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raangrez · 2 months ago
Woh kue mein kuddne wala dost mein hi hu guys 😔
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draamaaaalert · 1 year ago
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Recently, aa blog naamed @stop-highblood-hate haas been maaking waaves in the Grumblr community. Here's whaat you need to know.
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Scylaan (she/her, violet) is the mod of the blog. The blog's purpose seems to be promoting highblood supremaacy by disguising it aas ending "haatred aand discriminaation aagaainst highbloods". During her tenure aas blogrunner, Scylaan has straawtrolled, contraadicted herself, aand put down trolls thaat "stop-highblood-haate" claaims to protect, aas well aas being generaally caasteist.
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Her core beliefs seem to be (1) thaat the caaste system is in plaace aas aan effective mechaanism to prevent trolls from "culling eaachother raandomly", (2) thaat highbloods aare naaturaally superior over aany caaste thaat haas blood waarmer thaan indigo, and (3) either of these beliefs caan be twisted or ignored in order to be constaantly right, aalways, aall the time. Naaturaally, this aattitude aand aappaarent laack of regaard for baasic debaate skills haas aangered aa significaant portion of the trolls on this site.
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Aafter these beliefs haad been maade extremely clear, Scylaan was doxxed by @autisticroboticist following aa caall to aaction incited by @carelessautonomy. Here's aa link to the post. The informaation reveaaled includes;
First aand laast naame
Aallocaation to specibus
Hive aaddress
URL of maain aaccounts on non-Grumblr sites
Job staatus
The faact thaat Scylaan writes faanfiction (Lmaao of aall the things to write)
Her moiraail's first aand laast naame
Her moirail's aage aand sign
Her moirail's sociaal mediaa aaccounts
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Unfortunaately, despite this maajor leaak of her personaal informaation, @stop-highblood-hate haas stubbornly remaained on Grumblr without remaaking aand will not seem to aabaandon her blog- behaavior resembling aa roaachbeaast surviving The Vaast Glub. The laatest haaraassment caampaaign seems to involve aan impersonaator claaiming to be paailing @terrifaecapathy. (I'd aapologize for the ping, but you seem to be used to it by now.)
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battle-subway-ghost · 1 year ago
keep having this dream where I'm all fuckin. grey and shit. something about teal? and im talkign with my fucking rival on some old chat app but the letters look all weird. I think he's jade colored for some reason too idfk. it's not even a nightmare but this is the 3rd time and I haate it, what the fuck is my brain doing this time?
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aideshou · 8 months ago
Ahhh… I’m feeling so bad for “Alex”. Not even the two other Chinese guys will speak Chinese to him because they wish to practice their English instead. Guys cmon…
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frostbite-the-bat · 10 months ago
i neeud to amke more glitchy art... once im done with the rollar piece ill indulge
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mi-a-mor · 4 months ago
Ye gham kya Dil ki aadat hai nahi toh
Kisi se kuch shikayat hai, nahi toh
Hai vo ek khwaab-e- taabeer isko
Bhula Dene ki niyyat hai, nahi toh
Kisi ke bin kisi ki yaad ke bin
Jiye jaane ki himmat hai nahi toh
Kisi soorat bhi dil lagta nahi haa
Toh kuch din se ye haalaat hai nahi toh
Tujhe jisne kahi ka bhi nahi rakha
Vo ek jaati si vehsat hai nahi toh
Tere is haal par hai sab ko hairat
Tujhe bhi is pe hairat hai nahi toh
Ham-aahanhi nahi duniya se teri
Tujhe is par nadaamat hai nahi toh
Vo darveshi jo Taj kar aa gaya
Tu yah daulat us ki qeemat hai nahi toh
Hua jo kuch yahi maqsoom tha kya
Yahi saari hikaayat hai nahi toh
Aziyat-naak ummeedon se tujhko
Aman paane ki hasrat hai nahi toh
Tu rehta hai khyaal-o-khwaab me gam
To is wajah se fursat hai nahi toh
Wahaan vaalo se hai itni mohabbat
Yahaan vaalo se nafrat hai nahi toh
Sabab jo is judaai ka bana hai
Vo mujhse Khubsurat hai nahi toh
- Jaun Elia <3
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elestirenadam · 11 days ago
Özel davranış-hadsizlik ayrımı.
Bazı insanlar, bazı insanlar için özeldir. Özel atfettiğimiz insanın nazını çekebiliriz. Onun için bir şeyler yapmak mutluluk verebilir. Ama bir de sizin özel anlam ithaf etmediğiniz, ama kendisini sizin gözünüzde önemli gören insanlar var. Bir nevi kafanda kuruyorsun gibi bir şey... Ve onlar, sizin onların etrafında dönmesini bekliyorlar. Bu tip insanlar bazen benden öyle beklentiler yapıyorlar ki, ben bütün işimi gücümü bırakıp onları yapacağım sanki. Yapmayınca da kötü oluyoruz. Basit örnek vereceğim. Ben cumartesi günleri 45 dakikalık bir program yapıyorum televizyonda. Şu üç olayı o kadar sık yaşıyorum ki artık sıkıldım: 1. "Bana haber ver." Her yayın öncesi özel davet bekliyor bu insanlar. Ben oturup tek tek "aa yayınım başlıyor hadi izle" diye hatırlatma yapacağım. Alarm mıyım ben. Her hafta aynı saatte, aynı yerde işte. İzlemek istiyorsan izle, izlemiyorsan da çok umrumda sanki. Alarm muamelesi yapmalarına gıcık oluyorum. Bazılarına da güzelce, "Ben yayın öncesi hazırlık falan yapıyorum, telefona bakamıyorum" diyerek bunu yapamayacağımı anlatıyorum. Buna rağmen anlamayan dangozlar var. "Ne yani bana da mı haber vermeyeceksin." Sanki Fransa kraliçesi başımıza. Özel ulaklarla haber çıkartacağız. Evet, sana da haber vermeyeceğim. Benim 8 yaşındaki yeğenim bile bunun farkında kendi iradesiyle oturup izliyor. Bazen dayı şundan dolayı izleyemedim diye arıyor beni akşama. 8 yaşındaki çocuğun bilincine sahip değilsen ben bir şey yapamam. 2. "Bu hafta unuttum ama haftaya kesin izleyeceğim." Ben sanki oturup kim izledi kim izlemedi diye liste tutuyorum sanki. Ya ben kızmıyorum, izleyemediysen izleyemedin. Olabilir, insanlık halidir. İşin çıkmıştır, başka bir şey olmuştur ya da o saatte başka bir şey izlemek istemişsindir. Dert değil. Ama bunu dert ediniyorlar kendilerine. İşin en ilgincini söyleyeyim, haftaya kesin izleyeceğim diyenlerin hiçbiri haftaya izlemiyor. Çünkü hep şu mesajları alıyorum, "Ya bu hafta da izleyemedim şundan şundan ama haftaya kesin..." Vakit uymuyorsa izleme zorla değil ki. Ben dert edinmiyorum, sen de etme. 3. "Link at." Bakın atar mısın da değil. Link at. Ben de emre amade bir askerim burada. Bütün dünya duracak, her işimi bırakacağım, link atacağım. Bu grup, "Ya bu haftada da izleyemedim" diye başlayan gruptan. İkiye ayrılıyorlar. Bir taraf "haftaya kesin" derken, diğer grup genelde "izleyebileceğim yer var mı" diye soruyor. Ben de kanalın youtube hesabında paylaşıldığını genelde söylüyorum. Ama maalesef Fransa prensesleri burada da karşımıza çıkıyor. Her şeyin ayaklarına gelmesini bekliyorlar. Bir de emir cümlesi kuruyorlar. Ciddi anlamda sinirleniyorum. Yanıt vermiyorum, bir de ısrar ediyorlar. Hülâsa. Tamam bu insanlar kötü niyetli değil. Ama iyi niyetlerinin bencillikle birleşmesinin sonuçlarını yaşıyoruz. Ama biraz hadsizliğe varan bir nokta oluyor. Dünya ne benim etrafımda dönüyor ne de sizin. Herkesin işi gücü var. İsteyen istediğini izler, istediğini izlemez. Siz izlemediniz diye, ne bileyim yazımı okumadınız diye bir şeyler eksik kalmıyor merak etmeyin. Benim böyle bir beklentim yok, sizin kendinizi bu kategorilere sokmanıza da gerek yok. Hoşuna giderse izlersin, okursun ne bileyim blogumu takip edersin... Gitmezse bunları yapmazsın. Veya beğenirsen desteklersin, beğenmezsen eleştirirsin. Aynısı benim için de geçerli. Ben böyle davranıyorum insanlara. Örneğin, bir film öneriyor, kitap öneriyor; "Teşekkür ederim ama bu ara okuyup izlediklerim var, şu ara okuyamam, okuyup izleyebilirsem dönüş yaparım" diyorum. Buna da alınanlar da var ama neyse... Kadın örneği verdim, çünkü bunları yapanlar genelde benimle flörtleşme kapsamındaki insanlar. Eminim bazı erkekler de yapıyordur başkasına. Haa bir de böyle bir anda takipten çıkıp, engelleyenler oluyor sonra götün götün geri dönüyorlar. Ufaktan ufaktan beğeni atmalar. Burada da var onlardan. Onlar apayrı bir konunun öznesi. Ama ne olduğunu bence hepiniz biliyorsunuz bu tiplerin. Neden yok oldular, neden geri geldiler. :)
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apothecaryscript · 22 days ago
Maomao(Jinshi) no Hitorigoto Episode 27: Mushrooms / 猫猫(壬氏)のひとりごと 第27話 『茸』
Please note that the English lines are just my translation.
Jinshi “Haaaa… Doshite zankokuna jikenga okotte-shimau-noka… Kusuriyawa, shitai-made hori-atete-kuru shimatsu. Haa… Kokyuga minani-totte sumi-yoi bashoni natte-kuretara iino-daga…”
Jinshi “(Sigh) Why did such a cruel incident happen…? It ended with apothecary even digging up the corpse. (Sigh) I hope the rear palace becomes a comfortable place to live for everyone…”
掘り当てる(ほりあてる/Hori-ateru): dig and find = 掘る(ほる/Horu): dig + 当てる(あてる/Ateru): hit
(~する/~になる)始末(しまつ/Shimatsu): ended with~
Maomao “Jinshi-samaaa.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “O, Oo… Chodo yokatta. Omaeni kikitai kotoga attena.”
Jinshi “Oh, good timing. I have something to ask you.”
Maomao “Ahaha… Do-itta go-yoken deshoka?”
Maomao “Hahaha… What can I do for you?”
Jinshi “N…A…Jitsuwa, kisaki-tachino seishin-men’no fuchoga kigakaride… Kimochiga ochitsuku-yona, shittoya shintsuni kiku-monowa nanika naika?”
Jinshi “Um…well, actually, I’m worried about the mental health of the concubines… Is there anything that can calm them down and help with their jealousy and heartache?”
Maomao “Deshitara, kinokoga saiteki-kato.”
Maomao “Then, mushrooms would be the best choice.”
最適(さい��き/Sai-teki): the best
Maomao “Kokode, Maomaono mame-chishiki. Shokuyono kinoko-niwa, no’no shinkei-saibono kofun’o osae, kincho’o kanwa-shi, ansoku-kan’o unagashite-kureru seibunga fukumarete-iru. Ahahaha…”
Maomao “Here’s Maomao’s bits of knowledge. Edible mushrooms contain ingredients that suppress the excitement of nerve cells in the brain, relieve tension, and promote a sense of relaxation. Hahahaha…”
Jinshi “Oo…! Sorewa ii. …Tte, omae, nandaka yosuga okashiizo.”
Jinshi “Oh, that’s good! …But you’re acting somewhat strange.”
Maomao “Ahahaha…So-deshoka?”
Maomao “Hahahaha… Is that so?”
Jinshi “Kokoni kuru-mae, nani’o shite-ita?”
Jinshi “What were you doing before coming here?”
Maomao “Ahahaha, aha…”
Maomao “Hahahaha, haha…”
Jinshi “Hokokuno nakade, taberuto waraiga tomara-naku-naru doku-kinokoga aruto itte-itana.”
Jinshi “In your report, you said that there was a poisonous mushroom that would make you laugh uncontrollably when you ate it.
Maomao “A…aa…”
Maomao “Ah…ah…”
Jinshi “Moshiya…mata mizukara’o jikken-daini shite-irunja…!”
Jinshi “Maybe…aren’t you using yourself as a test subject again?!
もしや(Moshiya) = もしかして(Moshika-shite): perhaps, maybe
自ら(みずから/Mizukara): (one)self
Maomao “A…a…aa…”
Maomao “Ah…ah…ahh…”
Jinshi “Koi! Ikyokuni ikuzo!”
Jinshi “Come on! Let’s go to the palace infirmary!”
Maomao “Aaa…”
Maomao “Ahhh…”
Jinshi “Jikai, ‘Kagami.’ Kokyuni yakkaina kyaku-jin-tachiga yatte-kuru.”
Jinshi “Next episode, ‘Mirrors.’ Troublesome guests arrive at the rear palace.”
Maomao “Ahahahahahaha…”
Maomao “Hahahahahahaha...”
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godtiers-for-real-justice · 11 months ago
we've just haad so maany stupid stressful pointless aarguments recently aand it feels like we're aall just forcing eaach other to sit down aand suck it up so we caan complete this stupid gaame aand get aawaay from eaach other
do aany of us even like eaach other
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lol-jackles · 8 months ago
The EP credits for Jensen didn't last a day. It's now been edited out and he is no longer listed as a producer. A lot of AA tweets just aged like milk. Again.
You mean on IMDB? Link. Haha I wonder who made the correction, Haas himself? No way he was going to share credit with someone who didn't deserve it.
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b0vine-bby · 11 months ago
im so silly! hahahahaha hahahahaha ha hahaha ha haahhahahahaha h haha aa hahahahahahah haha hahahhahahahahahahahahaha haa hahaaha ha a hahahahahahahaha hahaahahahahah hhhhh hahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahaha h haha hah hahahahahahahahahaah hahaha ha hh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahha ha ha hha hahaha haha hhhhh hahahaha ahahahaha hhhhh haahahahahaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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draamaaaalert · 11 months ago
⚝彡 Are y❃u ❃kay, Tyriaa? Y❃u seem upset. (╥_╥) ミ⚝
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Thaat is becaause I aam upset. I see no reaason to hide my emotionaal staate from you aall; I aam not doing well aat the moment, aand I haaven't been for some time.
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dear-ao3 · 10 months ago
predict the 2025 grid?
AA okok i’ve thought about this:
obv we know ferrari mclaren and aston so
merc: george and carlos
rb: liam lawson, danny rics (not likely but it’s what i want in my heart)
alpine: estie bestie, jack doohan
red bull: max, checo (unfortunately) (i really want it to be danny rics)
haas: kevin, ollie bearman (could also see them signing theo instead of kevin)
audi: yuki and nico
williams: alex and kimi antonelli
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kotegiris · 3 months ago
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[Event Story] Cage of Black Raven
I'm just an amateur and it's my first time translating something this long, so there may be mistakes, but please enjoy! I recommend reading this while having the event story open on your device!
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Chapter 4: The Black Raven’s True Identity
Inside the Carriage 
We heard Lono’s voice from outside of the carriage.
Lono: Aruji-sama! Aruji-sama! We’ve arrived at Rondine!
> W-We’re here…?
Muu: Uu… the carriage shook so much… I feel a bit tired…
Bastien: It was shaking very violently… Aruji-sama, are you alright?
> I’m alright > Thank you for protecting me
Bastien: I see… Thank goodness.
Muu: I don’t feel too good…
Yuhan: Oh my… Why don’t you take it easy and gaze out the window?
Muu: That’s right… We’re here.
Bastien: Yeah, take a look. It’s Rondine.
When we looked out the window… We saw an imposing, gray cobblestoned city.
The people were dressed in black outfits and the kids were wearing masks, and playing.
Muu: Are those masks for the festival?
Yuhan: The festival isn’t until tomorrow, right?
Muu: Yes, that’s what everyone said!
Yuhan: Fufu, how cute. I’m sure the kids can’t wait for the festival.
While we talked, the carriage came to a stop.
The Town of Ravens, Rondine
Lono: Aruji-sama! You must be tired after a long trip.
> I could say the same to you > Thanks for steering the carriage
Lono: Nono!  It’s not a big deal…
Lono: …Actually… It was a lot of work.
Boschi: You did okay, Lono.
Lono: Just “okay”...?! I worked my ass off!
Lono: Seriously, what the hell is up with those ravens!
Lono: Aruji-sama, are you alright? Were you scared by the ravens’ attack?
> Nah I’m alright
Muu: That’s right! Bastien-san held Aruji-sama in his arms and protected them!
Bastien: Don’t worry.  Aruji-sama is uninjured.
Lono: Thank goddess…
Yuhan: By the way, Boschi-san… since the carriage stopped, is this our destination?
Boschi: Yeah.  This is Rondine’s old castle.
Boschi: That old bell tower is where the Raven Master is confined.
Boschi points to a section of the old castle, where a tower with a large bell, towered over its surroundings.
Around the bell tower, many ravens were flying about.
Bell Tower - Entrance
We walked to the bell tower’s entrance to meet the Raven Master.
Boschi: Hey guard. We’re visitors, let us through.
Male Guard: Hiccup… Aa, what’d cha say?
Muu: Uwah! This guy reeks of alcohol! 
Male Guard: Huh, a talking cat…? I got caught up in the town’s festive mood and drank too much…
Lono: Nono, the festival’s tomorrow…
We got through to the drunk guard and entered the bell tower.
And so with our destination being the top of the tower, we climbed the stairs.
Boschi: Haa… haa…
Boschi: Beyond this door is the Raven Master’s workroom.
Muu: Behind here is the Raven Master…
Bastien: The one who can talk with ravens…
Yuhan: Just what kind of person is he…
Boschi: Before we go in, can I say something?
Lono: Hm? What is it?
Boschi: The request is to “accompany him” but…
Boschi: If you can…  can you make sure the Raven Master has fun?
Muu: Boschi-san…
Boschi: He’s always been alone, living in this bell tower.
Boschi: The amount of time he can freely spend during his lifetime with another person is very short.
Boschi: I want to do everything that I can for him.
Boschi: So please lend a hand…
Boschi: This has nothing to do with the request. It’s just my selfishness.
Bastien: Aruji-sama, your thoughts?
> Of course, I’ll help
Bastien: I see. I thought you’d say that.
Lono: If Aruji-sama said no, there’d be no choice but to give up but…
Lono: Now I’m fired up! I’ll do everything I can!
Yuhan: I will also lend a hand.
Muu: Me too!
Boschi: Guys…
> Let’s give him lots of good memories
Boschi: Thank you, Aruji-sama.
Boschi: Now then… let’s go in.
Boschi: Hey, Liberta. We’re here.
> Liberta…? 
With that, Boschi slowly opened the door.
Bell Tower - Room at the Top
Raven: Caw, caw!
???: Caw, cawcaw!
Haha… that’s right, Dande.
> A child’s voice…? > An imitation of a raven’s cry…?
Raven: Caw, caw!
???: Hm…?  Lily, what’s wrong?
Raven: Caw, caw!
???: Huh..?
Boschi: …Long time, no see, Raven Master.
Boschi: No… Liberta.
Liberta: Boschi!!
The boy named Liberta jumped onto Boschi.
Liberta: Boschi, Boschi!
Liberta: You really came! And you brought your human friends!
Boschi: Yeah… Just like I promised.
While hugging Boschi, the boy jumped up and down in joy.
The young boy’s long, black hair, rustled in a swaying motion.
Lono: No way… Is he…
Bastien: This kid is…
> The Raven Master…?
Liberta: Yay! Yay!
Liberta: After 1000 days, I met Boschi again! ♪
Liberta: After 1000 days, I got to meet my friend ♪
Yuhan: That’s… 
Raven: Caw, caw!
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msbhagirathi · 10 months ago
The Madhumati Gupta Buaji Weekly
Mugzeen Adison (Magazine Edition)
Namaste Nandkisore!
Aasaa karat hain ki, nandkisore, aap sab logan theek haai. Hum logan bhi theek haai, nandkisore. Sasi babua bhi ab theek hi haai bas pahile se tanik kamjor hui gaye, chhari ke sahare chalat haain ab. Aoor humka bataye rahe ki oo ki ee halat bhi oo Syaam ki kirpa rahi. Humra mann toh karat raha ki oo sasure ko ek ghumaai ke lagay de ki jindagi bhar phir aisan kucho karat ki jurrat naa karihe, haa.
Chalo choro babua/bitiya. Arre nandkisore ab tanik aapan baat bhi karau, ghar mein sab logan theek haai na? Tohre Amma-Bauji, tohri kauno humre jaisan Buaji hau toh oo sab theek haai na, nandkisore?
Ab kaa batyay tohka, nandkisore. Kal parso ki baat rahi, Sanka Devi aayi gayi phudakti-phudakti Laxminagar. Humka kahine lagi ki Arnav babua ke daftar mein kauno mugzeen-wugzeen ke khaatir humka kucho likhna haai. Hum kahe ki ab nandkisore humre jamane mein toh hum aoor tohre phuphaji itni chitthi likhat rahe ki bas pucho naahi. Toh oo kahi ki theek haai buaji aap chitthi likh ke humko bataay dena hum aa kar le jayenge, ab humri buddhi bhi umar ke kaaran mand pari rahi, oo ka jaaye ke baad, hum bhi bhul gaye nandkisore.
Saara kaam karke aaike baithe the, ki oo ka fone aayi gaya, humka puchi ki chhitthi likhe haai ki naahi, toh hum kahe, nandkisore, kaam mein thora byast hoyi gaye the, abhi likhat rahe.
Ab hum kaa bataay, nandkisore, humri jindagi mein kauno bataane layak khaas toh kucho haai nahi. Athaarah (18) ke the, amma-bauji ne byaah karaaye diya, tohre phuphaji un dino rail maashter kaa kaam karat rahe. Byaah ke baad humka liye eehan Delhi aayi gaye Laxminagar, ab nandkisore tabahu se hum idhar hi rahat haai.
[Buaji aur phuphaji honeymoon ke liye puri dilli ghume the. Phuphaji jab bhi kaam ke wajah se dusri jagah jaate toh wahan se buaji ko chitthi likhte the. ~Buaji ki pyaari SD ;)]
Sabahu theek chalat raha tha. Byaah ke teen saal baad, ek din khabar mili ki kauno train mein aag lag gayi haai, aoor bohut logan ki jaan gayi haai, a phir hum bhi chakkar kaat kaat kar thak gaye, nandkisore, daftar se aspataal aoor aspataal se phir daftar, phir unke daftar se ek din chhitthi aaye ki tohre phuphaji toh milat naahi toh unki penson ki raakam ab humko mila karegi, hum bohut roye oo din.
Bohut hi ache insaan the, nandkisore, hum behad prem karat the, ab kaa karaein, oo din ke baad se hum aapan nandkisore ke charno mein samarpit hoye gaye. Khair jaane do nandkisore. Ee sab toh bohut purani baat rahi.
Aye nandkisore, agar tumlogan ka kauno dikkat paresaani rahe toh humka bataayi dio, hum tohka tanik samajhaai denge, aoor baaki sab humre nandkisore ke haathon chor denge, theek haai naa? Bilkul kauno dikkat rahi toh bitiya humka aapan buaji samajh kar, eehan aaike bataai dena, mann bhi thora halka hoat jayi. Aoor hum toh waisan bhi jyaada kaam-kaaj naa kar sakat haai naa, toh pura din bas baith ke hi gujar jaat haai. Tohka chitthi likhan ke khaatir humra bhi tanik samay beet jaye.
Ab hum thehre bujurg, humse kaun baat karihe? Oo bhi chitthi likhke, nandkisore? Aajkal toh naa jaane kaa oosab bhatsup-discaard bhagwaan jaane aoor kaa-kaa aayi gaye haai, chitthi likhne ka phursat kaun ke paas rahai?
Khair choro. Humka toh aoor kuch soojh hi naahi rahat haai nandkisore, aoor kaa likhe? Chalao phir rakhte haai kuch batana hau toh likhat dena theek haai naa?
Aoor haan. Humka sunne mein aawat haai ki Sanka Devi ki kauno saheli ka aaj janam din raha? Ee baat sach haai ka, nandkisore? Janam din ki bohut bohut subhkamna tohka, nandkisore. Khub kaam karau, mehnat karau, Arnav babua aoor titaliya ke jaisan naam-paisa kamao, aoor tohka pati-parmeswar toh bohut hi bhagyawaan raha ki oo ka tohre jaisan patni milat rahi, nandkisore (byaah kee ho ki naahi, nandkisore?)
Aoor humri taraf se kauno meethaai wagerah khaa lena, tohka ghar ka pata (address) hota toh dukaan se jalebi aoor kucho dusri meethaai bhijwai dete par kauno baat naahi bitiya muskuraayete rehna. Jindagi mein rone ke bohut mauke milenge par muskuraaye ke mauke khud hi dhundne parat haai, nandkisore.
Chalao phir, ab rakhat haai. Garima ke saath mandir jaanat haai nandkisore. Namaste.
P.S. : Lol. I got this idea today like literally today and then thought of getting started but now I am kinda confused about something whether I should continue this one from buaji's POV only or I should write from all the characters' POV's. Let me know. And also ket me know ki yeh kuch samajh mein aaya bhi ki ekdum kachra kar diya hai maine. Lol :') Ok so I should have added this bit in the beginning but nvrmnd *shrugs* So I have considered double 'a' for आ sound, double 'o' for ऊ sound, double 'e' for इ sound and single 'a' is for अ sound, rest if you find any kind of confusion, please feel free to ask for help, considering this is not regular Hindi so :) Ok. Bye. God bless you.
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patibato · 8 months ago
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A11 - Future Era Africa
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Nanaki: Can I look inside? I want to check its condition.
Muneuji: Of course.
Momiji: (What is it… they're huddled up and whispering…)
(They took something out of that pouch…?)
Muneuji: -… Who's there!
Nanaki: Shit…!
Momiji: (Ah… they hid it. No helping it I guess…)
Sorry! I didn't mean to watch you.
Muneuji: A-aah. Right, you aren't the type of person who'd do that. I know that.
Nanaki: Y-yeah, yeah. It's just by chance. Really… by chance. Right, Kaguya-kun?
Muneuji: Right. It's… by chance.
Momiji: What on earth were you looking at? That's a surprisingly cute pouch.
Nanaki: Ah, no, this is… haha…
Muneuji: It's… nothing particularly worth explaining.
Momiji: (…This situation seems weird somehow. They're being unusually flustered-)
(Aa~h! So it's that! They are going through puberty… they must have brought something a bit indecent with them.)
Nanaki: …
Muneuji: …
Momiji: (Of course, they wouldn't want someone of the opposite sex to meddle in it. It's embarrassing.)*
(This is one of those times I have to be an understanding adult…)
Sorry. It's fine if you don't want to say. Every boy has a secret or two.
Nanaki: Huh? What do you-
Momiji: A~h, it's fine! I get it! Y'know?
Muneuji: I see. I appreciate your understanding.
Nanaki: No, I don't think they understand at all…
Momiji: I'll go throw out the trash and head back to my room now! Don't worry, I won't interrupt! See you tomorrow!
Nanaki: Aa~ah… they definitely misunderstood something. They were weirdly considerate.
Muneuji: How do you suppose?
Nanaki: Aah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.
…Adults are annoying in a lot of ways, basically.
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Gannosuke: Good morning, everyone! Today is your first day of hospitality training. And so-
Getting right to it, I'd first like to ascertain your spirit!
Momiji: …What does that mean, exactly?
Gannosuke: You students are still new to hospitality… I know that. The only weapon you have are the Eyelashes of God…
Akuta: What're the eyelashes of god?
Muneuji: It would take too long to explain, but apparently they're a sacred treasure I possess.
Gannosuke: The anguish of the have-nots… that's where "spirit" is important! We must have the backbone! To perform hospitality! The courage!
Show me that feeling first! Depending on the outcome, the contents of your training may change at any time!
Momiji: Alright, everyone, let's do our best…!
*omotenashi battle*
Gannosuke: Stop there!
Momiji: Haa, haa… thank you for your guidance!
Gannosuke: There's no time to rest. Next is training on-site! Now, go!
Momiji: (Th-this is more spartan than I thought…!)
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Gannosuke: Now, break time!
Ushio: Haa, haa… tired…
Akuta: I'm sOOOOoo beat! Wanna eat something sweet… need some white sugar or brown sugar or banana sugar or something…
Nanaki: I could go for a cafe au lait. Lots of sugar, and… maybe a light roast today.
Muneuji: My favourite food is chocolate.
Kiroku: …Some… flashy and pretty… sweets, or something.
Akuta: Aaugh, anything would be fine. As long as it's sweet.
Gannosuke: I thought you'd be saying that, so I arranged a brunch for us - crepes and coffee!
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Momiji: Wow, it looks delicious! Thank you! Okay, let's have a strategy meeting while we eat!
All Five: Thanks for the food!
Ushio: … …
Akuta: So good! I can feel my tiredness melting away~! The delicious ingredients are spreading through my organs~!
Momiji: I feel that! The crepes also have a slightly different taste to usual…
Ushio: … It's the olives.
Momiji: Huh?
Gannosuke: Familiar with it, are you? That's right. These are my personal recommendation, crepes with lemon olive oil.
Momiji: I see… so using olives accentuates the flavour!
Gannosuke: Correct. Olives are a local specialty of Shodoshima. A rare taste you won't find anywhere else - delicious, aren't they?
Ushio: …
Gannosuke: You're the only one who noticed the olives. Are they good?
Ushio: … …
Gannosuke: … Good grief, not an honest one are you.
Momiji: (He's chowing down more than anyone else, so it's pretty clear.)
After that, we discussed all kinds of things, and ultimately decided how to split the work for the Summer Festival.
Kiroku-kun is painting paper lanterns to decorate the venue. Nanaki-kun is operating the music to match the two thousand fireworks being set off.
Ushio-kun will set up a food stall in an area where there aren't many, Akuta-kun's in charge of taking videos, and Muneuji-kun will be helping out with general management.
And like that-
Momiji: Good work on your first day of training. This afternoon, I think you should choose your activities yourselves.
I want each of you to deepen your own understanding of Shodoshima, have a proper look around and expand your viewpoints.
We've already got GPS set up. Make sure you don't forget to submit your activity schedule and keep in touch regularly.
And with that- let's disperse for now!
Akuta: Yeah, free reign!! We're freeee!! So~ What movie do you guys wanna watch tonight?
Nanaki: Oi oi, are you thinking of coming over again today?
Momiji: Akuta-kun, did you stay in Nanaki-kun and Kiroku-kun's room yesterday?
Nanaki: Yeah. He suddenly barged in saying "let's watch a movie~"
Kiroku: …
Nanaki: We ended up sleeping in a pile together. I'm a bit short on sleep thanks to that. …Right?
Kiroku: Mhm…
Muneuji: Even though he managed to win the single room for himself. Isotake's an odd one.
Ushio: I think it's less that he's odd, and more that he got lonely by himself.
There's plenty of people like that. Guys who ultimately sustain their own existence through being around others.
Or maybe he's simply the type who can't sleep by himself. Needs his mama to sleep with him. Ahahaha.
Momiji: C-come on now, Ushio-kun…!
Akuta: Too bad! I can sleep like a baby by myself. But doing stuff like normal is boooriiing, so I went to sleep over!
Buuut if we're talking about it, ever since Oden Class, Nanaki needs his goat plushie to-
Nanaki: Ah! You! Isotake-ku- Akutaaa!
Akuta: Ugh…… gh……! H… hurtsh…!
Momiji: What a magnificent rear naked choke… By the way, what's Oden Class?
Nanaki: It's nothing. I met Akuta in kindergarten… we were both in the Oden Class. …Though we went our separate ways from part-way through elementary to middle school.
Akuta: Gibugibu…! Gonna die…!
Nanaki: Anyway, that's why. Nothing more worth talking about, just a trifling story.
Momiji: I-I see. Um… Akuta-kun's face is starting to turn purple…
Nanaki: … Right, I'll release him.
Akuta: Cough… cough cough… cough! What was that for, hey~! Swear I saw a flower field for a moment. My first near death experience!
Momiji: He's smiling…
Kiroku: ……He's sturdy… huh.
Akuta: Well, it's fine! Getting back on track~ As friends of the Oden Class, let's watch a movie together today.
Nanaki: Sigh… no helping it. What are you up for?
Akuta: How about "Future Era Africa"!?
Nanaki: … That won't do.
Momiji: (Ah, Nanaki-kun seems…)
Akuta: Whaaat. Why~?
Nanaki: Because I promised to watch that one with someone else.
Right… it was already shown, huh.
Akuta: Yes it was~ So like, if the screening period is over, isn't that promise overdue?
Nanaki: …
…I guess, I know. That that's true.
Either way, I'm not watching it. Later then.
Momiji: Ah, wait, Nanaki-kun-!
*Reiterating the "wherever possible" part of my gender (or in this case, body) neutral MC translation. …I actually considered using the male MC dialogue here, since it technically is gender neutral, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not fond of Momiji and would feel bad about doing so. For what it's worth, here's what Kaede says:
Kaede: (I've also had the experience of messing about, passing around videos like that at night when on trips with my friends.)
(Alright… this is where I have to show that I understand to not interrupt bonding between men.)
I get it! Watching stuff like that with your friends is fun. It's a charm of travelling, talking about your crushes in the night and whatnot.
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