viivdle · 2 months
only psychopaths watch dead poets society in their free time (it's me, i'm psychopaths)
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pterodach · 1 year
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Cringe night sketches i had drawn with a mouse bc I was too lazy to connect my graphic tablet. Tbh i do not recommend cause i have pain in the wrist now.
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creekfiend · 1 year
1. My lawyer and I have not been able to get ahold of my doctor at all to obtain testimony from him for my disability hearing; we have already had to postpone the hearing date once due to this; if we do not get his testimony I will not win my case
2. Yeah they put you on trial for disability. Anyway,
3. I haven't been able to eat enough food at all for ages and ages but especially since Lambchop died and then I have to order takeout or I simply won't eat any meals at all and then I hate myself because Money
4. I'm so so so so so so lonely holy shit I'm so lonely
5. I really wish I could become disinterested in public vulnerability and focus only on making my apartment look nicer
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gideon resents nona because she would rather be hated by harrow than loved by nona...
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rainingmbappe · 5 months
I love my life
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Make Me Write
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Thanks for the tag @elbritch-kit! I hope your writing went well ♥
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
I have so many WIPs in my folder, I decided to use a wheel to chose three for me... i'm kidding but it will end up this way one day. Anyway, you can find the contenders under the cut if you want to know more about them (or you can vote based on vibes only) :
I'm not tagging anyone but consider this an open tag (and don't hesitate to tag me if you do make a poll 🥰)
When her ex-bestfriends knock on her door and ask for their old band to get back together, Nat slams the door in their face. Somehow, this is not the end of the story.
-> I'm technically almost done with the first draft, I just need the last chapter... Yes it's been on the back burner for three years, your point? 😭
Lorelei Douxruisseau had always had the unfortunate tendency to get into trouble on her own. It didn't matter if it was about pissing off a Goddess, starting a war or terrorizing a village or two, all these dubious decisions were always motivated by the same thing: boredom. And it was this same boredom, Lorelei's secular enemy, that encouraged her to push open another Witch's door unannounced. And to meddle in their messy ritual. But really, it's not her fault. After all, who'd have guessed that behind their brilliant idea and idiotic ritual was the last of the Maledictus, eh? Not Lorelei, that's who. After an ill-prepared ritual and a poorly negotiated contract, when the Mighty Ones find themselves projected into Lorelei Douxruisseau's past, the whole fabric of the universe shakes and the veils of time are torn apart. Faced with an amnesiac Lorelei devoid of magic, they'll have to be patient if they ever want to return home. And they'll have to pray that she doesn't slit their throats when she regains her memories.
-> I'm on the third book for this series and it has been kicking my ass big time. I had to cut it in half and put one half in the fourth book, and I was so pissed I haven't picked it up since.
Jo Hautain is in love with a vampire. It has been her reality since her girlfriend has been turned, seven years ago, and yet, she still manages to be surprise but the utter bullshit that came with this life-changing transformation. What do you mean Lou has to bond with an established Coven to rule her bloodlust ? What do you mean Jo is not enough ? Still, she is not one to go gently into the night. If the Rodins think they are worthy of Lou, they will have to prove it. When the vampiric masquerade ball Lou has been invited to (and which Jo crashed) takes a turn for the worse, she must come up with a new plan to ensure her girlfriend's survival while trying to preserve her own heart. Unfortunately, Lou isn't the only one having issues of the supernatural variety. Iris suffers from a rare fae disease currently trying to kill her, Charlie still can't accept being a wolf three nights a month and is sinking even deeper into despair as time goes by, Alex longs to return to the sea, despite knowing it would be her undoing. And Ana is hunted and hounded by the Virulentes, the less-than-human leaders of the witch's community, who resent her "abusive use of magic". Add to the mix two customers too charming for their own good, a mysterious Coven settling back into their town and a ghost from the past lurking in the shadows, and Jo is ready to throw the towel. No, really, it's not easy being to be the only sensible one around, but someone has to do it. Jo just wishes it would be someone else, for once.
-> This is my July Camp NaNo project and I'm 16k in out of 20k so I'm doing pretty well. Is it good? Meh, maybe not, but at least it's moving forward unless the other two XD
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heartofarcanum · 5 months
Friends Romans countrymen I am unwell
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the-ocean-is-scary · 1 year
Warcross headcanon that Roshan used to have Memories recorded but they were all with Tremaine. So when they broke up he deleted them all and that's why there weren't any when Emika was looking through his data.
Bonus: Tremaine kept them all
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sleepylostboy · 7 months
Me for the 1000th time: I’m gonna stop. I don’t want to damage myself anymore. I mean it this time. I wanna get better. I really think I can do it.
*fails after just 3 days*
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gongedtornado · 11 months
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teamskull-datingsim · 5 months
babe are you okay youve been thinking about cookie run again
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eatyourdamnpears · 10 months
I’m afraid I’m hitting burn out
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iknowitwontwork · 1 year
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jaimeski · 2 years
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summary of my feeling after watch egglore and c!sam/boomer lore
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rainingmbappe · 5 months
I love my life
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arisatohamuko · 2 years
oh my god the cookie run bts event started and its playing actual bts music and it lasts for 98 fucking days..................
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