#aaron dnd
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pinkalexpop · 4 months ago
Hellos Day 23! Collab / Art Trades!
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I did Collab/ art trade with @yayforstuffs Other there end did color and stuff thing of splatoon ocs. But the one here for DND campaign thing that smell like going for 2 years of 14 muuivere rescue agency DND sillys For this one I did the line art and @ did the colors .The colors many the cools :3
Aron is @yayforocs Roxy is My Oc
This thing of later later on when Roxy more chill with some other guys in the group that not just the bird that made of bones and Both them Playing The cat version of club penguin It's in the campaign in like a I think it's called cat dalloon world?
Roxy like card games ands stuff one day in between missions play the some cards from game in world sometimes lol.
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thefishywizard · 10 months ago
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2015 minecraft roleplay save me…
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bubblyernie · 3 months ago
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I was struck with the idea to turn my DnD OCs into drag costumes back in Sept. and the name that compelled me to do this was Anya Knees 💀
Funfact, the lineart was done on paper :3
art tag // commission info
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year ago
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In the beginning there was Dungeons and Dragons™ -- Original Dungeons and Dragons, later called the Collector's Edition. Then there were Greyhawk and Blackmoor and Eldritch Wizardry, which were essentially Expanded Original D&D. Then came Advanced D&D (which was advanced Original D&D), and Basic D&D (which was basic Original D&D). And ultimately, we have Expert D&D, which is expert Basic D&D, not expert Original D&D, or expert Advanced D&D; and Expert Basic D&D brings it all to the same approximate scope as Original D&D. One gets the impression that the TSR crew spends its off-hours designing mazes for rats to become lost in.
Aaron Allston summarizes the history of D&D editions through the first 8 years, from the opening paragraph of his review of Cook & Marsh's Expert D&D rules in The Space Gamer 38, April 1981. His review is generally positive, noting that it is much better edited while fixing some but not all problems with the original game:
I wish I had had the Basic D&D series when I began gaming. The rules sets are legible, indexed, punched for 3-hole notebooks, reorganizable, and, best of all, understandable. One actually can learn the game from the rules, something not possible with Original D&D. That is, however, perhaps the most annoying part about this set of rules. With sufficient playtesting, it could have been released seven or eight years ago, instead of the original set. This series is the product of hindsight.
The complete 1981 B/X D&D (Moldvay's Basic and Cook & Marsh's Expert) remains one of the best-loved early versions of D&D, directly inspiring many of the OSR clones like Labyrinth Lord and Old School Essentials.
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saffyarts · 8 months ago
MyStreet DND Gang!!!
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drew their dnd designs from the side stories bc if u mix aphverse and dnd together u got me hooked
also included a timelapse of all 4 of these mini illustrations below:
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disastersappho · 25 days ago
okay but imagine the foxes playing dnd…
- nicky: the DM! his improv practice makes him excellent at thinking on his feet and he makes his NPCs flirt with everyone.
- neil: plays an arcane trickster rogue, loves the strategy and optimizing shit. took a level of bard though so he can cast vicious mockery and trash talk the bad guys.
- matt: plays an oath of devotion paladin, was new to playing and thought that he wouldn’t really care abt the acting stuff but actually gets really into role play- he cried when one of their NPC friends died. when an NPC flirts with him for the first time he gets so tongue tied and flustered and dan teases him about it for days
- renee: circle of stars druid or sorcerer idk some spellcaster for sure. doodles character art for everyone’s PCs during the sessions and takes really good notes. she played a little in high school and was the one who persuaded nicky to start their group up!
- dan: ranger!! she and neil WILL debate combat strategy and placement until nicky tells her that she HAS to take a turn it has been 15 minutes. she is very plot hook focused as a player and nicky loves how she finds all his little clues.
- andrew: shows up just for the snacks and to piss off kevin who thinks it is a waste of time. however, he lets nicky ramble about his plans sometimes. neil knows this and offers to trade secrets for DM intel. matt finds out and runs around yelling “NO INSIDER TRADING”
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sharkszone · 1 year ago
the monsters play DND (feat. renee):
Renee (DM) : no ,kevin, you play dnd to be someone who isnt you.
Kevin *holding his human fighter character sheet* : when have you ever seen me wield a sword?
Nicky *still writing his bard's backstory* : how come andrew doesn't get that criticism?
Andrew *holding his human rogue character sheet* : when have you ever seen me holding knives?
Neil : wait ... we cant be too similar to our characters? Do i resemble a dwarf barbarian?
*unanimous yes*
Aaron : well mines a woman so i think i have my grounds covered, as well as the groups diversity policy.
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millportisntreal · 7 months ago
As a certified huge nerd, I think about what it would look like for the foxes to play dungeons and dragons together. I think Nicky would be the DM bc he has a big imagination and way with words. Kevin would be really into min maxing his character (definitely a wizard) and meta gaming. Andrew wouldn’t play but would backseat DM or help Neil with his rogue. Allison would definitely be a college of glamour bard. Renee would be a paladin (religion AND bad ass fighting duh). Aaron would maybe be a cleric or another healer class. Matt would be a human fighter. Dan could be a barbarian or a monk I think, but I have a harder read on her.
Anyway, I just think that’s neat!
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gumbootillustrations · 7 months ago
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sorry for being a bit slow w posts - ive been flat out w uni stuff so uh. have some sketches n stuff? yeah.
top -> bottom, left -> right:
a dnd character (oc) from the campaign im a part of w my sister!! her name is narbeth, shes a drow twilight cleric n i love her
a wee sketch of aaron n his sword (i cannot remember for the life of me what those lil figures r sorry)
some aph stuff. the one on the right is how garroth n zenix find her in the forest, surrounded by flowers.
a nether portal. i wonder who's going thru it?
a very, Very early katelyn sketch.
i should be out of assignment hell in the next couple of weeks or so lol, so some better quality n finished stuff will be posted around then (aka when i get it done lol)
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zoomire · 2 years ago
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Fuck you *turns your nexo knights into a nexo dnd party*
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elysiumnotes · 10 months ago
I am putting this list out there with absolutely no explanation. It is justified in my heart and I take only some criticism.
p.s. this is based purely off of vibes and not actual character building or stat blocking techniques.
Jason Gideon - Aberrant Mind Sorcerer/Way of the Astral Self Monk
Aaron Hotchner - Oath of the Crown Paladin (no question)
Spencer Reid - Order of Scribes Wizard (also no question)
Penelope Garcia - College of Creation Bard (absolutely no question)/Life Domain Cleric(very likely subclass)
Derek Morgan - College of Swords Bard/Battle Master Fighter
Jennifer ‘JJ’ Jareau - Fey Wanderer Ranger/Cavalier Fighter
Elle Greenaway - Echo Knight Fighter or Way of the Long Death Monk or Warlock of the Undying
Emily Prentiss - Phantom or Assassin’s Rogue (definitely the first one)
David Rossi - War Caster & Enchantment Wizard/Ancestral Guardian Barbarian (okay, this one I’ll actually give an explanation for…. He is through and through a Wizard main, but back in the day when the BAU was first started with Gideon, neither of them were good fighters. Especially Gideon being kinda lanky back then, so Rossi took some levels in Barbarian to ensure they had some muscle when they got into a few scrapes. Eventually when they separated as partners, he went back to focusing on his Wizard stats)
Tara Lewis - Divination Wizard (no doubts)
Luke Alvez - Champion Fighter or Totem Warrior Barbarian/Tempest Domain Cleric
Matt Simmons - Devotion Paladin/Champion Fighter
Stephen Walker - Oath of the Crown Paladin
Kate Callahan - Hunter Ranger/Twilight Domain Cleric
Ashley Seaver - Great Old One Warlock
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sunriseabram · 1 year ago
Andrew was a barbarian. He was a fighter, a monster, a killer. He didn’t need a single person to look after him. Before now, he had faced life’s evils alone. Protecting those around him was second nature. Nothing would change that...
…except maybe Neil.
Or 5 times Andrew protected everyone and the 1 time Neil protected him.
A gift for the lovely @0l-unreliable! I hope you enjoy it <3
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verdiris · 6 months ago
Gonna be doing a livestream over on Instagram tonight (30/8/24) where ill be doing a random lottery draw of characters to draw so if you want to request a character feel free to message me or reply to this post and I'll add it to the list 😊
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bubblyernie · 6 months ago
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Coloured version and the original >:3 sadie as circe, i love mysterious women with large cats
art tag // commission info
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oldschoolfrp · 7 months ago
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The storyteller (John and Laura Lakey, The Complete Fighter's Handbook for AD&D by Aaron Allston, TSR, 1989)
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hypnostouched · 1 year ago
i forever have dnd brainrot so,,, aftg dnd vibes
Neil is, of course, a rogue. lock picking, quick, lying sneaky lil bastard. In particular I would make him a Mastermind rogue as it comes with disguise profienecy , boosts so lying and vibes of a manipulator. I'd also build him into a wood elf - for the mechanical speed and hide buffs; but id flavour him as a half elf. The Hatford family would be elven and Mary is the one who trained Neil to hide and run. Other than some small things, he would look almost identical to his human father.
Now the Ravens in dnd, to me, are a Paladin order that is a lot more of a defined cult. They'd be a mix of Oath of Glory Paladins (one of their channel divinities is literally called Peerless Athlete) and Oath of Conquest Paladins (Kevin was Glory, Riko is Conquest) Paladins are physical builds with good Charisma and you can think whatever you like about the Ravens, they are charismatic (also to note, intimidation is a charisma skill in dnd)
now Oathbreaker has a very specific vibe but what I will focus on is the feeling of emptiness and darkness that come with it. Kevin is an oathbreaker when he leaves the Ravens, but he won't remain as one indefinitely. He would retake his Oath of Glory when it could mean something different to him (which would align with canon Kevin gtting his new tattoo). For him, being an Oathbreaker is connected to his fear and depression rather than any form of evil (High CHA Kevin is so funny to me bc its canon and i love a CHA build who generally doesnt seem charismatic until they turn it on) Kevin is a high elf seemingly in every way. He took after his mother almost entirely.
As said, Riko is a Conquest Paladin - I would also consider giving him a few levels in Shadow Sorcerer; as something he just is inherently rather than something he's trained to be like Paladin. Riko is also a half elf; most of the Moriyama family are High Elves but his mother was human. Riko can't claim that his family doesnt like him because of this, because Ichirou is also a half elf.
Returning to the foxes--
Andrew is a fighter. Human fighter, a v basic build lmao. he is a champion fighter; he's just a fucking threat.
Nicky is absolutely a bard (glamour). I would love to pitch Nicky as a Satyr because of their interest in freedom, revelry and enjoyment.
(can i just say its so hard to do dnd thoughts when so many characters are related and youre autistic so you have to factor all of that in)
Renee is a Barbarian/Cleric multiclass in the way that she used to be a barbarian and now mostly ignores those abilities to focus on her cleric shit. Light domain cleric. Also she is an air genasi and the colours in her hair are natural and look like the colours of sunset or sunrise on clouds
Dan is also a human fighter but she's a banneret fighter; which has a focus on inspiring allies. Still a threat, just also an inspirational one.
Aaron is a ranger; gloomstalker as he lurks around a lot. Mechanically he wouldn't be as high a level as Andrew. Neil is his favoured enemy.
Matt is a sun soul monk, taught to him by his mother. Bright and also quite scary when he's trying to kill you.
Allison is a bard/fighter multiclass. Similar to Renee, her Bard levels come from before her life with the foxes but she doesn't ignore them like Renee does. Eloquence Bard, champion fighter
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