#actual opinions on golf!!
yay-depression · 2 years
god help me i’m having actual opinions about golf
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jadegr8 · 4 months
dude what the fucking hell
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months
Some of my opinions, in no particular order
golf courses should be abolished. mini golf can stay. actual golf? no. golf courses take up so much water to maintain their grass, grass which, btw, is a monoculture and bad for wildlife. the area that golf courses take up could be used for affordable housing, or natural areas left to grow with wild native plants that are better for the insect populations. but nooo, we gotta use all this land so that stuck up rich people can play the most boring game ever invented. bullshit.
the police should be abolished. i would settle for defunding but really they just need to go.
children are people, treat them as such. kids have thoughts and feelings that are just as real and valid as yours.
on a similar vein, you are allowed to not want children, but that doesn't give you a free pass to hate kids or be mean to kids. they didnt ask to be here, be kind.
there should be a maximum wage. after a certain point, there is no amount of labour you could possibly do to Earn that much money. your workers earned that money, and you are stealing it from them.
there is a difference between millionaires and billionaires. when i say eat the rich im not talking about actors and musicians, im talking about people who are directly responsible for poverty, hunger, suffering, and homelessness around the world. people who hoard obscene amounts of wealth that No One could ever hope to spend in an entire lifetime and simply watch while minimum wage workers struggle to put food on the table and the elderly freeze in their homes.
sex ed should start in primary school, at an age-appropriate level. if kids are old enough to ask questions about sex, they are old enough to learn about it in a safe environment. they should be taught correct anatomical names for body parts (penis, vulva, vagina, etc.).
there should be more research into autism and ADHD in adults, this shit doesn't just go away when you grow up.
diagnostic criteria for disabilities, disorders, and mental health conditions should be written by people who have or have had these conditions. how is someone supposed to know if they have autism, for example, if the symptoms are written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced it?? doesn't make any fucking sense.
hostile architecture should be illegal. unhoused people deserve a place to sleep. or better yet, give them houses. there are literal studies done that prove that housing people saves the government money in the long run, so why aren't we doing that? make it make sense
edit: updated to add more clarity to the golf thing. didn't explain that one well enough and left some people confused
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natailiatulls07 · 4 months
Pen Pals
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Oscar Piastri x Female!Reader
Summary - Strangers to pen pals to lovers
Warning - Cuteness overload!
Reader works in redbull as a media girl
Hi there,
I'm Y/n and I'm excited to write you! I've had a few pen pals in the past but none have really worked out.
But I digress, maybe we should start by introducing each other with a few fun facts; I love formula one! I am and will always be a cat person, having two cats of my own and my favourite past time would have to be finding and trying new recipes which either works or becomes a disaster, there's no inbetween!
I look forward to hearing about you and hopefully we'll get on well with eachother!
Yours truly,
Dear Y/n,
It's lovely to meet you! This is my first time so go easy on me! I loved reading your letter and found it quite ironic as I am also a big fan of formula one.
A few facts about me is that my favourite film is 'ten things I hate about you' even though my friends always tease me for it. My favourite formula one driver would have to Oscar Piastri, next best rookie since Hamilton in my opinion.
Who's your favourite driver? And which team do you support??
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
What a coincidence! I would definitely agree that Oscar Piastri is a great driver, espercially after winning a sprint in his rookie year! But however, I am a Max Verstappen girl through and through so that also means I'm a redbull supporter as well. But I have respect for each and every other driver and team!
I don't see how your friends can tease you about your favourite film, it is a iconic late 90s film with a stunning cast! See picking a favourite film for me is hard! There's too many to pick from like paddington or pretty woman or even oceans eight!
So what gotten you into starting to write pen pal letters??
Yours truly,
Hi Y/n,
Yeah with my job I find that alot of the people I talk to are very fake and greedy. I felt as those if I just starting writing letters to someone I could keep an anonymous identity. I hope you'll respect that, I'm sure you will!
Don't get me wrong I love my job, it's something I worked my whole life for. But it feels some what suffocating sometimes.
What about you? You said that you've had pen pals in the past but none have really worked out. I can't see why though, you seem lovely and have a great taste in sport!
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
Understandable. I promise to remain respectful and I won't pry. I think a pen pal is the perfect way to step away from our lifestyles, it gives us someone that won't judge and you can realise to them.
I started writing to pen pal when I started college. I moved away from all my friends and had a rocky break up with my boyfriend at the time.
So from then I tried to find the best pen pal. But believe it or not, not many people start a pen pal to talk to others and hear others but to just talk about themselves.
A pen pal relationship should be equal and not one sided so often those relationship will have lasted just under two months. But lets not dwell on the past.
Wait important question now! What is your zodiac sign?? It tells you alot about a person.
Yours truly,
Time skip a few months -
Hi Y/n!
Just read your last letter, loved your descriptive story about your now sister in laws hen party! I need to see those drunk photos immadiately.
My summer break just started, I have a lot of down time and not a lot to do. Please do you have any suggestions!? I have a feeling that I'm going to spend my summer moving between the gym, my apartment and my local store.
How did the date with that guy go? Was the trip to the jungle mini golf really worth it? I remember I went on a date once, we went to a nice restaurant and by the end of the night she was black out drunk. WORST DATE EVER!!
Yours truly,
Dear Oscar,
I would give you suggestions on what to do this summer. However just like you, my sofa becomes me seconds home after my bed. Well actually every summer me and my bestfriend deciated a day to binge watching all the Harry Potters! We go all out, getting themed snacks and making a fort out of blankets.
Oh my god! The date was horrible! All he did was talk about his family riches and how 'successful' he is. And to add salt to the wound the place was filled with whiny children. NEVER AGAIN!
Also I've add the photos from the hen party to the envelope, non of them have my face in it but you can see that the bride is enjoying herself.
Yours truly,
Y/n <3
Photos in the envelope -
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Hey Y/n,
Looks like the hen party looks as exciting as it sounded! Send my crograts to the bride and groom please.
I'm sorry your date went like that, I hate rich snobs who just glot and I work around them a lot lol! A girl like yourself doesn't deserve to be treated like that, you deserve fancy restaurents and meaningful date. I know I would give you the world.
Harry Potter marathon?? Mmm doesn't sound like a bad idea, I might rope my friend into then, he's british so he'll feel right at home!
Anyways I've been thinking...over these last few months I've grown to trust and adore our little letters back and forth. And I was wondering if you wanted to exchange numbers or something, idk.
I'm actually in Barcelona next week for work, but we can arrange something if you wanted. I just feel like I'd want to put a face to a name and exciting personality!
Yours truly,
Hi Oscar,
The world huh? Thats a bold statement...
Wait that ironic! I'm also in Barcelona next week, we could meet somewhere. I can't really do Thursday through to Sunday, that's when my work really starts.
But yeah we can meet at some coffee shop or something, I seen some nice recommendations on tiktok recently.
I'm actually really excited for this! I've never had a pen pal that actually worked out, let alone wanted to meet me, so I feel lucky! Yeah these letters have been fun to write, it's like I've learnt so much from you. Thank you so much!
OMG did you watch the last f1 race in Montreal?! Oscar Piastri, Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo podium! I'm sooo proud Piastri, he is slowly but surely moving up and competing with Verstappen for my fav driver! There I said it!
Yours truly,
Y/n <3
Dear Y/n,
Is Piastri growing on you Y/n?? Ooo that's exciting! But you wouldn't want to disappoint the current world champ, his no 1 fan is going to the dark side!
I would definitely give you the world! In a heart beat actually, you've single handedly made me feel normal and human again and I am forever thankful for that!
So you're working Thursday through Sunday...the exact days that formula one is active in the same city. I feel bad for you honestly, I'm sorry...
How about we meet up on the Wednesday? Should we meet at the three marks coffee?? I've heard great things about their coffee!
Meet me there at 1pm! I actually can't wait! See you then!
Yours truly,
Oscar <3
Outside the cafe -
Stood just outside the cafe, Y/n fiddled with her bag. She didn't know why she was so nervous, she would trust her pen pal Oscar with her deepest darkest secret if needs be.
Busy was an understatement. And Y/n knew fully well why, it was the reason why she was here this week. Formula one. Being one the media girls at redbull meant that she had to attend every race, not that she was complaining.
Just down the street was Oscar, walking head held high and a large grin on his face. He was beyond excited to meet the mysterious Y/n.
When they both began sending letters to each other, they agreed that neither would pry for surnames, addresses and other personal details.
The one thing they decided to do today was dress in all white, making it easy for each of them to pin point each other.
Oscar approached the cafe, his eyes scanning the area for a women dressed in all white. Until he spotted her, it was love at first sight!
He was obsessed with how she stylied her hair, and what she decided to dress like considering the white rule. "Y/n!" Calling out her name, as he made a quick walk towards her.
Y/n could hear her name being called and when she turned she came face to face with the one and only Oscar Piastri smiling down at her. A gasp broke through her lips, surprised that he was her pen pal.
"You're my pen pal?" She asked in disbelief. The Australian driver nodding his head excitedly. "You let me hype you up about your driving and didn't tell me?"
They both broke out into laughter. "Yep! And I loved it!" Oscars face held a cheeky grin, that Y/n instantly fell in love with.
After settling down in a small secluded table just outside the cafe, Y/n turned to Oscar. Her face now holding a cheeky grin. "Is now the best time to tell you that I work at Redbull as a media girl?"
Now it was Oscars turned to look shocked, shaking his head in disbelief.
"So you're telling me we've been right under eachothers noses the whole time!?" Neither expected that they were in reality quite close to each other whilst they were sending letters back and forth.
"What are the chances? Right?"
"Fancy leaving Redbull and join me in Papaya? maybe then Oscar Piastri will be your favourite driver..."
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shiftermeance · 5 days
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- - - y/n’s texts - - -
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- - - Max’s texts - - -
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- - - y/n’s texts - - -
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Y/n didn’t know what to wear to this party, having to enlist the help of her best friend to choose before she chose a tie front blouse and a skirt. It felt embarrassing how nervous she felt as she climbed out of Max’s Ferrari in front of the club. Walking around the car, their eyes met before she sighed and slipped her hand into his as they walked inside.
The club was already bustling with people, drivers, celebrities, patrons of the club. All kinds of people gathered in one area for the night to celebrate Charles’s win in the Monaco Grand Prix. She then was introduced to the dreadful feeling of having to follow Max like a little duckling because she knew no one there, sure she knew of some people present, recognized them in passing and gave them a smile and wave but no one personally.
That’s why it felt weird for Max to bring her up to the two booths being occupied by the drivers and their plus ones and have him introduce her.
“Everyone, this is Y/n, my girlfriend” Max said and she smiled and waved at everyone
“Hi” she said as she slid into the booth next to Max, looking at everyone present and just hoping she’d be able to remember everyone’s names to their faces but first she turned to Charles. “Congratulations on your win today, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, but I did watch the final laps live on my phone”
“It’s all good, it’s nice to finally meet you, y/n” Charles said and she smiled, glad he didn’t feel any way about her not coming to the race but showing up to the party. The next couple minutes were filled with other greetings, going around the booth and being introduced to the girlfriends present, Lily (He Muni), other Lily, who she decided to call lils to help differentiate but also because she was so adorable, Alexandra and Francisca, who had insisted she call her Kika.
If meeting the girls was what she needed to relax and actually enjoy the night then it was a success because a few minutes and a couple drinks later, she was on the dance floor dancing her little heart out. The following hangover would probably be hell but she would deal with that in the morning.
At one point she was pretty sure "Party In The U.S.A " came on and she and Logan were screaming the lyrics and laughing maniacally, but in their defense they were surrounded by Europeans, Aussies and Spaniards. Another thing she learned was that she was going to love the 2023 rookies, Oscar and Logan, making their way into her heart with their adorableness and she truly wanted to adopt both.
She didn’t remember how long she was at the club but she did know when she woke up, she was at Max’s house in his guest bedroom with a massive hangover and a glass of water and some Tylenol on the bedside table, he wasn’t there when she woke up, probably at the factory for some sim practice and meetings which she didn’t care about but it did put a small smile on her face…a small one.
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→ Lando was the dj at the party (party in the usa was him) 
→ Y/n felt nervous meeting the rest of the grid, afraid they wouldn’t like her (I don’t like how the grid ignore Logan so Y/n and Logan will have a huge friendship) 
→ Lily was excited to meet another athletic wag (expect a lot of lily and y/n in the future) 
→ Y/n was too drunk to drive home in Max’s opinion (you were blackout drunk) and so he carried her inside and put her in his spare bedroom 
Author’s Note! 
→ I apologize for the late upload! I spent the day with my little brothers going mini golfing and one of them passed out from dehydration, he is all good but I didn’t get time to finish due to that so if this seems incomplete, I apologize, also answer the poll please! The answer will affect the next chapter!
taglist: @boiohboii @ale-522 @ietss @theseerbetweenus @jaxx-7 @sainzluvrr @the-untamed-soul @ashy-kit @hc-dutch @nichmeddar @delululeclerc @sweate-r-weathe-r @dhanihamidi @tellybearryyyy @luvsforme
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⤷ Following the messy breakup between Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet, Max’s manager comes up with a solution to divert the attention – a fake relationship. His new girlfriend? Two time olympic gold medalist figure skater, y/n for the USA team. Easy? Well…
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princessbrunette · 6 months
alright. in your profesh opinion bcos my brain kept going back n forth
jj and rafe being called "dad" vs "daddy"
do they both like both, or one over the other, is one of them a firm no. like what are the vibes here
the professional has arrived take a seat get comfy cuddle a throw pillow.
like what we discussed on your blog, you start calling jj dad and it’s kinda like a fun silly little joke yk ?? like yeah this is dad <3 he tells me what to do ! <3 and jj is just like ok girlie whatever u want idc. and honestly, he’s fine with dad domestically just in your day to day life. but when you fuck, he prefers daddy. he’s a little more simple as a man, and daddy is just more sexual to him. you’re a long term future investment to him, yk? he wants to actually give you kids one day (so does rafe but his pea brain doesn’t go too far ahead) so he wants to kinda keep that separate to sex probably .
rafe is the opposite. he looooves “daddy” domestically. wants you to call him daddy infront of his friends when you bring his drink over from the golf cart, say “stoppp daddy” infront of barry when he manhandles you a little too hard to sit still, even smile sweetly n say “thank you daddy” when he taps his card at the nail salon infront of the lady who did them….. but the minute things heat up….. its just easier for him to shorten the word yk! “y’gonna fuckin’ listen to dad next time or what, huh?” all aggressive in your ear whilst he pounds you from the back, holding your face in his grip. likes it when you clamber all over him after a party, drunk and loose, slurring out a “c’n i have it please, dad?” even just a simple “hi dad” against his mouth when he joins you in the shower, him leaving a big wet smooch against ur mouth <3
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bag-chips · 8 months
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The Security Breach sillies!! Been meaning to post them for a while so here :) Headcanons under Keep Reading!
- The most advanced of all the generations, the animatronics use complex AI learning making them the most lifelike and sentient robots even outside of Fazbear entertainment. Each has unique personalities that can be moulded and changed by outside factors.
- The designs are made to capitalise on 80s nostalgia, taking inspirations from fashion of the time and utilising a vaporwave aesthetic. To hark back to previous generations, the animatronics are designed to look as though they have a face plate. The mechanical parts are also mostly hidden by complex joints to give them a more lifelike appearance.
- The Daycare Attendant is actually the most primitive in terms of technical ability and design. Fazbear Entertainment were able to find some of Henry and William’s scrapped designs, which were changed very little for the final product. Originally designed for the theatre, a last minute change meant that the animatronic would be used for the daycare. Although its ability to change its appearance is a marvel, it being based on design plans from the 70s means that they are prone to damages, needing almost constant maintenance. Even so, the Daycare Attendant is one of the most popular animatronics amongst customers.
- Glamrock Chica is the smallest animatronics of this generation. Fazbear Entertainment learnt very little since the early days, and once again programmed her to consume actual food. Like her 1st Gen counterpart, she is prone to having rotten food, maggots and cockroaches inside her. In this AU, she has the Valley Girl accent.
- Monty Gator is considered the strongest of all the animatronics. He is also one of the most aggressive. This is because he was originally programmed to be a ‘sore loser’ in Monty Golf, however a bug in the complex AI learning morphed this into excessive anger issues. He can easily knock down heavy displays and claw his way through gates. He was originally designed to be the mascot for the golfing area, however after the disappearance of Bonnie he was reprogrammed to become the new member of the band. His golfing motif still persists in his outfit.
- Roxanne Wolf’s outfit is inspired by racing gear, with her also acting as the mascot for the short lived hairdressing service. She is fully capable of cutting and styling her. In all their wisdom, Fazbear Entertainment programmed her to have anxiety and confidence issues to make her more relatable to teenagers. This has backfired massively, with Roxy’s AI learning exacerbating these qualities.
- Glamrock Freddy successfully won over fans after years of mixed opinions on the company’s mascot. With him being the mascot of Fazzer Blast, he has an alien motif in his outfit. Programmed to be best friends with Bonnie, the AI learning has developed this bond into something more. He misses him greatly.
- Glamrock Bonnie was laid back, playful and sassy. He was decommissioned by Monty. However, Monty was taken over by Vanessa’s programming, as a test to see if said programming worked. Monty has no recollection of this. Parts of Bonnie were used to reconstruct Afton
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birder-of-remnant · 1 month
A Story Done Right
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Kill Bill, The Princess Bride, Blue-Eyed Samurai, Wrath of Khan. Our media is saturated with revenge stories. Even children's tales often have revenge as a sweeping premise (e.g., the countless Star Wars villains as a modern example, but older tales such as Cinderella were even more rife with vindictive messages). And to be honest, I have never cared for this plot type.
Revenge stories are usually violent, merciless, myopic, and pretty disregarding of 'collateral' losses. Not all, but most lack any type of interesting moral symbology and substitute dynamic storylines and complex character development in lieu of exciting action scenes and a prosaic fixation on bloodshed. There are certainly exceptions to this, many of the titles I listed above actually have a lot of great things going for them. But I would say that these qualities are in spite of their focus on revenge and not because of it.
And there are an endless number of animes, movies, books, and other stories based on revenge that simply do not appeal to me (not judging other people if they like violent action media, just not my personal taste). Most of the time, I am just left feeling empty at the end, like Neo after volume 9.
But there is one exception to this theme. One revenge story that leaves me feeling whole, not empty. From the banner image, I think it is pretty obvious which story it is. This is my own highly subjective opinion, but I truly believe that the fight with Adam represents the perfect revenge story. And here is my reasoning.
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Revenge is Not The Hero's Purpose
In too many stories, the premise begins with douchebag 'X' killing damsel 'Y', leading to hero 'Z' killing a lot of henchmen and blowing up a lot of buildings all for the singular purpose of making Mr. X pay. Once they achieve this purpose, they look around aimlessly before wandering off to have a milkshake or play golf or something. Yeah well, this story does not do this. Killing Adam was never the objective for Blake and Yang, because they have actual goals that involve saving people and not just executing some vendetta.
Don't get me wrong. I love redemption stories, I find them so much more satisfying, especially when the character in question has to struggle to overcome the gravity of what they have done (note: a redemption arc does not mean instant forgiveness, it might never end with actual for absolution for what they have done). I love Emerald's story and think it has a lot of interesting twists that it can take. But there are some characters who are just too far gone to save. And Adam fits that perfectly.
He has a tragic backstory and I truly pity him. But he is also an abusive, murdering shitlord who manipulated and groomed Blake (I wouldn't be surprised if he physically or sexually abused her, which is somewhat implied by her frequently defensive body posture, but is not definite). He kills out of spite and represents Yang's demon, who she could have become. It was cathartic to watch him fall, but I am ever so grateful that his demise was not the purpose of Blake and Yang. Because killing him out of spite for what he did to them would not be much different than the way he lashed out at others for the traumas that he has endured. Some might call it justice, but justice and revenge are two sides of the same coin and the edges between them can be blurry.
The point is, Yang and Blake are so much more than Adam. They killed him out of necessity, not out of hate.
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They Are Set on the Future
As I mentioned, I often feel empty at the end of a revenge story. When the villain lies dead within a pool of their own blood and the hero has achieved everything they sought to accomplish, what more is there really? Often, I feel like the story has reached its ending without really achieving anything of note. Often, without really making the world a better place. A plot about revenge is not the same as one about taking someone down to save other people. The former is what Adam wanted and it would have made the world a worse place. But Yang and Blake are protectors. The fight was exhilarating and satisfying, but it ultimately humanized these characters whereas most revenge stories do the opposite, treating human life as cheap entertainment to be killed in the most 'epic' way possible.
But more important, the fight left me feeling excited about the future, rather than feeling burn out from seeing the villain die. Adam was fixated on the past. He was a character of the past. He represented Blake and Yang's trauma, their old demons and fears. He had no further place in their character arcs, because they had evolved into something so much more. Killing Adam was not the end of their story as it is in so many revenge plots. It was simply a new beginning. It felt whole and wholesome. Past, present, and future.
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Because it is the People Who Matter
Ultimately, the fight was never about killing Adam. It was about bringing Yang and Blake together. About having them overcome the demons of their past. About the importance of mental health. About their individual traumas (abandonment issues & PTSD for Yang and Blake's fear of hurting others). About the challenges that LGBTQ+ people face in finding security in a hostile world. It was about these two, fucking amazing characters and the ineffably wondrous relationship that forms between them. One based on actual fucking support, equality, and love.
That is all I have on this right now. Hopefully, I did not offend too many people by criticizing typical revenge stories. But I have been wanting to talk about my love and appreciation of this scene for years. I know there have been so many more people who have discussed these same themes and points before, probably more adroitly than my rambling mess, but this is my rambling mess. Thanks for reading!
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Random side trivia 1: Mandy Patinkin, the actor who played Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, is famous for his iconic line, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Mandy felt that the scene was symbolic of feelings towards the illness that took his father. But regarding revenge against people, he actually dislikes his iconic line and how it idolizes revenge.
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Random side trivia 2: I love Jeff & Casey William songs and I just love BMBLY (except or that creepy line about the birds and butterflies knowing, wtf). But as an ecologist, I should note that bumblebees do not make honey. Jeff was thinking of European honey bees. Bumblees are cute, fuzzy, chunky super pollinators that live in the ground, in hollow plant stems, or other obscure spots and are either solitary or have very small hives. They virtually never bother people and are super pollinators, actually much better pollinators than honeybees (which are super awesome cool in their own right, but also highly invasive in the western hemisphere and hurt our native pollinators D: And yes, I cherry-picked the ugliest picture of one that I could find). Many bumblebees are endangered, just like our beloved Bumblebees. Save the bees! AND THE BEES!
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juicywritinghoard · 4 months
a few more prompts
This crime is going almost too well?
Can you play with my hair? 
Of all the people to body swap with. Of all the days. 
This is no time for cute cat pictures and heart emojis!!!
Hey. Honestly? [deep breath] [SCREAMS]
Nothing like yard sale drama and intrigue! 
I did not see your text. Actually I can't read. It's very sad. Sudden onset adult illiteracy is very real-
Do not put it in your mouth! 
I know I got in trouble for buying them a very cool toy last time, but hear me out. 
Bite me. You gotta.
I am not eating this raw, actually. Nope.
How long did it take you to make that for me? NO I am not crying 
You drive me insane. Obviously I would go to hell for you 
What does this button do? I gotta know
Sword fighting is even more charged than I expected and I was not prepared 
I know you grew up in a wet cardboard box all alone but I cannot believe you have not experienced this. I think we have to, right now,  immediately 
We both showed up alone to the couples cake decorating class, so obviously-
Oops! Run
It hurts, but it rules
After a bad day, what we really need is some chocolate and violence.
Meow? Are you kidding me? 
Oh don't even get me STARTED on monsters- 
Pick your battles. As in let go of some of them please I swear you cannot fight it all
You know that object from the thrift store we thought was haunted? Haha so guess what,
Good chances we all die. Counterpoint, everyone who lives gets ice cream with sprinkles, so gear up!
I think I pretty explicitly said not to get it on the carpet.
So your mic wasn't off,
Please dress up with me? Please please please?
It isn't my blood. Don't get it twisted 
Can we kiss behind the mini golf windmill one more time? 
Magic is real, it just looks fake. 
Quick! Propose to me! Also, what's your name? 
We have to get you a new super costume.
You're enchanting. You're resplendent. You're a little bit on fire,
I gotta be honest. I have no idea what's going on and I think I waited too long to say so. Sorry?
Why do they have cat ears? They're supposed to be DEAD
I have normal feelings about this. And regular opinions. And I'm vibrating a reasonable amount.
Help, help, I'm not supposed to be in this universe!! 
I will help you ruin your hair, obviously, but you have to tell me what's going on. 
You wore that to the funeral?? 
Baking is science. Wizardry is science. You know what isn't science? 
Tired, angry, and covered in spaghetti sauce, and here I am at your door. But I can explain?
Bear. Seriously 
gonna destroy you and end your legacy forever xoxo <3
Nothing could possibly make me laugh right now. Don't you dare start doing silly voices at me. 
You know what this giant fancy crystal is good for? Blunt force head trauma 
I know it's super dangerous but when your eyes glow like that I can't focus on the battle at all…
Life finds a way?
Fighting? No, no, we're having a great time arguing about this. 
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littlerosetrove · 4 months
In no particular order, things I'd like to see explored with Eddie in season 7 and beyond.
How DOES Eddie feel about Chris quickly becoming a teenager? It was briefly touched on in 1 or 2 episodes, but uhhh yeah I guess we and Eddie learned "Yep. Chris wants more independence." K?? Anything more to add??? Furthermore, beyond giving Chris more independence, how will their dynamic change as Chris gets older?
Be for real, what are some of Eddie's hobbies? I can buy him going on hikes, but playing golf?? Just hanging out at fucking country clubs??? You serious?????????
What is Eddie's relationship with his sisters? I think it was @suavecitodiaz that theorized Eddie probably doesn't have a great relationship with them (despite the fandom largely thinking it's good). In Eddie Begins one of the sisters, while she doesn't talk, seems to be on the side of Helena or Ramon on some matter. Though we barely see the sisters they're never shown, like, supporting Eddie in any way, y'know?
I doubt we'll ever see this, but I'd love for Eddie to realize that Helena sucks as a mom. For the most part Eddie's really only been shown to pin his troubles on Ramon and not Helena. I low key hate that Helena has just gotten away scot free all this time.
I think it was another post I saw from @suavecitodiaz, or some discussion going on in the comments of it, but I'd like for Eddie to actually stop and think about what he wants in a partner. Yes Chris plays a factor, but what Eddie wants and needs is important too. We've seen the show skim the surface of what Eddie and his heart wants, but barely. Let's get deeper into that shall we!! (spoiler: Eddie's heart wants Buck, but only time will tell if the show actually goes there. until then, let Eddie speak on what he wants gdi!!!) Marisol may stick around for a bit, but I really doubt she's going to last. Thus this season would be a perfect time for Eddie to vocalize to SOMEONE, seriously anyone, what his heart even wants, y'know??
What does Eddie see for his future, career wise? Does he want to remain a firefighter, remain where he is, or does he have aspirations to climb the ranks? Does he want to become a fully fledged medic like Hen and Chimney??
I think it would be neat to see Eddie lead a small rescue of some kind. Like yeah I don't think Eddie wants to be a captain, but I believe Eddie is and would still be great at leading people when he needs to.
Give me interaction with Eddie and Karen, Maddie, and Athena. I genuinely don't think Eddie and Maddie have ever interacted beyond... season 2 when Eddie and Buck are helping move a couch into Maddie's new place. Even then they didn't really talk to each other. What is their relationship even like???
IDK, just give me more Eddie. No one puts Baby in a corner, and season 6 was the biggest offender of this, in my opinion.
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dogwittaablog · 2 months
SO HERE IS THE TEA AND BREAKDOWN ON NOLANS ALLEGED TWITTER BURNER (I also want to apologise for the initial hostile reply to the anon that sent it in I was just taken back cause there weren't upfront receipts).
If you’re wondering how this alleged account was figured out, an anon said someone tweeted about it and decided to look into it... and then now we are here...
His FIRST account that went under @ gollpatter the account got suspended (He tweets about it on his second account, but you’re still able to see everything).
So now the account he is using the new one is @ shottergallas.
(So just remember there are two accounts. I know some can get confused lol).
WARNING: I know people are going to be running up the accounts anyways but will say just a heads up you will be finding shit that you don’t like mentioning SA and misogynistic comments, some of the comments are towards the incident of WJC 2018. (If I’m right it’s brought up on @ gollpatter)
Now we may all be here like okay… how do we know or assume it's actually him??? Here is my personal observation
If you look at the following on the first account @ GOLLPATTER. You can see that there are about 4+ people on there that he follows that are obviously his friends and has Steinbach Manitoba in the bio. Some of the content and influencers he follows or interacts with on there also align with his recent or past followings/likes/engagements on Instagram from celebs, influencers, sport hosts and even onlyfangirls (I’ll even get specific if I have to) . His interests are evidently displayed throughout his account... things like MMA, golf, hockey, Joe Rogan, Theo Von and other typical guy shit, but as I said if you followed up on him or paid attention to his Instagram activity it adds up. 
(Screenshot of his followings the only thing is they don't follow back)
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An Anon that initially sent me the sub on why she thought or had her own conclusions to why she thought it was him which I’ll be copying and pasting the sub down below and adding the links to the info she provided! To make everyone’s lives easier.
here’s the account introducing himself as goll patt: (X)
here’s the account calling jets/ava pond hockey last night: (X)
here’s that account excited about nolan’s friends ‘coggie’ return to the ‘national’ 6 days ago: (X)
and the related headline where Dylan Coghlan, Nolan’s former teammate returned to the NHL from the AHL:  (X)
here’s that account being called pat by its friends in the reply of previous tweet: (X)
account being call pats/patty by friends:  (X)
same account agreeing with hate on the vegas golden knights as a franchise, praising nic hauge and his wife:  (X)
The hockey talk on the account that pop up usually I noticed has pertained to Vegas and the Flyers (some slight shady tweets mostly but nothing over the top) Maybe just some coincidence but I mean hey… we all know what teams he’s played for. Plus there are some Travis Konency mentions on there as well…
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So “his” account interacts with the same 2-4 twitter accounts and these accounts tend to tag him in post about Nolpats which I found a bit ironic…
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So the last to this which I thought was another eyebrow raiser, was another burner account that has some mutuals but isn't entirely active. Also tagged his account in a post regarding a Tik Tok. The context of the Tiktok was how most likely pro athletes do see the things you post online about them.
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So would like to end this off with reminding you that this ALLEGED and there’s no real confirmation it’s him. You’re able to form your own opinion and perspective if you decide to look through and analyse the accounts yourself. I could go on more on some other details, but decided to just touch up on the things that stood out to me. I also was limited to adding content like photos and videos.
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pinkydevil16 · 1 year
can you write a jj maybank x reader enemies to lovers trope? where the reader is sarah’s best friend and sarah brings her to the chateau. everyone is nice to y/n but jj isn’t, you can think of the rest. <333
18+ smut
JJ didn't like Kooks, he couldn't stand them, Kie wasn't a kook, she'd never be one in his eyes and whilst everyone else seemed to warm up to Sarah JJ kept his distance. A Cameron with a pogue was wrong, his best friend had somehow gotten the Kook princess and he couldn't wrap his head around how quickly he turned on the pogues to defend her. Then another came, one who he genuinely didn't want to see, Y/n. She was Sarah's best friend, a fellow Kook who Sarah then dragged to meet them, and now he was sat watching all the pogues try to get to know her whilst he stewed in anger.
"So Y/n, what made you want to join the pogues?" John B asked, already knowing Sarah had dragged her along with no explanation. 
"Uhh...i didn't really, i don't really get this whole pogues vs kooks things if i'm honest. Just got dragged along i guess." Y/n shrugged, she didn't really care about who she hung out with as long as she didn't get ditched or end up in jail. JJ scoffed to himself, Kie giving him a look and nudging him before she gave Y/n a smile.
"Well it'll be good to have another girl, the testosterone gets a bit too much sometimes." Kie joked, nudging JJ as he let out a small laugh, Y/n awkwardly laughing and pushing back her hair before looking at her phone. 
"Are we boring you princess?" JJ spoke, Y/n looking up at him with an awkward smile and shook her head, putting her phone away as she went back to leaning against the wall. He kept his mind filled with annoyed thoughts but a few escaped and reminded him that she was pretty and the way she awkwardly smiled at him had made his neck warm.
"No, no, sorry. Just got a text from work asking me to come in tomorrow. Saving for a car so want to get some shifts in." JJ raised an eyebrow, inwardly thinking about how her parents would buy her one without denting their weekly income, he worked to pay for food and she took those hours off someone that probably relied on work to feed their kids. 
"Where do you work?" Pope asked, Y/n giving him a small smile as she turned towards him.
"I work at the golf club, cart girl. All the pervy men tip pretty well so it makes up for their comments, but it's a good place to work, they're actually looking for some guys to drive the carts and carry the clubs if any of you are interested? I can put in a good word, the owner really likes me." Pope's eyes lit up, sure he felt terrified of going back there after Rafe attacked him but he also knew how well they paid since he'd applied when he was younger and been rejected.
"That would be awesome, how many do they need?" Y/n gave him a smile and pulled out her phone.
"Give me 5." Y/n walked away, Pope slapping John B's leg as they grinned at each other, John B hadn't had a solid job since the summer started and Pope enjoyed working for his dad but he saw the struggle. JJ rolled his eyes, drinking his beer as his friends all whispered about their opinions on Y/n, and agreed they liked her which made him angry. They barely knew her, she appears out of nowhere and once again it was like Sarah, they were choosing another kook over the original pogues. Y/n came back a few moments later and sat down, putting her phone away and grinning at the pogues. That stupid grin once more made his body warm but he looked away ignoring her once more as he steeled his thoughts and pushed it to the back of his brain instead forcing more negative ones about her in their place.
"So originally he only needed one but i convinced him he needed more since it's the summer and people go off sick being hungover and what not. So if you guys want jobs you can come with me tomorrow and i'm pretty sure you'll walk out with a uniform. Only if you want to." Y/n was nervous, she'd really pressed her boss, wanting to be nice to the pogues since they'd let her stay so she wanted to show them she wasn't an asshole. JJ scoffed to himself as Pope and John B grinned, excited as they thanked Y/n and high fived each other, Sarah bragging that she'd brought the best new pogue ever. 
JJ didn't feel the same way, she was pushing her way in, making them work on figure 8, what was next? She was gonna start buying their attention? 
JJ's hatred spiralled as John B, Pope and Kie all started working at the golf club on figure 8, he'd refused to go even though he needed the money but it was the premise right? 
Instead he just tried to ignore her but everyone seemed to like her, dragging her to more and more pogue activities where she'd try to be nice to him. Each smile she sent his way made his body heat up and the urge to smile back was sickening to him. Offering him a drink or asking how he was, he would only grunt or hum before walking away leaving Y/n confused but she'd been told he didn't trust easily so she didn't think much of it. Then instead of asking she would just hand him a drink, or give him something else which he'd looked at but didn't have the cash, she'd also buy everyone else a drink or food but to him it felt like she was trying to buy him. Y/n didn't think of it like that, to her she knew she was privileged, so if she had the cash on her or her card then she'd spend whatever she wanted on whoever she wanted. It was all out of her own pocket anyway, her parents only gave her money if she asked which she rarely did. But JJ just saw her as flaunting rich parents, the card she had was probably filled to the brim from a trust fund and any cash she had was probably an allowance given to her to keep her happy, he didn't have that. He didn't have anyone handing out money to him for simply being alive and he resented all the kooks for it, but something about Y/n just made him tick in a way no one else did. Sure Sarah was probably the richest kook kid on the island, but she only really spent it on John B, sometimes buying them food so JJ didn't see it often but Y/n, she was constantly offering to get the pogues anything they wanted. 
The twinkie needs a new belt? She got a mechanic in within a day so the pogues could get places.
John B was behind on rent? She gave him an extra $200 and told him not to worry about paying her back. 
Pope's dad had a bad week with sales? She's reminding everyone at the golf club to place orders. 
Somehow she always helped them, JJ found it suspicious, everyone else thought she was just a nice person but JJ was usually right about people. So when he kept reminding John B not to trust her, or telling Pope he had a bad feeling the pogues all decided the best course of action was the same they'd used on Ki and Sarah. But how to get them both somewhere they couldn't escape? 
Now Y/n stood in the chateau, humming away as she made pancakes since Sarah had asked her to come over and bake with her but Sarah had been gone for a good 10 minutes now.
"John B? You in here?" JJ shouted as he threw his bag down, looking around as he walked into the kitchen, Y/n giving him a small smile and wave as he ignored her as usual which made her sigh. It took him another few minutes to realise it was just them, scowling as Y/n plated up the pancakes and added some syrup before placing them on the table. 
"Where is everyone?" Y/n looked up at JJ, looking around before shrugging, pushing a plate towards him.
"Do you want any fruit?" JJ ignored Y/n, moving to leave when he found the door locked, Y/n trying to phone Ki to see where everyone had gone as JJ began rushing around trying to get out but every exit was locked. 
"What the hell?" JJ shouted as he tried to kick down the door, Y/n's eyes widening as she rushed over to try to calm him down.
"Hey, hey. Chill man, it's just a door jeez." JJ turned to face her, pushing her back lightly until he could stand over her as she pressed her body against the door.
"Why the hell are we locked in L/N?" Y/n'e eyes widened as she moved her hand to try the lock, scowling as she finally turned her face away from him to aggressively try to open the door, looking back at him with a shrug.
"I don't know, i just came here to make pancakes alright? You don't always have to be on my dick Maybank." Y/n pushed him back, gently so he didn't feel threatened and went to walk past him but JJ was quicker, grabbing her arm and pushing her back against the door.
"What does that mean?" JJ glared at Y/n as she rolled her eyes, going to push him away harsher this time but he grabbed her wrists and pressed himself against her.
"It means you're always starting a fight with me, like now, for no damn reason JJ. I haven't done shit to you so let me go and stop with this bullshit." Y/n was now getting angry, she put up with a lot from JJ, the small comments, the undermining and ignoring but she wasn't going to be pushed around because he threw his toys out the pram. 
"You're so annoying you know that right? You come in, push your way into the group, get everyone jobs with you and rub it in our faces how much money you have." JJ ranted, Y/n having enough as she finally pushed him back, her hands on his shirt as she pushed him against the door mimicking how he'd held her there before.
"Do you hear yourself? I was invited, i thought i'd do something nice and help you guys out. I don't give a shit if you have a problem with my money, i earn it, i'll spend it on whoever and whatever i want. I get it, Kook Princess or whatever nickname you've given to me is infiltrating your family. But don't start on me for something i didn't even do." JJ's eyes hadn't left Y/n's face since she'd pushed him against the door, he wanted to feel angry, wanted to hate her but the way she pressed against him and the spark in her eyes was really not something he expected to turn him on so much. Instead JJ just let himself be impulsive, grabbing her neck and pulling her into a deep kiss as he pressed himself into her, Y/n freezing as he did until she found her wits pushing him off her.
"Are you fucking serious? You don't get to treat me like shit and then kiss me." Y/n scowled at JJ but he was too busy containing the urge to do it again, he wanted to push her against the door and fuck her until she didn't know her own name. He realised that all the comments, negativity had been him hiding the attraction to a kook, and whenever he'd looked at her with annoyance he'd been discreetly wishing she'd look over and notice him. Now she was noticing him just not the way he wanted, he wasn't used to being talked back to like that, not from a hot girl who he'd kissed at least. He'd unleashed her fury and he was ready to let her take it on him anyway she wanted as long as he could kiss her again. 
"You're really hot when you're mad." JJ blurted, not thinking as he grabbed her hips pulling her into him as she raised an eyebrow and dropped her eyes to where he held her against him.
"Are you bipolar or just deranged?" Y/n scoffed, moving to push JJ off her when he flipped their position, his hands pushing her hips into the door as he leaned over her.
"I mean it. I've always thought you're hot and i just didn't know how to act being attracted to a kook." Y/n almost laughed at how ridiculous he sounded, just shaking her head in disbelief with an odd smile that made JJ want to drop to his knees. 
"You're unbelievable dude." Y/n finally pushed him away, walking back to the kitchen where she began cleaning up, trying not to think about how good JJ felt against her and how she wanted to get out all her frustration by fucking him. JJ watched her before he slinked next to her, watching her closer as he leant against the sink, his hear invading her body as she washed up wanting to ignore how she could feel his eyes tearing her clothes off with each gaze.
"Come on, don't tell me you've never thought about it...late at night in your princess bed, silk sheets, silk pjs and pretty lace panties for your fingers to slip under." JJ got closer as he spoke, cornering her against the counter as he ran his hands gently along her hips and upper thighs, eyes searching hers as his voice dropped to a whisper. Y/n gulping as she dropped her eyes to her lips then back to his eyes, squeezing her thighs which he felt against his fingers making them dig in as he held himself back from hoisting her up and spreading her open for his breakfast. 
"Sounds like you've thought of it a lot JJ. But i'll let you in on a little secret, when i wear my silk pjs i don't wear panties." Y/n leant forward, pressing her chest against him as she whispered in his ear, a smirk on her face as she blew hot air onto his neck feeling him grip her tightly. JJ was quick once the words processed and in seconds Y/n's front was flush against the counter, his hands dragging her shorts down as she whined at the bruises she could feel forming where her hips connected to the wood.
"Fucking hell Princess, you should know better than to tease me." Y/n went to snap back at him but the words died in her throat as his fingers ran along her underwear, her hands gripping the counter as JJ teased her, pressing the fabric against her as he pushed her hair back and kissed her neck. 
"Cat got your tongue?" JJ teased as he waited for Y/n to go to speak again, pushing her underwear to the side and circling her clit as she choked on the words.
"You-fuck." Y/n gripped the counter as she dropped her head, JJ grinning as he moved at hand to hair and pulled her head back, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. Y/n shuddering as he spoke, his hand moving to push two fingers into her as she gasped.
"You look so pretty like this." Y/n whining as he pumped his fingers harder in and out of her, his hand tangling in her hair as he sucked a dark hickey under her ear. 
"If you're gonna fuck me JJ atleast make it worth my time." Y/n managed to spit out, her thighs shaking as she held in her moans, not able to stop herself from annoying him more since he'd spent months being a dick to her.
"Haha Princess, you're going to regret that." Y/n smirked as JJ ripped down her underwear, struggling with his shorts as he shook with anticipation, Y/n pushing her hips back into his hands as he groaned forcing his zipper opening.
"Are you sure you've done this before Maybank? You seem anxious." Y/n teased, feeling his hands on her hips before he lifted one and landed a harsh smack to her ass making her moan and jerk forward but JJ brought her straight back and pushed into her.
"Fuck." Y/n moaned, his hand moving from her hip to her back and upto hold her hair against as he pulled her back against his front, slinking his hand around to grasp her throat.
"Jesus Y/n, you're so fucking wet." JJ groaned, keeping his grip on her throat and hip as he thrust into her, one of her hands moving to hold the one on her throat as she moaned. JJ panting as he thrust deeper, feeling how her thighs shook and nails gripped his hand, digging in and leaving small crescents in their wake. Her moans encouraging him as he felt her squeeze him, his hand dropping to her shoulder as he left bites and kisses as he hit the perfect spot. Her hand now drawing blood as she squeeze him tightly, moaning his name as hand giving out as JJ let go of her throat. Her front dropping onto the counter as she cried out his name, the new angle making her orgasm spike, his hand in her hair as he went faster.
"J...JJ, can't." Y/n begged, slapping his hips as she teetered over the edge again, JJ throwing his head back as he tried to fight off his own orgasm but the way her pussy was clenching around him, drenching the base of cock so deliciously he was sure his shorts were soaked too. 
"You can baby, you can." JJ spoke, voice strained as he thrust harsher into her, Y/n whining as she came again, JJ shuddering and moaning her name as he came.
"Shit shit." JJ panicked, pulling out as he came over her, his cum dripping out her pussy and down her thighs aswell as where he'd half painted her ass.
"JJ." Y/n half moaned, out of breath as she turned her head, the blonde boy nodding as he cleaned her up slowly, careful of where his hand print now covered her butt making him grin to himself. Y/n finding the energy to push herself up, JJ pulling her underwear and shorts up as she turned to face him, his shorts half done up and boxers low on his hips as he pushed back his hair. 
"So...do you wanna have after sex pancakes?" JJ spoke, all the confidence he had was suddenly gone, replaced by an anxiety that he wasn't used to when talking to girls.
"I want something else first." Y/n didn't give him a chance to ask what, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss as he melted against her, grinning into the kiss as he held her face. The pair pulling back with matching looks before JJ took her hand and pulled her towards the pancakes, both joking and laughing about JJ's petty past months before the front door opened and the pogues all filtered in.
"So you guys didn't kill each other?" John B joked, looking around for JJ's dead body or signs of a fight instead found the pair eating pancaked with grins, turning to look at the other pogues.
"We worked it all out." Y/n spoke with a grin, JJ giving her a matching cheeky grin as they tried not to let everyone know what had happened. 
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
"We want to know your opinions," begins the automated newspaper pollster on the other end of the line. "Because you are one of the few people left alive on this Earth who answer your phone to an unknown number, we believe that anything you tell us in the survey is clearly indicative of the average person."
A bit wordy, but I was willing to play along. No reason to tell them that I had only picked up my phone because I thought it was Mr. Cho, my AliExpress broker, who I expected to be giving me a progress update on "Project Make An Entire Plymouth Volare Unibody And Mail It To Me." Soon, I was pushing buttons and letting my opinions be known on contentious social issues. Surely, everyone in a decision-making capacity would have a firm grasp of statistics and not confuse anything my crackpot ass said for actual-factual reasoned belief.
Friends, I was wrong about that. It turns out that I am literally the only person dumb enough to answer one of these telephone surveys. A bunch of researchers called up afterward to make sure I wasn't some kind of escaped dementia patient, put me on speakerphone and everything. I thought fast, of course, and I think my answer ("I was trapped in a public toilet") satisfied them.
Based on the story so far, you may now understand why the new public transit buses have nine-hundred-horsepower nitromethane-burning V12 engines. Also why the highways now have FIA racetrack curbs mounted on corners, and the speed limit has quintupled. Of course, I'm still waiting to hear back on my proposal that the government subsidize Pontiac ownership, but I admit that it is a bit of a niche market that won't translate into many actual votes.
If you'll excuse me, the robot is calling me again. I don't plan on running out of crackpot beliefs anytime soon, but I will probably not get around to most of them today. It's simply too important that we convert all available golf courses to rally racing tracks, ideally while the rich folks are still trying to drive their dorky little golf carts on them.
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I have a small question where I would like to hear your opinion on. My MC died in her original world and was reborn into a new one. So she died at 27 and started back again at 2 years old from the body she took over. She is mentally at the original age. So my hiccup is that the story take place when she is 25 in the new world and I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to have her carry herself. Theoretically, she is mentally in her 50's but 25 physically. How should I go on to write her personality? I don't want to say I want her to "act old", but what are some things that might be different between a 25 year old and a 50 year old and how could I best make her more mature? Should I make her more immature in the beginning (pre-death) So that change could be put in place?
Character is Mentally Older Due to Reincarnation
Here's the problem... there are two things needed in order for someone to mature: physical development and emotional development through experience. If your character died at 27, not only is that about the time that brains stop physically developing anyway, she also does not go through any further emotional development through experience.
Even if she is "mentally 27" when she is transported to the body of the two-year old, and even if we say her mental age somehow overrides the physical capabilities of a two-year-old brain, the kinds of experiences she's having over the 23 years in her second body aren't the kinds of experiences that are going to add significantly to her emotional experience. These are all things she has already experienced and learned in her first life. As a 2 to 25-year-old, she's not gaining a lot of experience in things like career, marriage, parenting, layoffs, career changes, divorce, single parenting, dating after divorce, caring for aging parents, etc. Instead, she's experiencing some of the things (again) that are natural for 2 to 25-year-olds to experience, like going to school, making friends, trying to get good grades, social drama, first kiss, first love, learning to drive, first job, graduation, going to college, first-time independence, getting to vote, serious relationships and serious break-ups, perhaps even getting married and having a kid or two, though not getting very far into that.
So, my point is, your character has to live the life of a 25 to 50-year-old in order to gain the experience and maturity of a 25 to 50-year-old brain.
BUT... having said that, I am speaking to you as a person who has lived the life of a 25 to 50-year-old, and I don't feel mentally different from who I was when I was 25. Maybe a little, but not significantly. I have certainly experienced a lot of things during those 25 years, but I still like a lot of the same things, still do a lot of the same things, still think and feel a lot of the same things. I still wear clothes (sweaters, jackets, and coats, mostly) I wore when I was 25. I still watch a lot of the same TV shows and movies, and like a lot of the same music. But also... I'm sitting over here singing to songs that are popular on the radio, watching TV shows that are popular with the 15 to 30 crowd, and comfortably conversing with family members who are in their teens and 20s.
So, a part of it, too, is that once you get past a certain age (mid-20s, really, when the brain stops developing), there's not always this catastrophic difference between who a person is at 25 and who they are at 50 or 70. I mean, there can be... there are definitely those adults who turn into weird adulty robots who feel like they can only drink wine, eat salmon, play golf, and throw wine and cheese parties, but not everyone is like that. Most people aren't. You'll get into your fifties and laugh that you thought you'd be so significantly different from 25-year-old you. :)
Another issue to consider is this: if your character is a 27-year-old trapped in a 2-year-old's body, does that make her like Stewie Griffin, except that's the way she actually sounds to everyone around her. Do you have a two-year-old sitting in the baby seat in the shopping cart at Target, looking at her "new" mother and literally saying out loud, "Oh, Diane... please tell me you're not thinking about buying that. You know how gluten wrecks your stomach. Put it back and get the gluten free one, would you?" Or, do you have a 27-year-old woman who has to pretend to be a two-year-old, and has to sit there making baby talk and saying things like, "Ma-ma... can get cookie? Pwweeeease?" It's really awkward, to be honest, and I can't imagine how mentally taxing, frustrating, and demeaning it would be for your character.
So... what to do? There are two options that I can see, but keep an eye on the reblogs in case anyone else has a suggestion:
1 - Compartmentalize her adult consciousness from her two-year-old consciousness until she's maybe ten or twelve. So, almost like she's a prisoner inside the body of a child, but she doesn't know what it's thinking and can't control what it says or does. Like they're two independent beings and she's just along for the ride, silently commentating and even trying to get through to the kid to little or no avail. Maybe sometimes, if she mentally screams loud enough, she pops into the child's consciousness as a subconscious thought. Then, for whatever reason, as the child ages, her voice gets through more and more, and she gains control of what the child says and does little by little, until finally she has fully become the child when it's maybe 12 or 15 or whatever age you think makes sense. So, that might look something like this:
Childhood: I'm dressed in my--rather, Bella's--favorite Bluey shirt and a pair of shorts. The birthday party is at an indoor play area called Bounce, and I can almost feel Bella's excitement as she drops her gift off at the table and runs to join the other kids on a giant trampoline. They didn't really have places like this when I was a kid--the first time, I mean. My next door neighbors--the Andersons--they had a trampoline in their backyard, the kind with the net cage around it, but my parents wouldn't let me jump on it except during neighborhood parties when there were lots of parents watching. At least I... Bella... will sleep well tonight.
Teens: "Hey, Bella!" Maxine said as I joined her at the lockers. "Are you going to Brant's party tomorrow night?" Ugh, Brant's party. I had forgotten about that. What an absolute turd. He reminds me too much of this guy Jared I dated briefly in college, in my first life. I'm obviously not going to tell Maxine that. "Nah," I say at last. "I don't like that guy enough to go to his party." "Why don't you like him? I think he's cool!" "Oh, he just reminds me of someone I used to know. Wanna head to lunch?"
2 - Give the adult consciousness a bit of amnesia and have her start to remember things over time. In this sense, there would still be some compartmentalization early on as far as being a separate consciousness from the child's, but in this sense she would be less like an adult imprisoned in a child's body, along for the ride and commenting from the peanut gallery, and more like a faint awareness that is more distant, but becomes more aware and close as time goes on. That might look something like this:
Child: Bella is wears her favorite Bluey shirt to the birthday party. She is such a happy, friendly child. The other kids welcome her with smiles and open arms as she joins them on the trampoline. I wonder if I went to parties like this in my first life?
Teen: Bella's friend--my friend--Maxine greets me as I join her by the lockers. "Are you going to Brant's party tonight?" My stomach sours at the thought of that guy, though I don't know why. Perhaps I knew someone like him in my past life. The name Jared suddenly pops into my head, and I briefly wonder what this guy did to past life me that I carried dislike for him into my second life. Not wanting to get into all that, I make an excuse about having to help my mom wallpaper the guest room. "See you on Sunday, though, so we can study for the test?" "Yeah, see you then," Maxine says, closing her locker. She smiles, but I can tell she's a little salty. She knows social gatherings exhaust me, though. Sometimes I wish I could tell her why--that I've been through all of this before, not even that long ago. But she wouldn't understand.
So, in either case, you're not really worrying too much about the nuances of maturity, but rather a general "adult" perspective as it relates to this child whose body it's inhabiting.
Anyway, I hope that helps! Edited to add: see a related question here.
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hyperraduo22 · 11 months
my long list of random dps headcanons
+ includes spencer and stick !! :))))
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• neil only has problems with reading in one eye and still to this day cannot figure out why. he assumes it’s genetic atp
• meeks and pitts do not like excessive gore in movies although pitts is more prone to dislike body horror— they won’t get physically sick from looking at gore they just generally don’t like it and get easily squeamish from it
• pitts likes pink lemonade simply cause it’s pink
• whenever knox gets a fortune whether from a fortune cookie or one of those mechanical tellers, he takes it so seriously for the next two weeks
• meeks and todd are slow eaters
• neil is the pickiest eater out of all the poets although he’s slowly learning to get over it and try new foods. cameron and meeks try to encourage him little by little since they used to be picky as well but got over it
• todd has sensory issues when it comes to texture. if he feels something he doesn’t like for a long period of time, he could possibly get anxious and start crying from it. example: he absolutely hates the feeling of shedded snake skin and will never ever stick his hands in those “guess what you’re touching” boxes at those wilderness exhibits— bro is traumatized from it
• despite popular belief of neil hating roller coasters, i think he has a neutral opinion on them and there’s some he can tolerate and some that he does like. although he’s very picky with roller coasters and there’s some he absolutely refuses to go on even with todd
• cameron actually likes trains a lot and hyperfixates on them (and yes there’s a bittersweet story behind it from his childhood)
• pitts loves anything s’mores flavored
• stick knows how to bake really well and the dps always ask (more like beg atp) to be his personal taste testers cause they know the finished product will be delicious
• meeks cannot eat spicy food for the life of him. he tried cajun food once and he loved it but some of the cheyenne peppers knocked him tf out- like his face was redder than his hair
• knox loves rooftop dining (rich bastard)
• charlie has a personal barber that he always goes to even when he becomes an adult
• todd’s mom is a lesbian (( i wanna post my dps family headcanons so bad cause this deserves context😭 ))
• pitts grew up with a compromised immune system and spent his days inside a lot during late elementary school and a little bit into middle school. since meeks was also pressured to do good academically at such a young age and ended up staying inside more often, the two bonded over that and meeks didn’t mind taking care of pitts when he got sick<3
• charlie and cameron are really good at golf
• cameron prefers taking chewable pills whenever possible since he has trouble swallowing larger pills
• meeks can name the 50 states in alphabetical order off the top of his head
• todd and pitts have that friendship where they always support each other no matter if they both know what they’re doing/saying is dumb and absolutely wrong by all logical standpoints
• pitts is better in biology and anatomy. the only reason why he’s passing chemistry is cause he’s good with remembering chemical reactions and organizing his work during lab projects. otherwise stoichometry fucks him up badly
• todd chews on the ice whenever he has certain cold drinks
• stick crochets in his free time— he even crocheted a blanket for spencer and spencer still uses it to this day :(((
• spencer can get really invested in dramas or sports shows and end up having really dramatic reactions at the things that happen on tv— stick has witnessed this once and bro was dying laughing the entire time. every since then, the duo watch tv together and it feels like a therapeutic bond between the two
• ^speaking of spencer and stick, they’re childhood besties!! they have that bond where even when they separate for long periods of time, they’re able to reunite and catch up/have nothing change between them
• because todd loves bird watching and meeks loves stargazing, they invite each other whenever they’re doing those activities and hype each other up whenever they spot something rare (ie. rare bird species or a rare celestial event) <3
• because stick likes to feed hummingbirds around the campus from time to time, todd sometimes joins him so he can also appreciate the birds
• whenever he reads up that an eclipse is coming up, meeks gets all the poets together on the rooftop to watch it
• pitts actually knows how to play a few songs on piano but hasn’t touched a piano in a very long time
• charlie learned to play clarinet in a orchestra/symphony that played for the town and raised money for local charities—that’s right. he’s so rich that his parents didn’t enroll him in private lessons but rather a more professional band class with other kids. he originally wanted to try out the oboe just cause (he also secretly loved the oboe solo in that one tchaikovsky piece) but his parents obviously made him do clarinet instead. he would later teach himself saxophone
• charlie has an immunity to ibuprofen and some other over the counter drugs (don’t ask why. he’s probs the type of person that gets headaches or body aches easily- whether self induced or not- and took so much ibuprofen over the course of a month that it doesn’t work anymore)
• cameron has sensitive teeth and gets toothaches easily from cold foods like ice cream. therefore, he’s careful with his portions when eating certain desserts, takes smaller sips when drinking water at restaurants (or he just asks to have no ice in his drinks), and he prefers drinking room temperature water
• stick is scared of butterflies- like i’m talking bro has a full on phobia of them cause of some traumatic childhood incident- but still thinks they’re really beautiful :(((
• ^because of this- when walking outside, spencer will make sure there aren’t butterflies nearby for stick. he’ll either swat them away or gently pick them up and make them fly away elsewhere like the true best friend he is🫡
• no matter the circumstance, spencer just does not give two fucks about true crime whatsoever. you can make him watch a true crime doc and he’ll either get bored or be like “really? that’s all the killer can do?” “…couldn’t they like- i don’t know- not enter a complete stranger’s home??” “i could’ve beaten up that guy you know.”
• knox and spencer have a brotherly relationship and have known each other since middle school. knox would invite spencer to tag along with him and charlie, obviously tease him in the middle of class, and he’d ask for help on school work. plus knox and charlie have stood up for him on multiple occasions and help raise his confidence in social situations
• stick has hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) episodes from time to time. sometimes they sync up with spencer’s random nosebleeds and they both sit in the nurse’s office together.
okay now i wanna post dps family headcanons and stick and spencer headcanons now🏃‍♂️🗣️
let me and todd’s lesbian mom cook
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lol-jackles · 8 months
I agree with you that SPN season 10 is among the worst, quite boring and the Mark of Cain arc definitely disappointing. Not to mention all those useless subplots, with inconsistent characters like Cole, Claire, the angels etc. But the character of Cain is, in my opinion, really interesting. Also because the actor is really good. He would have been a fantastic villan throughout the season, but they only used him for a single episode. A wasted opportunity. What did you think of "The Executioner's Song"?
Cain was a such freaking wasted opportunity! Instead they wasted the mid season finale on an insufferable teenage Claire Novak. A Thousand Flipping Birdies to PROMO DEPARTMENT and Thousand Years in Jail for inflicting SIX more episodes of the Golf Princess for the next THREE years! *breath deeply*.
So, "Executioner’s Song".  Ever since he gave the Mark of Idiocy to Dean, Cain went back to his murdery ways. Naturally Dean must kill him. Naturally Cain took issue with that. From here, this is how the rest of season 10 should have gone.....
Missed opportunity 1, Cain meeting Sam.
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Cain killed Abel to "save" him from Lucifer, similar to John instructing Dean to kill Sam if he can't save him. Imagine all the confidence Cain had that he did the right thing for six thousand years, until he meets Sam. Slowly Cain start to have doubts that he actually saved Abel and it breaks him and that's what re-starts Cain on a murdery path. Colette stopped him, but it's Dean's own Colette (Sam) who unstops him. Which leads us to..
Missed opportunity 2, Cain as season 10's Big Bad and kills Claire Novak because he's "saving" her from a lifetime of danger from hunting. Dean still thinks he can save Cain until he kills Charlie Bradbury to reunite her with her mother in heaven. Now Cain has crossed the line and Dean has no choice but to put Cain down.
Missed opportunity 3, Cain decides that Dean will be the last person he "saves" because Dean is living his life in reverse. Dean will kill Crowley first, which will be conflicting for him, then Castiel, which will be difficult, but killing Sam will be the act that Dean will not survive. Cain taunts Dean that he's doing him a favor because Sam will be safe and free of Dean to finally live the life he wants. Cain's words have an impact on Dean and he seriously considers the idea that Cain is right.
The last missed opportunity is a second musical to show us what Cain did before he met Colette in Galivant 
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