#Never Again Is Now
alwaysisrael · 1 day
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This precious baby Almog , is now three yrs old .
His mother was murdered by psychopaths and his father Or was taken to Gaza and is still be held hostage by psychopaths.
What did this family do to deserve this ?
What did any of the people do to deserve this ?
Or I hope and pray that you will be reunited with your precious baby and the healing can began .
What was done on Oct 7th was devasting and must never be forgotten.
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odinsblog · 7 days
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The U.N. Human rights Council has found Israel is deliberately responsible for the collective punishment of all Palestinians including noncombatant men, (pregnant) women and children; gender targeted violence; torture; using starvation as a weapon of war; and the intentional extermination of Palestinians living in Gaza.
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intersexfairy · 5 months
can't help but think about the trans palestinians who are excluded by the constant use of phrases like "men and women" and "boys and girls." so here's to remembering them. to every palestinian with neglected gynecological issues who isn't a woman or girl. to every nonbinary person who's fallen. to everyone who's lost access to their hormones, who wasn't able to get their gender affirming surgeries - intersex palestinians, too. to every unidentified trans person and every trans person who never got to be their true selves. to all of them, the martyred, and those still struggling just to survive. free palestine - trans and intersex palestinians included.
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hichew76 · 2 months
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Growing up, I was taught that when someone tells you who they are, believe them.
They don’t care about Palestine. They don’t care about Gaza. They care about going mask off.
Fucking believe them.
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c0mpoundeyes · 8 months
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torontosquirrels · 3 months
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Meet Edgar Morin - a 102-year-old Jewish veteran of the French Resistance, a renowned philosopher, and a strident voice for justice. It truly upsets me that I’d never heard of this incredible man till now.
“I am both astonished and outraged by the fact that those who represent the descendants of a people who were persecuted for centuries for religious or racial reasons... That the descendants of this people who are today the decision-makers of the State of Israel, could not only colonize an entire people, partly drive them out of their land and seek to expel them for good... But also, after the massacre of October 7, engage in a real massive slaughter on the population of Gaza and continue, incessantly, hitting civilians, women, and children.
And to see the silence of the world, the silence of the United States, protectors of Israel, the silence of the Arab states, the silence of the European states who claim to be defenders of culture, humanity, human rights.
I think we are living through a horrible tragedy because we are also powerless in the face of this thing that is unleashing. At least, I say: bear witness! The only thing that remains if we cannot resist concretely is to TESTIFY. Let’s RESIST IN OUR MINDS, let’s not be fooled, let’s not forget, let’s have the courage to face things head-on.”
Repost from @middleeasteye
“After the massacre of 7 October, (Israel) engaged in a real massive slaughter on the populations of Gaza.”
French philosopher Edgar Morin, a Jewish WWII resistance fighter, criticised Israel’s actions in Gaza. He expressed disappointment at the silence of countries like the United States, Arab and European nations, whom he referred to as “protectors” of Israel.
#jewsforpalestine #jewsagainstzionism #gaza #gazagenocide #humanrights #palestine #freepalestine #freegaza #freethewestbank #israel #crimesagainsthumanity #antifascist #solidarity #ceasefirenow #neveragain #neveragainisnow
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“Never again is only for Jews”?? So you’re cool with genocide as long as Jews aren’t the victims??
Imagine being media and history illiterate.
You know why Jews say never again? Because of how much genocide, pograms, forced exiles, rape, slavery, etc.
When we say never again, we say mean it by we will never go through that again without a fight.
I also only say it’s for Jews because we are the ones that coined the term, we are the ones that wrote poems about it, we are the ones that truly embrace it.
Honestly it’s a little lazy to just say “never again for anyone” because it erases all Jewish meaning behind it.
If it makes you feel better, I don’t like it when Jews use it for other things.
So die mad about it anon.
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historyistold · 1 month
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The Americans bombed indiscriminately in Iraq and Afghanistan, no court convened to discuss the war crimes there, tens of thousands of civilians were killed.
The Russians bombed Georgia and Ukraine indiscriminately with countless war crimes.
But no.
When the Jews have to eliminate the real threat on the country's borders, after experiencing the greatest massacre since the holocaust, so no, suddenly this anti-Semitic court in The Hague is urgent to gather and tie Israel's hands!
Go to hell.
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fdelopera · 2 months
Never Again is NOW
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This evening marks the beginning of Yom HaShoah. This Jewish holiday and Holocaust Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Yom HaShoah is different than International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we mourn the 6 million Jews, as well as the Romani and all the others who were systematically slaughtered by the Nazis during World War II.
Yom HaShoah is the day for Jews mourn our dead and to remember the Jews who heroically fought back against the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We mourn the 6 million Jews who were murdered the LAST time the entire world was infected by the mind-virus of Jew-hate.
In the midst of this current global tidal wave of Jew-hate, we Jews say NEVER AGAIN. Never again is NOW.
And a reminder to non-Jews who might try to steal this phrase:
Never Again is a Jewish phrase. Period. It doesn’t belong to non-Jews.
Never Again refers to the Shoah, and to the THOUSANDS of years of violent Jew-hatred we have endured before then.
Never Again states that we Jews will NEVER AGAIN be slaughtered by the millions.
If you are a goy, and you use this phrase for any other purpose, you are engaging in cultural appropriation.
You are appropriating Jewish trauma and pain that IS NOT YOURS.
Unless you are willing to shoulder the burden of 3500+ years of Jewish history, you do NOT get to use this phrase.
If you steal Never Again for any other context, all you are doing is broadcasting that you are a Jew-hating bigot who engages in Holocaust Inversion.
And you can take your antisemitic bigotry and go fuck off into the sun.
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p’ri hagafen.
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu, v’shabbat kod’sho b’ahava uv’ratzon hinchilanu, zikaron l’ma’aseh b’reishit. Ki hu yom t’chila l’mikra-ay kodesh, zaycher l’tziat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha’amim. V’shabbat kod-shi-cha b’ahava uv’ratzon hinchal tanu. Baruch ata Adonai, mi’kadesh ha Shabbat.
(Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the Universe, how has sanctified us with his commandments and favored us, and given us in love and favor his holy Shabbat as an inheritance, as a remembrance of the act of creation. For this day is the beginning of all holy days, a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. For you have chosen us and you have blessed us from among all the nations. And you have bequeathed us your holy Shabbat in love and favor. Blessed are you, Lord, who sanctifies Shabbat.)
Feel this, to all those races, colors, and creeds, every man bleeds
For the countless victims and all the families of the murdered, tortured, enslaved
Raped, robbed and persecuted — Never Again
To the men, women, and children who died in their struggle to live
Never to be forgotten, Reuven Ben Menachem, yo…
My own blood dragged through the mud
Perished in my heart, still cherished and loved
Stripped of our pride, everything we lived for
Families cried, there's nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Tossed to the side, access denied
6 million died, for what?
Yo, a man shot dead in his back
Helpless women and children under constant attack
For no reason 'til the next season and we still bleeding
Yo it's freezing and men burn in Hell, some for squeezing
No hope for a remedy, nothing to believe
Moving targets who walk with the star on their sleeve
Forever marked with a number tattooed to your body
Late night, eyes closed, clutched to my shotty
Having visions, flashes of death camps and prisons
No provisions, deceived by the Devil's decisions
Forced into a slave, death before dishonor
For those men who were brave, shot and sent to their grave
Can't awaken, it's too late, everything's been taken
I'm shaken, family, history in the making
Never again shall we march like sheep to the slaughter
Never again shall we sit and take orders
Stripped of our culture, robbed of our name
Raped of our freedom and thrown into the flames
Forced from our families, taken from our homes
Removed from our G-d then burned of our bones
Never again, never again, shall we march like sheep to the slaughter
Never again leave our sons and daughters
Stripped of our culture, robbed of our name
(Never again) Raped of our freedom and thrown into the flames
Forced from our families, taken from our homes
Removed from our G-d and everything we own (Never again)
Some fled through the rumors of wars
But most left for dead, few escaped to the shores
With just one loaf of bread, banished
Called in for questioning and vanished, never to be seen again
I can't express the pain, that was felt in the train
To Auschwitz, tears poured down like rain
Naked, face to face with the master race
Hatred, blood, and David, my heart belongs to God and stays sacred
Rabbis and priests, disabled individuals
The poor, the scholars — all labeled common criminals
Mass extermination, total annihilation
Shipped into the ghetto and prepared for liquidation
Tortured and starved, innocent experiments
Stripped down and carved up or gassed to death
The last hour, I smelled the flowers
Flashbacks of family then sent to the showers
Powerless, undressed, women with babies clumped tight to their chest — crying
Who would've guessed — dying
Another life lost, count the cost
Another body gas-burned and tossed in the Holocaust
Never again shall we march like sheep to the slaughter
Never again leave our sons and daughters
Stripped of our culture, robbed of our name
Raped of our freedom and thrown into the flames
Forced from our families, taken from our homes
Removed from our G-d and everything we own
Never again, never again, shall we march like sheep to the slaughter
Never again shall we sit and take orders
Stripped of our culture, robbed of our name
(Never again) Raped of our freedom and thrown into the flames
Forced from our families, taken from our homes
Removed from our G-d then burned of our bones (Never again)
Never Again. Never Again.
From the USA to Afghanistan
From Israel to Pakistan
From Iraq to Iran
To Russia, Poland, and France
From China over to Japan
Never Again
Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad
(“Hear O Yisrael, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One.” The Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism. It is the declaration of our faith in one G-d. Jews say the Shema prayer every day, in the morning and evening. And we also say the Shema before we die.)
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kosmic-apothecary · 2 months
Zionist provocateur accidentally proved that Jews are totally safe at Pro Palestine protests.
This moment says it all
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odinsblog · 6 months
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casavanse · 8 months
It's been a month since the start of this war.
A month since October seven. A month since 1,400 innocent people were murdered in their homes. A month since 240 people were kidnapped to gaza, some of which mere children.
In jewish tradition, we mourn our dead for seven days after they died - Shiva - and for another memorial day 30 days later, a month.
This is the memorial day of all the dead. In this day we remember them. We pray for them. We say kadish about then. They were our brothers and sisters, they were our friends.
A month in to the war.
Dont you dare to forget them.
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Here are the names of every known person that died on October seven, all together. There are still unidentified missing people.
May their memory be a blessing.
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hichew76 · 2 months
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About as peaceful as the Holy Roman Empire was holy, Roman, and an empire
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chaionist · 1 month
Fuck Ireland.
Fuck Spain.
Fuck Norway.
Fuck Hamas.
עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי
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יום העצמאות
On this day, 76 years ago, the Jewish people emerged from exile. The tragedy of the Holocaust was still only three years ago.
On this day, 76 years ago, the Jewish people finally regained their right to self determination and self governance.
On this day, 76 years ago, the Jewish people reclaimed thousands of years of history, and established their state.
On this day, 76 years ago, the Jewish people emerged from the most costly and horrific genocide in human history.
On this day, 76 years ago, the Jewish people were faced with several invading Arab armies, wanting to take our right to self determination and our land away from us once again, we would be victorious.
After nearly two thousand years of exile, it is important to remember the millions of fallen Jews who died for their people during these tough two millennia. It is also important to remember those who were killed due to people wanting to take our land away from us again, and those who were killed because of terrorist acts of violence.
We must remain proud of our history, how we got our land back, and how we fought with blood, sweat and tears to get it back from Arab, Ottoman and British colonists. And we must remain sure, that something as detrimental and tragic as the Holocaust, or two thousand years of exile never happens again, Never again!
"A people once liberated will not easily return to the ghetto" - Napoleon Bonaparte.
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