#actively boarding a ship while writing these LMAO
phibsies · 3 months
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i realized i never posted these, just some royal portraits :3
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also some bonus regular family photo stuff ^_^
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tododeku-or-bust · 6 months
Hello, I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now but is there a reason you like tododeku so much? (I’m a casual shipper but I was just wondering if you like it for any greater reasons)
*cracks knuckles*
Well BACK IN THE DAY (as in, I haven't been actively interested in mha since like.... 2021 lmao) it was mainly because the energy that those two had is what I would have wanted from Midoriya and Ochaco when the narrative demanded i ship them.
I recognize people have different standards for what they like out of a romance. And that's fine! But for me, a big thing that I like in a romance is when characters can depend on each other to have their backs, even if it's a 'im gonna yell at you about this stupid ass idea later' thing. I like a romance where both the characters are ride or die in the field, "i don't gotta look to my left bc I know he coming" type shit. Like that person, even if it's all they can do, is there by their partner's side.
And a major question I often found myself asking when I watched Todoroki was "why was this not Ochaco?"
When I watched that tournament arc, I liked what I saw! I liked that Midoriya was willing to get out there and look Todoroki in the face and essentially tell him to do better (in a way that he just refused to tell Bakugou back then lmao, I didn't get it) to the point that it completely changed the trajection of Todoroki's life.
It only built on that for me when the Stain thing happened. When Midoriya put out that text and Todoroki took exactly two seconds to go "hey dad fuck You i'm bout to go help Midoriya bc somethings not right" I mean looked at that phone, made an about face and didn't look back. THATS THE ENERGY I WANT! When they were all trying to figure out to go save Bakugou, and Ochaco said no and Todoroki was team Let's Do It THAT'S WHAT I WANT!!
The movies might have sucked, but every time I got the "Todoroki is Ride or Die for Midoriya" energy that I want!! He literally saw the world news say Midoriya was a criminal and went "here's what we're about to do-" That scene in one of them where he was ice boarding and Midoriya landed behind him? And come on. When he tucked in him and spoke fondly of him after they rescued him for his Dark Deku phase? Why was that Todoroki? Why was that not Ochaco??!?!
Like at this point, Ochacos got her boyfriend Midoriya, and Midoriyas boyfriend Todoroki. Frankly, I always thought Ochaco deserved better writing than her lil corny crush on Midoriya, and I heard she got it, which is good!
And idc at this point if other people disagree bc frankly, I'm not bout to do no damn discourse with that fandom lmao. I don't care. I just know that based on my standards, Todoroki would have been the preferable partner for him. And I said it back then too, if Shouto had been a girl 🤷🏾‍♀️
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
u dont have to answer this but i was wondering if u could elaborate on ur opinions about rpf -- bc i kind of agree with you that it's like, it's fine and it's not morally wrong or anything but it def is a little weird? idk ive never been able to rly explain my feelings about it so im curious what u think
honestly my main view on rpf (whether of the y/n self insert variety or the gay shipping variety) is it's literally fine as long as you're not putting it anywhere the people involved are going to see it. like when you boil rpf down to its bare essentials it is just fantasising about a famous person (or multiple famous people, in varying combinations), which is something human beings have been doing in their brains since people first started becoming famous. and i think expressing those fantasies through creative outlets like fic, art, 2013 polyvore outfit boards about going on a yacht trip with harry styles, etc is an entirely natural progression of that impulse
and in that way i sort of view it as similar to any other fantasy you might have about another human being: it is totally normal and essentially morally neutral, i hope you'd agree, to daydream about a person you fancy, whether those daydreams are PG-13 or heinously X-rated, whether they're a friend or acquaintance or stranger or celebrity. where it would become weird is if you went up to said person completely uninvited and said "hey, would you like to hear in elaborate detail about the things i thought about you doing to me while i was masturbating last night?" - and so i think the same applies to rpf. like obviously don't send your rpf to the person in question, don't show up with BLINK TWICE IF THE BABY IS FAKE signs to a louis tomlinson concert, archive lock your rpf on ao3, don't proudly post about it on websites that the people in question are active on especially in this age of algorithm-based social media where unless you lock your account you have no real surefire way of ensuring they'll never see it, etc etc. every time i see people talk shipping in the comments of an official f1 post a part of my soul dies
i think another big thing about rpf to me is that all celebrities are essentially playing a fictionalised version of themselves. no matter how authentic they seem to their fanbase, when you combine things like media training + PR/marketing obligations + building a Persona + the pressure of competing in a sport (for athletes) + the level of code switching inherent to being in what is essentially a public facing job, we as fans & observers are not seeing the real harry styles or taylor swift or charles leclerc or whoever else. we are seeing the version of that person that they want us to see (or, in the case of historical rpf, you're writing about a ghost reconstructed from fragments distorted through the lens of missing evidence, potentially biased historians, potentially even more biased first and third party accounts, etc), and so i don't really view rpf as inherently invasive because you're not really writing about the real person, moreso the constructed image of Celebrity Of Choice.
of course, that is not to say that rpf can never become invasive: the clearest example would be ship truthers harassing the people involved due to what they perceive as "evidence" of some great forbidden love story, but i'll be real there is a lot of F1 rpf specifically that i side eye from a distance because of how it will use drivers' intensely personal real life trauma as a plot point, which is a line i'm not really comfortable crossing with real living people, especially not when it comes to dangerous sports lmao. but i think that is an issue with some rpf enjoyers' boundaries and not an inescapable root problem with the very idea of rpf imo
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
joined the 911 fandom few months back and…has it always been this annoying or did something shift recently. someone on twt said maybe mehta coming back doesnt have anything to do w buddie at all and now they are getting cooked for “raining on people’s parade and being a negative nancy for no reason” …. this whole cycle of setting expectations and bullying people for not having the same enthusiasm then getting annoyed that the tv show isnt delivering the same expectation you set is just so annoying??? glad that your blog exists and you exist because this fandom is in heavy NEED of rational minded people 😭🫶🏽
I've been actively involved in fandom since the start of s4 (was a lurker in s3) and from my perspective...things get worse as the seasons continue! In s4, there was *some* hope for canon!Buddie, but Ana came back into the picture and TayKay soon followed so expectations were lowered (because we didn't know how long they'd stick around). Thennn...the shooting happened. Plus the change in guardianship. People were on board again AND we were introduced to even more new fans who couldn't believe "the gay firefighters" weren't together yet. Season five? Eddie breaks up with Ana, Buck breaks up with TayKay..."If Buddie not canon then why did they break up with their girlfriends?" And now season six is about how "all signs point to canon Buddie" no matter what happens. (ie They were convinced Eddie would be a big part of Buck in the coma to hint at feelings and when he wasn't they changed their theories to "explain" why his absence was a good thing; same with the sperm donor arc - all that non-communication was going to pay off once Eddie confronted Buck about a decision he didn't think through and now the lack of 6A content is going unmentioned because Oliver has (twice) emphasized that there's nothing for Buck to come to grips with, he knew what he was doing when he said yes.) I think the fandom just really, really wants to be right about this one thing for two reasons: 1. It would be a game-changer. How many fans of a queer ship can say that they got the endgame they wanted? Furthermore, how many can say their canon ship started out with two straight characters who fell in love over time because a show thought that made the better story? (Not the SPN fandom, that's for sure. They're some of the biggest naysayers you'll find around here because "I've been where you are." Mind you, most us are old af and remember a time when queer ships stayed in fandom spaces because TV shows wouldn't dare take the risk of alienating audiences.) 2. Having Buddie go canon is an opportunity to get back at any and everyone who doesn't believe it'll happen; the ultimate "I told you so!" victory lap.
I do agree with the fandom when it comes to keeping opinions out of other people's inboxes unless they're open to reading it (obviously me :P), but expressing an opinion on your own page (whether that be twitter or tumblr) is what having a social media account in a fandom is for. You don't have to agree with the person. You don't even have to read it. But you can't stop them from feeling how they feel. And quite frankly, while having hope is nice to see (I do, too!), some people could use a reality check. We're not in the writers' room. We don't know what the writing staff is really thinking when they come up with stuff. Even when Kristen makes comments and Oliver gives his perspective, the fandom calls them "liars" or twists their words to fit a narrative that makes for (what they think is) a better outcome. They'll also advise people not to read the articles, but...nobody actually lies in those because they don't give away all that much information, and the information they do give is to tell fandom when things aren't about Buddie, lmao. Kristen said the coma arc was about Bobby and Chim and there fandom was hyping up Eddie's importance only to realize she meant what she said. Oliver says Eddie going after Buck in 6x10 isn't hinting at anything and they're envisioning feelings realizations at Buck's bedside, which never came. They're TELLING fandom to not get its hopes up right now and the speculation has only gone deeper into "this can't be about anything other than Buddie" because everyone is too invested to turn back now.
As for Captain Mehta - I have my own theories about this. Could his presence bring about a mention of the shooting? Yep. Could his presence inspire another conversation? Yep. But *why* him and *why* he finally has a first name? 1. Is everyone at that table supposed to call him Captain Mehta or just Mehta? Nobody knows him on a personal level? 2. Is it possible that throwing some third no-name/relatively unknown firefighter into the scene (along with Capt. Williams and possibly Julie) does nothing to gauge the audience's interest? At least the audience will remember Mehta and there's a connection between him and both halves of Buddie whereas we've seen Julie in limited quantities (and not even as one of their friends off the job) and Miranda Williams was last seen in early s4.
I'm not saying him being back can't be the precursor to important things, but people also thought the Buckleys were coming back after two years so their kids could yell at them some more and they would decline to be with their son in the hospital (why else would they have returned right then, duh!) and we all saw how that turned out. This fandom loves to say "Bestie, you're watching a FOX procedural" on the ~discourse~ days while routinely ignoring the fact that we're watching a FOX procedural. Sometimes what you see really is what you get when the show runners are (currently) pandering to an audience that includes everyone but us.
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meraki-yao · 6 months
Omg I don’t like the live adaptions for Disney movies across the board so I just didn’t want to watch the little mermaid and I was so worried people would think it was because of racism! I’m sure she was great in the role and I absolutely did not care that they cast a black woman in the role but I wasn’t going to watch the movie for a million other reasons! None of them having to do with Halle! (Sorry Halle!)
I... I can freaking write an essay on my opinions on live-action Disney remakes. The only one I see of any actual value, which ended up becoming one of my all-time favourite movies, is 2015 Cinderella. It wasn't a one-to-one remake of the original, the costume and cinematography actually looked like a fairy tale book. It also improved upon the flaws of the original, namely giving the Prince a clear personality and backstory, giving Ella and Kit a chance to connect before the ball, cutting down the animal bits, giving Lady Tremaine an understandable yet logical reason for her behaviour, and give Ella a stronger, clearer character as well. It might as well be a new Cinderella movie, separate from the 1950 animated one.
The rest have a lot of flaws and do not add much to the original story while actively diminishing certain messages in the original.
(Spoilers for live-action remakes of Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, also I went on a rant again lmao)
In Beauty and the Beast 2017, Gaston is painted more sympathetically as he actually helped Maurice, and Belle comes off as arrogant and impolite. Instead of the library being a gift from the Beast to Belle which was a monumental change in their relationship, the library was just Beast judging Belle's taste in books and showing off how well-read he is. It isn't endearing.
In Lion King 2019 (holy shit I'm mad at this one, I mentioned this before but I was such a Lion King fangirl when I was younger) they removed Be Prepared, one of the best Disney Villain songs ever, and took away the menacing factor of Scar. Scar bitch slaps Mufasa and “Long Live the King” was more or less shouted, which just takes away the horror of the sudden, quiet betrayal of the original whispered "Long Live the King" and killing Mufasa by letting go and having him fall to his death. Daylight was present throughout the entire "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" scene. Mufasa didn't appear as this almost religious, God-like figure in the clouds, it was just the clouds because of realism, and that makes the scene so much weaker because there's not a figure to visualize. The CGI was so focused on getting the anatomy right that they completely forgot how animals emote (animals can be extremely expressive) so all of them appear expressionless
In The Little Mermaid 2023, the musical numbers were arranged and filmed/edited in a way that takes away the charm of the original. For example, in "Under the Sea", during the bridge where Sebastian ticks off a list of different sea creatures performing, instead of showing said sea creatures during each line like the lyrics intend, it just shows random stuff randomly. They added an instrumental break that slowed down the song's momentum and didn't rebuild it. And why is Ariel singing Under the Sea when she's trying to leave the sea??? Also, I usually love Lin Manuel Miranda's songs, big fan of In the Heights, Hamilton, and the music of both Moana and Encanto, but the new songs he wrote for the movie didn't add anything, and actually dragged the movie in places that should have been quicker, like Scuttle butt. The reason Triton came to terms with Ariel's longing for the land and gave her legs in the end is because he saw Eric kill Ursala for Ariel, which disproved his original opinions of humans being selfish, dangerous creatures. In the remake, 1, Triton straight up died when Ursala took his trident, so he didn't see the final battle at all 2, Ariel, a mermaid who has never been on a ship's deck before, heck from the movie I don't she even saw a functioning steering wheel, somehow managed to accurately steer a ship, in the middle of a storm and a giant whirlpool, while having no legs, that's not reasonable 3, even if Triton was there to watch, Eric didn't do shit in the final battle and was basically useless, so why would Triton change his mind? The whole point of Triton's trajectory in the original was him getting over his prejudice towards humans and learning to understand Ariel's perspective. That entire arc was rushed and more or less gone in the remake. And see how none of the issues I mentioned above have to do with casting Halle? It's entirely about the storytelling and the musical arrangements
Ok I did not mean to make this so long, I got carried away lol can you tell I'm passionate about the subject
Someday I think I'll write proper Disney essays
Tagging two of my Disney friends/mutual cuz I kinda wanna hear your opinions: @pippin-katz @lfg1986-2
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
unasked for otp answers
I’m bored so im just going to do this for my twc ships. I might do it for my other ships too, i don’t know. I don’t feel like writing but i want to talk about my blorbos.
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
 Valdam: Neither of them. If it had to be one, it would probably be Val. It would be semi-intentional or not at all, and it would be entirely desperate. For all that Adam is like ‘tu omina’ and ‘do it for me’ I don’t think they would use an ILU in that moment …
Kate: Nate! AND Kendis would learn him good. He would NEVER PULL that shit again. 
Nai: Nat. Kai would tolerate it better than Kendis would
Feirre: Pierre. It would probably be more a whispered statement, like a confession and an apology. IF he ever did this. I won’t put him as a hard no, because while it’s not fully his vibe, he is his mother’s child.
Mandy: Andy. lmao. And he would deserve Mason punching him (only because he would say it in such an infuriating manner to deflect, lmao). 
Clown Romance: Ava is the only person who would tolerate this from Nathaniel. Because Alexis would’ve already left and Kendis would be too busy giving him the finger. But Ava would pull an uno reverse with a ‘do it for me’ or ‘I’m doing this for you’ and NATHANIEL WILL LEARN FINALLY HOW IT FEELS. 
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
This might be a bit of a cop out but all of them need to be protected, and all of them would protect the other, in different ways. Even Misters ‘this is just casual fucking’ Andy & Mason. 
Describe their cozy night in.
Mandy: Sex. Eventually it’ll just be them being quiet old men, lmao. The activity will matter less than the fact that they’re doing it together, silence. Adult parallel play. I can see Andy taking up reading to Mason
Tareq x Ava: Watching soap operas and board games. 
Clown Romance: I could see Kendis cooking, Nate cleaning up, Ava and Alexis setting up. Alexis picks the music or the entertainment. Dinner and a movie brought home. Maybe a trivia night? Three fourths of that polyam is heckin competitive. 
Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Feirre: Yes. Felix wouldn’t even have to ask that hard because Pierre would be so soft over how excited Felix is at the prospect (and it wont cause destruction soooooo). But Felix might regret it, because Pierre would get pedantic about measurements. It’s cool though, because Felix will be able to distract him and tease him. And sunshine man would win again.
Clown Romance: Yes. Even Alexis and Ava. Why? Because Kendis said so. 
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Kelendis: Yes. Yes. *hums ‘lucky i’m in love with my best friend* 
Who’s the bigger tease?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq.
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre gives a good run.
All my N ships (why do I of all people have three N ships???) it’s Nat/e except for Clown Romance where my money is on Alexis. 
Valdam: Adam, haha. LMAO. 
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Valdam: They’re both pessimistic, lol. They’re both pragmatic and logical (surprisingly I know, in Val’s case) individuals. It is hard to describe it – but it isn’t so much they expect the worse, though they can, as they’re not fully surprised about the darker or more selfish aspects of others or the world. It’s a sorta ‘okay …’ / almost take it as it comes attitude. I’ve always said Adam’s acceptance of Val’s more “mercenary” side is what really has them working. They’re both very prone to justice and that drives them. Val is more duty-bound than they give themselves credit. I think Adam would encourage them not to approach it ironically but I think Val would bring back a zest to it for Adam, that sort of focus on the little guy and less what the agency-wills. They’re also both lonely and broken creatures, lmao. Though they have their teams, thankfully. 
They are both stubborn. Val is impulsive, prone to childishness, and can lash out emotionally while Adam overthinks, is highly serious, and draws inward. They both strive to ‘annoy’, in a sense, when upset or … annoyed themselves. Adam being condescending, Val being a brat/raccoon. 
Kate: They’re both very determined and optimistic. They’re the supportive type, the shoulder, the one that encourages. They take their responsibilities seriously and are hard-workers. They’re both homemakers. That said, Nate is infinitely more driven by his heart than Kendis is by hers – she’s big-hearted but she’s more wary about things than he is. So, he’d definitely encourage her to open up but she’d pull him back from getting his bleeding heart chopped up. They both love fancy and spending, but Kendis can balance a checkbook and is thrifty. So Nate would learn. 
Kendis is infinitely more stubborn than Nate. He’s also more romantic, in general but specifically in terms of what they’re both looking for at the moment. Kendis has a temper and a mouth on them, and I feel that would cause trouble if the game was darker. 
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq, obviously. 
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre catches onto the habit too. Maybe not as much as Felix, but he expresses it in other ways. 
Can they stay up all night just talking?
Kelendis: I’ll say yes. But more Kendis with the chats.
Feirre: Yep. 
Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Nai: Nat. But Kai DOES have his moments.
Tareq & Ava: Tareq. 
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Feirre: Yes. I think Felix convinces Pierre when he sees how the cats in the building love him, so they get one cat. Ends up loving Felix more, but Pierre doeesn’t mind. 
Clown Romance: So many. Any kind Kendis can get their hands on. Once in their original ‘verse they adopted an extinct lizard (brought back to life by magic) and brought home a creepypasta deer and everyone had to be like YOU CAN’T KEEP IT KENDIS, and they were like I KNOW. but …. Did they? Did they really know?
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Nai:  The More I See You by Nat King Cole
Feirre: Maybe not 100% but 90% Someone To You by BANNERS
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Okay I know that "send me headcanon asks" post was a month ago, but. If you have Goemon headcanons please please please share, I am all ears!
Always!! Thank you for this ask!
Goemon ship headcanons: - My read of the Lupin gang polycule is that Goemon and Jigen are boyfriends, Goemon and Fujiko are...idk, some kind of very close romantic sorta thing that they don't really put a label on, and Lupin is Goemon's "my best friend and also my boyfriend's boyfriend who I am Very Protective Of and Care Deeply About." - Goemon is in general a very private person about romance - as opposed to Lupin's kind of "great! everyone I'm dating is dating each other, we should all go on dates together!" kind of attitude, Goemon is more the type to spend time one-on-one with his partners. He's a pretty different person when he's in private with each member of the gang. He's generally pretty restrained when all four of them are together, but when Lupin's hanging out in the living room of the hideout he'll catch the sound of Goemon and Jigen cackling together behind their closed door about some private joke, or Goemon and Fujiko talking softly in way more cutesy affectionate tones than he'll ever admit to in public. - Goemon and Jigen got together pretty immediately after Lupin recruited Goemon to join the crew. (I think Jigen has basically had it bad for Goemon literally since the first time they dueled) My view of how this went (which I'll maybe write a fic about at some point) is that Lupin saw Goemon and was into him and decided that he was going to try to work the same "seduce a guy who's trying to assassinate you and get him to join your heist crew and become your boyfriend instead" magic that he worked on Jigen on him. But before Lupin even gets a chance to make a pass at Goemon, Jigen comes to him like "hey boss, so me 'n the new samurai guy we picked up have been banging for the past week, and I think I'm falling for him, is that cool with you?" and Lupin's just like "afsgdfghkjlkl;kj HOW?? I'm supposed to be the suave one!!" - It took Goemon a longer time to get comfy with Fujiko, but once he did, she is especially is really good at getting Goemon to let his guard down and talks him into doing all sorts of cute mundane date activities that he'd never admit to liking around Jigen and Lupin. He is way more relaxed about his uptight samurai stuff around her than anyone else since he suspects that she really recognizes (more than anyone else in the gang) how much he's really putting on an act all the time - and she makes him feel comfortable about just wanting to have fun. (this headcanon mostly informed by those three seconds in the part II Austrailia epsiode where you see them going surfing together while Lupin and Jigen are away)
Totally dumb Goemon headcanons: - Goemon does not know how to drive a car or almost any other vehicle, but he can pilot a helicopter. Once, Lupin asked him where he learned to pilot a helicopter and he responded "training" and refused to elaborate. - relatedly, Goemon likes to ride in the exact middle of the back seat of the car, or on top of the roof because he gets carsick
Another random Goemon thought I have is that I really wanna see more of Goemon and Zenigata interacting in canon, I love the idea that actually don't have very much of a personal reason to have antagonism with each other (other than vaguely that Goemon helps Lupin steal things, because it's not even like Goemon is even that into stealing stuff, and he doesn't get his kicks deliberately trying to rile up Zenigata the way Lupin and Jigen and Fujiko do) and that whenever they're alone together without the rest of the gang they're just vaguely polite and awkward with each other. Anyways yes, please always feel free to ask me for heacanons, maybe if someone bugs me to I'll even post my entire polycule relationship conspiracy board chart, lmao
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fourangers · 3 years
Hi Fourangers,
First of all, I love your blog so much. It's like going through a history back when Naruto Manga chapters were released weekly and your reviews were so Golden, Hilarious and spot-on. Am a new fan though (especially an SNS fan), I just got into this fandom only this year. I don't know if you'll answer my ask, but I just wanted to try and ask you few questions and I pray that you might answer me....
1. Since you've written in a post that you were active in the eastern part of the fandom, How was chapter 698 received in Japan? Because this is the chapter I inherently realized they both love each other. Yeah, I was too late but somehow whenever they interact with each other in previous chapters I always find them to be 'Weird' for just to be friends. Chapter 698 is just blatantly obvious that they love each other. Considering Homophobia and Shounen genre, I have no idea how it was perceived over there back then in 2014.
2. Which scene made you to ship SNS?
3. As an SNS'er how do you feel about the ending, where everyone was married off when they were just 19 just to make some shitty sequel??? As a new fan, I felt betrayed and It would've been perfect if they had stopped at chapter 699, leaving an open ending.
4. How do you face with the accusation about Naruto and Sasuke as brothers and we, SNS'ers are Incest shippers??? I don't care about that Indra and Ashura thing. But Naruto himself told he considers Sasuke as his Brother couple of times. And in Chapter 699, Sasuke acknowledged, 'He finally understood what it meant'.... It's the only thing that confuses me and I don't even have an answer!!! Plus, Kishi himself gave an interview that he based Sasuke on his Brother... I really wonder how he gave such an interview when he literally made them wear necklaces with each other's faces.
5. How was Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality perceived in the fandom back then??? Man!! Kishimoto just made lot of comic reliefs on their sexuality by making Sasuke on Sai jutsu, Naruto not interested in Icha Icha but making Reverse Harem no Jutsu, Naruto was angry when Konohamaru made Boy on Boy jutsu whereas he had no problem with him doing it. LOL. And all those homoerotic posters. What do you think about their sexuality, personally??
6. Why did Kishi had to develop their bond as Soulmates with some unintentional or intentional romantic undertones, if he was eventually going to pair them up with girls??? He easily could've gave many such romantic tropes to other girls and keep the bond between N and S as purely friendship or brothers. It still would've made sense.
7. Final one, Was Naruto really Nosebleeding when Kurama made a joke about Sasuke's kiss in Chapter 572???? We had a lot of heated discussion with other shippers where they claim that it was just a splotch of snot.
Sorry for the lengthy ask....... I am so eager to know your answers and I don't want to spam your ask box by sending multiple asks.
Thanks 😊😊😊
Hey yo! Welcome new SNS fan! I'm so glad that you joined us and I'll try to answer as best as I can. I'm not very active here on tumblr (except browsing lol) but your ask was such a delight to read.
1. I honestly don't remember. I think I didn't follow the japanese boards until the eventual 699-700 disaster. People were craving for reactions and I was curious about it too lol. And well...it's been years, I doubt I'll be able to find the reactions from that time. Imo, most readers don't care much about pairings, they just wanted to read about power-ups and abilities and the basic Naruto Vs Sasuke. Though there are some backhanded jokes about how gay Naruto is for Sasuke.
2. Hah. It's going to be very anti-climatic but it was when Naruto and Sakura were eating in Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto just used Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu and he busted his arm. Sakura was healing his arm and her attention was focused on Naruto. I used to be a NaruSaku shipper so I thought "Oh hey! This is the moment that Naruto would have a candid romantic moment!" But nope. He talked about Sasuke. And I was already getting suspicious about Sasuke's feelings towards Naruto ya know? And the whole "SASUKE IS MIINEEEEEE" in Orochimaru's lair. It was that moment I thought "you only have Sasuke in your head don't you, Naruto?" and started shipping SNS.
3. Hooo boy was I surprised when it was suddenly revealed that they had the basic heteronormative, boring marriage with bunch of clones of themselves. Everyone thought that it was almost like a bad fanfiction come true and some thought that it was fake. It was a pandemonium lolololol. I also thought that it was too lame to be true and lo and behold, when it came true I was floored. And then whenever Kishimoto threw new material, I got insanely pissed off because S*arada and B*ruto becoming pairing material is ok because they are a girl and a boy, and then they paralleled with Naruto and Sasuke which are only FRIENDS because they are both men. ARGH. Open ending was what Kishimoto planned from the very beginning but wrote a sequel to earn more money.
In that aspect, I made peace with it because of the whole anime/manga industry. I learned that, as a mangaka, you don't earn a lot of money with selling books, but rather with merchandise and profiting with sales right. And that guy have a family to raise, have two kids (which is hilarious about how B*ruto movie is his self-insert story), he needs a steady income. Also, I read reports about how anime studios are so poor and animators don't receive a decent income not to mention they are overstaffed and tired, and B*ruto is a good money cow for them to earn money so they can invest later on other anime they have more passion about it. So even though I hate this story with a strength of thousands suns, they are putting meal on people's tables and making them pay rents. I'm ok.
4. Lemme roll my eyes because in the Last movie they said that Hinata is related to Kaguya and so is the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan so they are all related woo hoo. But in the aspect of brothers because reincarnations bla bla bla, didn't Naruto himself said that he's no longer that brother, he's himself? Hmm...I gotta re-read it. One day. Maybe. lol. But I'm sure that he said "Sasuke is not my brother but I'm sure we'll understand well as friends" so there. Honestly, there are a lot of interviews out there and a lot of them are fake, so I'd always take the interviews with a grain of salt lololol. I do know from artbooks that Kishimoto wanted to create Sasuke as a rival-esque character and that was it. As he was developing Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, since he liked the whole yin-yang concept, whenever he wrote Naruto's story, Sasuke's was developed at the same time as his shadow.
5. I can tell from Naruto Forums (I used to participate back in that day) MOST of the non-shippers thought it was gay as hell, but you know...it was a relic of that time. While they thought it was gay, they didn't put too much thought about you know? Because it was shounen, and we knew that it was a joke that it couldn't be taken seriously. Of course, in the SNS fandom, we did make more analysis and there were a lot of instance when Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality was questioned. Some other non-shippers also thought that Naruto was totes gay for Sasuke (including a IRL friend).
Imo, Naruto is definitely bisexual in my view. Sasuke I think he's asexual or gay. He's attracted to Naruto, but mostly because of his connection to him, not because of his physical attributes, so yeah...asexual. Or Pansexual. Sasuke is more complicated lmao. Imo, Naruto could be pansexual too, come to think about it. Yeah, I guess both being pansexual can be valid.
6. He developed Naruto and Sasuke being soulmates from the very beginning, that was proven in his comments in artbooks and in the manga. He probably created with the intention of making it purely platonic, going beyond physical ties. Then he shot himself on the foot by drawing Naruto thinking about Sasuke on bed, talking about how Sasuke is cool, meanwhile Sasuke waxing poetic about how Naruto saved him. What gives? Lol. Yeah, I think he got too enamored writing their relationship that he didn't have time to write romantic ones. What I noticed that Sakura's popularity never was really high, so I could see some editors putting their fingers all over it and making her less relevant. Also, Kishimoto didn't know how to handle her, so when she got her time to shine was the whole fake confession disaster. Coupled with Kishimoto sexism and, in his words (Kurenai's flashback), women are useful to spout more babies, women was never really relevant in his story, unfortunately. Even Kaguya who was technically the big bad boss, was never really fleshed out in comparison to Madara. So the null het romantic moments it's not because he wanted to elevate SNS moments, it's more about how he's incompetent about it. It's either Hinata slowly elevating to a relevant status because forced interaction (Pain's sacrifice and Neji's death) or Sakura being obligated to be pining over Sasuke because she's a girl. It's even more painful to see that, if we ignore B*ruto, both girls are shown to be just talking with their kids and dusting shelves, basically being housewives, even though thorough the story (especially Sakura) it was implied that both of them have much more potential than being their husband accessories.
7. It was a splotch of snot. I can confirm myself lol. Whenever the chapter is out and fans would scan it to scanlate it, the editor usually would amp up contrast to max. So usually the lines get much more thicker than usual, when you read the official release which gets straight from the source, you can notice how the lines are more delicate.
Oh lol...but then we also have a lot of controversy about translating style. THAT one is a whole new can of worms to open.
Man I had fun answering your questions! Please send more :P
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jarofloosescrews · 3 years
Hey can I add something to your headcanons? I wrote this at like 3am so sorry if it's not very coherent.
Recharging is hard when you're 50% spikes. Lockdown can't just lay on his back like a normal bot because his spikes would puncture whatever is below. So Lockdown typically recharges on his side
This gives Lockdown the perfect view of the door into his and Prowl's berth room door. Yknow in the off chance somebody actually finds their ship, breaches the hull, boards it, get past Lockdowns paranoid security system to reach the door without either of the ninja bots hearing anything ( the Deaths Head had security before, but with Prowler around Lockdown thinks it wouldn't hurt to be too paranoid).
It also allows Prowl to insert his body in between Lockdowns back spikes, then he can wrap his legs around LDs thigh and kinda bend himself into him (like spooning or a Banana I'm not explained this well oops). Prowl does this because the low, coarse vibrations of Lockdowns engines helps him recharge at night. It feels nice but nothing Prowl could put his servo on. Kinda like a massage and a gentle rocking at the same time. Lockdown wouldn't let Prowl have all this cuddling on the Autobot's terms. At first if Prowler did start to snuggle Lockdown will strop away in an angered huff.
However, in this position it puts the Cons spark right next to Prowl's and this puts his protective subconscious at ease like nout all else. If he can feel Prowls spark that means Prowler is alive and ok, and if something were to happen the change in Prowl's spark field as alarm or anger ran through his systems would alert Lockdown too. Secondly, and he'd never admit it, but the feeling of his mates spark field is fragging smooth. It helps calm the cons rougher, more active and joltier spark that can keep Lockdown up for a stellar cycle. Lockdown may not understand all that meditation slag Prowler spends so many joors doing but if it puts his spark at ease even on his worst nights, its worth it.
When any bot eventually goes into recharge his motors and pumps will slowly go into stasis. Values will open and hydraulic fluid moves, arms and legs slowly start to move and sag. Its not like they go limp like a human but they will move if give enough force. Most bots have a stasis pods/beds which keep them locked in a lying down position (see Human error #1 i think?) but finding one with 6 holes in the back and potentially another 4 at the sides would be a giant pain in the aft. Never mind getting it on the ship and finding some way of jamming Prowler into it (hey you can't expect the poor con to go back to sleeping on his own)
Due to the way Lockdown's neck spikes and his armour this would cause him to very slowly fall onto his back as he recharges. However now prowl acts like a small prop that keeps him on his side. Not all of LDs gigantic weight rests on prowl, but its enough that it feels like LD is forcefully falling into Prowls body, like they are embracing. Prowl still doesn't know how this happens or why Lockdown is seemingly willing to further cuddle into him but he doesn't wanna complain. The vibrations are stronger so it feels like a proper massage. So Prowl is so ok with this, and Lockdown typically doesn't realise this happened until the next stellar cycle when its too late to walk off in an annoyed huff. Lockdown waking up looks like he's walking off like an annoyed cactus anyway (he was never a morning bot lmao)
(ok I'll add this at the end too its not part of the HC but a funny thing i thought of at the end.
Prowl typically moves himself up and down LDs back to make the most of his partners big rumbly engine, he's had all of his midsection and up massaged and rocked by now. Sadly it was one night where he placed himself further down LDs back where the bottom of his chest and mid section where around hip joints.
LD wakes up before Prowl again partially propped up by him. LD can sense Prowl is on the berth and in recharge but because Prowl isn't near his normal spot LD doesn't feel him. So instead LD shuffles backwards a bit and rolls onto his back while sitting up...directly on top of Prowl.
The first he notices is the loud creaking of armour followed by a load groan from mate. Followed by a chorus of yelling, of which LD could make out "Get your 10 tonne aft off me Lockdown, primus you're heavier than Bulkhead!"
After that episode Lockdown was heading towards the workshop to find some new alloys he could best into new chest armour for Prowl. To replace the one with a giant 2inch dent across them in the shape of LDs aft.
LD didn't know how or when Prowler would make his payback- only that it was gonna hurt like slag.)
This was a pleasure to read lol. The idea of Prowl propping Lockdown in his sleeping position, Prowl fitting himself between Lockdown’s hood spikes and spooning - they found a mutual sleeping arrangement and I love it.
I had a hc about the rumbly engine, too, I love the idea. Lockdown’s big ol’ engine in sleepy mode provides just the right vibrations to vibe-sensitive Prowl.
Also, the mention of the sleeping bed/slab/station reminded me, I always thought it looks so awkward when Cybertronians lay down on hard, flat slabs. They all have some kind of kibble that would prevent any comfy position, so it made me think, what if the beds were like memory foam, but metal? 
The best example I can think of would be in the movie The Wolverine, where the old dude’s resting on a ‘bed’ that conforms to his every moment for his comfort. That idea seems more logical for a race of pointy, metal beings. Can you imagine, Lockdown and Prowl would be able to recharge in more positions if they had this, and I like to think Lockdown WOULD have it, if not before definitely after he got Prowl.
But saying that, I really like the visual imagery that your hc gave lol. Thanks for writing that, and sorry for the late reply!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Stop Talking And Kiss Me  -  Jason Todd x Reader
Words: 1.7
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“can i request 7 (no i'm not in love with him i like you idiot) and/or 8 (kiss me already) with jason? thank you!!”
I love this request! It’s super open so I hope I captured the energy you wanted to create in the studio today lmao. I went for the “will they won’t they” kinda thing because I like the idea of Jason thinking you like Tim but you really have been going after him for months. Jason is too cute I can’t Hope you enjoy!
“Hi. Yes Timothy the Luthor family comes in a week, no they won’t come earlier. No, I’m not calling anyone ‘again’ Tim shut up you’ll do fine we aren’t postpoining. Ok see you in 40 I’m going to another one of the finance meetings I know damn well you won’t be at” you tapped your earpiece, hanging up with your CEO. As the CFO you attended every meeting the higher-ups had about money, it way your job after all. Somehow being Tim’s right hand man meant making excuses to the board about his whereabouts and often his brother’s actions during meetings that were supposed to be money centric. Rushing to the meeting you felt a couple of the papers you were carrying fly off the top of your stack. Deciding they weren’t worth it you continued on not noticing the tall figure following closely behind you.
“Y/n! Hey! I got these uh - papers for you that you dropped” you skidded to a halt coming face to face with Jason Todd, currently the bane of your existence after his last social media storm where he vividly described a pornographic video he was hoping his following could find for him. The “Toddsters” always pulled through for Jason, to the Wayne Ent. board’s disgust. “Hey Todd, thanks.” you smiled up at him as he loomed over you. You really only knew him and Tim, obviously you were close with Tim but you were older than the teen-genius and so it was nice getting closer with Jason over the months. Months, this was because he used to never come in until a couple months ago when you requested he get brought in because you needed him to try to sell new W.E. tech to the “Toddsters”. After that he’d been coming in more frequently, sometimes he sat in on meetings with you and Tim, he was often bringing you and Tim lunch and the three of you would eat in your office while you prepared Tim for afternoon meetings.
Jason was surprisingly reliable. Occasionally you would ask him to bring you coffee or post a video of him asking his following for something, he always complied even if it took some coaxing from you, making promises to dinners together you assumed would never happen in return for W.E. paid promotions. He had grown on you, his goofy smile, aggressive finger guns, and occasionally dark and brooding persona was fascinating. You were constantly enamored by him, and since he’d been coming around the office way more you were beginning to fall for him. Tim knew since you two saw each other and was always trying to play matchmaker even though you both thought the other didn’t like the other, bringing you guys together was a task too difficult for the world’s second greatest detective so Tim just shipped the two of you quietly now. 
As Jason stacked you up with your papers he saw you could barely carry all of them. “Hey let me take these for you, anything for the princess of Wayne Ent” Jason took then out of your arms as you smirked at his nickname for you. He loved calling you princess, noting that Tim was the jester he never really asserted his own position. After an attempt at stopping the nickname it stuck, and you now answered to it happily, but only from Jason. Tim never tried it and when anyone else questioned it, either you or Jason just explained that it just fit. 
“Sure Jay but the board is gonna drag you into the meeting, it will be nice if you go! I’m sure we all want an explanation for your most recent social media activity” you poked his chest while he replied with a wink as he followed you into the meeting. You sat down as Jason dropped the papers on the meeting table with a thump. “Ah, Mr. Todd. Please we have just a few questions do join us” An older man looked up from his laptop, demanding Jason’s presence. Heaving a sigh he slumped into the chair next to you. 
As the second presenter for the meeting got up to walk you through slides at a turtle's pace you realized there was no sneaking out. Even though you were up to date on the company’s finances the rest of the room wasn’t and it was far too rude to leave. Looking over at Jason he had pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, rested his hand on his chin, and was asleep. You watched him draw in deep breaths and exhale, slightly blowing the corner of his hood with each breath, it was nothing short of adorable, but because this was a meeting you couldn’t snap a picture meaning you had to drink in every moment of cuteness. 
As the third presenter got up you considered faking a heart attack. Jason was awake now meaning you couldn’t steal anymore glances in his direction. Anytime you looked at him he was making a goofy face, winking at you, or trying to touch his tongue to his nose. Constantly concealing giggles, by the end of the third presentation your cheeks hurt from smiling. 
When the fourth presentation began you felt a little piece of paper poke your hand. Looking down you saw Jason trying to pass you a note like a fifth grader. Unwrapping his folding-job the note read: Y/n this is a boring meeting why do u go to these? You smiled, pulling a pencil from your bag you flipped the note over and wrote: because Tim makes me so he doesn’t fall asleep like you did. Jason smirked, tearing off a large piece of paper and writing: If you need to sleep you can rest on my shoulder. You scoffed looking at him as he gave his shoulder a little pat, grinning uncontrollably. You glared at him before deciding to shoot your mini shot: Flirting are we Todd? Your heart skipped a beat when a light blush appeared across his cheeks as he wrote: Not unless you’ll let me steal you from your boy toy Tim. Confused you looked at him replying: More like best friend Tim, I’m not a cougar idiot. 
Jason read the paper, his head snapping to you, blurting out in front of the whole board “wait you don’t like Tim!” You felt your own face redden when all heads turned to you. Quietly you mumbled “no I don’t like him” before grabbing the paper and finishing your thought: i like you idiot. Carefully sliding the paper to Jason, you cleared your throat. “Please continue Mr. Smith about the importance of gauging inflation” Willing yourself not to look at Jason you pretended to listen to the presentation while the rest of the board slowly lost interest in the little interruption. 
Deciding the coast was clear you glanced at Jason who was re-reading your note over and over again. He looked up, making direct eye contact with you, mouthing “I like you too princess” you couldn’t help but grin. His hand slip over, dropping the paper and grabbing your hand, pulling it below the table so as to not cause any drama. 
You gave presenter five no attention, too focussed on the fact that Jason Todd was holding your hand. Presenter five finished with a mini lecture to Jason on the importance of keeping his social media pg, he rolled his eyes but eventually nodded, effectively ending the meeting. You pulled your hand out of Jason’s and began organizing the papers you’d brought in as the rest of the board left the meeting room. As the last person left the room Jason practically ran to the door, shutting it quickly. 
Unable to process your excitement you began rambling “so uh, pretty eventful meeting huh? Did you hear anything the second guy said or -” Jason grabbed your hand, pulling you into his embrace. “Stop talking and kiss me y/n” he mumbled, leaning it. As his lips caught yours you could feel him smiling into the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist and pulling you in closer. Pulling away you couldn’t stop smiling. “I think I’m gonna come to Tim’s work more often” Jason admitted, winking at you. You hummed as you moved the papers into the storage system, moving towards the door to leave. “Hey princess lemme get that!” Jason dashed to the door, opening it for you and grabbing your hand as you walked out the door. 
Walking past your company hand in hand with their CEO’s older brother was a lot. For everyone. You blushed as people stole glances in your direction. Jason led you to your office where Tim sat in your chair, feet propped up on your desk.  “Uh hey Timmy” you sheepishly laughed as Tim took in your situation. “Todd I told you she liked you. Same goes for you Y/N. I just can’t believe I lost the bet with Roy I thought you were gonna be pining for each other for at least another week. Dammit” Tim feigned anger but then admitted how happy he was for the two of you. Sitting down for lunch you were exhausted. Finishing your meal you leaned back in your chair, resting your eyes for a few minutes while Jason stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
As you slowly woke up you felt your head propped up against something. You realized it was Jason when he gave you a light shake saying “Y/N while I did say you could rest on my shoulder I didn’t think it would be for half an hour, my shoulder fell asleep!” Your few minutes of rest had turned into thirty, jolting up from your position against Jason you checked your calendar realizing you’d missed a meeting. “Relax princess Tim took the meeting, you really think I’d let you sleep through another business meeting?” you snorted “yes I know you would Todd”
“You really do know me too well princess”
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atosofficial · 4 years
A few songs for you two amazing people that are the basically about boys (most are perfect for their backstories)
Looking at me https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/okkmJ
Born Without a Heart https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/TcPwc
Redemption https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/vFuP
Karma https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/MTxP
Savage https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/yw9P
When's the next scheduled/assumed update if you know? Will you be writing the Dreammare background like you said in Twitter? (Sneak peek maybe? 👀 👉👈)
ATOS is so underrated, it's a shock. You two deserve ALL the love! KillerCreamMare has become a favorite of mine quickly, and it's so much so that it's a OTP of mine as a multishipper. Hell, most of the twitter ideas you come up with instantly become a 'How can KCRM fit into this?' in my mind, it's THAT amazing. The dynamic is so unique, and I absolutely love the fics. I hope ya'll can get all the love you deserve someday, I can only give so much 😔❤❤❤
Oooooooh these are all interesting songs! The first one is def my fav 👏 I’m curious as to who you’d pair each of the songs with :O
Sadly, we have no set date for any of our updates 😩 For ‘blinding lights’ (or kross-pre, as Type and I laughingly called it while writing the fic), that was almost entirely written within the span of a few days. A couple snippets of it were written about a few months ago, and then, just days before New Year’s, I told Type “haha wouldn’t it be crazy if we wrote this whole fic and posted it in time for the new year?” and she was like “we’re doing it.” And then we both yelled and did nothing but write in our free time while frantically asking each other if each piece was ok 😂 Basically a very stressful time, but hey, we met our goal! (with very little sleep, I might add jfhgifdugh) So, there’s really no telling when we’ll get to the next fic. I know we want to update AFU (both because it’s been so long and also because we already have the chapter after the next one written), so that might come first. All I can say is stick around for whenever that update may drop 😂 We really do appreciate everyone being so, so patient while waiting. Thank you for that :’)
Bro, I feel like we receive so much love for ATOS already, but thank you!!!!!! We’ve said it before, but it’s always crazy to us how killercreammare used to be a ship that didn’t even exist a little over a year ago, and now it’s become a really well-known and loved poly! Like! That’s wild!! It’s so cool to see other people readily jump on board this ship, and we’re thrilled to have all of you here ❤️️✨
As for the twitter ideas, we’re always feral over there AHAHAHA 😂 I’m lucky to have such a good group of friends who are always down to come up with and share amazing ideas that we all flail over. That’s why I’m more active there too (outside of discord, that is)--it’s the perfect place to both throw fun ideas out there and also see others create their own fascinating AUs, many of which started from a feral twitter thread dfgdighh
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand speaking of twitter, in regards to that dreammare backstory you were curious about, I can’t give you a sneak peek (alas 😩), but I’ll give you some spoilers without context in the form of memes and inside jokes Type and I have LMAO
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There’s your spoilers 😂
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zabrak-show · 4 years
can i request a fic where reader is maul's apprentice and kind of a daughter-like figure to him? and she accidentally calls him dad?
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Uhhh OK!! This was such a cute request and yet I made myself cry writing it. lmao so I’m sorry in advance. This is a found family story. Also, I made this gender-neutral, I hope this is ok. The setting is Dathomir at the time of the Solo movie. So after Clone Wars Maul becomes the shadowy ruler of Crimson Dawn on Dathomir. He found an apprentice on Mandalore and has been training them for about 10 years.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Found Family!, Family trauma
A training orb narrowly missed your head as you ducked out of the way and finally struck it with your lightsaber. You had let yourself get distracted and it was a close call. You’d been at this for too long to make mistakes like that. You felt a deep shame for an instant but turned it into energy to focus on the training lesson at hand. You ducked and rolled on the cold stone floor, striking down the last training orb in a flash of sparks. The air now filled with the scent of dust, ozone, and sweat as you breathed in a sigh of relief. To be able to sit for even just a moment was an immeasurable treat these days.
You’d been training under Maul for almost 10 years now and he’d always been an incredibly stern and demanding Master, but lately, he’d been almost overbearing with his training. You felt frustrated at times, but mostly just wanted to make him proud of all that you knew you were capable of.
“How is it an apprentice of mine could still flounder at training orbs?” The all too familiar hauntingly deep voice of you your master filled the large room. He walked in slowly with his hands clasped behind his back and his metal feet clanking against the stone in a soft tapping you’d grown to know and love through the years, but at this moment, felt disdain towards the intrusion.
“I still won in the end,” you protested as you quickly rose from the seated position.
“Spare me. You are better than this. Better than these errors. And you know it. What is distracting you these days?” he questioned you with the same stern tone, but a tenderness behind it only you could detect.
“I’ll do better. I will do the lesson again right now. Again and again until it’s perfect.” you offered desperately.
“Hmmm… so you will not tell me what it is that distracts you? You’ve been training all day. Go wash up and spend the night meditating and maybe then you can tell me why you are distracted.” he turned and walked out of the room his black robes lightly rustling with his sudden movements. You wanted to be defiant and yell after him how out of touch he was and what a crotchety old man he had become, but you held back and just stewed in your negative feelings for a moment before ultimately deciding to do exactly as he said.
After your shower, you felt immensely better and decided to go meditate, although it was a bit begrudgingly. You wanted to go hang out with the nightbrothers, truth be told, but you also were just not in the mood for that either. You felt like you were stuck, in a funk. You missed Mandalore. Your parents were trash and you thought you had come to terms with that, but then why did you still wake up in the middle of the night dreaming about them and being in the house you grew up in? You knew Maul sensed this unbalanced feeling in you. Even if he hadn’t so much as told you he knew, it was clear he could read it on you anyway.
You set your room up to meditate, lighting some magick Dathomrian herbs and setting all the lights down low. You sat on a pillow trying to clear your mind. All you could hear was your Master’s voice and try as you might to block it out it was too loud. You got up angrily to pace the room, but then you realized you weren’t just hearing his voice in your head, he was in the next room over having a conversation. Curiosity got the best of you and you wandered out into the hall to eavesdrop.
“I wasn’t there, but if I had been perhaps I could have saved him” you overheard a woman’s voice you slightly recognized, but couldn’t quite place it yet.
“hmmm, ha ha ha ha.” your Master began his iconic sinister laugh and you knew this was not good already, but also sensed the darkness surrounding his force signature. 
‘Was he..scared? What could he have to fear?’ you pondered to yourself outside the room the voices emanated from.
“Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor Beckett and his accomplices.” Maul snarled out and you heard the hiss of his lightsaber being activated.
“I’m on my way.” the woman responded with the immediacy that predicated only bad things on the way.
You crept back to your room knowing the peace you had known with Maul for the last ten years was about to change. You sat back down on your pillow and attempted to meditate in case your master were to walk by or come in.
“Y/N, get up. I’m sending you on a solo mission and you need to take whatever is most important to you.” Maul barged into your room as you had suspected may happen. You rushed to your feet and began looking for your bags to pack,
“Oh.. ok. Where am I going? Why aren’t you coming with me?” you tried to seem nonchalant, but his anxiety was boring into your soul and freaking you out. You’d never seen him so panicked.
“No time, just get ready and meet me at the ship hangar in an hour.” he ran out of the room before you could protest. His metal legs clanking against the stone down the hallway as you’d heard a million times before. You froze for a moment, trying desperately to always remember that sound. It was the first sound you remembered him from when he saved you on Mandalore. You had been run out of your home barely 10 years old, by your family for being force-sensitive and tried to survive on the streets of Sundari. It had gone ok for a month or so before you started to run out of party tricks to use on the gangs and you had been ambushed one night by several different gang leaders. Why your master was out walking that night and in that exact side street you’d never know, but he saved your life and the sound of his metal legs on stone pavement would forever be a reminder of that.
You swallowed a ball of anxiety and it snaked its way down your throat until finally settling into a heavy stone in your stomach. You knew he was sending you away, you sensed it. You hated that you could sense these things. Ignorance was bliss and it was not something you’d ever been privy to. You tried to breathe in the calming herbs still burning on your altar in a futile attempt to acquiesce some of these feelings. You snuffed out the incense, grabbed your bags, and left your room, not looking back as there was simply no sense of dwelling any longer.
You met Maul at the hangar and he was still in his fake calm, but frenzied mood.
“Master, you know I sense your feelings as well?” you asked with a concerned look on your face.
“Yes, my apprentice. You are more powerful than you know. I simply cannot afford to let anything happen to you. I’m sure this will all blow over in a couple of years, I just need you to hide for a while.” He reached out to grab your arm as he spoke, his fiery amber eyes gazing into your soul.
“A couple of years? That’s so long. Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?” You shifted your body away from him snatching your arm out of his grasp. You were an adult now and yet he still treated you like a child. It was more than you could stand.
“There’s no time to explain it all now, and I know you are no longer a child. That’s why I’m sending you away. If my old master finds out about you, about me. about any of this... Trust me, please?”
He barely spoke of his old master and when he did it was not good. You knew this was bad, but you were still so sad and confused.
“Can’t I hide on Dathomir? Please don’t send me away, dad.” the tears were spilling out of your eyes and you didn’t quite register what you had called your master until you looked up into his red face, his amber eyes widening in shock at the words.
Before you could completely die from cringe he grabbed you in a robust hug. Something he had only done once before when you were very little and your pet loth-cat had died.
“I would be so honored to be your dad. And that’s why it’s even more important for you to get away from me from awhile.” He grabbed your face to wipe away the tears with his gloved hands.
“Remember how I said we survive in the shadows? My shadow may have been lifted up and I can’t afford any more losses. You are all I have.” he pleaded with you and you choked back your sobs to give him another hug before you boarded the next passenger ship to maker knew where. You’d be on the run for a while you knew.
as always thanks for reading and thanks for requesting <3
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ksfnmoments · 3 years
~Friday Headcanons~
Today’s Topic: Skye (after the little blurb down below)
y’know what i miss? Posting headcanons, so what am I gonna do about it? FRIDAYYYYY
Still deciding whether or not to do it twice a week (Tuesdays), though knowing me that’ll probably happen. Either way, I love incorrect quotes but I genuinely miss headcanons and I have so many I want to write down that I just never know what else to do with. Since I got a lineup of quotes that are queued for every other day atm, I get so impatient on the days in between but I don’t want to keep going on daily posting sprees and then becoming nonexistent for like three weeks in between-
They’ll mostly be about Chapter 2 battle pass skins since they’re the ones I’m most comfortable writing about (especially 1-3 and 5, won’t include the marvel pals because i really don’t know crap about them lmao), but I’m open to requests on others and will definitely be writing out scenarios for groups! Only thing I won’t really do is ships since I generally just don’t play around with pairings, other than Jules and Fade.
Anyway, onto the headcanons! Today we’re starting with my favorite girl :)
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Gonna go a bit into the backstory I have for her for any newcomers or anyone who doesn’t remember, basically her dad worked for A.L.T.E.R and her mom worked for E.G.O, but her mom was a double agent which was how her parents met. Long story short, someone from A.L.T.E.R found out and killed her mom, then started threatening Skye so her dad handed her off to someone and thus began her story. Skye was only two years old at this time.
She stayed at Camp Cod for four years, back before the loop it was a normal camp (the loop in my universe is a whole different timeline that i’ll have to explain at some point, but the basis is that C2 has been going on for about 10 years in my storyline, but the island existed like a normal place for at least 25 years beforehand.)
When she was six, she was handed off to another person away from Camp Cod due to a safety issue concerning the person who threatened her before she was sent there.
Skye picks things up fairly quickly and usually has an easier time adapting to situations. She takes this with pride and it’s one of the reasons she enjoys camping and adventuring so much. (Speaking of pride, happy pride month! ❤️)
At Camp Cod she was defo one of those kids who more or less says “I love you” to everyone she talked to more than once.
Before Midas took her in when she was eleven, she had four caretakers. Aside from her first at Camp Cod, the longest she stayed with one was two years (age 8-10). After the loop came around, she forgot the names of her first two.
Before she was ten, she had never been past the southern side of the island, or past Misty Meadows.
Weeping Woods is her favorite location and one of her places of comfort. If she really wants to be alone, she’ll go there.
She didn’t stay with Midas at first when he took her in, but with Journey (because Journey wouldn’t let him hear the end of it for literally bringing a child to a dangerous spy base).
Journey would take her to the mountains a lot and Skye absolutely loved it.
Journey taught Skye the basics of handling a grappler, needless to say the adventurer definitely had her gear of choice.
Midas decided to start teaching her tactical skills and stuff sometime after she turned 14. She had already been really interested in the whole agent thing for a while. About five or so months before C2S2, age 15, he officially activated her.
One of the first things she convinced him to let her do as an agent was travel as much as the island as she could, this first adventure being where she got most of the photos you found on her bulletin board. (photo source: reddit)
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Her disappearing every so often for a couple days at a time quickly became a normal thing. At first though she’d just kinda leave while forgetting to tell anyone, until Midas got on to her about it so she made extra sure to tell him whenever she wanted to go off again.
One of these little expeditions was where she found her sword, on the hill to the right of The Grotto.
Her third caretaker (age 8-10) had a keyboard lying around and taught her how to play piano. Skye would practice at least every other day and learned a handful of songs.
One day Midas showed her around The Yacht for the first time when she was twelve. The whole tour was a bit of a blur to her, until she saw the piano. Being the little excitable ball of energy she was, she instantly ran over and started playing. She was rusty of course for not playing in a couple years but she remembered most of the things she learned before.
She organized a birthday party for Journey on The Yacht (Midas can’t say no to her at this point) and played Happy Birthday for her on the piano.
A month before C2S2 is when Midas decided to officially make her in charge of The Shark. She had help running the place of course for the first month by various agents and top henchmen, but the day the season started was the day she decided she was ready to handle it on her own.
She especially loved being at The Shark because of the piano; in between missions and patrols she would play it, and sometimes if she really wanted to play but was busy she’d do it in the middle of the night.
In between The Device’s aftermath and the move to The Fortilla, she’d play more often because she couldn’t find much else to do. It was one of the activities she used to cope with the despair GHOST faced after Midas’ and Jules’ supposed betrayal, before the flood took over The Shark for good (in The Tide Rises, The Shark doesn’t fully become the prison version. Only some aspects of it).
Skye loves motorboat rides. Her father took her on them around Rapid’s Rest and Camp Cod often and the exhilaration was something that stuck with her even after forgetting aspects of her past due to the loop.
She absolutely hates seeing others in a bad mood and always offers a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent to. Always open about her feelings and encourages everyone to be as well.
On the other hand, she’s completely stubborn when she’s sick and tries as much as she can to not admit when it’s the case.
She always tries to see the best in people, unfortunately leading her to be a bit too trusting and naive. Upon becoming an agent, this has been one of her biggest flaws, and it even almost cost her her life after a certain incident (which I will post one day =>)
Unless it’s utterly life-threatening or harmful, can’t keep a secret to save her life. She has to tell it to someone (in this case Ollie doesn’t count) or else, in her words, she’ll literally die. Luckily for her, Fade’s the same way, so when he came along the two would confide to each other what they couldn’t tell to anyone else.
All in all, Skye is absolutely a kid at heart.
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papa-rhys · 4 years
Theory on why Cat’s coming back and how the Ra’haam are actually the good guys
I’ve put it all under the cut to avoid spoiling people, but basically I have a theory about what’s really going on and it’s a lot lmao
I’ll start with the reasons why I’m positive that Cat is still alive
She was able to fight the Ra’haam back even after it had consumed her, meaning a part of her was still in there (she even said that there was a part of her still alive in there)
She still has her memories (and so does Auri’s dad) which heavily suggest she’s not dead, otherwise the Ra’haam wouldn’t have access to those memories
She cried for Tyler on board the TDF ship. This was the thing that made the penny drop for me. Dead girls don’t cry and neither do cold and uncaring “villains,” but you know who does cry? A girl who is still alive inside the hive mind and misses the boy that she loves (and a girl who is desperately trying to get him to “understand” which I’ll get onto now)
Now, under the fair assumption that Cat and all the other people are still alive in there, we can now wonder why. I mean, think about it. The Ra’haam is a villain who apparently just wants to consume everything in the galaxy and be the only thing left... so then why would they keep these people alive inside the hive mind? Why would they keep their memories and emotions and bonds to other people? Why not just get rid of them completely and keep their body forever.
Because they don’t plan on keeping them forever.
They’re telling the truth when they’re saying they’re trying to protect us. They’re literally forming a shield over these people.
I think the Ra’haam are the good guys and I think the Eshveren are the bad guys. The Eshveren did something horrible and went to war with the Ra’haam and now the Ra’haam is absorbing people to protect them from the Eshveren when they return. This is why Cat and Aurora’s dad are still alive in there: because the Ra’hamm plans on releasing them once the Eshveren are dealt with.
I’m putting the evidence I’ve collected in bullet points to make it easier to write.
Most of the Ra’haam’s dialogue is about the squad not understanding and how they’re just trying to protect them. The most telling lines are when Cat says “we’re trying to save you” to Tyler + when Cat uses the word “salvation” to describe the Ra’hamm in her blood (”Salvation” literally means “preservation from harm, ruin, or loss.” Aka, protection)
The Ra’haam said the Eshveren’s graves were “well-deserved” which isn’t a view you have unless the person did something terrible to you or to others
The Starslayer eluded (very heavily) to the fact that the Eshveren are not good and that they don’t want to save the galaxy. He claims that they just want revenge and are willing to kill and manipulate people to get it
In The Echo, Esh never answers Auri’s questions. If they had nothing to hide, then they’d have no problems answering. People only avoid questions when they know the answers make them look bad. The only info they gave us was that Cat can never be brought back. That’s a lie. They told Auri that because it instils and anger towards the Ra’haam. They want her to feel rage and grief so that she’ll kill the Ra’haam for them
Also in The Echo, Esh calls Kal (or, in fact, everyone) irrelevant with a heavy amount of disdain. That’s a funny thing to think of a galaxy when you’re supposedly trying to save them, huh? You’d think a race of people who apparently died to keep people safe would think nicer things about the people they claim to have died for
Also, why would a race of people who are filled with good intentions allow a man like the Starslayer to take their weapon and use it to kill billions? The Eshveren can seemingly see into the future (Auri has visions and the squad are receiving gifts from what is probably the future version on themselves) and they have an almost infinite knowledge. So you’re telling me they didn’t know what the Starslayer would do with the weapon? They didn’t know he was a bad person? And since they must have know that he was bad, wouldn’t it be at least a little bit strange to allow him to have such a powerful weapon that’s capable of killing billions of people, when you’re supposed goal is to save those people?
The Eshveren what Auri to “burn away” every part of herself. All of her love and compassion and joy. Everything that makes her human. Now, compare that to the Ra’haam, who actively keeps those things alive (Cat crying for Tyler, Auri’s dad remembering her and smiling). Who is really the bad guy in that comparison?
I think that’s about all I can remember, but I do have some interesting tidbits and tie-ins:
Cat’s most notable tattoo is a phoenix, a bird that is known for coming back from the dead
When Cat was being taken over by the Ra’haam, she noted a similar blue-green meadow as the one Auri stood in in The Echo. Could the Ra’haam and The Eshveren share a homeworld? Maybe the Eshveren made the Ra’haam (like they made everyone else) and treated them poorly, leading the Ra’haam to stage an uprising that ended in war? That would certainly explain why th eRa’haam thinks the Eshveren’s graves are “well-deserved”
The squad are also having visions/dreams. Most notably, Fin, Scar, and Kal. Fin has a vision of the blue pollen from the future and Scar and Kal have a nightmare at the same time as Auri. It could be Auri’s powers rubbing off on them all, but I have a different theory. I think the future squad have been absorbed by the Ra’haam after finding out they’re the good guys, giving them all a shared hive mind and leading to them sharing dreams about the events they’ve been a part of. Couple that with the time travel/tear between dimensions (not the first time Amie and Jay have done that [Gemina]), then the hive mind of the future squad could be having effects on the present squad, leading them to have shared dreams, too. Other than Auri’s powers, that is the only reason I can think of for Fin having a dream about the pollen that he hasn’t seen yet. He might not have seen it, but the future version of him has, and he’s sharing dreams with him
In book 1, the Ra’haam is talking about Scarlet and the others as it takes Cat over. It decides to ignore them and focus on Auri because she’s “the enemy.” She is the only one they refer to as the enemy, meaning they don’t see Scarlet and the others as enemies. This is because the Ra’haam is trying to protect them. But Aurora has been made for the sole purpose of stopping them from doing that. She’s the one who can control the weapon, which is the only thing that can stop them (the Eshveren themselves couldn’t kill the Ra’haam the first time around). So while Scarlet and the others aren’t an enemy of the Ra’haam, Aurora very much is
That’s all I can remember for now, but I’ll update if I remember other stuff that ties in. Let me know if you have anything to add or anything that could disprove it. I love discussing theories, it’s the main reason I love books! Also, this could of course be entirely wrong. It goes without saying that I don’t know what Amie and Jay have planned for the book, so things may come to light in book 3 that totally blow this out of the water. But it’s all just for fun!
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raitrolling · 4 years
Open Quadrants: Secondary Trolls Edition (Part 2)
just like the first masterpost i made for my main trolls, this is meant to be a starting off point for anyone who may be interested in shipping with my trolls, only for my secondary characters (obviously lmao). these trolls i tend to have less muse for than my main trolls, or they might have an inconsistent muse and i can only write so much rp for them at a time
like i said in the previous post, i only plot and reserve quadrants for friends + rp partners who ive done a couple threads with already so i feel comfortable interacting w. them ooc, but if we are friends/rp partners and u have an idea for a ship lmk!
and given how many secondary trolls i have, im splitting this up between two posts. this post covers amarys-fleure, while part 1 covers liiore-somerl
other posts: main trolls | secondary trolls (part 1)
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Amarys - 11.5 sweeps / ~24 years, Female, Lesbian
♥ - Amarys is a nice and chivalrous troll, the kind who will treat her matesprit like a princess and vow to never leave their side. She loves doing things for other people, especially people she’s close to, so expect her to cook dinner, run errands, and buy gifts that made her think of her girlfriend. She doesn’t really know what she’d want in a matespritship, but she hopes whoever she ends up dating likes having fun and would enjoy going out to the same places she does. However, Amarys is very, very dense. Romantic intentions very often fly directly over her head, so if you want to try romancing her, you’d have to be incredibly blunt about it or she’ll just think you’re being a nice friend.
♦ - When it comes to pale relationships, Amarys is prime material for the princely bodyguard type. Do you need a more confident troll to stick up for you and accompany you to places that might make you anxious? She’s your troll. Do you want someone who will attempt to give you advice but will probably just end up beating up whatever troll is giving you trouble? She’s your troll. Do you have a fantasy of being bridal carried by a pretty woman? She’s your troll. Do you want someone who will happily put her life on the line to protect you because your life is worth far more than anything else? She’s your troll, but also you should maybe try to prevent this scenario so you don’t end up with a dead moirail.
♠ - Amarys is excited by the prospect of getting a kismesis because she loves competition. It doesn’t matter what it is, a sporting game, a friendly sparring match, or even something as innocuous as racing someone to a random location, her competitive side is just begging for someone to challenge her. She’d prefer someone who is as active as she is, but won’t turn down a board game or video game challenge even though she’s bad at both. Although, given how oblivious she can be when it comes to romance, don’t be surprised if she mistakes obvious blackrom flirting for just some fun meaningless trash talk.
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Ananta - 10.5 sweeps / ~22 years, Non-Binary (Any pronouns), Pan
♥ - Ananta will claim that they don’t need this quadrant because they’re perfectly fine on their own, but that’s definitely not the case. They crave attention and affection from others, but consider that to be a weakness so they put up a front of being hostile and uncaring. They need someone who they can feel vulnerable around, and doesn’t mind them being clingy. They're thankfully not possessive of their quads, but they’d definitely keep asking them to stay for just one more round of video games in hope they’ll stick around longer.
♦ - Ananta has a bit of trauma over how their lusus disappeared one night, as much as they don’t want to admit it. They’d most likely be scared of their quadrants also doing the same, so they push others away as much as they can as they can’t be abandoned again if there’s no one around in the first place. Like their red quad, they’d want someone who they can let their guard down around, and be reassured that they’re not going to get ditched without warning. They also have an issue with lashing out as soon as they feel even slightly upset and being very unforgiving when someone does them wrong, so a moirail would have to be careful about not setting them off. Or if they do, find out how to get through to Ana and help them learn to forgive others again.
♠ - Ananta is a bit touchy towards their black quad, they enjoy a challenge but they’re sensitive to heckling. They’d prefer someone who would be okay with handling them with care, and figure out how to aggravate them without causing them to lash out. They’re not going to tell anyone how to do that, of course, that’s part of the challenge of dating them! Like their red quad, they can get clingy towards their kismesis out of fear they might leave them. Jokingly threatening to do so just to see their reaction is an instant relationship-ender.
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Rosato - 9.5 sweeps / ~20 years, Male, Gay Ace
♥ - Rosato is honestly a little disgusted with the idea of having a matesprit, because he finds the company of other trolls to be unpleasant. Although, he doesn’t have the energy to keep pushing away someone who is persistent, so at the very least he might learn to put up with hanging around someone who is interested in him. But at this point in time he’s not interested in this quadrant at all. Maybe try being friends with him first to see if he warms up to you, if you can deal with his attitude for longer than a couple minutes.
♦ - Above all else, Rosato needs someone to help him adjust to being a rainbowdrinker. The biggest hurdle is the fact he won’t believe you because everyone knows rainbowdrinkers aren’t real and he can’t be undead if he doesn’t remember dying, so it’d probably be easier to look out for him in more subtle ways. Maybe someone who can sneak some more blood into his food so he can get to proper sustenance he needs (other than eating paint…), or can think of other ways to help him without saying the forbidden word that starts with ‘r’ and ends with ‘ainbowdrinker’.
♠ - Rosato is equally as disgusted with the idea of having a kismesis, because the company of people who don’t like him is even more unpleasant. He’s very likely to immediately turn down anyone who is interested in him, because having to keep up some sort of rivalry sounds exhausting. At this point in time, the closest thing to a kismesitude that could probably work for him would be another rainbowdrinker attempting to make him act like a proper undead, albeit in a more harsh way than a moirail would. But still don’t expect Rosato to be receptive to the idea, and would probably just keep telling them to fuck off.
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Vivyin - 14 sweeps / ~29 years, Female, Bi (Fem preference)
♥ - Based on the fact that she previously dated Glasya, it is probably safe to assume that Vivyin likes her flushed relationships to be a little goofy. She’s very quiet and reserved with a bit of a grumpy streak, so she appreciates those who she’s able to lighten up and have a few laughs with. But, she’ll also appreciate trolls who are relaxing in other ways, and don’t mind both her introverted nature and the fact that she’s not very adventurous. Despite being a cosplayer and attending a lot of conventions, she finds most anime and video game fans to be a bit obnoxious.
♦ - As somewhat of a workaholic and also in a highly mentally demanding field, Vivyin would definitely appreciate a moirail she can relax around and vent about her job whenever necessary. She’s not the most open troll around, especially when it comes to her past, but she begrudgingly admits that a pale relationship would have to be tolerant of the supernatural given how her fae curse affects her when she’s stressed. In return, while she may not be the warmest or most affectionate person, she is a good listener and a decent shoulder to cry on.
♠ - Vivyin thinks the idea of a kismesis sounds completely exhausting, as she isn’t the competitive type nor is she interested in having someone constantly try to annoy her. She isn’t opposed to the idea per se, but it is more likely that someone will end up annoying her and wanting them to leave her alone than stir up any pitch feelings. She would likely fare best with a kismesis in a similar professional field as her, as she’d expect that they would understand the boundaries to not cross and what pranks could put her career in jeopardy.
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Ariete - 11.5 sweeps / ~24 years, Female, Lesbian
♥ - Ariete is interested in looking for a matesprit, but since she tends to come on a bit too strongly towards anyone who shows interest in her, it tends to not go as well as she’d like. She gets attached to people pretty easily and tends to assume that if they like her then they must be good friends, even if they’ve only met once. That, and her obsession with historical objects and her own museum can be a little too much sometimes. She’d be happy with basically any girl who is nice and patient enough to deal with her attitude, and she doesn’t really have any other preferences. She’s just lonely and would like a friend (or girlfriend), pretty much.
♦ - Ariete doesn’t really know what she wants in a moirail, or even if she’d be a good moirail in return. Her tendency to say whatever’s on her mind can make her unintentionally insensitive at times, and she often makes the mistake of misjudging how close of a relationship she has with someone and treating an acquaintance the same way she’d treat a friend. However, she does have a good heart, and will try her best to do what she can for her pale partner.
♠ - A kismesitude would be somewhat difficult for Ariete to navigate, as she’s very sensitive to rejection and gets frustrated easily if people don’t like her. She’s used to not being liked so she puts up a front that she doesn’t care, but she secretly worries about it a lot. She might have trouble distinguishing other’s black feelings towards her with genuine hatred, so as much as she’d like a kismesis she’s a little nervous about it. Aside from that, she’s a very passionate troll who loves others who are equally as passionate, but with slightly different hobbies so she can learn more about things she wouldn’t think about otherwise. A rival museum curator or treasure hunter would be fun, as would a history buff or period drama enthusiast.
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Celise - 11 sweeps / ~23 years, Non-Binary, Bi (Male preference)
♥ - Celise has a thing for dangerous trolls. The nastier and more morally ambiguous, the better. That’s really their only preference for a matesprit and have no other desires for any other kind of troll in that quadrant. Be warned, they get obsessive over the target of their affections.
♦ - Celise doesn’t think they need a moirail because they’re a perfectly well-adjusted troll who doesn’t do anything wrong! … Yeah, no. Resorting to violent murder is not a good anger management method, and their constant denial of their flaws is not a healthy coping mechanism. Someone would need to put in a lot of effort to get this quadrant to work, especially because Celise genuinely believes they’re incapable of doing the harm they do. Expect to do a lot of talking to brick walls and then getting nothing in return.
♠ - Celise is interested in a black quad, but for the same reason as their red. They really love dangerous people and a kismesitude is the best way to get close to someone like that to observe their worst habits. Although, since they don’t really know how to court someone like that in a blackrom way, they’d be better off with a more traditional rival. A screenplay writer from a more successful company, a movie critic who reviews terrible niche horror films, or just someone else in the entertainment industry. Just be warned, they can get very violent when angered, which can make this quadrant potentially become unhealthy quickly.
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Sharle - 14 sweeps / ~29 years, Male, Pan
♥ - Taken by @/cloudbattrolls’ Jamie
♦ - Sharle doesn’t know what he’d want for a moirail, because short temper aside he feels like he’s a very stable individual. He’d like someone he could just relax around and learn what it’s like to live a more normal life, but he also feels like he could get that from having more friends outside the grid than specifically requiring a moirail.
♠ - Sharle doesn’t know what he wants for a kismesis either. He’s very competitive, but prefers to put all that energy into his racing. He also tries to not be aggressive towards anyone off the track, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to getting riled by heckling or challenges.
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Belamy - 13 sweeps / ~27 years, Male, Demi Aro
♥ - As Belamy is aromantic, a matespritship (and any other quadrant) with him would be more of a close companionship rather than a romantic quadrant. Belamy is also incredibly picky and has impossibly high standards, so he’d expect perfection from the one who courts his red quad at all times. He’d be most critical of this quadrant because it’s probably the biggest status symbol one can have, so he expects to be impressed. He loves the idea of being courted, so go the whole nine yards.
♦ - Belamy is a professional therapist, if you count offering therapy advice to other trolls because he read a couple textbooks ‘professional’. As such, he thinks he’d make a great moirail to another seadweller. However, his advice isn’t exactly the best out there, preferring to tell people to just get over themselves and act like a proper highblood, if he’s not psychoanalysing their relationship with their lusus. He’d have a good dynamic with someone with an opposing personality to him, such as a bubbly but naive troll or an introvert who wants to get more involved with seadweller society. Who knows, maybe that innocence or quiet introspection will rub off on him so he can confront his own issues with his bitterness and bottled-up anger towards the rest of the world.
♠ - Becoming Belamy’s kismesis is easy. Just be an equally snooty seadweller who happens to bump heads with anyone with a similar personality to them and can take an onslaught of insults without much issue. Reawakening Belamy’s competitive side may either be the best thing to help solve his issues about his past, or could be a death sentence for whoever is courting him in the black quad, I genuinely don’t know how that would turn out. Just don’t bring up anything about his hand injuries, they’re a very sore spot for him.
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Linnae - 11 sweeps / ~23 years, Male (He/They), Pan
♥ - Quadrants are somewhat of a new concept to Linnae, he knows they exist and other people have them, but doesn’t know how one gets quadrants and what to do with them. He’s very embarrassed by his lack of knowledge of quadrants, so he’s very hesitant to pursue them in general. He’s quite intimidated by the idea of having a matesprit because a committed and loving relationship is something he’s never had before, and he has no idea what qualities he should be looking for in another troll. If he were to develop a crush on someone, he wouldn’t really understand what those feelings are.
♦ - Pale would be the quadrant that he’s the most receptive to, if only because he’s always seeking trolls he can depend on to help him with everything. A good moirail for him would be someone who can help him with his social anxieties but also encourage him to be more independent and confident in himself. He doesn’t know what he can provide for someone in return, but he would try to make an effort once he’s made aware of what his partner needs him to do. 
♠ - In all honestly, this quad is probably impossible to obtain. Linnae doesn’t have a hateful bone in his body, and the concept of a rival seems utterly foreign to him. He’d be most intimidated by this quadrant as well, since to him it sounds like it has the biggest chance of going wrong and turning violent. 
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Fleure - ~1000 sweeps / ~35 years (immortal / ageless), Male, Pan
♥ - Fleure has better things to worry about at the moment than the possibility of finding a matesprit, but he’s not entirely uninterested in the quadrant. He prefers trolls who are kind, but are also capable of standing up for themselves and don’t take shit from anyone. Contrary to his current self, he is surprisingly soft when courting another troll, but it’s difficult for him to find someone who will make him drop his guard and relax. Due to his age, Fleure would only be interested in dating other trolls who are at least a couple hundred sweeps old because they’d be closest to his relative age and maturity. 
♦ - Fleure definitely needs someone to help him find his bearings, whether than be a moirail or a trusted friend. He’s lost in a world that has advanced far beyond his own understanding, and while he is much more independent than his descendant could really use a guide before he ends up getting into genuine trouble. And while he is a very guarded troll and has no desire to open up about his trauma, he does very quietly crave the idea of someone wanting to break down these barriers and force him to tell them about everything. In return, he will do whatever he can to ensure his moirail is safe from all harm, as he greatly values the emotional closeness that comes with this quadrant. 
♠ - While blackrom may appear to be the easiest quadrant to court him in given his ornery personality, it’s the one he has the least interest in. He’s old and feels like he knows everything he’s capable of, and has lost the spark for competition with another troll. It’s still possible for someone to push his buttons in the right way, but since he doesn’t know what he wants it’d be difficult for those emotions to stick for long enough to convince him into pursuing the quadrant.
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valkavavaart · 4 years
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no one asked but i wanted to do all of this in one sitting lets go.. this is long im sorry
1. favourite character 
jyushi, kuukou, ramuda.. i will not pick between them
2. least favourite character 
jyuto.. also saburo but he’s growing on me
3. favourite division
nagoya, baby!
4. favourite buster bros member
legally adopting jiro.. thats my boy i love him
5. favourite mtc member
rioooOoOOoOOoOoOoOOo i dont care the other two but like id give my life for riooOoOOOo
6. favourite matenrou member
doppPOOoOOOoOOOoo but also dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there...
7. favourite fling posse member
r a m u d and a.. whos that
8. favourite character song
UMMM drops and moonlight shadow both slap...?
9. favourite rap battle
its gotta beeeeee battle battle battle? i dont rlly listen to them much i just think abt the art where ramuda and jakurai are like face to face except we KNOW ramuda is barely like 5′0″ and jakurai is a big tall 6′4″ish man so how are they this close is ramuda sitting on his knee?? is jakurai kneeling?? is ramuda on a box
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10. favourite tdd member
again.. ramuda lmao.. like esp tdd ramuda his outfit is so cute hes just so tiny..
11. your otp
UMMMM i like getting into a lot of ships?? id say my favs are probably like.. gendice or riodice maybe?? and ichikuu.. rn im like rlly into hitoya/jakurai too i want those old men to hold hands (i wanna draw them but idk any good poses for old dudes who r also boyfriends)
12. your notp
anything involving saburo uMmMMmm.. im not rlly a fan of samatoki/ichiro & tdd era samatoki/ichiro ESPECIALLY rubs e the wrong way.. i also dont rlly like jyushi/hitoya or kuukou/hitoya they just rlly rub me the wrong way
13. how did you get hooked on hypmic
ok so on twitter all my friends and the artists i follow got rlly into fire emblem three houses and i didnt own a switch at the time but i was like "cool i'll like find a bunch of artists that draw this and i'll UHHH maybe get hyped for it idk" and one of the artists was riryou_ on twitter who was posting like mochi blyeth and i was like omg so cute... and they spoke abt like hypmic a bunch too and i was like "oh i vaguely know what hypmic is (based off of all the samatoki memes and sasara fanart i’d see), maybe i should get into it??" then they like posted jyushi and i was like "oh he looks so dumb i need to know more" and i HEARD jyushi and i was like "actually he's adorable and i love him!!" bc i have a soft spot for like.. crybaby chuunis, and then downloaded the game and was like "wtf!!! where is jyushi" and thats why im here..
14. a character you identify with
im not assigning myself a hypmic kin!!!!!!!!
but i’ll pick doppo bc 1. never trust a doppo kinnie and 2. i too need a therapist
15. favourite character design
KUUKOU was designed specifally to cater to me here is exactly why
-his hair. i cant draw it but i like it
-hes like >:3 all the time 
-he has?? fucking fangs
-cat boy energy
-the like contrast of him being a monk and then him also just being a little bastard.. love that
-i like his jacket
-his dumb fucking boots..
-he comfy
-radiates chaotic energy
-one of his eyes is usually like slightly squinted?? i dont know why he does that but i like it
-he wont hesitate.. bitch
-i forgot this was supposed to be like based on his design and went on a long ass ramble abt his personality but like sshhh you wont see that.. delete
-piercings... the big one looks like a stretcher? i like that
-his speakers that look like the dragon w the bell are cool
-again short king rowdy boy
-he has long eyelashes and wears eye makeup.. thats cute..
- >:3
16. a character you'd cosplay
again kuukou looks comfy but thats a lot of layers.. itd be rlly warm right..
id say maybe jiro! ichiro would be my next choice idk i like their jackets
17. a character you thought you'd like + 18. a character you thought you'd dislike  
ok so i just put these together bc like actually.. before i got into hypmic when all i rlly knew was vague fanart of the characters and that jyushi is my man i did a tier list to like get my opinions on them down.. and sometimes i look back to it and im like.. AHAH...
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as u can see i was on board for jyushi as soon as i got here... but i thought sasara and kuukou were rlly neat and like i figured i'd like ichiro bc mmm... but honestly im not that big on ichi SFGKHDLF...
meanwhile in the bottom tier... jakurai, jiro, dice, rosho, ramuda, hifumi... the irony that i actually rlly like all of them... rosho took a while to grow on me but he's really good.. meanwhile hifumi probably still isnt a character im like SUPER into but i do like him..
heres my current tier list tho LMAO
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19. buster bros or mtc?
hnn.. its gonna have to be buster bros...
i like jiro and rio a lot and dont rlly care for the other 4 but like.. i think i like bb and their dynamic and find them more sympathetic than mtc lmaoo... like ichiro went through a lot for his bros..
samatoki also went through a lot for nemu but hes stinky as hell and i think he's stupid. but i will not write an essay on that.
20. fling posse or matenrou
fling posse BABYYYYYY i love those funky little lads.. i like matenrou a lot too but like fp just appeal to me a lot more and i rlly love their dynamic.. i could talk for days abt fp...
21. mtc or matenrou
matenrOUuUuuUUuUUuu again i do not care mtc aside from rio.. i dont rlly have strong thoughts on matenrou lol i like their friendship tho :)
22. favourite hypmic seiyuu
saito soma or takaya kuroda.. saito soma bc i generally love his voice and also he voices other favs of mine (yamaguchi hq, 2wink from enstars..) and takuya kuroda bc im literally a simp for kazuma kiryu from the yakuza series,
also ive been insulting samatoki so far but i actually like his va like the man has the range?? between voicing samatoki hypmic and leo enstars?? HELLO????
23. a song you didn't like
basically anything by mad trigger crew SBJFGKJHLDSF the only song i actively remember by them is whats my name.. i only play it for rio..
UMMM otherwise i guess like??? new star.. sucks bc i actually rlly like saburo's va but i feel like he doesnt rlly get the best parts/songs...? that being said i like songs w him in it so
24. a hypmic headcanon
ummmmmmm i cant think of anything lol snnzzz.. i saw the hc that ramuda was the one that like dyed jakurais hair and it was so cute..
25. favourite solo song
wasnt this already a question or can i not read.. whatever my brain is like gya gya gyaran gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gya gya gyaran bam
6. favourite mc name
they all fucking suck LOL
evil monk is very literal and i like that. i also like that 14th moon ties into jyushi's name and everything..
UHHH i guess doppo cause its literally just his name LMAOO and i think doppos a cute name
7. the most attractive character
i know i said that kuukou is designed to appeal specific to me but gentarou? pretty boy. love to see it thank you saito soma. also tdd era jakurai.. maybe its just cause i like the manga art a lot but... dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there
28. a kink
29. favourite life quote & 30. favourite rebuttal or punchline
i dont wanna give a serious answer to either of those so on a completely unrelated note, i think abt this a lot
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