#actors with dwarfism
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a-little-revolution · 6 months ago
It seems like you're a big fan of Warwick Davis, I was wondering if there are any other little people actors you really like, especially women and trans/nb actors?
Hello! Yes I do enjoy Warwick Davis! Willow (1988) remains one of my favourite LP films, and I've really enjoyed his career of fantastical characters.
Like a lot of industries, white men make up a lot of the most famous Little actors (Warwick Davis, Peter Dinklage, Danny Woodburn, Martin Klebba, Verne Troyer), so I'm happy to mention some of my favourites outside that group!
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Linda Hunt is a favourite of mine - she's a Hollywood veteran best known for her role in The Year of Living Dangerously (1982) where she was the first actor to win an academy award for playing someone of the opposite sex!! She's been on Broadway, done tv, film, and voice acting! You may know her as Lady Proxima in Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018).
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If you think you don't know Deep Roy, chances are you do! He's been a scale actor in countless award winning films including Star Wars (1980), Star Trek (2009-2016), The Never Ending Story (1984), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) and so many more! We owe so many beloved characters to scale actors and people hardly know it - Deep Roy has been responsible for dozens of them, I adore him.
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Despite Patty Maloney's vast career in acting, I know her as Lois Addams from The Addams Family (1991)! Before my time she was in a variety of tv shows and films including Star Trek Voyager (1996), Little House on the Prairie (1982), and The Lord of the Rings (1978).
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Cara Mailey is a young actress, author, presenter and activist! She's known for her role in Derry Girls (2018) and Read all About It! (2021), as well as her ebook "I Got This" - which speaks on her experience living with Achondroplasia. I wanted to be sure to give her an honourable mention because at only fifteen she's already become an activist for the LP community! I'm excited to see how her career evolves!
Thank you for the ask! Be sure to check these folks out!
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tyrannuspitch · 9 months ago
loki odinson, the nine realms' tallest short king,
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nessa007 · 1 year ago
Why do the dwarfs look cartoony like its life action they are supposed to look like short humans not like they got dragged out of the animated movie. Like what is the point of live action if they dont make it look realistic. If this is honestly the way they are going with it i might have preffered the woodland spirits or wathever they wanted to turn them into originally.
me @ disney
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dragontamer05 · 1 month ago
An interesting video on it
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sweetthoughtsbymarie · 4 months ago
October 30th
Peter Dinklage – Actor (Achondroplasia Dwarfism) Dinklage has a common form of dwarfism known as achondroplasia, and stands 4 ft 5 in (1.35 m) tall. He has used his celebrity status to raise social awareness of dwarfism. He was born June 11th 1969, like a lot of disabled people Peter had to come to terms with his diagnosis and let go of his anger and bitterness. He is married and has children.…
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alexanderwales · 2 months ago
I saw a post (which I cannot find now) which was about the casting of a Black woman as Elphaba in the new film version of Wicked, and pointing out that the musical is about discrimination, so this casting is a natural one.
But this seems ... kind of incorrect to me? That is, the musical has themes of personal identity, discrimination, prejudice, etc., but this is fantastical prejudice. So when, through casting or direction or acting choices or costuming or coding you pull some subtext (e.g. real-world prejudice) forward, you're changing the texture of the allegorical elements.
I don't think that this casting choice is wrong, I just don't find it to be "natural". It is a choice, and unlike a musical that was about nothing in particular, it's a choice that more meaningfully affects how the audience reads the musical. It makes the musical much less about prejudice generally, and much more about racial prejudice specifically. Maybe I'm being nit-picky about the word "natural" here, as though I think it's making a claim about what's in harmony with the work. Like "natural" means that someone is claiming the title of "most cohesive".
Imagine a version of Wicked where they cast a fat actor to play Elphaba. This obviously invites a different reading of the musical, right? Is this "less natural"? Is it "more natural"? I think it's a different choice to make, and I think people would be inclined to get different readings out of it.
This is the sort of thing that I sometimes have cause to think about, because I'm a writer, and have to decide on basic facts about characters, and figure out how those basic facts fit in with whatever kind of point (if any) I'm trying to hit.
If I wrote a story about how someone was kidnapped by aliens, and they think their human is just oh-so special, and this is maybe initially nice but it becomes clear that they just want the novelty human ... I would have choices for my human, right? And even if we keep all the dialog exactly the same, the readings become different if we're touching any kind of live wire. This would be a story about fetishism and exoticism and the way that makes a person feel like they're less of a person, or like they're only valuable for specific superficial traits.
So we could write our human to be an "everyman", nothing distinctive within the dominant culture. Or we could write our human to be someone with dwarfism. Or we could write our human to be an Asian woman. Or we could write our human to be transwoman. Or we could write our human to be an influencer. And all of these would substantially change our reading, right? The surface of the story wouldn't change, but the comparisons we invite would be different, and that changes the experience of the story, subconsciously or not. None of these are wrong, none are more natural, they're just choices.
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months ago
Mouthwashing Actor AU
Jimmy: Jimmy Ray (a nod to him being named after a Lana Del Ray Song) Is a type cast where he’s the sweetest person to ever exist, but is extremely good at playing Villians. It be like that in the horror industry. He won’t lie though. Playing a role like this was his biggest challenge, as he would need to get into the head of a You Know What.
Curly: Curly Ray, aka Jimmy’s older brother. He was born Amelia (aka his limbs were never fully developed) and is often type casted to play monsters or characters that require a certain mobility. Much like how child/people will dwarfism play certain characters. He’s happy that he gets to play a normal person, even for a short while. (That would be explaining why we get very little screen time of Curly looking normal)
Anya: Anya Ray. She was originally Jimmy’s wife, but it was a case of lavender marriage. She needed to stay in the states to finish her schooling and he was terrified of coming out as gay. Fortunately Jimmy found his one true love and Anya ended up marrying Curly as they had bonded so much through the traumatic situation. She is a credited doctor who uses her knowledge to help make the medical scenes more real. Along with fellow actress. New to acting but not the acting society.
Daisuke: Daisuke Ray. Daisuke is the one who Jimmy fell for. He was a special effects/makeup artist (who specialized in horror) that was pretty much part of the team because of often working on whatever madness Curly would get dressed up as. He wasn’t originally meant to play a role in the show, but the director saw that all of them were extremely close and found it very important to have to convey real emotions and a sense of reality. So this is Daisukes first role, and by proxy he is rather hard to get into a serious mindset. It works in the end as his sweet and playful silly attitude leads to plenty of improve that conveys realism the director wants.
Swansea: Director Swan. He’s the one in charge of it all, and plays a role as well. More so as the background character (hence why we have more fleshing from everyone else compared to him) and wanted to convey an important and serious story. He’s a semi retired director, so he uses his time to make passion projects. That means he has more ability to follow what HE wants and not get swayed by other people’s PG needs. He saw how these four specific actors/special effects artists were already very close and it brought him the motivation to follow through on this latest passion project. Hence why they all use their real first names. A means to really hammer in this is a real story, with in its sci-fi elements.
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xremus-is-deadx · 4 months ago
No one will ever do a live adaptation of Snow White as well as Mirror Mirror did.
-Fantastic costume designs. Because it wasn't made by Disney, her outfits are different but still beautiful.
-Iconic cast (like I love lots of members of the cast)
-So magical but at the same time very real
-Actually focuses on characters other than just Snow, which makes the story so interesting and unique whilst still sticking to the basics of the story
Overall, Mirror Mirror is such a good live action adaptation. It's not 100% true to the animated Disney film, and it's a bit more heavy plot-wise, but it's INCREDIBLE!!
Live Action Snow White
I hate how this could have been down WELL if Disney cared.
- Have actors with Dwarfism act as the Dwarves + consult experts and people w/ dwarfism on avoiding stereotypes and showing them as actual people.
- If you want a non-white Snow White, go for East Asia, specifically Japan, since there's some Japanese culture you could reference in regards to 'hair dark as night." Like the book In Praise of Shadows, you could have subtle nods to Japanese Aestheticism. (Although Rachel Z LITERALLY looks like a real life Disney Princess. If she's Snow White, they should have leaned into her Colombian + Polish background).
- Hell, if you want someone who isn't white or East Asian, you could get an actress with albinism or even vitiligo (would look a bit like snow?). That would be really cool, actually.
- You could make some interesting references to Japanese history and fashion. Like Kanzashi sticks as hair accessories AND weapons. They were sometimes used to fend off attacks & assassinate political rivals. Some Kanzashi has bells hanging from them that jingle in the wind. That would explain why the Prince would find her in the woods. I feel like we'd all be confused about hearing bells in the middle of nowhere lol.
- You could go with practical effects and actually make everything look magical. and REAL. NO CURSED POLAR EXPRESS CGI DWARVES PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!
I hate that Disney is doing cheap rage bait and are happy to throw her to the wolves. They KNEW what would happen. They're just trying to start shit at this point.
Also people saying that Gal Godot is prettier than Rachel Zegler so she has no reason to be jealous haven't watched the original Snow White film. Not to mention Gal Godot sure is RACIST enough to be jealous of biracial woman's looks.
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adorkastock · 3 months ago
Hello, good morning/afternoon/night! I've been trying to find dinamic posing references of people with dwarfism, but google always refers to fiction dwarves. Would you know where/how to look for better references? And, might I ask, would there be plans for the future for a model with dwarfism in the stock?
Hi there! I am not familiar with any models with dwarfism currently doing pose reference modeling. You could try looking up some photos of some well known actors and start with some studies there perhaps? I would certainly be interested in hiring someone with dwarfism to model for me, particularly someone with experience in acting, modeling, or cosplay. Maybe someone who sees this will be able to point you in a helpful direction in the replies or reblogs. ♥
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a-little-revolution · 4 months ago
What are your thoughts on Warwick Davis? He is a famous British actor with dwarfism. I loved him in Willow since it was my first exposure to him outside of the Hogwarts movies.
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Hello! I have indeed discussed Warwick Davis on this blog! I absolutely adore him and his career, especially in Willow (1988) and his various roles in Harry Potter (though I no longer support J.K Rowling).
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Like all Little actors, he's had to play some not so great roles, but for the most part Warwick has been a major talent within the fantasy genre. He is beloved in Hollywood and holds a special place in my heart!
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hopeymchope · 3 months ago
Snow White and the Seven Had-to-be-CGI Drarves
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I don't understand all the bitching about the dwarves being CGI creations in the Snow White trailer. Like AT ALL.
Disney was beaten over the head with "You never, EVER should cast regular actors as little people/dwarves!" and THEN they got hit with "It's so insulting to cast real-life little people as mythical dwarves!" wave.
So they made the ONLY logical choice available to them.
Now, you can debate the visual designs and the finer details of how they handled these interpretations/adaptions of the characters, sure. But all this crying of "WHY ARE THEY CGI?!" is like... because there was no other fucking choice that they wouldn't get eaten alive for???
Well. There was the choice to NOT make another live-action remake of an animated Disney classic, but let's face it: That was never a valid choice with these people, because $$$$$$$$. When people finally stop going to see these goddamn things, maybe we can finally know peace on that front.
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@deepclover80 said this, and I thought... well shit, that's a really good point about actors with dwarfism.
Maybe the point here, then, is that Disney tried to take the only option that seemed to avoid controversy. And as it turns out? They failed. It's still going to be controversial. There was no "winning" this fight outside of not making the movie in the first place.
But at least this is a better controversy for the media to focus on than the"Rachel Zegeler isn't White" bullshit.
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sea-chest · 1 year ago
Remember when Mirror Mirror came out and hired actual Little People to play the dwarves (*cough* instead of cgi'ing other actors to have the proportions of Dwarfism *cough*) and also tied their Dwarfism into the plot and their characters?
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mer-acle · 5 months ago
What is it with studios being so terrible at responding to criticism.
I don't mean ignoring constructive criticism, though they do that too, I mean if they do react and change something and it's the most baffling illogical out-of-pocket thing ever.
Disney remakes Snow White and the 7 dwarves
Peter Dinklage speaks out saying the movie is problematic because of the portrayal of the dwarves
Now this is a criticism to be taken seriously and evaluated. Ideally you would talk to an organization for people with restricted growth and figure out if it's just his opinion or something widely agreed upon in the community. Part of it should also be looking into what exactly the problem is and if it's fixable without basically changing the entire story
Now I can't really say Disney only took Dinklage's criticism into consideration, they did say they did consult several people from the community but it's not exactly transparent
Regardless they end up changing the dwarves to magical creatures to avoid stereotyping.
Now other people from the community speak out that this decision takes away rare acting opportunities from them, again, understandable and important to consider.
So what does Disney do now? Do they backtrack, do they stand their ground on the change?
Mind you, both options could be sold as listening to the community
So naturally Disney does the third option.
CGI dwarves.
I cannot begin to describe the bafflement this decision fills me with. Like, how do you fuck up this bad? This simultaneously plays into the stereotypes Dinklage criticized and gives not a single actor from the dwarfism community an acting opportunity??? Nobody wins here.
I'm not saying Disney would make any decision bc they actually care about people with dwarfism, they do not. But why, as a corporation, would you make a decision that is guaranteed to make the entire community unhappy? I am confused as a human being because the logic isn't logicing, but even from a capitalist standpoint there is no sense in this and i cannot fathom this decision was made.
Sorry this specific example is the one that's been worming around in my brain lol maybe I'm missing how this is actually the perfect solution or something
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sweetthoughtsbymarie · 5 months ago
October 11th
Tony Cox is an Actor who has Dwarfism lets take a look at Tony’s story. One of my favorite movies personally of Tony’s is Bad Santa 1 and 2. Tony was born March, 31st 1958. Tony’s form of dwarfism is Achondroplasia. This affects his bone growth in the limbs,spine, and skull. He has had challenges that he has been open about such as demeaning. He also said that competion for roles for the…
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wushigod · 11 months ago
The Harry Potter actor pays tribute to his “favourite human”, who died on 24 March, saying: “I miss her hugs.” “Her passing has left a huge hole in our lives as a family,” he added. Mrs Davis was also an actor, appearing alongside her husband in the final Harry Potter film in 2010, in which she played a goblin. The couple, who lived near Peterborough, met on the set of the film Willow in 1988, before marrying three years later. The Star Wars star described Sammy, as he called her, as his “most trusted confidante and an ardent supporter of everything I did in my career”. She was a unique character, always seeing the sunny side of life she had a wicked sense of humour and always laughed at my bad jokes,” he said. Davis said that with his wife by his side, he felt sure he could achieve anything, adding: “It was like having a super-power.” “Without Sammy, there would have been no Tenable quiz show, no Willow series. No Idiot Abroad Series 3.” He added it had been his wife who persuaded comedian Ricky Gervais to send him with Karl Pilkington for the travel series. The couple’s children, Harrison and Annabelle, joined their father in paying tribute, saying “her love and happiness carried us through our whole lives”. “Mum is our best friend and we’re honoured to have received a love like hers,” they added. Davis played both Professor Flitwick and the goblin Griphook in all eight films in the Harry Potter franchise. He also played several characters in the Star Wars film series, and starred in both the Willow film and the 2022 sequel. His wife’s other acting credits include the children’s series Through the Dragon’s Eye (1989). Outside of acting, Samantha Davis and her husband founded the charity Little People UK in 2012 to help individuals with dwarfism and their families. “She was passionate about helping people, without judgement. She had time for everyone and a genuine listening ear,” the Tenable host said. Davis said in recent years his wife’s mobility had become impaired but she was “determined that it would not impact her quality of life”. Disney, the network the Willow series was on, said Samantha was “beloved member of the UK film and TV community”, adding: “Our thoughts are with the Davis family during this difficult time”.
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wendynerdwrites · 1 year ago
I made a Dragon Age Inquisition fan cast
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Top down, left to right:
Amber Midthunder as Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan
Juju Chan as Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast
Kangara Ranaut as Lady Josephine Montilyet
Lotte Verbeek as Sister Leliana
Charlie Hunam as Ser Cullen Rutherford
Santiago Cabrera as Warden Blackwall
Jacob Anderson as Solas
Dave Bautista as The Iron Bull
Danai Gurira as First Enchanter Vivienne de Fer
Dafne Keen as Sera
Peter Dinklage as Varric (I know he's everyone's fan cast, but in my defense, there is a severely limited amount of usable gifs and footage of suitable actors with dwarfism.)
Anirudh Pisharody as Lord Dorian Pavus
Noah Schnapp as Cole
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