#abandoned acadmey
outhereontheprairie · 5 years
Sheyenne River Academy Campus, North Dakota 2
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Welcome to part 2 of our adventure through the old Sheyenne River Academy campus! Check out part 1 here. 
Would you like a full, immersive experience of our visit to SRA? Let the music take you back while you scroll along!
Click here for the secular playlist for 1970s SRA.
And click here for the special SDA playlist!
When we last left off, we were at the camp meeting cabins. Something I didn’t know existed on this campus. Let’s go!
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So here are those bathrooms that the campers and cabin dwellers used. 
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And on the side we spotted a sign from after the SRA days.
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In keeping with SDA tradition, they did not allow alcohol on the grounds even though it was no longer an SDA school. Interesting. 
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Here are the cabins! Rows and rows of them. I had no idea these were in existence. 
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Apparently dad’s grandpa’s cabin was somewhere in here. 
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If you had the means, you were able to rent your very own little cabin and use it for camp meeting. Dad said each cabin had the owner’s name on a sign by the door. 
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There were so many rows of cabins!
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We headed over to where dad’s family cabin was. 
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So much junk was again piled up outside the cabins. 
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Dad checks inside a cabin he believes belonged to his parents, below.
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I peeked inside the same cabin. The old curtains were charming to me. Dad said he believes those curtains were hung by his mother - the pattern was familiar to him.
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Despite the piles of junk crammed in every cabin (why!?) they seem to be holding up fairly well! I was impressed. 
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They’re quite basic but apparently, according to one of my family members who did not grow up with much, if you had your own cabin you were really something! She had to camp, so the cabin dwellers were very privileged in her eyes.
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Even overgrown, I found the cabins charming and pretty in their own simple way.
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We went back behind a row of cabins. Dad said that during camp meeting they’d run around all over campus. So the kids played back here a lot. Now it’s just occupied by more junk.
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We turned around and walked back toward the main part of campus. Note the No Trespassing sign - that’s why you get permission from the owner! 
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I wandered back to the other side of the Ad Building. 
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There are trees growing on the roof and most of the windows are knocked out. 
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I followed this path to the side of the building to see inside. 
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More junk out back. 
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More knocked out windows. The state of this once beautiful building was tragic to me. 
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Looking into a ground level classroom that was once the elementary school. 
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There was no getting through these doors. There was too much junk in the way.
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And...some horse friends. I felt so bad for them. 
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I walked over to another ground floor classroom. Spot the horse face.
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There are still cabinets on the walls but there’s like a foot of horse poop and junk on the floor.  This was once the science department.
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Why hello there, horse friend. 
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Poor horse. This is no way to live. The building is imploding and reeks of mold and decay. 
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Below: two photos from the SRA 1976 yearbook, taken on the second floor of the Ad Building.
This photo was of a SW corner classroom, second floor. Dad remembers having an English/Lit class there. Also auto mechanic classes.
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And this was taken in the student center. 
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I had to step away from the old Ad Building. It was too sad to go on. 
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Instead I focused on the boys’ dorm. 
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Dad pointed this area out to me.
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See the railing? It went down to a half-basement that housed the plumbing shop and connected to the boiler system. 
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I spied this through the window. That’s dad’s class! 1976. 
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And apparently the class of 1972 sucks. Ha. 
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I walked to the front doors of the boys’ dorm. 
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Dad ran inside first. 
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The doors were hidden among old farm equipment and overgrowth but I could already tell it was going to be in better shape than the girls’ dorm. But only marginally. 
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Already the entrance was full up with junk. 
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Dad observes what used to be the entrance to the boys’ dorm. 
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If you can look past the junk you can kind of see what it would have looked like. 
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The smell of decay and mold was overwhelming. 
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Dad turned right around and left, saying it reeked, and my husband didn’t even bother due to the mold smell meeting him at the door. But I pushed past the smell.
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I wanted to see where at least one of my parents spent their years of school. And this was it. 
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I’m guessing this was the front desk. Perhaps a student would have been watching the phones, perhaps not. At least that is how it was at DAA.
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Here’s a photo from the 1975 SRA yearbook taken in this same spot. That’s my dad, second from the right, top row. And his friend Arlo, on his right. 
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The decay was very, very bad. Worse in some parts than others. 
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And of course the junk was overwhelming. 
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I would imagine some of this furniture belonged to the school and was left behind. 
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I noticed the stairs. My feet literally squished on the soggy carpet. 
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Looking downstairs - it didn’t seem promising. 
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A group of sinks had been pulled out and sat at the bottom of the stairs to the second level. 
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I looked up toward the light. I wanted to see what was upstairs. So I went.
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On the second level I reached this drinking fountain. 
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Beside the drinking fountain was the way to the showers and toilets - as you can see by the painted sign on the wall. I wanted to go back there, but the carpet and floor in general was squishing under my feet so badly, I didn’t. 
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Looking down a hallway.What was with the paint scheme in this place? All bright, primary colors.
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Another room just full of desks. 
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I wanted to take one with me so much. My mom probably sat in one of these! And my dad, and their siblings, and all their friends. But I never touch anything in any place I explore - I leave everything as I found it. 
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At this point dad was back to check on me. I think he was afraid I’d fallen through the floor or something. 
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I asked him about the big writing around the water fountain: “Drinking Fountain Mineral Springs”. Dad laughed and said “As if it needed a label!”  Dad isn’t a fan of stating the obvious. He said he recalled thinking it was rather goofy even when he lived here. Regarding the labels and primary colors throughout the dorm, the new dean (his junior or senior year) had tried to exercise his "artistic ability" to try and add some accent to the old place; he said you really couldn’t blame him for trying to liven things up a bit.
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A clock, fallen off the wall and smashed. 
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I looked through another doorway. It looked like a nice room, once. 
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I made my way through to what dad said was the dean’s apartment. 
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I can see how this would have been beautiful once. The big windows letting in all that light. And such nice, big rooms too! 
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Dad shooed me out. But he couldn’t get me out the door quite yet. I ventured to the stairs to the third level. 
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I saw the windows and marveled at how pretty they were. 
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I wish my photos had turned out better. Light streamed into the crumbling stairwell. Also, again, paint scheme. Why? Bright yellow and blue and at the top - bright green. 
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Once on the third level I only briefly stood on the landing looking back and forth down the hall. 
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Looking down one direction - bright orange, green, and blue doorways. 
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And in the other direction, a pretty view. 
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You can see the Sheyenne River Valley. It’s so lovely. Why would you abandon this beautiful campus and location? I’m sure there are many practical reasons, but the dreamer in me refuses to see them. 
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Quickly I turned to leave. Dad wanted us out of the crumbling dorm so we could go on with our day. But I paused one last time at the top of the landing, carpet still squishing under my feet. The view overlooking the campus was bucolic. I tried to picture, briefly, students from many eras hurrying back and forth. My mom and dad meeting out on the campus, perhaps to walk to a class together. My mom skipped a grade to graduate early with my dad. She must have studied so hard here at SRA. 
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Back down the stairs I went to the second level. 
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And then to the first. The clutter and decay was making me more and more sad.
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Goodbye, boys’ dorm.
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Out the door I went, away from the smell of mold and rot. 
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Here’s a picture of that newest addition to the boys’s dorm where the entry was. 
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And there is the window to my dad’s dorm room with an auger sticking out of it.
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We walked back the way we came, chatting about all we had seen.
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I stopped to photograph the pretty brick pillars, one with a light still sagging to one side. 
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How I would have loved to see this place when it was open. And I can’t help but wonder, how would my life have been different had I attended SRA instead of DAA? Perhaps no different at all, but I’ll never know. 
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We walked back to the former principal’s house, currently the parsonage for the  Harvey district SDA church pastor. 
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Here are two photos from the 1975 SRA yearbook taken in the general vicinity we were walking through. The sports fields were in this area. Top photo shows a flag football huddle, the bottom is (L to R) the Bible teacher, maintenance director, and principal.
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We stopped on the road for one last look.
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Dad said this is the road where he got his snowmobile up to 80 mph - just shooting down the road. Of course all I could think about was - oh my word the school’s liability. I had to chuckle. How times have changed. 
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Then I got a few photos of my dad beside the entrance to the school.
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This is my dad. Mark Seibold. Class of 1976. Eventually married to Neta Lunday. Junior year coal hauler. Resident of the first floor boys’ dorm, and master of wiring his room so he could have a radio. Haver of his own snowmobile at school. Lifelong close friend to many, many people he met here at SRA who I grew up with as a part of my life, who remained by his side when my mom died. SRA was defining for my dad. His high school years were very good. He truly made friends for life.
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Thank you dad for finally making my dream of seeing SRA come true! It was pure fun to walk through the campus and hear all of your stories. And I’ll cherish the memories of our tour for the rest of my life! 
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I could wax poetic about how I if I was a millionaire I would pour the money into this campus and restore it. That isn’t reality. Reality is that this once beautiful place is a hazard and probably nearly beyond saving. It’s become a junk yard. A dumping ground for all sorts of scrap and trash, and an animal pen on top of all that. I’m usually never one to advocate for demolition, but seeing the state of SRA it seems it would have been less cruel to just tear it down than to let it sit and rot. Then again, I wouldn’t have gotten to take this great tour with my dad had they demolished it. 
And I’m so glad we went. I’m deeply thankful - to my dad and to the owner for letting us take the tour. We were safe and didn’t get to go inside many places due to hazards or junk. So if you want to visit, make sure you check with the owner first! And be very, very careful. 
I’m aware that this place isn’t going to be precious to everyone. My own dad was fairly unbothered by the state of it. The practical side of me understands buying up the property for cheap and just using it as you see fit. But the sentimental side? All I can see is the place where my parents met and aunts and uncles and grandparents attended and the state of it gets me down. And how would I feel if my alma mater looked like this? Well, that’s another story entirely. In the end, I’m just romanticizing a place I never really knew.
Now, let’s take a quick look at photos from when SRA was still open courtesy of my parents’ yearbooks! Years 1975 and 1976.
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First, my mom. I had to share these beautiful photos of her, 1975. I wish I looked half as well put together when I was in high school!
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And here is my dad and a bunch of his classmates in 1975! My dad is in the western style shirt. Comment from dad that made me laugh: “The look on my face - channeling Michael Jackson?”
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My mom, her junior year! She is top row, second from left. And the fun thing about these yearbooks is that I recognize so many people. They are either family, former classmates’ parents, current friend’s parents, or family friends. That’s how long most of these people stayed in my parents’ lives!
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Below: my dad (and other classmates) his junior year of academy. 
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Below: my mom is front left. 1976.
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It was an SRA tradition at that each class was expected to come up with some memorable way of announcing class officers. Might have been a short skit, or simply some dramatic entrance at an unexpected moment when all students were gathered, maybe chapel or rec time.  Janelle, the bride and new class secretary, joked the rest of that year that she and my dad were married, and called him her “husband”.
...Kind of wondering how my mom felt about that? Haha! 
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I love this photo. My dad is in the cowboy hat - iconic. One of the people in this photo has been my dad’s friend since elementary school! They remain friends to this day. That’s Arlo, bottom row, left.
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Here is dad again. 1976.
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Spot my dad! His senior photo, 1976. 
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And my mom’s photo, 1976. I walked by these photos on the walls of DAA, and eventually my parents’ photos hung across the same hallway from my own. 
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If you have memories of your time at SRA to share, please leave a comment! Did I happen to photograph your room? A classroom you remember? What was your favorite food the cafe served? What was your job on campus? Do you have a fun camp meeting memory? 
*And remember - please be kind to me and others! No need for nasty comments.*
Thank you for taking the tour with us! It takes time to photograph these places and edit the photos, and I happily share for all to enjoy. If you’ve enjoyed or appreciated this trip back in time to SRA, please consider supporting me with a donation of a couple bucks! You can donate here, or if you’re interested in prints you can find them here! If you can’t find the print you’re looking for, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help.
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sea-owl · 2 years
I'm rewatching RTTE and just had the cutest modern httyd au.
So you know those tiktoks that go:
20 something year old: *Me complaining to my 30 years older coworker who I forced/bullied into being my friend* I think I finally had enough
Pans to older coworker who's roughly in their late 40s early 50s: I think you're full of shit.
So it's that but with Stoick and Astrid.
Stoick is the leader of Berk and Dragons Foundation. They work with dragons and human/dragon relations. His wife Valka is the leader of the Sanctuary that rescues and rehabilitates dragons. His son Hiccup, who will one day take over is starting his career in the Acadmey that teaches humans about dragons and living with them.
Well recently on a business trip Valka and Hiccup found an abandoned baby Flightmare. It was a rare chance to study the dragon while getting it rehabilitated. The baby Flightmare was sent back to Stoick who would find a caretaker to help raise and study the baby.
The only problem was, no one wanted to go near it since every known encounter with a Flightmare ended with the person freezing where they stood.
"Maybe I can come home early," Valka suggested. "The poor thing needs a caretaker and it may be our only opportunity to figure out why every one freezes."
Stoick sighed, rubbing an ice block on his head. Every researcher he has tried to approach latley has fled at the sight of him. And what's worse is that the Flightmare is refusing to eat. It eats just enough to live another day, but not enough to heal. Thornado nuzzled his rider. "I know Val. If only everyone wasn't afraid-"
"Mr. Haddock!"
Stoick was not expecting a girl, probably around his son's age, to land right on table two feet in front of him. Or a Deadly Nadder to land moments after her.
"Odin's eye lass! You'll give an old man a heart attack!"
The girl blushed, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "Sorry sir, I've just been looking for you all morning."
Stoick set his phone down. "Well you found me lass. What can I do for you?"
"I want to be the caretaker for the Flightmare."
Stoick paused. The girl was volunteering?
The girl was young, probably didn't have her specialty yet. Her blonde hair was loosley braided. Determined blue eyes stared at him through her glasses. Only few would have the experince they would need to take care of a Flightmare at her age, and all five of them were raised along side their personal dragons from birth.
Stoick sighed, "Lass I admire your eagerness but a dragon like that, even a baby, is too dangerous at your experince level."
"But I have tons of experince!" The girl exclaimed, a desprate edge slipping into her voice. "I was in the Hatchling program until I was fifteen."
Stoick blinked. The Hatchling Program is an ongoing study Valka has of human and dragon relationships if they were raised together from birth. The kids gain a ton of experince most researchers dream to have. They orginally had six kids in it, one was taken out by her parents after an emergency search and rescue mission led to the death of her uncle by a Flightmare, right in front of her.
Stoick leaned back in his chair. "You're Finn's niece."
The girl sat straighter. "I am Dr. Astrid Hofferson. I study dragon's biological defenses such as venom, and posion. I also make antidotes to these biological defenses and test how they can help in things such as medicine."
Her field is perfect to be the Flightmare's caretaker. Her history with said dragon though is not. Blast, why does she have to be the only volunteer?
Astrid must sense his hesitation because soon she's standing. "I'll give you time to think it over sir. If it's not me then please find someone who can find out why. I don't want another tragedy like my uncle."
The girl walked back to her dragon. "Come on Stormfly, let's go visit Garf."
Stoick watched as the girl flew away. He picked his phone back up. His wife still on the video call. "What do you think Val?"
"I think she should be the Flightmare's caretaker." Valka answered as she read something over on her tablet. "Astrid has done some amazing work. Stroke prevention medicine from her Deadly Nadder's posion, a burn cream made with Monstrous Nightmare spit, and wow, they're running trials on an insulin medication using ground up pieces of Death Song amber."
Stoick looked over Astrid's accomplishments. "She's kept up with her training from the Hatchling Program."
Valka nodded. "It looks like she took to exploring on her own to get the experiences she had here at the foundation. I'll have to get updates from her for my data when I visit the Flightmare."
"Val, the girl's history with Flightmares isn't the best, and we don't know if this will cause a break in her. And no one is going near the Flightmare so we can't get anyone to supervise her."
"Well you're used to doing your paperwork in the labs already."
Stoick rolled his eyes and ended the call.
Over the next week Stoick could set his watch to when Astrid would find him. Asking him about the Flightmare and if he's found a caretaker for it. Whenever he said no she would always remind him that she's available to take on the task.
It all came to head when Astrid flew next to him, two sealed buckets attached to her saddle, and a glowing dragon.
"Lass why is your dragon glowing?!" Stoick studied the Nadder, it glowed golden but otherwise seemed fine.
Astrid rolled her eyes. "We were studying how different foods may affect Stormfly's venom. Then she had to go and eat some mysterious glowing algae-oof"
Stormfly made a chirping noise at her playful attempt to buck her rider.
"And the buckets?"
Astrid turned back to Stoick. "This algae has to be what the Flightmare eats. I looked it up and this alage grows along the same path as the Flightmare's. The Flightmare follows it's food!"
Stoick stared at the girl. She found the Flightmare's main diet?
That's how Stoick found himself watching over Astrid as she took care of the Flightmare.
Needing extra protien, Astrid would slather the alage on fish and give it to the Flightmare. Eagerly the Flightmare ate while Astrid prattled about the Flightmare's health to all those in the room. Stormfly would sit with Thornado, keeping an eye on her rider, her tail ready should Astrid need her.
When the Flightmare was strong enough Astrid decided it was time to take some blood samples.
"Okay little one, you're gonna feel a little pinch but it will he over soon." Astrid whispered to the Flightmare as she prepared the needle.
She was doing as routine demanded. Rub the sweet spot and then draw blood from just above it. Astrid entered the needle, Stormfly became alert.
The Flightmare sprayed Astrid with a mist just as Stormfly sent a spike flying warning the baby dragon to back off.
Astrid was frozen.
"Astrid!" Stoick yelled. He had to get the girl to decontamination. Yanking the her up Stoick noticed she was freezing. He had to het her into warm water.
Clothes and all Stoick threw the girl into the shower and turned on the hot water. 30 seconds and Astrid starts shivering. 1 minute goes by and Astrid can freely move. 2 minutes and Astrid can speak.
"That mist, it was like I was frozen in ice," Astrid babbled. "The Flightmare must have some nerve chemical it produces that drastically lowers a body's temperature. With most dragons producing fire it would only temporarily freeze them so the Flightmare can either flee or strike but humans don't have that ability."
"So humans freeze to death," Stoick concluded.
Astrid sits up. "Imagine what a small amount could do to stop someone from bleeding out. Slow the heart down long enough to get help and transport them to a hospital. It could really help emergency services."
More precautions are taken now. Anytime Astrid needs a sample she sedates the dragon. She has name it Misty, and continues to bond with tje Flightmare, and Stoick.
Stoick learns that Astrid has missed the Foundation very much and always wanted to return. Stoick also finds he has a lot in common with the girl. While his wife and son care for both dragons and humans they tend to go a little overboard with the dragon's side. He and Astrid seem to balance better when it came to protecting dragons and humans.
In fact if memory serves right didn't his son used to have a crush on the girl?
Hiccup was lazily scrolling through tiktok while waiting for this meeting to get started. He, his mom, and Gobber were meeting with potential partners to see if they work out a collaboration for a dragon clinic in the area. It's been months since they sent the Flightmare to his dad and he's been itching to see how the research is going.
He paused at one video. A very familiar blonde sat leaning against a Deadly Nadder with a baby Flightmare in her lap.
The text on the screen read.
Me to my boss who I begged to let me train the Flightmare, complaining about the very same Flightmare: I think I had enough
The camera pans over to to . . . his father?!
The text changes as his dad lip syncs the audio.
My boss: I think your full of shit
Hiccup watches the video loop 3 times. Why was his dead making tiktoks with a random employee?
Valka looks over her son's shoulder. A laugh breaking out. "Looks like Stoick finally let Astrid become the Flightmares caretaker."
That's why the blonde looked so familiar. "That's Astrid? When did she come back?" Hiccup asked. And why didn't he know? Astrid was his best friend before her parents forced Astrid to cut contact.
Gobber looked over Hiccup's other shoulder. "No wonder lassie looked so familiar! I started seeing her around the Foundation when you went to Berserker Island to open up the school there with the other Hatchlings."
So Astrid's been back for a year and a half now. Hiccup really should talk to her when he gets back.
Clicking on the comments Hiccup could see a response video made to a comment.
isn't that stoick haddock? the ceo/owner???
Hiccup clicks on the video.
Astrid is still sitting with the Flightmare, leaning against Stormfly. His dad is sitting next to her now with Thornado's head resting in his lap.
Astrid reads the comment then pretends to look offended.
"Excuse you sir this is my work dad!"
Stoick is holding up a piece of paper that Astrid doesn't notice. It has an arrow pointing down to her. On it is written my future daughter in-law.
Valka and Gobber burst out laughing again while Hiccup's face flushes.
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag
Tagged by @arrowmusings and @thehaemanthus, thank you so much you gorgeous souls! <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Under this psuedonym, just acotar.
But back in my in my fanfiction days I wrote fics for The Mortal Instruments and Vampire Acadmey
4. What are your top 5 five by kudos?
A Court of Faded Dreams
I've Been Looking For You
The Rumor of St. Petersburg
The Outlier
Prologue: Once Upon A Time
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, as soon as I can get to it! I am so grateful for any interaction with my stories and I love talking with people about the content. I don't ever want people's involvement with my fics to go unnoticed/unacknowledged. And now this is going to encourage me to go back through my fics and make sure I've actually responded to all of the comments people have left lol.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
As far as my acotar content, everything has been quite angst-free ending wise.
There was a Vampire Academy fic that I abandoned where Rose was kidnapped by strigoi and I never updated so guess that's the angstiest lmao please forgive me I was 14
7. Do you write crossovers?
I guess my Rumor of St. Petersburg fic counts as a crossover? I'm not entirely sure what warrents one, but I'm not opposed to writing them. :)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not yet, everyone has been so lovely and supportive so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I haven't put out any content that is smut for smut's sake, but things will be getting frisky in ACoFD eventually :)
Also I'm not opposed to writing smut for smut's sake. Last summer I wrote smut for people on fiverr for a little extra income and that was some wild times.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone ever expressed interest I wouldn't be opposed.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, but only ever for fun with friends. Nothing I've ever put out to be read by others.
13. What is your all time favorite ship?
For an excessively long time it was Herongraystairs. That love triangle just broke my heart. Now Feysand is definitely up there too. <3
Also I LOVE the Mark/Christina/Kieran ship from TDA because canon poly ships are just underreprented methinks. It's everything.
Also queer representaion will just always make me happy.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
This is a tricky question because I've just started producing acotar content. I hope I finish all of my WIPs. The biggest struggle will probably be the ACoFD sequel. I've been trying to work on it but have been feeling very uninspired. And I'll be starting Uni in a week so my free time will be significantly cut down.
15. What are your writing strengths?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing scenary is sooo tough for me. Maybe it's the adhd, but I'm the kind of person who is always tempted to skip over long descriptive paragraphs of scenary because I just find it so... boring? And I feel the same way in my own writing.
It's either that or focus. Having unmedicated adhd is a struggle and unless I'm hyperfocused on the scene at hand, I'll usually be switching tabs every few paragraphs to scroll through tumblr.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Yeah, I enjoy it! I love stories that focus on different cultures/histories/etc outside of the Western world. Of course, as long as it's done correctly and with respect for those cultures.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Vampire Academy. I was obsessed.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
A Court of Faded Dreams is currently my baby. <3
Tagging my lovely fic-writing mutuals who haven't been tagged yet (I'm so sorry if I miss out on anyone!!) @feybaenc @highladysith @slutsofren @rhysandswingspan @a-court-of-milkandhoney @loverofdemoncorns @thebonecarver and anyone else who wants to answer! :)
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The Crystal the Cream and the Fall Maiden (A WKTC story)
warning: my grammer and puncation aren’t the best but even still i hope you enjoy the story and i’d love to hear your feed back! this story takes place during volume 6 this also gets a bit shippy involving the ship crystalcream so you’ve been warned for that as well 
It was a dark late night and Celine decided to get a drink at haven at a bar this same bar was ran by Little Miss Malachite celine ordered jin and cola since too much alcohol made her pass out easily. 
Her compainion was waiting for someone hiding it’s one of the only reasons she even felt safe in this place soon a woman in a hood came in and celine looked up this must have been the person her compain had been waiting for but why Celine wondered just who was this girl?
Soon enough Malachite said the name of the woman “Cinder”
Celines heart skipped a beat in fear as she looked shocked staring at the woman as she soon turned around as Malachite explained it’s rare she gets double survice from a customer soon Celines compainion showed herself much to Cinders confusion.
Soon the two were fighting Celine watched on in horror she had to help she soon took of her own coat and got out some of her crystal balls thats when Miss Malachite told them that was enough and to take it outside Cinder and Neo soon went flying out the window and Celine ran out the door throwing some lien on the table.
She soon saw Cinder throw a fire ball at Neo and she easily blocked it with her umbrella Celine wasn’t just about to sit back and watch her compainion be killed off a red outline went over celine as the ground began to shake as she held two crystal balls in her hands one red one blue. 
Soon Cinder was in the air as a mini tornado told Neo enough Neo seemed to have stopped.
But Celine didn’t she soon managed to sneak her way behind Cinder and she noticed the ground began to crack starting from behind her Cinder looked confused turning around Celine was crying as her eyes glowed brightly red she soon threw the grenades right in her face exploding instantly causing her to get sent into the ground.
Celine then went on to rise her hand up and cover her hand with green dust her eyes flashed green as a giant hand made from the pathment and grass grabbed onto Cinder. 
Cinder soon broke free and grunted staring at Celine Neo then ran up to her ready to defend her friend Cinder soon sighed and her eye glowed. 
“We both want ruby dead so lets discuss killing her together there is no point wasting your energy on me or having your... friend here do the same”
Neo hesitated but soon put her umbrella behind her back nodding her head to let Celine know to back off Celine sighed but nodded in return soon her skin went back to normal as she put her bag on her side.
Soon Cinder slowly came back to the ground and smiled a small bit “alright then lets talk” 
Neo soon pointed to her mouth and Cinder groaned “Right...” 
Soon they left the area and headed into haven acadmey thru a little broken entrance Cinder had discovered and they were inside the spring maidens vault in no time Cinder was spinning a knife around as she explained she knew to Neo and Celine soon enough they shook hands and agreed Celine didn’t shake her hand staying away from Cinder just looking around the place soon enough Cinder spoke up to Celine.
“Celine the seer ah yes i’ve heard of you found out who your husband worked for and managed to get away with your life impressive i must admit but then again you were once leader of your team so fighting one of your old teammates just to defend yourself dosen’t seem that hard despite how ruthless Mark can be and take it from me i’ve seen it first hand that is quite impressive.”
Celine stayed quiet for a few momemnts but then soon sighed and looked away.
“...You are a horrible woman honestly who you work for and work with are horrible people the only reason i am still here is i’ve grown to care for Neo and i wouldn’t abandon her i will not help you kill that poor girl just because you both hold a grudge.”
Cinder smirked and soon walked up and placed her hand on Celines shoulder Neo held up her umbrella just incase Cinder tried anything Cinder seemed suprised but soon let go and walked away from Celine and Neo put down her weapon when she did.
“Fine by me just don’t get in the way.”
Celine sighed and shivered Neo took notice to this and went up to her hugging her a bit they had been together for little under a year so she had grown to care for Celine over time and she did the same caring for Neo without Roman the girl was at a loss but with Celine at her side she felt like she had someone to care for her again but not a parent figure but something a bit more intimate.
Celine soon fixed her robes and went out todo some shopping she managed to steal enough Lien to buy what she needed including food money she was about to leave as she held up her hand and closed her eyes Cinder looked confused as she saw this and soon backed up looking shocked as a third eye appared in the middle of celines forhead the two seemed to have just been standing there as neos aura lightly glowed.
Celine was asking Neo what supplies they would need including food thru her seer ablties she was able to read Neos thoughts she couldn’t do this with just anyone but only with thoes she had a personal bound with and it had to be close Neo soon explained what they would need and told Celine to becareful soon enough Neos aura stopped glowing and Celine soon opened her eyes as her third eye slowly dissapered into nothing once more.
She then went off to get them all food and get both her and Neo some dust but before she left neo leaned forward lifting one of her legs in the air and lightly kissed Celine causing her to blush quite deep “n-not infront of her” she said nervously and Neo smirked as she mimicked snickering soon enough Celine left a blushing mess.
For Celine used her share of the dust to make new crystal balls soon having up to 30 Cinder was very intrigued by Celine she only thought her powers was a stunt to get peoples money but it seemed that what Salem told her was true.
It soon came to a month later Cinder was waiting in the forest for Neo to arrive soon enough an Airship landed and Neo came out and transformed back into her new outfit Celine had custom made for her and smirked Celine was in the pilots seat waiting for both of them to get aboard soon she saw the outside of the ship transform into an atlas aircraft then back.
Cinder and Neo soon got aboard as Celine closed the doors behind them both getting ready to lift off once again Cinder and Neo both smirked as they were soon flying off to atlas to kill little red Celine would only fly them there not wanting to be apart of this at all.
Only doing this for neos sake because she cared for her well and going to atlas gave her an excuse to see William again.
welp hope you all enjoyed the volume 6 story for Celine! in 3 days i’ll be posting a story about william
be sure to reblog and tell me your thoughts on the story! :D 
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sea-owl · 2 years
You know I've been thinking, there's probably a lot of part time ninja in the naruto universe or reserve ninja who aren't active duty. I feel like a lot of them are gonna be lower leveled ninja too who went to the Academy because it was the best option at the time. Hold on let me put this in my non massacre drabbles and run with it.
(I don't care what anyone says or how they tried to make the academy seem exclusive everyone in Konoha went through that damn acadmey. I don't see no other schools.)
And you know who I feel like would have been good representation for that? Sakura's parents. Now I won't lie I do have other interpretations of them I like (immigrants from Suna/POW forced into civilans with their chakra bound after being abandoned by their home village) because majority of the other ninja we see including Sakura's rookie 9 is from some sort of ninja clan. (I feel like Lee and Tenten would also have a similar background but we actually know a little bit about Sakura's parents.) Like these kids know no other way. Becoming ninja was pretty much predetermined for them and for how glorified it was they never questioned it.
Then one day let's say a huge storm hits and team 7 just happens to be by Sakura's house. Sakura yanks the boys inside. Mebuki offers them to stay the night when it looks like the storm wouldn't be letting up anytime soon.
The boys phone their families and let them know where they're at.
"So Naruto, Sasuke how are your mothers?" Mebuki asked as she made dinner. "I haven't seen them since I made chunni."
"What?! Sakura-chan you never said your mom was a ninja!" Naruto exclaimed.
Kizashi laughed from where he was playing darts with Sakura. His aim a little too good for a civilian. "I mean technically we both are."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Technically?"
Sakura threw another dart. "My parents are non active ninja in the reserves. My dad's a geninn while my mom is a chunni."
"Wait there's a ninja reserve?" Naruto asked confused. Sasuke looked just as confused.
Mebuki nodded. "Oh definitely. You boys would be surprised how many of us there are. Like most mothers, I went into the reserves when I got pregnant with Sakura."
Kizashi gathered up the darts. "I was never happy as a ninja. When I was younger and my family first came to Konoha from Suna the ninja academy was my best option. I passed and made geninn, but I had no ambition to rise higher among the ranks. Then I found a much more happy life doing what I do now. Honestly I should just officially retire already."
Mebuki hummed in agreement. "We both probably should. I haven't made any move to go back to active duty either."
Sasuke and Naruto could only stare at the couple. They talk about giving up being shinobi so easily. Could it really be that easy?
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