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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 3 months ago
Letter from a Korean elder addressed to Mrs. Moon. Seven concerns are listed.
This was a letter addressed to Mrs. Moon by a church member, presumably a church elder or leader.  It is a poignant letter addressing some of the issues of the Unification Church and its leadership.  Sorry about not having a translation of it.  I attempted to translate same with google translate but that doesn't do justice to the author of the letter. 
어머님께 드리는 상소문
단기 4357년 가을
통일국의 환난이 청평까지 창궐하였으니, 식구들의 삶은 참담하고 사회로부터는 잊혀져 버렸으니, 우리의 미래를 기약할 수 없음이 두려워 잠을 이룰수없사옵니다. 이것은 소인만의 일은 아닐 것입니다.
식구들은 하늘의 섭리가 잠시라도 늦추어질까봐, 없는 생활속에서도 허리띠를 졸라메고 청평 섭리에 동참해 왔사옵니다. 청평의 섭리를 위해, 우리들은 자식들의 학원비까지 아끼며 섭리에 동참하려고 노력했사옵니다.
아뢰옵기 황송하오나 어머님 식구들의 생활이 이리 어려울진데, 어머님의 측근들은 청평에 모��� 탁상공론을 거듭하며 말장난이나 일삼고 쓸데없는 사업으로 식구들의 헌금을 빼먹으며 식구들을 우롱하니 그 꼴이 전입가경이라.
어느 실권자는 회사를 차려 공금을 투자하게 만든 후 수 백억을 해쳐먹고, 어느 실력자는 아프리카와 동남아시아에 계좌를 만들어 수백억을 송금해서 해쳐먹고, 어떤 자는 건축비를 왕창 올려 해쳐먹고, 어떤 실력자는 공연하다고 비용을 뻥튀기해서 해쳐먹고. 해 쳐먹고, 해 쳐먹고. 본시 먹성이 좋은 자들이라 신구들의 헌금을 잘도 쳐먹고 있사옵니다.
통일의 역사를 살펴보건데 이제까지 교회를 힘들게 만들고 도탄에 빠트렸던 자들은 순박한 우리 식구들이 아니라, 어머님의 사랑을 듬뿍 받던 측근들이었사옵니다. 어머님의 측근들은 제 이익과 권력에만 눈이 멀어, 어머님의 눈과 귀를 막고 치부에 힘을 쏟으니, 식구들은 더욱 힘들고 어려울뿐이옵니다. 이리하여, 소인 상심노인이 식구들의 고충을 차마 외면하지 못하고 어머님께 시무 7조를 고하옵나이다. 첫째, 과도한 헌금을 요구하지 마시옵소서. 헌금이라는 것은 식구들이 하늘앞에 드리는 예물로, 하늘을 위한 일에만 사용해야 합니다. 천정궁을 건설한다고 헌금을 걷으시더니, 이제 천원궁을 위해서 2100만원이나 되는 거금을 헌금하라고 하시면, 가난한 식구들은 굶어 죽으라는 말씀이시옵니까? 헌금은 하늘에 감사하는 마음으로 드리는 예물이옵니다. 지금은 하기 싫은 사람들에게 억지로 부과하는 세금처럼 되어서 헌금이 예물이 아니라 강요처럼 되어 버렸습니다. 없는 식구들은 헌금을 하지못해 하늘 앞에 죄송스러워하고, 헌금이 어떻게 사용되어지는지 알고있는 목회자들은 식구들에게 헌금을 종용하며 양심의 가책을 느끼고 있사옵니다. 작은 빌라 한 채 가지고 있는 노인에게 헌금을 설득하여 빼앗고, 자식의 학비마저 빼앗아 모은 돈으로, 청평에 엉뚱한 사업을 한다고 날리니 황망하기 이를데 없사옵니다. 청평에 수 천억을 쏟아부은 청평 마리나, 청평 화조원, 아쿠아 카페! 하늘이 머무시는 성지에 장사치들로 넘쳐나니 기가 막힐뿐이옵니다. 예수님께서 성전에서 장사치들을 내쫒은 것을 기억하시옵소서. 식구들의 헌금을 그리 퍼붙고도 파리만 날리는 사업장들. 청평의 관람선은 매일 빈 배만 저어가고 있고, 텅빈 화조원에서는 이름 모를 새 소리만 가득하옵니다. 이런 황당한 사업을 제안 놈이 누구이옵니까? 이들의 목을 쳐야 하옵니다. 청평의 성전은 식구들의 진심이 담긴 헌금으로 세우소서. 그것이 100���, 500년이 걸리든 정성으로 세우시옵소서. 식구들의 원성으로 지은 건물은 오래가지 않사옵니다.
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둘째, 목회자를 귀하게 여기시옵소서.
어머님! 결국 우리는 종교단체일 수밖에 없사옵니다. 종교가 흥하려면, 목회자들의 영성과 열정이 필수이옵니다. 아뢰옵기 황송하오나, 어머님께서는 목회 현장에서는 진리를 가르치고, 영성 교육이 청평에서 교육하라고 하십니다. 이것은 잘못된 정책이옵니다. 현장 목회자에게 가장 필요한 것이 영성이옵니다. 그런데 영성을 청평에 넘기라고 하시오니 황망할 따름이옵니다. 영성은 잃은 목회자는 하나님의 대신자가 아니라 행정가일뿐이옵니다. 그러니, 청평의 실무자들이 목회자 보기를 우습게 알고 막말을 하는 것이옵니다. 오죽 목회자가 우습게 보였으면, 천무원의 처장이라는 인간이 목회자들의 수장인 협회장에게 개새끼라고 욕을 하겠사옵니까?
사랑하옵는 참 어머님. 협회장이 개새끼이면, 그를 따르는 목회자들은 무엇이옵니까? 개새끼보다 못한 미물인것이옵니까? 세상에 어느 종교의 신자가 하늘의 말씀을 전달하는 성직자를 개새끼라 부릅니까? 그런 놈을 우리는 호로새끼라 부르옵니다. 목회는 성직이옵니다. 어머님께서 성직자를 귀하게 여기시지 않으시는데, 측근들은 오죽하겠사옵니까? 어머님부터 솔선수범하게 목회자를 귀히 여기소서.
셋째, 현실적이고 정상적인 정책을 펼치시옵소서.
섭리를 승리하기 위해서는 목표를 세우는 것이 중요합니다. 그 목표는 합리적이어야 하고 현실적이어야 하옵니다. 말도 안되는 목표를 설정하면, 처음부터 모두 시도조차 하지 않게 됩니다. 작금의 우리의 목표는 황당하고 전혀 실현 가능성이 없는 목표들입니다. 목표는 분석과 능력을 기초로 만들어야지 신앙과 믿음에 의지해서 세우면 아니되옵니다. 어머님께서는 2027년까지 100만 전도라는 목표를 주셨습니다. 어머님! 우리의 식구가 몇 명인지 아시옵니까? 2만명이 되지 않사옵니다. 3년동안 98만명을 전도하라고 하시는 것이옵니까? 청평의 신령이 협조하면 승리하는 것이옵니까? 그렇다면, 먼저 이 기성 원장님이 3만명 전도 실적을 내시면서 성령의 능력을 증명하여 주시옵소서. 예배 인원이 2만명인 우리조직이 3년동안 98만명을 전도한다는 것은 불가능하옵니다. 목회자 한 명 한 명의 심정에 불타오른다면 가능할지 모르오나, 이미 현장은 영성을 다 빼앗겼사오니다.
어머님을 모시는 신앙심 깊은 정 원주 부원장, 이 청우 처장, 송 용천 본부장, 김 종관 이사장, 그리고 이기성 원장을 모두 1년간 현장으로 내려보내서, 현장에서 심령의 불길을 일으켜 식구들과 목회자들에 실적으로 보여주게 하시옵소서. 그들이 이제까지 주둥이만 나불댄 것이 아님을 증명하게 기회를 주시옵소서.
넷째, 주변의 부패를 청산하시옵소서.
사랑하는 어머님! 식구들이 진실을 모를 것이라고 생각하지 마시옵소서. 발 없는 말이 천리를 간다고, 청평의 부패와 비리 문제는 대부분의 식구들이 알고 있사옵니다. 식구들은 어머님께 상처를 드릴까봐 모른척할 뿐이옵니다. 그들을 전부 정리하시옵소서. 오랫동안 어머님을 보필했다고 해서, 어머님을 기쁘게 해드린다고 해서, 어머님을 이해한다고 해서, 그들의 비리와 부패가 합리화될 수는 없사옵니다. 그들이 해 쳐먹은 돈은, 우리 식구들의 피와 땀임을 잊지 말으셔야 합니다. 그들은 결국 어머님의 충신들이 아니라 간신들이요 역적들입니다. 정리하소서. 비리와 부패가 정리되지 않으면, 청평에서 진행되는 모든 프로젝트들은 거액의 돈만 집어넣고 결국 실패로 끝날 것입니다.
다섯째, 신하를 가려 쓰시옵소서.
엣말에 ‘良藥은 苦口이나 利於病이오, 忠言은 逆耳이나 利於行’ 이라 했습니다. 사람은 나에게 달콤한 말을 하는 사람이 좋고, 나에게 바른말을 하는 사람은 거북하기 마련이옵니다. 어머님께서 귀하게 여겨야하는 사람은, 달콤한 말을 하는 사람이 아니라 충언을 하는 사람들이옵니다. 어머님이 싫어하시는 것을 알면서도 바른말을 하는 사람은, 그만큼 어머님을 사랑하고 걱정하기 때문이옵니다. 바른말을 한다는 것은 용기를 필요로합니다. 어머님이 바른말을 싫어하시기 때문이니다. 목숨을 내놓고 바른말을 하는 것은, 그들에게 정의감과 사랑이 있기 때문입니다. 그런 자들을 귀하게 여기시고 중용하소서.
작금의 어머님 주변에는 아부성 말만 늘어놓는 사기꾼들과 아첨쟁이들로 가득차 있습니다. 간신들이 창궐하니 원리원칙은 깨어졌고 교회는 풍전등화와 같사옵니다. 식구들의 심적 곤궁��은 이루 말할 수 없고, 정의로운 자는 모두 숨었으니, 희망이 보이지 않나이다. 간신 정원주와 그 가족들의 독기가 통일가를 썩게 만들고 있고, 청평에는 무능하고 정 실장에게 아첨하는 등신들만 가득하옵니다.
인사는 만사라 하였사옵니다. 어머님 앞에 감성과 눈물을 팔고, 그럴듯한 감언이설로 식구들의 피와땀을 빨아먹으며, 자신들의 치부에만 관심있는, 저 들쥐같은 자들을 모두 박멸하시옵소서.
여섯째, 상벌을 명확하게 하소서.
언제부터인가 우리의 상벌의 기준이 사라져 버렸사옵니다. 잘못을해도 정원주 따까리면 대충 넘어가고, 힘없는 목회자이면 늑대들처럼 달려들어 갈가리 찢어놓는 것이 작금의 인사이옵니다. 출세하려면, 정 원주에게 선물을 잘 가져다주고, 그녀의 눈에 들어야 한다고 소문이 파다하옵니다. 우리 조직의 기강은 무너지고, 원칙이 사라진지 오래되었사옵니다. 이런 조직이 발전이 되겠사옵니다. 상벌이 공정하지 못하면, 나라의 기강이 바로 서지 아니하옵니다. 지금 우리 통일가는 지도자를 믿지 못하고 서로 비방하며, 어머님을 조롱하는 것이 문화로 굳어지고 있사옵니다. 기강을 하루빨리 잡지 않는다면, 어머님 재세시에 통일가의 몰락을 보시게 될 것이옵니다.
상을 주시려면, 공과가 있는 자에게 주셔야 하옵니다. 아무런 공적도 없는 대가리에 피도 안 마른 어린애에게 높은 자리를 주시고, 인사권까지 주시니 세상이 우리 통일가를 어찌 보겠나이까? 철없는 어린아이 손에 칼을 쥐어주게 되면, 아무 생각없이 칼을 휘두르게 되옵니다. 더욱이 그 어린애는 정 원주의 충실한 강아지이온데, 우리가 동네 깡패조직도 아니고 종교단체에서 이 무슨 회귀망칙한 일이옵나이까?
일곱���, 원리를 귀히 여기소서.
언제부터인가 우리 통일가에서는 원리가 틀렸다고 떠들고 다니는 교수 나부랭이 놈들이 있사옵니다. 그 역적들은 어머님의 이름을 팔며 감히 아버님을 조롱하는 사탄 짓을 하고 있사옵니다. 이것들을 모두 참형에 처하시고 원리를 바로 잡아 주시옵소서. 어머님께서는 원리에 의해 참 어머님의 자리에 앉으셨고, 원리를 따라 섭리의 길을 걸어나오셨습니다. 우리 통일가의 식구들 또한 원리의 말씀을 따라 뜻길을 걸어 나왔사옵니다. 그런데, 원리에 의해 임명받으신 어머님께서, 원리의 가치를 훼손하고 원리를 무시하며 원리에 내재된 가치를 짓밟으시니 식구들의 마음은 조각나 깨어져 흉흉해졌사옵고 청평에는 서로 갈라져 개싸움만 벌이고 있사오니, 그 꼴이 참으로 한심하기 이를 데 없나이다.
사랑하옵는 어머님! 하늘은 어머님의 것이 아니옵니다. 원리 또한 어머님 것이 아니옵니다. 원리는 불가변한 가치를 가지고 있는 하나님의 말씀이요, 식구들과 삶을 같이해온 역사이옵니다. 그리하여, 원리를 짓밟는 것은 하늘을 짓밟는 것이요, 원리를 부정하는 것은 아버님과 선배 식구님들을 부정하시는 것이오며, 원리를 저버리는 것은 식구와 역사를 저버리는 것이옵나이다. 직언하옵건데 우리 조직에는 상식과 신뢰와 도의는 무너져 버렸으며 원리는 깨어지고 목회자는 영성을 잃었으니, 오로지 권력을 놓고 미친 듯이 서로 싸우는 투견장이 되었을 따름이옵니다.
이는 어머님만의 잘못도 아니고 목회자들과 청평 직원들이 잘못도 아니옵나이다.그것은 식구들 또한 무지한 까닭이며, 아버님의 말씀을 듣고서도 행하지 않는 저희들의 잘못이옵니다. 감성에 젖어 어머님 주위에 간신과 사기꾼들을 몰아내지 못한 저희들의 잘못이요, 어머님의 옳치못한 결정을 모가지 짤리는 것이 두려워 지켜만 본 저희들의 잘못이옵니다.
어머님이 말씀하시는 참사랑은 고작 파렴치한 측근들에게만 내려주시는 면죄부가 되었고, 어머님이 부르짓던 섭리는 측근들이 벌이는 정당한 약탈이자 합법적인 착취의 수단으로 전락하였나이다. 어머님께서는 지금 무엇과 싸우고 계신 것이옵니까?일본에서는 통일교 해산이라는 큰 시련이 현실화 되고 있는데, 이를 걱정하는 인간들도 없고 남의 집에 불구경하듯 쳐다만 보고 있으니 어머님의 참사랑은 한국이라는 국경을 넘지 못하시는 것이옵나이까? 일본의 생존을 놓고 걱정하는 사람은 없고, 일본에서 송금이 끊어지는 것만 걱정하는 청평의 버러지같은 종자들을 이끄시니, 무슨 섭리가 진행되겠사옵니까? 천원궁을 화려하게 짓는다 한들, 일본에서 통일교회가 해산된다면, 그것이 얼마나 처참하고 창피한 일이겠사옵니까? 어머님에게는 일본 통일교회보다 천원궁이 더 소중하신 것이옵니까? 사랑하는 어머님! 그깟 건물이 뭐 그리 귀중하겠습니까? 식구들의 가슴속에 참사랑이 있고, 식구들의 머릿속에 원리와 섭리가 있다면 천원궁보다 수 십배 더 화려하고 거대한 건물을 언제든지 지을 수 있사옵니다. 더이상 성전을 짓는다고 어머님 측근들의 배를 채워주는 행동은 하지 말아주시옵기를 간절히 주청드리옵니다.
사랑하는 어머님! 저의 부족한 상소로 마음이 상하였다면, 용서하여 주시옵소서. 그러나, 이 모든 것은 아버님에 대한 충성과 어머님에 대한 애정으로 상소문을 작성하였사오니, 내용이 부족하나 오직 소인의 마음속에 우국충정을 담아 피와 눈물로 글을 썻사오니 다만 깊이 헤아려 주시옵소서.
2023년 10월 傷心老人
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
More Develop at Cheongpyeong: HJ Marina
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Hak Ja Han’s unfinished palace
Demian Dunkley Admits Fraud - from the twitter of ex-Moonie podcast Falling Out Reports last week on the blessing and the palace Jeffrey Hall on the Unification Church Property Near Tama Center Hak Ja Han’s new palace (the third at Cheongpyeong) was opened on May 6, 2023 Hak Ja Han’s Greed Has No Limits Fundraising Email for New Palace Sent to Members Hak Ja Han Is a Criminal Who Extorts Members to Death Tensions between Japanese 1st and 2nd gen; US Members Must Pay $12,000 for Hak Ja Han’s New Palace Elgen Strait describes Hak Ja Han’s new palace Hak Ja Han’s Gambling Has Gone TOO Far
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taekooktimeline · 2 years ago
July 15, 2018 -
Sighting - Taekook are seen, just the two of them, staying in a hotel in Cheongpyeong, a city outside Seoul.
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scj-seouljames · 6 months ago
Shincheonji Bible Seminar in France, Fire in the World of European Churches… Pastor's "Hope for Continuous Exchange of Teachings"
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Lee Seung-joo, the tribe leader of Simon tribe said, "My life of faith has completely changed before and after I learned Revelation after listening to Chairman Lee Man-hee's word 28 years ago," at Shincheonji's '2024 Continental Shincheonji Bible Seminar' that was held locally at the invitation of European pastors on the 15th.
Shincheonji Church of Jesus held a Bible seminar in Europe following the Philippines in April. 1,000 pastors who were curious about Revelation attended this Bible seminar. Local pastors listened to the word with a smile, responding with "Amen" to the revealed word being testified.
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"The more I testify about this word, the more spirits change and their lives of faith have been restored," tribe leader Lee said. "Don't you want to become the Europe that acts according to God's will and where believers’ lives of faith and churches are restored? If you understand Revelation and testify it according to the Bible, believers’ lives of faith and churches will be restored and certainly revived," the tribe leader stressed to the participants.
He explained that the book of Revelation is a prophecy, and because we cannot know the meaning of prophecies until the physical reality appears, no one could know it for more than 2,000 years since it was recorded. He also said that we can know when the author of Revelation tells us.
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"If you look at Rev 22:8 and Rev 22:16, there is a pastor who receives a revelation directly from Jesus, and when the revelation regarding this pastor is fulfilled, it has been promised that he must go to the churches and testify after he has seen and heard at the place of the event," tribe leader Lee said. "Chairman Lee is a pastor who has seen and heard at the place of the event in person, and testifies when Jesus fulfills Revelation. Because he has seen and heard in person, there is power and vitality in his word testifying what he saw," he emphasized.
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Then, he showed a video of Chairman Lee giving a lecture at the 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar, Testimony on the Fulfilled Realities of Revelation', held for pastors at Shincheonji Peace Institute in Cheongpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, on the 8th.
Chairman Lee said in the video, "It is recorded in Revelation that there are those who believed then betrayed, destroyers who destroy and make others betray, and a savior who appears after," adding, "When the physical reality appears, I see it, hear it, and deliver it."
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"This person (Chairman Lee) has mastered Revelation. It means that I know all the physical realities of Revelation. It is not a small matter," he said. "Blessed are those who believe and keep Revelation. No matter how much good you have done, you will not be able to go to heaven if you add to or subtract from Revelation. You need to know who you are in Revelation," he emphasized.
"Before the time of Jesus' second coming, those born of God's seed and those born of the weed lived their lives of faith together, but at the time of the harvest, they are divided into those who are harvested and those who are not harvested. The harvest that is to be fulfilled at the second coming of Jesus is promised in Rev 14," said tribe leader Lee.
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He then explained, "Then who are we as testified in the Bible? You need to know yourself through the word."
Tribe leader Lee asked back, "Shouldn't pastors learn about the harvest and be harvested, and teach all the church members about it?" He also emphasized, "The contents of the new covenant that we will keep are well recorded in Revelation. Let's fully learn and understand the word of Revelation and keep them."
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In addition, he said, "If you want to restore faith in this era and recreate spirits, so that the church is revived and all the continents in Europe are united by the word of God, learn Revelation now and become pastors who testify Revelation."
"We are one in the Lord. God and Jesus are one, and there is only one Bible. If we enter the Bible of Jesus and God, we can become one. I pray that this opportunity will restore the faith of Europe and be re-created," he said.
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318,034 people from Shincheonji have started its revealed life of faith by listening to the word over the past three years. As such, Shincheonji has held unprecedented 100,000-member graduation ceremonies three times, with a 103,764-member graduation ceremony in 2019, a 106,186-member graduation ceremony in 2022, and a 108,084-member graduation ceremony in 2023, and they will hold a grand graduation ceremony this fall with 110,000 graduates.
For more information, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/@ShincheonjiChurch_en
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lovepaulyongjoosong · 1 year ago
NAMI ISLAND Namiseom or Nami Island (Korean: 남이섬) is a half-moon-shaped river island located in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, South Korea, formed as the land around it was inundated by the rising water of the North Han River as the result of the construction of Cheongpyeong Dam in 1944.   <Etymology> The name of the island originates from General Nami, who died at the age of 28 after being falsely…
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whatisonthemoonarchive · 3 years ago
2021 HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center Movie
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ezatravel · 5 years ago
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THE GARDEN OF MORNING CALM | Gapyeong 🍁 The garden is the oldest private garden in Korea There are many Korean drama shoots in here such as You're Beautiful, Love in the Moonlight, Introverted Boss, I'm not a Robot and more Variety of festivals and displays throughout the year : Spring : Spring Garden Festival Summer : Festival of Roses, Hydrangeas and Roses of Sharon Autumn : Festival of Chrysanthemums and Autumnal tints Winter : Lighting Festival Admission fees : Adults - 9,500 KRW Teenagers - 7,000 KRW Children - 6,000 KRW Go here by Gapyeong City Tour Bus from Cheongpyeong Station Exit 1 Use the same bus to go Nami Island and Petite France 🚌 #EzaTravel #BPGapyeong #BPSeoul #BPKorea #Gapyeong #GardenofMorningCalm #KdramaLocation #GapyeongCityTourBus #Cheongpyeong #Korea #Autumn #TravelGirl #TravelKorea #VisitKorea #DiscoverKoreaYourWay #SoKor #SouthKorea #Korea🇰🇷 #대한민국 (at The Garden of Morning Calm) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2iS7_lF_BW/?igshid=3yp7okja4beq
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littlepiezes-jk · 5 years ago
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I could cry all day.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
Sculptures of male and female sex organs outside the Cheongpyeong Prayer Hall.
Some do not believe that sex was fundamental to Sun Myung Moon’s theology of restoration. These sculptures are a silent witness.
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▲ Outside the Jeongshim Prayer Hall the female organ is on the right of the steps.
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▲ The testicles and phallus are on the left.
Inside the Prayer Hall, Hak Ja Han is on the right side of the photo, outside the hall the vagina is also on the right. In the photo Moon is on the left, and outside the male genitalia (with clocktower) are also on the left.
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▲ Inside the Prayer Hall (Note the two ‘spirit world’ houses. They can be purchased and will get believers a ‘real’ house in the ‘spirit world’.)
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▲ Left, Heung Jin Moon painting. Right, DaeMoNim (= Honorable Great Mother), painting.
DaeMoNim’s real name was Soon-ae Hong. (She was the mother of Hak Ja Han). Soon-ae Hong was jailed for manslaughter in 1957. All the early Korean members know that, and so have never respected her. Members all over the world have been bowing to Soon-ae Hong without knowing what kind of person she was.
“There was even an incident that occurred in 1957. An old woman, Jae-geon Kim, and Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han who is currently the wife of Sun Myung Moon) were released after a two year sentence in Chuncheon Prison. The two women had been charged with beating a mentally-ill boy to death during an Ansu session. He was about 18 years old. They had guaranteed that they could cure the mental abnormality with their divine powers.”
1957년도에는 이런 일도 있었다. 18세 가량의 정신이상자인 소년 하나를 김재건 노파와 홍순애 (현재 문 선명의 부인인 한 학자의 모친)여인이 자기네들의 신통력으로 정신이상증세를 고칠 수 있다고 장담하면서 지나치게 안수. 안찰을 하다 결국 맞아 죽은 사건이 발생하여 두 여인은 강원도 춘천형무소에서 2년간에.   LINK
Moon himself was cleansed through a pikareum sex ritual with the “wife of Jehovah”, Ms Pak, in Pyongyang in the summer of 1946. She had sex with God in a dream.
Moon’s pikareum sex ritual with her qualified him to be the messiah. He then had the mission, from God, to directly cleanse as many women as possible in a sex relay. (This is a Korean shaman god, not the God of Judeo-Christianity.)
See link below for Moon’s OWN words describing the “wife of Jehovah” in Pyongyang in 1946.
The salvation and cleansing of mankind starts from Moon as the sinless messiah. In the early days of the Unification Church this was done through the pikareum ceremony (pi = blood, kareum = separation). During these ceremonies to remove the original sin, sexual intercourse was done three times – formation, growth and perfection. The cleansing was done by the sperm. This explains the testicles outside the Prayer Hall. If a woman was cleansing a man, she must have been cleansed before by the sperm of a cleansed man. Later, within Unification Church marriages, it was called the “Three Day Ceremony.” Holy Wine (containing Moon’s sperm) has also been used.
According to the Unification Blessed Family Department: “The act of love should be a complete act (penetration and ejaculation)… It is not permitted to use a condom or any other apparatus during the act of love.” http://www.tparents.org/library/unification/topics/traditn/3-dayceremonya.htm
A condom prevents the sperm from performing the womb cleansing.
Moon: “A person is born through a man’s seed going into a woman. Where does the way of reversal begin? It is within the woman’s womb. The condition must be established so that history is reversed in the womb. For complete restoration, the starting point is the seed which exists in the body of a male. The condition must be established in which the seed within a male is united with God’s love. Without establishing that condition, complete reversal of the blood lineage cannot be established.” (October 13, 1970, Seoul)
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▲ The above arrangement is not by chance. These testicles are large enough to cleanse all the women of the world.
The words of Sun Myung Moon: “The foundation of resurrection has not been understood so far. You must establish the condition to inherit the heart of history; otherwise the start and motivation for resurrection is not fulfilled. You must understand that.
Then for the blood lineage to be reversed, conditions must be established so that the seed which is going to become a future child enters the bone marrow of Adam and connects with God’s love. Otherwise, you cannot be born anew as God’s child. This teaching is founded on the Bible, which is God’s word.
The emotions or feelings of a man do have an influence upon the seed in his flesh. When a man feels happy, that feeling of happiness affects his own seed. Likewise, when he feels sad, that feeling of sadness affects his seed.
The realm of total perfection cannot be achieved without a condition for restoring fallen Eve. … That providence must involve the womb of a woman. It is there that the solution to the problems of history must be found…” (Moon, October 13, 1970, Seoul)
“Husbands are in the archangel position, which means they don’t have the seed. Therefore the wives must absolutely unite with True Parents, so that the husband can be restored. The archangel cannot have the seed of life.” (Moon, November 29-December 6, 2000 South American tour)
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▲ The purpose of the Cheongshim tower (above) has not been explained.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon demonstrates sexual intercourse
From an FFWPU / UC workshop presentation:
We all need to inherit True Parent’s Heart and Absolute Sex. Absolute sex means God’s original blood lineage. True Father is the substance of God’s original sperm. True Mother is the substance of God’s original ovum. True Parents are the completion of God’s original sperm and ovum.
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Sun Myung Moon: “If humanity were to go beyond the traditional categories of virtue, religion and any other human norms, but were absolutely in harmony with the sexual organs, earning the welcoming applause of God, what kind of world would it be?
I wish that you would center on the absolute sexual organ, unique sexual organ, unchanging sexual organ and eternal sexual organ, and use this as your foundation to pursue God. You should realize that this foundation should become the foundation of love, life, lineage and conscience. We also have to realize that the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven will begin on this foundation.
Wherever you may go, please try to spread Reverend Moon’s message through television or other media. You will never perish. What force can turn around this world of Hell? It is impossible to achieve this unless our sexual organ is used in accordance with an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal standard centering on God’s true love which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. God is the original owner of the sexual organs.
Let us go forward all together for this common cause. … This is the very mission of the Family Federation for World Peace. …” (Moon, August 1, 1996, Washington DC.)
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▲ A model of the Cheongshim tower was used at an ancestor liberation ceremony held in Chiba, Japan, in summer 2014. Hyo-nam Kim officiated.
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▲ A Korean fertility shrine.
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Moon’s sex theology explained at official workshops for members in Japan.
Sun Myung Moon restored the first three wives
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
The God of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
Moon left his wife and infant son in 1946 to join the “wife of Jehovah”
Sun Myung Moon stole the teachings and rituals of the Jesus Church (Kirsti Nevalainen)
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church
Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.
Drumming at Cheongpyeong invites spirits in
Use of Moon’s own body fluids to influence others
Sperm in the Holy Wine of the Unification Church
Unification Church Indemnity Stick Ceremony
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Cheongpyeong/Ansu/Ancestor Liberation Event Coming to Belvedere on June 24
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FFWPU USA: Registration for HJ CheonBo Event is Open and Cheon Shim Won 7-Day Workshops Schedule Naokimi Ushiroda May 18, 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Cheon Shim Won USA has opened the registration for the upcoming HJ CheonBo event in Belvedere, New York, on June 24, 2023. To register, please see here: cheonshimwon,org/hj-cheonbo-events/ In addition, the 7-day workshops for the rest of 2023 and special 7-day workshops for Japanese members have already been scheduled. Please see the attached flyers for specific dates. For 7-day workshop registration, visit: cheonshimwon,org/csw-workshop/ For questions please communicate with Mr. Willus Namowicz at register@ cheonshimwon,org and visit cheonshimwon,org for more information. Thank you, and God Bless, Tal Zorer Executive Assistant Office of the President Family Federation for World Peace and Unification USA Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity Email: president@ unification,org
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koreaguides · 3 years ago
4 Interesting Facts About Nami Island
1. Half Moon Shaped 
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Nami Island is a half-moon shaped island located in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province. It was originally a barren land that was formed as a result of the construction of the Cheongpyeong Dam in 1943. Luckily, Suh Jae Bong, a supporter of Korean Art and Culture bought it and started a tree plantation. 
2. General Nami 
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Its name originates from General Nami who died at the age of 28 after being falsely accused of treason during the reign of King Sejo, the seventh king of the Joseon Dynasty. Although his grave was not discovered, there were a pile of stones where his body was supposed to be buried. It was believed that if someone took a stone, it would bring misfortune to their house. 
3. Naminara Republic 
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To help boost tourism, Nami Island declared itself a republic state and the island now has its own passports, currency and national flag. When you arrive, you’ll notice that there is an immigration counter. Don’t worry, you don’t actually need your passport. 
4. Kdrama Which Were Filmed In Nami Island 
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Winter Sotana, Hi Bye Mama, & Mother of Mine 
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littlepiezes-jk · 5 years ago
He’s so beautiful, 너무 예뻐.
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Run BTS!:
↳ can’t help but stare ♡
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scj-seouljames · 10 months ago
40th Anniversary Ceremony of the Foundation of Shincheonji
In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, the commemoration ceremony and worship service were held at Cheongpyeong Shincheonji Peace Training Center, and excellent safety management and order maintenance were once again highlighted.
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The ceremony was organized to offer glory to God by looking back on the process that Shincheonji Church of Jesus has grown since being founded on March 14, 1984. In addition, plans and visions for the year ahead were shared, and they pledged to serve and practice as light and salt while fulfilling the role of the church in civil society.
Approximately 30,000 church members attended the site, and it was live-broadcasted to 66 countries including Korea simultaneously.
Shincheonji Church of Jesus has prepared the event by maintaining the order and safety management of the participants as a top priority, considering that more people are gathering compared to the size of the event. The organizers have already established a detailed safety management plan to reflect their experience of holding three graduation ceremonies with 100,000 graduates safely and smoothly. The saints also exercised a high sense of citizenship, actively followed the leadership of the staff, and helped maintain smooth order.
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Chairman Lee explained the meaning and background of steady growth, saying, "The beginning (of Shincheonji Church of Jesus) was too weak. But today, many people came because God sent angels from heaven according to what it is written in the Bible." "Jesus also wanted to throw his whole body and go as God's will. So today, we must know God and our hope, not blind faith," he said. "We must follow God's will and love our neighbors as I do," he emphasized. Lastly, "More and more people are learning the Book of Revelation, which is the purpose of God in the Bible. I am grateful," he said. Also, "Let more people be saved by the word. Let's work together to achieve a good world."
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Then it was followed by celebratory performances prepared by the 12 tribes to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Shincheonji's foundation.
Meanwhile, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has continued to develop since its foundation, despite the atmosphere of the worldwide Christian downturn. Since the establishment of the Zion Christian Mission Center in Sadang, Seoul, in June 1990, there has been a steady increase in the number of graduates. At the 110th graduation ceremony in 2019, 103,764 graduates were produced, opening the era of 100,000 graduates. Since then, 106,186 and 108,084 have completed the Zion Christian Mission Center  in 2022 and 2023, respectively, achieving more than 100,000 enrollment for the two consecutive years.
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At the same time, as a result of promoting the exchanging of teachings with the value of shared growth through harmony with the religious circles at home and abroad, 443 churches in South Korea and 9,462 churches in 77 countries abroad signed MOUs to exchange teachings. 1,382 churches from 38 countries globally recognized the excellence of the word by changing their signboards to Shincheonji Church of Jesus after the exchange of teachings.
An official from Shincheonji Jesus Church said, "As we prepared the event with a focus on safety and order, we felt rewarded when the event went smoothly. We also thank the saints for their active participation in the instructions," adding, "This year will be an example for society, a church that fulfills its social role as a church community, and a church that becomes light and salt."
For more information, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/@ShincheonjiChurch_en
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lovepaulyongjoosong · 1 year ago
<NAMI ISLAND > Namiseom or Nami Island (Korean: 남이섬) is a half-moon shaped river island located in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, South Korea, formed as the land around it was inundated by the rising water of the North Han River as the result of the construction of Cheongpyeong Dam in 1944. <Etymology> The name of the island originates from General Nami, who died at the age of 28 after being…
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latibulx · 4 years ago
“Even covered in snow the gardens are beautiful.” -- for Ahreum
WINTER BALL STARTERS ㅡ open ㅡ @sarmentnoir
It had been quite the trip to reach Cheongpyeong in the morning. Heavy snow that had unexpectedly fallen during the past night had buses and trains being delayed, and even when they were functioning, it was at a rather slow pace much to the young witch’s frustration. On the bright side, she had always been quite fond of Winter and the snowy scenery of the countryside as she sat in the train was definitely worth the struggle to get to her destination. 
Now she wasn’t just taking a random trip for her leisure even though it’d be a lie to say that she wasn’t using this opportunity to attend a festival she had always wanted to go to. The Garden of Morning Calm lighting festival wasn’t only one of the most beautiful place to visit after it had snowed, but it also had a few winter flowers such as the Glory of Snow or Pieris that Ahreum actually needed for the winter potions she would be working on when she’d be back in Seoul. She couldn’t think of anything that could possibly ruin what appeared to be a great day. 
Oh, how naive. 
After stopping by a coffee shop to get herself a warm drink and a pastry, Ahreum had successfully found her way to the Garden of Morning Calm and excitedly presented her entrance ticket before she made her way to the pavillon covered in snow that stood in the middle of a pond as a beautiful reminder of the past. The festival would only begin when the night would fall so she had plenty of time ahead of her to enjoy the gardens and get her flowers and she was just ready to do this when a voice stopped her dead in her tracks. 
“Even covered in snow the gardens are beautiful.”
She didn’t need to turn around to recognize that voice. Merlin, he had to be here and ruin her day. With brows furrowed, Ahreum turned around to face the man she had crossed paths with far too many times to her own taste. “Have I not told you to leave me alone the other day? I thought I was pretty clear. Why are you even here? Are you stalking me? Are you maybe bored? Because this is not funny, at all.”
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jindoelf · 5 years ago
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SJ Returns shooting took place at Harbor House where they filmed SJ Returns in the first season.
1964-7, Bukhangang-ro, Cheongpyeong-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do 12458 South Korea.
📍하버하우스(Harbor House)
📌경기 가평군 청평면 북한강로 1964-7(京畿道加平郡淸平面三会里260-1)
他们住的🏠 是团体旅行吗[思考]
📍W지우리조트(W Jiwoo Resort)
📌경기 가평군 가평읍 북한강변로 970-9(京畿道加平郡加平邑达田里159-15)
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