#a weird mix of stress and exhaustion and sadness and relief and love
💗accent ask! since i got the exact same ask and i'm curious
oooo accents!! is it bad to say that i love a british accent given that i have one??? if im thinking specific types of british,,, west country, suffolk and yorkshire are my faves. also love love irish, it's my favourite to do impressions of it's very fun to imitate teehee
i do think that's a bit of a basic answer, very trivial, very subjective of course.... i don't know, maybe i prefer being able to glimpse parts of an individual through the way they speak. idioms, catchphrases, small differences in the way they pronounce words which allow a person to become themselves through their language... it's like the way that texting styles become so personalised. all giving me more reasons to love the person
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
What We Want
Idol: Minnie ((G)I-DLE)
Prompt: Can I request a scenario with (G)-idle Minnie? In which the reader is a college student, so they can’t see each other really often, because of their schedules? So they drift apart for a while, but realize that they don’t want things to end. Kinda angsty, but with a fluff ending? Thank you
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: So sorry I haven’t been active recently, school just started and I’ve been busy. Anyway, Minnie is such an underrated goddess I swear. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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It’s not like it happened overnight. Had it happened overnight, you probably would have noticed it faster. But no, it happened slowly, gradually sneaking up on you until the damage had been done and you didn’t know what to do. Weekly dates had become monthly dates before disappearing all together. Nightly talks on the phone started to happen less and less, until you realized that you hadn’t talked to Minnie in so long that you could hardly remember what her voice sounded like through the phone. The two of you still sent each other texts, but they were few and far between, hardly anything substantial, and by the time that you realized what was happening, it seemed like it was too late. You’d already grown apart from the one girl you’d never wanted to lose.
The two of you had made a promise not to let your busy schedules get in the way of your relationship. And at first, you’d been able to keep that promise. As a freshman, your classes weren’t that bad, and you had your weekends off, for the most part. Minnie, too, had some extra time on the weekends, since her group was still rookies. However, things didn’t stay that way. Quickly, you realized that your classes were going to take a lot more of your attention than you'd originally thought, and (G)I-DLE had started to blow up. And then, despite both of you denying that anything was happening, you’d grown apart.
Now, laying in your bed after your finals were finally over, you felt a wave of sadness and loneliness wash over you. Your roommate was gone, off partying to celebrate, but you’d told her that you were too tired. It had only been half a lie. You were exhausted, mentally and physically from the nonstop studying and writing you’d done the past few weeks. But you’d also had a dream about Minnie a few nights before, making you remember. And now you couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Rolling over, you checked your phone. Above the photo you’d taken of Minnie sending you a kiss, the time blinked at you, showing that it was already nearing midnight. Had you really been thinking for so long? The photo of your girlfriend made your heart squeeze, and you bit your lip, fighting back tears. Normally, you wouldn’t be so emotional. But you were tired, lonely, and you missed her terribly, so much so that you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. It had been so long since you talked to her, did she even love you anymore? Did she remember about you? Did she know that you still loved her, even though you hadn’t been showing it?
Wiping at your face, you made your decision and opened up your messages, wincing at the date on the last text. Three weeks ago already. You were losing her, even as much as you had wanted to deny it. And you didn’t want this. With shaking hands, you typed in your message and pressed send, not expecting her to reply. Not this late at night. But you knew you needed to send it before you backed out, so you did, then placed your phone down and buried your face in your pillow, wondering where you’d gone so wrong.
-Hey, it’s been a while. I miss you.
You woke up the next day with a headache and a sore throat from crying the night before. Across from you, your roommate was still asleep, apparently having come back in the early hours of the morning, and you blinked at the bright sunlight coming in through the window, annoyed. You were still tired and miserable, and yet it seemed to be so early in the morning. Why had you woken up?
Your phone. It had buzzed. Sleepily, you reached over to check your messages, only to quickly wake up. Minnie had texted you back.
-I miss you too. I’m sorry. I’m free today, actually. Are your finals finished?
For a moment, you wondered if you were dreaming, but the headache and the pounding of your heart told you that you were indeed awake. Swallowing, you typed your reply.
-They are, I’m free too. Want to meet up and talk?
-I’d love to. Let me give my members a heads up. Where do you want to meet? Somewhere with not a lot of people, please lol.
You thought for a moment. Where around here didn’t have a lot of people? This was the city, after all.
-I mean. We could grab one of the study rooms at my library? No one will be around since classes are over.
-That would work. The same library I went to, yeah?
-Yeah. Want me to get you coffee?
-Sounds good. Just send me directions.
Closing your eyes, you put down your phone and took a deep breath. You were going to see her, finally. Relief and happiness mixed with nervousness and dread, and you didn’t know what to think. Would she want to break up? You wouldn’t blame her if she did.
“Let’s not think about that,” you muttered to yourself as you opened your eyes and climbed out of bed. You were going to get ready and walk into that library, no matter what might happen. You owed Minnie that much.
The nervousness you’d felt at your dorm only magnified as you waited in the study room, heart pounding and the coffee and bagels sitting on the table in front of you. The librarian had looked at you a little weirdly, probably because a) finals were over so you were one of the only people in the library and b) you were wearing sunglasses inside to hide how puffy your eyes were. That only made the nerves in your stomach worse, and as you looked out one of the large windows that looked over the campus, you felt your stomach twist, all of the worst case scenarios going through your head. Could you really do this? But then again, what other choice did you have?
The door opened, and as you turned around, you saw Minnie walk in, although it was hard to recognize her with her sunglasses, mask, and hat. Carefully, she closed the door behind her before walking up to the table and taking off her glasses and pulling down her mask. For a moment, the air was awkward and quiet. Then, you cleared your throat.
“Um, good morning.”
“Good morning.” Her voice was a little hoarse, and you wondered if it was just from her tough schedule, or if she’d been crying too.
“I got you a coffee and a bagel,” you said, for a lack of anything else to say, gesturing to the carrier in front of you. She gave you a small smile as she sat down across from you. It felt weird to be so awkward around here, and yet the air still felt weird. Had you really grown this far apart from her?
“Thanks. Sorry I’m late.”
“No, it’s okay. I just got here.” That was kind of a lie. You’d gotten there early. But she didn’t need to know, and the coffee was iced and still cold, so there was no way for her to figure it out. She took a sip and you looked down at the bagel on the table. You didn’t really have an appetite, not anymore. “How’s idol life been?”
“Exhausting. Exciting. A little bit overwhelming. Some fans just love us a little too much. It’s weird not being able to walk around without some sort of disguise. And some fans even see through that.” She took off her hat to run her hand through her hair, letting out a sigh, and you noticed the bags under her eyes. She looked just as tired as you felt. “I’m thankful for everything, but I miss being able to get a full night’s sleep, you know?”
“I think I can understand what you’re getting at.”
She gave you a little smile. “You probably don’t get much sleep either.”
“Yeah. Classes get more and more stressful each semester. But my schedule isn’t near as chaotic as yours.”
Once again, an awkward silence settled into the room, and you played with your straw, trying to fidget to let out the nerves. “Your promotions for this last comeback have ended, right?”
“Right, we’re getting a small break soon, actually. Our manager wants us to do a little bit of brainstorming and stuff for the next comeback, but thankfully since we’re doing so well, we’re getting a break.”
“That’s awesome for you.”
“You’re on break now too, yeah?”
“Summer break just started, yeah.” This conversation sounded like something that two casual friends would have. Not like a conversation a couple would have. You tried not to think about it too much. “And I don’t have to take summer classes, so I’ll be pretty much free all summer.”
“That’s great.”
Once again, silence returned, and then Minnie let out a little sigh and locked eyes with you. “Hey, (Y/N)?”
“Yes?” You had a feeling that the conversation was about to get serious.
“What are we?”
Your heart dropped and you bit your lip, glancing away in guilt. “We’re a couple, but... I don’t know,” you said, voice soft.
“It’s been months since we last really talked,” she replied, matter-of-fact. “Can you really be a couple like that?”
“No. Not really. We’ve grown apart so much.” You swallowed around the lump in your throat and looked back at her. She looked on the edge of tears, and it was weird to see her like that. The Minnie you’d known was always so positive and happy. But then again, the you she’d known had loved talking to her and would have never let anything get in the way of your relationship or dreams. Both of you had changed. Both of you were tired, slightly stressed and a little bit lost on what to do, new adults with new challenges to face. But was that really enough to justify this separation? “I’m sorry,” you said truthfully. “I’m really, really sorry.”
“I am, too,” she said, voice shaking ever so slightly. “I didn’t realize how busy I was going to be. Every day just passed so quickly, and before I knew it, I looked up and... it had been months.”
“It was the same for me. I promised to keep time for you, and then I forgot all about it because I got too wrapped up in my own problems.” Mentally, you kicked yourself, but Minnie, as if sensing this, shook her head.
“It’s not just your fault. It’s mine too. Both of us. We got so busy and we didn’t know how to juggle that with our relationships.” She swallowed and took a deep breath. “Do you still love me?”
Your heart hurt when you heard the pain in her voice. “I do. Of course I do. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to show it but when I realized how much we’d grown apart, it hurt. It hurt to know that I hurt you. I still love you, despite everything. But if you decide to break up with me because we grew apart and you don’t love me anymore, then I’ll understand.”The words came out a little more jumbled than you’d wanted them too, but there they were. And as much as they hurt to say, they were true. If Minnie wanted to leave you, you wouldn’t blame her.
But her eyes widened, and she shook her head, reaching across the table to grab your hand. “No! No, I don’t want to break up! I still love you too, so, so much. And I’m sorry that I didn’t try to juggle my idol life with my love for you. But I don’t want to lose you. I love you, (Y/N). And I never want to have to spend that much time apart from you.” She squeezed your hand. “I’ll learn to make time for you, I swear.”
You felt like crying in relief as you squeezed her hand back, coffee and bagels long since forgotten. “Oh. I don’t want to lose you either.” Tears welled up in your eyes. “I’m so happy you still love me. I’m relieved you feel the same.”
“Don’t cry or I’ll cry,” she said softly, making you laugh softly.
“Sorry. I’m just so happy and relieved. I felt so terrible about everything, and I really don’t know what I would have done had you decided to leave.”
“Don’t worry about that now.”
“Right. I’m going to make time for you, too. If other college students can have relationships then I can too.” You gave her a smile. “Although usually they aren’t in relationships with world-famous idols.”
“True enough.” She smiled back at you. “I’ve missed you so much. You don’t even know.”
“I’ve missed you too.” You looked down at your hand holding hers. “We’re going to have a lot of catching up to do. But I’m going to make all of that lost time up to you.”
“Same here. I’m not going to let us drift apart again without a fight.”
“Want to spend the day together today? And maybe spend the night at my dorm? Just like old times?” You asked, and her face lit up as she nodded her head and caressed your hand with her thumb, making you so happy you’d asked. It would be fine. Your roommate probably had somewhere to go tonight anyway, right?
“I’d love to.” She looked down at the table before looking back up at you with a soft smile. “Can I kiss you? I haven’t kissed you or held you in so long.” Technically, you were pretty sure that you weren’t supposed to make out in the library with your girlfriend. But nobody else was there, and you doubted the librarians cared too much right now anyway. Smiling, you nodded, and she quickly got up and moved around the table to sit beside you. Your heart jumped, just like it had when the two of you had your first kiss, and as your eyes fluttered closed and her lips captured yours, her hand gentle on your shoulder, you couldn’t help but think you were lucky.
This wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, and it would take work to make sure that this never happened again. But you were willing to put in the work, and you were so lucky that she was willing to try again too. This was what both of you wanted, after all.
“I love you,” she whispered as she pulled away for a brief second, and you had never been so happy to hear those words before as you leaned in and kissed her again, hoping that your actions could tell her that you were being true when you said “I love you too.”
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flow-green · 4 years
Crafted earrings, cooked and danced around the room
I should write more often already because this way I get my fingers all nicely warmed up. Can’t complain though, I cannot remember when Estonia had this crispy cold winters with huge snowpiles up to your bellybutton. At least inside it is so nice to be mesmerized by the rising sun rays over sparkling snow fields, all while curled up under a blanket with a hot cup of coffee. Not really into spending more  than half an hour outside with this cold, as my skii trousers have mysteriously disappeared after not needing them for years.
After those coffee and meditation mornings I have a whole hour to enjoy online fitness classes held by all of my favourite trainers. So thankful they have released online platform. Yes, Youtube channels for work outs are good, but they cannot even comprehend with community and people I have worked out with for years.
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Oh, I love Fridays. Mostly because, of course, it marks the end of the workweek and all the stress load on my shoulder gets a decent relief. The end of last year started to go crucially out of hands regarding to work hours. I believed I am extra productive and a good asset for the company with my over-hours after 6 PM, and weekends when I assisted translators with their issues, replied to clients’ and colleagues’ e-mails; I started my workdays right after waking up at 7 AM. I felt so proud. That until I got a note that I have spent shorter AFK periods in our office communication platform and I should work more harder, and that I have to stay available all the time. I awarded myself with a few longer and frequent stretching moments away from keyboards so I wouldn’t completely lose my mind. That comment made me realize that my over-hours benefited no one and they will be left unnoticed. So from this moment on I stayed strictly in my official office hours. And it has paid off at maximum. I am more productive and motivated, more enthusiastic. At the end of the year the times were extremely busy and I was overflown with work, burning out was only a stretch away, but following the working hours and taking mandatory lunch breaks every day made it all synchronize and it went so well. I have learned the hard way that personal time and work time have to be separated. My days were starting to mix into a blurry mess. Even Fridays were nothing special for me as I knew I will work on weekends anyway. Needless to say it all started to negatively affect my personal life and escalated in nasty fights.
Now that I have strictly separated my work and personal time, I feel so-o-o good. Fridays are once again one of my favourite days in week and the entire workday flows with a positive vibe. Today is no exception. I am so ready for the weekend!
This week was overally satisfying as the corona restrictions are being eased bit by bit. For example, gyms and fitness classes are again back in business. This means that finally I can get back to one of my primary passions, instructing BodyBalance classes. Every Tuesday and Wednesday I have my BodyBalance classes, Wednesdays being my favourite as then, I have my favourite people in front of me and I realized this week, how much I missed it. I have always thought that I am quite good at coaching, but this Wednesday I got an ultimate compliment that as soon as I step into instructor role, I transform completely into someone else: I glow, am confident, cheerful. This side of me can rarely be seen in other moments. I guess this shows that working as a trainer is an ultimate passion. Sad though that I cannot spread it wider. I try of course. Before initial corona crisis I was almost through the door to Estonia’s biggest fitness club MyFitness. Anyway, this compliment sparked such an inspiring fire in me that I think I performed my best class ever. The energy I get from these hours are crucially needed. For several evenings now I have silly-danced through our rooms, singing loudly to all the pop songs I hear; made silly jokes. And just laughed and laughed. I cannot remember when was the last time I laughed truly from the bottom of my heart so that tears were in my eyes.
One of my goals for this year was picking up a new hobby. For my surprise, I started to follow this goal so early in this year. I got invited to join a workshop for crafting earrings from clay. I am not that artsy and crafty, with a small exception of drawing, in which I am still a complete newbie. Usually I am always excited when an opportunity like this presents itself, but when the actual time comes to show up, I bail. Not this time, I told myself and went for it. Working with clay was a totally unfamiliar area for me, except that one time when I made a really weird looking coffee mug in one of the clay workshops. God forbid I ever show this to anyone...
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Anyway, the workshop was the bomb! There were 20 people, most of them already quite experience with clay crafting. I felt really self-aware and awkward but when I got my hands on the first small piece of multicolour clay which I soon crafted into two tiny hearts, I felt so calm. It was like an art therapy. Two hours later I waltzed out with 3 pairs of earrings in my hand. Those butterfly wings came out silly-looking as if the poor butterfly were mauled by a cat or something. But I got an excitement to actually pick it up myself, so I should buy some colour clay, moulds and decorations. Look at me, being all spiritual artsy self-developer ‘n stuff
As it’s Friday, I stepped onto the scale this morning. A decent 500g drop in weight, which made me feel quite neutral, and thus I continued my morning without thinking about it. I am not sure where this complete peace with my weight came, so suddenly, but I feel so free. True, few  times a week these demons still haunt me, especially when That Time of the Month is lurking nearby and even a slice of cucumber makes me feel I am fat, but I understand almost instantly that this is just a silly evil entity in my brain, trying to stab me with its knives. This does not make me feel any pain anymore, rather just an annoying poke which I forget almost instantly. There is so much more than that in life, not related to the random number on my scale. I feel strong and more confident than I have felt in years. I am so grateful that I am not a lonely slave to mind anymore, that I have someone I can rely on, that I have a roof over my head, seriously fulfilling healthy foods on my table and a stable working opportunity that does not seem to shrink in its scope anytime soon. Everything else is an additional bonus and my gut is telling me things will get even better.
Ah, right, one of the highlights of this week was me finally getting my long-missed new running steeds: Nike Air Pegasus Shield 37. The only running shoe model which makes me feel like I run on clouds and makes the running even in the craziest monsoons feel like a stroll in the park no matter the temperature outside. I have not yet tested them out yet though, as the roads are insanely slippery and Coach Bennet from NRC is stressing out the strict rule not to run on ice. Thus, I have taken some off-time from running and instead continuing the oh-so amazing workouts from  Netfit. Old version of me would have probably drowned in the pool of tears from regrets of not running, but current me doesn’t let it bring me down. I am so active with other things and this is more than enough. Who knows, perhaps the longer break from running actually brings back the long-lost passion for it and kick-starts the activity with a fresh energy.
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Now, about food. The second week is almost over filled with foods that I used to fear and now make me happy instead. My morning indulgent is a breakfast with overnight oats that I have tuned up to taste as delicious as ever. Yesterday lunch I got a sudden craving for fresh berry smoothie so I think I made the best smoothie ever out of strawberries, bananas, cinnamon and ginger. The ratio was so on point. Smoothie was also one of my fear foods: is liquid, filled with carb-y calories and will not fill me up. Boy, what was wrong with me?
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Yesterday I made another slow-cooker crockpot stew which has become a hero of dinners. I think my newly-discovered passion for cooking has made me test out flavours more confident and thus, this time the stew came out so good I ate Once again I’d like to say how good I physically feel. After a hearty dinner with belly nicely full, I do feel random panic shivers that I probably just gained 4 kg and everyone can see my belly twice the size it was 30 minutes ago, but this idiotic thinking disappears surprisingly fast. Most of the  time I feel that my body is happy, I have energy for the entire day from 7 AM I tip my toes onto the floor and until 11 PM when my head finally touches the pillow. Before, I had these eating-triggered depression exhaustions, when I just wanted to sleep off every lunch break,  but no, this wasn’t an option so instead, I forced myself into running and I came back, feeling even more exhausted an unhappy.
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Netfit workouts in the mornings are like a nectar to my soul. I cannot remember when was the last time I truly ENJOYED my morning work-outs when I did not remind myself every second of it that I NEED to push myself to maximum because yesterday’s dinner calories must be destroyed. It’s amazing how much can your mind-set change the quality of your life.
I have a secret fear that this happiness will be a short-term break. I have had these good periods in the past as well and after a few weeks I am back in my old black corner, but I don’t know... this time I honestly feel that perhaps this here now is permanent and what if the jigsaw pieces are finally starting to come together...
Today, I actually wanted to post my 100 goals for the year. I guess next time then. Don’t want to crash Tumblr in one go.
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biavenger · 7 years
Where Your Ghost Lives;
Summary: Y/N and Matt break up after their relationship deteriorates after months of missed dates, missed anniversaries, and missed romance. That is, until Y/N is used as bait for the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been very active! I just left for my freshman year of college and moved into my dorm, so things have been pretty hectic. 
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“Fuckin’ Matt goddamn Murdock-” Y/N cussed to herself as she tripped over another cardboard box, belonging to her now ex-boyfriend. Whenever Matt had refused to pack up the stuff he left at her apartment, she did it for him. His new protest consists of him refusing to pick any of it up, which frequently leads to Y/N tripping over these boxes, or stubbing her toes on them, both of which only build her already growing resentment toward him. 
It had been two weeks since the big fight that lead to Y/N kicking Matt out of her apartment/life, and two weeks since Matt had fell into a state of utter denial.
“Just because we had a fight, does not mean this is over, Y/N,” He said in reply to one of the various voicemails she had left, where she (not so politely) requested he removed his stuff from her apartment. Matt always seemed so calm, which only irritated her more. Especially when he added, “We can talk about this again, later, when you’re not so angry.” 
It had been two weeks since the big fight, and Y/N’s resentment was only growing more and more with every toe-stub and tripping incident. They hadn’t talked since Y/N notified him that she packed his boxes for him (”All you have to do is pick them up, I’ve made this SO easy for you!”) Even now, in the advent of their breakup, Matt was still spotty about answering her calls; it only cemented to Y/N that she did the right thing in dropping him. 
The sudden knock on the door startled Y/N enough to break her out of Matt-hating mode, but not enough to cause any panic; she had borrowed a can opener from Ms. Shonda in room 405 last week, and hadn’t returned it yet (to be fair, Y/N had been doing a lot of baking since the break up.) 
“Ms. Shonda, I swear to you I planned on giving back your can opener sometime this week, I just didn’t have the time; I’ve been so busy, ya’know, with night school and work and everything-” Y/N cut herself off when, after opening the door, she noticed the frame of a large man standing in front of her. She couldn’t see his face, considering he had it blocked off by the shadows the hood around his face created. “Oh, shit, sorry. I thought you were someone else....can I help you?”
Y/N slowing began shutting the door, trying to put as much of a barrier between herself and this man as she could. 
“Yes, I think you can,” his slow voice enunciated, the deep tones only intimidating her further, “Do you know who the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is?”
Y/N shook her head frantically, “No, I do not. And since you don’t need a can opener, I don’t think we have any further business here.” She slammed the door shut, twisting the lock and waiting until she heard receding footsteps to breathe a sigh of relief.
Wandering further back into the interior of her apartment, she felt safer and safer as she put as many walls between herself and the strange man as she could. How would she even know the vigilante he asked her about? Y/N tended to avoid trouble, especially for the past few years when she had Matt to help ward off any danger. 
Even without a man there to protect her, Y/N was an extremely cautious and safe person. She always carried herself like she was ready to fight if she had to, walked with a friend when she could, and regularly refreshed her self-defense knowledge by attending local self-defense courses offered by her gym. She didn’t need a vigilante in a weird costume to defend her when she could take care of herself.
Still, it freaked her out too much not to let a friend know what was going on. Quickly, she sent a text to Foggy- who was a mutual friend of her and Matt- letting him know of the strange hooded guy wandering the floor of her apartment complex and asking about some “devil”. After texting the landlord as well for good measure, Y/N felt safe enough to wash off the rest of the day with a nice, relaxing shower.
The warm water cascading down her neck, shoulders, and back helped soothe the knotted muscles that collected there, making it hard for her to stretch and move comfortably. Days spent hunched over a computer, working her ass off to write the most updated reports on the crime in Hell’s Kitchen created the balls of stress that littered the muscles of her back and neck. She used to make Matt massage them every night before bed. The callouses of his rough hands created goosebumps that only worsened as he tried to kiss them away with feathery touches of his lips. That was all in the past now, though, and Y/N had to rely on warm showers and Tiger Balm as a new solution.
A loud thud from somewhere else in the apartment made her jump and hit the crown of her head on the shower head. Instead of turning the shower off, she left it on in case anyone was listening to hear if she noticed. She dried herself off after sneaking out of the shower without hardly a rustle of the shower curtain, and threw on a pair of old spandex and an over sized t-shirt from her collegiate years. 
Grabbing the heaviest object she could find (which in her bathroom left only a towel rod), she slowly opened the door to the bathroom. Luckily, any noise she was making was drowned out by the hum of the shower, so when she stepped out into her bedroom, she was in full-stealth mode.
Making a left, she approached the living room and kitchen. Nothing. 
Visibly relaxing, Y/N returned to the bathroom to turn off the water, and the faucet was the last thing she remembers seeing before blacking out completely.
“Let her go, she’s not a part of this,” a distant, yet somewhat recognizable voice, ordered. Were they talking about her? Why were all these people in her apartment? Why was her apartment so cold?
Y/N began to struggle as she tried to move, attempting to get a better visual of the situation she was in. The concrete walls and floors ruled out immediately the assumption they were still in her apartment, and it appeared she was the only female person in the entire room, so that man must have been talking about her.
“Well, we agree on something, I see,” a cool, calm voice sneered in reply. Freezing cold fingertips reached down and pinched the duct tape keeping her mouth closed before tearing it off quickly, causing Y/N to cry out with slight pain. “You’re right,” the second voice continued, “She has no part of this, but you do. This is the price you must pay for dabbling in a game that does not concern you.” 
Y/N groaned with the effort it was taking to try and sit up, especially with her hands uncomfortably tied behind her back. The last role she wanted to play was damsel in distress. 
As soon as she begun to sit up, the heel of a boot blocked her vision before landing right between her eyes and crunching her nose. A metallic taste filled her mouth and blood poured into it from her now most likely broken nose, causing her to moan in pain as she re-curled up on the ground.
“Leave her alone,” the first voice sounded more strained as it responded this time. The notes of the voice reminded Y/N so much of Matt, who she was somewhat surprised to realize she missed in that moment. The anger she felt was definitely just a mask to hide the sadness that lurked somewhere underneath, reminding her of the emptiness in her life without Matt there. It wasn’t that she couldn’t live without him, because she could, but it was that she didn’t want to. She loved, no, loves him so much, but every missed date, anniversary, and birthday without even so much as a phone call wore her down.
“Matt?” Y/N voice was weakening as she continued to struggle in her duct tape.
“Stay calm, Y/N, its going to be okay. I’m going to get you out of this,” the first voice assured her, although keeping his eyes on the other man. He didn’t even seem to buy into his assurances that Y/N was going to make it out of this okay. Her head was still bleeding profusely from blunt-force trauma used to subdue her in the bathroom, as well as the recent addition of the broken nose. There was a weird pain in her chest as well, as though the men who captured her had tortured her before as well. 
A cackle came from behind her, taunting the two of them. “Do you really believe that...Matt, was it? I believe that’s how she addressed you.” 
Was this what the hooded man was asking her about earlier? Was Matt Murdock the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen? Y/N thought they had everything mixed up; Matt couldn’t even see, how could he be a vigilante? 
There was a scuffle over her, and Y/N just closed her eyes to try and keep the sound and light from making her head ache any more than it already did. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” The first voice asked her when things became silent. After a minute her eyes focused on him, and the mask became clear. The mouth that was exposed had to belong to Matt; after all, Y/N was the expert in kissing it. Not to mention the uncanny vocal resemblance. The mask covered the upper portion of the face, only serving to confuse those who didn’t know Matt was blind. 
He pulled off the mask, revealing tousled, brown curls and warm brown eyes that never focused directly on her. Sweat pooled on his upper lip, which shook with anxiety.
“You have some explaining to do,” she said hoarsely, before the waves of exhaustion and pain pulled her under the waters of unconsciousness again.
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scurvgirl · 7 years
New Moves
I think...this is Bagel AU? 
Mealla belongs to @lillotte17 and Fenasal belongs to @feynites
When Nenae comes home with the news they’re moving, Lasvala isn’t happy. Babae is so upset he leaves the room. Later, when Lasvala is supposed to be sleeping, they hear Babae and Nenae fight and it makes them sad. They hate it when their parents fight. Even when Papae is mad it feels bad, even if there isn’t so much shouting then.
They haven’t even been here for a full year yet, and Nenae’s work is getting them transferred again. Always to a new base, never at the same spot for more than a year at most. This is the fourth home they’ve lived in they can remember, and they’re pretty sure there are more because there are pictures of places they don’t recognize – but they’re all there, Nenae and Papae and Babae.
They sniffle and fall asleep, settling uneasily into a dark and drifting dream. The next day is normal. Nenae kisses them when Lasvala first wakes, telling them to have a good day before leaving for their work at the base. Babae helps Lasvala get ready for school and then walks them out to the bus stop.
School is normal, even if they feel sad that they’re going to have to leave again. They were just getting used to this school too.
When they get home, it begins. Papae starts showing them pictures of the city they’re going to move to, saying all the fun things the city has. Lasvala knows the drill by now. When Nenae gets home, they’re supposed to be happy and excited about the city they’re being sent to, but right now it’s just hard.
I don’t want to move, they sign at dinner. All three of them frown at Lasvala at once, hands rising to sign back.
I’m tired of moving, all we do is move, they continue, then retreating to push their green beans around their plate. Babae’s hands move to catch their attention and they look up automatically as he signs, brows knit together in concern and understanding.
I understand, da’len.
Don’t encourage them, Nenae scolds Babae. He gets his sassy look and sips at the wine he poured earlier.
I am simply saying that I understand their reluctance to move, Babae replies.
They start arguing about it again and they sigh. Papae moves his hand in front of Lasvala’s face, then drags his hand back to in front of his body.
Babae and I told Nenae no more after this, this is the last one. We know this isn’t good, and we are sorry for putting you through it. He signs, reaching for Lasvala at the end.
Thank you. They pick their fork back up and nibble on their potatoes. Nenae and Babae start actually talking after a while, making Papae frustrated enough that he takes Lasvala away to go into the office.
This is how it has been with the last two moves. Babae hates it, he keeps saying that he wants to put down roots, which Nenae doesn’t understand. They ask but aren’t you Dalish? It’s the same fight, but at least it’s the only fight they have. Lasvala hears from other kids that their parents fight about everything, and some are even divorced. But Nenae and Babae love each other, Lasvala knows that, even if they argue.
The move doesn’t happen right away. Nenae goes ahead and transfers to the new city ahead of the rest of them so Lasvala can finish the semester in their current school. They do take a long weekend to go house hunting though. Babae pushes for a place with land because he wants his chicken coup at long last. Papae doesn’t mind so much as long as he has a good internet connection so he can work from home.
Lasvala doesn’t particularly care as long as they have a bedroom with carpet. Luckily for them, they end up getting their wish – plus their own bathroom! Babae seems very excited about that since this is their “forever home” and it will be good for when they’re a teenager.
Babae gets what he wants too – four whole acres that makes him very happy. Nenae seems most pleased with the school district, citing its care for both academics and mage friendliness. That’s important too, Lasvala thinks, they would not like to be somewhere that doesn’t like them or Papae or Babae.
They return home, or…what is now temporary and the wait begins. Every weekend, they pack and sort through the things that they don’t need. It hasn’t been so long since they’ve moved, so there isn’t much stuff they don’t need. Luckily they have a lot of the boxes they used last time.
Their class holds a little going away party at the end of the semester for them. Mrs. Uenfel even bakes some cookies for them! Their friends say goodbye and hug them a long time, sniffling and crying about never seeing each other again. They’re probably right, Lasvala hasn’t seen any of their friends from previous moves.
The ground is covered in snow when they begin the move. The truck’s loaded up and on the move, and they’re on their way to the airport. It’s not a particularly good day for them. Their skin itches and crawls like it does when they want to shift, and since they can only manage full body shifts into a caracal right now, they can’t really do anything about it. Their shirt feels heavy and wrong, their pants are constricting and they want to wriggle and whine.
It’s only a five-hour flight of them trying to get comfortable and not freaking other people out. Their magic wells in them, pressing at the edges of their mind, and things start happening. There’s no way to say it’s because of their magic, but they feel their magic leaking out in a way that makes them think it is their magic. The overhead containers for the luggage pop open several times on the flight, a drink across the aisle spills, a tray refuses to come down, and one of the movie screens goes on the fritz. They try to keep their magic in, but their body is small and not feeling right.
They are grateful when the plane lands and they can begin the process of getting home. Nenae picks them up in their large SUV and Lasvala wastes no time in letting their body expand the way it wants to. The relief! Oh the sweet relief. Their body expands then contracts with their magic, finding a calm in their caracal shape.
Lasvala curls up in Papae’s lap for the ride, letting him hold them close as Nenae drives carefully to their new home.
“You really needed to shift, huh?” Babae asks, reaching over and scratching their ears. They nod, suddenly feeling very tired. Nenae turns on some music and their ears tune into the hum of the engine, the rolling of the wheels and it lulls them into an easy sleep.
“Lasvala, da’len, time to wake up. We’re home,” Babae’s voice is nice as he slowly wakes them up. They’re still in their caracal form, their magic clinging to it as it tries to find some way to settle more happily with their elven form.
Lasvala’s claws flex from their paws as Papae carries them out of the car then lets them down into the grass. It is cold out, even with the thick coat of fur on their body, so they bound up quickly towards the house. Nenae lets them in and they run in only to sliiiiiide across the slick wooden floors. Their claws don’t manage to find purchase and they keep going until their body hits up against a wall.
“Lasvala!” Nenae shouts, chasing after them. They’re up in their Nenae’s arms before they know it.
“Are you okay?” They ask and Lasvala wriggles around in response.
“Yes! I’m fine!”
“Can you shift back and help us unload? You can bring your stuff up to your room.”
“They may not be able to,” Babae says, lugging in a large suitcase, “Mystery said that their magic may be working in a way that it needs them to be shifted right now. It’s okay, baby, we can take care of it.” He takes Lasvala from their Nenae’s arms, holding them close and rubbing at their left ear.
A purr escapes them before he sets them down and returns to helping Papae unload the car. They spend the rest of the evening running around the house, room to room, learning the floorplan and the best route to just run.
Moving in is always chaotic, but fun in a way. Their parents are always exhausted by the end and they end up ordering pizza. Since the furniture has yet to arrive, they dine over a particularly large cardboard box that had held many of their books.
The rest of winter break is spent getting everything unpacked and set up. The furniture arrives two days after they arrive, so the sleeping arrangements are…weird. Nenae’s been sleeping in a guest room since all three of Lasvala’s parents tend to share a gigantic custom-built bed. Papae and Lasvala end up sleeping on the guest-room bed while Nenae and Babae sleep on large inflatable mattresses from a nearby super-store.
When the furniture does arrive, the day is spent cracking open old manuals and their parents trying to convince them that no, they do not swear. Papae swears he doesn’t cuss, but Lasvala knows those signs, and they are bad.
Still, by the end of winter break, the house is nearly set up. The house is a lot bigger than their previous apartment, a five-bedroom instead of a three-bedroom, so there are more places to furnish. Babae is thrilled at the extra space, he talks about how small his aravel had been growing up and now he has all this space.
With the end of winter break comes a new stress for Lasvala, though. A new school, and once again they have to introduce themselves and go through that whole mess.
The school is nice, it sits in a more suburban area than the little piece of country their parents managed to find. Nenae mentions something about weird but fortunate districting that they don’t quite understand.
It’s a sprawling one-story brick building. Large trees frame the driveway up to the main entrance and the road that leads around back to parking. There is the normal school traffic of buses and other cars full of families dropping their kids off for the day. Despite having done this many times before, it’s always nerve wracking for Lasvala to be new. And it’s a mixed bag when it comes to reactions from the kids. Sometimes it’s fine, the other kids just roll with it, sometimes they get bullied. It…is uncertain and they do not care for that at all. Babae drives around back to park, then walks Lasvala up to the front office.
“This is Lasvala Vallavhen-Somer, I’m their Babae, Irathar Nelaniel.” The human woman behind the desk blinks for a moment before handing Babae a notepad and pen.
“Could you write all of that down, please? I just want to make sure I put in the correct letters,” she says. She sounds nice enough and Babae continues to smile as he writes down Lasvala’s and his names.
The lady then types it all in and smiles.
“Alright! Lasvala, yes, you’re new. Welcome to Brent Bridge Elementary, we are happy to have you! I hope you come to love being a Brent Bridge Beaver as much as we love having you here. I’m Cindy Rosner, and you are heading to…Mrs. Aedel’s class. Oh she is the best, you’re going to love her. Hetti, watch the desk while I take our new student to their class?” She steps out from behind the desk while a dwarven lady sits down where she was.
Babae bends down to Lasvala’s height, smiling and unnecessarily adjusting the strap on their backpack.
“Okay, da’len, have a great day. I know it’s hard, but…it’s the last time. You are going to do great, I just know it.” He kisses their forehead before Miss Cindy takes their hand begins to lead them down a bright hall.
The tiles are alternating blue, green, and beige, and there is lots of Beaver paraphernalia on the walls. They like that it’s brighter than their last school, at least. They pass by the library and computer lab before turning down a hall that has more class specific art covering the walls.
Miss Cindy guides them to a room with a small elven woman sitting inside.
“Mrs. Aedel?” Miss Cindy calls and the woman’s head pops up from whatever she’s reading. She’s short, like a lot of elves, but not like Papae or Nenae who are very tall. Her brown curly hair bounces as she makes her way over.
“Hi Miss Cindy! And who is this?” She asks in that teacher voice, her face crinkling up into a big smile. Lasvala blushes and shifts from foot to foot, suddenly feeling very shy.
“This is Lasvala, they’re your new student.”
“Oh! Wow that is so exciting. Hi Lasvala, my name is Mrs. Aedel, and I am so excited to have you in my class.”
They blink at her, and try to remember how to do this, “Hi.” They manage.
Mrs. Aedel holds out her hand and Lasvala cautiously takes it, letting her guide them into her room. Her room is bright and cheery, but so were the last two classrooms they’ve been in, and at this point, they all sorta look the same. The alphabet poster is a little different, green polka dots on some of the letters instead of pink stripes, and the names on the assignments on the Wall of Outstanding Work are different, but it’s largely the same.
Mrs. Aedel shows them around the room, where to hang up their bag and talks idly about when snack and lunch are. Recess is after lunch, then it’s art class.
A bell rings and Mrs. Aedel tells them that means that the students gathered in the cafeteria and gym are to be taken to their classrooms by the hall leaders. And soon enough, the class begins to fill and all the kids look at Lasvala with strange, curious eyes.
“Alright class, settle down, we have some exciting news!” Mrs. Aedel begins, ushering all of the students to their desks. She then gestures for Lasvala to stand up and go to the front of the room.
“We have a new student! This is Lasvala, they’re from Cumberland! So why don’t we all work to be friends with Lasvala, they’re very nice. Why don’t you tell us about yourself, Lasvala?”
Mrs. Aedel and the class blink at them and their skin itches. It’s normal to want to shift and run, they tell themselves, they read about it in a book once.
“I…can turn into a caracal. A caracal is a type of cat, it lives in the desert,” they say. A girl at the front of the class perks up and she smiles before shooting her hand up in the air.
“That’s really fun, Lasvala! Yes, Mealla, is there something you’d like to say?”
“I can shift too! I can turn into a fennec fox, and a kestrel, and one time I got sharp teeth like my Nanae –
“I have a Nenae too,” Lasvala says, perking up. They haven’t met another kid shifter yet! The doctors and specialists all said that it was rare that they could shift so young, so they never thought they would meet someone like them. It’s…new and different.
“It sounds like you have a lot in common! You have a lot to talk about during lunch and recess. Go sit down, Lasvala, we have so much fun planned for today!” Mrs. Aedel instructs, and Lasvala reluctantly returns to their seat.
It’s way too long to lunch, but when it does come, they’re full of energy – hungry energy, but energy still. But when it comes to actually sit next to Mealla, they’re unsure. That is until a hand suddenly takes their elbow and starts directing them to the end of the table. They look down to see Mealla, much smaller than they initially thought.
“You’re sitting with us,” she declares and they move along with her. This is…unexpected, but they’re not opposed. They stop at the end of the table and Mealla points to a boy who is carefully removing his sandwich from his lunch box.
“That’s Fenasal, he’s cool too. He’s in Mr. Tanir’s class. Fenasal, this is Lasvala, they’re new.” Mealla sits down with her lunchbox and pulls out her lunch.
“Hi,” Lasvala says, smiling at Fenasal. He wiggles in his seat before returning Lasvala’s greeting.
Lasvala sits down tentatively and opens their box – it’s the standard fare Babae makes. He did cut their peanut butter and jelly sandwich into a heart and each of their parents wrote a little note, like they always do on the first day.
Babae snuck in their favorite jello too – blue! He also put in carrots and granola bar for snack, but they think it’s okay to start with the jello today.
“So, what’s a caracal look like?” Mealla asks, taking out a thermos full of spaghetti-o’s. Lasvala would normally just show her and shift but school is one of the places that is not good for shifting.
“Bigger than a house cat, maybe like a medium sized dog?”
“A cat as big as a dog?” Fenasal asks.
“Yeah, with really tall back legs. They’re reddish brown and have really tall ears so they can hear prey in the grass,” Lasvala says.
“Mealla has big ears when she turns into a fox,” Fenasal says and Mealla narrows her eyes at him.
“Yeah, and they help me hear too.”
“My Nenae says they’re like…satellites?” Lasvala says, finishing their jello and starting in on the PB&J. Fenasal sucks on his juice pouch, brows all wrinkly.
“What’s that mean.”
“I dunno, but they said it was something good.”
“My nanae says that it captures sound because they’re so big…but they also hear better when they’re a hawk…and those have small ears.” Mealla’s face scrunches up in confusion and Lasvala understands. They don’t understand much about birds, the lack of big ears seems…weird.
“Maybe it’s magic?” Fenasal suggests.
“Yeah, magic, that makes sense,” Lasvala says. They eat for a little longer, getting through half of their sandwich before Mealla turns to them, nibbling on an apple slice.
“Does you Nenae shift too?”
Lasvala shakes their head, “No. They’re not a mage, but my Papae does. He turns into a bush baby sometimes, but not a lot. Babae’s a mage, but he doesn’t shift, he just uses his magic to make plants grow.” They devour the rest of their sandwich. Babae made it with strawberry jelly today which makes it even better. Grape is fine, but strawberry is the better jelly – no matter what Papae says.
“You have three parents?” Mealla asks.
They pause. Sometimes people don’t get having three parents, which doesn’t make much sense to Lasvala – they don’t think it’s that different from having two. And someone almost always asks whose they’re real parents, as if one of them can’t possibly be their actual parent. Normally it’s the humans or dwarves who don’t quite get it, elves and qunari understand a little more. But they’ve learned to be cautious all the same.
“…Yeah. I have a Nenae, a Papae, and a Babae…” they say carefully.
“Oh, okay.” She shrugs and…that’s the end of it. Lasvala perks up and takes out their juice box.
“Why did you move?” Fenasal asks.
“My Nenae works in the military and gets transferred a lot. We move a lot,” they say.
“That doesn’t sound like fun,” Fenasal says and Lasvala nods.
“Yeah. But Babae said that we’re not moving again, so that’s good.”
“Good! Because I don’t know any other shifter in this school, you need to stay here,” Mealla declares, pointing her finger down at the table. Something feels nice and warm in their chest, like it’s settling. Their skin doesn’t itch or feel like moving into a different form. Their ears twitch and they stop themselves from giggling.
Before, they just didn’t want to leave again, but now…they want to stay here. Mealla is nice and so is Fenasal, and they like the little differences in Mrs. Aedel’s room. And they like their new house, with all of its rooms and soft carpet and gigantic yard.
When Babae picks them up at the end of the day, they hold onto him for a long while, both happy and worried.
“Tell Nenae we can’t move again. I like it too much here,” they say.
“Oh that’s wonderful, da’len. Tell me all about it!” And they do, all the way on the drive home.
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bananashemmo · 8 years
Mr. & Mrs. Hood (Part 15 - Final Part)
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A/N: I know it took a while to write this fanfiction in total with the many months I spent with the updates but I always promised I would never cancel it, and I didn’t! It’s been amazing bringing back Wicked Games and I am so insanely satisfied with the result of Mr. & Mrs. Hood. Thanks for the likes, comments, reblogs, votes and recommendations. I love and appreciate you all very much! 
Pairing: Y/N/Gangmember!Calum
Masterlist: Right here
Summary: The fairytale of trying to create a normal life between Y/N and Calum with marriage and pregnancy didn’t seem to stop them from going back into old habits of guns, drugs, and hunting down their old gang’s rival, Lance.
Mr. & Mrs. Hood on Wattpad
”Y/N if you continue to crush my hand like this it’s gonna end up breaking!” Luke commented in pain, watching his hand as it slowly became red after being held by you for fifteen minutes straight, his fingertips starting to become numb.
“Well if the pain continues like this your hand will be the last thing you will worry about!” You were quick to reply, face even redder than Luke’s hand and your breath completely uneven, “God this is even worse than getting shot in the shoulder and don’t get me started on how many times I’ve been through that.”
Silence fell upon the hospital room by the midwife looking down at you with questionable eyes, Luke’s jaw falling slightly by the bummer you had just spoiled. It wasn’t supposed to be said but with the pain you couldn’t hold any of it in, everything seemed to be loaded out at once.
“I think it must be the medication she’s been taking against the pain, I don’t really know…” He shrugged trying to save it, he could tell that the woman wasn’t convinced the slightest but at least he tried.
“Yeah okay well I’m gonna go find another nurse to give Y/N one last check, the pain seems to get worse and if my predictions are correct she’s almost ready to give birth.”
You faintly heard what she said and grabbed onto the laughing gas mask just to soothe out the pain. It was horrible, it couldn’t be compared to getting shut in the shoulder, in the knee or even right in your chest after a battle of endless fights.
There was no doubt Luke’s hand would be injured after this but it was your last bit of hope. He wasn’t really good at helping but just the fact that he was there seemed to be enough. He was handling your aggression very well, sometimes yelling back and it was quite the amusement for the hospital staff.
“I think if I have to go through one more contraction I’ll end up shitting her out. Can’t you take a look and check if her head is popping out already?” You moaned almost against your pillow, the drop in your hand wasn’t helping the slightest on the pain.
Luke’s eyes widened in surprise by your words confused whether or not to actually do it, still holding your hand but looking down towards the end of the bed unsure. You had been saying nonsense things since arriving at the hospital he assumed it was a mix of stress from the earlier events.
“But what if-,”
“I was just kidding.” You squeezed one eye open to look at him, so exhausted you couldn’t laugh but if you had the ability you would have done it. Just by seeing his reaction saved your pain away just for that one short second and he tensed less in his shoulders by your words.
“Good because I think Calum would be more preferable for that part.” He took a seat back at the chair and looked to see the frown on your face. It had been a while, almost an hour now but mixed up with the pain it felt like much more.
You sighed softly and fiddled with the sheets between your fingers. You hadn’t gotten a spinal yet in fear of something horrible happening and without Calum by your side you were left empty. Sure Luke did a very great job but it couldn’t compare to the fact that your husband was currently fighting for your survival.
“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you?” Luke softly said and forward on his chair to get a better look when you nodded your head slowly in agreement.
“You just have to remember one thing, now that Lance is out of the picture they are all weak. They don’t have anyone to turn into, they don’t have someone to follow their leads they basically fight for nothing and nobody. If they’re really stupid they will fight for him even in their deaths but with our power I doubt they have the courage to do so. We’ve won Y/N. We just need to get our prize before it actually feels like freedom.”
You listened closely to every single word he had to say. It wasn’t often that Luke had a smart side, he was usually questioned as the dumb one in the group but he had moments like these that were a blessing. He knew you so well it was the words that satisfied your ears. You had won.
“You sure they are alright?” You almost whispered, leaning forward because you could feel another contraction coming up.
“I promise you they will.” He smiled, offering his hand once again and ignoring the fact that you would literally be crushing it. You also tried your best not to break all bones but it was harsh because by every contraction it was getting worse.
“Would it be sounding weird if I said I’m not fully mentally prepared to this?” You said through breaths, squeezing your eyes shut and tried to block out the horrible pain, “Because I don’t think I’m prepared for this at all.”
“It’s totally understandable.” Luke responded with a warm smile, it was harsh seeing you go through the pain but it was something you couldn’t avoid. Once all of this would be over the pain would be gone completely, he had seen it during some all nighters watching Teen Mom. It was almost as if he was more prepared for this than you were and you were the one sooner than later becoming a mother.
It was a huge sigh of relief that came from your lips when it was finally over. You had no idea how many centimeters you were but it didn’t matter because you were so close to push it out already, you could survive with a few stitches afterwards.
Luke stood up from his chair to go take a look out of the window. It was night, you had assumed it was close to be morning because the sun was slowly creeping up from the horizon. It was warm, almost hitting you in the face but you still couldn’t focus on the beautiful orange colors because it took less than minutes before another contraction hit you.
“Oh my, that looks painful.” The nurse commented the second she showed up from the door. You were ready to comment something sarcastically but Luke stopped you by giving you a short glance. Your temper was really tested by all of this.
“You should try it out.” You mumbled below your breath when she walked towards the end of the bed to take a look, she was most probably the one the midwife had called out for help. If she would tell you that you were only two centimeters you wouldn’t hesitate to force Luke to grab a gun and blow her head off.
“Trust me I have.” She spoke and still kept the smile on her face, “Mother of five.”
“I think I suddenly gained all my respect for you.” You almost bit down on your arm and breathed heavily, hearing her faintly chuckle and do the rest of her checkup. You could feel Luke laugh beside you as well but you didn’t say any further, trying to stabilize your breathing.
“Well looks like you’re already ten centimeters. We’re gonna have to call in your midwife again and sooner than later you will have a baby Y/N.”
“What?” You removed your hand away from your face and looked at her with wide eyes, “I can-, I can’t give birth yet my husband isn’t here!”
“I’m sorry but the baby can’t wait.” She apologized half-jokingly, she could tell that it was pretty much affecting you but that was the way of natural birth.
“Why the fuck did she have to get my stubborn attitude already oh my god.” You fell back onto the pillow completely defeated, a sad expression coming to her face.
“I don’t want to give birth before husband is here… I can’t do this without Calum.”
You looked over at Luke with almost water in your eyes, you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself for this and without Calum it was ten times worse. You couldn’t do this, you had been waiting nine months with Calum by your side and to be by the end of it without him was not how it was supposed to be.
“I’ll try to call him okay.” Luke said and stood up from his chair with his phone in his hand, looking over at the nurse just for a small confirmation. She nodded her head in agreement most probably not wanting to start a huge argument with you.
You couldn’t really focus, it was so insanely harsh that all you could do was close your eyes and try not to push. You literally forced your legs together to make sure nothing would happen but truth was, you could feel it coming and it wouldn’t be long before you would lose your strength to hold everything in.
“They don’t pick up. Neither could I imagine that because what they’re going through is highly difficult to just stop all of the sudden and pick up a phone call.” Luke said the last part more quietly towards you just to not add suspicion to the nurse and you almost wanted to groan out loud.
“Well whether your husband is here or not the baby can’t wait Y/N, I’m gonna have you to spread your legs and push as much as you can okay.” She rolled her chair towards the end of the bed and made your eyes go huge, looking over at Luke in hope of him just doing anything.
“But I can’t-,”
The sudden sound of the door blasting open and so many walking in at once made your eyes go huge and stopping yourself in the middle of the sentence, watching as Calum was the first one in the mob and hurried towards the other side of your hospital bed.
“I’m here I’m fucking here!” He breathed and almost knocked down the chair in process of taking a seat, his hand wrapping around yours.
“What is going on?” The nurse asked almost in panic by the many people inside of the small area, not to mention that they were still covered up in blood. Calum’s lip seemed a bit broken as blood was leaking from it while Alex had gotten a black eye. The others seemed to had gotten through it easily but they still had stains of blood.
“We just arrived from a Halloween carnival that’s why we’re late!” Jack was the one to speak up on everyone’s behalf, Mitchell looking at him oddly by the sudden announcement.
“Really?” Stefan mumbled below his breath and almost wanted to roll his eyes but it seemed to be enough for the nurse. She was most probably already stressed out because of the heartbeat of the baby and now it looked like the entire cast of Reservoir Dogs had showed up in the rather small hospital room.
“Okay I don’t care who you are and how you are related to the baby but I can only allow the father and the mother to be inside. The rest of you can stay in the waiting room but for the sake of the rest of the hospital I’d prefer if you changed your costumes into something else.”
The nurse was speaking fast to let it all out at once and pointed towards the door to show her seriousness. They all hurried outside with good luck wishes coming from their mouths, Luke being the last one to leave and also gave you a thumbs up in the process.
“Okay I don’t know what that was all about.” She commented the second silence fell upon the room besides your constant breathings, “But we have to focus on this now. On the next contraction I’m gonna have you to push as much as you can.”
You nodded your head in agreement and looked over at Calum with what could possibly be the biggest smile on your face. Sure he had been beaten up a little bit and the blood was stained on his shirt but he was here and that was what mattered the most.
What you had feared the most came to reality. But it wasn’t as bad as you had thought it would be. The contraction was the worst, pushing it all out felt like the most satisfying feeling ever. Sure, you had to use all the strength possible to push but it was the best blessing ever when it was suddenly over.
“The head is out Y/N you’re doing amazing.” The nurse commented and helped you along with pulling it out, “When the next contraction you’ll become parents.”
You looked up at Calum completely out of breath, hair tousled to the front part of your face and your forehead so sweaty it was unbelievable. But he thought you were the most beautiful human he had ever seen and he nodded his head encouraging for you to push once you were ready.
It was probably the most beautiful moment of your life. It felt as if it took ages once you started pushing again but once your baby was out, the pain was gone. Everything was completely gone and you were overwhelmed by the feeling of love.
“Congratulations it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled in welcome and placed her on top of your chest, Calum looking down at her ever so carefully with the most adoring smile on his face.
“Do we have a name?” She questioned and dried her off with towels, a small whine coming from your baby in reaction and you looked up at Calum in pure surprise. For nine months you had been caring her yet she had never felt as real as she did right now.
“Not yet.” You explained while rubbing your thumb over her head after they had removed the blood, finding a warm towel to wrap around her and let Calum proudly cut the umbilical cord. It was such a magical moment if you thought about it, you probably wouldn’t think it was real. But it was the most human feeling you had ever experienced in a while.
“I was actually thinking of something.” Calum suddenly said, grabbing your attention from your little baby girl and you looked up at him with half wide eyes.
“I know it might be cliché and that it’s not something we have been taking about but… I just thought it would be appropriate because she has always been the last bit of hope we’ve been carrying onto.”
By the pressure of Hope, he smiled softly down at you expecting what he was hinting at and you looked down at her just to see if it matched. He was right, utterly completely typically Calum right and to be honest you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Hope Mali-Joy Hood?” You asked just to give it a bit warmer and also adding his sister and mom in a combination to the name. The reaction was pure, he was almost blushing by your suggestion and nodded his head in agreement.
“Sounds like the most amazing name our daughter could ever get.” He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and stood up from his chair to write it on the blackboard right next to the pink pacifier that was hanging in honor of her.
You couldn’t stop smiling you almost felt as if your cheeks were starting to hurt. It was like you had become this whole new person and maybe that was what you really needed in life. A new beginning, something to look after every single day and reminding you why it was worth waking up in the first place.
“Is it over?” You questioned, he already knew what you were hinting at.
“It’s over. Some died some survived. Some decided to run while others decided to pair up with us and work in the future. We don’t know what’s ahead of us but one thing’s for sure. We have each other.” He took a seat down on the bed next to you and swung an arm around your shoulder.
You could stay in this position forever. Just rocking back slowly and forward looking down at Hope with such happiness in your eyes. She looked like Calum there was no doubt but if you looked closely there was a few features coming from you.
“I will give you some time alone. Once again, congratulations on your baby.” The nurse said and started to back away, confusion written on her face once again when she met all the boys walking in through the door with various baby toys in their hands.
“We decided to attack the gift shop while we were waiting.” Michael explained and placed a toy right next to you on the nightstand and took a look down at your baby girl.
“Oh my god Y/N she has your nose.”
You couldn’t control the laughter by his comment and watched him take a seat by the end of your feet to allow the others to look. Stefan and Mitchell were the last one to walk closer with a bouquet of flowers in both their hands, they looked so insanely proud. You had never expected this moment would come.
“We’re proud of you little sister.” Stefan smiled and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek.
“You sure as hell are the most badass one in the family.” Mitchell agreed and caressed Hope’s cheek, it was almost as if everything that had happened the past month was unreal.
Never had you expected in your life that any of your relatives would have to meet your baby. You had settled down with Calum’s being the one to the rescue as he had gotten plenty, you were fine by that. But truth was to have the best uncles she could ever find made your stomach flutter with butterflies because it meant you wouldn’t be so alone after all.
“We actually have a question for you.” Ashton announced, leaning his arms on top of the rack of the bed.
“What’s up?” You questioned and for once looked away from your baby, smiling gently.
Ashton looked around at the guys almost as if he was becoming nervous and you shifted carefully in your seat. She had been pretty quiet throughout the whole time only a little bit fuzzy when getting clothes on but that was okay. You were just getting used to this.
“After all of this the boys and I-, All the boys.” He nodded his head around to everyone in the room, “We’ve decided that we’re all gonna team up. We’ve had our complications and conflicts but in the end we know that we’re stronger together. We don’t have to fear Lance anymore, he is finally away for good.”
You nodded you head carefully listening to every word he had to say. You couldn’t point out what the question was but you could tell it was something special by the way they were smiling at you.
“And with a team comes a leader,” Mitchell chirped in and wrapped an arm around Ashton, you could tell what was going to happen now.
“We want you to be our leader Y/N.”
It was a huge smile that came to your face, bigger than it already could be. The feeling going through your body was indescribable, it was as if your heart had been half throughout your entire life and suddenly it felt back into pieces. You had everyone around you that you loved so much and more to come. You couldn’t picture a perfect moment like this until actually living it.
You were shaking your head in disagreement but still giggled feeling how you were ready to tear up. As expected they scrunched up their noses and furrowed their eyebrows confused to you declining because they had expected you to say yes.
“I know that you all expected a yes but that’s not what’s best for us now. I know that I know you all mutually and that I would do my job great but I think someone deserves it much more than I do.” You explained and looked over at Luke with a wide smile, the sudden attention making his cheeks turn red.
“I think Luke should be our leader.”
It was a huge scoff that came from Michael partly joking and partly in disagreement but when he saw the seriousness in your eyes he looked at it differently. You wouldn’t just say this for fun without actually meaning it with good argumentations behind it.
“Only if he wants of course.” You added and shrugged your shoulder, looking over at the blond haired boy who looked around pretty confused but that was when he flashed a smile as well, nodding his head in agreement.
“I’d really love that.” He was shy, he was clumsy and sometimes he fooled around ruining plans but in the end, he was only of the only sources of happiness in the gang. He was always there, he would break a foot or two and that was a part of being the amazingly Luke Hemmings. Now, former leader of the 5SOS gang.
“To Luke then.” Ashton said excitedly and gave out bottles of water that seemed to be the only thing served around the hospital, raising his bottle in the air with everyone else repeating his sentence.
“And as former leader I’d like to say from now on, I won’t be sharing bedrooms with Michael Clifford anymore.” Luke grinned and stood up from his chair to swing an arm around his blond haired best friend.
“I think you will definitely regret that.” Michael laughed and messily ran his hand through Luke’s curls, grinning lightly by the reaction and eyes fell upon you again.
“Well gang mama here will definitely go on a well maternity.” You mumbled, looking down at Hope and fell Calum’s lips press against your forehead.
“I think Mr. Hood will join you on that. I don’t think I’ll need to shoot someone’s head off for the next many months.” He smiled, feeling how everyone around you were standing with the exact same happy expressions, the feeling of closure was finally here.
“I can’t believe it.” You almost whispered, feeling how a tear was pressing out from your eye and you were quick to remove it from your cheek.
“Mrs. Hood, are you crying?” Michael laughed.
“No, I’ve just got something in my eye.” You mumbled trying to distract them from what was actually going on, you had never cried in front of them but when you thought about it. They had to see that at some point and today you couldn’t hold any of it in.
“I just can’t believe it.” You repeated feeling a few more tears come and Calum removed them gently with his thumb. The others almost had to hold in tears again because they were thinking the exact same thing as you.
“I can’t believe that we finally won.”
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mgkaizen · 2 years
Dealing with Negative Emotions Positively
“Don't fight against negative emotions- It’s exhausting. Try to embrace them instead.”
― Anoir Ou-Chad
 Life is a mixed bag of emotions, isn’t it? Having both highs and lows is a part and parcel of life. Everyone has their share of disgust, sadness, happiness, and joy. When sadness or grief strikes, emotions like anger, disgust, and fear crop in our minds. Negative emotions make us feel poor in some way or the other. They are very unpleasant in nature and can arise from situations like losing a valued possession, anger emerging when stuck in traffic, guilt that comes after not following a specific diet, etc. The list is endless! We feel these emotions every now and then.
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Now, you must be wondering that we know all of this but how to deal with such emotions in a positive manner? This question always arises in our minds. Studies have shown that, instead of fighting negative emotions, it’s better to embrace them. This statement might seem weird but let me explain. As you can see the quote of Anoir Ou-Chad, he rightly says that fighting negative emotions can be exhausting. You will start avoiding negative emotions, which will give you temporary relief but some or the other time, they will all come together and overwhelm you with all their might!
To avoid such situations, we have to learn to accept these emotions and whisper to your mind, “I know (negative emotion type) are currently residing in my mind but I accept them. These emotions are not permanent. They will disappear as fast as they have arrived!” Such statements can work wonders for you. Want to delve deeper in this topic? Read on. If you still feel the need to have one-on-one consultation to deal with negative emotions, you can always contact Tending Minds, one of the best psychological clinics in Pune and book your appointment.
Here are some ways to deal with negative emotions in a better way. Follow the A.I.R (Acknowledge. Identify. Respond.) method whenever negative emotions travel across your soul!
Acknowledgement is more important than solution. Without acknowledging the problem, how will you know that it exists? When you have such emotions, first acknowledge that this particular emotion has entered and is trying to cause trouble. Understanding and accepting the emotions can reduce your stress to a great extent. But remember, even if you acknowledge the emotion, don’t ruminate on it. Remember, that they will eventually fade away. Until that happens, just mindfully hold some space for them
After acknowledgement, rather than focusing on causes, pay attention to the emotion. Ask yourself. “What is causing distress and why?” This question can assist you in understanding the message that the particular negative emotion is trying to give you. Then, you can analyze more closely and come to a conclusion instead of ruminating as mentioned in the earlier paragraph.
After these steps, your response plays a vital role. No matter how bad a emotion is, your response decides the outcome. If you respond to your emotion in a healthy way, you won’t feel bad for long. Furthermore, you can simply focus on the things that are under your control, which can be managed and resolved.
These steps are necessary for dealing with negative emotions in a positive way. Once you learn to manage your negative emotions effectively, you will be able to love yourself more and enjoy the present moment. For an in-depth and customized consultation on this topic, you can always contact Tending Minds and book an appointment.  
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mgkaizen · 3 years
Dealing with Negative Emotions Positively
“Don't fight against negative emotions- It’s exhausting. Try to embrace them instead.”
― Anoir Ou-Chad
 Life is a mixed bag of emotions, isn’t it? Having both highs and lows is a part and parcel of life. Everyone has their share of disgust, sadness, happiness, and joy. When sadness or grief strikes, emotions like anger, disgust, and fear crop in our minds. Negative emotions make us feel poor in some way or the other. They are very unpleasant in nature and can arise from situations like losing a valued possession, anger emerging when stuck in traffic, guilt that comes after not following a specific diet, etc. The list is endless! We feel these emotions every now and then.
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Now, you must be wondering that we know all of this but how to deal with such emotions in a positive manner? This question always arises in our minds. Studies have shown that, instead of fighting negative emotions, it’s better to embrace them. This statement might seem weird but let me explain. As you can see the quote of Anoir Ou-Chad, he rightly says that fighting negative emotions can be exhausting. You will start avoiding negative emotions, which will give you temporary relief but some or the other time, they will all come together and overwhelm you with all their might!
To avoid such situations, we have to learn to accept these emotions and whisper to your mind, “I know (negative emotion type) are currently residing in my mind but I accept them. These emotions are not permanent. They will disappear as fast as they have arrived!” Such statements can work wonders for you. Want to delve deeper in this topic? Read on. If you still feel the need to have one-on-one consultation to deal with negative emotions, you can always contact Tending Minds, one of the best psychological clinics in Pune and book your appointment.
Here are some ways to deal with negative emotions in a better way. Follow the A.I.R (Acknowledge. Identify. Respond.) method whenever negative emotions travel across your soul!
Acknowledgement is more important than solution. Without acknowledging the problem, how will you know that it exists? When you have such emotions, first acknowledge that this particular emotion has entered and is trying to cause trouble. Understanding and accepting the emotions can reduce your stress to a great extent. But remember, even if you acknowledge the emotion, don’t ruminate on it. Remember, that they will eventually fade away. Until that happens, just mindfully hold some space for them
After acknowledgement, rather than focusing on causes, pay attention to the emotion. Ask yourself. “What is causing distress and why?” This question can assist you in understanding the message that the particular negative emotion is trying to give you. Then, you can analyze more closely and come to a conclusion instead of ruminating as mentioned in the earlier paragraph.
After these steps, your response plays a vital role. No matter how bad a emotion is, your response decides the outcome. If you respond to your emotion in a healthy way, you won’t feel bad for long. Furthermore, you can simply focus on the things that are under your control, which can be managed and resolved.
These steps are necessary for dealing with negative emotions in a positive way. Once you learn to manage your negative emotions effectively, you will be able to love yourself more and enjoy the present moment. For an in-depth and customized consultation on this topic, you can always contact Tending Minds and book an appointment.  
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