#aa tickles
snortlaughs · 1 year
ticklish turnabout
fandom: ace attorney
pairing: narumitsu/wrightworth
characters included: lee!edgeworth, ler!wright
word count: 3.5k
genre: fluff. SO MUCH FLUFF.
warnings: there is some swearing in this one!
author’s note: THIS TOOK SO LONG ENJOY~
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Edgeworth and Wright sat together comfortably on Miles’ cushy love seat in the dark living room of his home — both of them resting their backs on their respective arms of the chair.
The prosecutor had a sofa, but he and Phoenix both agreed that the love seat was comfier, so they decided to share it instead.
That was the only reason that they sat together, of course. Obviously.
A so-bad-it’s-good movie played in the background — something about competitive break-dancing. The TV screen provided the only source of light in the room. There was a end table adorned with a lamp next to Miles' edge of the seat, but it would have been too bright to keep on while they watched.
Both men were wearing simple, comfortable pajamas — patterned pants and t-shirts.
It was a Friday evening, and the two attorneys were spending it together with intentions to have breakfast the next morning.
Edgeworth didn’t know how this happened.
He didn’t know how any of this happened.
Basically, Wright invited himself over for a 'movie night', and now they were here.
Miles felt a smile tug at his lips as he chuckled and shook his head at the utter ridiculousness of this situation. Phoenix looked over at him when he heard the noise, meeting his gaze.
He cocked his head to the right, not unlike a confused puppy.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that before, Edgeworth,” Nick said, grinning softly. “What kind of thought just popped into that head of yours?”
Miles sighed and dramatically rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance at the ace attorney’s comment.
“I smile plenty, Wright. You just tend to annoy me more than you make me happy, so you don’t get to see it often.”
Phoenix blinked with a smirk, resting his chin in his right hand.
“So... I make you happy sometimes?”
Miles ignored the heat that rose in his cheeks and opted to answer Wright’s first prompt instead of his most recent one.
“I was just thinking about how childish it is that this is happening right now,” he said matter-of-factly. “Having a s—sleepover, I mean. It’s like we’re kids again.”
Nick giggled at how Miles stumbled over his words and turned away from him when he said “sleepover”.
He was kind of cute when he was embarrassed.
“Wow, I didn’t expect an honest answer from you.” Wright beamed. “I thought you were going to say something witty and then tell me to shut up and forget that you are capable of feeling positive human emotions.”
Edgeworth turned and looked at him again, silent but clearly amused.
“…I feel the same way, though,” The pointy-haired man said after a moment. “It’s a funny feeling to be doing this, but it’s nice, too. It’s like we’re making up for lost time.”
Edgeworth nodded. “Yeah. It is.”
Phoenix leaned forward and reassuringly squeezed Miles’ knee. However, he didn't expect the reaction that he got.
“Whoa! Whohohoa!” Edgeworth squeaked, jumping under the attorney's touch and inadvertently launching forward. He placed both of his hands over Phoenix’s in an attempt to keep him from moving again. “Ihihif you do that, I—I’ll kihihick you by accident.”
Nick’s face lit up as Miles turned his face away, still firmly holding the other man's hand in place on his knee.
"I—I'm really—"
"You're ticklish?" Wright interrupted, surprised glee spiking his tone.
A wobbly smile plastered itself onto the prosecutor’s face, and he hesitated before he answered. “…Yes, quite.”
Wright looked at him for a moment, almost as if in admiration. He had never seen Miles’ features look so… soft before. It was almost a shock, given the fact that the silver-haired man’s face was perpetually solemn most of the time.
Phoenix snickered before he speedily took his free hand and clung to Edgeworth's other knee, earning him a startled squeal.
"H—Hehehey!" Miles bubbled, attempting to choke his own giggles back and keep them locked in his throat. He released Phoenix's hand that he had been holding tightly against his knee so that he could cover his face. He couldn't let Wright see him like this. He was sure that he looked completely absurd.
"D—Did you nohohot hear me? I said that I would kihihick you!" He tittered from behind his palms, lightly tapping Phoenix's leg with his foot as a warning.
The defense attorney smirked.
"You must be really ticklish," he remarked with a toothy smile. "I haven't even moved yet, and you're practically in shambles already!"
"I am really ticklish!" Edgeworth whined, continuing to gently kick Phoenix's legs in protest. "Thahahat is what I have been tehehelling you this whole tihihime! Do you nehehever listen?!"
Wright raised his eyebrows and giggled at Miles' attempt to keep his tough-guy façade in place, despite the fact that he was clearly crumbling under the surface.
"No, no, it's not like that at all," Nick said, clear genuineness in his voice. "I hear you loud and clear. You just don't really seem like the ticklish type. Definitely not the type to fall apart at a tiny little touch, that's for sure!"
The prosecutor, at this point, felt his blush seeping into his neck and ears. He'd be surprised if Phoenix didn't notice it, despite the fact that they were sitting in very minimal light.
"So..." Wright continued, standing up from the love seat and plopping down on the floor next to where Edgeworth was still resting his back.
He took the bottom of the prosecutor’s shirt into his fingers and began fiddling with it, as if he was threatening to lift it up and reveal the man's belly.
“Can I hear you laugh some more?"
Edgeworth slowly uncovered his face after hearing Wright’s question, suddenly overtaken by a bout of courage.
Completely unfounded courage, mind you.
In retrospect, Miles had no idea why he said what he was about to say — maybe it was because he knew how it would end.
Still as red as a rose, Edgeworth hesitantly placed his arms behind his head and straightened his previously-bent legs, now laying down comfortably on the love seat instead of being huddled into one corner of it.
He looked into Phoenix’s giddy eyes as he attempted to stabilize his voice as much as he could.
“I—If you can make me laugh, sure.”
Wright scoffed at Edgeworth’s offer, mouth agape. “Are you being serious?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Miles, you’re acting awfully confident for the man who busted into giggles from someone touching his knee a few minutes ago. If you challenge me to make you laugh, I won’t have any mercy. I am being serious.”
Edgeworth didn’t think that he could get any redder than he already was, but he was proving himself wrong with every passing moment.
“C—Can you just start, already?!” the man growled. “I want to prove that I can beat you at your own childish little game.”
Nick shrugged, his whole face taken up by his smile. He was obviously looking forward to this, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.
“Whatever you say.”
That being said, Wright lifted Edgeworth’s top up, exposing his slightly-chubby belly and his lower ribs.
“Hmmm…” Phoenix cooed, looking over at Edgeworth’s face and studying his expression as he spoke. “I wonder where else you’re ticklish besides your knees… is your tummy bad for you?”
Miles looked down at the rival lawyer, unable to wipe the grin off of his lips or the dark flush off of his skin. He didn’t respond — he just pursed his lips with a grumble.
“Either you can tell me, or I can figure it out myself!” Wright chirped, abruptly wiggling his fingers around just above the prosecutor’s skin. Miles sharply inhaled and instinctively sucked his belly in when he saw Phoenix doing this — it was as if he was attempting to avoid the tickles that were inevitably coming.
“T—That’s not fair!” Edgeworth complained. “You’ll find out my worst spots no matter what I say!"
“Ah, you caught on quick!” Nick said with a tsk. “I shouldn't have expected any less from you."
Miles huffed at the compliment, anticipation clearly eating him alive.
“...But, think about it… if you just tell me instead of making me search, maybe I won't be as ruthless.” Phoenix purred, finally making contact with Miles’ skin. The prosecutor jolted away from the touch with a startled gasp. “Who knows?”
Edgeworth took an unsteady breath, preparing himself for his upcoming quip.
“I dohon’t think that you have a problem with searching, Wright," he said, more steadily than he expected. "Y—You do it all of the time — even unlawfully, at points.”
Nick shrugged nonchalantly. He was right.
"You've gotta do what you've gotta do, Miles!" He proclaimed. "And I suppose that means that you're not going to make this easy for me, huh?"
Edgeworth's eyebrows twitched upwards, surprised that the defense attorney even asked him such a question. “When I have I ever made anything easy for you, Wright?"
Phoenix chuckled lightheartedly.
“You know, it’s obvious that you’re putting on a brave face right now,” he noted astutely as he began lightly tapping his fingers along Miles’ ribs and enjoying the uncharacteristically squeaky sounds that he made. “It makes me look forward to seeing you melt into a puddle once I get you to break. You look really cute when you laugh.”
Miles whimpered through his giggles, exasperatedly flustered. The teasing made everything one hundred times worse — not to mention the flirting. What the hell was that about?!
To be fair, he didn't mind… he was just a little surprised, is all.
Phoenix began slowly circling his pointer finger around Miles’ belly button, resting his opposite elbow on the rose-colored cushion that the prosecutor was laying on.
The light-haired man squeezed his elbows forward in a feeble attempt to hide his dorky smile behind his arms.
He could already feel himself quivering under Nick’s touch and couldn’t believe that he had appointed himself into this competition that he was obviously going to lose.
Wright slowly spidered up Edgeworth's sides, intently listening to the quiet snickers that the prosecutor was clearly trying to suppress.
"Oh, come on, Miles. You know that you want to let those giggles out for me!"
"I—I dohon't know whahat you're talking about!" Miles denied as stiffly as he could. "It dohohoesn't even tickle that much!"
“Oh, it doesn’t?” Phoenix grinned, halting his feathery touches for a split second. “I think I may have to change that, then.”
"Wahahahait! You dohohon't have to—"
Before Miles could finish his statement, the ace attorney straightened his posture so that he could utilize both of his hands to drill directly into Edgeworth’s hips through his soft, flannel pajama pants.
The silver-haired lawyer barked out a surprised cackle before removing his hands from behind his head and quickly covering his face with them once again, obscuring his expression and muffling his laughter.
Phoenix rolled his eyes with faux annoyance as Edgeworth bucked and twisted wildly under his touch, occasional squeals emitting from behind his palms.
“Oh, please!” Wright teased. “Let me hear that laugh! Don’t try and hide the fact that this is killing you. You said it yourself — you’re very ticklish.”
“Ahahand you’re very annohohoying!” the prosecutor retorted, uncovering his face in order to irritatedly glare at the perpetrator of this tickly onslaught.
He didn’t succeed in actually looking irritated, though. He looked like an insurmountably happy man who was pretending to be irritated.
Miles… looked like he was having fun. He was unable to keep some of his childlike giggles from spilling out as he spoke, despite how hard he tried to stop them. It made him sound significantly less intimidating.
What else was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just continue allowing Wright to talk to him like this without at least trying to fight back! His situation was already compromising enough!
Nick grinned, removing his nimble fingers from Edgeworth’s hips in order to gain his full attention. “You just dug your own grave.”
Miles gulped shakily. “W—what do you mean…?”
“Don’t you think that you should be nicer to the person who has complete control over whether or not you laugh until you cry?”
Edgeworth’s eyes widened. He quickly slammed his arms against his sides, presumably protecting his worst spots.
He’d be surprised if his blush hadn’t leaked into the tips of his fingers by this point. Was Wright trying to kill him?!
“W—wait! Hohold on a second!” He blurted, his usually—unemotional eyes already sparkly with mirth and his smile genuine.
There it was.
That… soft expression again.
The gray-haired man’s features looked so… happy. It was like all of his callously cold edges had never been there.
Phoenix blinked as he stood up and began maneuvering himself onto Miles’ lap, the latter completely burning up as he watched.
"W—Whahahat are you doing, Wright...?" Edgeworth uttered breathlessly, looking up at his spiky-haired rival.
“Giving myself better access to you and all of your most sensitive spots, obviously!”
Miles exhaled as he shifted under the defense attorney’s weight. He was still smiling, though.
“D—do you have enohough room? This seat is a little small, especially for yohohour shenanigans.”
Wright chuckled. Edgeworth was quite the host — making sure that his assailant was comfortable before tickling him into oblivion. “Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking.”
"Anyways, is this alright?" The ace attorney continued, resting his unmoving hands gently on Edgeworth's twitchy torso. "Do you want to keep on going? I'll give you the win a bit early, if you want. You've already lasted much longer than I expected, given how ticklish you are!”
Miles huffed, making eye contact with the man that was now sitting on top of him.
He wasn’t going to say it, but it was clear that he was appreciative of the fact that Phoenix asked if he was okay with what was going on.
To be honest, he was very okay with it.
Maybe slightly too okay with it, for that matter.
“I am fihine, Wright," Edgeworth chuckled. "...And I—I dohon’t want your pity win.”
Realistically, he knew that he wasn't going to be able to win this battle any other way. A pity win may have been the easiest way out.
If he wanted this battle to be over, that is.
Miles continued, finally catching his breath enough to speak steadily. “But…”
Wright nodded, indicating that he was listening. “Hmm? But what?”
“I don’t think that I’ll be able to handle having my hands behind my head anymore. I want to be able to fight back a little bit. We want this to be a fair match, right?"
Edgeworth kept looking up into Wright's eyes, almost impatiently.
Now it was the defense attorney's turn to blush.
Miles... had really pretty eyes. A cool, deep shade of gray.
Nick grinned softly, drumming his fingers gently on Mile’s top ribs through his shirt. The prosecutor let out a surprised, choked-out giggle before lightly smacking at the other man's hands.
“Of course we do. I'm ready when you are."
Edgeworth's eyes began darting between Phoenix's face and his hands — which were now hovering over his torso again, fingers wiggling — unsure of what the man's next move would be.
“I was being serious about having no mercy, you know. Don’t think that I’ve forgotten that you called me annoying, mister.” Wright remarked, quickly slipping his hands under Miles’ top again and taking hold of his waist. He immediately began kneading his thumbs into the area right below Edgeworth’s ribs, resulting in a loud yelp from the silver-haired man.
Miles shakily attempted to grab Phoenix’s wrists through the fabric of his own shirt, surprised by his sudden attack. “Yohohou’re evihihil!” He wheezed, his hair flopping out from behind his red ears as he bent his head forward to hide his face.
“Come on! Let me see you! I want to see the face that you make when you laugh!”
Edgeworth shook his head fervently, giggles tumbling past his lips as he petulantly swatted at Wright’s ever-moving fingers. “Nohoho!”
The defense attorney pouted, smoothly avoiding Edgeworth’s attempts to hinder his tickly progress by moving further up his ribs — an area that had already proven to be very ticklish. “Aww. Maybe this’ll knock you down a peg, then…” he cooed, firmly massaging his fingers into the sensitive bones.
Edgeworth’s laugh shot up an octave as he jaggedly tossed his head back, effectively revealing the expression that was previously hidden by his curtain of light hair.
What a sight to behold.
“Dahahahamn ihihihit!” Miles squawked, flailing under Wright's weight and taking handfuls of the man's t-shirt into his fists. It was as if the prosecutor was attempting to establish any sort of stability for himself as he continued to fall apart.
"You should know better than to defy me by now, Edgeworth." Phoenix teased cheerfully. "All I wanted was to see you smile, and you just had to be stubborn!"
As the spiky—haired man spoke, he steadily inched closer to the prosecutor's underarms — which was seemingly driving him increasingly mad, if his squeaky pleas had anything to do with it.
“Okahahahay! Okahahahay! I gehehet it! You—You’ve knocked me dohohown a peheheg! Stohohop this mahahahadness before I—!”
Just as Miles was about to finish his sentence, a loud sound rang through the air.
The prosecutor’s eyes widened as he slapped his hand over his mouth. “No. No, no, no. That didn’t happen. That didn’t just happen.” He thought frantically before looking up at Phoenix, who had stopped moving.
The ace attorney was attempting to look mischievous, but he really just looked overjoyed.
“Did I just hear what I thihink I just heard?” He beamed, incapable of holding back a fond chuckle.
“Nohohoho! No! I—I dohon’t know what you’re tahahalking about!”
Wright removed one of his hands from under Miles' shirt, his shoulders shaking as he giggled with delight. He pointed a playfully accusatory finger towards his very ticklish friend.
"You snort when you laugh."
"Whahahat? Thahat's ahahabsolutely preheheposterou—AH!"
Before Edgeworth could finish his response, Phoenix used his hand that still laid comfortably in the prosecutor's shirt to knead at his bare armpit — causing another snort to tumble out of the man.
"Shihi—hihit!" He exclaimed, haphazardly hiding his face in the crook of one of his elbows. He couldn't hold it in any longer. Loud, unadulteratedly boisterous laughter freely drifted through the room.
Snorts and all.
"No, I don't think it's preposterous at all. I just heard it loud and clear! A few times, actually." Wright grinned, leaning over the uncontrollably giggling Edgeworth to turn the lamp next to the loveseat on.
With this, the room was bathed in golden light. Phoenix ceased his movement at last.
Noticing that the tickly sensations previously plaguing his skin were subsiding, Edgeworth uncovered his face once more to look at his court rival.
His kiddish laughter was still bubbling past his lips. Tears of mirth pricked at his eyes.
Phoenix felt like his heart had stopped. He removed his other arm from under Edgeworth's shirt and placed both of his hands firmly on the prosecutor’s chest.
Miles' cheeks were tinted a rosy, playful pink.
His hair, instead of its usual neatness, was unkempt due to how much he wiggled under Phoenix's giddy hands.
His smile was so pretty. He looked so... pretty.
“W—Whahahat is that look on your fahahace for, you chihihildish dohoholt?” Miles attempted to snarl through his chuckles.
Nick gulped, letting out a forced giggle in an attempt to hide his blatant adoration of the man that laid underneath him.
“Your heart is just beating really fast, that’s all.”
Edgeworth scoffed, wiping his eyes with his shaky hands. “Wh—Whahahat did you expehehehect?! You juhuhust tihihickled the hell out of mehehehe, you ahahasshole!”
Wright nodded. “Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.” He said, tilting his head towards the ceiling and avoiding eye contact with Miles. “Is that the only reason, though…? The only reason that your heart is pounding like that…?”
The prosecutor was quiet for a moment, not including the leftover laughter that still occasionally slipped past his lips.
Even though Wright wasn’t looking at him, he could feel Miles staring.
“What kind of question is that…?” Nick said after a few moments.
He shouldn’t have said any of that. That was stupid.
“Obviously that was the only reason. Ignore me. I’m sor—”
Phoenix slowly looked back down at Miles, who was still smiling and laughing. The prosecutor shook his head and gently placed his hands on top of Nick’s.
“You’re truhuhuly hopeless if you… reheheheally thihihink that the tihihickling is the only reheheason.”
The ace attorney’s face fell into a humungous grin, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.
“I think that I know what you mean, but can you tell me bluntly…?” The spiky-haired man asked bashfully. “I don’t want to do something and then regret it because I misinterpreted your words, you know?”
Miles rolled his eyes, his smile still so large that it overtook his whole face. “Yeheheah, I get that.” This being said, Edgeworth firmly grabbed the collar of Wright’s t-shirt.
“Kihihihiss me, you fool.”
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kiri-mikua · 1 year
HOL UP BECAUSE- I- I just told my beloved friend about the t-word thing and she tells me SHE ALREADY KNEW?! AND THEN PROCEEDS TO TEASE ME WITH IT IM 🙈🙈💕 IM FLABBERGASTED IM 🙈🤭
i had never directly told anyone about this, i HINTED IT to someone before, so this is really a special ocasion to me 🤭 not only did she make it VERY FLUSTERING but she also made me feel loved and accepted im 🙈😭💕
online friendships can hurt so much 😔😔
but tbh i should HAVE KNOWN- she more than once included a sneaky tickling scene in her fics and seemed very knowing each time i was flustered about it 🙈
and i would LOVE to share more t-word related thoughts and ask for teases but I DONT WANT TO MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE 😳😭 idk what to do, she is so teasy tho so im hype 🙈🙈
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turtle-bee-rayne · 2 years
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leebooposting · 11 months
Ler!Ranboo and Ler! Wilbur headcanons? (separate)
evil laughs but its more of a "HEHEHEHEH"
will probably stare you down then RUN RIGHT AT YOU AAAA
on that note. if hes chasing you youre done for dont even try. that mf is FAST
so very playful
does that stupid "ARARARAR" thing
"does that tickle?? does it?? what about here?? or here?? what about this spot??"
probably calls himself the tickle monster as a bit not realising it flusters you
laughs along with their lee
tickle hugs that you physically cant escape. rip
wiggles their fingers at you just to fluster you HSJFKAHDAJD
asks if youre okay afterward, makes sure you had fun :] hugs n head pats as aftercare hehe
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problemlikesdrawing · 6 months
ok so i was like in a car ride with someone right, and they were driving so I thought I could make tk art- when we pulled over I didn't stop drawing (and keep in mind nbdy i know personally knows abt my tkl blog) and they looked over djvedrsjskskss
And what they said was "oh is that guy being tworded" I said yes, and then theyre like "oh that's cute"
Dhhshshshjdbfjdmznzks AAA
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hauntedhappenings · 1 year
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the fucking jazz hands,,,,,, this game is so funny
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sprite-periodt · 1 year
Would you like to maybe... get hugged from behind by a ler who playfully skitters their fingers up and down your sides and all over your tummy? Perhaps while they blow little raspberries on your neck?
-👻 Anon
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franzizka · 1 year
Jessie does not have a last name in the localization! In Japanese it is very heavily implied to be Miyamoto, though :3
ooh!!! thank you for the information!!!! 🙏🏻
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sunsetsimon · 8 months
any hc's you have about cuddling with simon? like is he big spoon or little spoon, is he even up for cuddling, etc..
(ur writing is the best, you should be so proud!!)
aa thank you so much <333 it definitely isn’t the best but i’m so glad you enjoy it!!! thats all that matters to me :)
☼ at first simon never initiates cuddling with you. he loves being physical with you, but for a while it never pops in his head to pull you closer or reach for your hand. as he gets more comfortable in the relationship he'll yearn for you more. being away gets harder, and all he can think about is being close to you.
☼ so as soon as he returns from his latest deployment he's on his way to your place. butterflies flutter in his stomach as he can see your front door, knowing you're waiting just as eagerly behind it. simon hasn't even fully made it up the stairs before the door swings open, a bright smile on your face that makes his knees weak, almost struggling on the last step. you step forward to hug him but you're taken by surprise as simon pulls you into his arms, squeezing you tightly into his chest. his heart pounds, thumping through to your yours in a race to explode. once he's showered and eaten he wants to spend the rest of the day on the couch, holding you while he drifts in and out of sleep.
☼ he prefers to be the big spoon, wrapping his body around yours and holding you tight against him. the feeling of you pressed against him brings so much comfort. he loves being able to run his hands along your body, lingering on your hips of course (he's obsessed). although he won't admit it out loud, he loves being little spoon. you're curled into his back, one arm draped over his side. it makes simon feel taken care of and protected when you hold him.
☼ but his favorite way to cuddle is when you lay on top of him in a plank position, resting your head on his chest. his fingers tickle your scalp, softly caressing as to not make it a mess. sliding his warm hands under your shirt, simon rubs your back, massaging lightly as he pushes the pads of his fingers into your skin. it lulls you to sleep quickly every time, not even able to realize your eyes are growing heavy until you're opening them an hour later. simon is passed out beneath you, snoring with his mouth half open. when you try to get up he jumps awake, his hands squeezing your shirt to keep you in place. his eyelids are heavy, struggling to stay up as he tries to watch what you’re doing.
you reach over and tap your phone screen, it’s nearly midnight, “let’s go to bed, si.”
simon sleepily nods, leaning into your small hand as you cup his cheek, a soft smile on your lips. heaving a deep sigh, he forces himself up to follow you to bed. plopping himself onto the mattress, falling asleep immediately as if he was never awake in the first place.
☼ he definitely comes to love cuddling, expecting a session with you every night, and don’t skip it or else he’ll be upset! he just wants to be close to you <3
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snortlaughs · 2 years
trial paperwork
fandom: ace attorney
pairing: narumitsu/wrightworth
characters included: lee!wright, ler!edgeworth
word count: 1.3k
genre: fluff. SO MUCH FLUFF.
warnings: none
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Phoenix laid down on the couch in Edgeworth’s office, looking at his navy-blue coat that snugly hung on the back of the heavy mahogany door. It was quite an eyesore relative to the rest of the room, which was covered in various shades of maroon.
He listened intently to the noises of pen on paper that came from the desk behind him. It was a Tuesday evening, and Miles was filling out paperwork for the trial that was scheduled for the upcoming Friday.
Wright knew this.
However, he still asked…
“What are you working on over there?”
Edgeworth rolled his eyes with a light groan before he placed his pen onto his nicely-polished desk, finally allowing Nick his full attention.
“Wright, this is the third time that you’ve asked me that question, and it’s going to be the third time that I’ve answered that question.” The man growled. “Does nothing get through your thick skull?”
Phoenix shifted his torso with a grunt, now laying on the sofa tummy-down and meeting Edgeworth’s disgruntled gaze.
The defense attorney rested his chin in his hand and grinned his signature, shit-eating grin, which only annoyed Edgeworth even more.
“Alright, don’t lie to me, Edgey.” He hummed, swaying his legs in the air rhythmically. “You didn’t really answer the first two times that I asked. You just shushed me or told me to leave. Very rudely, might I add.”
“Okay, well,” Edgeworth uttered after he took a deep breath. “Listen closely, because I am not answering any more of your brainless questions after this.”
Wright cupped his left ear with his hand to indicate that he was, indeed, listening.
“I am working on documentation for our upcoming trial — getting everything sorted.” Edgeworth said, grateful for the fact that no noise was coming out of Phoenix’s mouth. For once. “Shouldn’t you be doing the same thing? Why are you here bothering me when you could be doing something productive?”
“Well, since you asked oh-so nicely,” Wright purred, earning a huff from the silver-haired man, “I already got all of my paperwork finished, so I don’t have anything to worry about. Also, I like bothering you. You get worked up so easily — it’s fun to watch.”
Edgeworth, at this point, had had enough.
Not only was Phoenix Wright, his rival, invading his space and filling his mind with useless thoughts — now he was just humiliating him!
Not to mention, the warm blush that was building up in his cheeks as a result of Nick’s comment certainly wasn’t helping.
“Oh, it’s fun to watch, is it?” Miles scoffed, standing up from his desk. He shrugged his jacket off of his shoulders and haphazardly tossed it onto his chair.
Wright, satisfied with his pestering, flopped onto his back again and stared up at the ceiling. He crossed his arms over his head, each hand holding the opposite elbow. “Why, yes! Very much so.”
Before Nick knew it, Miles was standing next to the couch and then clumsily climbing onto his lap, straddling him. He used his left hand to grasp the defense attorney’s forearms and hold them firmly against the sofa.
Phoenix, after his initial surprise wore off, began squirming underneath Edgeworth’s weight with a goofy grin.
It was almost as if he knew what was coming.
“M—Miles!” The pointy-haired man stuttered, his eyes darting between the prosecutor’s free hand and his face, which was painted with a playful, happy smirk — an expression that Wright had never seen from Miles before.
Edgeworth was pretty much always frowning. To be honest, this was almost a nice change of pace. Almost.
“I’ll show you what’s fun to watch, Mr. Wright.”
This being said, he started teasingly wiggling his fingers in the air and hovering his hand over various areas of Wright’s torso, causing the man to let out a startled squeak.
“Quihit doing that!” He whined, kicking his feet petulantly against the rose-colored cushions.
“Aww, Phoenix…” Miles said, raising his eyebrows. “I haven’t even touched you yet. I wonder if you’re still just as ticklish as you were when we were kids… I think I may just have to test that out.”
That being said, Edgeworth began lightly clawing at Wright’s sides through the fabric of his collared shirt.
A shrill squeal rang through the spacious room. Phoenix instinctively sucked his tummy in to avoid the tingly sensations that danced across his skin.
“Edgewohohorth! I—I’m stihihihill just as tihihicklish as I was when we were kihihids! You don’t have to tehehest it! Reheheheheally!” The man babbled, his cheeks already covered in a blotchy, red flush.
Edgeworth shook his head with a scoff, unable to wipe his smile off of his face. “So endearing…” he thought.
“Hmmm,” Miles hummed teasingly. “Yeah, I don’t have to test it… you’re right about that. Your sensitivity is obvious.”
“…But I’m still going to tickle you to pieces.”
Phoenix barely had the time to pout before Edgeworth stealthily untucked his top and started poking sporadically at his bare ribs.
“Mihihihiles!” Nick howled, pushing his blushy face into his bicep in order to avoid his assailant’s teasing gaze.
He attempted to free his arms from Edgeworth’s hold, but the prosecutor was surprisingly strong. Instead, he did what seemed to be the next best thing — he breathlessly wriggled under the man’s weight in an attempt to dodge his pokes.
“What, Wright?” Edgeworth said, cocking his head innocently and ceasing his teasy touches for a moment. “This is what you get for bothering me! Maybe you’ll be a bit more mindful next time.”
“B—buhuhut it’s so fuhuhun to annohohoy youuuu! Yohou’re so cu—!”
Before Wright could finish his sentence and fluster Miles even more than he already had, the attacker shot his hand under Phoenix’s left arm and began moving his nimble fingers as quickly as they could go.
“EHEHEHEDGEWOHORTH!” the attorney shrieked, thrashing his torso back and forth in a feeble attempt to break free from the prosecutor. 
Miles’ face, at this point, could have been compared to that of a freshly-boiled lobster — bright red. This was possibly the reddest that he’d ever been, and he was eternally grateful that Wright was too out of sorts to notice. Hopefully.
“W—What is it, Nick?” Edgeworth said falteringly, trying hard to regain his composure after having thought about the fact that he was definitely noticeably flustered.
He switched his hand to the defense attorney’s right underarm and continued his attack, which earned him an adorably shrill yelp. 
“Can’t take it?” 
“NOHOHOHO! Plehehehehease have mehehehercy!” 
“Fine, fine.” Edgeworth said, admittedly quite bummed that his tickly onslaught had finished. He let go of Phoenix’s arms, which he immediately slammed down on either side of his torso as giggles continued to pour past his lips. 
Edgeworth rested his hands on Wright’s chest and looked down at the man laying under him, almost as if he was admiring the mess that he had made. 
Phoenix was quivering, and tears of mirth were being wiped from his deep blue eyes. 
Miles scoffed with a grin. “You’re still such a child, Wright.” 
Phoenix, after a few more moments, had mostly calmed down. However, his voice was still shaky and he was still unable to wipe his dorky smile off of his lips. 
He looked up at Miles, who turned his face away in faux nonchalance.
“M—Maybe that’s true, Edgey,” he said, as solidly as he could. “But you know what?” 
Edgeworth slowly turned his face back towards Wright’s, taking fistfuls of the spiky-haired defense attorney’s button-up shirt into his palms.
Phoenix grinned.
“I think that you’re a bit of a child, too. I mean, after all these years, you remembered how ticklish I was — you even went out of your way to check and see if I still am,” he stated matter-of-factly. “This must have been taking up a lot of your mental real estate, huh, Miles? Thinking about how ticklish I am, I mean.”
Edgeworth’s eyes widened as he immediately turned away from Wright.
His face was beet-red, and his blush was quickly trailing down his neck. He silently swore at himself, irritated by the fact that he got flustered so easily.
“Seems like I got it right,” Phoenix purred, poking playfully at Edgeworth’s sides and taking note of how he flinched.
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
Well since you mention valentine's professions of love, I think it wouldn't be right if I didn't take this chance to extoll the virtues of moths. Firstly, they're adorable. Some of them are really fuzzy and have cute antennae. The rosy maple moth and the common silk moth are both very very cute. Secondly, (as this blog proves again and again) there are SO MANY of them in such a huge variety that you're bound to come across one that tickles your fancy! Take the Atlas Moth for example! It's got a wing span of nearly 25cm! That's like the size of a small bird! (You have no idea how much I want to pet a large moth species. Not the caterpillars though. Never touch random caterpillars. In fact, some moth caterpillars have hairs and stuff that you definitely do not want to touch due to them being poisonous.) Thirdly, moths are culturally and historically important! Silk has been a major industry for centuries upon centuries. The techniques of silk production and the actual moths themselves are the subject of myths in various cultures. They were once so jealously and secretively guarded that there are legends of how they came to be spread to different parts of Asia. I cannot stress how big of a deal silk was throughout the history of the world and how the trade of silk influenced international relations for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Oh and the thing is, common silk moths aren't the only silk-producing moth! There are several moths in the Saturniidae family that make cocoons of silk which are also used in modern, commercial silk production -- some of which don't result in the death of the chrysalid.
Look, I know whatever string of nucleotides this ramble produces will not end up matching the genetic sequence of a moth, because that's just how these things work but... I hope that people will look upon all the moths that do show up going forth with a fond and grateful eye because moths are truly magnificent creatures. Happy Valentine's Day!
String identified:
c t at' , t t 't gt 't ta t cac t t t t t. t, t' aa. t a a a a ct ata. T a t a t c t a t ct. c, (a t g aga a aga) t a A t c a g at tat ' t c ac tat tc ac! Ta t Ata t a! t' gt a g a a 25c! Tat' t a a ! ( a a c at t t a ag t c. t t cata tg. tc a cata. act, t cata a a a t tat t t at t tc t t g .) T, t a cta a tca tat! a a a t ct ct. T tc ct a t acta t t a t ct t a ct. T c a a ct ga tat t a g t ca t a t t at Aa. cat t g a a a tgt t t t a t ta c tata at , t ta a. a t tg , c t a't t -cg t! T a a t t ata a tat a cc c a a , cca ct -- c 't t t at t ca.
, at tg ct t a c t atcg t gtc c a t, ca tat' t t tg t… tat a t t tat gg t t a a gat ca t a t agct cat. a at' a!
Closest match: Parapoynx stratiotata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: Ringed China-mark
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shoccolatine · 7 months
hi i really like your writing! could you do the "things you associate them with" for the lads boys too?
aa thank you! and yes of course 💜
things i associate them with
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╰┈➤ ❝ XAVIER. ❞
catnaps in the afternoon sun, warming your hands with a steaming mug of coffee/tea, reddened fingertips, stargazing, lying in the grass and counting the stars, the burning smell of fireworks, alien conspiracies, galaxies, existential hope, shy smiles, gentle laughter, hiding behind your pillow during a scary movie, buttered popcorn, cat whiskers, tickle fights, the sound of pulling a sword out of its sheath.
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╰┈➤ ❝ ZAYNE. ❞
picnic dates on checkered blankets, apple orchards, springtime, melted ice cream, cool rainy evenings, petrichor, condensation dripping down a window, rivers trickling down into waterfalls, icicles, cold hands in woolen mittens, the intricate designs of a snowflake, knowing smiles, intense gazes, having a conversation without saying a word, the nostalgia for a life long past (or perhaps a life that hasn't happened yet).
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╰┈➤ ❝ RAFAYEL. ❞
the glitter of sunlight on the sea, walking along the beach, digging your toes in the cool sand, playful splashes, aquarium dates, glowing jellyfish, deep sea creatures, 3am conversations about everything and nothing, whispered secrets, pinky swears, double dares, telling scary stories with a flashlight lit under your chin, paint stains, the tickle of a paintbrush on your skin, messy sketchbooks.
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╰┈➤ ❝ BONUS! CALEB. ❞
peeling an orange for someone else, apple slices, noogies, tousled hair, late nights spent giggling, convenience store runs, sunsets, walking home from school, bike rides on beaten paths, bandaids on skinned knees, ripped jeans, worn sneakers, friendly competition, playfighting, chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven.
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crystallinesilk · 4 months
✧ “My Precious Lightweight…”✧ 
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Synopsis: After a trip to the laundromat, Choso and his girlfriend [you!] settle on the couch. You previously discovered your misplaced THC vape pen before the wash, and playful teasing turns into an intimate, loving, and intensely passionate encounter as you trade vape hits and become consumed by each other.
Pairings: Choso x f!reader
Content: Explicit content { { MDNI } }, switchy/ lightweight/ possessive Choso, established relationship, post-laundry relaxation, new living arrangements, fluff, teasing, some biting, kissing/ making out, shotgunning THC vape pen, heavy petting, pet names (baby, baby doll, pretty princess, etc.).
Word Count: 2.3k+
Author’s note: This is my first one shot. I’ve been pretty obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen lately so I hope you guys will enjoy what I think Choso would be like in this specific situation! I love him ,_,
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You and Choso bustle around the apartment, sorting out the last bits of laundry before heading to the laundromat. As you shake out one of your hoodies, a small object tumbles out and lands on the floor. You pick it up, realizing it was your long-lost THC vape pen.
"Look what I found!" you exclaimed, holding it up with a triumphant grin, “And it’s still got a lot in it!”
Choso glances over curiously. "What? Where did you find that?”
"Found it in my hoodie! Just in time before it went through the wash," you say. "Want to get a little zooted when we get back?"
“Zooted?” he laughs and then nods while giving you a tentative smile, eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Sure, why not."
After finishing the laundry, returning home, Choso adamant on not letting you carry the heavy basket, you two come up to the door. “You don’t always gotta be such a sweetheart, you know that, right?”
Choso smirks contentedly and leans in to give your nose a sweet lingering kiss, “I’d do anything for you, my pretty princess.” He kisses your cheek. A sweet loving kiss that seems to everlast.
As you both walk in, he sets the basket next to the couch arm and plops down. His left arm splayed to make room for you. You set your keys down on the coffee table, toss your sweatpants off and plop down right beside him, cuddling into his large masculine frame. He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your cheek. His nose– tickling your ear. He kisses your temple firmly and leans his forehead against yours. You both let out a relieved sigh as you press your face into the nook of his neck.
Choso runs his fingers through your hair, “So about that vape pen?” he asks.
You straighten your posture a bit as you fish the pen back out of your short pockets. You held it up again, your excitement palpable. "Ready?"
He nods, watching you intently, curiously, innocently. You took the first hit, savoring the uplifting effects of the hybrid strain. The plumes escape your nostril and his eyes glimmer watching your eyes dilate and your shoulders lax.
Leaning forward, you align your face and cradle your boyfriends’ face in your hands as you kiss him, lingering on his bottom lip. You trace his lip with your tongue, eager for him to taste the herbal citrus of your recent vape hit. He eases his lips into yours and slips his tongue against yours. Velvety smooth and hints of orange citrus saliva intertwine with the sweetness of him..
You pull away, leaving that sloppy saliva strand that you lick back up to give him a more clsoe mouthed, tame kiss. Choso shifts constantly under your kiss and holds back a moan as you ask in a whisper, “Can I shotgun it into your mouth from mine?”
He looks at you hesitantly before a wide smile forms on his sweet pale face, “Of course, my pretty girl.”
He pulls you closer by your waist as you take a heavy pull off the vape. You align his face with yours, kissing him once. He opens his mouth eagerly for you as you exhale the vapor back into his mouth, the intimate shotgunning making him slightly dizzy. His eyes become glossy, a dreamy expression takes over his features, “Oh, ahah–aa Y/n, this is what it feels… like.. huh?” he stammers out.
You dote on him as you plant kisses on his face again. He’s sweetly delirious just from a single hit. You tease him, your lips lingering on his as you playfully nip at his lower lip. "My precious lightweight, already so affected..."
Choso's breath hitches, his body responding to your touch as you palm his already growing hardness. His heart flutters wildly. “Cho… already worked up, huh?”. He tries to murmur back something, but the feeling of his cock twitching underneath your hand leaves him effortlessly docile, hot under his clothes, and too flustered to string together words. He nods, swallowing hard.
You sits more firmly on his sharp hips, dragging back as you begin to kiss and nip down his jawline, finally finding a spot to leave your love bites. Between moments of him squirming and your acute hickies, you ask, “Think you can handle more?”
He shivers, his hands roaming your sides, switching between gentle caresses and needy gropes. "I can handle more than you think," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire and intoxication. His hands starting to wander from his iron grip on your waist.
You coo softly, “I know you can handle more, my sweet Cho", giving his hardness a firm grind between the heat resonating between your legs… He let out a low whine, his need for you intensifying.
 His hardness pressed against you through his pants, and you began to grind against him, moving back and forth with deliberate, slow movements. His breath hitched, and his hands found your waist, gripping you as if to anchor himself.
Leaning down, you took another hit from the vape and held it as you looked into his delicate doe eyes. His eyes lock swift yours and he leans in for another shotgunned hit.
Choso complied, his eyes half-lidded and filled with desire. The intimacy of the act makes you both shiver. He deepens the kiss, the shared vapor making your heads spin. He ruts sloppily up against your clothed cunt with a suppressed moan into your mouth.
"You're doing so well, baby," you murmur against his lips, feeling his hips buck more beneath you. "You’re my sweet lightweight, huh?"
Choso groans at your words and his breathing deepens as he stammers out, “Yo–your sweet light weight”. He grips on your waist, suddenly tightening his fingers as they digging into your skin with a possessive need. You huff pushing your ass onto his lap even harder as you lick and kiss up the side of his face, “All fucking mine…”
You pull back, following his hazy glazed eyes of need. His hands snaking from your hips, over your cute tits, to your neck, "And you're mine," he growled softly, his voice a mix of sweetness and feral intensity. "And I.. mm.. w–want all of you, baby"
You felt a thrill at his words, your own desire further heightening– unable to contain yourself. The daze makes your eyes half mooned. They close as you lean against his toned chest, "All yours, Cho," you whisper back, leaving fervent love bites on his chest. He grabs your jawline for a savory kiss reminding you both of how stoned the two of you are– the taste of citrus lingering . Still, his response was immediate, his mouth moving against yours with a sloppy hunger that made your toes curl and his grip slip against the fabric of your shirt.
You continue to grind against him, feeling the friction build between you. His breath hot and heavy as he moved down. In turn, he bites and sucks the divots of your collarbone and shoulders. His need for you evident in every hazy twitch of his cock, and every dizzy whimper that escapes your mouth, you could feel him grow below, “You do things… to.. me.. baby girl..”
You smile slyly as you reach between you, tugging down his pants and boxers just enough to free his hardness. The sight of him, swollen and ready, slapping against his meticulously chiseled abs make your eyes completely mesmerized– your need to touch, lick up and kiss and and and…
With a deep breath, a tight readiness below your stomach, you lean in closer, almost face-to-face with his sleeper of a hardness. Your fingers and palm centimeters away, the heat emanates wildly off him, matching your own fire.
As you reach out to grab his burning hot cock, he smirks deviously and grabs your wrist, “Tsk, tsk, I think we both need a little more…” his voice trails off as you watch him pull the vape pen out again, “don’t you think?”. He smirks as you watch him take a heavier hit than you did before. “Cho– don’t– be careful with that!”
He nods his head– a signal to veer closer. He grabs your chin, his finger trailing the underside of your jaw. You ease against his lips and breath in the sweet citrus. He follows by giving you a sloppy fucking kiss, his tongue eager to fight against yours. The smoke plumes between the subtle empty spaces between your interlocking lips and tongue. Both of you melted in the deliberate kiss– making your hearts zuzz, your minds’ empty, your bodies lost, and your eyes further reddened.
You sat back on to his firm hips, trapping his freed hardness between your wet thighs and soaked panties. Neither of you broke away until you felt the pulsating of his eager member against you. You breathed unsteadily with the feeling. He gasped, barely audible, but his stoned doe eyes looking down in disbelief and then back up to you tells you everything. So eager, so excited, so ready to burst already.
“Y/N, p– please?” Choso sputters out. You reach for both his hands at your waist. Bringing his left to your sacral, making him hook his fingers at the waistband of your panties, and his right hand, a shaking mess, back to enrich his fingertips and palm with your soft tits. He traces over your nipple softly, overwhelmed with the plethora of sensations.
“Slide ‘em to the side f’me, won’t you, Cho?” you says with a breathy, twice as eager moan. His half lidded eyes, opened wide, “You uh–ya sure, baby?”. You nod, your hands wandering down his iliac crest to meet his left hand stammering as he pulls your drenched panties to the side. 
Positioning yourself, you slowly guided him into you, the sensation making you both gasp. His eye lids barely closed, the white of his eyes noticeably reddened… You moved with deliberate slowness, wanting to savor every inch as he stifled his moans. His hands gripped your hips, helping to guide you as you take his entirety, barely with ease. Your wetness making it easier, but his size makes you stretch. He lets out an uneven breath as you start to set a steady rhythm.
Choso's breaths were ragged and completely broken, each movement driving him closer to the edge. "You’r— you’re fucking mine," he repeated, his voice trembling with need. "I– I can– never get– enough– of you, my slutty pretty–"
You grinned, leaning down to kiss him deeply. "I– I can’t either, Cho.." you say, your voice filled with affection and sultry desire. You increased the pace slightly, the friction sending waves of pleasure through both of you.
As you rode him, you could feel his body tensing beneath you, his breathy moans filling the room. You slow down each time he seems a little too close to release, edging him and drawing out the pleasure. "You're so fucking responsive," you murmur, your lips grazing his ear. "I love how you react to my touch."
Choso lifts his shakily head from ecstasy, his mouth slightly agape from watching as his cock disappears and reappears covered by your needy pussy with your slick honey. He smiles so fucking wide, quickly changing into dark desire as his hands roam your body, his thumb tracking over your clit, his other hands groping at your plump ass, his touch desperate and reverent. "Please," he begged, his voice barely audible. "I need you."
"I– I need you too, my love," you reply, your movements becoming more urgent. You could feel the pressure building within you, the need for release becoming almost unbearable.
You continue to edge him, the sensation of being so close yet not quite there driving him wild. His moans become more frantic, saying your name, your full name between his sloppy pumps up, his grip on you tightening more and more and more and more and…. "Please," he groans again, his voice evidently breaking. "Baby– girl– I– I can't hold on much longer."
“Hold on, baby… just.. alittle..” , you moan back reaching for the vape pen once more, taking a quick hit as he watches in further disbelief. His mouth still agape, you lean in and blow it into his mouth.
He breathes in and then out, “F-f–fuck”, our own release just within reach. You move with him, your bodies perfectly in sync as you finally allow yourselves to tip over the edge. The release— he caves first, pulling you close to him, his hands grabbing all over you searching for nowhere in particular just as long as you're close… The release so intense, waves of pleasure crashing over both of you as you held each other tightly. The sun fluttering on your skin from the window, a realization of his cum deep in you, connected in the most intimate way possible. You grind against him, dead set on making his face completely red, “S–so.. S–so sensitive, baby girl…”
As the aftershocks subsided, you collapsed onto Choso's chest, both of you breathing heavily, hearts still a racing, pounding mess. He kisses you softly, his lips tasting you. "You did so fucking well, my girl" he murmured, feeling the love and connection between you.
You smile with ease, biting his lower lip. His eyes still glazed with the remnants of the high, still lost in your tender space. "Still needy, my sweet girl?," he whispers, his voice filled with gratitude, adoration, and intrigue.
“Should I manipulate the blood back into my cock?” he smirks breathlessly.
You slap his chest lightly with a smiley giggle knowing he isn’t joking… because you can feel him twitching even more still buried in you...
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© crystallinesilk2024~ reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! Do not plagiarize my works and not translate/modify/copy. We can chat about it though!
(dividers by @cafekitsune)
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dilulusion · 1 year
hihi! saw in the tags of one of your aa arts that youd take requests :) so if it tickles ur fancy, how about some beanix and trucy? or perhaps some narumitsu…
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waaah iwanted to draw trucy but i ran kut of drawing juice awuuh despair !!! trucy soon !! nevertheless hi anon !!!!!! thank u sm for the rewuest n compliments hehe, they were a jooy to draw but now i must passojt
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
could you do seventeen reacts to you wanting cuddles? if not everyone then at least hhu?
seventeen reacts to you wanting cuddles: hhu vers. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
a/n: ok i lied about getting my posts out faster BUT i do have a bunch of drafts going on i SWEAR. i think i’m probably continue this as a series for all the other members too don’t fret!. also literally read this ask wrong and accidentally wrote “seventeen wanting cuddles” so i’ll probably do the reverse of this also AA
to the anon who requested this i hope you liked it :)
vu vers. | pu vers.
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◘ literally cannot contain the grin on his face
◘ “cheol come here” you told him, lifting your blanket as an offering
◘ he raises his eyebrows and is literally fighting every urge to immediately cozy up to you
◘ “is someone feeling needy today?” he grins, bending forward to almost level his face with yours
◘ whenever you see his face up close like this you can’t help but feel your stomach flutter with butterflies, but you also can’t let him get so smug (jokingly) so easily
◘ “i can survive without cuddling you, you know” you rolled your eyes, also fighting an urge to just pull him towards you
◘ though just as you were about to flip to face away from him, he’s yanking the blanket up and settling down next to you
◘ he pulls you closer by your waist until your bodies are flush together
◘ “maybe i like it when you’re a little needy” he murmurs into you, his breath tickling your neck
◘ “mmhm” but you turn back around to face him anyway because he’s still cute
◘ he was playing some game on the tv but just seeing him in the comfiest clothes and glasses gave you an even stronger need to be close to him
◘ you sat on the couch near him, usually used to watching what he was up to
◘ you playfully tapped his leg with your foot, “is it something intense?”
◘ he glanced over to you for a moment before his eyes flickered back to the screen, “not really, why?”
◘ “can i uh, just hug you from behind?”
◘ the small upturn of the corner of his lips made you smile too as he nodded, reaching a hand over to your arm to pull you towards him
◘ “come here”
◘ so you moved to sit with legs on either side of him as you wrapped your arms around his middle, leaning your cheek on his shoulder
◘ frankly you were content with this, feeling his warmth against you while inhaling his comforting scent
◘ you closed your eyes while he hummed along to his game, but within minutes you could feel his hands gently pulling at yours as he shifted so the two of you could lay down instead (he wanted to hold you too) :’)
◘ you literally do not have to ask him twice
◘ i just feel like mingyu would drop maybe 95% of things he could be in the middle of doing just to hold you
◘ already knows what you want just from a simple “gyu..” and a tug on his arm
◘ never teases you for wanting cuddles, if anything this man would indulge you as much as he can
◘ one day he’s going over some emails, maybe reviewing upcoming schedules when you come up behind him to rest your chin on his shoulder and wrap your arms around him
◘ before you can say anything he’s already telling you, “just a minute baby and i’m all yours”
◘ “wait if it’s something important though-” you began, just noticing that he had his email open and knowing he tended to be busy
◘ “it’s okay” he assures you, turning to place a soft kiss on your jaw
◘ as soon as he’s closing his laptop, he takes your hand and pulls you to your room, engulfing you in his broad build, even going so far as to wrap a leg around you
◘ it feels like he’s surrounding you but you’ve really just achieved your goal
◘ you wanted cuddles? damn right he’ll give them to you 😤💗
◘ loves it actually, even if his eagerness for cuddles isn’t so obvious
◘ it happens as the two of you are binging your current chosen show and you find yourself shifting from sitting upright to laying on your side
◘ he’s still sitting upright, as he was quite invested in your show. his head turns at the sound of your voice
◘ “can you..?” you begin, motioning for him to lay down with you
◘ “of course” he chuckles, already making his way to hold you from behind
◘ when would he ever deny you?
◘ you snuggle into him as he wraps an arm around your waist, taking its usual a spot in your cuddle sessions
◘ it’s always comforting with vernon and neither of you would have it any other way
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soap-ify · 9 months
hi ruru! thank you for your kind words on my post today 🫶🏼 can i please get a little something about soap x reader who’s been working really hard lately (to the point where she can’t pull herself away from her laptop at the end of the day)? how would johnny boy help her relax/ take her mind off work?? could be fluffy or smutty 💛
CHERRY!! reader is just like me... i overworked myself so much yesterday and aa we should take more care of ourselves!
cw — fluff, praises !! he is so in love, fingering and lots of smooches.
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johnny had experienced it all before too numerous times, being overworked to the point where one just loses themselves in their work.
he tried to catch your attention throughout the day, either by poking your sides or just sitting beside you on the couch, earning nothing but dismissive huffs from you while your fingers furiously typed on the keyboard, glazed eyes frantically reading the stuff on your screen while your brain constantly thought about all the other work you still had to finish.
“ye need to leave tha’ shite alone for a minute, hen.” his voice was quiet, laced with concern while his hands acted more firmly, snatching your laptop from you and saving the file, ignoring all your protests. he didn’t care if you’d be mad at him, the only thing he cared about at this moment was you and your health.
after making you drink a glass of water, considering you didn’t drink one at all throughout the day, he gently led you to the bedroom and eased you on the bed, your muscles starting to ache as soon as you collapsed on the bed, head feeling dizzy and too active.
“johnny…” a weary groan left your lips, watching him get on top of you, his callused hands gently cupping your face, pressing sweet little kisses on your temple, easing the tension beneath your brows. you hadn’t even realised how tired you were, and all this attention from him was making your heart heavy with emotion.
“ssh, i know…” he nuzzled his nose against yours, your eyes getting all droopy while your hands lazily tugged on his sleeves.
“ye work so much. nae takin’ care of yerself at all. hurts my poor heart.” he mumbled in a playful manner despite his words being very much true, his stubble tickling your skin as he peppered kisses on your cheeks before finally meeting your lips, kissing you in such a sickeningly gently manner that it made your heart ache in a good way, eyes fluttering shut as you relished the way he comforted you, strong hands rubbing your hips soothingly while he lightly nipped on your bottom lip, his blue eyes half-open, filled with undying affection.
“lemme help ye.” he cooed softly, his hand sliding down in between your bodies, caressing your stomach before going down to gently tug down your trousers and panties. you shuddered at the sudden contact of his skin against your skin, goosebumps forming quickly while your hands gently held onto the back of his neck, wanting him as close as possible.
“gonna make ye stop thinkin’ so much.” his hand slowly caressed the plush of your thighs, coaxing your legs apart.
his fingers made contact with your puffy folds, gently gathering some slick before beginning to rub up and down your slit, loving the way you were starting to get wetter, slowly moving over to focus on your clit that was basically begging for attention, your body aching for a release. his fingers begin drawing soft circles over your clit, causing a broken whimper to leave your lips, your hips bucking forward to somehow get a bit more pressure.
“so perfect and so smart… always doin’ great in everything ye do.” his face was so close to yours, lips repeatedly pressing soft kisses on your temple, whispering soft praises into your ears. “m’so proud of ye, y’know.”
his words made your insides warm up with love, blood rushing to your cheeks as you leaned your head forward slightly to nuzzle it against his neck, breathless noises leaving you while his fingers continued to give your clit the attention it deserved, rubbing and tugging it gently.. “i love you so much johnny, love you so much…” you repeated over and over as if it was forever ingrained in your brain, which it probably was.
johnny didn’t pull any of his playful stunts this time, his actions full of tenderness and care he craved to give you, his other hand gently holding onto the side of your hip. “ah, i love ye too.” he chuckled under her breath, his blue eyes softening up even more.
heat pooled between your legs while his wet fingers continued to glide on your slit occasionally before focusing back on your twitchy and hard clit, loving the way it slid so easily across your cunt.
“ye close, hen?” he asked once he felt the tremble of your thighs, your breathing quickening up while your lips were parted in awe, head nodding.
“s-so close… need to cum so bad, johnny.” you voice was quivering and laced with need, your chest rising and falling gently.
he gently eased a finger in your tight cunt, and then another, given how you were already soaking wet, curling them up inside you while looking for any signs of discomfort on your face. when he found none, he gently began to thrust his fingers inside your weeping cunt, finding all your spongy sweet spots with ease. it was insane how his fingers were enough to quickly push you over the edge.
your eyes rolled back once his thumb begin rubbing your puffy clit once more, your walls tightening around his fingers while your legs tried to wrap themselves around his hips, the pleasure getting sweetly overwhelming with each thrust of his fingers until you finally came apart, your orgasm hitting you in waves that lasted for a good few seconds, your body trembling underneath him as you moaned shakily and hid your face against his shoulders, fingers clinging onto the fabric of his shirt tight while he helped you ride your orgasm, fingers gently sliding out of your fluttering cunt, giving your clit a few more rubs before he stopped and pulled his hand back, looking at the way your slick coated his fingers, his mouth cheekily wrapping around his fingers to taste you. a satisfied hum left him before he began pressing repeated little pecks on your lips, causing you to whine and squirm.
“did so good f’me, hen. feelin’ better?” he asked softly, earning a nod from you, a blissful smile adorning your lips while your brain felt all fuzzy and dreamy.
he definitely didn’t stop at that, fully intent on making you forget about all your work. his fingers were quick to stuff inside you again, determined to pull a few more orgasms out of you.
the night ended up with you fast asleep in his embrace, head craddled against his chest, his heartbeat soothing your nerves.
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