#if you have any other ideas throw them out in the tags or RBs!! I’d love to see them lol
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eli-am-confused · 8 months ago
hi maybe dont say weird stuff in the rbs of an art post. just a thought
Hi! I probably shouldn’t and wouldn’t normally replay to stuff like this but as you’re in anonymous so I don’t know who’s work I should stop commenting on and in case anyone else thought the same I’d like to clear the air. Say sorry and give my reasonings I guess.
If you are an artist and i made you uncomfortable by saying odd stuff when reblogging then feel free to message me to tell me and I won’t do it again for your art. I’d also like the chance to properly apologize in the right context to what I’ve said. When I rb something it’s cause I really enjoy it and when I say stuff it’s cause I have a lot of thoughts and need to get them out, but if you’re uncomfortable with me doing that with your art I totally get that. It’s no big deal or a problem at all for me to stop.
For me when I make art and people say weird stuff when rbing (wanting to eat it our squish a blorbo or throw blorbo against a wall or just having thoughts on the general idea of the post) I personally actually get really excited about it because I get to hear others thoughts and it makes me feel they enjoy what I made all that much more rather than someone just rbing with nothing or the general tags that apply (any form of rbing is loved and cherished very deeply don’t get me wrong, sometimes you’re just not in the mood to write or just can’t think of anything to say and that’s ok I get like that too). (I do thank everyone that has ever reblogged my work or messaged me to tell me they like my work. I just get shy and don’t know how to respond but I do keep it very close to my heart every time)
I’d also like to say that if you’re not an artist who is uncomfortable with me adding my two cents on your art then you simply don’t have to be on my blog. In fact, no one has to read what I have to say at all, that being someone who I’m rbing from or not. Easy fix there.
But again if you are an artist just message me and I won’t do it again for your work. For ANYONE who I have ever reblogged from who didn’t particularly like what I had to say, I am sorry and please just tell me. This isn’t meant to be an attack or anything I mean everything very genuinely, the last thing I want to do is make someone supper uncomfortable. So please just tell me if I’m going too far.
Sorry about the odd post I just think this deserves to be addressed as I have had the thought that I may have gone too far on occasion. And very often don’t remember what I’ve said even just hours later.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years ago
I know that the Grand Saber is pretty much confirmed (well not confirmed confirmed but I’d be surprised if it wasn’t) to be another Arturia clone but since While technically the Grands are known as the seven strongest of an era, here are some alternatives I think might work or would be funny as shit
Musashi Miyamoto (Girl): This one’s kinda a given. She was implemented, reused, and went out in a sorta random way imo? Like. By all means her “death” was cool and she was cool until the end, but it seemed… off to me? Chaos kinda came from out of nowhere but ykwe or something. Personally I just want Musashi back
Musashi Miyamoto (Real/Male): We know he exists. He’s been eluded to multiple times with our known Musashi stating she is and isn’t “Musashi”. Musashi is also often considered to be one of the best sword masters in Japan
Sasaki Kojiro (saber): We’ve seen him once before and we all know how Fate likes to drag FSN characters for as long as they can even if the fandom is tired of them. Personally I’d like more Kojiro over more Arturia !! Like Musashi, he’s one of Japan’s most recognizable sword masters
Fiore dei Liberi: the author of one of the oldest surviving treatises on fencing is pretty notable in terms of sword wielding historical figures right? There’s not much known about him which would give Takeuchi and Nasu a good bit freedom and probably smack him with the Genderbend Laser. I think a prominent swordsman is the best for the Grand Saber if we draw from straight historical fact and not Nasu historical fact
Altera: Laser Sword go brrrr. In seriousness though, she is my number one choice for a Grand Saber. A number of the “Grand” servants have some connections to the divine, right? Solomon and Noah with the biblical God, The Old Man of the Mountain with Allah, Romulus and Orion with the Roman and Greek gods, Tezcatlipoca is a god himself… Merlin is technically an outlier, I guess but before he filled Solomon’s seat, all the Grands known were/were associated with the divine. Altera in FGO is vaguely associated by way of Mars, but in the EXTELLA line of fate, she’s just straight up a deity i believe— With her true form being that if of the Great God of Sefar. There’s some alien stuff too Granted Sefar was killed by Excalibur (somehow?? The timeline matches up not at all but WHATEVER fate like Excalibur) and her body became the Valkyrie? Brynhildr, Giants, and Altera. Sefar also shows up twice in Lostbelt Lore: Atlantis and Avalon. I’d say that’s a big calling card. (Zeus beat Sefar in Atlantis with the other gods, in Avalon she destroyed the world as per goal.) But my god. wouldn’t it be cool to see two alien gods beating the shit out of each other? Ofc I’ve gotten off topic, as Sefar and Altera are the same but not, and Sefar is more of an outer god/beast/foreign god, but using that connection and the fact that Altera is quite powerful in her own right as the Destroyer of Civilization and Attila the Hun, I think seeing her utilized as the Grand Saber would be much more interesting than Arturia. And would bring back some of her actual character instead of Bad Civilization jokes.
Peleus: I think this one is less likely as we have Achilles as a servant and Greece is pretty much over and done, but according to legend, his sword is one that grants its wielder victory in battle and when hunting. Besides, we’d have that heroic link, the divine link, and I’m ALWAYS a sucker for more of Chiron’s extended family to show up.
Perseus: Isn’t he technically a fate character already? Back on the Greek train I guess lol. Anyways, who doesn’t know Perseus? He’s a hero in his own right and his sword Harpe is referenced often in literature anyways. I think he’d be an interesting choice
Heracles: while we’re on the topic of Greeks, why not add Herc to the list? Recognized as one of if not the most well known Greek Hero of all time, He’s already also recognized as an Archer Class as per FSF, but would it be a stretch to also include Saber? Ofc, with Orion all the Greeks could be void given the shared mythology root, but Noah and Solomon exist so yk. I’m also just down to see more Heracles
Sir Agravain of Iron: this is really more of a “wouldnt it be fucking funny” choice for me, and doesn’t fit in with the greatest of all time bit, but I think it would be funny as hell. he does not want to be here and yet he is. I just think it would be funny if everything is hyped up to the max about a new Arturia except the reveal is this guy that no one likes, he also does not like anyone, he hates humans on principle, would kill his mother for less than a cornchip, but somehow in a twist of reality and lostbelt fuckery he was given Excalibur and the Crown by way of blood right and efficiency. “But but but that deviates from human history-“ that didn’t stop Romulus!! I think at this point nothing matters about the who what and when aspects. Plus? FGO is sometimes known for these hyped up and then fucking weird plot twists so I think it would just be funny personally. I cannot stress enough how much he does not want to be here.
Most of these are just ideas and thoughts, knowing Takeuchi and Nasu, we’re likely going to be getting a version of Arturia/Arthur as the Grand Saber. But it’s fun to think about.
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rainbowsky · 3 years ago
Hi RBS! I really appreciate all the time and effort you take to post long and insightful responses, I feel like I learn and widen my perspective a lot on these topics so firstly, thank you! I’d love to continue a discussion with you about some of the more engaging topics but I fear that I would write too much for this poor ask box 😅 Would it be ok if I were to just dm you? I don’t want to just randomly intrude and assume you’re open to a random lengthy discussion haha
Thanks, Anon, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog. 😊
I don't have any problem talking with people privately, and people can always feel free to DM me if they're comfortable being off Anon. I am always happy to chat when I have time.
Although if people have questions that would be of interest to other readers it's nice if they can be asked via my inbox so that the answers can be shared with everyone. If you aren't sure whether something is more suitable as an ask, please feel free to message me and we can discuss it.
I do prefer asks that are under 300 words. I think that fits in 3 or 4 asks IIRC? Each ask box accepts 500 characters (which is around 70 - 120 words). Please ensure they're numbered 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 etc. so it's clear what's part of your ask and whether I've got it all.
In my experience, I find that people who send more than that tend to be rambling, ranting or pontificating and often don't have a clear point or question. A word limit forces people to refine and clarify their thoughts, and to focus on what they want to know or say.
Occasionally someone will have a lot to say about a topic, and their thoughts on it will be more organized and clear, yet they'll still want to send it in to me as an ask. I find that a bit confusing, since there are so many other, better options for how to get those thoughts across than cramming them into a long ask I can't cut, or into multiple ask boxes.
I also find it a bit strange that people want to use my blog to share their detailed, lengthier thoughts, when this is a blogging platform everyone can use just as I do.
Here are a few options for people who have more to say than will fit into the ask box/word limit:
If it's in response to something I've posted, they can reblog my post and respond to it in the reblog. If you do this please use a cut if the text is lengthy. You can find instructions on how do that in this post.
They can respond in the notes of a post. It's fine to post multiple comments if that's what it takes to accommodate everything someone wants to say, although if it won't fit in more than 3 or 4 comments it's probably better to use a reblog.
If they have a lot to say, they can always make a post on their own blog about it, and tag me for a response (just type @rainbowsky and I will get a notification that I've been tagged). If they don't want to do it on their main they can always set up a side blog. Don't be afraid to try this! It's actually very rewarding - even empowering - to share thoughts in this way.
If you have something that you really feel will be of interest to me, but don't feel safe sharing off Anon (perhaps you're queer in a hostile region, or you're in a country where speaking political thoughts is not safe), then feel free to share a longer ask, but please realize I might not be able to post it in its entirety. I will do my best to maintain the integrity of your words and intent if I have to cut anything out.
I'm ultimately here to blog and exchange ideas in a broad way, so it's always going to be my preference to have discussions through my blog, but I often have private ones as well.
If people have things they want to discuss that they don't feel comfortable discussing publicly, or if they want to throw around ideas before submitting an ask, or if they simply want to chat, feel free to DM me.
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stagcharmed-a · 5 years ago
there’s a post going around about shipping and I was gonna rb it but then I thought I’d just make my own because then I can save/edit and reblog so
even though doecharmed is my exclusive lily and my main verses are pretty set because james do be,, extremely Taken in the later school/war years I am still open to shipping with people with other muses outside those time periods it just needs some plotting
especially in my alt verses or crossover verses those really are fair game and I would like to write in them more in GENERAL
the only thing I rlly don’t ship and basically never will is james/sirius I just see their relationship as too close to brothers even in the alt verses bc like,, their relationship being what it is makes up a large part of james’ character always
I am a ,, slow burn shipper ALWAYS idk im bad at throwing two characters together and just being like ‘we’ll make it work’ i prefer plotting/writing together first and letting it develop but also it depends bc like.... sometimes it just clicks
like THAT SAID, if u come to me with an idea like ‘what if our muses xyz’ shippy plot I will always be down for those because I like writing them and if worst comes to worst and for some reason I’m RLLY not feeling it we can just not end it shippy
I also really like messy and unproductive romance arcs so like,, I am always down for ships that aren’t necessarily ‘happy ever after’ ships 
I like shipping with people I know ooc SO much more mostly because I truly do not do Casual shipping like I get so invested in them and want to talk about it always without feeling awkward but that said if we don’t talk heaps it’s OKAY still feel free to approach me just know I won’t ever be casual about anything i ship aodks
with that said as much as I like shipping I do like having a variety of relationships which is why I say I dislike casual shipping like,, if we’re shipping I am going IN DEPTH WITH IT also because james isn’t a casual person anyway so it kinda doesn’t work to have like,, surface level ships
if u throw headcanons at me I swear to god I’ll get to excited and invested like ‘imagine them blah blah’ I love it
so I’m generally pretty terrible at asking people if they wanna ship and taking the PLUNGE so,, maybe u will have to work w me though ofc I am always trying to be a better communicator and stuff but yeah
also! shipping does not have to be romantic but if you hit me up with anything though mostly I’m referring to romantic bc I think people find them the hardest to navigate
right this is so long for no reason but there is my basic run down of shipping here idk I am not TRYING to be annoying I just am kinda weird w shipping sometimes not for any reason its just that I get so DEEPLY invested in them so I care about them a lot and making sure everyone is comfortable. 
honestly feel free to always hit me up though even if we don’t write much like ‘I could see the potential of x thread and x relationship’ admittedly I cannot guarantee I will always agree but I’m willing to discuss and I have been SURPRISED BEFORE (like sometimes I say I don’t see a ship and then I’ll write more between those characters and start shipping it so) but yeah! plus honestly right now I would like more ship dynamics of lots of different kinds cos I feel I am missing that
also check out my wishlist tag I post dynamics I want there (I know its empty as atm I intend to fill it once I switch my old tags over here is my old wishlist tag too)
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boygirlbowie · 6 years ago
Red and Black Bruised (pt. 2)
Summary: (it’s changed a little sorry) A group of homophobes notice Klaus flirting with a waiter at a family outing and one of them recognizes him- and not in a pleasant way. When they see him heading outside to grab Vanya’s wallet from her car, they follow him out.
basically some angsty Klaus-centric writing with Diego and Vanya being good!characters and Luther being a notsogood!character
Word Count: ~1110
I don’t really know how to do warnings, but there is violence, angst, and homophobic language.
Klaus awoke to a pounding in his head and hushed voices hissing at each other from behind him. He opened his eyes slowly but quickly scrunched them closed again with a moan when he was met with a blindingly bright flashlight.
“I don’t know what to tell you. This is the guy, I’m sure of it.”
“But Mandy-
“I know what Mandy said, but I know this is the guy who was with him!”
Klaus squeezed his eyes tightly and tried to focus on what they were saying, but pain tugged at the edges of his brain, making clear thinking harder. Cold metal cuffs held his hands above his head, and they dug fiercely into his wrists. The first voice was definitely Rick. He could tell that much. The second voice, however, could have been either of the other two men.
“We can’t very well just let him go now. He’s seen our faces, we got to do something.” This was a third voice. Klaus recognized it as the man who had stood off to the left side. That meant the second voice belonged to the man with greasy hair.
There was a brief quiet as the three men all realized the truth of that statement and mulled over possibilities. Suddenly, the man with the greasy hair spoke up again.
“Guys. He’s awake.”
Klaus felt a sharp tug on his hair as his chin was wrenched up off of where it lay on his chest. He winced and finally forced his eyes to stay open. The flashlight that had been resting facing him was now in the hand of the man with the greasy hair, as he held Klaus’ head up at a not quite natural angle.
“Hello boys,” Klaus smiled.
The man with the greasy hair pealed his lips back and turned to Rick. “I vote we just shoot him here and get it over with. Leave him tied up for the rats.”
“Hey! A tad dramatic there, bun!”
“Oh, shut up” he fisted his hand tighter in Klaus’ hair, forcing his head even further back, exposing his neck entirely.
Klaus let out a sharp, high pitched laugh, “Kinky!”.
He growled and pulled his gun from his waistband, bringing it up harshly to Klaus’ neck. Klaus’s Adam’s apple bobbed nervously as the circle of cold metal pressed up against before his Rick stepped forwards, intervening. He placed his hand on the gun and pulled it away from Klaus’ neck.
“We gotta decide what to do together.”
The man with the greasy hair went to protest but stopped quickly at the authoritative look on Rick’s face.
“Fine. What options do we have?”
He and Rick took a step back from Klaus where they were joined by the quiet man, and Klaus breathed a sigh of relief. He shook his head to clear it and took advantage of the space to appraise the situation.
The room he was in was decidedly not a room. It looked like the inside of a box truck; white walls on all four sides and black cloth taped over windows the back. It was taller than any box truck he’d been in though- the ceiling was high enough that the cuffs on a hook from the ceiling held him on his tippy-toes. He tried to twist around, but the cuffs dug into his already bruised wrists and he hissed lightly.
“Are you ok?” Ben asked.
Klaus looked over at Ben where he leaned against the wall, looking guilty and worried.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fantastic,” Klaus muttered, flashing him a fake grin.
The quiet man glanced over his shoulder at Klaus, giving him an odd look. Klaus turned his grin to the man and he hurriedly turned away, tugging at the edges of his suit and stiffening his back as if he’d been caught looking at porn.
Klaus rolled his eyes over to Ben, who shrugged.
“Look, we were supposed to just beat him up. You know, teach him a lesson. But genius here decided we should go without masks on, and now we have to dispose of him.”
“It’s not my fault!”
“Oh yeah, well who’s fault is it then?”
“Let’s just shoot him.”
Klaus’ eyes went wide.
“Well you might just want him out of the way, but I want to make him pay.”
“Pay for what?” Klaus spoke up.
Rick turned. “A couple of months ago you were low on cash, and you needed a place to stay.”
“Sounds like me.”
“And my brother, Mandy, let you stay at his house. For about a week. You two were… close.”
“Oh.” Klaus remembered Mandy.
Mandy was strong and hot and sweet, but very very closeted. After about a month of hiding from Mandy’s brother (who was apparently Rick) whenever he came over, Klaus lost his temper, smashed a bottle of wine on the door and left. Probably not the most gentlemanly move, but he was high, and drunk, and had been pushed into the closet and told to stay quiet one too many times. Apparently, Rick thought he had only been there for a week.
“You turned him, and you gotta pay for that.”
“I didn’t turn him into anything! Let me tell you, he was way too good at… things for me to be his first-
Rick growled and threw a punch. Klaus’s head whipped to the side and he tasted the metallic taste of blood. He swung his head back forward and was met with the base of Rick’s, catching his nose and throwing his head back. Rick’s hand slammed into his throat, wrapping around it and squeezing hard enough to make Klaus choke, cutting off his air supply.
“Don’t you talk about him, you fag!”
Klaus tried to nod, frantically pulling away from his hand.
“You don’t get to talk about him.”
Klaus thrashed, but he only gripped his neck harder.
Rick leaned into his ear and hissed, “You ain’t worth anything. You ruined him.”
Just as Klaus started to lose consciousness, the edges of his vision blurring and darkening, Rick let go of his neck and took a step back. Klaus’ head fell down and he gasped, sucking as much air as he could.
His chest heaved and he looked up slowly, breathlessly apologizing, “I’m sorry. Okay, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll leave him alone.”
Rick sneered and punched his stomach, pushing out all the air that he had been able to regain.
“I don’t believe you. But I do believe that after I’m done with you, you will be sorry. When I’m done with you, you’ll leave us well alone. Or next time I see you, I won’t let you leave alive.”
Ok, so more angst. :) Sorry about the change in the description- as I’ve been thinking more about it I decided to change that part.
If you have any thoughts feel free to send me an ask, anon or not. Constructive criticism welcomed! (just keep in mind that I’m only 14). Let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions. I’d appreciate likes or rb’s, but really just reads :)
I know I said there would be one or two more chapters last time, but upon finishing this one, there will be at least two more after this one- sorry
Tag list:
@itsthemoooooooooon @redlikedragons @emounicorn2006
(please let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off the tag list)
(previous chapter)
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la-pou-belle · 3 years ago
hey yall, i’m on a roadtrip and have spent my hours locked in a car reading all of your replies! (yes, all 734 of them.) It’s been about two years since I’ve made this thing, and I’m still seeing loads of reblogs on it, so...
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Question 1, SOCKS - [image id: @pepsifrog: DROP THE RECYCLED MATERIALS SOCKS LINK PLS
@thebuni​: My main takeaway from this is I want to know where to get those constellation socks.
@ms-th-brds: I’m so upset can we please see the socks???? I can’t stop thinking about them they sound so cool]
https://www.tentree.com/products/constellation-crew-sock here you go! They’re out of stock, I have no idea when they’ll be back, and they’re a little pricey --- sorry. also, before anyone DMs me about it or attempts more character assassination in the rbs, no i’m not rich, i got my single pair when they were on sale and I did not have any bills at the time (I was a teenager). That said, if you have the $ for it, tentree is a great company and worth the money 👍
when I get back, I’ll probably rb this post with photos of the sock collection. to those asking about the racoon socks, I didn’t tag you / screenshot you because I’m not sure where they’re from 😭
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Question 2, RESULTS STATS - [image id: @dualcoindeity​: OP how many people got the “You’re You” result?]
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as of 3/17/2022, conflict avoidant has had ~68k, unaccountable = ~58k, main character = ~48k, “you’re me” = ~21.5k and lack of self control = ~37k. insert we are legion meme or something sjksajksa. cool to see how conflict avoidant has very much taken the lead over the unaccountable result, which I remember (??) being #1 for a good few months!
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Question 3, WASPS - [image id: @solinvern​: Wasps don’t pollinate! They’re carnivores and couldn’t care less about flowers. That said, they still have a place in their ecosystems that shouldn’t be messed with]
This one is less of a question and more something I wanted to include because it’s interesting and more factually accurate. my heart was in the right place but,,, yeah, I spread misinformation over the internet.
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Question 4, “Why the hell are these question topics / descriptions so awkward?” - [image id: @thotsupport​: the fact that op thinks they can judge others when the quiz opens with “pick a john mulaney quote” and unironically asks ur harry potter house]
this is also less of a question, but I saw a fair number of repeats. people also are finding the “You Don’t Like Being Held Accountable” result wording awkward/out of touch. tl,dr; this was written two years ago shortly after Covid was declared a pandemic in the U.S. so it’s out of date
Which is to say... 1)  the harry potter house question is absolutely ironic. uquiz first got big during this time period, and I consider the obligatory hp house question as a huge meme. (JKR is a pig.) I think since uquiz has died down a lot since, this aspect to early uquizzes has been forgotten or just... lost to time? This also ties into me ~judging people~ ... at least for the quiz, it’s completely ironic.
2) John Mulaney was also HUGELY popular then. I mean, he had been for a few years prior, but everyone at the start of the pandemic leaned into his shows hard for comfort. I think Mulaney’s fallen out of favor and references to him seem cringier now since, [gestures to tabloids].
3) the accountability description... it was a hyperbole of some aspects of speech you’d find on twitter. that has also changed in the past two years. if I were to switch it, it’d be less ‘vibes’ and ‘iconic’, and more ‘ratio’, ‘L’, and I’d throw in a “you’re probably an anti” lmfao
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Question 5, “damn OP what did [this result] do to you???” [image id: @spooky-yuki​: damn op why are you so aggressive in your main character description???]
iirc, the main character result was written completely off of an english major I knew for a few months. he told me i was like a sibling to him & a week later told our friends that he didn’t respect my opinion?? like omg who wouldn’t value my very serious opinions /j . conflict avoidant was a roommate i had. ‘youre me’ is obviously based off of me. the rest i pulled out of my ass
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Question 6, some attempt to armchair diagnose me... [image id: @pinkfoldingchair​: hey op i hate to break it to you but as someone who got i dont like being held accountable, other than being dead wrong it really just comes off like you lack self confidence and were probably socially rejected at a young age for reasons that you couldn’t help or articulate. if seems like you feel like everyone hates you in social situations so you compensate by being abrasive and having an all consuming narcissistic self hatred that keeps you afload. these messy bitches are a mirror to the parts of yourself that you haven’t accepted yet and your understanding of people and the way they work could use some development. i sincerely hope you [paraphrase: get help]]
the results I saw asking about (or just claiming I had) specific mental health diagnoses struck me as weird behavior. I feel like people online feel too much entitlement to personal information like this. sure, my uquiz was ~mean~ (I marketed it that way), but i did not throw around actual personality disorders (for example: narcissism), and I didn’t make assumptions about quiz takers childhoods?? for this particular person: just, like, you’re fucking weird skjasjkasjk it reads like you dislike being held accountable so much that you’d avoid reblogging AND you’d deflect super hard to try and hurt OPs feelings??? /hj
I also chose to highlight this specific reply because it hits on Question 7, “But maybe people with ‘you don’t like being held accountable’ just don’t agree with the results?” 
yeah a ton of people with this result might not be reblogging bc it’s inaccurate. i did set up a catch 22 with that one. oopsie 🤪 /lh
but seriously, no one should actually feel compelled to rb the quiz if they didn’t like it or just don’t want to asjkaskjs just like.... don’t be weird about it like the person above 👍
thanks everyone for giving me something to do! this was a huge blast to the past for me
hey yall I didn’t want to have to do work for my online classes so i made a uquiz instead. answer some questions and i’ll tell u what aspect of your personality annoys me the most
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