get tomorrow off, right?” he sighed.
(Of course, this was before he knew that Bradley would ask him to be there when the repair worker came to look at the fridge)
Virgil watched a movie in bed that afternoon, but she burned her popcorn, which happened to be the last in the box; and she wasn’t exactly willing to go out and buy a new one at that moment. And the neighbor’s kids seemed to be having some kind of screaming competition.
She wasn’t having a great week.
The next afternoon, after dealing with the fridge situation at the café, Virgil finally got to go home and properly relax. No more nails in his tires, no more angry or entitled customers, and no more neighbors backing into his mailbox.
He had barely closed the front door before he was kicking off his shoes and yanking off his Sanders Café shirt (Why had he worn it, when the café wasn’t even open? The best he could figure was some kind of horrible autopilot.) He put his head back and let out a cry of pent-up frustration.
The week was over. It was finally time for some self-care, before he lost it completely.
He put on his softest pajama pants and was about to flop on the couch to watch The Office when the doorbell rang. He would have ignored it, but it rang again. Virgil threw a pillow in the door’s direction. It fell to the floor. The doorbell rang again.
Reluctantly, Virgil got up and went to answer it, and give whoever stood there a piece of his mind. “What,” he groaned, only to cut himself off when he saw who stood there. “…Oh. Hi, Thomas.”
“Hi,” Thomas said. He held up a case in one hand and smiled. “I brought drinks.”
Strawberry lemonade—Virgil’s favorite.
Virgil leaned on the doorframe and looked at Thomas appraisingly. “…You like The Office, right?” he asked.
Thomas laughed. “Storm Cloud, I introduced you to The Office.”
“Hm.” Virgil stepped back to let him in, cracking a grin. “Fair point.”
They watched a few too many episodes of The Office before Thomas went home, and by then, Virgil was feeling a lot better. Still, once he was alone, Virgil treated himself to a nice soak in the tub (in swim trunks and t-shirt) with a wine glass full of his finest purple Gatorade. He even set out candles (the battery-powered kind), put on some relaxing music, and used a swirling galaxy bath bomb that he’d been saving. A book Thomas had recommended sat on a little table by the tub, along with his cellphone in case it didn’t turn out as to be as good as his friend claimed.
Once everything was ready, Virgil sank into the bath, Gatorade in hand, surrounded by a swirling galaxy, ready to let the stress melt away
It was a nice way to end a very, very sucky week.
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three years pt 2
read it here or on my Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/nolongerironicteen/works or read my other works too 
You put your car in park and sighed. Finally, you were home after longer than you wanted to admit. But you were happy nonetheless. Which meant you were finally going to address the elephant in the room with Neji. Instead of texting till three am you could finally discuss what you were. You looked at your parents' house in front of you as you got out of the car.
    “(Y/N)!” your mom called from the open kitchen window.
You smiled wide and you trekked up the driveway. The house was quiet save your mom’s washing in the kitchen. You found your way in there and gave her a huge hug.
    “Where’s dad?”
    “In the backyard, he’s doing some gardening and collecting the vegetables for me. You can go see.”
You figured unpacking your car can wait for later. You wanted to go see your dad. You kissed your mom on the cheek before going outside. You were thrown through a loop to not see your dad, but see your friends all there.
    “Welcome home!” they shouted.
You doubled back smiling before rushing to hug them all. You were overwhelmed. You might have only seen them like two weeks ago you were happy to be home. Even if it was only a little while.
    “We missed you.” Naruto laughed pulling you in for another hug.
    “We saw her like a week ago?” Sai replied, confused.
You ruffled Sai’s hair when a set of arms wrapped around your middle. You tensed up before smelling the familiar smell of cigarettes.
    “For?” Shikamaru asked.
    “Dating my keyboard player. Smoking. Or where you spending time with Azuma seeing your godchild?”
    “The latter.”
You rolled your eyes and he let you go but not without rubbing his cheek to yours and pulling away. You huffed and backed away. You didn’t get far before bumping into something cold. A set of hands-on the back of your elbows.
    “You got a tattoo?”
You spun around and checked out the inside of your elbow blushing.
    “I uh yeah. I have four actually.”
He looked impressed. Not deterred, he grabbed your arm and saw the grl pwr tattoo on the inside of your elbow. You and Temari have matching ones since you two were two women who basically front a band. You have three others. You have a paper airplane on the back of your shoulder, a galaxy piece on your side, and on your thigh, there was a storm cloud that under a UV or blacklight made the lighting bolt shine. Neji smiled at you. You heard someone gag behind you. You had the vaguest feeling it was Kiba. You turned around and pulled your eye and stuck your tongue at him. He hugged you and you laughed.
You spent the afternoon with your friends and parents until you were nearly falling asleep where you sat. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you let yourself relax against Neji. The night grew colder and the party moved inside. It quickly became a quiet night after that, movies and drinks and crashing on the couch. Well you crashed on the couch everyone else went home to Shikamaru’s to get their car or ride home. Neji once everyone was ready to go brought you to your bedroom and kissed you goodnight before leaving.
    “Are you going to ask her?” Lee asked.
    “Ask her what?” Sai asked guiding Ino to Shikamaru’s.
     “Ask (Y/N) out properly.”
Neji glared at Lee and pulled his jacket closed. He ignored the question which Shikamaru didn’t like. He imposed himself over Neji but Neji was just slightly, only slightly taller. Shikamaru crossed his arms and glared. Which in itself is nerve-inducing.
    “Well, Neji what are your plans with my best friend?”
    “If you must know, I like her. Clearly. So I wish to ask her out.”
    “Hurt her and your ass is mine.”
    “I don’t like you like that at all but I would never, I’m not Koma.”
Shikamaru gave one glare and then nodded. Neji waisted until he looked away to silently release his breath.
    “There’s your answer Lee. Be safe getting back you guys text the group when you all make it back home.” Shikamaru waved before going inside.
Neji gathered Hinata, Naruto, Lee, and TenTen and headed to everyone’s respective homes. He and Lee lived together, Hinata and Naruto lived together, and TenTen lived in the same building at Neji and Lee. Neji didn’t let anyone talk on the car ride back. He didn’t wish to speak about his love life with anyone anymore. Once in the comfort of his own apartment he let his hair down and groaned.
    “Neji- I’m sorry. You guys were just so cozy.”
    “Lee I’m not upset with you. I mean you were just speaking about what you saw.” Neji replied while pulling off his jacket. “She’s back for a year while some of her bandmates finish school. I have time but no time when I can’t even talk to her about my feelings!” Neji flopped onto the sofa neglecting to take off his shoes.
    “You could talk maybe Guy and Kakashi-sensei.” Lee sat by him.
Neji didn’t hate that idea. It would have been better than talking to his own father. Not that he didn’t want to, but he didn’t think his dad could help. His mom made the first move on his dad. But with Guy-sensei it was an accident with him and Kakashi but probably better advice than his father so maybe Lee was onto something there.
       menace to sobriety
the boulder
    Neji and I are home.
    As am I.
    Naruto and me too.
    Kiba is drunk on the floor of his house crying to Akimaru about the boy in facepaint?
fur culture
pencil ****
    Ino and Sakura are trying to dye their hair.
*eye roll*
    They’re getting along?
pencil ***
    sauske isn’t here to fight over. i'm on watch duty..
omnipotent friend
    dont let them make bad choices they’ll regret in like 5 minutes.
*eye roll*
     or you could.
omnipotent friend
    ill remove you
*eye roll*
    not ur chat
        fur culture changed the admin to omnipotent friend
*eye roll*
    im in danger
The chat died down after that and you fell back asleep. Neji laughed. This chat has bounced admin to admin and the nicknames change often enough to keep anyone entertained. Neji himself got ready for bed. Rock Lee stayed up a bit longer than him to do some work for his up-and-coming school week. He was student teaching this week.
The next morning everyone woke to a few changes in the group chat. You changed a few nicknames and the title
       the void calls me forth
    (y/n)! how dare you call me a gremlin.
void keeper
    bc im not kiba and you will not bully me
pretty boy
    im pretty?
    i like this more.
fur culture
    I deserve this honestly. All though these were good changes. neji is pretty, sai clever pun and shikamaru deserved it. you should have been this admin from the start
    we told you that from the start, and two she came up with half the original nicknames
the boulder
    teenagers scare me.
You snorted and walked down the stairs. Kiba just accepted his fate. It was almost perfect. Your mom left you a note about her plans for the day. Your father was there for the day but he was engrossed in work. You ate something quickly and popped your head in to say hello to him. He waved at you and went about your day.
n. hyuuga
    Good morning. Can you meet me at The Blossom for coffee?
    sure. totally. see you in ten?
n. hyuuga
    Yes. Of course. Cannot wait.
You smiled to yourself walking down the stairs. Your mom was gone for the day. You could hear the television on. You popped your head in to see your dad watching a show about rocks. You smiled while he just read in his rocker the noise in the background. You leaned on the frame waiting for him to notice you. It takes him a moment before he looks up from his book and he smiles.
    “What’s up buttercup?”
    “I’m going to get coffee, do you need anything while I’m out?”
He shakes his head no.
    “Go have fun. I’ll see you later.”
You smiled and blew him a kiss. Walking into the kitchen you grabbed your jacket and purse off the coat rack. You slipped your phone into your jacket pocket and started on your walk. The great thing is The Blossom was a five-minute walk from your house. The walk, while short, gave you time to reflect. You thought about Neji. You probably always liked him, it went through phases where you liked him more than a friend, but then Koma happened. That six months of your life where Neji didn’t cross your mind. But now it all seems to be falling into place.
As you approached the cafe, Neji was already there. He looked beautifully aloof. You quietly walked up to him while he scrolled on his phone. His light skin contrasting against his dark hair and the bright red t-shirt and checkered pants to match. You honestly were a mixture of both impressed and intimidated by him. He always looked like he had his life together. You looked down at yourself and how you were dressed. You layered tights under overalls with a baggy sweater on top. You felt like you weren’t dressed well enough to compete with him. He looked up at you and smiled. He gently pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. You weren’t sure what you two were but you were content.
    “This is my treat, come on.”  He smiled opening the door for you, “I picked this place because no one would come here or neither do I think our friends care enough to find us. This place has chai lattes and oat milk which I know are your favorites.”
You smiled, cheeks becoming redder.
    “You remembered?”
    “Of course,” he responded. It’s because I love you. But he didn’t let her know that.
You held onto the crook of his elbow whilst he ordered. He ended up ordering for both of you while you had a small smile on your features. He ordered the chai latte for you and a simple London fog drink. You weren’t expecting that. As if he read your mind.
    “I had a small cup of coffee before I decided to ask you out. Do you want anything else?” he asked.
    “Do you want to split a coffee cake?”
Neji nodded. His eyes lit up like you hung the stars in the sky. You felt very on par with Neji, finally. You and he walked over to a table situated in the corner by the window. It was a kind of chilly morning for how early in September that it was. You rested your head on your hand looking between him and the window before you asked.
    “Don’t you work on Monday? Like a new startup position at a family-owned accounting firm?” You asked, smirking.
Neji smiled at your question crossing his legs and leaning over to rest his head on his hands, thinking for a moment to formulate an answer for you.
    “Yes but technically no. My days got changed because I’m going back to school for my masters so my uncle has me working sparingly.”
    “Your masters? That’s great!” you smiled excitedly.
He looked very bemusingly at you. He offered a hand to you to hold across the table. The two of you shared the cake and drinks in silence. No need to talk currently. The two of you spoke sparingly and worked on individual projects. You worked on songs and he worked on some classwork.
    “Neji. What are we?” you asked.
The keyboard clicking stopped. You felt your body tense. Had you pushed a boundary? He was hesitating and you were getting progressively more anxious. He started wringing his hands, but you quietly waited for him to answer you. Seconds felt like hours to you waiting.
    “I-I knew this was coming but I-” He sighed softly, “I was just trying to feel out how you felt before I spoke to you about me.” Neji explained, “(Y/N) I have liked you probably since I was fifteen. But our lives never seemed to line up. Call it destiny if you will always seem to escape me. I dated, you dated. I got scared of my feelings for you but not anymore I can’t. I don’t want to. I- I want to take care of you, and be with you and support you.” He ended up just muttering to himself.
Your heart clenched watching him. You smiled that he was being honest with you. Even though he was avoiding your eye contact. You reached out to grab his hand to get his attention. He slowly let you coax his hand into yours while you figured out how to respond.
    “Thank you, Neji for being honest with me. I know how you feel. You bore your feelings to me for how you feel. I accept your feelings.” you replied, smiling. “And I- I would love nothing more than this to work out. It would need work. Between music and you being in school again it won’t be easy, and I’m sorry for that. I wish I can be more for you.”
    “You’re perfect enough.” He brought your hand to his lips to kiss. “You are worth the work.”
Kiba was passing by when he stopped and did a double-take. He was convinced that he saw you and Neji but he wasn’t sure.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    r (y/n) and neji on a date?
    why would that be ur concern if they were kiba?
fur culture
    b/c im not being left out of this revelation once it happens like i was when lee came out. also i see them..
Kiba was squinting at the frosted glass window. Neither you nor Neji knew what was going on in that chat; both of you had your phones picked up. Kiba needed to know so he quietly snuck into the cafe and to a booth on the other side of the store from you two. Not that you would have noticed, either way, you and Neji were in your own little world. It looked like a date to Kiba.
       the void calls me forth
        glasses has left the chat
Neji laughed to himself at something you said. He then leaned in to grasp your chin to press a soft kiss to your mouth. Not wanting to push you. Kiba could hardly believe it. He got up and slipped into the bathroom.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    Holy- DUDE
You felt your phone vibrate and Neji felt his too. You both grabbed your phones and checked the messages. His eyes shot up and scanned for Kiba keenly aware. You were confused. You also looked over the messages and glared.
    “He’s here somewhere.” you groaned.
Neji pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at you almost apologetically.
    “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. You grabbed his back and yours and pulled him from the cafe.
    “Don’t be sorry. I know where we can go where no one will find us.”
You and Neji dipped through the streets. He allowed himself to be pulled by you while you brought him to a home. He didn’t recognize this house. You explained it was your grandfather’s home, but he wasn’t home. You had a treehouse in the backyard that you wanted to show him. He was surprised to see this.
    “I know.”
You climbed up the rope ladder and Neji followed closely as you went up. Inside the treehouse, it looked older but sometimes you still come up to be alone or to play music. Neji stood hunched because it was made for you who had never been very tall. He looked around and smiled.
    “Finally.” he groaned.
He grabbed your face softly and kissed you properly. You gasped quietly and he kept one hand on your face and the other on your waist to make sure this was real. You both needed air eventually and he actually started to giggle. You laughed and the two of you spent the afternoon in the early fall air laughing, stealing kisses, and being in each other's presence.
17 notes · View notes
olliedollie1204 · 4 years
everything fits (3/8)- the next day
Single father Patton is utterly devoted to his son Virgil. Recently divorced Logan is utterly devoted to his twin sons Remus and Roman. The pieces come together.
Pairings: Romantic Logicality
Word Count: 4,522
Previous Chapters: 1 2 
woohoo chapter 3! and the last of my ‘mostly pre-written, just needs some final touches’ chapters for this fic lol. this chapter also has the first taglist for this series! if you want to be added to/remove from the taglist, lmk!
(Read it on AO3!)
“And then, Rem, you’ll never believe it— he waved at Logan!” Patton exclaimed, leaning against the counter he was only halfway finished with wiping down.
If anybody else had been his manager, Patton imagined that he would’ve gotten written up for how little work he had done today.
Lucky for him, as the sole founder and proprietor of the Sandman Cafe, Remy Dormer didn’t give a fuck if his best friend since childhood took a break from peddling overpriced coffee to brag about his son.
“No shit?” Remy asked, his eyebrows raised so high they disappeared behind his carefully styled bangs. “Didn’t know Lil’ Hart had it in him.”
Patton grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “I mean it, I’d be late to work every single day if it meant I got to see him smile like that.”
“How late were you?”
Patton pursed his lips. “About an hour,” he admitted. “My supervisor wasn’t too happy, but we were short staffed, so she didn’t write me up or anything.”
Remy sighed. “I can’t wait until you get out of that shithole.”
“It’s really not so bad,” Patton defended, although he didn’t really know why he was bothering. “I mean, I pick up some boxes, I put ‘em in a truck. Rinse and repeat!”
Remy still looked unhappy. “At least when you bartend, you get tips. All you get there is back pain and calluses.” As he spoke, he suddenly jumped up from the stool he was perched on, pushing it over to Patton. “Sit down, Pops.”
Patton snorted. “You’re six months older than me,” he protested, but he did take advantage of getting off his feet for a bit.
“Besides, I like doing hands-on work like that,” Patton continued, speaking in truth. “It makes me feel good about myself. Like I’m doing everything I can to provide for my family.”
Remy snorted. “You sound like such a dad.”
“Well, I am one, aren’t I?” Patton replied. Remy raised his hands in defeat.
“No complaints from me. Virgil’s the best kid I know.”
“And how many kids do you know, exactly?”
Remy waved his hand dismissively. “Unimportant. Point is, you bust your ass for your kid, and I love that about you.”
Patton couldn’t help the ‘aw’ that escaped from his lips. “I love you too, Rem!”
Remy smirked back. “Course ya do, babes,” he replied as he moved to count the money in the register. “I’m a delight.”
Patton laughed, settling back comfortably, letting the familiar banter between the old friends fall away into a companionable silence. 
“It really was a wonderful morning,” he murmured.
“And it’s all thanks to that tall, dark stranger, huh?” Remy teased.
Patton was grateful that Remy’s back was to him, so he couldn’t see the shit-eating grin his friend was definitely giving him right now. “Remy—” 
“I mean, Patty, be real: he was cute, right?”
“Remy!” Patton laughed, feeling himself getting flustered. “It— he— it wasn’t—”
Remy threw his head back in laughter, shoulders shaking.
“Calm down, Papa Bear, don’t have a heart attack.”
Patton didn’t answer, just crossed his arms and tried to not embarrass himself further.
“Besides, if he made Virgil smile, I don’t give a shit what he looked like. He’s a hero in my book,” Remy continued with a tone of finality.
Patton shook his head in wonder, thinking back to the little wave Logan gave him right before Virgil ushered them both out of the office. “I swear, I’ve never seen Virgil so happy to talk to a stranger before.”
He paused.
“Not that I encourage my child to talk to strangers!” he stated a little louder, eyes darting around to reassure any eavesdroppers that there was no need to call Child Protective Services.
“Honey, we’re so dead right now, I’m about to call a mortician to see what’s up,” Remy said flippantly, gesturing to the empty tables and chairs in front of him. “Say whatever the hell you want.”
He wasn’t wrong: at the moment there were only a handful of regulars scattered throughout the trendy cafe, but Patton knew enough about working service industry jobs to know not to be naive. The rhythm of customers ebbed and flowed, and at any moment there could be a rush of business that would keep Patton and Remy busy for hours.
Patton leaned backwards slightly to check on his son. Virgil was sitting in the back room with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones over his head, his sketch pads and crayons scattered on the table before him. Patton watched as he stuck his tongue out, carefully tracing seemingly random shapes onto the paper with a blue crayon before switching to fill them in with a purple one.
Satisfied, Patton turned back to the conversation.
“And you know, when we finally did make it to his class, he wasn’t even worried about being late anymore,” Patton continued. “I mean, he still didn’t say anything to the other kids, just went straight over to Kai, but he was still smiling by the time I had finished explaining everything to Dr. Picani, so…” 
Patton didn’t miss the way Remy paused in counting the money in the register for just a moment, before returning to the task with a forced air.
“Oh, how is the Doc doing?” he asked casually, not making eye contact with his best friend.
“Pretty good, I think,” Patton replied. “We did talk about his recent trip to Hawaii, I think he said it was his honeymoon—”
Patton jumped as Remy dropped the handful of quarters he had been rolling.
“What?” he asked, looking at Patton with such a look of panic that he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
Remy flushed. “Oh, you— you motherfucker—”
He continued to hurl baseless insults at Patton as the two squatted down to pick up the coins.
“Gotta say, Rem,” Patton teased, relishing in the blush that covered his typically unshakeable friend’s face, “You’ve seemed very invested in the goings on of Dr. Picani lately.”
He shifted backwards to sit criss-cross applesauce on the floor behind the counter, resting his hand on his chin and smirking.
“Is there anything you wanna share with the class?”
Remy scoffed, still picking up the coins one by one.
“I’m just… curious about the guy, okay?” he replied defensively. “I mean, Lord knows we never had a teacher who seemed to give a shit about his students, and this guy… does.”
He faltered for a moment, before blustering on, “Whatever. I don’t even know him. I don’t care what he does.”
Remy stood up, dusting off his pants as he continued sorting the money. Patton looked up at him with an expression of barely-contained amusement.
“... So have you picked out the outfit you’re gonna wear when we see him on Monday?” 
Remy scoffed again. “Of course, I’m not an animal.”
Patton heard the bell above the front door ring, and saw Remy’s eyes shift from the register to the door.
“Can you take this one?” he asked, looking down at Patton. “I gotta run to the back for some change.”
He turned and walked away before Patton could answer, leaving him to scramble above the counter just as the customer arrived.
“Welcome to the Sandman, what can I get for ya?” Patton asked chipperly, slipping into his customer service voice with a practiced ease as he slid on a pair of rubber gloves.
He looked up just in time to see the customer’s eyes widen in shock at his sudden appearance.
“Wow, how long have you been hiding back there?” he asked, eyeing Patton up and down.
Patton gave a polite laugh. “Just waiting for you to walk in!”
… Okay. That wasn’t great. Patton had meant ‘you’ in a general way, as in ‘a customer that Patton was getting paid to talk to’ kind of way, but from the way the man’s smile spread, Patton couldn’t help but feel there had been a teensy tiny misunderstanding.
“Well, I hope I’m worth the wait,” he replied smoothly. Patton gave him a tightlipped smile.
“What can I get you?”
Thank gosh, the man didn’t push it, ordering a large iced chai latte to go. Patton busied himself with making the drink, his hands shaking just a little bit. He forced them to stop, taking a deep breath before turning around with a smile plastered on his face.
“That’ll be five bucks even,” he stated, sliding the cup across the counter as the man opened his wallet.
He handed Patton a five, then made a show of placing another five in the tip jar.
“Tip, tip, hooray!” Patton cheered lightly. Remy told him that chant was the dorkiest thing he’d ever heard, and under no circumstances was Patton allowed to utter that phrase within the walls of his chic coffee shop. Patton generally ignored him on that one.
He looked away to place the money in the register, but when his gaze rose he saw the man still standing there, sipping the drink while making… slightly uncomfortable eye contact with Patton.
He paused. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
The man hummed. “A couple things,” he said, loudly swirling the ice in his drink. “Your name, maybe. And your phone number.”
It didn’t sound like a request. Patton felt himself grimace before he smoothed his expression into something more customer friendly.
“I’d prefer not to give out my personal information to a stranger,” he replied, willing his voice to come out clearly despite the tremble he felt in his throat.
The man shrugged. “If we get to know each other, we won’t be strangers.”
He leaned over the counter, dripping tea onto the surface that Patton had just wiped down.
“So what’s a pretty guy like you doing in a place like this?”
And that set off all sorts of alarm bells in Patton’s head. He couldn’t stop the way his face contorted at the man’s tone, his words, his body language, the way he called him ‘pretty’, like he was some kind of— 
Patton shut that thought down immediately.
“Working, actually,” he snapped instead, watching the man’s smile slide off of his face.
“And if you’ll excuse me,” he continued, voice raised a little bit in an attempt to get Remy’s attention, “I need you to get off the counter.”
The man sneered, opening his mouth again, and Patton tensed— 
“He’s right,” Remy announced, coming out of nowhere to lean over the counter and look the man dead in the face. “We sell drinks, not dates. Maybe go get a personality and you won’t have to drop a fiver just to get someone to talk to you.”
The man glowered back in a weak attempt at intimidation, but the glare Remy was leveling him with was not leaving any room for discussion. He scoffed, standing upright and shooting Patton a dirty look before walking away, slamming the door on his way out and causing every patron in the place to jump.
Remy swiped the dishrag from Patton’s apron pocket, wiping away the drips of tea like they personally offended him.
“Fuckin’... I hate assholes like that,” he muttered, not looking at Patton. Patton watched him clench and unclench his jaw for a moment.
“Rem,” Patton said softly, “I’m okay.” He placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder, who leaned into the touch subconsciously.
“Daddy? Remy?”
The two turned to the small voice coming from the back room. Virgil’s head was just barely visible peeking out from behind the door frame, his hood pulled so far over his head he had to lean backwards to see the two men from underneath it.
Patton’s face broke into a genuine smile at the cute sight before he even realized it. “Yeah, kiddo?”
“Um, um, I, um—” Virgil started, twisting his body a little as he stared nervously out into the cafe. He fell silent, gnawing on his lower lip, and looked at Patton with worried eyes.
“Go help your stormcloud, Daddy,” Remy said with his usual flippancy, reaching a hand to Patton’s on his shoulder and squeezing it lightly. “I’ll man the counter.”
Patton squeezed his shoulder in return, and quickly moved to the back room. Upon confirming that Patton was coming to join him, Virgil took a few shuffling steps forward and held his arms out to be picked up.
“Upsy daisy!” Patton said as he reached his son, hoisting Virgil onto his hip as he took them both into the break room. He moved to put Virgil down on the small couch they kept in the back for emergency naps, but Virgil gripped Patton’s shirtsleeves tight and wordlessly shook his head.
“Oh, you want snuggles, kiddo?” Patton asked. Virgil hesitated for a few moments before nodding, burying his head into the crook of Patton’s neck.
“Alrighty then,” Patton said, gingerly sitting on the couch without disrupting his son’s position against his chest. One hand rubbed Virgil’s back slowly yet firmly, while the other pulled down Virgil’s hood to toy with his hair.
“Vibe check, kiddo?”
He felt Virgil breath deeply against his shoulder.
“I, um, I, um— he, he was mean,” Virgil said, his voice muffled through the fabric.
Patton froze, then deflated a little. “You saw me talking to that man, huh, stormcloud?”
Virgil nodded. “He was not nice,” he emphasized. Patton smiled a little.
“I don’t know what kind of person he is, but you’re right. The way he was acting just now was not very nice.”
Patton figured the guy was just as much of a douche in the rest of his life as he was a few minutes ago, but it was important for Virgil to know the difference between ‘doing something bad’ and ‘being a bad person’.
“Well, don’t worry,” he continued, making his voice sound confident. “Remy told him to run away and never, ever come back.”
Virgil pulled back to look up at Patton. “Not even for a hundred years?”
Patton grinned. “Not even for a hundred, hundred years.”
Virgil gasped, eyes widening as he tried to picture a number that big.
“Not even, not even for a hundred, hundred, hundred years?” he asked, jaw dropped.
“Not even for a hundred, hundred, hundred, hundred—” Patton leaned his face closer to Virgil’s, pressing their foreheads together as he finished, “—hundred years!”
The two burst into giggles, Virgil wiggling at the feeling of Patton leaning his head on his. “Daddy!”
Patton laughed, pulling his head back and letting Virgil lean back against his chest.
“Two minutes or five?”
Virgil chewed on his lip as he thought. “Five, please, thank you.”
Patton nodded. “Five minute snuggles, it is.”
As he leaned back into the couch, Patton thought back to the rude customer.
He was attractive, Patton supposed, but his personality was an obvious deal breaker. And if Virgil could tell he was mean without even talking to him? Oh, there was no question in Patton’s mind that he did the right thing by turning him down.
Still, he sighed, curling his arms tighter around his son.
He wasn’t… opposed to the idea of dating. Despite the struggles of his day-to-day life, he was generally happy. He had so much to be happy about! Virgil, and Remy, and his jobs, and the fact that he had come so much farther than he’d ever thought he could. His life wasn’t perfect, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
He just wished he had someone to share that life with. Romantically.
Over the sound of his troubled thoughts, he heard Virgil inhale deeply, shoving his head into his chest and rubbing his little cheek against the fabric of his shirt. Patton grinned, reaching up to brush some of Virgil’s hair back behind his ear.
“Love you, kiddo,” he murmured. Virgil made a muffled sound into his chest that Patton knew was his son returning the sentiment.
He sighed a little, rubbing Virgil’s back in soothing circles. Virgil was his number one, his little stormcloud. As long as he knew Virgil was happy, healthy, and safe, that’s all Patton needed to worry about. Save the dating for later. Hopefully.
“... And out of nowhere, he looked me right in the face and said, ‘Larry, I just can’t with you right now!’”
The jovial man could barely get the words out before breaking into loud laughter. “Logan, when I tell you I almost peed my pants—”
“I’ll have another talk with Remus about referring to his teachers by their last names only,” Logan stated, skimming the pamphlet they had gotten at the meeting.
“Only because I don’t want everyone to start doing it,” Larry replied with what seemed like genuine regret. “Don’t punish the kid for being a comedic genius.”
A banging at the door of the classroom made the two men jump.
“Sorry!” called Dot, entering with two bags of takeout in her arms. “The darn bags are slipping, so unless you guys want to eat your dinner off the floor—”
Larry was already rushing to help his wife. Emile followed her into the classroom, carrying a bottle of Coke and a pack of red solo cups.
“We’re borrowing these from the teacher’s lounge,” he chirped, placing them on the table where Dot and Larry deposited the food.
Larry raised an eyebrow. “Wow, a whole two liter? Emile, you criminal!”
Emile shrugged, smiling innocently as he poured each of them a cup. “What? I didn’t steal anything; they were in the teacher’s lounge, and we’re teachers, so technically—” 
“Technically, we’re trespassing,” Logan interjected as he began sorting through and passing out the food. “Even though Dot has the key to her classroom, the school itself is private property, and therefore should we be caught here after hours by law enforcement, there would most likely be legal repercussions—”
“Fuck cops!” Larry cut Logan off, raising his solo cup in the air with a defiant attitude.
“Fuck cops!” Dot and Emile echoed, the three of them tapping their cups of wine together before downing them like they were doing tequila shots at a college party.
Logan smiled. “I'm glad we're all teaching our children the important lessons.”
“Speaking of teaching children…” Emile said as the four began to dig into their food with gusto, “who’s ready for the meet and greet on Monday?”
His chipper tone of voice was met with three groans, causing his jaw to drop. “Oh, come on, it’s not that bad!”
“I just don’t get why they had to schedule the seminar and the meet and greet on the same darn week!” Dot replied. Larry nodded in agreement.
“And like, what do they even want us to say? It’s only been a couple weeks— I’ve barely gotten to know some of my students!”
“It’s merely the school encouraging us to form more personal connections with the students’ families, in order to ensure more funding from their respective donations,” Logan replied without thinking, much more focused on his burger than the conversation.
“No kidding,” Emile said, scowling at his burrito like it personally offended him. “I just wish we could really get to know our students, and their families, too.”
Visions of a man in a blue polo shirt flashed through Logan’s mind.
“Itinerary check for Monday,” he announced suddenly, flipping open his notebook and turning to the proper page despite his friends’ groans. “The doors to the auditorium open at five. At six, the principal gives the welcome speech and PTA information about the upcoming year, and given how they tend to ramble—”
“More like they just love the sound of their own voice,” Dot muttered.
“We should be ready to begin speed meetings by seven,” Logan finished. “Dot, you’ll have about eight minutes to talk to the guardians of each student. Larry, five, and Emile, unfortunately it looks like you’re down to three and a half minutes per student.”
He pulled out the spreadsheet he had made the night before, sliding it across the table with the math he’d done to get those calculations.
Larry snorted. “Wow, someone had a lot of free time on their hands.”
Logan felt his chest tighten just slightly, but he pushed past it to finish, “If this all goes according to plan, we should be packing up our tables by eight at the latest. Then Emile will be home in time to feed his cats, Dot and Larry will be home in time for The Bachelor, and—”
“And you’ll be home with plenty of time to spare before the good night call,” Emile finished. He smiled softly and reached over to pat Logan’s hand in appreciation. “I’ll help you pack your table when we inevitably aren’t out of there by eight.”
Logan bristled. “Well, that won’t be necessary, since we will be out of there by eight. My timeline clearly shows—”
“Has your timeline factored the amount of chatty PTA parents, shy or stubborn students, and overall incompetence of our administration?” Larry asked blithely, grinning when he made Dot snort behind her solo cup.
Logan’s mouth opened and shut for a moment before he looked back at his spreadsheet.
“It’s not my fault I prioritize punctuality,” he grumbled slightly. Emile laughed, reaching over again to jostle Logan’s arm, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling along.
Dot pulled the spreadsheet closer, peering at it over her glasses. “Wow, you really put a lot of thought into this, L. You think we can really get the whole gym set up in less than twenty minutes?
Logan shrugged. “We’re a highly competent bunch. Not to mention the PTA volunteers will be there to assist.”
“You know, it’s really nice to know there are people who would come in on their day off to put out hundreds of folding chairs before sitting through an hour long assembly,” Larry said. Dot nodded, chewing vigorously and pointing at Larry.
“And the decorations!” she added after swallowing. “I mean, gosh, the streamers, the banners, the snack table—”
At the mention of the snack table, Emile made an appreciative noise. “Oh my goodness, do you remember that babka someone brought in for the last assembly? With the cinnamon?”
Both Larry and Dot nodded enthusiastically. Logan didn’t remember it; he didn’t usually go for the complimentary food brought in by the parent volunteers. He shrugged, eyes back on his food as the others continued to talk.
“Gosh, that was good,” Emile continued. “I want that recipe so bad! Do we remember who brought it in?”
“Hm, not sure. Dee, wasn’t it a kid from your class? That’s why we got first dibs on it.”
“Oh, yeah… was it Virgil?”
Logan froze.
“Yes!” Emile said, snapping and nodding. “Yes, it was Virgil’s daddy— oh gosh, what’s his name…” 
“Patton?” The word slipped out before Logan had even fully processed what he was saying.
The other three looked at him.
“Yes, that’s it,” Dot replied in surprise. “Patton Hart. How did you know that?”
“We met yesterday morning,” Logan replied, eyes on his food again. “I gave him access to the building, and we had a conversation. He was exceedingly pleasant—” 
“Oh!” Emile cut off Logan with a gasp as he whirled on Dot. “Oh, Dot, I can’t believe I forgot— Virgil really came out of his shell yesterday!”
Dot perked up, sitting forward; Logan assumed she must have been Virgil’s teacher the year before. “Really?”
He nodded quickly. “Oh my God, Dot, you should’ve seen it. I mean, Virgil was glowing when he came in!” Emile waved his hands wildly, his excitement for his student shining out of him. “And you’ll never believe this— we were making things out of clay at art time, and when I asked if anyone wanted to talk about their work, he raised his hand!”
Dot gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. “Are you kidding me?” She turned to her husband, batting at his chest. “Larry!”
“Ow, ow, ow, I heard! I heard!” he responded, grabbing for his wife’s hands to stop her from attacking him out of joy.
Emile sat back in his chair. “And Patton, I guess they’d been running late that morning, but he told me Virgil had… gotten a compliment on his hoodie…”
His eyes widened slightly as he shifted to look at Logan; Dot and Larry followed his gaze.
“Wait,” Emile said, voice full of surprise but no less joy, “was that you?”
Logan felt a strange shyness; he shrugged, replying, “I told him I liked his hoodie, yes. I didn’t realize it would have such an impact.”
“How is that even possible?” Dot added. “I mean, he’s the sweetest little thing, but I don’t think he said five words the entire time he was in my class. All he wanted to do was sit at his table all day and draw," she finished, pointing her thumb over her shoulder to the wall of art from her current and past students.
He followed Dot’s gesture to one picture in particular: two stick figures, one short and one tall, holding hands. It was surprisingly well drawn for a kindergarten art project, and although the handwriting was not as clear, he could tell that the large block letters across the page read ‘I Love You Daddy— Love, Virgil'
"Aw," Logan said, feeling himself soften at the evident care Virgil had put into the card. However, another look at the wall the drawing was stuck on revealed a significant difference in Virgil’s card: where his was clearly for his father, every single other card on the wall specifically included the words ‘Happy Mothers’ Day’.
Dot seemed to follow his train of thought just as quickly as he had it, and when he turned to her with a questioning glance she gave him a somewhat sad smile. 
“Virgil’s mother is… no longer in the picture,” Dot finished slowly. “I don’t know all the details—” 
“That’s quite alright,” Logan interjected quickly. The memory of his brief interaction with the Harts was still fresh in his mind, and now he was faced with the prospect of seeing them, seeing Patton, again. The thought filled him with— something. Something good. So he would prefer to not learn the more private details of Patton’s life through second-hand sources.
… Well. There was… one specific detail Logan was, admittedly, curious to know.
“Is there another adult figure in Virgil’s life?” he asked casually. “Patton’s girlfriend, maybe, or— or boyfriend…”
A beat, and then the other three broke into laughter.
“No, boyfriend is definitely right,” Dot eventually answered, giving Logan a knowing smile.
Logan flushed. “Ah, yes. I had… suspected, as much.”
Emile giggled. “I forgot your gaydar is permanently broken, Logan.”
“I’ve only ever had one partner before!” Logan defended, his face growing hotter.
“Same with me and Dot, but our bifi works just fine,” Larry replied smugly. Dot held out her hand and the two high fived without looking at each other.
Logan sighed, collecting his trash from his food and pushing back his chair. “You’re all bullies.”
@patton-cake, @irritating-lady-knight, @i-cant-find-a-good-username
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Coffee or Tea Part 2: Lavender Matcha Tea
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I told myself I’d post this on Monday, but honestly I’ve been so excited by everyone’s responses that I figured I’d post it a day early. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do! Any and all pictures I post are from Unsplash, except for the moodboard from chapter 1 which had been made by the beautiful @willowbleedsonpaper​. 
Also, if you want to be on the tag list but aren’t currently then let me know. 
Coffee or Tea? part 1: chai tea latte
It had been two days since he had seen Y/N and Teddy was starting to get nervous. It wasn’t just any type of nervousness, it was that pit in the middle of your stomach feeling, the one that won’t stop gnawing at you until you’re satisfied, and Teddy hadn’t been satisfied. He was anything BUT satisfied. All these thoughts running through his head “What if it was a one off?” “What if I was just imagining that she was into me?” “What if she stopped working there?” “Was that even her regular shift?” “Should I ask the owner? No that would just be super weird right… especially if she doesn’t want to talk to me… no I’d just look like some stalker…” Still these thoughts didn’t stop him from checking through the window of the cafe for her… just one last time. His bundle of joy, wait she isn’t his he reminded himself, wasn’t there, at least he thought so. A crunching of tree leaves and the reflection of someone standing behind him in the window caused him to turn around. 
“Hi Teddy… Looking for anyone in particular?” She smirked.
Shocked, he could only stand there, watching her with her hip popped out, using it to support a basket that seemed to be carrying pastries, smiling as if she didn’t just scare the crap at him… maybe she didn’t realize she had. “Oh… H-Hi Y/N… Nice to see you here.”
“Well I do work here.” Suddenly looking down as if surprised by her outburst. A bit quieter, she remarked, “But it’s nice to see you too.”
Realizing that she had to go inside, he opened the door for her. And suddenly, as if it were magic, she transformed from a slightly timid woman to a confident and energetic leader. She hopped over to the bar, placing the basket down on the table, before swinging her body over to the other side. Looking to Teddy once again, she motioned for him to wait and stepped to the back, speaking to someone who seemed to be her boss. Then, within a blink of an eye, she was back at the register waiting for Teddy to approach… the ball was in his court now. 
“So… Teddy… what can I get for you today?” She teasingly stated.
Looking at her, he decided to see if he could make his time last. “Well, I’m not sure. I’d figured I’d try something new again.”
“Did you like the drink I gave you last time?” Genuinely concerned that he did not enjoy it.
“Oh no,” he reassured her. “It was amazing. I’m sort of surprised I hadn’t tried it before. I just figured I’d try something else today, expand my taste buds a bit.”
“You know, I’m sort of surprised, my boss says that until the other day, you always ordered the same thing. What was that she called you? Oh… ya… Mr. Earl Grey,” She laughed.
“Um… well who knows maybe I wanted to try something new… or maybe, I wanted to meet this new barista who I’d never seen before.” As he said this, a line began to form and while he really hoped to continue his sentence, he knew the other customers would be bothered by it. “Anyway, I don’t want to hold anyone up, so anything that you can recommend to me?”
Y/N looked pensive, going through every tea she could think of imagining, which one Teddy would like the most… but then again he said he wanted to try something new. “If you want to try something new I’d recommend our Lavender Matcha Tea. It’s a new version that our matcha expert on staff came out with just this morning… Oh and I’d pair it with a lemon poppy seed scone from the basket that I carried in earlier.”
“Lavender… wow I never would have thought of that flavor, but I trust you. I want to ask more but I have a feeling your other customers won’t be happy with me,” He smiled bashfully.
Y/N found the action endearing and couldn’t help but blush in return. “I’m sure I can spare you a couple minutes after I finish making your order to talk some more.”
And off she went. Once again Teddy couldn’t help but observe her movements, they weren’t graceful today… no they were more marked, she seemed a bit on edge yet comfortable. It astonished him how much in control she appeared even with the tenseness she carried in her body. Then, just like the last time, she seemed to appear out of nowhere, with a smile and his order. “
One Lavender Matcha tea with a lemon poppy seed scone.” Placing his order down in front of him, Y/N then hopped over the bar, placing herself on the stool next to him. It seemed as though she had done it thousands of times before. Suddenly, Teddy realized just how close she was, with their knees skimming past one another, almost touching yet not really. Nonetheless, Y/N didn’t seem to notice, so Teddy forced himself not to notice either. 
“So,” looking up at Teddy’s brown eyes in such a way that he imagined her peering into her soul, “what do you want to know Teddy?”
“So many things,” he blurted out. “Sorry… I didn’t mean- um… I think I’m curious about the basket with the pastries. I thought the cafe’s pastries were made in house.”
“Surprisingly, they never were. These are actually from a shop called ‘The Creature Confectionery,’ it’s a family business run by the Lovegoods. I happen to be good friends with their daughter Luna, so when I started working here, she helped me set up an arrangement between her mom and my boss,” She rambled on about how she met Luna when she first arrived in London, the two quickly connecting over their thirst for knowledge. Yet all Teddy could think was “Wow, she’s even more stunning when I talk to her.” 
Five minutes, turned into 10, which then turned into 30. His tea and scone had been devoured long ago, yet neither of them seemed to notice just how much time had passed since Y/N sat down in her stool. At least that was until the next set of customers walked in.
“Ted, mate, there you are,” a voice exclaimed. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Teddy and Y/N turned around to see two men standing side-by-side, who seemed to embody two different sides of the same coin. Y/N realized that the one who spoke was a blonde-haired man she’d recognized from time to time. 
“Oh, Malfoy, Zabini. What are you two doing here?” Teddy seemed confused seeing his two friends in front of him. “I thought we weren’t supposed to meet til later tonight.”
Finally the blonde-haired man’s companion spoke, “Malfoy’s lecture got cancelled, so we figured the three of us plus Parkinson and Greengrass should hang out.”
“Oh, sorry ‘bout that boys. I guess I just got caught up with Y/N here,” Teddy looked down ashamed.
The two men then turned to fully look at Y/N, as if they hadn’t even bothered to pay attention to her until her name fell from Teddy’s lips. Their gazes surprised her, yet she held up her guard, even when they seemed to take in her appearance recognizing her as a barista. Y/N only hoped that no belittling comments came from either of the men yet they never did.
“Nice to meet you, love. I’m Draco Malfoy, and this is Blaise Zabini,” Malfoy held out his hand for Y/N to shake. Once he did, she released her breath, not recognizing that she had held it in the first place.
“It’s nice to meet you both, but… wow… look at the time, I should get back to work,” a timid smile sitting on her face. Before leaving, she turned to Teddy, her voice now quieter than it was earlier, “It was really nice chatting with you. We should do this again sometime.”
The second she disappeared, Teddy turned to his friends and exclaimed, “What the bloody hell was that for?!”
taglist: @willowbleedsonpaper​, @summer-writes​, @obsessedwithrandomthings​, @firewhisky-kisses​, @potterverseimagine​, @in-slytherin-we-trust​, @weasleybees​ 
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xaysnotebook · 4 years
Chapter 1 - Behind Colored Eyes
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“I told you it was pointless to even try to study for that test! It was made to screw over your final grade.”
“I know, but at least we got a passing grade, almost everyone failed besides us.” Alex replied, pacing unevenly. The psychology final was played as the hardest final outside of the math department, and they had been one of the few students to get a passing grade. The only cost of this is that they skipped out on work for a couple days and stayed awake for possibly a little too long. 
“Well, I know you’re hungry, how about that new restaurant down by Semia’s house? It’s some Italian place I think.”
“I would love to, but you know I can't afford it, and I am not asking for money again.” Alex was already in debt because of college, they also had a personal debt to their parents for more than a month of rent and food bills.
“If you say so, you could always dip into your savings again. You need a little bit of a pick-me-up. You could always talk to Sandra.” That last comment made Alex stop in their tracks, their gray eyes almost glazing over with anger. “Alright, that was too far I already know. I’ll leave you alone for a bit.”
“Damn, Jason.” Alex thought out loud, earning him a questioning glance from a couple walking nearby. Jason was good to keep around for simple conversation, but he was definitely able to turn rude quickly. Alex started back towards the apartment, feeling slightly more lonely than before, but nothing they weren't used to. They were a generally lonely person for multiple reasons, but any time they got left, it felt a bit worse.
Alex was a scrawny but tall person, standing at about six foot two while actually standing up straight. They had a mess of blue hair that was starting to fade from being in the sun too often. With a smaller nose and piercing gray eyes, they had been compared to a blue raven before, actually being called Raven by some coworkers and friends. They were also born a male, but had chosen to live by the “they” pronouns when they were around seventeen, being easily passable for both genders and drifting around on what they felt like on a minute to minute basis. Now they were almost twenty-one, and already knew it was going to be another bland birthday, most likely spent with Tasha.
As they walked up to their apartment building, they heard the sound of loud music playing and quickly assumed it was Tasha. However there was a distinct feeling that they were being watched. After glancing about, they noticed a peculiar pair of yellow eyes staring through a set of blinds. For obvious reasons they were taken aback and quickly scurried to the front door of the apartment complex. After going inside, they made a wide path around the strange apartment and got to their own. From the door, it was clear that Tasha was blaring some assortment of rap music, and easily loud enough that they would get a noise complaint later for it. Pushing through the front, Alex found the living room in tatters, the dining room full and random cups leftover, and a clearly hung over Tasha sleeping on the kitchen floor. After turning off the music, Alex walked over to the fridge, nudging Tasha with their foot on the way only to hear a slight grunt. How anyone could sleep with that loud music playing, on a cold floor was beyond Alex, but they knew Tasha was used to it by now. She was in her last semester, graduating with two majors and a minor in only four years, something that would take most people at least eight.
Tasha was the type of person that was born hyper-intelligent, and hated every minute of it. As such, she rebelled by being a straight A student, with an insane party life. She was a chubby Native American girl with long black hair that was almost always braided, bright green eyes, and a large birthmark across her left eye. When Alex had first met her, they had seemed like polar opposites, and almost resented each other. Then they were put as roommates in their first year, and before Christmas break had become best friends, almost inseparable.
“Tasha, wake up, You need to eat something before noon.” Alex whispered as they bent over to shake her awake. “I ate before I drank. I think I’ll live, Alex.” Tasha muttered sleepily, trying to cover herself with aluminum foil.
“Yes, but you also have a test at three to finish your mathematics major, and you need to need to finish your project with Janet.” Janet had made extra sure to yell at Alex before they left campus.
“Ugh, fine,” Tasha said groggily as she rolled over to face Alex, her eyes still blurry from exhaustion, “but only if we can go to the coffee shop. I need my fix!”
“Then let’s go and get your drugs, but you’re buying this time!” Alex said, feeling that all too familiar shift in balance within themself, almost like a subtle knock on the back of their head.
“Two large chai lattes please!” Alex chimed to the barista.
“Seven thirty-four please.” She responded in a monotone manner, “Thank you, name?”
“Alex, and could you put a smiley face under it?” Alex responded hopefully.
“Sure, hon.” She said, a slight smile beginning to creep onto her face.
“Thank you!” Alex beamed. They made their way towards the table that Tasha was sitting at, suddenly remembering that it was supposed to be her turn to pay for the drinks. “Weren’t you supposed to pay this time?” they commented after sitting down. Tasha was staring off absentmindedly, vaguely tracing mathematical equations on the table with her finger. “Hey Spacey! Whatcha thinking about?”
Snapping back to reality, she slyly commented “The probability that they’ll mess up on our lattes yet again. I mean how hard is it to make regular chai lattes?”
“Hey relax! I sweet talked the barista, we should be good for today!” Alex’s definition of “sweet talking” was rather loose, but it always seemed to work out for them.
“Well thank you, you massive flirt.” Tasha chuckled as she eyed him lazily, “You know, you’ve been single since the end of freshman year. Aren’t you lonely?”
“I mean yeah, I’m always yet never lonely. You know how my head works better than anyone else. And besides, why would I need another best friend when I have you?” Alex responded, half heartedly flirting. The two had actually been close to dating once, but had decided against it and to remain best friends. At the point they were at in their friendship, it would either fail miserably or go perfectly, and neither of them were willing to risk everything that they had been through.
“Yeah, but we both know that you..”
“Alex!” Cried the barista, “With two smiley faces!”
“I’ll go grab those for us.” Tasha said as she stood. As she walked away, Alex had a familiar sensation of being watched. Scanning the room, they didn’t notice anyone looking at them besides Tasha as she was walking back.
Then they glanced at the barista. Those same piercing yellow eyes, seeming to attack their very soul. Her eyes suddenly went back to a dull brown color and she shook her head clear, seemingly losing a couple inches of height before going to the next customer in line. “Did you see her eyes?” Alex stammered out while they slightly shook in panic.
Tasha sat down and eyed them curiously, “What? That lady’s? No? Why do you look so scared suddenly?” She peered at him strangely, like an owner looking at a scared puppy.
“I swear, she had bright yellow eyes for a few seconds! Then they were suddenly normal again? You really didn’t see them when you walked up to her?” Alex’s mind was racing at this point, could they be finally breaking apart? They had been warned stability would only last so long, but it has only been a couple years, it was too soon.
“Hey, Alex. Look at me.” Tasha said, grabbing their hand gently, “Is it getting bad again? Do we need to go?” 
“I don’t know, this isn’t how it was last time, not anything like this.” Alex’s voice was getting shaky, they were slowly slipping into a panic attack and were trying their hardest to avoid it as long as they could.
“I know what we saw, that bitch had yellow eyes. You can’t be getting bad again, I saw that.”
Alex shuddered slightly, “Well thank you Jason.” they said, not being sure whether to calm down since they weren’t crazy yet, or panic because a human just had bright yellow, almost snake like eyes.
“What’d he say?” Tasha questioned.
“He saw the eyes too I guess that means either we’re both going crazy, or she actually had yellow eyes.” Alex breathed out heavily, “It could be sleep loss, but that doesn’t usually affect everyone until after days of not sleeping. I’ve only been awake for maybe thirty hours at this point?”
“Okay, home or therapist?”
“Home. Joz is out of town this week for a seminar.” Alex breathed out shakily, still trying to sip coffee that was clearly too hot.
“Then come on, Joz will wait until she's back. And give me your keys, you’re in no state to drive.”
“I’ve driven while worse, but if you insist.” They would have refused to admit it, but they were truly terrified and most likely couldn’t even walk straight, let alone drive home.
After five minutes that seemed to last for an eternity, the two got back to the apartment complex and started heading towards the front door. Tasha glanced over and noticed Alex was watching a specific window very intently, “Why are you watching Ms. Higgans window? Expecting a ghost to come out?” she asked jokingly, attempting to lighten the mood. The only response that Alex provided was a vague murmur about yellow eyes. Tasha had seen Alex during bad breakdowns before, ranging from a light panic attack over tests to a complete meltdown where they had almost jumped out of a window. However, this was a new reaction, Alex was fully conscious but was unable to process much of anything really, almost like a breakdown, but without tears or hyperventilating or yelling or really any bad behaviour. As they walked inside the front door, Alex suddenly stopped directly outside of Ms. Higgans door. “Alex? What’s going on?” As she turned around, she stepped back in fear. Alex’s generally steel gray eyes had turned a deep violet, glowing and pulsating slowly.
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kait4073 · 3 years
As the sun sets around us
Chapter 2
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Tom's POV:
After dropping off Emmi's folder, I started making my way out of the building. I didn't live far off from here and since I had no more meetings till tomorrow, so I started to make my way towards home. The busy streets of Kingston moved around me, but my mind was somewhere else. 'I'm Emmi' the way the dark shadows under her eyes contrasted against her pale skin.  She looked...tired, Like she hasn't slept in ages. Yet at the same time it was like she was a beaming ray of sunshine.
I finally reach my flat and reach in my pocket for my keys. Opening the door I hear little paws rushing towards me.  Then a little blue staffy meets me face to face, and my smile begins to grow. 
" Hey Tess, what are you doing here eh?"
I close the door behind me, bending down to meet her. Petting and kissing her head before moving to the living room. Harry, Haz, Sam, and Tuwaine sitting on the Sofa watching new episodes of Love Island.
" Really Mates! Without me!" Their heads snap towards me In fear and embarresment as if I had caught them wanking or something. Harry was the first to speakthe others not far behind. " SORRY mate we can go back for ya!"
" YEAH!!!" They chimed in.
" thanks mates! So what did I miss!"
I laughed as I made my way to the couch.
Haz looked at me seriously and stated " where do we begin"
Also, what's Tessa down here?" I asked quickly
" ahh right. We're dog sitting for a day or two while mom and day take Paddy to a modeling gig" Harry responds
As the episode is being restarted  I make sure I turned on my notifications, so that if Emmi called I wouldn't miss it. It would be nice to get to know someone new.
Putting my phone down I tuned toward the screen and prepared for what was to come.
" yes, yes. Sorry!" I replied
" Better be, we went back for ya!" Tuwaine responded jokingly.
"Alright, alright. I am paying attention. Now you can press play."
As Sam pressed play I suddenly felt the world outside of the flat sliding away. All that matred was this, me and my mates having a good time.
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
" Bloody hell Haz, you were right about not knowing where to begin." I cried. After the episode we all sat there hurt from who was just sent home.
" I know, he didn't even get a chance. Poor bloke." Harry chimed in solomy,
as you all talked about how badly he was done wrong. Thats when it happend, my phone went off..I know it could have been anyone but I really wanted it to be her. You jumped from you spot on the couch to the wall where it was now charging.
And that's when I read it.
Emmi: Hey Tom, it's Emmi.
Tom: Hey! I was wondering if you were going to message me.  Are we still on for tea?
Emmi: definitely! I need to thank you for today, if you didn't bring that folder I would have lost my roster.
Tom: No need to thank me, lol. Meet you at the school?
Emmi: Out front?
Tom: yup!
Emmi: see ya there
Tom: see ya x
" YES!" I cheered, unable to suppress my excitement,Forgetting I was in a room of people. Their heads turn to me in confusion waiting for an explanation.
" Yes what mate?" Haz ask. My cheeks brighten as I realize they have no idea about anything that happened today.
How am I going to explain this to them with out them forever making fun of me?
" well, you see...I met this girl today."
I stated shyly. I can see smirks making their way onto each of their faces.
" a girl eh. Tommy boy has got himself a girlfriend!" Harry laughs, patting on the back.
" finally mate. It's been ages since you've had a good one." Added Sam with a giggle.
" congrats Tommy boy, you always were a romantic, Love at first sight kinda guy" Haz joked.
" Alright you guys, just because Tommy here got himself a girlfriend, who her just met. Doesn't mean we can go around making fun of him to his face" Tuwaine starts "sternly"
" thank you twaine,but I will have you know that-" I speak before being cut off.
" WE JUST GOTTA DO WHEN HES NOT HERE!" Tuwaine laughs hysterically, the boys followed quickly after.  I knew the boys were joking, that's just how we were with each other. Although I want to actually tell them what's going on, if they can manage to let me speak.  I can feel the anger in me quickly growing.
"WILL YOU LADS SHUT IT! WERE NOT DATING!" I bellowed, red in the face. The room went quiet and the boys all started to stare at me.
" we might be going for tea as a thank you, since I brought her a folder she dropped in the street. I just want to meet someone knew, someone that won't look at me and  think they know because of my name or they watch my movies, and somehow I felt that with her, even if it was only for a few minutes." I ramble.
The boys eyes widening, as they had no idea what to say.
" Tom, we had no idea you felt that way...we're sorry mate!" Haz apologized.
" its alright. Just let me finish what I was saying before you go nuts will ya's?" I laughed. As I made my way off the couch and towards the door, popping my sneakers on. I quickly turned to Tessa who had followed me.
" Hey girl, I'll be back soon. Don't worry "
As I scratched behind her ear and gave her a kiss goodbye.
"I'll see you guys later!" I called out to the lads in the living room, closing the door behind me.
**** **** **** **** **** *** *** *** *** *** ****
The walk back to the school would have been short and sweet, but the argument with the boys made me 20 mins, late.. The brisk London air hitting my face, and making the heat a little more bearable. As I came upon the school tonmy relief I saw still Emmi sitting on the stairs reading a book. Her bag looked less heavy than before and she had no folders with her. I quicked my pace again , and soon I was at the bottom of the stairs.
" Hello again." I said, catching her attention. A smile grew on her face as she saw it was me. " Hey yourself" she laughed. She stated making her way down the stairs while putting her book in her bag, then zipping it.
" Ready?" I asked holding out my hand towards the street.
" Yes sir" she mocked. She followed me to the small Cafe near my flat. It was cozy and quiet inside. You get hit with the warmth from the steam, and the smell from the drinks as soon as you walk in. A smile grew on Emmi's face. 'I knew she would love it here. ' I though to myself
" Oh Tom, this place is wonderful. This is an amazing place to sit and get away from the world and it's chaos, with a book and some tea." Emmi dreamily stated.
I laughed before guiding her to the empty table so she can put her bag down.
" let's order, it's on me since you saved me today!" Emmi laughed.
"What do you want? Before I go go there." Emmi asked
I thought for a second before making my decision.
" Earl Grey, lots of milk, 2 sugar. Please and thank you. " I made sure to thank her since she didn't have to do this and even threw in a smile. I sat at the table while she went to get the drinks. A few moments later she returned with both of our drinks in hand.
" Here you go, Earl Grey with lots of milk and 2 sugar.  You didn't specify size so I got you a medium. I hope that's okay?!" She says shyly. Handing me my drink.
" More than okay, thank you again." I smiled at her.
Taking a sip of her drink, she blushes momentarily.
" So what did you get?" I asked intrigued, leaning closer. She laughed at my actions before sitting back in her chair.
" Vanilla Chai latte, been dying to try on and I thought why not today." She shrugged and I nodded at her answer.
" Okayyy so, how long have you been in Kingston. Your obviously not from here." I asked. I saw all color.drain from her face. But she quickly covored it up. ' Am I missing something?  Did I say something wrong? ' I though beginig to worry I had ruined any chances of being her friend.
" I came here 2 years ago to finish school. I mean if you couldn't tell from this morning I work in a school. I am starting my first year as a full time teacher."  Emmi explains confidentiality.
" Anyways, enough about me. What do you do? Other than acting I mean?" Emmi said changing the subject. ' holy shit, I rarely ever get asked this. '  I thought slightly amazed. A smile grew on my face as I started.
" well I lived with my Mates, and we all have this obsession with Love Island. I know it's dumb but for some reason we just can't get enough. I have a dog named Tessa and she's my baby. I work with my brothers on our Brothers trust stuff. I mean I do a lot now that I think about it. Sorry I am rambling I don't get asked this a lot." I rambled on till I came to my senses. Emmi laughed and shook her head.
" no need to feel embarrassed I find it endearing. And besides I want to know more, Mr. Holland." She smiled
" I like to be able to go out with my Mates and have a drink, with out being followed by paparazzi. Clubs are always fun, and inlove to travel. What about you?" I asked
" well In my free time I love to read and bake. I love to be able to try new things, and go new places. Although with new teacher salary that may take a while." She joked
" Anyways, I am not the most social person, I prefer to keep to myself. Which may explain why in 2 years I still don't have any friends here. " she talked, she began to mumble the last part but I was close enough to still hear her.
" well now that's not exactly all true. You and I ate friends now." I comforted her, holding her hand across the table. She smiled at me. We finished drinking our tea and talked for hours. 
**** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
" which way do you walk home?" I asked  as the night had come to an end.
Emmi turned to me before responding.
" I go left, you?" She asked.
" I got north but I go left till the school. So I can walk you to the school." I offered.
Yeah that's great thanks. As we walked in the dark, we stuck closer together, chatting and laughing some more. Little did I know that the entire time we were being watched and our little hang out was about to bite us in the ass.
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jstmymagination · 3 years
I love the BDB novels and after re-reading some of my favorites this story came to mind. Actually it’s been stuck in my head for a while now so I decided to put it on paper. this is what happens when I’m bored Disclaimer: I am not a professional writer and this is in no way related to the Wardens work so there will be PLENTY of grammatical errors😁 enjoy.
The Scribe Virgins Private Sanctuary
“You can’t let the warrior take him” you have witnessed what goes on at those “training camps” he is just a mere babe. I made a vow with Bloodletter and I intend on honoring it. The child will be trained to be a fighter and protector, he will not be just any soldier. You don’t believe that to be true, for surely if you did I wouldn’t be able to see the sorrow in your eyes every time you look upon your son. Young one you would be wise to guard your tongue with me as you are under MY protection. I know the value you hold but I will not tolerate disobedience. My male young came into the world with a piece of me that I can not take back this you well know. Even at this young age, he is much stronger than any opponent that may dare to cross his path and this includes his sire the Bloodletter. Over time he will become what he is meant to be... Pea looked up without hesitation and asked what’s that? a “Brother”
Pea looked back down at the 2 twin babes they were identical in every way same dark hair with a slight wave at the tips, same diamond eyes that sorta changed color when either of them became frustrated, and the same special glow from their mahmen. I hope that you are correct.
I have made up my mind... I will take my leave from your sanctuary when you deliver the baby Vishous to the Bloodletter. I have been hidden away here long enough and like your babes, I too can take care of myself. Many years have passed since the war has started and I would like to move on. I know now that I am alone and I would like to start life anew.
The Scribe Virgin slowly turned to face the young woman that stood before her. “And what of your duty, to the race and your people?” What will you do when it is time for you to take your place? After a moment Pea simply stated on my honor as the Daughter, only child, and last surviving member of Sir Danger son of Danger highest Princeps of the last founding family. When it is time to take my place I will...without quarrel. So be it then on your honor I will grant you leave. They both knew that she only asked out of respect because if she wanted to go, there is nothing the Scribe Virgin could have done to stop her. Pea was growing stronger and confident by the minute thanks to the Scribe Virgins father. He seemed to have taken a liking to the female. On the evening he delivered her to the Scribe Virgin she couldn’t help but ask him why? Why her? and his response was “she is but one half of the whole”
Present Day Caldwell New York Havers Clinic
Yes ma’am Mrs. Sherman the young looks well. As he moved the instrument around to get a better look at the babe growing in her belly. Havers has been in practice for so long that his Q & A segments with patients were always patterned the same. As long as he didn’t hear any dangerous words he kept the appointments moving along smoothly.
And how has your appetite been now that you moved into your second trimester?? No more nausea... good Any concerns? .... good
We have a while before we can determine the baby's sex as you know these things take time. Seeing as how vampires are pregnant for nearly a year the babies develop all organs at a much slower pace. Well, Mr. & Mrs. Sherman keep up the good work and we will see you back here in 6 weeks. Julie my nurse will take care of you from here. Havers pushed his glasses up on his nose finished his charting and quickly removed himself from the room. After checking in with the nurses' station he went to the next patient which was pre trans male with a broken leg. He never understood the fascination young people had with ATVs and dirt bikes. Why would anyone want to get on a motorized 2 wheeler and ride through the woods? One slight move in the wrong direction and a person instantly became air-born. Anyway, this was his workday one patient after another. Havers is the race's only physician in the Caldwell area, and because of this, his patient load is three times as large. The patients normally start arriving at sundown, they would check in with his nurse Julie then wait to be seen. For the most part, his evenings went pretty smoothly, Julie kept him on a tight schedule. He started the evening by doing his rounds at the clinic. This included following up with any patient that he felt the need to keep overnight. After that he started taking his scheduled appointments for the evening, these could range anywhere from a prenatal appointment to a pre-trans physical. He was normally with a patient for no more than ten minutes then it was on to the next one. However lately he was having an influx of attacked patients come in that needed emergency medical attention. For the past month, Havers was in the OR at least twice per week. Due to the nature of the injury, each time the surgeries were getting more and more invasive. When this happens then his appointments are pushed back or either rescheduled which is something he or Julie liked doing. Particularly because his patients already have a two months wait to be seen in the first place. This is why he recently started doing home visits, mainly for his elderly patients. He didn’t want them to take any chances coming into the office for an appointment and then not being able to be seen because of an emergency. So during his scheduled “lunch break” he would leave the clinic to make his house calls. Havers enjoyed this change in his schedule because it allowed him to leave for a little bit so he could breathe some different air.
Black Dagger Brotherhood Mansion
Lassiter!! I am not watching The Bold and the Beautiful, I don’t care how many times Brooke kisses another man or Ridge falls in love with the new girl. Those two always end up back together. You are correct my dear comrade, Lassiter said to Vishous but isn’t all the drama worth it?! The back and forth, love/ hate... that is what makes us tune in every day. Vishous threw him a sideye and said no it’s what makes YOU tune in. Okay V. Shouldn’t you be getting some R&R for your shift tonight? Shouldn’t you be up top tending to things?? Lassiter sporting a wide grin... shot back yeah I should be but they don’t have WiFi and Roku sticks up there so alas I’m here with you. Just as the theme music was starting....V poured a glass of goose and then walked out. Lassiter smirked and thought to himself sometimes it’s the small victories.
After leaving Lassiter... V passed through the kitchen where the doggen was prepping for the first meal. Looks like someone put in a request for Fritz’s famous French Toast casserole with Maple pecan topping. if V had to guess he would say Rhage that male was born with one heck of an appetite. Not to mention he has the inner beast so it’s kinda like he’s eating for 2? Anyway, the smell of it is always amazing something about pecans, vanilla beans, and maple.. you just can’t go wrong. Once he got down into the tunnel he decided to swing by the MD office suites Jane his Shellen had been in surgery alongside the brotherhood's other private surgeon Manny, who also happened to be V’s twin sister Payne’s Hellren, for 5 hours.
As protectors of the race, they were always in constant battle, and sometimes things got pretty nasty in the field. Last evening one of the recruits got into a nasty pack of evil vampires and although he survived he was shot in his top right femur, his stomach, and took a nasty blade to ribs. The surgery was a success because let’s face it his Shellen and her colleague are pretty godman amazing at what they do.
“Jane”, yes she says as she looks up from her charting with a smile. I stopped by on my way to the pit to see what’s doing? Nothing much Yogi is stable and after he awakes we will have a Chosen come to feed him. V loved to hear his Shellen speak with authority it was the biggest turn-on for him, actually thinking back he heard her voice before he even saw her face. She had been his surgeon when he got shot in the chest and landed in a human hospital, he knew she was meant to be his from the very first moment he heard her voice. After catching up with Jane and kissing her good day. V finally landed in the Pit.. the home he shared with best friend Butch and his wife Marissa. Butch’s bonding scent was thick in the air which only meant one thing. He and Marissa have either just started and we’re close to finishing their mid-morning sexcapade. A male Vampire bonding scent is meant to be a warning to other male vampires that this female is spoken for. After checking the security system at his control center, V checked the time which was after 2 pm he could get in a few more hours of sleep before it was time to start the day.
Que is a full-time manager at the TOP HE4VY boutique in the downtown fashion district of Caldwell. Since he was able to dress, he’s been known for his style and edgy fashion sense. Que took a liking to fashion more than anything else because it allowed him to express his artistic side. So naturally, when the word got out that an exclusive boutique-like Top Heavy was coming to Caldwell he was the first to apply. The interview went nothing like he expected, first of all, he met with the owner, Pea, at Starbucks!... of course she Insisted on him ordering a drink. He ordered Venti Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino with soy milk and whip cream. And she ordered a grande Chai Tea Latte soy no water extra hot. Que remembered everything about their first meeting because Pea had been so easy to talk too and homegirl was dressed to perfection. Lavender Chanel cashmere v neck sweater paired with fitted distressed BKE denim jeans, lavender Louboutins, and of course the ensemble was topped off with a lavender Birkin bag. Not to mention she was a full-figured woman... Pea had the kind of breast that every woman wanted to fill her bra and every man wanted to feel in his bed. She also had been blessed with hips, thighs, and just enough booty to fill in the back pockets of her fitted jeans. He loved everything about her. After she hired him then he recommended Samantha the first-generation full-time college student. Samantha only worked part-time hours due to her school schedule. She picked up shifts between her classes and on weekends. Pea was always very careful not to give her too many hours because she wanted Samantha to know that school was the priority. She also told her if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask. They both knew that when Pea said anything she was referring to money but she respected Samantha enough not to come right out and say it. The three of them had a great work relationship and became friends immediately. They looked up to Pea like a big sister and she embraced it. They became them on little family, so naturally, when she called Que at 7 am and asked if he would mind opening up the boutique in her place this morning, he didn’t give it a second thought. Thank you for shopping with us today Que said to the young lady that purchased the last black moto leather jacket. Nice commission off of that one he thought. $2500 jacket and I get 15% of the sale, I will take it. And when will you be getting in the matching boots for these the young lady asked? I will have to get with my boss and she can call you when they come in? Perfect... May I have your number? Que asked The lady answered quickly... I will just stop back by some time next week no rush. She took the new jacket and left the store. Shortly after that Pea came into work, this was late in the day for her. She normally was an early bird.
Hi guys, how has business been today? Not bad, both Que and Samantha answered in unison. Good, thanks for an opening for me I woke up with a migraine this morning and I couldn’t shake darn thing. If you guys want we can go out for drinks after work or lunch can be on me today... your choice. Both agreed to lunch on the next shift. Samantha was bogged down with term papers that were coming due and Que had already made plans after work. I see we sold the moto jacket I’m happy about that... I thought that thing was gonna be here forever. The lady that purchased also asked about the matching biker boots? Do you think we can get those? I have to check with the manufacturer. We might as well bring the lime green monster out of the stock room and put it on display in the front window. Maybe someone will buy the hideous thing. Samantha went to the back stock room and pick up the lime green and black moto jacket. The colors on the things were so loud that they all referred to it as the Incredible Hulk jacket. Every month her manufacturer sent a “hot item” to all of the buyers as a preview of the next season's trends. When Pea unboxed it her first thoughts were no one on this earth is going to want to purchase a lime green and black rhinestone-studded leather moto jacket. So she just kept it hung up in the back of the stock room. Are you sure you want to hang this in our window? Que asked before he took it from Samantha. Yes, you never know that jacket could be perfect for someone. Later that evening after Pea closed the boutique she headed down to the Nells Social Lounge. It was located off of Trade street which was only minutes from her shop. She liked going to this place for 3 reasons 1. the age limit was 30 and up so she didn’t have to worry about hanging out with children 2. the atmosphere was 90’s ...the music was always a mix of R&B and hip hop..not this new school mess that's streaming everywhere you turn now. And 3. They have the best-fried chicken sandwich In Caldwell. Always hot And crispy with just the right amount of seasoning. It was served on 2 pieces of “light bread” as the owner called it covered with Duke's mayo... a piece of iceberg lettuce and thinly sliced tomato. Just thinking about it made Peas mouth water.
Jace, the bouncer/doorman greeted her as she walked in. Jace had to be about 6ft 4in with a deep voice and muscular build. His eyes were dark brown almost black even and he sported a thick beard, like cotton but he always kept it neatly groomed. Same with his hair which was also long and thick, and always kept in a ponytail braided to the back. He was always polite when Pea was around but you could tell from the look on his face that he wasn’t with the bullshit. Hey young lady... we haven’t seen you in a while. I know... I’ve been trying to keep up with work you know that fashion & time stops for no one. Pea slowly walked into the bar she waved hello to Nell the owner & bartender. I will have Peach Crown in the rocks. Sure thing and would you like for me to put in an order of the usual for ya as well? Yes ma’am. While she was sipping her drink the DJ played The Dream ft. Fabulous - Shawty is a 10. This was his not-so-subtle way of flirting. And just like the clockwork, he arrived on her right side. When are you going to let me take you out? Well hello, you too... I’m sorry. I’m just not ready to date yet. Man, this guy must have done a number on your heart. I promise if you give me a chance I will take better care of it and you too. I am completely flattered but make no mistake I can take of myself. I’ve been doing it for quite some time now. How about this, when if ever I get back around to dating ...DJ AK you will be the first to know. He hesitantly accepted Pea's letdown and slowly retreated to his DJ booth. The sad part is that she could sense he was a great guy with a lot of potentials. Pea had made a habit of NOT using her senses to peek into anyone’s thoughts she always that the whole thing was just too damn intrusive however the guy had been so persistent and a total gentleman so she became curious. Honestly, the only reason she turned him down was for his protection and safety. Even though she looked and played the part of a human well. She knew that there was so much more to her that he could not find out.
After two more drinks, Pea paid the check took her chicken sandwich, and headed home. When she moved to Caldwell instantly she felt at home so the first thing she did was locate a realtor to help her find a fixer-upper on the nice side of town. Pea arrived at her home on Wallace avenue she hit the garage opener pulled her Bentley Bentayga inside and then hit the button again to close the door. Pea got out went up the stairs to the door that let her into her kitchen. After she let herself in the house then changed into her comfy spandex tights and over Sized T-shirt. Then she put the tv on to Food Network, sat down in her favorite chair with her chicken sandwich. There was a Kitchen marathon running which was a perfect way to close out the day.
Tonight I want everyone in pairs of three, it seems that our enemies are traveling in packs now. We will need to do the same. Thorment the has already released the schedules we will patrol starting with the center of town then work our way towards the outskirts. Don’t attempt to a fucking hero if you come across something that looks suspicious. Radio it in and wait on backup. After a couple of other points were made the meeting was over. Lassiter sat in on the meetings it was an unspoken duty of his. He knew that his role was to run point guard between everyone on duty. And with him spotting Devina he needed to be on his toes. He had been trying to locate her ever since the night he saw her in that wedding gown hovering over the bridge. First of all how tacky was the whole act... a wedding dress. Devina in white... Gimmie a fucking break. And after last night's disaster, he felt like she was toying with him. Yogi had been out of training for some time so he knew the proper protocol. He said that everything happens so quickly .. it was like the enemy could read his thoughts. He was in pretty bad shape by the time his help arrived. For some reason, he was in Lassiter's blind spot which again was odd because seeing all and knowing all was kinda his thing. By the time Zadist and Phury made it to him, he has suffered a gunshot and a stabbing. Good thing Manny has the RV in the field full time now because he was able to begin working on Yogi immediately. Lassiter rode in the RV back to the compound and waited on Yogi to come out of surgery before he went to his private sanctuary. He needed to recharge his battery so to speak and he also wanted to check on things up top. Lassiter was by no means hard-ass but he knew the importance of showing his face. Upon arriving he entered his room and headed straight for the shower. After shampooing his hair and scrubbing himself clean he emerges from the shower in his favorite pink feathered robe. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how was going to assist the brotherhood with defeating Devina. He walked over to the stack of journals left to him by his predecessor and picked up the story of Charm. He didn’t particularly care for reading all of this stuff because it was all quite boring and repetitive. Also, let’s face it for the first few journals all the stories ended the same way. The war began and the Omega army wiped out entire first families. Either 1 survived to tell the story or none survived in which case the journal was incomplete ... This part of the job was just downright depressing but it was the history of the brotherhood and how it all came to be. Lassiter thought to himself... what I wouldn’t give for this to be a movie or even a soap opera that way I can just tune it every day. He tossed the journal back on top of the stack and wouldn’t you know it.. the journal didn’t land evenly which cause them all to fall over on the floor. Great!! Another mess for me to clean up. He walked over to the mess and started picking them up and restacking them. When he got down to the bottom of the pile there was a small piece of paper with an address written on it 311 Redd Ave/Fashion District..... Now, why would the Scribe Virgin have this address tucked away? He looked down at the 3 remaining books he had left to stack and wondered which one the address fell out of? Oh well finding this address is worth a trip to the city.... but first, he would need to pay a visit to Brother Vishous to get some plastic capital. After all, angels didn’t need to carry cash around. Lassiter touched back down to the mansion as the sun was setting, time to find the big guy. He knocked on the door to the pit before he entered. Vishous was sitting behind his command center reviewing security footage. Hello.. you are just the man I was looking for. Vishous responded without looking up from the screen, I can assure you that I am most certainly NOT the man you are looking for. Oh come on, I need a favor. Vishous looked up from the screen, you need a favor from me? Yes, that’s correct, I Lassiter need a favor fro you Vishous. If I grant you this “favor” what's in it for me? I will owe you one, one great big-ass favor. Anything of my choice. Lassiter nodded his head as long as it’s within my power ask and it will be yours. Vishous said deal.
Lassiter materialized downtown a few blocks from REDD AVE. This was the entrance into the fashion district a bunch of boutiques and stores that thrived on Haute fashion. This is a place where it was normal to walk past a guy dressed in designer from head to toe. Tom Ford is not just a label but a way of life for this block. Anyway, a few of the shops he approached didn’t have anything that interested him, he could tell just by looking through the windows. He walked to the end of the block then crossed over onto REDD Ave. halfway down the block, Lassiter spotted THE most stunning piece of clothing he had ever seen. It was a half lime green and half black leather MOTO Jacket!! The jacket was accented with black and lime green zippers that were completely covered in black and lime green rhinestone. He immediately looked at the name of the store which was Top He4vy. A store with this kind of unique fashion is something he needed to remember.. and well, well, well what do ya know the address plate on the building is 311 Redd Ave.
Hello, Welcome to Top He4vy Boutique!! I’m Que let me know if I can be of assistance with anything. He was greeted by a tall slender guy earlier ’20s. Muscular build very neat clean face I guess he would be considered a pretty boy. He puts you in the mind of a young man that might have pledged in one of those fraternities that have a STROLL!! Hi! I saw this masterpiece of a jacket in the window. Sure, let me grab that for you... you know you can’t go wrong with a good leather moto jacket. Que removed the jacket from the model and handed it to Lassiter while leading him over to one of the floating mirrors in the store. Looks good on you...
You know we have the matching boots as well. Would you like to see them? Sure... just then the door to the boutique opened again and 2 young ladies entered one blond and one strawberry blond. Both carrying several bags all designer of course. Welcome to Too Heavy Boutique, I’m Que let me know if you need anything. Sir let me grab those boots from the back for you... what size did you need? 11 D if you have it. Que went to the back of the store where the overstock was he stuck his head inside of Peas’ office to see if she was done with the conference call that she had been on with the distributor. He threw up his hand to wave and grab her attention. Pea responded I’m off the call, what’s up? You will never guess... there is a guy out here who is interested in buying the lime green Moto?! Que was trying to hold back the giggles... I think he may be in some kinda band... he has ALOT piercing and black/ blond hair. Very retro 80’s vibe. Well in that case let me take a peek at him.
They did this sort of thing a lot whenever someone eccentric and unique came into the store they both would service them. Just so they could gab about it later. Que found the boots in his size and then they both headed back out to the sales floor. The gentleman’s back was to the both of them as he was still admiring himself in the mirror. Excuse me sir here is that 11D for you and I would also like to introduce you to our store manager. Lassiter turned around to take the shoe and went completely into shock. Standing beside the young sales associate was a whole new set of problems.
Pea was completely dumbfounded as she reached out to shake his hand. She knew exactly what he was and by the looks on his face, he had to know about her. They both were not the humans that they appeared to be. Hi! She said in a shaky voice so I see you like the Moto jacket trying to keep a smile on her face. Lassiter cleared his throat and responded yes.... yes I do. Que broke up the awkward moment by inserting the boots. Before he could say anything one of the young ladies began pointing at a dress that was hanging too high for her to reach. Que why don’t you go help them out and I will finish up here. Sure thing.
Lassiter took the boots and headed over to one of the benches. Do you want to go first or should I? You go Pea responded. Okay very well then, my name is Lassiter and I’m a guardian of sorts. Of sorts?! Pea responded Yea ma’am... I may not carry out my tasks in the traditional sense but I am known for getting the job done. How did you find me? Pea asked. I didn’t, this address was in the book left to me by my predecessor. Um huh... so when you say left to you. Does that mean your predecessor is no longer around? I wouldn’t say that she’s always around but she is not on shall we say “ on duty” anymore. Pea saw Que looking back over in their direction so she quickly smiled and nodded toward the boots “ how’s the fit?”
Lassiter looked down and said good I will take them both. Perfect, let’s get you checked out. Que, he’s gonna take them both may you start ringing him up. After Lassiter removes the jacket and boots and fixed his clothes he walked over to the register. Que rang him up... he handed over the black Amex that V gave him along with the matching fake id. Thank you for shopping with us today Mr. Logan and please come back. Lassiter said thank you and headed towards the exit. Satisfied with his sale Que walked back to 2 young ladies. Aah Que I’m going to head over to Starbucks my latte is cold... do you want anything? No, I’m good. Hold down the fort.
Lassiter was already out of the store and waiting on Pea off to the side of the building. They casually walked toward Starbucks as if it were an accident that they bumped into each other again. Okay, I have questions Lassiter stated... Shoot... who are you?! And why are you in downtown Caldwell? Why was this address in a journal left to me? How long have you been here? And am I supposed to be helping you or should you help me? I’m so confused right now. With a giggle, Pea turned and said wow you weren’t kidding with the questions. As they approached Starbucks Pea stopped and turned to Lassiter “Before I start answering all your questions I have two questions for you .. who are you? where is Wrath? I am sorta a friend of Wraths. I mean the King. Wrath is the King and he is at home with Queen Beth and their son LW. Great!! Then to answer your questions I am no one of importance, I’ve been in Caldwell about a year now, and your predecessor left my address in that book so that I can help you. She started walking up towards the Starbucks entrance and Lassiter grabbed the door as they entered she asked him...do you have a cellphone, I will text you my home address and you can meet me there tonight around 8:30 pm. Lassiter gave her his number she pulled out her iPhone 12 Pro Max and sent him the address. taking out his phone to confirm 7912 Wallace Ave... Lassiter couldn’t help himself... oh you live in the snazzy part of town huh. Pea just laughed it off and said but of course. Pea got in line and Lassiter exited the building.
7 pm rolled around and Pea decided to go ahead and lock up the store for the evening. Que had done well for the day commission wise and so he was okay with it. Pea decided that since she was having company over that she would cook a meal for her guest. No doubt he would be full of questions for her and she needed to ready to answer them. Her specialty was southern food. A few decades ago she spent time traveling the south more specifically the Low Country and she just fell completely in love with the food. So the menu tonight would be Fried chicken, collard greens with smoked neckbones, mac n cheese, white pepper gravy, and white rice and cornbread muffins served with warm cane patch syrup.
She hadn’t had much of an appetite lately and her body was becoming achier. so she figured since soaking in her deep pool style tub wasn’t working as well as it once did maybe she should just do more. Because if she was being honest with herself... her schedule had become quite routine... home..work....maybe Nells lounge for drinks....and that’s it. Day in day out same thing over and over. Pea arrived home ready to cook. She took out the pots and pans, put on some of the soul music stations, and got to work in the kitchen. She did enjoy cooking there was something very cathartic about it. After everything was simmering and the fried chicken was in the oven warming Pea went downstairs to her basement bedroom and took a quick shower threw on pair of Nike tights and oversized T-shirts and headed back upstairs to await her guest. 8:30 pm on the dot Lassiter materialized on the Wallace block a few houses down from where Pea lived. He was only familiar with this side of town because the brothers Darius & Thorment both lived somewhere over in this area some time ago. He approached her house white with black shutters you could tell it had complete renovation done. The farmhouse look was nice and something you didn’t see in the city all the time. When he got on the porch he could smell the fried chicken he hit the doorbell and Pea answered right away. Hey, come on in. Did you cook? Yea I threw a little something together for us to snack on. Lassiter shrugged out of his jacket and laid it on the arm of the sofa. Pea walked into the kitchen and begin the lay the food out Buffett style Lassiter's eyes grew Bigger with each entree. Shall we eat first and then talk or vice versa? Grabbing a plate Lassiter said EAT. FIRST. Pea made a plate and knew she would have to force the food down because her appetite has been completely crap lately. After they ate dinner Lassiter took a deep breath rubbed his stomach and said I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been chosen to be the protector over the king and the brotherhood but I think I’m losing ground. Our soldiers are being placed in harm's way and this new threat to them is a real bit— beast. She has so much hate in her soul and so much control over the evil. How can I fortify these guys so that they can compete because what they have now is not enough? I need to find her weakness so that I can take her out. How do you know the evil is her? The Destroyer prophecy came to light the Omega is no more And Devina assisted with his destruction. Devina? Yes, she is The Omega’s little sister. Lassiter took a swallow of sweet tea and ran his fingers through his hair. and that’s the just of it. Pea sat for a moment then got up and begin to clear the dishes. Listen, I’m willing to help educate you about your new role and possibly find a weakness for Devina. Because one thing is for sure... the only thing that combats darkness and evil is goodness and light. I have only 2 conditions 1. We train from a neutral location because I can’t have my identity be compromised and 2. No matter what we find out after 3 weeks, I get to leave and come back to normal life. Deal? Lassiter held out his hand and said deal. We will train at the brotherhood mansion it’s secure and neutral. Brotherhood mansion? Yup everyone resides there, they have plenty of room. Okay, and what will you tell them when they ask who am I? With a smirk Lassiter responded with his best southern accent: why, You’ll be my cousin Peanut from down south. Okay... so then you pick me up here tomorrow at 8 pm. I will need to make arrangements at the store.
Pea went into the store the next day good thing she had both Samantha and Que on the schedule. She told them that she had a family emergency come up and that would be out of the office for the next few weeks. They both were responsible and she trusted them to run things accordingly. Once she got home she soaked in her tub for a good long hour trying to soothe her muscles as much as could but it wasn’t helping. So she went ahead did something she never had done before which was take ibuprofen. Hopefully, that would make the muscle aches more manageable, she got packed up for the three weeks in a big rolling suitcase, a smaller duffel bag, and her purse. At 7:58 she looked out the window and Black Cadillac Escalade ESV pulled into her driveway. The passenger side door swung open and Lassiter hopped out. Nice wheels... They aren’t mine. I caught a ride with a friend Are these all your bags? Yes.. too much? I wasn’t sure what to bring... haven’t ever done this before. You are good. Pea made sure everything was locked up tight and followed Lassiter to the SUV. While he put her bags in the back she went to the opened back door on the passenger side. How are ya? A big guy said with a thick Southie accent. I’m doing well and yourself. I’m good so you just moved here from down south? Yes, the Myrtle Beach area, and this guy here is your cousin. Yes, sir... don’t let this city scare you okay. It’s a great place to live but you have to be on your P’s & Q’s. No pun intended ...Yes sir. Butch give her a break she is not that fragile. As they pulled off slowly Pea had a gut feeling that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she had planned. After a 30 minute ride and going through a series of what had to be gates due to the stop and going Pea assumed. The windows all had those shades that came up and covered them. So she couldn’t see where she was. Lassiter turned around from the front seat and said we’re here. He hopped out and then opened her door. The brother butch went around the back grabbed Peas bags. The male was HUGE ... Pea remembered studying about the brotherhood ... they were bred to be elite, the biggest and strongest of the race. Follow me Lassiter said... let’s go inside. The word mansion didn’t do this place justice it was more like a 2 hotels and palace wrapped into one big place. We walked to the double doors and butch looked up to what Pea assumed to be was the camera because the doors opened then we entered a large vestibule where Butch repeated the same Process and then another set of doors were opened by a butler. He immediately took Peas bags from butch and said madam I will place these in your guest room. Pea dropped her head and said thank you. And as she crossed over the threshold into the foyer her joints were on fire. She knew this was a mistake. So who all lives here? before Lassiter could answer Butch started running off names. My brothers Vishous by the way he likes to be called V his sister Payne, Zadist, his twin brother Phury, Rhage, Tohrment, John Matthew, Qhuinn & Blaylock, Zcor and his crew all our Shellens and young. The Rev may stop by and oh yea the king & queen Wrath and Beth and their son.
King and Queen?! As in King Wrath son of Wrath?! Holy shit!
Pea felt like the wind had been knocked out of her... how on earth was she going to make it in this house for three weeks around so many male vampires not to mention the king himself. Come on into the game room you might as well meet everyone now. Pea slowly followed Lassiter into room where she spotted Vishous & Payne first. They both resembled their mahmen. Butch started the introductions as Pea waved hello. She was introduced to Manny Payne’s husband John Matthew, Quinn, Blaylock, Layla, and the twins. The Queen stuck her head and with cutest little fellow on her hip... he truly was the spitting image of his father. Hi Lassiters cousin correct? Yes my name is Peanut but I go by Pea Well Pea welcome to our home any family of Lassiters is family to us as well. Feel free to help yourself to anything and if you need any help don’t hesitate to reach out. This little fellow wants a snack.
Here let me show you where you will be sleeping..Lassiter escorted Pea down a hall that had enough priceless paintings and collectibles, that it could have held it on at any museum. The room that Pea would be staying in was located in the middle of hall. When Lassiter opened the door Pea went completely speechless. The room was decorated like something straight out the Biltmore mansion. Big dramatic curtains the went from the ceiling to the floor, fabric wall paper, chandelier lighting, more expensive paintings, deep custom walk in closet, bathroom with tub big enough for a few people to soak in. At least I will be comfortable, Pea thought to herself. She went and sat on the edge of the bed her joints stiffened and her stomach growled. She used the restroom washed her hands and face then clamped down on her all her instincts and walked into the hall. Lassiter went ahead and setup in sitting room off from the library. He had what appeared to be volumes of the scribe virgins journals. They chronicled the battles and enemies to the brotherhood. Starting with the first warrior. this is where I think we should start? Before Pea could answer her stomach blurred out a loud roar... I didn’t eat lunch today... can we grab something quick? Sure I will have the doggen make you something... what would you like? I can do something small maybe like a smoothie with fruit berries banana and beets..lots of beets.. Beets? Lassiter said making a yuck face First of all beets are good for you and if you roast them they get sweeter. And a turkey sandwich. The sandwich was just a decoy. She hoped the smoothie would get her though the evening.
As they began to comb through the volumes... Pea started to reminisce about the time she had spent with Annalise and her newborn twins. At that time Pea was completely lost and the world she thought she knew was snatched from under her yet again. Her young life been a constant moving circus. From pillar to post she sometimes slept in a bed and other times she found shelter in screened porch. She never kept the same ghaurdian for a long period of time because it just wasn’t safe for either of them. Sometimes she was awaken in the dead of night and was told we have to move now. There was no time to pack anything or say goodbyes to people that had been generous enough to open up their homes to her. So by the time was a teenager she really was looking and yearning for a mother figure and a home . Just her luck that she would land in the hands of a women that was all business. Even though she had two young of her own it was obvious that she had no kindness or affection to spare when it came to Pea.
The Scribe Virgin had made it clear from the very beginning that Pea was there for her protection and tutelage. Starting from her first day in the sanctuary Pea began reading the journals and committing the most important parts to memory. The information all be it very interesting just did not appeal to Pea whatsoever. But since she was in the care of the Scribe she committed all her time to studying the history so that if the Scribe ever needed her expertise on any subject she would be able to supply an answer. Now after all this time her training was finally going to be useful.
Havers had made it very clear that he was not to be disturbed for at least an hour after he made his last rounds. He blocked the same time out on his weekly schedule concurrently. This was the time he did his transfusions it had been years since he had taken a vein and although the transfusions didn’t supply everything he needed. He was able to survive and He just couldn’t bare the thought of having to take blood from another women. Wether she be of noble blood or not. He felt it would be betrayal to his dearest Evangeline. Havers still remembered the way she smelled it was like fresh cinnamon n Apple spice. Her hair was black and thick like cotton with soft coiled curls throughout she always wore it down because she knew that was the way he liked it. Her smile was warm and inviting like sunshine and her eyes were the color of chocolate brown. She was everything that he could have imagined and then some. Like most marriages of high born their mating was arranged at birth. When her father found out that Havers would be attending medical school. He immediately put her on a path to become a nurse so that they would have something in common. Evangeline attend Rutgers night classes of course graduated in the top 10 percentile of her class. From her first day at his clinic, they were a natural team he admired her drive focus and dedication. She had the ability to communicate with patients on a more personable level. Whereas his approach was very clinical and direct. The knocking at door became louder then the intercom went off. Code blue paging doctor havers code blue in the ER reception area. Havers stopped his infusion pulled down his sleeves and put in his lab jacket and took off. This was the third attack in the past two weeks the patients were coming in more mangled than ever. He knew that he should reach out to the brotherhood about this since there was a pattern forming. But per his last encounter with them nothing had changed he knew he wasn’t on their list of favorite people and vice versa. Maybe he would contact his sister Marissa she was the shellen of the brother Butch He could let her know what’s going on and then she could relay the message. The only problem with that was it had been two years since they last spoke. When she upstaged him at the meeting with families of glymera. Honestly he couldn’t blame her for the way she treated him after all it had been him who started the whole thing by putting her out of their family home just before sunrise. The only way to start mending fences is to put in a phone call which is exactly what he intended to do afterwards. The preservation and safety of the race was more Important than a disagreement between siblings.
After he finished his third surgery he walked back to his office looked up the number to A SafePlace and put the call in. He was prepared to leave a message for his sister to call him back but instead she answered the phone on the second ring. Hello, this is Marissa Greetings Sister Mine, how fair thee this evening? Marissa couldn’t believe the voice coming out of the receiver It had belonged to her brother which she hadn’t spoken to in what felt like forever.
Ahh...I am well brother mine to what do I owe this pleasure? I have a number of cases that are involving brutality. All patients have come in near death their bodies near drained of blood. I’m sure that your husband and his brothers are very busy but if you could bring this to his attention. I would be completely grateful. Marissa took detailed notes and agreed to speak to Butch. She hadn’t realized how much she missed her brother until she heard his voice. She tried to keep on the line but he said he had patients that needed his attention. After Marissa hung up she sat at her desk for minute taking in the fact that her brother reached out to her. The issue of course was very urgent but the fact that Havers had taken his time to dial her up and deliver the information first hand literally had blown Marissa mind. Havers could have sent an email or one of his nurses could have called and left a message. But instead he choose to call her. This gave Marissa hope.. hope that maybe they could mend fences. She really did miss her brother. After a moment had passed Marissa snapped to attention and dialed you her Hellrens number. Hey baby... what’s doing? I just received a call from my bro- I mean Havers... he asked me to inform you about series of cases that have just now started coming to the ER. Marissa provided her Hellren with the same details that had been given to her. Butch told her that he will pass the information along to Tohrement as that was the chain of command. Marissa is there anything else that you want to share with me baby? No, no that’s all he said , why do you ask? Because I can hear something different in your voice. Well it just been such a long time since I’ve heard my bro- I mean Havers... well my brothers voice. That’s all.. Butch listened to Marissa take a deep breath and then said listen I will get this information over to the higher ups and then I’m meeting you for lunch. Marissa politely accepted the invitation and told Butch she loved him and then ended the call. Butch got up from the bar in the great room and made his way upstairs to Wrath’s study ... he knew that Tohr would be in there working with Wrath. It was almost time for 2nd meal and since he was taking Marissa lunch... he wanted to deliver the message and get moving immediately after.
Butch took to the stairs two at a time and when he reached the top he continued a slow jog until he reach Wrath’s office. The door was open which was a good sign maybe he could get in and out without many questions. He gave a light tap on the outside of door as he passed through both of the massive brothers looked up at and greeted him. Sup Butch.. hey I just got a call from Marissa. You will never guessed who contacted her today... Tohr looked at Butch and said.. I despise guessing games, while Wrath said is this really necessary? Not in the least Butch replied. Apparently Havers wanted to give us a heads up on some patients that he recently treated in the ER. He noticing a pattern of mangled body parts or the bodies being nearly drained of blood. Wrath lifted his wrap around shades and rubbed his eyes while Tohr got up and started walking towards the window. Do we know how many people have been effected by this? Havers did not say.. Butch please thank Marissa for me and see if Havers would be open to us possibly speaking with one of the victims. Tohr I will need you to handle this first hand... I would like to assist if possible Butch spoke up. Very well Wrath agreed.. I will give the brothers a briefing on this at the close of shift meeting. I’m going to meet Marissa for lunch you mind if we meet later. No problem.. hit up when you return. Butch went back downstairs and the door to head over to A Safe Place to meet up with his Shellen for lunch. He didn’t like the way she sounded over the phone and all his instincts told him that she needed him now. Marissa was standing outside as Butch pulled the ESV up the driveway... she greeted him with a loving smile. Hi baby you ready for lunch, yes but if we could talk for a moment. Butch put the truck in park and turned to give Marissa his full attention. I miss my brother. He is my baby brother and today is the first day I have spoken to him in two years. I know this shouldn’t cause me worry but it does. Would I offend you if I were to call him? Marissa you are right he is your family and so he is my family, please call him if that is what it takes to make you feel better. A lot of time has passed since your last encounter with him, maybe he has soften a bit by now. Marissa reached over the console and kissed her hellren and said I love you more and more each minute of each hour of each day.
Back in his private lab Havers tried to start the transfusion process again Hopefully this time he will be able to complete it with no distractions. In the very beginning he was excited about the possibility of vampires being able to live off of intravenous blood transfusions. It would mean wonders for so many people. Not having to rely on another the sustain a healthy balance blood diet. But alas in all the years of trials he just hadn’t come across the right combination to call the is process a success. When he rolled up his jacket sleeve there were needle sticks and track marks up and down his arms. If one didn’t know any better they would swear he was using drugs. The fact of the matter was he could only use a spot once. After that the spot became very tender and developed a dark purple bruise under the skin that healed at an extremely slow pace. He figured this had to a side effect from the transfusion. After a very careful observation he located a spot on left forearm, inserted the needle and began the IV pump. Evangeline my dearest I miss you so much. How does one heart heal after experiencing pure love and friendship. I miss you everyday my shellen, I miss the life we made with each other plus the little life that grew inside of you. With tears in his eyes Havers reached over to his computer pulled up his playlist and selected How Came You Mend A Broken Heart By Al Green. This is what his life had become memories, sorrow, sadness, patients and transfusions. Over lunch Marissa shared Havers story with Butch. Havers wasn’t always a pencil pushing buttoned up robotic nerd. He was once considered to be the life of the party. He had a great sense of humor and was very skilled in basketball. Butch had a hard time believing that one but whatever. However once he lost his shellen and child he became a different person. Butch remembered how Tohr was when he came back after he lost Wellsie. He wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone. Butch suggested in a round about way ... maybe it’s time for your brother to move on. To be honest Marissa had thought about herself a time or two but how do you tell that to a grieving widower? After he dropped Marissa back off to
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Share a Lair 08 || Share Our Talents
The two of them had been at each other’s necks all day, a little more than usual. On the one hand, Max generally seemed to be playing around with Henry or at the very least, unaware of how much he was bothering him. But, he definitely had to be purposely upsetting him today. Charlotte… didn’t want to get involved. In general, she was a peacemaker, and specifically, she was their peacemaker. But… This was supposed to be a fun weekend!
She had been having a blast with Oyster, who wanted her to try to do his hair like hers. “Your hair isn’t the right texture for this style.”
“Can you do it to Angus?” He wondered. Angus’ afro was 3c, maybe 4a, so close enough to her curl pattern where she might.
“What makes you think that Angus wants this hairstyle, Oyster?” Charlotte asked.
“I’ll take it,” Angus said, laughing. Charlotte then proceeded to make rows of braids on the sides of Angus’ head, pulling up into a fro hawk, as he played videogames.
On the other side of the room, Henry glared at Max and Ray came up with a plan, “Look at that! Look at that!” He said.
“What?” Henry and Jasper wondered.
“Charlotte and the puffy haired kid. They’re hitting it off, right?” He asked. “What if… he asked her out on a date?”
“She’d say no,” Henry said, at the same time Jasper said, “He’d get embarrassed in front of his friends.”
Ray rolled his eyes and said, “You kids no nothing. I’ve gotten rid of a TON of women by just pushing them off on somebody else and I’m sure that I can get Charlotte off of that kid you hate, the same way.”
“Charlotte’s NOTHING like anybody that you’d date,” Henry tried to point out to him.
Meanwhile Jasper said, “You can’t outsmart Charlotte, Dude.”
But Ray was on his way. He flopped down next to the two and made Charlotte mess up her current braid. She scoffed and looked at him. “So… This is cute,” he said and pointed between the two. Angus glanced at him, confused. “You two look… mighty cute together. Anything in common?”
“Max,” Angus said. This was Max’s girlfriend, as far as he could tell.
“Oh, that guy, yeah. I don’t see how either of you are friends with him, if I’m being honest, but you’re JUST friends, right Charlotte?” Ray asked. She laughed nervously while Angus got distracted from the game to look up at her reaction, messing up the same braid again.
“Yeah, yeah, we are,” She said, then told Angus, “Eyes front, Bro. I’m almost done.”Angus returned to the game, but Max had just won the match. He groaned, but this wasn’t Max’s girlfriend? That was… interesting… But, she definitely wouldn’t be interested in him though. She seemed really smart and stuff. He was some artsy dude who embarrassingly had once referred to himself as a living Drake song.
“Well, I think that you would be adorable together,” Ray said.
“You don’t know anything about this guy,” Charlotte told him.
“I know that he’s beautiful. His voice is very soothing. His hair is nice and full. He’s great at video games. He has fashion sense, I think… for your generation, I guess. You like fashion and video games, too.”
“I’m a musician!” Angus said, more to Charlotte than Ray.
“Charlotte LOVES music!” Ray said, giving him a playful punch in the arm. Charlotte squinted her eyes at Ray. What was he up to? “You know, she was in a band once?”
“I was too, with Max,” Angus said. “Now, I have my own. I make tracks, they’re kinda rock, kinda rap, but not like that metal rap stuff from your day. Good, honest rap and good honest rock. It’s a vibe, really.”
“My day?”Ray repeated. “I’m not that old…”
“So, there’s like an age gap between you and your partner?” Angus wondered.
“My partner?”
“He thinks you and Schwoz are together,” Charlotte presumed and clarified.
“WHAT?” Ray said and now, he was done speaking to this guy. He returned to Henry and Jasper and told them, “Not gonna work. Kid’s a complete moron.”
“You sure about that Mr. Schwartz?” Henry asked, laughing. But, they heard Angus ask Charlotte, “So… You’re… really single?”
She laughed and looked at him, “I don’t know how anybody finds the time not to be, to be honest. I’m single by choice. I have no idea why he’s trying to play matchmaker. He’s not good at it. He’s not good at most things…”
Angus got eliminated and sighed. Two losses for him, then. “Well, yeah… I can’t imagine what somebody like you would see in me,” he said.
She furrowed her eyebrows and said, “All done! We oughtta take selfies.”
Max was watching the whole time. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but he felt territorial, nonetheless. Technically, he knew that he probably shouldn’t be. Charlotte was very independent and wasn’t officially his, and even if she was, she was the type to value her freedom and love someone who could trust her to be around anybody else. But, not everybody else knew her like he did. He had paid a lot of attention and learned a lot of information. While Angus might be hitting it off with her or was happening right now, he had no idea that their little whatever was happening right now, he had no idea that their little superficial brief connection was cutting into Charlotte’s lunch time.
Soon, her blood sugar would be low, she’d be cranky and ready to snap at people, then be mad that she had to fix something  to eat/that she had let herself get hangry.
Max left them to their laughter and such and went to fix her a sandwich, some fries, put a few cookies on the plate, and make some tea. He set everything down and went outside to grab some flowers, just to accent the tray. Whenever he got back inside, she was getting up from the couch with her grouchy face on…"Char!“ He called.
She looked up, and he could tell that she was about to brush him off because she needed to get something to eat, so he spoke quickly as he handed her the tray, “Made you lunch. I know that you’re approaching hangry hours.” She stared at the tray for a moment as he announced, “Grilled gouda BLT with arugula and spinach and honey mustard, fries, lemon white chocolate cookies and a chai latte… Your… brunch order, right? Whenever you call The Deli Royale? I just… hacked into their system for the recipe so I could make it for you at home for a fraction of the price… free to you!”
She looked up at him, and he could see in her eyes that he had won. She stepped closer and smiled, picking up a fry. “Wanna share?” she asked.
“Not really hungry, but might grab a few fries.” They sat at the island and chatted while she ate and touched him casually, numerous times. They were sitting close, knees touching and he leaned in to tell her stuff the entire lunch.
“So… Are you on truce with Henry right now?” She asked. “You two sure seemed out for blood earlier.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “He was out for my blood. I basically was just plucking him in the forehead. You know that if I ever actually wanted to come up against Henry, he’d be destroyed.”
“I appreciate you holding back for him,” she said with a little smile.
“I don’t do it for him.”
“You know, you’ve said that before to me, but you never expound. You do it, why? For the sake of being a hero? Because you’re bigger than that or something?” She wondered as she took a sip of her drink.
“I do it for you,” he said, as plainly as one might say ‘hello.’ She choked on her latte and he winced. She laughed at herself by the time she stopped choking and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to catch you off guard,” he said, blushing. “You all set to destroy these guys?” He asked.
“Yep!” She was about to take her dishes away, but he grabbed the tray from her, kissed her on the temple of her head, which she leaned deeper into, and he smiled against her skin and went to put the dishes away. Charlotte slowly slid off of the stool to go back to the others, unable to stop smiling about what had just happened. That was… not platonic, right? That was definitely not her imagination. Max had made her lunch, told her that she mattered and kissed her on the face. Sure, friends did stuff like that, but… This didn’t feel like that.
“Where’d you vanish to?” Oyster wondered when she showed up again.
“I was right there, at the island, having lunch,” she said and pointed to it. Max laughed from the kitchen… which was open to the living room. “Or, are you messing with me, Oyster. Because, I honestly can never tell if you’re actually confused or pulling my chain.”
“I actually have never joked about anything, ever in my life. I’m a very serious person,” he said. Charlotte sat down in between Oyster and Angus as Angus played against Henry. Max came to the couch and Oyster and Charlotte slid over so that he could be in between her and Angus.
Whenever Henry and Max played against each other, they were bickering again. Charlotte laughingly watched them, but the more that they played against each other, the uglier it got. “I mean, maybe I won’t beat you in this game, but I definitely think that there’s something that I have to be able to beat you at.”
“Whenever you think you’ve figured out what that is, let me know and I’ll be happy to prove you wrong,” Max retorted and stuck his tongue out.
“Invoking Best Friend Privilege for Charlotte to tell me Max’s weaknesses!” Henry declared, on the verge of losing the match.
Charlotte’s legs were draped across Max’s lap as she listed off on her fingers, “Well, I know for sure that you can’t defeat him in anything academically especially not math or science related, he’s a former tennis champ, master of pranks (Henry scoffed, but he knew that it was probably true. Max was smart. Smart goes a long way with pranks), his Hero Tracks shows that he’s got more hero credentials than you, he’s whupping you in video games…”
“I asked for weaknesses, not to add insult to injury while he decimates me!” Henry fussed at her.
“SORRY! I’m doing the process of elimination out loud!” She fussed right back. “For instance, we know that he can cook AND ALSO bake, he plays guitar, is good with animals and babies… OH! Can you draw?” She wondered. “Henry is pretty artistic. Remember that time you carved that pumpkin to look like Ray?” She asked Henry, excitedly hoping that she was helping, because Max had just beat Henry and Henry had fallen back onto the couch in exhausted defeat.
“I can draw. Remind me to show you some of my gadget designs and portraits,” Max said, coolly, then asked Henry, “Can I get you some ice, Hen?” He smiled as Henry slammed the controller into Schwoz’s hands.
“He’s not good at writing,” Oyster said. “Remember those songs you used to try to write?”
Max narrowed his eyes at him, but just as well, because Charlotte shook her head and said, “Henry sucks at writing. Jasper’s the writer of our group.”
Max’s head turned quickly towards her and he pointed a pinky at Jasper and asked, “That Jasper?”
“He’s the only one I know,” she said, defensively. Jasper lowkey worshiped Max. There was no need for him to start being ugly to him. “He could’ve helped you write a song, Mr. Extra Toe.” Max chuckled and handed off his controller to Wolfgang. Charlotte tilted her head, trying to think. “Oh! He’s good with flowers!” She cheered, excitedly.
“Once brought a plant back from the dead,” Max bragged.
“It became a room sized monster,” Nora reminded him.
“So, I made it EXTRA alive!” Max said. His sister rolled her eyes.
“I need to know that story,” Charlotte said. Max moved his mouth to begin, but she cut him off. “Not now, though. Jasper… I’m invoking Best Friend Privilege for you to remind me of Henry’s strengths as his best friend and soulmate.”
Henry frowned. He couldn’t BELIEVE that it was this hard for Charlotte to tell him something that he could be better than Max at. But, Jasper was READY to be tagged in. He yelled, “Dance Battle!”
Henry’s ears perked up, but when Max smirked, his shoulders sank. “Are you a dance champion too?”
“I mean… not a champion, but if you’ve seen me fight, you should know that I’m very fluid and agile… also I’ve danced for many years.”
“Didn’t you have a dance battle at a school dance one time?” Nora asked.
“Sure did. Dude got served. Then, I swerved on the girl that I battled for.”
Charlotte sat up more erect and asked, “It was for a girl?”
“Mostly for my pride. After she chose me, I realized it was really pitiful that I was willing to put all those moves into getting her to like me.” She nodded, but she looked bothered. “You… okay?” He asked.
“Sure.” She laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Then, after Jasper yelling out random things, Charlotte finally said, “Brotherhood!” Max furrowed his eyebrows. “No offense, but whenever we met you, you sold your sister out and while that may have changed by now, your siblings are here way less than Piper is and Henry NEVER would have done anything to ever hurt, harm or shame Piper, all the years of her life, so… I’ll say that. And, it’s gonna have to be enough for Hen, because I have racked my brain.”
“Max has DEFINITELY done a lot of crappy things as a brother,” Nora said, nodding her head. She and Billy began to list off some stuff while Henry gave Charlotte a high five.
Max smiled and said, “Well, at least there’s that, Henry Hart.” Then, he began a slow applause that made Henry feel less excited about the small victory.
Charlotte placed a hand on Max’s and stopped him, giving him a look and mouthed the words, “For me?” Her eyes did the questioning. Would he stop bothering Henry right now , for her? He immediately stopped taunting Henry and intertwined his fingers with Charlotte’s.
“Anything,” he whispered.
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kindofcashton · 4 years
𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕  •  chapter 4  (Calum Hood AU)
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I WORKED THE very next day, and to say Mack threw me right into the thick of things would be a massive understatement.  Roger was working again, and Mack tasked him with teaching me how to make the most basic of coffees before setting me loose.  They really were swamped; the morning rush lasted well into lunchtime.  I knew how to use a cash register fairly well, so for a while Roger and I divided the duties.  Once things died down for a brief period, he showed me the more complex drinks, each one more confusing than the next.
“You’ll get it,” he told me encouragingly when I’d added too much foam to an espresso.  I put my hands on my hips and blew out a sigh.
“I’ve always been told I brew some killer coffee,” I explained.  “This should be natural.”
Roger chuckled, swiping a rag through some mugs.  I liked him; he was easy-going even under pressure, but knew when to be firm with the difficult customers.  He said that all their best baristas had quit recently to go back to school, and that Mack was left swamped.  
“You’re not in school?” I asked, getting someone’s chai latte ready.  This was one drink I was fairly good at concocting.
He scoffed.  “Are you kidding?  I could never do that college shit.  I’d much rather work at a place like this and do my art on the side.”  Roger did art commissions for people that were actually pretty amazing; he was like Picasso with spray paint.  I admired his confidence in his work, even though any parent would be terrified if their kid wanted to be a freelance artist.  But Roger believed in his talent, and didn’t let anyone convince him otherwise.
There were only two people left in the shop and they’d both been served, so Roger decided to take a quick break.  He said it would be my first “test run” to see how well I did on my own.  I rolled my eyes at his mock salute, but inside I was a nervous wreck.  I wanted to do well--no, needed to.  I needed something to go right for me.
Five minutes passed with no new customers, and I smiled at the thought of not serving anyone while Roger was gone.  Unfortunately, my prayers weren’t answered as the little bell tingled, signaling someone’s arrival.
A tall, chestnut-haired guy approached the register, rubbing the slight stubble on his chin as he examined the chalkboard menu above my head.  I fought the flush that wanted to rise to my cheeks; he was cute, with dark jeans and a casual blazer that probably meant he had a complex coffee order ready to go.
He sent me a shining smile.  “Hey, could I get a cappuccino?”
I huffed, and his expression turned quizzical.  “Sorry,” I answered quickly.  “This is my first day, and the last cappuccino I made...wasn’t great.”
“Should I order something else?  How ‘bout a french roast with cream?”  I appreciated his sense of humor at my inexperience.
I narrowed my eyes playfully.  “Oh no, I’m gonna make you that cappuccino.  Whether it will be edible is still up in the air.”
He laughed, and I noted the way his hazel eyes crinkled when he did this.  
“Can I have a name for the order?”
“Jeremy,” I repeated, and he grinned before taking a seat at the window bar.  Inhaling deeply, I turned to start making the cappuccino.  Espresso, steamed milk, foam.  How hard could it be?
Harder than I thought, apparently.  The drink I ended up concocting was way too milky and overflowing with foam.  I felt my face redden as I presented it to Jeremy, who examined it carefully.
“I know, it’s terrible.  But I did warn you.”
He went to pick up the mug, the crinkles by his eyes returning.  “Are you kidding?  This is absolutely exceptional.  I think I’ll have to come back tomorrow if you keep up this fine work.”
My face hurt from smiling so wide.  “Well, I’ll be here, probably burning some coffee beans or spilling milk.”
I was disappointed to see Jeremy leave once he’d finished his coffee, and Roger materialized behind me when the front door finally shut.
“How do you already have cute guys hitting on you?  And I got a glimpse of that cappuccino, it was awful.”
“He must have had to choke it down,” I joked, giddy at the thought of seeing Jeremy again.  “
Roger rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, I’m guessing it wasn’t that hard to pretend to like it.  Cute baristas have that effect; you’re great for business, you know.”
I pushed his arm playfully, and Roger flipped me off.  
My first day and I already loved this new job.  The rest of my shift took up the majority of the day, until the sun had started to sink below the horizon.  I hung up my apron on the hook in the back room and said goodbye to Mack before walking out into the cool city air.
The grin on my face refused to cease throughout the whole bus ride back home, and I practically sprinted to the house.  Maybe things were finally looking up for me.  If I channeled all of my energy into work and school my life might finally get back on track, the way it was meant to be.
I wanted to burst right through the front door, but even before I reached the porch I could hear yelling from inside.  Muffled shouts were coming from the kitchen, and as I slowly stepped into the foyer the voices became clearer.
“What the fuck were you thinking?”  This was Ashton, and his voice was raised in obvious frustration.
“I was thinking about myself and what was best for me.  College was way fucking harder than I thought it would be.”  My blood ran cold at Hannah’s response.  What did Ashton find out?  Who told him about Hannah’s secret, and did he know about mine?
Quickly joining them in the kitchen, I noticed Luke and Michael in the living room, looking like they wanted to melt into the sofa.  I sent them a confused glance, and the subtle shake of Luke’s head told me how serious this was.
Upon seeing me, Ashton turned his attention away from Hannah, scowl deepening.  “Did you know about this?”
I swallowed roughly, trying to read the message behind Hannah’s pleading eyes.  “Um, know about what?”  It was a stupid attempt at a bluff, and Ashton saw right through it.
“That Hannah isn’t home from school on a break, she’s home permanently.”
My mouth opened slightly in an attempt to respond, but Ashton cut me off.
“I mean, why would you leave a university like that?  With everything you could have achieved there?”
This caused my brow to furrow.  So he thought she left on her own, when in reality she was kicked out.  I slid my gaze over to Hannah’s, and she communicated through a silent expression of desperation.
Don’t say anything, she seemed to be begging.  Go with it.
I gave the smallest, most imperceptible I could.  It was Hannah’s secret to reveal, and I wasn’t going to drive a deeper wedge between her and Ashton.
All of a sudden I felt someone come up behind me, and knew without looking it was Calum.  I glanced over, and his dark eyes met mine briefly.  He was much closer than I thought he needed to be, his chest practically touching my shoulder.  Biting my lip, I faced forward again and tried to ignore his soft exhales on my neck.
Pressing a hand to her forehead, Hannah said in a clipped tone, “Ashton, with all due fucking respect, you never went to college.  You have no idea what it’s like, so I don’t understand why you think you get an opinion.”
Ashton looked ready to punch a hole through the drywall.  “For fuck’s sake, Hannah, because I care about you!  College was supposed to help your future, so what the hell are you supposed to do now?”
This silenced her.  I felt so bad for Hannah; knowing it was all her fault, that she failed so abysmally in her classes and was forced to come home.  She was smart, just not in the typical bookish sense that a university demanded.  I wished I could give her some of mine, because I certainly couldn’t use it right now.
Inhaling shakily, she bawled her fists.  “Ashton.”  Her voice was so weak I thought she was about to cry.  “My future is going to be just fine without you freaking out over it, okay?”
Ashton scoffed, hands on his hips and eyes blazing.  I prayed he just let go of his anger at being lied to, and went over to comfort Hannah.  Yes, she was still lying to him now, which would certainly blow up later, but she needed support.  
My prayers were answered when Ashton let out a defeated exhale and wrapped his arms around Hannah’s smaller frame.  The two of them practically dissolved into each other, breathing together as one.
After a minute they separated, and Ashton cleared his throat.  “We’re gonna go back to my place, spend the night.”
Michael and Luke just nodded, and Calum walked out from behind me to join them in the living room.  As Hannah passed by me, she grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze.  “Thank you,” she murmured.
I ran a hand through my hair, trying to process everything.  I felt Calum’s eyes on me, and instantly my heart stopped.  He’d seen Hannah say something, which meant he knew our answers were bullshit.
I felt trapped by his deep brown gaze, completely immobile and at his disposal.  The cogs in his brain were so clearly turning, and I was terrified he would say something.
But then the moment ended, and he looked away, releasing me from his clutches.  
After getting myself a glass of water and grabbing my school bag I collapsed onto a chair at the kitchen table.  Michael grabbed a soda from the fridge and leaned against the stainless steel door.
“Crazy,” he commented, head shaking in disbelief.
“It was like my parents were arguing,” Luke said, shuddering.  “But those two could get through anything, seriously.”
Calum remained quiet, of course, but his expression was thoughtful as ever.
“Hey, how’d your first day go?" Luke asked.  “Did you show them your killer coffee skills?”
I chuckled, flipping a pencil between my fingers to relieve some of my pent up anxiety.  “Turns out my skills are less than killer.  I can brew some great black coffee, but no one really orders that.  I think it’ll be really good, though.  The people are great, and the customers were actually nice.”  My thoughts drifted to Jeremy, and a small smile danced across my lips.  “I have an early shift tomorrow though, 7am.”
“Rough,” Michael replied.  “Godspeed, I won’t be awake till noon.”
I chuckled, and was surprised when Calum finally spoke up.  “The customers are nice until you screw up someone’s triple shot macchiato and they flip their shit on you.”
I bit my lip, dreading that scenario.  “I’ll, uh, try to avoid that.”
Calum nodded, and with that he disappeared from the kitchen.
Pulling books out of my bag, started mentally organizing the work I had to do.  Luke and Michael went off to bed, Michael opting for the futon downstairs since Ashton and Hannah had left.
I was alone in the kitchen, trying desperately to focus on the study of neurological activity in the sleeping brain, but I just couldn’t get my mind off of Hannah.  We were both lying to everyone we cared about, and sooner or later the truth would come out.  I wasn’t prepared to face the music about my parents, though, and the last thing I wanted was people finding out I was destitute.  If I could just hold on a little longer, work for a while and keep studying, everything would be fine.
The hardest part would be putting up with Calum.  He was so cold and brooding, and clearly had no respect for personal space as I learned tonight by how close he stood to me.  I could still feel the tickle of his breath on my neck, and raised a hand to gently rub the skin.
- - - - -
I had no idea I’d fallen asleep at the table until someone was shaking me awake.  My eyes blinked open, blurry from sleep and disorientation.  It was still dark out, and I wondered who would be up at this hour.
“What’s happening?” I asked, my voice gravelly.  I rubbed my eyes and made out Calum’s figure standing next to me, arms folded with a frown.
“Would you rather I let you sleep through your shift?  It’s 5:30, and I know you’ve got a bus to catch.  And, you know, take like an hour just getting ready.”  Before I could process what he said he turned away from me to fiddle with something in the cupboard.
I was slightly shocked.  Calum remembered when my shift was?  And cared enough to wake me up?  I had no idea what to make of this, and was too tired to work it through.
“Thanks.”  I yawned and began to load my books back into my bag, moving slowly as my body was weighed down with exhaustion.
“I think the point is to read the books, not use them as pillows,” Calum criticized.
Scowling at his attitude, I ripped the zipper a little harshly, causing him to actually look over.  
“I was reading them,” I rebutted.  “I just...got tired I guess.”
“Aren’t college kids supposed to be responsible and organized?”
“Are you saying I’m not?”
He crossed his arms, body language defensive.  “I’m just saying, you’re the one who fell asleep and almost missed your shift.  I’d say that’s pretty irresponsible.”
Sighing loudly, I rubbed my temples to try and banish the slight ache in my brain.  “It is way too early for this stupid argument,” I muttered.
“We’re not arguing, I’m just telling you.” 
“Yeah, well, thanks for telling me I’m disorganized and irresponsible.  Got anything else to say, or can I get ready for work now?”
I stood up and started towards the stairs, glaring his way.  Calum just shrugged, smug expression painted across his stupid face. 
“Nope, wouldn’t want to make you late.”  I was tempted to slap the sardonic smirk right off his face, but opted instead to leave him alone in the kitchen.
I took a quick shower and made myself look presentable as possible, changing into work clothes and grabbing my bag before quickly escaping out the front door.  I didn’t feel like running into Calum again after his wonderful wake up call.
Work was busy in the beginning, and Roger and I struggled to keep up for a while.  But our rhythm from yesterday finally kicked in, and with each drink I served I felt more and more confident.  When the rush ended, the two of us high-fived and let out triumphant exhales of relief.
“You know, Scarlett, you and I make a good team.”
I grinned at Roger, overjoyed at how quickly I was picking up new skills.  I just hoped Mack was impressed enough to give me the job in two weeks.
Before I could answer him, the bell jingled.  I recognized Jeremy’s chestnut hair immediately, and suppressed a squeal of excitement.  Just what I need, I thought giddily.
When Jeremy approached the counter I made sure to look calm and collected.  He smiled that winning smile, and I felt my knees go weak.
“Told you I’d be back,” he said.
“What can I mess up for you today?  A latte maybe?  I’m getting good at screwing those up,” I informed him with a laugh, and I was glad to see the crinkles by his eyes return.
“Actually,” he began, making my heart somersault with worry.  “I’m not here for coffee.  I’m here for you.”
My eyebrows shot up, and I hoped my face didn’t betray my secret exhilaration.
“Really?” I responded, pressing my lips together.  “And why is that?”
“Normally, I take girls out to places like this on a first date,” he said, and I was hanging on to every word.  “But seeing as you’re probably sick of it, how ‘bout we skip that part and go straight to dinner?”
My face broke into a wide smile, and I was almost too excited to reply.  “That’s really considerate of you,” I joked.  “Dinner sounds amazing.”
Jeremy actually looked relieved, like he was nervous I’d say no.  As if anyone could say no to that face.
“Great, that’s great.  How about tonight?  I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“Sure, give me your phone and I’ll add my number.”  He passed it over, and I fought to keep my fingers steady.  Handing it back, we smiled at each other like idiots.
“See you tonight, Scarlett,” he said, and I watched him disappear out of the cafe all the way down the street.
I turned to see Roger gaping at me like I had three heads.
“How come no one hits on me like that?” he pouted.  
I tapped my cheek in contemplation.  “Maybe it’s those spike earrings?  They’re wildly intimidating.”
Roger snorted, and waved his hand at me dismissively.  “Oh shut up.  You’re about to bounce of the walls you’re so happy.”
“Hell yeah I am.”
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thatmadhatter · 5 years
How to Order at Starbucks
This was supposed to be a reply to someone who asked for help ordering at Starbucks. But it’s way too long for a reply, so I’ve done a whole ass post.
I know how overwhelming ordering at Starbucks can be, partially because there are so many menu items. I'm gonna break down the menu a bit and then walk through how to order step by step. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I was a barista for over 3 years, as well as a supervisor, and I am a teacher, so I very genuinely don't mind explaining drinks or anything.
Drink Menu Breakdown:
Hot drinks come in 4 sizes.
Short= 8oz, which is teeny tiny.
Tall= 12oz AKA Small.
Grande= 16oz AKA Medium.
Venti= 20 oz AKA Large.
Cold drinks come in
Tall= 12oz aka Small.
Grande=16oz AKA Medium.
Venti=24oz AKA Large.
And *SOME* cold drinks can also be a Trenta=30oz AKA Extra Large. The drinks that can come in Trenta are refreshers, cold brew, iced coffee, and iced teas. Frappuchinos and espresso drinks (think an iced latte or iced americano) cannot come in a trenta.
Core Drinks (these should be carried year round at all locations.)
Latte - Espresso and milk. This can be made hot or iced and with or without flavor.  This can also be made decaf. A very common drink is a vanilla latte. I love a good caramel latte myself
Americano - Espresso and water. This can also be made hot or iced. You can add milk or flavor to your hearts content to jazz it up if you want. This can also be made decaf. I love an iced blonde americano on a day where I need an extra kick.
Cappuccino - Espresso, milk, and milk foam. Typically this is a hot only drink, however last year Starbucks started doing iced cappuccino’s. Personally I never liked them. A cappuccino can be made ‘wet’ which means with less foam, or ‘dry’ which means made with more foam. There is no such thing as a cappuccino with no foam, that is a latte. This can be made decaf.
Caramel Macchiato - Classic Starbucks drink, can be made hot or iced. This can also be made decaf. Vanilla syrup, milk, espresso, and caramel drizzle.
Iced Coffee - Only comes iced. The barista should ask if you want this sweetened. It automatically comes with sweetener, which is called classic syrup. You can substitute any flavor you want in this though. This is made using a special blend of coffee that is brewed and then poured over ice. This cannot be made decaf.
Cold Brew - Only comes iced. This is made using a 20 hour steeping process, which is why it has a smoother, stronger flavor. That’s also why it’s a little more expensive and why when a store runs out, they’re often out for the rest of the day. This cannot be made decaf.
Frappuccino - Only comes blended/iced. These come in all sorts of flavors and colors. They can also be made with or without caffeine. If you ever want a caffeine free Frappuccino, just ask for a *flavor* Creme Frappuccino.
Refreshers - Only comes iced. They’re basically caffeinated fruity drinks, similar to an energy drink. You may have heard of the “Pink Drink” which is a strawberry refresher made with coconut milk. I’m allergic to coconut milk, so I can’t speak as to if it’s good or not, but I know it’s very popular. This cannot be made decaf.
Hot chocolate: Mocha, Vanilla, and Milk! Can only be made hot. You can also order a white hot chocolate, which is made with white mocha instead of the regular mocha. This is caffeine free.
Hot Coffee- If you come in the early to mid morning, a barista may ask you what roast of coffee you want. There are three options, blonde, Pike (aka Medium) or dark. Blonde is the most caffeinated, and will have a very mild flavor. Pike is the standard coffee every Starbucks carries at all times. Dark will be an intense coffee flavor, usually leaning more towards the bitter and very full bodied taste.
Cafe Misto: Also called a cafe au lait. Typically this is only made hot, it’s half coffee and half steamed milk.
Chai Latte: Chai concentrate and milk. Can be made hot or iced. Cannot be made decaf. 
Green Tea Latte: Matcha and Milk. Can be made hot or iced. Cannot be made decaf. I personally don’t care for the iced version as the matcha doesn’t mix super well with cold liquid, but a lot of people do like it.
Iced Teas: There are 4 core iced teas, Black, Green, White, and Passion. The Passion tea is the only one without caffeine, but there isn’t much in the white tea. They can all be made with or without lemonade. The barista should ask if you want this sweetened. It automatically comes with sweetener, which is called liquid cane sugar.
One overwhelming part of Starbucks is the sheer number of ways a drink can be modified. You’ve seen that already with just the drink breakdown. This further breaks down some ways drinks can be modified.
Hot or Iced
Espresso Modification: Drinks that are made with espresso can be made 1 of 3 ways. With the signature espresso, which is the default of most espresso drinks. You don’t need to specify this. Blonde espresso, which has a little more caffeine but a milder flavor. Or Decaf espresso, which contains no caffeine. You can also vary the number of shots in a drink. If you ask for more shots, the drink will be more expensive.
Flavor: There are many many flavor options. The core flavors are - Vanilla, Caramel, Mocha, White Mocha, Hazelnut, Toffee Nut, Peppermint, Raspberry, Sugar Free Vanilla, and Sugar Free Mocha. Then there are whatever seasonal syrups are available, which can vary depending on stocks and the time of year. You can also vary the number of pumps in a drink if you want. There is no charge for extra pumps of syrup if the syrup is already in the drink. Most drinks will have a surcharge for additional syrups though.
Milk: The milk options are skim, 2%, whole, half and half (aka cream), whipping cream, soy, coconut, almond, and Starbucks is in the process of doing oat milk as well. In a drink where milk is the main ingredient, such as a latte, there will be a charge for an alternative milk such as soy. However there isn’t a charge for skim, 2%, or whole. When a drink comes with milk, unless otherwise specified, it will automatically be made with 2%.
How to Order at Starbucks
There are three different methods to ordering at Starbucks. I’ll break each of them down.
Drive Through: There’s often a line. You’ll get in line and pull up to a speaker box. Typically the barista will greet you with something like B: “Thank you for choosing Starbucks. What can I get started for you?” Y: “Hi, can I get a *hot or iced* *size* *name of drink* with *any modifications* The barista will either repeat your drink back to you, or ask if you want anything else. You can add more drinks or food, or let them know that is all. The barista will usually give you a total and have you proceed forward. At the window, you’ll pay for your items. You can pay with cash, card, or the mobile app (which we’ll get to). The barista in the window will sometimes still be waiting for your drinks/good to be made. Try to be friendly and patient, odds are they’ve been yelled at several times already. They’ll hand you your items and away you’ll go!
Cafe Store: This is where you walk into a Starbucks. You’ll get in line at the register, try to figure out what you want before you get to the register, or at least have it down to between two or three things. If you’re ever stuck between two things, ask your barista which one they would order. This is a much better question than asking them what their favorite drink is or what they think you should get. Once you get to the register… B: “Thank you for choosing Starbucks. What can I get started for you?” Y: “Hi, can I get a *hot or iced* *size* *name of drink* with *any modifications* B: That’s a *repeats drink back to you* Anything else? Y: No thank you. B: Great. Can I get a name for your order? Y: Yes, *name* You can give your name, or you can give a fun name. I like saying Iron Man or something silly on occasion. Most of the time baristas will be amused by this, we see a million Jessicas everyday. But usually only 1 Spiderman. B: Okay, *name* your total is  *total* You can then pay with your card, cash, or mobile app. It’s usually pretty clear where the handoff plane is, but sometimes a barista will direct you towards it. You can go hangout near the handoff plane, but please don’t stand directly in front of it or sit on it. If the store is busy, odds are there are drinks in front of you, and standing directly in front of the counter will make it hard for others to get their drinks. After a few minutes, a different barista will call out *drink* for *name*, which you can go pick-up. I recommend checking the sticker on the side of the cup to check that it is your drink. Then you get to be on your way!
Finally we have “the app” or mobile ordering. If you have social anxiety, this is a great way to avoid having to talk to someone while you order. You can download the Starbucks app and do it all from your phone. After downloading the app, just tap ‘order’ which is the middle button in the center of the screen. At the bottom of the screen there will be a line that says “pick up at *insert store name here*” double check that you’re ordering to the correct store. Then you can browse the menu to your hearts content and add items to your order. Just make sure you press “checkout” when you’re ready, and that you get the little screen that says “your order will be ready in X-X minutes” Then you can either go through the drive through, and when you get to the speaker say “Mobile order for *name*” or you can walk into the store and go straight to the handoff plane where there will be a little area that says “mobile orders”. Just look for your order, check the name and drink on the sticker on the side, and hooray! Please keep in mind when mobile ordering to do so at least 5 minutes before you actually get to the store. Or be willing to hangout for a few minutes in the store before it is ready. I have a store that’s 7 minutes away on my morning commute, so I’ll usually submit my order right before I leave the house so it’s ready for me when I get there.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I promise, I have heard them all. Also, everything here may not apply in full to ‘we proudly serve’ locations, such as a Barnes and Noble Cafe or to Target Starbucks (also called Tarbucks)
Also I did not touch on the seasonal drinks at all here because they literally change every 2-3 months. The seasonal drinks will be things like the Pumpkin Spice, Butterscotch, Smores, etc... If you want to know what’s in season when you order, just look for a sign. Starbucks releases new signs often which will advertise whatever is in season at the time. You can also ask your barista! 
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
31 Days of Wayhaven, Day 17
Prompt: AU Rating: PG for Nicky’s language Words: 2,222 Characters: Unit Charlie, brief mention of Units Alpha and Bravo, as well as Detective Aubrey Miller. Summary: What happens when the coffee shop co-worker and the University co-worker get tired of their partners sighing over the other and decide to take matters into their own hands.  
For the @31daysofwayhaven event.
Penny rolled her eyes as she came into work, hanging her coat on the nearby staff coat rack.  Nicky had gotten there earlier than she had, which meant that he got to pick the music for the day, which also meant that she was going to be in for a day of listening to him sing along with Dean Martin.  Not that it was a bad thing, but they’d done an entire shift of the Rat Pack the other day already.
“You’re late.”
She grimaced as she pulled on a dark brown apron and quickly pulled the strings around her waist to make a tidy bow at her hip.  “Yeah, car trouble.”
Nicky shook his head.  “You really ought to sell that thing, get you a new one.”
“With what money?  No, the car trouble was because my brother decided to borrow it without asking me.  I woke up to a note and had to grab the bus.  Then the bus wasn’t on time, so I walked the rest of the way.”
He poured her a drink, a smooth hazelnut latte with a dusting of chocolate on top that he made perfectly to her tastes.  At least that was something to cheer her up on a rainy morning, especially since he was practicing his foam art and made her a graceful looking swan on top.  She caught a glimpse of herself in the stainless steel overhead countertops and winced.  The soft, drizzling rain wasn’t  enough to soak her or anything, but it had played hell with her long, silvery blonde hair.  The sleek braided bun she had put it in earlier was now a frizzed out mess and her cheeks were unnaturally red from practically running to the cafe in order to be there on time.
Penny hated being late to anything.
“You’re too soft on Lars,” Nicky told her, pushing half a toasted bagel loaded with cream cheese her way while eating the other half.  “He needs to have some responsibility, especially if he’s couch surfing at your place.”
Penny chewed on her bagel.  “You don’t understand, he’s my baby brother.  It’s my job to look out for him.  Besides,” she took a sip of her drink.  “He was going out for a job interview.  Hopefully this one takes.”  She adored her youngest brother to pieces, and she understood that he was in a rough patch, but at the same time, she was quietly frustrated that he showed up at her doorstep without calling first, ate all her food without shopping for replacements, and left his dirty laundry on the bathroom floor.  She was going to have to have a talk with him once they were home to set some boundaries down.  If not, then she would happily call their eldest brother Andreas to see if he could help out before calling the big guns in and contacting their mother.
She hated to jump around in the family pecking order, but enough was enough. 
“I can relate, seeing as I have a little sister, but I still say you’re being too soft on him.  There’s a fine line between older sibling responsibility and being a doormat.”
“I know, and you’re right.  Taking my car without my permission and making me late for work is definitely something I’m going to talk with him about.”
Nicky made a mmhm noise as if he didn’t quite believe her.  “Don’t worry, Pen.” Nicky told her, changing the subject as he made his own cortado and leaned against the counter to sip on it.  “You didn’t miss him.”
She was glad that her red cheeks could hide the sudden blush that she felt rush up from her throat to her face.  “Miss who?”
“Oh, don’t play coy with me, donna forte!”  He elbowed her in the side.  “The Tall London Fog with the soft Scottish accent.  The one who looks like a golden retriever if a golden retriever was over six feet tall and had dimples when he smiled.”
“Careful, you make me think you’re the one with the crush on him,”  Penny muttered as she sipped on her drink.
“Please, I know I’m handsome and charming, but I’m not an asshole.  I wouldn’t steal anyone from my dearest friend and co-worker.”
“You’re not stealing anyone from anybody,” she grumped.
“Maybe if you actually got off your ass and asked him out.”
“He’s a customer!” 
“Like that’s ever stopped anyone that works here!  I mean, have you seen what the Bravo shift is up to lately?  There’s good money on when Adam’ll get the courage up to ask Miss Grande Half-Caff Nonfat Latte with Caramel Drizzle out before the end of the month.”
Penny rolled her eyes.  “Adam?  Admitting he has feelings for anyone?  I give him a year, minimum.”
“Hello, Pot.  I’d like to introduce you to Kettle.”  He turned to wash out the things he’d used to make their drinks and kicked at her calf.  “Speaking of not admitting feelings, here comes London Fog and Dirty Chai.”
Penny masked the sudden lurch in her pulse by twirling around and grabbing the loose leaf tea from an overhead shelf and measured enough into a French Press, adding a spice mix and a little bit of fresh ginger before pouring in hot water to steep.  She grabbed the canister of lavender Earl Grey she knew he liked and did the same in a separate French Press while Nicky called out a greeting, confirming that they both wanted their usuals.
“Actually,” London Fog said, coming up to the counter.  “Could I add something a little more substantial?  Perhaps one of those sausage rolls and a slice of pumpkin loaf?  I fear today is going to be a long one, seeing as it’s grading season.”
“Oh?  You’re a teacher then?”
“He’s a professor,” Dirty Chai interjected, already setting up her laptop.  She’d moved from their usual two-person table to a larger four-person one so the both of them could spread out.  “Don’t let him get modest; he’s brilliant in his field.”
Penny looked over her shoulder as she brewed a double shot espresso to add to the chai.  “Where do you lecture at?”
The soft question had him looking up at her with an equally soft smile before he quickly looked down, suddenly very interested in the counter’s bakery display.  “Wayhaven University.  I’m one of the Professors in the Folklore and Ethnomusicology department.”
Nicky took over building their order when another person came in and distracted Penny.  “What a coincidence,” he all but purred.  “Our dearest Penelope is studying on that campus!”  He caught the sudden interest London Fog gave and leaned conspiratorially against the counter. “She’s going back for her master’s degree, if I remember correctly.”
“Oh?  What study?”
“You know, for the life of me, I can’t recall.  Sounds like an interesting question to ask her though, Professor…?” Nicky trailed off, realizing that neither he or Penny knew their regulars by name, only by order.
“Buchanan.  Cameron.”
“Call him Cam,” Dirty Chai said, taking her order and sipping with a happy sigh.  “I’m Winona.”
“Nice to finally meet you both.  I’ll go warm up that sausage roll for you.”  On his way to the back kitchen, Nicky nudged Penny with his shoulder, silently winking at her.  She turned her face so Cam and Winona wouldn’t be able to see her expression and narrowed her eyes at her partner before going back to helping the short line of customers that had already started to form for the morning, shaking her head as the first heartfelt strings of Come Back to Sorrento could be heard coming out of the kitchen, Nicky’s smooth baritone making one of the ladies in line sigh dreamily.
Penny transitioned from building orders to taking payment while Nicky bustled in behind her on cleanup and prep duty, the two of them working well.  Every so often, her eyes would stray to Cameron and Winona’s table, the two of them with their heads down and fingers clacking over their laptops. Two hours later, Cameron was looking at his watch and cursing under his breath while quickly packing his things away.
“Thanks for letting us stay so long,” he said, sticking money in the tip jar.
“It was nothing,” she told him, fiercely hoping he didn’t catch the way the tips of her ears were a bright pink.  “I’m glad you could stay with me - us long enough to get some grading done.”
He smiled and she couldn’t help but mirror the same smile back.  “I’d have loved to spend more time, but my office hours are going to be starting soon and I usually have a few students wanting to talk around this time of the year.”
“We’re always here in the mornings!”  Oh, smooth one, Fisher, she thought, mentally kicking herself for forgetting how to talk to people when the person in question was one she had a silly crush on.  Don’t flirt with customers, it’s just an awkward experience for everyone involved!
Cameron nodded.  “And stopping by is always a great start to my day.  Your partner mentioned you were studying at the university?”
“I am.”
Cameron shouldered his laptop bag and smiled again.  “Maybe we’ll run into the other on campus then.”
“I’d like that.”
“I would too.”  He blinked, as if he had been reluctant to break eye contact.  “Well, I’d better get going, or else I’m going to miss some student appointments.  I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Bright and early!”  Or so she hoped.  She really was going to have to speak with Lars about him getting his own transportation.  Penny sighed as the bell over the door chimed and tried - and failed - to not watch as Cameron walked down the street.
“He’s not that old.”  
Penny jumped at the sudden appearance of Winona at the counter.  “Pardon?”
“Cam.  He’s not that old, just in case you were worried he was some stuffy professor with a really good skin regimen.”
She let out a nervous laugh.  “I wasn’t…” Penny nervously tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear.  “I mean, I didn’t want to presume…”
“Like I said, Cam’s brilliant in his field and made career moves way before the usual timeline.  I’m guessing he’s around your age.”  She put more money in the tip jar.  “You know, if that was a deal-breaker for you.”  Before Penny could say anything in response, Winona waved and left.
Penny ran a hand down her face before frowning.  There was something other than money in the tip jar.  Curiosity getting the best of her, she fished it out, finding it was a business card with all of Cameron’s information on it.
FYI, a woman’s loopy handwriting in bright red ink read at the bottom, your partner wrote down your phone number on a napkin when he gave Cam his order.  Thought I should even the playing field and give you his too.
Penny’s eyes widened as she flipped the card over.  And BTW, he thinks you’re cute too.
“Whatcha got?”  Penny all but jumped out of her skin at the sound of Nicky’s voice unexpectedly at her ear as he tried to look at the card in her hands.
“Nothing!” she yelped, clutching it close to her chest before sticking it into her apron’s pocket.  Turning around, she grabbed Nicky by the ear.  “And what are you doing, giving strange men my phone number!”
Nicky winced, leaning down as he tried to wiggle away from her grasp.  “He’s not strange, Pen!  He’s a regular!  Practically family!  Ow, fuck!”
She let his ear go.  “You could have asked me if it was okay first!”
Nicky rubbed at his ear and rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, and at the glacier pace that either of you were moving, you may have gone out for drinks when you were both eighty.”  
She washed her hands at the prep sink and started making sure that everything they’d used was washed and ready for a new order.  Lunchtime was a sort of quiet lull, they got a few regular orders in, but it wasn’t anywhere near the morning rush.  She checked the schedule.  The Alpha shift was coming in for the afternoon to evening times, which meant that she needed to come in a little earlier tomorrow morning to make sure that things had been properly cleaned and organized and that the morning breakfast items were fully stocked.  She loved them to pieces, but Tane and Maaka weren’t the most organized of duos.  She made a mental note to check the to-go cups as well: Tane had a habit of using a marker to black out the Warning, your contents are extremely hot and make it read Warning, you are extremely hot instead.
The good thing is that on dead nights, the brothers would come up with some interesting off the menu recipes and leave notes for her and Nicky to try in the morning.  Maaka was more organized than his brother and the notes were always fun to read, especially when he added his own commentary.
“You never know,” she told Nicky, the business card in her pocket weighing far heavier than it ought to.  “I just may surprise you.”
Cha cha cha d'amour
Take this song to my lover
Shoo shoo little bird
Go and find my love
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