#action figure dubai
johnypage95 · 3 months
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cavo-products · 1 year
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Anime Shop Dubai | Anime Merchandise UAE | مجسمات انمي
Looking for the best anime merchandise in Dubai? Check out our anime shop! We offer a wide range of authentic anime products and collectibles in UAE. Shop now and get delivered quickly. Visit our website to know more about : https://cavo.ae/search?q=dragon+ball+toys
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nemonclature · 3 months
GUYS. I HAVE A THEORY. IT’S SUCH A GOOD THEORY. ACTUALLY IT’S THE BEST. Actually I’m just gonna go ahead and call this canon. I’m staking my entire identity on it.
So, I was gonna do an in depth art post bouncing off this excellent bit of research. I was expecting some thematic hints a la Hannibal and much fun to be had.
I decided to start with this:
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Francis Bacon’s Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, which hangs on the wall in the Dubai apartment.
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Let’s sidestep the Christian connotations of the crucifixion* IMO the Christ bit is misdirection (mostly. We’ll come back to that)
Armand: Witnesses to Christ’s agony. Mr Bacon also referred to these as the Three Furies.
Who are they? The Furies/Erinyes are Ancient Greek Goddesses of vengeance. "The Erinyes, that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath" ... They are traditionally depicted as … preoccupied with avenging patricide and matricide by hunting down and killing violent criminals ... Their task is to hear complaints brought by mortals against the insolence of the young to the aged, of children to parents, of hosts to guests.” (wiki)
Kinda on point for a vampire that tried to kill his maker, no? Or for a vampire that’s abusing the guests in his home? Or an old man shit-talking two much older vamps. (lol jk not you Danny boy, you trash them all you want bb).
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Armand: We’ve received an aggressive offer for the Bacon triptych.
Louis: Oh? I didn’t know we’d made it available.
Armand: It’s a new name, so I’ll have to run due diligence.
Hmm, who could possibly be being setup to enter late season under cover as some innocuous buyer? Who would Armand let into his theatre home in order to wreck it? Who’s presence/interest/existence would he keep from Louis? Who better to complete Bacon's intention and provide the crucified final figure of the set, but...
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YES! Our favourite victim of patricide. The ultimate Daddy Vampire. Lestat de fucking Lioncourt.
Guys there’s a reason I’ve been calling him White Vampire Jesus and it’s not (just) because I find myself hilarious.
Real Rashid: The lawyer for the buyer is ready for the teleconference.
Not a massive deal, rich people make lawyers do things for them. But so do VAMPIRES WHO DON’T WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED.
But yeah, lets’ get into that phone call. Mr Philips, the lawyer, is introduced to Mr du Lac (like, in case anyone was wondering how Lestat knew it was Louis who owned it, just fucking use your real name Louis, sure.) The buyer wants it for her husband (GUYS. HE WANTS IT FOR LOUIS).
This is episode 2.03 and, guys, Lestat is EVERYWHERE in this episode. We get Armand opening up, but not about his full past, just about his past with Lestat.
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Dreamstat dogs Louis’s footsteps
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Louis admits to Armand that Lestat was his maker in this episode.
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And the scene directly before the lawyer calls?
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Louis and Claudia are talking about Lestat, it moves on to Bruce, but it starts with Lestat.
We could also talk about how, this season, as the focus has moved away from Loustat to Loumand, the action has moved away from the main room with the Triptych, to the tree room and the dining room.
Lets start with the tree room, where Armand (the clinging vine) reaches, but never touches Louis (the tree).
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"For woman is a branching tree, and man a clinging vine. And from your branches carelessly, he’ll take what he can find."
(Let no man steal your thyme, trad)
Too much? Then how about the dining room of equally symbolic paintings. (and, side note. Paintings have been IT this season. This is the Armand season, the Amadeo season, the Louis photographer season, the breaking into museums to look at or steal art season. If S1 was music, S2 is art).
The dining room where we find the Ron Bechet, Transformation (A TREE AND VINES FFS), representing Louis (or Loumand) and the (stolen - can we take a moment to appreciate the hilarity that is Louis and Armand dressing up as police officers to carry out one of the biggest art heists in recent history?) Rembrandt, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee representing Daniel (Fear and Faith).
You can see them more clearly in the S1 scene where Dan and Louis are at either end of the table, each before their own painting.
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But also in S2 in combo with the Marius christ-and-demons, representing Armand (or representing Armius?? Lol do they have a ship name? kill me now). I find it very interesting how Armand is sometimes framed with Dan's painting behind him and at other times with Louis', almost like he's being pulled between the two.
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Anyway. Point is the GIANT RED ORANGE LESTAT CHRIST SYMBOLISM is suspiciously out of frame this season.
See the difference in framing here in Season 1: (note, this is DanLou first meeting. It's BEEN THERE FROM THE BEGINNING)
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And this itty bitty corner shot in Season 2:
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And when does the triptych come back into frame? Oh just DIRECTLY AFTER THIS BIT OMFG:
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Me too, Dan. Me too.
The triptych has been on the wall from the start of the show. Looming over everything, haunting the narrative, like a giant bleeding meta signpost.
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gh-0-stcup · 1 month
I'm gonna be honest, I really don't get the take that Daniel was saying Armand was lying about his backstory. Given the context of the scene, it seemed like a pretty clear jab at Armand's identity issues.
Daniel had just toppled a 77 year relationship built on a tower of lies. And not just lies to get out of trouble or keep Louis close - lies that Armand crafted and held onto as a preferential version of reality.
Armand wasn't just lying to manipulate, he desperately wanted to live the lie. To be the person he was portraying to Louis. To have their relationship be something different than the sad reality. If he fakes long and hard enough, eventually he'll make it. If he acts like the Good Partner well enough, eventually the harm he's done won't matter.
Armand has been trying so hard at this act that it's suffocating both him and Louis. They're weird, uncanny valley, Stepford versions of themselves in Dubai. He's trapped them in this bubble of faux kindness, faux supportiveness, masking all the resentment that lies underneath.
Armand can't confront the reasons behind his own actions to himself, let alone be honest with other people.
Armand identity is centered entirely around his role in other people's lives. He is who others see him as. He molds himself to the whims of others and has almost no concept of who he is outside of this. When the role he's inhabiting comes into conflict with the actual person he's buried deep down, it incites a breakdown. Sometimes he lashes out violently. More often, he'll gaslight or use his powers to force everything back into his preferred neat little box.
Armand is a foil for Louis in this way. Louis has also spent large portions of his life holding on to lies about himself and his relationships. But Louis does want to figure out the truth of things. He can be resistant to it because the truth tends to be more painful than self-delusion, yet he soldiers on. Louis ends the season resolving to learn to live honestly and finds empowerment through that. Armand clings to the lies and ends up alone.
So with all the context of the last two seasons and all the points made on identity and self-delusion, it seems bizarre to me that people think Daniel is saying "you lied about being raped" to Armand.
Armand, Amadeo, Arun - who are you? When did you stop living like a person and start putting on carefully crafted masks? What is real underneath all of that? Do you even know?
To me, this seems to be much more in line with what's happening in the show.
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 month
So does Minase joins Meteo of being a writer that picked a figure from regions that aren’t as used as much in TM with the Trung sisters belonging to him?
This one is just a self-answering yes-no question, so I'll instead use it as a platform for the Minase thoughts I've been having since the wombo-combo of the new mats, the anniversary interview, and the Dubai event. It's probably what the anon wanted out of it anyway.
My inner ramblings start from something Nasu said in last year's interview and made a point to reiterate this year.
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Ordeal Calls are meant to be each writer's best and most emblematic piece. Their artistic identity taken to its peak. That's something I believe Sakurai accomplished and Minase didn't. That obviously raises one question: what would a real Minase masterpiece look like?
By the Ordeal Call's premise, it would still need to be something that gave the supplementary information we were missing about the Alterego class, but let's ignore that angle and focus only on the goal of expressing Minase's personality in the best way possible.
What works with Minase and what doesn't? Compare his worst and best pieces. Agartha sucks because it focuses on his opinions about women and those are categorically rancid. Yuga Kshetra succeeds because it focuses on his opinions about ableism, which are far more poignant and agreeable. Minase has enough care about the subject to ensure that the plot is a series of arrangements where the characters triumph not despite their so-called flaws but specifically because of them.
So an ideal Minase Ordeal would focus on a different subject that Minase recurrently displays passionate, empathetic, and agreeable opinions about. So what can we find in his roster of character? Minase made Servant versions:
Zenobia, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting Roman colonization, although she failed. Minase portrays as someone who literally wears her failure and tries to conduct herself with dignity regardless to prove the point that the Roman conquerors couldn't truly defeat her Palmyra spirit. I think this one is a bust execution-wise, but it's significant that the idea is there.
Lakshmi Bai, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting English colonization. Minase portrays her as someone who can't help but disdain the innocent English civilian Holmes and acknowledges the irrationality of it, but the entire surrounding cast including Holmes himself assure her that she is entitled to her feeling because colonization is that gruesome and traumatic of a process.
The Trung sisters, whose historical significance comes not exactly from resisting colonization, but from leading an independence war, which is similar enough in spirit.
Columbus, whose historical significance comes from being a colonizer. I don't need to tell you how Minase chose to portray him.
With Fate/ drawing its action cast from history books, it's inevitable that we get a decent amount of characters whose bulk of their offscreen backstory was spent conquering, slaughtering, and assimilating other cultures. Some certified colonizers, like Richard and Takeru, are very self-critical about it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Iskandar, who gets flak from Faker and Ptolemy for his stupid decisions toward the Diadochi, but the journey of conquest and domination gets framed as the fun adventure no one is critical of. Either way, none of other characters not written by Minase get irredeemable treatment that Columbus gets.
The franchise's most prominent colonizer is, of course, Arthur(ia) Pendragon. Both versions are defined by the regret that comes with ultimately failing their kingdom, but their failings are never credited to the notion that violently conquering the British tribes and unifying the isles is an inherently bad thing. That's the image of greater good they fought for, and that part remains unchallenged. The closest Nasu got to criticizing Arthuria for being a colonizer is by showing the Round Table's brutal treatment of the Arabs in the Sixth Singularity. I'm mentioned this specially because this is Percival's first reaction to eating a mixed breakfast buffet in the current Minase-written Dubai event:
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Minase's Percival is strongly defined by his respectful interest in foreign cultures and, fittingly enough for a knight who opposed the Lion King, he's maybe the first character to directly criticize Arthuria on her disregard for the traditions she trampled in the unification of Britain. That's a thing I'd appreciate more of and can only imagine Minase daring to touch on.
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loustat-0 · 8 months
Hi Sima , I know you from Twitter .
I was watching Dubai scene carefully again & I noticed Louis in Dubai is acting even more heartless than Lestat in NOLA . Why do you think that is ? Is it the aftermath of Claudia's death ?
Hi there 🤗 .
Yes that's probably the most important reason . But I also think there are other reasons he's behaving like that . I think Louis has forgotten how human he used to be ever since Claudia's doom he learned to live on with cruelty & not caring about anything Bc he saw how other vampires including Armand behaved like that too in some aspects. Besides i believe Louis is also acting & pretending some stuff .
While everyone thinks Louis is behaving like that Bc he's in His Merrick era I doubt that Because Merrick book Louis was in his most caring & human era towards Lestat at least . Yes he was very depressed but he wasn't robotic & disconnected form his humanity he cared for Lestat most the times , If AMC Louis is in his Merrick era then we need some kinda proof for it , like figuring out why was Louis resting in Ep 4 . 😢
But I also think Louis showed his most human side again when he remembered about Lestat turning him or when he was talking about Lestat's music , or when he was talking about Lestat's murder attempt but he immediately had to hide that again , Dubai Louis is doing all in his power not to Burst out to crying & screaming & he apologize for these actions . Armand is helping him to not act out 🫤
"Louie can sometimes act out, I protect him from himself"
Does this mean he thinks Louis crying or showing the real side of himself like his anger or remembering the truth means he's acting out to Armand ? Why doesn't Armand want Louis to act out now ?
Louis also quotes Lestat's words sometimes in Dubai which is also something important to me but that's not very related to your question & I talked a lot here .
I hope what I said makes sense to you . 💜
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cbrownjc · 4 months
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The FINAL story in The Forgotten Years series, written by @faerywhimsy and I, is completed!
This final story is written by @faerywhimsy, and its second and final part is now up on AO3.
Title: Thief of the Sun
Pairings: Armand/Daniel, Armand/Louis, Lestat/Louis, Daniel/Louis, Lestat & Armand
Show Canon with Book Canon Elements — Armand’s POV
Summary: After Daniel leaves Dubai, Armand is lost to memories from the Venice years to Memnoch, before finally choosing to go after Daniel and reuniting with him once and for all.
Part 2 (of 2) Completed — 12,722 words — Mature
* * *
“I tire of this,” Armand said. “And Daniel is only recently in the body you see him in. He should not be left unattended. He-”
“No,” Marius said, “For once, where he is concerned, I must say I agree with you. He should not be unattended. In fact, he should be tended to by you right now.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Armand said, almost believing they might possibly be on the right path towards Daniel’s return to him.
“And what will you do once you’ve been returned to him, hm?” Marius asked, almost idly. “Continue to tend to him as a mortal? Allow him to run from you in this new world as he once did in the 70s? I’m sure you are not unaware, such antics are much more difficult to navigate in the modern world. Identity, passports, all are much more thoroughly checked. Daniel has no sons to claim, no one he can impersonate in his newly fashioned body. But I’m sure you have figured all this out.”
“Of course I have,” Armand said, bristling. He had had years, decades to amass all the required documentation for Daniel once he’d been assured Fareed would be able to do what he’d promised was theoretically possible. Documentation that had now proven itself with Daniel’s safe return through the American customs.
Even if what had occurred after that had been entirely unplanned. Armand could not be held responsible for Marius’ actions.
“Of course,” Marius agreed, sounding almost reasonable. “Because, by all accounts, what you are doing for him is no different to what any caring Maker in this time would ensure was done for any fledgling. Except... Daniel Molloy is not your fledgling.”
Armand’s eyes narrowed dangerously at this unexpected twist in Marius’ words. “Are you irritated at me because he is not my fledgling? Or because I continue to look after him anyway?”
[ Read on AO3 ]
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bunny-hoodlum · 4 months
#20, 33, 34, and 35 please!!
Sorry this is late! Wanted to think about my answers more, but I forgot to even read the original questions this whole time, so I def' didn't get to think about my answers, whups. 😅
Thank you for ask, @dayseternal-blog!! 🥰
How do you approach action sequences or intense moments?
I haven't written anything action, it makes me cringe because I don't think I know what I'm doing, but I read that short sentences are best for this and I would agree. Choppy, curt sentences would give that sense of blow for blow feeling that action needs, and it would give the sense of it happening seconds of each other, or even simultaneously. I would probably look for an action scene to copy tbh, and try to write the choreography in a choppy way. Emotionally intense moments can be the same, I suppose. Idk what I do personally, I think I'm an Intuitive writer. Once I'm in the emotion of the scene or character, I just go for it and my heart beats really fast usually and it's wrenching and it's awesome and then it just exists and it feels right. (Until I reread it a month or so later. 🙈 Jk, time isn't the problem, my inconsistent headspace is. 🤭)
How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
So, at this point and as you know, I'm veryyyyy comfortable writing my modern AUs as if they were based in Japan. Even though I don't think Konoha could feasibly be as big as Tokyo with the size of Hi no Kuni, I just write it as if it is. 😅 I pull from the real world to some extent, usually Uzushio is a mix of Okinawa and Taiwan, but I also have some AU where it's pretty damn impoverished, so it's going to be a mix of Macau and Haiti. Sometimes Suna is a mix of Macau and Vegas, haha. I guess Dubai and Macau would probably be more... unique. 🤔 I focus on food and architecture more than deeper things like politics and style of governance and whatnot, because my characters only experience those things passively as ordinary citizens do. Whenever I get back to Powerless, the shady secret government program plotline will actually matter more than Slice of Life stuff, so in that instance I will have to map out history, organizations and their affiliations, how secret programs are run, etc. It just depends on what my story needs. Usually backstory kind of comes to me on its own and that informs me of the world. Can't really think of anything else. 🤔 Making things familiar is the main aim every time, though. Dango to a Japanese is like sugar-cinnamon pretzels to us in the US or whatever, it's a familiar snack you can get pretty easily. That's the kind of immersion I try to keep in mind.
Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learning along the way that you'd like to share?
Proofread before posting. Proofread again when you wake up the next day after posting. You'll always miss something, but give yourself the first week to catch all the typos you might've missed. 😂
I guess I recommend reading your dialogue aloud? Maybe your whole fic? My inner monologue is pretty damn loud, so I like to trust my word flow is good because I'm practically reading it aloud in my head. I recommend letting characters interrupt each other. Unless perhaps both parties are really solemn about getting to the bottom of the issue or respect each other or both, that neither interrupts the other, but their emotions would be raging to speak up in the midst of all that patience. Figure out your own writing process. If outlining sucks out the fun, try writing the whole thing without guidance but be sure to analyze the story's direction with what you produce. I recommend the flashlight method for pantsers like myself, there are other methods as well, but a little organization goes a long way. I lastly recommend the "One Stop for Writers" site, their Emotion Thesaurus is such an amazing tool. When you just need to reference things quickly, it's very robust.
What do you enjoy the most about being a fic writer?
Between the community aspect and kind of being known for certain things, I think those are pretty even. I enjoy the act of creation and all that, but having something I experienced along the way and having the pride of it being mine is pretty damn cool. And the community makes that feeling even better.
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johnypage95 · 3 months
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cavo-products · 1 year
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Looking for the best anime merchandise in Dubai? Check out our anime shop! We offer a wide range of authentic anime products and collectibles in UAE. Shop now and get delivered quickly : https://cavo.ae/products/dragon-ball-z-super-saiyan-vegito-solid-edge-works-23cm?_pos=1&_sid=60b812dee&_ss=r
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
DUBAI (Reuters) -Iranian leaders vowed revenge on Thursday for two explosions that killed nearly 100 people at a ceremony to commemorate top Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani on the anniversary of his death in a U.S. drone attack.
"A very strong retaliation will be handed to them on the hands of the soldiers of Soleimani," First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber told reporters at a hospital were some of the wounded from Wednesday's blasts were receiving treatment.
Tehran has blamed the explosions on unspecified "terrorists", but no one has yet claimed responsibility for the bloodiest such attacks since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
An unnamed source told the state news agency IRNA that the first explosion at the cemetery in the southeastern city of Kerman "was the result of a suicide bomber's action".
"The cause of the second blast was most likely the same," the source told IRNA.
State TV showed crowds gathered at dozen cities across Iran, including Soleimani's home town Kerman, chanting: "Death to Israel" and "Death to America".
Iranian authorities have called for mass protests on Friday, when the funerals of the victims' of twin blasts will be held, state media reported.
Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps described the attacks as a cowardly act "aimed at creating insecurity and seeking revenge against the nation's deep love and devotion to the Islamic Republic".
The Guards commander in Kerman denied state media reports of a shooting in Kerman on Thursday.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has condemned the "heinous and inhumane crime", and Iran's top authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, vowed revenge for the twin bombings, that also wounded 284 people, including women and children.
The United States on Wednesday said it was not involved in any way in the explosions and had no reason to believe Israel was.
Washington said the blasts appeared to represent "a terrorist attack" of the type carried out in the past by Islamic State militants.
Tehran often accuses its arch enemies, Israel and the United States, of backing anti-Iran militant groups that have carried out attacks against the Islamic Republic in the past. Baluchi militants and ethnic Arab separatists have also staged attacks in Iran.
In 2022, the Sunni Muslim militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a Shi'ite shrine in Iran which killed 15 people.
Earlier attacks claimed by Islamic State include twin bombings in 2017 which targeted Iran's parliament and the tomb of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
The U.S. assassination of Soleimani in a Jan. 3, 2020, drone attack at Baghdad airport, and Tehran's retaliation - by attacking two Iraqi military bases that house U.S. troops - brought the United States and Iran close to full-blown conflict.
As chief commander of the elite Quds force, the overseas arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Soleimani ran clandestine operations abroad and was a key figure in Iran's longstanding campaign to drive U.S. forces from the Middle East.
Tensions between Iran and Israel, along with its ally the United States, have reached a new high over Israel's war on Iran-backed Hamas militants in Gaza in retaliation for their Oct. 7 rampage through southern Israel.
Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi militia have attacked ships they say have links to Israel in the entrance to the Red Sea, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.
U.S. forces have come under attack from Iran-backed militants in Iraq and Syria over Washington's backing of Israel and have carried out their own retaliatory air strikes.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 20 days
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Let this be the one and only prompt I will ever send to this blog. Saber with a top hat a mustache and a fat fucking blunt. A cigarette is also acceptable.
smut, You know that one scene in Fate/Extra where Rani has sex with your servant? Yeah I want Hakunon to be invited in. Whether she's an active participant or if she just gives a thumb up and leave is up to you. (Archer route preferred!)
One of the remaining FSR Servants (or even characters from FSR who have the potential to become Servants due to being a historical figure themselves [like Zheng Chenggong]) being summoned to Chaldea. Honestly free for all on what exactly happens in the fill, just something that starts with this.
Anything with Zheng Chenggong and FSR Saber meeting up in Chaldea (with both as Servants even if the former hasn't actually been made one yet in Fate) tbh.
smut, BB Dubai’s henchmen get into a competition with Constantine’s henchmen. Loser gets a one way ticket to getting fucked without mercy.
One of the events (I forget which) had Tamamo Cat take up the camera because "Trust me, you don't want to see what Ushi looks like grinning while covered from head to toe in blood, woof!" I politely disagree and would like to request an image of exactly that.
smut, fionn/group - fionn very nicely takes care of his knights' stress. exactly as it says. i want fionn being a good nice slut for his knights of fianna, because it's hard work, you know, and it's good to keep morale up, and surely they deserve a reward for all they've done, and it's definitely not just an excuse to get some contact in after traveling for months and being away from a nice warm bed with a pretty girl in it for so long. diarmuid is an obvious must, but as for the other knights, you can do whatever you want! toss in whatever headcanons you might have about 'em. i'd especially love to see goll mac morna, with his contentious relationship with fionn and how that might make any physicality between them tense.
For the body horror prompts, maybe something with vortigern or the any of the tam lin with their “true forms” so to speak turned up a few degrees?
Arjuna weight gain, please... It feels like there's only like five people in the fandom who like the idea of him soft, and I'm two of them. Any pairing except Karna is fine, art or fic fills welcome, any size is good, just make him squishy <3
smut, noncon, Kindly asking for reader insert noncon. Ideally I need to get passed around Chaldean servants like a blunt but even just a single "servant of your choice makes good use of their inhuman strength to lock a poor unsuspecting reader in place for a quick fuck" works for me.
I want blorbos and sex toys. Not necessarily using them, if you want to write me Shiki shopping for toys or draw me Arcueid holding a magic wand like a lightsaber, that works for me (though I won't say no to lemon with toys in action, haha!) Any character, any fandom, any medium.
Bill Cipher is summoned to Chaldea. Not with a humanoid body or anything, still a triangle (bonus points if he has an Extra Class like Foreigner or Watcher, Berserker would also be acceptable). He is so confused and angry about all of this. Guda keeps essentially going “I can fix him” (not romantic, just in typical Guda fashion) in spite of his obvious warning signs. His powers are severely limited except for when he uses his Noble Phantasm, and he doesn’t know what a Noble Phantasm is so he thinks he’s been weakened forever (until he figures out how to use it ala Mash did) So many of the people here don’t know who he is, so they aren’t scared of him. At least a lot of the evil Heroic Spirits want to hang out with him.
This is mostly an art prompt (but writers are always welcome!): Crossover with Final Fantasy 14, please interpret your fave servant as if they were from that game! What class would they main, what race would they be? go wildddd
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envoyofkairos · 7 months
Happy Pokemon Day, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I bring you the first story-focused video for the Mesopas region- my middle-eastern Pokemon region! This one is set largely in Turkey, but later videos will include Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the UAE/Dubai! A few new pokemon, four gym leaders, a new professor, and a mysterious hooded figure premiere here, but there is SO much more in store! And regarding the involvement of Israel and Palestine, I planned this region long before current developments, and will be presenting a more idealized version of this area. But, in this version, Palestine will be very much safe, secure, and healthy- as it should be in reality. Israel's actions are horrendous and should be condemned and halted immediately, and I am ashamed of my own country for repeatedly vetoing attempts to do so.
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aamir42 · 11 months
Farzin Fardinfard who has 3fmusic identity is unique finance fraudster
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In the labyrinthine realm of global financial scams, the Unique Finance scheme stands as a notorious emblem of deception, leaving a wake of devastation that transcends borders and nations. Amidst the intricate web of deceit, one name emerges as a pivotal figure, casting a long shadow over this fraudulent network: Farzin Fardin Fard. While renowned as a successful sound engineer and the proprietor of 3F Music, a prominent music recording studio nestled in Dubai’s vibrant cultural landscape, beneath this veneer lies a much darker and clandestine narrative.
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Farzin Fardin Fard’s journey into the world of music began with an innate passion that germinated in his formative years. A musician and producer by origin, he embarked on a creative odyssey that eventually led him to the realm of sound engineering. It was here that he discovered his true calling and established one of Iran’s pioneering digital studios approximately a quarter of a century ago. While this represents the legitimate inception of his career, the trajectory of his life takes a stark and disconcerting detour when we dig deeper into his story.
Beyond the melodies and harmonies that have marked his musical journey, there exists a disquieting narrative of Farzin Fardin Fard’s alleged involvement in the Unique Finance scam. This global financial fraud network, orchestrated by individuals like him, has left countless victims grappling with significant financial losses, while he seemingly thrived in opulence.
As authorities worldwide labor tirelessly to apprehend those responsible for the Unique Finance scandal, victims anxiously await their day in court. Farzin Fardin Fard’s alleged role in this intricate web of deception has attracted international scrutiny, underscoring the dualities that shroud his identity.
This multifaceted narrative of dual personas serves as a stark reminder of the intricate world of financial fraud and the profound ripple effects it generates across borders. It underscores the importance of global cooperation in dismantling fraudulent networks, ensuring accountability for individuals like Farzin Fardin Fard, and, most importantly, safeguarding the financial well-being and trust of individuals worldwide.
As this complex story continues to unfold, it is imperative for individuals worldwide to remain vigilant and informed about Farzin Fardin Fard’s alleged involvement in financial scams. In the relentless pursuit of justice, it is our collective responsibility to shed light on the hidden truths and unravel the enigma that shrouds his actions.
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
actually rounding out all of team red now too, player, zack, and shadowsan for the character asks?
SWEET! thank you sm!
How I feel about this character: he's good! i dont hate him but i dont love him. he's cool. fic writers make him so much better tbh. im often frustrated by him because im trying to put carmen in dire situations but i have to figure out how to keep him out of them loll
All the people I ship romantically with this character: uhhh no one i dont think. i thought that one girl in his classroom who smiled at him was funny. and didnt people ship him with that icelandic kid that gray stopped from getting hit by a car??? that was hilarious we should bring that back
My non-romantic OTP for this character: OKAY i already said this on my chase post but him and chase. they have such a dynamic i cannot even explain it because i think im one of the only people who's even touched it but they're so,,, chase can be his dad okay??? also of course him and carmen are a staple
My unpopular opinion about this character: should have put him in more Situations
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: should have put him in more Situations idk what to say
How I feel about this character: he's a very sweet character but i am more often annoyed at him. whenever the writers try to give him an episode its more like a "look what zack has fucked up this time" episode. ivy got the stockholm caper to take charge, which was so cool. zack got...the duke of vermeer caper?? the one where he fucked up the exchange so bad by opening the door to dash that he had to fix it? or maybe the dubai caper, where he was told to steal a car and his petty grudge made him so hateful that he got himself and ivy arrested?? his character deserved sooo much better than annoying comedic relief driver
All the people I ship romantically with this character: hey whatever ship comes along is good yknow? haberzackary. uh. who else do people ship him with?? idk haberzackary was cool when it was super popular. i dont think of him as a super romantic type though. even though he's technically the only character in carmen sandiego to have ever canonically written in the script played out flirted with someone. and she turned out to be a vile op lmaoo
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think him and chase are funny in a hypothetical situation where they interact. they're both drivers but one is much worse than the other. also zack and mime bomb thank you mangokat
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think i've already stated quite a few above. i have so many plans for him. so many fic ideas
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: literally give him anything interesting or not annoying PLEASE.
How I feel about this character: BEST CHARACTER IN THE SHOW OKAY HE'S DADOWSAN!!!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: WHOO not many!! lady dokuso but ONLY so they can be divorced because thats so much funnier to me. i also kind of like him and chief a little? but more as a good friends ship so hang on
My non-romantic OTP for this character: okay him and chief. i am inhaling their potential for a relationship. they were both sent for dexter wolfe that night. shadow-san was supposed to kill him and tamara wasn't but their roles ended up reversed. their actions that night are irreversibly tangled with carmen's entire story. they both were promoted that night because of what happened- tamara to chief, shadow-san to faculty. do you see??? do you see how tangled up in everyone's stories and each other's they are??? shadow-san owes chief a coffee,, also carmen. she is his daughter. they are family
My unpopular opinion about this character: really honestly don't have any OH WAIT NO okay he shouldn't have done that to poor zack okay. just knocked him out like that. he was doing his best
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: writers were so cowardly for breaking his leg in s4 to ground him. absolutely not thank you
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stoneantler · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire Art
So in Louis’s living room in Dubai we can see one the the Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (1944) paintings by Francis Bacon:
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While these paintings were intended to join a crucifixion scene, a goal that was never realized. I’m curious to see if Louis has the entire Triptych or just the one painting. Triptychs are traditionally the three painted panels of a Christian altarpiece, though the term is now used for many works of art that contain three parts. If he only has the one painting, there is some symbolism about how his horrible toxic family is gone now, leaving him in isolation and, maybe most importantly, without context. An incomplete Triptych is beautiful and valuable but it is also an altar that cannot close. Some triptychs represent heaven, earth, and hell, others the life of Christ. So in a broader sense, an incomplete triptych is an incomplete story.
However, Bacon isn’t telling a story in these paintings. This work actually draws inspiration from The Oresteia, a series of tragic Greek plays that I cannot hope to fully explain but involve Clytemnestra first killing her husband Agamemnon only for her to then be killed in vengeance by her son, Orestes . Finally, her son is tormented by the Furies for his actions, and order is only restored when Athena puts Orestes on trial. This Triptych is said to be the Furies, but it is possible to interpret the work as representing Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, and Orestes. If we follow that interpretation some glaring parallels might be drawn between Orestes and the family tragedy we are watching unfold in the show itself. Personally, I think both interpretations can be true at once.
Of course, Bacon isn’t telling a story in these pieces; he’s expressing the feeling of the story, the pain and bloodshed and tragedy. His focus on the mouths here, which a recurring image in his work, is something I’m sure Louis feels strongly about.
These paintings were Bacon’s breakthrough works that put him on the map as an artist. His work often focused on blood, suffering, religion, and the distortion of the human body, all of which I’m sure Louis appreciates. He was also gay, which some of his works do address. 
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