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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated in July 2022. Inset: Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, in 1984.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
On the last morning of his life, Shinzo Abe arrived in the Japanese city of Nara, famous for its ancient pagodas and sacred deer. His destination was more prosaic: a broad urban intersection across from the city’s main train station, where he would be giving a speech to endorse a lawmaker running for reelection to the National Diet, Japan’s parliament. Abe had retired two years earlier, but because he was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, his name carried enormous weight. The date was July 8, 2022.
In photos taken from the crowd, Abe—instantly recognizable by his wavy, swept-back hair; charcoal eyebrows; and folksy grin—can be seen stepping onto a makeshift podium at about 11:30 a.m., one hand clutching a microphone. A claque of supporters surrounds him. No one in the photos seems to notice the youngish-looking man about 20 feet behind Abe, dressed in a gray polo shirt and cargo pants, a black strap across his shoulder. Unlike everyone else, the man is not clapping.
Abe started to speak. Moments later, his remarks were interrupted by two loud reports, followed by a burst of white smoke. He collapsed to the ground. His security guards ran toward the man in the gray polo shirt, who held a homemade gun—two 16-inch metal pipes strapped together with black duct tape. The man made no effort to flee. The guards tackled him, sending his gun skittering across the pavement. Abe, shot in the neck, would be dead within hours.
At a Nara police station, the suspect—a 41-year-old named Tetsuya Yamagami—admitted to the shooting barely 30 minutes after pulling the trigger. He then offered a motive that sounded too outlandish to be true: He saw Abe as an ally of the Unification Church, a group better known as the Moonies—the cult founded in the 1950s by the Korean evangelist Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Yamagami said his life had been ruined when his mother gave the church all of the family’s money, leaving him and his siblings so poor that they often didn’t have enough to eat. His brother had committed suicide, and he himself had tried to.
“My prime target was the Unification Church’s top official, Hak Ja Han, not Abe,” he told the police, according to an account published in January in a newspaper called The Asahi Shimbun. He could not get to Han—Moon’s widow—so he shot Abe, who was “deeply connected” to the church, Yamagami said, just as Abe’s grandfather, also a prime minister and renowned political figure in Japan, had been.
Investigators looked into Yamagami’s wild-sounding claims and found, to their alarm, that they were true. After a quick huddle, the police appear to have decided that the Moonie connection was too sensitive to reveal, at least for the moment. It might even affect the outcome of the elections for the Upper House of the Diet, set to take place on July 10. At a press conference on the night of the assassination, a police official would say only that Yamagami had carried out the attack because he “harbored a grudge against a specific group and he assumed that Abe was linked to it.” When reporters clamored for details, the official said nothing.
After the election, the Unification Church confirmed press reports that Yamagami’s mother was a member, and the story quickly took off. The Moonies, it emerged, maintained a volunteer army of campaign workers who had long been a secret weapon not just for Abe but for many other politicians in his conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which remains in power under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Later that month, the Japanese tabloid Nikkan Gendai published a list of 111 members of parliament who had connections to the church. In early September 2022, the LDP announced that almost half of its 379 Diet members had admitted to some kind of contact with the Unification Church, whether that meant accepting campaign assistance or paying membership fees or attending church events. According to a survey by The Asahi Shimbun, 290 members of prefectural assemblies, as well as seven prefectural governors, also said they had church ties. The rising numbers exposed a scandal hiding in plain sight: A right-wing Korean cult had a near-umbilical connection to the political party that had governed Japan for most of the past 70 years.
The Japanese were outraged not just by the appearance of influence-peddling but by a galling hypocrisy. Abe was a fervent nationalist, eager to rebuild Japan’s global standing and proudly unapologetic for its imperial past. Now he and his party had been caught in a secretive electoral alliance with a cult that—it soon emerged—had been accused of preying on Japanese war guilt to squeeze billions of dollars from credulous followers.
Follow LINK to read full story
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divinum-pacis · 2 years ago
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May 6, 2023: The Family Federation of World Peace and Unification, commonly known as the Unification Church, hosts a satellite Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada. The main mass wedding event was held in South Korea. Hundreds of couples participated. (Photo by FFWPU USA/CC BY-ND)
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superiorcatholicinspiration · 2 months ago
Daily Mass: We run the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Catholic Inspiration
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com Like an athlete that competes before a great cloud of witnesses, the Letter to the Hebrews exhorts us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we persevere in running our race. Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 4th Week of the Year (#324) *************** Catholic Inspiration Archives
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jeffersonvann · 4 months ago
in the long run
20241111 Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com in the long run Proverbs 11:1-31 (JDV). Proverbs 11:1 Fraudulent scales are detestable to Yahveh, but an accurate weight is his delight.Proverbs 11:2 When arrogance comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom.Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of traitors destroys them.Proverbs 11:4 Wealth is not…
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frombehindthepen · 8 months ago
Trying to Catch Up?
Trying to Catch Up? #Blogging #Reading #Awareness
Image Credit: RUN 4 FFWPU/Pexels Remember…You Have a Life! Good day everyone! Listen up! This is a public service announcement for those of you with over 5 followers on your blog site.  Trying to play catch up? Well, let me say this. Realistically, unless you are sitting at your computer doing marathon blog readings on all of your connections’s sites without taking a bathroom, eating, or…
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kilimanjarosunrise · 8 months ago
Is Climbing Kilimanjaro Harder Than a Marathon?
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and running a marathon are both monumental feats of endurance and determination, but they are fundamentally different challenges. Comparing the two involves examining the physical demands, mental challenges, preparation required, and the overall experience of each. PHYSICAL DEMANDS MARATHON Photo: RUN FFWPU Distance and Duration: A marathon is a 26.2-mile (42.195…
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ondessiderales · 9 months ago
La secte Moon
« La secte Moon, appelée officiellement fédération des familles pour la paix mondiale et l’unification (en anglais Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, FFWPU), est une organisation religieuse à caractère sectaire fondée en Corée du Sud en 1954 par Sun Myung Moon.
Jusqu’en 1996, l’organisation était officiellement connue en tant qu’Église de l’unification ou encore association de l’esprit saint pour l’unification du christianisme mondial. »
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« En 1938, Sun Myung Moon quitte son village pour suivre ses études à Séoul. En 1941, il se rend à Tokyo où il fréquente l'université Waseda. En 1943, de retour en Corée, tout en travaillant dans une entreprise de construction, il est actif au sein d'un mouvement nationaliste coréen de lutte contre l'occupation japonaise, ce qui lui vaut d'être arrêté et emprisonné pendant 4 mois par la police japonaise.
La fin de la guerre voit l'apparition en Corée d'une grande ferveur religieuse et d'une quête intense du sacré. Des douzaines de religions nouvelles et d'églises évangéliques indépendantes se constituent pendant cette période, annonçant le retour de Jésus à cette époque en Corée. Sun Myung Moon décide alors de se consacrer à la prédication à temps complet. »
« Les Principes divins se présentent comme la suite inspirée des écrits sacrés judéo-chrétiens. Ils affirment que Dieu, en créant l'homme et la femme, avait pour but de s'incarner en eux et de vivre avec eux une relation d'amour parent-enfants, que la chute d'Adam et Ève a été un drame absolu puisque l'amour dans ce premier couple a été vécu centré sur Satan, au lieu d'être centré sur Dieu, puis transmis à ses descendants ; dès cet instant, Dieu a travaillé avec toutes les grandes figures de l'Ancien Testament pour réunir les conditions lui permettant d'envoyer un nouvel Adam et une nouvelle Ève. Il a ainsi préparé le peuple juif pendant quatre mille ans, pour recevoir et accueillir le Christ ou le Messie, ce nouvel Adam, venu pour vivre et non pas pour mourir, mais celui-ci a été tué au lieu d'être accueilli. Selon les Principes, il a ressuscité spirituellement ; Dieu a dû alors préparer un autre peuple, le peuple coréen, pour envoyer, deux mille ans plus tard, un troisième Adam, avec ce même but d'épouser une nouvelle Ève, réalisant ainsi les noces de l'Agneau dont parle l'Apocalypse. Cela passerait nécessairement par le déclenchement d'une Troisième Guerre mondiale, que les disciples de la secte sont censés provoquer ou encourager. »
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« Au Japon, dans les années 1980, l’Église est critiquée pour ses techniques de collecte de fonds, les « ventes spirituelles » : les fidèles sont convaincus que leurs problèmes proviennent d'un « karma ancestral » et que l'achat d'objets sacrés, qui leur sont vendus chers, peut les résoudre. En 2009, plusieurs personnes liées à ces pratiques sont arrêtées. En outre, selon l’Église, le Japon a causé de nombreux maux envers la Corée, maux pour lesquels les Japonais doivent se repentir. Paradoxalement, l’Église entretient de nombreux liens avec l'aile la plus conservatrice et nationaliste du Parti libéral-démocrate, à cause de leur anticommunisme commun, ce qui est difficile à comprendre pour l'opinion publique. L’Église est également critiquée pour avoir encouragé la pratique d'adoptions d'enfants entre membres de l'organisation. »
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« La secte Moon est également impliquée indirectement dans l'assassinat du Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe. Lors de son interrogatoire, Yamagami, l'auteur de l'assassinat, déclare aux enquêteurs qu'« il était mécontent de l'ancien Premier ministre et avait l'intention de le tuer » avant d'ajouter que « ce n'était pas une rancune contre les convictions politiques de l'ancien Premier ministre ». Il précise qu'il a consulté l'agenda détaillé de sa journée sur son site internet. Il affirme en outre qu'il en veut à un « groupe religieux particulier » et qu'il a tiré sur Abe parce qu'il le pense lié à ce groupe et non pas en raison des convictions politiques de l'homme d'État. Les médias rapportent que l'homme était en colère contre l'Église de l'Unification (mieux connue sous le nom de secte Moon), à laquelle sa mère avait donné de larges sommes d'argent, et qu'il s'en est pris à Shinzō Abe en raison de ses liens avec l'organisation religieuse. Bien que la police n'ait pas révélé le nom de l'organisation religieuse, l'Église de l'Unification a confirmé que la mère de Yamagami en était membre. »
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365momme · 10 months ago
Let’s Celebrate Global Running Day (Again)
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com In the whirlwind of 365MomMe life, there’s no denying the multitude of responsibilities and commitments that come our way. From orchestrating household chores to tending to the needs of our little ones, our days are often filled to the brim with an array of tasks. It’s a dance of managing, nurturing, and balancing that defines the essence of motherhood.…
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 months ago
What kind of members were Michael Warder and Gary Jarmin?
Another re-posting of Don Diligent’s research – this one from February 7, 2017 – “What kind of members were Michael Warder & Gary Jarmin?! How dangerous is the Council for National Policy?!”
Some editing and re-formatting not done by Don Diligent (Ed Coffman) on this page – bolding added for emphasis or to point out people of interest
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▲ Mother Jones (link) - May 1981 - Page 14 - article that goes into Warder, Jarmin, and Moon’s organizing in D.C.
“Moonies in Reagandom” article in Mother Jones:
Two former top leaders of the Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church have landed big jobs in right-wing bases in Washington, D.C. Michael Young Warder…is now director of administration at the Heritage Foundation…meanwhile, Gary Jarmin…is now legislative director of the Christian Voice Lobby. Both men say they are no longer associated with Moon. Former Moonies have been eagerly awaiting the defection of someone on Warder’s level. But when telephoned by “Ex-Moon”, the national coalition of apostate Moonies, the former publisher wouldn’t talk. When “Mother Jones” called Warder to ask if he is a mole for Moon, he denied the charge. Stressing that he has made a clean break… But he declined to reveal any information on the operations of the Moon projects he led. Over at Christian Voice, Gary Jarmin insisted to us. “I’m no longer affiliated with the church; “I’m not a member of it and I don’t consult with their people…I think my actions speak louder than my words.” Some of Jarmin’s actions however, seem to speak out of both sides of his mouth. The February 20 edition of the Moonie student newspaper ran a lengthy interview with him, in which he hyped Christian Voice but did not mention his own history with Moon.
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▲ 1800 Couple Blessing (February 8, 1975) list with Michael Warder and Cheryl Gilkerson (tparents.org) Michael Warder remains married to the wife he was “blessed” to in the Unification Church’s 1800 blessing. 
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▲ A snippet from the Fraser report LINK Investigation of Korean-American Relations (Moonies, aka Unification Church) – Diplomat National Bank – Page 35:
The subcommittee’s interest in the Diplomat National Bank resulted from an allegation that persons associated with Sun Myung Moon and Tongsun Park tried to gain control of the bank…The Diplomat National Bank of Washington, D.C. opened on December 15, 1975…the chairman was Charles Kim. During the summer of 1975, when Charles Kim was soliciting stock subscriptions…Pak arranged a meeting at Moon’s residence in Tarrytown, N.Y., attended by Charles Kim, Jhoon Rhee, and Raymond Gilkerson, a businessman with banking experience whose son-in-law was prominent in the Moon Organization.
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Power Elites: The Merger of Right and Left - Heritage Foundation - The Moon Connection (archive.org):
Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. was recruited in 1977 by Richard Scaife to become Heritage president…The 1975 Congressional investigation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) activities in the U.S. noted a connection between Heritage and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon; ‘In 1975, Ed Feulner…was introduced to KCIA station chief Kim Yung Hwan by Neil Salonen and Dan Feffernan of the Freedom Leadership foundation.’ The Heritage offices in Washington, D.C. have housed and employed a number of Unification Church operatives: ‘Heritage’s Director of Administration in 1980 was Michael Warder, who was a key leader of Moon’s Unification network in the United States …
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▲ Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr of the Council for National Policy (CNP) The Council For National Policy – Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles (archive.org):
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▲ Michael Warder in more recent years Southern Poverty Law Center – The Council For National Policy: Behind the Curtain – May 17, 2016 (splcenter.org)
The Council for National Policy (CNP) is, in the words of The New York Times, “a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country,” an organization so tight-lipped that it tells its people not to admit membership or even name the group. It is important enough that last fall, according to an account in The National Review, Donald Trump and five other Republican presidential candidates each took 30 minutes to address the group; the conservative journal reported that Trump was by far the favorite candidate. The 2014 CNP directory is a remarkable roster of significant figures on the political and religious right…What follows is a list of leading officials of right-wing or conservative media organizations who are also members of the Council for National Policy (CNP) [ … ] the Washington Times - David Keene, Opinion Editor [ … ] The following list of 20 college and university officials at 16 schools who are also members of the Council for National Policy (CNP) gives a sense of how far the group has reached into conservative academia, particularly religious institutions. Two of those listed are also members of the CNP’s Board of Governors. [ … ] Pepperdine University - Vice Chancellor Michael Y. Warder
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▲ Gary Jarmin The Council for National Policy - Selected Member Biographies (archive.org)
Gary Jarmin - CNP 1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1998…president, Jar-Mon Consultants, Inc;  Legislative Director, Christian Voice, a front for the Unification Church; Lobbyist and political consultant in Washington, D.C.; President of Jar-Mon Consultants, Inc., a firm specializing in political activism, election campaigns and foreign policy matters in East Asia; designed and directed registration drive in 1984 for American Coalition for Traditional Values; Chaired Christians for Reagan campaign in 1980 and 1984; Former leader of the Student Alliance for Education, former secretary general of Moon’s Freedom Leadership Foundation; 1975 worked for American Conservative Union, a senior group founded by Young Americans for Freedom, stayed as legislative director four years. Knew Moon since 1969.
Federal Election Commission (archive.org) - Page 19 and Page 156:
American Conservative Union……1976…Charles Black, David Keene, Donald Devine, and Phil Crane were both ACU directors and CFR regional coordinators [ … ] 1976 [ … ] Gary Louis Jarmin serves as legislative director of ACU and as director of ACU’s "bureaucratic watchdog project”, Public Monitor. He is responsible for ACU’s congressional lobbying efforts and for editing the Public Monitor Report. His supervisor is the ACU Executive Director. His subordinates are part-time student interns placed in his charge.
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▲ Covert Action issue with an indepth article on Moonie politics that gives some history of the UC’s cooperation with both the Japanese and South Korean governments 
Covert Action Information Bulletin – Spring 1987 - Phasing out Democracy: Moon’s Law by Frederick Clarkson – Undercover Moonie - Gary Jarmin (Pages 44-45) (archive.org):
Christian Voice has come under fire recently for misrepresenting itself, and for its ties to the Moon organization…At the center of this controversy is lobbyist Gary Jarmin, a Moonie from 1967-1973(4?) who was active in Moon’s Freedom Leadership Foundation and who many suspect may be a Moon agent in the New Right. A May 1981 article in “Mother Jones” raised this question … [… ] by February 1983 Jarmin had helped organize the first CAUSA North America conference, held in Jamaica. Also in attendance were Christian Voice chairman Robert Grant and Advisory Board members W. Steuart McBirney and Ray Allen, and political strategist Colonel V. Doner. The relationships go even deeper. The three-member board of Christian Voice’s political action committee is chaired by Jarmin, and includes Rev. Don Sills of the Moon-funded Coalition for Religious Freedom. In August of 1985, Jarmin helped organize CRF’s God and Freedom Banquet held in celebration of Moon’s release from jail. He also led legislative workshops at secretive CAUSA indoctrination sessions for American state legislators during 1986. These events drew about 100 conservative legislators from both parties to all-expense-paid junkets, ostensibly to discuss the Constitution. A more elite version of these meetings is the CAUSA-sponsored American Leadership Conference, where Jarmin has spoken. Jarmin has been joined at other CAUSA events by Robert Grant, who addressed the 1985 CAUSA National Conference in San Francisco. Grant currently chairs the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Religious Freedom.
Power Elites: The Merger of Right and Left – Heritage Foundation – The Moon Connection (archive.org):
Christian Voice is one Moon-connected group that has operated out of the Heritage building. A ‘former’ Moon operative, Gary Jarmin joined the Christian Voice (CV) staff. CV’s chair, Robert Grant, has been a leader of Moon’s Unification network front groups such as the American Freedom Coalition.
*ADDITIONAL NOTE - added since Ed Coffman’s death:
Ex-Moonie Profile: Michael Warder (WIOTM):
Michael Warder, 1968 graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Political Science, quickly became a top Moonie directly reporting to Moon, rubbing up against known KCIA/CIA operatives, including Tom Ward and Bo Hi Pak. Michael Warder was a Director of the Unification Church of America in 1977. He was listed as Director of Tong II in 1978, and was the largest American stockholder of Tong II Enterprises in the 1970’s. He was Secretary of the International Cultural Foundation. He had an editorial position in News World Communications which published the UC New York newspaper, ‘The News World’ – later called ‘The New York Tribune’. Cheryl Gilkerson, his wife, joined the church in Paris, where Tom Ward also joined the church as a student around the same time. Cheryl and Michael left the church in 1979 and remain married, and Michael continues to be a proponent of right-wing politics, employed for years by the Claremont Institute, a conservative think thank. Their son Michael Warder Jr. also went into political science,  and later law. He spent five years in the Marine Corps. He founded the “Russian Club” at school. Their daughter Amy Lynn went into law as well.
The Curious Case of Gary Jarmin
Gary Jarmin was recruited to the Unification Church as a teenager from a trouble teens camp
More on Gary Jarmin
From Korea with love (1974) – the article that changed Jarmin’s trajectory in the Unification Church
Michael Warder’s reasons for leaving. As a top UC leader in the US in the 1970s he reported directly to Moon.
Former Unification Church Official, Michael Warder, Analyzes Moon’s Organization
Michael Warder explains Moon’s News World media strategy
Moon wanted a “Vast conglomerate of mutually supporting businesses”
The Unification Church and KCIA: Some Notes on Bud Han, Steve Kim, and Bo Hi Pak
Michael Warder: Another CIA Moonie Asset?
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
MAY 8, 2023
Ninety percent of prefectural assembly members with ties to the Unification Church were re-elected in the unified local elections in April, but their popularity showed signs of waning, an Asahi Shimbun survey showed.
The unified elections were the first collective nationwide vote held since the Unification Church came under fire again for its fund-collection methods following the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in July last year, apparently over his ties to the religious group.
According to an Asahi Shimbun survey conducted in August and September last year, 292 of the 2,314 responding prefectural assembly members acknowledged their connections with the church, now formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
The ties included attendance at Unification Church-related meetings or events, and receiving support from the group in election campaigns.
The terms for 251 church-connected assembly members expired in spring. Of them, 228 sought re-election in the April 9 elections held in 41 of Japan’s 47 prefectures, while 23 members did not run due to age or other reasons.
Of these candidates, 206, or 90.4 percent, were re-elected. Twenty-two members, or 9.6 percent, lost their seats.
Among those re-elected, 47, or around 23 percent, ran uncontested.
More than 80 percent of the church-tied prefectural assembly members were from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Among all 1,111 LDP incumbents who ran in the local assembly elections, 98 members, or 8.8 percent, were defeated.
Of all 228 candidates who confirmed their ties to the church, 118 gained fewer votes than in the previous election, while 42 garnered more ballots.
It is not clear if the church ties affected vote counts for 68 of the candidates because they ran uncontested in either of the two latest elections, or won in a by-election held within the past four years.
However, some candidates lost several thousand to 10,000 votes compared to their tallies in the previous election after their connections with the church became known.
Setsuko Sakuraba, 65, an LDP candidate, sought a second term in the Niigata prefectural assembly from the electoral district of Joetsu city.
But she was defeated in the election after gaining 9,536 votes. That was 2,459 votes fewer than her total in the previous election, when she placed fourth and gained one of the five assembly seats for the city.
Sakuraba had attended Unification Church-related events and received support in her campaign from people connected to the group.
These ties were reported in local newspapers and The Asahi Shimbun.
After her election loss, Sakuraba said about her church ties, “It’s hard to say how much, but there must have been a significant impact (on the election results.)”
She said someone had placed stickers with words “Unification Church endorsed candidate” on her campaign posters in Joetsu city.
About 50 to 60 of these stickers were found, she said.
In the Tochigi prefectural assembly election, 82-year-old Kazuyoshi Itabashi of the LDP was elected for a national record 14th straight time.
Itabashi gained 10,411 votes in the election four years ago, but this time he received 7,674 ballots, down by 2,737.
He also received the fewest votes among the five elected candidates representing the Oyama city and Nogi town electoral district.
“I think there was a slight decrease in votes,” he said after the election.
In September last year, reports surfaced that Itabashi was serving as head of the prefectural association of a church-related organization called the Federation for World Peace.
He resigned from the position.
Before the election, a Buddhist organization that had supported Itabashi told him that it would withhold its support because of his connection to the Federation for World Peace.
The Unification Church’s public relations department told The Asahi Shimbun, “Our organization has never had involvement with specific candidates or political parties.”
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bibleteacher-org · 1 year ago
Growing Victorious In This Viperous World
Preached Sunday morning at Riverview
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-ripping-finish-line-strap-2524739/ 2 Peter 3:1-2 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior: In this wonderful chapter…
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superiorcatholicinspiration · 7 months ago
Daily Mass: We aspire to greatness through a humble heart. Catholic Inspiration
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com When the disciples ask who will be great in heaven, Jesus teaches that the path is found in a humble heart. Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 19th Week of the Year (#414) *************** Catholic Inspiration Archives St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus, pray for us!
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sgsubra · 1 year ago
How to Help Superstar Employees Fulfill Their Potential
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com High-potential employees are those employees who have the potential to become future leaders and lead the organisation. These employees face many challenges, especially in the areas of multi-disciplinary development. Subscribe to our blog and get intimated by email when a new article is published Type your email… Subscribe The leadership team needs to…
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craycraytime · 1 year ago
The Dismantling of Rev. Moon's Empire in the US
With the news about the sale of UTS Barrytown, the Boston Church, and Morning Garden, and the possible sale of 43rd St. and the New Yorker Hotel, the powers that be are dismantling the physical assets of Rev. Moon's empire.
With the rewriting of the theological dogmas: Rev. Moon failed two of his primary missions, everything after the Principle of Creation must be extirpated from the the Divine Principle, and Mrs. Moon being the OBDOG and Jesus being the OBSOG (Which is true), and Rev. Moon being just a leader, the dismantling of the theological dogmas of Rev. Moon's religion.
With the picking and choosing of "church coaches", all graduates of another cults' ideology, that cult being the Landmark Forum (highly accepted by the homosexual community), almost the entire leadership is run by an outside ideology and leaders are chosen based on whether they graduated from the Landmark Forum's training.
As we can see the UC/FFWPU is not what it once was. People who are against these changes need to communicate and work together. We have been a community for decades. We love and respect one another. Let's do something about the false teachings and the corruption within the church!
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roadie1963 · 2 years ago
Veloviews for July 7, 2023 - Local and National Summer Event Rides
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on Pexels.com It’s mid July and that means the summer is in full swing. Will you be taking a summer vacation somewhere soon? Sometimes the cost associated with planning a trip, such as flights, hotels, gas, food, work, or family obligations can put those plans on hold. However, if you are cyclist and you’re aching to load your bike in the car for a trip somewhere, never…
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traloni17 · 2 years ago
Hymn “Sing Songs of Hope and Praise” - featuring FFWPU choirs
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