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diyaylili · 11 months ago
Participación de Adolescentes en Redes Sociales en América Latina: Impulsando la Conciencia y Acción sobre el Cambio Climático
¡Hola! ¡Hoy Lili y yo vamos a hablar sobre cómo los jóvenes en América Latina han concienciado sobre el cambio climático en las redes sociales! En los últimos años, los adolescentes latinoamericanos han utilizado cada vez más las plataformas de redes sociales como herramientas poderosas para crear conciencia sobre el cambio climático y promover acciones significativas. Con el surgimiento de movimientos liderados por jóvenes a nivel mundial, como Fridays for Future, los adolescentes latinoamericanos están aprovechando plataformas como Instagram, Twitter y TikTok para amplificar sus voces, compartir información y movilizar comunidades hacia la gestión ambiental.
Una organización notable en la vanguardia de este movimiento es Jóvenes por el Clima en América Latina. Fundada por activistas jóvenes apasionados, esta organización aprovecha el poder de las redes sociales para involucrar a otros adolescentes en el discurso y la defensa del cambio climático. A través de contenido visual convincente, recursos educativos y llamados a la acción, Jóvenes por el Clima capacita a los jóvenes en toda la región para que se conviertan en agentes de cambio en sus comunidades.
De manera similar, grupos como Juventud por el Clima en Argentina y México Verde en México están movilizando a los jóvenes a través de campañas en línea, peticiones y eventos virtuales para exigir cambios políticos y promover prácticas sostenibles.
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Los influencers de las redes sociales también desempeñan un papel significativo en la movilización de la participación adolescente en la acción climática. Los influencers populares de América Latina con grandes seguidores están utilizando sus plataformas para crear conciencia sobre los problemas ambientales y promover estilos de vida respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Al asociarse con organizaciones ambientales y compartir contenido informativo, estos influencers inspiran a sus seguidores a adoptar hábitos sostenibles y abogar por políticas ambientales.
Además, los desafíos en línea y las campañas virales han demostrado ser efectivos para involucrar a los adolescentes en las plataformas de redes sociales. Etiquetas como #HuelgaClimáticaEnLínea y #ActForAmazonia han ganado impulso, alentando a los adolescentes a compartir su activismo climático digitalmente y amplificar su impacto.
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Sin embargo, aunque las redes sociales sirven como una herramienta poderosa para la participación juvenil, también presentan desafíos. La desinformación y el lavado verde son prevalentes en las plataformas digitales, lo que hace esencial que los adolescentes evalúen críticamente las fuentes y busquen información creíble de organizaciones y expertos de reputación.
En conclusión, los adolescentes latinoamericanos están aprovechando cada vez más el poder de las redes sociales para crear conciencia y acción sobre el cambio climático. A través del activismo de base, los esfuerzos organizados de organizaciones lideradas por jóvenes, la colaboración con influencers y el uso de campañas en línea, los adolescentes están amplificando sus voces y catalizando el cambio en la lucha contra la crisis climática.
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freewilllibrary · 1 year ago
Noam Chomsky: How will Palestinians attain freedom?
#mentalhealthawareness    #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealth #breakthestigma #mentalillness #psychology #psychologist #psychiatry #medicine #sociology    #philosophy #criminology #science #psychologystudent #psychologymajor #therapy #therapist #counsellor #counselling #student    #learn #Freud #Jung #psychodynamic #psychoanalysis #chomsky #cognitive #maslowNew #language #perception    #linguistics #psycholinguistics #lingua #languages #englishlanguage #worldlanguages #semantics #meaningfulness #words #languagequotes    #proverbs #literature #literacy #education #educateyourself #reading #read #readersofinstagram #nativism #behaviorismo    #research #teaching #teachingideas #noamchomsky #languagememes #memes #englishteacherNew #behaviorism #pragmatics #pragmatic    #englishteacher📌 #psicologiapassione #ranabollita #rana #Chomsky #metafora #psicologia #principio #esempio #vita    #essere #stress #ansia #felicitá #benessere #essenza #mindfullness #training #rilassamento #relax    #positivitáSay #socialism #bashthefash #democracy #bernie2020 #peaceYesterday’s #dontextraditeassange #repost #freeassange #privacy    #knowledge #liberty #justice #Peace #humanrights #journalism #media #chelseamanning #freespeech #freedom    #europe #london #wikileaks #julianassange #berniesanders #assange #snowden #edwardsnowden #pressfreedomVery #academicdrawing    #portrait #simonepalmeri #firenze #tuscany #pencilonpaper #actforamazonia #prayforamazonia #inspirationalquotes #environmentalism| #communism    #marxism #marx #engels #lenin #leninism #bordiga #damen #debord #leftcommunism #ultraleft    #leftwingism #zizek #lgbtq #progressive #internationalism #antiwork #antiimperialism #anticapitalism #antifa #antifascism
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fandomshatepeopleofcolor · 5 years ago
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#ActForAmazonia - Argentina
Este viernes 23 de Agosto a las 16hs se hará una concentración en la Embajada de Brasil, ubicada en la calle Cerrito 1350, CABA.
Por favor todos los que puedan difundan (y vayan!). Con oraciones no hacemos nada, dejemosle saber tanto al gobierno de Bolsonaro como al de Macri que esto nos afecta a TODOS.
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zoo-studies · 5 years ago
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Acting for Amazonia 🌍
Hotspot wasn't supposed to mean this.
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thejoyfool · 5 years ago
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planetjacksonblog · 5 years ago
I feel so much pain and so much suffering of the plight of the Planet Earth And for me, this is Earth's Song, because I think nature is trying so hard to compensate for man's mismanagement of the Earth. And with the ecological unbalance going on, and a lot of the problems in the environment, I think earth feels the pain, and she has wounds, and it's about some of the joys of the planet as well. But this is my chance to pretty much let people hear the voice of the planet. M.J. Brazil's Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is responsible for providing 20% of the oxygen in our atmosphere. It's on fire right now and not getting the media coverage it should. We can change that #actforamazonia Home to three million species of animals and plants, and one million indigenous people, it has experienced a record number of fires this year as well as man made degradation through aggressive deforestation and livestock growth. Simply put-without these natural environments the world cannot function. Here are a few ways you can help the Amazon rainforest which can have an impact: Help buy land in the rainforest via @rainforesttrust Reduce your paper/wood consumption or buy rainforest safe products Donate money for the fight for climate or adopt a jungle animal, through @wwf @world_wildlife #PrayforAmazonia https://www.instagram.com/p/B1kYhGHBrlh/?igshid=1spba6dz50ga6
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dat-gay-cheflmao · 5 years ago
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italianoutlanders · 5 years ago
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#Repost from @caitrionabalfe . I’m supporting @wwf who are working to protect the Amazon Rainforest from deforestation. This T-shirt is made from recycled organic cotton, that’s not harmful to the environment, with proceeds going to support WWF’s Amazon Conservation work. Stand with me and get your T-shirt at wwf.teemill.com #ActforAmazonia . #CaitrionaBalfe https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rbyD-IYYY/?igshid=1d5n3z83nvqak
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worldoffrausto · 5 years ago
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This drawing comes from my pen and ink illustration series titled "Tree Drawings", and was inspired by this heart-rending statement that has its orgins in indigenous Amazonia. It speaks to the importance of trees and the role they play in our eco-systems. Make sure to go follow @rainforestalliance and be sure to check out what they are doing to help combat deforestation and donate if you can. 🌴🌱🌲🌿🌳💖🙏🌎🌳🌿🌲🌱🌴 #PrayforAmazonia #ActForAmazonia #ArtIsLife #QuoteOfTheDay #TreeLove · ⭐This original pen and ink drawing is now available for purchase on my website. Click the link in my bio or follow the short link here: bit.ly/i-am-tree-drawing · #RickFraustoFineArt I Am A Tree Drawing, 2019 #originaldrawing on archival paper Dimensions: 5 X 7 inches (at Amazônia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wtw7eJMBb/?igshid=1i414yq3yky23
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nickbibbysculpture · 5 years ago
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#Repost @casares.gallery with @get_repost ・・・ Don’t let this be our legacy! The Amazon, the lungs of this world, are burning! How can we help? It's unlikely you're one of the people who can actually help douse the blaze, but there are other ways you can aid in protecting the rainforest. Donate to Rainforest Action Network to protect an acre of the Amazonian rainforest. Donate to the Rainforest Trust to help buy land in the rainforest. Since 1988, the organization has saved over 23 million acres and counting. Reduce your paper and wood consumption. Double-check with Rainforest Alliance that what you're buying is rainforest-safe. You can also purchase rainforest safe products from the alliance's site. The World Wide Fund for Nature works to protect the countless species in the Amazon and around the world. Ecosia.org is a search engine that plants a tree for every 45 searches you run. Explore Change.org petitions. A lawyer in Rio Branco has accumulated over 77,000 of his 150,000 signature goal to mobilize an investigation into the Amazonian fires. Donate to Amazon Watch, an organization that protects the rainforest, defends indigenous rights and works to address climate change. Donate to the Amazon Conservation Team, which works to fight climate change, protect the Amazon and empower indigenous peoples. Amazon Conservation accepts donations (which can be tax deductible) and lists exactly what your money goes toward. You can help plant trees, sponsor education, protect habitats, buy a solar panel, preserve indigenous lands and more. Contact your elected officials and make your voice heard. #amazonia #amazon #amazonrainforest #amazonfire #actforamazonia #wearekillingourselves https://www.instagram.com/p/B1flhyph-15/?igshid=8y05exml2kow
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okamirayne · 5 years ago
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Once Upon A Time by yuumei
Once Upon A Time
“It takes hundreds to thousands of years for trees to grow into giants. Deforestation all over the world will leave nothing for the children to look up to. No more magic and wonder in their eyes, only the disappointment of how we failed them.
The biggest reasons for deforestation is clearing trees to create land for cows, palm oil, and other agriculture. You can help protect these ancient giants by eating less meat and donating to Rainforesttrust.org “
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purified-zone · 5 years ago
Want to cut your lifespan in half? Read the comments on this tweet :)
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susanaguilera7-blog · 5 years ago
Taylor, you spoke about equality, could you Speak Now about Environment?
Dear @taylorswift​ 
I’ve learned from you that words have incredible power and that our voice matter, hence this letter to you.
Did you see what’s going on in the Amazon? In Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and pretty much the rest of the world? The planet is on a climate crisis and we need to talk about it.  “The Amazon is often referred to as the planet's lungs, producing 20% of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere” and it's burning now (it has been for weeks).  "When trees get burned and carbon is released into the atmosphere, that exacerbates our global warming." Animals, flora, indigenous people and all of us are in danger. We need to take action.
What’s the reason behind it? Cattle raising is the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon.  Farmers start fires to "clean" the land for grazing areas, a practice encouraged by Brazil’s president. The dry season, global warming and high consumption of meat around the world make it worse (Brazil is the world’s largest beef exporter). Read this article for more information: The Amazon is burning because the world eats so much meat
That’s why reducing or eliminating meat from our diets is key! What else can we do?:
Get informed and share the information (this should concern all of us)
Discuss it with family and friends
Change our habits
Recycle, reuse and reduce garbage production
Reduce and avoid plastic consumption
Plant trees (Forests are our best defense against climate change)
Use water properly
Trace the origin of the products we consume, eliminate from our diet and daily use brands that we know cause negative damage to the environment 
Sign a petition 
Support organizations such as Rainforest Trust ,  Amazon Watch ,  Rainforest Alliance
Let your voice be heard when something is wrong
Investigate what’s going on in your country and your community and pick the right leaders, repeat the steps above and get involved in initiatives for the environment
Our Planet is calling and is our responsibility to take action, everything matter.
There’s NO Planet B. Every fight loses its purpose if we lost this battle. We need everybody to Speak Now about it, now more than ever. 
I appreciate that you listen to us and the power of your voice and your fans, you have done incredible things in the past thanks to that power. We all have “an Amazon” in our countries we need to take care of, our future depends on this.
“If you’re in a position to help protect the rainforest on a macroscale, Foreign Policy argues that one of the most powerful tools for protecting the region is to work with businesses rather than against them. This is particularly effective in the beef industry, because as Foreign Policynotes, domestic meat producers in Brazil work with international companies that “are committed to zero-carbon standards, in principle” and are more susceptible to public outcry than Bolsonaro. They suggest that trade, distribution, and financing deals that are dependent on protecting the rainforest and sustainability can be a boon to the planet and to Brazilians who depend on the rainforest for their livelihoods.”  The Fast Company
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therealafrikantruth · 5 years ago
Brazil's Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is responsible for providing 20% of the oxygen in our atmosphere. It’s on fire right now and not getting the media coverage it should. We can change that #ActForAmazonia Home to three million species of animals and plants, and one million indigenous people, it has experienced a record number of fires this year as well as man made degradation through aggressive deforestation and livestock growth. Simply put- without these natural environments the world cannot function. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1fuVkeDOdG/?igshid=18yiapmyer0ze
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lacommunarde · 5 years ago
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#Repost @amazonwatch (@get_repost) ・・・ - EYE ON THE AMAZON - The crisis is not over, but we also need to prevent the next emergency NOW! . As the Amazon's dry season draws on, uncontained fires continue to rage across vast landscapes. That’s right - the fire season has JUST BEGUN. . It is estimated that in Brazil alone, nearly 3 million hectares – 11,500 square miles, or an area nearly as large as Belgium – have burned. Another 2 million hectares of Bolivia's forests have been lost. . The Amazon fires have drawn worldwide concern and condemnation for good reason: they are a man-made disaster enabled by a brutal and backward president, Jair Bolsonaro, whose regime has slashed environmental protections, human rights standards, and the rule of law to benefit the very actors destroying the rainforest. . We are collectively facing a climate emergency of unprecedented proportions of which today's Amazon fires are a burning symbol. In response, we need to exercise our collective power to extinguish these flames and build a future where this can never happen again. . READ THE FULL REPORT: https://bit.ly/2kHetFH . 📷 Photo: CIMI . #Sept5Act4Amazonia #StandWithTheAmazon #ActForTheAmazon #ActForAmazonia #DefendTheAmazon #AmazonFires #BoycottBrazil #AmazonRainforest #IndigenousRights #ClimateChanged #ClimateCrisis #SaveTheAmazon #ActForAmazonia #Amazonas https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kwcSjguEN/?igshid=sitnve6tv80w
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pennedplaces · 5 years ago
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Please share, donate, assist in whatever way you can, and talk about the issue. https://paypal.me/pennedplaces
AVAAZ: https://secure.avaaz.org/page/en/ Rainforest Rescue: https://www.rainforest-rescue.org/ Rainforest Trust: https://www.rainforesttrust.org/ Rainforest Alliance: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/ Rainforest Action Network: https://www.ran.org/ Amazon Watch https://amazonwatch.org/ Forest Stewardship Council: https://fsc.org/en Arbor Day Foundation: https://www.arborday.org/ World Wildlife Fund: https://www.worldwildlife.org/ Green Peace: https://www.greenpeace.org/international/ Global Forest Watch: https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
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