#absolutely epic story
bookwormsbutterfly · 1 year
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rillils · 6 months
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Oh, my love when will you come to look for me?
Tom McRae, Still lost | @catws-anniversary
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isp-annafer · 26 days
Hey guys Hephaestus has glasses in the livestream animatic. I know its just for funsies (and also probably based on Jorge's dad, who was the singer), but you guys know what this means????
A possible canon explanation for Polites having glasses CAN be a 'gift of the gods' now, except not from Athena as some people have jokingly suggested. It can be from Hephaestus instead, lol.
(ALSO, recall how Hephaestus's brief argument was 'trust isn't given, it has to be forged', which can be an echo of Polites's philosophy, which was something like 'show trust, and be trusted in return'.
There's SOMETHING there that can be played with between two characters that didn't show up much in the musical. One more than the other.)
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 months
Dunmeshi anime: I'm so glad we got to the shapeshifting part I was sure it was going to end on Senshi's part. Would have been more fitting probably,but now we all get blessed with what Chilchuck looks like on the inside and Bishonen Senshi Sailor Moon.
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theexhaustedqueer · 24 days
Hot take: the instrumental part of God Games is the best part of the song
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dutifullylazybread · 3 months
Zevlor Brain Worm
Tucking a Zevlor x Tav fic into the future WIP folder--
My written-in-between-work-tasks idea below
Okay, so imagine that Tav and Zevlor are married/in a relationship prior to the Descent. They live together in Elturel and have a comfortable, content life together.
Now, imagine that Tav is away from Elturel visiting Baldur's Gate, and they receive word that Elturel has simply been wiped off of the face of the material plane.
They hurry back and confirm the worst has happened.
Through various means, they learn that the city was dragged to Avernus, and they take it upon themselves to find someone who can send them into the hells.
Here's the catch: to make it to Elturel, they need someone in the hells (on the other side of the planar traveling spell) to keep the gate open and to prevent any demons/devils from tampering with the portal.
The logical answer is Zevlor, right?
So Tav works with the person facilitating their planar travel. They reach out to Zevlor and ask him to keep the way open.
But just as they activate the portal, just as all of the painstakingly gathered materials are burned away and the spell takes shape, Zevlor drops his end of the connection--effectively cutting Tav's path off.
In their panic, Tav casts a Sending and learns that Zevlor is alive--he just refuses to let them join him in Avernus.
"But why? We're partners. We're stronger together."
"Because I love you too much to drag you into Hell with me."
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rileys-battlecats · 2 months
im storyboarding thunder bringer and im already crying at drawing stick figure eurylochus at the end this situation isn't tenable 😭
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prolibytherium · 2 months
Man those The Hobbit movies really were bad huh
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Via Hangman's instagram story on 16/09/24
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hellishgayliath · 27 days
Oooooooooohhhh im gonna feel bad for saying this and it kills me cuz i love epic with my whole heart but
Wisdom Saga did not hit right :v
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Love that a defining quality of the House of Thingol is that you must be a wife guy.  Thingol?  Famously enchanted for 200 years by the mere sight of his wife.  Beren?  Truly Middle-earth’s most famous wife guy.  Eärendil?  Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor a strong affinity for the mortal side of one’s heritage shall keep him from coming home to his wife, always.  Elrond?  The sole reason he peaces out of Middle-earth is to be with his wife.  If this family had a guiding motto, it would be “I love my wife” and that’s so valid of them.
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stardustcleaningguy · 7 months
trimax livio …. save me trimax livio …
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creative-hanyou-girl · 8 months
I'm only making one post tonight because I gotta be up in a few hours but WOW!!!!! What a finale episode!!!!! It was everything I loved from the book and more. Also that scene with Percy and Poseidon!? I actually got teared up. You could just SEE the pain and grief in Poseidon's eyes over the fact that he couldn't be with Percy and Sally and it was so heartbreaking!!!
Also ADORE that Poseidon saved Percy from Zeus. Not only from the bolt, but by surrendering. We all know how prideful the gods are, especially Big 3 gods, so the fact that Poseidon put Percy FIRST over his pride makes my heart melt. I always believed that as far as the Greek gods go in PJO, Poseidon was one of the better and more genuinely caring parents, and the show is just proving me right 1000%. Its also a good moment because it demonstrates to Percy that the gods aren't all black and white; they're not all terrible parents by choice. In my opinion, this moment gives Percy's motivation on fighting FOR the gods more weight and grounding. Because he sees that his dad DOES care about him. We all say Percy could've EASILY turned out like Luke, but because Percy sees that his dad does care about him, and that some gods do care about their kids, it allows him to see that not all the gods are completely terrible for the sake of being terrible. I still love his motivation in the books where he fights for the sake of his friends, but I like that the show is letting Percy see too that the gods, like humans, are multiple layered and that they have their reasons. This is not me trying to justify all the gods' actions btw, but I do think that there are SOME gods at least that aren't completely terrible for no reason like Zeus and Ares in PJO, and Poseidon protecting Percy is a great show of that and adds to Percy's decision to defend the gods instead of fighting against them, even though he and Luke are a lot alike with similar feelings of abandonment and resentment.
Also, I wonder how the TV only viewers are doing right now after Luke's betrayal. From what I heard, TV viewers loved Luke, so I can only imagine how WRECKED they must be feeling. I feel devastated, and I saw it coming as a book reader. That's how great Luke's actor was, and how great the show portrayed Luke as a older brother figure to Percy.
Overall, AMAZING final. I'll try to express more thoughts tomorrow.
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narukyuu · 11 months
You know something FUN and wonderful that will change a campaign forever happened when the fandom is big mad about it.
Never change Taliesin Jaffe 🥰
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floralovebot · 7 months
literally No One cares cause like no one else remembers this movie but Good God i wish titan a.e. had been more about character development and arcs rather than just. looking pretty. like don't get me wrong, it Is a pretty movie and i Do like it. but also.
there was so much they could've done even in the limited movie time frame and they just. didn't! literally no thought to korso selling out the human race specifically because he's depressed and genuinely feels like there's no hope. barely redeeming him at the end but not even exploring How he got to that point - how cale gave him hope again, how he saw a genuine future he believed in because he believed in cale! it's just a little bit hinted at but not at all given the attention it deserves.
and then of course, cale himself!!! the two of them literally go through the same journey of feeling like there's no more hope for humans but learning through their connections with others that there is. and we get to see that with cale!!! it makes sense, he's the main character and all, but if we can see that with him, why not with korso?
i just,,, ough,,,, this movie had such great potential but they focused so much on the art and graphics and effects and like Yes it's all very pretty but the characters,,, the characters!!!!
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orcelito · 8 months
Oh a reassurance I can give to itnl readers tho. I don't think I'm gonna catch writing bug for bg3. Like it may be everything I want to do right now, but that's more due to my wish to explore every nook and cranny I can even Possibly find in the game. Also the gameplay is Fun. But while I love the characters, they're not Grabbing me in the way they'd need to for me to write them. That could change I guess, but I kinda don't see it happening.
So. I won't do to itnl what I've done to discacc (accidentally put it on indefinite hiatus while I write in a whole different fandom). I just need to finish exploring every map in this game, and then I think I'll be free.
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