#ac's daydreams ✨
honeyhoneyplskillme · 2 months
i have no idea where this came from, i was literally drinking water imagine Jason Todd trying to buy his gf bikinis/lingerie but he doesn't know her bra size, so he just goes and like- compares it to his hands bcs they've been there before and that's a comparation that will help him to pick a size. he's like 'hm it needs to cover my hand when my fingers have this much space between them' and the attendants are just looking at him from afar like ???
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theleotarot · 7 months
What’s Next In Love For You? ♡
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, & pile 4 ✨
My Ko-Fi paid pac readings and tipping ♡
Pile 1
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(Ace of swords, The Sun, Queen of Wands, Death, Seven of Cups, Nine of Swords, Nine of Cups, Fulfillment, Partying, Judgement, & Wedding)
Hi Pile 1, welcome to your reading. ♡
I believe that in the past with love, you have experienced some sort of sadness or disappointment. Whether it be a separation from an ex partner, or you just cannot seem to find the right partner for you, you seem to have been drowning in your own pain in regard to your romantic life. I think some of you may have also thought to yourself “What have I done to deserve this in my life?” Well, I just want to say that you are beginning to find clarity within yourself. I believe that this pain that you’ve been through has pushed you to start doing things for yourself. Whether it be focusing on school, work, hobbies, or friends and family, you are now putting yourself first and not rushing to find love. You may have felt like love or a romantic partner would fulfill you, but I promise that this journey you have started to build yourself back up again will fulfill you much more than anyone or anything else could ever fulfill you.
I think that when love comes next into your life, you will be very happily single and in your own space. I think that it will be at a time in your life when you have accomplished what you wanted, and perhaps even at a time when you are very social. Even if you are more introverted, there will come a time when you begin to socialize with others for your benefit. I think you may even meet your next person in love through any sort of party, maybe a wedding. It does not have to be a big event, but I’m seeing that it is a place where you will socialize a lot with friends and you will be living in the moment at that time. I think when you are with this person, you will do activities that involve a lot of fun too. They will bring extreme joy and laughter in your life. Lots of playful energy here. You may take a lot of photos with this person too. I also think that when this person comes into your life, you will no longer have the mindset of “Nothing good with love ever happens to me” or “I am doomed to be alone.” This person will obviously shift your perspective on love and give you a lot of emotional support I am sensing. I think that your previous wishes and daydreams are coming true with this person. For instance, if you’ve always wanted someone who takes you on beach walks and cruises through the mountains with you while listening to music, you will absolutely get this from them. I’m thinking that you won’t even have to ask this person to do anything, they will do things on their own will and surprise you. I think that as an outcome of what’s happening next in your love life is that you are going to be emotionally fulfilled, but you may still have some anxiety surrounding your situationship or relationship with this person. I believe that this stems from the past though. You may be very breath taken by this person coming into your life, but you are still scared that love will fail you once again. Even though you may have fears about love failing on you still, I certainly believe that the next person in love coming towards you is definitely committed to you, or at least their feelings for you are very genuine. Pile 1, your wishes and dreams are transforming to life now, so keep going, and you will be where you have always wanted to be. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 2
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(The Unknown Card, Five of Cups, Five of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Truth, Abundance, World, & Engagement)
Hi, Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
I think that right now, you may feel lost in your love life or unsure of how things ended like in your pervious love experience(s). I am getting a sense of feeling that you may have recently gone through a separation with an ex partner or love interest, or you may have just felt the need to back away from a certain person. I am also getting that some of you may still wonder about the truth of your past situation. Maybe you never got the truth or clarity you needed. For some of you, I’m getting that your ex partner may have been a narcissist or treated you poorly or took you for granted. This feeling of lost or separation has resulted you in feeling worried, I would say about your love life. I am also getting that you may struggle with moving forward in terms of your life as a whole. I’m getting that you do want to proceed with your life, but you just feel so stuck and you may feel uncertain of how you can move on with your life. Pile 2, I think with time though, you will for sure be able to expand your life, including your thoughts and actions with love. I think eventually you’ll be able to walk away from the uncertainty or loss you’ve had and begin to have many love opportunities given to you.
When love comes in for you next, I believe that you will still be in your feelings of sadness and loss of something you once loved or cared for. You will be at a time where you feel very unstable with your life and emotions. I think you’ll also be battling with yourself mentally. I think you really want to get rid of these feelings of emptiness, but your mind is still struggling to have positive thoughts to let you be happy. I do think that when this next person in love comes into your life, they will bring you lots of stability, respect, and admiration that you did not have before. It is amazing here that you once were in a place with the 5 of cups, feelings of sadness and emptiness, but with this next love, it will offer you the King of Cups, which is lots of stability and emotional fulfillment. I think this next love in your life will also teach you to be more confident in yourself and you will gain clarity in terms of your romantic life. I think with this next person, they will offer you a very emotional connection too. A connection, I would say like soulmates. There will be a lot of passion and sparks between the two of you, I’m hearing laughter in your conversations. The type of love where you playfully run in their arms to spin you around, or vice versa. I think that the point of your union with this person is for you to experience a love that you have never received before, while also helping you to love yourself and build you stronger than ever before. Your next love really uplifts you to find yourself I would say. I believe that in the early stages of your connection with this person, your connection will develop very slowly, and because of this, you will feel like they might be playing you, not serious with you, or just don’t feel for you like you do for them. It will make you feel worried or upset, but Pile 2, I just want to say that they certainly do feel for you. They do take you seriously, and after these early stages, you and your next person in love will have a very young, free flowing, and innocent type of love. I think this love will also heal your inner child. Your union together is to make you both stronger as individuals and learn about the opportunities in life. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 3
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(King of Wands, Five of Swords, The Moon, Temperance, The Chariot, The Hermit, Strength, Wisdom, Passion, & It Is Safe For You To Love)
Hi, Pile 3, welcome to your reading! ♡
I think you have recently overcome lots of obstacles or you’ve gone through some sudden unexpected change. Maybe this is a separation from an ex partner or person of interest. You may have had many sleepless nights worried about whatever situation that put you through anxiety or stress, but I believe that right now, you are in your power regarding love, education, career, money, and success. I think that the situations that you have gone through have left you no choice but to change yourself and proceed in your life in order for you to be happy. Perhaps right now you are picking up a new hobby, or trying to advance in a hobby. Maybe you are creating a small business or picking up a new side hustle. Maybe you are excelling in your classes much more than before. Your passion to succeed in life is dramatically increasing right now, and I just want to say Pile 3, although you don’t see it, with the adversity you go through, there are success, love, and wish fulfillment growing to life for you. Keep going my pile 3! You are in your power!
I think when love comes next into your life, I think you’re going to be a bit skeptical and in your head about it. I think when love is offered to you, you’ll think to yourself “Really? Why me?” It’s kind of like, you don’t really expect love to come your way because you’re not used to it, or love hasn’t did you well in the past. With this pile, Pile 3, I am hearing “Trust issues.” You may have this, just take what resonates. I think when love comes into your life, you’ll be afraid to open up to this person due to not wanting to get hurt. Maybe it takes awhile for you to trust someone and get comfortable with them for you to open up. You are most likely guarded. I think when love is offered to you next, you have probably been so much in your independence that you may hesitate to accept love. Eventually, you’ll let this fear subside though and you’ll begin to open up because you’ll feel intense passion with this next person in love. I think in the early stages of your situationship or relationship with them, you’ll realize that there is equal interest between the both of you, and that will help you open up much more. If you ever had to experience unrequited love, this next love coming towards you will be the complete opposite. This next person feels the chemistry and desire with you, and vice versa. They also have extreme loyalty and devotion to you. You’ll have a lot to talk about with this person. There are lots of texting, calling, and communication here in the courting stage. This next love will also offer you lots of traveling and lots of freedom as well. Lots of trips together, definitely. You may open up to this person slowly, but surely, you will feel comfortable with them in the end. Ultimately, this next love offer will help you gain inner strength, and let you know that it is okay to let love in and trust people with your heart. I think you’ll learn to love and enjoy having someone as company more than before, even if you are always used to being in solitude. I think you and this next person will have a lot in common in terms of your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing together. You’ll feel really safe with what’s coming towards you in love, Pile 3. Just remember that you are capable and worthy of a true, loyal, and healthy love. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 4
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(King of Cups, Three of Wands, The Lovers, King of Wands, Death, Six of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Love, Blowing Kiss, Chariot, & Retreat)
Hi, Pile 4, welcome to your reading. ♡
I think right now in your life, you may have a person of interest, or someone in mind that you are attracted to and still debating if they are the one for you. I keep getting this energy in your reading that you definitely have someone, or you have your eyes on someone. If this isn’t the case, then I think there are other people who have their eyes on you and are interested in you, and they’ll be coming in pretty soon. I do think you are generally a more emotional human being though. Perhaps, you are a hopeless romantic. I also think that you do want to take your situation with this person to the next level. I’m thinking maybe you’d like to get to know them more, see them more, or go on more dates with them. For others who don’t have a person, I’m getting the feeling that you are very ready to let love come into your life right now. Maybe you are even seeking for romance right now. Pile 4, but I just want to say that your love life is really transforming right now, even if you don’t see it. I really feel like romance for you is close by.
When love comes next into your life, I think you’ll be super ready for it. Of course, if you already have someone in mind, you’ll be happy that you’re finally taking things to the next level with them. Again, I’m really feeling that what’s coming next in love for you is on the horizon. I think you’ll be planning a lot with this person. Maybe you will plan out the different types of dates you will go on, or maybe you will strategize ways to see them in real life just to talk to them. They will do the same. I’m getting that you’re actually super into them. There’s going to be a lot of talking between the two of you, and I’m getting that your affection for them is returned back to you. If you have already been texting, calling, or communicating with them, just know that your conversations are getting deeper and moving to the next level. It’s such a sweet love to start with. It’s like the beginning or courting stage will be filled with butterflies and nervousness because you both like each other a lot. I think that this next love coming towards you has to offer you a lot of expansion and growth in your love life. I think you’ll both take initiative and up lift each other in your relationship. There is so much giving and receiving here in your relationship with them. Maybe they might pay for a date, and later on, you’ll give them a gift, or maybe they’ll make you a special breakfast in the morning and then in the evening, you’ll surprise them with a homecooked dinner date. It’s things like this that I’m getting for you two. Love is returned here in this relationship. I also think, of course, you’ll no longer feel that intense feeling in your chest of “Oh do they like me like I like them? Will we ever be together?” like you once did before. By then, you would absolutely know that they feel a lot for you. Another thing I am getting with your reading is that this is the type of love where it feels like you are always in the honeymoon stage with them. You both are just so lovey dovey with each other, and the love won’t stop! With what’s coming next in love, there will be lots of giving and receiving as said before. You’ll receive this love that is reciprocated in all ways, and I think your mind and heart will be at ease when you are with this person. You’ll finally be able to get good night rests with what’s coming in for you. I think you’ll definitely think that this person was worth waiting for Pile 4. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year
Pick-A-Pile: First Impressions: What will be your initial reaction upon meeting your Future Spouse?
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
✨ Visit my shops at Ko-fi.com or J.Goddess Tarot✨
🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: The Empress, 10 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, 9 of Cups, and 10 of Cups
Oracle Cards: Pink Opal: Be Kind to Yourself; Apatite: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone; Calling In Your Soul Mate: Your prayers, affirmations and visualizations help bring you together.
Welcome, my seductive Pile 1's. Let’s delve into the intoxicating allure of your tarot spread, beckoning with passion and mysteries. First up is The Empress, dripping with sensuality, fertility, and undeniable beauty. The moment your eyes meet your future spouse's, expect a rush of electrifying chemistry, a sensation that envelopes you in heated familiarity. Their aura will caress your senses, making you feel desired and adored, like the rare gem that you are.
Sliding into the 10 of Pentacles, this card exudes the tantalizing scent of wealth, legacy, and commitment. Your future lover promises to be an anchor, established and opulent, someone who fervently cherishes family and long-term visions. The Ace of Pentacles accentuates this, whispering of thrilling financial adventures or career escapades. Meeting this bewitching partner may not just be an emotional whirlwind, but also a luscious twist in your wealth or professional trajectory.
Ah, the 10 of Wands, sensuously hinting at burdens and enticing challenges. But fret not, my tantalizing Pile 1’s, for this just portrays your future lover as one who passionately embraces hard work and seductively shoulders responsibilities. The 9 of Cups, draped in satisfaction and deep contentment, assures you that your early dalliances with this person will leave you thirsting for more, drowning in emotional ecstasy.
Now, as the 10 of Cups dances forth, it speaks of euphoria, serenity, and intimate bonds. This card seductively hints that your initial rendezvous will be bathed in intense joy and pleasure, signifying an everlasting passionate bond. From the oracle realm, the Pink Opal card sensuously beckons you to treat yourself with the tenderness you deserve, while the Apatite card tempts you to venture beyond familiar territories.
Our concluding oracle whisper, "Calling In Your Soul Mate," is a sultry testament to your deep desires and powerful visualizations. Your yearnings, sultry affirmations, and vivid daydreams are crafting the path to your destined lover. So, remain sultry, persist with those enticing affirmations, and prepare to embrace the passion coming your way.
In the end, the cards paint a portrait of an intoxicating, immediate connection with your future lover, guaranteeing stability and unbridled happiness. They invite you to embark on this amorous journey with a fearless heart, daring you to step out and believe fervently in the potency of your desires. Exquisite romance is en route to you. Relish the journey, my seductive Pile 1’s, and anticipate the electrifying embrace of your true love.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 6 of Wands, The Emperor, The Star, Queen of Wands (in reverse), 6 of Cups (in reverse)
Oracle Cards: Angelite: Support is all around you, Labradorite: See the Magic, Heart-to-Heart Conversations: Honestly discuss your feelings with each other
Greetings, my luscious Pile 2's. Prepare yourself to be swept off your feet as we dive into a tantalizing journey, revealing the seductive first impressions you'll experience upon laying eyes on your destined love. The cards we hold are infused with an intensely powerful and magnetic attraction, so let's take a daring dip into their mysteries.
Setting the rhythm for our dance is the 6 of Wands, which signifies recognition and triumph. From the instant you cross paths with your future spouse, you'll be consumed by an invigorating wave of pride. It's as if you've been suddenly thrust into a sultry spotlight, and they are your most passionate admirer, hypnotized by your every move. It's victorious, empowering, and undeniably electrifying.
Next, we're drawn into the commanding realm of The Emperor. My Pile 2's, there's an irresistible magnetic force here. You’ll perceive them as a powerful figure who radiates confidence and stability—a dominating presence who knows their desires and is not hesitant to seize them. This potent energy will be both daunting and enticing, like being drawn into the rhythm of a fiery tango.
Twinkling enticingly, The Star is up next. A symbol of hope, calm, and inspiration, this card suggests that your heart will acknowledge a profound, spiritual bond, almost as if fate is whispering intimate secrets of the cosmos into your soul. Their mere presence will ignite hope and illuminate the shadowy recesses of your heart.
Nonetheless, every captivating tale has its unforeseen twists. The Queen of Wands in reverse hints at an initial stir of intimidation or a fleeting lapse in your confidence in your own allure. Coupled with the 6 of Cups reversed, there may be feelings of disconnection or unfamiliarity, as if you're stepping into a completely new chapter, disconnected from past loves or youthful memories.
Our oracle guides chime in to paint the emotional backdrop. Angelite assures you that even in these moments of doubt, celestial energies wrap you in their comforting embrace, persuading you to trust the journey. Labradorite seductively entices you to recognize the magic in each moment, hinting that beneath every interaction, layers of enchantment are ready to be unraveled. Heart-to-Heart Conversations promises that the key to deciphering this riddle lies in open, naked dialogue. Speaking your truth and listening to theirs will embroider the rich tapestry of your shared destiny.
In conclusion, my enticing Pile 2's, your first rendezvous with your future spouse will be a maelstrom of commanding allure, hope, minor hesitations, and the promise of deeper connections. Embrace this journey, let candid conversations illuminate your path, and remember that amidst uncertainties, magic and celestial support are constants. The cards are whispering an epic love story where your blended energies ignite the world. So, brace yourself, for this journey promises to be nothing short of thrilling.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 8 of Wands, Ace of Cups, Knight of Cups, 5 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles
Oracle Cards: Amazonite: Loosen Your Grip, Aventurine: Create Your Own Luck, Flirt: Extend your lighthearted energy to others
Greetings, my captivating Pile 3's. Your tarot journey begins with the swift and energetic 8 of Wands. Upon meeting your future spouse, your world will burst open with vibrant energy and a rapid progression of events. Think about the fireworks that ignite the dark, starlit sky with their brilliance. That's your connection; immediate, dynamic, and impossible to ignore.
Next, the Ace of Cups overflows with pure emotion and the promise of new beginnings. This radiant cup is the vessel carrying your initial reaction. It's so intense; your emotions are genuine and deep, brimming with potential for an extraordinary love story. You feel as if you've found someone who can touch and understand the deepest parts of your heart.
Then, the Knight of Cups rides in, symbolizing your future spouse. This knight is an embodiment of charm, romance, and gentle emotions. Your heart will flutter in response to their tender gestures, their soothing words, and above all, their captivating aura of mystery. Every interaction with them feels like a beautifully composed melody that you can't stop humming.
However, the 5 of Cups suggests that amid the excitement and wonder, there will be a tinge of sadness or regret. Perhaps memories of past heartbreaks will resurface, or you may sense a melancholic undertone in your spouse's smiles. Remember, my Pile 3's, these emotional landscapes only enrich your shared narrative, adding depth and authenticity.
The 3 of Pentacles, a card of teamwork and shared goals, reinforces this idea. Together, you will build a nurturing, supportive environment. Your shared dreams and aspirations will become the solid bricks that construct your future.
The Oracle cards amplify the tarot's message. Amazonite urges you to 'Loosen Your Grip.' Allow yourself to be carried away by this whirlwind romance. Aventurine encourages you to 'Create Your Own Luck.' Own your narrative and infuse it with your unique charm and flair. Lastly, the 'Flirt' card suggests extending your lighthearted energy to others. So, enjoy those initial, fluttery moments of getting to know each other.
In conclusion, my dazzling Pile 3's, your first encounter with your future spouse will be a vibrant dance of emotions, a mix of thrill, deep affection, gentle melancholy, and the promise of shared dreams. Remember, every unique thread adds to the intricate tapestry of your love story. So, embrace each moment with open arms and hearts, for they will lead to love as deep as the ocean, as enduring as the mountains.
Other Resources:
Website: https://www.jgoddesstarot.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/JGoddessTarot
Tumblr Subscription: https://www.tumblr.com/jgoddesstarot/support
Exclusive Readings Subscription on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jgoddesstarot/tiers
Continual Improvement Survey: https://forms.gle/MYnBds9oZUHJ7VWa8
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ethereal-maia · 3 months
∘𓈒⚬⋆ 𖢥 ⋆⚬𓈒∘ Maia’s Bug Bash ∘𓈒⚬⋆ 𖢥⋆⚬𓈒∘
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Thanks so much for being with me on tumblr you guys!! I somehow accumulated 140 of you, so I’m throwing a bug party!! Send me one of the following and I’ll answer it as soon as I can!! You can send me as many as you like!! 💛💥✨
🐞: i will draw something for you (please specify what!!)
🐛 : i will make you a moodboard
🐌 :i will pull a bad pickup line on you
🪰 : i will tell you a character/characters you remind me of
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Click here for my intro post <3
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Mutuals tagged under the cut!!🐞ྀི
🔎 𓆣 𓆧 𓆦 𓆤 𓆨
@ace-of-geeks @bumblingest-bee @bbredit @bookns @ch3rry-t0mat0 @crowleybrekkers @fictional-stegosaurus @frostedforestfairy @gotosleepsydney @grayblebayble @happy-turtle48 @iselenepani @ilyabrums @imperpetuallylost @lost-in-reveriie @trying-to-be-cool-abt-it @noahkahansorangejuice @oddlyspecificquestion @ozshenanigans @potentialbadasselectrician @pealeii @pattilee @rissipluto @theladyofpaintedstars @tru-blubelle @crying-in-converse @itsciaramarie17 @glrlafraid @5ducksinatrenchcoat @lychnvs @therealkaidertrash21 @a-beautiful-fool @blythexparker @reptiles-of-the-mind @stxr-thxif @daydream-of-a-wallflower @my-lady-macbeth @sorynwrites @glcive @loveisaseriousmentaldisease @thegirlivealwaysbeen @svnflowermoon @waitingforthesunrise @long-suffering-little-spoon @plansweedmade @hamliza-trash @derrypubliclibrary @hey-look-at-the-stars @mildew-dread-mold @recklessandyoung 💛💛💛
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book-girl4evaaa · 8 months
☄ Girl go ahead let your hair down ☄
- I've reached my daily post limit apparently so I can't post anymore today 😕
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"Music just does things to people"
- Riyani
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"somewhere only we know"
01:57 ━━━━●───── 02:39ㅤ ㅤ
◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
I was twinning with turtle but she deactivated :(
First of all rp blogs so you know who I am 😭 @ask-the-great-heather-chandler @athenas-weirdo-daughter
@ book-girl4eva -> @ book-girl4evaaa
{ is it just me or is this looking aesthetic as heck? }
Call me Bea or Eva (I like Bea better tho) ⸙ minor ⸙ libra ⸙ geeky ⸙ Athena Cabin ⸙ overuses the ✨ emoji ⸙ book lover ⸙ bilingual, biracial, biromantic bish ⸙ ace most likely ⸙ free Palestine ⸙ British, unfortunately (🥄) ⸙ major Gracie Abrams fan ⸙ Infp-t personality ⸙ ambivert ⸙ African pride ⸙ theatre kid ⸙pepper soup enthusiast ⸙ writer ⸙ artist ⸙ religion is.... complicated but leaning towards agnostic⸙ singer (sort of) ⸙nerd ⸙dancer ⸙ fangirl ⸙sport-lover ⸙ daydreamer ⸙ hopeless romantic ⸙ future designer ⸙ glasses gang ⸙ arsonists ⸙ tag me in poetry! ⸙ green, blue and purple>>> ⸙ chaotic good ⸙ in a world of heathers be a Veronica ⸙
I'm always ready to make new friends (no creeps, please) so please talk to me!
Dislikes/Dni: Zionists ☄ creeps ☄ misogynists ☄ sexists ☄ racists ☄ homophobes ☄ transphobes ☄ bigots of any kind ☄ eating mushrooms ☄ geography ☄ mean people ☄ Monday mornings
Gracie! 👏 Abrams! 👏 on! 👏 top! 👏
☄ maybe you'll loose but at least you'd have loved, maybe you'll fear but at least you'd have flew ☄
Nicknames: Beatrice (by Turtle I miss her :() Beanie (by Shree) Belle (by Tina) Bee (by Myna and Fishy) Bea Bee (by Loife) Bumble Bee (by Ife mi <3333 (archivist)) Bear (by Kitcat) Beezus (by Riyana)
If you need someone to blurt random facts, then I'm your girl! Feel free to give me nicknames and chat about random stuff :)
Also, send me asks, please :)
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Fandoms I'm active in: Pjo, Tpq, Kotlc, Gilded, Hamilton, Amari and the night brothers, the hunger games, six of crows, the folk of the air, heathersssssssssssssssss and many more!
I can speak English, yr 8 level Spanish, tiny bits of Hindi and a few insults in yuroba
DNI if you are: a Zionist, a creep, a misogynist, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or just mean/disrespectful.
personal tags: #all abt bea - random posts and my life, unlikely to show up all that much #bea answered - answering an ask :) #bea writes <3 - self explanatory #bea updates - shitposting
☄ Maybe they'd be less broken if you let them heal ☄
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Side blogs:
@book-girlswhispers (idk Im just vibey and writey on there)
@step-into-my-candystore (my heathers/musical blog)
@she-used-to-bea-mine (my vent blog)
So have a good day, be kind, and love yourself<333
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This blog supports Palestine
If you don't, please leave me alone :)
Don't forget your daily clicks!
Byeee! <333
Dividers and pfp from Pinterest Pinterest
I hope you enjoyed my ✨ extremely aesthetic ✨ intro post!
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bridgetoesoteria · 8 months
✨Toxicity✨: What would have happened if you stayed?
Helloo. So this is going to be for anyone who feels in two minds about their decision to walk away from a situation.
Sorry in advance, the piles are so long! I really meant to be more succinct. So, grab a snack or break up the reading ahah 😅.
This can be used for any kind of situation: professional, romantic, platonic, etc. Options are left to right. Hope it resonates :)
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For the collective: P.S.I took time out to do a guided meditation to connect with my intuition. So some of you may benefit from that. Some personal messages came through for me as well. So your guides probably want to connect with you too. I used a guided meditation on YouTube but feel free to do whatever resonates best with you.
Without further ado 🙇‍♀️🎩 ...
Pile 1
**TW: Substance Abuse**Off the bat: So before I even really began the reading, I was channeling Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's. So idk if that is relevant somehow. I was thinking of a lot of early 2000s songs. I feel very eager and excited. So maybe some of you left home behind to chase your dreams in someway. So, every win is a little bittersweet. Honestly, its such a vibe rn. I'm feeling chill, room is dimly lit, there's thin swirls of smoke coming from the burning sage...
4-card spread: Ace of Disks, The High Priestess, Prince of Cups, 7 of Disks. Bottom of Deck is Knight of Wands.
So, for context I'm using The Urban Tarot Deck. I feel like the imagery really helps with this pile. Its a Thoth inspired deck so the names for the cards are a little different. I read Knights as Kings and Princes as Knights.
All right, so right away I feel kind of confined. I don't think you would have had a horrible life or situation but it would not have been all that you needed. You would continue secretly dreaming of the life that you truly want. Whatever that means to you. I say this because the woman on the high priestess card looks very dreamy. Like she stole away and ran herself a bath just to have a few moments of solitude. But with the "knight of cups" right next to her--which is another card that can signify illusions, fantasies, daydreaming--it feels like she's dreaming of what could have been. And what could still be!
I always read this knight of cups as an amateur filmmaker. Someone just starting out, perhaps a little pretentious, but their intentions are in the right place. The fact that its a card that isn't fully mature, like a king of cups for instance, makes it seem tangible. So the woman isn't jumping to the ultimate end goal, but what could reasonably happen. This dream just lives in her head. Something she keeps for herself.
This is supported by the ace of disks (pentacles) and the 7 of disks. The 7 of pentacles can show patience as you wait on your investments or considering whether you invest or not. Aces are new starts. So, you would still be thinking about whatever alternative option you rejected to stay. Maybe you would know its still on the table and that's why you toy with the idea as a contingency plan. You know your growth is being stunted. Honestly for this group I think you were meant to leave. I don't think you would ever have been able to throw away this opportunity.
The king of wands is passionate and action oriented. This is how you would yearn to be. An energy like this cannot be contained. For some of you this may be referring to leaving a family dynamic or hometown behind. Right under the king is the 8 of cups reversed. With the imagery, I'm getting substance abuse problems. Maybe its common where you're from, alcoholism in particular. With it reversed, I think you would want to cut ties once and for all. Like just ghost friends, cousins, maybe even a partner. Like its the sort of thing where there may be all this lore associated with your name back home.
You will see what you could turn out like and decide to just go. For some this could relate to a job too. Maybe you see how the job consumes people around you, people lose relationships, some may get depressed, start drinking. You might have "noped" out of that and decided to carve your own path.
For those resonating with more of a family dynamic, I think you might experience some kind of loss. The kind of loss that acts as the straw that breaks the camel's back. Like I'm hearing "well, if Granny G/GG ain't here anymore, wtf am I doing here?" For others you could experience some kind of deep betrayal like a cheating spouse, a backstabbing best friend. And it will just make you go "fuck it" and choose yourself. You might not even be about all that lovey-dovey crap anyway.
Oracle Message: The oracle cards basically repeated the same message: Imposter Syndrome, Forever a Phoenix, and Emergence. Its literally what I- like look at this: "Sometimes you can't save it. Sometimes you have to take what's left and what lessons you have learned and simply just watch the rest burn to the ground." (Forever a Phoenix) The message of feeling confined comes up as well. The emergence card depicts a butterfly woman emerging from her cocoon. It's giving...I REST MY CASE.
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Pile 2
Off the bat: A lot of you could be watching for an academic or professional situations. It reminds me of when I had to choose another school over my first choice. In hindsight, that was the best decision I could have made. I now can truly understand the saying "thank god for unanswered prayers." A move could be significant in someway so maybe some of you relocated or chose to stay where you are.
4-card spread: 9 of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Moon, The Hanged Man. Bottom of deck is The Fool.
I immediately started to feel a lot of anxiety. My chest feels kind of tight. If you hadn't left maybe you would have dealt with a lot of anxiety or panic attacks. I feel like the environment would have been stifling. A lot of major arcanas in a spread can sometimes signify stability or a lack of change. So if you are watching for a professional situation (academic counts too), you might not have progressed. This could look like never being given promotions. For others I am getting a combo of work and school like a dance academy or something. In a situation like this may always skip over you when it comes time for assigning solos. There is also a lot of romantic energy coming through but please consider how it resonates for your situation.
I also think something about remaining in whatever this is, would have caused you to doubt yourself. The moon and the wheel of fortune side by side could hint at emotional or mental instability. While I do read the wheel as a positive card, because it is something that is always turning, it can also represent a certain predictable unpredictability. The 9 of wands reinforces the message about being on guard. I think it would have been really exhausting to keep up with this toxicity indefinitely.
If this represents a romantic "third party" situation, the affair would have continued in the same way it was going. This applies regardless of which side of the third party you fall on. So if you were in a relationship with the person already, they would keep cheating. Or you would never be able to relax because you'd always be waiting for the next shoe to drop. Always on the look out for signs they're back to their old ways and never fully being able to trust them. No relationship can thrive in the those circumstances. So it would leave you frozen in this state of constant misery.
For others, if you resonate with being the person they snuck around with or if you were one of the many people they were entertaining, they would have kept that up, unfortunately. You would probably get resentful eventually. You may not even get any kind of title that would hint at some kind of significance to your relationship. They would not show the kind of effort that makes you go, "wow, they really value me and want to make this connection work". Nope, with the wheel and the fool. They would want to continue popping in and out with no thought to how it could throw you off balance. They could ghost. Your self-esteem and ability to ground yourself would really suffer.
This could also apply for situations where cheating wasn't the issue or at least it wasn't the only one. If the other person was rude, or controlling, or just awful, that would have continued. It would be you giving up parts of yourself and your peace to keep things afloat. They would still poster like they are "self-made" and like they're a great person.
Oracle Message: I haven't pulled anything yet but some of you may benefit from meditating. If this is something you have been practicing and wonder if there's any point, there is but the benefits are cumulative. So, you have to stick with it. Same with therapy, fitness journeys, or health journeys. Any kind of self-care. You just gotta be consistent. I am pulling from my affirmation cards deck. I'm going to insert a pic. "Today I am responsible" and "today I am at peace" came out together. My intentions were to read these cards as if they came out reversed. So with that in mind, you would have continued being in a lot drama and back and forth. The situation would be detrimental to your mental health and possibly physical health. Think a partner or friend that uses substances and so it makes it easier for you to get into. You might not get as much joy out of life and work would be unfulfilling. Overall, you would not experience much growth as a person.
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Pile 3
Off the bat: I am getting more relationship and love energy. But if you are here for something nonromantic, just change the love stuff to fit your situation. Many of you are here for friends or significant others. For some of you, this reading may not be "that deep." Like perhaps this is just a crush that you moved on from and you're wondering what could have happened with them. Others you might have left a party and you're trying to quash the feelings of FOMO lol. Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls could be significant for some reason.
4-card spread: 10 of Swords, Ten of Cups, Ace of Swords, King of Pentacles. Bottom of deck is 4 of Cups.
I just want to note that the king of pentacles came out sideways. So if there is a flakey or unreliable person in this situation, they would have let you down. So for some resonating with a party or a gathering, if you wanted to stay because a friend or a crush was there, they might have ended up ditching you anyway. You could have stayed and realized this person was not even available, so perhaps they came with someone else. You might have just ended up bored, in your feelings, and way too drunk.
Next, if this was someone that was breadcrumbing you or kind of one foot in, one foot out, they have the potential to really disappoint you. I say this because of the sideways king of pentacles, ten of swords, 4 of cups, and the 6 of pentacles right under the 4 of cups. So you could have ended up feeling unfulfilled emotionally or practically (e.g. quality time). This other person could be kind of cocky, especially if they have a lot of other friend or dating options.
For others of you, staying could have led to pregnancy or children in some way. So this could be a partner or spouse that you considered staying with. A few examples I am getting: Having a child with this person, staying with them and starting a family, finding out they had a child or family with someone else.
The storyline is kind of splitting at this point. Some of this could resonate or none of it, so trust your gut. There's a group of you where things would not have been that bad. This is only for people who had a decent relationship with the person. Maybe the main issue was that you both weren't mature enough or stable enough to have a baby or a super serious relationship. This pregnancy would make you two very happy and would bring you closer together. Even if you ended up co-parenting, I think it would be okay for the most part.
Now, for the other half of the storyline...it's not such a happy ending. If something told you this person was not reliable enough to have a family with, that was likely the truth. They seem like the sort of person that would seem cool to start. They would act like they are going to step up. Think coming around your family more, being present for first ultrasounds, looking at apartments with you. I do think there would still be an air of detachment though. Unfortunately, this person gives me the vibe that they would just go cold. Like they may start off seeming bored, then escalate to "no call, no show" type of behavior, culminating in them ghosting or being very hard to reach. They aren't as ready as they seem and you would be mostly on your own. Whether this means as a single parent or them letting your relationship fall apart. They could continue posting online with their friends, when you were supposed to go to an open house, or crib shopping, or having your baby shower...you get the idea.
Oracle Message: I am pulling from a non tarot deck. I will insert a picture of the cards. It would be a lot to type out in order to explain properly. 😅You could resonate with certain cards more than others. (OMG you know what I just realized. I was getting Bubbles earlier and isn't that what Summer Walker calls her baby? If you know about her and her relationship drama, that could be more confirmation.) For some of you, you could see "what could have been," reflected in one of your friend's life. Maybe they made the opposite decision than you. The cards talking about fate lead me to believe that maybe things worked out in your best interests. In hindsight, you might be able to see how you dodged a bullet. Perhaps you would have had to sacrifice your goals, boundaries, or self-love. The other person seems really messy. The first, third, and sixth card make me think that. The first card is again making me feel like they could have a group that they run with that probably isn't the best influence. Maybe they have a lot of run-ins with the law. Impulsivity and recklessness could be the norm with this person. Also, it would probably be very hard to trust this person. Specifically, it would be veryy hard to trust they will change. You could have the same conversations and just go around in circles with no results. The trust question makes me think of couples counseling and the card next to it reminds me of individual counseling. You would probably get more out of one-on-one counseling. Whatever decision you made here was the right one.
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I've been considering offering personals. I would probably put a quota on certain readings just so we are all "consuming responsibly", so to say. It would also just make me feel more a little more comfy. Boundaries were the main reason I stopped doing readings for anyone besides myself. I need to have my ducks in a row so for now it's just a thought.
Anywhoo 🦉 I've got soo many more readings planned. The last one from the poll will be a classic love reading. I will probably do another poll so keep an eye out for that! 💋
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moody-b1tch · 4 months
Keeping the tradition of bringing to the table things nobody asked for...
✨Headcanons about which NRC students have killed someone (and which would) ✨
Spoilers, violence and discussions of murder ahead.
• He's clean.
• He's clean, too. Despite the anger issues, he's a good boy.
• Clean, too.
• He's also clean.
• He would help a friend to hide a body, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone, but he might have come pretty close to it during his delinquent days.
• Just. Think about it. A regular fight that went a little too far. A guy from a rival gang's head hitting the pavement a little too hard.
• I don't think Deuce could cope with having blood on his hands, tho. So, despite the chances of shit going wrong, I think his body count is 0.
• Another good boy.
• 50/50. Life in the slums was rough. We will never know.
• If he ever killed someone, it was 100% self defense, tho.
• Okay, hear me out. That unique magic of his? That's some scary shit.
• What if he discovered it in a really, really bad way? We don't know shit.
• We also don't know shit about that scar on his eye. If Kalim, without being royalty, has to deal with constant kidnapping and murder attempts, the second prince of the Sunset Savanna...
• Honorable mention to the stampede he and Ruggie created. He could've killed someone.
• He, killing someone? That generous soul could never.
• He's not getting his hands dirty.
• That's why he has Jade and Floyd.
• Maybe?
• Funny enough, I don't think it would be intentional. Just... Accidentally taking a squeezing too far.
• Yes. 100%
• Even if we ignore the hints about Jade cannibalizing his other siblings as a baby... C'mon guys. C'MON.
• Yes. I won't elaborate.
• Okay, I will elaborate.
• If part of his "job" implies dying for Kalim... Why wouldn't he *kill* for Kalim.
• Even if he didn't want to... One of the many fucked up situation involving kidnappers or hitmans must have ended with a traumatized little Jamil covered in blood.
• I'm 80% sure he has killed at least one person (and his memory probably suppressed it).
• It was probably an accident, tho. Pushing one kidnapper from a high place, a panicked outburst of magic...
• And, even if he was unable to intentionally kill to save himself... He 100% would kill for Jamil.
• No.
• He *wishes* we saw him like that, tho.
• Yes.
• No, I won't elaborate.
• What? I said I won't elaborate. I'm not a liar.
• He's clean.
• He 100% would've killed Neige if he hadn't been stopped.
• That was just blot poisoning, tho. Usually he would just daydream about it.
• He would say "yes", blaming himself for Ortho's death.
• Me, his parents, Ortho, Ortho 2.0 and his online bestie would say that's bullshit, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone (yet) only because everyone around him baby sits him. And, well, divine intervention too, I guess.
• But he will. Some day. Is just a matter of time.
• Fr, slandering Idia in front of this kid is like playing Russian roulette.
Sebek & Silver
• I'm putting them together because they're in a similar situation.
• They're good kids with big hearts, but they're training to be Malleus guards.
• The situation with Malleus is extremely different from Leona or Kalim. But he's still royalty.
• So, if they have to, they will kill to protect Malleus. Or a loved one.
• It would fuck them up badly, tho :)
• He was a war general. He probably can't remember all the faces of the people he has killed.
• Still, I don't agree with the "daddy war crimes" headcanon.
• After experiencing all that violence, he is more self conscious about the value of a life.
• But he would 100% kill for his loved ones.
• The concept of an entity stuck with the emotional maturity of a child, and then a teenager for CENTURIES, with inmensurable magic power, is terrifying. Add to that the lack of constant parental figures? Is a recipe for disaster.
• So, yeah, he has probably accidentally killed a few while throwing a tantrum. Multiple times. Freezing the castle, floating the land, hitting someone with lightning...
• Also, I think he would intentionally kill someone if they fucked with Malleus loved ones. Or at least curse them.
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onmysluttyknees · 6 months
Stockholm's Syndrome
Chapter 4
Pairing: Dave York x female reader.
Rating: E 18+ (minors dni). This is for mature audience only! By continuing reading you agree that you are over 18.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning! This is a fic about Dave York. Dave York comes with his own warning so do not say I didn't warn you. ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Words: about 2K
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Masterlist ✨
Dave had texted you the night of your birthday party, as he said he would. And over the last few days, you had texted each other every now and then. Mostly him asking what you were doing, though you were sure he somehow knew exactly what you were up to, almost at all hours of the day. Or you asked how his day was going and or if he wanted to stop by later that night. Most nights, he would stop by, either for a quick fuck but sometimes he would fuck you slowly and for hours. Learning what made you moan and what made you scream out his name louder than you had before. And he loved to make you scream; it seemed to only spur him on and fuck you harder and faster, or slower and deeper. Not that you were complaining. He always left you satiated and tired. But he did always leave. He never stayed the night. And you were too chicken shit to ask him to. Because hearing him say no would probably hurt more than him leaving after he had fucked you senseless.
Yet again, it had been a few days since you had seen Dave; he had said he would be going away for a few days, but that didn't stop you from missing him. You missed him more than you should have. You had tried not to fall for him; you really had. But it had been futile to resist. He consumed your every waking hour. You found yourself daydreaming about him on numerous occasions.
Even as you were walking down the aisles of the grocery store, you thought about what it would be like to be walking next to him, picking out items to put in the basket for you to go home together and cook a meal before devouring each other afterwards. Against your better judgment, you pulled out your phone and sent him a quick text. It couldn’t hurt now, could it?
When will you be back?
A low buzzing sound sounded out from an aisle or two behind you. And for a split second, you hoped he was there at the store, but you shook your head as if to clear that silly thought out of your mind. He wasn't here; why would he be here? Your phone pinged, and you scrambled to open the text message, hoping it was from Dave.
Sooner than you think. Be patient.
A big smile spread across your lips as you read the text over and over. Your only thought was, how soon was soon? But you refrained from sending another text asking just that question and put the phone back in your purse as you walked into the next aisle.
Stopping in front of the shampoo section, you couldn't reach the higher shelf where your favorite shampoo was. It never failed to surprise you why they insisted on putting it so goddamn high up! It wasn’t like you were abnormally short. You were 5 feet, 3 inches. That wasn’t short. But they insisted on stocking some of your most parched items on the highest shelves. And it never ceased to annoy the living hell out of you. You were just about to give up or maybe even climb the shelf when you felt a presence behind you, but you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. You already knew exactly who was standing behind you. He moved closer until he was flushed up against your back, his cologne wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, and you leaned back onto him as his hands snaked their way around your waist. His hard cock pressed against your ass. And a smile spread across your lips just at the thought of him getting hard at the sight of your back. Sure, the short sundress you had on probably helped—probably not a dress to be going shopping in at this time of the day—but it had been another excruciatingly hot day, and even wearing only this, sweat still coated your skin. The only slight reprieve from the heat was being in the AC-controlled store.
“Did you miss me?” He asked, his voice low, and his breath fanned over my neck and left side of my face as he leaned in and planted a soft kiss just below my ear. He groaned in your ear and pushed himself harder into you. Letting you feel his hard cock pressing into you. A soft moan slipped from your lips.
“Yes,” you said, already breathless and your breathing becoming labored. Just having him close to you again, you sighed a breath of relief. ”What are you doing here?” You asked and turned your head slightly to look at him over your shoulder.
“I had to see you. I just got back into town. Now be a good girl and don’t move.” One of his hands slid from your waist down to your thigh. The store wasn’t that crowded, but there were still some people walking up and down the aisles. You wondered if you should tell him to stop. But the idea of getting caught—the idea of him taking you right then and there—was too thrilling to refuse. Not that you were sure you even had it in you to refuse him. If this was what he wanted, then this was what he would get.
 You spread your legs slightly as his hand moved up your thigh, closer to your aching core. Where you needed his touch the most. His finger grazed over your clothed pussy, and he pressed down on your clit, causing a moan to escape your lips.
“We don’t want to attract any attention and get kicked out before I’ve made you cum, now do we?” He asked, his lips closed to your ear, and his teeth grazed gently along your ear. Goosebumps erupted all over your skin at the sound of his voice and the way his fingers kept sliding up and down your pussy. You could feel the wetness growing on your panties as your slick began to trickle out of you. He had you turned on and wet beyond normal within mere seconds.
“No. I’ll be good. I promise.” You vowed. Sliding your panties to the side, he let one finger slide in between your wet lips.
“Already so wet. Fuck, this turns you on, doesn’t it? You want me to fuck you here in this store right now, don’t you? His voice was low and almost threatening, but it was like music to your ears. That was exactly what you wanted. What you needed. You needed to feel him inside of you now. You didn't want to wait until you got back to your apartment, or fuck even out to his car if he had it parked out back. You needed him to take you here now, with the risk of getting caught only spurring you on.
“Yes, please, Dave, fuck me here, now,” you pleaded with him. Begged him to give you what you so desperately needed.
“You’re so goddamn filthy and depraved, and I fucking love it. Bend over and show me that sweet ass of yours, and I'll bury my cock in your deliciously tight pussy.” Without any protest, you did as he asked, bending over slightly and pushing your ass out and into his now rock-hard cock that was pressing against his lacks.
As one hand kept sliding up and down your slit and every now and then pressed against your throbbing clit, his other hand left your waist and you heard the telltale sound of a zipper being unzipped before he lined himself up with your hole and pushed all the way inside in one slow thrust.
You gripped the shelf in front of you for support as he began to move in and out while his fingers still pressed and circled your clit. The tightness within began to build fast. And you knew he would have you cum within mere moments.
“Say my name,” he demanded, his voice strained from thrusting into you hard and slow and from him holding back. “Tell me who makes you feel this good.”
“You, oh fuck. You Dave, only you,” and that was the truth. Ever since your first encounter, you hadn’t even looked at another man and found them attractive. All you ever thought about was Dave. How he knew just how to make you melt into putty in his hands. How he managed to make you do things you had secretly always wanted to do but had always been too afraid to ask for with any previous partner. He just knew what you wanted and needed without you having to ask.
“Fuck, your sweet pussy is squeezing me so damn tight. I’m going to need you to cum. I won’t last long.” His hot breath on your neck as he kept thrusting into you in slow and hard thrusts was like throwing gasoline on an already smoldering fire. “Cum for me, baby.”
That last sentence—him calling you baby and him pressing down while circling your clit is what finally sent you. The rush of sensation hit you hard and fast as you came. You bit down on your lower lip to keep from screaming out his name. Though you were sure he would have loved that. You, however, would have never been able to show your face at this store again, and it was the one closest to your apartment.
“Fuuuck!” He gasped and pushed as deep into you as he could, and then he came too. Pouring himself into you. His cock twitched a few times before he stilled, and he leaned his head against your shoulder as he breathed slowly. “You will be the death of me.”
He pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants after he had repositioned your panties back into place. You turned around to finally look at him.
“Me? You are the one who snuck up on me while I was just minding my business, shopping,” you said, smiling sweetly at him. “How is it that you knew exactly where I was, by the way?"
“I may have put in a tracker on your phone,” he confessed. He looked you up and down before meeting your eyes. You didn’t care that he had done that; to be honest, the moment you realized he was behind you, that had been your first thought—that he may have actually been spying on you and keeping track of you. And you found it cute in a sick and twisted way. But then again, nothing about whatever this was that you had with Dave was normal by any measure.
“Hmm… I thought you might have.”
“You’re not pissed?” He asked and looked at you, almost shocked. Like he had expected you to lose your marbles when you found out.
“Nope, and just so you know, I found the cameras in my apartment too, and no, I’m not mad about them either. I find it kind of endearing that you went through all that trouble just so that you could keep an eye on me.” You wanted him to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did not care or were mad at him about it all. No matter how messed up it all was or how you two had stumbled upon each other, you were glad you had.
“Wow, you’re almost as fucked up as me, aren’t you?"
“Almost,” you agreed.
He grabbed your hand and started to pull out towards the exit.
“But my groceries!” You called out.
“Fuck the groceries. You can come back tomorrow and finish your shopping. I’m taking you out to dinner, then we’re going back to your place, where I tend to have my desert in  private."He smirked at you as he looked behind him to see your reaction. A big smile grew on your lips as he continued to pull you by your hand out of the store and over to where his car was parked.
When he reached his car, he walked with you over to the passenger side and opened the door for you.
“Such a gentle man,” you mocked, but not in a mean way. In a playful way. Because the first time he put you in his car, you had been unconscious. And you were almost sure he had put you in the trunk that night.
"Oh, I most definitely am not, most of the time. But for you, I am willing to make an exception,” he replied with that half smirk upon his lips that sent a shiver down your spine and had your body humming again. Desperate and wanting for more and anything this man would give you. And now he wanted to take you out for dinner. But after that, you were sure he was going to give you the best night of your life.
------------------------------ The End--------------------------------------
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apricot-tarot · 2 years
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Click on the ‘KEEP READING’ to go to your pile.
I did a pastry-themed pick-a-card. Now, it’s time for me to do an Italian food one cause I am craving some. I don’t know if I am extremely inspired or extremely hungry.
DISCLAIMER- Tarot is not a substitution for medical, financial or legal advice.
Enjoy ✨
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Pile 1 - Bruschetta
The Sun, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands
For this pile I got a short and simple answer. New beginnings!!! That would nourish your soul. You need something new and exciting that you know will bring you joy. An idea put to action. It is for sure something creative. Even if it is just a hobby, just do it. It will be good for you. You have it in looming in your mind so you probably know what it is. For others, who might not have an idea what it is just try to do stuff that end up giving you joy. This pile is all about trying new things. If you get excited with the idea of something, try it and put it action. Don’t just daydream. JUST DO IT!!!!! You know that meme lol. So, you just need to start somewhere. Baby steps. Take your time and nourish your soul.
I also wanted to add that if you had a passion before or maybe you are working in the field you have always been passionate about...this might be about finding that back. Rediscovering what brings you joy by taking a new and a fresh approach. Explore your spur of the moment ideas and bring life to them in a way or another. It doesn’t have to be big, just a little thing or aspect that you like or feel like doing. Since, this is a general reading, I had to add this paragraph. 
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Pile 2 - Tortellini
The Fool, Page of Pentacles, King of Pentacles (RX)
You want to literally be a fool, not think too much and just start a journey. The way you want to be a fool is by not worrying about money. I think everyone who does this PAC might pick this pile lol especially during these trying times. Anyway, you have this innate desire to just do stuff without worrying about all the outcome or all the circumstances. I think that most of the people who chose this pile are known to be responsible and reliable, and you want to just get out of that energy. You want to be reckless, whatever reckless means in your book. You want to go back to studying or you want to start some kind of business. Even something like changing your looks. It would be nourishing for you to try things and not worry about what it might mean in the grand scheme of things, or how they might turn out. To sum it up, just don’t want to care about all the consequences that your actions might have. It would also feel good to you if you were selfish. You want to be selfish. If you have found yourself to be a provider for others, this King of Pentacles (RX) is about being tired of that and wanting to be free of responsibility. Anyway, you want to start something new and fresh even though you don’t have it all figured out. It’s about the idea and the journey. 
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Pile 3 - Pizza Capriccioso 
First of all, I had to google how to spell this one lol
The High Priestess, 9 of Cups, 3 of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
This pile and pile 4 both got four cards, even though my intention was to pull three cards for each.
Anyway, onto the actual reading and interpretations. With the High Priestess being the first card to show, this is a ‘following your gut’ kind of theme. In a way, you need to follow your gut when it comes to what would be nourishing and fulfilling for you. Think of it like this. Try a little exercise lol and close your eyes after you read this pile and kind of meditate on what do you wish for. Where is your mind bringing you? You need to let your intuition tell what each scenario makes you feel fulfilled. Imagine them, envision as much as you can and remember the feeling they invoke in you. I think this would be very helpful to this pile.
From the cards that I got (especially three of cups and the ace of pentacles), most of you want to be part of a group and start some sort of business endeavor. Maybe you want this group to be made up of new people and some others might want their existing friend group. This depends. But, what would be nourishing to your soul is finding abundance with your people (whoever your people are) and sharing that abundance. Watching your dreams and wishes come true. You don’t express this to others, it’s almost dormant in you. But, most of the people that choose this pile were the type of kids that imagined their friends and themselves saving the city from the villain, kind of like Winx Club. You know the feeling of doing something with the people you care and just that bond. Deep down you have this desire to be part of a genuine and fruitful bond. 
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Pile 4 - Focaccia 
Ten of Swords, Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, 3 of Swords
This is the romantic pile. A confession, someone who pursues you and offers their love to you. It would make you forget of painful endings. For this pile, I think you are tired of endings and heartbreaks but those ones weren’t the romantic kind. Or, for the few of you that it was, that relationship wasn’t even worth to suffer for. Which is why, the cards here are indicating a type of ‘suitor’ or ‘lover’ that is worth it. Even if it ends in a breakup, it would be damn worth it. A straightforward kind of love. Someone who is offering what you want and with very clear intentions. Also, something unexpected. Your soul also wants to be surprised by what love can offer. This is moving forward in life through love. If you were to experience a heartbreak, you would want one from love and one that is worth it. You aren’t particularly scared of romance or the pain that can come from it, you actually see it as something healing. Or, it’s like you think like you have gone through worse lol. Anyway, your soul would get nourished by moving on from bitter endings with the help of romance, even if it might bring pain eventually. Deep down you don’t fear that part.
For some others, this is also about craving to meet a partner that has gone through some type of pain and sorrow and you kind of meet in the middle. There is this mirroring. A healing journey together as a couple. Nonetheless, this is also about forgetting about what has been and closing that chapter of your life once and for all. Your soul craves other things now. 
If you chose this pile, I would be very curious to know what resonated. Don’t hesitate to tell me.
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xamaxenta · 10 months
ok but like I totally agree with your other post about top Luffy in acelu and sabolu cause like.. most fanfics I've read have always made him a damn twink and it pisses me off that they don't know how to read and interpret his personality into a sexual situation, especially with his behavior at times. Pls I would love to rant with someone abt this
Luffy would deadass go Saboooooo i wanna fool abouttt and Sabo would be stripping off like yeah okay let me get prepped— and Luffys like nah i wanna fuck u rn lol and Sabo gets mean eyed like oh? Sure
But its mostly bc Luffy would never treat Ace roughly bc he knows Ace deserves to be treated sweetly
Sabo tho he can throw about like a dirty whore
I was daydreaming ALOT about Gear4 Luffy and Ace the size difference sighffha …. Those big monke paws on the pretty son of the pirate king ✨
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chloe-spade · 6 months
The Glass Slipper Epilogue: A lovely end
Malleus stared at the town below his kingdom, holding the glass slipper that Cater had left the previous night. Everything from that night still replays in Malleus's head, the dance, the kiss, the proposal, and Cater's departing words of his location.
"A mansion, onto of the hill," he muttered, holding the slipper tightly. "Surrounded by beautiful flowers.."
"Malleus, you have been staring throughtout the entire morning," his grandmother sighed, "why have that mysterious stranger have you so entranced? No one knows who they are, including myself."
"But I do, Grandmother, I know who he is. That's why I'm trying to find him." Malleus spoke.
"Well, if I were you," his grandmother started, "I would check every house, every person, and of course see if that shoe actually fits this…man you speak of."
Malleus frowned, "Grandmother, are you giving me reason to doubt Cater and his honestly?"
"I have every reason to not trust a mere human, Malleus," his grandmother scoffed, "any royal will tell you the many horror stories of those who will try to sway us for money and status. I would not be surprised that the man you love will use you like how that man used your mother."
"You never stop with that story, Grandmother," Malleus sighs sadly, "but I have full trust in Cater and I know that he has a heart of gold. And I will find him and marry him."
His grandmother didn't say much as Malleus walked away, still holding the glass slipper in his hands.
Cater hums and dances as he cooks breakfast and brews tea. But he was so preoccupied with the ball the previous night and Malleus once again.
"Look at him," Riddle hummed, "dancing like a love-sick fool. It's very nice to watch."
"Speak for yourself, being a horse is not what I had in mind for last night," Ace complained, "and my body still feels like a horse."
"I have to agree," Deuce mumbled, "It was not ideal and I felt extremely violated."
Cater ignored them as he started to set the trays, still daydreaming in his world. Even when he daydreamed, he was able to balance the trays on his head and hands. He managed to get up there, without much trouble with his imagination, even with the stepsisters freaking out, throwing sorts of clothes, shoes, and jewelry.
"I can't believe this," whined Elise, "we just got this and we don't have enough time to get ready!"
"Girls, girls, please be calm. But I do want you dressed in your best dresses. It's not every day that the prince himself announces that he will find the person who fits the slipper."
Cater stopped for a moment, his heart now beating and his mind now racing. It was such a shock that his own body stopped functioning, dropping the tray of breakfast and tea, crashing onto the floor, and startling everyone, even Cater himself.
"You clumsy fool! How do I expect the prince to be welcomed if you are just to make a mess?" Rosalind lectured.
Cater immediately started to clean up his mess, his mind now filled with memories of that night with Malleus once again. A smile was planted on his face as he was piled with skirts, shirts, blouses, undergarments, and dresses, along with the tray of broken dishes. But something changed within Cater as he put down the pile and began to walk to the attic door, happily humming and dancing to himself. The three just stared in bewilderment, seeing Cater disregard the plethora of chores given to him.
"What's with him?" Astrid pouted, "We still need his help, Mother! Who's going to help me get dressed and battered up?"
"So distracted," Elise added.
Rosalind glared at the door where Cater disappeared, but her stone-cold face was immediately lightened with a smirk. She looked back at her daughters, staff in hand.
"You both help each other out," She laughed, "Momma's have something to do, now let's see what Cater's up too."
"Can you believe it?" Cater swooned, looking at the mirror, "Malleus is looking for me and he must be on his way." He giggles to himself, "He was so romantic that night, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him."
"Aw," Kalim grins, "He sounds so sweet, just like Lilia mentioned. And he must feel lucky to even have met you in that village!"
"Do you think he kept it?"
"Cater, you question too much," Ace mumbled.
"Exactly," added Deuce, "you should know those answers. He loves you already, he did invite you to the ball, rather personally."
Cater nodded, "It's just that…I never thought this could happen, after meeting him. But the way he just finds me in the village for me, and gave me his own signed letter to me. It can't be just fate, can it?"
"Love is never tied to fate," Kalim spoke, sitting next to Cater, "We Fairy Godfathers believe that love is much stronger than fate itself. We just see it happen and it always made us smile."
Cater sighs happily and looks over at the mice.
"I do wonder, where did you hide it?" Ruggie pondered, "We never saw it after last night."
"I have hidden, and I won't even tell you. But, you'll know what is it, once you see it," Cater giggled.
"See what, my dear Cater?" Rosalind greeted, causing Cater's heart to sink lowly. He managed to gulp down his fear and answer.
"O-oh…it's not…much," Cater stammered, "Just s-something personal, ma'am."
Roselind smirked as she strolled around Cater's small room, eyes glaring at the mice around, and looked at every nook and cranny but therefore found nothing of importance.
"Oh, Cater, you know you should never hide anything from me. I've raised you since your father had an unfortunate situation," Rosalind hummed, "it's upsetting that you don't trust me, my dear." She takes a key, "And as far as I'm concerned, you should be punished for such deceit. Now, tell me, Cater, where is it?"
"Where is what?" Cater feigned ignorance.
"Don't be a pest, Cater. The glass slipper, the one that the prince has. The one that leads him to you immediately." She sighs, "Honestly, what would he, the prince, see in you? Look at you, full-on filthy and covered head to toe in rags. You are just as horrendous as those mice you carry around."
Cater managed to stand straight and just looked at her, his voice now firm.
"I have no idea what you mean, ma'am," Cater stated firmly. "You have no clue what you are talking about."
Rosalind scoffed at Cater, then slowly walked back to the door. "Well, I thought you'd be reasonable to give what you stole from my darlings. But since you're a brat, you…get punished. Don't even think about leaving, or else."
Rosalind smirked as she closed the door, locking it. Cater rushed and grabbed the knob, pulling and banging on the door, screaming at her.
"Let me out!" He ordered, "You can't keep me in here!!"
"I will! And I'll make sure it stays that way! Wait until your darling prince saves you." Rosalind sneered and laughed as she walked down the stairs.
Cater lets out a scream of frustration and looks through the peephole, watching her descend. Kalim managed to appear and look and was already upset at this ordeal.
"I can't believe this," Cater managed to sigh, "I need to be down there, and I'm not letting this stupid door stop me. We just need the key."
"Or I can just use my magic to get you out," Kalim suggested.
"No. Kalim, I need to learn to not rely on magic whenever I'm in trouble," Cater spoke up, "Like I said, we need to get that key to get me out of here."
Ace gasped, "Ok! Everyone! We need to get that key from her!"
Cater looked down, "Are you sure? What if she sees you? Or worse, what if Pom-Pom sees you? I can't risk you guys just to save me."
"But you're already trapped here, and we are small enough!" Deuce argued, "Please let us help you like you helped us."
"You guys better be careful, and I'll try to find a way down. Just try to hurry. Who knows what she'll do if she did find the slipper."
Cater gulped as they rushed through the holes and rushed over to the window as a carriage arrived at the entrance.
"Now…time to think of an escape." Cater sighed and looked over at his bed, "…and it's going to be risky."
Malleus looked up at the mansion as the carriage rode in front of it. It was beautifully decorated, with its pale blue colors and the vines that surrounded it. A large attic window caught Malleus's attention and had felt something oddly familiar to him.
"Nervous, Malleus?" Lilia managed to laugh, "Look at you."
"Lilia, please," Malleus muttered.
"Aw, it's so sweet, seeing you so flustered and excited."
The carriage door opened, letting out Malleus and Lilia, followed by guards, Silver and Sebek.
"A mansion outside of town," Malleus spoke, "I wonder how he traveled to the ball from this distance? It took us almost 2 hours to get here, and that from the bakery, almost outside the kingdom."
"I think it was mere 30 minutes, your highness," Silver yawned.
"Now, Malleus," Lilia started, "When you get inside, there should be two others. And as your grandmother spoke, talk to them."
"I know as if she doesn't trust me with my judgment."
"That's just how she is." Lilia laughed, blew his horn, and announced, "Crown Prince Malleus has arrived!" He looks over at Malleus, "Remember what we talked about."
Malleus nods and walks forward, but Lilia stops Silver and Sebek.
"Now, I need you two to know this," Lilia spoke up, "A man name Cater has the second glass slipper and I suspect that his step-mother knows this, and if anything, will try to break the glass slipper Malleus has. You must find Cater and protect that slipper."
"Understood," Silver spoke up.
"Of course, Master Lilia!" Sebek added.
Lilia looks back at him and knocks on the door.
The door opened and Rosalind opened the door with a massive smile on her face and a curtsy to the group.
"Hello, your grace," Rosalind soothed, "It's a pleasure to see you at my house."
"Thank you, may we enter?"
"Of course,"
Rosalind led them inside and into the foyer, and now into the main room, where two young girls sat and chatted, tea and cookies ready for conversation.
"These are lovely daughters, Elise and Astrid. Girls,"
Elise and Astrid immediately sprouted up and curtsy towards Malleus with a smile. Malleus remembered them, from the ball, but he didn't see them often but knew about their spying when he left with Cater.
"It is a pleasure," Astrid giggled, "You look handsome, Prince Malleus."
"Oh, I do apperciate your compliment, my lady,"
"And I'm Elise!" Elise blurted out.
Malleus grins and bows to them.
"A Pleasure to meet you both," Malleus hums, "but I am here on a very important business and you do know that, do you, my ladies."
"Yes, yes, the glass slipper," Rosalind spoke up. "We heard news about the runaway maiden, I do remember. But please relax and eat while we get things started."
Lilia took a look at Silver and Sebek, who both nodded and walked out of the room.
Cater panted as he created a long sheet of blanket rope that went to the upstairs music room, it wasn't much of a rope but it was the only way to get Cater out of his prison of a room. He gulped and took the mice into his pocket.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Riddle whimpered in fear.
"It's the only idea we have," Cater gulped, climbing down the rope, "I need to get to Malleus and if this is way to do it, then I have no choice. I can't rely on magic everytime I'm in touble. I need to do this for me, and for me alone…"
"You got this Cater," Deuce encouraged.
Cater nodded and started to swing towards the music room window, thrusting himself back and forth, ignoring the consequences of falling. With one more swing, the window that he expected to break, opened widely open.
Cater flew into the room and crashed on the ground.
He groaned to himself as he looked up at the silver-haired guard, holding a wand in his hands.
"That was unexpected," Cater managed to gasp, "…but hello again."
"Hello," Silver smiles as he helps Cater up, "are you alright? I hope that didn't hurt that much but I saw you as I was looking..for you."
"No, I apperciate it," Cater spoke, "I thank you but if my stepmother finds me out of the attic, she'll flip out and I'll be in massive trouble.."
"Cater, that doesn't matter at the moment," Silver interrupted, "I came to find you with my colleague and now we need to find that glass slipper of yours. It's urgent and my father already told me that as such."
"Oh, right! Um, follow me!" Cater urged, leading Silver away. "Maybe I should question the wand and everything else?"
"Yes, that's valid," Silver sighed, "Like Kalim, I'm a Fairy Godfather in Training and Lilia is my father and mentor. He speciacally has asked me to help you, which feels unnesscary after what you did."
"Yeah, Cay here, is not happy right now. And I need some sort of….let's find the slipper."
"Now, shall we commence," Lilia suggested, holding the cushion up, "Which one of you will try first, my ladies?"
"Let me choose, your grace," Rosalind hummed with a smile, "Astrid, would you do the honors for the prince?"
Astrid grinned happily and sat down, "It's such a pleasure to be with you, your grace. Do you know what many have said about you? A lot."
Lilia rolled his eyes got the slipper ready, and held the young girl by the ankle carefully.
"I hope they are good things," Lilia laughed, "many people of spoken of Malleus in such enlightening ways. I hope you speak about him in kind." He then began to start the fitting but he felt his arm slip forward as the foot was too small for Lilia and didn't fit.
"Oh dear," Malleus faked a sigh, "Your foot is much too small for such an elegant slipper as that is. Perhaps you aren't the one. Not too much of a shame honestly."
"Malleus!" Lilia hissed in shock, "Keep your composure and not say that sort of stuff."
Malleus only hummed in reply, which made Lilia sigh in disbelief.
"Pardon your Highness," Lilia apologized, "He didn't have enough sleep after that ball and perhaps he has become grumpy afterwards."
"Oh, not a problem," Rosalind faked a smile, "I understand his situation, trying to find the one."
"Oh, you have no idea," Malleus muttered under his breath.
Rosalind managed to clear her throat and looked at Elise with a smile. "And this is my other lovely daughter, Elise."
Elise gulped slightly as replaced Astrid on the chair, lifting her foot for Lilia.
"Ah, you are very kind," Lilia grinned, "I suppose you don't have much to say, unlike your sister. But I am curious on why is that, are you nervous about the shoe fitting?"
"Yes, sir," Elise answered honestly.
"Honestly, I like that in people," Lilia beamed.
Lilia had a little more trouble as Elise couldn't fit the slipper. Regardless of him trying for the sake of Rosalind looking down at him, that didn't help him at all so he pulled the slipper away and put on the smile.
"Is there anyone else, my lady?" Lilia asked, standing up.
"No," Rosalind said calmly.
"Hmm, are you sure?" Lilia pressed on.
"Hmm, not what I heard," Lilia clicked his tongue, "You know, I do not like liars, my lady. I hope you can finally give me an answer that doesn't sound so shaky."
Lilia's eyes drifted onto the kitchen as a gleam of light reflected onto it. He knew if he had to give them time, he had to stall. He just needs to trust his instincts.
Cater sat down in his chair, just glaring down at the slipper. He was so nervous about walking out of the kitchen and presented himself. It was a nagging feeling and a voice kept saying "No, don't go." He was struggling to stand up on his feet but he hated this hesitation.
"What's wrong?" Kalim asked, leaning down at him.
"What if this doesn't work? He'll just see this and not the one he danced with." Cater sighed sadly. "I want to do this but I hear that it's all for not."
Kalim managed to sigh and took Cater's hand.
Beyond the voice that keeps insisting “no”
There is something more than doubting
Breaking through the darkness
Something that sets your world a glow
Someone wants you
You know who
Now you’re living—
There’s music in you
Cater opened his eyes to see himself back into the gown and was back in the ballroom. He remembered the loving feeling of the night especially feeling Malleus's hand pulling him to a dance, which Cater happily reciprocated.
He saw Kalim, waving his wand, humming.
This was something Cater needed to see and wanted to feel.
Now you’re hearing
Something new
Someone playing
The music in you
Now you’re living
You know why
Now there’s nothing
You won’t try—
Move a mountain
Light the sky
Make a wish come true—
There is music in you
Cater opened his eyes again to find himself back in the chair and looked back at the slipper. It was the reason for happiness, a reason for love. A reason to see Malleus once again, to finally be happy with each other, and why was Cater hesitating now?
He stood up and walked to the kitchen, ready to open the door to happiness.
Now you can go
Wherever you want to go
Now you can do whatever you want to do
Now you can do
Whatever you want to be
And Love is the song
You will sing your whole life through
Move a mountain
Light the sky
Make a wish come true
There is music in you!
"I'm ready," Cater stopped for a moment, "but we need an excuse. A reason."
Silver thought for a moment before he used his wand to create a tray of extra tea. "I hope this helps. But don't forget, Malleus will just be happy to see you regardless, and you should believe that."
Cater nodded and took one more sigh, hid the glass slipper in his pocket, and he opened the door. He felt the eyes on him as he walked towards the main room with a patient smile. He locked eyes with Malleus for a while and an instant spark once again.
"Oh, hello there," Lilia greeted with a smile as Sebek and Silver returned to his side, "are you the lovely servent>?"
Cater nodded.
"Cater…!" Rosalind gulped a gasped but had to smile. "You brought the tea I asked. Thank you."
"Cater…" Malleus swooned.
Cater smiles, puts the tray down, and starts to put the tea into the cups for everyone. But with a surprising tug, he found himself in Malleus's arms, who refused to let go.
"It's you!" Malleus bubbled happily, raising him with a smile."You wouldn't believe what happened last night and I have searced the whole village to see your beautiful eyes again."
"Malleus!" Cater gasped but didn't object.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Rosalind demanded, "Cater! You are to go clean the kitchen like I have also asked."
Malleus turned towards Rosalind and sats Cater down at the chair.
"Cater, may you try on the slipper?" Malleus asked with a smile. "it sounds absoslutey daunting for you but I hope you would accept."
Lilia grinned and walked over to Cater. "You don't mind?"
"You can't be serious!" Astrid gasped in protest. "It can't be Cater!"
"Well, I'm not surprised considering how happy Cater was when we came back after tha ball," Elise mumbled in agreement, "He acted so…daydreamy."
Lilia, despite the protest, lifted her left foot and carefully the slipper on. It was the perfect fit.
"It's a perfect fit," Lilia concluded, "but of course, we do need proof. Do you have the other slipper that helps us?"
"Of course I do," Cater answered as he reached for his pocket, presented his glass slipper, and handed it to Lilia.
Lilia giggled happily and he helped the slipper onto Cater's other foot and helped him up to present him. "Now, may I present, the person who fits the glorious slipper is Cater Diamond of the Diamond Estate."
Cater looked back at Malleus and he looked down. "Guess you see now what I really look like…"
"That doesn't matter," Malleus cheered happily, "Cater, I love you so much, I don’t know what to do and I never thought I get to see you again after the ball."
"Oh," Cater giggled happily, "Well. Is marriage still on the table? Cause I will be disapointed if that isn't an option?"
"Yes. YES. OH MY – YES!! You have to marry me. I mean, will you marry me?" Malleus laughed happly.
Cater laughed along and looked up to him. "Yes, my handsome Prince. I will marry you."
Cater couldn't believe it as he was guided down the isle by Lilia, with everyone watching with smiles on their faces. Total strangers but Cater couldn't care less, as he saw Malleus's face tear up at the sight of him, and Cater tried to keep his composure but it was hard for him.
It was actually a year, mainly because Malleus didn't want to rush anything and Cater agreed. They did so many things together so it was a surprised when Malleus planned a beautiful engagement party all catered to Cater's tatse, to food and festivities. And he made planning the wedding much more easier and now him, at the wedding of his dreams.
To the perfect vows and I dos, it was a happy celebation.
It was beautiful as Malleus leds Cater down the stiars.
"This is so nerve-wracking," Cater laughed, "To think this could happen. Me, here and married."
"Believe it, my diamond," Malleus soothes, "We're together now and forever. That should matter, hmm?"
"Yeah! It should!" Cater giggles until he realizes something, "Oh…."
Malleus laughed, "On the stairs, my diamond?"
Cater shamelessly nodded.
Malleus smiles and grabs the shoe and helps put it on. "A perfect fit, as always."
Cater laughed, "You'll never let this down. And that was not on purpose."
Malleus leads Cater to the carriage, "Never, my love. It's a beautiful memento of our love, and a funny story for all generation to retell."
Cater smiles and looked back at Malleus before getting inside the carriage, letting Malleus wrapped around him, ignoring the people around him.
In the arms of my love
I’m flying
(In the arms of my love)
(I’m flying)
Over mountain and meadow and glen
(O’er meadow and glen)
And I like it so well
And I like it so well
That for all I can tell
And I like it so well
And I like it so well
That for all I can tell
I may never come down again
I may never come down to
Earth again!
Cater gave Malleus last kiss before the rode off. Only one last question comes to mind as he looked over at Malleus.
"How great will this year be? I adore the thought, but I need some small reasureance for my husband," Cater swooned with a smile. "So? What do you think?"
Malleus thought for a moment before giving Cater a kiss back and a answer. "With you by my side, my lovely diamond, it'll be a perfectly perfect year."
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notebookpapers · 1 year
Hey, fellas! It’s time for
Ace✨Education✨Power Hour!✨
As an ace person myself, I forget that this is a concept that, for some people, can be hard to understand. So, in an effort to hopefully make it a little easier, here’s the best analogy I’ve found for it so far:
Asexuality is kind of like the inverse of what you feel for a one night stand.
I know how it sounds, I know, but bear with me here.
With a one night stand or a casual hookup, you don’t have to have romantic chemistry. You definitely CAN, but in some cases, even though you might be sexually attracted to each other and have great sexual chemistry, the romantic side isn’t really there. Sure, you’re sexually attracted to them, but you can’t really see yourself going on a date with them or building a life together.
Asexual attraction is kind of the opposite of that. If the sexual can exist without the romantic, then the romantic can also exist without the sexual.
And now, you might be asking yourself, “well, how is that bond any different from what you’d feel for a close friend?” And, to be fair, it can be similar.
You want your partner to be your friend, first and foremost, but there are things you’ll do with a romantic partner that’s different from what you’d do with a friend. For example, I wouldn’t daydream about taking my friends on a cute sunset walk on the beach while I hold their hands and kiss them under the moonlight. I don’t get that same flutter in my chest when I hold my friend’s hand.
Now, obviously, friends do hold hands sometimes. Hell, I’ve kissed my homies goodnight before, ain’t no shame in that. But it’s a different kind of intimacy. Does kissing your girlfriend feel the same as kissing your friend you’ve known since grade school? No. No, it doesn’t.
Asexuality is different for all people. Some feel small amounts of sexual attraction, some feel none at all. Some still have sex for their own reasons - to bond with their partner, to help them sleep, or to just have fun. But some people don’t have sex at all. It’s not the same as sex repulsion or abstinence - they’re just not interested. Many aces still feel romantic attraction, but some are aro-ace, and they don’t.
I hope my weird little tired-o-clock ramble helped somebody who’s struggling to understand. At the end of the day, though, if you don’t, that’s okay with me. I’m not expecting everyone to understand us. All I ask is that you respect us and those who have found comfort in the label of Asexuality. Our ace identities aren’t hurting anybody, and so all we ask is that you don’t hurt us, in return.
Hope my little 3 am word vomit helped somebody. That’s all from me for today, folks! :)
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loki-mentallyill · 15 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
back in black - AC/DC
moonage daydream - david bowie
summertime sadness - lana del rey
bohemian rhapsody - queen
good old fashioned lover boy - queen
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jgoddesstarot · 11 months
Pick-A-Pile: Obstacles You'll Overcome Together: What Challenges Will You Both Face In Your Next Relationship?
Left-to-Right: Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
✨ Visit my shops at Ko-fi.com or J.Goddess Tarot✨
🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
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Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 9 of Wands, 7 of Cups, King of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, The Empress
Hi my Pile 1's! So imagine you and your future partner as a couple of warriors, a bit battle-scarred from past relationships. Those old wounds might surface from time to time, but it's all about finding a balance between guarding your hearts and allowing yourselves to heal. The challenge here is being cautious without letting fear get the best of you.
Now, picture this: a room full of choices and daydreams, like a dessert buffet with endless options. The challenge lies in sorting through all those possibilities and desires without getting lost in the fantasy. It's a bit like choosing your favorite dessert when they all look so tempting. The key here is keeping it real and talking openly with your partner. When you both stay on the same page, you'll navigate through this maze just fine.
Speaking of dessert, let's talk finances. Money matters can be tricky in relationships, right? The challenge you might face is finding a way to handle finances together while maintaining your financial security. It's like trying to bake a perfect cake – it takes some careful measuring and mixing. Just remember to be responsible and share the load, and your financial cake will turn out sweet.
Communication is the next stop on our journey. Sometimes, misunderstandings or miscommunications can cause ripples in a relationship. But don't worry, it's just about talking things out honestly and directly. Think of it as having a heart-to-heart chat instead of leaving things unsaid. When you keep the conversation flowing, you'll cut through the confusion and keep your connection strong.
Finally, picture a beautiful garden, cared for with love and attention. That's your relationship. The challenge is nurturing it while also nurturing your individual dreams. It's like tending to a plant – you want it to thrive, but you've also got your own life to live. Finding that balance is the key. When you do, your love will grow like a gorgeous garden in full bloom.
In a nutshell my Pile 1's, these cards are saying that challenges are just part of the journey. By being cautious but not overly guarded, staying clear on your desires, managing finances together, communicating openly, and balancing your relationship with your individual goals, you'll overcome anything that comes your way. Challenges are like life's little pop quizzes – they're there to help you learn and grow, and your relationship will only get stronger as a result.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: King of Cups, 3 of Swords, 4 of Cups, The Hermit, The Moon (in reverse)
Hey Pile 2's! Ready to peek into what the future might hold for your next relationship? Expect a few hiccups along the way, but remember, they're just hiccups—not roadblocks. Let's dive in. Imagine yourselves as experts in feelings. You're both capable of deep understanding and emotions. But beware! Some old emotional scars might sneak in. Think of these like an old diary from your teens—it's a part of you, but it doesn't define you. The goal here is to create a safe zone to share and heal from these past hurts together.
Now, picture a time when you or your partner might feel emotionally stuck, like waiting for something more thrilling. It's like staring at your full closet and thinking, "I've got nothing to wear." Remember, the solution is to rediscover the treasures within your existing bond. It's like rekindling a warm, comforting bonfire.
Next, balance is key. Think about the fine line between couple time and alone time. We all need our personal space, right? It's like balancing work and play. The challenge is to nurture personal growth while also growing as a couple. Open communication will help you both shine individually and together.
Finally, consider a time when you might keep a secret or dodge a tough truth out of fear. Remember, honesty is your secret weapon here. Those hidden fears are like imaginary monsters under the bed—they're much less scary when you face them. Conquer these challenges together, and your relationship will flourish with trust and openness.
To wrap it up, Pile 2's, remember, challenges are like life's pop quizzes. They're here to help us grow. By confronting past pains, re-discovering the magic in your relationship, finding the balance between alone time and togetherness, and tackling truths head-on, you'll come out stronger. Challenges are just one part of your love story, a story that promises growth, deeper bonds, and a love that stands firm.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: The Star, The Chariot (in reverse), 9 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Ace of Swords
Alright Pile 3's, let's take a look at what might crop up in your next relationship. Consider these obstacles as unexpected plot twists in your love story, not as barriers in your path. We're here to delve into the issues you might face. Picture a night sky filled with twinkling stars, brimming with positivity and motivation. Yet, there might be times when your relationship feels like a rudderless boat. It's akin to driving without a reliable GPS. This could spark conflicts about your common goals. The key is to have a heart-to-heart conversation and chalk out a shared roadmap.
Now, imagine a situation where you both have aspirations and dreams. That's fantastic, isn't it? But, there could be moments when it seems like you're trying to juggle these ambitions and maintain a healthy relationship simultaneously. It's as if you're trying to strum two different tunes on the same guitar. The trick is to back each other's dreams while also taking care of your journey together.
Next, think of a battlefield where you've encountered some tough confrontations. The task here is to sheathe your weapons and opt for forgiveness. It's about releasing old resentments to make space for new beginnings. Forgiveness becomes your shield here, protecting your heart from past injuries.
Lastly, contemplate the strength of transparent communication. The challenge lies in ensuring you both are on the same wavelength. It's like making sure you're both speaking the same language to avoid any miscommunication. Frequent, candid conversations will be your secret weapon to eliminate any vagueness.
To sum it up, Pile 3's, these challenges are like puzzles that you guys will solve together. Determining your course, harmonizing dreams, moving past old wounds, and keeping your communication crystal clear might seem daunting, but they're also moments for you to grow stronger as a couple. You have the strength to overcome these obstacles, with open hearts and the power of your words. Your journey is promising, and these challenges are merely episodes in your love saga, making it richer and more robust. Challenges are simply stepping stones towards a profound love.
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canis-constellation · 2 months
Hello Mortal.
We’re the Canis Constellation,A unintentional tulpa gateway system!!! PRO ENDO!!!
✨🌳 aspen |15.5 mentally| {they/it} [Madd, AuDHD] /Omniromantic ace\ ' “human” ‘
💦💫 Polaris |400| {They/them} [Madd] /Aroace\ 'divine being' <Sentinel of the stars, they the divine>
briar 🪶🥀 |16| {They/Them} [ADHD] /Asexual Omniromantic\ ‘Grimwalker’ 
Hunter/phantom🪶🐺⚡️{He/they/it/canine themed neos} |16| [Autism] /Biromantic Asexual\ 'shapeshifting grimwalker' <He who guards, The Golden Guard, It who transforms>
Hycan 🐺🔩🔌 {He/it, } |16/17| [Autism] /aroace\ ‘human’ it does have a animatironic form but it prefers human form (credit to @wolfsnooze for AU)
Salem 🔪 🩸 |13.5| {it/Its, ok with masc terms} [Sociopathy] /Aroace\ 'Void-kin'   
River 🌊🐺|16.3| {it/they/wolf themed neos} [Autism] /omni ace\ ‘werewolf’ (in qpr/relationship with phantom)
We’re all collectively a-spec, Neurodivergent, nonhuman and queer.
River, Polaris, and Aspen have MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder)
Phantom and River and in a Queer platonic relationship, or perhaps dating? It’s complicated.
top fronters: Aspen, Phantom, or Polaris.
Salem and Phantom have a dark sense of humor, be nice.
Current fronters emojis *might* be tagged,we’re bad at it-
Main: @aspenonpawzzz
(edit: forgot Dni:
radqueers, antiendo, pro -phili- [like zoos or pedos.] belos fictive/kins.)
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4 notes · View notes
GVF as songs that I play literally ✨ ALL THE TIME ✨
(these are literally just some of the songs I play a lot. This list could go on FOREVER)
Magdalene - Boston
If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It) - AC/DC
Leah - Seeing Double
The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
Ever Since New York - Harry Styles
Get It For Free - Mötley Crüe
Ain’t It Beautiful - Albert King
Do You Love Me - The Contours
Love Man - Otis Redding
Humans Being - Van Halen
Move With Me Slowly - Def Leppard
(He’s My) Dreamboat - Connie Francis
Magic - The Cars
Talkin’ ‘Bout My Baby - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Wheel In The Sky - Journey
Fox On The Run - Sweet
Keep Me Comin’ - KISS
(Ain’t That) Good News - Sam Cooke
Baby I Need Your Loving - Four Tops
The Sex Is Good - Saving Abel
I’m Alright - Kenny Loggins
Every 1s A Winner - Hot Chocolate
Jackie Onassis - Sammy Rae & The Friends
Fallin’ - Connie Francis
Wings - Jonas Brothers
Lover To Lover - Florence
Wild Side - Mötley Crüe
Fire - Ohio Players
Little Birdie - Vince Guaraldi Trio
No One Needs Your Love Like I Do - Cinema Stereo
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
Daydream - Harry Styles
At Last - Etta James
Bloom - The Paper Kites
Stick with Me Baby - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Gimme A Kiss - Def Leppard
Fooled Around And Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop
Try A Little Tenderness- Otis Redding
Love Is Strange - Mickey & Sylvia
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