#ace combat au
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Stupid little concept doodles of an Ace Combat/Transformers crossover AU!
The Erusian Navy Alicorn as a submarine bot, which doesn’t really make sense since robots and salty water don’t really get along, but maybe that’s why he went insane!
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Giving robots hairlike features is my cringe trait and I am embracing it. I think they look cool.
This is not his final design. I forgot to bring my refs for a more finalised design with me today when I drew him, this is just the best my memory will allow.
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Can you explain the Zone of endless uprising in your Ace combat AU. I just got an idea for what to do with my DAOT scientist character.
Sure I can!
I based the idea off of some cut lines from Ace Combat 7, where in Mission 19 (Lighthouse), there were originally lines implying that the Eruseans were also using AI-controlled drone tanks, which would then start to turn on them and begin attacking everyone, civilians included.
I combined these cut lines with an earlier line about Erusea having a "strategic AI" which made decisions regarding tactical matters (choosing which of the two Arsenal Birds to vector to a given contact area). It made sense to me that if the AI systems of the drone aircraft and tanks could go rogue, so could the "strategic AI". This would then explain how both the drone aircraft AND the drone tanks would turn on the Eruseans.
As for how the AI could have turned on everyone, I basically decided to think how an AI like that might think. A series of steps.
1. Follow orders given by legitimate controlling authority.
2. Defeat hostile forces, as directed by legitimate controlling authority, as per Step 1.
3. If communication with legitimate controlling authority is impaired, continue last orders, as per Steps 1 & 2.
4. If exact composition of hostile forces is unable to be determined, preserve assets/self in order to prosecute Steps 1, 2, & 3.
So the Eruseans were the legitimate controlling authority for much the conflict, the enemy, the IUN (in-game, essentially just Osea). This it has its parameters for Steps 1 & 2.
Then the orbital debris cascade occurs in Mission 15, and communication is impaired. The AI can no longer receive orders, so it defaults to its last legitimate orders ("defeat Osea"/"win the war"; sidenote this why giving broad and vague orders to your military AI is bad). Thus it moves to step 3.
Then, the Erusean civil war begins, and the AI can no longer distinquish between legitimate authority and hostile forces nor recieve legitimate orders (the Radicals may have deliberately reprogrammed the AI, but that seems unlikely based on comments they make in certain missions). So it defaults to step 4, and turns on everyone in an attempt to fulfill the previous steps.
In keeping with the theme naming of Huginn and Muninn, I gave the other "aspects" of the AIs their own Norse mythology style names. iirc, I assigned it like this:
Odin - the name assumed by the strategic AI.
Sleipnir - the AI controlling a force of drone bombers (which Erusea was implied to already possess by the late stages of the game).
Geri - drone controlled naval vessels (not something directly supported by any evidence, but given Erusea's reliance on drones for their Air Forces and at least part of their ground forces, the idea that their navy would see the benefit of unmanned naval vessels makes sense. they probably would have been smaller gunboats and corvettes rather than anything overly large, considering that fully automating, say, a destroyer (especially one originally designed for a human crew) would be exceedingly difficult.
Freki - the aforementioned drone tanks.
As for Huginn and Muninn surrendering, that's an idea I yoinked from a SpaceBattles thread. It's clear from the Ravens behavior in Mission 20 that they are able to communicate, form plans, and such. Thus, them essentially being sapient isn't too far of a leap. My thought is that, being the most advanced versions of the AI, they could potentially have been sapient well before the AI in general turned on the Eruseans. We know Schroeder worked on the ADFX-10 (as well as Yoko Martha Inoue and Simon Cohen, from Ace Combat 3), based on a piece of official art from Project Aces. That plane was the prototype of the ADF-11F that Huginn and Muninn use as bodies. Some cut lines/fan lore (can't remember which) gives that original ADFX-10 the codename "Hempel" - a reference to Hempel's paradox (aka the raven paradox), which is all about inductive logic and intuition. That aircraft is also clearly a drone, just not as refined.
If Schroeder knew Huginn and Muninn (and perhaps Hempel as well) were sapient, he may have treated them as people (considering how he speaks of the AI in general, I don't think it's too much of a leap). Part of this would be to treat them essentially as children, which essentially they were. And to them, Schroeder would essentially be their father.
So my thought is, Huginn and Muninn, doing an analysis of all the forces arrayed against them (including virtually every AC/PW protagonist and their squadrons), decided that "nah, we'd rather be alive, thanks", and turned on their fellow AI drones, before beginning to play/"sing" a Belkan lullaby over the radio - one which Schroeder may have exposed them to (either unintentionally or intentionally). Thus signalling to Schroeder that they're fully sapient (which he may not have FULLY realized before).
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saeriibon · 7 months
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the hraesvelgr is hollow inside
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eddiebrockx · 3 months
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Ciphixy designs for mine and @mossyflowers manhua AU!!!!!!!! Look at them!!!!!! My sons!!!!!
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vaelerys-targaryen · 5 months
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Just a little sneak peak at the next chapter of my RWBY au fanfiction 'Ace Combat: Remnant'. Yang & Blake are talking about Adam, or lack thereof.
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mt10lt20 · 7 months
CrackSketching with the AC0/6/7 AU dudes ft. Torres and Schroeder and a gaudy Strangereal weapons fair.
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Had to do this meme because Galm and Garuda are the Sasa lele and Sale Sale idiots but they have nothing on the Strider team.
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howlingday · 6 months
Jaune Arc… I give thee…
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This sword, and a new emblem…
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Jaune: Uh, thanks, but I already have a sword. And an emblem.
Ruby: What does GALM mean?
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elevant39 · 5 months
Ace combat zero and Avalon
So.... I have decided to get into the myth of Arthur (just to get some references in ACZ). And while I am still not that far in I already see some nice connections. So I choose to look more at the AWWNB part, mostly because I feel like it´s sometimes overlooked do to the fact it was kinda rushed (and also because I found them really interesting). But even then there are some things that I think are worth posting here. But (for now) I choose to look at the irony that is the Avalon dam. So the most obvious reason why Avalon was chosen is because it´s the place where Arthur dies/falls into endless sleep (sorry for spoilers bro). But that is not where the connections end.
Nice adaptation detail in the game is the fact that in the original myth you need to set an a long voyage across the sea because Avalon is an island. This was adapted in the form of river that you need to "sail" accros in you jet (+ they could get a canyon run out of it).
Also the fact that in the myth Avalon is an island (one of the few places that have natural borders).... The irony that a AWWNB has it´s base of operation in Avalon is honestly kinda funny. It's almost like their ideas (and AWWNB as a whole) are build on contradictions. Which if you do look into the motives of the members they kinda are, Wizard 1, Gault 1 and Sorcerer 1 but even Pixy and Espada 2 all have different reasons for why they created/joined AWWNB. There is also the fact (on wiki) that ironically Gault 1 was really patriotic (that being said I was not able to find the source of this info so take it with a sight of salt). But I won´t get into this topic here. Speaking of Gault 1. He was a researcher in Avalon for something called Project Pendragon (V2). However there is also some implication in the Perfect guide that he might have worked on Excalibur (it´s mentioned that he worked on “chemical laser cannon”(this could be talking about both Morgan and Excalibur) and a “mass retaliation weapon” (this is about V2) among other things). If this is true this can also tie back into the myth. Since Excalibur (or Caledfwlch) was created in Avalon. (Speaking of perfect guide there are some interesting informations about aces in interviews, they do help with understanding some characters more + some more lore. Here is a translated link if you didn´t know about them: https://www.skywardfm.com/aczpg-ace-pilot-profiles) Now I will get into the more speculative side of my thought here. From what I could find Avalon is seen as a fairyland that is later in myth run by non other that Morgan le Fey (I might get to our fairy king some day, becuase the connections this guy has to fairies are pretty funny...). However and I do think this was a coincidence. But you could say that Avalon was a fairyland of AWWNB. A place where they (for the max of 6 months, before the attack on Lumin) were able to live together with other pilots no matter their place of origin or nationality (kinda fulfilling their goal in this one dam,it was basically an echo chamber for them)... A place without war that can´t exist in Stangereal, hence why it´s just a fairyland. And this is probably everything that I can think of now. So I hope you liked my thoughts (and that I don´t look insane from sharing them).
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deisbookofdemons · 2 months
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((Magma draws with bestie.))
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elmothedictator · 1 year
Jaune Arc, The coward who becomes the warrior of the sky
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rijuaavara · 9 months
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Felt inspired after reading the Fanfiction written by @mossyflowers and gave them the wings of their respective birds (atleast I hope Cipher is meant to be the dove haha) with some creative freedom. Pixy is based on a Golden Saker Falcon while Cipher is just some dove with blue highlights.
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<<My fellow submariners, don’t you see? The death of a million is a necessity!>>
Another Alicron doodle, as a treat. I’m surprised at the attention he’s gotten :>
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gree-gon · 1 year
[saphirace tlou au]
archer's nightmare
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saeriibon · 1 year
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the arsenal bird is hollow inside
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cac-deadlyrang · 7 months
Bluey: Flash Forward (Future AU): Bingo Headcanons
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Full name: Bingo Bandit Cattle (née Heeler)
31 years old as of 2045
Trans man, but kept their birth name.
Uses he/him pronouns
Sounds like A Jolly Wangcore
Asexual/aromantic - in a queerplatonic relationship with Lila
Lives in Canberra
Wildlife veterinarian/rehabilitator
Changed middle name from "Kolibri" (after his late maternal grandmother) to "Bandit" (after you know who)
Favorite animals is the tiger quoll
Massive Ace Combat/Project Wingman fan
Somehow managed to make the worship of the Dust Mother (Holy Church of Dust) into an actual new-age religion
Smokes weed
Has stubble and top surgery scars
Willingly had their tail docked due to developing a kinked tail from an injury
Is in a rock/new wave band with Rusty, Koda (trans male adult Judo), and Muffin (called Sacabambaspis)
HEMA martial artist
Likes to fuck around on YTMND
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vaelerys-targaryen · 7 months
Only my 2nd fic I've ever publicly written & shared.
Some got to see this early.
Chapter 1 of my RWBYau Ace Combat: Remnant
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