fraelinlight · 12 days
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Two monster designs for upcoming school projects.
One is a short 20 page book and the other is pretty much doing everything we've learned over the last year and using it to create a cult.
Which is fun as hell btw (not the logo part, logo design is my personal hell).
I know Lovecraft is supposed to be scary but my brain went humanoid blizzard hunk with flesh cape.
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xxduncandonutxx · 10 months
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Do NOT harass or attack me over this redesign, I didn't do it to spite Vivziepop or show that "mine is better uwu", I actually love her original design and I wanna do my own spin.. kinda like a "what if Beezelbub was design by me or in my oc's universe".
As you can see, I got rid of her lava lamp stomach and gave her a lava lamp abomen, credits to ReddByrd and FewyFish for the idea :P /gen
I also try to stay true to the original design by keeping her colors and the idea of her being part bee, she's suppose to look more like a fox but with a bit of bee, but I realized that she looks more like one of the background Hellhounds from the Queen Bee episode.
So, I guess she's part Hellhound part bee now, which honestly suits her more.. Oh, and her eyes are base on her full demon form that she display in the same episode, I kept her ears because as stated in the wiki "Beelzebub's ears are designed after beehives".
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Again, I hope you guys like the redesign and again, I have no fucking hate for the original design.. in fact, Bee is one of my favorite characters in Helluva Boss next to Fizzarolli, Ozzie, Blitz, Loona, Stolas and so on. ^_^" Oh, and how I did the lava lamp effect? I barrow it from the Hazbin Hotel wiki.
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creeperchild · 3 years
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I am feeling really down lately. something major will come up and its nothing good. wish me luck
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lulofitness · 5 years
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Si estás aplicando todos estos buenos hábitos ?☺🤗 Hábitos diarios que tenemos que tener en cuenta para realizar y tener una vida más saludable 😍❤ #fitnessmotivation #saludable #vivirsaludable #vivirsaludablesesientebien #sersaludable #adelgazarrapido #comoadelgazar #tonificarpiernas #ejerciciosparaadelgazar #ejerciciosparaabdomen #abomen #quemargrasa #saludablemente #fitnesslife #comidasaludable #vivirsaludablemente https://www.instagram.com/p/B5qnkcfgkhS/?igshid=13xpf3jiy8qg7
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princemick-archive · 2 years
I am a Ferrari to my soul but when it comes to Seb....if I ever see that cheeky motherfuc-
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defect-child · 3 years
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Warning: NSFW. Fingering. Mirror Sex.
You whined loudly when his fingers finally slipped in you, head falling back on his shoulder. You were both sitting on the soft carpet in your bedroom, you between his legs, your own widly opened in front of the mirror, letting his eyes trail over your exposed body. 
“Good girl..” He smiled at you, your hand gripping his wrist, you leaned your head on his arm which was across your abomen, large palm rubing your clit. 
Breathless moans left your mouth, eyes locking with his through the mirror.
“You’re so pretty like this, i could hold you like this all day long my angel.” 
You blushed while you broke the eye contact. You loved when he praised you like this, the wet noises between your legs only made him go faster, fingers curling upward.
“You like it when I praise you baby, don’t you? You’re getting wetter everytime I speak.. You’re such a perfect girl for me.” He chuckled then kissed the crown of your head, his other hand grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
“Look at you, look how pretty you look while i’m fingering you.” 
You moaned, legs almost closing around his hands, a slight tap on your clit reminded you to keep them opened. 
“Kashi.. I’m close..”
“Go on baby, i’m right here, please me and cum on my fingers pretty girl.”
You closed your eyes, the feeling building up in your tummy, and with a twist of his palm on your clit, you came on his fingers, moaning his name. 
You looked up at him, panting. 
“Thank you Kashi..” You smiled weakly. 
“No problem angel, but now.. You have a problem to solve.” 
He raised himself on his knees, boner obvious in his pants. You smiled at him, bending over , chest on the ground and ass up.
« Such a good girl, i’m gonna make you feel so good. »
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It’s been a while since my last post! I apologize for the failed kinktober, many things happened so yeah. I couldn’t make it as expected..
I may start to write about naruto but! I keep doing tr too !
I will do my best to post at least once a week when i’m not busy with exams !
Anyway, hope you enjoy my one shot ! Do not hesitate to send me thoughts >\\<
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lizziedoesvetpath · 4 years
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology - What’s the difference?
Pathology Saturday’s with Lizze part 3 comes to you on... Sunday. Sorry guys, a side effect of residency in any specialty is that they kind of own you, so when I got a call at 3am on Saturday morning I had to go, and that sleep deprivation interfered with my writing plans.
Today’s topic is a question I get every time I talk about veterinary pathology. To be honest, I didn’t even really understand the difference myself until I started to think about doing a pathology residency. 
Before we start, make sure you check out the first two Pathology Saturday posts on necropsy and histology. Ok, now we’re ready!
1) You have two seconds to explain the difference - go!
My rapid fire explanation is this - if you sample it with a needle it’s clinical, if you sample it with a knife it’s anatomic.
2) Ummm... ok, what does that actually mean?
The difference between the two specialties comes down to the types of things we look at and the methodology we use to come to a diagnosis. This affects not just what we do, but where we work and how quickly we can give you an answer.
3) What does an anatomic pathologist do?
Anatomic pathology covers two main diagnostic methodologies I’ve already written introductory posts on - necropsy and histology. Those posts are linked about but the quick summary is this:
Necropsy - dissection of a cadaver and examination of the tissues with the naked eye to look for lesions (changes associated with disease or injury) and collect samples for bacteriology, toxicology, and of course, histology.
Histology - microscopic examination of slides made from thinly sliced tissue specimens collected at necropsy or surgery (biopsies). With this we can look at the types of cells in the tissue and how those cells fit together (the architecture).
Structure is an important feature assessed in anatomic pathology, so the techniques we use maintain that. As opposed to...
4) What does a clinical pathologist do?
Clinical pathology includes interpretation of blood tests (biochemistry and the complete blood count), urine tests, and cytology. Now I’m not an expert on any of this but I’ll quickly explain cytology because it’s where the two specialties tend to get confused.
Cytology - microscopic examination of slides made with cells where the tissue architecture is not maintained or assessable. These cells are collected through aspiration (sticking a needle in something), scraping, or pressing someting against the slide. You get a random selection of whatever cells can be picked up by the method that you choose. You can also look at fluids (which may or may not contain cells) this way. 
5) What else is different?
Residency - from my understanding, many anatomic pathology residencies will take you straight out of vet school (how I got into this). Clinical pathology residencies tend to prefer that you have experience in clinical practice, and often like you to have completed a rotating clinical internship as well. In some places a pathology residency will cover a bit of both specialty though, so things can get complicated!
Where are things done? - Parts of each specialty can be done by a general practice vet in clinic, but obviously there are added benefits to consulting a specialist. A lot of GP vets will do some of their own clinical pathology - in-house blood analysers are becoming more common, where you can get point of care results for quick analysis, and most clinics have a microscope so they can take a quick look at cytology to make the decision to ask a specialist or not. GP vets can also do their own necropsies, which is a good way to reduce costs. However GP clinics are not set up to do their own histology - that requires a lot of processing that isn’t plausible within a GP clinic, and vets aren’t routinely trained in much histopathological interpretation.
I have heard of specialist clinics with in-house clinical pathologists for convenient consultation by other specialists. This allows them to work closely with internal medicine over blood and urine results, and cytology of fluid pulled from abomens and chests; and both surgeons and medics can benefit from other cytological examination. Anatomic pathologists, largely because of the need for histology processing equipment, tend to be more affiliated with diagnostic labs, although there are many of these located close to or associated with teaching hospitals.
So that’s the basics of the difference for you guys! Any clinical pathologists out there, feel free to chime in and correct me because I obviously don’t have a lot of experience with the specifics of becoming and being a clinical pathologist. 
There’s a list of topics I’m thinking about at the bottom of the histology post if people are interested in placing votes, otherwise next weekend I’ll just pick what takes my fancy :) 
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normalbirb · 4 years
Are you preparing to draw something cursed involving feet?
feet are cursed. i dont need to do anything more than to draw a foot and ive already created an abomenation 
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♥ - STAKED - a jarring event, something that changed their life/outlook (Danny)
Monsterous asks | accepting
Danny hated school, always had since everyone suddenly started caring about superficial bullshit that didn't mean anything. He went from being the kid everyone ignored or was invited over because his parents were friends with their parents. Walking through the halls was a lot of avoiding eye contact, blending into crowds and ignoring the whispers. He was weird, the kid that wore too much eye liner and wore dark clothes, gave himself piercings because he thought they looked cool instead it just put a bigger target on his back.
The teenager ducked into the classroom the filmography and photography clubs shared laying his backpack on an empty counter he was about to pull out his camera when he heard the door open. Glancing back expecting one of the other club members his heart sank and he immediately turned to face the group of three. The three that did their best to make his life hell, he had no idea why. Did they even need a reason? "Figured we'd find your rat ass here." "What do you want?" They stepped closer backing him into his all too familiar corner, he'd done this so many times before, "Do we really need a resson?" He shook his head, he knew the best way to survive was to make himself as small of a target as possible. Make things go over as quickly as possible so he could get out and leave.
"We caught you hanging out with the captain of the baseball team, you aren't some kind of queer are you?" "I-" he saw the shine of steel in the older mans pocket and the grin on his companions faces, "What? N-no." He felt his arms get pinned against the flat counter top as the cool blade touched his skin, "Good, good. Then I won't have to string you up like a deer. If we catch you even looking at him again you're fucking dead, got it raccoon boy?" His words were accented by the blade cutting a thin line down his abomen that made him hold his breath, "G-Got it." That was the day Danny learned people were shit and got everything coming to them. He retreated into himself putting on a front only pretending to care about other people for the sake of being normal. He got it down to a science in his four years of hell.
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fisherfurbearer · 5 years
Update on the remaining Ts...
Ten are alive and doing much, much better...
Agnes (molted recently, she's 5" now, but looks darker than before? Like a different species?), Kitty, Kessler, Deckard, Isidore, Flaveri, Montag, Winnipeg, Wilder, and Turnip all ate last night and I caught Flaveri drinking a lot this morning. Abomens are nicely sized/getting there, and they are all likely to recover okay.
Only weird thing is Montag suddenly has little dots on its body? It wasn't like that last night, it only happened this morning. There are a few on the legs, chelicerae, most on the carapace. They remind me of mites but a different color and they don't SEEM to be moving. Moved enclosure into another room and tonight I took a long paintbrush and some petroleum jelly and managed to take a few of them off.
Montag was grooming and acting normal otherwise, and is gaining size again so hopefully it's not a big deal but I'm going to try to help it more tomorrow and quarantine it in a smaller enclosure if necessary. With a little care it should be just fine though, I hope, although I can't find much information online about this.
But as for the rest, it's...impossible to describe what all of this feels like. Knowing that what happened was my fault. That I let my mental state and poor management end the lives of so many of my spiders. I'm so sorry my babies. I'm so sorry that this happened. Sorry doesn't bring them back but...I really am.
As for what happens next, I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I'm still keeping the rest of the Ts and we will be burying the deceased ones. We decided the best thing to do for now is take care of who is still here and make sure this never happens again. My partner and I talked a lot over the past few days and we overhauled the way we keep track of the animals care (he came up with a helpful, flexible calender schedule for everyone) and he's helping me a lot with keeping on track and learning how to do some of the simpler animal chores while I get back on my feet. I did it before, I can do it all again, but even better this time.
I just. Can't help but feel horrifically guilty when I see how empty the invert rack is, even though the remaining ones are recovering and going to be okay, it can't undo my mistakes, it can't undo what happened. I don't know if I even deserve to own these spiders anymore, let alone any animal, but for now this is what's happening and I hope I'm doing the right thing.
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haevatein-archived · 6 years
Character Interview / Headcanons
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NAME : Loke Laufeyjarson NICKNAME : Bekki, Blind, Gammleid (leader of amusement), Haloge, Hveðrungr (roarer), Lokabrenna (loki’s torch/burning by loki), Lóðurr, Logaþore, Loge, Lôgna, Logi, Lokkji, Loptr (lofty), Lucky, Loki, Laugaz (blazing god), Laugatjanaz (blazing one), Rogur (slanderer), Slaegi (sly), slaegurtyr (sly god), Wildfire, Villieldr (blazing) ,Dogstar, Sataere (the thief in ambush), Lævatein, Hævatein, Trickster, Liesmith, Truth-speaker, Fire-Bringer, Scarlip, Fireball, Demon, Silvertongue, Vaelandi (debasing), Shifter Of Shapes.God of Fire and Chaos, God of Mischief and Creativity, God of Laughter and Mirth. God of Madness and Change.Son of Laufey, Farbauti’s Son, Begetter of Serpents,        Father of Wolves, Sire of Half-Born Hel, Mother of Horses.Brother of Byleist, Brother of Helblinde, Blood Brother of Oden, Confidant of Thor, Friend of Oden, Friend of Thor, Fromkveda Flaerdanna (seductive speaking), Gift bearer, Harmer of Sif’s hair, Prisoner of Geirrodr, Sea Thread’s Father (the sea thread is a kenning for the midgard serpent), Sky-Walker,  Staunch Friend of Hoenir, Thief of Brisingamen, Thief of Giants, Thief of Idunn’s Apples. The Sky Traveller, Architect and Destroyer of Worlds, Opener of Forbidden Doors,  Builder of Asgard, Lighter-than-Air. 
AGE : 1,500,000,000+, exact age unknown SPECIES : Aesir & Jötunn 
MORALITY : Chaotic Neutral RELIGION : He literally IS religion
SINS :  greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath VIRTUES : chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES : Old Norse, Runic (Futhark), Allspeak.
SECRETS : He has many secrets he keeps from those around him, only every trusting his wife, Sigyn with them. However, he loves gossip and often encourage others to tell him their secrets, then he spreads those secrets to all the realms because he is an untrustworthy hoe.
BUILD : scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average . HEIGHT : 7′5″ ( 230 cm ) SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS : Freckles sprinkled on his face, and black dots framing the under-side of both his eyes. As for scars, he has plenty. Rough scars are visible across his lips, there are also scars around his neck/throat, his ankles, wrists, abomen, and across his back. ABILITIES  /  POWERS : Divine strength, divine durability, divine immortality, shape-shifting, regeneration/ healing abilities for himself and others (if caused by non-divine sources), ressurection, empathic abilities, fire-resistance, pyrokinesis, aerokinesis, teleportation, astral projection, psionics, invisibility, dream-viewing, dream-alteration, illusions, animal-speak,  RESTRICTIONS : Other divine beings/divine artifacts or weapons are capable of mortally wounding him and/or potentially kill him. Excessive usage of some of his abilities ( but his treshold is extremely high and durable) can cause him to become exhuasted.
FOOD : Any kind of meats, fish, and Sigyn’s cooking. PIZZA TOPPING : ham and alot of cheese. COLOR : Green, black and red. MUSIC GENRE : Folkmusic, old nordic music, pop-music, rock, metal MOVIE GENRE : Comedy, Action, Period dramas, Bollywood movies (those are hillarious he says). CURSE WORD : Fuck, crap, shit, damn SCENTS :  Campfire, smoke, forests, leather, horses
BOTTOM OR TOP : Switch, power-bottom. SINGS IN THE SHOWER :  You bet he does! LIKES PUNS : He is like the God of Puns and shitty humor
Tagged by: @sigrvif ( thank you babe! <3 ) Tagging: @koukennin , @guardianlost , @masshirohebi , @peepingtoad , @caelestalis , @sinnhelmingr  , @reapsickle ( and anyone who wanna do the thing! )
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just-fine-bro · 6 years
A fight to recovery (RomeoxNight Ninja)
It was a cool and clam night. The sky is clear as Romeo slowly trude along in the deepest, darkest part of the forest. Romeo remove his goggles so tears stream down his face. He took off his backpack and pull out a gun.Only it's not one of his inventions, it was a real gun. Romeo was unaware that Night Ninja was watching him. Romeo held the gun to his head, and close his eyes. Night Ninja smoke bomb beside Romeo and kick the gun out of Romeos' hands. "Why you'd do that!" yell Romeo,"Why save me in this cruel world, WHY,WHY,WHY!!" Romeo start to punch NightNinja in the abomen, but NightNinja core is very hard(I'm sorry :D). 
Romeo slump to the ground, crying more tears. NightNinja pick up Romeo bridal style,and sat under a tree. Cradling Romeo softly, Romeo looked up into NightNinja eyes, the blue teal eyes calm him."W-why are y-you doing this?" asks Romeo.
" Because I love you, Romeo, Ever since I've met you when we're kids."( They are 17) Romeo looked at NightNinja with a surprised look on his face. " Why love me?" whispered Romeo." Please don't cry  my love, my Romeo.." said NightNinja. Hugging him closer, NightNinja remove his ninja mask and kiss Romeo on his lips. Romeo was taken aback, but he kiss back. NightNinja deepen the kiss by nibbling Romeo bottom lip. Romeo let NightNinja in, NightNinja, enjoying is new territory. NightNinja grope Romeos' ass, as his gasp, Romeo pushed NightNinja away." I'm not ready yet!" said Romeo." That's okay, I'll wait till you're ready." said NightNinja. " Now tell me why are you trying to kill yourself?"Romeo took a deep breath and answered.
" My mom went missing when I was seven, and my dad died when I was ten. I was in custody of my dads' friend and only friend. He was very abusive to his wife, kids and me. He would lock us all in the basement and starve us. He also beat us and his wife,and all of us is too scared to call the cops on him." A fresh tear rolled down on Romeos' face. " I got bullied a lot in school, I always thinking of killing myself to this day, until you stopped  me." explained Romeo. "Well, I'm here and I'll always protect you, my love." said NightNinja.
(This peice of crap i wrote when i was like-12 to 13 or something? Anyway enjoy it, idc if you hate it or not. i have chapter 2 but that can wait)
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afallenwolf · 6 years
Alorix’s Art
Things I’m Good at drawing:
Chest, torsos and abomens
Shoulders and Biceps
Concept Art thumbnails
Improv Creature Design
Things I need to Improve on Drawing:
Faces-Ears, Nose, Mouth Jawline
Arm to Body attachment
Mammals-Dogs, Cats, Equine, Big Cats, Foxes, Deer
Dynamic Poses
Basic Anatomy
Advanced Anatomy
Quick Sketches
Speed Painting
Shading and Highlighting
Machinery-Robots, Weapons, Vehicles
Clothing and fabrics 
Smooth and Fluid Line Art
Environments, Landscapes and Backgrounds
Comic setup 
Art/Time Managment
Artist That Inspire Me
@feretta Feretta
@arbuz-budesh Arbuz-Budesh
@just-side-rube Rube
@spankzilla85 Matt Frank
@kaylascribbles Kayla Marquez
DVixie Claire Revell
@bryborg and @galoogamelady 
CalicoPikachu  Alyse Kizia
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lulofitness · 5 years
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En la foto no se puede apreciar bien, pero les cuento que de verdad ha sido grande el cambio desde que comencé a realizar ejercicios y tener una alimentación mucho más saludable. Si nos decidimos a ser disciplinados realizar ejercicios así sea en la casa Y tener hábitos más saludables, yo se que podemos conseguir un gran cambio, no tanto para vernos estéticamente bien, sino para tener una buena salud, ya que al comenzar a realizar ejercicio podemos sentirnos mejor, de una forma más agradable y optimista. Por esa razón decido compartirles día a día mis tips y rutinas saludables. Espero les guste y que todos podamos mejorar y tener buenos hábitos saludables que nos ayude cada día a sentirnos mejor y con gran energía 💪💕 #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitnesslife #fitnessmotivation #saludable #vivirsaludable #vivirsaludablesesientebien #sersaludable #adelgazarrapido #comoadelgazar #tonificarpiernas #ejerciciosparaadelgazar #ejerciciosparaabdomen #abomen #quemargrasa #saludablemente #fitnesslife #comidasaludable #vivirsaludablemente https://www.instagram.com/p/B5qnhN0gX-O/?igshid=546l9re0q7vt
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444names · 2 years
arabian and quenya names + tolkienesque forenames
Abdafi Abdehda Abdui Abdula Abdurya Abidilvi Abomen Abooqi Adelgazi Adjarier Adwaiyed Affern Afginque Afsad Aghbor Aghtë Ahshin Aimend Airso Aiwenda Akradra Akton Alabian Alafathel Alahad Alanno Alara Alcaneh Alhaeeri Alhaid Alhar Alialradi Alillan Alimayya Alinara Aljallo Aljan Alkad Alkastal Alkhem Alkor Alron Alsairië Althi Alzurjid Amatantë Amban Amesse Amirdelmal Ammosted Ancellen Andinan Andiq Andorni Aniry Antiri Anári Aoubage Aqlad Aqlassë Arahlad Arakindë Aranit Arendoud Artardays' Asfooki Asima Asmarji Assaita Assivriel Atasa Aulia Aului Axaria Babahdi Babal Badisi Bahleba Bahraid Bakil Bamana Baritya Batarmen Bateibain Battarsi Bawat Beava Becil Bella Benitir Berumbeen Berun Boffali Borahi Boubahmer Brenwë Bukhîm Callima Calon Cassi Cemand Cemimara Chamad Chaquage Chimai Cirmer Cofurum Comal Conds Culacir Culalamza Curuconië Dabico Dahab Dahadwar Daolif Dayneren Deref Dishi Dortoon Doweld Dulkaduh Eagavaring Eassima Edingarónë Eldame Eleeluidis Elmad Elpornoweh Elvin Emban Endal Enólë Ercont Erefixed Eruibarrat Erúmer Eshoa Esmani Evini Exalmallan Eälótivië Eäraimir Eäreattar Eärelim Faacalmo Faiderfa Faithil Faran Farest Farin Farindil Farkasted Faron Farrámouri Fawar Faydon Fayee Faynamli Felmar Fikhadam Fiquë Firawly Firetheida Follo Frestal Frows Fréagrona Fírdi Fíroc Galleh Gastrevar Ghormanna Gulak Haffa Hagola Haiddi Hakar Halbardar Halen Halicar Halië Hamarië Hamaróg Hambern Hamen Hamidaen Hamsidalëa Hamírdafiq Hantel Hartay Hedinalih Helen Heremmer Heriq Hijaliff Hilrang Hirin Hooddi Hosdis Hostimelda Hracorondë Hraik Huseh Hyali Idruchost Ieshishiq Ilqaheik Ilquen Ilúmen Inamimal Ingolin Iratingazy Islimeh Islinwë Jafingadi Jafriusest Janth Jassë Jewedge Jeweiking Kadoussëan Kalary Kalaucon Kalur Karafincë Karfa Kasryttan Kassornë Kawisim Kaynaz Kayya Kazizaques Khahaur Khamee Khandir Khani Kharaxë Kharlanótë Khatië Khoohtaith Khorna Khosta Khwenoher Koumbid Kuwantured Ladûn Lahyarwen Lamir Layundorn Legivickl Linel Litirwil Loveldacir Lujoos Lumaht Lómingdor Lótirda Madeem Maina Majhi Makeled Malandose Malúvëa Mando Mangdurer Maqeran Mathee Mausa Melwadel Menwë Minna Moftyath Mohda Moksgil Moohai Mournaizar Mouzgavin Muadil Mulemm Mungdy Munult Musaim Mushari Máriazer Mírin Naadividi Nabiba Nabras Nagduivili Nahad Nahdis Najeet Najeweh Namaria Nasino Nawne Neldacir Nenelmad Niests Nimilmy Ninwë Niser Nolal Nolemae Nussalath Olwent Omers Orressim Orwen Osafanat Outhy Palim Passaidi Peleem Pellacemar Persil Pethlalaca Qaibir Qayoussë Qayyali Queni Qurtir Rafim Raminy Rasiniquen Rassoriz Rastar Razias Rejid Ressem Riondoron‎ Roakilmi Rosef Rumbeth Sabeh Sadam Safer Safsa Saght Sahtyat Sained Saisi Saitë Saman Samenen Sameni Santer Sayadil Seavaran Seavi Shain Shainvani Shake Shamingani Shamo Shanilótë Shervisi Shosta Shumúri Sindoc Smalif Stafi Stiveebar Sulalostir Sulshda Sulthira Sulúk Swasey Súlië Súriont Tabir Talabi Talen Talmour Tanbraji Taramo Tarne Tawanwal Teldamp Thatman Thelun Thing Tiaza Tinar Tiolam Toplamba Torza Toure Trini Tuntanil Turelmaia Turtaróm Tárahar Ulmali Ummand Undis Undulack Ushano Usmil Vaihadui Valen Varre Vassë Wadine Wajouh Wakimë Walaya Wallor Walloweng Warwele Westo Whoomaa Wilmi Womandë Womed Wommatib Worzarned Wostallë Yalmanata Yamends Yassë Yastrotta Youbar Youmah Yunchme Yundes Yárind Zabbadeh Zaidel Zaini Zakil Zakoodur Zamdar Zaymuttar Zemma Zimas Zoussaany Zulfhilmë Íriyyad Ñgolmad Ñollë Úlashnáron Úneshdang
same thing but greater order
Abbaneh Abbudi Abdeel Abdellumer Abdulkawi Abdussem Aboury Achkariah Achkarion Adadik Adamírë Adawy Ahlanhír Ainulim Akbarling Aklah Alambe Alassadi Alcar Alhampion Aliba Alikh Aljaniyas Alkad Alkawi Alkhâd Allat Almir Alqua Alsham Alshedit Alshisha Alwardil Ambadi Ambarad Anarra Ancar Andatar Andur Antar Aracher Arafa Aragrassam Araguib Aranna Arcaling Ariffi Arsalgrim Artafa Arving Aslantle Aster Athwala Attalë Attiantië Aulazirah Avannamile Avatalë Avatan Awestman Ayashnákh Ayeshaque Badruddin Barlas Barwail Basee Basem Bashed Basinel Bassen Batars Bejjad Belendë Beliccil Belima Berúthil Bombar Bombul Boriami Borondil Boulsayn Breation Broub Bulushiyya Butter Calas Calasfoots Caseel Castar Cemends Chieff Colli Consoor Cormacil Cormë Corondo Crownloak Cuivince Cuivincáno Dabboud Deepvallah Deparknese Desktop Drounessë Duhansuri Dwaridah Déago Eaglestir Eastanáro Elalvers Elatta Eldamim Elephar Elerif Elgal Elmacil Elossë Elufinwë Embal Ementarif Endil Endis Enving Eorlimouri Ercana Erullah Ester Eämbarak Eärendussë Fahshita Faitë Fakheem Fakooher Falan Faland Falla Fallaira Fandúnë Fantaldo Farad Faras Farhaary Farmen Fateef Fation Fatmand Fawan Fayyouma Feano Felli Fengo Finwa Forester Fress Fëandacil Gaffaryah Galarion‎ Gerer Ghari Ghashammer Ghulalvëa Ghânbur Gifts Gimloth Girits Glóreva Gnomen Golas Gorna Gwairë Habet Hafiq Haiderin Haleel Hamzy Hanahara Hanedhrani Harticular Hartif Hasad Hawwadir Hazaq Heaves Heavia Hemada Hight Hijazim Hindell Hishnákh Hoseri Hrívion Iftikh Ilúvatafar Indómion Inglingo Ingollë Inland Ishadya Isummadi Jabet Jewelling Jomany Jouri Judgem Kababas Kabie Kadeen Kaidensta Kalimon Karee Katinbra Kaused Kawashi Kayya Khaied Khaiest Khaleh Khalmar Kidwan Kurdil Kutta Labani Ladhi Lagostaf Laicat Lalwen Lameressi Landur Lasta Laurëa Likharos Lindah Littar Londo Loremor Lámasar Lórindali Lórindalëa Madil Maheh Mahmy Maladi Malatt Malls Manhal Manhali Manwion Mardor Marth Mashdi Masool Massamal Maulëonna Menel Metta Middiq Mindur Minerdarif Minyat Mithful Mofty Mohammani Mohtanatar Moning Morgel Mormo Morshammar Mouadri Muaqqaf Mudah Mukha Mukhalion Municatib Muram Murtazar Musir Mírien Nabhorain Naguid Nailia Nairë Najeed Najjawa Namduh Nasari Nasemistar Nassad Nazan Ndorision Neltamilah Nerwine Nessamad Nidad Noirima Nornë Noujaliéva Nourad Numah Numandë Nísima Oiomúrin Omanab Ondor Ormacil Orman Oromereez Orophelory Orrond Othmour Paied Palwash Parmast Peleg Pelemaan Perenander Perpetur Pournamed Producal Quenan Quendur Qumsiyas Rabababa Rababnehtë Rabaja Ragayed Rahame Raharboa Rahba Rahmoud Ranan Rands Rashe Rashiklah Rasood Raurefinwë Razal Razzat Refuseinas Rejan Renetrix Ridah Rukhtaq Rómers Saadil Sabeddiqui Sabedirand Sadanel Sadir Safiq Sahad Saieen Saiyeh Sajib Salib Samal Samed Sauruphan Sawwa Sayan Senus Shahafiqa Shakeem Shakid Sharah Shehris Shika Shoori Shwesharbi Sialasts Sickleb Siddlerin Signif Sinassima Sineh Songum Sorondë Sourn Speechari Stead Sucherund Sukkaf Sulal Sulazira Susadi Sweda Tabar Tahirion Tamilzôr Tamir Tarees Tarieft Taronta Tarouk Tarqawi Tarulendil Telcar Teleg Telerry Tenger Thramjoom Tradadi Trince Tueinissë Tueiniti Tumbran Tyeleburi Túriondor Umbaróf Urunder Usmai Uthmood Valacksoud Valai Valaith Valess Vallë Vanimehtë Varianta Varshid Viction Wahir Weavehtaq Wehbeh Westar Wineldë Yaacollë Yulem Yuler Yénonótim Zakira Zangamat Zarad Zarde Zayermë Zebeen Zeglir Zekry Ziader Ziadows Zimranoo Zraim Zuhana Éothorró Írimburion
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I was sitting with my arm between my thighs. And then I laughed. And it caused severe pain in my abomen and under my tummy. Why???????
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