#abt to overshare so yk
viivdle · 2 months
only psychopaths watch dead poets society in their free time (it's me, i'm psychopaths)
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strawbebyjam · 6 months
luv mascara so much but hate the trail she leaves
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noxtivagus · 1 year
suteki da ne
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#🌙.rambles#yk that twt acc w final fantasy music. THE SONGS. REMIND ME. FINAL FANTASY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME FR#shaped so much of my identity n my personality n wtvr man. the lyrics of suteki da ne r so personal to me for some reason. idk#ff for the dreamers fr but it has rlly contributed in making me a hopeless romantic even more back then n#GUYS I HATE FEBRUARY N 14TH SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME THINK OF THESE STUFF AGAIN#hmm.. maybe i'm sad n maybe i'm hiding a lot more than it seems . (just a maybe for sure. hahahaha definitely not surely nah haha. hahaha.)#suteki da ne is so. special to me tho. like from start to end. N THEN THE CONTEXT W TIDUS N YUNA N I KNOW SPOILERS TOO SO. 😭😭#gna project that on my own ocs too !!!! i wna write of them more bcs i have so many ideas here n there#several ending ideas or wtvr bcs i love imagining it as a video game. n. hmm. star-crossed lovers but end up being destined together#themes like. freedom n birds n the moon themes n yk i'll make the color blue have a special meaning. dreams wishes psychology ideals#ideals reality mythology stuff like that r some keywords they've just. yk always meant a lot to me ever since i was young. ^^ n more.#SUTEKI DA NE HAS LOTS OF THEM UWAHH n while water has always been my fav from. those elements n being yk a water sign ig.#.. growing up i have a lot of memories of vacations on beaches w my family. the sand n the breeze n the waves by my feet#hehe. really grew up swimming a lot too. nearly drowned once but i've never been afraid of the water.#i'm rambling abt myself again but what do i have to be sorry for if this is my space anyways? but uh. i overshare on social media ik 🥹#but. rambling gives me comfort. i want to put out as much as i can into this world before i make my leave.#which DW WILL HOPEFULLY not be anytime soon. life's hard but i'll make it through the very end. & i'll do as much as i can fr.#when i. finally write those stories.. it's just. lovely to imagine how the ppl who personally know me wld understand n see myself in them.#expression of self through. many mediums such as different kinds of art is so special to me. i love to express myself n i equally love to#yk see others too. see them for who they really are and love them and understand them as much as i can.#probably bcs i want that myself too. n i crave n desire it myself too but it makes me happy n. yh so happy beyond words to#..just. live with others in that way? with ppl beside me or even just.. watching them.. though#hang on i'll ramble again but goddamn i write so much ig bcs i want to be understood so badly. i. really need that sincerity n communicatio#n authenticity w others for it to be. really real? life.. i can't put it into words rn but literally just in one word that holds so much.#life. yeah. hang on i still have assignments to do T_T n i ended up rambling sm but. i'll stop overthinking it.#nothing to be insecure abt w your own self unless it hmm. help no i won't ramble about that rn either but rn for me#just for me i know enough to say that i shouldn't have to be afraid. with the way i see the world i know there's so much more meaning n#maybe.. nah not maybe. fuck if hope's 'naive' as aymeric says as well. personally no matter what i'll stick to myself. hold true to that.#n my determination with this will never be half-assed n. help i'll stop now fr but i feel better now c:#BACK TO SUTEKI DA NE THOUGH. FROM END TO START FR 🥹 HELP NO START TO END I MEAN. 🥺🫶🏼
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usersasaki · 2 years
i was feeling a lil meh today but just a couple of msgs from my moots made my mood go 📈
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plutonian-moon · 2 years
random astro observations p2 💤 ☆°
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take what resonates leave what doesn't!!
ur venus sign + house and aspects maybe even deegres can show ur love language ! (i will do maybe a post abt this in future with explaining :3) ☆°
mercury conjunction pluto/scorpio mercury/8H mercury are very interesting peoples tbh i love them sm im pisces mercury hehe and ... they are just so cool but they tend to not telling so much abt themself ! unless u have a gemini placements or smth that will causes oversharing ! ☆°
parallels/contraparallels are aspects that are not talked much abt and its so sad?? parallels are like conjunctions and contraparallels like opposition they are powerful major aspects i dont think that they are less powerful i have myself 0° degree sun parallel pluto, 0° asc parallel pluto, 0° asc parallel neptune, 0° mc parallel pluto, 1° mc parallel neptune, mercury parallel pluto 0° and i relate alottt to them !! and yes i read parallels like conjunctions and contraparallels like oppositions u can find which parallels/contraparallels u have on a astro.seek website ! have fun ☆°
gemini venus are not mean that u r a player/cheater in relationships i hate when peoples are talking shit when they dont know anything abt astrology 🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏼‍♂️
2H can tell u what type of food u like eat for example a mars 2H/pluto 2H can enjoy spicy food but neptune 2H/moon 2H can dislike spicy food and uranus 2H can enjoy "weird" food or can be very open to experiment with different types of food but jupiter 2H can enjoy food from different cultures ! ☆°
2H also can tell u what u like to buy for example pluto 2H/neptune 2H maybe like buying spiritual/witchcraft stuffs like crystals, tarots or smth that have to do with psychology, astrology, paranormal, true crime ☆°
2H can alsooo tell u WHAT TYPE of people buying things u r for example virgo 2H will be very picky when its comes to buying things 2H capricorn/2H saturn can do this too hm but having 2H mars/2H aries/2H scorpio/2H pluto can mean that u r very impulsive when it comes to a buying things ! ☆°
helpp its gonna be a 2H observations or what .. but anyways 💀 .. i notice that people who have a cancer mars/4H mars/mars-moon (esp hard aspects) (hard aspects are : square, opposition, sometimes conjunction and quincunx (inconjunction)) u can tell when they are mad at u lmao idk i know so many cancer mars for example my ex is one and he was always very "dry texter" when he was mad at me 😭😭 and when i ask him if he is mad at me he was always saying that everything is ok 😡😡😡 ...... he was having also 11H mars ... so maybe u can relate when u have 11H mars/aquarius mars/mars-uranus too
11H saturn/11H chiron/11H neptune/11H pluto/11H lilith are very lonely placements.... u can have very small group of friends or no friends (its common with 11H saturn) with 11H neptune u can have many friends with some kind of addiction to smth or friendships that are fake but will act like they like u .. u can giving so much to a friendships and u can try help the wrong people with 11H chiron u feel like u dont belong to the group u r maybe always rejected when in group or u feel that way .. u was experience rlly bad friendships with 11H lilith its pretty much simillar and lastly with 11H pluto u can attract people who are jealous of what u have and what they dont literally maybe people hate u for no reason people maybe gossip alot abt u when u dont do nothing u can also attract very intense, self destructive and with mental health problems friendships at the worse scenario u can even experience a death of friend but yk what the all placements have in common feeling very lonely and empty even if u have so many peoples around u ur still experience loneliess and also bad experience with friendships are common in these placements :--( ☆°
6H uranus peoples can have very unstable routine or routine that is not like everyone else yk what i mean routine that is just different ☆°
6H neptune peoples are very procrastinatiors (a person who habitually puts off doing things) and also they can be very lazy when it comes to doing even basic everyday things also they can sleep alot and daydreaming everyday as they routine hmm also i think that its have simillar results as having mars-neptune when u r literally just thinking abt do something that U HAVE TO DO but ... u end not doing this 😭😭 ...or u will lying to urself that u do this tomorrow but u will dont do this !! 😞😞 ☆°
8H moons/scorpio moons/moon-pluto (hard aspects) and mars-pluto (hard aspects)/scorpio mars/8H mars can have veryyy bad period pains i have mars opposition pluto 0° and 8H moon in scorpio decan making opposition to pluto 😭😭 and in moon persona chart i have moon square pluto, 8H sun, 1H pluto and mars opposition pluto and I HAVE VERYY BADD PAIN WHEN I HAVE PERIOD 😭😭 i cant even get out of my bed bc of this pain omg
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st4rshipr4nger · 5 days
okay so im the handlers daughter (she adopts me she is NOT my birth mother) and then she adopts lila but were the same age so anyway she like raises us and stuff cause shes mother and so she trains us and shit like she does in the show with lila and also me and lila kind of have the same powers ish because okay idk if youre familiar with xmen but i like have rogues powers so like power absorption and taking peoples energy and stuff so like if i touch someone skin to skin ill take their powers if they have any and their energy and i kind of get their memories too, and so she makes me wear these gloves because one time i accidentally touched her when i was a baby and took some of her energy and she almost passed out or something, anyways being the handlers daughter obviously comes with trauma so when im like ten im like mom i dont like this i dont wanna do this anymore and shes like well thats too damn bad and i tell lila im running away but we make a plan to like meet up in the future so i run and shit one night and i find the umbrella academy a few days after and Pogo answers the door and i tell him about my powers because ive seen the hargreeves on television and on billboards and im like can i just like stay here for a little while and hes like yes ofcourse but i need to talk to sir reginald and hes like wow youre weird and then i kind of become like his labrat because he wants to see exactly how my powers work but hes also like youre fucking dangerous, so he gets this serum that makes my powers go away for a limited amount of time and i have to get injected with it every morning but i meet the hargreeves and we all get along pretty quickly and they like accept me into the family and oh my god GRACE :(((( i love her so much me and ben obviously have like a LITTLE thing but none of us is gonna admit it until like later but yeah reg doesnt trust me going on missions at first but he lets me go on one which kind of ends bad so he doesnt let me go on anymore and i have to stay on the sidelines with viktor ALSO me klaus ben diego and vik are super close i get closer with everyone else too but like specifically them so like yeah!! me and ben kiss literally like three days before he yk and then i want to kms !!! but its fine he watches me as a ghost for the next 18 years!!!! but yeah its obviously hard for all of us to take and stuff
so when were all older we obviously go our seperate ways but i kind of stay in touch with diego klaus and viktor (allison never answers her damn phone and luthers on the moon) i read viktors book and i thought it was fine like i dont have an issue with it he was speaking facts that nobody else in the house wanted to admit and we were pretty much treated the same also after bens death i kind of like started doing drugs with klaus again because the serums were also just drugs like be fucking fr anyways klaus also never tells me that ben is looking over us and he feels bad about it but like klaus and i are really similar [in my dr everyones like oh hes just klaus but in another body] so im not like yk i cant like stay mad but trust in my dr i will be sorry buddy anyways i still talk to diego cause me and him are also bestfriends and i try to send messages up to the moon sometimes to luther cause he and diego were literally like i actually felt like family around them theyre like my brothers but obviously wtv
thats like kind of a backstory thing i left some things out but i love oversharing about some of the things in my drs its fun
let me know if you wanna hear more cause like eeeeeeeee
also im scripting that like i dont know klaus has ben on his shoulder and that stuff cause i like to make myself suffer a little bit
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tea-and-secrets · 29 days
Okay this one is sorta NSFW but it's not detailed. Anyway I made a tumblr blog about a deeply taboo subject that I am into (it is not illegal or immoral just heavily looked down upon) and since this thing is so taboo and shameful I don't tag my posts with it. I don't want to get harassment or banned yk. Anyway I found some sort of a community and one of them had a confession blog. I submitted an ask related to the content and mentioned a fic I really liked and they deleted my ask and made a post saying not to make asks personal related. Like it was fandom related it wasn't personal??? (The blog was about fandoms so) the community is so tiny and im kind of forced to interact if I want some content tbh. I'm also autistic and a freak so that does not make social matters any better. I just want to talk to more people about my *ahem* interest without getting canceled or shunned is that too much to ask :( anyway I also found a really cool person on Twitter who writes amazing fanfics I like. I feel bad for them because they're going through some mental stuff but they cater to my niche perfectly. I'm going through some mental stuff myself and I think thats what sparked me making the blog in the first place tbh. I've barely slept since making it and feel extremely anxious. Also further rant very off topic. The other day I sent an anon ask to a person that involved me oversharing about my mental illness. It was completely unasked for but said disorder was related to a post they made that upset me. I don't really feel bad abt it because they upset me and made a pretty rude post about a sensitive subject. I have more tea still. I infiltrated this community of insufferable people who had an anon ask blog much like this. People were so mean on there like I was just trying to share my thoughts like this and they kept bullying me :( it's so annoying bc my mental illness is irrational and people just don't Get It. These days I sometimes just pop into random peoples ask boxes and talk about this stuff. I just think way too much and my friends and people irl would think I am literally insane. I kind of am but thats beside the point. Here's to the ramblings of a mental person. Anyway diagnose me im waiting
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b0yfr0mth3st4rs · 4 months
random musing post for today:
yk those stories that youll see where the monsters/fae/eldritch beings/etc will meet the main character and be like “you’re ours now”? In the occurrences ive seen it in the online sphere, its usually a Y/N insert or a self insert.
So like, I was just thinking abt how realistic that’d be for me. Not in the sense of “do these creatures exist” but as in “would they take a liking to me”. because they could. But like, in most of these stories you have to be kind, understanding, and not afraid. I most likely wouldn’t be. Even if i was, i might be off-putting bc of my tendency to info dump and overshare. I might be off-putting because of my trouble controlling my volume.
My point is that as much as I’d like to believe i’d be a skrunkly creature’s “Human Of Choice” (patent pending), I prolly wouldn’t.
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wheelcr · 2 years
hi flora! i loveeee your new theme! it's so so pretty and u did so well on the icon ^ anyways i wanted to ask for like, more info of finn in ur actress dr?? im so smitten for finn ajsnsa and i just wanted to know more abt him
- 🏩 nonnie
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ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐑. ✧ ˚ ༘ ゛
hiii there my pretty pretty nonie! tysm i'm so so happy you like it darl <3 and ofc!! i love talking about finn obv i'm smitten for him too [ dreamy sigh ] i think i also received an ask about finn from @timotheesl0ve but accidentally deleted it and forgot about it so :/ this post might be a lil diff from my other ones ^^ includes some text msgs and scenarios from my dr
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♡. okay, jesus, where do i even begin?? finn is a tall, lanky, chaotic, super loud, force of nature
when i first met him, he was kinda awkward— like fidgeting and stuff, stuttered out a "hey, i'm finn" "oh i know" "oh.. well then" was not really how i wanted to kick off our friendship
♡. once he warms up enough, he's super goofy and playful. also really sweet!! :c he told me i looked pretty and that he was a huge fan of my show, and i never blushed as hard as i did that afternoon i swear
and the thing about him, he knows damn well what he's doing. the tiny smirk that crept up on his face when he saw my cheeks redden definitely told me so
♡. whatever confidence and charm he has in real life is totally amplified at work! i wouldn't say that finn is a perfectionist, because there are definitely a shit ton of moments where he's lazy and chill, but when he does something, he puts his whole finn - ussy into it yk what i mean?? you can tell that he really enjoys what he does and works hard for it, and it pays off bc the shit he makes turns out so so so good!!
♡. one thing i like about finn is that he's honest, makes it so much easier to communicate tbh ^^ he's straight up about everything, doesn't like to beat around the bush he's super genuine and sincere and i find it so akaioqjdjwfujd he's so perfect :ccc
♡. adding to the last one, he's also sometimes too honest.. like in a spontaneous oversharing kinda way...
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bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 25 ] — flor flora florie floorwax
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 28 ] — what do you wajt its 11pm finn
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — bird outside my window c:
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — also i really need to pee
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — good for oyu wolfhard
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — goodnight.
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♡. love love loves!! vintage aesthetics! when discussing movie night in our gc he has to suggest at least one old chick flick. has tons and tons of playlists just filled with 80s music. also loves taking polaroids and low quality videos with like the grain that makes it look super old
^^ which is why finn was super hyped about the take on me cover he did with calpurnia. wouldn't stop talking my ear off about it for weeks and i honestly didn't mind. the dreamy look in his doe eyes when he talks about something he's passionate about is to die for
♡. super touch starved. doesn't initiate anything super touchy - feely at first but trust me, he enjoys it very much. he loves having his hand held. says it makes him feel grounded and safe. also loves when people play with his hair!! isn't afraid to ask for affection but will bite me if i question it
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"lili can you play with my hair?" he mumbled once, face smushed into one of my velvet cushions
me being me, i just couldn't pass the opportunity for at least a little bit of teasing over my friend's little request "awww, puppy wants pets? you need me to play with your hair hmmm?"
"..." "..haha, do you still want—" "good fucking bye >:c" i almost died from laughter watching his tall figure retreating to my kitchen to eat all my banana bread as payback
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♡. moody moody boy. one moment he's bouncing off the walls and joking around and having the time of his life, then he reads one hate comment or remembers something that he didn't want to remember and his mood goes super duper sour :c
like if he's upset he won't be rude or snappy but he'll definitely be super quiet and really really dry. ( his annoyed voice is kinda h— ) if he's upset by something someone did, he's not one for confrontation at first, but he's gonna make so many jabs and sarcastic remarks
♡. super sentimental lil man. he loves to take pictures and short clips, and basically document everything going on 'just for the sake of it'. i think this mainly comes from the fact that our friend group consists of a lot of vloggers. finn likes keeping memories stored in a safe place where he can edit them and make them look all pretty just for him and his friends to look back on and laugh, and i find it so so endearing
♡. okay but like despite the whole mysterious, almost like untouchable kinda aura he emits because of his thick lashes and half - lidded eyes, he's just a boy. a boy who still makes 'your mom' jokes and finds farting funny. a boy who completely bursts my eardrums with a rickroll everytime he joins discord vc. a boy who went skating with me down the street while yelling "THEY SEE ME ROLLING—" and i love him so much. he's my best friend <3
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oatbugs · 4 months
sorry if this is oversharing but here's my two cents ! i dated someone for 3 years who never put in the effort, never was the first to call, left me on read, never texted me first etc. It makes you MISERABLE. and i always had this idea of if i just said the right words they would change. if I told them enough times that i was unhappy and wanted more effort from them, they would start treating me right. they would always say they would do better, and then did the same.
there's no magic word combination. some people are just built like that forever, no matter how much u plead. it really makes u feel worthless after a while. unfortunately she sounds just the same. after we broke up i realised i only tolerated all that shit because i found them SO SO SO physically attractive. and it made me feel so good about myself...like look at me i can pull this absolute hottie...and i realised i was in love with that feeling more than i was in love w them or their personality.
i hope this is even a little bit helpful ! best wishes !!
hi !!! that sounds really horrible i'm sorry you went through that! i'm so glad you're out of that relationship now though, i hope ur doing ok now !! (long answer so i'll put it under cut)
yh i def understand ! whenever i was in a relationship w smn who was inconsistent in replying etc etc even for a temporary period i felt absolutely miserable i can't imagine what it's like to go through that for 3 whole years...the situation w my crush however i think is a bit different bc we've gone on very few dates (3) and we're not even in a relationship yet, and also maybe in the past i would plead or look for the right combination of words, but fortunately i'm at a stage in my life where i'm ok w just. accepting it def won't work out and i'm moving on
u are right though i think a big aspect of why i'm entertaining this even to such an unserious capacity rn is bc of how she looks 😭 but ...idk how to say this without sounding rly arrogant but she also pulled...me? like i think i only tend to date ppl i find very hot and also i don't feel too bad abt losing her despite her appearance bc like...yh i feel lucky i pulled her but also it was the other way around too yk. she's the one who asked me out at the start 🤷‍♀️ (i say this but catch me weeping over lost potential in a few weeks) but also ur right as it stands rn its like . the ratio of how attracted i am to her looks:personality is wayyy off and if it doesn't change, i just won't see myself in a relationship w her
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they--slash--them · 8 months
me when im afraid to overshare in person so i just dont speak or only use set responses like how are you? and fine and you is out my mouth b4 i even think abt it lol n the other person is like well could be better to yk how it is n im like oh we're doing honesty hour here???
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Of course i do!
Not many, since i prefer pretty emoboys and pretty sunshines over pretty brats- honestly, he HAS annoyed me, but i dont exactly hate him, more like he's the terrorizing younger sibling to my so fucking done older sibling. Example nro. 1, he left the mess with the lyre during the archon quest to us. Why is that tiny mfucker running after having JUST told us he cast an ILLUSION on his own fucking artifact, like i know he's weak and shit cuz he lost his gnosis, but have a SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AND NIGERUNDAYO US WITH YOU TOO!
Anyways, i like to, when i know he's gonna appear in events and such, use DIONA as payback. A No-alcohol-activist cat against an alcoholistic cat allergic bard gets me giggling every single time.
And in Sagau we pretty much agree he's a clingy whiny prat- depending on the version, has he hurt the creator or not? Is he yandere or simply a fanatic follower or something?- imagine bolting to grab diona as a meatshield when the bard gets a bit too, clingy. I myself am a not physical person, like once every while hug is enough to sustain me for a month. (I do get my affection bursts, but those too are like two months apart and mostly only with family, and only if they arent busy, such as hugging them while they are making a call or plopping down to lay next to them on the sofa for like 5 minutes. I myself feel like a cat.)
Creator holding diona by the armpits like a cross to a vampire while venti is pouting six feet away sets me giggling every time.
(my maternal grandma who i actually recently mentioned, passed away four days ago. I was the only one home when mom came back from work after she got a call grandma was getting worse and when she came back almost immediatly got a call grandma passed away and i had to awkwardly comfort her and hug her. I also realise i probably am oversharing, but pouring out shit about myself anonymously is my way of venting. And is also the reason i havent recently sent any asks.)
i’m gonna have to kindly disagree on your characterization/opinion of venti(partly because i’m biased but partly because i just don’t think it’s in character), but i can see the backing behind some of your points.
like the lyre stunt? dumb as hell. the fact that diona is like. his mortal nemesis? hilarious. i am laughing with you.
also i acknowledge we both have like. yk. different preferences/opinions/thoughts abt venti here. but i do think venti, while naturally a physically affectionate person, is emotionally intelligent enough to recognize and respect any preferences you state or boundaries you lay down.
also, i’m sorry for both your loss and the emotional labor that must have required /gen. take all the time you need.
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castle-dominion · 8 months
7x5 meme is murder
the snappamatic episode liveblog
Ok so I have p much no time. I have a full time job now instead of part time plus school assignments to do. I'm just going thru the transcript while I have a free half hour instead of yk... doing my Menu Demographic assignment.
update: it's still several days later & I'm only now getting the chance to watch it, on my day off. Heck the only reason I'm able to watch it is bc even tho I had to go to two different schools today & my uncle usually comes over, mum & lil bro are gone & my uncle is not coming over so I can watch this in the evening. I... have less than two hours before I need to be asleep.
Music <3 I see nobody here. Lots of mirrors. Pretty gal. Love how we're getting only one side of the phone call. why is the number already blocked? it's her! She dead!
When I watch this I'm going to join in on the vocal warmups I swear (I did lol) my mom's shiny forehead Martha <3 I love her bouncing BTS stuff I love, hey do you remember-- no that was s8 when someone was filming the dead body in the theater place. Mo! (who even is mo?) (you know I named a character Miyawatam who goes sby the nickname mo) walks away from mom with "oh my god" face wait I need captions on lol & since I've pre-liveblogged this, I can watch while doing my mustard seeds!
Misleading. Ha on the downloa-d. Remember the bloopers? NF has to catch books over & over.
Good for castle! Minor blow to my ego! Ok becks but PLAYING yourself is different from BEING yourself. Ah the coffee clink! RC: It’s time I let technology wrap me in its warm, lucrative embrace. Me: Bro if it's warm ur battery is overheating transcript doesn't say how tall the building is (love castle & the unis)
SHE is a maintenance worker, good for her. nvm misread the transcript, maintenance FOUND her Esposito kinda pretty. Heehee so creepy. Julian & LT in the background <3 Ryan also pretty ig but meh RC: Well, so much for the warm embrace of technology. Why si it always a burner phone? I mean they are homicide detectvies so of course it is there... I just remembered how the killer got in. Anyway the dets get burner phones with more regularity than normal ppl. Did she get killed after hanging up on him & getting the text?
Ryan's eyes in this lighting Club Doom Small time celebrity sort of like how castle is a famous author but not easily recognizable. Wow 500k is a lot. My youtube only has 320 & mu tumblrs have way less. (btw carlos is kinda pretty) Oh maintenance celebrity was a comedian! Makes sense! not stalkers but u need followers
HOLD ON I KNOW AN EDWARD HAN IRL. he is NOT an acupuncturist, at least he wasn't in jr high... RC: And who better than an acupuncturist to kill with accurate punctures? Perhaps with a giant needle. JE, who is rly pretty: I don’t get it. Posting dumbass photos all over the place? How does she have a fan base? How did this become a career? Me: so right bestie *liveblogging on tumblr* RC: Welcome to the sharing economy. JE: More like oversharing. Me: & it's worse when they share info abt random people on the street or prank them. At least Just For Laughs gags points out the cameras in the end & asks permission. KB: Really? And you’re opposed to all photos of oversharing women? *eyes emoji* JE: o-o JE: That’s … different. (funny but not clipping) (ryan said that making eye contact to beckett & everyone but also that deep eye contact with esposito)
Yeah she messed up Han's business I'm mad at her Ooh info: Abby said someone had been following her for the last month. But I didn’t track her down until a week ago. So the stalker couldn’t have been me. I don't have proof, that's your job
What's up with the lighting btw? KB: “The brightest stars burn quickest.” Me: we spark & fade they die by threes ooh wood varnish Pulls up a chair for someone (castle ig) The guy filming-- no that was castle's book. Mixing in my mind with the one in the future. lol Netslayer??? totally would have a better pfp imo
Like the cheese that the guy posted online that happened to have his finger that had his fingerprint that got him arrested
Heck yeah privacy! Oren Wilder: Look, no one is more upset about this than we are. KB: I bet Abby Smith was. Yay 10minmail Snappamatic stays a thing in future episodes, being associated with murder is not going to ruin it. Like those tiktokers who found a body in a suitcase. Metadata my beloathed What if the netslayer had his idea for snappamatic stolen by these two? Why would netslayer not scrub the metadata? JE: We already did. It’s a one man shop owned by one Bill Garrett. It turns out he used to be a cop until he had a nervous breakdown. And get this – he worked in the cyber division.
Ew guns. no vests tho.
Lol screw you & your fellow officer bs. You are to be treated just like any other human being. Even when u delete them they can be recovered, yes he knows that he was in cyber. He can't have killed her bc he wouldn't mess up like that. Bill Garrett doesn't go near the web unless he has to? mr cyber division? Also brings up a question. When did the police need to make a cyber division? (& then why does he have wifi at his shop?) BG: And I quit cyber because a frat boy date raped a girl, posted the photos online, and then got away with it, so I flipped out and I put him in the hospital. Me: so valid bestie
Ooh it's them! they're being stalked! Taunted! Serial killers taunting cops are always fun in media. So why... why did the netslayer show off instead of letting them arrest him & he'd get away with it? Oh wait I remember. He wants attention. I lovebeckett's face at the body parts
RC: Human Sausages... (makes sense for a serial killer)... in november...... (not so much) Except that mr cyber might be able to change his security system to say he has an alibi their NEXT murder or a murder they've done which u haven't found yet? Speaking of which, did he post the pics before or after the body was found? Huh, nov 12 is World Pneumonia Day. KR, annoyed: Yes castle we're also looking into that
I don't like the animations. I'd expect Tory to do more alt-tab back & forth between the cropped photo & the normal photo. In fact, let her do it several times & maybe one of the dets says "stop i'mma get nauseous" Food blogs my beloathed
Ooh german cuisine Hey 47 followers in a week is good!!
Maybe these are personal, not for the web-celeb. Go back to your first suspicion.
KR: But Leek’s pretty low on the Snappamatic totem pole. He only has about two thousand followers. Heck, my blog has more than that. First of all, "heck" is a good word, second, Let Me See Ryan's Blog! Like how bbc made john watson's blog! RC: U have a blog? KR: Yeah, yeah. The Ryan Report. It’s the musings of a homicide detective? The ryan report <3. Ok so the transcript says becks knows what he's talking abt but does she? does she read it? does she just know about it? I'm glad castle isn't reading it tho bc he'd make so many comments & corrections. (& watching it I see becks also looks surprised when ryan says his blog has over 2k followers) (Actually watching it I see becks makes hand gestures as if she knows abt the blog, meaning she knew abt it but not that it was over 2k followers or she was faking.) KR: Well … that’s going to be difficult. He’s at an art opening in Seattle. He doesn’t live in New York. Ok & one more thing abt the ryan report: is being a homicide detective his only personality trait? (I mean in early seasons he started reading castle books & then ofc he's also a parent, & it's revealed he took piano lessons & he'd open a winery if he won the lottery, but still, his blog is about homicide?) Castle shaking his hands when he figures it out, adhd moments
RC: Expiration date on spoiled milk. Plus grilled bratwurst equals … spoiled brats. (they don’t really follow) That’s the message. That’s what the images mean, leading us to … (off their lost looks) Seriously? Anyone here besides me a consumer of vapid online magazines? ESPOSITO, RYAN, and BECKETT all chorus “no”. CASTLE deflates. (but the way they say it is so... chill & small, I love them. not worth clipping tho. btw I love how far forward beckett's head is when listening & then she brings it back to normal good posture when she shakes her head. But maybe I should clip. But maybe I shouldn't.) Ok but weren't there 3 photos? Yeah body parts I DID IN FACT NOTICE THAT THE ARTICLE'S PHOTO WAS THE COLLAGE
Ok I should put this on hold *after eating second breakfast* Maybe I can just liveblog a little more...
Becks maybe she doesn't know abt the netslayer yet, it's been less than a day. Could have said "we have reason to believe that you are the target of an upcoming homicide" So she knows abt the netslayer obv, but abby had up to half the followers you did, which is a lot. (also, ryan's blog has 2k followers!?!? that is plenty!) she's awful. doesn't deserve to die but wow. Yeah it's hard when you go from mademoiselle to madam or miss to maam or senorita to senora. (but esposito's eyes when she said that lol) Bye bye! *man's dead*
hhh pushzoom So when did the netslayer kill cam if the cops were right there?
I always thought it was weird how they just have a tv up in the corner but they used it for the baby lottery & they don't just idk. tv is weird. she can pause it? remember the dead pool? the guy was a car thief? Or ambidextrous
Ok so the timing of it is an issue. It looks like they are still chill, but this was before they got on the scene.
First name
Hug <3 This is so early 2010s or whenever this show came out. Love anonymity. The cops just bought a 3d printer? I'd expect the guy to maybe use one at the library. Ryan looks so sweet. I love him look at that. Ok but u need to have it the right size. & orientation. The key is twisted to the wrong size. But ryan is sooo smart look at him! look at what he did! (also that key is possibly a 1284x) Castle uses the word outstanding now! (the killer didn't snap a pic, the vic posted a pic) mr rich castle man XD (beckett's voice this ep sounds like she grew up with a british or other european accent & is working to not have that accent but it is not rly working.)
Yeah u don't drive ur can in new york, it's for getting out of the city.
JE: So I’ve been running the people that rented Abby’s apartment. KB: Why would anyone let complete strangers stay in their place? TE: Extra money. KB & JE: TE: (sheepishly) After this I don’t think I’ll be doing it anymore. (yeah she's an underpaid "lowly tech worker" I don't think even a real cop. I have a friend who does work like that, or at least did, idk what happened after june 2020) So this guy has been planning this since Abby rented out her apartment. Carlos said she USED to rent out her place, now she doesn't.
Bill garrett, welcome back! Is it a fake beard or did he grow up & grow a beard?
Myspace XD Except I have a question, would he, if he's been this traumatized, not be super aware of where all the cameras are now? ig not Computer geek? My man has computer friends then.
how does he get paid then? Oh wait online stuff. that's how he paid for the 3d print job. JE: Hey, get this. I ran down Tim Witherspoon, Lane’s bully. Turns out, he’s dead. Unsolved homicide. He was stabbed in his apartment ten months ago. !!! RC: That’s right after Lane’s mother died. Maybe that’s what triggered him. He might still have the key, like when james gillies went to his childhood home & kidnapped someone
wow guns
her phone is in the velcro on her jacket?
Oren and Kent Wilder from Snappamatic, oh no. (they got kidnapped WHILE working with tthe police!?) This is hilarious, I read a fanfiction like this once. It was very typical fanfiction tho, I can't take this seriously.
It's like gofundme, a popularity contest where if you lose you die bc you can't afford ur medical bills. Becks is right, they both might. I mean, maybe if nobody voted nothing would happen. Hey here's a question: how are the votes connected to the machines? What if instead of finding the room, they stop the timer & the votes? Yeah sure u can track down snappamatic office photos OR you can find out where/when/how they were snatched & figure things out that way. (bro they can't even track the photos, remember?)
Adam Lane: What’s the expression? Three hots and a cot? (shrugs) Works for me. They probs can't send him there AL: It can’t be any worse than high school. he's .. maybe not that wrong? girl u'r not going down with manson & the zodiac. AL: I’m sick? (scoffs) Nobody had to follow me. No one has to vote for Kent or Oren. But they can’t help themselves. They want to be a part of it. They have to watch. So … who is really sick? He's not too far off there actually
I thought that garret would go in & talk to him
Ryan doing tech stuff, esposito walking around canvassing Well if the site crashed, nobody can vote so that's good. Maybe it disabled the timer & now they won't die. What if oren & kent just,, already died bc the system boot killed them? bc it is after all connected to the site & the votes...
AL: If you cops were capable of doing your jobs you’d know. there was a hint. He did spoiled brats... he left a hint somewhere else. & I think I remembered how it ends. {hs, right?} ew fakes electrocution, surprised me Becks u need to make it believable. Send Garrrett in. Or u can bully him becks. that... ok. He didn't exactly say they were to/g. *using description* tiled walls & stale air. Why so much description my man? BOTH fry wait, he also said the votes were irrelevant.
*jumps over the thing* Bro what if you just peel off the stickers? (except with only this many seconds left u might not want to touch the things) The countdown ends and an electrical box beeps. ESPOSITO reaches over and grabs a fistful of the wires and pulls them out. The wires spark, but they’re safe. Like castle & the bomb! for a sec I thought esposito went to hug him lol, but it was the duck tape on his mouth
I love seeing the whiteboard with the writing but no pics, it;s cool
The way he swings his arms
Transcript: Hi, I’m Crichard Rastle Captions: Crichard Ratchel Me: so did he mess up saying his own name or was it youtube pooped together? I;M SO HAPPY THIS WAS DUMB & PPL DIDN'T ENJOY IT BUT I DID & I SING IT TO MYSELF ALL THE TIME. his face doing the boomerang thing RC: (horrified) A million people have seen that?
Great ending btw with just the "hi"
sdklsjdfljksj so that was fun. Can't wait for the bloopers I'll show you some good.
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stardstgf · 3 years
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