#about shaman jae
jaelya · 2 years
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its three days before a new expansion  but i’m here to say at least jae is 60. the tradition continues
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just-a-simple-dyke · 2 years
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sooniebby · 3 months
All my OCs stuck in a vault, you’d think they’re dead!!
Anyway, let’s vote who gets out of the vault first!!!
No Yubin because he has the most fics, others need a chance No Eun Jae because I was definitely playing favorites with him No Kenji because he’s brand new lol. No yuki, he just got a fic
Fics about the choices in case you forgot about them
Vincent — Sister’s Ex
Yichen — Shaman
Mikey — Drummer
Xavier — Admirer
Riki — Bad Boy
Yuta — Yoga Instructor
I’m 90% sure Riki will win cuz he seems to be y’all’s fav but i decided to do the poll anyway lol. If anything, just choose which kinks you wanna see me write the most!
If your choice doesn’t win, don’t worry, I’ll bring the poll back with the same choices after I do the winners (but that’ll be after I do my JJK fic first!) a week seems like a lot but I wanna get a lot of answers lol
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myechoecho · 2 years
Over all, that was a pretty satisfying part 2 of The Glory.
I love, LOVE how the core of Dong Eun’s revenge was just letting everyone destroy themselves. She may have found out details, planned and pushed people in certain directions but ultimately they are the ones who lead to their own ruin. An incomplete list:
Myeong O trying to blackmail them all. Yeon Jin turning on Sa Ra with the tax evasion story to lessen the heat on her and then Sa Ra turning on Yeon Jin with the bullying video. Sa Ra mocking Hye Jeong saying she was the stupid one and they just would have bullied her instead (which let’s be real, they were already doing). Hye Jeong showing the video of a high Sa Ra and Myeong O taking advantage of her. Sa Ra stabbing Hye Jeong with a PENCIL. Hye Joeng easily jumping into Jun Jae’s bed. Jun Jae easily casting her aside. Hye Jeong blinding him.
This doesn’t even take into account the detective, his thugs and Yeon Jin’s mom or the shaman.
Yeon Jin is actually quite intelligent. For the most part, she was able to connect the dots to what Dong Eun was trying to do. Problem is was never really able to do anything about it. Yeon Jin was a bully propped up by others. She’s not able to survive without the support of others. From the scene in prison where she gives the weather, I get the sense that she is the one who is bullied now. Unless she’s doing that by choice which means she’s really lost it.
I wasn’t expecting the Gyeong Ran to be the on who actually did the final blow to Myeong O. I like that Dong Eun protected her and insists it was Yeon Jin who did it. Though honestly there was a high chance he would have died anyway and certainly Yeon Jin was not going to let him live. Considering he sexually assaulted Gyeong Ran, along with the school bullying, I can’t say I blame her when she hit him. She was terrified of him. While Dong Eun didn’t really comfort her, I do like that she encouraged her to break free of the “gym”
I do enjoy the fact that Yeon Jin doesn’t know about Gyeong Ran and now that Dong Eun has implied she doesn’t know something it’s gonna drive her nuts
I wasn’t sure what to expect in part 2 with Do Young, however I am pleased that his focus was always on protecting his child (and himself). Unlike Yeon Jin, who near the end didn’t even notice that Ye Sol was gone. I think he knew he was going to have to cut Yeon Jin out of his life, but he gave her a chance.
I was a little surprised that Do Young was the one to ultimately end Jae Jun, but again, I think it was to protect Ye Sol. Jae Jun was dangerous to Ye Sol. He went to Do Young’s mom, revealed the paternity and asked her to remove her from the family tree so he could then get custody. He went to her soccer practice and says that he’s her dad (though she turned out not to be there). Even to the end he’s angry and belligerent to his captor. He’s a danger to Ye Sol, therefore he needs to be taken care of. I’m on the fence if Dong Eun knows or not.
I am so happy that Hyeon Nam got to be free of her husband. Mostly without getting her hands dirty. She and Dong Eun may have opened a door but he walked straight through. And Yeon Jin’s mom made her choice as well
Speaking of, I am not too sure what evidence Dong Eun had to prove that did she it on purpose but I guess that’s not important. I do love how Yeon Jin’s mom chose to save her own skin (thought it didn’t work) and does not acknowledge Yeon Jin in prison.
I was sad when Hyeon Nam and Dong Eun looked like they were going their separate ways but I adore how happy she was when Dong Eun reached out to her again.
By FAR the weakest aspect of the show was Dong Eun and Yeo Jeong as a “couple”. I just don’t see it. I don’t think they had any romantic chemistry. RIP Dong Eun and Do Young.
Pacing of the last episode felt weird. Though I do like how they are working on Yeo Jeong’s revenge they kinda spent a lot of time on the set up when I we won’t see the pay off.
I do like Dong Eun is doing what she always wanted - studying to be an architect.
Oh, I also love how even though Yeo Jeong offered to heal/treat her scars, Dong Eun has chosen to keep them and starts to cover some of them in tattoos. Specifically, a tattoo of flowers to show how she is now in bloom.
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paperwhitekindle · 5 months
Jang Jae-hyun
Suspense, supernatural, mystery, Korean culture, history, geopolitics, WWII, horror
An intense and visceral movie about a team of afterlife specialists — two shamans, a geomancer (feng shui specialist) and a mortician — exhuming a cursed grave with a plot that goes all the way back to World War II, and addressing the legacy of wartime horrors wrecked onto the Korean peninsula and its people since.
This movie is extremely well-paced, without meandering dialogues or over-exposed emotions disturbing the unfolding mystery — from a generational curse in a wealthy Americanized Korean family to a vertically buried coffin, to a historical plot during the Japanese occupation, where the imperialist's shamans cursed the Korean land with a "nail" to break the country into two.
The horror in this movie comes not from jump scares, but from the cinematography of contrasted, atmospheric discomfort, as well as the capacity for evil found within human hearts — that it wasn't just the invading imperialists to blame, but also the traitors who aided them by betraying their own country and brethren.
And yet the awfulness from all that never quite persists, for the movie believes just as strongly in goodness and excising evil. The team cares genuinely for each other, and each possesses the nobility to do something greater than, and at the risk of their own lives. Through shoveling dirt, through pig and horse blood, through possession and hysteria, hope is also waiting to be unearthed.
This is a poignant and contemporary film with a very clear message from beginning all the way to the end.
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During his lunch with jae gyeong shin yu is talking about someone being bitten by a snake while picking bracken i feel like that's important?? He didn't finish his story but i think it must be a memory from his past life
So first I looked up what the heck bracken is (from Wikipedia):
In Korea, bracken (sometimes referred to as 'fernbrake' in Korean recipes) is known as gosari (고사리), and is a typical ingredient in bibimbap, a popular mixed rice dish. Stir-fried bracken (gosari namul) is also a common side dish (banchan) in Korea.
It's edible fern, in Canada we call these "fiddleheads" when we eat them.
Scene you are talking about:
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This has been mentioned prior, way back when they visited the mountain in Ep 3 we had this very strange scene, where Shin-yu says "I am Groot" and then Hong-jo orders him food:
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And she just repeats, "I am Groot." (and then names him in her phone after that) I thought that scene was really weird because Groot is a tree, not a fern, but maybe Hong-jo does remember his past life somehow and knew he didn't like bracken?
I wonder if Hong-go was the one bitten by a snake, because that would explain why he didn't finish the story and she's always out picking herbs for her shaman duties.
Anyway, I have no answers but I feel like this will come back up!
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kurtisthesnivy · 10 months
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So about six years ago, I created a homebrew system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tabletop game. It didn't quite pan out, so I migrated to a heavily homebrewed version of DnD 5e (also designed by yours truly.) Until about 4 months ago, I was running two different campaigns as well as a handful of smaller adventures. I can't take full credit, my boyfriend has been a massive help with running games and coming up with homebrew. Over the last half decade, I've kept a record of all of the characters that have played in our games. And as a celebration of finishing such a long journey, here's all 72 characters that have been played in PMDnD. 
Also, I recorded the timelapse of the whole process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b3rYlGvFU
All characters in rough order of being drawn 
Xaio, Oshawott Rogue (old system) 
Byron, Nidoran Mercenary (old system) 
Qyzen, Litten Fighter (old system) 
Tobu, Oricorio Black Mage (old system) 
Argaveus, Scyther Zealot Barbarian/Blood Hunter 
Tovu, Togedemaru Grave Domain Cleric 
Issac, Riolu Gunslinger Fighter 
Lest, Arcanine Pyromancer Sorcerer 
Dolon, Sylveon Life Domain Cleric
Blaze, Charizard College of Swords Bard 
Skye, Zoroark School of Illusion Wizard 
Ludwig, Dartrix Oath of Redemption Paladin 
Noelani, Floatzel Life Domain Cleric 
Roger, Monferno School of War Magic Wizard
Joshua, Hakamo-o Gunslinger Fighter 
James, Toxicroak Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Micheal, Pachirisu Ancestral Guardian Barbarian 
Koishi, Oricorio Dancer Bard 
Clay, Lycanroc Battlemaster Fighter 
Grace, Comfey Totem Master Fighter 
Gabriel, Auroros Hexblade Warlock 
Elena, Floatzel Horizon Walker Ranger 
Allen, Scizor Way of the Kensai Monk
Haku, Zoroark Assassin Rogue 
Alex, Weavile Thief Rogue
Stella, Chesnaught Fortune Teller Astrologian 
Iona, Cinccino College of Valor Bard/Trained PKMN 
Akira, Kekleon Alchemist Artificer 
Shift, Eevee Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 
Justin, Sceptile Oath of Ancients Paladin 
Arin, Roserade Pact of the Deep Warlock 
Zhang, Smeargle Eldritch Knight Fighter 
Firokhan, Houndoom Way of the Kensai Monk 
Camilla, Gardevoir Divine Soul Sorcerer 
Hyargrum, Alolan Marowack School of Necromancy Wizard 
Lilliana, Audino Spiritmaster White Mage 
Koko, Thwacky Dawnbringer Warlock 
Aiden, Lopunny Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 
Dex, Sableye Echo Knight Fighter 
Jae, Banette Order of Scribes Wizard 
Minet, Cinccino Way of the Kensei Monk 
Ergin, Houndoom Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Audra, Manectric Circle of Wildfire Shaman 
Tristan, Goodra Cavalier Fighter 
Kasi, Frogedier Way of the Dragon Monk 
Mobius, Decidueye Gloomstalker Ranger 
Rook, Krokorok Inquisitive Rogue 
Jack, Decidueye Drakewarden Ranger 
Guinness, Haxorus Path of the Totem Barbarian 
Kadmos, Sceptile Way of the Kensai Monk 
Pluto, Delibird Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Meryl, Golurk School of Abjuration Wizard 
Penicillin, Meganium Life Domain Cleric
Cleo, Ampharos Celestial Warlock
Quin, Quilava Drakewarden Ranger
Rheda, Hisuian Sneasel School of Illusion Wizard
Rian, Zangoose Path of the Beast Barbarian 
Lucas, Delphox Knowledge Domain Cleric/School of Divination Wizard 
Rubix, Typhlosion Arcane Archer Fighter/Soulfuse 
Henry, Kecleon Storm Sorcerer
Floss, Delibird Spiritmaster White Mage 
Cassandra, Absol Celestial Warlock/Soulfuse 
Calvin, Archeops Oath of the Crown Paladin 
Ballard, Azumaril College of Whispers Bard/Hexblade Warlock 
Adachi, Toxicroak Way of the Open Palm Monk/Barbairan 
Zeish, Lucario Swashbuckler Rogue/Celestial Warlock 
Sol, Charizard Gunslinger Fighter/Artificer 
Thalnor, Charizard Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Ariana, Nidoqueen College of Swords Bard/Fighter 
Clade, Absol Hexblade Warlock/Soulfuse 
Jace, Luxray Battlesmith Artificer
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kalena-henden · 1 year
I haven’t done a major tv watching update since last June. It almost feels overwhelming at this point but I really love writing down my thoughts. So I’ve decided to break it up into two posts. This post will be all of the shows I watched from June through December 2022.
The Uncanny Counter - A misfit teen is randomly chosen to join a group of demon hunters. A supernatural, found family, action adventure with heart. 
Age of Youth (Hello My Twenties!) - An off-campus house for female college students as they navigate school, work, love, friendship and potential murder. Interesting characters but the plot is as messy as some of their rooms.
Link: Eat, Kill, Love - A chef develops a mysterious psychic connection with a young woman who enters his life causing him to feel all her turbulent emotions as he searches for his long lost twin sister. Another show that mixes love and murder. I love the main couple and all the food porn as the chef preps to open a new restaurant. Less happy about the murder plotline.
Abyss - I hate watched this for Ahn Hyo Seop. I’m a completionist. lol This is my lowest-rated kdrama so far.
Hotel Del Luna - A woman with a tragic past is magically tied to hotel for ghost on their way to the afterlife until a young man is summoned to fulfill his father’s debt to help her run the hotel and possibly set her free. A gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast retelling with ghosts. 
I’m Not a Robot - A young chaebol with an allergy to humans is interested in financing a humanoid robot but, after a malfunction with the prototype, the scientist in charge recruits his ex-girlfriend to pose as the robot until it’s fixed. Enemies to lovers and star-crossed lovers as their fates align to heal their wounds and let their love blossom. I’ve watched it twice so far.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - An autistic attorney fresh out of school joins her first law firm as she struggles to pursue her career and unexpectedly falls in love. Cute and heartwarming.
Café Minamdang - A former profiler becomes a shaman to investigate his friend’s death and runs into his friend’s sister who is searching for the truth herself. Even Seo In Guk couldn’t save this mess.
Alchemy of Souls - An assassin magically swaps bodies to stay alive and is secretly recruited to train a young mage and unlock his powers. This show is a Top 3 Kdrama for me. I LOVE IT. Fantasy, Romance, Humor, Action, Symbolism. A great ensemble cast but Lee Jae Wook really carries this drama. The ride or die main ship is everything.
While You Were Sleeping - Three people’s fates are tied together as they try to stop the bad premonitions they have from happening. It got a little cumbersome every time a new bad potential thing was revealed but I love the cast: Lee Jong Suk, Bae Suzy, Jung Hae In.
Never Have I Ever (S3) - This show is still firing on all cylinders and I’m here for the ride. Can’t wait for the finale season. 
Pinocchio - A boy who lost his family in a tragedy gets adopted into a family that has a girl his own age who can’t lie. They grow up to be reporters to uncover the truth of everyday events and their simmering feelings for each other. I really enjoyed the found family, mystery and romance here. 
Reacher - A lone wolf stumbles into a small town murder that hits closer to home that he could expect. A fun mystery and action jaunt through the countryside.
Dali and the Cocky Prince - A boisterous uncultured business man with alot of bravado crosses paths with a reserved art gallery director looking for investors. A sweet romance blossoms and the meaning of real family is explored. There was a lot of great comedy and romance but also some gut wrenching drama. 
Little Women - Three sisters get entangled in a web of conspiracy surrounding a secret organization. There were some interesting things here but I was mostly bored.
Flower of Evil - A man who may be a serial killer and his wife who’s investigating the decades old murders as the truth slowly unravels their relationship. Sadly, this wasn’t for me. There were a few things that were interesting but again mostly bored. Also, when we got to the end I had the epiphany that I’ve seen this story before and I have: Fringe Season 3 Episode 2 is basically the whole main plot in one episode. 
The Law Cafe - Two longtime but estranged friends end up using their law degrees to help everyday folks and go up against a big corporation together as they finally allow the sparks between them to ignite. A really cute romance with a few good cases but the overall show is a bit lacking. 
W: Two Worlds - Fiction and reality begin to blend as the daughter of a comic book author is sucked into her father’s popular comic and is thrust into the life of the main character, a handsome adventurous CEO. An interesting premise with excellent chemistry between the leads, but gets repetitive in the second half and stunts the growth of our leads. 
Love Between Fairy and Devil - My first cdrama and already one of my favorite shows ever! It’s literally a fairy tale with amazing bickering enemy to lovers leads, gorgeous costumes, sets and vfx, and a fantastic story with great foreshadowing, parallels and symbolism that pays off. I’m currently on my 5th rewatch. I regret nothing.
Star Trek: Picard (S1 & S2) - While I’m happy to see the og characters back on my screen and get to know a few new ones, I had major but differing issues for both of these seasons of Picard. 
Bad Prosecutor - While I really like Do Kyung Soo and Lee Se Hee, the story was rather flat. Even the action couldn’t save it.
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim - I now understand the hype for Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young. They are fantastic in their roles of chaebol and his assistant falling in love. I really enjoyed it but there was something I couldn’t put my finger on that held me back from loving it.
Kiss Goblin - I wanted to watch Bae In Hyuk in something while I was waiting for new episodes of Cheer Up. This cute web series was the perfect little show to get my fix.
Do You Like Brahms? - Park Eun Bin and Kim Min Jae star as a pair of introverted classical musicians with their own set of problems that find light in each other to grow in confidence as their relationship progresses. This is a very low-key show but it kept my attention throughout. 
Fanletter, Please - A cute romcom mini-series about a widower, his ailing daughter, and the actress the daughter adores, who comes to visit the hospital where she’s being treated. 
Cheer Up - If Bring It On was slightly more realistic and set in college but upped the spirit stick curse to a “someone will die” slasher movie prophecy. I loved the team spirit and the romance between the plucky yet reluctant new recruit and the practical dreamer Team Captain. There were a few things I wasn’t crazy about but I had a fun time. 
May I Help You - If Lee Junyoung is in it, I will eventually watch it. lol This is about a young woman who gets the power to talk with the dead in the funeral parlor she works in to help them fix something they didn’t accomplish in their life. She keeps crossing path with a young man who works for an errand service company. As they fall in love, past secrets and present heartbreaks unfold putting their relationship to the test. I had a really good time until the last few episodes but it did end well. 
Summer Strike - Another love story for introverts. A depressed city dweller decides to sell all her possessions that don’t fit in her backpack and travel the country. She lands in a small town, where she begins to heal as she’s slowly creates a new family for herself and falls in love with the local reclusive librarian who is a former math wiz, played by Im Siwan. This one was tough at times but very sweet too. Plus a great soundtrack. I had ‘Color’ by Sunnie on repeat.
Love is for Suckers - A variety show producer convinces her longtime friend to be a contestant on the dating show she’s producing right as they start to realize they are in deeply in love with each other. This had so much potential and started off strong but quickly became a mess when the dating show began filming. The romance between chef and the cartoonist kinda ended up stealing the show.
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earthshipvoice · 1 year
i revisited episode 1 of destined with you. here are symbols, characters, or lines that i overlooked the first time and some i'm still unsure if they will revisit later in the series:
crow / bird
"red hand" who was she, the owner of this hand?
haum ( lawfirm law and high's biggest client and major shareholder. he's appeared twice. episode 1 and episode 6))
catfish ((foreshadow of rituals?))
city hall / onju city hall
being transferred to mr. gong's team
the ominous moon being blood red
haunted house / shrine
shaman / eun-wol
death ((episode 1 worker at construction site, the son who was exploring the haunted house and episode 6 hong-jo's father))
hong-jo face flushing / blushing ((hong-jo says she flushes when she's stressed -episode 1))
park maintenance team
hong-jo choosing where to eat
deleted video
raincoat // coat
ominous voice: "what took you so long to come here?"
blood falling from eye on woman statue
grim reaper
teahouse / drinking tea
kim sam-bong ((the person sin-yu paid to manage the shrine)) / scammer
father suggests sin-yu quit law firm
sin-yu and alcohol ((trembling liquor))
hong-jo: "so he's from a noble family with a lot of land, a son of a chairman, and a successful lawyer? that jang sin-yu guy? i hate him already."
headache and trembling of sin-yu's right hand / genetic disorder and a chromosome mutation.
sin-yu: "still, try to predict what will happen in the future."
sin-yu's doctor: "you have a time bomb in your head that could explode any time."
elevator / floor 29
sin-yu: "i don't need to be kind to someone who trespassed on my property."
sin-yu: "do you want to go to a teahouse with a grim reaper?"
hak-yeong resigning. why do the people want him to?
jae-gyeong not getting water spilled on him and instead water spilled on hong-jo. (episode 1 and similar mirroring in episode 6)
DS stocks
"the mayor"
attending a funeral
na-yeon: "you feel very distant. you don't tell me important things. tell me about the stuff in detail"
sin-yu: "the one who passed away was my second cousin once removed."
na-yeon: "let's go to sokcho. there's a hotel in front of the sea. i heard the view was amazing."
hong-jo: "yes. well...i turn red all the time. i have rosacea. it's not climacteric."
jae-gyeong: "don't joke about it. i was worried all day."
hong-jo: "by the way, how did you know that i was in charge of the demolition?"
jae-gyeong: "it's written all over your face."
sin-yu dreaming (white flowers, the shrine)
sin-yu: "i have a good personality and am humorous. so people say i'm cute like a puppy. but you only come on the days when i get sensitive. so you're the unlucky one."
hong-jo: "because i'm lonely. i feel like if i sort this out, my team leader will say "let's eat together." ever since i transferred to city hall, i've been eating alone. i eat alone at home, so i don't want to eat alone at work as well. they'll know i'm an outcast. can you please tell me?"
eun-wol: "shaman eun-wol. real name, myeong-eun. i agree to demolish the shrine at mount onju."
eun-wol: "you killed her. the owner of the bloody hand that caresses your cheek. karma will swallow you and you will struggle in horrible pain. but all the pain and curses will end. finally, the owner of the wooden box showed up."
hong-jo: "what a unique guy from a unique family."
does only eun-wol and sin-yu know about the wooden box? what about the rest of his family?
eun-wol: "for the wooden box, you'll find out soon. and you already know the owner."
sin-yu: "who's the owner of the wooden box?"
eun-wol: "the woman you're thinking of right now."
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I’ve poked around a little in Tumblr etc to see what people say about Café Minamdang, and it seems like people either really enjoy it or they really hate it. I can see why – while it occasionally gets serious, it’s mostly goofy af. Headdesk-inducing goofiness, even.
I just finished ep 6, and I actually love it. I started watching it specifically because people said it was ridiculous and funny, and I needed something like that to off-set the heavier stuff I’m also watching (Beyond Evil, Bloodhounds, Flower of Evil).
I love me some angsty and traumatized MLs so the fact that Nam Han Jun has not been a happy-go-lucky lunatic all his life is a bonus, mainly because so far they haven’t given up the goofiness to go all in on the angst.
Actually, the fact that he hasn’t always been a con-man, and that he’s been running his shaman con from the beginning with the mindset of someone whose career was always meant to help people, makes me like the show more. Han Jun has let his inner court jester off the leash, but he’s still a good guy underneath it all.
I love the dynamic between the ML and the FL so far. I’m hand-waving the age/timeline stuff and just going with what the show tells me to think about that rather than analyzing it too hard, so I think her early crush on him was cute.
Usually the trope of the cop who assumes they know who did it and refuses to be objective in the slightest really frustrates me, but it works here somehow? I think because there really does appear to be no reason to doubt the so-called evidence until Han Jun makes a stink about it. Jae-hui has started to question things, now that she’s being called out on her rigidity, which makes a huge difference.
I think my favorite element so far is how much Han Jun really doesn’t give a fuck if law enforcement will believe him, or support him, or even listen to him. I’m guessing he gave up on that sometime during his incarceration. He’s perfectly aware of how easily the law can be manipulated to sacrifice the innocent, because he’s been the sacrificial innocent, and he has no faith left.
He knows he’s right, and he’s going to investigate what he wants to investigate, and Jae-Hui and her cohort can either listen to him or they can continue to focus on what they think is right; he doesn’t care either way.
It’s kind of refreshing. Usually, there’s some level of desperation on the hero’s part to be understood and believed by the people in power. They either try to hide what they’re doing because they’re afraid of being misunderstood, or they’re aggressively trying to get people to believe them.
Han Jun doesn’t do that. He doesn’t agonize over it, either; he just does his thing.
It helps that he has people on his side, even if none of them are particularly powerful. Han Jun, Hye Jun, Su Cheol and Na Dan are such a great little ridiculous, pure, mutually supportive family.
Speaking of actual family, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more realistic brother-sister relationship. Han Jun and Hye Jun have such a great love-aggravate-support-mock dynamic.
I have to admit that I keep waiting to find out that Su Cheol is the bad guy. I couldn’t figure out why until I realized that the other show I’ve seen that actor in is Lovers of the Red Sky, in which he played the villain. I don’t *want* Han Jun to be betrayed by his friend, though, so I will be very happy if he doesn’t turn out to be evil.
Oh, side note: I kind of love that while Han Jun started out being the BAMF martial artist who taught Jae-Hui, he’s now barely able to hold his own in a fight while she’s Avengers-level kick-ass. It feels like a skill he let lapse because it maybe required a level of...I don’t know, dedication to heroism? That he no longer feels. Whereas Jae-Hui has improved because she’s driven to be The Best Cop Ever after the tragedy of her brother’s death and the fact that his killer got away.
But yes. 100% enjoying this show.
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moviesandmania · 6 months
EXHUMA Korean horror hit - reviews and trailer
Exhuma is a 2024 South Korean horror film about the process of excavating an ominous grave which unleashes dreadful consequences. The movie was written and directed by Jang Jae-hyun and stars Choi Min-sik, Kim Go-eun, Yoo Hae-jin and Lee Do-hyun. Plot: A wealthy Korean American Los Angeles family plagued by a generational curse enlists the help of a young, renowned Korean shaman and her protégé,…
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
South Korea Christianity Creeps Upon Buddhism (1984)
By Clyde Haberman New York Times March 26, 1984
Among the first sights to catch the visitor's eye are the crosses.
It is not just that there are so many of them, perched upon buildings and forming rooftop latticework across many blocks. What startles in South Korean cities is how the crosses are set on pyramid steel towers, struggling, in advertisement for themselves, to reach higher than those atop neighboring churches. At night, they glow in red neon against the sky.
In parts of Seoul, people leave home as early as 4:30 A.M. to attend church services. One Roman Catholic parish south of the Han River in the capital is so busy that it holds nine masses each Sunday. Here in the country's southwest, church officials say there are not enough ministers and priests to fill the spiritual demand.
''Every parish has three or four masses on Sundays, most of them four,'' said the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kwangju, Youn Kong Hi. ''The main masses are always packed.'' Adherents Doubled in Decade
At a time when Christianity worries about its future in Western countries, it is flourishing to such an extent in South Korea that many people expect it to overtake Buddhism in a few years as the No. 1 religion. The number of Christians doubled in the last decade, and most denominations expect it will double again over the next 10 years.
The spectacular growth will be highlighted when Pope John Paul II visits in early May to commemorate 200 years of Roman Catholicism in Korea and to canonize 103 Christian martyrs who fell victim to persecution a century ago.
According to Government surveys, one out of six South Koreans now identifies himself or herself as a Christian, but church leaders believe the true figure is closer to one out of four, or a total of 9 million people among the country's population of 40 million.
Catholics account for 1.5 million of the total, and Presbyterians, with 5 million people, are by far the largest Protestant denomination. Although some Americans associate Korean Christianity with the Rev. Moon Sun Myung and his Unification Church, he is a minor force here. 11 Million Buddhists
There are, by some estimates, 11 million Buddhists, along with smaller numbers of adherents to Confucianism, Shamanism, Islam and a homegrown religion known as Chondogyo.
In many respects, Christianity here is a mirror of the South Korean spirit - assertive, pragmatic and given to a measure of fractiousness. There are at least 68 identifiable denominations and subdenominations. The Presbyterians alone are divided into five major groups and 27 smaller ones.
Christianity has become one of the strongest forces in the country politically as well.
Church officials and laymen, for example, provide a core of opposition to the four-year-old regime of President Chun Doo Hwan. Denominations associated with the often-anti-Government National Council of Churches in Korea claim 2.1 million members. Nor is the arrest of clergymen unknown during Mr. Chun's tenure.
It is the social activism of certain churches rather than their spiritual dynamism that attracts some followers. ''Many people feel that religious cover is safer than being alone in the opposition camp,'' said Oh Jae Shik, a National Council of Churches official. Most Sects Are Conservative
But while Christians may be conspicuous among South Korean dissidents, those who are actively opposed to the authoritarian Government constitute a small percentage of the overall church population. Most sects, if they have politics at all, are conservative, providing leaders of government as well as critics. Of the dozen aides to President Chun killed in last fall's bombing attack in Rangoon, Burma, during a presidential visit there, half were Christians.
Perhaps no better example of Korean Christianity's vitality exists than the Full Gospel Church in Seoul, a stronghold of evangelism that aggressively recruits its members, now said to number 350,000.
Sundays at Full Gospel bring echoes of Madison Square Garden. For each of the seven services, 10,000 people fit into the cavernous main chapel and 15,000 more attend in a dozen adjacent auditoriums. They watch on closed-circuit television while the preacher watches them back on a 12-monitor console. Through the day, nine choirs and two orchestras provide liturgical music.
The message at Full Gospel is hope - that life in the world, not to mention in South Korea, is fine. ''We must get rid of grumblings and complaints,'' the Rev. Cho Yong Mok said in a recent sermon. French Introduced Catholicism
Christianity traces its origins in Korea to French Catholic priests who came two centuries ago during the Yi dynasty. But the religion did not begin to flourish until after the arrival of an American Presbyterian missionary, Horace Allen, in 1884 - another anniversary being marked this year. By the early part of this century, the religion had taken such firm hold that not even fervently anti-Christian Japanese could root it out during their 35-year colonial rule.
The grand leaps in South Korean church membership began in the 1960's, particularly among the better educated and more affluent. Even those who try to explain why acknowledge they cannot be sure they are right.
''Traditionally, Korean people like to believe in something,'' said Lee Jung Bae, director general for religious affairs in the Ministry of Culture and Information. Buddhism, many argue, has become a relatively weak social force in South Korea and is thus easily supplanted by Christianity.
Some think the prominence of clergymen in the anti-Japanese resistance enhanced the church's reputation. Favorable views of Westerners, especially Americans after World War II, may have made it easier to accept the West's religion. Then, too, some say, Christianity's message of salvation can be a comfort to people who endured years of economic and political instability.
As practiced here, Christianity is flecked lightly with traces of folk religions such as shamanism, which stresses spirituality's more discernible benefits. Shamans - usually women - intercede on behalf of their clients with good spirits and exorcise the evil ones. 'Mechanistic Approach' Noted
In a similar manner, Christian prayer sometimes takes a ''mechanistic approach,'' according to Horace Underwood, assistant to the president of Yongsei University, a Presbyterian school. ''If you say it enough and pester the Lord enough, then he's going to do it.''
This underlying pragmatism troubles many clergymen, as does a tendency to concentrate more on increasing church memberships than improving the quality of worship. In a Gallup Poll taken last year, 62.8 percent of South Korean Christians surveyed said social work should be their church's primary mission, but only 16.7 percent thought that it actually was.
Whether Christianity's spectacular growth can continue is a matter for debate. Mr. Lee of the Culture Ministry argues that rapidly growing affluence makes it only a matter of time before South Koreans, like many Westerners, look elsewhere than the church.
Maybe, others say. ''The growth is bound to slow down,'' said Mr. Underwood of Yonsei. ''But I've seen no evidence of it yet.''
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sooniebby · 11 months
Which of your ocs’ would be willing to have children? How many? This leads me to another question.
What were they like as a child?
(You don’t have to answer them both lol)
Yichen — none. He was very calm and quiet. He tried heavily to be a shaman and personally saw a lot of kids die due to monsters going after them because they are so gullible. Maybe if a kid is already born and is an orphan, he’d take care of it
Kimura — none. He was a good kid but being sold into the yakuza, he learned about a lot of parents that forced their kids to do terrible things for money. He just wouldn’t want to bring children into such a world
Yubin — none. He doesn’t like children like that. Cats are his kids. He was actually a quiet kid too. He didn’t have much friends lol
Mikey — two. Kids do better with siblings or some shit. He has a big family so he always wanted his own big family. He was a very upbeat kid and loved making noises akin to a drums
Yuta — none. He was an only child and didn’t do much. He was just an average good kid. But he can’t imagine himself taking care of children
Keita — fucking hell no! He can barely take care of himself. He was a good kid and got a lot of attention from adults and kids for having such good looks.
Vincent — one or two. Cuz of his little brothers. He was very paternal to his little brothers and it made him love the idea of taking care those younger than him.
Eun Jae — none. It’s hard enough taking care of himself. He was a shy kid who felt very insecure of his looks because he was bullied heavily. He thinks the world is just too cruel to subject a child to it.
Riki — as many as possible. He was such a lonely kid as an only child. He would like children to have siblings so they can have easy friends and just someone to cry to. He was a shy kid until he grew up and got a bit bigger then people stopped bullying him.
I got so many traumatized men 💀
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rydiaroads · 1 year
Destined with you episode 13
I'm gonna try a list this time, bullets make it fancy
I'm so legit curious to know this whole old timey story
I wonder if it was always the actress for hong jo doing the bloody hand thing or just anybody
I like this as a reason for the inevitable break up in these types of shows
This whole talk with the shaman lady is confusing me. I did not hear a reason they couldn't be together. I guess it was implied he'll die if they do, I guess?
God I hate the coworkers
Please don't submit to their stupid party thing, it's so obvious
His face before she came outside, so sad
This would make more sense to me if he hadn't been having red hand visits before they even met
Noooo hes not Groot anymore!
Him bringing up the love spell is so cute and sad
Oh course she's doing the stupid party. Sigh.
I kinda want jae gyoeng to point out the subtle bullying
That's.... a dick move. Bringing your drunk ass friend and leaving him with the gf he's fighting with? Geez.
God I didn't even remember about the thing he buried in the pot until now
If he told her about the weird bloody pot thing, it might push them together to try to solve the mystery!
I don't believe anything bitchy girl says anymore
Hmm, so gardener was just a regular stalker? I was kinda hoping it was deeper than that, since he was casting spells and stuff.
I mean, I like sin yu in a suit, but he never changes or anything
How did he call the gardener, I thought he changed his number?
Oh god is it tomorrow yet
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idolskpop · 1 year
Behind Your Touch Episode 16: Han Ji Min & Lee Min Ki Solve the Mystery and Find Love
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Behind Your Touch Episode 16 was the finale of the popular JTBC drama that starred Han Ji Min, Lee Min Ki, and Suho. The series combined comedy, thriller, and fantasy elements to tell the story of a psychic veterinarian and a hot-blooded detective who teamed up to solve crimes in a small town. The last episode wrapped up the main plot and gave a satisfying ending to the characters and their relationships.
The Culprit and His Motive
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) The mystery behind the serial murders in Mujin was finally revealed in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. The culprit was none other than Park Jong Bae (Park Hyuk Kwon), the shaman who had been helping the police with his fake psychic abilities. He was actually a psychopath who enjoyed killing people and animals for fun. He had been using Bong Ye Bun’s (Han Ji Min) power to read the memories of his victims and manipulate them. He also had a personal motive for his crimes. He blamed Moon Jang Yeol (Lee Min Ki) for the death of his son, who was killed by a car accident while Jang Yeol was chasing a suspect. He wanted to make Jang Yeol suffer by killing his friends and colleagues, such as Cha Ju Man (Lee Seung Joon), Jung Eui Hwan (Yang Jae Seong), and Kim Seon Woo (Suho). He also kidnapped Bae Ok Hee (Joo Min Kyung), Ye Bun’s best friend, and tried to kill her.
The Final Showdown
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) Ye Bun and Jang Yeol managed to track down Jong Bae and rescue Ok Hee in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. They also confronted him about his crimes and his motive. Jong Bae admitted that he was the killer and that he enjoyed playing with their lives. He also revealed that he had killed Seon Woo, who was Ye Bun’s crush and Jang Yeol’s suspect. Jong Bae then tried to escape by stabbing random people on the street, but Ye Bun used her power to locate him. She bravely faced him and held him at knifepoint, demanding him to surrender. Jang Yeol arrived soon after and shot Jong Bae in the leg, arresting him for good.
The Happy Ending
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) After solving the case, Ye Bun and Jang Yeol returned to their normal lives in Mujin. They also confessed their feelings for each other and started dating. They had a cute and sweet relationship, despite their different personalities and lifestyles. They also continued to work together on minor cases, using Ye Bun’s power and Jang Yeol’s skills. They became a famous duo in Mujin, earning the respect and admiration of the people. The other characters also had their happy endings in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. Ok Hee recovered from her trauma and became more confident and cheerful. She also opened her own hair salon with the help of her friends. Won Jong Mook (Kim Hee Won) and Jung Hyeon Ok (Park Sung Yeon) got married and rekindled their love. Na Mi Ran (Jung Yi Rang) divorced her cheating husband and found a new love interest. Bae Deok Hee (Jo Min Guk) became a successful detective and moved to Seoul. The finale episode ended with a humorous scene of Ye Bun and Jang Yeol running away from a group of angry female prisoners, whom Ye Bun had read their memories for Jang Yeol’s investigation.
The Netizens’ Reactions
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(Photo : JTBC) The viewers of Behind Your Touch Episode 16 were satisfied with the finale and praised the cast and crew for their excellent work. They also expressed their love for the drama and its unique genre mix. Here are some of their comments: - “This drama was so fun and refreshing. I loved the chemistry between Han Ji Min and Lee Min Ki. They were so cute together.” - “I’m glad they caught the killer and revealed his motive. He was so creepy and evil. I felt sorry for Suho’s character though. He deserved better.” - “This drama made me laugh, cry, and feel excited. It was a perfect balance of comedy, thriller, and fantasy. I’m going to miss it so much.” - “Han Ji Min is such a versatile actress. She can do any genre and role. She was so charming as Ye Bun. Lee Min Ki was also amazing as Jang Yeol. He was so handsome and charismatic.” - “This drama was one of the best this year. It had a great story, cast, OST, cinematography, etc. It deserves more recognition and ratings.” What did you think of Behind Your Touch Episode 16? Did you enjoy the finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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Sculptures of male and female sex organs outside the Cheongpyeong Prayer Hall.
Some do not believe that sex was fundamental to Sun Myung Moon’s theology of restoration. These sculptures are a silent witness.
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▲ Outside the Jeongshim Prayer Hall the female organ is on the right of the steps.
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▲ The testicles and phallus are on the left.
Inside the Prayer Hall, Hak Ja Han is on the right side of the photo, outside the hall the vagina is also on the right. In the photo Moon is on the left, and outside the male genitalia (with clocktower) are also on the left.
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▲ Inside the Prayer Hall (Note the two ‘spirit world’ houses. They can be purchased and will get believers a ‘real’ house in the ‘spirit world’.)
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▲ Left, Heung Jin Moon painting. Right, DaeMoNim (= Honorable Great Mother), painting.
DaeMoNim’s real name was Soon-ae Hong. (She was the mother of Hak Ja Han). Soon-ae Hong was jailed for manslaughter in 1957. All the early Korean members know that, and so have never respected her. Members all over the world have been bowing to Soon-ae Hong without knowing what kind of person she was.
“There was even an incident that occurred in 1957. An old woman, Jae-geon Kim, and Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han who is currently the wife of Sun Myung Moon) were released after a two year sentence in Chuncheon Prison. The two women had been charged with beating a mentally-ill boy to death during an Ansu session. He was about 18 years old. They had guaranteed that they could cure the mental abnormality with their divine powers.”
1957년도에는 이런 일도 있었다. 18세 가량의 정신이상자인 소년 하나를 김재건 노파와 홍순애 (현재 문 선명의 부인인 한 학자의 모친)여인이 자기네들의 신통력으로 정신이상증세를 고칠 수 있다고 장담하면서 지나치게 안수. 안찰을 하다 결국 맞아 죽은 사건이 발생하여 두 여인은 강원도 춘천형무소에서 2년간에.   LINK
Moon himself was cleansed through a pikareum sex ritual with the “wife of Jehovah”, Ms Pak, in Pyongyang in the summer of 1946. She had sex with God in a dream.
Moon’s pikareum sex ritual with her qualified him to be the messiah. He then had the mission, from God, to directly cleanse as many women as possible in a sex relay. (This is a Korean shaman god, not the God of Judeo-Christianity.)
See link below for Moon’s OWN words describing the “wife of Jehovah” in Pyongyang in 1946.
The salvation and cleansing of mankind starts from Moon as the sinless messiah. In the early days of the Unification Church this was done through the pikareum ceremony (pi = blood, kareum = separation). During these ceremonies to remove the original sin, sexual intercourse was done three times – formation, growth and perfection. The cleansing was done by the sperm. This explains the testicles outside the Prayer Hall. If a woman was cleansing a man, she must have been cleansed before by the sperm of a cleansed man. Later, within Unification Church marriages, it was called the “Three Day Ceremony.” Holy Wine (containing Moon’s sperm) has also been used.
According to the Unification Blessed Family Department: “The act of love should be a complete act (penetration and ejaculation)… It is not permitted to use a condom or any other apparatus during the act of love.” http://www.tparents.org/library/unification/topics/traditn/3-dayceremonya.htm
A condom prevents the sperm from performing the womb cleansing.
Moon: “A person is born through a man’s seed going into a woman. Where does the way of reversal begin? It is within the woman’s womb. The condition must be established so that history is reversed in the womb. For complete restoration, the starting point is the seed which exists in the body of a male. The condition must be established in which the seed within a male is united with God’s love. Without establishing that condition, complete reversal of the blood lineage cannot be established.” (October 13, 1970, Seoul)
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▲ The above arrangement is not by chance. These testicles are large enough to cleanse all the women of the world.
The words of Sun Myung Moon: “The foundation of resurrection has not been understood so far. You must establish the condition to inherit the heart of history; otherwise the start and motivation for resurrection is not fulfilled. You must understand that.
Then for the blood lineage to be reversed, conditions must be established so that the seed which is going to become a future child enters the bone marrow of Adam and connects with God’s love. Otherwise, you cannot be born anew as God’s child. This teaching is founded on the Bible, which is God’s word.
The emotions or feelings of a man do have an influence upon the seed in his flesh. When a man feels happy, that feeling of happiness affects his own seed. Likewise, when he feels sad, that feeling of sadness affects his seed.
The realm of total perfection cannot be achieved without a condition for restoring fallen Eve. … That providence must involve the womb of a woman. It is there that the solution to the problems of history must be found…” (Moon, October 13, 1970, Seoul)
“Husbands are in the archangel position, which means they don’t have the seed. Therefore the wives must absolutely unite with True Parents, so that the husband can be restored. The archangel cannot have the seed of life.” (Moon, November 29-December 6, 2000 South American tour)
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▲ The purpose of the Cheongshim tower (above) has not been explained.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon demonstrates sexual intercourse
From an FFWPU / UC workshop presentation:
We all need to inherit True Parent’s Heart and Absolute Sex. Absolute sex means God’s original blood lineage. True Father is the substance of God’s original sperm. True Mother is the substance of God’s original ovum. True Parents are the completion of God’s original sperm and ovum.
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Sun Myung Moon: “If humanity were to go beyond the traditional categories of virtue, religion and any other human norms, but were absolutely in harmony with the sexual organs, earning the welcoming applause of God, what kind of world would it be?
I wish that you would center on the absolute sexual organ, unique sexual organ, unchanging sexual organ and eternal sexual organ, and use this as your foundation to pursue God. You should realize that this foundation should become the foundation of love, life, lineage and conscience. We also have to realize that the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven will begin on this foundation.
Wherever you may go, please try to spread Reverend Moon’s message through television or other media. You will never perish. What force can turn around this world of Hell? It is impossible to achieve this unless our sexual organ is used in accordance with an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal standard centering on God’s true love which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. God is the original owner of the sexual organs.
Let us go forward all together for this common cause. … This is the very mission of the Family Federation for World Peace. …” (Moon, August 1, 1996, Washington DC.)
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▲ A model of the Cheongshim tower was used at an ancestor liberation ceremony held in Chiba, Japan, in summer 2014. Hyo-nam Kim officiated.
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▲ A Korean fertility shrine.
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Moon’s sex theology explained at official workshops for members in Japan.
Sun Myung Moon restored the first three wives
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
The God of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
Moon left his wife and infant son in 1946 to join the “wife of Jehovah”
Sun Myung Moon stole the teachings and rituals of the Jesus Church (Kirsti Nevalainen)
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church
Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.
Drumming at Cheongpyeong invites spirits in
Use of Moon’s own body fluids to influence others
Sperm in the Holy Wine of the Unification Church
Unification Church Indemnity Stick Ceremony
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