#about: chantay
ackee · 5 months
the other day, i heard this song at the gym and thought of chantay and brash during my workout, so. think about them singing it thank you
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
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moodboard: chantay x anya
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sapphirebluejewel · 5 months
Love Lockdown(1)
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-Declan's back for a visit and he wants Holly J back too and Sav's not to happy about it. Will she choose their loaded history over her 'casual' thing with Sav? Clare starts to consider getting a piercing and disobeying parents.
Love Lockdown(2)
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-Holly J feels extremely conflicted about what happened with Declan at his party. But was it just a bad decision, or something much, much worse. Meanwhile, if Clare's rebellion seems to be creating common ground for her parents, she has just the thing to bring them back together: her dress-code flouting boyfriend, Eli. Chantay may be the only person who really cares about the Power Squad, but Power Squad isn't the only club that got the kibosh under the new discipline code. Can she organize the students to take back Degrassi -- without triggering even harsher crackdowns?
Descriptions from IMDb
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for August 3, 2020; #236.
DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince “Summertime”
M Doc & Stevio f. Chantay Savage “It’s A Summer Thang”
M.O.P. “How About Some Hardcore”
D&D All Stars “1,2 Pass It”
MC Eiht “All For The Money”
Cypress Hill “Insane In The Brain”
Funkdoobiest “Rock On” (Buckwild RMX)
DFC “Things In Tha’ Hood”
DJ Quik “Jus’ Lyke Compton”
Scarface “Seen A Man Die”
Redman “Time 4 Sum Aktion”
B.U.M.S. “Elevation (Free My Mind)”
Too $hort “I Want To Be Free (That’s The Truth)”
Prince Markie Dee “Typical Reasons (Still Swingin’)”
Channel Live “Six Cents”
Digital Underground “Humpty Dance”
Black Moon “I Got Cha Open” RMX
A Tribe Called Quest “Award Tour”
Brand Nubian “One For All”
Gang Starr “The ? Remains”
Onyx “Shiftee”
Grand Puba “Over Like A Fat Rat”
King Just “Warrior’s Drum”
Mic Geronimo “Masta I.C.”
Compton’s Most Wanted “Growin’ Up In The Hood”
Mary J. Blige & Grand Puba “What’s The 411?”
Ten Thieves “It Don’t Matter”
Biz Markie “The Dragon”
Black Sheep “Strobelight Honey”
Knucklehedz “Hed Rush”
Big Daddy Kane ‘Nuff Respect”
ED O.G. & Da’ Bulldogs “Be A Father To Your Child”
Spice 1 “In My Neighborhood”
Chubb Rock “Treat 'Em Right”
Ice-T “Lethal Weapon”
Pete Rock & CL Smooth “I Got A Love”
Eric B & Rakim “Pump Up The Volume” (Coldcut RMX)
MC Breed “Ain’t To Be Flexed With”
Da Lench Mob f. Ice Cube “Guerillas In The Mist”
Fat Joe “Flow Joe”
Nine “Whutcha Want”
Shyheim “One’s 4 Da’ Money (Mad Dollaz)”
Organized Konfusion “Bring It On” (Buckwild RMX)
Grand Daddy I.U. “Slingin’ Bass”
Bonus Omega; golden-era hip-hop / rap.
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maya-matlin · 3 months
Some random Degrassi thoughts/questions. This will be long but thought it’d be easier than sending multiple asks. I love reading your thoughts on Degrassi things :)
How would you have felt about Grace and Miles dating? Not that Miles needed another love interest but they could have been interesting.
Who do you think Frankie would have eventually lost her virginity to? Honestly if she weren’t the (likely) main girl of her class I could see her being one of the few characters to not have sex cause she didn’t seem to care much about it other than when she was trying to keep Jonah and even that was more out of insecurity but not really the desire to have sex. But since Lola and Shay already had sex and Lola had the obligatory pregnancy plot that at least one character per friend group seems to have (Manny/Emma/Liberty-manny had an abortion, Liberty gave birth and gave hers up for adoption and Emma had a scare. Clare/Alli/Jenna-Clare had a miscarriage Alli a scare and Jenna birth/adoption. But since Shay had sex with Tiny and then he graduated and I really couldn’t see her having sex with someone else this trio might have broken that chain. Maybe Frankie would have a scare but idk.
And also speaking of the Clare pregnancy plot, this is likely a hugely unpopular opinion, but I’ve seen you also dislike Eclare so maybe you’ll agree: Am i the only one who thinks Clare, despite obviously not actually wanting to be pregnant, secretly wanted the baby to be Drew’s and that’s why she just assumed he was with no proof? Cause they made it clear they used a condom whereas even if Clare may have forgotten to take her birth control when having sex with Eli (and I could see that happening cause she’d had the chemo brain going on) but she obviously knew they’d slept together at some point close in time frame to the Clew sex. Yet she just jumped to it being Drew’s and yeah she was upset but that was more about being pregnant period than mad at Drew. Like even when she decided to keep the baby she didn’t bother to take a paternity test and she just assumed how far along she was. I think it could fit because the whole thing with her and Eli in New York only happened out of convenience cause there was “nowhere else to stay” (aka the writers hard on for that ship and needing to give them a plot in literally every finale) and it was Eli confessing his feelings for her while Clare seemed uncertain. If it hadn’t been for Drew being with Becky I feel like there would have been a more legitimate triangle there. Also Clare was so ready to move on with Drew after they had sex and it only didn’t happen cause Eli once again conveniently showed up. anyway I don’t think she was purposely trying to deceive Drew, I think it’s just possible she wanted it to be his because whether she may have still had unresolved feelings for Eli or not, I think she had gotten to a place where she wanted to move forward without him but the writers would not let her. And with her not taking a DNA test and not asking how far along she was from the start she could just believe it was Drew’s cause that could be what she wanted to believe.
I know the writers just did it for the sake of drama and a plot twist but it’s just something I’ve thought about more recently. I actually think Clew could have been a really healthy and fun couple and it sucks they didn’t get a proper chance.
Also, I saw you recently answered an ask about otp/BROTP/NOTP for Degrassi characters and had a few comments on it. First I saw you say Bruce and Chantay were a thing. I have absolutely no memory of this and am wondering where that came from lol! Secondly, I saw you say Shay and Esme could have been friends and am wondering how you think that would go considering they’d been rivals how they’d become friends. Also saw you say your otp for Tori was Tori/Miles and am wondering how you could have seen their relationship going? Like, would Tori have taken Maya’s place and dated him instead? Or would the love hexagon have just been bigger with Tori/Maya/Miles/Zoe/Tristan, or would it have been a triangle with just Tori/Miles/Tristan?
Finally I saw you say your otp for Jonah was Jonah/Goldi. Is this more of an headcanon/fanfic thing because I don’t remember them interacting! But it could have been interesting.
Aw, that's sweet! I really appreciate you liking my thoughts because they're definitely all over the place LOL
I think I would have been fine with Grace and Miles. I considered their potential around Next Class season 3. In some ways, I honestly would have preferred a pairing between those two over Miles and Lola in spite of the fact lesbian Grace > everything. Ideally, Miles would be with someone who presented more of a challenge and could be on his level without enabling all of his bullshit. Grace would never let him get away with anything. Plus, I like the idea of Grace connecting with someone pretty different from her who could bring her out of her shell if that makes sense. I kind of thought Grace and Jonah were too alike and didn't bring out anything interesting in each other.
This is interesting. To me, Frankie did want to lose her virginity and was prepared to do that with Jonah. Maybe not fully ready emotionally because a lot of that stemmed from insecurity, but I buy that in a committed relationship she would eventually have sex in high school. If anything, I felt like Shay seemed the least interested in sex out of the three girls. But Shay's perspective on sex and taking that step with Tiny was given SO little screen time. In universe, months had passed from when Shay felt awkward about sleeping with Tiny to them sleeping together on the camping trip. So it's not totally random, but it's a little surprising due to the lack of attention Shay and her relationship with Tiny were given compared to a lot of other story lines that felt more consistent. I still really like your stance, though! Frankie realizing she isn't necessarily ready for sex and isn't looking to take that step in high school could have been an interesting development for her. In general, it feels like the characters who didn't have sex were either out of focus or religious. Jimmy is maybe the one exception, but this was because of a physical disability rather than a lack of desire. Sorry, this answer is all over the place. To circle back around to who Frankie would have slept with if she slept with anyone during seasons 5 and 6, my choice would personally be Esme. I liked their dynamic in the final season, thought Sara and Chelsea had great chemistry, and Fresme had the potential to be Frankie's deepest romantic relationship. The thing is, I don't believe the writers would have allowed them to become an official couple. I'm very annoyed. I spent like 10 minutes trying to track down a video posted by the official Degrassi channel, but it seems to be gone. I'm not sure if it was geoblocked or what, but I'm 100% sure there was a video featuring Sara and Chelsea touching on the throuple story line. One of them asked if Frankie and Esme were going to kiss during the pool threesome and Linda Schuyler or someone answered with a very firm "no." So, it seems as though the "relationship" was supposed to center around Zig and only Zig with Frankie basically there as an accessory with zero implications between Frankie and Esme. 🙄 This is the only thing I was able to find from that interview:
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Anyways, if Frankie had sex, I assume it would have happened with a male character. Assuming they didn't go the Frankie/Baaz route, it would have happened with a new character. I apologize for making you read all of this.
Look, Clare was all over the place in that story line. It was a MESS. It's seriously difficult to figure out what Clare wanted at any given point vs what she thought she should want vs what her subconscious was telling her. It's hard to deny that Clare loved Eli and viewed him as her romantic future for a very long time. I think every relationship setback with other guys reinforced to Clare that Eli was the one. Eli would always be around, saying all the right things about soulmates and happily ever afters and how their love was on another level. That being said, I think season 13 Clare was falling out of love with Eli and wanted to explore what could potentially be there with Drew. Unfortunately, Drew walked away because he didn't want to be a rebound and their communication in the aftermath was absolutely shit. So, Clare kind of defaulted back to Eli the next time she saw him. I don't feel like we saw Clare and Drew moving on from their feelings for each other or making that transition back to friends or acquaintances. It was like once it was over, it was just over and nearly an entire season was almost retconned so that the writers could please Eclare shippers. Your idea of Clare wanting the baby to be Drew's is interesting. Obviously, the official canon says that Clare simply got the conception date wrong, but you would think Clare would consider any possibility Eli could be the father solely because they jumped right back into planning a future together after New York. It comes back to the fact I feel Clare was settling and no longer the same girl who was planning a future with Eli out of genuine love. By the end, Clare came across as more desperate and kind of resigned to the idea of Eclare than as into it as Eli seemed to be. Like, I can accept that Jake was Clare's rebound and transition guy during season 11, but I feel like Clare and Drew were much deeper than that and very rooted in friendship as much as having a strong physical attraction. So needless to say, I for sure think a proper triangle between Clare, Drew and Eli would have been possible under different circumstances. The Drew/Becky relationship seemed so flimsy and last minute, anyways. Watching season 13, you would never guess that Drew was going to uncover feelings for Becky after he spent 3/4 of the season growing closer to Clare. It makes zero sense. Neither do I! Clare wanted to be with Drew. I don't have any doubt about that. When Eli shows up following their breakup and Clare sleeping with Drew, she was fully prepared to fight for her relationship with Drew, but he sadly walked away, feeling slighted and misunderstanding Clare's reasons for dumping Eli.
Oddly enough, I kind of think more of the writers thought more in line with us than you'd think. It's just a suspicion I have. I don't think it was unanimous or that there weren't Eclare fans in the writers' room, but I always felt like there was affection and enthusiasm for Clew in contrast to the half assed way they put Eli and Clare back together in season 14. I never link or reblog my own shit, but I came up with a bizarre conspiracy theory about how the intense fan response following Emma and Spinner's marriage and the premiere of season 10 were linked to the show becoming much more relationship centric and allowed what's popular in the fandom to affect the outcome of the show. Clew had their fans and still does, but they never had and will never have even a fraction of the popularity Eclare does. Their aborted romance was met with a lot of resistance and anger, which I'm sure played a role in the convenient Drew/Becky pairing and rushing Clare and Eli back together in the final season.
Strongly agreed. Had Clare and Drew been allowed to have a real relationship, it would have been Clare's best pairing by a mile. Maybe they wouldn't have been endgame, but I could have been so happy with them exploring their feelings followed by Clare graduating single. It's the ideal ending, in my opinion.
God help you for having to look at my asks. Again, I'm a mess and my thoughts are over the place. It's barely anything, but Chantay and Bruce were seen together pretty often in season 8. I could be wrong, but there might have been something that confirmed their relationship outside of the show? Maybe it was originally going to be part of the show, but then the writers realized they didn't give a shit about those two characters? I seriously don't know. To be honest, the Shay and Esme friendship thing is mostly wishful thinking and something I came up with with a friend. For some reason, I just like the idea of these two smart, determined women bonding and kind of becoming better through being friends. I don't know how seasons 5 and 6 would have played out for their characters, but it's usually speculated Esme would have stayed in a mental facility for a while. It's possible that being in closer proximity due to now being in the same grade and having a mutual friendship with Frankie would have brought them closer and allowed them to bond. My impression of Tori/Miles is that they would have inevitably hooked up at some point, though I'm not exactly sure when.
A Tori/Miles relationship in season 13 would have made a lot of sense, but the writers viewed Maya as that generation's main girl, so I'm not sure Tori would have taken Maya's place as Miles's love interest even if Alex Steele hadn't left the show. However, I think Tori and Miles would have a better chance of having a healthy relationship. Not everyone feels this way, but IMO Maya and Miles were incompatible on every level and had zero chance of finding what they needed in each other. Even if Maya had dealt with her Cam trauma much sooner and opened up to Miles, I can't see him being the guy that makes Maya feel safe and understood. Plus, Maya is Maya. Miles frustrated her on a regular basis even without him constantly triggering her. From there, I'm not totally sure? On paper, Tori/Miles makes sense, but the truth is Tori wasn't on the show for very long and is therefore a bit of a blank slate? Tori seemed to care about Zig and meant well even when she didn't understand things like his poverty or why he felt he had to hide it from her. I'm not sure season 13 Tori/Miles would have worked out, but I can easily see them having an on again/off again relationship much like Tristan and Miles did.
It's 100% headcanon/fan fic. This sounds terrible, but I'm pretty sure the only time they exchanged any dialogue was in season 3 when Jonah was asking Goldi a question about Muslims. I forget the context, but it was something about the class being casually islamphobic. This is another thing I came up with during an endless conversation with my friend LOL. Basically, I see them having kind of an enemies to lovers thing and eventually falling for each other somewhere around seasons 3 and 4 instead of Grace/Jonah and Goldi/Winston.
I'm so, so sorry this ended up being so long!
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degrassiclassiclover · 6 months
Thinking about the scene in Waiting for a Girl Like You where Dave says that Chantay bedazzled her backpack with the initials CVZ in sixth grade because she had a crush on Danny
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Surf's Up, Dude! Surfing Music's Greatest Hits 1989 Surf / Surf Pop / Pop-Rock / Surf Rock
Folks, I've decided to get my surf on for the next few days, and this little comp of 60s tunes from the Capitol Special Markets label that was released in 1989 feels like as good a place as any to start this adventure of mine, simply for the fact that Capitol was home to The Beach Boys. And if you're gonna make one of these wide-ranging surf comps, you gotta include the legends who are responsible for devising both that idyllic California myth of endless sunshine, surf, and gorgeous beach bods, and the sound that went along with it.
But as Capitol is probably the best equipped label to put out a surfy sampler, the fact that this is a budget release means that they weren't gonna go outside their own umbrella and pay licensing fees in order to nab some other tunes that they didn't already own. So, while they had The Beach Boys to headline this album, they were also forced to dig into their own catalogue to pull out some songs that are a bit more obscure.
For example, back in 1963, Capitol had a tireless, versatile workhorse session musician on their roster named Jerry Cole, who operated under a bunch of aliases and was known to crank out multiple albums' worth of material in a day. He was part of the legendary Wrecking Crew as well as the group The Champs, who released "Tequila" to much unexpected fanfare. And in that same year, he also released a surf album called Outer Limits, which was the name of a big surf hit by The Marketts, who were subsequently forced to change the name of the song to "Out of Limits" after Rod Serling, of Twilight Zone fame, sued them for copying the main motif from the show's theme song without his permission.
Anyway, there's another song on that Cole album called "Pipeline," which is also a cover. It's originally by a group called The Chantays and that version went all the way to #4 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. But rather than forking over any money to include The Chantays' hit on their own CD, Capitol decided to go with this much less known Jerry Cole cover of it, which they'd already had in their catalogue.
So, there's an example of a budget comp being somewhat advantageous; it takes the cheaper route and gives you a good song that you're less likely to be familiar with.
But that strategy doesn't always work, because, in the case of "Wipe Out," Capitol provided an imitation of it by The Ventures, rather than the great original by The Surfaris. Now, I've got nothing against The Ventures—they're terrific in their own right—but their cover, despite its pretty sweet bits of solo drumming, just doesn't seem to hold the same amount of water as the version that was done by The Surfaris. The guitar on it really fails to hit nearly as nicely as it does on the original.
And I should also mention that, outside of the Beach Boys tunes on here and that one Jerry Cole track, most of these songs don't come directly from Capitol themselves, either, but rather a label that was sucked up into the Capitol-EMI conglomerate by the time this CD had been released called Liberty. So, because of that acquisition of the Liberty catalogue, Capitol was able to issue this budget comp that included not only The Beach Boys, but The Marketts, The Ventures, and Jan & Dean as well. And they didn’t have to pay a single dime in licensing fees in order to do it!
And I've got more to say about the great duo of Jan & Dean, but I'll leave that for tomorrow's post, where I'll get into some more of these classic surf tunes with a different comp.
Stay tuned! 🏄‍♂️🌞🏖
By the way, there was a later issue of this album in 1992, with a slightly different title—Surf's Up: Surfing Music's Greatest Hits—and a different album cover that depicts someone else riding a wave. Gotta love those surf-action shots!
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The Beach Boys - "Surfin' Safari" The Ventures - "Hawaii Five-O" Jan & Dean - "Surf City" Jan & Dean - "Ride the Wild Surf" Jerry Cole - "Pipeline"
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I’m going to say this as nicely as possible but this isn’t a safe space for people to constantly submit weird passive aggressive confessions about the black female characters (specifically Hazel, Chantay, and as of right now Marisol) even if you claim to “like” them. There’s enough violently misogynoir in the fandom everywhere as it is and as a black woman myself, I don’t have to put up with it.
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savinggracemusic · 2 years
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Saving Grace Music proudly presents Highest Frequency Vol. 2, an album repping vibrant UK electronic music culture to the fullest. The LP collects 11 high-grade tracks from music legends, bubbling talents, and currently undiscovered artists. KoDean Productions opens things up with a cold serving of his trademark Sci-Fi Drill sound on the enigmatic Dreams. While Saving Grace upstart Slinki comes with a true dancefloor destroyer known as ANX BNX is a hyperactive footwork riddim with an arresting melody and a thunderous kick drum. Murk stays true to name on Slowwww, a high-octane, jump up drum & bass roller. UKG & Bassline legend DJ Q brings us his epic track All Mighty, combining elements of dub, dubstep, drum & bass, and a powerful reggae vocal sample the track the track takes you on a journey through his music inspirations. On Fantasmo Circuitry, 11-year-old DJ Marcel displays influences beyond his years from 80’s electronica and jazz & Hip Hop, skillfully executed with meandering piano, slap bass, and 808 beats. Mighty Funk'Houser reminisces about a fine lady on his soulful deep house/bruk joint, Chantay Had A Vybe. Krash displays his unique bassline style on Going Home, featuring a bittersweet piano rift and handcrafted bass. Positive_Con flips a classic sample into the anthemic bass-hybrid banger Underground. Shaun Dean's bouncy garage riddim Like It is a fresh and flavorful take on a classic oldschool sound. Eclectic, weird & comical production duo Foxglove Riot takes us foraging for Subterranean Garlic on a forest moon - to the sound of rugged drums, enchanting melodies, and nostalgic vocal harmonies. For the album's cinematic conclusion we enter the Austerity Chamber, Tony Phorse's simulation of a near-future dystopia, soundtracked by distorted techno beats and apocalyptic synth. Highest Frequency Vol.2 continues the legacy of solid sounds from up north. From hypnotic beats to dancefloor bangers, Highest Frequency Vol.2 slaps hard and deep. All you gotta do is press play. The Highest Frequency vol2 OUT DECEMBER 14TH 2022
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ackee · 11 months
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omg.. one year anniversary of designing my throuple.. they've changed designs sm now...
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jabari hasn't changed much, i just gave him dif makeup now! <- bad at designing that
i did not wanna give chantay twintails bc i thought i had too many ocs w twintails..... then i gave in to my urges and became as indulgent as possible. she looks so much brattier now its great
brash was so young looking in the beginning LOLLLL..... now he's mexican and 52. (contrasting chantay's 29 and jabari's 34)
I Need To Make More Art Of Them. Lest!
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Welcome to my blog where I show love for a hundred billion wlw ships, hundred million mlm ships, and eight hundred something het ships haha.
@randomwriter23 is the Eric to my Donna (platonically)
@vintageholls is the Donna to my Jackie
Oh, and I track the #donna pinciotti defense squad tag <3
PSA: This blog is a safe space for everyone. Doesn’t matter if we have some different interests from each other or anything like that. Just as long as everyone is kind and respectful.
Edit 1/6 (OC ask game): here
Character ask game (edited 9/18): here
Edit 9/18: another ask game
(Edit 9/2): https://www.tumblr.com/torturedpoetskywalker/758533880307482624
Current polls (TBD):
Another edit 7/18: list of colors for each ship/dynamic I make edits for
I do take giffing requests, so feel free to send me any ship or character and I’ll make an edit!
Sideblogs: @stebekahappreciationblog (stebekah blog), @bennxttwitch (Bonnie rp), @ao3feed-forwood (forwood ao3 blog), @that90sgifs (gifs and content for t9s), and @sabrinaswifts (Taylor Swift side blog), @creativewritingthings (prompt blog), @tophzulapolls (my Tophzula poll blog)
And if you wanna know more about me: here
Be sure to check out my video edits @nikkisruncks in ig and @itspoorni18 on TikTok (a lot of them can’t fit into tumblr)
Pinterest: @nikkisruncks
Twitter: @nikkisruncks
Upcoming fic list: https://www.tumblr.com/nikkisgwens/755189960254046208/upcoming-fics-edited-7524
T7S/T9S drabble pack masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/hydesjackiespuddinpop/729013936318529536/ship-drabble-packs-t7s-loud-girl-and-puddin-pop
Psa: if there’s ANYTHING on my blog labeled as mature, please assume it’s tumblr being dumb. I may no longer be a minor, but I’m not comfortable making that kind of content.
Ships: Gwen/Nikki, Jay/Leia, Nate/Nikki (part 3 won me over), Jackie/Eric, Toph/Azula, Nate/Leia, Gwen/Leia, Jay/Nikki, Brooke/Kelso, Kelso/Fez, Eric/Buddy, Jackie/Donna, Eric/Donna (mostly s1-2), JT/Liberty, Peter/Darcy, Sean/Ellie, Sean/Emma (mostly s1-2), Ellie/Jimmy, Jimmy/Trina, Jay/Manny, Holly J/Sav, Spinner/Jane, Chantay/Anya, & Jackie/Hyde, along with many more ships
One last psa: I will be writing my own posts with several of my opinions. If you don’t agree, then just don’t interact and all is good. You’re allowed to have your own opinion and I’m allowed to have mine. So there’s no need or point or state how you disagree with mine and think x. If you want to state your opinion, then I suggest writing your own post instead of going onto mine.
I am accepting gif requests, so feel free to send me any ship, dynamic, character from any fandom and I’ll make a gifset.
My main T7S/T9S opinions if anyone wants to know:
The T7S & T9S (T2S as well) timelines for my verse:
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sapphirebluejewel · 4 months
Don't Let Me Get Me(2)
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-When her parents are asked to the school after fighting Bianca, they discover through her file all of her rebelliousness throughout the last few years at Degrassi. Consequently, Alli realizes all the mistakes she's committed in the last two years and wonders how she can make it up to herself and her parents. Jenna risks everything by revealing to the world that she is pregnant, all to gain a few more minutes of fame...But in the end does it really matter?
Love Lockdown(2)
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-Holly J feels extremely conflicted about what happened with Declan at his party. But was it just a bad decision, or something much, much worse. Meanwhile, if Clare's rebellion seems to be creating common ground for her parents, she has just the thing to bring them back together: her dress-code flouting boyfriend, Eli. Chantay may be the only person who really cares about the Power Squad, but Power Squad isn't the only club that got the kibosh under the new discipline code. Can she organize the students to take back Degrassi -- without triggering even harsher crackdowns?
Descriptions from IMDb
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degrassi-daily · 2 years
did you know chantay was on degrassi for *7* seasons?? girl was the back bone of degrassi and no one ever talks about her i feel like
that's because even though she was on so many seasons, she was always a background character. the show never used her enough or gave her a concrete background story to make her a standout character. it's a shame
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maya-matlin · 7 months
7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on my pinned list of Degrassi asks - only if you want to, of course!
Oh, thank you! I'll have to send you more asks in a bit. <3
Characters I'm most similar to:
1.) Ellie Nash
2.) Grace Cardinal
3.) Terri MacGregor
Three things I would change:
1.) The mishandling of practically every black and POC character. It's no secret that almost all of them were either sidelined or barely given a fraction of the focus the white characters were given. Ex: Liberty's pregnancy was almost all about JT, Jimmy's reaction to the shooting and his paralysis is minor compared to the focus on Spinner and his redemption arc, Chantay doing precious little for eight seasons straight, Tiny exists only as a love interest and Zig's sidekick in spite of his rich background involving addict parents, Vince, and previous gang ties, Shay's mostly only prominent during a story line specifically about racism compared to Frankie and Lola.
2.) Inadvertently making multiple main characters rapists because the writers were uneducated about what healthy consent looks like (Sav/Anya in season 9, Holly J/Declan in season 10, Drew/Katie in season 12)
3.) Queerbaiting the Zoe/Grace romance in Next Class to prove a point about stereotypes by punishing the one character not stereotyping or making assumptions about Grace. Straight up, they didn't need to have sex. That was hurtful and way too far. All this specifically told from Zoe's perspective, meaning the show deliberately kept Grace's feelings and motivations a mystery.
Characters I once loved but then disliked:
1.) Declan Coyne (Season 10 originally turned me off, but rewatching season 9 only reinforced that he was always an entitled, self involved person with a flimsy grasp on respecting the word "no")
2.) Owen Milligan (Love is a stretch, but I easily accepted him as a boyfriend to Anya and protective brother to Tristan presumably because I thought Daniel Kelly was hot with longer hair. I know myself, and 18 year old me had no shame. Owen Milligan had zero redeeming qualities.)
3.) Johnny DiMarco (Not full on dislike, but I've lost a lot of respect for the character and feel he spent a lot of time being a malicious asshole and involving himself with a much younger girl well past the age of knowing better. Just because he acknowledged JT four seasons after his death doesn't make him a good person)
Characters I once disliked but now like:
1.) Mia Jones (She wasn't that bad. She just came onto the show during an awkward era, and I was then a big fan of JT/Liberty and Peter/Darcy. While the modeling arc wasn't great and Degrassi could have done a better job showing her struggles as a teen mom, she was well intentioned and people liked her because she was nice. It's that simple, but I had a visceral hatred of her LOL)
2.) Campbell Saunders (It wasn't him. It was the overwhelming fan response. Now that it's been a decade since his character was killed off, I can admit he was a good character. Just not a personal favorite)
3.) Drew Torres (I'm aware there's a lot wrong with him and that he deserves an award for the consecutive amount of bad decisions he made, but there's something endearing about the character. I'm a big fan of his growth, particularly in season 13 and during the first half of season 14. He got screwed so that the baby could be Eli's, and I hated it)
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autistichollyj · 2 years
degrassi characters' dnd classes pt 2- classes of 08 and 11
this one includes the fave, who, trust my opinions on her because I've thought about it a very abnormal amount. also while she was held back, I'm counting fiona with this bunch bc I generally associate her more with them than her technical graduating class
darcy- paladin (oath of devotion and later an oathbreaker)
peter- bard (college of lore)
jane- fighter (champion)
danny- rogue (swashbuckler)/bard (college of swords)
derek- barbarian (path of the totem; elk)
johnny- rogue (mastermind)
bruce- barbarian (path of the battlerager)
mia- wizard (school of conjuration)
holly j- warlock (archfey; pact of the tome)/paladin (oath of redemption)
anya- warlock (archfey; pact of the chain)/monk (way of the open hand)
sav- bard (college of swords)
riley- barbarian (path of the beast)/monk (way of the ascendant dragon)
chantay- cleric (war domain)
declan- sorcerer (clockwork soul)
fiona- sorcerer (clockwork soul)/monk (way of mercy)
zane- fighter (battle master)
leia- if what I'm reading about her original characterization is to be believed, probably rogue (either mastermind or inquisitive), but I think what little we get of her in series comes across vaguely druid-esque? maybe circle of spores druid
blue- fucking nothing. he's just a commoner. an npc. an annoying npc who gets eaten by a gelatinous cube to no one's mourning.
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affluenzafm · 6 days
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you know you love me.
Meet HOLLY J SINCLAIR, or if you read the Anti Grapevine, NICKNAME UTP. They/She/He is/are a ## year old OCCUPATION UTP, that currently resides in NEIGHBORHOOD UTP.
They/She/He is/are known around the city for their/her/his POSITIVE TRAIT UTP & NEGATIVE TRAIT UTP demeanor, but they may be hiding something… SECRET UTP.
Holly J Sinclair is destined for greatness. She knows it, her family knows it, and mostly importantly – The world knows it. It helps that everyone within the tri-state area is terrified of her family, too. With her sister's iron grip on Manhattan, it was only fitting for Holly J to learn from the best, ready to take the crown whenever her moment came. Heather had the Grapevine, preferring to be front row at fashion shows and on the covers of magazines -- Holly J took to academics, politics, and every place in between where she felt she could gain true power. Sure, conquering in the social arena was vital, but /real/ power was through sitting on boards and being the one to organize the events all the Celebutants and Influencers showed up to. The unexpected death of her sister through that plan off course, devastating Holly J in a way she wasn't prepared for -- And for the sake of her reputation, couldn't fully show. She always assumed she'd take over Heather's kingdom when her sister was done terrorizing her peers, but she hadn't expected an overnight change. People look to her to carry on that legacy, to keep a stiff upper lip, but she's not sure she can do that without spinning out.
it's all about who you know.
ANYA MACPHERSON, CHANTAY BLACK. best friends, minions. While Holly J does consider Chantay and Anya her close friends, there is an obvious hierarchy to their friendship. Holly J has always called the shots, while the other two fall in line or face the Sinclair wrath. With Holly J now at the top of the social food chain, it’s only become worse. She knows there’s a fine line between power and dictatorship – And she’s begun to lean towards the latter.
FIONA COYNE. homoerotic bestie. Holly J and Fiona’s friendship has always blurred the lines of intimacy, filled with lingering touches, inside jokes, and a closeness that makes outsiders wonder if there’s more between them. To them, it’s just how they’ve always been—intensely loyal and protective of each other. Whether it will evolve into something more is a question they’ve never asked, content to exist in the space between friendship and something deeper.
TOBY ISAACS. pr boyfriend. Their public "relationship" is a well-orchestrated performance—complete with staged outings, affectionate social media posts, and carefully timed interviews. Holly J and Toby play their roles to perfection, with charming smiles and loving gestures that make their romance appear genuine. Behind the scenes, however, they are strategic partners with little personal connection beyond the agreed-upon narrative.
this character is open.
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