#absolute bullshit nonsense
irishvampireboy · 1 year
the fact that the words "time theft" even exist together the way they do and apply to some cooperate bullshit about ... stealing time from them (??????) and not like, time traveling bandits who literally steal things through time via time travel, makes me feel feral we deserve a better timeline we deserve to be time bandits
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ubejamjar · 26 days
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day 25 - myth
"Alas, he was of the sun and she of the moon. Apart they must remain, lest day and night cease to be, and with them all creation. With sadness in their hearts they returned to the heavens─he to the day, she to the night, destined to walk before and after, never to meet." - Udutai of the Oronir Tribe
auraugust promptos
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nikkoliferous · 19 days
This is the bully list after what happened to @abby118 . It comes from a famous Loki GIFS creator on tumblr who is also getting harassed & showed in the toxic behavior of this person behind these many alts accounts. Share it with everyone !!
lokilaufeysondiaries strangegodsloki queenofstarsign85 dreamingofimpalas hereitgoesagain067 buckybarnes-winters0ldier themoonsmaven nerdconpp crackships-r-us69 lokisimp89 lowkey-lokid souls-for-fandoms cassius-blackwood fandemoniumfantasies ladylovelyfan2014 lokismilkshake goddessofvictoryy
PSA for people being targeted by any or all of the above blogs.
personally, I am agnostic on the topic of preemptively blocking people (and sharing block lists, for that matter). I don't usually block people myself unless I'm getting directly harassed and they're becoming a distraction/it's the only way to get them out of my notes. with that being said, that's a personal choice of mine, and I fully support the rights of any blogger to block any other blogger for any (or even no) reason. nobody is entitled to read or interact with anybody else's blog.
this should also go without saying in this day and age, but I do not condone nor encourage anyone going to any of the above blogs to counter-bully them. do not spam their posts' notes, do not send them anon hate, so on and so forth. just block (or don't, if you prefer) and move on. not only for your own sake, but because from my limited direct interactions with/knowledge of a couple of them, it's clear that they crave the attention and it only feeds into their self-pitying view of themselves as the perpetual victim (despite them being the aggressors in each instance I've borne witness to). don't feed the trolls, etc etc.
stay safe out there and do what you need to do to take care of yourselves, loki fandom. 💚💛🖤
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autumn-applepie · 4 months
University ever pushes you so low you have to go buy a couple of beers? /srs/neg
I'm gonna vent in the tags for a moment humor me for once /gen
#No but I'm serious this place is a nightmare /neg#Venting in the tags#humor me for a second. you go to this uni and they promise you a place that will teach you how to become an artist#on both like. morality and skill level. they feed you with bullshit for MONTHS. “oh mistakes are fine! they make you grow!”#or “oh this is a community we work all together there are no discriminations this is a safe place to learn and improve”#and we like. work on this projects - THAT WE ARE NOT PAID TO WORK FOR SO *WE* GET TO PAY FOR ALL THE MATERIALS AND SHIT FOR THEM.#to like “help the community” or whatevrr because “artists are born to inspire others and bring joy” and blah blah blah. BUT. LIKE. THE THING#THE THING IS. NONE OF THESE PROJECTS WILL END UP ON OUR CURRICULUMS. WHAT WE WORK 6-7 YEARS FOR ARE NOT SEEN AS REAL EXPERIENCES.#AS IF WE'VE DONE LITERALLY NOTHING FOR 6-7 YEARS. AND LIKE. THE PROFESSORS ARE SO RACIST AND DISCRIMINATORY AS WELL.#If they don't like you they WON'T EVEN GIVE YOU THE EXAM. BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY TO DEMONSTRATE IF YOU WORKED OR NOT. IT'S UP TO THEM.#THEY DECIDE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE AS IF WE ARE SOME SORT OF FUCKING COMMUNIST KINDA BULLSHIT WORKERS.#Someone fucks up? *WE* FUCK UP AND EVERYONE PAYS. Someone succeeds? *WE* SUCCEED AND EVERYONE GETS THE CREDITS.#THIS IS ALSO WHY NONE OF THE WORKS WE DO END UP IN OUT CURRICULUM BECAUSE ITS MADE SO THAT *THE UNIVERSITY COURSE* DID IT AND NOT *US*.#IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT AND I CAN'T EVEN GET OUT OF THERE BECAUSE IF I DO MY PARENTS WILL KICK ME OUT CUZ THEY DON'T WANT ME TO BE AN ARTIST#So I'm trying to STUDY for the exams and the “professors” are getting mad at me that I'm not staying 10 HOURS IN THAT MOTHERFUCKING ART LAB.#WORKING AT THEIR NONSENSE PROJECTS THAT WILL NOT END UP IN MY CURRICULUM.#“Oh if you're not willing to put all your efforts for the course this is not the place for you” BITCH I *AM* PUTTING ALL MY EFFORTS!#THIS EXAM IS *LITERALLY* PART OF THE COURSE!! WHAT KIND OF FUCKING BULLSHIT ARGUMENT IS THAT!!!!!#Istg I'm gonna cry I want to kms /NOT SERIOUS#I'm gonna cook dinner. chug my lemon beer. and try to study like a normal person and beg this shit will end soon#Don't worry I'm not going to become an alcoholic I just need something. anything and I'm ABSOLUTELY not gonna start smoking I hate it /srs#tw alchohol mention#alcohol mention#tw smoking mention#smoking mention#vent#tw vent#// mike speaks
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pliablehead · 9 months
“When you really like something you give yourself to it—you get all these things that are trying to get a piece of you, and you only give it to a few, I think; that’s how I feel about the things I really like, I’m like, go on then.”
jonathan higgs on chips of chorlton
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thelivingautomaton · 9 months
the predoctoral fellowship i resubmitted in the fall not only didn't get funded, but in fact got even worse reviews than the first submission, except literally all of the reviewers' critiques were unrelated to the actual scientific merit or value of the work i was proposing. anyway i am feeling very poorly and very stupid today and hate everybody and everything, &c
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lawlietscaramels · 3 months
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did you guys know I took a photography class for two years. and learned nothing.
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ontargetmadders · 9 months
I literally just opened youtube and the first video I saw was "Ten reasons why I hate Serena" 🤨 Like firstly why would you even recommend that to me youtube?? If you really knew me (based on what I watch) you'd know she is my precious baby. And secondly how could anyone even possibly hate her??!! 😧😠 Just get that shit away from me now 😂
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sea-buns · 5 months
yesterday my computer suddenly decided to show a little thing on screen when I toggle caps lock but today it's also inverted it??? when caps lock is ON it's lowercase, and when it's OFF it's uppercase. windows why the fuck are you like this
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cannibalgenders · 1 year
My least favorite internet trend is “abled people lose their g-damn shit because a disabled woman can do makeup”. Like obviously disabled makeup influencers are fine or whatever but disabled people, particularly disabled afab people are pressured so hard into performing aesthetic wellness and pouring our precious energy into making ourselves look presentable instead of doing actual care tasks, or getting what we need to survive.
Like the amount of times I’ve been told I need to change clothes, wash my face, etc before I leave the house when…doing those things would use up all my energy?? Idk idk I just think it’s weird that abled people seem to have a fetish for disabled people (disabled women specifically) who make themselves look pretty because they so clearly don’t give a shit about disabled people who look disabled
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z-spy · 1 year
and i call alex polyam but then i look at him and he is ready to kill whole universe only for her and then i think no way he isn't monogamous- but man is actually monogamous for all the twenty five people he is in love with
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shoechoe · 2 years
When I was a little kid, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated was my favorite incarnation of Scooby Doo. I would watch it over and over. Even as my memory of it faded I always just kind of regarded Mystery Inc. as the best thing from the franchise by far.
I just finished rewatching it today and I am so angry. That was fucking terrible, what the hell?
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thepoisonroom · 2 years
unfortunately the heart wants what it wants and i'm starting to suspect my heart will never stop wanting weird nerds who are so smart that i am very nearly afraid
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catshinji · 2 years
how does a person manage to say shit like
"shinji was just just traumatised, why do people hate him 🥺 .. FUCK asuka though she's a BITCH 🤬🤬"
and not see the cognitive dissonance lmfaooo
is asuka not also a traumatised child? is she not also forced into dangerous and terrifying situations with no support from anyone around her?
yeah, she acts kind of mean to shinji, but in what world is that a worse crime than the sexual violence that shinji subjects her to. shinji tried to kill her because she told him no. in what fucking world is that more defensible than a little girl being mean.
i get wanting to reflexively defend shinji; some of the criticism against him is pretty terrible. but if your avid defence of him completely ignores his objectification of asuka and tries to paint her as a worse person than him, then sorry, you don't understand his character any better than the people you're criticising.
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If I had less desire to be sane I'd make a list of the top ten worst kokichi takes I've found because man have I heard some bad ones and my most recent find of "kokichi backed off when shuichi said to wait and seemed clearly uncomfortable in the love hotel means he chickened out and can't top" honestly might in fact, pun not intended, top that list of some of the worst takes
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
what i'm seeing after years of jgy/jc haters adding in their two cents unasked is that... none of those people have ever been dogpiled, or seen someone they care about get dogpiled, on social media
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