#a trailer that no one asked for
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rebeccasthoughts · 1 year ago
A Brief History of esports (TL;DR)
originally from The Battle for Glory: esports, TV, and media I like (and don’t) Despite large streaming numbers, and upwards of 10 million viewers, esports isn’t considered mainstream in the public’s zeitgeist. There is an obvious market for esports, gaming, and video games in general, yet the idea of esports is foreign to most and is deeply misunderstood by people. I think that this…
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meideixx · 3 months ago
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Are they for real?
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mychemicalbrromance · 6 months ago
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#1 like a prayer fan none of you understand (insane)
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
Hi, I wanted to ask, is your game Mike scooped? Or is he a normal human?
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In my art, as of now, he’s a normal guy, specifically during sister location before the scooping
I do plan on drawing scooped Michael though, I have a comic around it and everything, just been drawing other things + figuring out purple Michael’s look. Here’s two older designs I’ve had but it’ll probably change again once I have him in new comics
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months ago
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httyd-art-requests · 3 months ago
So the teaser for the live action How To Train Your Dragon film has dropped. Have you seen it? Any thoughts on it?
I just saw it, and BOY do I have some thoughts about it lmao
Live action remakes already annoy me for several reasons, and as much as I want to be excited for "new" HTTYD media, it really misses the mark for me
The movie doesn't look original to me. It's so obviously a remake of something else that it loses any personality it could otherwise have. If the original HTTYD movie had been a live action movie from the start, it would have looked nothing like this, because the creators would have tried to create something that stood out from other movies. This one just feels like a checklist being completed in front of me: "right so we'll have this scene, and then we'll have this scene, and the dragon does this, and the boy does this, and then this is the part the fans like so we're going to recreate it 1:1", but no real understanding of what made the original as beloved as it is.
This trailer just looks soulless to me, but I'm holding out hope that the other trailers will show us more and hopefully prove me wrong
Toothless's design is... fine I guess? They made his hind legs digitegrade for some reason, which just looks very jarring to me. Idk why they felt the need to change it, it's one of the details that made his design feel unique to me. Like dragons' legs are almost always depicted as dinosaur-like and digitegrade, and HTTYD having dragons that have plantigrade legs feels really cool. The wings are comically oversized and he lost a lot of his personality based on the scene recreations shown in the trailer (like the silly People Sit he does in the original, now he just sits like a dog lmao) but it really, really could have been worse.
I slowed it down to catch some of the other dragon species' designs and eeeeeehhhh... They're recognizable, I'll say that. They also lost a lot of the personality that the original models had, they look a lot more uniform in their proportions. I really don't see why making them look "realistic" has to mean that they look more boring, when we have so many animals irl that look fake and made up because of how absurd they look. They could have had more fun with it is what I'm saying
Casting Gerard Butler as Stoick feels like the only actually good decision, his voice as Stoick just can't be recreated. Hiccup's actor is... also fine I guess, no strong feelings whatsoever.
The thing that bothers me the most is the lighting. The original HTTYD movie paid special attention to making the lighting look as realistic and believable as possible. It's atmospheric and helps you get sucked into the world while you watch. "Subdued" is probably a good word to describe it. It very intentionally doesn't go overboard. The lighting in the trailer looks fake as hell. They could be using real actual lighting conditions on set and I still wouldn't believe it's real.
Overall, I have mixed feelings despite all the negative things I just listed. I'm sharing in the excitement of all the people who want to watch it, but I'm still disappointed that it, like, exists at all. No matter what this movie ends up looking like, I'm always going to prefer the original animated movies. I'm open to being proved wrong though, I really hope this movie is going to be better than anything we're imagining rn
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olympain · 7 days ago
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Remember this moment! You're here! You're right here! And you're ready to fight!
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hayaku14 · 10 months ago
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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moshaeu · 2 months ago
Your art gives me cute aggression
thank you (?!) LOL
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gabbyp09 · 7 months ago
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layton-heritage-posts · 3 months ago
Why were Flora fans mad at you at some point?
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Just some silly stuff
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blueskittlesart · 7 months ago
So my first LoZ game was TOTK. I got it as a gift and I just recently obtained BOTW. After watching the Echoes of Wisdom trailer, I have a few questions and figured considering the document u could prolly answer.
Are the Rito a staple of the game? They don't appear to be in EoW.
Are Sidon, Riju, Yunobo, and Tulin/Teba similar staples? Do their tribes appear without them, the characters changing?
What are Deku? Are they korok alternatives?
Finally, where do u think the game would fall on the timeline?
Thank you so much.
omg yaaay i havent talked at length about zelda lore/theories in a while lets go
Rito are a relatively new addition to the franchise. the only games which feature them are wind waker (2002) and its sequels, and botw (2016) and its sequels. the canonical explanation for why the rito just showed up is that they evolved in the thousands of years between wind waker and the game that came before it on the timeline. Based on the general vibe of eow i've seen in the trailers, it looks like it probably comes before wind waker on the timeline or exists in a different timeline entirely. so i think the rito probably haven't evolved yet. because the rito haven't been around since the very beginning like other races in the games, the devs seem to have more freedom to pick and choose whether they want them around, so i wouldn't exactly call them a staple race in the way that zora and gorons are.
While the RACES of hyrule are staples of the franchise, the specific champions we see in botw/totk are not. those characters don't reincarnate the way link, zelda, and ganon do, so they only exist within that one specific link's time. So while we'll definitely zee zora and gorons in eow, we almost definitely aren't going to see any familiar characters.
Deku are a race of forest spirit-adjacent. things. their first appearance was in oot iirc. the great deku tree, as you may remember from botw/totk, is a very old, very powerful forest spirit who rules over the forest. in oot, deku scrubs were usually hostiles you had to either fight or negotiate with, and in mm, link could become a deku scrub via a kind of terrifying mechanic we don't have to get into here. based on the eow trailer, in this version of hyrule the deku scrubs are korok/kokiri substitutes. the race that lives in the forest is one of the most inconsistent pieces of overarching zelda lore, so yeah tldr you can just assume theyre basically koroks.
the timeline question is. well. before the most recent trailer I was almost completely convinced that it was going to be on the alttp timeline, somewhere after link's awakening. but that was based solely on the vibes and the bare glimpses of the hyrule map we got in the first trailer. now that we've gotten a much more extensive look at the map and the races of hyrule, I think it's a little more likely that the game takes place sometime before oot. the map looks similar enough to minish cap while featuring races and regions that made their debut in oot, so I think that it makes sense for the game to fall somewhere in between the two, and I think that a lot of the choices they made sort of lend themselves to the game being a transition between minish cap/4 swords and oot. the crack theory is that it takes place AFTER botw/totk, purely because of how visually similar bind looks to ultrahand and the appearance of certain races being super similar to botw/totk, but i think the pre-oot theory is MUCH more likely.
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brainrotcharacters · 6 months ago
If I knew "Hey Hugh, you wanna play Wolverine one more time?" "Yeah. Sure, Ryan." Would lead to this I would've jumped on the bandwagon sooner
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years ago
I feel like Eddie is the type of guy to always have a slide whistle in his pocket and uses it to make incidental sound effects for the conversations that happen around him.
Nobody knows where he gets them all from and they don’t ask incase he takes one out and starts playing with it.
Wayne is so happy every time he loses one of the whistles. He absolutely never tells Eddie when he finds one of the numerous whistles that have rolled under the couch. He has an agreement with Steve to dispose of them secretly and securely.
Except one night when Steve’s driving around town with Eddie, he opens the glove box and there’s a bag full of whistles (seriously nobody knows where he’s getting them from. And in bulk?)
And Eddie is all ‘HEY!’ Which immediately makes Steve tense up in preparation for an argument with his easily antagonised boyfriend about the possible theft of offending musicals instruments.
But then Eddie continues with ‘more whistles! I didn’t take you for a fan dude!!’
And promptly shoves one up each of his nostrils and one in his mouth and tries to play them all at once while demanding Steve watch instead of watching the road.
Steves going to have to think of a new hiding spot.
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lightkrets312 · 5 months ago
to the people who write summaries and wikis with thorough breakdowns of all the lore and media for a series that breaks it up into 20 different formats: you are doing fantastic work, may it remain intact and accessible well into the future, I owe you my life
to the people that decide splitting your series into 20 different media formats with critical lore in most/all of them is a good idea:
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charmac · 28 days ago
Hello I am on a mission because someone I know is offering me $20 to find what episode this gif is from (I have never watched the show) and I will give you like $15 of those $20 if you can help. This is probably the weirdest ask I have ever sent someone ever I am so sorry
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^^ the gif in question. no worries if you do not know I just. On tenor it was tagged with charmac and thats your url. I. Know absolutely nothing about this show I am so sorry LOL
LOL.. first thing to know about Sunny is that they have this very annoying habit, since the very beginning and to this day, of using alternate takes/cut scenes in their promo and trailers. And this gif is one of those very fun instances. Technically, it is not a scene in an episode... but it is definitely from an episode, and based on Charlie and Mac's clothes we can easily pin point it to the episode "Mac is a Serial Killer":
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This scene exists between the frame above (Mac talking to Charlie about how he's hooking up with Carmen (misunderstood by Charlie as serial killing), and the frame below (Mac telling Charlie that his escapades are over):
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There is a cut scene between these two moments in which Mac, after sleeping with Carmen again, goes to Charlie's apartment to confess that same day. The gif you're inquiring about is from that cut scene.
So unfortunately this gif is somewhat considered "lost media" (but more like, never released media Sunny loves to keep to itself). While the moment technically belongs to "Mac is a Serial Killer," it never aired as a scene and therefore doesn't exist.
The good news is we actually have the script for this episode, so we can get the rough idea of what we're missing. I've pasted the script portions below the cut, if you want to pass along to your friend for context! No payment necessary and definitely not a weird ask, lmfao, I am happy to be asked and to know the answer to this :)
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You can find and read this script and many, many more on the Paddy's Pub Blog!
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