#aaaaaaaah (in the best way) this is just so so good thank you so much again
My Lady Telanthera,
...I'm aware I don't frequently send you letters of this sort, but I had heard from another noble that it was your day of birth. Is that correct? I had hoped to wish you a happy birthday in person, but I'm afraid that work keeps one busy, as I'm certain one of your status is more than aware of. ...Seeing as I'm unable to visit you myself today, I thought it would be suitable to at least write you a letter.
Though I know you aren't the type to have as grand of a celebration as other nobles are prone to, I do hope you have a pleasant day, my dear. If I had the choice, I would come to your side in an instant to celebrate with you. As it is, I hope you have plans you will be able to enjoy- no matter how simple or complex they are.
I've sent a gift to you, enclosed. ...I hope you'll enjoy it.
Faithfully yours,
Camellia Smith
(...With the letter is a package containing a dress that, while simple, must have been no easy task to find. Made with fine fabrics, the skirt is also embroidered with flowers.)
((i wasn't sure if your S/Is shared your birthday, but i hope you'll enjoy this letter nonetheless! happy birthday again!!! ~Sel))
Sel. Sealey. @vampking.
Of course I enjoyed this letter, because it is absolutely AMAZING!!!! It always impresses me how well people are able to write others' F/Os and compose such lovely letters, but.. well, in your case it's a little bit different because Camellia is already your own character. That does not change how wonderful this letter is, however, because it is truly incredibly lovely and I very much appreciate the fact that you took the time to write something so wonderful. Also, yes, to answer your question, my self-inserts do all share the same birthday as me, because they are all me! ^-^
Thank you so, so much for sending such a lovely letter - it really made me smile (and blush, because of course it did), and I very much appreciate it, friend - just as much as Telanthera appreciated the lovely gift of the dress, hehe ^-^
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paingoes · 21 days
authors note: kitty uses the word ‘nonverbal’ here in a way that isnt really medically accurate. thats kind of a whole discussion im not gonna get into now but tl;dr delta has selective mutism and autism but he isnt “nonverbal” per se.
(Content: living weapon whumpee, discussion of past captivity, past abuse, discussion of war, (internalized) abuse apologism, dehumanization, emotional whump)
katkittykat: hiiiiii :3c
nodiving: hey
He glanced over the top of his laptop screen, across the room where Kitty was curled up on the armchair. She flashed her teeth at him when she smiled. Her nails clicked against the keys when she typed.
katkittykat: this is so smart lowk idk why i didnt think of it sooner
nodiving: yeah
nodiving: i’ve seriously been drafting forum arguments in my head this entire time
nodiving: all of them probably think they won just cause i termed
nodiving: would it be weird if i just pick them back up like nothing happened
katkittykat: ya u might have to let those go tbh
nodiving: :/
It was very hard to type with the cast on. It took him much longer to write than it normally would. Luckily, she didn’t interrupt until she heard the typing stop.
katkittykat: so like whats the deal w u
katkittykat: are u not talking cause ur scared to?
nodiving: no
nodiving: yeah
nodiving: its not that im scared necessarily its just that its very very unnatural for me 
nodiving: it still feels rude and overfamiliar to me even if i know you dont see it that way
nodiving: this is a lot easier thank you
katkittykat: you dont have to talk if it’s uncomfortable !!!
katkittykat: its cool if ur nonverbal we can just keep texting like dis
nodiving: i think i do want to though
nodiving: its just hard
nodiving: please dont like…stop talking to me
nodiving: im trying
katkittykat: u will have to deal w us talking to u FUREVER !!!! >:3c
nodiving: <3
katkittykat: aaaaaaaah <33333
He hesitated a long time before typing the next message.
nodiving: do you think i should have stayed
katkittykat: what???? D:
nodiving: on a purely strategic level it seems like this was not the most optimal outcome
katkittykat: urghhhh 
katkittykat: well on a ~purely strategic level~ im not the best person to ask tbh
katkittykat: like im ngl galatea was NOT prepared for sudden reunification and thats why levon is so pissed at us X)
katkittykat: but it would have been hard no matter what and if the war had gone on we wouldve had to fight along 2 different fronts which is also noooooot good
katkittykat: and if we had to do that. we would have had to fight you! which would have been v v v not good  X(
katkittykat: so idk if there was really a better outcome? and even if there was like
katkittykat: its not ur problem
katkittykat: ur not just a chess piece to be moved around
nodiving: i kind of am though
nodiving: theres obviously been a huge fallout because of this and it feels wrong to write all of it off just because of. my rights or whatever.
nodiving: i feel like i kind of jumped the gun leaving when i did
katkittykat: aw jeez :(
katkittykat: i was curious abt that tbh i assumed there was some final straw for u but i didnt wanna pry obvs
katkittykat: seems like it was bad ?
nodiving: i dont know 
nodiving: i was more scared by the escalation it represented than anything that actually happened so i feel like i may have overreacted a little bit
nodiving: its hard to explain
katkittykat: ur ok! u can talk abt it when ur ready
katkittykat: but fwiw i really doubt you overreacted
nodiving: thank you
katkittykat: if anythin u seem to be kinda? downplaying it????
nodiving: it really wasnt that bad
nodiving: i could have gone longer
katkittykat: idk delta it kinda seems that bad
katkittykat: i think u got used to it
katkittykat: but that doesnt mean it wasnt bad
He gave her a nervous glance from across the room, his hands stilling on the keyboard. He reluctantly began to type again.
nodiving: did you say i didnt have to talk about it
katkittykat: yes!!!! mb
katkittykat: do u wanna play league omg we actually have time now
nodiving: yessssss
nodiving: hi
sunspot: Hi Delta!!!! :)
sunspot: How are you !!!!
nodiving: im ok
nodiving: im sorry i was such a dick to you before 
nodiving: i was looking at the old messages again i feel really bad
sunspot: No you’re totally good! We were being really pushy i get why you were upset
sunspot: We were just worried for you honestly even when we didnt know you that well
sunspot: It was scary when you would just disappear for weeks at a time like that
sunspot: We just wanted to make sure you were safe
sunspot: Still do!
nodiving: thank you 
nodiving: i was scared too
nodiving: can i ask you something
sunspot: Yes please!!!! Yes I thought youd never ask!!!!
nodiving: is levon going to kill me
sunspot: Oh no
sunspot: He explicitly promised me not to
sunspot: Delta please do not tell me you have been worrying about that this entire time
nodiving: it stood out as a distinct possibility 
sunspot: Didnt he promise he wouldnt hurt you?
nodiving: yes
nodiving: you understand why i may be a bit hesitant to take him at his word
sunspot: Yes I guess thats our bad 
sunspot: But i really don’t think he wants that for you
sunspot: Do you think he’d wait for you to heal just to kill you at the end?
nodiving: not sure
sunspot: That was rhetorical! The answer was no.
nodiving: then what
sunspot: a good question
sunspot: I wish I had an answer for you and I really cant apologize enough for putting you in this situation but I'm afraid it could get very messy for a little while
nodiving: messy how
sunspot: In the broadest possible terms
sunspot: They dont really know what to do with you
sunspot: So that is something we are all going to have to figure that out together
LEVON: Kitty.
LEVON: How are you, my sweet?
KITTY: omg hiiiiiii
KITTY: im rlly good actually things r rlly good!
LEVON: Any progress?
KITTY: ya i think so :)
KITTY: hes opening up a little hes still like. v v shy in person? but not as scared i dont think 
KITTY: hes very polite
LEVON: Poor thing.
LEVON: Does he have sensory issues? I hear that’s a big thing with psychics.
KITTY: ummm yeah hes v twitchy. i think he gets his signals crossed a lot but idk if hes aware of it? he just gets all hackle-y at literally nothing sometimes
LEVON: Interesting.
KITTY: how are things back there
LEVON: Well, it’s a shitshow. You’ll find out soon.
KITTY: eek
KITTY: um can i tell u smth
LEVON: Of course.
KITTY: i dont think hes ready yet 
LEVON: You have the rest of the month.
KITTY: no even then i just dont think hes gonna be ready
KITTY: he needs more time
LEVON: I feel like I’ve been more than generous in letting you keep an unsupervised superweapon(!) in your house for two months without disturbance 
LEVON: I’m not saying I’m going to put him through the ringer or anything but he does need to come back to base.
LEVON: You’re coming with him, so I don’t see what the issue is.
KITTY: will we b able to see him then :?
LEVON: Sure.
KITTY: can he room w me :3c
LEVON: Nope.
KITTY: why D:
LEVON: Security reasons. 
KITTY: levon :(
LEVON: This isn’t coming from me.
KITTY: but ur the boss!!!!
LEVON: Yes, but this isn’t an absolute monarchy. I’m still obligated to follow protocol and I’m obligated to listen to other members of the council.
LEVON: Who I should add, are a LOT less okay with this than I am. 
KITTY: ok i get all that but listen like
KITTY: i dont think u understand how fragile he is rn
LEVON: I think you may actually be underestimating him.
KITTY: uh wat do u mean by that
LEVON: He’s held his own within Empire for nineteen years. That’s not for the weak. He can handle a little strain.
KITTY: lol is that what u call it
KITTY: a little strain?
LEVON: Relatively speaking, yes. I’ll do what I can to make it painless for him. Personally, I think he’s innocent.
KITTY: he IS innocent
LEVON: Can you prove it?
LEVON: That file you sent me. You made it, didn’t you? You’ve seen what’s on there? The casualty count?
KITTY: but thats not his fault!
LEVON: And I agree with you. But that’s what we’re going to have to establish. 
KITTY: but i dont want him to :(((
LEVON: What you want is not necessarily the basis upon which the courts operate.
katkittykat: doing ok????
nodiving: yeah
nodiving: in my room
katkittykat: what do u do in there
nodiving: kinda just been sleeping a lot
nodiving: im really tired all the time i dont know why
nodiving: i didnt use to be
katkittykat: ur sleep debt is probably insaneeeeeee that why
nodiving: yeah
nodiving: im sorry that im like this btw
katkittykat: u dont need to apologize for resting bby theres nothing 2 b sorry for
nodiving: not just that i mean everything
nodiving: i know im not normal 
katkittykat: u rlly rllllly dont need to worry abt that around us i promise we r all freak bitches
katkittykat: i like talking to u tho and i think its ok if u dont realylly feel “normal” right now u dont need to b
katkittykat: u can just b urself and if u dont know who that is rn thats fine too becuz u have the rest of ur life to figure it out
katkittykat: i will still want to hang out w you anyway <3
It took a long time for him to respond. She thought he may have fallen asleep again.
nodiving: why are you being so nice to me
Her turn to hesitate. That was more of an Apollo question — he could explain it ad nauseam. She didn’t know what answer she could possibly give him, if he even really wanted one. 
There was so little she knew about Delta. Each glimpse she got of what his life had been like painted a worse picture of it. They always said he’s been through a lot when anyone asked; it was a convenient euphemism for a whole array of issues. He tried so hard to play his cards close it to his chest. It felt like a betrayal then, the way the signs slipped through. 
nodiving: you dont have to be
She frowned as she slowly tapped at the keyboard.
katkittykat: i wanna be tho
katkittykat: cause i like u
katkittykat: <3
Another moment of silence. She braced herself. There was no way she could try and unpack all of that herself. She hoped she would not have to. She would do it wrong.
nodiving: <3
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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tallulah477 · 11 months
what are your spider hcs
Ooooooh such a good question!
Miles "Spider" Socorro Headcanons:
When Spider was younger he used to tie a piece of rope to the back of his loincloth to imitate a tail so he could feel like he fit in with the other Na'vi kids
He doesn't have a queue so he can't connect to the Spirit Tree, but he used to touch a chunk of hair to tree trunks as his way of connecting to The Great Mother
He stopped with the rope attached to his loincloth bit when Lo'ak caught the end of his "tail", pulled too hard, and accidentally gave him a super wedgie
He still does the hair thing sometimes though - just the act of doing it alone makes him feel much more connected to Eywa
Norm showed him Tarzan when he was younger and it became his all time favorite movie
He can relate to the character so well, a human child raised by a completely different species but he feels more at home with that other species than his own
He also likes to do the Tarzan yell when he's swinging through trees or jumping onto someone's back for a surprise attack
He's the biggest jokester ever and he loves to make people laugh, especially when they're feeling kinda low
He hates to see people upset
But he also loves to give compliments - even the smallest of "that basket you're weaving looks really good" or "This steamed meat is great, thanks!"
He's always felt like an outcast and been treated like he's no good by Neytiri and the other Na'vi, and he never wants anyone (especially the people he cares about) to feel like they aren't loved or good enough
He's also like the best singer ever? His voice is amazing - so smooth and soft and his favorite song to sing is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
He likes to throw people off though and start singing the most raunchy, sexual song he can, but in the sweetest, most romantic voice ever and everyone just pauses after a minute like "wait, wtf is he singing?" cause it sounded like a romantic ballad but he definitely just said "Put this pussy right in yo' face, swipe your nose like a credit card,"
Speaking of pussy, this man is the KING of Pussy Eating and he KNOWS it
He will eat you out within an inch of your life and you've thought you've died and gone to see Eywa
He's got that human tongue and even know the Na'vi are basically superior in every way, and their textured tongues must feel so fucking good literally anywhere, you can't deny that Spider's tongue is all soft and wet and silky and feels like heaven sliding along your clit
He's also 1000% an ass man! How can he not be? He's super tall, sure, but he's still a human and his head is basically right there all the time anyway
Plus he loves tails - he loves pulling on them playfully and knows that the base of the tail can be really sensitive and an erogenous zone when you stroke it
He's hung - he's so tall and huge for a human already so why wouldn't he be just as impressive down there too?
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junkissed · 3 months
Oh my god, I don't even have the words to describe how I feel after reading your latest fic.
Just the setting and the ambiance of the beginning and then the reader being not a big big party person. (By the way, was the party organized by Jackson or not???) (sorry....) And then they go to the beach and they just... They fall right into JUUUNNN???? Where can this happen to me too??? I wanna know
Then, just like always your smutty parts are the best. You just have a way of telling them that makes the reader really visualize it. Or even feel it?? (if that makes sense) Like I don't know if this makes a lot of sense but it was just so fluffy in a way. They didn't even need to exchange words for the most part (they only spoke for consent I think) like if they did understant each other perfectly even thought they just met and AAAAAAAAH I stop here okay And even after that !!! The aftercare I just.... My stomach made full loops at how soft and gentle that was. I swear I don't know how you do that but reading your fics is always something that gives me butterfliessss (Sorry it sounds a bit cliché but... It's true...).
But... when they needed to part ways, I was kind of sad... I did a total change of mood in 10 seconds. AND THEN the end ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THEY FINALLY EXCHANGE NAMES !!!! (yes, i did scream in hapiness at that)
And hum... I'm going to stop here because I could continue to ramble about how much I loved this and how much I just adore your way of writing things. Sorry if I spoke too much... I was really looking forward to your new fic and you really didn't disappoint !
I hope you have a really good day and sorry again for rambling too much. Sending you lots of love and support !!!
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no i appreciate you so so much thank you for rambling!!! if nobody ever sent asks like these then i would never know how ppl felt 😭 it really means sooo much and it makes me want to keep writing for the lovely ppl like you who let me know you liked reading my work💗
honestly the reason why i didn't have them speak very much during the smut was because they didn't know each others' names and i didn't know how to write it without mentioning names nsdhfksj lmao. but i'm so happy you enjoyed that part!! the smut is the hardest part for me to write because i feel like it gets too repetitive and i run out of ways to describe it so i end up cutting it short :/
also, the bachelorette party was hosted by mingyu & his bride so technically not jackson butttt... that doesn't mean he wasn't invited 🫢 that's open to interpretation hehe
(also i posted another little blurb about what happens after the end of the fic, if you wanna read it's here :))
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voiceofsword · 1 year
crocs/22m aridane anon
aaaaaaaah it's gonna be so hard (why is this the way im choosing to celebrate finishing major exams)
def going to get vip ii - thank the stars i saved the £25 google play voucher i got for christmas it is going to help me out somewhat
i probably will fork in a bit more but not go crazy because i don't have the money for that
is vip i also worth it or is that money better spent on dia packs?
the plan is to binge lots of the stories in my free time (and fast forward through the ones i don't really want to read), passive play the upcoming events (i have exams atm so can't dedicate full time for some of them; plus i need to save resources) to get as much dia as possible, use the weekend coupons from the official tumblr account up until and during aridane, level up my cards as best as i can (himeru why does your song have to be a sparkle - my worst attribute on the en server) then when the event hits, just grind like crazy (following the advice you've given and your hot limit experience), hope for the best and hope i get lucky on the gacha (idk if i'll be able to do full 10 10 pulls, so im just gonna hope i get good luck
being realistic, i need to lower my expectations, because 22m is going to be very very hard let's just hope the autism gets me through this
once again thank you so much for all the tips, i want the himeru 5 star so bad (i spent half a year slowly grinding event memorial coins to get him on jp server) and i want the secret outfit (but i could live without it) (at least obbligato is a tour and is ages away after this [around 11 months])
good luck in your efforts with aridane!
(what milestone are you going for?)
good luck anon (both with your exams and the event)!! ;w;
if anything, you could consider going for 7.5m, or 11m? since those are a bit more accessible, you could still go for a form of scr if you go for the latter, and that way you're more prepared for the next time you choose to scr something!
i personally always have vip I active, i think it's a good way to earn passive dia, the 30bp cap is very nice so you dont have to set constant alarms when your bp caps, so i definitely recommend it if you can allow yourself to get it! i also think that since we're most likely getting the cospro banners for wwys around the time ariadne drops, we might get some dia or ticket packs on sale then that would be worth checking out — with the starpro one, the 4.99 and 9.99 ones were the most worthwhile iirc
also, i'm planning on going 22m for it! i've been saving up since hot limit, only digging into my funds for fs rinne and cowboy niki scr and since i play basically everyday i was able to recoup that pretty easily! i'm gonna try to keep a better documented run this time around so that i have concise info to give when ppl ask questions though :-) !!!!
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hihi tell me a bit about ori :3
hiiii so sorry for the late late reply i wanted to wait till i got on my laptop at home so i can format it well (also it took me 3 hours to write this aaaaaaaah) so here it goes! first of all thank you so much for askingggggggggggggg !!
Ori was 29 when they moved to stardew valley , they feel like they wasted their teens and 20's working for Joja corp back at zuzu city which they regret immensely
Ori as a kid used to love going to the nearby small forest and explore all day but then the forest was cut down to make way for a joja warehouse building since then Ori didn't really go out except to the zuzu mall with friends ( Gwen from the zuzu city mod) their fav past time was to hangout around the video games merch and comics store to observe the Hot gamerz and nerdz that came in and out of that store ( yk typical teen stuff lol)
Ori's parents are divorced, they live with their mother,and ever since the divorce they stopped being the outgoing person they always were, they decided to take a part time job at a joja mart nearby and then just continued to work for them since then
they moved to stardew valley at the urging of their mom after they opened grandpa's letter because they almost didn't take the offer they thought it was too much work and too late for them to change careers but their mom believed they could do it and wanted them to leave Joja
i headcannon grandpa in this save to have been a very good adventurer along side being a farmer basically THE original Min/Max farmer before my farmer comes along lol and he is best freinds with both Lewis and Marlon
so when Ori moved to stardew valley and was greeted by everyone so enthusiastically it actually scared them and they spent all spring barely leaving their farm but once they needed to go to the mines they started running into Marlon
Marlon's gruffy attitude reminded Ori of their grandpa alot which made them very sad and nostalgic for their grandpa, by then they had started to want to become more like him so they went out to fight monsters like he did but of course Ori was not prepared so they had alot of near death experiences only to be saved by the town's residential doctor Harvey
Marlon took note of whats happening and offered Ori a sword and a place in the adventures guild, secretly they thought Ori reminded them of their grandpa trying to balance the whole world on their shoulders and thought he could atleast try to help so he trains them to use the sword at night at the adventures guild
since Ori leaves the adventure guild late at night and runs into Sebastian alot, they are slowly becoming good friends!
ever since Ori visited the wizard and drank that ...uh... essence of the forest potion they find themselves wandering the deep forest in stardew valley over and over again!
im gonna stop here because if i keep going imma need another 3 hours or so lol
once again thank you for asking !
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This campaign is gonna be set in fantasy/sci-fi, with machines and things but they’re all powered by magic which is supplied by the government. Apparently they get the magic from a big hourglass which nobody has ever seen.
The plot starts out with the party being summoned to the government’s crime unit and are told ‘hey we kind of have a LOT on our hands rn so can you track down these low class criminals?’ and a lot of the party has been sent to do community service and this counts as that.
So the low class criminals consist of Magnus, Bav, Reverence, and scales and tails who are twins. Soo a quick run down on each one.
Magnus is a human warlock who can be identified since he has a burn mark across his face, across his mouth. Like the stitches on zombies? And his crime is that he was accused of murder and he was found at the crime scene sooo.
Bav is a half orc druid who was accused of murdering her younger brother. And she’s kind of like karlach from bg3
Reverence is a tiefling cleric and she was tossed out of her church because she’s actually a multi-class cleric/warlock (not sure if you can do that but uhhh yeah) and she committed arson
Scales and Tails are lizardfolk twins who wear identical gold bracelets on their wrists. Scales is more of an outgoing kid, kind of like lark and sparrow and seems to have no fear and tails seems to have only fear. (That’s because Tails died when he was younger and Scales sold his fear for tails to come back as a hologram in the bracelets but that’s a secret for later heheh)
The main villain is Songbird, an ex-singer (pop idol?) who murdered a group of government officials. He keeps his identity behind his porcelain mask. He’s a water genasi bard. And he actually dated and was engaged to Magnus at the hight of his fame and while magnus was still working for the government. Songbird has a origami bird tattooed on his neck and leaves origami birds at the crime scenes of his murders. Oh he’s a serial killer now i forgot to add
(Magnus’s soul is tied to the couple’s engagment rings and if he falls in love with anyone else, his heart will explode. Songbird cursed him lmao)
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^live footage of me reading that btw
ok so!!!! coherent thought time!!! fantasy technology as a setting FUCKS SO HARD i always get treasure planet vibes and that is literally always perfect vibes.
reverence sounds sick as FUCK and also yes you can have a warlock/cleric multiclass!!! my beloved @lumi-lyn played a cleric in our campaign who multiclassed to warlock about halfway through!! and it was a great move so reverence is going to be SUCH a fun character i can already tell <3
so. listen. you didn’t HAVE to go for my throat with scales and tails like that /pos SELLING HIS FEAR??? FOR HIS SIBLING???? FUCK yeah that’s major lark and sparrow vibes and it hurts so bad but also like. in the best way
magnus being bound to the BBEG with the engagement ring got me REALLY good like i actually had to take a minute cause like?? that’s SUCH a good plot point?? the tension?? the toxicity?? eating that shit up nom nom
on that note SONGBIRD SOUNDS SO FUCKIN SICK AAAH— like ok the hiding his identity behind his fame ???? and it’s porcelain so like it’s fragile but beautiful and AHHH why do i want to write an analysis of a character that i only learned existed 5 minutes ago /pos
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hwaightme · 2 years
ok hi hello. its time.
okay so just for the tmi of the day. i was so frustrated with having no time to read this that i literally took the decision to wake up at 5am today to read it before work. and before you say i didn't have to do that... yes. yes i did!
i was literaly blessed with this masterpiece (once again). ughhhh it was too good!
so first of all i really really really really loved the academic atmosphere. like the whole setting was so well described and i felt like a was back in law school (eventhough it was last year lol). i don't know anything about psychology so i was really in awe with the whole concept and it really put emphasis on the fact that oc and hongjoong were just a different level of smart.
and gorllll the tensionnnn™ the mutual pinning©!!!! i felt like a held my breath throught this whole thing.
and dom/frustrated/riled up hongjoong just have mercy on my and unalive me right now. put me out of my misery!! i legit screamed with the group of students part....
and gorllll the ✨oral scene✨..... it was THE BEST with the beltttt... i was like this 👁👄👁 when i say i loved it .... believe me it was the bestttttttttttttttttttttttt
anyways thank you again for this it was so worth getting up early and my day went amazing!
I'm just:
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HELLO THERE MY ANGEL😭❤ Oh my gosh I appreciate you doing that to the ends of this galaxy😭❤ thank you so so much!!!! (ahahah okay I won't say it, but what I will say is that I am very very glad that your day went amazing!!!❤)
I am so unbelievably grateful that you enjoyed the imagery, and the detailing of the feelings that the surroundings incite!! I find the interplay between inner and outer worlds fascinating, so try to improve on that as much as I can - to hear you say Motivate Me made you feel like you were back in law school is making my heart swell ❤💙💜 (separate note: oh my gosh law school!!? That is AMAZING!!! So much respect to you and congrats~). Psychology is something I enjoy learning about, though can't say I know it well😂 shoutout to the pros out there💜💙 but greatly appreciate you loving the way it was interlaced~~
AAAAaaaah thank you thank you thank you!!!! Nothing quite like them risking it all for the high and for what they had been wanting and needing all this time👀 Hongjoong in a different flow state to retain at least a gram of self-control... only to teach a different kind of lesson right after 👀 ah really you are too kind, that is the highest praise, thank you so much❤💜💙
Literally the biggest ever hugs to you and all the love❤
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borathae · 2 years
Hi, i love your ff blog so much, it feed my mummy kink so well. honestly your ff blog is best for sub bts especially sub jungkook content, always my go to blog. please never delete it, you are so good at writing sub ffs. I hope to see your more sub ffs in future, you have speciality in that ❤️
Btw i want to request a oneshot.
Can you make a Jungkook oneshot where he is cold dark CEO where everyone fears him but when he and yn is alone he turns into cute babyboy, just a oneshot about his duality
aaaaaaaah you are so sweet!! Thank you so much!! Gosh, I'm so happy you feel this way ehehe 💜💜
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Answering your questions and comments! Pt2
This is for most of the anon questions I got! 
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I actually haven’t considered that! Part of me wanted to say accents aren’t a thing in Unova, but then I remembered the infamous nugget bros...and their catchphrase “nuggetabout it!” It just makes me wish every single character in Unova was heavily accented in all variations. But to answer the question, I haven’t given it any thought at all so I can’t say! 
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I’ve answered this before I think? But my point remains the same. My art of them features them exclusively in a platonic way!  However, I don’t mind the ships, and I don’t mind people seeing it in such a way. I get comments all the time where people joke about “Elesa and her two malethings + her gf Skyla” Hell even I joke about it sometimes. But it’s all in good fun. 
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I love all this Ramses love. He IS the best and you’re both 100% correct!! 
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wags finger. this is inappropriate behavior. 
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I don’t have a discord server (don’t plan to make one) but I share a space with my partner in their vtuber server! It’s a place where we share our work, promote ourselves and others, and chat a lot about fandom stuff. If you’re interested in joining, send me a DM!
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OUghguUGHhh thank youuu.
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OKAY. I’ll be cynical for a second: From what I’ve noticed (this is a small observation, not a factoid) I think a lot of submas fans are new to Pokemon…so are maybe not used to gamefreak being huge disappointments yet. 😩 in my experience, they tend to drop lore or plot points and then ignore them for years.
I have no expectations for the sake of not getting my hopes up for nothing. ;-; though, it would be wonderful considering the themes. Even a subtle nod would make the submas tag trend on twitter without a doubt LOL
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Wuahh…thank youuu…i love drawing… LOVE !!
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EEEEE! I haven’t had the chance to draw up more big gay unovan family stuff yet, but Im glad its enjoyable to other gen 5 lovers. I do love imagining all region characters knowing each other in some way. 🥰 everyone has differing opinions on ingo and emmet but they can agree unanimously they are little weirdos.
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;-;)9 its what im here for,,,
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I have a whole comic script written for it…very emotional…verrrrryyyyy…gestures familyyyyy themed. But ah, we’ll see if I ever get to it!!! Sitting atop my pile of unfinished projects.
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AAAAAAaah I super appreciate this!!! You’re so sweet!! Thank you!!
I hope I can keep making you smile.. its a very big motivator… ;w;
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YEAAAA GOOD GOOD GOOD. THAT WAS THE INTENTION. THATS CRAZY THAT YOU CAN HEAR IT TOO LOL like obviously its near impossible to make sounds with comics, but I’m glad THAT part got to your brain HAHA!!
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Fellow burgh lover i see you, I understand you, and i respect you.
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Hahah, I haven’t really given it much thought, but I genuinely believe that three of them are some of the toughest trainers in Unova. I would say they got far enough to reach victory road. The twins’ talent speaks for themselves being battle facility bosses, but Elesa is nothing to sneeze at either. Since i like to HC them as childhood friends, it only feels fitting that Elesa was not only able to keep up with the twins, but probably bested them several times.
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Maybe some daaaayyy….i love Adaman’s design (even if wayyy to many of the charcters are wayyy to pale eeergh)
Im always thinkin to myself i need to have comic ideas in order to draw certain characters. But I forget I can just … draw them……without giving them a reason to be. SO maybe someday haha! Im glad you like the way I drew him though lol!
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It’s not so much that its canon (don’t believe much has been confirmed about them except they are clown inspired and have receding hairlines) but it’s apparent and obvious. I would dare say it’s not even debatable, but with these sort of headcanons, you have to consider that the people that feel strongly about it are more likely autistic themselves and therefore know more about the subject.
I recommend reading posts by @/1863-project! They go into detail about every detail and honestly it’s allowed me to learn a lot about how to write the characters!
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He’d eat his hat, I think.
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Any kinda ugly, kinda clashing patterns... Turtle necks, or long coats. Outfits that are different, but still kinda match.
OH eelektross jacket…..
Anything that says transman swag…lmaooo
Im not very fashion forward myself, but I try to have fun with it. And when I draw them, i have unspoken hc for when they dressed themselves or when Elesa had an opinion.
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I did draw them doin the based ball once…
But honestly, I don’t particularly think any of them is huge on sports apart from maybe getting excited by extension.
Unless of courss battling considered a sport?
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Personally. I don’t think either of them gets mad often. Frustrated, annoyed, and cranky maybe…but all the way angry?
Kind of interesting to think about. I’m unsure if I’d describe it as scary. More so intimidating because it’s so rare to witness!
I’m reminded of how passively Ingo handled Melli’s fuckery…his customer service voice fell back in time with him. It can be attributed to his politeness, but it certainly takes a great level of patience. So yeah, honestly, I think Ingo would never allow anyone to see him completely angry. Similarly for Emmet, even though he does tend to be more expressive.
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As of today, my commissions are currently closed!! But i welcome all inquiries!
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It feels nice and warm… ;-;
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Ah…………that description is so sweet…….thank you!!
Sadly i did picture that twilight scene with edward and bella JNFNDN BUT THE SENTIMENT STILL STANDS.
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Tis a very very cute thought!! She’ll adopt some of their train themed phrases..since some of them are technically puns. Heehee..
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Indeed. 🐷
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THANK YOUUU!!!! AAAAAAA!! Thank you so so much!! Sometimes i worry more about the writing than the art itself, so it means a lot!!
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taegularities · 2 years
GOOD MORNING, BEAUTIFUL RID. it’s 07:47 here. thank you for another masterpiece.
Jungkook is one to walk through the world carelessly, a free spirit. Living life as it comes. At least that’s the picture you’ve painted of him in your head. And to know that he, too, feels insecure about his own work sometimes drenches him in something… authentic.
this is like a quote from a poetry book i read 🥺
“I’m not afraid to take you right here.”
“And both of us slid down the damn ramp like a skateboard.”
Jungkook can’t fight the laugh that his suggestion calls forth, and he covers it with a shirtsleeve covered hand; his eyes little moons.
[…] Nara…
“You looked like you were in a better mood afterwards, though,” Yoongi insists, adding more chaos to the madness.
Peculiar how his words flood you with motivation you haven’t felt before; hope and optimism you want to hold onto.
aah this one is gonna hurt-
That’s the last sentence on the page – it reminds him of you.
“I can concentrate a lot better with you around.”
“For when I get into an actual relationship.”
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my heart broke at that bit of jungkook comparing their lives ):
Who knows what they will print and write into their journals and news? He’s way out of your league anyway – or at least that’s what everyone will say once this picture is printed. Not least of all because of the clear difference between your reputations: yours is enormous – and his non-existent.
STOP 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“But I’m here willingly,” he whispers, “I like being with you.”
“if I’m somewhat okay, little angel… may I kiss you then?”
“I can’t fuck you stupid if you pass out on me already.”
“Why are you holding back?” he asks, the smile cocky and lustful; nothing new. “Don’t you think everyone in this house already knows?” He pushes his fingers in harder, rubbing against the rough patch inside you. “That I fuck any logic out of you all the damn time?”
you’re so good at smut and fluff and angst i can’t!!!!
He wraps his fingers around your messy bun and tugs just lightly, pulling your head back.
“But,” he interrupts, nearly hissing, “you can’t always get what you want, though, can you?”
🥵 but then
“No,” he whispers, his hand leaving your hair to grip your jaw, “no. Let me just please you today, yeah?”
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“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, his voice husky and quiet, kind of intimidating… but still fond somehow. “We’re not done yet.”
Devours your sounds, watches logic and thinking abilities slip out of your head entirely. The curve of his shaft reaches every sensitive spot inside you, rubs desperately.
oh dear lord
The nickname, usually an irritating term, launches you up and above the clouds; suddenly endearing… maybe even sweet.
oh no-
His lips skim the apple of your cheek… up to your temple; place a kiss on one of your eyebrows with closed eyes.
And Jungkook’s heart falls – down and deep into a pit.
WAAAAAHHHH PAULEEEEYYYYYY I DON'T DESERVE U !!!!!! u know i absolutely love how u point out most of the things i want pointed out while writing, like u're so 😭 <33
okay, this poetry quote ?! u need to share !! and not the stfu at nara's mention omg 😭 and oh. yeah. if that makes u think this one's gonna hurt, then have fun reading the future parts cos..... 😮‍💨 BUT PLEASE, the 'for when i get into an actual relationship' hurt me sO BAD, TOO !!!
jk comparing his life to oc's.... i know, it really drags him down, but my boy stays strong for her and never says anything :(((( he deserves the best *sniff*
losing it at the cat emojis 🤣 and the 🦋🦋 are real, too goshhhhh </3 ALSO HAHAHAH I'M SO SORRY I KNOW THE ENDING IS MEAN, but i promise things are gonna make sense and work out <3 thank u so much as always, this put such a big smile on my face 😭 i love u fr 😭
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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milkiane · 3 years
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so i am feeling incredibly emotional rn so, here’s an appreciation post for my favorite people. (this have been in my drafts for three weeks now) -- so why not post this along with my sleepover <3 sleepover bash
need i say more? no— but i will anyway. asteria, my mean cheerleader girlfriend, you are the first moot i’ve ever had, and honestly, i wouldn’t have it any other way. you're my favorite person in the entire world, and pls i am getting so emotional rn, i hate you >:-( i’ve told you everything at my previous letters but i just want you, and everyone else who’s about to read this, to know that you’re my platonic (and quite possibly romantic) soulmate, and my other-third, because pansy owns the shit out of us. love u lots, don’t say it back <3
my favorite headcanon writer 😩 pls alyssa, i’ve had, and still do, have so much fun talking with you. i really, really, love your company, i love your writing, and most especially love you. you were one of my moots that talked to me with such ease and comfort despite being a tad bit younger than you, and it’s been fun ! you’re like one of those seniors who befriends juniors, but still have this amazing (and envying) friendship with each other. not only that, but you being my friend, and me being a dumbass, made our own version of the golden trio with @weasleyyy ! now, this is a story i’ll tell my kids. love u, even if you choose to chomp me <3
gHAZAL ! now, are you thankful for me being a half-asleep dumbass who thought you were rose because of your similar urls before, or what ? because i definitely am PFT SJSHSJSHSJN anyways, i’m so happy to have you in my life. i’m a sucker for your chaotic and impulsive energy, and your little thoughts about the hpu. just like rose, thank you for acting just as yourself around me, a smol bisexual mess, because i really do appreciate it, and now you made me a fanclub— which btw, i still cannot get over with. i wheeze everytime i remember it. i love u, madame gazelle, even if you’re a mean li’l fuck ! <3
AAAAAAAAH heather, you are officially my unofficial soft british best friend, and no, you do not have a say in this, because you’re stuck with me forever. thank you so much for helping me with terms i need for writing. you’ve been the best, you’ve supported me through every ups and downs with my writings ever since we’ve met. it wasn’t even too long ago ! but you’ve welcomed me like i was a long lost friend of yours. love u, h, the lily to my marlene <3
aliciaaa !! you’re honestly like an older sister i’ve never had. i’ve never had anyone to rant about my marvel fangirlings with, but i am so glad that you were so open with my rants and conspiracy theories. you’ve never judged me or shown any disinterest with my rambles, you’ve been so supportive and you continue to give me the same energy as mine. it’s a very little thing to fuss about, but lish, you’ve got to know that it means so much to me. i’m tearing up— blame the hormones. but really, i’m so grateful for you and your company (and your maxibaby fics). love u to the moon and back ! <3
isa isa isa isa isaaaa, pls i love u so much. that’s all i want to say, but ofc, i need to say more. you have been one of my best friends— we clicked the moment we spoke to each other and i was incredibly happy to be your moot. i couldn’t even believe it at first because you’re this rly cool writer with tons of followers and i’m just another user in the crowd but like, everything i want to say is beyond the words that want to come out of my mouth, so i’ll leave it with a thank you for choosing me to be one of your mutuals. thank you for blessing me, and the others, with your lovely fics. never stop doing what you love, i’m here for you always. always was, and always will be. i mean, it should be with the jointed graves and all. love u <3
SOOOORINNNN. sometimes i question what’s happening inside your head. like one second your posting angsty fics and thoughts, and next thing i know you’re posting a dancing prongs gif. i’ll never understand, i reckon, but that’s alright, i’ll love you just the way you are, even if you break my heart with your angst. tell me who hurt you and i’ll beat them up. i love u so much, i’m still listening to your playlist, because it’s astronomical. sending you some forehead kisses <3
vivian !! i’m still beyond grateful for you and your artistic and writing talents. you’re such an angel, and i’m so incredibly happy to have you in my life. you’re a sweetheart. you’re every sweet-soft-fluffy nickname there is, because honestly? i cannot speak well, or think straight because i don’t think words can describe how lucky i am to have you. well, i love u, and that’s all i could comprehend <3
karis ! you’re honestly one of my fave moots because you never fail to make me so appreciated and loved. your out of the blue messages always make me feel so happy because you’re so wholesome and nice. i’m very, very, glad to have you in my life. thank you for always being there to be my personal therapist and my human diary— who listens to all of my writing ideas, even if i have tons of wips to write. thank you for inspiring me to write again, without you, i would’ve never find my passion for writing again, so thank you, thank you for being the sweetest person there is, i love you ! <3
ANYA ! darling, you are one of the very first mutuals i’ve ever talked to, you’ve welcomed me with open arms when i was new here and i wouldn’t change anything in the world. i’m so glad that you were the first person i’ve ever talked to because you are practically the human form of a squishmallow. don’t question me, you’re my squishmallow. anyways, you’re such a lovely person and i’m very happy to have you in my life, love you ! <3
cHARLY-CHAR !! hehe you are like one of those nice, cool, senior students in school, you never fail to make me so giddy and loved. i’m so happy to have you in my life, and i’m wishing you all the happiness and love in the world because you truly do deserve it, especially when you’ve been nothing but so kind and friendly. pls i feel like crying because i don’t know what i did to deserve you. I BLAME U AND UR AMAZING WRITING SKILLS FOR MAKING ME SOFT >:-( i love you tho <3 — also thank you for that play fighting blurb with fred, i didn’t know that i needed to bite his cute butt until i read it.
ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ! I LOVE YOU. i feel so complete when i read your peter fics. i always look forward to them because it’s not everyday you find someone who actually writes him so good, and i know we don’t really interact much, but i feel like i got to know you more through reading your fics. u better trust me when i say that i’ll be your personal hype woman and maxibaby supporter, because i am, and i will forever be ! love u <3
amelia, you bitch, i love you. to be honest, i've never really expected us to be friends, but ofc, here you are, simping for me and now we're besties. you've been, and still are, so fun to be around with-- only because i get to tease the shit out of you >:-) anyways, thank you for keeping up with my utter bullshit, i'm here for you always, i hope you know that. love ya ! <3
wAHH-- sasha, hi. pFT JSADHJSAHDJH SORRY BUT PLEASE I LOVE YOU, DID YOU KNOW? it's been so painfully awkward at first because believe me, i'm the most gauche person you'll ever meet if we talk for the first time, but as soon as we grow accustomed to each other, you'd wish that you never spoke to me, because i'm this hot fucking mess, so thank you for keeping up with me. you're one of my favorite mutuals in here. i love you more than puppies and hello kitty pancakes <3
+ my mutuals who’ve been such amazing people, we haven’t talked as much as the tagged moots but i love you all just as equally, you lot mean the world to me, and i’m willing to go on the ends of the earth for all of you <3
@anchoeritic @babyjordy @frankenkyleluvr @ronsbadidea @kc-needs-coffee @nevilles-top @weasleyclaw @sweetnspicysimp @redbullchick @willowbleedsonpaper @weasleysandwheezes @daffodilmoons @incorrectpeterparker @dracosaccount @cedrics-grave @pad-foots @peepeepotter @oldschoolkiddo @spideyspixies @daltonacademia @eunoniaa @love-peachh @george-fabian-weasley @mayonnaise-and-anarchy @darthwheezely @thotbutpurple @l0ttadreamz @daisyyy2516 @prettywhitedoves @band--psycho @widowdays @loveboyhalo @gxtitobxby @fandomvariousness @nothinghcppens (i passed the 50 tags rule, eek— i’m sorry, i love all of you whom i didn’t get to tag, though 🥺)
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lesetoilesfous · 3 years
For DADWC: from the Florence + The Machine Prompt List list > "And the heart is hard to translate, it speaks a language of its own". You're my favorite fenders writer 💙, so fenders fic, pretty please!
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Aaaaaaaah so I got this twice and I love it SO much so thank you both! @contreparry​ - I really hope you enjoy it!
(If you’d like me to write you a dragon age fic, send me a prompt from here!)
Pairing: Fenders
Characters: Fenris, Anders
Tags: canon-typical graphic depictions of violence, Anders was right, anti-chantry, fluff
Rating: Mature
“And the heart is hard to translate It has a language of it's own It talks in tongues and quiet sighs And prayers and proclamations in the grand days Of great men and the smallest of gestures In short shallow gasps” 
- All This and Heaven Too, Florence + The Machine
It started on a beach in 9:30 Dragon. It was raining, and Fenris, Hawke and the rest of their companions were hot and sticky with blood when the clouds had burst. They’d left a litter of broken slaver bodies in the sand dunes behind them, stumbling down to the grey waves of the Waking Sea beneath a cloudy sky. 
And then it had begun to rain, and the mage: a foolish, willful man utterly ignorant of his own privilege, had yelped and begun to take his clothes off. Fenris can still remember the way the sand had felt between his toes, and hear the buzz of insects in his ears as he’d stared at the tall, blonde man, and the sand between them had grown dark with water. 
Anders had stripped down to his smalls, blood streaked up his forearms in long vivid slashes, and dropped his staff carelessly into the long, stiff silver reeds. Admittedly, it was a cheap thing: clearly scavenged or stolen, and nothing that any self-respecting magister would have been seen dead with. Still. Fenris had never seen a mage just drop their staff like that before. Just to the right of Anders’ chest, half hidden by thick red-blonde hair, was a deep and jagged scar directly above his heart. His belly was almost concave, hip bones jutting in a way that could only be unhealthy. There were more scars, but Fenris barely had a chance to see them before Anders was running at the freezing sea.
From behind, Fenris saw that his long back was latticed with more scars than he had previously imagined. The mage yelped as he got into the waves, feet hopping as if the water were burning hot, not freezing cold. And then he got past the shallows, and dove in beneath the cresting waves. Behind him, somewhere between the beach and the horizon, seabirds leapt squawking into the grey sky. Anders had burst up out of the blue water, laughing, tossing his hair back from his face in a whip of antique gold, tipping his long, crooked nose back and shutting his eyes as he raised his face to the watery grey sunlight.
And then Isabela and Hawke, laughing, had pulled each other’s clothes off and followed him, and Fenris had been left standing uncertainly on the beach, watching them, unable to decipher the ache in his chest as he waited for them to rejoin him on the shore.
It started in the Alienage in 9:30 on Wintersend. Anders had just delivered triplets, which was a labour that was exactly as harrowing and arduous as he had worried it would be. He hadn’t slept in 48 hours, and for weeks after he’d ascribed the events of that night to a waking dream. The elvhen women whose children he’d delivered had attempted to press what silver they had into his hands, and Anders had pressed it back into the mother’s wife’s hands, dizzy with the expenditure of his magic and the sheer weight of fatigue. Then he’d taken his staff, more as a cane than anything, and slowly left the narrow confines of their home.
His knee had been blistering with pain: and he’d known before the first kiss of snow that the weather had changed. His worst scars always warned him before the sky broke. Still, the coat he’d armoured over the years with reinforced leather and what other supplies he could scavenge provided little warmth against the night, so Anders was shivering as his breath fell in white clouds into the dark. Around the Vhenadahl, candles flickered against the wind in a way that only magical fire could, and Anders sent a silent half-hearted prayer to the Maker that the templars would stay inside their barracks tonight, and not make any midnight excursions into Lowtown.
The last person he had expected to see leaving Merrill’s home was Fenris, and he certainly hadn’t expected to see the elf wrapped in a mossy green, knitted woolen scarf. For a second the pair of them stared at each other, caught like apprentices out of bed past curfew. Then Fenris had flushed, ruddy against his dark skin, and marched past him. Anders had expected it to end there, but when Fenris got to the foot of the steps to the alienage he stopped, greatsword strapped like steel lightning to his back.
He turned on the steps, and frowned at Anders. “Are you coming?”
Anders had followed. Fenris said nothing for the whole journey, but he walked Anders to the door of his clinic, and when Anders swayed as he tried to heave open the heavy doors, Fenris had caught his elbow. Anders had stared at him, more startled by the unexpected gesture than he would have been by the Darktown floor, and Fenris jerked his hand back like he’d been burned. In one of the undercity taverns, a chorus of festival goers were singing. Fenris gave him a short, sharp nod. “Good night, mage.”
Anders nodded back, speechless. Through the broken walls of Darktown, snow drifted in silent clouds and disappeared into the blue ink of the Waking Sea. Anders was convinced for years that he imagined it when Fenris stopped again, on the staircase outside the clinic, and spoke in a murmur. “Happy Wintersend.”
It started on Sundermount in 9:33 Dragon.  Fenris had fallen, feet slipping in the mud, right calf failing him thanks to a slice to his leg that felt like it had split a ligament. His leg was a screaming burn and the rest of him was little better. The fog on the mountain was thick and white as dragon’s breath, and much colder, seeping through his armour and into his skin, and making the lyrium sewn into his flesh numb the veins around it in a bruising ache. Fenris couldn’t see Hawke, or Isabela, and he did not trust the mage to be anywhere than at Hawke’s side, for all that she had clearly long since promised her heart to Isabela. It was with a grim certainty that Fenris had looked up into the bloody, snarling face of his would-be killer, even as his mind ran through every formal strategy and dirty tricky he could think of. His fingers scrabbled in the dirt for mud to throw into his eyes, but his fingers were weak and stiff with the cold. The slaver’s sword fell.
Which was when six feet two of mage tackled him. Fenris stared as Anders charged at the slaver who would have killed him, throwing him down into the dirt. The mage’s staff was nowhere to be seen, and his hair was almost brown with the rain. His pale face was streaked with blood, and his coat and shirt were torn and scorched in places, exposing his bare, newly healed skin. Fenris stared as Anders tackled the slaver down into the mud and then reared back and punched him, hard, breaking his nose before punching him again, and again, and then taking a dagger from his belt and slitting his throat with brutal efficiency.
When the act was done, Anders dropped the knife into the dirt and scrambled to his feet, long legs skidding in the wet mud like a newborn colt. Fenris almost laughed, but in the absence of mortal peril his injuries were attempting to set his nerve endings on fire. His efforts to sit ended in him collapsing back onto the hill and praying to a Maker he struggled to believe in that Hawke and Isabela had dealt with the rest. And then Anders was there, face covered in blood and mud, hair clinging like kelp to his newly freckled and faintly sunburned cheeks. “Oh no you don’t.”
Magic fell over Fenris’ ruined leg like holy fire, and Fenris’ pain evaporated, washing away from one heartbeat to the next until it was merely a distant, terrible memory. Slowly, stiffly, Fenris managed to sit up, and for the first time in three years, Anders gave him a warm, honest smile. “There you are.” 
Then he’d stood, and Fenris had been dizzily reminded exactly how tall he was. And then there was a long, calloused hand, red with blood, fingers crooked with breaking, thrust into the foggy air between them. Despite himself, Fenris took it.
It started on the Wounded Coast in 9:33 Dragon. Aveline was attempting to woo her soon to be husband, Donnic, and Anders was struggling to understand exactly why that required Hawke and her friends to put their lives on the line. But the summer was late and hot, and the days were long, and Marian’s eyes were very blue. So he’d found himself in the shifting, midge-ridden dunes of the Coast, killing slavers and Tal-Vashoth, and only occasionally cringing with second hand embarrassment at Aveline’s attempts at flirtation. 
They’d dispatched most the ne’er-do-wells stupid enough to show their faces between the sand dunes, and were waiting for Aveline and Donnic to catch up in an appropriately concealed spot beneath the hissing reeds. Soon enough, their voices came down the path, not quite smothered by the close crash of the ocean and the whistle of the wind. 
“So I think it’s always best to start with a quick downward slash, and then follow up with a parry. It’s predictable, sure, but I think it’s good to get recruits started on what’s tried and trusted.”
Fenris had laughed, and for a second Anders thought the wind dropped. The elf’s voice was rough and low, and his laugh was too. He’d curled his lyrium-twined fingers at Isabela, and Isabela had rolled her eyes and presses a silver into his waiting palm. Fenris had pocketed it. Then he’d caught Anders staring, and cleared his throat, colour rising to his high cheekbones. Isabela had leaned across him, and Fenris’ flush had risen up the back of his neck and into the tips of his ears. Anders had tried very hard not to stare at it.
“Do you want in? Fenris thinks it won’t be until the third path.”
Anders had spoken, as he so often did, without stopping to think. “I wouldn’t have figured you for the romantic type.”
Fenris had met his eyes, then, and the elf’s were deep and green and beautiful. “There is a great deal that you do not know about me, mage.”
Anders had not been able to think of anything else for the rest of the night.
It started in 9:37 Dragon. They were in The Hanged Man, and Fenris was staring at the monster that wore the face of his nightmares. Corff was nowhere to be seen, nor were Maraas or any of the tavern’s other regulars. Fenris was trying to beat back the tide of cynicism in his mind telling him that he should have known they would betray him, all of them. That he should never have trusted anyone but himself. 
His sister stepped back, and his blood roared so loudly in his ears that he barely heard what Hawke said. But he heard his domi - Danarius - talking about his affection and his skills. It took everything Fenris had not to vomit on the tavern floor, and his mind revolted in a dizzy kind of horror as the impulse conflicted with memories of merrier disasters on these same stained floorboards. Then there were demons, and his mouth was thick with sulphur, and Fenris was fighting for his life.
It was like being back in the Provings again. Danarius had found his way onto the wooden staircase of The Hanged Man: the staircase that led up to Varric’s rooms, the staircase on which Fenris had once kissed Isabela and been pleasantly surprised by her response, the staircase where he’d found her kissing Hawke and told them it didn’t matter. Danarius had desecrated this place that despite the best efforts of Fenris’ anxieties had become like a home to him. Danarius had stood there, and watched, and Fenris had heard his friends’ screams as his master’s demons had ripped into their flesh.
Fenris had lost track of time, arms burning with the searing remnants of dismembered spirits, hands slippery with sweat and blood. But at some point the familiar relief of healing had disappeared, and he had belatedly looked up through sweat-stinging eyes to see Anders’ body arched in a translucent prison of blue light. Danarius had been watching the mage with an expression of terrible curiosity that Fenris knew well and feared more. His expression had been almost impassive as the mage shuddered and spasmed, blood oozing from his ears and flowing from his nose and down over his chin. 
Isabela was clutching a gash in her side that was turning her white canvas tunic cherry red, and Hawke was dragging a mangled leg through the broken furniture as she made her way towards her. Fenris stood frozen in the smouldering wreckage, trapped like the butterflies his master liked to collect on pinned boards in his study. Anders had collapsed in a heap at Danarius’ feet, and Danarius had stepped forward. Fenris’ heart lurched. 
But then Anders had surged abruptly to his feet and punched Danarius in the balls. 
Fenris laughed, a shocked bark that was too loud in the tavern following the battle, and Danarius had wheezed, and blood had spun about his fingers, and Anders had grabbed the back of his head with one hand and slammed his knee into Danarius’ nose with a jarring crunch, chest heaving as he panted. 
Then he’d picked up Danarius with all the strength promised by his tall, muscular frame, his training as a Grey Warden and the hearty meals Varric had spent nine years coaxing him into. Anders hurled Danarius down the stairs, where he landed in a heap at Fenris’ feet. Anders had looked at him, beard red with blood, body trembling with fury or pain or both.
“He’s all yours.”
And just like that, Fenris was free.
It started in 9:37 Dragon. Hawke and Isabela had fled across the sea, and Anders didn’t blame them. The Chantry was gone, and he was still getting used to the idea that he was meant to survive this. He still wasn’t entirely sure that he should, and Justice had been all too silent on the subject. So he spent his days in a waking dream, trekking for days and then weeks into the Vimmark mountains in the vague direction of Nevarra.
He hadn’t seen another living person for three weeks when an elf emerged from the fog, wreathed in white light like a ghost. Anders had stopped. His body and mind had long since become stretched too thin with hunger, horror and grief. Fenris’ countenance, for all its grim finality, came as an abrupt relief. At least he could stop running, now.
He’d dropped his staff, slowly, and held up his hands. “If you’re here to kill me, I won’t stop you.”
Fenris had not drawn his sword, but he hadn’t let the light die in his lyrium, either. When he stepped closer, he didn’t make sound, and for a moment Anders thought perhaps he really was a ghost, summoned by his imagination and too many nights in a decade spent longing for a man he couldn’t have. 
Around them, birds had sung in the early morning, and not far off a stream made its laughing way down the cliffs. “Why did you run?”
Fenris asked the question as if it held the secret to the restoration of the Golden City itself. Anders laughed, stepping forward and stumbling over his own feet and the thick mass of pain that was his long since ruined knee. Fenris moved toward him through the long, dew-soaked grass, but didn’t quite breach the space between them. Anders swayed into a mostly intentional sitting position on a moss-covered boulder. “Does it matter?”
Fenris had met his eyes, and his own were dark and green and beautiful. “It does.”
Anders shrugged, and shut his eyes, leaning his head back and up into the fog. Water kissed his cheeks, and he thought: it would have been worth it, for this. It would have been worth it, to feel the weather again. 
Something skittered in the bushes, and Anders opened his eyes and watched Fenris turn, bristling, to scan the trees. After a moment Fenris’ shoulders lowered, fractionally, and he turned back to Anders. He’d asked the question again, patiently, persistently. “Why did you run?”
Anders shook his head. “Because I didn’t want to bring you down with me.” Fenris’ eyes had widened a little, and Anders hurried on. “Any of you. I knew what I was doing, but the consequences were mine alone. I wasn’t going to subject you to them.”
Fenris had tilted his head, and the lyrium in his skin had sent shimmering refractions of light dancing iridescently through the fog. “I did not think you bore me so much good will.”
“More like I didn’t bear you so much ill.” Anders had corrected, before sitting forwards, feeling abruptly the weight of too many decades of exhaustion lying heavy on his aching shoulders. “It’s alright. I think killing me is the best decision, too.”
The glass had rustled, then, and Anders thought it must have been deliberate. But then Fenris’ feet were in front of him, stained green with the grass, and the light of his lyrium faded, leaving them both wreathed only in the sunlit fog. Anders looked up at Fenris, and he looked like some ancient king, backlit by the bright sky, skin dark and olive against the shimmering silver of his lyrium. “I’m not going to kill you, mage.”
And then there was a dark, calloused hand, silver with lyrium, fingers slender and elegant, thrust into the misty air between them. Anders stared at Fenris, and Fenris’ poker face cracked as he gave him a small, crooked smile. Despite himself, Anders took his hand, letting Fenris pull him easily to his feet.
“I’m going to help.”
It started in 9:40 Dragon, when the Circle of Dairsmuid was annulled, and over five hundred mages between the ages of six and seventy were murdered because they were allowed to see their families.  It started in 9:40 Dragon, with the rebellion of the White Spire.  It started in 9:40 Dragon, when Lord Seeker Lambert declared an end to the Circle of Magi.
It started in a tavern in Nevarra, at a meeting of former slaves and runaway mages. It started with elves, and second-hand weapons, and an apostate with a Fereldan accent who looked like an Ander. It started with an elf from Tevinter with white tattoos that looked like Vallaslin.
It started with rebellion. But that isn’t where it ended.
“No, words are a language It doesn't deserve such treatment And all my stumbling phrases Never amounted to anything worth this feeling All this heaven never could describe Such a feeling as I'm healing, words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language That I never knew existed before.”
- All This and Heaven Too, Florence + The Machine
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fraks · 3 years
- after that last scene in jackal job, i was prepared to feel a little let down. NOT THE CASE. within thirty seconds of our little family being on screen, we get them praising each other and being adorable dorks. AND THEN SOPHIE SEES THAT HARRY'S NOT ENJOYING HIMSELF, SO SHE TRIES TO CHEER HIM UP. :')
- "the real mvp: miss sophie devereaux. not one, but two characters in the space of a hallway." - "stop, i'm blushing." I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR SFM.
- harry is so in awe of sophie and her abilities. 🥰 not that i blame him, i feel the same way.
- i SCREAMED when hurley showed up. i knew this was gonna be his episode, but maaaaan. his entrance is perfect. @cminerva and i tried to speculate on how in the loop hurley would be—would he even know nate is dead?—and how he'd feel about harry, whether he'd see him as trying to replace nate. but we didn't know that hurley has been working with leverage international, so he's not only in the loop, he also loves harry without ever having met him. harry's about to be swept up in hurricane hurley and he has no idea. :'DDDDD "harry wilson, disgraced lawyer! jack hurley, disgraced broker! hello fellow pilgrim!" FHAKFBSKDBEJSJFBWIFHJWBDJE
- breanna is off with hardison. parker and sophie are headed off to colombia. IS THIS BOYS' NIGHT OUT PT 2??? oooh probably to make up for girls' night out pt 2 paranormal hacktivity job!
- aaaaaaaah sophie sees how lonely and left out harry feels and gets eliot and hurley to include him. AND HE THANKS HER BECAUSE HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID. i love them SO MUCH.
- "i had a big taco problem." this episode is comedy gold.
- lol harry, are you actually any good at golf? this makes me think of a conversation i once had with @cminerva where we talked about how harry has/had all these memberships, like at the golf club and at that shooting range, that he probably used only to interact with / schmooze his clients. and him not being good at golf despite being a member of what i assume to be the most exclusive golf club in the area kind of proves our point. and i LOVE that because it's yet another layer to our mr. wilson.
- awwwwww, harry and hurley are already best buddies. i want to be best buddies with hurley, too, lbr.
- parker has been teaching harry how to pick locks! not surprising cause that's like, thieving 101, but i still love having canon confirmation. and lmao "not too much tension on the wrench. nice and easy. like you're holding a woman's hand. gentle, gentle. [drops lockpicking tools]" gjsjfjskfjk. i wonder if those are the exact words parker used to teach him.
- harry has not just started using sophie's name, but he actually addresses eliot by his name now, too. i mentioned this to @cminerva ages ago because it's something i noticed in the first half of the season, how he hardly ever addresses anyone directly / by name. he uses parker's name ONCE in the first eight eps, as well as hardison's; he refers to nate by name twice (once as "nathan ford" and once—or twice if you count the moment he says it in airquotes to refer to fake!nate—as "nate ford"), and he uses breanna's name to other people twice, plus once more to address her directly. not once does he use eliot's or sophie's names. i noticed that because it's one of those little anxiety things i do, too. it's super hard for me to address someone directly and/or by their name, and the fact that my native language has formal and informal ways of addressing people makes it even worse. but once i do start using people's names, it's hard for me to stop. another point in favour of harry having an anxiety disorder!
- hello noah wyle's wife. she's beautiful, though not my type.
- ooooh harry doing some grifter thinking of his own. 👀 sophie would be proud :') "imaloser" lmao
- "like taking candy from an old dude with a baby." fjakfhskfh HARRY. parker has definitely been rubbing off on him 😂
- LMFAO SOPHIE ON THE PHONE DRESSED AS A MONK? PRIEST? IDEK. i laughed way too hard for this time of night. also, i am inappropriately attracted to her character there.
- harry mentoring this girl is [chef's kiss]. i've said this to cminerva a bunch of times, but i love how good he is around (younger) women. he's SUCH a DAD! that conversation with breanna from 1x03 about being "part of the team"? or when he taught parker about being "the best kind of mentor" in 1x06? i can TOTALLY see him coaching his daughter's little league team or whatever it is american dads and their kids do. before he started working way too much, ofc.
- FHAJFJSKFJJS AAAAAAAAH FINALLY. harry addressing sophie by name. only via comms, but it still counts. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE MY ENTIRE LIFE. i know i'm being overly dramatic, but. THEY BOTH DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. and i think they could be very happy together. not the same way nate and sophie were, of course. they had all that backstory and the chasing and the SHOOTING EACH OTHER for god's sake. there was so much passion and fire there. she said it to breanna in bucket job, that nate would have hated what they're doing for/to the librarian, but that that would have made her want to do it more. and one of the things she mentions to fake!nate is that she shouted at nate when he loaded the dishwasher wrong. THAT is the kind of relationship they had, and it was beautiful and it worked for them. harry and sophie together would be very different, but i think they could definitely make each other happy.
- LMFAO sophie just going from giving harry grifting advice to absolutely LOSING IT over the casket, i CANNOT stop laughing. AND PARKER IS HANGING RIGHT ABOVE HER.
- i NEED to know the con they're doing down in colombia. i already hated this during broken wing job—i was desperate to know all about that con, and it's the same this time. DAMMIT HARDISON LEVERAGE WRITERS!
- also, the new earbuds work across continents, huh? i like it.
- harry quoting sophie! 😍
- lmao hurley saying "chaos" in that intense tone of voice? did no one tell this dude that "chaos" means something/someone VERY PARTICULAR in this 'verse. but a++ strategy, hurley, getting eliot mad. awwww eliot misses hardison.
- noah using extra-fancy zooms i see you. 👀
- SISTER LUPE! SISTER LUPE! wow that's the perfect ending to this episode 😍😂
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sae-midori · 3 years
Many Beautiful Thank You’s
Aaaaaaaah, thank you so much everyone for all the love on my latest post! I’m absolutely overjoyed! You’re all too beautiful for words! As much as I dearly want to reply to everyone’s amazing comment or #comment, I think I broke my tumblr in the process of trying to:
Tumblr: 🤨 “Wait, are you... spamming people’s private messages?”
Me: 😖 💔 “Noooooo! I’m on your tumblr radar, and everyone’s flooding me with so many beautiful amazing comments that move me to tears. I want to thank them all because every comment is so precious to me, and real people took real time out of their day to write them. I want to return the gratitude, but there’s no good way to reply on the current tumblr system, aaaaaaaaahhh. I’m soooorry! 😭🙏🙇‍♀️💦💦💦 💦 💦💦 💦 💦
I really dislike giving blanketed replies, especially when every note is so personal and wonderful. But I still sincerely want to thank as many people as I can for all their incredibly heartwarming words (without breaking my tumblr anymore). So here’s a few of the many, many beautiful #comments I’ve been receiving that I want to send my appreciation to:
#gorgeous #so pretty! #i love this!! #beautiful #wowowowow! #these are stunning!
Thank you soooo much! I’m really happy to hear you guys find the art so wonderfully sparkling pretty! I’m always doing my best to make sure every nature scene I draw embraces the beautiful nature I see in the world.
#you do rock op! #you’re awesome! #the artist does rock #you rock in every possible way!
Aaaawwww, you guys! No, you rock! Your positive comments are so lovely, thank you! /)///v///(\
#I could stare at these for hours #I want to live in these artworks
If we could somehow Mary Poppins our way into paintings, you are all more than welcome to live in mine and stare as long as you like. Thank you so much for such a lovely comment!
#Oooo new desktop wallpaper!
And screensaver too! You guys are more than welcome to it. I can think of nothing more endearing than to have my artworks greet you at the start of every new day.
I actually saw more than one of these, and they make me laugh and smile so much. You guys are too much! Thank you!
#that pun #omg the pun #reblogging this for the pun #just kidding the art is amazing too #this artist has great taste in puns
I’m happy you guys enjoyed that! I’m not really a pun maker since I actually take a lot of damage from bad puns. Friends and family purposefully go out of their way to pun at me to see my crippling reaction for the fun of it. But it’s all in good form, and I honestly do enjoy a clever pun when it comes my way.
#we’ve got rocks and trees and trees and rocks... and water!
Funny enough, this was the alternate description I was going to write under the artwork, haha. But I went with the pun instead.
#the details tho~ #these are so beautiful to look at #the colors are amazing! #the lighting is shining!
You’re all making me smile so much! Little details like these are what I truly enjoy most about nature, and I love to include them in all my nature scenes. It makes me unbelievably happy when other people notice them too. Thank you~!
There were many more descriptive comments and many amazing variations on a theme. And right now I’m reading them all as they come in, even if I’m unable to reply to them because of tumblr complications. You are all a beautiful blessing in my life, and I’m incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. You’ve all made my day a fantastically beautiful one!
Wishing armfuls of bright happiness to everyone!
🍵💚🌸🌿 Sae
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