robnraged · 1 month
It's Maggie's birthday today, so we're dancing at 4pm (just 10 seconds.)
Hey, True Believers, Today would have been Maggie’s 32nd birthday and at 4pm, I’m going to dance for her, for ten seconds. It’s something we do when we want to do something but we aren’t quite sure what to do: we dance, Why for only ten seconds? Because anyone can dance or jiggle or wriggle for ten seconds. When we (Peregrine Starr and I) first started this practice, and then Maggie, we were…
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robnraged · 1 month
"Goodbye Blue Sky (the Gaza edit)
Yeah, so… Love and rockets, Rage
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robnraged · 3 months
Why I'm not allowed to possess a fire arm. Ever!
(Howdy, folks. I thought that I’d repost this one – from May ’22 – due to Mr. Trump’s felony and the differences between a poor and a wealthy felon. Enjoy!) True Believers! I thought that you’d get a kick out of this one, which in a way illustrates where we’re at. I’m not allowed to possess a fire arm, ever, because back in my younger years (after many AA meetings but before Naltrexone) I…
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robnraged · 3 months
From 2021: "the Weekend at Bernie's" Presidency.
(I originally scribbled this piece back in September, 2021. ) Hey, true believers. I don’t have a lot of faith in US corporate journalism, you know? During the last administration they were persecuted yet fearless in pursuit of truth, and now they seem to be a bit.. well, selectively blind. The same way that those who elected Mr. Trump chose to be (again, a few years ago, if you were getting…
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robnraged · 3 months
Therapist or Rent-a-friend? Todays state of Psychological counseling
Hey True Believers. You know i’m a wee bit mental, yeah? That and the alcohol addiction and then the brain injury and blah blah blah, right? So, you could assume and rightly so that during my career in the machine I’ve had a gaggle of therapists. I wanted to share my wisdom concerning this as old folks do. Ready? Here we go. There are two types of therapists out there right now: the paid guide…
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robnraged · 3 months
On Citizens United vs FEC and why we've lost the ability to make an informed choice.
Hey, True Believers, Here’s my Citizens United vs. the FEC piece. I was going to throw in a lot of background, you know, history, and Andrew Jackson selling positions in the government for money, etc., but, I won’t. This is, after all,  a land of “career politicians,” and what the hell is that about except making money and garnering status and influence? Instead, I’ll start with documentary…
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robnraged · 3 months
"This is what you shall do." Again, a reminder from the ghost of Walt Whitman.
“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated…
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robnraged · 3 months
Does power corrupt or not? On the lack of term limits for Members of the US Congress
Power corrupts, yes? I mean, is that just one more American-meaningless aphorism, or is it true? Is it something which you, true believer, agree with? That was the rationale behind the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution, which formalized the two term limit on holding the office of president of the United States – too much time in office equals too much power. Prior to Franklin Delano…
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robnraged · 3 months
The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils
Hey, true believers, Here’s a short one for you. The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils is that the lesser evil is still evil. Shake that one up and bang it. Love and rockets, Rage By the way, my dogs wrote this one – thanks Grammarly! (I’m just kidding. I can read and write.).
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robnraged · 3 months
Again: What Pisses US voters off for just a week every four years? The Electoral College!
“A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated [tasks].” – Alexander Hamilton, describing the founding fathers’ vision of the Electoral College ~ [I was going to do a piece on Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission, the reason why you have to suck some…
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robnraged · 3 months
Back in 2020, re: Biden's nomination, I scribbled this one: "Mr. Trump must be secretly delighted!"
“When I have a difficult subject before me and can see no other way of teaching a well-established truth except by pleasing one intelligent man and displeasing 10,000 fools I prefer to address myself to one man and take no notice whatsoever of the condemnation of the multitude.”  – Rabbi Moses Maimonides, 12th Century Yes, True believers, I believe that Mr. Trump must be secretly delighted that…
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robnraged · 8 months
On Dark Nights of the Soul and Where I've been and on and on.
Hey, kids. Sorry that it’s been a long, long minute. I gotta tell you, Maggie’s death really cut deeply. Knocked me far off of my board, left me shattered and so, so sad, and so so furious. When I got the call that she’d been found dead, I danced for her (per a previous agreement that I’ll talk about at some point) I recall thinking, “I hate the grieving process. Bad timing, Maggie.” When she…
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