#abandoned coffee shops
staticspaces · 1 year
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Coffee Time
You can find the video at the link below!!
Today, let's take a look at some overall shots of this abandoned coffee shop!!
In this week's post we will be taking a look at a Coffee Time restaurant that has been abandoned since 2009.  Coffee Time has been around since the 80s, it is a coffee shop that serves coffee (obviously), donuts, sandwiches and soups, among other things.  It has always taken a backseat to the more popular chains such as Tim Hortons or Starbucks and is similar to say Country Style in terms of sales and reach.  I personally have never been a fan of Coffee Time, their coffee was never as good as the other brands and their food always just looked less appealing as well.  Growing up before I had a car, the closest coffee shop to home was a Coffee Time and I have many fond memories of sitting in the restaurant till all hours of the night with friends...who knows, maybe their menu has improved since then!
With its headquarters in Scarborough, Ontario, Coffee Time operates over 100 stores throughout Ontario and Alberta.  Founded in 1982 by Tom Michalopoulos in Bolton, Ontario.  The first few stores were operated under license agreements until they began franchising the restaurants in the late 80s.  In October 2006 the brand's parent company, Chairman's Brand Corporation bought the Alton Food Group, which owned Robin's Donuts, 241 Pizza and Mrs. Powell's Cinnamon Buns.  Starting in 2014 Coffee Time began updating and rebranding their locations, apparently this location missed its chance by only five years.
As for this particular store, I think it closed mainly due to being in a bad location.  It was part of a larger building that housed other businesses, when the restaurant closed, they built a wall to separate it from the rest of the building and it remained in the same state, untouched for over a decade.  The building also appeared to be in really rough shape, the roof looks as though it was beginning to fail before 2015.  The McDonald's closed in late 2015, the gas station and go-kart track would later close in 2019 but more about those later in part two of the video.  Since then the building has deteriorated even further, the roof has developed holes and the vandals have taken over.  In the spring or 2022 the entire building now sits boarded up and likely awaiting the wrecking ball before the property is redeveloped.
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samijey · 5 months
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Smackdown 09/02/2024
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moeblob · 2 months
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I'm sorry for the OC brain rot on main....
(the lines are from a post about "tag yourself: awkward/unflirty Sims edition" and honestly? all my OCs are awkward/unflirty so ... yeah...)
#my characters#they (my OCs in general) are not mine if they don't pine and fail at romance#and the fact one of the options WAS actually ask an inappropriate question??? deacon coded if there was ever something deacon coded#i have so many stupid ideas for ymber having the worst comments that he THINKS would be flattering in his head and then he hears it out lou#and is like oh no that was awful im going to be abandoned for that and i deserve it oh wow dang that was so bad#both of them are trying so hard to be supportive and learn about the other and somehow its working?#no one else knows HOW it works but ok buddy#like i saw a mug in a coffee shop that i DESPERATELY want to draw in the modern au i have#with Oh handing it to Ymber saying AH HA found a mug I can gift Deacon the next time you fuck up with talking to him#and then doesn't buy it but is thinking about it and then later that day Ymber says something v blunt and non flattering#and Oh just ARE YOU KIDDING ME I DONT HAVE DEACONS GIFT BC YOU SAID YOUD TRY HARDER AT THIS#the mug in question said#congrats on your breakup we hated him#and there were sparkles around breakup#and it was so funny to me i just .... thinking about how much Oh would love to give it to deacon as a sorry my friend is so bad at this#i really wanna draw more of the sims fail options with the others in the plot but hey i can post it on my side blog and spare you all here#i was thinking about a fanart idea earlier this morning and completely forgot it by the time i sat down to draw#gomen gomen i was gonna try to not do ocs on main but.... alas....
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fah-keet · 8 months
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stsg is lacking with coffee shop au‘s ☠️
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wolfavens · 5 days
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june was la palma, getting drunk in spanish, finding small art installations in abandoned compressor factories & sad sunrises over my succulent collection - all dominated by this red dress i got on a whim and seem to be unable to stop wearing to EVERYTHING
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pirdmystery · 15 days
vacation dump
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kitausuret · 1 year
I do think it's funny there are a bunch of Marvel characters and series I really really love and enjoy (Scarlet Witch, Kurt Wagner, Vision, Miles Morales, Kitty Pryde, Silver Surfer, Kamala Khan, on and on and on) but I just don't have ANYTHING coherent to say about them. Just rotating them slowly and gently in my mind. Like a microwave. Complete with "brrrrrrrrrrrrr" sound. That's why you'll see me reblog stuff from others but never actually make posts about them LOL
Day whatever though I'll write the series about Harry Osborn reopening the Coffee Bean and occasionally getting a variety of interesting clientele (clad in various casual/street clothes, hats, scarves, jackets, sunglasses, bonus if they have their costumes/uniforms on underneath) because they want a cup of coffee and supporting local business is Good, Right?
There's also, of course, the potential hilarity of.. oh, I don't know, Alchemax employee-era!Mac Gargan and Carol Danvers finding themselves in the same line for coffee. Glaring daggers at each other. One of the Coffee Bean baristas is sweating bullets as they're taking the orders. Harry is just staring at the two old foes like do NOT start shit in my coffee shop it would be very funny.
The Coffee Bean earning a reputation for being a welcoming and surprisingly chill place would be neat though and I think an interesting intersection between civilian and superhero lives. And Harry has gone through Some Shit so there's probably very little that can surprise him at this point.
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androcola · 6 months
some guy bought a lot of the abandoned buildings downtown and is supposedly gonna do something with them
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 8 months
Rereading my fic...i'm almost at 3k words but i just realized i have to rewrite like two thirds of it in order for it to end like I want it to.....lmaooooo
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setsuntamew · 2 years
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first essay of the semester is due in the morning so you KNOW I'm making bad decisions about what I'm putting in my body
also known as "mentally unwell student with a deadline starter pack"
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staticspaces · 1 year
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Coffee Time
Here is the link to the video!!
For our final post we take a closer look at some of the items left behind!!
In this week's post we will be taking a look at a Coffee Time restaurant that has been abandoned since 2009.  Coffee Time has been around since the 80s, it is a coffee shop that serves coffee (obviously), donuts, sandwiches and soups, among other things.  It has always taken a backseat to the more popular chains such as Tim Hortons or Starbucks and is similar to say Country Style in terms of sales and reach.  I personally have never been a fan of Coffee Time, their coffee was never as good as the other brands and their food always just looked less appealing as well.  Growing up before I had a car, the closest coffee shop to home was a Coffee Time and I have many fond memories of sitting in the restaurant till all hours of the night with friends...who knows, maybe their menu has improved since then!
With its headquarters in Scarborough, Ontario, Coffee Time operates over 100 stores throughout Ontario and Alberta.  Founded in 1982 by Tom Michalopoulos in Bolton, Ontario.  The first few stores were operated under license agreements until they began franchising the restaurants in the late 80s.  In October 2006 the brand's parent company, Chairman's Brand Corporation bought the Alton Food Group, which owned Robin's Donuts, 241 Pizza and Mrs. Powell's Cinnamon Buns.  Starting in 2014 Coffee Time began updating and rebranding their locations, apparently this location missed its chance by only five years.
As for this particular store, I think it closed mainly due to being in a bad location.  It was part of a larger building that housed other businesses, when the restaurant closed, they built a wall to separate it from the rest of the building and it remained in the same state, untouched for over a decade.  The building also appeared to be in really rough shape, the roof looks as though it was beginning to fail before 2015.  The McDonald's closed in late 2015, the gas station and go-kart track would later close in 2019 but more about those later in part two of the video.  Since then the building has deteriorated even further, the roof has developed holes and the vandals have taken over.  In the spring or 2022 the entire building now sits boarded up and likely awaiting the wrecking ball before the property is redeveloped.
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ellareeser1965blog · 4 days
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