#abby x heath
tumb1rspectra · 10 months
Breaking News Boos!
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I, the crafty Tumblr Spectra, might be getting continuous information from thee Monster of all time, Garrett Sanders! No word yet, but hopefully in the future I’ll be able to get a few things confirmed here and their!
Once again I’d like to advise you Ghouls to submit any questions you might have for our lovely creator!
Farewell! I’m Tumblr Spectra, and I report the news.
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wernevergrowingup · 2 years
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She is sooooo tall
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purplehat39 · 1 year
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Low key me and my friend had a thirty min rant on how they did abby and heath dirty every integration after g2 , and I really like them as a couple so this.
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justelib · 5 months
Friday night frights - CLAWD WOLF PT 1
Plot; When Clawd, Gill and Deuce are injured in the Skulltimate Roller maze championships, and Heath, Manny and every other guy at monster high refuse to play, the Ghouls decide that they aren’t needed and formed an all girls group, hoping to cheer up Clawd and get their school spirit back. Marcel Dracula, Joins the Ghouls seeing as he was the only guy that didn’t refuse and he wanted to support Draculaura, His adoptive sister. Marcel was already one of monster highs Star SKRM players so to cheer up his wolfy boyfriend, he’d do anything…even if he’s secretly injured.
Character; Clawd wolf X Male!oc
Request open! I take x readers of any gender, and I don’t usually write canon x canon, but I will! And I also don’t do oc request unless I’m feeling it!
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Marcel Dracula marched down the halls of monster High, opening his locker and taking out the necessary books for his monster history class. He sighed dramatically when he realised a certain someone had put his messenger bag at the top of his locker, the Seventeen hundred year old being shorter then most of his vampire classmates, getting it from his human mothers side.
Marcel used his vampire powers, floating up five inches and grabbing his bag, landing gracefully and closing his locker, coming face to face with his sister.
“Walk with me to class?” Draculaura asked, tilting her head and holding her arm out for her adoptive brother.
“Don’t I always?” Marcel Chuckled, linking their arms and the two made their way to monster history. Draculaura was telling him how Clawdeen, her girlfriend, had gotten her a new make-up kit that fitted her perfectly. Marcel listened intently, keeping his eyes on his sister as she spoke, letting her manoeuvre them through the crowds of students.
“It’s seriously amazing, Clawdeen is so thoughtful.” Draculaura sighed dreamingly as she and Marcel got closer to Monster history. “There’s also an amazing eyeliner that you can have, I still have my last one.” Draculaura smiled at her older brother.
“Thank you.” Marcel grinned as he held open the door to their class, leaning against it to keep it open as a few more students entered behind him and his sister. He smiled at the students, heart shaped fangs flashing. Once the last of the students filed in, Marcel helped Draculaura down the stairs with one hand, both of their books in the other. When Draculaura got to her seat, he handed her books back before making his way to his own seat which was just in front of hers.
The raven haired boy set up his desk, setting his books in a neat pile, three pencils next to it along with a sharpener and two rubbers, he’s also had extras in his bag just in case. Marcel decided to scroll on his I-Coffin as he waited for class to start, his head leaning back against his sisters desk as she sketched out designs.
Marcel yawned as he stretched dramatically, finally making it out of the boring class, resting his arm on Draculaura’s shoulder as they made their way to the Creepeteria.
“I’ll see you in science.” Marcel smiled, waving at his sister as he made his way to the steak, knowing for a fact she’d refuse to even sit two chairs away from him. The vampire quickly got his lunch and made his way to His usual table, which had Clawd, Heath, Deuce and Gill. Marcel rested his hand on Clawds head, ruffling his hair as he sat next to the werewolf.
“Hello, boys.” He grinned, sticking a straw in his pouch of Apple Blood and taking a sip.
“Yo, Marcel!” Deuce grinned, fist bumping the Vampire.
“Hey, fang-dude.” Heath Laughed, reaching over to steal the red eyed boys cookie, only for his hand to be slapped away.
“Marcel.” Gill smiled, high-fiving the seventeen hundred year old.
“Marc.” Clawd smiled, kissing the boys cheek.
“What are we talking about?” The vampire asked, tilting his head.
“Just discussing the season of SKRM, we’re running practice after lessons.” Clawd smiled before taking a bite of his own steak.
“Ah, I’ll make sure to get my skates fixed before the games start then.” Marcel smiled.
“Fixed?” Clawd asked, tilting his head as he chewed.
“Yeah, the wheels are loose and…” Marcel paused, nervously chuckling. “They’re kinda falling apart.” The boys stopped what they were doing and stared at him. “I’ll get new ones before the games start, I swear, I’m just gonna have to practice with my old ones for now.” He rubbed the back of his head with a nervous grin.
“There’s no way I’m letting you practice on some busted Skates.” Clawd refused with a shake of his head. “You can borrow my spares.”
“Clawd, baby, I love you and i love that you care for my safety but we both know a pair of your skates won’t fit me.” Marcel chuckled, rubbing the werewolf’s ear, the wolf distractedly tapped his foot, leaning his head further towards Marcel before shaking his head, blinking and glaring playfully at the vampire.
“Aren’t you the same size as Draculaura? I’m sure she’ll have a pair of skates.” Clawd suggested.
“She has two pairs actually…yeah, alright, I’ll see if I can burrow one of her pairs…also, I don’t know if I should be insulted or not that you just compared my size to my younger sister who is like…4’11.“ Marcel raised a brow, staring as Clawd began to splutter. “I’m kidding.” He laughed, ruffling the world hair.
“You just have an adorably small shoe size.” Clawd grinned, wincing as he got a gentle slap in the head.
A month of practice and they’re now in the Championships, they were playing against the Gargoyles. Marcel dodged the flames, speeding up as he passed a gargoyle with quite long hair. Coming upon the bridge, jumping over a kraken tentacle, sliding under another. In came things that Marcel described as ‘rolling pins with spikes.’ Which he flew straight over. Marcel was just behind clawd and a gargoyle team member. Marcel watched in concern as the gargoyle growled, and shouted something to his teammates that he couldn’t understand. Grabbing what Marcel assumed was one of the cameras.
Marcel stumbled as deuce’s lasers turned the bat camera into stone, which the gargoyle threw at Gil, who dodged, only for it to come back like a boomerang, slashing at Gil’s skates. Gil fell back, taking deuce with him.
Heath and manny dropped in. Marcel was still behind clawd and the Gargoyle with blue hair, he watched as they shoved each other, resulting in the gargoyle on the ground. Marcel let out a cackle, only for it to turn into a scream as the gargoyle grabbed his ankle pulling the poor vampire boy down to the ground. His eyes glowed red as his head hit the cement, his ankle felt odd and he felt as if he was going to pass out, he didn’t even notice to two gargoyles come and help the blue haired one up. It was only until manny and Heath did the same that he realised his ankle was sprained, but he knew he couldn’t let monster high down, so he did what he usually does, he ignored the pain and kept skating.
Soon enough they were headed down the final tunnel, the captain of the gargoyles suddenly turned around and flashed a red cape at manny, causing him to go berserk, and charge at it, only to run straight into Heath. The two fell to the ground, only for a player from the gargoyles to trip over them also.
Clawd and the gargoyle captain were in the lead, Marcel could hear the cheering of his sister, and he knew they were going to win…that was until clawds wheels somehow came off of his skates, the wolf flew through the air, and Marcels own skates rolled over clawds wheel, falling flat on his face as he heard the gargoyles cheer over their winning.
Marcel walked beside clawd, who was being pulled away on a stretcher, glaring at the gargoyles who held the monster high crest with smug smiles.
The school was literally falling apart and everyone was miserable, Marcel could barely smile. Until he saw clawd, only for it to drop immediately, he glanced at the cone clawd had around his neck, along with the crutches and cast on his leg.
“Oh, clawd.” Marcel sighed. “The doctor said I’ll be in a cast for six weeks.” Clawd stated sadly.
“Well, that means Marcel Can stop worrying about you being sent to that farm they sent your grandmother to.” Draculaura revealed, causing her brother to send her an embarrassed look.
“I just can’t believe we lost.” Clawd sulked, “I let everybody down.”
“No, it was my fault, If I had watched were I was going, I could’ve won the game.” Marcel stated, patting clawds head.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, it was just one game, right?” Frankie tried to console them. “I mean, seriously, what’s wrong with everybody? It’s like a morgue in here, and not in a good way.”
“They took our crest, Frankie!” Clawd snapped unintentionally. “Our school spirit!”
“Soo, we’ll get it back when we play them again.” Frankie stated. “No biggie!”
“How?” Clawd growled. “We only have two healthy players!” He referred to Marcel and Heath, as manny had broke his arm. “Forget it!” Clawd lashed out, “there will be no more Skultimate roller maze this year! I am officially cancelling the season!” The whole hall gasped, including Marcel.
“Clawd, at least think about it! We can still do this-“
“No! It’s official. There will be no more SKRM this year.”
I’m actually so inlove with this! Please send in some monster high request also! I’ve been rewatching the movies and I’m absolutely obsessed again and really want to write more Clawd and Deuce!
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leveloneandup · 2 years
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Glennon Doyle, Tobin Heath, Christen Press, Abby Wambach | Reset the Table - Los Angeles
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wosostories · 1 month
Heath Sisters PT 4 (USWNT x Teen!Reader)
USWNT X Teen!Reader
Reader and Tobin spend some more time with the team.
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Part 4
As soon as the hotel room door closes Y/N wraps her arms around her sister and buries her head into her chest. 
“It’s ok Kid. It’s going to be ok.” 
“They were really loud.”
“I know.”
“Can we finish our nap now? Please.” Y/N's voice strained as she tried to keep herself from crying. 
“Ya kid we can. I’m sorry today has been so overwhelming for you.” Y/N just shook her head and curled up next to Tobin on the bed. 
It wasn’t too long after that Y/N was asleep again. Tobin, however, couldn’t fall back asleep. The only thing running through her mind was how she was going to get through the next two weeks without someone finding out about their pasts.
It was another hour later that Y/N started to stir. Calling out to her sister in the midst of a nightmare. “Toby… Toby. Make them stop. Please, make them stop. Toby…”
“It’s ok it’s ok. No one here is going to hurt you. You aren’t there anymore, I’ve got you.” Tobin pulled her sister into her lap and rested her head against her chest stroking her hair in hopes to calm her down. Tobin started rocking her when tears started streaking down her face. 
It took another few minutes for Y/N to open her eyes and willingly curl in further to her sister. 
“You want to talk about it?”
“No, how long till dinner?”
“About half an hour, we should start getting ready soon.”
Y/N nods against her sister, “A few more minutes?”
Tobin sits up and gathers her sister in her arms, “Whatever you want Y/N. Whatever you want.”
The sisters spend another 10 minutes snuggled into each other. Tobin sighs, “Come on kid, let's get ready for dinner. We don’t want to be late. Remember what they said earlier, you get all the good stuff if you get there first.”  
The sisters make their way out of bed and spend the next few minutes cleaning themselves up. 
“Do you think they’re going to yell again?” Y/N asks. 
“I don’t think so. They should have settled down at this point.” Y/N nods. They head down to the meal room. There are already a few members of the staff there when they arrive, but none of the team members. 
“I knew I made the right decision bringing you into the squad.” Jill commented following the sisters into the meal room. They gave her a confused look. Jill chuckled, “You are going to be the only one of the girls here on time, which confuses me to no end seeing as they all love food.” 
Jill continues to walk into the room and joins more of the training staff at their table. Tobin and Y/N make their way to one of the open tables and wait for the rest of the team and dinner to be served. The next one of the girls came in 5 minutes after dinner was supposed to start. It took another 10 minutes for the entire team to show up. As soon as the last two showed up, Kelley and Sonny, dinner was brought out. 
They ended up sitting with a couple of the more veteran players Krieger, Kilng, Becky, Abby, A rod, and Cheney. 
“Ah come on, I wanted to sit with the newbie.” Kelley complained as she finally made her way into the room. 
“Well then you should have been on time. Now sit down so we can eat.” Her captain told her. She grumbled her way to her own seat. 
“Have you gotten settled?” Kling asks them.
“Oh, uh ya. The rooms really nice. Had a great nap.” Tobin replies. 
“How about you Y/N? How are you settling in? You figured out your luggage situation yet?” 
“What luggage situation?” Becky asked. 
“Oh, the airport lost Y/N’s bag and sent it to florida. It wouldn’t arrive here in time before we went back so we just had them send it back home.”
“So Y/N doesn’t have any clothes?” 
“She’s got her soccer gear and she can just wear some of my stuff. It’s only a couple of weeks. So I guess you can say that we’ve got it all sorted.” 
“Two weeks is a long time to not have any clothes. We’ll have some time tomorrow after morning practice to go to the store. We can take the rental car coach won’t mind.” 
“No, that's ok.” Y/N just sits picking at her dinner as the older girls around her talk. The other girls at the table could tell that that conversation was over, and wanted to change topics quickly. 
“So Y/N your sister said you're a forward right?” Y/N nods. “What soccer player do you look up to the most?” A Rod questions.
“Toby. Who else?” 
“Ok I should have seen that one coming. Then who is your second favorite?”
“But you said she was your first favorite?” Cheney buts in. 
“No Tobin is the player I look up to the most, and my second favorite player.” Tobin chuckled at the serious tone her sister took on. 
“Ok so who’s your favorite player?” A Rod tries again. 
“I… don’t think I can say.”
“Why not?” Y/N doesn’t respond. “Are they someone on the team?” She blushes and looks down, but still doesn’t say anything.
“Holy shit it is. Now you have to tell us.” Abby demands. Y/N blushes even harder and shakes her head. “We won’t tell them. Unless it’s someone at this table.”
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alldancersaretalented · 3 months
Studio Switch List 2024/25
(also includes late season switches)
Link to "How many studio switches so far?"
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Jordyn Hay
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
B. Bernard C. Butler M. Caryl L. Caver E. Defoe K. Heath I. Lewis C. Nielson A. Peterson S. Peterson A. White
-> Kinetic Dance
Mary Anne Serpas
-> Mather Dance Company
Sally Schulz
-> N10 Dance Studios
Juliette Birchard Jonah Guzman
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Leila Pitcovich
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Beeta Barkhordar Harper Fish Bailee Hill Sky White
-> The Union (new studio!)
Veda and little sister Mia Weisz-Marin
-> Tribe Seven
Cate Block
3'N Motion Studio
-> BLA Dance Academy
Molly Weber Margaux Struble Chloe Todman
4th Street Dance Centre
-> Northern Force Dance Company
Hazel Brown Olena Brown
Adage Dance Center
-> K2 Studios
Dylan Kubo Aspen Walton
Adrenaline Dance Company
-> Prodigy Dance Studio
Bellarose Ramos
AE Dance Productions
-> The Company Space
Hazel Kinnick
All American Dance Factor
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Madison Virostek
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
-> Pave School of the Arts
Lily McFarland
AM Dance
-> Studio X
Brooklyn Abrams Alana Cato Asyah Lewis Baileigh McJimson Leiyah Nova
-> The K Project Dance Company
Aubrey Davis Jaden Gonzalez Rosalyn Gutierrez
Amirian Ballet Academy
-> Royal Danish Ballet School
Emma Crawford
Apples Dance Lab
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Payten Butler Sara Wren
Artistic Motion Dance
-> Abstraction Dance Company
Giselle Pilorin
-> Devotion The Movement
Sydney Duke Sunnie Pelant
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Zoe Baker GG Mier Katie Rosa Piper Ryder Tatum Ryder
Art Of Technique
-> The Washington School Of Ballet
Kaitlyn Brandely
Augusta West Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Zoe Lewis
Avanti Dance Company
-> CAP The Company
Natalie Jahn
-> Mather Dance Company
Hayden Goren Reese Goren
-> N10 Dance Studios
Saige Hibbard
-> West Coast School of the Arts
Eva Graziano
Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
-> Boston Ballet II
Sophia Jones
Bayer Ballet Academy
-> John Cranko Schule
Amelia Chen
Big City Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Alex Cyncewicz
Brava Dance
-> Westchester Dance
Emily Pierog
Burbank Dance Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Manuela De Souza
Cache Valley Civic Ballet
-> Creative Dance Academy
Kate Baldwin Sophia Baldwin
Camarillo Academy of Performing Arts
-> Bobbie's School of Performing Arts
Peyton Root Ryan Root
Canadian Dance Unit
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Quinn Powers
CanDance Studios
-> Club Dance Studio
Preslie Ball
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Colette Stutzman
-> The Union (new studio!)
Crystalyn Chesko
Carlsbad Dance Centre
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Ansel Mullick Camille Mullick Evelyn Mullick
Cary Dance Prudctions
-> Renner Dance Company
Marlee Thomas
CC & Co Dance Complex
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke Olivia Roberson
Centerstage Dance Academy
-> West Florida Dance Company
Ava Starr Rodriguez
Center Stage Dance Company
-> JBP Entertainment
Bianca Lewis
Center Stage Dance Gymnastics
-> The Fenyx Project
Arielle Miles
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Halston Fisher Oakley Fisher Tatum Fisher
Charliz Balicao Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Payton Mueller
Cincinnati Ballet Professional Training
-> Alabama Ballet
Caroline Love Jenna Renfield
City Ballet San Francisco
-> Boston Ballet II
Maddie Austin
CityDance Conservatory
-> Boston Ballet School II
Lucian DeBellis
CJ Dance Crew
-> Club Dance Studio
Madi Cole MaKinley Cole
Club Dance
-> ??
Ashton Wullbrandt
-> Dance Studio C
Gwyneth Woods
-> Elite Dance Pro
Madisyn Rose Amos Kennedy Cicerelli Abby Honstad Jaida Morin Payton Stowe
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Tilly Allen Brinley Bennett Brynlee Bulbulian Lainey Bulbulian Makena Cameron Pallas Chiste Olivia Clouse Kensley Colman Charlotte Cook Sophia Dasalla Avery Dunwell Lena Funk Mia Funk Jaycee Grant Kalista Greer Kanon Greer Kaylan Greer Oakley Hill Goldie Hill Birdie Hill Alaina Igleski Kaydence Lawton Arianna Mendez Callie Mendez Harper O'Malley Dannika Ren'ee Quiroz Tatem Robinson Leslie Soto Nicole Soto Tatum Strauss Kate Valentine Aubrey Williams
-> Illusion Dance Company
Madyson Barney
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Taeya Stosich Tinley Stosich
Complexity Dance Center
-> Vision Dance Alliance
Ava Dowling London Dowling
Concept Pavielle
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Siena Paradeau
Conservatory of Dance Arts
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Ella Andrews Sarah Blady Charlotte Dean Sophie Dean Calli Hollenbeck Lilly May Hartley Murla
Cypress Dance Project (closing!)
-> The Fenyx Project
Ahmya Tovar Jasleen Tovar
-> Tribe Seven
Avery Farris Gracelyn Harris Kyndle McCormick Frankie Miranda Mia Narvaez Tana Nickerson Evelin Peterson Lily Savarese Paislynn Schroeder Gabriella Slay Dalilah Soto Frankie Soto Kayla Tanea Abigail Wade Melody Thiel Rianna Weck Rosalie Wickman
Cypress Elite Dance Studio
-> The Fenyx Project
Charlie Mae
Dance Academy of State College
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Emma Girdany
Dance Arts Centre ATL
-> Dance Lab (new studio!)
Ryn Andersen Tarin Belizaire Izzy Bensinger Nina Kitchen Daniella Lerman Samantha Wilson
Dance Arts Centre
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Beckett Eberhard Britta Eberhard
Dance Connection 2
-> Club Dance Studio
Claire Pistor
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Jaxon Adamson Juliette Ridenour Scarlett Ridenour
Dance Connection Scottsdale
-> The Collective PHX
Madee Richardson
Dance Deluxe
-> Club Dance Studio
Dana Homes
-> Dance Connection 2
Kamryn Arnold
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Sunday Smith
Dance Dimensions PAC
-> The House Dance Complex
Sophia Hasson Victoria Safahi
Dance Enthusiasm
-> Murrieta Dance Project
Liciana Vun
-> Phunk Phenomenon Dance Studio
Landon Indeglia
Dance Exposure 2
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Morgan Wendt
Dance FX
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper
Dance Inc Company
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Lauren Allan
Dance Lab OC
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Maggie Till
Dancemark Studio
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Katie Bishop
Dance Republic
-> Club Dance
Annabelle Greenamyer Scottie Greenamyer Abigail Patton
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Kaia Roseland
Dance Studio C
-> Elite Dance Pro -> Dance Connection 2
Charlotte Rathjen
-> Impact Dance
Maizey Miller Savannah Miller
Dance University
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Olivia Cherpak Stella Cherpak Chiara Siragusa Mila Steven
Dance Unlimited Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Mila Talab
The Dance Zone
Katelyn Miranda
-> The Living Dolls Dance Factory
Olivia Martinez
Dance Unlimited Colorado
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Fiona McDonald
Dance Vision
-> Becky Nalevanko's Dance Studio
Aria Telander
-> Academy of Nevada Ballet
Naya Fowler
-> The Rock
Brielle Bonas Parker June
-> Club Dance
Kelsey Jackman Makayla Jackman
-> DC Dance Factory
Kendall Kolodge
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Vida Lemos
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Haley Bertino
-> North County Academy of Dance
Ella Nani Knight
-> Pave San Diego
Paisley Publico Polly Jo Publico
Dancers Edge
-> Club Dance
Emerson Van Houten
Dancers World Production
-> K2 Studios
Claire Zhang
Dance Vision
-> The Academy
Cece Nguyen
Dansations Competition Team
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Brady Horne
DC Dance Factory
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Harper Bowen
Dellos Dance Academy
-> The Academy
Kendall Krajewski
Diverse Elements
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Kenna Bonhote
-> Dance Connection 2
Peyton Whited
Divine Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kallie Niday
DMdance Company
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Kinsley Gainer Taylor Jenkins Tyler Jenkins
Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Clara Riggs
-> Boston Ballet II
Pavel Kulev
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Summer Lily
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> San Francisco Ballet School
June Freeman
-> Westside Dance Project
Fiona Poth
DNA Dance Creatives
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Jackson Ruekert
Drapers Center for Dance Education
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Rhauri Samuels
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Samuel Gauss
Dynamic Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Crupi
Dynamic Dance Refinery
-> New Level Dance Company
Sophia Hernandez-Gonzalez
Elektro Dance Academy
-> Dance Deluxe
Alexis Gizzo
-> Eternal Dance Company
Madyson Koch
-> LA Dance
Kinsey Joan
-> The Collective PHX
Julianna Aispuro Tenley Anthony
Elevate Dance Academy
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Sidney Sullivan
Elite Classical Coaching
-> Academie Princess Grace
Morgan Ligon
-> Royal Ballet School
Izzy Keesee
Elite Dance PAC
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Lillie Lanier
Elite Dance Pro
-> Club Dance
Peyton De La Cerda Mila Michael Lucia Piedrahita Sophia Schiano River Segerman
-> Rhythm Dance Complex
Gavin Schwarze
-> The Collective PHX
Alexa Schwarze
Elite Feet Artists Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Norah Hurley
Elise Flagg Academy Of Dance
-> Central PA Youth Ballet
Ella Wilke
Ellison Ballet
-> ABT Junior Co
Victoria Papakalodouka
Encore Dance Arts
-> The Collective PHX
Laila Faith
Eternal Dance Company
-> CanDance Studios
Alaina Martinez
-> Gateway Dance Center
Juniper Wakefield
Evoke Dance Movement
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Eleanor Bullock Lucia Jade Frazier Emmy Claire Khaiden Tayah Klimuck Dylan Schaffer Maya Steinman
Evolve 26
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Blayklee Balthazar
Evolve Dance Complex
-> CCJ Conservatory
Cami Vorhees
-> Power Dance Company
Maya Rogers
Evolution Dance Center
-> North County Academy Of Dance
Presley McGraw
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Casey Archibald Liv Barrelli Karisma Colyan Kirrana Colyan Ava Cucker Elyse Dueler Alli Esposito Avery Fumillari Sofia Galati Joya Garner Sofia Gorman Kendall Hensley Kaylie Koehnen Brianna Lee Isla Marshall Emma MacKay Everly McGraw Ellie Miles Avril Overlock Drew Overlock Danielle Smart Kirra Stradwiser Vivienne Tolentino Lyla Yuceit Brooke Zamoff Shayne Zell
Expressions Dance & Music
-> Tribe Seven
Francesca Casaretto Gabi Woods
Fearless Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Marilyn Castaneda
Flashdance Studio
-> Houston Ballet Academy
Patricio Lopez
FLEX Dance and Fitness
-> The Southern Strutt
Grace Marvella
Freckled Frog Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Vallerina Athena
Fusion Dance Force
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Emily Deal Abigail Monahan Abby Rodriguez
Fusion Studios
-> Mather Dance Company
Brooke Kim Mariana Simoes
Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
-> Dance Deluxe
Bradley Kawa Breckyn Kawa
Gotta Dance Company AZ
-> The Collective PHX
Avah Gonzalez Gabriella Gonzalez Valencia Gonzalez
Gotta Dance Company CA
-> Stars Dance Studio
Tristan Jones
Greenwich Conservatory of Classical Ballet
-> Dance Town
Cassie Coughlin
-> Mather Dance Company
Lydon Thach
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hart Academy of Dance
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hathaway Academy of Ballet
-> somewhere in the Netherlands
Kennedy Kahler
Heart & Sole Performing Arts
-> Gotta Dance Company
Leigha Jessee
Hollywood Ballet School
-> United Ballet Academy
Isobel Lehman
Houston Ballet Academy
-> Boston Ballet
Sam Stampleman
-> Boston Ballet II
Michael Dadlez Layla Porter
Hudson Dance Academy
-> Avanti Dance Company
Melody Garcia
Hyphen Conservatory
-> Mather Dance Company
Makaela McCosar
iBallet Studio
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Aviva Brock
Impact Dance
-> Club Dance Studio
Bostyn Thomas Holland Thomas Presley Thomas
In Motion Dance Project (closing)
-> ??
Mila Bonilla Anniston Clarke Adrienne Diaz Bella Flores Mia Flores Lily Holbrook Isabella Luciano Mali Photnetrakhom Madeline Terry Joey Webber
-> Dance Universe
Ellie ?
-> Marshall Ellis Dance School
Renee Forseth
-> New Dimensions Dance
Annalee Ramb
-> Starz Dance Company
Elissa Loryn Sadie Moore Isabella Peixoto
-> Orlando Ballet School
Sylvie Rock
-> Underground Movement
Lila Blood Kristyeliz Laureano Valerie Santana Izzy Warren
-> Xplosive Dance Academy
Levi Caicco Valeria Luciano Isabella Quartaro Olivia Rock Abigail Torres Adeline Vozza
Innovate Dance Studios
-> Avanti Dance Company
Pressly Loomis
Inspire Dance Complex
-> K2 Studios
Eliana Guzmán Isabela Guzmán Cali Rucker Arrow Yarbrough
Inspired Movement Dance
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Brooke Toro
Intensity Dance Academy
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Lydia Onder Bryn Onder
Intensity Dancer's Studio
-> Dance Town
Nicole Losada
In The Spotlight Dance Studio
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Quinn Caroline
JBP Entertainment
-> BLA Dance Academy
Ashton Kinsleigh
JDI Dance Company
-> 4PM Dance
Addelyn Muesso
Jean Leigh Academy of Dance
-> Tari's School of Dance
Stella Vince
Joffrey Ballet School Texas
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Ella Waitz
Jump Dance Company
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Natalie Boone Reese Gilman Chloe Mullins Claire Sorensen Addison Weimann
Jun Lu Performing Arts
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Athena Hu
Just off Broadway
-> Club Dance Studio
Kaia Erby
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Sadie Daniels
-> Stars Dance Studio
Zoe Swope
K2 Studios
-> ??
(Jessica Sutton) (Rebecca Sutton)
-> Studio X
Jeanne Garcia Zoey Garcia
-> The Academy
Kynzli Reece
Kaos Dance Elite
-> The Company Space
Taylor Smith
Kat & Co
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Anthony Labritz
Katies Dance Connection
-> Elite Danceworx
Taya Osso
Kick Dance Studio
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Violet Kolb
Kinetic Dance
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Catherine Owen
Kozmic Edge
-> Q3 Dance Company
Angelina Mendez
LA Dance AZ
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Syvon Stokes
Larkin Dance Studio
-> Studio 4
Lola Boisen
-> Concept Pavielle
Grace Sullivan
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Savannah Manzel
Legacy Dance Productions
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Mckenna Gerrits
Legacy Productions Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Emily Pina
Lovett Dance Center
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Logan Macy
Major Productions Studio of Dance
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Hailey Schneider
Master Ballet Academy
-> Ballet West
Melanie McIntire
-> Club Dance Studio
Hazel Silverman (also continues training at MBA)
-> John Cranko Schule
Gracie Kirkwood Lillian Rossman
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Keagan Pickett
Mather Dance Company
Mia Santiago Savy Witeck
-> The Academy
Eliana Weiss
Mekka Dance Project
-> Tribe Seven
Ainsley Scott
Meta Fair Burns Dance
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Kylie Dalrymple
Miami City Ballet Pre-Pro
-> Boston Ballet II
Olivia Santos
Miami Dancity Studios
-> Stars Dance Studio
Sabrina Lorente
Michelle's Dance Xplosion
-> Nor Cal Dance Arts
Jaxon Albano
Michigan Dance Alliance
-> Artflux Dance Lab
Mattie Mair Millie Morante
Milele Academy, LLC
-> DC Dance Factory
Eisley Beer
MJ's House of Dance
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Kiley Holgerson Ava Azzaretto Caiden Boltz Cassidy Boltz
Monterey Peninsula Ballet Theatre
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Harper Palmer
Move By Morrelli
-> Artistic Fusion Dance
Lilianna Hales
Murrieta Dance Project
-> K2 Studios
Jaedon Diaz Kloey Diaz
MVP Elite
-> 3'Motion Dance Studio
Mackenzie Mucha Madison Mucha
N10 Dance Studios
-> ??
Ariella Truong
-> 4PM
Jordan Eskenazi
-> Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Avery Margarita
-> Premier Youth Dance Academy
Clara Han
-> Project 21
Annie Hu Madison Ng
New Level
-> Stars
Kenny Braga Reese Braga
NJ Center of Dance
-> The Vision Dance Complex
Bella Baldino
No Limits Dance Company
-> CCJ Conservatory
Rylie Sickles
Northern Force Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Aria Johnson Sloane Johnson
North Shore Dance Academy
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Juliana Desilets Ellie Fanning Sophie MacKenzie Callie Wilkins Molly Wilkins
-> ??
Sarah Kuy
-> K2 Studios
Amelia Faizi Ella Montano
-> Mather Dance Company
Mila Malone Sierra Yen
-> Nebraska Dance
Sophia SantaMaria
-> Project 21
Reese Arkin Valeria Ochoa
-> Studio X
Jordyn Rockett
On Pointe Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Giuliana Bressler
Orlando International School of Dance
-> Starz Dance Company
Layla Jordan
Palm Beach Academy of Dance Arts
-> Dance Universe
Hattie Selene
Panama City Dance Academy
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Maisie-Rose Burkey
Paula Carr Dance Academy
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Eliza Gee
Pave School of the Arts
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Addyson Paul
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Quinn Briscoe
-> Mather Dance Company
Alexa Rauth Ava Rauth
Kennedy Bush
-> Project 21
Stella Fisk Liv Matson
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Kenzie Arrendondo Talia Ayumi Gemma DeSola Kinsley Dunn Kassidy Dunn Ellie Iwamoto James Iwamoto Harper Fisk Marlowe Fisk Tatum Fisk Kirsten Jeslyn Kailey Longshore Kassidy Luong Sophia Monje Alexa Paul Goli Ranekouhi Rylee Stabeck Isaiah Wang Hadley York
-> South County Dance
Hayden Calder
Perception Dance
-> Premier Dance
Madison Smith
Perfect Pointe Dance
-> Studio X
Danya Chang
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School
-> Ballet West Academy
Carina Fulop
Platform Dance
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Arielle Michalak
Precision Dance Conservatory
-> Dance Universe
Teagan Sanchez
Premier Youth Dance Company
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Greysen Fowler-Allen
Prestige Dance Institute
-> Renner Dance Company
Kensley Phillips
Profusion Talent
-> Studio X Dance Complex
Dallas Soffel
Project 21
-> ??
Ally Choi Airi Dela Cruz
-> CAP The Company
Dillon Barron
-> CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen
-> Stars Dance Studio
Leilani Lawlor
-> Westside Dance Project
Makeila Bartlett
Project Performer
-> Pave San Diego
Nora Aminlari
Renner Dance Company
-> Club Dance Studio
Ania Siri Olivia Siri
Republic Edge Dance Company
-> Tribe Seven
Adalynn Delaney Alayna Jeneva Cali Lynch Aubrey Warren
Revolution Dance
-> Dance Zone
Kaylin Gabosch
Rize All
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Carissa Chueng Roxanna Chueng
-> Natiomas Dance Method
Ayla Polendav
-> University Cheer Force
Addelyn Skube
Rockly Mountains Ballet Academy
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Shylee Sagle
Russian Masters Ballet
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Sheridan Stone
San Clemente Dance
-> Variant Movement
Alana Ting
SFLA Dance Complex
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Addison Parker
Skyra Studios
-> Mather
Sienna Morris
Sol Studio SSD (closing!)
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Phoebe Fatula Hayden Goebel Makenna McGrath Lily Parraga Riley Platenberg Gabby Reiss Tiffany Robinson Keira Segal
Soul Studio Dance
-> West Florida Dance Company
Callie Ludtke
South County Dance
-> K2 Studios
Paige Garrett Reese Garrett
-> Mather Dance Company
Gabby Campos
Southland Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Alisa Xu
-> Pacific Dance
Natalie Chiang
South Tulsa Dance Co
-> Next Step Dance
Allyn Green
Stage One Dance Studio
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Katie Kim
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
-> Perception Dance
Jacey Erwin Kinley Winn
Steps N Motion Dance
-> K2 Studios
Aspen Roberts
Studio 1 Dance Academy
-> Club Dance
Hadley Taylor
-> The House Dance Complex
Lyla Martin
Studio 4
-> Larkin
Elle Boudewyns Reese Ottney Leah Pribyl Vera Souvannavong
Studio 19 Dance Complex
-> Elite Dance By Damian
Alexis Crystal
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Carina Simone
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kaitlyn Allen
Studio 702
-> The Rock
Peyton Nowacki Addison Price Hailey Stuck Taylor Stuck
Studio Bleu Dance Center (closing!)
-> ??
Kristin Mitchell
-> Art of Technique
Abigail Daisy Olivia Rosiek Chloé Le Pettigrew Victoria Zhang
-> Cerdafied Dance Studios
Nick Shalin
-> CityDance Conservatory
Kennedy Thompson
-> Dance Academy of Loudoun
Madelyn Cuttin Addie She
-> Enchanted Stage
Lily Mendoza Ellie Myers Mina Oemler
-> Ignite The Light Performing Arts
Zion Landis
-> LM Premier Dance
Grace Wright
-> Mission Dance Project (new studio!)
Lily Carmello Ava Doell Aubrey Franklin Kayleigh Jo Ellie Myers Brianna Norgrove Emily Parinello Brooklyn Smith Stella Tullio Jessica Zhang
-> NOVA Elite Dance Alliance
Nicole Ocean
-> Rise Dance Center
Kennedy Mirabella Maddy Mirabella
-> TDC Dance
Ja Pelle Nayeli Wilder
-> The Dance Lab VA (new studio!)
Leilah Bell Lily Rae Bolno Audrina Brudner Bellatrix Castillo Isabella Plotczyk Ashlan Scheide Mina Terry Gina Zhang
Studio G Dance Company
-> Art In Motion Conservatory of Dance
Madilyn Rexrode
-> Artistic Edge
Devin Dalmolin
Summer's Danceworks
-> The Union (new studio!)
Cienna Fernow Ellah Perry
Summit Dance Shoppe
-> Concept Pavielle
Gabriella Maggitt Carrigan Paylor
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Lucy Mae Dunn
Synergy Academy Utah
-> Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Corra Blake
Tapio School of Dance and Gymnastics
-> CCJ Conservatory
Landry Leon
TDA Prep
-> Exhibit 3 Dance
Avery Maycunich
Temecula Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Bailey Dalton
Texas Academy of Dance Arts
-> Tribe Seven
Gatsby Lasala Quinlyn Lasala
The Academy
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Ella Carlson
-> K2 Studios
Laci Stoico
-> Mather Dance Company
Bella Puskar
-> The Next Big Thing Academy
Peyton Barron
-> The Platform Dance Studio
Malia Williams
-> YYC Dance
Kinsley Oykhman
The Art of Classical Ballet
-> Hollywood Ballet School
Kya Massimino
Theatre Arts
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Hallee Francisco
The Ballet Clinic
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Sarina Rosenblum
The Center Stage Dance Studio
Blakelyn Scifres
The Collective PHX
-> CanDance Studios
Sasha Landreaux
-> Club Dance Studio
Ellie Laird Zoie Laird
-> Elite Dance Pro
Alivya Alfonso
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Breckyn Kawa -> Dance Deluxe Bradley Kawa -> Dance Deluxe
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Mila Hiatt
-> The Union (new studio!)
Addy Gaffney
-> Studio X
Kinley Cunningham
The Dance Academy of Puyallup
-> The Company Space
Isabella Scandale
The Dance Centre NJ
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Savanna Grae
The Dance Complex
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Maddyn Bauermeister Henley Raak
The Dance Institute
-> Stars Dance Studio
Maribel Weishaar
The Dance Scene
-> Studio X
Desi Alcala
The Dance Space
-> Tribe Seven
Penelope Church
The Dance Spot
-> Danceology
Alessandra Escobar-Moeller
-> Mather Dance Company
Kennedy Molino
The Element Dance Center
-> The Academy
Sunnie Stanley
The Living Dolls Factory
-> Legacy Dance Studio
Lilliana Gonzalez
The Movement Complex
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Reich
The NINE Dance Academy
-> Canadian Dance Company
Shaunaughsey Meagher
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Evelyn Rego Ivy Mae Rego
The Platform Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Kaydence Mardis
-> Dance Connection 2
Jordyn Castle
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Clara Lawless Lily Lawless Stella Lawless Arielle Michalak Charlotte Reese
The Rage Dance Complex
-> Studio 1 Dance Academy
Tennasyn Faith Giselle Miranda
The Rock Center For Dance
-> ABT Junior Co
Crystal Huang
The Southern Strutt
-> CCJ Consevatory
Annsley Huff
The Talent Factory
-> K2 Studios
Ileana Cruz Sienna Legitt Natalie Pan Quinn Pan
The Vision Dance Alliance
-> New Jersey Ballet Company
Kennedy Anderson
The Why Movement
-> Tribe Seven
Grace Gerszewski
Titanium Arts Lab
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Julliana Gould
Trademark Dance Academy
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Braelynn McKenna
Variant Movement
-> New Level Dance Company
Gabby Terschluse
Way 2 Move - Dance & Movement
-> Dance Town
Alexa Oviedo
West Coast Dance Complex
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Emily Bach
West Coast School of the Arts
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Rebeca Gomez Garza
West Florida Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Ella Dobler
-> The Southern Strutt
Macey Strickland
WestMet Classical Training
-> Sarasota Ballet School
Madelyn Murphy
Westside Dance Project
-> ??
Diana Kouznetsova Isabella Kouznetsova
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Esme Chou Olivia Marquez
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Izzy Howard
Woodbury Dance Center
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Kylie Roach
Xtreme Dance Studio
-> The Rock School
Blake Metcalf
-> Project 21
Emma Walters (also continuing training at YLAB)
Your Haven Dance Company
-> West Florida Dance Co
Kylee Kay
Youth American Ballet Company
-> Boston Ballet II
Natalie Cardona
125 notes · View notes
yeeterthek33per · 7 months
Kissin' and Kickin' Charm (Glódís Perla Viggósdóttir x reader)
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A/n not requested, but this woman does not get the love she deserves, so I'm making it happen.
Munich is a hell of a lot different than home.
Of course, you expected that, you aren't stupid...
Not entirely anyway.
There's a charm to the city. A much different one than the small Texan town you're used to, but it's a homely charm, if any.
A much broader, explorative city with ins and outs, beautiful buildings, and on the outskirts, something you've come to realise you feel more at home in than the city, areas with wide open flatlands and albeit manmade, forested areas.
It's definitely a big city, with many towns and a lot of diverse structuring.
It's a lot.
But it's your new home.
At least for the next three years, anyway.
You imagine yourself at home in the ranch right now.
Kicking up dirt, green grass and if you're really lucky, mud and puddles. All of that on your horse, Sweets, that you got for your tenth birthday.
In fact, you'd be there right now, at home on the ranch, if it wasn't for one teeny tiny detail.
For whatever reason, that was the sport your child brain picked to become your newest obsession. Except, it never stopped being that way. You lived and breathed it.
It surprised the hell out of your parents.
They'd never imagined their little, quiet, leather boots, horseback riding, ranch loving daughter kicking around a soccer ball.
But that's what you wanted.
And that's what you did in your spare time.
At first, they were adamant you didn't play it. They refused, insisting that if you wanted to get into any sport, it had to be either American football or horse riding.
But after sneaking home a ball to boot around for the umpteenth time, they relented, letting you take it on.
And take it on, you did.
It got to the point where you were severely outclassing the only all boys teams in your tiny town.
Enough so that someone visiting, who happened to have the right associations, scouted you for the youth academy in Houston.
You went up through the academy, which survived despite the rise and fall of the women's league in the US several times.
Eventually, you were contracted for the first time at eighteen.
It was a big deal.
Small town girl makes her first appearance for the big leagues and despite your parents earlier disappointment in your choice of career, they were now prouder than ever watching you take on the world.
Of course, with that growth, came your first call up to the national team at age nineteen.
That little tidbit had your Mama crying harder than the day you were born. She couldn't have been prouder to see you represent your country.
Playing amongst the likes of legends like Tobin Heath, Heather O'Reilly and even Abby Wambach for a short period, you thrived.
The immense pressure was nothing like you'd ever felt, and you loved it.
Even as reserved as you are, you love a good challenge.
With the call-up, the demand to have you increased, and eventually, at the age of twenty-four, you, rather tearfully, said goodbye to the Dash and moved to Portland to join your national teammates, Sonnett and Horan.
You've spent the past four years there, although you aren't the biggest fan of the city life. You loved the soccer fanbase.
The thorns are well loved by the people in the city and some of the greatest players you've known, to date, play for them.
Of course, playing with the greatest players of all time means you yourself catch the attention of overseas scouters.
It's not the first time it's happened.
Every year, you get calls from your manager letting you know about the offers from clubs in countries you'd never dreamed of seeing before.
That being said, you'd always turned them down, not wanting to leave your home country just yet.
Until now, that is.
When the offer from FC Bayern came through, you just knew.
You knew you had to do it, had to take that chance.
"So what do we say, Y/n?"
"... Tell I'm in if they've got a heated pitch and air-conditioning."
Had your manager chuckling at that.
Taking the time to dig into the team a bit, you end having a look at the team list.
You know the names of a few of the players there, but you'd not formally met them yet, only meeting them once or twice on the pitch.'
One name stuck out in particular though.
Of course it did, she's the captain.
Your new captain.
But there's something you admire about the Icelandic woman that immediately grabs at your soul and you end up taking the time to look up her highlights.
The perseverance, the constant drive to do better and to lift up her teammates around her.
The perfect defence with constant push and pull, defensive manoeuvres and just an overall brick wall of a woman.
The perfect captain.
So when you meet her for the first time, you're a little starstruck.
Sure, you'd done your research in advance, but actually meeting the sweetly voiced Nordic woman has you anxious in your boots beyond measure.
When Glódís meets the new signing, she's a little thrown off.
She knew you were American, that you were from Texas and that you most likely had a very different upbringing to the lifestyle you lived now, but the immediate southern charm that flows through your natural southern drawl has her a little flustered.
She doesn't expect the charming smile or the way you call her ma'am and warmly shake her hand, expressing, rather sheepishly, your excitement to meet her.
"It's lovely meetin' you, Ma'am. I've heard a lot about everything you've done for this club and your country. It's incredible, actually, not to sound too much like I'm kissin' up here, but really."
Your head ducks a little, cheeks reddening at your own rambling.
It's adorable, she decides.
"You talk me up a lot for someone of her own incredible skill."
Her smile widens at the way your cheeks darken further under her teasing compliment.
"Oh, I mean, that's... it's not everything I want to achieve. It feels like I've had it a little easier than a lot of the ladies I've seen and played with and known personally. I'm just excited to be here and to get to be a part of something this big. With y'all, at that."
"We're glad to have you on board with us, then. I think you'll fit right in here. The girls have been begging me to let them in the door for the past thirty minutes while you were doing the contract signing."
She gestures to the windowed door to the room, which, with a quick glance, you spot the eagerly waiting players, grinning and waving like kids at you.
It makes you feel a little more anxious now.
Such big names in German and international football and here they are, giddily waiting for you to finish your media duties and finally get to meet little old you.
It feels surreal.
When you turn back to the captain, she's already smiling warmly back at you, and after the okay from you and the management in the room, they let them in.
It's almost too much, the way they all excitedly introduce themselves despite in many cases not having to, with the way you get flustered as you know them well already, having maybe, quite possibly also looked the rest of them up in a bit more detail, purely out of nervousness.
Also, the friendliness of it all.
Normally, with new signings at Portland, it always felt super cold and competitive, definitely a lot colder in the introductions, done during training rather than in a room on the campus.
Of course, after a couple of months, the players did warm up to you, but there's always the cold air about the veterans on the team, all of them wary of you and your abilities.
Always the stress of having your position on the team ousted by the new and shiny youngins for so much as running the wrong way.
Here, in Munich, Germany, in the clubs training facility, in a meeting room, your new clubs teammates welcome you with warm open arms, an air of bubbly enthusiasm and many, many hugs rather than the cold and firm handshakes you're used to.
You recognise a few of them, particularly Magdalena, a regular opponent from Sweden and her national teammate Linda, as well as of course, the German players, the English player, Georgia and Jill Baijings, a member of the Dutch National Team you'd faced just months before at the World Cup.
Regardless of the rivalry held at the international level, they're surprisingly warm, quickly dragging you into hugs themselves.
At least, it's surprising for you.
It feels different here.
It is different here.
You find yourself leaning into it more and more, the more you chat with the team.
It goes on for an hour or so before you're dragged away for more media duties.
The girls are rather reluctant to let their new friend go, waving you goodbye with warm smiles, but small pouts as their chuckling captain ushers them from the room, leaving you with one last grin and a wink that sends heat to your cheeks and shivers down your spine.
You'll be damned.
That just happened.
"She's so cute! I love her accent. She's so sweet with the way she talks too."
The gushing from Giulia is quickly resounded by the other's around her.
"Right? The way she kept calling us Ma'am and Miss. It's too sweet. And her accent, it's so smooth."
"Oh my god, I know Americans aren't the most well known for being nice to listen to, but I listen to her talk all day."
"She's really good too, I've seen her highlights."
There's a few small gasps and protests from around the room.
"Oi! Syd! Why haven't you shown us yet?"
"Hold on, let me just -"
"Guys! Seriously, what the hell are you doing? I've been looking for you for ages. Put the phone away, you all have training to do."
The resounding voice in the changeroom comes from a stern looking Glódís. She's normally quite gentle toned with them, but they were taking far too long to get out on the pitch, leaving their captain wondering where the hell half her team was.
"But we want to see how good Y/n is, Syd's got the highlights here."
"No, you can see how good she is when she joins us for training after her medical assessment. Now come on, or you'll be running laps for making the rest of the team wait on you all."
There's groans of disappointment, but to their rather swift credit, they do promptly exit the changeroom and make their way to the pitch where an also stern looking Alexander Straus is waiting for them, the team's manager, followed closely by Glódís, who's small smile contradicts her rolling eyes and annoyed head shaking.
When you do join them, you're quickly grabbed by Glódís, the captain having unofficially ruled that any new signings get paired with her first to properly welcome them to the team, and to also get them settled into her captaincy style and to adapt them to the dynamic of the team.
It's a way to get you properly integrated into the very familial like nature of it all.
Glódís seems very much like the mother of the team. All of them best friends but very much like siblings and but a few of the other older women taking the younger one's under their wings as parental figures on their own.
You figure it as a way to keep some semblance of structure amongst the chaos of the team.
The captain, it seems, is at the head of this, ensuring all of them work well together, the team is lifted for their triumphs, and picked back up with every miscalculated cross and shot, and dragged back onto their feet after every tackle or mistimed step.
Training with Glódís is intense, a good kind of intense. You find yourself enjoying the calculated, focused nature of her defensive manoeuvring.
But it's also warm, the occasional chatter between you leaving you both laughing at the other person's jokes and small mishaps as you settle in.
Her giggles are nothing if not contagious, and you can't help the grin that grows more and more the more you spend time with her.
It doesn't go unnoticed by the others, them taking note of the way their normally much more drill oriented captain has relaxed a bit.
Of course, she's friendly, smart, smiley and very much welcoming, but she's never been this laid back during drills, especially not when she's always expecting to set precedents with the new signings.
But this was definitely different to that.
The lingering touches, hip bumps and tone of laughter are different from the ones she's always held with the rest of the team. It's a little lighter, more giggly and full of a tone they themselves hadn't heard from her.
It was startling to see, nearly.
Glódís was... flirting?
Intentional or not, they didn't know, but it was definitely a flirty tone.
Not that you could tell, bless your oblivious self. You had no idea.
You matched the tone of lightness, of course. But you weren't picking up on everything else, thinking she's just naturally like that.
A very friendly captain.
The other girls know otherwise though, and the knowing looks they share later when your cute celebration after managing to meg the brick wall of a captain has her smirking slightly at your adorableness.
One thing she notices is that the more excited you get, the more your accent comes out.
It's adorable, she realises.
The second training isn't much different to the first.
You don't pay it much attention outside of friendliness, but Glódís takes a quick liking to you, now having claimed you for all paired warmups and drills.
Occasionally, you get stolen away every once in a while, leaving you feeling very much like the cool kid on the block.
There's something else, though.
It's in the way the Icelander smiles at you. It's in the way she hugs you every time you score in a mini game.
You brush it off, thinking, once again, she's just being friendly.
But it's a thought that sits in the back of your mind anyway.
You feel like it's a glimmer of hope. You're not sure what for or why but it's there.
Maybe it's a sign of a great friendship blooming.
That's what it is.
Ever since that, it's been amazing training with the team.
Your first match is just weeks after signing.
Your first minutes come as a sub for Klara in the sixtieth minute.
And it's not too long after that that you score your first goal for the club against Leipzig.
It's a beauty too.
A long range effort after a foward pass to Pernille is rebounded back to you.
It was an accident really.
You were aiming for the head of Lea but instead it curls a little more than you intend it to and it bends into the upper right corner of the netting, far past the outstretched gloves of the Swiss keeper, Elvira Herzog.
It feels a little silly, but you can't help the blush when you feel your captain hug you super tightly and lift you up in celebration.
"Let's go, that's our girl!"
It's been two months with the team and two and a half living in Germany. You've got a small cottage in the outer district of Munich, with enough yard to set up small drills and other various exercises.
There's been plenty of outings for you, finding yourself socialising far more than you used to back in Portland.
You don't hate it, though.
The whole team has been nothing but sweet to you, and it seems they're already attached, each player having dragged you on outings themselves, whether it be individually or with groups of them.
You're not sure why they've taken quite such a liking, but you think it might have something to do with the fact they keep asking questions for you and you alone to answer, or just anything to get you to talk, really.
You don't mind it. Bless 'em.
They're already like family to you.
Tonight is no different when it comes to being dragged to outings and team bonding nights.
Only this time, it's to a club in central Munich, having been allowed a little freedom given they dont a match this weekend. You yourself don't drink much, but some of the other girls do, so they've let loose, of course, under the watch of their captain and a few of the older girls acting as designated drivers.
There's a small nudge to your shoulder where you're leaning against a standing table.
"Hey you."
You'd recognise that sweet voice anywhere, humming as you turn to the suddenly appeared Glódís at your side.
"Well, hello, having fun there, Sweetheart?"
Glódís' lips perk up at your words.
She takes a glance at the cup in your hand.
"Not drinking much? You can let loose a bit tonight, I'm letting you guys off the hook for tomorrow's training. Once in a lifetime opportunity L/n."
She winks at you, and you smile at her, amused.
You shake your head when she nods towards your still half full glass of vodka and soda.
"Nah, I want to be able to get up tomorrow, training or not."
She chuckles, nodding in agreement.
"Oh, to be young and dumb enough to drink like that once upon a time."
"Don't say it like that. You're only twenty-eight."
You huff playfully.
"Please, you and I both know neither of us would make it out alive if we-"
She cuts herself off, gesturing to the very rowdy girls taking another round of shots.
"Well... you're not wrong. To being old and susceptible to hangovers."
She giggles, and you hold out your glass towards hers, meeting her in the middle with a small clink and you both take a sip, her eyes never leaving yours.
"Woah there grandma. Not too hard now."
As you go to take another sip.
Rolling your eyes affectionately, you nudge her.
Turning back towards the group, you groan watching them take another round of shots.
"Oh sweet baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. How the hell are we gettin' them home."
She pats your head with a small chuckle.
"With a lot of herding and the good old divide and conquer, cowgirl."
Then she moves off to go find Pernille and Magda on the other side of the room.
"You know, you and Glódís would be a super adorable couple."
A pair of arms wrap around your neck as a very drunk Sarah hangs onto you for stability, hear head leaning on your shoulder, and your arm moves to hold onto her so she doesn't hit the floor.
"Sarah, little miss, it's really cute that you wanna include me, but you know I don't speak German."
"One, I'm older than you, Two, sucks to be you."
A poke to the cheek following that, as she sticks out her tongue.
"Aren't you taking German classes anyway?"
"Yeah, but doesn't mean I understand the dialect of drunken soccer player yet."
She pouts at you before grumbling and resting her head back on it's spot on your shoulder.
"What I said was, you and Glódís would make a good couple."
Your cheeks immediately flame up, and your whole body tenses, wondering if you even heard the Austrian right.
You clear your throat softly.
"What makes you say that?"
"You're already attached at the hip like no other. I've never seen her like this with anyone else. Even her old friend, Karólína."
"She's probably just missin' her then, Sar"
"If you say so."
It's just about mumbled into your shirt and you're beginning to realise that despite the pumping music, she's starting to exhaust pretty quickly with the way she's leaning further and further into you until you have to sit her down in one of the teams half occupied booths where she settles into another teammates arms.
With a small chuckle, you leave her to it, them saying they'd be heading out soon anyways and would take her home.
As you return to your spot at the table, you can't help but think back on what she said.
Despite her inebriation, what she said held weight in your mind.
And it ends with you eyeing up the woman through the small crowd over the lip of your drink.
You catch her looking back several times, each time sheet meets your eye, you think you imagine it, but her eyes crinkle a bit, and her smile gets a little brighter.
"You know, if you keep looking at her like that, she might catch onto you there, Glódí."
She knows she's not being subtle, but she can't help the way her eyes drift over to you.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Schülli."
"I think you do."
Glódís bites her lower lip as she watches you set the very drunk Sarah down by Sam and Linda (The Swedish one) before moving back to where you were, carefully watching over the girls on the dance floor.
It seems, with even just a few months with the team, you're already looking out for them like your own.
When you make eye contact with her for the fourth time in ten minutes, she smiles just that little bit more, which you quickly match.
Though, it seems, she doesn't expect the wink you send with it.
She raises a brow at you, ducking under the cover of her glass, hoping the purple hue of the lighting masks her slightly flushed cheeks.
"Wow, she has got you already, hasn't she?"
"Shut up."
The defender quickly turns away from your direction so the striker doesn't have get given any more fuel and gives her an annoyed but small shove to the shoulder, a slight frown marring her features.
"I think you should go for it, Glódí, she clearly has something for you."
"And what if she says no? Then what? Another friendship here ruined?"
Lea pauses for a minute, watching her, as her head ducks and her cheeks flare up at the admission.
"You mean... Ka"
Glódís swiftly nods, shushing the forward.
"Is that why she hasn't-"
She nods again.
The tips of her ears burn in shame under the taller German's gaze.
She hadn't meant to bring it up, but it just slipped out.
Karólína hadn't exactly reacted badly as such, but things between them haven't been the same since then, and with her being on loan now, they really spoken, if at all.
It still hurt, the look in her eyes as she tried her best to let her best friend down gently. Even then, months later, after the international break together, it still hurt.
After that, she'd sworn off dating teammates.
Hence, she hesitates to even think about pursuing anything with you.
She can't help the pang of hope she gets when you smile so brightly at her, though.
The sweet, charming, smooth tone you hold with her.
The way you hold her just a little bit longer and tighter than you do with the others.
But that's what she thought with Karólína, too.
And she was oh so wrong there.
So what's stopping her from being wrong now, right?
"That's why it can't happen, Lea. I'm not going through that again. I can't risk losing her or risk the team possibly being affected by it."
Lea smiles sympathetically at her captain, hand resting on her shoulder with a small squeeze.
It's silent between them for a few moments before the blonde speaks up again.
"Then don't worry about it. Now come on, I think it's time we get this rowdy lot home, it's nearing midnight."
Glódís sighs in appreciation and nods, looking over to the singing and dancing group of players followed by her gaze ultimately drifting over to you once more, returning the familiar warm smile she receives.
"Alright, come on, time for you to go to bed, little miss."
There's a small giggle from the drunkenly slurring blonde as you walk her up to her front door, your hands rifling her pockets for her keys.
"You're so cute."
Giulia pokes your cheek with one finger, and you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush creeping up your neck when you hear Glódís' muffled laughter behind you.
You'd turn to give her a glare but you're a bit preoccupied.
"And you are very inebriated."
Finally acquiring the keys from her back pocket, which she giggles again and wiggles her eyebrows at you for, earning herself another eyeroll as you drag her inside finally.
"You sure you got her there?"
The amused chuckle from the doorway makes you groan as she watches your stubborn self herd the blonde woman, currently letting herself lean completely on you, into her bedroom to at least encourage her to bed for the night.
"I am perfectly capable, thank you."
You're sure she doesn't believe that, but you believe it enough yourself to give up and let the now giggling woman help you as she observes on your masterpiece of drunk person wrangling.
Said drunk person now dead weight in your arms whining about not wanting to go to bed yet, to which you just plop her on the mattress finally and despite her protests, she's asleep in seconds.
Turning to Glódís triumphantly, you catch her amused smirk.
"Yeah yeah, real funny. I'd like to see you do that."
She shrugs, shaking her head.
"You're the one that insisted on bringing her in yourself, without help."
Grumbling, you make sure Giulia is fully on the bed before dropping her keys by the door and exiting and locking it on the way out.
Now, the both of you are stood in the darkness outside, with the last of the girls dropped home already, a collaborative effort thanks to Pernille, Magda, both Lindas and Jovana.
It's just you and her, now.
It's a cool winter night, nearing the end of the season but still cold enough that you're half shivering in front of the older woman.
You're both silent, your eyes drifting over her features lit up under the faint glow of the street lamp.
You swear, she gets even prettier every day.
The subtle but sharp line of her jaw, the way her hair almost glows under the moonlight, and the soft pink tint to her cheeks from the cold all have your heart beating a little quicker.
The way her eyes sparkle as they scan yours from across the porch.
The way her lips quirk up slightly under your gaze, brow raising just a bit.
"You okay?"
Her words snap you out of your assessment, and you hum softly, quickly recovering.
"Just a little tired, let's get on home then, Darlin?"
She nods and turns to head towards her car.
It doesn't surprise her when you jog ahead of her to open the driver side door for her, having done it every single time now since leaving the club.
"Such a gentlewoman."
Apparently, she hadn't grown tired of it yet, so that's a start.
It's a soft teasing tone that you poke your tongue out at her at before jumping in the passenger side.
On the drive out to your place outside of the city, her arm rests on the centre console, lined up next to yours as you hum along to the song on the radio, gazing out the window but also occasionally glancing over at her, scanning her side profile.
If she can feel your gaze on her, she doesn't really react.
It remains quiet for most of the drive, with the occasional hum or murmur along with the music.
It's not an awkward silence, but one you both need after tonight's activities.
Every so often, your pinkies brush, and every time they do, there's a small jolt of electricity that shoots up you arm from where they meet.
The moment you're in your own driveway, you bid her a soft and sweet thanks with a gentle nudge and give her a small wink and wave as she pulls way again.
She's thankful you're not there to hear her most likely audible heart beating in her chest the rest of the way home again.
Her heart racing at everything you do doesn't stop that night.
In fact, it gets worse.
It feels like everything you do has it beating beyond her rib cage.
It frustrates her, actually.
Every time she gets placed on something she needs full focus and attention for, she's been perfect for, but if you're there next to her?
Forget it.
Media duties?
Sitting next to you, she can feel your leg occasionally brush hers, arms brushing on the table every time you set it down from making gestures and whatnot.
Coach speeches during half time?
It's like you're doing it on purpose knowing she can't focus when you're standing behind her, hands resting on her shoulders, warmth radiating against her back with how close you are.
At one point, she's convinced you are doing it on purpose when she looks back and up at you, head tilted to make eye contact with you with a brow kinked up as you look down at her with a small smirk and a wink.
The more it goes, the less she knows how to function around you.
Individual post game interviews?
Even with you just moving around her doing various interviews with different journalists. A small brush of shoulders here, a hand gliding across her lower back as you move past her there.
At this rate, she feels like she's drowning in you and she's not even trying to move away.
Paired up interviews?
It feels like she's at her wits end with this one.
You're brought in together for a two-on-one interview for some football media page she can't remember the name of. There, seated on a couch, you're not even really doing anything. Except for the arm you have over the back of the lounge, resting just behind her head.
You aren't seated so close that you're pressed together. But you are close enough she can smell your perfume and it's making her head spin a little.
Hell, she feels like she should be used to hearing you speak by now, but it still has her feeling like she can't think properly with you around.
How she plans on surviving this, she doesn't know, but all she knows if she doesn't do something, she's going to lose her mind.
You know you shouldn't do it.
There's not even a guarantee she likes you back right?
Still, you can't help teasing her a little.
She doesn't confront you about it, she doesn't tell you to stop and as far as you can tell, she's not uncomfortable.
Your captain has always been verbal about how she's feeling when she's talking to people...
But she never leans away from you, only ever receiving a flushed face or an eye brow in response at most.
You can tell it's flustering her though.
By the way she's so quick to hide her reddened cheeks.
It's in the most adorable way that she rolls her eyes at your teasing comments when she scores a pretty good goal.
Small touches here and there, innocent touches. Nothing more than brushes and occasional times of brushing away grass from her face after particularly rough tackles.
The soft smile and drawl flowing from you asking how she's holding up makes it worth it.
Even though you may not be able to kiss her, her smile? Totally worth it.
Glódís feels like she's at her breaking point right about now.
When she's getting distracted during a game, a champions league game at that, that's a major problem.
You're both lined up for offence on a free kick when you're pressed in between her and an opposition player while she pressures the player in front.
It takes one brush of your hands on her waist and she's distracted long enough to miss jumping for the header on time.
Instead, you make it to the header, the ball flying into the back of the net as you take off running in celebration, having broken the deadlock in the final minute of stoppage.
Which turns into celebrations of the win the moment the whistle blows for full time and you're piled on for saving the teams chances at a spot in the quarter final over PSG.
The screams of the home crowd are drowned out as she waits impatiently for the end of her on field media duties.
Being the captain sucked sometimes, but it had to be done.
The moment she's free, she's jogging straight over to you and you're being dragged away off the field before you can even realise what's happening.
You had your own media duties, ones that you were currently shirking right now not being out there.
The moment you realise it's Glódís, the protests you had ready die in your throat, left with minor confusion the further down the obscure hallways she drags you until you're both in a secluded area and you're shoved into a broom closet with the door slammed shut behind both of you.
"What's goin-"
It takes all of a moment for her to grab you by the collar and slam you against the door leaving you a little winded and confused.
"Whatever it is you're doing, needs to stop. You're driving me crazy."
"What are you-"
"Don't play dumb with me, every time you so much as come near me, you brush past me, you so much as stand near me, I can't think and it's like you damn well know it, too."
It suddenly clears up there. You definitely didn't weren't doing it entirely on purpose.
Well, maybe.
Okay, it may have been a little on purpose, but you had no idea she was this affected.
"Look, I can stop if it's making you uncomfortable but Glódís... I... I kind of really like you and..."
Well that changes things.
You actually like her?
You weren't just teasing her?
Before you can say much else, her hands cup your face and her lips are on yours in one movement.
Anticipating the action, your arms are around her in an instant, pulling her as close to you as possible, her body hot against yours despite the almost raging cold out on the pitch.
Her hands are firm on your face not letting you go for even a second, her lips fervent and sure as they move with yours.
It's only when you pull away for air that she finally relaxes into your hold for the first time.
Your hands are pressed into her lower back, hers now pressed into your shoulders as she looks slightly down at you, being just shorter than her by an inch.
The two of you just breathe for a moment, taking the moment in.
"You know. If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to was ask, Sweetheart."
She huffs.
"You're infuriating, you know that?"
There's a small guffaw on your face after that.
"What did I do?"
She almost believes the innocent look on your face.
The small upturn of your lips let's her know otherwise though.
"What didn't you do?"
And she kisses you again, slower and more tender this time, slowly pressing you back into the wall, slotting herself easily between your legs.
With your chest pressed to hers, you can finally feel the way her heart races, and she can finally feel yours, too.
There's always been something about you.
Guess it's just part of your charm.
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yuis-art · 1 year
🏋🏼‍♀️ Gym Trainer: Abby Anderson x Fem!Plus size Reader🏋🏼‍♀️
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{Hi! This is my first time writing! So hopefully u guys like it!!}
⭐️ This is a slow burn so sit back and relax, but there is definitely gonna be smut ⭐️
<Reader is plus-sized, around 250 lbs>
Btw I’m plus-size myself! So I wrote this for the plus sized girlies!!?!
Part 2 here: pt 2
Chapter one: The Meeting
< Proof read: kinda? >
“Ever since Highschool I’ve been so overweight dude and I really wanna do something about it.” You say on the phone talking to your friend Nora.
“Dude, literally come to the gym with me! You know I go to an all female gym, so you’ll feel more comfortable I promise.” Nora breathes more heavier, she’s already at the gym, she’s been running on the treadmill the whole damn time while talking to you.
“I don’t even know how you do that.”
“Do what?” She questions, still out of breathe.
“Dude how are you running on the treadmill and talking to me?”
“Oh, my friend Abby showed me how to increase my endurance while running!” You hear her pause the treadmill.
“Actually you know what, if you want too, I could introduce you to her! She’s a personal trainer at the gym! And she does classes. If you want too I could ask her if she wants an extra student!”
You hear Nora breathing heavy, you walk to your bathroom and look in the mirror at yourself.
“I-I don’t know…”
“Girl, I promise she’s chill. We met in college, we were dorm mates.”
You look in the mirror and sigh.
I mean you always wanted to better yourself, better your heath, and if Nora trust her, then you might as well give it a chance.
“Ok. Um.. ok! I’ll do it.”
“Yeah dude! Don’t worry you got this! What about tomorrow? That’s when she comes in; I’ll do the class with you I promise.”
You smile softly. “Ok! That’s fine, gotta go! But I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Ok, I’ll text you the address.”
Nora hangs up.
You look over at your wardrobe. “Damn, I need to go shopping.” You grab your keys and head outside to your car.
“Should I start buying healthy stuff, should I clean out my kitchen. Ughhh I don’t know, maybe this Abby knows how to do meal preps? I could ask her.”
You ponder as you make it to your destination. You pull up at a clothing store, searching for an outfit for the gym, even though you don’t need one you still wanna feel comfortable. All you own is baggy shirts and dirty joggers. But you wanted to at least look decent there.
You immediately head to the plus size section. “Hmmm..it’s not that busy in here.” You hold the clothes up the the mirror. “Ughhh. This is gonna look bad on me.” You say to yourself. “But it would help if I tried them on.”
You grab about 5 outfits. All 2x-3xls, you head into the dressing room.
You end up trying them on and each time you step out of the dressing room you look in the mirror in the hall. “Hmmmm..” you say to yourself. It’s an all light pink set with a matching sports bra and leggings. “Ugh, this looks bad on me, I might as well go with my joggers and shirt.” You turn around, “At least my ass looks good though.” You giggle to yourself, you also hear someone else giggle, you look up. At the end of the hallway of the dressing room entrance is a blonde, tall muscular women, she’s leaning on the wall watching you. Was she watching the whole time? Did she watch you try on each one? “I-I uh, sorry I didn’t know anyone else was back here!” You say as you grab your jacket and cover your top. “Don’t hide, you look good.” She says as she stops leaning and you see that she has a couple of clothes she’s gonna try on herself. She walks towards one of the dressing rooms, but she walks up to you first. “By the way.” She whispers a little close. “My favorite is the blue one, it looks great on you.” She smiles and walks into one of the rooms locking the door. You stand there blushing like crazy. You go back into your dressing room and cover your face. You start thinking to yourself. ‘Oh my god was she flirting..’ you start changing and you end up choosing the blue one, of course. ‘I must be delusional. She probably meant it as a compliment.’ You go to the check out with the blue gym wear in your hand. You see the muscular blonde walk out of the dressing rooms and she heads towards the line you’re in. You peek behind yourself, she’s texting someone. She looks up at you for a split second and you avert your eyes. You blush again and hold the blue gym wear close to your person. She looms over you, “which one did you go with?” You jump a little and you try to calm down; cause you’re wondering why is this beautiful hot women who is way out of tour league interested in what you’re buying. “I-I went with the blue one.” You say with a smile, holding up the outfit. She smiles at you, and holds up hers. “Cute. I’m glad.” She winks at you. You look down again, adverting eye contact. “Wh-which one did you choose.” She looks at you and smiles eagerly. “I chose orange, and the same blue color.” You smile. “Which gym do you go to?” She ask.
‘She’s gotta be interested in me, I’m not delusional.’ You think to yourself. “Well my friend, she invited me to a gym, and I’m taking my first class tomorrow with her!” You say with a nervous smile. “I think it’s called, like wolf something? I have no idea, but weird name.” The blondes eyes open widely. “So you’re the person Nora talks about?” Your eyes go wide. “N-Nora.. wait are you-“ “Abby, but abs for short.” She smiles and holds out her hand. Your face heats up and you go to grab her hand but the cashier yells at you. “Next in line!” You jump and quickly shake Abby’s hand. You say your name with a stutter, but surprisingly you got it out. You end up checking out and as soon as you’re about to leave, Abby stops you and grabs your shoulder.
“Wait here, I wanna talk to you.”
You blush and nod as you watch her check out. You study her for a moment. Her hands, the way she holds her self. Her black tank top. I know Nora talked about Abby once or twice but you didn’t expect her to be this hot. Abby grabs her bag and walks outside with you holding the door open for you. “I wanted you to know that I’m happy you chose my class! I promise I’m not scary, and I won’t be mean either. You got this yeah?” She says as she holds out a fist pump. You blush and look up at her. “Y-yeah!” You fist bump her back. She smiles. “I’ll see you around.” She begins to walk away, suddenly a burst of confidence comes thru you like a bolt. “Wait! Abby!” You stop her before she gets in her car. She looks over at you holding her car door open. “Not to sound weird, b-but what’s your number? Y-ya know just so I can ask you questions and stuff about the schedules and-“ Abby smiles and grabs her phone. “Usually I only give out my business number, but I’ll give you my direct line.” She says as she begins to say her phone number. You copy it down in your notes carefully. “Th-thank you Abby!” You say and you begin to walk to your car. As you get in you shut the door and kick your feet like crazy. “Oh my god, Nora did not tell me this trainer was a fucking goddess.” You get out your phone and quickly spam her.
You: NORA.
Nora: ?
Nora: HAHA, dude I could’ve sworn I shown you a pic of her.
You: WELL YOU DIDNT, I swear I have never seen a person that attractive, and omg, let me tell you what HAPPENED IN THE DRESSING ROOMCAUSE OMGMGMG
You tell Nora all about what happened and you begin driving home. Maybe it won’t be that bad, maybe it’ll be alright. Abby seems nice enough. You have hope.
authors notes: THANK YOU FOR READING PART ONE AHH, let me know if I should finish this!!
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skrunklydoo · 5 months
working on a monster high ninjago AU!
the characters are students at monster high and are all different monster species! here’s the ghoul squad (+ some other main characters), nicknamed the ninja by teachers, under the cut:
characters in brackets are who they’re replacing (some have two characters they’re replacing) + info about ships
zane julien: the new ghoul at school. a robot, he can remove his limbs at will (frankie stein/abbie bominable, pixane (pixal x zane))
jay walker: a 1600-year-old anxious, jumpy and somewhat impulsive vegan vampire (draculaura, plasmashipping (kai x jay))
cole brookstone: the overprotective and brave werewolf of the ghoul squad. fashion designer (clawdeen wolf, lost/geodeshipping (cole x geo))
lloyd garmadon: a normie-presenting (a normie is a human in the monster high universe) dragon-oni-human hybrid who initially bullies zane but gradually grows close to him (cleo de nile, aromantic-asexual lloyd, platonic garmagoths (lloyd, harumi and morro))
kai smith: a fire elemental-water monster hybrid (more fire elemental than water monster) and nya’s brother (clawd wolf/heath, plasmashipping)
nya smith: a fire elemental-water monster hybrid (more water monster than fire elemental), the school’s champion swimmer and kai’s sister (lagoona blue, amber phoenix (nya x skylor))
harumi jade: a boogeyman tomboy lesbian biker girl. a good friend of lloyd’s. that’s all i have to say for harumi (deuce gorgon, platonic garmagoths, her and lloyd aren’t dating in this AU)
geo goyle: a gargoyle from screamtaro (the AU equivalent of shintaro) who was shunned for being a hybrid of a geckle and a munce gargoyle (rochelle goyle/neighthan rot, lost/geodeshipping)
p.i.x.a.l. borg: a matchmaking bone elemental-robot hybrid who runs the school’s relationship advice radio show with her boyfriend (c.a. cupid/robecca steam, pixane)
morro: a ghost and the co-manager/co-writer of the school gossip page, the ghostly gossip. one of lloyd’s good friends along with harumi (spectra vondergeist, citrusshipping (morro x echo zane), platonic garmagoths)
echo zane julien/mr. e: a frankenmonster and co-manager/co-writer of the ghostly gossip. when angered, he transforms into mr. e, an overprotective biker. zane’s brother (jackson jekyll & holt hyde, citrusshipping)
vania: a plant monster-ghost hybrid and former princess of screamtaro before she moved to monster high after the whole skull sorcerer thing (venus mcflytrap)
chen the cheerleader: the overconfident and arrogant werecat leader of the fearleading (cheerleading) squad (toralei)
sora: a tortured teen werecat pop star from imperium who eventually joins the ninja with her best friend arin (catty noir)
arin: a boogeyman who, with sora, joins the people he idolised the most (twyla boogeyman)
sensei wu: the dragon(ish) headmaster of monster high (headmistress bloodgood)
misc ships in the AU: nightshade (chamille x tox) and dark thinking (neuro x shade)
if you have any questions on where other characters fit in this AU, please let me know!!
also thank you @lonleyzodiac for giving me almost all of the ideas for this THANMK YOU
this AU is mostly focused on g1 monster high but some elements from g3 will probably be sprinkled in too
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tumb1rspectra · 10 months
Hello Ghouls and Mansters everywhere! I happened upon a small juicy scoop while exploring the ghostly web!
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Apparently, word is in that our very own Toralei stripe will be making an appearance on Garrets limited print shop!
And, if y’all boos ask politely enough, Eterniadreams might be willing to host our favorite Garrett!
So ghostly followers, take this message with a grain of salt! Ask, but do not spam! And as always,
I’m Tumblr Spectra, and I report the news.
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gothicgender · 8 months
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Salutations, welcome to my blog. I'm Blake but you can call me blaky or Liu aswell, however you prefer ! To say something about me I use they/them or neutral pronouns and want to become a writer. I may have bad grammar because I'm not english.
Requests - open
Request rules :
I will write for my fandoms because I'm more used to them.
The fandoms I'll write for are Hazbin Hotel, creepypasta, monster high, harry potter and maybe teen titans.
I am comfortable writing fluff, smut, angst, romantic, platonic and other stuff requested...tho I won't write smut that is too freaky or with weird kinks that I'm no comfortable with.
I can write fem, male and gender-neutral reader.
I can write headcanons or small fics about ships I also like because find it more easy then to write a ship I don't see happening or that I personally don't like.
I wouldn't like to be rushed with requests because it can be really stressful !
Do not be afraid to request and be specific with it !
Characters I will write for !
Hazbin hotel :
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherry Bomb
The overlords (expect Valentino)
Adam (probably)
Mimzy (probably)
Katie Killjoy
Tom Trench
Ships I accept :
Charlie x Vaggie
Husk x Angel Dust
Valentino x Velvette x Vox (I believe they are poly)
Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb
Carmila and Zestrial
Creepypasta :
Jeff the killer
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu
Bloody Painter
Ticci-Toby (probably)
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
Eyeless Jack
Hobo Heart
The puppeteer (maybe)
Laughing Jack
Nathan the nobody
Jane the Killer
Nina the killer (both versions)
Kate the chaser
Nurse Ann
Suicide Sadie
Judge Angels
Laughing Jill
Ships I accept :
Jane the killer x Mary (her canon wife)
Kagekao x Suicide Sadie
Bloody Painter x Judge Angels
Nurse Ann x Dr. Smiley
(other you can suggest)
Monster high (gen 1 or 2) :
Clawdeen Wolf
Draculaura Vike
Frankie Stein
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Ghoulia Yelps
Abby Bominable
Jinafire Long
Iris Clops
Robecca Steam
Rochelle Goyle
Scarah Screams
Skelita Calaveras
Spectra Vondergeist
Toralei Stripe
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Twyla Boogeyman
Venus McFlytrap
Marisol Coxi
C.A. Cupid
Casta Fierce
Clawdia Wolf
Viperine Gorgon
Deuce Gorgon
Clawd Wolf
Heath Burns
Holt Hyde
Invisi Billie
Jackson Jekyll
Neighthan Rot
Garrot du Roque
Kieran Valentine
Manny Taur
Ships I accept :
Clawdeen x Draculaura
Clawd x Draculaura
Cleo x Deuce
Abby x Heath
Ghoulia x Sloman
Frankie x Jackson
Spectra x Porter
Rochelle x Garrot
Scarah x Billie
Iris x Manny
Harry Potter :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Alicia Spinnet
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Dean Thomas
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Tom Riddle
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greenglass
Millicent Bulstrode
Cho Chang
Padma Patil
Luna Lovegood
Marietta Edgecombe
Penelope Clearwater
Michael Corner
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Cedric Diggory
Ships I accept :
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Neville x Luna
Molly x Arthur Weasley
Bill x Fleur
Draco x Astoria
Angelina x Alicia
Teen Titans :
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Beast Boy
Madame Rogue
Punk Rocket
Ships I accept :
Robin x Starfire
Raven x Beast Boy
Jinx x Kid Flash
This is all so far ! Thank you for visiting my page.
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girly-media-studio · 1 year
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
if heaven and hell decide (Tommy Shelby x OC) Part One
A little hesitant to post this but oh well. This is based off an RP I did with my bestie, so shout-out to her! (Hi bitch, I know you're reading this!)
"Abigail! Abbie, we're going to get in trouble!" In the brightly lit dressing room of The Blue Devil nightclub, Abigail Bellamy merely smiled into the mirror as she touched up the last of her make-up. Her cousin’s protests washed over her as she listened to the sounds of the audience outside, murmuring in anticipation like a hive. Despite her nerves, there was excitement mingled in there too, fizzing away like champagne in the pit of her stomach. She so rarely got excited these days, it was an almost overwhelming feeling now. Especially since in a few minutes, she’d be stepping out onstage to sing in front of a bunch of strangers. The Blue Devil wasn't exactly the sort of place your typical high-society girl ought to be, but then, that was the entire point of all this. She still hadn’t gotten a straight answer out of Maude about how she’d managed to learn of this place, or knew they were looking for a new singer, but Abigail knew not to ask too many questions. Anyway, Maude liked to be a little on the mysterious side and Abigail liked her for that, that she was also not a woman who liked to play by the rules.
"Trouble only happens if you get caught," Abigail said to Eliza’s reflection, tucking a small flower behind her ear, the vibrant red of its petals the only splash of colour on her. For tonight, she'd picked a silver dress that shimmered like fish scales. When she stood beneath the spotlight, she'd shine like a diamond. "I don't plan on getting caught."
Eliza bit her lip, worriedly. Sometimes, Abigail didn't know why she bothered including Eliza in her whims. Perhaps she just wanted to encourage the girl to live a little instead of doing everything her father told her to, to have a bit more excitement than just going on social calls. Wherever Abigail went, she always heard, "But what will people think?" from Eliza, reliable as clockwork.
"Just go sit in the crowd and wait for me, if you're so nervous," Abigail instructed her, giving her lips a quick coating of lipstick, smacking them together. "I'll come find you when I'm finished, we can have a drink, then go back home. It will be like we were never gone."
"Oh, I'll handle the drinks," said Maude, tall and dark-haired and Abigail’s partner in crime, with a grin. "And the men, if they come knockin'. Come on, Liz."
Eliza glanced worriedly back at Abigail, but they left her alone in the dressing room, the door shutting behind them, muffling the audience just a few feet and a thin wall away. Abigail examined herself critically. The other girls here all had that short, curly hair that was so fashionable, so she hoped her longer, blonde hair would make her memorable and not too old-fashioned. Her nose wrinkled as she slid the necklace she was wearing around to the front, fussing with it to make sure the clasp was hidden away.
Remember, just let the words do the work. She reminded herself, making herself take a deep, steadying breath.
"Miss Imogene?" called a stagehand. "It's nearly time!"
"Yes, thank you," Abigail called back, and the pseudonym she’d picked out to do this calmer, her somehow. Whatever happened tonight it wasn’t really her, it was Miss Imogene onstage, so if this all ended in a whimper instead of a bang, then she could just go home and pretend it never happened. She rose to her feet.
"Showtime." ~
A simple word, and spoken softly, but when dropping Tommy Shelby's lips it carried the weight of a brick wall, stopping the request dead in its tracks. He tapped the end of his cigarette against the crystal tray, lifting his gaze from it to the two men sitting across from him. He did not venture out to clubs like this too often. There was too much demanding his attention back in Small Heath and London, and he was beginning to wish he had insisted more on the two men across from him had met him on his turf after all.
“We invited ye here in good faith, Mr. Shelby,” said the squat Irishman. 'We could do some good work together if you'd just- “
Tommy had come to The Blue Devil, he'd sat, and he'd listened to what these IRA men had to offer. It wasn't much. He didn't want to get involved with the Fenian bastards and their holy war. He was a businessman, and not in the act of charitably funding dewy-eyed, berserker Irish patriots. Promising to drive more business his way from their comrades in arms was like offering to shit all over his porch and charge him for it.
His curiosity was sated, and he was done listening. He tossed a pound note on the table. It was too much, but he didn't feel like digging out change. He knocked back the rum, which was at least passably good, and turned to leave.
Just as he did, the lights lowered, and a slow, melancholy tune rolled out from the curtained stage, much to the rest of the audience’s approval. Tommy turned his head.
A woman stood there, her dress catching the light, winking like coins. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot behind her head, but strands of pale blonde contrived to escape from it, drifting about a pale, pretty face. Tommy wasn't a frequent visitor of The Blue Devil. He was most comfortable in the Peaky Blinder-run pubs in his own territory. He made a note to revise that decision. None of his pubs or clubs boasted singers.
Certainly not singers who looked and sounded like that.
He settled himself at another table, this one swiftly vacated by a couple of factory workers who recognised the head of the Shelby family when they saw him. He could finish his cigarette before he went out into the rain, he reasoned, gaze settled firmly on the woman glittering on stage like a crystal chandelier given life.
No harm in that. Her lips parted, lyrics filling the air to join the smoke, a song that was a heady combination of melancholy and yearning, tugging on heartstrings the wat a harpist plucks at her harp.
“Don't leave, I just need a wake-up call...”
Don't leave. Those were words he'd debated saying to Grace, except he'd never had the chance to say them. The moment had been snatched from him, and then she was gone, and he was fucked. Tommy blew out a stream of smoke to join the low-slung cloud forming over their heads.
That's no fucking club singer, he thought, eyeing the girl and her fine-spun gown. On the stage, Abigail’s nerves from before were melting away. The audience were staring at her in fascination, and it made her feel…good. Like for the first time in a long time, people were actually seeing her. It was funny, but not many of Abigail's acquaintances knew she could sing like this. No doubt if they knew, they'd try to cajole her into standing in the drawing room and belt out some ghastly pre-War jingle or a whimsical Edwardian ditty. The notion of singing for stuffy old men who just viewed it as a trick, like a dog who could stand on its hind legs, disgusted her beyond reason.
Her eyes skimmed out over the crowd, and she did recognise a few or two, mostly from what she'd seen in the papers.  Her gaze drifted to a man sitting on his own - one of the only ones doing so in the club, actually, which was why she looked. She didn't see much, thanks to the gloom, but she could almost feel the eyes on her. When the notes left her mouth, the words flowed as smooth as water, drifting around the club with the aid of the microphone. Summoning up that feeling - that wistful melancholy that had struck her when she first heard the song, was easy.
All she had to do was picture James. She could dimly see Eliza and Maude from where she stood, huddled at a table near the front, one looking nervous and the other amused and smiled as she continued, the spotlight throwing winkling little lights off her dress.
When the song ended, she felt a peculiar humming in her chest. There was a pause.
Then the applause started, like falling rain on an awning. Abigail knew that some powerful men hung around these clubs, so she merely smiled coyly into the crowd. She liked the idea of them wondering who the mysterious singer “Miss Imogene” was, though they’d likely never find out her real name. She spun, the skirts of her dress glittering as she glided offstage, smiling to herself at the applause and whistles still being aimed at her back. She let go of a big breath once she stepped backstage, surprised to find her hands were shaking. She was alone for only a moment before a figure came, striding up to her, smiling widely.
"Miss Imogene!" the club owner said, ruddy red face shining even in the dim lighting. "That was - I mean, your audition sounded just fine, but that..."
"Oh, well…" Abigail demurred, picking the rose from behind her ear and twirling it between her fingers, looking down at it and trying not to look too please with herself.
"Would you come back?" he asked, then cleared his throat, obviously trying not to look too eager. An exchange of restrained reactions.
"I might," Abigail hummed, tilting her head. "If the price was right. Here, why don't you take my card?"
She reached for her purse and fished out a little card with the telephone number of her house on it. She handed it over with a placid smile.
"Once you figure that out, call me," Abigail said, drifting past him to get changed. She knew her father had probably gone to bed with a brandy and likely wouldn't wake up, but Eliza was probably going to have a hysterical fit if they stayed beyond midnight. ~
Tommy crooked his fingers behind his head. A moment later, a waiter appeared at his side, bending down to hear his quiet words.
“Who was that?” he asked, gesturing toward the stage with his cigarette.
The waiter hesitated. It usually didn't bode well when a powerful man or gang leader started inquiring after the female performers. There were certain misconceptions that were hard to smooth over without pissing off the mogul. The owner of The Blue Devil didn't like putting the girls in awkward positions, but money talked.
“That was Miss Imogene,” he said. “She's just visiting, sir. I mean, she's not...not...”
“I wasn't askin' you for a whore,” Tommy said, blue eyes finally cutting toward the waiter. “I just wanted to know who she was. Send 'er a drink. Champagne or creme de menthe or whatever shite she drinks.”
The waiter swallowed nervously, bobbed his head, and hurried backstage to deliver the drink and the compliments of one Mr. Thomas Shelby. ~
"Abbie! I was right, silver looks divine on you!" cooed Maude, who was looking rather pleased with herself. Abigail noticed her lipstick was smudged and smirked – drink or had she found a gentleman on the dark to lock lips with? "Lovely song, darling."
"Oh, thank you, sweetie," Abigail replied, her tone laced with a kind of drawling, light-hearted sarcasm that she always spoke with. She found that when in doubt, just make people unsure as to whether you were being serious. “Can we leave now?” Eliza asked, shifting from foot to foot, her coppery hair growing frizzy with the humidity of the club. “Give me a minute to change, Liza!” Abigail exclaimed in exasperation, rolling her eyes. “Bloody hell.”
Honestly, didn’t she have any sense? Of course, she wasn’t going to drive back home in this dress, it was not the sort of outfit that made it easy to sneak back home in. She disappeared behind the divider screen with a dramatic sigh. Still, it was a bit of a relief to wriggle out of the dress – slender as Abigail was, it was a very binding gown. She made a mental note as she dragged the stubborn little zipper down to find something that was slightly less pressure on her ribs next time. She hoped there was a next time. As Abigail had put on her normal clothes and tucked away her hair beneath a hat, a waiter approached them, looking awfully sweaty. Abigail frowned, confused. She didn’t remember ordering anything else, and Maude and Eliza both looked surprised to see him too.
"Ah, um, champagne for you, madam," the waiter stammered, handing her the glass. "From one Thomas Shelby."
Abigail cocked an eyebrow, looking down at the drink, which had a cherry sitting at the bottom of the fruit, startling red against the pale liquid.
"I don't know a Mr. Thomas Shelby," she said, slowly, making the other two giggle. Nevertheless, Abigail picked up the glass, cool against her fingertips, and raised it to her lips.
"Abbie, don't!" Eliza instructed her. "It could have...something...in it!"
"It most certainly doesn't!" the waiter said, looking most offended.
Abigail merely cocked her eyebrows and gulped it back, catching the cherry between her teeth before it hit her tongue. The champagne fizzed down her throat and she hiccupped, before breaking out in a giggle, Maude and Eliza also following suit. Abigail smiled, popping off the cherry stem and swallowing it, and handed the empty glass back to the waiter.
"Tell Mr. Thomas Shelby he has my...thanks," Abigail said, leaving a dramatic pause. "Although, if he wants to impress a girl in future, I'm sure he can afford a whole bottle."
Eliza looked scandalised, but Maude smirked in approval – she liked a drink and would never have been content with just one glass. “Abigail, let’s go.” Eliza hissed at her. “The car is waiting.” Abigail sighed, but she could concede that she had done what she’d come here to do and to stay longer may be inviting trouble. So, with a tight smile at the sweaty waiter, she followed Eliza down the corridor where there was a side door for the acts to slip out away from the audience, flanked by Maude. “Well, that was something.” Maude remarked as she opened the door and flung herself, nearly shutting her lavender scarf in the door and flinging it around her neck with a cackle of laughter. “They don’t make them like that at the Derby, that’s for sure.” “I, for one, cannot wait to go home and put the night behind me.” Eliza sniffed. Maude snorted and flapped a hand at her. “Spoilsport.” Abigail, still stuck on her performance and the mysterious gifted of her champagne, didn’t join in the conversation but instead glanced back at The Blue Devil through the window, amused and not a little curious, before the car bore them into the night. ~
Tommy raised an expectant eyebrow when the waiter returned, looking thoroughly chagrined. He cleared his throat.
“Miss Imogene um...thanked you for the champagne, Mr. Shelby. She had to hurry away to another performance...”
Tommy smoked in silence for almost a full minute, watching the sweat bead on the waiter's forehead. Finally, he tapped out his ash and sat up straight.
“No, she didn't. Tell me.”
The waiter cleared his throat, looking like he wanted the parquet floors to open up and swallow him whole. He fussed with his apron.
“Miss Imogene drank the champagne you sent, Mr. Shelby, but she said that she'd never heard of you and...and If you really wanted to impress her, you'd have sent a whole bottle.”
The waiter finished in a whimper. Tommy stared at the empty stage for a moment, then gave a low laugh.
“Did she.”
“I'm sorry, Mr. Shelby. She's not from around here, she doesn't know...”
“Fetch a bottle of whiskey. Irish,” he instructed, cutting the waiter off. The man hurried away, looking like a convict who'd just escaped the noose.
He smirked.
“Miss Imogene…”
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leveloneandup · 2 years
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wosostories · 20 days
Heath Sisters PT 5 (USWNT x Teen!Reader)
USWNT X Teen!Reader
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I have a lot going on the last few weeks, but things have finally settled and I should be able to get back into some semblance of a writing schedule.
Summary: The first team meeting.
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“We won’t tell them. Unless… It's someone at this table.” Abby said more than asked. Y/N froze and her eyes went wide at how easily they figured her out. 
“I-it might be.” Y/N grabbed her sister's hand under the table and squeezed it twice. This was their sign to one another that they were uncomfortable in their current situation. 
“Alright guys that’s enough. You can continue your speculating later.” Keriger says, stepping in before Tobin could. 
“Come on Kriegs, we're just having some fun.”
“But you're making her uncomfortable. If she doesn't want to tell you who her favorite player is then she doesn’t have to tell you.”
Abby sighed and looked at her, “Sorry kid, didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“It’s ok.” The table went back to eating their dinner and soon enough it was time for the team meeting. 
“Alright once you’ve finished up go ahead to the meeting room and we'll get camp officially started.”
Tobin turned to Y/N, “Go on up to our room. I shouldn’t be too long, but you can go ahead and start getting settled for the night.” Y/N hugs her sister and heads upstairs for the night. 
Tobin sighs as she watches her sister leave and follows the rest of her table to the meeting. 
“Hey where’s the kid?” Kelley asks as soon as Tobin walks through the door.
“I sent her up to our room. She would be bored sitting through a meeting like this. Well she would be bored sitting through any kind of meeting.”
“And you trust her not to get into any kind of trouble while she’s on her own?”
“I don’t think she’ll get into too much trouble if she's just up in our room. And on the off chance that something does happen she knows where I am.”
“She’s not you Kelley she doesn’t need to be monitored 24/7.” Sonnett adds on. 
“Hey! Not fair.” Kelley exclaimed before chasing her into the meeting room. 
When Tobin walks in she notices that the only empty seat left is up in the front, right next to coach. She holds in a sigh and takes the seat while some of her teammates snicker. 
The meeting goes over the camp schedule and outlines some of the tactics they’re hoping to use during the two friendlies against Canada. 
Jill is in the middle of talking about the formation she is hoping to use and stops abruptly as the door opens. Everyone’s head turns and they all find themselves staring at Y/N clad in her pjs. 
She sinks in on herself as soon as the eyes hit her. 
“You can come in Y/N.” Coach said. Y/N looked around and darted into the room as soon as she saw Tobin. She cuddled into Tobin’s lap and let herself be held as Jill resumed the meeting. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to fall asleep. 
Tobin sat running her fingers through her sister's hair trying to keep her focus on the meeting. It was just over an hour later that the meeting ended and the girls started heading up to bed. 
Tobin didn’t even bother to try and wake Y/N, simply lifting her into her arms and carrying her out the door. 
“You look like you do that a lot.” Cheney says as they enter the elevator. 
“She’s always liked when I’ve held her. I don’t mind. We both know she’s safe when I’m holding her.” Tobin replies. 
“Why wouldn’t she be safe?”
Tobin tightens her grip and shakes her head, “No reason. Just… Just forget I said anything.” Tobin walks out of the elevator and makes it to their hotel room.
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