#accidentally joins a cult and then accidentally makes the cult really powerful
I’m gonna talk more about my “accidentally in a cult” oc:
So first off, they just moved to this town where odd things happen, but whenever the locals tell people about it, they always sound kinda jokey so no one takes them seriously, it’s not till they start to live there themselves that they find out that every implausible thing they’ve been told is true
One of those things is that there’s a cult that about 75% of the town believes in, if you’re that 25% that’s not a part of it, you just ignore that it exists, anyways this character, that I’m gonna call Finch for now cause I just feel like they should have a bird name, accidentally stumbles upon a “sacred” place for the cult (while following them. because they’re nosy.)
They faked that they just joined the cult to stay out of danger, but since a ton of people saw them without a mask or robes or anything, they have to attend meetings, since people are going to know if they don’t ever show up to one
In order to stay on top to look like a good cult member (since other members won’t stop trying to talk to them about cult stuff), Finch starts researching the cult on their own time (through creepy libraries, old books in the spookiest shops, and the internet) and accidentally stumbles upon the fact that if you follow this cult stuff, you actually get to do magic
Turns out it’s like a blessing from their “god” to make them more efficient followers and make them more loyal since who tf wouldn’t follow a deity that actually gives them magic?? Every follower, after doing a simple ritual, is supposed to get the ability to do magic, how good you are at magic and how powerful you become depends on you, you have to refine it and work on your magic yourself
The thing is, almost no followers know about this because the cult leader is a corrupt a-hole who’s just been taking advantage of people, the cult leader doesn’t even really believe in this stuff themselves and most of what they feed to people in meetings is complete nonsense
Finch does not know this because they pay no attention in meetings, they tend to just zone out during them, so they were pretty sure everyone else had the same knowledge they did, and made no attempts to hide their magic since everyone had it, right?
Well! That gets everyone’s attention immediately, and before they know it, Finch is instructing everyone on how to do this ritual, and then after people start asking how they know it, and Finch starts telling them different stuff than what the leader says, they think that Finch must have been chosen as a prophet (since they all believe their leader believes in the cult stuff too)
If their deity has chosen a prophet and the prophet is informing them about how to summon their deity (that was the whole reason this “god” made this cult, to be summoned and have loyal followers, but every leader so far has either selfishly hid facts so that only they could go magic, or didn’t actually believe in the cult stuff), then obviously their deity must want to be summoned immediately!!
Finch gets dragged into putting the ritual together, and although Finch doesn’t actually believe it’s going to work, they do warn everyone that a huge part of the ritual is that they lose a majority of their free will, they’ll all have symbols drawn on their necks that when their deity is summoned, it links them to their deity, and they’ll still kinda retain their own personalities, but mostly, they’ll be constantly aware of how their “god” wants them to act and they’ll mindlessly follow it (their deity does not like having to constantly give orders, they just want their followers to do what they want)
Despite their warnings, everyone still wants it to happen (classic cult conditioning), so they get to work, putting the symbols on everyone and putting the ritual together, except, Finch leaves off their own symbol, a mixture of not sparing the energy when they don’t think it’s going to work and feeling uncomfortable putting that on themselves when it’s supposed to signify losing your free will
Unfortunately, it works, Finch is just too damn good at this, and everyone else minus Finch and the cult leader (perks of being the leader) turns into that possessed/mind control phase, making them even more creepy when they were already creepy townsfolk, and because Finch is supposed to be in that state, they pretend they are, to avoid the deity forcing them to be zombified
So they figure all they have to do to avoid drawing attention to themselves is act how the deity wants them to act, right? Well, Finch has spent a huge amount of time studying everything about this deity (because they thought everyone else was too), and they end up playing that role waaay too well, even the deity starts to think that Finch must be especially connected to them in some way
Anyways, with this cult turning from a low key cult to one that actually summoned their deity and their deity wants to do who even tf knows with the rest of the town, a group who has been trying to figure out the source of the town’s creepiness takes on the cult, which eventually leads to that face off I mentioned in the other post
(After the cult members get knocked out of their “zombie” state, the ones who figured out that hey they didn’t actually like being controlled like that recruit Finch to get the deity to be okay with not controlling them like that)
But yeah, after accidentally joining a cult, Finch accidentally empowers the members by teaching them magic, is the main reason their deity actually got summoned after thousands of years, and is the cult’s most terrifying and powerful member, and the whole time Finch thinks they’re actually succeeding at being lowkey
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eluminium · 6 months
Skizz week day 2 lets GOO!!!!
I apologize for the lack of polish on these. I have seemingly caught a cold and am also in the middle of important schoolwork. But hey, it's better than nothing!
Anyway, this is kind of a sneak peek into an AU I've been working on. It doesn't have a name yet, but it sure exists! I hope I can post about it more when I have more things to work with!
Once again, thank you to @skizzlemanweek for todays prompt!
Prompt 2: Hybrid/AU
Impulse has lost his mind.
That's the only logical conclusion to this situation. To him sitting here on his dead best friend's bed while talking to said best friend who's apparently ascended to godhood? But he doesn't know what kind of God he is yet somehow? He also may have given Impulse some knowledge about the divine that Impulse is 75% sure he isn't supposed to know, even as his best god friend's semi-accidental oracle and/or priest. Probably. Maybe.
It's been a rough couple of hours, to say the least.
"Impulse! You're not listening to me!" A voice, Skizz's voice, echoes through his head. Impulses hands fly to his ears as he groans in pain. "Control your volume, dude! You're gonna blow out my ears!" He hisses.
"Oh...! Sorry...!" Skizz whisper-yells in response, although not without a mischievous giggle. Oh gods above, Impulse was gonna have to deal with SKIZZ. TALKING IN HIS BRAIN. UNINTERUPRABLY. FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. He shakes his head to try and get rid of that awful realization and quickly moves to change the subject before Skizz catches on.
"Alright, so. You became a God, but you don't know what of. So you appeared back here and found me. And you want me to help you figure out what you are the God of. Did I get that right?" He summarizes, looking at the faint blue outline of his best friend sitting on the same bed they spent years having pillow fights on in their youth-
Skizz sticks out his hand and does a so-and-so motion. "Well, yeah...But since I picked you as my oracle, as in my special important mortal representative guy, you're also gonna have to start my cult and get people to worship me!" He exclaims, clearly excited at the prospects. 
"Wow, we really got a Mr. Humble Guy over here," Impulse deadpans.
"HEY! You know I'm not in it for the fame, man! Even though I am really handsome and my godly muscles are huge!" Skizz huffs in mock offense. Impulse rolls his eyes in response.
But instead of another sarcastic quip, the barely visible parts of Skizz's face soften into something dangerously genuine. "I mean it, dude. Think about it. Think about how cool this is gonna be. Think about how deadly we are as a duo now that we have divine power behind us. Think about how many people we can help!"
"But we don't even know what you're the God of!" Impulse snaps with a glare. "How are we supposed to get people to join in on this when we can't gurantee anything?! And don't say 'We'll make something up', you KNOW I'm a TERRIBLE liar! I can't lead a whole freaking cult by myself! I need yo-"
His throat closes up. He can't say that. Because that would mean Skizz couldn't help him, that his best friend was...not with him in some way. That he was alone in this, for now. No, no it's too raw. He breaks eye contact as his eyes snap towards a corner of the room. He draws in a shaky breath and blinks rapidly. 
"Dipple Dop..." Skizz's tone is...sad. He reaches out towards Impulse before remembering that he can't really...touch him. Nor can he touch anything mortal, really. He needs belief for that, followers who believe in him. 
A sigh leaves him as he retracts his hand. "I know this is a lot for you. To be honest, it's a lot for me too. You're scared, and I'm scared. And you're probably thinking something like: 'This is a total disaster, we're so screwed'-"
Huh, that was...exactly what Impulse was thinking. To the word. Weird.
"-but man, dude, my homieh buddeah-"
Impulse can't help but snort at that one. The man is a god now, and yet he's still just Skizz.
"We got all the time in the world to do this. We don't have to rush this. We'll make a plan. We'll do our research! The big fancy library we used to study at had a bunch of books about the gods and stuff, remember? Maybe we can find the step-by-step guide to finding your godly trait and a "How to Cult for Dummies"! Gee, wouldn't that be convinient!"
They're both giggling now. Why? They don't fully know. Probably the absurdity of sneaking into a royal library to read the most suspicious books of all time is getting to them. But, somehow, there's a glow of warmth in Impulse's chest. A feeling he's been missing ever since Skizz unwillingly left the mortal realm for the divine.
As the giggling dies down, a timid smile settles on Impulse's face. Gods, how does Skizz do it? How does he make Impulse believe in some new goal that fast? Well, he supposes he can blame it on magical god powers now. Hell yeah.
He takes a deep breath in, jumps off the bed, and stands up. "Alright, I'm in. What's the worst that could happen?" He says with attempted confidence. Despite Skizz certainly detecting his lingering anxiety, he jumps up (or well, floats) up in the air beside him with a barely seeable hand pumped up in the air.
"Allllright!!! Imp and Skizz are reunited and back on the case! I love it!" He cheers.
Impulse wastes no time in heading to their shared kitchen and grabbing a snack for the road. The library isn't far (perks of living in the capital) but hey, emotional rollercoasters tend to leave ya a bit tired. A snack for the road never hurt anybody!
Skizz unexpectedly chuckles. "Except that one time you decided to shove jello in your backpack," he points out.
Impulse freezes.
"...Are there more things in my head than just your voice?" He questions while slowly turning around to face Skizz. Skizz, in response, raises an eyebrow.
"Of course! I know everything going on in there! That's what happens between a God and their oracle!" He says like it's common knowledge.
"So you know all my deep dark secrets now?"
"Well, kinda!"
"Does the "kinda" include how much I missed you?"
"Awww yeah!!! I know you love me soooo muuuchhh now!"
"God damn it- I hate you. You SUCK." 
At Impulse's overly sulky tone, Skizz giggles like the sacred bastard he is. And once again, something cozy and soft glows and grows in Impulse's chest. It feels...good. Happy. Like it's right as it should be. And looking at the faded form of his best friend, he knows Skizz feels it growing too.
Maybe, even with all the responsibility and having Skizzleman but now with divine powers in his head 24/7, this won't be so bad. 
Maybe this could become something great.
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pandiongames · 5 months
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Substratum Protocol, the Solo+ Apocalyptic Mystery TTRPG by Pandion Games
The Substratum Protocol campaign is nearing its end! There are less than 24 hours left to join over 600 scientists on the expedition to save the planet!
If you haven’t yet, check out the campaign before it’s too late!
There have been some fun updates since launch, including additional artwork by Galen Pejeau, new rules for environmental hazards, and a big story update!
If you want to see what the game is about, we also have a free preview PDF for you on the campaign page.
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An Anomaly
During our interview with Rascal News, we realized we had made a fundamental mistake in writing an open-ended mystery: We said what was at the core of the planet, an interdimensional portal. The portal being is now just one possibility. We spent last weekend updating all the writing to now be an anomaly. The otherworldly abilities you get from taking stress are now Anomaly Influences, rather than Portal Influences, for instance. The Expedition can still decide it's a portal, but calling it an anomaly opens up a huge range of possibilities. What is the anomaly that's splitting the earth open?
Is it a massive cosmic egg hatching a world eater as part of a natural lifecycle? 
Did an advance interstellar ship accidentally exit hyperspace at the center of the planet due to a miscalculation, and its damaged engines are holding open a hyperspace bubble? 
Is there a cult of advanced species calling forth eldritch gods with a powerful ritual that consumes planets to power it?
Substratum Protocol is about letting the clues and your answers determine what is really happening, and we think this update opens the floodgates for it.
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Depth Sector Deep Dives
In our campaign updates, we have been talking about the different sectors players can visit and their inspiration. These are all available publicly on the campaign - but we wanted to share the Fracture Opening sector with you here.
How the Depth Sectors Work
Substratum Protocol is a collaborative mystery game. The text gives hints and whispers of possibilities, but strays away from definite answers. What you discover and imagine at your table becomes canon to the story and the setting. Each sector shows its location in the Fracture, includes in-universe handwritten notes from an unknown scientist, relevant art, and a table of events - each giving a glimpse into what the sector contains. Scientists can spend as much or as little time in a Sector as they want. When they're ready to venture deeper, whoever leads the way rolls for the Travel Action.
The Fracture Opening
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This is the first sector of the expedition experiences. At 1,300 kilometers long, it covers the distance between New York City to Miami, Florida. London, England to Naples, Italy. Melbourne, Australia to Alice Springs. Buenos Aires, Argentina to São Paulo, Brazil. It is massive. Where did the fracture open in your game? What exists teetering at its cliff walls? The world at the surface is a hellscape of the apocalypse, and much of the Fracture Opening is littered with crumbling buildings, detritus, and ancillary debris of civilization. Oceans spilling over the edge seem small in scale. Sitting suspended over it, is the Fracture Observatory. The Fracture Observatory, the home of Mission Control.
Furthest from the anomaly, this sector is rooted most in the reality of the surface. Here, players may find groups of survivors from the cities that tumbled into the great fracture, steam vents, cave ins, and earthquakes make finding solid footing and a reliable path difficult, and even here, strange subterranean creatures may make an appearance. Old research stations, part of the Substratum Protocol's monitoring efforts may still be intact here, and dangerous fast flowing waters threaten to whisk away scientists into massive whirlpools to further below. When we were first designing Substratum Protocol, the thought was that players would start in the action of the expedition and wouldn't really spend time on the Fracture Observatory or on the surface. The Fracture Opening was our way of showing what the surface was going through while still being en route. It is meant to showcase the incredible destruction happening, and give the players a sense of urgency to stop it from getting worse. How do the scientists descend into the fracture before being left to their own power? Lowered on a cable lift? Paraglide down? Or perhaps they are more like hell jumpers, free-falling through the gargantuan opening (or Link entering the depths in Tears of the Kingdom!)?
The title screen fades to klaxon alarms and screams of the world above, slowly giving way to a deafening silence of rushing wind as the expedition descends past the cliff walls into the abyssal black depths of the Fracture Opening...
Join the Expedition!
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decoy1 · 1 year
Had a dream I was watching season 3 of Rottmnt, it was so vivid and now I’m sad that it isn’t real. So I’m writing some highlights from the dream before I forget.
Draxum and Casey focused episodes on what they were doing during the movie. There were really cool action sequences with original music and everything. It was so cool. There was one scene where the screen divided in half to show both battles.
Music during action scenes. There was a lot of it. I suspect it might have been because I watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur before going to sleep tho.
An episode premise: April finally had a good stable job. She was going steady for a whole 2 weeks setting a new record. The turtles got a little suspicious since April can never keep a job for long. Cue investigation, it turns out the job is a front. A front for a cult. April accidentally joined a cult. By the end of the episode April accidentally destroyed the cult in the same way she usually ends up losing her jobs. Alas the curse of April losing her job was too strong.
Another Episode Premise: Splinter and Draxum go undercover for an intel mission at a fancy club. The cover story being that they’re two friends who are trying to reconnect. They’re kinda bad at it since both argue like a married couple. This actually works in their favor tho as the person they’re trying to spy on to get info on is a huge romantic who is super invested in trying to get the two to “reconnect”. Both are forced by the turtles to play along for the sake of the mission. By the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter have performed a proposal, a wedding, a divorce, another re proposal, alongside with a remarriage, but not another divorce because they have to book it away because the turtles got captured. Which meant by the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter were still married.
Over Arching Story: Bishop was hunting down the remaining Foot Clan members. Which included trying to find former Foot Clan members for any information. Of course leading Bishop to Casey. Casey sends him on a wild goose chase as she goes on her own mission to find her former bosses. Being the B plot for a lot of the episodes. In one instance she teams up with Piebald in a gambling ring to win some info.
Running Gag: Casey Jr tries going into the dating world but has trouble since most people who are his age now, were adults during the apocalypse. So if he does find someone to date who he doesn’t recognize they usually end up being some form of “not real”. Highlight examples being: an alien who assumed a human persona to lure specimen to experiment on their ship, a demon with similar motives to the alien except it wanted to eat Casey Jr’s soul, an ai made by Bishop made to find potential Foot Clan members. What was funny was how obvious a lot of them were, like the alien wore a “I believe” shirt but with sharpie added “don’t”, changing it to “I don’t believe” (real master of disguise right here). The demon’s “flirting” was something along the lines of “if souls were edible and had taste, I bet yours would be a delicious meal that would amplify my demonic powers. If I had demonic powers, which I don’t because I’m a perfectly normal human. But in the hypothetical where I do-”. The ai when asked it’s favorite hobby responded with “breathing and being human”.
Bishop had an entire episode where he beat up different clans in his attempt to find the Foot Clan. Making some leave their old clans to join Bishop since he bested them in battle. But Bishop didn’t want a bunch of ninja (idk why not, that sounds incredibly useful) so he sent them on a wild goose chase but every time he did they came back having accomplished the goal. (Again I don’t understand why he kept acting like they were an annoyance when they were getting him things like THE GOD DAMN ELIXER OF EVERLASTING LIFE)
That’s all I have the energy to write. If I remember anything worth adding I will but I think these were all the highlights.
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Here it is everyone!
Cult Leader! Otis Driftwood x Nephilim! Reader.
(Nephilim reader is Gender Neutral! And I decided that the reader was found and raised by Captain Spaulding. Now they are 25.)
Warnings: Violence, murder, cursing, cult activities, human sacrifice, heavy kissing, implied 18+ activities (there might be a part two where they do some ritual fucking but I dunno yet.)
You've been living with Captain Spaulding since you were 15. Now you're 25 and helping your best friend Otis (much to your dad's chagrin.) with his cult work. Tonight you're helping prepare for another sacrifice, you really arent sure what it's for but you love the rituals and watching Otis do his thing. Tonight he offers for you to help with more than just prepping the victim, tonight he asks you to join in the ritual.
You agreed and help, not knowing that this ritual would end with you showing off your true self.
You'd been in Ruggsville for almost 11 years, and known the Firefly family for almost 5 of those years. (Spaulding wanted to keep you from them until he was sure you could handle yourself. You ended up accidentally meeting Otis a few days after your 21st birthday.)
In those 5 years you've known the Firefly family you became very close to your best friend Otis. When around the rest of his family he could be pretty rough and cold, but never toward you, you were different, you were.... well... You!
You weren't repulsed by his art, you didn't even flinch when he tried to gross you out, and you dutifully helped him with his rituals. Truthfully, he really liked how you prepared the victims and cleaned the altar before and after the sacrifices, taking your time, making sure that there were no traces left of the sacrifice. Otis also liked it when you watched him preform the rituals and sacrifices, like you were one of his congregation, your pretty eyes watching his every move...
He wished you were part of his congregation, he could take you as his soul mate, keeping you by his side as he preforms his rituals.
But you weren't....
And he needed to stop thinking like that. He is a strong and powerful leader, he can't think like that. Though, a leader always needs a second in command....
There was another ritual tonight and Otis had called you over to prepare the sacrifice, a job you loved to do.
Now you sat infront of a brunette woman who was bound to a chair and gagged to keep her quiet. You were using a rag and a bowl of water to wipe away the sweat and dirt from her face and neck. She looked mortified, which made you let out a soft chuckle. You knew you'd have to do this one more time before the ritual but it was always good to get the caked on dirt off a good while before hand.
"There we go, gotta get ya lookin' all nice for tonight. You're gunna help with somethin', big." You say softly, setting the bowl down on the table, lazily tossing the rag down next to it. It was about time for you to go and clean the large stone altar that sat a good bit into the Firefly family's extensive farmland. You ran into baby on your way out to the barn to get the supplies you needed, her excited smile made you chuckle. "Hey there, Y/N! Where ya headed?" She asked, of course she knew that it was a ritual night, but she always asked questions like that, despite already knowing the answer. "Headin' to the barn to grab a bucket and brush so I can clean up the altar for tonight." You answer as she sits down in the chair you were just in, beginning to poke at the victim. Baby let out a giggle, rolling her eyes at you. "Seriously, Moose! You ain't even part of his group! But you put in more work than most of those lazy ass members!" She really did love that nickname huh?
(You hadn't grown up with Baby, but you'd treated eachother as family since the two of you met. The nickname Moose came from a fight you two had gotten into, she ran at you, attempting to bodyslam you, but somehow you didn't move from your spot. She commented on how you had the strength of a moose... and the nickname Moose stuck.)
Baby also loved teasing you about your willingness to help Otis, even though you never even bothered to ask what his religion was about. She always thought it was pretty stupid that you would help Otis with ritual preparations when most of his followers wouldn't lift a finger to help.
"You know I like helping him, he's my friend. I don't mind doing the work, it's fun." You tell her as you make your way to the door. She laughs. "Yeah, scrubbing blood from that big ass stone altar is soooo 'fun'." She calls after you.
You ignored her, walking out the back door and down the splintering wooden steps off the back porch. The sun was almost behind the trees, but was still making the outside almost unbearably hot. You quickly made your way to the barn, grabbing the metal bucket and scrub brush, being sure to close the barn door when you leave.
After using the outside faucet to fill up the bucket you carried it out to the altar, humming to yourself as you walked.
You stopped humming when you saw the state of the altar. It was coated in dirt, most likely from the recent dust storm. This was gunna take a lot more time than you thought....
Shrugging, you sat the bucket down and dipped the brush into the water, beginning to scrub down the altar. You had to scrub pretty hard to remove the dirt but you finally managed to get it to come off.
You were almost done cleaning the altar when you heard footsteps approaching you from behind. "Damn, Y/N, I have no idea how you always manage to get that altar lookin' so clean." Otis's voice rang out from behind you, the compliment causing you to smile. "Anything is possible with a bit of work." You respond, getting up from your kneeling position, turning to face him. Otis let out a short laugh "Well you do a damn good job! Actually, I wanted to ask ya somethin', if you don't mind, that is."
You nodded, setting the brush down. "Go for it."
Otis sauntered over to the altar, running his fingers across it. "I was thinkin', maybe, you could help me out a bit more with tonight's ritual?" He asked, keeping his eyes off you. You tilted your head slightly, placing your hands on the altar. "What do you need me to help with?" You asked curiously.
Otis cleared his throat "actually, I was hoping you'd join me at tonight's ritual." This is the first time you've ever seen your best friend nervous, usually he was strong and so sure of himself. You think for a moment before responding. "I'd love to, I've seen you preform them a lot, and if I'm being honest, a small bit of me has always wanted to join in." You chuckle.
Otis smiled an almost unnoticeable smile when he heard you say that, His heart skipping a beat. He'd never been more excited for a ritual than right now.
Night fell and Otis prepared himself for the ritual. You and Rufus moved the still gagged victim from the chair to the altar, tieing her down, leaving her body bare aside from a single stained sheet that covered her torso. Rufus left you to cover the victim in oils, like you'd done with all of the previous victims, the potent smell of lavender, patchouli, and sandalwood filling your nostrils.
Everything was ready, just as the congregation began to arrive, ready to witness Otis's ritual. You quickly move away from the altar, keeping a good distance as you usually did. Clouds had rolled in, covering the the sky in darkness, you hoped that it wouldn't rain during the burning part of the ritual but there was no telling.
In the blink of an eye Otis was standing at the altar wearing the red ritual garb, his painted face illuminated by the soft glow from the lantern that sat at the head of the altar. (The torches that were around the altar didn't offer much light.) His congregation began to chant loudly, waiting for the ritual to begin. Otis let the chanting go on for a minute before raising his arms, causing the chanting to stop all at once leaving nothing but the sound of cicadas and the crackling of the fire from the torches. He glances around, looking over his congregation before beginning to speak.
(I apologize ahead of time for the poorly translated latin.)
"Grata omnia!" {Welcome all}
"Gratias ago tibi magnifico domino!" {Thank you, great lord.} The congregation responded in unison.
"Tonight's sacrifice is an offering to our great leader! May he continue to care for us!" Otis said, his voice strong. The congregation cheered until he raised his arms to quiet them once again. He continued to speak. "We also have a guest joinin' us tonight." He motioned for you to approach the altar.
You hesitated for a second before nervously approaching the altar, stopping when you were at his side. You felt out of place there, with Otis wearing his ritual garb and his congregation all wearing their black cloaks, you wearing your usual attire made you feel like the one odd piece in a puzzle.
He gave you a reassuring smile before introducing you to his congregation, who all seemed to adore you. It all felt so different, you were use to watching from far out if the way, and now you were standing next to Otis infront of his congregation, about to preform a ritual. He opened the book he always read from, beginning to read from it. You couldn't understand anything past the Latin greeting the congregation used so his words left you completely lost.
The wind began to blow as he read, several members whispering to others about the wind being a sign that their leader was among them. You were too busy listening to Otis's amazing voice as he read, each sentence like the roar of a lion... loud, strong, and full of pride!
Once he got to the end he unsheathed his ritual daggar, the razor sharp blade glistened in the lantern light. He held the hilt with both hands, slowly raising the shining blade above his head.
"A morte est potestas!" {There is power from death.}
Down came the blade, plunging into the victim's throat with ease. The congregation cheered as blood poured from the fresh wound. He pulled the blade out and sat is off to the side, picking up the steel goblet from the altar, allowing the blood to drip from the altar into the cup. Once Otis was satisfied with the amount of blood in the goblet he lifted it to his lips, and taking a drink. He then turned to you and offered you the goblet, a gesture that elicited quite a few gasps from his congregation. You hesitated, looking at him with a worried look. "I don't know if I should..." you say softly, feeling even more nervous because of all the eyes on you. Otis shrugged slightly, giving you another barely noticeable smile. "You don't have to, just thought you'd like to give it a try."
There was absolutely no way you could say no to that man. Absolutely no way. You did a pretty good job of hiding your feeling for him (almost as good as he is at hiding his feelings for you.) But every time you looked at that man's face or heard his voice you knew you'd do absolutely anything he asked you to (and vice versa.)
You took the goblet from him, slowly lifting it to your lips. You parted your lips, allowing the metallic tasting liquid to slide down your throat. It wasn't all that pleasant but it did get a genuine smile from Otis.
Drinking that blood may have been a mistake.
A large gust of wind blew past like a freight train, blowing out Otis's lantern and all of the torches around the altar, plunging the world around you into complete darkness.
You started to feel different... you didn't feel like your usual self, no, you actually felt... better?
You felt Otis's hand on your arm as the wind picked up, and thunder roared, then a bolt of lightning flashed, lighting up the world for a second.
Gasps and screams could be heard as the congregation were able to see what was standing beside their leader.
Even Otis let out a surprised noise upon seeing you.... the tattered and skeletal wings protruding from your back, the short obsidian horns coming from your upper forehead, and the glowing gold eye. (yes, only one eye, the other is your natural eye color)
Another bold of lightning flashed, lighting up the world once again, just long enough for you to see the shock and fear in your best friend's eyes.... as well as your own reflection.... that's why everyone was so shocked. It wasn't the lightning that scared them, it was you! You began to panic, pulling your arm out of Otis's grasp (though he wasn't holding you tightly, he was mostly just assuring you that he was still there.) You bolted toward the barn, the lightning lighting your way every few seconds. Once inside you curled up in the corner, burying your face in your hands as you hyperventilate.
It took Otis a minute to process what he had seen, the feeling of you pulling away from him bringing him back to reality. He turned to his congregation, raising his arms to get them to quiet down, and thankfully they do.
"Burn the sacrifice! Don't wait for me!" He ordered, grabbing his lantern before quickly following you to the barn. He entered the barn slowly, relighting his lantern once out of the wind. "Y/n..." He said softly, kneeling down beside you.
"I'm sorry Otis... I-I didn't know this would happen... I didn't mean to ruin your ritual...." You whimpered softly, afraid that he'd never want your help again.
"Ya didn't ruin it, Y/n... the storm did." Otis said, trying to calm you down. You just shake your head "I should have just told you out right... I'm a nephilim... the bastard child of a demon and a human..."
Otis let out a chuckle "Yeah? And that's supposed to change how I feel about ya?" He asked, getting up to hand the lantern from a hook that hung from the rafters of the barn. You snap your head to look at him, not sure if you heard him correctly. "I'm sure you don't wanna be friends with a nephilim..." you say, slowly rising to your feet, keeping your eyes on him. Otis rolls his eyes "I mean, you're right on that one, I don't want to be friends with a nephilim." He says, turning back to you.
Your heart dropped.....
"I-I understand..." You say, your voice close to breaking.
Otis shakes his head "Ya didn't let me finish, quit ya jumpin' there little rabbit." He chuckled softly, stepping closer to you. "I don't want to be friends with a nephilim..." He got closer to you, so close his chest was inches away from touching yours and you could feel his breath on you. He grabbed your shoulders gently, leaning down to ghost his lips over yours. "I wanna be with you..." He said, his voice so soft and low it sounded like a cat purr. Your heart felt as if it could beat out of your chest, you'd wanted this so bad for so long....
"I've wanted to tell you that for so long..." You say breathlessly. Hearing you say that drove Otis crazy, his mind unable to think clearly. He took in a shakey breath before pulling you into a very passionate kiss, his hands moving from your shoulders down to your waist. Your arms shot up around his neck, the feeling of his lips on yours giving you the feeling of fireworks (which you didn't think was real until this moment.)
This kiss quickly turned into a rough and messy make-out session that leaves you both breathless. Otis occasionally leaving a few stray kisses on your neck.
By the time the two of you broke apart his face paint was a mess and you were covered in it. The sight of eachother made you both laugh.
You both were glad you agreed to join in the ritual. Otis promising there are a lot more intimate rituals the two of you can do together. If you want to continue doing rituals with him, that is.
I tried haha. I'm verrryyyy rusty and I'm sorry, I hope this was okay though.
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figureofdismay · 1 month
I was reading along to your addition then got to the part where you slandered my child Arcadia and fell over and died.
I've gotta write a meta on Arcadia one of these days (...again) because it is a criminally misunderstood episode and I will stand by that. ;)))))
The comedy bits that you disliked were actually a subversive, not mean-spirited, wink and nod at the Petries (etc.) It was simply Mulder and Scully in the proto-suburban lifestyle functioning as they live and breath-- undomesticated nerds: Scully not wanting to be made out to be a lovestruck fool, Mulder backing off (briefly), the two of them canoodling over bloodstains in the living room, her bantering about rubber gloves and him taking one to the face to preserve a sense of distance. She rubs up against him while they talk to Wyn, clutches his hand at Gogolak's, and half-considers Mulder seriously in her bedroom. He snuggles up and says "baby cats" and uses her as a shield to mercilessly torment the neighbors. (She joins in heartily for the Schroder investigation, too.)
Unfortunately, the taint of One Son accidentally spills over and inaccurately colors some moments-- even though their Diana beef was supposed to have been buried in Agua Mala (but was never thoroughly addressed on-screen leaving us, the audience, to unscramble the pieces. Alas.) By Monday, Mulder and Scully had worked through lingering issues and were back in the saddle; then were assigned to Arcadia, etc. In light of that, Arcadia's jokes weren't at Scully's or even Mulder's expense: they were solely Mulder bucking the system and Scully being both annoyed and amused at his antics.
Arcadia has a ton of layered character work in it. And by the end, both agents leave somberly, another "innocence" destroyed by the evil under its veneer.
I can see why the ep.'s not everyone's cup of tea-- and that's A-okay-- but I will throw little itty bitty tiger claws over it. XDDD
i mean, no the joking wasn't at Mulder or Scully's expense but Arcadia was definitely joking at the fans expense, which is the issue I have with it.
That and the fact that aside from the names, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Dick Van Dyke Show, which imo is a terribly wasted opportunity because there's a lot there to dig into if they'd wanted to. I have been a fan of TDVDS all my life and I recently thought up several send-up scenarios to actually horror up the classic sitcom, including Mrs Billings (the head of the neighborhood association who kept tricking Rob into directing their theater productions for charity) is a cult leader and witch with a binding blood pact or that friend and neighbor Jerry Helper the dentist next door is secretly a serial killer, or even that child Ritchie Petrie has persuasive mental powers of some sort, or even an Evil Laura stand-in who is keeping the neighborhood in a time warp somehow or something lol. There was a lot they could have done! And I feel like it's a waste because they just did a generic 'dirty underbelly/garbage monster in suburbia' thing. I'm planning 'mulder and scully undercover in suburbia and it actually references the Petries' fic though. Making a bet with myself about if I can get a tearful 'oh, Rob' reference in there somehow lol ;)
Diana doesn't enter into it for me re: Arcadia, I just don't see her as the great big issue that she is for a lot of folks. And I don't think that the 'friction' that people see in Arcadia is that big of a deal, or really factually present in the episode, either. I don't find it angsty or a low point relationship-wise in universe. I think like you say, they're mostly silly and teasing.
I just feel like it's laughing at me, the shipper, on a Doyalist level, which is my issue with a lot of the "comedy" episodes later in the show.
to be clear though, the sneering at husband and wife bits i was referencing was the S8 'stuck in an episode of Mad About You' bit, which always makes me roll my eyes
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Thought process for Hatchetfield reverse with a twist
@toringo is my co maker and the artist for the au
I was thinking of how the au would effect the guy who didn’t like musicals black Friday and Nerdy prudes must die.
Wellll……this one is tricky.
For Black Friday:
there is no wiggly doll. There could he a Webby doll ( but I need to be careful cause I have seen other tumblr accounts already do this. Sooo….i need to not accidentally steal an idea. ) I’m thinking that it looks like a creepy little girl doll with spider eyes and a spider pet on her arm.
Things happen the same way except storylines aren’t in there or are different.
One idea I have is that Lex is trying to earn money to maybe find her sister. The idea basically is she knows she had a little sister cause her mom let it slip but refuses to tell her what happened. ( this will be dark later on story wise) Lying saying she gave her up in California. Ethan does still exist cause he’s was funny.
Another fun idea is that Wiley goes with Linda to go get these dolls cause he’s trying to help her with Christmas. ( I’m still debating whether he is immune to the dolls charms or not)
Linda won’t be The cult leader sooo I need to think of who to replace her with.
The scene with made in America I’m thinking is replaced with a very special person lol. Not John…. But John the ass will be in the story.
I feel Linda would get corrupted but Wiley is able to snap her out of it.
Becky I kinda want to replace Linda cause it would be funny. Maybe Tom joins her the webby doll promising to help Tom make Tim happy with Becky as a replacement for Jane ( I have no idea lol)
I don’t know if the president should be corrupt or he wants to use webby to have more power over the USA butttttt that’s fails cause “ webby is a manipulative bitch lol”
The lords especially wiggly has to go to the mall and try to stop the madness. He and webby get to have a fun sibling fight.
Nerdy prudes must Die:
This one I really have to think about
I kinda want the same thing to happen but the kids accidentally unleash webby. OR webby was the one who brought max back from the dead. ( she’s a bitch like that. And the other lords gave to stop her from messing things up.
It would be cool if Wiley came to help the kids explaining things.
Also. This is @toringo headcanon but Ted and Wiley are cousins. Sooo that makes Peter and Wiley first cousins once removed. So Wiley will want to help Peter and keep him safe.
Grace still gets a villain arc at the end.
Max either goes to webbys drowsy town or gets his soul sent to heaven by the lib ( still up to debate lol)
This is all I have right now. I need to chat with my friend to figure things out. Lol
( these ideas are not canon yet. Just ideas)
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
A bit about The Mandalorian s03′s take on mandalorian culture
As much as I like the concept of Living Waters, I do not like how the third season of The Mandalorian presents Mandalorian culture overall. I wasn’t happy with the characterization in the previous two, but the current take is even worse. Major reason for my disdain  stems from the too medieval climate - Bo’s castle, throne, the royal family and its subjects, the baptism-like ceremony, all of this is opposite to Legends!Mandalorian for whom personal skills stood above any blood-connection in regard to their rulers thus no aristocracy was ever needed. The New Mandalorians’ royalty was a good concept in The Clone Wars as it stood in clear contrast to Death Watch’s old warrior faith and added an interesting edge to the destruction of Mandalore and following Republic occupation (that may have never truly ended by the ~700 years). In The Clone Wars, Death Watch was Bo-Katan’s major tie, but since Rebels, the focus is put on her sisterhood with Satine and the royal family status and The Mandalorian season three expand this even more - she lived in castle, sit on throne, had ceremonial “baptism” as princess and so on. At this point I really miss the “barbarian” feeling of Death Watch even more since Bo’s own Mandalorian warriors were removed from the story, leaving us with one lone Bo-Katan, Boba Fett on Tatooine or whatever he is as I don’t follow his TV series and cult-ish Children of the Watch. Which is pretty irritating, I won’t lie, especially since later seasons of TCW, Rebels and now the TV series don’t bother to even mention Pre Vizsla or Bo’s criminal past - and mind you, this is no “Bo shouldn’t have her redemption arc” - which she arguable already had as freedom fighter against Empire and more complain that Disney/New Canon on purpose erase problematic or nuanced elements of its own worldbuilding. Like, mentioned Bo’s past and her part in the fall of Mandalore or how she was elected/accepted by clans because now Darksaber can be only passed through the fight? And why? Because Mandalorians can’t make a sensible choice about whom they should follow? Because they can’t stick to an ideological case that was important in the previous season but now Bo has no darksaber so her own clan abandoned her to be mercenary? Like, seriously? What happened to the Mandalorian loyalty to the family? Bo may have lost the status of Mandalore, yet Din did not make a claim to be new sole leader so why Koska - described in Character Encyclopedia as “loyal member of Bo’s Mandalorian gang” ditched her companion? 
Seriously, at this point I admire Bo-Katan’s loyalty to Pre Vizsla as she threw away the ancient laws out of window the moment Maul killed her leader / friend and sure, she came with the no outsider is allowed to be Mandalore argument (something that from historical perspective is not true, as in ancient times Ulic Qel-Droma dueled with Mandalore and his success was accepted by warriors) but The Clone Wars made it pretty clear Pre’s death was an emotionally wrecking moment in her life. Arguably more than Satine’s death yet the newest animations and TV series mentions only her sister in passing but not a man that clearly meant something to her. Which is, again, an irritating aspect of Disney’s New Canon. 
There is also no mention of Satine as pacifist / New Mandalorian leader, no mention of Pre Vizsla (who in contrast to Din was capable of using darksaber which is pretty hilarious side-effect of switching lore about this weapon from “ancient item passed in Clan Vizsla” to “well known Mandalorian attribute of power” ) or Death Watch in general. Instead we have this cult-ish Children of the Watch with the weird rule forbidding members to remove the helmet even in presence of their own family and who seem to care more about if the helmet was removed than about Creed itself as was seen with Bo accidentally joining this group. A rule that A) feels to be a rip-off from Sand People’s culture (except Tuskens are allowed to see the face of their spouse) B) has no sense because it is not the armor that makes anyone a Mandalorian but personal deeds. And sure, beskar’gam always played an important role in Mandalorian culture yet at this point I’m truly tired of putting so much focus on armor rather than the soul of a Mandalorian warrior. Armor can be destroyed and rebuilt after all but what counts are the people who wear it, not the other way.
For me, Children of the Watch worked in the previous season because we still had Bo’s clan and Boba Fett (loner) to somehow balance the overview of Mandalorian culture yet in the third season the different types of Mandalorians were removed from the story. Boba is out of the picture, Bo was abandoned by her own people and so there is only Din and Armorer’s tribe  that is too frustrating for my taste. I like the religious aspect it brings to the show but it is hard to take seriously this group as representative of Mandalorian people with their silly rule about not removing helmets (how do they even take care of their personal hygiene then? How do they cut their hair? What about deaf members? How can they learn to read from lips or read anything from facial expression if other members can’t show their face? I know Din communicated with Tusken via hand signals but since children grew up around masked adults how does the communication work exactly? What about an intimate relationship? Or growing up and not having a clue how your mother’s face looks under the helmet? Or father, older sibling, other clan (family) members? What about providing medical assistance in the event of a head injury?). Not to mention the whole weird deal with Armorer who has such great knowledge about Mandalorian lore but doesn’t teach it unless the situation requires her to give a proper explanation? Mind you I did not rewatch the previous seasons so my memory may be a bit rusty but Din did not even know who the Jedi were even though they have special place in Mandalorian history (usually negative in the sense they are the enemy hard to defeat in fair fight) and it was pretty common thing for “normal” Mandalorian to teach their kids about the danger coming from force-sensitive people? And sure, Jedi were supposed to be dead but if Din was a bounty hunter how he has never heard about them with the Rebellion having this one special Jedi in their rank who also happened to be the most wanted man by the Empire?
The Mandalorian TV series creates a long list of question I have about its worldbuilding around Mandalorian culture that somehow switched from Legends “only the best can be Mandalore” and “Mandalorians believe in loyalty” to Disney’s “royal families” and “let’s ditch our leader and our cause just because someone’s else has darksaber yet makes no claim about leadership”. Or let's use a cool looking darksaber as a haunted item that for no real reason is also a symbol of leadership because the Jedi weapon is the most Mandalorian symbol of all possible choices apparently.
And you know what was great about Fenn Shysa and his protectors who fought against the Empire in the older source material? That the fight against imperial enslavement truly united Mandalorians to the point that even former Death Watchmen joined his group. As much as I like Bo-Katan’s comment about how Mandalorian fight against each other often for weird reasons, it truly saddens me that in Disney’s canon even the common enemy like Empire did not manage to unite Mandalorians. Because it is better drama when everyone bothers with some random mystic item than actually working together to take your freedom back and rebuild your world. But sure, whatever.
I seriously miss Legends Mandalorians because Disney’s take on them is so frustrating.
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Trigun reverse au ramblings
No one asked to hear about my reverse au, but you're getting it anyways! I wanna share my stuff with more people. It started as wondering if I could come up with an explanation for an au in which Vash and Nai switch sides, but then... I got a bit too into it. And started switching all the characters around. With varying results. I think the results are all good, the thing that varies is how fucked up everyone gets as a result of being switched around.
Basic summary: Nai is an Independent, but he can still function like other Plants do. That means he can help humanity. He can be of use to them. So the humans on Ship 5 love him, whereas most tend to shun Vash and his apparent lack of powers. Harboring resentment, Vash eventually is the one to crash the ships and strand humanity on a desert planet. After discovering his own powers, he ends up becoming the leader of the Horn of Gabriel, a religious cult devoted to "saving" those who humanity has cast aside, and casting judgement on those who would deem others worthless. Nai, meanwhile, wanders the planet, helping those he can while being chased for the bounty on his head and having to reckon with his brother's actions.
Okay now onto the real ramblings:
Vash is also known as the "Archangel". He despises humanity for how it treats those it deems worthless. And he hates Nai for choosing their side, but loves him because he's an Independent too and therefore better than humanity, but hates him because he got to have humanity's love while Vash got nothing. It's... complicated. He wants Nai to join his side, and is willing to go to extreme measures to get him to see how evil and corrupt humanity actually is, how unworthy it is of their help and mercy.
His cult is called the Horn of Gabriel because that is what heralds the beginning of judgement day, and he's all about judging humanity to see who he'll let live. Also because it fits with the Eye of Michael, goes with the pattern of "the OBJECT of BIBLICAL FIGURE/ANGEL".
You know how Nai just really casually has dead Plants as decorations? I can make it worse. Vash finds Tesla without Nai there, and he realizes what humanity could, and probably will, do to him. What they'll do to Nai once he stops being useful. This fuels his decision to crash the ships, but he makes sure that Tesla is safe in the crash. Why? Oh, because he just casually keeps her around as a constant reminder of why he's doing what he does. Reverse Vash is so fucked up in my au and I love it.
After the crash, Nai very quickly went from having the attitude of "I'm humanity's most special little guy" to "all of this world's problems are because of me". He's traumatized!
I figured that giving him the ability to summon a metric fuck ton of knives would make this au pretty boring, because it'd be way too easy for him to get away from any problem I could throw at him, and those are needed to make him even more traumatized. The solution? Oh, you know, toss in a scene where Vash uses his powers to make Nai lose control of his own powers. Because of Vash, Nai accidentally killed a whole bunch of people, and got a bounty placed on his head along with the name Nai the Tempest. I'm thinking of like, a tempest of blades. And several other assorted nicknames using words like carnage, slaughter, murderer, etc. After that, he got Conrad and Elendira to make him some sort of a power limiter, cutting off his own powers so he can never accidentally harm someone with them again.
Because yes! Conrad and Elendira are good guys in this! They switch places with Brad and Luida. Honestly, this part was sort of motivated by me thinking of how hot Luida could be as a mad scientist. She does all the human experimentation, and Brad specializes in lost tech, making Vash's prosthetic (Nai still manages to cut off one of his arms in a fight, probably the same one where Vash makes him go haywire) and most of the cool weapons that members of the Horn of Gabriel use. Elendira is still a Plant-human hybrid experiment, and because I say so, she's canonically transgender like in Trimax. She's also closer in age to Nai so she doesn't look like a weird small child. Conrad is mostly just a chill scientist dad who helps to take care of Nai, they both care about him a lot. Plus, I'm using Elendira to open up the possibility of parallels between her and Nai, and Vash and Tesla. The twins and the sisters they care about.
Wolfwood and Livio switch places, but Wolfwood fits more into Legato's role. He's utterly obsessed with and devoted to Vash. I don't think I'm capable of not including vashwood in any au I come up with, but in this one, it's incredibly toxic actually! Livio, though, joined the Horn of Gabriel in order to stay with Wolfwood, follow in his footsteps, only to come to regret it because it really, really sucks. Getting experimented on and turned into a weapon isn't a great time for anyone. Razlo is also there, and blames himself for not being able to stop Livio from joining, taking on the brunt of what they go through. Luida notices him, though, and threatens him into cooperation. Working for Vash is better than both of them dying, and if her threats are to be believed, it's far better than leaving Livio without a protector.
Zazie is still a Worm hivemind. But in this au I really like to compare them to The Little Mermaid, because they're fascinated by humanity. Life on the planet was dreadfully boring until they crashed there. They come to care about humans, and want to live amongst them, so they get a human body to use to go travel the human world. They, uh, take over an actual human's mind in order to use their body. It's fucked up. When I write the actual fic for this au I hope to bring up just how fucked up it is in the funniest way possible.
Legato had a shitty past. A really, really, really shitty past. He's trying to avoid it, traveling the world just to try and feel like he's truly getting away from it. But since he didn't have Knives to give him meaning and purpose in life... he's trying to find it for himself. And I'm so proud of him. He genuinely wants to help people the way that he wishes someone would have helped him! He's a much better person than his canon counterpart, though I guess the bar is on the floor at this point. The bar is in hell. I need to figure out to extent of his powers, because I don't want to make him too powerful for the same reasoning as Nai, it wouldn't be fun if he didn't have any trouble with fights and whatnot. I need tension! Conflict! Anyways, he eventually starts to travel with Zazie, and the two eventually meet Nai, and then they meet Livio, and well, you know the rest. Probably. If you don't know the rest then don't look at the section about the plot of the fic cause you'll get Tristamp spoilers.
Meryl and Roberto are on Vash's side. How? Easy solution. The Horn of Gabriel has a spy network that stretches throughout the planet. I figured making them spies sort of plays off of how they're reporters in Tristamp. Also it lets me make Meryl more badass, and that makes me go awooga. And it lets me play around with what her personal philosophy could be like. She knows that she's a good person, because what she does is all for the sake of helping people who humanity won't help. Humanity is flawed, but if she saves those who can still be saved, that's good, right? It doesn't matter what she's doing to do that. The ends justify the means. As for Roberto, well, he's sort of the same as in canon. After all, who's going to suspect that the dude who looks like a drunk uncle is actually a spy? He says that his days of wearing cool outfits and kicking ass are far behind him, and Meryl is determined to get pictures of what he looked like back then.
Milly! I'm not forgetting her! I know this is mostly based on Tristamp and she hasn't shown up in there yet, but I love her too much to leave her out. She works in insurance, except here, "insurance" means she's the one making sure no one finds out about the Horn of Gabriel's darker dealings. Sort of like their clean up crew, she hides their secrets and takes care of any loose ends that get left behind. Despite her work, though, she's still very bright and bubbly and sweet :D
The plot points are based on Tristamp, I'm trying to stick to what it has and only change some necessary bits to accommodate the changes I've made with this au.
How does Jeneora Rock get destroyed if Nai isn't the one to do it? Black hole in the sky. It's really effective. Say goodbye to your town, everyone, cause it's just Gone all of a sudden. Also, side note, Rosa is officially the mayor of the town in this au, and in my notes for the au I mostly refer to her as the #1 milf. I'm not wrong. She shares the spot with Rem.
Does this mean Livio gets to be the one hit by a car when he meets Legato and Zazie and Nai? Yes. It's funny. But I can't have Zazie make the group get swallowed by a Worm, so they're going to panic and try to bring him to somewhere, hopefully a hospital because they think he needs medical help, except the whole building is actually going to be a trap, and Meryl's going to be the one manipulating the group and putting Livio into a situation where he can gain their trust.
Does all the stuff with Rollo still happen? Yes. Razlo is the one to kill him. It's emotionally damaging for everyone involved.
Is Wolfwood going to do what Livio does on the sandsteamer? Yes. I cannot emphasize enough how much I'm putting every god damn character through trauma. While Meryl and Roberto are sabotaging stuff to force Livio into the most precarious position possible, he's fighting him with all that he's got on Vash's orders. Livio doesn't want to hurt Wolfwood, but he doesn't have to. He manages to get through to him. And when Wolfwood realizes what he's been doing, when he realizes that he's been trying to kill his own brother all because some abusive asshole told him to... he turns his aim to himself. Don't worry, Luida will fix him up, but Livio doesn't really know that. He just watches Wolfwood fall off the side of the ship and loses his shit.
Does Roberto still die? Yes. As much as I love him and refer to him as babygirl... I have to kill him off. I think Legato is going to be the one to kill him. I think he doesn't want to kill people, I think it's going to be an accident, I think Meryl is never going to forget or forgive and she's going to have a vendetta against Legato for killing her mentor. Like how Legato in canon is determined to make Vash's life a living hell, she's determined to get back at him. It'll be fun. For me, at least, and probably Meryl too. It won't be fun for Legato.
What name does Nai use when he forgets who he is in the end after the showdown with Vash? I don't know yet.
Why is there an epic showdown with Vash? What's his plan for once Livio brings Nai to July? I also don't know yet. It's fine. It'll be revealed to me eventually. I am plagued by visions but luckily they help me write fanfiction and figure out plot points.
And that's... most of what I have so far!! I didn't even go into detail about appearances cause that would just make this even longer and I don't wanna deal with that. I'll make what everyone looks like in the au as a separate post or smth. Maybe I'll make art for it. I need to continue actually writing out the au as a full fanfic, but once I have more for it, I'll probably post it here and/or ao3. I'm really excited to see how far I can take these ideas! And how fucked up I can make it. Also if you want to hear me ramble about more fanfiction ideas/aus, let me know, because I can and will post about my other ideas, like my trigun/valorant crossover fic that's in the works.
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xbralis · 2 years
no really!! how has season 9 ren and doc dynamic been so overlooked?! I've been going silently insane
ya'll mind if i headcanon emotions that definitely arent meant to be there with my blockmen for a second bc i have THOUGHTS
pov u spend over a year sharing basically everything with a dude including watching him recover from almost being killed by a sith, multiple trips through hyperspace and a whole killer moon cult. so you figure you should give him time to settle on the newest server and do ur own things. only for him to basically never approach you because he ALSO figured u need space and now ur both mutually wondering what u did to get the cold shoulder pov theres a space corporation that needs ur help to save the world and you could definitely draft in your scientist bestie considering how much u went through together last season but like, youre not gonna bother him, he doesn't even want anything to do with your kingdom, let alone your other problems. you can deal with the scifi stuff alone this time, youve done it before.
pov ur best friend is going mad with power halfway across the server and u decide to lowkey join the fight by declaring independence and spitting on the concept of his kingdom, even tho u dont need to bc nothing he's doing is a threat to you. not because u want a reason to interact again, totally not. you're not bitter about being ignored and trying to make yourself the biggest, loudest threat because youre bad at talking.
pov ur hosting business barbeques that look just like the octagon meetings with ur new log business partner and accidentally calling ur base 'rendoc rock' when you first found it. (and ur current base buddy doesnt comment on it cause, like, he gets it, he misses concorp sometimes too.)
so. yknow. thats whats going on in my brain. how are ya'll doing,,
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transjarlaxle · 1 year
oc interview fruits and veggies! 🍅, 🍌, 🍐, 🍆!
:3c thank you so much for asking ! gonna put these a little out of order just so there's context
kaine is my oldest oc (almost 8 years rattling around in my skull) and i love to rotate them at light speed
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Kaine Silva is the only child of the sovereign House Silva of the Imperium of Valais. Their family retains its right to rule through its magical bloodline - a blue dragon that, historically, had been mutated by a wizard as a part of an attempt to ascend to godhood. Thus, its descendents - House Silva - have historically been wielders of the Imperium's most powerful magic, and they rule with kindness and temperance, which means there has been very little conflict in the ~400 years of their sovereignty. Despite being a prince in their own right, the circumstances of Kaine's birth and subsequent events mean that, in the simplest terms, their magic is unstable, and threatens their life if it's not controlled. Because of this, they were sheltered, so much so that by the time they came of age they were still not named to their people, and anyone outside of the Imperium wouldn't even know of their existence. Kaine's being a single child, a draconic sorcerer, royalty, AND an aries is a recipe for the world's most restless and impatient creature. The only change they desire to their standing is to be named, so that they might one day be able to ascend their throne in their full power.
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Kaine's a bit of an enigma. They keep a lot close to their chest, and they're also incredibly hypocritical - they have very little practical experience with societies outside of the palace walls, and it makes them act in ways that are contradictory. They're not necessarily a dishonest person - except for when they need to be - but they tend to panic when they think someone might know too much about them, an ingrained feeling from having to hide for the first twenty years of their life. In this sense, any misunderstandings of their character are entirely self inflicted. On the other hand, their personality is strong, and they have strong convictions.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
If they've lost anything, they wouldn't be able to tell you. They spent most of their life feeling constricted, that now, they believe they only have room to grow. The only thing they wish they would lose is their shackles - both figuratively AND literally.
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Kaine "9 Wisdom" "Fuck Around And Find Out" "Will Try Anything Once" Silva is such a case study in manipulation. They pride themself on being self aware, but really, they will do some stupid shit just for the sake of saying they'd done it - or for the promise of power. They're enamored by magic and the possibility of getting stronger, controlling more volatile powers, that if you asked nicely enough and showed them something interesting enough, they'd do it. In the first campaign I ever played, Kaine accidentally joined the Cult of the Dragon. That's the kind of motherfucker they are
oc asks here!
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faeriemarie · 2 years
a guide to SOME my drs
contains: harry potter (golden era), marauders, stranger things, dash & lily, x-men, a few fame drs, and a 1900’s historical dr
harry potter
ravenclaw who is best friends with cho
like literally inseparable
we are the hogwarts “it” girls and everyone is obsessed with us
they want to dress like us and talk like us and be as stunningly beautiful and intelligent
so many people have a crush on me
including but not limited to: hermione, ginny, harry, ron, roger davies, neville, luna, and george weasley
i’m going into my 5th year as a ravenclaw at hogwarts
was never friends with the marauders (save for sirius)
always really good friends since 1st year
and we became practically like siblings
when he ran away, he runs to my house
and my parents welcome him with open arms
give him his own room and make him do chores
it’s like we’ve been siblings forever
then he introduces me to his friends
and remus and james both have crushes on me
and think i’m sirius’ real sister
love triangle ensues
stranger things #1
og female member of the party since 2nd grade
and will is basically my brother
i’ve known him longer than mike has
not so secret crush on thee mike wheeler
i play as a monk in d&d (although i’m not sure that role even existed in the 80’s)
eleven never crushes on mike and only has a friendship with him
when she meets me, she idolizes me and wants to BE me because i’m so cool
i become friends with max first
and stalk for the guys
devising plans with will on how to force lucas and max together
basically just tween fun time (with monsters ofc)
stranger things #2
teenager era starting in season 2
im a loser and friends with jonathan byers
im a major theatre kid and we became friends when he took pictures for our school musical
and ofc im friends with robin because she’s in pit
accidentally get involved with demodogs things when dustin recruits me to go with him and steve
i get to bond with steve and our romance starts
but nothing actually HAPPENS until season 3 over the summer
after he’s gotten over nancy and robin can force us together
stranger things #3
popular!marie x loser!mike
cheerleader who’s new to hawkins
i befriend lucas and he invites me to hellfire club
of course i join!!
i used to play d&d all the time with my cousins in new york
when i walk in, everyone is suspicious of me
but mike is so whipped
eddie doesn’t believe i even know how to play
but i bring out my character sheet and im literally at a higher level than him
… he is mildly impressed
so i’m allowed to join
and i bond with the guys
and mike walks me home every day (even though he’s still dating el)
will i come between them and break them up?
i am the drama fr
dash & lily
i’m lily but i have a different name, face, etc.
mostly the same personality tho
it follows the basic plot
i put the notebook between franny and zooey
we exchange dares
dash gets back together with sofia
my bully is an oc instead of annoying ugly-ass edgar
we meet
i get drunk
we get together
yadayadayada you get it
x-men (prequel series)
i attend xavier’s school where my bestie is jubilee
i have chlorokenesis but i can control my powers the best of anyone
half dating peter maximoff but not really
he flirts with me all the time and i pretend like i hate it
everyone ships us tho
especially kurt and jean
2000’s actress
my resume includes…
cecilia in the virgin suicides
bianca stratford
lana in the princess diaries
louise in gilmore girls
elizabeth in pride & prejudice
rose in doctor who
emily in the devil wears prada
sophie in mamma mia
giselle in enchanted
summer in 500 days of summer
and more
early 2010’s fame dr
famous for a few cult classics like
sam in the perks of being a wallflower
or nicki in the bling ring
but i was also clara in doctor who
and i dated a couple notable celebrities
toby regbo… james mcavoy… thomas brodie-sangster
oh and i’m trending on 2012 tumblr
because i single-handedly revived indie sleaze
and had a flirtationship with alex turner
pretty much the whole am album is about me
dating finn wolfhard fame dr (heavily influenced by the posts of @wheelcr)
angsty and edgy poet and playwright
who graduated high school at 15 and has a bachelor’s degree in linguistics by 19
start dating in 2021
and fans are so obsessed with me
they even jumpstart my poetry career
and some high schools / colleges get the rights to my plays
so cool
ballerina for royal ballet
i started with them when i was very young
getting cast in the nutcracker as a party guest
and i work my way up
i debut with the professional company when i’m 15
with my debut ballet being romeo and juliet
i go on to star in mayerling, onegin, cinderella, anastasia, coppelia, sylvia, swan lake, sleeping beauty, don quixote, giselle, la bayadere, and sylphide all before i turn 25
plus i’m nursing a minor film career in the off season
just small movies like
phantom of the opera 2004 as christine
or atonement as cecilia tallis
i’m just an icon honestly
1910 small town america vibe
the vibe of our town and tuck everlasting
i’m just a small town girl and the brightest student ever seen
i get the highest grades and the town loves me
my parents are highly respected and educated citizens
plus 3 different guys are courting me, including:
a childhood friend who’s loved me for years
college boy studying to be a doctor
and a young reporter and assistant to my dad at our local paper
how ever will i choose?
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radicalthalassic · 1 year
Part of me really wants “Okay, Stop” to have actually been a front for indoctrination into a cult, preying on lonely and bullied people to get them to join under the front of being able to “help” people, because
1) if Warren KNEW, it would add the layer of him trying to get the guys to join a cult, which is makes the whole episode extra freaky
2) if he DIDN’T know, it’s scary because even the manipulator was being manipulated for something far more powerful, and even when he managed to (accidentally) escape, he was still so brainwashed that he continued to shill their product and subconsciously indoctrinate new members, genuinely believing in the cause
3) Warren is 100% the type of guy to be lured into a cult and be totally okay with it
and most importantly
4) it would imply that Warren is such a freak that even a CULT was like “get that guy OUTTA HERE NOW-!!!”
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Oh good god I made the parallels bigger in Magikari au
An unfortunate realization by Kiwi
The parallels between Oboro and Hikari is already sort of seen in canon and I went and did more of that in the 4 braincells au but I think this au takes the cake of “Oh good god there are so many parallels”
Hikari and Oboro are accidental mirrors to each other. Specifically in the beginning stages. Both of them are older brothers by their own choice and have younger sisters and both of them are in high ranking positions within the Palace. Both of them are seen as threats by a majority of Ku’s Court before the Uprising. They are accidental mirrors of each other and it’s only pointed out once Ori comes back after canon, meets Hikari, and gets weirdly reminded of Oboro but like. Before everything went to shit and before they joined a cult.
They are accidental mirrors to each other and that contributes to some of the animosity Oboro has for Hikari in this au, because he notices that as time goes on. Hikari is basically someone who went keeps on losing everything because of people in power and then lashes out at those in power to try and get a sense of satisfaction, except he didn’t succumb to Nihilistic Depression, he just kept going through life. Basically he reminds Oboro of himself and wow. He does not like acknowledging that because if he acknowledges that then it means there was another way. That means everything he did was for nothing and that he was in the wrong.
Later on Hikari will realize this for himself and Oboro and would just feel pity. Because oh. So that’s what would have happened if he broke completely after Elena, Rita, and Osvald left. Maybe not that exactly but he would have become more jaded and would instead just. Never believe in others. And he realizes that with Temenos he almost did become that. He let his past traumas make him be wary of a someone and instead think the worst of them.
There’s also parallels between Elena and Ori in terms of their brothers as they both have admiration for them but they both go through opposite character arcs. Elena rediscovering her brother and being star-struck and amazed by him and Ori just. Sort of slowly accepting that things weren’t good. Before it was but then it wasn’t and now he’s dead and she has to deal with that.
We can go a step further and have the realization that they also are accidental foils to Osvald and Harvey. Makes sense considering Hikari was mentored by Osvald for a time and Oboro was Harvey’s coworker for a time. Both of them have this rivalry and accidentally fuel each other’s fire in some capacity. And I don’t have the brainpower to explain how but it’s there if you get it hopefully.
(Ori: …You uh. Remind me of my brother. Oboro.
Hikari: Ah. Is that-
Ori: Before he got weird. Before we both just- You remind me of him. In a good way I guess.
HIkari: Thank you, that uh- I don’t really-
Ori: Yeah. I don’t know either. I just saw you talking to Elena and just-
Ori: Don’t go and lose hope like he did.
Hikari: …I can’t guarantee that.
Ori, scoffing: Then don’t isolate yourself like he did.)
Ough. Just Ori being concerned about Hikari at the end there.. And yeah I do see the parallels. Tumblr user sombrerorkiwi actively stomping on my heart 💔
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captainsspnanon · 1 year
C2E70 - Causatum - rewatch
Well, nothing like being unable to get onto tumblr after a CR episode because my ACCOUNT RANDOMLY GETS FUCKING TERMINATED. Here’s hoping that it comes back soon, I will not be pleased if I lose my 2014 account. (it’s back!)
In the meantime, LET’S HAVE YASHA DRAMA.
OH GOD Sam starting off with the bit, then immediately interrupting himself to say ‘you know what, I didn’t even look at what they sent me to read’
…*looks up causatum* oh hey that’s an actual word! It basically means ‘an effect’. That’s cool! It’s not a word I knew, and until now, I just never considered that it actually meant something versus some fantasy word.
Nope, I had no focus. So now I’m back again, day two of having no tumblr. I wouldn’t say I’m going through withdrawals, but I am NOT happy. Some quick googling it seems like tumblr support is a monday through friday thing, so the fact that I got termed early Saturday morning? *sigh* I am impatient. (shockingly, am back! Which you know. Because you are reading this)
I don’t even know how to verbalize my Fjord thoughts here. There’s a strong reluctance to tell the Bright Queen of their failure, at least with any sort of speed. From Talks, I know that he’s afraid they’d be thrown in jail, but there’s something tickling the back of my brain about not wanting to disappoint authority, not wanting to be seen as a failure even if nothing came of it, Vandran, insecurity, deception. I really wish I had the ability to take these jumbled thoughts and make coherent sense of it, because whether or not it’s accurate, it’s an interesting take.
For all the laughter at Caduceus apologizing for raising his voice, he actually was. He wasn’t shouting or anything, but he did raise his voice and was speaking with more firmness and passion than he typically does. It is also a great moment of him asking if anyone had the experience of NOT automatically assuming that they’re the bad guys, if anyone had the experience of being trusted, and the answer was essentially a resounding ‘no’. That, so much, is the core of the Mighty Nein, and it’s the reason that Caduceus ended up being such a wonderful fit.
(Something I thought of yesterday when of course I couldn’t post it, but another heavy theme of the M9 campaign ended up being cults. Caleb was in a cult, Jester was in/formed a cult, Fjord was tiptoeing around the Uk’otoa cult, Yasha was/is in a cult. Hell, you could make [barely] an argument that Beau was kinda in a cult because she was forced to join the cobalt soul against her will, even though it’s not a cult. [also I accidentally typed fjorced, what the hell me] Perhaps the same thin argument could be made for Nott being forced [I did fjorced again wtf] to join the goblin tribe for the period of time that she did.)
Ugh, Jester crying hits me so much harder than any other of Laura’s PCs, I think because she’s the most outwardly bubbly and high spirits. I also forgot that she had doubts about Yasha! I know for a fact that this is gonna be momentary but I think it’s very powerful that it’s there at all. Especially for those who are reacting more negatively (Fjord and Beau) it adds a level of validity to their feelings. If EVEN Jester thinks this!
Caduceus has been the best rock that this scene needed. Fjord never really goes head to head with Caduceus, but I think this is the most oppositional that he’ll be all campaign, and it is a fantastic interplay. Caduceus with his faith in Yasha versus Fjord with his history of betrayal from Sabien.
I really appreciate that when Matt narrates that the soldiers have been alerted by the Bright Queen to expect something, not just leaving them in the dark as Fjord feared, no one gives Fjord shit over it. There’s no ‘I told you so’s, there’s no ‘see?’, there’s not even subtle nudging. Everyone recognizes that it was a fully valid suspicion, and that there was no shame or harm in having it. PLUS they still work to subtly give more information via the whisper campaign, again validating Fjord (and Beau – just focusing on Fjord because he was more vocal about it).
Huh, it’s weird to hear Baphomet. Well, I guess it’s not a specific dnd thing, but I’d still expected something of an Exandrian equivalent. Then again, the gods and such do still occasionally get referred to by the 5e names in this campaign, so it’s not fully distancing themselves yet. (I’m sorry, Fey Realm may match with TLoVM, but I still replace it in my head with Feywild. Same with Shadow Realm and Shadowfell.)
I LOVE Matt’s “really” when Jester rolls a 21 for deception for Nancy McFancyPants. THAT is the agony of the DM right there, and it is GLORIOUS. Yes Matt, they do believe her. They believe her so well.
Is this the first mention of Eiselcross????? The ballista provide their own ammunition!!! THE FORESHADOWING!!! Ah, not the first mention, the first was a book from the Happy Fun Ball. But it didn’t have the foreshadowing!!
It always is interesting to see Caduceus have his small moments of pure intimidation. Someone comes up to the room when he’s casting Legend Lore? Even though the guy is already apologetic and ready to leave, he gives himself black eyes for a scary appearance, and then magically closes the door. On the one hand, it feels very out of character for Caduceus. On the other hand, I wonder if this is tricks that he would use with his siblings when he was feeling irritated or trying to prank them. In that mindset, the few times he uses these tricks makes a lot more sense, especially as they’re never actually harmful. I admit that I’ve struggled with Caduceus’s relationship with his siblings, specifically the trickster part of him, as we rarely get to see it in campaign. I feel like we only really saw it when he used the bone flute on his sister? But Taliesin has clearly kept it in his mind, as he mentions it a number of times on Talks. Though I suppose I’ll be discussing this more in an episode or two, judging by the episode titles.
Wonderful conversations between Jester and Beau, and then Beau and Caleb. Not much to say, aside from just well done for all, ouch for Liam with the lag, and very good character beats all around. Dives much more into Jester and Beau, very much appreciated, and lovely to see.
“Were you there in the cave?” “I’m never far” HITS SO MUCH DIFFERENT when you know that Sprinkle is the Traveler’s vessel at times. AAAA
I think Matt wanted this to be in a volcano even more than Jester, considering she made an offhand comment and he pushed it further. I wonder how much of Rumblecusp he had fleshed out at this point. Likely the forgetfulness and Vilya already, but was the volcano already there? Or did it get added because of this conversation? If he added it after, maybe that’s where he came up with the idea for what’shisface. Vokodo.
Caleb is 100% the reason why I love wizards as a class. The teleportation circle! Caleb checking the supplies! The beautiful description from Matt! Love it so much!
And I’m very pleased they acknowledge the moorbounders being left where they were. Goodbye kitties, I will love you forever.
Again, something I continuously wonder is how much of an NPC Matt has determined based off of player conversation. My thought process here is that the PCs are very thoroughly discussing how the Laughing Hand situation went, arguing for how they were responsible and how they were not. A lot of good points were brought up on either side, and it was not anything touched on lightly. With Matt listening to all of this, did he have a thought process of how the Bright Queen may think of it, and upon hearing the conversation, add that to how he thought she may react? With the discussions of how they couldn’t actually have been responsible, did that influence how Matt had her behave so supportively? Or did he always know that the Bright Queen would not see it as their fault, as long as they didn’t eff up presenting it to her. After all, he didn’t ask for persuasion when Caduceus was explaining what happened, only when he asked for permissions after. I know why we didn’t get Matt as frequently on Talks (or 4sd for c3), but this is why I itch for it. I’ve LOVE to get inside his brain for these things.
(I also love that the cast clearly forgot that they warned the BQ about Empire shenanigans, as I’d also forgotten it given how long it’s taken me to watch this, so the reminder here was appreciated)
Aaagh, the scene with the prisoner has an added level of tension to it because of the delay and difficulty caused by virtually streaming in. Liam doesn’t have good visual to see when someone is about to speak, and with the lag there’s overlapping talk which may have been a non-issue had he been present (not hearing Caduceus offering to assist, talking over Matt trying to speak at the Scourger). We still get a very powerful scene, but sadly I feel like a little bit of Caleb’s capacity for intimidation gets a little clipped with the disconnect. Too bad we never really get to find out why this woman had knowledge of Bren, as well as why she had the forearm scars but not the maze-like tattoos. Earlier in her training? Perhaps, but to have enough knowledge of Bren? I don’t think we ever find out what Trent may have communicated with his trainees about him, whether he maintained the ruse of being fully in control, or allowed them to know that Bren had escaped but could be lured back in?
I know Taliesin gets credit for being amazing with one-liners, but honestly – they all are. “Enjoy your mouthful of lies when the choke it out of you.” *chefs kiss*
Nott and Yeza’s relationship has just an interesting dynamic. I haven’t read her comic, so I don’t know how it’s portrayed there, but in campaign, Nott describes herself has having been bullied even as a halfling, and so gave a reasonable interpretation that she may have been more meek, with her life since getting killed and transformed causing her to become more outspoken. In her earlier interactions with Yeza, there was a meekness present – but honesty more of just a fear of being rejected. She spoke for him at times, but it was reasonable enough with him being fairly traumatized. However, we come to now. They’ve made the decision to send Yeza to Nicodranas, and Nott firmly and repeatedly shuts down any suggestion of him learning to swim, getting close to a boat, and repeatedly makes decisions on his behalf. Yeza doesn’t bristle at this and instead takes it fully in stride, as if this is the relationship dynamic that he’s already used to. Of course, much of this is the meta sense that Sam needs to make a lot of the decisions with Matt ‘yes and’ing, rather than Matt making any of the large decisions. Yeza is very much an NPC that is also a character prop. Anything Matt does with Yeza is going to be for having Sam make decisions with Nott, and Matt really isn’t going to do things with Yeza that are counter intuitive to the main storyline, or something that would attempt to pull agency away from Sam. I’m trying to remember, but I think all player created NPCs have that level of ‘character prop’, versus the DM created NPCs who can act in ways to spin the story. For this campaign, Marion is very supportive of anything Jester does and displays clear love and affection for her, Beau’s father is cool and distant, her mother is caring but weak, Caduceus’s family are all exactly as he describes, and the same for C1 and C3. Now, the player created NPCs aren’t all good and loving (see Beau’s family and Zeenoth, the twins’ father, Tary’s family, etc) but I don’t recall Matt pulling any big twists with any of them. If the player wrote in the backstory that the person was X, then Matt plays them as X. ….I’ve twisted myself in a circle here XD Going back to my original thought, I do adore the Nott and Yeza relationship as well as fully understand and appreciate criticism it has of being not entirely healthy. There is a strong passivity to Yeza that wouldn’t work for PC to PC relationship, but makes sense for a PC to player-created NPC relationship. The same is not true for a PC to DM-created NPC relationship such as Caleb/Essek, or Vax/Gilmore. Because those NPCs are more established and can grow as characters, whereas the player-created NPCs tend to be more set in their original description.
*reads that entire mess of a paragraph* …… I’m just going to not even touch that or try to make more sense of it, moving on. *reminds myself that this rewatch write up is to improve my writing abilities and improve my sense of critical analysis rather than just passively watching something I enjoy. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, just make sense of my own thoughts, and maybe find some other words than ‘interesting’ and ‘fascinating’.*
Wait what? Caleb intimated his past to Essek, who I thought KNEW from the first meeting with handing over the beacon, but didn’t? And then Essek asks if Caleb was a Scourger and Caleb says no but Essek clearly doesn’t believe him. I am genuinely surprised by this, because I had remembered it as Essek having known as of day one! I mean, I guess all the parallels and conversation in 97 on do still make sense if Essek only realized now, but it changes my perception of it a bit.
On the other hand, Caleb very clearly throws up some masks (that squinting smile!) while talking with Essek, while at the same time being very truthful about his feelings and request.
(I really do adore the moments where Liam has Caleb speak to himself, when it’s done quickly and effectively. Here is fantastic, back on the boat where he calls himself an asshole and starts copying spells, the bit in the tower where he goes to the memory room alone after showing everything else off. I think the only time that I wasn’t a huge fan of it was early on when Yasha, Jester, and Fjord get kidnapped, because I felt like the scene ran a bit too long. But I think every other instance worked well.)
Oh hey! We get the lore for Caduceus’s backstory! And I know from a highlight reel on youtube that this is the first aspect of Travis just completely missing the ‘Stone’ tie in XD My only singular problem with this lore is that Dust doesn’t feel like a last name. Clay? Yes. Stone? Yes. Dust??? ...don’t feel like it. Looking at a surname website (just a random one, I’m not spending time actually researching this), Dust as a last name in the US – just over 1,300. Clay? Almost 62,000. Stone – just over 203,000. So….that explains it, at least. ….*looks up my own last name* HA it doesn’t even show up, just offers variations.
Jester and Nott panic is the most common, but Jester and Beau panic is the most entertaining. Though I will make my minor Taliesin complaint here, Laura and Marisha specified that they were going up separately AND they were talking in whispers, and then Caduceus was just there for the conversation. Here, it’s played very humorously and works well. But Taliesin does this repeatedly (and I’m pretty sure unintentionally), I remember getting VERY pissed off at one point in C1 where Percy is interrupting a conversation between Vex and Vax when they’re on a completely different floor of a house. Each player has their own little things I nitpick, and unfortunately this is one of Taliesin’s that I’m not particularly fond of.
LOL Caleb/Liam trying to have a little scene with The Boys and everyone giving him shit. XDDD
DAIRON!!!! Cannot wait for 71! Though by the name I thought that was when they went to ……. OH I’m thinking of Family Shatters. That’s not until 96!!! Okay that makes way more sense.
Also, is this the episode where Travis dips his hand into his drink cup instead of his snack cup by mistake? I didn’t see him do it, but I also wasn’t checking heavily. *looks at youtube comments* Yes, it is! *watches it like three times in a row* odd, I remembered Matt seeing it, but it looks like he’s laughing at bottom table, not top table.
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scentedchildnacho · 11 months
Why do jews introduce me to their stuff......they aren't what thieves off me though......Jewish people do have very encapsulated requirements......it was more the Irish that promised Chicago emigration that they could introduce them to work cultures there before there arrival....
The republican party hell raises.....
Goddess nautsiti the white indigenous princess goddess of the taking care of .....do not treat their seclusions like white people
If it's Irish get away from ME.....you have a folk culture and establishment get away from ME.....
Its a white or black ministers piano so it's the underground for British colonialism to be here.....get away from ME
Immokalee Florida they went through the most raped emigration deciding they could job or not ......and that's black and tans will shoot at them for that research.....Alan turing they give us universal technologies of course they can job and they stalked them with languagists when it's the English though that don't enjoy how people talk called pathological
If it's Canadians it's g.i. Joe syndrome and they stop offending when not in extreme north adrenaline rushes
Irma grece ....I think it's the beautiful Irish lady I met in Natchez that is maybe truly mass murdering as an executive......the big boob queen will be implied guilty and I think she is just strange.....
There was an addictive virus spread around Natchez till I did spend most time alone with researched social exchanges only
Diarrhea around Irish and italianism and natives subtly disappear to be close to japaneese
Yea I don't think a lot of Indian children dying of diarrhea is accidental......if JoJo does my poor donations from her smoker new York grandma what they have to share causes diarrhea
And that's food not bombs if it's Indians about the taking care of....they pilgrimage in obeisance to white buffalo......and she to take care of them would never darken her hair .....or treat them off policy
Little woman.....significance.....its. Actually very little women that are very obeisant cooks
Black people have African heritage and immigration stuffs causes them hemorrhagic complaints really rich diet I would want and they want yellow pea river soup
Its black people for the taking care of that warn they have lamb vegan orientations
And that's most Americanism didn't do what the Germans cocaine did do.....
If I offend stalkers kept harassing me into a corner till my heart electric impulses became so erratic and penetrative......it's I will have to kill someone to save the whole world
I was white and ku Klux klans try to steal my nature to pseudo religion
Homeless people may I didn't lash out at the party last night though it joined together and bonded off neglecting me to death while doing threatening things like threatening to kick me or put their nasty park shoes on my things because Paris tells the world to follow the news and my relations at a distance may friend them into obeisance if behaviour that cruel doesn't stop they may be droned
I was like I have to be Stephen King's Carrie but then no lord of the flies my birth father did complete his mission and if rich creeps and their disgusting vain cult suicide won't stop harassing me with it's heresy my relations have whole large war machines
I asked the primitive looking poor lady if she noticed that Halloween party make her sick and she said she doesn't know she has been around long enough to never let it's heretical fever to near her....
Their creepy rich immigration gays and they want to burn it's heresy
The lights may not be incandescents to survive car and driver they use drones to cause them fevers that's why they can't control their behaviour anymore
I would do it for Asia they aren't allowed enough wind power integration in China so I have to be susceptible to Maduro idiocy like face masks when it's common tooth cream.....and so Vietnam veterans harass people who cause sweat labor in China for Chinese
I get ischemic deprivation strokes and erratic heart beats from starvation and an auto immune issue and I hate people who ever diet my seclusion yes I want everything on it....yes I love food in travel yes don't ever tamper with directives or steal off me concentratively
And now I'm on money bunny game tracking and when I've noticed the radius of stuff around me to get that people away from infecting me I will feel a lot better ....
Their satanic cults and they must follow their drone.....
Some of the darkest Muslims had to be felons......and when the Mohave wants to help they humor me with all trail could be
I've had enough and I want new York to watch that gps tracking
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