#a searing faith
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audreywritesfantasy · 2 years ago
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Barnes & Noble currently has a sale on pre-orders, so if you’re interested in A Searing Faith, consider pre-ordering the ebook or paperback and get 25% off. With the sale the ebook is only about $4.5. Find the book on Barnes & Noble, or save it on Goodreads or Storygraph. A Searing Faith is an epic dark fantasy story with steampunk elements, the first book in the The Heart Pyre series, and follows 16yo Rena as she finds herself the sole survivor of the fire that destroyed her home town. With a group of new companions, she sets out to figure out what truly happened, and why the Royal Council is trying to cover up the event.
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oldtvandcomics · 11 months ago
While I'm finishing off things I should have done to some degree of urgency or the other:
Review of A Searing Faith by Audrey Martin
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A Searing Faith is the first book of The Heart Pyre series, based on the podcast by the same name. This book is an adaptation of the first season, the next one will probably be out sometimes this year. Also worth noting is that Audrey Martin is Luxembourgish, and that I know her personally. So this book was rather high on my To Read List. (Martin is also here on Tumbr, as @audreywritesfantasy. Moien, Audrey...)
Sixteen-year-old Rena skips school to gather herbs in the forest, but when she gets back, she finds her entire village aflame. There are no survivors except for her, and maybe her sister, who she suspects had been kidnapped by whoever set the fire. The only clue Rena has is her sister's ring, and a bird figurine made out of clay that she finds in the ruins. Still, Rena sets out to find the truth, helped by a group of random people she meets along the way.
I liked this book. It was an easy read, and only took me forever because I had a bunch of other things to do. One of the things Martin told me when she sold me the book at a book fair, was that she wanted to write a story where the trauma the protagonist goes through isn't just some inciting incident, but actually affects her throughout the story. I would argue that she succeeded with that. Rena's trauma feels real, she is triggered or suffers from panic attacks, and is also nerfed by being a normal village girl who has no experience with cheating the system or sneaking around Government organizations.
Another thing that I know that Martin was going for (because she said it in the tags of a Tumblr post) is for her story to be kind. I feel like this is one of the things that stands out the most: Not only Rena is acting in a very realistic way, but so are the people around her. Which is to say, when they see a terribly traumatized teenager who just lost everything, their first reaction is to help her. Rena herself is very confused by this, but decides to lean into it, and actually trust random strangers, because, well, why wouldn't they help, if all the others did? It is always so nice to find a story where the majority of the people is just kind.
So yeah, good book, I'm looking forward to the next.
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magicalyaku · 1 year ago
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Yeah yeah, it's been a while between reading these books and me writing about them. Things were happening (namely too much work and a lot of Lies of P to counter it). Anyway, back then I was smart and made notes as I was reading, so here you go! In anticipation of my own new self-published novel I only picked up indie books for the month. I didn't even get through half of the list I made, so maybe there's gonna be more of them later. :)
Wildfire (Shania Renaud): Other than most books this month, I had this on my list for a while before. Finally a good excuse to buy it! And it's good! I have some issues with the writing. It's narrated in 3rd person, which I prefer but it's not always working well. Most of the time it's limited to Lucian, the protagonist, but sometimes switches suddenly to someone else, wchich would be fine, but's it is sudden and for just a few paragraphs and that felt weird. Luckily it didn't happen too often to put me off. Other than that, I would have loved to get a little more worldbuilding. None of the cities have names, for instance, and I'm not sure, the distances the people travel work out. Their travels just take as much time as is convenient to write about. I like things to be consistant and logical. :I And speaking of convenient and logical: Why didn't they just travel all the way to the place the wall ends? And how can Lucian sit there tied up and only be freed with two guards around after 5 days when … how did he pee and shit? And other inconvenient things? Anyway, I did like the way he was written. He actually felt young and inexperienced but not stupid. And there are some nice questions being raised about the way humans und human society think and live. (There's also a heavy dosage of slave trade and the resulting abuse, so content warning for that.) I liked it!
Hymn of Memory (S. Jean): This one was nice. Sweet and sad at the same time. I admit, I teared up a little several times. The loneliness and warm moments were just very palpable. The amount of modernisation vs the magic of the Divine was unexpected. I'm so used to my fantasy books being old-timey and contempories having no magic at all, that the mixture actually surprised me. :'D What did not surprise me were the revelations towards the end. But having your suspicions confirmed is good, too, and I was still eager to know how it would turn out. Overall, I really liked the book. I think it has good exploration of its characters and themes and I dare say I felt the love.
Of Knights and Books and Falling in Love (Rita A. Rubin): After bruising my tender heart I needed something easy. This was definitely it. Sweet and cozy and low-key, but still with some adventurous interludes. The characters are nice, they have some cute interactions and there's a cat. Do you know the Atelier Games? I only played the Arland and Dusk trilogies, but this reminded me of those: A laid-back protagonist who builds affinity with their friends by doing little adventures with them while collecting and crafting items. There's no item crafting in the book, but a bookstore, so … I really can't say much more than that. I just had a really enjoyable time reading. :'D
Wolf Willow Witch (The Gideon Testaments 2) (Freydís Moon): I admit, I was kinda lost during the first ~20 pages. Beforehand I thought, I remembered Heart Haunt Havoc quite enough, turned out I didn't. :'D I also had trouble liking the protagonists which is so weird of me, because I always crave badass heroines and then … I end up not liking them ... Which in this case is just because in real life the contemporary witch woman with her pet rat would just not be the person I'd approach. I also don't have any connection to religion so everything about this book felt far away from me at first. It got better as the story progressed and they found a goal to reach. In the end I was honestly curious how they would solve their situation. And also next volume promises to be interesting!
Whisper of Shadows and Snakes (vol 1) (J.S. Burn): (Haha, ok my notes for this one were sparse. Do I remember anything … :'D) This is the opening to a big adventure story with a whole party of friends ending up in a different world. Didn't expect that! Everyone gets their unique powers and training arcs and all that. There were some questionable plot things like, is there no public transportation in your city? Why do you have to walk all the way home? And also there just was an earthquake, so maybe don't go through a crater area in the dark which grounds you don't know? Phew. Also, with the money they'll need to pay for new shoes they could probably have shared a taxi. :'D Overall, I enjoyed reading it. It's aiming pretty high, but if I remember right, it felt like there was a lot of work put into it and it was done pretty well. :)
A Searing Faith (The Heart Pyre 1) (Audrey Martin): This is difficult. I did not really enjoy this but most of that was because of me rather than the book itself. It's a serious story which was not quite the best choice for me when I'm tired from work and spending all my free time gaming instead of immersing myself in reading. I think the story premise is interesting. I liked the worldbuilding and the writing style. It's not often authors describe the little gestures of characters while they're talking. It comes naturally to me because after drawing manga for many years my head is always in storyboard mode even when writing, so I'm always thinking about how the characters look and what they are doing. Not that I dislike usual dialogue scenes, mind you, but here was like "Oh! Nice!" What I didn't like was the heroine … (I probably always have expectations how I want my heroines to be and then am disappointed when they act differently.) Objectively, she is probably written well. Bad things happened to her and she has very little time to process. Also, she's only 16 and had a bunch of younger siblings, so many of her decisions are probably a result of that and yet … In August I talked about how much I like Will's brash attitude in The Will Darling Adventures. Rena is basically the opposite, so … :'D Overall I liked the story and I am considering to read the next volume when it comes, even though the ending didn't really catch me. I wish there was some sort of tiny tiny hint as to why it is Maya and not anyone else. Unfortunately being utterly clueless doesn't really create anticipation for me. Oh well. I do love the cover!
A Charm of Magpies Trilogy (KJ Charles): Okay, these ones are definitely not niche anymore, but they're still indie, right? I just needed a little break and read most of the three books on a Saturday curled up in my bed, like under the covers. I probably got up to get food, but otherwise … What to say about the books … They're fun and adventurous with nice characters and easy to read? KJ Charles just has this way of writing that gets me immersed and amused easily. This trilogy is not my favourite of her books from what I read so far, but I had a very good Saturday reading these. uAub
If you need more recommendations for indie books, some others I read this year and loved are: The Devil's Luck (L.S. Baird), Of Feathers and Thorns (Kit Vincent), The High King's Golden Tongue (Megan Derr), Oracle of Senders (Mere Joyce), Rowan Blood (Kellen Graves) and The Tarot Sequence (KD Edwards)!
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theheartpyre · 2 years ago
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A new bonus episode narrating the first 3 chapters of A Searing Faith just dropped!
If you’re curious how the book differs from the first season, here’s a good little sample. The first chapter is completely new, and chapter 3 has a lot more info. A few things were changed around, especially in the beginning of the story, so give it a listen!
And yes, I wanted to have this out a week ago but everything always takes so much longer than you think it will … (for example, it’s past 2am here and I wanted to have this done before like 8 today lmao)
Find the episode here, and the transcript here.
Find out more about the book on https://www.audreymartinbooks.com/novels
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audreywritesfantasy · 1 year ago
Hi there! If you're into epic fantasy maybe you'd like my first book, A Searing Faith!!
There are multiple queer characters in it, although since the book doesn't focus on romance it might not be that obvious, but it'll definitely become more apparent in the rest of the series.
It follows Rena as she finds herself the sole survivor of the fire that destroyed her hometown and she'll have to figure out what truly happened and whether she really is the only person who survived.
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You can find the blurb and all other info about on my website.
Self published authors, this one’s for you!
So, I’m looking for some more books to add to my shelf and want to support self published authors at the same time!
I enjoy most genres, tbh, although I do prefer LGBTQ stories! So promo yourself to me and show me your books! ❤️
I’m also looking for more mutuals so I’ll be following all of you back if you choose to follow!
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kaurwreck · 5 months ago
not to be too achingly literal or to transpose rodya over bsd!fyodor's ivan, but i will bear kafka asagiri a child for him to strap explosives to as his heart demands if we learn that when fyodor looks at aya, he sees sonya.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd fyodor#bsd aya#i know we're all very sad for atsushi rn#but fyodor is etched with pain and aya wasnt in akutagawa's arms anymore when he began engaging with amenogozen#which means fyodor is just right there. unattended. the abscess on his heart exposed for a brave and gentle girl#to lance with the resolve of someone who knows to drain the pain he can't on his own#who doesnt see a mastermind or a demon or a christ figure#but a tired soldier who wants so terribly to be saved from loneliness so marrow deep#it would have killed him if he were capable of dying that violently#when fyodor stabbed sigma he used an archaic dagger and called it standard issue#but not before calling it kladenets#which is an epithet (of sorts) for magic swords in russian folklore — typically hidden until found by a knight errant#sigma wouldnt have picked up the reference. fyodor let slip a version of himself he still harbors#he wove a fairy tale and when he stabbed sigma he was biting his face to spite his nose#that much pain cant be contained in one body for so long#it's no wonder he's been forced to wander#and im so ready for aya to look at him with her fear and love and faith and foolishness#and in doing so. to save him. to beseech god on behalf of lazarus.#i dont want fyodor to be redeemed. i want him saved entirely because someone else is willing to do so.#i want his vicious alienation to run into aya's unyielding love and i want it to shatter him into an ego death#and then i want him to move into the port mafia's basement with verlaine.#so that they can commiserate on the searing pain of resurrection and the euphoria of living in the light of god's love.#and then i want them to engage in a proxy holy war because verlaine is roman catholic and dostoevsky is eastern orthodox#kafka asagiri: only you can recreate the great schism in the port mafia's basement. do it. for me.
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lighthouseshepard · 8 months ago
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dramoor · 2 years ago
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metamorphesque · 5 months ago
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Aurora (Arshaluys) Mardiganyan was just 14 when the sky collapsed on her head. In 1915, as the Armenian Genocide began, her village was torn apart by turkish soldiers. She watched as her father, her brothers and all the men in her family were dragged away and murdered. The women and children, including Aurora, were spared only to be marched into the desert���a death sentence of a different kind.
The march was relentless. Day after day, Aurora trudged through the searing heat, surrounded by the dying and the dead. There was no food, no water—just the constant, gnawing hunger, thirst and sexual mutilation. Those who fell behind were shot or left to die under the unrelenting sun. Aurora witnessed countless mothers cradling their dying children, their bodies wasting away before her eyes. The air was thick with the stench of death, and the ground was littered with the bodies of her people, unburied, forgotten.
According to her story, the turkish soldiers decided to nail the 17 girls of her village in the group to crosses—in a grotesque parody of their Christian faith, but they miscounted and only constructed 16 crosses; Aurora was the lucky one who was not crucified.
She endured much, being sold into a harem as a teen, for 85 cents. She was beaten, assaulted and dehumanized in ways no child should ever endure. Aurora’s spirit was broken over and over again, yet somehow, she survived.
When she finally escaped, Aurora found her way to the United States, carrying the weight of what she had witnessed. She was alone, orphaned by genocide, but she was determined to tell the world what had happened. Her story, Ravished Armenia, recounted the horrors in graphic detail—images too painful for most to even imagine. But for Aurora, they were not just stories; they were the memories that haunted her every day.
She agreed to relive her trauma once more, acting in the film Auction of Souls, where she portrayed her own suffering and the atrocities she had witnessed. But even then, Aurora was exploited. The people behind the film saw her pain as a commodity, and she was never properly compensated. She gave everything—her story, her dignity, her voice—but received little in return.
In the early 1930s, both the book and the film faded from the public’s attention. The sudden and complete silencing of the film had two explanations: the growing U.S.-turkey alliances, and an agreement between Hollywood and Germany. Aurora had written about being raped by a roving gang of german soldiers in turkey before being sold into a harem
The film that was supposed to tell her story was lost, leaving behind only fragments, just like the memory of the millions of Armenians who were massacred.
Here you can find Aurora Mardiganyan's book, "RAVISHED ARMENIA".
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audreywritesfantasy · 2 years ago
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Do you want to read a cool new book FOR FREE???? Do you like falling in love with characters that are kinda just messes and then screaming about it on social media? Do you like reading books that will hurt you?
epic dark fantasy with a dash of steampunk
the beginning of a found family
a cast full of queer characters
a mystery to be uncovered
a government that’s trying its hardest to pretend everything is just peachy
a dog!!! AND a fox that seems to understand more than it should ???
You can find it on Booksprout and if you don’t have that, you can also get yourself a copy through Bookfunnel !
Of course, pre-orders are also available, so if you want to get your sweet little hands on this new modern masterpiece, follow this link.
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swordgrace · 7 months ago
⠀ཾ༵ 𑁍┆ cregan stark x fem!targtower!reader.
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SYNOPSIS: a blissful marriage to an honorable man — it is more than you could’ve asked for. with the heir on the way, you make a request of your husband.
anonymous request. unofficial sequel to wolfsblood, dragonsblood.
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{ FORMAT: one-shot — requested by anonymous.
{ WARNINGS: SMUT (mdni), overprotective cregan, reader is pretty horny for cregan (valid), pregnancy, reader is pregnant, sexual activities while pregnant, cregan is a father in his mind, oral sex (fem!rec), cunnilingus, cregan loves munching, vaginal fingering, teasing, biting, hair-pulling kink, obvious size difference + size kink, slight face-riding, lots of cregan admiring in this one-shot, very soft ending + aftercare
{ AUTHOR’S NOTE: I love writing for Cregan so much, y’all don’t understand the depths of my adoration for him. I churned this out pretty quickly, but I loved writing it, Father Cregan is the best! I hope that you all enjoy, & thank you for your support! ❤️
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𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐩, 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬.
It was easier to breathe, you’d realized — King’s Landing had always been so stifling and pungent, the population too thick, the air acrid. Here, in the North, it was sprawling with open spaces, regions of untouched forest and unsettled countryside.
The bite of the harsh, Northern chill was not an easy adjustment to make after a lengthy life spent in Southern regions — the gnawing wind often seared your extremities, and it was not any easier on Silverwing. Fire ran through your veins, tempered by your tender heart and kindly disposition.
Your beloved husband would not have it any other way.
What had started as an unsteady, tumultuous betrothal marked by obvious bitterness from your family and wariness from his own House, had blossomed into a fruitful union. You couldn’t have asked for a better partner, and it made you realize how fortunate you were.
Snow was uncommon in most of the South, yet it remained constant in the North, mountains blanketed in endless horizons of white. It was a particularly icy day, winter winds stinging your cheeks, prickling your flesh with its pinpricks.
Mounds of pale, grayish fur swaddled your form, lined in the finest fleece, downy and plush against your skin. The trodden path to the Godswood was marked by frozen dirt, dusted over with a fresh layer of snowfall. Sprinkles of crystalline drops fell from the cloudy skies, and your breath emerged in hot wisps of air.
Lilac hues drifted toward the mountainous form of your husband, whose back was turned to you, swathed in the dappled pelt of a direwolf. Ice hung from his shoulder, a massive longsword of Valyrian Steel, an heirloom passed down through generations of House Stark.
Someday soon, it will pass to your firstborn son.
You recalled the night that you were wed, beneath the crimson leaves of the Weirwood Tree. It was serene, a moonlit dusk that struck the snow with an ethereal glow, your hands bound as you recanted your vows. It had been some moons now since that day, and you had only felt joy since then.
Cregan listened to the light crunch of snow beneath your footfalls as they reverberated throughout the Godswood, the pond frozen-over with a layer of ice. Pale bark marked with a foreign face peered back at him — this was a place that he and Rickon visited many times.
Before his little brother had passed, they pretended to fight wars here, forge their weapons, sticks found from the forest floor, and envision themselves as Knights. He could still feel his brother sometimes, his presence a whisper in the blood-red leaves, somewhere within the forest’s song.
Religion was a complicated thing for you. Your mother wielded the Faith of the Seven like a crudely-worn shortsword, letting it strike to her advantage even when it was rusty, at best. You had little interest in it, and Cregan seemed to respect your growing distance from your old roots. The Old Gods were his — you had nothing.
Inklings of snow drifted from the pale skies, growing darker as evening approached. The North became unyieldingly harsh after the sun began to wane, the sting of biting wind swirling around you, seeping into your bones. You were rather cold, but persisted for Cregan.
“Ser Rodrick said that I might find you here,” Silence dissipated, filled with the sound of your voice, as soft as feathers, a soothing balm. You stepped closer, beneath the boughs of the great tree, the canopy thick with vermillion leaves. “How are you faring?”
With Winter approaching, spreading its cold, brittle tendrils across the North, Cregan’s duties had increased tenfold. Preparing his people for winter, ensuring that food was plentiful, that they were safe — it was the burden of leadership, but there was no one better suited for it in your eyes.
“Well enough,” Cregan murmured, storm-colored hues drifting over the Weirwood tree before they turned to you, completely and utterly transfixed. You stole every wisp of air from his lungs with your beauty, clad in the trappings of his people. “I apologize for running off.”
An amiable smile crossed your features as you reached for your husband, slipping a gloved palm against the crook of his arm. “You needn’t apologize, husband. You are owed your solitude, and I wouldn’t dare tell you otherwise.” You have his bicep a gentle squeeze.
Cregan’s gaze softened, sparkling with a warmth reserved only for you, his beloved. Your presence always seemed to melt away his hardened exterior, but he much preferred it that way. He stepped closer, towering above you in all of his indomitable glory, craning down to press a kiss against your brow.
The gloved leather of his hand moved to cup your abdomen, and the growing life within. The joyous news of your pregnancy had been the talk of the North, the new Lady Stark, preparing to birth an heir of Winterfell. Those thick furs you wore obscured your belly quite well.
“I should be asking you how you fare, carrying our child,” Cregan insisted, gingerly caressing around your stomach with the pride of a doting husband. “Here you are, walking all this way to the Godswood, when it is I who should be by your side.” If there was one word to describe Cregan, it was overprotective.
Gods, he was attentive — if he did leave your side, he ensured that you were well looked-after, under the watchful protection of his guardsmen. You couldn’t fault your husband for his safeguarding nature, given that it was to be your firstborn.
Sometimes he forgot that you were a dragon-rider.
“Being beneath the open sky has done me a world of good, husband,” You mused, canting your head to one side. You were not completely round and waddling just yet — halfway through, as the Maester stated. “I cannot stand to look at that dreadful cobblestone for days on-end.”
Cregan did not protest, nor invalidate your claims. He was not the one carrying a child — he did not have a right to speak on behalf of you. A shiver rolled down your spine, due to the bitter chill of the wind, coupled with the encroaching snowfall.
Instead, he reached for your jaw, cupping your face within the roughened texture of his leather-clad palm, presenting you with a kiss. It was kept brief, yet the ardor lingered, as strong as a burning flame. “You are shivering, beloved. Let us return to the Keep.” He rumbled, shielding you beneath his cloak.
A respite from the cold would be welcome. Even if you possessed the blood of the Dragon, you did not fare well in such blisteringly glacial conditions. The thick cover of your husband’s cloak brought a sense of comfort, coupled with the natural heat that radiated from him.
Snow crunched beneath his heavy footfalls, your own masked by his boots. Cregan made sure to guide you every step of the way, hovering with his impressive shadow. “I have been contemplating a name for our child.” You spoke softly, a smile toying upon your lips.
“Have you?” Cregan appeared appeased, a stoic smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You don’t know if we are to have a son or a daughter.” He remarked, letting your hand wrap around the bulk of his forearm, guiding you through the Godswood.
“Perhaps not, but I wanted you to hear,” Such ideas had been stirring around within your mind for weeks, and with Cregan so preoccupied, you hadn’t broached the topic of conversation. “Gilliane, after your mother, should we have a daughter, and … Rickon.” You hesitated. “Should we have a son.”
Cregan’s steps began to slow, and he looked upon you with such love and devotion that it was nearly overwhelming. He couldn’t have loved you anymore if he tried — and he had tried. Towering over you, he pressed a kiss against the top of your head, one that blossomed with fondness.
You gave him the greatest honor of all — that of fatherhood, and now, you had bestowed upon him sentimental names, those of his family. Love flourished within his storm-colored hues, and he seemed to soften at your words. “You would honor me beyond words, wife. Do you not wish to pay tribute to your own family?”
Placing a hand over the growing swell of your stomach, you seemed somewhat indifferent to talk of your family. Helaena and Daeron were the exceptions in this, but it did not pain you any less. “I pay tribute by carrying our child,” You replied, your smile threadbare. “That is enough.”
Solemn, Cregan simply nodded, understanding your strained relationship with the family you had left behind in King’s Landing. From what you told him and from what he discerned, you seemed much happier here, liberated and free of such poisonous clutches. “Of course.” A soft rumble reverberated throughout his chest.
Winterfell’s snow-laden gates were now within reach, as guards in Stark tabards harkened the return of its Lord and Lady. He thoroughly enjoyed watching you interact with the denizens underneath his protection — you often greeted them with smiles and laughter.
He watched you grow into your station as Lady Stark, a growth that showed such promise. You had been shy around Northerners at first, but you now walked as if you had been in Winterfell your whole life. Cregan kept you close, his stance that of a protective husband, hovering above you with his hulking stature.
The Keep was close, and you could feel the crackling warmth of the hearth lick across your skin in the forefront of your mind. Cregan was characteristically stalwart, keeping you wedged against his side, swaddled in the thick furs of the direwolf.
Once inside, you welcomed the gust of warmer air. The Keep burned many fires and braziers when winter became sharp and bitter, your cheeks stinging from the cold. “Shall we retire this evening, or are you lacking in nourishment?” Cregan inquired, knowing that your penchant for foodstuffs had increased while pregnant.
“Could something be brought to our chambers? Perhaps a stew or a broth, that sounds rather warming.” As if on-queue, your stomach lurched with inklings of famish, as if your child also demanded something to eat.
“It will be done,” With his stoic assurance, your husband bent down to press a kiss against your temple, smoothing a palm across your back. “I will join you shortly, wife.” Cregan had a tendency to walk the Keep before retiring — spare a word to the guards, those in the kitchens, and anyone underneath his care.
“Do not keep me waiting for too long.” You mused, lips curving into a warm smile that could melt even the hardiest of ice — including that of your husband. The vulnerability that seemed to come to him in your presence was a comforting thing.
With a soft huff, Cregan cupped your chin, looking upon you with tempestuous hues, as gray as a winter’s storm. “I wouldn’t dare.” He assured, presenting you with a tender kiss. Gods, you had sorely missed his mouth in many ways, and you were swift to reciprocate.
After you had become with-child, fuller and round with the heir to Winterfell, you had not engaged Cregan as much in terms of intimacy. He wanted you to relax, to not have to lift a finger. You missed your husband in more ways than one, giving way to your own basic desires and carnal instincts.
The kiss possessed a charged edge, tension looming above, the fringes of it seeping into your lips. You held onto his forearm, an audible sigh slipping past your mouth when Cregan withdrew. He could detect your yearning — the sentiment was a mutual one, but he feared hurting you, as any man would.
With a gentle hum, you allowed your husband to leave you, watching as his impressive form encapsulated all space within the corridor he walked in. You let him tend to his duties, and you made for the spiraling stairwell, making your way to your chambers without a hitch.
Thick, wooden doors gave way to the sanctuary within, the hearth being stoked and tended-to by one of the servants. “I thought you might want it warm, m’lady.” She mused, having laid out a series of new wardrobes for you across the foot of your bed.
“Thank you, Tanea.” The new gowns and dresses seemed to be made with your new specifications in-mind, accommodating for your growing belly. Part of you felt self-conscious when it came to your pregnancy — you no longer seemed to fit into your own skin.
“You must be excited, with the babe on the way,” Tanea was easy to speak with, an exuberant young woman with cherubic features. “Your Lord-Husband certainly is.” She chimed, finishing with the hearth as she moved about.
“Is he?” Cregan was sometimes difficult to read, countenance permanently etched with that stoic Northern scowl of his, but you knew how happy he was. Knowing that your servants could see it filled you with delight. “I may need your assistance, Tanea.”
“Very much so, m’lady. He speaks as if he is a father already,” She fluttered to your side, assisting you in relinquishing the weight of your fur cloak and overcoat you wore. Tanea arranged the garments back into the large, wooden wardrobe. “Do you need anything else?”
“I do not,” You smiled, moving to sit atop the fur-laden footlocker at the end of your shared bed. “You have my gratitude, Tanea.” The girl curtsied, a proper gesture, before making her way from your chambers.
Intrigued, you happened to admire the new gowns strewn across your bed, many of them styled in the Northern way of dress, save for your evening shifts. One in particular caught your eye, made of sage-hued silk, translucent and frilly, the sleeves billowing.
Pinching the fabric between your fingers, you decided on wearing it to bed, pushing yourself up right as you organized the rest elsewhere, into the space of your wardrobe. Heavy footfalls resonated outside of your door, with it creaking open to give way to Cregan.
Your mountain of a husband carried two bowls of steaming stew, placing them down along the small, rounded table. The intricate carving of a wolf rested along the table’s edge, made of wood from the Wolfswood. “Are you tired?” He inquired, removing Ice from his shoulders, scabbard and all, placing it near his bedside.
After you had become with-child, he kept it close, in case of any unsightly, dire circumstances. He would not ever allow himself to be defenseless in your presence. You had thought it to be somewhat overly cautious, but you did not dissuade him otherwise.
“Not really,” You hummed, reaching for the many pins keeping your braids in-place. You removed them one by one, placing the ruby-studded needles upon your vanity. It felt better to let your hair down, pale tresses cascading across your shoulders in soft waves. “I am perfectly awake.”
Cregan’s visage was one of clear appreciation and adoration as he stepped closer, admiring the way you looked. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He insisted, hands moving to assist you in unlacing your dress. This was a common practice with each passing night — you enjoyed it.
Warmth crept along your features as you stood still, allowing him to untie your bodice with his calloused fingers, until the garment loosened. “You are much too kind, husband.” Stepping from your gown, you were left in a white slip, one that had grown somewhat uncomfortable with its tightness.
“It is not a kindness, but the plain truth.” Cregan replied, pressing a kiss against the pale crown of your head, inhaling a gust of your saccharine scent. “You are my beautiful wife.” He affirmed with a grunt, and moved away to change into his own smallclothes. Abandoning his leather and armor always felt unusual for him.
There was no debating your husband, whose stubbornness was sometimes renowned. Instead, you smiled, abandoning the snug, ivory fabric for your field of sage, hastily pulling it on over the swell of your stomach.
It gave you ample time to observe Cregan, whose musculature ensnared you time and time again. He was impressively thick, broad-shouldered and built like the Wall itself. Seeing him standing there in just his trousers made something hot stir between your legs.
You crept forward, shamelessly wrapping your arms around him from behind, and you could feel a tremor throughout his body when he huffed. “I have a handsome husband, a perfect husband — and that is the plain truth.” You hummed, cold cheek burying itself against the warmth of his skin.
Wordlessly, you peppered soft kisses against his spine, and to any scars and bruises that you could see. You listened to the sharp exhale from your husband, who did not protest your actions. Your lips felt like the kiss of snow, still cold from the chilly outdoors.
Cregan let you stay that way, and in-truth, he enjoyed it thoroughly. Those large, calloused hands placed themselves atop yours, lifting both to his lips as he kissed your knuckles. He let them drop, and you caressed him wherever you could. The gesture was soft, but he couldn’t deny the growing sensuality present between you both.
“For the blood of the dragon, your hands run cold, wife.” Cregan rumbled, soothingly tracing his fingers across your wrist, feeling your physique against his back, including the swell of your belly. You pressed your palms against his abdomen, able to feel the taut, subtle muscle there.
“It is a good thing that I have you to warm them,” The silky, soft resonance of your voice brought him comfort. You sounded so relaxed and blissful, feeling him sluggishly turn around within your hold. Cregan cupped your cheek, rough pad of his thumb tracing across your lips. You kissed his thumb. “Kiss me.”
Cregan’s lips twitched into the ghost of a smile, and he instead gestured to the meal he’d brought with him. “Once you eat and have proper sustenance, I might indulge you then, beloved.” He mused, noticing the twinge of disappointment on your face.
“Might?” There was an upward inflection within your tone, as if the mere suggestion of might had offended you to some degree. Your burly husband then caged you within his embrace, palms soothingly caressing along your hips. “Must you insist on tormenting me?” You teased.
With a low grunt, Cregan reached for his tunic, eyes twinkling with mirth. “For now.” Tugging on the dark blue linen of his nightshirt, he gestured for you to eat, sitting beside you at the table. His own chair groaned in protest, and before he knew it, you were devouring your stew.
A mouthful of warm, seasoned broth filled your maw, accompanied with hearty chunks of venison and stewed vegetables. The cuisine in the North differed greatly from the South, not that you minded. You often felt more fulfilled after meals than you used to.
“Gods, that was wonderful,” You groaned, the stew satisfying your cravings. It warmed you to the bone, causing a shudder to roll down your spine as you finished, nudging the bowl aside. “I could eat several servings of that.” Your confession prompted Cregan to smirk.
“Famished, were you?” Cregan mused, watching as you moved out of your chair, cradling your stomach with one hand. He very nearly rushed to assist you, but he knew you would’ve swatted him aside.
“Quite, but I am eating for two. Your child needs it as much as I do,” You remarked, wandering toward the hearth as you extended one palm toward the fire. The comforting heat licked across your flesh, the orange light dancing over your features. “Much better.”
Cregan joined you not long after, guiding you to sit atop the large footlocker at the end of your marital bed, closest to the open flames. His rough fingertips glided over the plane of sage-hued silks, as he admired your womanly form through the fabric. “This suits you.” He rumbled, gently tugging on the silk to accentuate his point.
“Tanea had the seamstress craft me new clothing, given that I’ve grown quite a bit,” Admittedly, you felt some insecurity in your current state, afraid that your husband may not enjoy you as he once had. “I am glad that you like it, husband. I was worried that you wouldn’t.”
Perplexed, chestnut brows furrowed together, his countenance one of clear concern. Slipping an arm behind you, he calmly stroked your side, silently beseeching you to tell him of your worries. He knew what it pertained to, even if it was left unspoken. “Your worries are misplaced. I love you.” He assured.
“It isn’t just that, I — I suppose I feared that you wouldn’t still enjoy me this way. Most husbands in the capital seemed so disinterested when their wives began to show.” This wasn’t the South, and Cregan was as far from a disinterested husband as one could get. He kissed your jaw, letting you rest against him.
“You are carrying our child, the heir to Winterfell — I would continue to love you regardless of what your body might look like. Damn the Southerners,” Cregan murmured, planting a hand atop your belly. “I look at you and I see my wife — I see perfection. My heart calls your name.” For a man so rugged and rough, his words made your blood surge with exhilaration.
Joining his hand, you placed your palm atop his, the one firmly perched against your belly. If Cregan were being truthful with himself, he found you to be painfully beautiful like this, swollen with his child, knowing that he put a pup in you. Those lascivious fantasies had now become reality.
“Ñuha dōna zokla,” My sweet wolf — your High Valyrian often brought him to heel, bringing out the siren’s lull within your voice. Cregan had made a valiant effort to learn some of the language for you, but it never sounded as pleasant on his Northern tongue. “I am yours.” You beamed, lilac hues glistening with ardor.
Bringing a calloused palm to your face, he traced the fine plane of your cheekbone, reveling in the velveteen texture of your flesh. A wolf, brought to heel at his dragon’s side. Cregan studied your Valyrian features, basking in your beauty, coaxing you in for a kiss.
Your mouth was disarmingly soft, catching him off-guard, stealing away all of his coherency. He felt you turn inward, palm planting itself against the thick, corded muscle of his thigh, gripping him tightly as he deepened your kiss.
Something warm stirred within him, a longing to feel your body against his, able to detect the hitch within your breath as he drew you closer. Your wanton need radiated from you in thick, permeating waves, enough to bring him into the intricate web of your desire.
“Easy, wife.” Cregan rumbled, wanting to temper your carnality before it raged into that of a dragon’s flame. Your pleading gaze suggested otherwise, prompting him to caress along the length of your spine. “I do not wish to hurt you.”
A begrudging sigh escaped your lips as you incessantly tugged at his tunic, staring at your husband with furrowed brows. “You wouldn’t,” You uttered, tracing your fingers over his heart. “We do not have to commit the entire act. I simply want to enjoy you in other ways — I miss it.”
Subtlety wasn’t your strongest suit, and Cregan knew this. Arousal stirred within him, cock twitching at your lascivious insinuations. “Hm,” A soft growl left him, one that seemed to share your sentiments. “Is that what my lady commands of me?” He murmured, holding you close.
“She does,” You hummed, treating him to a playful smile as you reached for his chestnut tresses. One of your hands slithered beneath his tunic, feeling along the solid, thick muscle of his abdomen. He stroked at your belly, a stern hum reverberating within his throat. “Gods, I need you.” You exhaled.
With your need laid bare, Cregan heeded you with a fire swirling within his gut. His hand dipped down to the apex of your thighs, pushing beneath your silken shift until he found your cunt. Gods, you were wet already, a tantalizing thing, one that he found delight in.
“You are warm already, beloved.” Cregan’s thunderous timbre raked down your spine, effortlessly gaining your subservience with ease. You shivered, feeling his thick fingers deftly caress across your slit, teasing and toying with you, gathering your slick.
Feather-light touches would have to suffice as Cregan lazily pressed one digit against your clit. His mouth found the slender expanse of your neck, delivering hot, passionate kisses against your throat.
A simpering whine tore past your parted lips, one filled with such urgency as you shifted closer, writhing against the sensation of his hand. Any lick of friction would do, consuming your body with its amatory heat. He grunted into the hollow of your throat, kissing you wherever you could.
Your own mouth found the impressive bulk of his shoulder, seeking to bring your teeth into his flesh. A sonorous, rumbling grunt left your husband when you bit him, leaving behind the crescent marks of your teeth. If it weren’t for your pregnancy, he would’ve marked you in this way, too.
Seeking the softness of your mouth, Cregan’s mouth twitched into a threadbare smirk as he kissed you hard, letting it linger as his hand withdrew from your skirts. A groan of disappointment left you, but he intended on making up for it fully.
He moved off of the footlocker, planting a lasting kiss against your brow. Towering over you, Cregan’s shadow eclipsed most flickers of firelight, gray hues swirling with warmth as he bent the knee to you, his beloved. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that you reveled in.
His massive musculature bullied its way between your thighs, warm palms shifting to caress along your legs, from ankle to calf. He had never seen someone as resplendent as you, breathtakingly beautiful, the blood of the dragon, his wife.
Gathering your skirts within your hands, you fisted the silks, dragging them up until they pooled around your hips. Warm lips embraced the crook of your knee, peppering kisses across your leg, until he reached the velvet flesh of your inner thighs.
Your hips began to tilt forward, seeking the pleasant heat of his mouth, a heat that he gladly granted you time and time again. Cregan kissed his way to the slick warmth between your legs, a thunderous exhale escaping him, chest vibrating with a grunt.
Cregan gingerly adjusted your position, letting your legs rest against his broad shoulders, your back sloped against the furs and footboard of your bed. He pressed a kiss against your mound, nose buried near your pelvis before he made his descent.
A warm lap of his tongue dragged itself over your core, like hot embers raking across your cunt. You sighed, blissfully succumbing to wanton desire, reaching for his crown of chestnut tresses, gripping at the back of his skull. “Cregan.” You whined, head rolling forward just a bit.
Pale waves framed your face, countenance contorted into an expression of sheer and utter bliss, brows furrowing together. Your husband happily found his solace between your legs, mouth pressing hot kisses across your cunt. His hand gripped at your haunch, the other trailing against your leg.
It was ambrosial, your taste; a finest stout, sweetest of nectars that stained his lips with your perfection. Cregan lapped at your cunt, dutiful and attentive, ensuring to find every spot that made you gasp for air.
Nimble digits fisted into the furs at your side, mouth agape as a myriad of throaty moans escaped you. Your hand roamed through his tresses, tugging and pulling whenever his tongue graced the pearl of your cunt.
Splitting past your folds, Cregan tasted every inch of you, tongue seeking your cunt with a fervor. He was vigorous in his ministrations, not shying away from consuming every drop of your arousal. His nose brushed against your mound, hands kneading into your thighs to reassure you, let you know that he had you.
Any inkling of roughness had dissipated from him in the wake of your pregnancy, replaced with a passionate devotion, a rapture reserved only for you. His strong hands held you close, caressing you wherever he could.
You tasted sweet upon his tongue, honey-thick and a feast to sate his appetite. If he would choose his fate, it would be in between your legs, listening to the myriad of moans and throaty whimpers leave you. It was satisfying to know how much you enjoyed this; derived pleasure from it.
A tremor gripped your legs, little spasms of delight making their way throughout your body. Cregan’s mouth forged a blazing path from the hood of your cunt to your entrance, tongue greedy and hot, before he went back up again, seeking your sensitive pearl.
“Cregan!” Gods, he brought you such pleasure, a pleasure that seemed to seep into your very bones, sate your endless yearning, for now. Your legs curled inward, tight atop his shoulders as you rocked yourself into his mouth, doing little to suppress the volume of your moans.
He pressed closer with a wolf’s appetite, throat burning with carnal hunger as he continued to lap at your slick cunt. Your arousal felt honey-thick upon his tongue, something reserved only for him, chin glistening with your nectar. Your legs squeezed at his head, and he knew that he pleasured you well.
Molten heat churned within the pit of your stomach, a sensation that you had been longing to feel again. Cregan did not relent, yet he happened to slow just enough to savor you, dragging his tongue toward that clutch of nerves at the hood of your cunt.
As soon as he pursed his lips around your clit, you nearly forgot your own name, thoughts completely derailed, scattered into a blissful abyss. Your body reacted with shivers and tremors, hand gripping at the nape of his neck with a reckless abandon.
Your back arched slightly, collarbone glittering with perspiration through the thick, warm haze of your chambers. The hearth had brought about a feverish heat, coupled with the throes of your intimate entanglement. Cregan derived satisfaction from your pleasure, delighted to please his wife.
Pliant flesh filled his palm as he cupped your derrière, bringing you closer, letting you grind yourself against his mouth, use him and take whatever you needed. A grunt stirred within his chest, reverberating within his throat as he went about seeking your clit, suckling on the pearl of your cunt.
“Oh Gods,” You moaned, nearly clasping a hand over your mouth to hide the salaciousness of your voice. Surely, the servants had heard you by now — you would be fortunate if all of Winterfell didn’t hear you. “I — I’m close!” Rocking forward again, you let out a whimper.
With a strangled whine, you desperately chased after your release, one that you had sorely needed. Cregan’s cock twitched at the sound of your delicious moans, a shudder rolling down his spine whenever you whimpered his name. “That’s it,” He rumbled, hot breath fanning over your core. “Go on.” His encouragement was softly spoken through his Northern timbre.
He wanted to stay there, rooted between your legs, mouth consuming your cunt as if it were his last meal; a man wrought with starvation.
Cregan favored it, thoroughly reveling in the way your body reacted to him, visceral and ecstatic. He gingerly suckled on your clit, feeling your fingers tighten within his chestnut locks, gripping him tight. He wanted you to have your release, built upon this pent-up feeling.
He could feel your encroaching release, feel the tension in your grasp, the way you let your hips continue to lurch forward. Without relenting, Cregan continued to suck at your clit, letting it intermingle with hot laps of his tongue, dutiful and fervent between your legs.
A comfortable silence filled the gap between you, intermingled with the sounds of your pleasured cries and Cregan’s sonorous grunts. That heated coil within your stomach began to unfurl, bringing an onslaught of arousal with it as you bucked into his mouth.
At last, your peak consumed you in a white-hot oblivion, and you very nearly saw the stars themselves. With a strangled gasp, your legs tightened on either side of his head, followed by a blissful rush of liquid heat. Your grip began to slack upon his tresses, chest heaving from exertion.
Cregan lingered there for a few moments more, tongue caressing your cunt, cleaning up any last drop of your nectar. His mouth glistened with it when he did inevitably withdraw, lashing across his lips before he kissed your thighs, showering you in affection.
“Do you feel better?” He mused, kissing the crook of your knee before standing to his feet. You were positively hot, feeling a feverish warmth crawl across your skin, thighs shaking in the aftermath. You hastily adjusted your slip, regarding him with a gracious expression.
“Very much,” Your confession made him smirk as he helped you into bed, abandoning his tunic at the iron-wrought foot. As he settled down, you joined him, curled within the space at his side. “Would you like me to return the favor?”
Cregan never expected you to do anything that you didn’t want to �� never feel obligated, either. He would survive without a night of release. “Tomorrow, perhaps.” He murmured, moving to rest a hand against the swell of your stomach, caressing your growing bump.
“Thank you, husband — for everything.” A gentle hum left you as you placed your hand over his, allowing him to protectively cradle your stomach. You let your head rest against his shoulder, his arm holding you at his side.
A bemused huff escaped him as he peered at you with mirthful hues, gray eyes that resembled a thunderstorm. “You needn’t thank me,” He assured, briefly pressing a kiss to your temple. “You needn’t ask for it, either.” Cregan enjoyed the taste of your cunt more than anything else.
You couldn’t help but smile, sheepishly moving to press a kiss against his jaw. “I love you,” You sighed, letting your ardor for him be known as you felt your eyes grow heavy. “Tomorrow, I would like for us to see Silverwing. She grows lonely in my absence.”
Cregan knew how much the creature meant to you. He had met Silverwing before, but he dared not climb upon her back — you’d asked it of him several times before. “Of course, beloved.” He murmured, basking in the heat of the firelight.
A sharp, fluttering sensation blossomed throughout your abdomen, prompting you to gasp. It was sudden and unexpected, but not painful. It was foreign, and had been happening on rare occasions.
“What is it?” Cregan questioned, visibly concerned before you dismissed it with a bright, delighted smile. You gently guided his hand elsewhere atop your stomach, pale brows furrowing together as you searched for the source.
“There,” You mused, joyous laughter escaping you as another kick fluttered against your joined hands. “Do you feel it?” It was heartwarming to watch the happiness glisten within his eyes, the way in which he adjusted his position to truly feel. Cregan’s true smiles were a rarity, and you saw it now.
The blood of the wolf and the dragon stirred within, prompting you to smile appreciatively at your husband. This was something the both of you had made with your love, the heir to Winterfell. “They seem strong,” Cregan remarked, leaning over to plant a kiss against your brow. “Perfect, just like their mother.”
His hand never left your belly, even as he maneuvered the furs over the both of you, letting you move to lay against the warm expanse of his chest. Cregan exhaled, staring into the dying embers of the heart, tracing his digits along the swell of your stomach.
“Strong, just like their father.” You whispered, pressing a kiss against his jaw before you settled down for slumber, shielded by the protective grasp of your Lord-husband.
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ilium-ilia · 9 days ago
Daughters with Soft Underbellies
john price x fem!reader | cowboy/outlaw x preachers daughter | masterlist
Chapter One: everything that concerns you is pure prodigality.
tw: western!au, religious abuse, domestic abuse, antiquated punishments, reader is christian, wound cleaning, blood
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He has you kneeling on rice again. 
Unforgiving grains burrow deep into your skin as their wickedly sharp ends pierce straight through your knees. Eyes trained on the scuffed wooden floor below you, you do not look at your father. Leather boots skirt your vision as he paces beside you, slow and with consideration. You swallow and the aftertaste of that morning’s communion dances on your tongue. Sweet wine pairs oddly with your father’s brutality, but it is the only flavor you’ve ever known. 
Bloodied fingers coil around the back of the pew in front of you as he raps your knuckles with a wooden stick no larger than the circumference of his thumb. Searing pain cuts through you with the consideration of an untrained blade, but you are good at willing your tears away. He reminds you that this is your fault, and that this is a terrible waste. A waste of time, a waste of food—everything that concerns you is pure prodigality. Gluttony in its most concentrated form. You can consume nothing—not resource nor time—without it being a sin. 
“Again,” he demands. 
Biting back the acrimony boiling in the depths of your throat, you shift. Rice scatters, bouncing along the floor as it spreads, and you grimace. There is only the slightest amount of comfort to be found in your movement, but it is met by swift punishment. You are not supposed to find solace while in the midst of one of your father’s demanding lessons. 
“Then, they spit on Him. They took the stick from His hands-” 
“Wrong. Again,” he demands. 
Your mind reels as it attempts to recall the sermon your father gave that morning. His words spoken with utmost faith, the ones you are always made to recall as a lesson at the end of each morning, and yet you can’t. It’s patchy. Like the frayed ends of poorly woven textiles. No matter how often you blink, it won’t fix itself. You can only stumble and pray you pull on the right string to unravel it all. 
“Then, they spit on Him. They took the stick from Him, and beat Him with it,” you attempt. 
Once more, you are punished. It’s difficult to hold back the tears now as the skin on your knuckles parts like dried clay in a forgotten riverbed. They’re wide, deep crevices. Broken skin is good. It serves a purpose. It allows you to soak up your father’s lessons directly from the source. 
“Do you not listen at all? Does your mind wander during my sermons? What better things do you have to think about than His word? Again,” he demands. 
“Then, they spit on Him. They took the stick from Him, and beat Him on the head with it.” 
There is a gentle lull that succeeds your recitation. Anxious pacing ceases as your father stares down at your kneeling form, gaze burning into the back of your head. When he hums, content with your answer, you feel every muscle in your body melt. Proud, you look up at him, ready to revel in accolades, but his lips are pressed firmly together. It is the only way he is able to restrain the acidulous words he would otherwise spew at you. 
“Good,” he mutters, though it is flat. There is no pride to be found anywhere within him.
He strikes the stick against your knuckles five more times on each hand. With each impact, he reminds you this is for your own good. This is what a loving father does—a man of God—he teaches his daughter right from wrong. 
As usual, you are made to clean up the mess that remains after your lesson. Rice is swept up by broom and stowed away into the pockets of your apron like treasured pebbles found on a walk, and what little blood that remains on the pew is wiped clean. Your hands ache. They pulse and throb, and the apex of your knuckles sting as if you’ve rubbed salt in the broken skin. You might as well have done as much with the brine that seeps into the wounds each time you rub at your eyes. 
When all is clean, and your transgressions are swept aside, momentarily forgotten, you pray. Your father always says forgiveness is God’s duty. God is the quintessence of love and mercy while your father has proved many times he is not. A devout worshiper and priest, his love and respect is saved for his savior—never his daughter. So you kneel in the pews and bow your head before the cross strung up on the wall above you, and you beg. You apologize for the simple sin of your existence. You pray that God might bless you with the tools to be a better daughter. 
You rise. The church is stilly, and you are alone. You are left to ruminate about your failures in this divine building until it is spotless. There is always more cleaning to be done. Breadcrumbs left from communion, wine that stains the wooden floors nearly as bad as your own blood does, muck from work boots; you are on your hands and knees more often than your own two feet. Perpetually in prayer. Reciting scriptures. Cleaning this house of God until not a speck of sin remains. 
When you are finished with your duties at the church, your father sends you into town to fetch wine. It’s foolish of you to believe he would allow you to sit at the dining table with him and partake in lunch. To enjoy a mouthwatering meal of boiled potatoes and ham. He always sends you out when you look like this—disheveled from cleaning and still trying to stunt the bleeding of your hands. It’s the acme of his lesson: ignominy. Shame digs in deeper, settles in nicer, when there’s an audience to witness it. 
Mr. Beckett’s chickens are roaming the town again. You notice a few stragglers as you come to the end of the path that slowly morphs into the main road. Colorful hens cluck and bob their heads as you weave between them. They feast on small beetles with iridescent exoskeletons that flutter and click between sparse strands of grass, but when they take note of you, they stare expectantly. You try not to wince as your knuckles scrape against the fabric of your apron, hands diving into your pockets to retrieve uncooked rice. They flock as you toss the grains on the ground for them to peck and gorge themselves, putting your punishment to good use. 
Sheep bleat at you just as you turn the corner into town. The flock has grown steady this spring with several new additions of playful lambs that trot after their mothers. They curiously line the fence as you pass by, and cry pitifully as your figure grows smaller in the distance. Townsfolk flutter in and out of steady wood buildings with their pockets full of money, both earned and spent. Your own fingers brush against the cash your father gave you for your task—you keep in mind his words of warning: 
I’ll be counting that change when you return, girl. 
The saloon isn’t busy this early in the afternoon, yet Mr. Beckett is perched at his bar wiping down glistening glasses. Empty tables adorn scratched wooden floors, and the tops are sparkling clean. The summer sun seeps through cracked windows, though the building still seems darker than it should be. A group of four men lurk in the far corner of the bar, each talking lowly and looking at you with shifting eyes, yet you avert your gaze as you approach the bar. 
“Afternoon, Mr. Beckett,” you greet. You muster your best smile as you wipe a hand beneath your eyes, worried tear stains are still visible on your cheeks. “Your chickens are out again.” 
Chuckling, Mr. Beckett pushes the empty glasses to the side to give you his full attention. Wrinkles settle in his face as crows feet wink by his eyes, and they only deepen as he smiles at you. There’s a cheeky twinkle that lurks in his grey eyes, and a rosy color that fills his cheeks.
“I’m sure that broke your heart having to see those critters running amuck along the trail,” he teases. “What can I do for you, kid?” 
“My father sent me to get some wine for next week’s service,” you say. 
“Ah, I should’ve known. Three?” he asks. 
“Yes, please.” 
Mr. Beckett holds up a finger as if to tell you to stay put before he wanders off to fetch your order. Sighing, you look down at your knuckles while you wait. They’ve stopped bleeding, but the blood crusts on your skin like boulders on a mountain. Your father didn’t even give you time to clean the scabs from your hands before sending you off to do his bidding. It’s almost as much of an eyesore as it is a literal sore. 
But—as it is with all wounds—your blood seems to have attracted the dogs. 
Their gazes burn your flesh, and you are suddenly well aware of the men at your back. You had done your best to ignore them upon your arrival, but curiosity gnaws at you with dull, aching teeth. Casting a cautious glance over your shoulder, you soak up swift looks at each of the men. You catch sight of a masked man too large for his own good, a handsome fellow with deep brown skin and kind eyes, a stranger with an even stranger haircut, and a man with a low sitting hat. The brim nearly covers his eyes, but you’re still able to catch the blaze of his cobalt gaze as he stares at you. 
You shiver. 
“Alright, here we are,” Mr. Beckett hums as he returns behind the bar. Glad to have someone else to focus on, you find a smile on your face as he begins to unload the bottles in his arms onto the counter. “Three bottles of red wine. Should be plenty for everyone, I hope.” 
“I appreciate it, Mr. Beckett,” you chuckle. When digging into your apron pocket, you can’t help but wince as your knuckles once again scrape against the unyielding fabric. You play it off with a cough as you present the cash to him. “This ought to be enough.” 
At the same time as he grabs the cash with one hand, Mr. Beckett grabs your wrist with the other. Gently, he turns your palm over until your knuckles are on display beneath the oil lamp that sits just above your head. Pressing your lips together, you keep your eyes on the bartop, too ashamed to witness the results of your own stupidity. 
“Why don’t you grab a seat, kid,” he insists. 
There’s no use in arguing; you’re well aware that he won’t give you your change until you let him clean you up. Sighing, you hop onto the stool and lay your palms flat on the counter while Mr. Beckett retrieves his strongest moonshine. He pours a bit of it onto a rag before pressing it into your cracked skin where it soaks deep like thirsty soil. Your squeak echoes in the near empty room, and you feel your face heat as you attempt to keep your head down. 
“Why’d he do it this time?” he asks. 
“It was my fault,” you insist. 
“You and I both know it wasn’t,” Mr. Beckett retorts. 
You swallow as he wipes the rag along your skin before moving to the next knuckle. “I couldn’t quote his sermon today. I should’ve paid better attention.” 
“Perhaps your father should have more grace. He ought to marry you off already. I reckon you’d find more peace with a husband than you would with him.” 
Things grow quiet between you and Mr. Becket just as the muttering grows louder behind you. Those men—those strangers—make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Still, you are grateful for their presence, as they give you something else to talk about than your unfortunate life as an eternal servant to your father. 
“Mr. Beckett, can I ask about the gentlemen behind me?” you whisper.
He politely drops one hand in order to move to the next, but his eyes stray to strangers at your back. “Travelers. Blew into town a day or two ago. They’ve been doing odd jobs to scrounge up some money, but they’re nothing but trouble, if you ask me.” 
“What makes you say that?” you ask, voice cracking as he starts cleaning your other hand. 
Sighing, Mr. Beckett keeps his tongue between his teeth for a moment as he weighs his options. Eyes turning back to your hands, he pauses as he inspects the blood crusting on the rag. 
“That fellow in the mask… I’ve heard of him. Ghost stories ‘bout him anyway. They all have strange accents. From across the pond, or so they say. They’ve all got this uncanny look in their eyes and… well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’re the 141 Gang. At least, that fellow in the back looks like the man wanted from Blackpeak.” 
This name—141—drops from Mr. Beckett’s lips like it’s supposed to mean something to you, and yet it doesn’t ring a bell. Eyes narrowing, you tilt your head at him. 
“I’m not familiar,” you admit. 
“Dangerous people. Robbers. Murderers. They might greet you with a smile, but just look at how sharp their teeth are, kid. Nothing but wild animals ready to rip out throats for a bounty or good pay. Surprised they’re not wanted by half of The West by this point. They make people disappear, then vanish just as quickly. I’m just hopin’ if I keep my head down long enough, they’ll skip town before they cause any trouble.” 
Neither of you speak as the rest of your knuckles are cleared of debris and coagulated scabs. You are often plagued with the human affliction of having your heart stuck in your throat, but now you know your feelings aren’t unfounded. That tingle in your skin, the heat boiling at the nape of your neck—you wonder if these men even bother to wash the blood from their clothes before pretending to be human. Do they shed their wolf-teeth before attempting to blend into the flock? 
Once Mr. Beckett is content with the dismal state of your hands, he finally gives you your change. You quickly stow it away in your apron pocket before you turn to the several bottles of wine waiting for you on the bartop. You gather them in your arms before you slide off of the stool, eager to get home and well away from this 141 Gang. Yet just as your feet hit the ground, the fabric of your skirt catches on the wood stool, and suddenly your seat comes toppling to the floor with a deafening thud. 
Shame boils deep in your chest where it superheats your blood until your entire body is sweltering. You look up from the mess you’ve made with parted lips, yet no words come out. Your chest heaves as you stare up at Mr. Beckett with wide eyes, yet he only looks at you with benignancy. 
“I-I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean- It just caught-” you stutter. 
“It’s alright, kid,” he interjects. 
Silence envelops you so suddenly that you’re painfully aware of how many sets of eyes are on you. Dark gazes glint in the numbra that lurks in the corner of the saloon. The men look over their shoulders and from beneath the brims of their hats to soak up the view of you—a trembling, pathetic thing that’s about to drop the wine from her hands. 
“I’ll clean it up, don’t you worry about it,” Mr. Beckett assures as he rounds the corner of the bartop, waving you off. “Now, you best be on your way. Shouldn’t keep your daddy waiting.” 
Turning around feels like opening a healing wound—it burns and leaves you trembling as you mutter a farewell and stumble out the door. You keep the wine in your arms clutched to your chest with wounded hands as you rush back home. Sheep bleat and chickens cluck, yet their whining cannot drown out the sound of your heart. That booming thunder as blood gushes through your veins; it still boils. Vermillion waves of unrelenting shame and fear. 
Even on the edge of town you can still feel it—the gaze of those wolves. You pray to God that they leave your sleepy livestock town alone. 
Then again, God has never been merciful in answering your prayers.
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theheartpyre · 2 years ago
Have you been wondering what I changed between the first season of the audio drama and the book?
Do you want to stay up to date with the development of season 2?
Do you want to read the first 7 chapters of the book FOR FREE?
Then signing up to my newsletter is just the right thing for you! Here is what you might find in your free sample (and the rest of the book):
a NEW first chapter that introduces Rena’s family
ANOTHER new chapter that happens in Halvint
the bestest boy Vincent gets more pets!
more visceral storytelling and stronger signs of ptsd (sorry about that one)
more anxiety! more vomiting! (yeah, sorry about that one too)
the found family is familying more
more details about everyone’s backstory (patch notes: family members added to several characters)
Curious? Sign-up for the newsletter here, and start reading the story right away!
(I promise I won’t send a lot of mails, maybe once (or twice) a month, basically only when I have new announcements)
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sleepynoons · 2 months ago
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LOVERS' OATH BY CHEN YU-PENG – diluc ragnvindr (genshin) x afab!f!reader, nsfw / 18+
genre – smut word count – ~2,400 warnings – unprotected sex, fingering, thigh riding, riding, pussy job, creampies, multiple orgasms, husband/wife kink, praise kink, biting, squirting, lingerie, allusions to marathon sex synopsis – your wedding with diluc was a small, intimate event, just between the two of you, the officiant, close friends, and a few notable business partners. and you're glad, because you have more than enough energy to make the most out of your first night together as a married couple.
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It’s funny how your roles are reversed. You’re the more forward one compared to Diluc, but as you’re stepping out of the shower and drying yourself, you keep fumbling and dropping your towel. It takes you thrice as long to put on your robe, and it’s almost impossible for your trembling fingers to tie the silk belt into a presentable bow. Diluc, on the other hand, is sitting on the edge of the bed as he awaits you, eyes closed, palms clasped together over his knees. For once, he feels more collected and prepared. Largely due to your allure, he tends to lose his mind whenever he’s in bed with you, but this time, his determination’s only growing with every passing second, and he intends to see his goal through.
Before you step out of the bathroom, you bounce on the balls of your feet, a weak attempt to shake out some of your jitters. Of course, you delight in your excitement as well. It’s riveting to spend a planned, dedicated, uninterrupted night with your lover, and even more so, when he’s also now your husband. It’s just another title, only one amongst his already large collection of nicknames you’ve given him, but to you, it’s a new label that brings a sense of finality, that he’s to be yours, and you’re to be his, for the rest of your lives, fates forever intertwined.
At the thought, you push yourself out of the bathroom. With a soft smile, Diluc stands and meets you halfway, reaching out to grasp your forearms when they’re within reach. He ends up pulling you in so that you’re pressed against him, and you sigh and sink into his touch so you can envelope yourself with his warmth and scent.
“How was your bath, Mrs. Ragnvindr?” His voice’s only slightly louder than a grumble, and you shiver as you feel his breath against the shell of your ear.
“Very pleasant, Mr. Ragnvindr.” You ghost your lips over the underside of his jaw, leaving a soft kiss when you reach the point of his chin. You feel his arms tense at your motions, fingers curling into the fabric of your robe, before he pulls away, one hand still holding yours, to lead you to bed.
“I’m glad we kept the celebrations to a minimum,” you whisper, though you’re not sure why. It’s only the two of you in the entirety of the mansion right now, yet perhaps it’s because you have faith that Diluc already knows your thoughts and sentiments without you needing to articulate them.
As you thought, Diluc hums in agreement while he helps you sit on his lap, hands falling to rest at the curve of your hips. This position’s dangerous, you think. The robe, made of silk, lace, and traces of chiffon, is thin, and with Diluc wearing his own of the same materials, there’s very little separating your bare bodies. You run the tips of your fingertips up his chest before curling them around the back of his neck. With a gentle tug, you guide his head to tilt upwards, before you slot your lips together.
The kiss is both incredibly soft and positively searing. Diluc’s arms have moved up to wrap around themselves around your back, embracing you so tightly that you’re pressed against each other, chest to chest. It’s a dance that you both know by heart – after all, it’s something you choreographed together. When you part your lips, he surges forward, teasing you with quick licks to the roof of your mouth. When he breaks for air, you suckle on his bottom lip with full intent on leaving bruises in your wake. It goes back and forth, giving more when the other cannot, begging for more when the other’s about to pull away, forgoing the need to breathe because that’s a lesser need when also given the option to taste and kiss and never part from each other.
Your fingers are wrapped in his hair, the strands tugging thickly around your joints, as if his body is tethering you to him in as many ways as it can. Your other hand caresses his cheek, and you notice his skin’s burning, heat traveling through where his skin converges with your fingertips and melds you to him. It’s a little embarrassing, but the thought of Diluc’s blush prompts you to notice the heat pooling in your lower stomach and between your thighs, and you can’t help but let your hips jolt forward, rubbing yourself against smooth silk and toned thigh.
You pitch a moan into Diluc’s mouth, and he swallows it with another lap and dive of his tongue. He shifts you around so that you’re sitting on the peak of one of his thighs, and he grasps at your waist to help guide you as you begin to roll your body back and forth. You  open your eyes for a split second, to find that your lover’s already looking at you, possibly having done so this whole time. You whine, and the corners of his eyes crease, faint traces of joyful crow’s feet evident. In the back of your head, a longing to grow old with him appears, and you hold onto him even tighter in response.
With every rock of your body forward, your front meets Diluc’s hard cock. Your hole leaks simply at the sight of it, and you can’t help but whine whenever his shaft skims your skin. It’s tantalizing, the way that one moment you two are completely up against each other with no room for even air and then, suddenly, the next moment, you’re separating but the brief coolness of the separation only further entices the both of you.
Over time, Diluc helps you go faster and faster. Your whines gradually transform into desperate cries, which he all dutifully devours and savors, and always at the right moment, he pushes you down onto his leg more forcefully to apply delicious pressure against your clit. At this point, with all of the movement, it’s difficult to continue making out, so whenever you’re rolling back, you give Diluc a perfect view of your body’s needy shaking and swiveling.
Diluc’s not one to be very vocal in bed, but even he can’t stop the praises that spill out of his mouth when he sees you in such a state, losing yourself and all your bearings. In between pants and huffs, he groans, “So, so beautiful, my love. So good, so soft. Yeah, that’s right, keep going, you’re incredible.”
Throwing your head back, you give Diluc full reign over your body, and he takes over generously. He glides you over the absolute wet mess you’ve made on his thigh, angling you so that the stimulation against your clit is never-ending. From the corner of your eye, you admire the way his arms, thick with muscle, decorated in proud battle scars, flex and bulge, and you’ve never felt so content with giving yourself entirely to another person. The knot in your stomach builds so smoothly, and finally, when you’re about to reach your high, Diluc times it perfectly so that you release when you’re chest to chest, lip to lip, cock to stomach with him again.
Your body quakes so dramatically that it even surprises you. Hands flying to his shoulders, your eyes roll back as Diluc works you through your climax, tongue lolling against yours, fingernails digging deeply into your sides, thigh flexing against your orgasming core. You can’t even make a noise because you feel so up high, mind uncomprehending and unable to express even a noise to demonstrate your pleasure.
It’s only when Diluc releases you that, by sheer instinct, you take a deep gulp of air, and come back to.
Then, you make eye contact with each other. You only have time to utter a single “You’re the who’s incredible,” before the two of you collide back together.
You tap at Diluc’s chest, a sign for him to lie down, and he brings you with him. In this position, his cock’s nestled between your legs, rubbing against your still throbbing core. You break away, fast enough so that Diluc can’t pull you back in – and he grunts at that –, and sit up straight. With your hands placed on his chest, also chiseled and toned and covered with small red hairs, you resume rolling your hips, making extra effort to ensure that the head of his cock always catches against your folds and gaping hole. Every time his tip hits, Diluc sucks in a breath with narrowed eyes, doing all he can to smother his need to just put him inside of you.
You look down and admire the mixture of your essences. The shine of your wetness, combined with the glossy white of his pre-cum, are smeared everywhere, and you don’t think you’ve ever been this aroused before. However, your admiration causes your focus to shift, and in that split second, due to your carelessness, Diluc’s cock enters inside of you.
It’s completely unexpected. As if Pandora’s Box has been opened, you sink down onto his thick cock, and with every inch you take of him, you feel breaths being punched out of your body. You aren’t stretched out, so it’s hard to take all of his cock in. Noticing the slight crease in your brow, Diluc lifts you off, before filling you back up with two of his fingers. You sigh out of relief, but you quickly find yourself breaking down into a moaning mess only moments later as Diluc works you open with his fingers, an expert in identifying and curling into your favorite spots. Just within a few minutes, Diluc can fit two more fingers into you, and continues prodding all four inside of you until you’re a drooling, cumming mess. He watches in awe as your hole clenches tightly around him, release trickling down to his wrists.
“My love,” he mumbles, reverence and adoration overflowing in his tone. He takes a moment to simply admire your face, tears escaping down your face, nose sniffling, mouth parted and releasing shallow breaths. He then catches the look in your eyes, and although it’s clear you’re a little winded from having climaxed twice already, there’s also an obvious burning desire for more.
After all, you haven’t gotten to the best part yet.
You return to your original position, but this time, you’re not just rubbing yourself against him. Taking his heavy, leaking cock, you tap the head against your clit a few times before taking the entire thing into your hole. This time, he goes in much more smoothly, and you both, quite delirious at this point, moan at the heat and intimacy. You grind and bounce, and the room soon fills with dirty, dirty sounds of your wet skin smacking against his, your ass smacking against his balls, your hole taking in more and more of his dick.
As much as Diluc loves it whenever you take charge and pleasure him, though, he’s still at least sound enough in mind to remember his objective. Even though this marriage is for the both of you, you were the one who made it all happen. You were the one who proposed to him, planned the wedding, entertained the guests, so that he could continue his duties without interruption. It’s only natural, then, that it’s his turn now to show you how grateful he is, to prove to you that’s he more dedicated and committed to you than you can ever imagine.
As your rhythm shakes, partially because your thighs are growing a little weary, mostly because your mind’s too clouded with pleasure to properly coordinate, Diluc seizes the opportunity to grab you by the waist. You almost scream at the sensation of Diluc’s hips thrusting up into you, as his hands force you down with all their might. A yelping mess, you collapse on top of him, and let him reach deeper and deeper inside of you. And it feels so much better, hotter, than before because, for the first time, he’s not using a condom, and suddenly, you’re starting to babble total nonsense.
“Come in me! Diluc! I-I n-need your cum, please! Inside! Ah!”
Diluc’s mind completely blanks. Thus, with no capacity to withhold himself, he bites down onto your shoulder and cums. With his release filling you up, pumping you full with long, sticky ropes, you quickly follow, reaching your third high of the night.
However, unlike the previous times when Diluc gave you brief moments to catch your breath, you find yourself being repositioned so that your back’s against the bed, with your lover hovering over you.
“Again,” he grits, as he nudges your legs apart with his knees. Within seconds, he’s sinking back into you, and your mouth opens to release a noiseless scream. At the unbelievably lewd expression on your face, Diluc growls, the sound so unfettered and wild, carnal in his hopeless and uncontainable desire for your heat and tightness.
He rests his forehead on yours as he begins to thrust.
“Who am I?” he grunts, between heavy breaths.
You don’t understand at first, so entranced at the feeling of being so full. “Huh?” you weakly offer.
“Who am I?” he repeats. This time, he punctuates each word of his question with a blunt shove of his cock inside of you.
“M-my husband!” you cry.
“Good,” he rasps, “and you’re my wife. My wife. Mine for the rest of my life.”
You realize, then, that you never even thought about your new title as Diluc’s wife. Many have already been referring to you as Mrs. Ragnvindr, but for Diluc to call you his own wife? 
Clinging onto his back and shoulders, you moan and cry and scream with every one of Diluc’s movements. “Yes, I’m y-your wife! O-oh! I love you s-so much, Diluc!”
Both of you think you’re seeing the heavens. Diluc can barely mumble his “I love you more” in response, before, with a few frantic pumps of his cock, you both cum together.
It doesn’t end there. After all, it’s your wedding night. Diluc continues to take you over and over again until early in the morning, and you more than oblige, receiving his love with open arms and unconditional trust, while trying to give tenfold of it to him in return.
He’s yours, and you’re his, for the rest of your lives, fates forever intertwined.
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winter event masterlist
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inseobts · 7 days ago
Beautiful Game
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portgas d. ace x strawhat!reader
you meet ace in alabasta with the rest of the crew and start a game that, sadly, you will never finish.
a/n: omg thank you for having faith in me and voting this in the last poll, hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did writing it!!
words count: 2.1k
tags: alabasta to marineford, secret romance, angst, tragedy, hidden love, secretly dating, d3ath
masterlist || ao3 || ko-fi
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You first meet Portgas D. Ace in the middle of the desert, just like the rest of the crew.
Luffy tackles him, grinning ear to ear, while the rest of you stand back, slightly wary of the powerful stranger. But the moment Ace lifts his head, eyes flickering with amusement, something shifts.
His eyes meet yours for only a second, dark, warm, curious, but it’s enough. You don’t know it yet, but this is the start of something dangerous.
Later that night, as you all rest near the campfire, Ace finds you sitting a little away from the group, staring at the stars.
“You don’t talk much” he comments, sitting beside you. His presence is warm, even in the cool desert air.
You smirk “I let the idiots handle that part.”
Ace chuckles “Good strategy.”
There’s a brief silence before he tilts his head “What’s your dream?”
You blink at him, surprised.
“Everyone on Luffy’s crew has a goal,” he continues “What’s yours?”
You hesitate. It’s been a long time since someone asked you that so directly “Just to be free” you say at last “To see the world, live how I want. No chains, no limits.”
Ace’s gaze softens “That’s a good dream.”
You glance at him “What about you?”
His expression flickers, like he’s about to say something but stops himself. Instead, he just grins “to make the whole world know my name, and maybe Luffy's too”
You snort “Sounds like a lot of work.”
“It is,” Ace admits. Then, after a pause “But I don’t mind.”
It’s dangerous, the way your heart flutters. You tell yourself it’s just because he’s charming, nothing more.
But by the time he leaves, slipping you a small, barely noticeable wink before running off into the desert, you know you’re in deep trouble.
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It starts as a game.
Ace sneaks into your life at random moments, meeting you in hidden ports, leaving you messages through Luffy (who will always be oblivious), brushing against your shoulder in crowded taverns.
It’s always brief. Always secret.
Neither of you say what it really is, but you both know.
“This is a bad idea” you whisper one night, his fingers tangled in your hair, lips brushing against yours.
Ace grins, his breath warm against your skin “The worst.”
“Then why are we doing this?”
“Because I can’t stay away.”
And you’re weak, so weak, because neither can you.
But you never speak of a future. Never dare to hope.
Because deep down, you both know this can’t, and won't, last.
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You shouldn’t be here.
The desert air is warm, the stars scattered across the sky like broken pieces of a dream. The sounds of the celebration echo from the city below. Luffy and the others, drunk on victory and food, laughing without a care in the world.
But you?
You’re standing on a secluded balcony of an inn, pressed against Ace.
His lips are fire against yours, searing, desperate. His hands grip your waist, your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer, needing him closer.
This isn’t supposed to happen.
But Ace tastes like heat, like danger, like something you’ve wanted far too long.
“Tell me to stop” he murmurs against your lips. His voice is rough, strained, “Tell me to walk away, and I will.”
You should.
You should shove him back, should say no, but his forehead rests against yours, his breath uneven, his hands trembling against your skin.
And suddenly, the thought of letting him go is unbearable.
So instead, you whisper, “Don’t you dare.”
Ace exhales a shaky laugh, his grip tightening before he kisses you again, deeper, slower, like he’s memorizing you.
Like he knows you don’t have forever.
That night, tangled in each other, nothing else matters.
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After that night, you don’t talk about it.
But it doesn’t end.
Ace disappears with a grin, promising to meet Luffy again soon. But when he leaves, he presses something into your hand... a small, folded scrap of paper.
“Use it when you need me” he says quietly.
You open your palm. It’s a Vivre Card.
You meet his eyes, and something unspoken passes between you.
“I’ll see you again” Ace says, voice so sure.
And then he’s gone.
For months, you tell yourself it was just one night.
But Ace? He never really leaves you.
Messages come in strange ways.
A stranger passing you a note in a tavern: “Took down another Blackbeard scout today. Hope you’re safe.”
A bartender in an unfamiliar town handing you a drink: “From the freckled guy. Says he misses you.”
A merchant, laughing as they slip a shell into your hand: “Play this.”
And when you do?
Ace’s voice crackles through the Den Den Mushi.
“Oi. Still alive, I hope?”
And just like that, he’s with you again.
You talk for hours sometimes, whispering in the dead of night so the others don’t hear.
“You should’ve seen Sanji the other day...” you laugh “He got so flustered over a waitress, he walked into a wall.”
Ace chuckles “Sounds like an idiot.”
“He is” You pause, softer “But he’s family.”
Ace hums “Yeah. Should I get jealous?”
Sometimes, his messages are shorter. More serious.
“Things are getting bad. Whitebeard’s watching Teach closely now.”
“I don’t trust this. But I have to follow through.”
And the worst one:
“If anything happens… tell Luffy I love him.”
That’s when you know.
Something is coming.
And you’re terrified.
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The world is burning.
Explosions, screams, the clash of steel. War rages around you, but none of it matters, because Ace is there, even if chained, bloody and exhausted.
And you are powerless.
Your voice is drowned out by the chaos, but he hears it. His eyes snap to you, widening in shock.
“Y/N?!” His voice is raw, desperate “What are you doing here?!”
Even Luffy shocked to see you, especially after you got separated in Sabaody. Maybe you should’ve stayed away, but you couldn't.
You should’ve let Luffy and the Whitebeard Pirates handle it.
But the second you saw his face in that newspaper, you knew you couldn’t lose him.
And you’re not the only one surprised.
A deep, rumbling laugh cuts through the battlefield, even amidst the chaos. You barely have time to react before a massive figure looms over you. Whitebeard himself.
“So, this is the brat Ace never shut up about” he says, and for a moment, you forget how to breathe.
The Whitebeard Pirates fight fiercely around him, but the way they look at you it’s recognition. Familiarity. And then, Marco steps closer, a smirk tugging at his lips despite the battle raging on.
“Took ya long enough to show up” he says, his tone casual, like you’ve always been one of them.
You blink in shock. Ace… talked about you? Told them about you? And not just that, he made you family, without you even knowing.
You feel something tighten in your chest. There’s no time to process it, no time to react, because the battle isn’t over. But for the first time since stepping into this war, you don’t feel alone.
The battle is a blur. You fight like hell, side by side with Luffy and the others, cutting down anyone who stands between you and Ace.
And then—
The chains shatter. Ace is free, fire roaring to life around him as he stands, fists clenched.
For a moment, just a moment, you think everything will be okay.
But then you see Admiral Akainu move.
And you know.
“ACE!” You lunge forward, but you’re too far.
The fist of magma pierces his chest.
The world stops.
You don’t remember running.
You don’t remember the way your legs give out as you fall beside him, hands pressing uselessly against the gaping wound in his chest, as if that could help him.
All you remember is his face.
The way he smiles, even now.
The way his fingers brush against your cheek, gentle despite everything.
“Sorry” he whispers.
Your breath catches “No... don’t you dare...”
Ace coughs, blood dripping from his lips. His other hand clutches Luffy’s shoulder, voice weak but so full of love.
“Thank you, Luffy.”
Luffy is breaking, sobbing so hard his whole body shakes.
Then Ace’s eyes flicker back to you, something soft and unspoken passing through them.
His thumb brushes against your lips, a silent apology. A silent goodbye.
“Guess… we won’t get to finish our little beautiful game" he murmurs “Sorry Luffy but I really like y/n”
Your vision blurs.
“Please” you whisper, voice shaking “Stay. Just a little longer... please”
But he just smiles.
And then—
The light leaves his eyes.
And your world shatters.
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You don’t remember much after that.
Just fire. Screams. The unbearable weight of losing him.
But the rest of the world remembers.
The next time you’re fully aware, you’re somewhere far away—trapped in a place you never meant to be, just like the others. The crew is gone, scattered across the world, torn apart at Sabaody. And Luffy… Luffy had been alone.
You don’t know where they are. If they’re okay. If they know.
And then, one day, a newspaper arrives.
Your hands shake as you hold it, the ink smudging slightly under your fingers. Your face is on the front page.
Right next to Luffy. Right next to Ace. The world knows.
Thousands of miles away, the rest of the crew stares at the same paper, their hearts sinking.
On Weatheria, Nami’s breath catches as she clutches the newspaper, hands trembling. The old scientists around her murmur in confusion, but she doesn’t hear them, “Luffy… y/n what are you doing there…”
On Kamabakka, Sanji sits frozen, his usual flirtatious charm gone as he reads the headline. His cigarette burns between his fingers, now forgotten “what the hell…”
In the snowy mountains of Torino Kingdom, Chopper’s small paws shake as he grips the paper, his eyes brimming with tears.
On a distant island, Usopp bites his lip so hard it nearly bleeds. He grips the edges of the newspaper, his vision swimming. He was supposed to be stronger. Strong enough to stand beside you.
Even Franky, in his newly rebuilt body, goes quiet. Even Brook, usually one to make light of things, feels something break inside his ribcage. Zoro. Nico Robin. Everyone.
The article spares no details. Your presence at Marineford. The way you fought beside Luffy. The way you clung to Ace in his final moments, your hands stained with his blood.
And the way he had looked at you, as if you were the most precious thing in his world.
They weren’t there to protect you. They weren’t there to fight with you.
And that truth burns.
When Luffy finally awakens, on Amazon Lily, after Law has done everything he could to keep him alive, the pain is still fresh.
You sit by his side, the weight of everything threatening to crush you both.
Luffy is the one to break the silence first.
“I’m going to train with Rayleigh,” he says, voice hoarse but filled with new resolve “For two years.”
You swallow hard. You knew this was coming.
You also knew you weren’t ready to be alone again.
Before you can respond, Luffy speaks again, his voice quieter now.
“Ace really loved you.”
Your breath catches.
You look at him in shock, but Luffy just stares ahead, eyes distant.
“He talked about you, y’know. When we met in Impel Down, he kept saying how mad you’d be if he got himself in trouble.” Luffy lets out a small, sad chuckle. “Guess he was right. I had no idea about the two of you but he told me everything…”
Your vision blurs.
Luffy turns his head toward you, his expression unreadable “You loved him too, huh?”
You swallow past the lump in your throat. There’s no point in hiding it anymore.
“Yeah,” your voice cracks “I did.”
Then, slowly, Luffy reaches out and takes your hand in his, squeezing tight.
“You don’t have to be alone.”
And just like that, you both break.
Later, as Luffy announces his two-year training plan, you clench your fists, the storm of emotions clear in your eyes.
Law watches you carefully. He doesn’t say anything, he just waits.
“…I’m going to be okay” you finally say, lifting your gaze to meet Luffy’s “I’ll wait for you. But for now, Law offered me to stay with the Heart Pirates.”
Luffy doesn’t question it. He just nods, gripping your hand in his, squeezing tight.
“I’ll see you in two years.”
And before he leaves, he turns back to you one last time, his expression more serious than you’ve ever seen.
“Ace would’ve wanted you to be happy.”
And with that, he walks away.
Later, as Luffy disappears into the horizon with Rayleigh, you stand aboard the Polar Tang, watching until he’s gone.
You don’t know what the future holds.
But for now, you’ll keep moving forward. You're going to train with Law, with the Heart Pirates, and get stronger, until it’s time to reunite with your crew once more and get stronger.
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shy-writer-999 · 5 months ago
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Summary: Law has a thing for you, so when he catches you and Luffy fooling around one night, the captain makes him an offer that he can’t refuse. This is very Law-centric. ~2.8k words.
CW: Afab reader w/gendered language (she/her pronouns used a few times), double penetration, plz note that this is consensual~
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Law didn’t like admitting it to himself, but he was painfully infatuated with you. Each moment he spent on the ship (when he wasn’t actively dealing with the Strawhat crew’s nonsense) was occupied with thoughts about you. You were an itch in his mind that he couldn’t scratch.
He realized he had a problem when you caught him staring at you. You asked him straight up, “Is there something on my face?” He stuttered and apologized, excusing himself by saying that he “spaced out.”
Law’s favorite thing about you was your eyes. They were like magnets. Anytime you were around, he could feel himself being pulled towards you, with the nagging desire to just look into your eyes. He had never felt this before and was having difficulty coping. His fixation with you was taking up too much space in his head, it was starting to cause him genuine distress.
Along with missing his crew and Luffy driving him up the fucking wall, your presence agitated him. He was snappy, rude, reserved, and unreadable in every interaction. He swore to himself that he wasn’t this much of a dick usually, but the ship was driving him crazy.
Law was in denial about how intoxicating your presence was. One day he caught himself accidentally musing about what it would be like to ‘room’ and ‘shambles’ you out of your clothes and into his bed. He pretended like it was a momentary aberration.
The next night at dinner, you finished your food and got up to wash your plate. Law’s eyes followed you. Luffy went for another portion of meat at the same time as you, and when he walked past you, he unceremoniously slapped the ever-living fuck out of your ass. You were unfazed, and so was everyone else on the crew.
Law was flabbergasted and his jaw literally dropped. To think that Luffy was involved with you in that way… it broke Law’s brain. He just didn’t see it coming. It made him question his own judgment—why was he caught so off guard by that? Why didn’t he expect the captain of the Strawhats to pull? And why didn’t anyone else on the crew react to that? It must have been a normal occurrence.
He tried to shrug it off, but he couldn’t shake the sight of Luffy smacking your ass, especially the way your ass had jiggled when Luffy’s palm made contact.
Law cursed himself. Fucking hell, he told himself. Get a grip.
Luffy annoyed him beyond comprehension. Sure, Law admired his faith in the crew and his strength, but god, he was annoying. It annoyed him even more to think that Luffy was with you.
A week or so later, Law stumbled into the kitchen after a long day buried in textbooks. It must have been 2AM. Sanji told him there were leftovers in the fridge, so he was going to grab a plate and get back to his cabin.
His eyes were met with a sight that would be seared into his brain forever. He took in the whole scene, in an instant.
Luffy’s back was facing Law, and his shorts were pooled at his feet. You were on the counter, legs spread, naked, with your arms thrown around Luffy’s neck.
He was fucking you, and wet slapping noises sounded through the room—it was a wonder Law hadn’t heard them on his way to the kitchen.
While Luffy fucked you, Law’s eyes darted to the counter. There was a discarded plate of meat a few feet away from where you were being railed. Law put the pieces together. It looks like Luffy wanted a midnight snack, but he found a meal instead.
In the split second that Law stood in the doorway, you locked eyes. Your eyes were lidded, your mouth hung open and sweet sounds were falling from your lips. Your cheeks were ruddy, and your hair was askew.
Law couldn’t pull himself away. His heart did a twisting thing seeing your eyes glossy and lustful like this, and he didn’t even think about looking at your cunt yet. He was entranced, getting harder by the millisecond.
Luffy’s head turned.
“Oh, Traffy!” The captain smiled and did his classic goofy laugh. “Funny seeing you here!”
“Fuck, Strawhat.” Law choked out the words, incredulous. “Can’t you do that in your room?”
Luffy’s hips kept crashing into yours. “What, you don’t wanna try some?”
Law froze. Was Luffy offering you up like some sort of meal? Asking him if he wanted a taste? Law’s cock twitched in his pants. He knew he shouldn’t indulge in this. It was wildly out of character and felt downright wrong. But the way you just sat there, taking Luffy’s cock with that fucked-out look on your face tortured him. He wanted you.
“C’monnnnn,” Luffy entreated him. “I think she wants you too.”
Law blinked, speechless as he saw your hand creep over to your clit. You started to draw circles on it, eyes locked onto Law’s still. What little shred of reason and inhibition left in Law was thrown unabashedly out the window the second he saw your fingers rub your sensitive bud like that.
Without a word, you nodded at Law eagerly and he felt his body go into autopilot. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of you, hard cock lining up with your entrance.
A fleeting moment of reason flashed through his mind. What the fuck am I doing? He banished the thought and brought himself back to the present. You were ready for him.
Your folds were already dripping wet and inflamed. Law’s hands were on your hips and your fingers snaked up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck. He watched your pupils dilate barely, and his heart stopped for a second. He knew what that meant.
Law pressed into you slowly, and you arched your back with a whine, swallowing up his inches greedily, like it was nothing. His cock was girthier and longer than Luffy’s, stretching you out deliciously. It felt better than you could have imagined. And yes, you had imagined it before. How could you not?
Law didn’t even register that Luffy was next to him, fucking his own fist to the sight of Law’s shaft disappearing in you.
“Law, fuck.”
His name coming out of your mouth sounded like music to him. It tingled in his ears, raised his pulse, made blush creep up his neck. He rolled his hips into your core, producing sparks of electrifying pleasure every time his tip nudged your g-spot.
Your walls clenched around Law’s cock and he let out a low groan. The way you were staring up at him, the way that your tits bounced so prettily on your chest, the feeling of your fingers pulling on his hair—it was all going to his head.
“Hey Traffy,” Luffy’s jarring voice cut through Law’s dreamlike state and reminded him of what was actually happening. “Doesn’t she feel so mushy and warm? She likes it when you get her all messed up inside.”
Before Law could choke out an answer, you pulled his neck down and crashed your lips into his. When your legs wrapped around him and squeezed him closer, he was so turned on that he felt like he was going to pass out.
Of course, you loved Luffy’s cock. He knew your body inside and out. But Law’s cock was just different, in a good way. Before he initially pushed it into you, you had observed that Law’s tip was redder and more inflamed than Luffy’s usually was. It was a bit curved too, just barely, and his head was more defined.
Law fucked you differently than Luffy, too. Law treated you delicately and gently, like he was worried he’d hurt you. His eyes were so innocent and shocked that it made your heart melt, and his thrusts were haphazard. Each breath was ragged and shuddering. He was so obviously nervous and flustered.
Luffy kept stroking himself as Law get worked up and lost in pleasure fucking you. Anything having to do with you turned Luffy on—regardless of who was fucking you, Luffy was just happy to see you wet and panting.
Each jerk of Law’s cock into you elicited some desperate variation of a groan or grunt from him. You had admittedly underestimated how muscular the doctor was. He was shredded—his pecs were defined and hard, along with his arms, abs, every part of him. His tattoos emphasized how gorgeous he was.
“Don’t keep her all to yourself, Traffy,” Luffy frowned and huffed. He liked to see you getting ravaged like this, but he wasn’t full yet. “Wait, I have an idea.”
Law paused his hips and pulled out of you. When you whimpered at the emptiness, he felt like he would implode.
Luffy commanded Law to lay down on the floor (which initially Law thought “fuck no” to, but he realized that he’d have to comply if he wanted more of you). You sat on top of Law, cowgirl-style. As you sunk down on his cock, his hips bucked up inadvertently. He threw his head back and turned crimson—he could hardly control his body and it was taking every morsel of discipline to stay still.
Luffy told you to lean forward. You collapsed, bracing yourself on Law’s bare chest with your ass in the air. Law’s heart was beating so fast that you could feel it, and if he didn’t know better, he would have been worried it would stop entirely.
As you nuzzled your face in the crook of Law’s neck, Luffy positioned himself behind you. He started loosening up your other hole, working it open gradually as you let out sounds of whiny protest.
While you laid there nestled up to him, Law could feel you pulse around his cock. You cockwarmed him few minutes before Luffy decided you were sufficiently loosened up. Each rogue throb of your cunt made him feel crazier. He had half a mind to flip you over and fuck you prone bone until you screamed his name.
Meanwhile, the captain spat in his hand and rubbed saliva and his precum down his shaft, lubing up before he pressed his tip to your entrance. “You ready for me?” He asked gruffly, and when you nodded into Law’s neck, Luffy began to enter you.
You moaned in what was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Law could feel the pressure from Luffy’s cock making you tighter. He couldn’t comprehend the reality of this situation. If he had been in his right mind, he would have just ran out of the room the second he saw you and Luffy fucking. But he wasn’t in his right mind, and he hadn’t been since the first time he saw you.
When Luffy bottomed out you twitched in discomfort. “Luffyyy.” Law could hear the frown in your voice. He felt your hot breath on his neck, and it gave him goosebumps. “It hurts. ‘m too full.”
“Hang onnnn, it’ll feel good soon.” Luffy responded carelessly, rolling his eyes. He started to rock his hips into you slowly. Law laid motionlessly with his cock in you. He was worried about hurting you. He closed his eyes. No point in watching Luffy fuck you from this angle.
After a minute or so, you let out a muffled keen in Law’s neck. You latched your lips onto it and sucked harshly; his breath hitched.
Nothing could beat the feeling of being filled up like this. Sometimes Luffy would do it with toys, but having another cock inside you along with Luffy’s was just an unreal sensation. The pleasure wasn’t just in the feeling of being double penetrated—that was an added bonus. What set this apart from the toys Luffy would use on you was the fact that Law’s cock was real, warm, fleshy, and jumping. It was accompanied by a man, by this man, who looked even better up close, blushing bright red and buried inside of you. He smelled good, musky and clean at the same time, he looked hot with his hair ruffled a bit, and his stubble felt nice anytime it brushed your cheek.
When you were warmed up enough, you started to grind down on Law’s cock and back into Luffy’s, effectively fucking yourself harder with both. Now that heat was burning in your cunt again, you were insatiable.
“I told you it would feel good,” Luffy teased when he felt you pushing back on his cock, and you murmured a quiet “mmmhmmm.”
You moved your lips from Law’s neck to his ear, biting on his earlobe. He inhaled sharply again. You somehow managed to turn him on more than he thought was possible. “Harder, Law.”
He jerked his hips up at your words and you moaned again, directly into his ear. That was almost too much. He was holding on for dear life. Your lips wandered from his ear to his jawline and smashed onto his, giving him sloppy kisses as you fucked yourself with his cock. You bit his lip and parted his lips with your tongue. He was a spectacular kisser. You suspected as much.
Luffy’s shaft in your ass made you feel extra tight—Law couldn’t believe how good you felt. He felt like he was floating in pleasure. His hands came up to rest on your waist as he pushed up into you—he (once again) forgot Luffy was there.
Your thighs shook and Law groaned with every thrust. His voice was deep, carnal, and gravelly.
Luffy could tell that you were about to cum. He pulled out.
“Traffy, you can cum in her. I know she’s hungry for me, so I’ll wait.”
“L-law,” you mewled into his mouth and pulled your lips away from his. A string of saliva connected your bottom lips. “I’m close. Fuck me harder. I need you.”
Law nodded clumsily. If he was more cognizant of reality, he would have thought it was odd for Luffy to just pronounce and claim that it was fine if he (Law) came in you. But since you didn’t seem to have a problem with it, he guessed that he didn’t either. (You didn’t have a problem with any of it, and Luffy knew that.)
Law’s hands wandered down to grab rough fistfuls of your ass, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart as he rutted his cock up feverishly.
“Gonna cum, Law” your voice was strained.
“F-Fuck, do it,” he grunted, breathless. “Cum for me.”
You bounced on Law’s cock, desperately angling him towards your g-spot for a few more moments before you started to squirm and writhe, whining his name at a deafening level. You convulsed in pleasure, creaming around his cock in ecstasy.
Feeling you spasm around him and moan his name—something he had fantasized about countless times before—sent him over the edge. He shuddered and bucked into you one last time before he was completely lost in oblivion. His hot cum exploded in you as his whole body tensed.
Law’s seed oozed out of your cunt and down his shaft as he let out one last body-wracking groan—but you cut him off with a kiss, a passionate and sweet one. He didn’t know the nature of your relationship with Luffy, but he wondered if you kissed Luffy like this. Your kisses were tender and soft, unexpected and welcomed.
“Gosh, I know you like him a lot, but I’m starving over here.” Luffy complained impatiently and you pulled away from Law’s lips with a smile. Luffy rolled his eyes. “You guys can keep kissing later but now it’s my turn.”
Law was confused but tickled, beyond his better judgment. Had he heard that right? You liked him a lot? He could keep kissing you later?
When you pulled yourself off Law’s cock, Luffy picked you up and sat upright. He made you straddle him as he fucked you silly. Law, in a daze, watched Luffy coax another orgasm out of you, and when Luffy came inside of you he pulled you off his cock and sat you up straight. You could hardly hold yourself up.
“There. Law, your turn now. Go get her cleaned up or keep fucking her, I don’t care. I’m gonna get something to eat.” You giggled and Law sat up on his elbows. Both of those things happened, coincidentally enough—Law got you cleaned up then brought you back to his bed and fucked another couple orgasms out of you; it should go without saying, but they were euphoric and toe-curling. It wouldn’t be the last time.
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ta-da!! i think this is another one of my faves so far for my kinktober thingy.
here’s my masterlist and here’s my posting schedule for october.
also, trick or treat?
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