#achillian ship
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the-mountain-flower · 1 year ago
SPOILERS for the webcomic Aurora, page 2.1.20!!!
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When your friend whom you're in love with did something incredibly strange and you're trying to get him to tell you what it was, but he's being super defensive then shouts that he's sorry he held his hand; how do you respond to that??
Also is it just me or does he look kinda upset that Falst feels sorry/embarrassed about it?
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the-mountain-flower · 1 year ago
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Here, have a sketch :) @comicaurora
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blubberbuns · 3 months ago
I bet you there was ppl freaking out and having temper tantrums over Bon being changed into a a gay man and rival for Frankie instead of a love interest screaming “FRANKIE HAS BEEN INFECTED BY THE WOKE MIND VIRUS!!!” “FRANKIE HAS GONE WOKE” XD
(Tbf I don’t think female love interests should be automatically viewed as bad but I’m not one of those anti woke bigots either.)
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The gay tension was unintentional (from the team), but they for sure have more chemistry when Bon gets revamped into a guy, I thinks
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simsim54 · 1 year ago
achilles: *says something egotistical* odysseus: aristos achilles, always having to be on top. patroclus: *starts laughing from the other corner of the room*
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charbroiledchicken · 6 months ago
one of my favourite relationship dynamics in literature has to be: "the one that calms them down" + "the one that makes them feel alive"
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the-mountain-flower · 1 year ago
Bc of out-of-story shenanigans, they started being shipped together before we knew Dainix's name. However, a picture of Dainix was labeled as "crucible" (I think it was in the file name?)
Falst + Crucible then got called "Crustables" as a combination of the two & a sandwich joke (referencing Uncrustables)
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 month ago
Me back in 2013: wow I love genderbends it's so fun
*years of no more*
Me 2024-25 after realising all of the gender identity headcanons and trans identities that can be a part of it too: We're so fucking back!
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miss-morgans-lover · 7 months ago
I just have to share this
(only up to S2, Ep15, so no spoilers please)
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I need to emphasize the look Buck gives him, as well as the scene surrounding it
Spoilers below
This is my first watch, and I've shipped the two from the first second I saw Eddie.
This shot, this little scene stands out to me so much. Buck could have stood anywhere, he could have waited, someone else could have run. Buck didn't run to get the boy, but went straight gay to him.
It shows that Buck has changed, cares about others, not instead of himself, (this is contrasted by the prior bit of the scene (see recording I took on my phone from my laptop below)
In this bit, Buck cares so much for Eddie that he would risk his own life to save him (as well as the child in the building with him). Buck is so desperate to get in there, where Eddie is.
The rush, the desperation, the panic, the fear he shows in this clip. It takes maybe a second for Buck to start moving, to react, to want to take that risk without thinking much. Which is kinda like Buck 1.0, who follows his impulses. This is slightly different though, he's following his impulses, but for other people, not for his own gain.
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tumbleweedsthesecond · 11 months ago
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I hc topher as achillian so I'm always open to him having a crush on Joan being genuine in some way but half of me thinks it is half of me thinks it isn't. It could be either I was kinda looking forward to him liking her(I think he does kinda). I think when he has crushes its usually not out of genuine falling head over heels in love which is especially weird when everyone else in the show is basically like that. But I also like interpretation that he's just trolling Abe in a way because lets be real that arc was nothing but a plot device. Even if he did like joan I don't think he'd be so invested in it, he literally smiles when he tells her she isn't in the group and when they set lose snakes(these are highschoolers they don't have to be head over heels in love I wouldn't even say he loves her). I wanted to add the lyrics but couldn't cause it kept crashing when I tried. Its just one interpretation I have of it cause he's a satire character basically.(how he's written not the way he views himself I think he'd try to make his crush seem more than it is its ironic he never really interacted with her before much in s2) Its not supposed to be that he faked everything to her I think he's genuine when trying to be nice to her letting her in the group which is funny cause he says stuff like 'you're clearly craving companionship you have no friends!!' And stands there afterward smiling like he's genuinely helping her. I think the love part is where he'd be faking most of it cause he can fight his attraction to that white woman. Either way he'd probably just lie and say he never liked her if he really did. Flew over your head part is cause she doesn't know about it anyway I read way too into this I love yapping
Their relationship isn't too romantic to me that doesn't mean he doesn't like her in a way canonly. Anyway maybe grayromantic
Or maybe he doesn't like her I mean idgaf any interpretation could work really
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squaloropera · 10 months ago
Okay explain because I'm interested
Oh thank god. You will regret this.
Now, the first thing to do here is to explain exactly what I mean by ‘top/bottom’ discourse. What I’m referring to, specifically, is people arguing over fictional characters (usually) and their preferred positions in penetrative sex. These characters being gay, almost exclusively. Pretty fucked up, but now that we have that point of reference, I can explain better. Now, there is no inherent heteronormativity in thinking a character prefers to bottom or top, but the discourse here is usually where the problem lies. First of all, roles of ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ aren’t exclusive. A top can bottom, a bottom can top, there is no set rule. Thinking anything otherwise dangerously borders on ‘____ is the girl of the relationship cause he only ever takes’ territory. This is the heart of this heteronormativity claim. In general, this discourse will be in the comments of any fanart or fanfiction of a gay fictional pairing that happens to be sexual. Usually, you’ll find at least a few comments of ‘Nooooooooo, ____ totally tops!’ and with the expectation that said character should always be the more sexually dominant one, even if there’s no penetrative sex being displayed and the word ‘top’ is being used to refer to sexual dominance. The core of this discourse is never actually about the actual meaning of ‘top’ and ‘bottom’, but in fact the words are being used in place of ‘the girl’ and ‘the guy’. If you replace ‘____ is the bottom!’ with ‘____ Is the girl in the relationship!’ it suddenly makes the comment make sense, and also reveals the sinister nature of top/bottom discourse.
I hope this was coherent, lol.
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the-mountain-flower · 1 year ago
Recently drew Falnix/Crustables/Ferinheit in a cute drawing where Falst is braiding Dainix's hair (inspired by that Trope Talk frame),
Then I decided I wanted to do another one for Tesslinua/Petrichor, so I drew Tess braiding Alinua's hair,
And I realized
Alinua probably hasn't had anyone braid her hair since she was ten
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ro--lal · 1 year ago
(Fictives) Could you do MLM Kurloz x Roxy pls????? <3333 luv u
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YES OFCC ENJOY <3 u didnt specify which mlm flag so i just went with achillian, hope thats okay w u guys :D
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ang3l-chr · 2 years ago
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owed art for a friendo
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simsim54 · 1 year ago
Achilles: I'm sure you know why I called you in here. Patroclus: Is it because of that dick pic I accidentally sent you? Achilles: stops pouring two glasses of wine, blows out the candles, turns off his 'let's do it' playlist, hides the box of condoms behind a pillow Achilles: Accidentally???
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joah-shipper · 2 years ago
[part 3]
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moonsofmachinery · 8 months ago
Transmasc Arti + Achillian Gourmy?
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I've already done a tmasc arti, and it wasn't specified whether or not this was supposed to be a ship req??? so I just went with Achillian Gourmand :}
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