#achilles go brrrr
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kexytimes · 11 days ago
every time I read the word "car" In the iliad, this is what appears in my head
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mysticmeadowscamp · 6 months ago
for ages bc you wanna slide the oldest up and youngest down i kinda can see this:
vee= 13-14 (freshman still riding middle school cringe era coded little rat sibling energy)
nathan= 14 but a year ahead bc he’s i believe a nerdy nerd in the beginning of the campfire storyline
achilles= either 14 to be in the same classes as vee OR 15 to be in the same classes as nate . i personally can see 15 more bc then you could have achilles and vee meet some other way like maybe they have a club or elective in common or maybe they just randomly meet some other way (like for example maybe achilles is Not Doin So Good one day and vee comes across xem)
twins and dee= late teens to early 20s , maybe 19 or 20 on the dot so that they’re already at the point of college (dee’s dropout/flower shop job storyline happening)
this i feel like makes sense in my head bc the oldest 3 would feel “properly” like older siblings/mentor figures to the youngest 3 AND all of the characters would have some way of meeting each other .
the meeting for all of them would probably then be like:
vee -> achilles
achilles -> nate
through achilles: vee -> nate
through vee: oldest 3 -> achilles and nate
also depending on how smart/how much of a tryhard you wanna make nate , for example , you could have him doing some GE college classes where he could meet cadmus (some high schools offer these sorts of classes) and it would make sense for cadmus being either a freshman or sophomore in college bc they’d just be GE classes not major classes . so then nate would have already kinda known cadmus in this route , which would maybe also explain why cadmus and nate have a little bond together bc maybe cadmus took this lil high school nerd under his wing and then realized he’s actually a chill lil guy :)
sorry for the essay campfire make my brain go brrrr
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im glad im apparently not the only one who sees Vee as a 13-14 year old actually
this is actually super good and i can see it
i was thinking if i wanted to make Vee and Achilles meet w the small age gap but def on different years of school maybe they couldve met in like. a summer camp or smth
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ella-ashmore · 3 years ago
HI YES HELLO ethan uses they/he/it/xe/vrr(like tge sound cars make(he thinks its So nice he could listen to engines all day)) hannah uses she/he/they/💌 pete uses he/it/zhe/she steph uses mirrored pronouns etc etc etc i could go on abt this All Day
HEY TUMBLR sorry for being cringe but does anyone have any hatchetfield characters they headcanon as using neopronouns please reply or reblog lmk!!
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kiwikipedia · 2 years ago
I know that the Grand Saber is pretty much confirmed (well not confirmed confirmed but I’d be surprised if it wasn’t) to be another Arturia clone but since While technically the Grands are known as the seven strongest of an era, here are some alternatives I think might work or would be funny as shit
Musashi Miyamoto (Girl): This one’s kinda a given. She was implemented, reused, and went out in a sorta random way imo? Like. By all means her “death” was cool and she was cool until the end, but it seemed… off to me? Chaos kinda came from out of nowhere but ykwe or something. Personally I just want Musashi back
Musashi Miyamoto (Real/Male): We know he exists. He’s been eluded to multiple times with our known Musashi stating she is and isn’t “Musashi”. Musashi is also often considered to be one of the best sword masters in Japan
Sasaki Kojiro (saber): We’ve seen him once before and we all know how Fate likes to drag FSN characters for as long as they can even if the fandom is tired of them. Personally I’d like more Kojiro over more Arturia !! Like Musashi, he’s one of Japan’s most recognizable sword masters
Fiore dei Liberi: the author of one of the oldest surviving treatises on fencing is pretty notable in terms of sword wielding historical figures right? There’s not much known about him which would give Takeuchi and Nasu a good bit freedom and probably smack him with the Genderbend Laser. I think a prominent swordsman is the best for the Grand Saber if we draw from straight historical fact and not Nasu historical fact
Altera: Laser Sword go brrrr. In seriousness though, she is my number one choice for a Grand Saber. A number of the “Grand” servants have some connections to the divine, right? Solomon and Noah with the biblical God, The Old Man of the Mountain with Allah, Romulus and Orion with the Roman and Greek gods, Tezcatlipoca is a god himself… Merlin is technically an outlier, I guess but before he filled Solomon’s seat, all the Grands known were/were associated with the divine. Altera in FGO is vaguely associated by way of Mars, but in the EXTELLA line of fate, she’s just straight up a deity i believe— With her true form being that if of the Great God of Sefar. There’s some alien stuff too Granted Sefar was killed by Excalibur (somehow?? The timeline matches up not at all but WHATEVER fate like Excalibur) and her body became the Valkyrie? Brynhildr, Giants, and Altera. Sefar also shows up twice in Lostbelt Lore: Atlantis and Avalon. I’d say that’s a big calling card. (Zeus beat Sefar in Atlantis with the other gods, in Avalon she destroyed the world as per goal.) But my god. wouldn’t it be cool to see two alien gods beating the shit out of each other? Ofc I’ve gotten off topic, as Sefar and Altera are the same but not, and Sefar is more of an outer god/beast/foreign god, but using that connection and the fact that Altera is quite powerful in her own right as the Destroyer of Civilization and Attila the Hun, I think seeing her utilized as the Grand Saber would be much more interesting than Arturia. And would bring back some of her actual character instead of Bad Civilization jokes.
Peleus: I think this one is less likely as we have Achilles as a servant and Greece is pretty much over and done, but according to legend, his sword is one that grants its wielder victory in battle and when hunting. Besides, we’d have that heroic link, the divine link, and I’m ALWAYS a sucker for more of Chiron’s extended family to show up.
Perseus: Isn’t he technically a fate character already? Back on the Greek train I guess lol. Anyways, who doesn’t know Perseus? He’s a hero in his own right and his sword Harpe is referenced often in literature anyways. I think he’d be an interesting choice
Heracles: while we’re on the topic of Greeks, why not add Herc to the list? Recognized as one of if not the most well known Greek Hero of all time, He’s already also recognized as an Archer Class as per FSF, but would it be a stretch to also include Saber? Ofc, with Orion all the Greeks could be void given the shared mythology root, but Noah and Solomon exist so yk. I’m also just down to see more Heracles
Sir Agravain of Iron: this is really more of a “wouldnt it be fucking funny” choice for me, and doesn’t fit in with the greatest of all time bit, but I think it would be funny as hell. he does not want to be here and yet he is. I just think it would be funny if everything is hyped up to the max about a new Arturia except the reveal is this guy that no one likes, he also does not like anyone, he hates humans on principle, would kill his mother for less than a cornchip, but somehow in a twist of reality and lostbelt fuckery he was given Excalibur and the Crown by way of blood right and efficiency. “But but but that deviates from human history-“ that didn’t stop Romulus!! I think at this point nothing matters about the who what and when aspects. Plus? FGO is sometimes known for these hyped up and then fucking weird plot twists so I think it would just be funny personally. I cannot stress enough how much he does not want to be here.
Most of these are just ideas and thoughts, knowing Takeuchi and Nasu, we’re likely going to be getting a version of Arturia/Arthur as the Grand Saber. But it’s fun to think about.
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intermundia · 3 years ago
I loved Temporary Like Achilles, there hasn't been a lot of Alpha Obi-Wan lately so thank you for giving it to us, something about him going all feral hits on an instinctual level and makes brain go brrrr yes please
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literally nothing better than alpha obi-wan!!!!!! tbh it breaks my brain, the fic Better Living Through Lack of Chemistry changed something about me as a person lmao it just highlights all of the traits that i see in obi-wan's characterization that get stripped out when people make him uwu. liiike alpha obi-wan is contained but has massive top energy underneath, you know? that's that good good shit
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anonymousgeekhere · 3 years ago
What’s your opinion on the iliad cast? Gods and mortals
Hector: I think my thoughts on him are obvious lol. My true love (after Apollo) he’s just so good! Hehe not gonna go in detail it will be long
Paris: Originally wasnt a very big fan of him but after learning more about him (and his effeminate aspect), I have mixed feelings. Like I like him but some stuff he does is like
Aeneas: We didn’t see him for much, I was intrigued by his fate thing, then I read the Aeneid and now I’m sick of him
Sarpedon: I’m more interested in the impact than him cuz like. Zeus contemplating saving him which would go against Fate? Very interesting…
Achilles: So I like him as a character not a person. I think his story and arc is very intriguing but like. he killed and mutilated a child. In the kid’s dad’s temple. like. Much as I find his arc about shifting between divine and beast and ultimately realizing he’s human and cannot reject society interesting af I just cannot like him
Patroclus: Wish there was more about him! He seemed very interesting and strong, not the uwu kawaii boy I thought he was
Odysseus: Yoooo I fucking love this guy he’s so funny and clever let’s fucking gooo
Diomedes: On his own I dont care for him much, tho I feel bad about how Athena manipulated him he’s pretty great when he teams up with Odysseus, book 10 was wicked awesome
Aias: Stronk man goes brrrr
Menelaus: Really cool guy, wanna see more content about him cuz he seems so conflicted and betrayed aww
Agamemnon: Someone shoot him. Please
Helen: FUCKING QUEEN I already loved her and then I found out more about her and aaaaah she’s so good
Andromache: Aaaahhh I love her she deserved so much better
Cassandra: Would’ve loved to see more of her, her story is interesting
Penelope (I know she‘s from the odyssey but shhhh): YO SHES A QUEEN TOO she really outsmarted Odysseus she and him are OTP how she so big brain
Hecuba: She won me over when she begged Hector not to go fight Achilles
Priam: Interesting guy, wanna know more about him and why he seems to only care for Hector (trauma response after losing so many kids?)
Apollo: I won’t dump here cuz you all know about that already. I really enjoyed seeing a darker, more divine aspect of Apollo. Really changed my perspective on him (which is an essay in of itself) and appreciate him a lot more and see him as more nuanced and complex
Artemis: We didn’t see much of her! But I can’t believe she got bitch slapped by Hera
Leto: So badass omfg
Hermes: Really pleasantly surprised by how kind he was to Priam. Loved seeing him as the “kind god”
Zeus: I’ve softened to him and really like to see how his position as a king makes him have to take harsh decisions. Fate makes me wonder how much control he really has
Hera: Badassssss. I really loved seeing her so manipulative and clever, it was really fun
Ares: I hate how Homer wrote him! Made him seem so pathetic and had everyone bully him
Athena: Ngl especially after writing my essay I don’t really like Athena? She’s manipulative but not in the fun Hera way
Aphrodite: My opinion on her dropped a little because of that one scene in book 3 where she forces Helen to sleep with Paris
Poseidon: He’s much more serious and scary than I thought, really awed by his sheer power
Hephaestus: Hate how everyone bullies him but damn does he make some cool stuff
Thetis: She’s such a good mom??? I wanna know more about her, like how she ended up married to Peleus
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hotmessexpress483 · 4 years ago
Mmmmmmm brain go brrrr need to write shit down
Zag used to follow than and Meg around like a little lost puppy dog (neither of them knew what to do)
Than is very smart but very dumb tm
Meg has all the brain cells
Zag is the most himbo a himbo can get at times and both Than and Meg like to tease him about it
Meg can hold both Than and Zag in her arms with ease (the first time she did it the boys were so embarrassed)
Than likes being the big spoon
Zag is almost always the little spoon
Achilles is who all three of them go to for relationship advice and he wonders why constantly
No one got a shovel talk because if something happens they will track eachother down and deal with it themselves
Zag worries about his feet (you know with them being flaming half the time) but they never cause and issue
Meg almost always initiates everything
They all chill with dusa when she is free
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mcyt-apocalypse-au · 4 years ago
me: hm i should probably finish Achilles' ref sheet!
also me: hahaha battle of endlantis fic go brrrr
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oofenflugen · 4 years ago
thank you for the tag @funkyferretdoodles 🥺
three ships: asheiji (banana fish) fraxus (fairytail) and matchablossom (sk8 the infinity)
last song: i believe it was annapantsu’s cover of she used to be mine from waitress
last movie: OH GOD, what was the last movie i was able to sit through,,,, umm probably a lord of the rings movie?
currently watching: bee and puppycat!
currently reading; i’m tying to reread song of achilles but concentration go brrrr
currently craving: mangoes!
tagging: @catharsis-in-a-bottle @catboy-joyfriend @appa-slut @rawtoastttt @thebluesuccubus @starlight788 and anyone else who wants to do it!
Rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Tagged by @lady-with-a-deathwish ! thank you sm for tagging me :))) it’s my first time doing one of these !
Three ships : jonmartin (the Magnus Archives), gertrudeagnes (also Magnus Archives), and villaneve (Killing Eve)
Last song : The Garden by The Crane Wives
Last movie : Jennifer’s Body
Currently watching : nothing at the moment because I’ve been pretty busy with classes but I’ve been meaning to watch Over The Garden Wall (even if it’s not very seasonal)
Currently reading : The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Currently craving : chamomile tea
Nine people : @anxious-sapphic-bitch, @space-city-traffic, @uhode, @ominouslyqueer, @macin-tosh, @youareenoughphan, @honeybee-apocalypse , @an-fiach-dubh, @boxofsilence (no pressure though !)
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kexytimes · 24 days ago
How many books shoter do you think that the iliad could be if we limited the amount of times that Achilles is called "Swift running" to like, three times per page?
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interretialia · 11 days ago
cum "currus" verbum in iliade scriptum legi, hoc est quid in capito meo appareat
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every time I read the word "car" In the iliad, this is what appears in my head
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