#abby x raven
soul-wanderer · 1 year
hi, yes, it's been over seven years and sometimes Doctor Mechanic still keeps me up at night, thanks for asking
that being said, if anyone's still out there, feel free to send some hurt/comfort/angst with a happy ending drabble prompts my way
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For the prompt thing you posted:
Doctor Mechanic #12
Okay, sorry Anon, I'm terrible at keeping things short...
12. "Don't look at me like that."
Raven tapped the face of her watch, rolling her eyes to herself when the screen remained blank. Removing it, she slipped it into the pocket of her trousers and, struggling to pick up her pace, she continued to follow Abby through the dense scrub. Two weeks ago, the very same woods may have felt tranquil. Two weeks ago there would have been enough gas in the tank to make it all the way to the cabin Abby’s family owned. Two weeks ago there would have been no need to get to the cabin so desperately.
Abby hadn’t said a word since they had set out that morning. As Raven had finished packing up the tent on her own, Abby crouched over an old paper map. The path to the cabin had been marked roughly, the pen close to running out of ink as Abby tried to draw from memory the best route over dirt tracks. There were no road markings or street signs to help.
“Which way, captain?” Raven smiled, hoping Abby would hear the effort she was making to be as positive as possible despite everything that had occurred in the space of a fortnight. 
Abby folded the map, the thick paper creasing easily, knowing its own way back to one-eighth the size. She pointed west, and everything in Raven wanted to persuade her to walk the water’s edge until they couldn’t any longer, to keep the river in sight for as long as possible, before moving inland. As Raven contemplated how to plead her case, Abby had already started towards the vague trail through trees that would lead them back to the dirt road.
There had been a good hour of daylight already. Struggling to find any comfort which would allow her to drift back off to sleep, Raven had heard the sounds of birds waking and the gentle ebb and flow of the river a few feet from where they had set up camp. She was loathed to wake Abby when light began to seep in through the fabric of their tent and instead watched her sleep.
When Abby awoke, it was with a start, both hands pressing down by her sides as she lay on her back gasping, knuckles white as they clawed at her sleeping bag before searching frantically for the zipper. She sat up clutching her chest, pulling in long breathes before putting her head in her hands.
She flinched when Raven reached over to rub her back, recoiling from the touch, her whole body tense. 
“Abby…” Raven’s voice was barely above a whisper, and even though she’d lowered her hands Abby flinched again looking at her accusingly.
“Don’t.” She bit out the word, throwing the sleeping bag off her legs, pulling them up to her chest, and breathing deeply.
Raven shuffled out of her own sleeping bag and moved around in front of Abby, lowering her head to try and catch Abby’s gaze.
“Don’t what? Do you want to…” talk about it? Raven wanted to ask but was cut off again. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” There was a sadness in her voice that outweighed the sound of anger lingering on the periphery. Raven was reluctant to push any further.
They walked for hours, the sun shifting its position above them, casting new shadows and scattering in new directions between the leaves above them. They stopped only for water breaks throughout the morning. Raven presumed it was around lunchtime when Abby set down her pack, sighing with relief, and unzipped a side pocket to produce two apples and two protein bars.
They ate in silence, Raven trying to unravel her own thoughts before considering where Abby’s head might be. She looked around. They were hours from civilization, whatever that was looking like now, and heading towards a place that had a generator, food supplies, and an open fireplace. She looked over at Abby. Despite everything, despite the way the world had changed in a matter of days, Raven felt like she would have everything she needed once they were at the cabin.
Abby, on the other hand, was grappling with much more. She was on leave and had therefore not been at the hospital when the first cases came in. They had seen the news a fortnight ago about an illness that was rampant in the UK and had heard reports that some cases had been suspected in Canada. Within the week there were pockets of illness across the globe and those first patients hospitalized were dying in droves. Bloodborne. Highly contagious. Severe gastrointestinal devastation.
Abby’s daughter, Clarke, lived over 200 miles away and they’d had no contact with her in the four days since the phone networks shut down. And then in a little over 24 hours, the power had gone out too. While plenty of buildings, businesses, and homes had generators that would buy them some time, people still went into panic mode. Looting began within hours and the mass gatherings of people in the streets saw further spreading of the disease.
Abby and Raven knew they had to leave their apartment. Packing food, blankets, warm clothes, and other essentials into two rucksacks, they donned gloves and masks, and goggles from Abby’s medical bag and made their way down the stairwell of their building and into the parking garage. Raven loaded up the car with camping gear and tools from their storage locker while Abby left a message on the locker for Clarke telling her to meet them at the cabin. They left the building less than forty minutes after making the decision to go. A car far bigger than theirs had rammed its way through the garage barricade before them.
They had run out of gas within a half hour of reaching the cabin, Abby cursing and crying before they repacked the rucksacks and gathered as much from the trunk as they could carry, and began the walk on foot. They had walked for less than an hour when nightfall set in and Raven insisted they set up camp for the night.
Guessing they had at least another two hours left, Raven finished her apple and stood, offering a hand to Abby who was sitting cross-legged on the rough ground. Reluctantly, Abby took her hand and allowed herself to be pulled up and into Raven’s arms. Raven held her close and felt Abby relax into her for a moment. As Abby pulled away, Raven reached up a stroked her thumb across Abby’s cheek.
“Hey.” Raven wanted to lean in and kiss Abby who pulled back, voice raised.
“I said don’t look at me like that!” Abby panted, her hand on her hips as if she were trying to hold herself up.
“Like what Abby? How am I looking at you?” Raven tried to keep her voice steady but heard her own despair.
“Like I’ve already lost her.” Tears rolled down Abby’s cheeks now. Rage gave way to hopelessness. “Like there’s no fucking hope.” Her breath caught in her throat and she covered her mouth as Raven reached for her again. “Like I have nothing left.” She whispered the last words against Raven's shoulder, Raven tried to ignore the way the words stung as she held Abby and let her cry.
She kissed Abby’s hair and forehead before using the sleeve of her sweater to wipe the tears from Abby’s cheeks. She held Abby’s hands and dipped her head, daring to try and shift Abby’s gaze again. 
“This is shit. The world is fucked and we don’t know exactly where she is, but we know she will do everything she can to make her way to you, so we need to get to that cabin in one piece and start making a plan.” Raven saw the smallest hint of a smile grace Abby’s face. “I know you need to be with Clarke, or at least have proof that she’s okay, but you’ve got me, alright? You’ve got me, and I’m kind of a genius, so you could do worse right now.”
Abby snorted, a small laugh breaking through the tension. “I’m sorry I’m taking this out on you. You don’t deserve it.”
In lieu of words, Raven placed a single kiss to Abby’s lips before lifting one of the rucksacks, holding it up while Abby slipped her arms into the straps and secured it across her chest and hips. Switching, Abby did the same for Raven and as they started back along the track Abby reached for Raven’s hand, squeezing it in her own.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being you.”
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astrarchee · 2 years
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: The 100 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abby Griffin/Raven Reyes Characters: Abby Griffin, Raven Reyes, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake, Lincoln (The 100), Marcus Kane, Callie Cartwig, Anya (The 100) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Minor Character Death, Kyle wick friendship is important, vodka aunt!callie, nosy bff!octavia, mid-way time skip, Side Callie/Marcus, side linctavia, Side Anya/Bellamy, Side Clexa - Freeform, time skip midway through Summary:
When Raven meets Abby, they both assume it will be a one night thing. However, when Raven walks into class at her university only to see Abby teaching it, it becomes clear that things maybe were not meant for one night.
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featheryfoxes · 15 days
I just need more of Bellamy and Kane kissing. Abby and Raven kissing. Lexa gets to live. Is that such a bad want 🥺
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anjellaufeyson · 7 months
Hate with attraction - Bellamy Blake
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I hated Bellamy and despised him since the beginning. He always had to counter my arguments and disagree with me on every move I made. Every step I took–he criticized. The feeling of hatred was mutual, I never failed to return the remarks he made.
           Bellamy brushed past as if I weren't there, yet he still managed to whisper, “You're falling behind.” 
           I picked up my pace as we walked through the forest. The whole hunting group was filled with all my friends–besides Bellamy. I shoved him almost into a tree, “Catch up soldier boy.” 
My best friend, Octavia turned around while walking, and Bellamy glared at me. “I get Bellamy is an ass but why can't you guys just get along?”
I could feel his stare on me, “Your brother started it on day 1 of coming back to earth. The power must’ve gone to his hollow head, can’t say more than that–” My words were cut off at the sound of arrows flying past us. 
“Grounders,” Bellamy yelled. 
Clarke and Monty spread out of their spot because that’s where most of the fire was, “Guys we have to split up! We all have intercoms so once it’s safe we’ll come back together.” 
Octavia reached for my hand but missed me by a couple of inches, an arrow grazed my palm and cut me, “Just go,” I yelled. She ran away but was hesitant. I was about to reach for my gun before a hand stopped me–Bellamy. 
“We have time to run, don’t waste your bullets.”
I crouched down with him so no one gets hurt again, “If you keep ordering me around, I’m about to waste one.” 
He groaned as he grabbed me and we both made a run for it, “Keep this shit up and maybe I’ll throw you to the grounders.” 
I pushed him off me as we walked into a tiny cave for cover, “I’d rather be with them than you,” I mumbled. 
“What was that princess,” he asked knowing he heard every word I said. His anger was pissing me off. He ripped a part of his shirt off and began wrapping it around my cut.
“I hate when you call me that.” He only called me that because my father is Kane and he won’t let go that I’m “privileged” just like Clarke. “I didn’t make the rules on the ship, It’s not my fault that–”
He pulled hard on the tie he was making causing me to wince in pain, “Don’t finish that sentence.” Bellamy glanced up at me then annoyingly back at my cut as he wrapped it to perfection–I hated how good he was at helping when I needed it. “I know it’s not your fault but your father and every privileged person on that ship let her die for what reason? Because she had one more kid?” 
“You know the rules,” I spoke lowly. It was a sensitive topic and even though I hated his guts and wouldn’t mind if he got floated, I did sympathize. I never liked what happened and the fact no one could have siblings. “The more space taken by more kids would’ve left us overpopulated Bell–” I paused when talking, his nickname Octavia slipped out so easily. 
He looked up at me whilst still holding my hand even though the t-shirt bandage was as good as it was going to get. “I’m sorry she was floated, but it was the rules. And you know the Ark was already overpopulated enough. That’s why they sent us down here in the first place, the stupid 100 who had to risk their criminalistic lives for the others.” This topic always got me upset, not sad but mad. My father, Jaha, and Clarke's mom, Abby, were all willing to risk our lives as if we were all test subjects. 
“We mean nothing to them, that’s why I was so hell-bent on making sure all of the 100 could survive.”
I rolled my eyes remembering this wasn’t a friend I was talking to, “No, Bellamy you wanted all of us to remove our locators so that you could make sure they didn’t come down here because your reckless ass shot Jaha. I understand it was for Octavia but don’t act as if you’re some hero.” 
He pressed down on my wound before dropping his hand, “I never said I was. You always think you’re better than me.” 
I went to punch Bellamy but he moved out of the way, I was always good at hand-to-hand, my father got me a trainer, one of the guards. I knew how to fight, shoot, plant, etc. I was built to survive as if he’s been planning this forever. I smiled as I ducked the attack he threw at me, “You can only stand your ground because of the training you and Lincoln did together.” I went to kick him but he caught my leg, kicks were the one thing I couldn’t get the hang of. 
“Learn to be faster, princess,” he had a tiny grin on his face as he twisted my leg so I was hopping. 
I’d never give him the satisfaction of beating me, I kicked my leg again and got out of his grip. I elbowed him and punched him. His lip began to bleed, he had a smile on his face as his finger touched his lip. “Better,” he whispered. 
I went to hit him again but he blocked it and turned me around and kicked behind my leg causing me to fall onto one knee. He grabbed my hair, not too rough to hurt me but enough to move my head so I’d look up at him. “Train more and maybe you’ll beat me.” 
Slowly I rose and hit him at his throat causing him to back up. Not hard enough to hurt him but enough so he’d fuck off. I regained enough strength to cause him to lose his balance, then I got him to hit his back onto the ground. I kept my knee on his chest as I looked down at him, “You’ll never beat me, Bellamy. And I don’t think I’m better than you–” Our breaths filled the cave, “I know I am.” 
I stayed with my knee on his chest until he gave me a look that I couldn’t comprehend. His lips parted and he moved in to kiss me. I don’t know why but I didn’t back away, I took my knee off of his chest slowly. His fingers slipped into my hair and he pulled me deeper in. He kissed me roughly and I could taste the hate he held for me. Then he pushed me with a betrayal of a smile, “Never let your guard down, princess.” 
I made myself look hurt, he stepped closer and I pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed hesitant but easily fell into it. I bit down on his lip causing him to wince in pain. He dragged his tongue along his bottom lip, blood was dripping more than before. 
I pushed him away from me, I hated him now more than before. But God, I’d kiss him again with hate once more if given the chance. “Never let your guard down, Bell.” 
Suddenly Octavia ran into the cave looking frantic, “Jesus, did the grounders attack you guys?” 
Bellamy and I shared a glance, I turned back to Octavia and smiled as if I wasn’t in pain. “No, no we made it out. Well not without one price to pay,” I said as I held my hand up. 
Octavia looked shocked, she now realized our words were no longer threats, they were promises. “Bellamy,” she said in confusion but also her annoyance was beginning to focus on both of us for being stupid enough to fight each other. “O,” he said while walking past her. I stopped walking so I could talk with Octavia. He turned to me and whispered, “Next time you won’t get off that easily.” I paused, next time?
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
The 100 Masterlist
More works for this are coming!!
if you have any questions or comments just ask :)
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Diana Sydney's daughter is sent to the ground with 99 other delinquents. While her mother schemes for power and destruction aboard the Ark, y/n must navigate the harsh realities of survival on the ground. As she confronts her own trauma and struggles to define her morality in the face of chaos, she grapples with the ultimate question: Will she rise above her past and choose the path of goodness, or will her mother's influence shape her destiny and lead her down a darker path?
Season 1
Part  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6.5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
Edge Of Exile
Bellamy Blake x Reader
As the ark struggles to establish a new home on Earth, Y/N, a prisoner from flint station seems to be the only one who can save them from themselves. the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous power struggle that threatens to tear the community apart. Faced with betrayal, deceit, and factions vying for control, Y/N must navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and rivalries.
parts - prologue,  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
In the process of completing !
The Other Side
John Murphy x Reader
A grounder marked as a spy for the commander is tasked with the case of gathering intel on a group of survivors that fell from the sky. Falling for a member of this foreign group leads the clan into bloodshed.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
A normal plane ride back home ends in shambles as the plane crashes on a remote island far from home. That last survivors band together to survive and uncover the secrets of the island.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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bloodreinasbathwater · 4 months
The 100 Recs
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Fighting for by @wonderswritings
Desperate measures by @margoshansons
Banished by @turning-dreams-into-chaos
Bounty Hunter by @locker42
In the end it was always you by @url-is-under-construction
Privileged by @imagines-all-day-everyday
We come running by @puddygeeks
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dan-i-am21 · 5 months
Okay I’m gonna write a Karaoke fic of the foxes. Neil is going to sing Renegade and debating if Andrew should sing Tequila. But I need help figuring out what other songs the other foxes are going to sing. Also Katelyn will be in this maybe Erik too. Wymack Abby, and Bee are debatable.
Jean and the floozies could be another fic. I will love comments for them too
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bonobochick · 1 year
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good-question-love · 9 months
has anyone else noticed that everyone lost their first "love" (quotation cause some of the following relationships had shitty development)
Abby lost Jake
Octavia lost Atom
Clarke and Raven lost Finn
Jasper lost Maya
Bellamy lost Gina
Lexa lost Costia (assuming she was her lover, don't remember if it was specified)
Luna lost Derrick (I think that was his name and assuming he was her first love for purposes)
Miller lost Bryan
Monty lost Harper
Jordan lost Priya
Gabriel lost Josephine
Echo lost Bellamy (or the real Echo, maybe. either way)
Everyone except Murphy (and well Jackson but eh). (okay technically she did die but he brought her so it doesn't really count) Like they fucked up his whole psyche, but they didn't take Emori. Why is he the only one who got any mercy?
Like they were merciless with everyone. Clarke lost all of her lovers in some way (Niylah betrayed her), both her parents, her best friend TWICE, and her daughter (not even to mention all the shit she went through to survive/save her people and all the hate she got for it, you don't gotta like the character just respect her ruthlessness). They made Bellamy a sheep (multiple times *cough* fucking Pike *cough*) and made his whole death pointless cause he was right and Madi gave herself up like immediately after (so fucking mad you don't even know). Raven lost her childhood best friend/lover after he cheated on her (her childhood for fucks sake), her leg, ALIE (that was bad in general but damn), had to stop her own heart to survive, and then Shaw. Jasper went through it before he took himself out. Monty was hated by his best friend (just the Mount Weather incident), forced to kill his mom twice, watched his best friend die, sent his son into danger, watched Harper die, and never saw anyone he loved again (hell, whether he died of old age or not is still up in the air, they never found a body). They threw sweet Jordan into a horror show by the scruff of his neck. Echo had a childhood for sure. Gabriel had lifetimes of fuckery. The fucking disservice to Lexa (and Lincoln) by having her be shot. Luna killed her own brother and lover then watched her entire clan die. Miller lost his dad and was in the bunker... Abby got her husband killed, the bunker, Kane, and then was just erased (POOF bye bitch👋 wtf). And Octavia (need I say more? I will tho). Raised under the floor, imprisoned for being born, mom dead, dad who?, Atom, Lincoln, Ilian, you are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru, cannibalism, watched her first kinda child die (Ethan), banished by her own brother, lost time with Hope, and lost Diyoza.
And Murphy went through it too. Like BADLY but he never had to live without Emori.
This post is nothing. I just think that's beautiful.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Can you do a John Murphy x reader like they were best friends since 6 on the ark and they have really good sense of humor and Murphy is always making the reader laugh and the reader is always making Murphy laugh and one day they go in to the woods with Octavia and they get lost from the drop ship and they see Lincoln which helps them and the the camp has a Bon fire and then Murphy confesses to like the reader who likes him back and the they date sorry that a lot
Hi I don't write for Murphy. I only write for these characters - sorry 😢
Bellamy Blake - ( female x reader only )
Marcus Kane - (father/friend only)
Clarke Griffin - (Sibling/friend only)
Abby Griffin (mother/friend/mentor only)
Octavia Blake - (Friends/siblings only)
Raven Reyes (friends only)
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
I still can't get over the fact that Abby and Raven barely even knew each other when Abby told Raven to go to earth alone, knowing it would save her and knowing she'd get floated if she stayed behind and when Raven told Abby that she wasn't going to go without her and when Abby took Raven's hands in hers, like woman, she's been in this one hundred percent from the start and you cannot convince me otherwise okay
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abbyshands · 7 months
kit you spoke to me on a spiritual level with camgirl!abby i will get on my knees for more ♡
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a/n; @andersonlore, ml, how could i say no to that? <3
pairing; sub!cam girl!abby x dom!gn!reader
synopsis; cam girl!abby needs you like the oxygen that fills her lungs. so, in your own way, you fill her just as much. (or, put simply, fucking abs before a mirror <3)
warnings; use of a strap-on (abby!receiving) referred to as reader’s dick or cock, reader uses sweetheart, baby, and pretty girl for abby, roughish sex, praise (abby!receiving), reader is a huge tease, abby films reader fucking her, reader films themself fucking abby, lmk if i missed smt! ♡ (which i prob did bc i’m so sleepy rn)
wc; 1k
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imagine sub!cam girl!abby, phone in her shaky hands as she films you pounding into her from behind. she’s been craving you all day, but she couldn’t find a good time to ask you. it was only when you came out of the shower, wet hair, naked body, looking so pretty her knees buckled, that she expressed this dying need of hers.
and then, decided to fulfill it.
you and abby are poised in front of the mirror beside the very shower you came out of, your hands on abby’s ass as you take her from the back. “f- fuck!” abby moans as you squeeze down on her bottom, hard, possessive. each thrust grows quicker, more ravenous by the second, as you give the blonde all that she’s asking for.
“keep that camera up for me, baby,” you commanded as you saw the phone begin to slip from her fingers. she didn’t get why she couldn’t just prop it up. it’d make it so much easier on her.
but you wanted to make her work.
“how’s anyone going to see your gorgeous self if you don’t?” you ask her genuinely.
“th- they’re not,” abby whined. she didn’t want to have to admit that you were right. she would have preferred to prop the phone up like she always did in her videos. but when it came to having a partner like you? she knew full well that it wasn’t that easy.
you just loved to mess with her.
“that’s right, baby. so just take it for me, yeah?” you coo into abby’s ear, and she nods all too quickly in response. you’re deep inside of her soaked pussy by now as abby moans your name, cheeks pink, eyes locked onto the view of you rutting into her in the mirror.
you smirk as an idea crosses your mind. “aw. poor thing just needs to be filled,” you tease. purposefully, you pull yourself out of her, earning a low whine of disapproval as quickly as you had done it.
abby’s fingers can barely keep the phone in her large hand when you derive her of what she’d been wordlessly begging you for all day. she can’t get enough of you, and your absence makes her go crazy. “c’mon, please, don’t- don’t stop, f- fuck. please.”
you want to give it one more moment or so before you give her what she’s asking you for. but your own need bubbles inside you as her sweet moans fill your ears, and you’re desperate to hear them again.
you’re just as bad as she is.
“oh, sweetheart, i can’t when you beg me like that,” you’re all but gushing over abby as you slip back inside of her, hips rutting hungrily into your lover. abby’s quick to whine again, eyes glued to the counter you’re fucking her against. “you sound too good, baby, holy fuck,” you cuss.
“it’s you, god, it’s all you. you’re making me feel so, so- fuck,” abby groaned as you gave her an especially hard thrust of your hips. “good.”
“mmhm. can barely hold that camera up, hm?” you hum, a simper on your lips. it’s all abby can do not to roll her eyes at you as you keep going. in the end, she decided to keep her response in her head.
your pounding ensues for a while longer before you’re forced to grab abby’s phone from her. poor girl could barely comprehend the feeling of your cock inside her cunt.
much less hold a phone while she was doing it.
you aim the camera on her back as you fuck into her, your free hand on her ass as you do so. “fucking adorable. you see her? you see how pretty she is?” you whisper to no one but yourself, and the millions who go as feral for your girl as you do.
your words make abby’s embarrassment, her shyness, rush to her pale cheeks. her head goes down in seconds, eyes not on you, not on the mirror, but on the sink below her.
you weren’t the biggest fan of that one.
“nuh uh, pretty girl. look up,” you say it like an ask, but abby knows it’s a demand just from the way the words leave your lips. she does it, but slow, and you decide to help her along. you guide her by her braid, gingerly, and force her to look into the mirror once more. “there you go, baby. that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
you drive abby crazy as you pound her to no end, because you want to make sure she’s pleasured as much as she needs to be. it’s obvious when abby’s on the brink of release. her whines are so lewd they mimic crying, and her hips begin to push back against you as she allows her neediness to take over.
that’s when you prop the camera up, and you know abby’s wondering why the hell you didn’t do that earlier.
“you’re close, aren’t you, baby?” you ask, and her response is whiny, broken as she answers, “yes,” lowly so.
abby can barely hold herself back from letting herself go. she needs you to make her cum, but at the same time, she wanted this to last forever. “god, you feel so good, f- fuck, so good,” abby rambles. “iloveyou, god, iloveyou.”
that’s abby’s last tell that she’s close to cumming, and it always has been. she whispers how much she loves you, how good you make her feel, how gorgeous you are. it’s beyond adorable.
“mmm, i love you, too, baby. now, c’mon, almost there. you got it, sweetheart,” you praise your pretty girl as you push yourself as deep inside of her as you can go, pace hard and fast, a blunt converse to the way you’re speaking.
it’s not long before you’ve got her.
“yeah, baby, fuck, c’mon. cum all over my cock, good girl,” is what abby heard as she’s dripping all over you, just like you asked of her. she slaps her hand over her lips to muffle a lewd mewl of your name as she drenches your dick in her cum.
your neighbors already hate you as it is.
you’re not at all surprised when you see just how much abby came for you when you pull out. it had probably been building up all day, really. you can’t help but smirk as you grab the camera, and sink down to your knees behind her.
“look at all that. came so much, didn’t she?” you rasp, n’ you lap every last bit up for future viewers to see, unable to help yourself. you can see abby’s muscles jerk as she grips onto the counter, and a moan escapes her lips as you lick up her release like the hungry person you are. “mmm. could eat you all day, sweetheart.”
abby pouted as you got up from your knees, and she grumbled as you ended the video and saves it to her camera roll. “you’re such a tease,” she whined.
you chuckle at those words, and wrap your arms around her from behind, kissing and nipping at her neck in response. you link your arms around her waist as you pull her close to you, whispering, “yeah.”
“but you love me.”
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reblogs are very much welcomed <3
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little2nerdy · 5 months
we know abby has seen some really terrible injuries during her time with the foxes/aftermath of spending time with the ravens so she saw jean and was somewhat prepared, but i can imagine the nurses/doctors/trainers for the trojans being absolutely appalled, driven to drink levels of disturbed by seeing jean’s medical records/x-rays/scars. like i can just imagine the coaches and team staff getting together to compare notes on jean and realizing how far into the deep end they were thrown (they’re all cursing kevin day and wymack, and jeremy a little)
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hd-junglebook · 7 months
Part 2
word count - 3,446
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The five of you stood at the side of the cliff, your hearts pounding with anticipation as Finn gripped the rope tightly in his hand, ready to swing across the gap. Finn prepared to make his leap, Jasper piped up, his voice filled with determination. "Wait, guys. Let me do it. I've got this."
There was a moment of stunned silence as his words sunk in. Clarke glanced at him, concern etched across her features. "Jasper, are you sure? It's a long way across." But Jasper was already stepping forward, a defiant gleam in his eyes. "Clarke. Trust me, I can do this."
The rest of you exchanged uncertain glances, but Finn nodded in agreement. "Let him try. We don't have much time."
With a collective cheer, you urged Jasper on as he gripped the rope and launched himself into the air. For a moment, he sailed across the gap with grace, his movements fluid and confident. As Jasper neared the other side, a spear soared through the air straight into his chest, sending him careening off course.
With a sickening thud, he collided with the rock behind him, the impact knocking the wind out of him.
"Jasper!" Clarke cried out in horror, rushing forward to help him. The rest of you watched in shock, the reality of the situation sinking in. You were not alone in these woods.
Finn took charge, his voice urgent as he scanned the surrounding area. "We need to move. Now. Whatever hit Jasper could still be out there."
You stood in stunned silence by yourself, gears turning in your head at the lack of choices you seemed to have in this moment. Clarkes voice waking you back up from your daze. You crouch down out of sight of whatever was out there.
The woods seemed darker and more foreboding now, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sending shivers down your spine. You looked back at Jaspers figure once more pinned to the rock, catching sight of Monty out in the open.
"Well, this is just fantastic. I always wanted to be stuck in a survival situation with a bunch of amateurs." You whisper to yourself, scanning the woods around you before lunging towards Monty, dragging him by his ear back to the group.
"We are so screwed," Octavia insisted, her eyes darting from tree to tree as if searching for any sign of their missing friend.
Out of nowhere, Jasper's chilling scream pierced through the stillness of the forest, sending a shiver down your spine and causing your blood to run cold. Panic surged through you, your mind racing with fear and uncertainty.
"Clarke, Jasper. He's alive," you gasped out, your voice trembling with a mix of relief and dread.
But Clarke was already moving, her determination unwavering as she raced ahead, heedless of Finn's warning. "Clarke, wait. Wait! Wait," Finn called out desperately, but she didn't stop.
Monty's voice trembled with fear as he scanned the surrounding trees, removing himself from you side to stand at the cliffs edge once more. "No. Where is he?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes wide with horror.
"They took him," Clarke replied, her tone heavy with sorrow and rage. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, feeling paralyzed as you crouched in the depths of the forest, knowing that Jasper was now in the hands of whatever lurked in the woods.
The four of you sprinted through the dense undergrowth, the branches seemed to claw at your skin, leaving scratches in their wake. You reached out, grabbing Octavia's arm with clammy hands, pulling her along with you as you dodged and weaved through the obstacles in your path.
Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed Monty and Clarke lagging behind, their breath coming in ragged gasps. "Come on, guys! We're almost there!" you shouted back, urging them to pick up the pace. The forest around you seemed to darken, the sunlight filtering through the canopy overhead seems to diminish with each passing step.
light struggled to penetrate the thick trees behind you, casting long shadows that stretch across the forest floor like fingers reaching out to pull you deeper into the gloom with every step you took towards the safety of the camp.
The distant flicker of the campfire beckoned through the thick brush, you could almost feel the warmth of the flames against your skin, driving you forward despite the burning ache in your legs. Each step was a struggle, your muscles screaming in protest from the relentless exertion of running from Mount Weather.
You pushed Octavia forward through the trees, finally reaching the group, you were met with a scene that sent a chill down your spine. Murphy and Wells were engaged in a vicious knife fight, their faces contorted with anger and desperation.
Clarke stepped in front of you, her voice sharp with urgency. "Wells! Let him go!" she yelled, pushing herself through the crowd to intervene.
“Alright enough you two!” Bellamy growled as he pushed Murphy away from Wells. Meeting Clarkes angry glare before Octavia caught his attention.
He moved with determined strides, parting the sea of bodies like a ship cutting through choppy waters., his expression darkening with concern and anger. "Octavia, are you all right?" he demanded, his piercing gaze locked onto you, unwavering and intense. "You let her get hurt out there? Where's the food you were so spent on getting?”
You bristled at his accusatory tone, your sarcasm dripping like venom. "Oh, sorry, Bellamy, I was too busy dodging spears and saving Octavia to remember to pack you a picnic basket," you shot back, your frustration boiling over. "But you seem to have everything under control, as usual."
Bellamy's jaw clenched, his gaze hardening even further as he took a step closer to you. "Don't play games with me, y/n," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
Finn stumbled forward, gasping for breath. "We... we didn't make it to Mount Weather," he managed to get out between labored breaths.
Clarke stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "We were attacked," she announced, her gaze sweeping over the assembled group of delinquents. "They were waiting for us, lying in ambush."Her words hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked in the woods beyond their camp. The group exchanged worried glances.
Clarke's gaze softened as she addressed her friends, her voice sincere. "Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong," she continued, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us."
"Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will," Finn admitted, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their situation.
Wells limped towards the group, grimacing in pain as his voice broke through the tension, his concern evident as he inquired about Jasper's whereabouts. "Where's the kid with the goggles?" he asked, his gaze darting around the group anxiously.
Clarke stepped forward, her expression grim as she delivered the devastating news. "Jasper was hit. They took him," she revealed anxiously. "Where is your wristband?" she demanded, turning her attention back to Wells, her eyes searching his face for answers.
Wells hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice heavy with regret. "Ask him," he replied, gesturing towards Murphy with a solemn expression.
Clarke's frustration was obvious as she processed the information. "How many?" she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper as she awaited Murphy's response.
Murphy's reply was chilling in its simplicity. "Twenty-four and counting," he admitted, his tone sinister as he confirmed the number.
Clarke's frustration boiled over, her words laced with anger. "You idiots," she spat, her voice filled with bitter disappointment. "Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here," she scolded, her words a reminder of the harsh reality they faced.
"Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good," Bellamy shouted, rallying the crowd with his impassioned words. "We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner," he declared, his tone defiant as he challenged Clarke's authority as he faced her.
"I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" His words resonated with the crowd, drawing them back to his side as they echoed their agreement.
You shook your head in disappointment at the shortsightedness of it all, the frustration evident in your expression as you watched the crowd rally behind Bellamy's reckless rhetoric.
Monty pulled you and Clarke towards him, his faced scrunched in discomfort. "What do we do now?" he asked, his eyes darting between Clarke and Bellamy as he sought your guidance.
Clarke's response was firm and resolute, her gaze unwavering as she addressed him. "Now we go after Jasper," she declared.
You and Clarke worked quickly to patch up Wells, the urgency of the situation lending speed to your movements as you devised a plan to rescue Jasper. Clarke and Finn's heated exchange filled the air behind you, their voices clashing in disagreement.
Finn remained steadfast in his belief that venturing back into the woods would only lead to disaster. "I'm not going anywhere, and neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet," he argued back.
Clarke's frustration bubbled to the surface as she refused to entertain the idea of leaving Jasper behind. "So what, we let Jasper die? That's not gonna happen, Spacewalker." she retorted, every word seasoned with accusation.
Finn stood his ground, his expression desperate as he countered Clarke's resolve. "It's not an adventure, Clarke, it's a suicide mission," he countered.
"Clarke, we could use Bellamy," you suggested, your voice tinged with reluctance. "He has a weapon. As annoying as he is, we need all the help we can get."
Walking over to Octavia, you handed her a bottle of water, offering her a small smile of reassurance before looking over her leg once more. Clarke approached Bellamy then, her voice commanding as she addressed him. "I hear you have a gun.” Bellamy reply came without hesitation, lifting his shirt slightly to reveal the weapon strapped to his waist.
As he did, you couldn't help but notice the defined contours of his abdomen, the muscles taut and well-defined. Caught momentarily in the act of admiring, you quickly averted your gaze, but not before Bellamy's eyes flicked up, catching you in the act.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he noticed your fleeting glance. "Like what you see?" he quipped, his tone teasing.
You rolled your eyes, unable to resist a sarcastic retort. "Please, Bellamy, don't flatter yourself. I was just wondering if that thing is even loaded," you shot back, your tone laced with playful sarcasm.
Clarke nodded in agreement. “That’s good. Follow me," she instructed, her words leaving no room for argument.
You fell into step beside her, Bellamy shot you both a questioning look, his brow furrowed in confusion. "And why would I do that?" he asked, his voice edged with skepticism. The two you halting in your walking.
You couldn't resist the urge to challenge him back, his self-righteous attitude grating your nerves for the second time today, "Oh, I don't know, Bellamy. Maybe because you're not as brave as you like to pretend," you retorted, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
Bellamy's expression hardened, and he stepped closer to you, mirroring your stance, his gaze intense. For a moment, you almost step back at his closeness, but you refused to back down. "Careful, sweetheart. You don't want to find out just how wrong you are," he warned.
You squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze with equal intensity. "Try me," you mocked, your voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You walked away with Clarke, leaving Bellamy behind. You could almost feel the weight of his gaze boring into your back as you moved further away. A silent challenge lingering in the air.
Your focus, alongside Clarke's, remained on locating Jasper, the urgency tangible in every stride as the group trudged through the dense undergrowth. Bellamy's voice, sharp and cutting, sliced through the otherwise oppressive silence.
"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." His words halted the group in their tracks, prompting a momentary pause in the relentless pursuit. Wells attempted to interject, his voice a soft plea for reason, "We have to find him, Bellamy,” but Murphy's abrupt intrusion blocked his path.
"We heard him scream when they moved him. We have to find him now." You voiced, restraining yourself from punching Bellamy in the face.
The exchange between you and Clarke, a tense back-and-forth of explanations and rebuttals, seemed destined to continue until Bellamy interrupted, his tone brusque and impatient. "As soon as you take those wristbands off, we can go."
“Over my dead body, Blake,” you huffed, finding his insistence infuriating. Bellamy was quick to put on a self-satisfied expression at your remark. Suddenly, Finn materialized out of the shadows, his unexpected presence bringing an abrupt halt to the argument.
"Clarke's right. We need to keep moving. We're not leaving anyone behind."
Clarke spared you one last glance, mouthing a simple ‘sorry’ before walking away with Finn taking the lead of the group. Once they dispersed, you found yourself beside Wells, Bellamy, and Murphy not far behind. Seeking solace in conversation, you struck up a dialogue with him, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy. Every step felt heavy, the worry for Jasper gnawing at your insides.
The sound of a low groan reverberated through the trees, causing both you and Clarke to snap into action. Without a second thought, you both bolted towards the source of the noise. pushing through tangled foliage and dodging gnarled roots. You finally stumbled upon Jasper, his figure slumped against a rock.
Your heart twisted at the sight of him, “Jasper!” you screamed, looking over his battered and bloodied form. Jasper's wounds were covered, a makeshift bandage hastily applied by unknown hands. Jasper groaned aloud once more, relief flooded through you at the realization that he was alive.
Before you could reach him, the ground beneath your feet gave way, the earth crumbling beneath you in a sudden collapse. Clarke's scream pierced the air as she watched you disappear into the darkness below.
She stumbled backward, her eyes wide with fear, before collapsing to the ground herself. The rest of the group rushed to her side, their shouts of concern blending with the chaos of the moment.
In the midst of the commotion, Bellamy's strong grip closed around your arm, your heart leaped into your throat, you locked eyes with Bellamy just as you were about to plummet into the unknown depths below.
For a fleeting moment, there was something indecipherable in his expression, a hint of uncertainty perhaps, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
Before you could dwell on it further, you realized his attention was drawn to the wristband on your arm, and Bellamy's gaze flickered down to it for just a moment. Anger flared within you at the implication, and you snapped, "Let go, Bellamy!"
He hesitated, his grip on your arm tightening as if contemplating his next move. Panic overwhelmed you as you teetered on the edge of the pit, "I know you want to let go, Bellamy. Just do it already!" you snapped.
Bellamy's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze flickering briefly to your wristband before meeting yours again. Then, as if coming to a decision, he released you, allowing you to slip further into the spiked pit below.
Just as you were about to plummet into the abyss, Murphy's strong hand closed around your arm. The rest of the group rushed to your aid, their shouts of concern mingling with the chaos of the moment as they worked together to pull you back to safety.
With a collective effort, they hoisted you up from the brink, your heart pounding in your chest as you collapsed onto solid ground once more. Relief washed over you in a dizzying wave, but as you shot a glare at Bellamy, his gaze still lingering on you with an intensity you couldn't quite decipher.
Murphy and Finn rushed forward to help Jasper, you stayed back, still trying to steady your breathing after the near fall. The others scrambled to their feet, scanning the forest for any signs of danger. your eyes landed on Bellamy's gun lying on the ground nearby.
Before you could think twice, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending shivers down your spine. Your gaze shot back to the source of the sound just in time to see a sleek panther emerge from the brush, its predatory eyes fixed on Bellamy.
“Bellamy!” Clarke shouted. “Get the gun now!”
Bellamy reached in his waistband, feeling around for his gun coming up short. A look of confusion passed over his face as the panther crept closer to him. For a split second, you hesitated, your anger and resentment towards Bellamy flashing through your mind. ‘he doesn’t deserve to live.’  You thought. But against your better judgment, you lunged forward, grabbing the gun and aiming at the panther.
You fired off a shot, the sound echoing through the forest as the bullet found its mark. The panther let out a fierce roar before getting ready to strike again. You straightened your aim, stepping closer before firing another round. The panther collapsing to the ground with a loud, its threat neutralized.
Breathless and shaken, Bellamy turned to face you with an eyebrow raised. "Guess I owe you one," he replied, his tone laced with sarcasm.
“They're back!”
The gates of the camp swung open, allowing everyone to stream back through the camp, you found yourself lingering behind, lost in the tumult of your own thoughts. Memories of your mother, her accusing words, and the weight of her disappointment flooded your mind.
You recalled the countless times she had blamed you for her circumstances, her voice echoing in your head like a haunting refrain. The sharp sting of her words, the relentless yelling, and the coldness in her eyes all played vividly in your memory.
"You coming?" Bellamy's voice broke through your reverie, pulling you back to the present.
You glanced up, meeting his gaze briefly before looking away. "Yeah, I'll catch up," you replied tersely, your tone betraying the turmoil within. Your legs guided you without a second though, taking your place on a log settled by the fire, surrounded by the other delinquents. You let the warmth of the flames ease the tension in your shoulders.
Harper and Miller's banter provided a welcome distraction, their jokes and laughter cutting through the heavy atmosphere that hung over the camp. You found yourself drawn into their playful exchange, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you listened to their witty repartee.
"So, did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar? He got twelve months!" Harper said, laughing to herself while Miller poked the fire next to you.
"Oh man, that's almost as bad as your last joke!" Miller responded, shaking his head at her bad attempts at jokes.
You chuckled along with them, appreciating the light-hearted moment amidst the chaos of your situation. You caught yourself watching Bellamy, your eyes hazily looking over at the line forming in front of him.
"Next!" Bellamy shouted, while Murphy continued to break off the wristbands of each delinquent in line. You watched as he worked efficiently, his movements brisk and purposeful as he conducted his trade.
"Food for wristbands. One at a time, let's keep it moving."
Despite your lingering resentment towards him, you couldn't help but admire his resourcefulness and determination to provide for the group.
But when Bellamy's gaze briefly met yours, you couldn't bring yourself to accept his offer of food, instead choosing to remain seated by the fire, surrounded by the company of your fellow delinquents.
Every now and then, a knowing glint danced in your eyes, a subtle acknowledgment of the secret you held close. While Bellamy spoke with confidence, there was a hint of unease in his demeanor, a flicker of uncertainty that betrayed his facade of bravado.
It was clear to you that he didn't realize you were privy to his secret, the truth behind his presence on the dropship, the lengths he went to in order to secure his spot among the delinquents.
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bloodreinasbathwater · 4 months
The 100 Masterlist
this is just a remake, all of my old Bellamy Blake x Reader are discontinued because I am making a brand-new fic, everyone has seemed to find my work overtime and it feels wrong to not make new the 100 based work.
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Diana Sydney's daughter is sent to the ground with 99 other delinquents. While her mother schemes for power and destruction aboard the Ark, y/n must navigate the harsh realities of survival on the ground. As she confronts her own trauma and struggles to define her morality in the face of chaos, she grapples with the ultimate question: Will she rise above her past and choose the path of goodness, or will her mother's influence shape her destiny and lead her down a darker path?
Season 1
Part  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6.5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
Edge Of Exile
Bellamy Blake x Reader
As the ark struggles to establish a new home on Earth, Y/N, a prisoner from flint station seems to be the only one who can save them from themselves. the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous power struggle that threatens to tear the community apart. Faced with betrayal, deceit, and factions vying for control, Y/N must navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and rivalries.
parts - prologue,  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
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In the Bunker
will come come back to finish this
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The Other Side
John Murphy x Reader
A grounder marked as a spy for the commander is tasked with the case of gathering intel on a group of survivors that fell from the sky. Falling for a member of this foreign group leads the clan into bloodshed.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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