#abigail afton
Hi! It's time to show you my Afton kids!
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This picture take place in 1982 before the tragedy happens. Back then they're all a happy and normal family, a bit mysterious and secretive but normal none the less!
Here some info about them!
-17 yrs old
-Mama's boy
-very quiet and non-expressive
-a robotic genius
-Autism coded
-he likes to sew
-14 yrs old
-Also a Mama's boy
-very shy and childish
-also a robotic genius
-Autism and ADHD coded
-he's very attached and clingy towards Terrence
-11 yrs old
-A Daddy's girl
-Angel's older Twin
-Sassy and Snarky
-A Mystery and Crime-solving fanatic
-ADHD coded
-Despite being girly she often gets into fights
-11 yrs old
-A Daddy and Mama's child
-Aerin's younger twin sibling
-Very Sassy and blunt
-Also a Mystery and Crime-solving fanatic but also enjoys some robotics
-ADHD coded
-Often gets into fist fights and also loves doing pranks on bullies
-5 yrs old
-The oldest triplet
-Daddy's boy
-very outgoing and chaotic
-loves doing arts and crafts but also causing chaos with his twins
-ADHD and Autism coded
-loves to do surprise attack hugs
-5 yrs old
-The middle triplet
-Mama's boy
-Chaotic and mischievous
-loves to craft his own toy airplanes
-ADHD and Autism coded
-Give him a toy plane and he will very energetic as he will rune around the yard for hours
-5 yrs old
-The youngest triplet
-Mama's girl
-Very playful as well as chaotic
-loves to draw
-ADHD and Autism coded
-She often draws how she and her twins feel as despite being chaotic and energetic they have a lack of speech
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clownbowzz · 1 year
Random FNAF au fact: pt. 2
Michael practically raised his siblings. William was a pretty shit dad so when the twins, Elizabeth and CC were born William basically just handed them to 8 year old Michael and said “Their your repressibility now.”. Then did the same when Abigail was born. You are probably now wondering “Why did Michael bully CC then” and to that I say I will explain in another post.
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yini-chan · 2 years
Sooooooo I announced that I will do a little storyyyy explaining my FNaF AU and that chapter 1 will be posted today or tomorrow so guess what?? I will TRY
(Again, credits to @sonasnowdrop for the inspiration of doing this kind of stories) AH, and sorry for bad grammar but english is my second language lol-
Chapter 1
"Is it a lie?"
She never knew what will happen. One tear fell from her eye down her pink cheek. Abigail looked at her.
"Are you okay, Beth..?" She asked.
Elizabeth looked at her. At first, she hesitated to tell her the "awful" things they told her, as she called them, but she closed her eyes.
"They told me you seven are just my imagination...But I know you are real! I can feel you!"
Beth started crying. She never thought this would ever happen.
She had known Gabriel, Susie, Abigail and Bethany since forever. Later on, Cassidy, Fritz and Jeremy met her, too. They were very close friends and they would always comfort eachother.
Abigail patted Eliza's head.
"Don't let their words get to your heart and mind. But may I ask, who told you that?"
Beth looked at her. She said that Mike and his friends used to tell her that she had hallucinations caused by her health problems, and that she should never trust these hallucinations.
Abigail knew Elizabeth was trying to escape cancer, AND she also knew that they were hallucinations. But she didn't want to hurt Beth even more.
Beth wiped her tears off and started controlling her breath. She was now calm, or so Abigail thought.
"I need to tell you something.." Started Abigail. "I always had this Dream where.." She closed her eyes. "..where you leave us. You just..go where you see that brightning yellow light. And you never came back. I told Bethany about these Dreams, but she said it might be just a little thing my brain is trying to trick me with." Good lie, she doesn't even have a brain. "Every night before going to sleep, I thought of good things, like all our memories together. But still, the same dream over and over again."
Elizabeth looked at her in shook. She then closed her burning eyes and when she opened them, Abigail wasn't there anymore. She wasn't in the white, huge, never-ending room where she was few seconds ago. She sighed.
"I guess that was all for the morning talk..." she whispered for herself.
Evan was sitting on a chair next to Elizabeth's hospital bed. He was sleeping. Snorring horribly. He fell asleep again waiting for Beth to wake up. She looked at him. She didn't want to wake him up, so she closed her eyes.
Michael opened and then slammed the door. "Wake up, crybaby." He said. "How were you going to talk to her when she would wake up if you fell asleep too?"
Evan woke up scared and fell with the chair too on his back. A tear fell down his cheek, as he mumbled "Ouch..".
Elizabeth opened her eyes and smiled. She then looked at Mike.
"Elizabeth!" Mike looked surprised, but he still couldn't stop the smile on his face from increasing.
Elizabeth's heart beats started going slower. She was still smiling. "I love you both..but I can't really talk right now...I feel extremly tired...". She said.
"No, it's okay, don't worry!" Evan said, then starting to feel guilty for Beth's tiredness.
"Let's go, crybaby. Let her sleep." Mike said.
Beth didn't want them to go, though. She closed her eyes.
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(Little drawing of Elizabeth and Abigail)
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bluebeardsfinalgirl · 5 months
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hannibal 1x09 (2013) // five nights at freddy’s (2023)
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legoarsonist · 8 months
something that i noticed abt the afton family: every member has a name that can be shortened down to a nickname.
William- Will, Bill.
Michael- Mike
Elizabeth- Liz
Vanessa- Ness
and another neat lil detail: aftons only really use the shortened name when they're hiding. Instead of going by David or Steven, William goes by Dave in the books and Steve in the movie when he's hiding with a cover identity. Same thing goes for Michael when he's looking for his father in the games. Where he could be using Michael he instead goes by Mike
could this be a coincidence? maybe, either way it's something neat.
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shelfperson · 2 years
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not sure what genre of Girl this is but she is my favorite <333
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citycurse0101 · 1 year
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Theodore Dorian Raglan He's is ispired by Willam Afton .
So Theodore Raglan is Willam for my universe City Curse.
In City Curse, He had 3 kids.
He's First son Born in 1966 Year Named Nathaniel Raglan is Michael Afton in City Curse.
He's second child and only daughter Born in 1970 Named Abigail Raglan is Elizabeth Afton in City Curse, and she Not dies.
And he's Third child and second son Born in 1973 Year Named Gabriel ,,Moony" Raglan is C.C Afton in City Curse and he Not dies but
The bite of 83 is Happening in 1980 and after He Had onli scar form this day.
They mother died for suicede.
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Always Back-William Afton x Reader
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Summary: You are looking for another job after struggling financially. You find a help wanted sign to a once famous pizzeria. You set up a meeting with the manager of the place who seems to know you somehow.
(A/N: lately I've been too damn excited for the Fnaf movie and wanted to write something on Matthew Lillard's William Afton character. So be warned on some topics written here. I'll also be writing on Josh Hutchinson's' character of Mike.)
12:00 am
The loud sound of an alarm clock could be heard throughout the house. It's Midnight. My eyes were adjusted from being in the dark room, I remained silent, scared, could feel my heart beating faster every passing minute. Chills ran down my spine when the clock sounded for one last time…
Quietly I stepped out of my bed while holding onto my favorite stuffed plushie, passing through the closet just a few inches away from the front of my bed, immediately I stopped trying to listen for anything, trying to ignore the quiet ticking of the clock above my head.
Slowly I began to make my way over to the door and stopped once more. I hear something, maybe down the hall?
I pressed my ear against it, listening closely. After a couple of seconds I heard something loud. Curiosity got the best of me, quietly I opened the door and tried to see if I could spot anything through the dark hall.
Wait… Something's coming…
I jumped back and pull the door with me as I locked it and pressed my ear against the door again.
I could hear someone coming closer, until it stopped. I began to pant and felt my heart beating faster when I heard a scream coming from down the hall, the cries of a woman, my mother..and the shouting of a man.
Too scared to look again I slowly began to walk backwards while my eyes remained on the door when I could hear footsteps coming down the hall once more.
I jumped but made no sound when the door knob began to move, but it wouldn't open. I looked between my bed and the white closet closest to me. Sliding it open I hid myself inside and quietly closed it back, it was dark making it almost impossible to see now.
Carefully I made my way past a few boxes and draped a blanket over it and myself. I hugged my legs together and held onto my stuffed Foxy plush. I closed my eyes as I began to shake and I cowered myself closer to the corner when I heard the door to my room being unlocked.
The sound of my alarm clock began to blare and without looking at it, I grabbed it and slammed it against the floor making it shatter but the sound wouldn't stop. I groaned as I opened my eyes again and had to turn the thing off.
Once I did, I sat down in bed and began to push my hair away from my face and tried to calm my breathing. It's that same nightmare again.
I got out of my bed and went to get myself ready for the day, making sure to have my shower cold today.
I tied my hair with a few strands falling down my face and got into my car to head to my work for the day.
"Excuse me, where's the horror section?" A woman came over to ask me when she saw me organizing a few dvds and shelves. I pointed out the section and glanced to see the lady looking at a few movies.
Working at a movie store doesn't earn much, but it's the only job I could find. Besides, it was the only job where I could be accepted as well, I used to dye my hair regularly but decided against it since some working places weren't fond of it, the into thing I had were a few ear piercings and one on my eyebrow.
Other than that, I get the boring jobs and have been struggling financially for a while now along with a friend, well, I consider the person a friend since he sometimes comes around with his little sister.
I believe I've heard his name is Mike and the little girl is Abigail.
I wonder if it's just the two of them living together. It must be nice to have a sibling or a family member to look after.
My thoughts were interrupted when the same lady from earlier came over to rent a movie. Who even rents movies anymore? People might ask and I do at certain times, but I do miss a few things I got to experience in my childhood..like…
I turned my head and saw a flier taped against the shops window. I looked around and saw there were no customers, it wasn't here early when I came in. I walked up the window read what was displayed on it
"Help Wanted. Security guard to work at Freddy's Pizzeria. No background check needed. For more information call this number…"
I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the paper, I grabbed it off from the window and took it back with me inside.
Freddy's Pizzeria. Now that's a name I haven't heard in over ten years.
Would it hurt to take another side job. Being a security guard isn't that hard after all, just losing a few hours of sleep and being alone for the night. I grabbed the work phone and began to dial the number on the paper sheet.
While the phone continued to ring I had my eyes on the pizzerias mascots, until finally the phone was picked up
"Hello? I'm calling about the night security guard. I'd like to apply for the job."
Right after my shift ended from work I immediately drove up to the pizzeria. It was almost in the middle of nowhere, the family friendly restaurant wad almost abandoned now.
I stepped out of my car and saw the pizzerias sign wasn't even over the restaurant anymore, but on the floor almost in ruin.
"Wow..this place became a shit hole." I mutter under my breathe and placed my keys inside my pockets.
Slowly I began to take steps closer to the building and saw how chipped the walls seemed and I remembered this place being so bright and full of life.
"Hello?" I knocked on the door and waited a couple of minutes but no one responded. I sighed loudly and began to pull onto the door until it opened and I stepped inside.
"Let's all sing happy birthday to the special birthday girl!"
Confetti rainbow colored filled the room with tons of party hats, balloons and presents. All the kids cheered including myself when the animatronics appeared onstage.
Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. Including Foxy who was on pirate cove.
Everyone in my class was invited to my party, not that I was close to any of them. All of them were too young to understand the bruises on my face or arms so they made fun of me for that.
"So (Y/N), are you liking the day so far?" My mother asked.
I looked up at her and ignored her bruised eye, I nodded my head. "I am."
Of course I was, but I wondered how she got the money to save up and be able to do this birthday for me, since every few times I've come here, the pizzeria doesn't have an open slot for a birthday to be done in here.
I had been playing by myself and with a few kids late on, by the time I returned to my seat I found a single present with my name on it. My mother said that it wasn't from her.
Looking back to my left I remembered the memories of my birthday and the exact spot I was seated. All my mother ever told me was that my birthday here was already paid, it was probably paid by each parent in my class.
Next I stared at the stage in front of me. It was covered by a curtain and I really wanted to see what was on the other side.
I began to slowly step forward until I heard footsteps behind me and I screamed and held onto my chest and saw a man in front of me. He quickly stepped back and held his hands ups.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." The man laughed.
He was older than me that's for sure. Maybe early 50's, he seemed attractive for his age. Though the Dahmer glasses weren't something I was expecting.
"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" he asked fixing his glasses and stand up straight.
"Yes! Sorry, yes I am. And you're?"
"Steve Raglan. I'm the manager at Freddy's Pizzeria. Please let's step into my office do I can further explain things to you."
I did as told and began to follow the man. We made it to his office and I could see his name written on the desk as well when he went to sit on the other side.
We each took our seats and I saw him take out a notebook and began to write on it. "Alright, (Y/N). Tell me a bit about yourself, why do you want the job?"
"I thought the paper said there was no need of a background check." I joked and saw that he wasn't smiling.
"I'm aware of that but I'm just making sure that you'll be perfect for the job without any sort of problems. We can't let any stranger in here, what if I were to hire a murderer?" Steve chuckled once and tapped his pen again.
"Right..umm. I'm just interested in the money if I'm honest. Are you planning on reopening the restaurant soon?"
Steve seemed to think about it for a few seconds. "Of course. I would love to see the place filled with joy again and the laughter of children most of all."
"You are right. Thinking hard about it, it would be nice for a new generation of kids to experience Freddy's Pizzeria."
This seemed to interest Steve. "You would come here often?"
"Not that much, only whenever a classmate of mine would decide to spend their birthday here. I really enjoyed it here and seeing the animatronics. Foxy was my favorite." I tell him.
He hums and continues to take notes. "You do seem like a Foxy fanatic to me." He jokes and I smirk back.
"What would yours be? Freddy?
Steve shakes his head a bit. "Something like that. Let's say it's a rabbit…" He says smiling a bit. He places the pen down and folds his hands together now looking back at me.
"I think I've seen you at the mall. You work at a movie store, correct?"
"So now you're a stalker." I question feeling just a bit weirded out by it.
"I'm a busy man to be doing such things. I've just visited the place once and if I'm not mistaken, you look like one of the girls working there."
I nod my head once and crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not quite hard to miss either. Yes I do work there. If I'm able to get this second job, I'll surely move into a nicer place."
He raised an eyebrow. "Second one? Don't your parents help you out?"
"My mom only cares to contact with me if I have money to help her out. And about my dad, well I never met the man. I did have a stepdad but he's not important." I simply tell him not to say anymore or remember the past.
Steve Raglan looked at his wrist watch and then back at me. "Miss (Y/N). I can't say you're hired right away since there's another person who contacted me right when you came in. Let's make this fun. You and this other person will stay for the night and we'll see which one can handle it."
"Which one can survive the night." He smiled.
"I'm willing to work extra hours if it means that I'll have the job." I said standing up and he did the same.
He held his hand out for a handshake. "Then I'm looking forward to see who wins. Now, follow me I'll be handing out your uniform."
I smiled at Steve and began to follow him over to the storage area. I sniffed the air and it wasn't a quite pleasant smell, but I decided not to comment on it. It was kinda dark but I could see a Bonnie head on the far corner and a few other items.
"I want you here at 12 o'clock sharp. No delays." Steve said handing me my uniform and a few more things.
Looking up at the man I nodded my head again and smiled. "Of course, Sir." I tell him and could've sworn I saw his expression change a bit.
"Great. I hope you and your partner will get along. I look forward to seeing your progress." Steve said guiding back to the main entrance. With a quick goodbye, Steve closed the doors behind him leaving me alone outside.
I started going back into my car and looked at Freddy's Pizzeria. My new job. Let's see what's do complicated about this job.
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phefics · 11 months
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𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞. ophelia. early twenties. she/they. multi-fandom. horror enthusiast, cozy gamer, swiftie & daughter of cain. here to indulge in my slutty fictional fantasies.
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬. do not copy or repost my fics, or feed them to ai. do not follow me if you are under 18. only send requests when i am accepting them & respect my boundaries. read my rules before sending. most importantly: be nice!!
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 | 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 | 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 (𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰)
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𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬. (𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐬)
baldur's gate 3. astarion; karlach; shadowheart
criminal minds. aaron hotchner; derek morgan; emily prentiss; jennifer jareau; penelope garcia; spencer reid
death note. l lawliet; light yagami; misa amane
fear street trilogy. cindy berman; deena johnson; kate schmidt; samantha fraser; simon kalivoda; ziggy berman.
five nights at freddy's. mike schmidt; steve raglan/william afton.
grey's anatomy. addison montgomery; cristina yang; george o'malley; meredith grey.
grishaverse. alina starkov. inej ghafa. jesper fahey. kaz brekker. nina zenik.
harry potter. blaise zabini; cedric diggory; draco malfoy; fred weasley; george weasley; harry potter; hermione granger; ginny weasley; luna lovegood; nymphadora tonks; theodore nott.
miscellaneous. dean winchester (supernatural); kurt kunkle (spree); luke castellan (percy jackson); riff (west side story). roman roy (succession). ryan (thanksgiving 2023). stiles stilinski (teen wolf). sweeney todd (sweeney todd).
saltburn. felix catton; oliver quick
scream. billy loomis; sidney prescott; stu macher
spider-verse. hobie brown; miguel o'hara; peter parker (tasm)
stardew valley. abigail; alex; haley; harvey; leah; maru; penny; sam; sebastian.
stranger things. chrissy cunningham; eddie munson; jim hopper; nancy wheeler; robin buckley; steve harrington.
the hunger games. coriolanus snow; finnick odair; gale hawthorne; haymitch abernathy; johanna mason; katniss everdeen; lucy gray baird; peeta mellark; sejanus plinth; tigris snow.
yes. afab!reader. aus. biting. bondage. choking. degradation. edging. fem!reader. fluff. foot fetish. gender-neutral!reader. hickies. overstimulation. praise. scratching. sex toys. smut. spanking. threesomes. tickling.
maybe. amab!reader. angst. blood-play. “daddy” as a title. dub-con. knife-play. male!reader. parenthood. pregnancy. specific aesthetic for reader. watersports.
no. age-play (sexual or non-sexual). cheating. eating disorders. f!receiving anal. gun-play. incest/step-cest. pedophilia. rape/non-con. scat. vomit.
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
Music Monday, Ship Traits Meme & 5 Songs Game
Tagged by @josephseedismyfather @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies @voidika and @cassietrn
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @rhettsabbott @g0dspeeed @josephslittledeputy @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @icecutioner @softtidesworld @shallow-gravy @derelictheretic @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @red-nightskies @starsandskies @ladyoriza @florbelles @skoll-sun-eater @cloudofbutterflies92 @afarcryfrommymain @titiagls @la-grosse-patate @minilev and @thewanderer-000
A song for The Silver Chronicles, ship meme for The UnTitledverse, Life, Despair & Monsters and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, plus listing five of my favorite songs below the cut:
Out of all the songs in Disney's Wish, the only one which really touched me was "At All Costs". In the context of The Silver Chronicles, it can be viewed in two ways; either Kamski Neon is declaring is promise that no matter the cost, he will protect Silva as she is the closest thing to family he has left, and her returning this promise, OR, Silva is reminiscing on Paul's past promise to protect and love her as a parent should, and echoes these words to Azriel in the present. [Fun fact: I did not enjoy Wish. I enjoyed very, VERY few things in it, and personally wouldn't recommend watching it, but you can do you.]
"If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
You pull me in like some kind of wind Mesmerized by the hold I'm in Leave you here, I don't wanna I wanna
Promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs."
"What's pain, when I look at you? No way I could explain you, even if I tried to I'll never dream like I used to do If someone tried to hurt you, I don't See how that could happen I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine Felt this, no, I haven't, I hope It would be all right to stay right here beside you."
"And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs
If you're ever feeling like you're lost I'll come find you Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across To be right by you And not just once, here and now, I swear on my response I'll remind you
And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs."
Rules: bold/color the themes that apply to your ship, and italicize the theme if it’s one-sided, within your story.
height difference (6'3" vs 5'4") / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (Charlie is Bi and both her and Mario are polyamorous leading to their future relationship with Elizabeth Afton) / family disapproves (Henry doesn't approve of his android-copy of his dead daughter romancing a shapeshifting alien that is carnivorous, but if Abigail was alive, she'd approve because she loves her boy and Charlie's a catch) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (Mario is really touch-starved, while Charlie isn't) / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together (originally the plan before they eventually go from "android x shapeshifter-alien young romance" to "gods of the new world") / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date (for Mario) / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies (Charlie attempted this but Mario is not helpful whatsoever) / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other (Mario cooks the bigger and flavoured dishes while Charlie is more of a simpler easier food kind of person) / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking (Mario doesn't have hair) / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers (initially Mario thought Charlie was a rival apart of his species since her body that housed her soul was different from regular humans so he attempted to eat her) / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS (misunderstanding: Mario thought Charlie was apart of his species because of her physical forms difference from the rest of her friends leading him to believe she was trying to steal his territory/kill him in general while Charlie eventually thinks Mario knows something of her origins and eventually thinks he knew she was an android before she figured it out, which was far from Mario's deduction) / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle (Charlie had the choice between her gentle and supportive childhood friend whom she has great chemistry with but doesn't feel the same way for and stops her from doing impulsive dumb shit or the alien shapeshifter who initially tried to eat her mistaking her for someone else and is more likely to go along with her impulsive dumb shit) / destructive romance / envy (Mario was jealous of Charlie's integration in human society not realizing she was an android and not another of his species) / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” (especially considering Charlie was an android who thought she was human and Mario is a shapeshifting alien, neither had thought their feelings would be reciprocated) / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after (at the very, very end of the series, they ascend to godhood because positions were open so... I guess?) / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (Haoyu is non-binary attracted to men and Icarus is ace and doesn't mind who the person is as long as their personality is worth hyperfixating on) / family disapproves (nah, Monika's happy for her half-sibling and Icarus' fam are just glad he's got a partner) / would die for each other (more accurately they'd risk their lives for each other but would avoid actual death at all costs) / would kill for each other (Haoyu doesn't like to kill but Icarus would let Hatter do the killing) / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship (mostly on Icarus side of things, but eventually he reveals Haoyu to his family) / opposing worldviews (Icarus believes personal satisfaction comes from doing good to others while Haoyu believes upholding self-interest is satisfying enough) / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder/ share a bed / relationship doubts (Icarus side of things considering he (plus his alters) are Hatter's avatar/s) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends Mutual Allies to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (will neither confirm nor deny both of their fates in the ending of the series) / happily ever after / love letters (a gag that happens; Icarus attempts this and Haoyu opens up a portal to his universe and tells him face-to-face their feelings)
height difference (6'2" vs 5'7") / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes (from to each others expenses to flirtatious teasing) / lgbtq+ (Piper and Ress are both Bisexual women) / family disapproves (Piper's little sister Nat thinks Ress is cool. But on Ress' side of the family, her deadbeat evil father Arcane Urias thinks humans are a regression to evolution and should be treated as livestock more than anything and if Ore, Ress' half-brother, was alive at the time, he'd approve her choice, but Ress human family members, the Bishop Crime Family, might not like the idea of her being with a JOURNALIST of all things) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (Dogmeat!... and whatever Ress keeps bringing home to freak out Piper and make Nat think she's cool) / have kids / want kids / grow old together (God Ress wishes she could do this with Piper) / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (Piper has insecurities while Ress wrestles with the fact she'll outlive Piper) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket (Ress hogs the f***ing blanket) / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps (Piper does this often since she knows it will fluster Ress) / sexual tension (oh god, it is so obvious to everyone) / can’t be together / battle couple / Friend(emie)s to Lovers / (Fri)Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS / love after loss (at this point Ress has lost her closest friends and her own brother) / exes / declaration of love (Piper confesses this) / flirting (very aggressive teasing) / love triangle / destructive romance / envy (Piper was kinda jealous that Ress isn't self-conscious and very overconfident cocky attitude until she learned why Ress has this mask on) / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after? (at the end of the series? yes. post-canon offscreen though? Ress is likely to outlive Piper, something they're both aware of) / love letters
Now here's a list for my top 5 favorite songs:
Without You - Oh Wonder
Loser, Baby - Keith David, Blake Roman, Andrew Underberg & Sam Haft
Youth - Daughter
I Really Want To Stay At Your House - Hallie Coggins & Rosa Walton
Memory Reboot - Narvent & VØJ
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Afton Family Shenanigans:
Will/Indigo&Bill/Vincent: *Faceplanted on the door screaming*
Nathan/Dave/C.C: Why are Mommy and Uncle Bill screaming on the floor?
Henry: They both just finished a new code...
Henry: And it deleted itself after the computer short circuited when a cup of soda was spilled on it
Bill/Vincent: All our hard work-
Will/Indigo: GONE!!!
Will/Indigo&Bill/Vincent: *Continues to scream on the floors*
Garrett: Come to think of it...
Garrett: Bubba Terry and Bubba Mikey just got their code deleted just earlier
Terrence&Michael: *screaming on the couch pillows while thrashing their legs*
Abby/Abigail: They worked hard on it too...
Henry: *Sigh* Aftons...
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wumysyp · 27 days
Talk abt your Cassidy 🥺🩷
Hehehe 😈, ahem, idk i'll tell you some fun factsI gave to my Cassidy.
Cassidy Abigail Sullivan Rodriguez It's the full name I gave her, His mother is from Cuba, which explains his last name. she's a cousin of the Afton children although the only person she has the most interactions with is Michael Afton.
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A simple drawing of Michael and Cassidy :3
Cassidy has a reading group for people with disabilities, in that group are Fritz, Susie and Jeremy. It is not mandatory to be disabled, as long as you show interest in reading and respect others you can enter.
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A drawing of Cassidy reading to Jeremy, Susie and Fritz
Cassidy has a star shaped like her moles. In itself because of the spiritual background that she has and that.
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For me it's a star, I don't know what form you take......But if it's there, maybe you can also see hidden stars in other designs I made for her :3
Idk, here are some fun facts about my Cassidy, thanks🪦🪦🪦🪦
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Sun: And for the last question in the game. ‘What’s the most dramatic thing you know has happened in the PizzaPlex’
Lunar: All of you lose then, I know all the security guard drama. Pack it up now, you all lose.
Moon: Hey now, we have to decide that first after we hear everyone’s dramas!
Lunar: Macie got pregnant from Justin, who has three prior baby mamas which are Abigail, Zoe, and Diane, all of whom are on security as well. Zoe slept with Macie out of spite when she found out. Diane kissed her, and Abigail started dating her four months ago just after they found out. The four of them are engaged and plan to get married however the hell they manage that and raise Justin’s kids without him since they have full custody and Justin reminds me of William Afton.
Sun: So Lunar wins, right?
Everyone: *muttering in agreement*
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bluebeardsfinalgirl · 11 months
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“my father cut my throat.”
“out of love”
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bisheepart · 10 months
Alive AU Incorrect Quotes 2
because some of these only fit with the alive au (tho some can be taken as general incorrect quotes).
*as older teens/young adults*
Cassidy: In twenty years from now, I guarantee I'll be Evan's second spouse.
Evan: What... What happened to my first spouse?
Cassidy: Nothing you can prove.
*Elizabeth and Abigail (Pigtail Girl in my au) being forced to 'fake date' in high school*
Elizabeth, to the waiter: Excuse me, do you have a flight of stairs my date and I could throw ourselves down?
Gabriel: Fritz I need you to swear-
Fritz: Fuck!
Gabriel: Swear as in promise!
William, to Michael: Last night, we could smell you smoking weed from downstairs and your siblings kept asking why upstairs smelled like gasoline. Please smoke in the basement from now on.
*highschool again*
Susie, running toward Abigail: No no no no no
Abigail: Hey Susie- *gets punched in the gut by susie* OGH! What the FUCK?!
Susie: I cannot stand by and let you throw away your life like this! You're too young, you're too beautiful!
Abigail: What the fuck are you talking about?!
Susie: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside your belly right now!
Abigail:.... I'M NOT PREGNANT?!
Susie: Well, not after that punch you're not. *chuckles* I've been taking Muay Tai classes.
Abigail; I was never pregnant, Susie!
Susie:... Are... Are you sure?
Elizabeth, comes over: I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
Susie: Oh, well I found this positive pregnancy test and-
Elizabeth:*punches Abigail in the gut*
Abigail, doubled over in pain: OH MOTHERFUCKER!
William: Hello, people who do not live here.
Marcus (Bonnie Mask): Hello.
Simon (Freddy Mask): Hi Mr. Afton!
James (Chica Mask): Hey.
Michael: I gave you guys a key for emergencies!
Simon: We were bored. Also you're out of chips.
William: Michael clean your room.
Michael: Why?
William: We have guests coming over today.
Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know we were all gathering in my fucking room!
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aethreaicarus · 4 months
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Hello hello! Welcome to my blog!
Up first, it's my headcanon human designs for each of the The Amazing Digital Circus by the wonderful @gooseworx !(I'm a proud Jax simp and fan) I may post my OCs, but who knows~!
In order (If Tumblr doesn't fuck up the pic order I hope it doesn't)
Pomni - Anya Volkova (Russian) (College student) (studies accounting)
Ragatha - Abigail Graham (Scottish) (Music teacher)
Jax- Liam Pierce (American) (Streamer and voice actor, also does graffiti)
Gangle - Tomoko Watanabe (Japanese) (Mangaka)
Kinger - William Kingston (British) (Programmer)
Zooble - Catalina "Cat" Delgado (Venezuelan) (DND host/former tattoo artist)
I noticed a little too late when I noticed Pomni has the same name as a character in SpyXFamily, I'm prepared for the jokes, I even made half of her hair pink after my boyfriend pointed it out LMFAO!!!!
I used Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair as reference for Ragatha's hairstyle!
I gave Jax tap dancing shoes cuz I can imagine him vandalising things while wearing those- HE PROBABLY WOULD, IDK
For Gangle, I looked over at her trivia in the Wiki to pull off her look! She's the first one I designed in beta designs~!
Like with Pomni, I realized too late that Kinger shares a name with a FNAF character- IF I SEE WILLIAM AFTON MEMES I SWEAR LMFAO!!!!
Zooble was the most difficult to design out of everyone, for the style, I was suggested scene punk, and I added a mix of "RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!" but what can I say? They turned out really pretty!!!
So yeah, I hope you all like my interpretations of TADC outside the game!
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