#that you are perfectly entitled to block anyone at anytime for any reason
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nikkoliferous · 6 months ago
This is the bully list after what happened to @abby118 . It comes from a famous Loki GIFS creator on tumblr who is also getting harassed & showed in the toxic behavior of this person behind these many alts accounts. Share it with everyone !!
lokilaufeysondiaries strangegodsloki queenofstarsign85 dreamingofimpalas hereitgoesagain067 buckybarnes-winters0ldier themoonsmaven nerdconpp crackships-r-us69 lokisimp89 lowkey-lokid souls-for-fandoms cassius-blackwood fandemoniumfantasies ladylovelyfan2014 lokismilkshake goddessofvictoryy
PSA for people being targeted by any or all of the above blogs.
personally, I am agnostic on the topic of preemptively blocking people (and sharing block lists, for that matter). I don't usually block people myself unless I'm getting directly harassed and they're becoming a distraction/it's the only way to get them out of my notes. with that being said, that's a personal choice of mine, and I fully support the rights of any blogger to block any other blogger for any (or even no) reason. nobody is entitled to read or interact with anybody else's blog.
this should also go without saying in this day and age, but I do not condone nor encourage anyone going to any of the above blogs to counter-bully them. do not spam their posts' notes, do not send them anon hate, so on and so forth. just block (or don't, if you prefer) and move on. not only for your own sake, but because from my limited direct interactions with/knowledge of a couple of them, it's clear that they crave the attention and it only feeds into their self-pitying view of themselves as the perpetual victim (despite them being the aggressors in each instance I've borne witness to). don't feed the trolls, etc etc.
stay safe out there and do what you need to do to take care of yourselves, loki fandom. 💚💛🖤
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jtoddstrangersfic-blog · 5 years ago
Strangers (Jason Todd x Female OC): Chapter 5
Trigger warnings: none, just some filler fluff
1,772 words
Rian arrived to World Literature earlier the next day, hoping to catch Jason before class started. She needed to explain why she never messaged him, and share the first draft of her article with him. She was excited to have finished it, and couldn’t think of anyone better to share her hard work with. Or anyone at all. Riley would never want to read her work, and she fell out of touch with her almost all of friends and family over the past year.
Jason walked in with Rachel and Chelsea, the trio laughing at some joke. Rian felt a pang of jealousy watching Chelsea and Rachel take their usual seats. She wanted to have friends again, to have people to laugh with. She missed being part of a group, and she felt completely isolated from everyone.
Jason was slightly shocked to see her sitting in the seat directly to the left of his, instead of the seat against the wall. She gave him a small smile, and he returned the gesture with one of his lopsided grins. He looked at her questioningly as he took his seat, one eyebrow cocked as she turned to look at him.
“I have it.” Her smile grew wider as she reached into her bag to pull out her finished article. “I was going to text you but…” She bit her lip nervously. “My notebook got kind of destroyed, and I lost your number.” Jason eyed her notebook, but didn’t comment on its pristine condition. “Here’s the first draft of my article, if you still want to read it. It’s fine if you don’t, it’s kind of a strange topic and all…” She trailed off, holding the piece of paper in her hand for him.
She felt beyond stupid. She never should have brought it up. Of course he didn’t want to-
His smile grew as his blue eyes flickered to the paper, taking it carefully in his hand.
“I would love to read your article.”
“Any comments or criticisms are welcome.” She added quickly, internal relief washing over her form. Maybe this wasn’t stupid after all. “It’s just a first draft, so it isn’t perfect. Just don’t be too harsh, okay?”
“I’m sure it’s good.” Jason brushed off her concern, giving her a reassuring smile as Dr. Cortez entered the room. “Can we read it after class?”
“We?” Rian ask, cocking her head to one side. Her heart sank when she realized he probably meant Rachel and Chelsea. She definitely didn’t want either of them to read her work; it look a lot of internal struggling to even print a copy for Jason to read.
“Yeah, you and me. Can we go somewhere so I can read it?” Rian's heart rate sped up without her consent. He wanted to spend time with her. “And then I can give you feedback right away. And maybe give you my number again.” He added that last part cautiously, watching her carefully as class began.
“Sounds like a date.” She smiled, answering before she could formulate a coherent thought, and once she said it she couldn’t take it back.
Class started before Jason could respond to her, and that made her nerves return. Little did she know there was a small smile tugging at the corners of Jason’s mouth, because he finally found the confirmation he was looking for.
Jason read the article in his hands for the third time, his eyes dancing over the words. It was short, only one and a half pages, but it really packed a punch. Rian was an incredible writer, and the article was nothing short of brilliant. It was persuasive without being outright biased, and it covered a lot of information in such few words. It was very articulate, and Jason would be surprised if the Gotham Chronicle rejected it. Hell, he would probably storm their office as the Red Hood if they rejected it.
“So?” Rian asked from her seat across from Jason. They were tucked away in a far corner of the library, hidden from the prying eyes of other students. “What do you think?”
“This is your first draft?” He asked incredulously. She nodded, and Jason could tell she was nervous with his reaction. Unsure. “This is probably the best piece of writing I’ve ever read about vigilantes in Gotham.”
“There aren’t a lot of articles about vigilantes in Gotham, is that why?” Rian joked, rolling her eyes playfully.
“No, seriously.” Jason nodded with enthusiasm. “This is a really well-written, well-thought out, well-everything piece. I would be very surprised if this isn’t published.”
A small blush crept up her face at Jason’s declaration. He beamed back at her, his eyes skimming the article once again.
“I want to give you something constructive, something to make it stronger because that’s actually helpful, but I can’t find anything. This is really well-rounded.”
“I needed to hear that.” She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” Jason meant it. The more time he spent with Rian, the most complete he felt. Her presence both calmed and excited him, if that was even possible. He desperately wanted to ask her about her relationship, to ask her about the boyfriend that he knew she had, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He felt a spark with her, and he was almost certain she did too. But not certain enough to ask. “You’re a really talented writer. Why don’t you join the paper here on campus? It isn’t the same as the Chronicle, but you could easily be Editor-in-Chief or lead writer or whatever it is. You’re good.”
“I thought about it.” She admitted shyly, looking down at her hands as she leaned into the table. “But I don’t have a lot of free time, and I can’t be out too late, so it just wouldn’t work out.”
“Makes sense.” Jason nodded slowly, eyes still trained on her. He knew she was hiding something because she wouldn’t meet his gaze, but he didn’t want to press her for a better explanation. She was entitled to her privacy.
“This was fun, Jason.” She looked up, smiling at him. “But I need to go. I can’t be- late.” The smile dropped from her face as she gathered her belongings.
“Do you need a ride home?” Jason stood with her, eyes never leaving Rian’s face. He didn't admit he knew where she lived, he was hoping she would tell him so he could finally ask her about her relationship in 11F. “I really don’t mind driving you if you need a ride.”
“I would say yes, but…” She trailed off, eyes looking anywhere but Jason. He knew she usually called an Uber or walked. There was no reason for her to turn down his offer.
“But?” He drawled, hoping she would give him some kind of an explanation.
“I- I have a boyfriend.” Rian finally answered after a long pause, meeting his eyes.
“And?” Jason’s heart skipped a beat, but he worked hard to maintain his composure. “It’s just a ride. It’ll spare you the $15 it takes with an Uber.” He offered again, hoping to change her mind.
“He’s kind of- controlling. I don’t know if he’d let me.” She admitted, absentmindedly playing with the sleeves of her sweater.
“I can drop you off a block away from wherever you live. He won’t find out.” Jason offered again. He decided this would be the last time he pushed her for an answer. If she declined his invitation again, he would accept it and walk her outside to meet her car. He didn’t want to scare her away, and she seemed like the type that might get scared easily.
“Do you know where Gibson’s Coffee is?” She asked quietly, looking at Jason through her long eyelashes. He licked his lips, wanting nothing more than to cradle her face in his hands and tell her how much he loved Gibson’s. It was his favorite coffee shop in Gotham, and probably the world.
“Know it? That’s my favorite coffee shop.” He smiled back, fighting back the urge to reach out to her. “You live near there?”
“A few blocks away. You can drop me off there if you want.”
“Deal.” He nodded triumphantly, following Rian out of the library.
Jason gave her his helmet to wear, promising to deliver her to the coffee shop in one piece. After some slight protesting, Rian agreed to slip the black helmet over her head as she climbed onto the bike behind Jason. He would never admit it out loud, but he really liked seeing her in his helmet. Really really liked it.
He drove more carefully than usual, likely due to the pair of fragile arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He debated taking the long way to Gibson’s, but didn’t want his passenger to be too late getting home.
“So, how was it?” He smirked at Rian as she slid off his ride, hoping she enjoyed the quick trip as much as he did.
“Better than I expected.” She admitted, finger-combing her short hair as she returned his helmet.
“That’s what we like to hear.” Jason beamed confidently. “I suppose you don’t have time for a quick coffee break?” He looked at Rian hopefully, but knew she would likely decline his offer. “Or you could give me an I.O.U.? A raincheck?”
“A raincheck is good.” She nodded, the happy expression dropping from her face. “It’s not that I don’t want to stay, I really do. I just- it’s complicated.”
Jason offered her a small smile as a sign of reassurance that there were no hurt feelings. He watched her give a small wave before walking away in the direction of her apartment building, or rather his apartment building.
She took a few steps before turning around, hurrying toward Jason. He froze as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a heartfelt hug. He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. She fit perfectly against him, and he hoped she recognized that too.
Letting her go was the hardest thing he had to do all day, and it took everything in him not to follow after her the second time. He wanted to hold her face in his hands and ask her about all her favorite books. Press his lips gently to hers when she finished. He wanted her; craved her.
He ended his day praying to a god he didn’t believe in that Rian felt the same strange pull to him that he did to her.
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