#a little s13 spoiler
miss-ute · 1 year
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luna-writes-stuff · 11 months
Home Sweet Home, Lucifer
Song link
Fanfic, gn! reader
Reunion, platonic/romantic (depends on interpretation), S13 E07!
Word count: 1963
Tw: I had absolutely no motivation when I wrote this, so I’m sorry it if sucks. Use of swear words, SPN series centred. Obvious spoilers for S13. That’s all? Can be read as platonic. (NOT PROOFREAD)
Summary: When Lucifer finally escapes out of Apocalypse world, he is left on the streets without powers. It would seem as if you were meant to come across him, and save him from the people mistaking him for a homeless person.
Requested by @blueangel-love . I’m sorry if it isn’t what you had hoped! Inspiration was very low for this one but I did my best. I made another Lucifer reunion fic this month! It’s a better version! You can find it right here <33
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more!
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“You know I'm a dreamer
But my heart's of gold.
I had to run away high,
So I wouldn't come home low.”
Not two seconds ago, he had stood in a different world, fighting to get out of it, and now, his face was met with the hard concrete of the sidewalk. Bright sunlight immediately blinded him, the sight very different than what he had been used to in those past short weeks. Confusion seeped into him as he roughly got up, looking at all the people walking around him.
“What is this?” He muttered to himself. “Cincinnati?” He was deliberately ignored by bypassers, only gaining dirty looks, or eyes directly glued to the ground. “Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?” He wondered to a woman, but she ran from him before he had the chance to resume. “Just a moment of your time, sir? ‘Cause I don’t know…” But the man had already left before he could finish his sentence.
This was stupid. He was Lucifer of all people. He wasn’t to be ignored by simple humans. He could curse himself for even trying to be polite.
“Oh my god, when are they ever gonna get those people off the street?” A woman scoffed as she and her friend pushed past him, ignoring his incredulous looks. “Excuse me? Those people?” He repeated, following them in slight offence. “No eye contact, Beverly.” The same woman mumbled. “You have no idea who you’re talking to, lady.” Lucifer threatened, though it didn’t come off as terrifying as it usually did. He knew it.
“Just when things went right,
It doesn't mean they were always wrong.
Just take this song,
And you'll never feel left all alone.”
The woman sighed, reaching into her pocket as she handed the blonde a dollar bill. “Here. And don’t go spending it on drugs now.” Scoffing at the little paper, Lucifer balled it up, throwing it over his shoulder. He chuckled at her, shaking his head in disbelief: “I’m Lucifer.” But as he snapped his fingers, nothing happened to her. Instead of a bloodcurdling scream or a plea for mercy, a joyful laugh came out. “Honey, you’re not Lucifer. My ex-husband’s Lucifer.”
You didn’t know how it even happened. You watched him forced into an otherworldly portal not a month ago, and suddenly, the devil himself had been standing on the sidewalk of a random town. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that he was there. He must have been looking for something.
Dread settled in as you watched him threaten the ladies, though they didn’t seem scared by his appearance. “Oh my god.” You whispered to yourself, shoving your fake ID back into your pocket before running up to the three, placing your hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. “Hey, there you are!”
Immediately, the fallen angel spun around, his eyes widening as he came face to face with you. “Y/N?” He voiced, his voice flooded with relief, which you had trouble understanding. “Oh, am I happy to see you!”
“Take me to your heart.
Feel me in your bones.
Just one more night.
And I'm coming off this long and winding road.”
You and Lucifer hadn’t been the best of friends in all honesty. Out of everything you had to deal with and he had to deal with, you simply seemed to be bothered about each other the least. In fact, you had actually helped him a handful of times - if that didn’t include him trying to murder everyone and take over this world. Be that as it may, it still took you by a huge surprise when he wrapped his arms around you to force you into a hug.
You didn’t quite know what to do. If his intention was to smother you to death, he was failing miserably. You awkwardly patted his back before he let go of you. “I am so sorry for the inconvenience!” You faked towards the two women. “Forgot to take his meds this morning.” “What?” He interrupted, waving his hands in dismissal: “No, I’m fine.” “Thank you for looking out for him!”
You quickly grabbed the angel’s arm, setting a fast pace as you tried to pace your way through the crowds. He simply followed you as if it was the most natural thing ever. When the biggest crowds of people had departed, you stopped, turning to him with a scowl. “What the hell were you thinking?” You scolded. “And how the hell did you get back here?”
He refused to answer. He just looked at you as if you were the most interesting thing he had ever seen. “Lucifer?” “I’m just so glad you’re here.” He breathed, pulling you into another hug. You frowned at the notion, now hugging back, though nowhere near cosy yet.
“I'm on my way, I'm on my way.
Home sweet home.”
“Are you okay?” You asked him, pulling from his embrace for a second time. “Yeah, yeah, just fine.” He shrugged. “I gotta figure this out because this…” He snapped his fingers, pointing towards a man across the street who was caught up in his phone. “Isn’t working.”
You breathed an ‘ah’ of understanding, shaking your head at him. “Your test drive for your grace is to intend on killing people then see if they explode?” “Yeah!” He laughed, as if it was the most obvious thing. You merely nodded at him in uncertainty. “Right. Yeah, sometimes I understand why the Winchesters hate you.” “Wow,”
You ignored his sarcastic scoff. “What are you doing here?” Two people walked past you, causing you to grip his shirt, pulling him to the side of the street. Lucifer seemed completely unfazed by it, easily answering your question as if it was the most obvious thing in the world: “Oh, Kevin opened a rift and I jumped in.” “Kevin?” You voiced in surprise. “Other world Kevin,” he clarified, nodding his head from side to side. “Met my other world brother; total douchebag.”
“Tonight, tonight
I'm on my way, I'm on my way.
Home sweet home.”
You didn’t respond to that, still unsure of what to make of the entire situation. Lucifer smiled at you, widening his arms in glee. “But you’re here!” “Yeah,” you nodded. “We should get you some clean clothes.” “Don’t worry about it,” he shook off. “I gotta get to Heaven, though. Get some extra juice.”
You could have cursed him for immediately running off to heaven again. Regaining your grip on his shirt, you forced him into a back alley, making sure you weren’t seen by anyone. Pushing him against the wall, you gave him an accusing look. “Lucifer,” “Hello.” He smiled, that ever-evident cheeky expression on his face. You did your best to keep your face neutral. “You can’t just come here out of nowhere without any grace whatsoever, then expect to waltz into Heaven and expect them to hand some extra to you.” “Well,” he sighed, stepping out of your hold, shrugging as if it was nothing.
“I can.” All you gave him was an unimpressed look. He frowned at it. “I’m not weak.” “I could take you in a fight right now.” You remarked. Once more, that stupid cheeky expression returned: “Oh, are you sure?” “That wasn’t a challenge.” You sighed.
“Too bad. Was looking forward to it.”
“You know that I've seen
Too many romantic dreams.
Up in lights, falling off the silver screen.”
Asshole or not, he knew when to stop. Sometimes. But now, he could see the conflict in your eyes. He knew you got along well with the Winchesters and their angel. “Listen,” he mumbled. “I appreciate the concern, but I am an excellent bluff,”
You couldn’t suppress your chuckle at his words. “Right,” “Not to you apparently.” He continued. “I spot tells.” “Which is why I like you.”
You weren’t an idiot. You knew what had happened with Heaven and everything - Castiel had told you many times. And though there was nothing you could do to halt Lucifer’s ultimate demand of the sanctuary again, you never failed to remember the disappointed looks on the faces of your closest friends. You couldn’t even completely explain why you and Lucifer got along so well. You simply seemed to.
“My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read.
Sometime nothing keeps me together at the seams.”
“Come on,” the angel almost whined. “I really gotta get amped up. Right now, I’m just… useless.” “Ouch,” you commented, knowing his celestial powers weren’t there now, which practically made him human. “So, will you help me?” He finished.
You observed him for a short second. Considering everything he had done in the past, he looked truly miserable now. And that wasn’t necessarily due to his appearances. Something had changed within him and you could easily see it. And if you could, so could others.
“If I said no, you couldn’t explode me.” “No,” he answered. “But you’re gonna say yes.” His confidence was what took you aback. “Why is that?” “Because I like you,” he spoke plainly. “And you like me. It makes sense.”
“I'm on my way, I'm on my way.
Home sweet home.
Tonight, tonight
I'm on my way, just set me free.
Home sweet home.”
He was so full of himself at some times. It made you all the more cautious of his actual plan. “And your plan after regaining your grace? Back to ruling Heaven?” “Haha, you’re so funny.” He spoke sarcastically, his laugh dramatically fake. Then, he shook his head, shrugging to his next words as if it was nothing: “I’m going to meet my son.”
Something in your face shifted upon his words. He saw it immediately, taking a step back at your reaction: “You met him?” Even if you would lie, he’d know. “Yeah.” “So, you can lead me to him?” He encouraged, his voice filled with eagerness. You had trouble rejecting it.
“Lucifer, listen. There are bigger issues going on right now.” “Such as?” He deadpanned. “Bills? Food? Other mortal things?” “Asmodeus.” He stopped ranting as soon as you spoke those words, disgust evident in his features. He didn’t even try to hide it in his words: “Ugh, he was such a pain in the ass.”
“Yes, and now he’s our pain in the ass.”
“I'm on my way, I'm on my way.
Home sweet home.
Yeah, I'm on my way, just set me free.”
His eyes fell on his surroundings for reasons you could not place. Usually, he wouldn’t think twice about dismissing your offer and disappearing. But you were a welcomed sight after the apocalypse world, and he couldn’t just disappear now. You were his safest bet without his grace.
“Okay,” he relented. “We’re going to Heaven, regain a bit of my grace, I’ll help you handle that asshole Asmodeus and you arrange a little meeting - father-son, you know?” You blinked rapidly at him, still not sure how you managed to convince without as much as a ‘please’ or ‘thank you’. He couldn’t stand your hesitance.
“Come on, whaddya say?” The Winchesters would hate you for this.
You’d recover.
“Get rid of Asmodeus first,” you offered. “Then, we’ll see how it goes.” “I knew there was another reason I liked you!” Lucifer exclaimed as he clasped your shoulder, unable to withstand the smile on his face.
This was probably going to turn out to be a horrible idea, but you’ve done worse things in your long line of work. And there seemed to be something about him now that made him much easier to read. If he was going to betray you, he would hurt himself doing it. He’s too vain to let that happen.
And besides, being close with the devil had its perks.
“Home sweet home.”
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 19
Link for Seasons  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15 16 17 18
You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S19E1 Stunning and Brave is CANON
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This is a big one. Principal Victoria gets fired and Peter Charles Principal replaces her at South Park Elementary. S19E2 Where My Country Gone? is CANON
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Herbert decides to be a politician which will shift the whole storyline for that character in a big way. Butters also gets into a relationship with Charlotte. S19E3 The City Part of Town is CANON
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Three packed episodes in a row! In this one the whole town is evolving, getting updates and new hangout places, we're deep in the gentrification. S19E4 You're Not Yelping is LORE
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David gets included with the boys, and I wish it would have stuck, but it really didn't, however in the next few episodes they act like it did. Gerald starts enjoying writing mean things on the internet, which is somewhat of an important character development for him. but it's not enough to be considered ultimately necessary. S19E5 Safe Space is CANON
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Reality makes Butters jump out of a window, which causes him to wear a neck brace for the rest of the season, and then he has to execute Reality. S19E6 Tweek X Craig is CANON
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The japanese have decided that Craig and Tweek are now a couple. Cupid Me also returns. S19E7 Naughty Ninjas is CANON
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Barbrady gets included in a larger conspiracy case which somehow inlcudes both Leslie AND PC Principal? S19E8 Sponsored Content is CANON
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The annual Jimmy episode actually invokes the main storyline of the season, fighting against commercials. S19E9 Truth and Advertising is CANON
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Leslie moves on from Jimmy and gets into a relationship with Kyle. S19E10 PC Principal Final Justice is CANON
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PC Principal expels Leslie, it's revealed that Mr Mackey fired Principal Victoria, and Herbert goes on to run for presidency, setting up the next season.
S19E1 Stunning and Brave is CANON S19E2 Where My Country Gone? is CANON S19E3 The City Part of Town is CANON S19E4 You're Not Yelping is LORE* S19E5 Safe Space is CANON S19E6 Tweek X Craig is CANON S19E7 Naughty Ninjas is CANON S19E8 Sponsored Content is CANON S19E9 Truth and Advertising is CANON S19E10 PC Principal Final Justice is CANON *There's a character who gets development in this episode and will be seen hanging out with the boys during the next 3 episodes with little to no lines.
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game S18: 8 out of 10 S19: 9 out of 10
Overall: 120 out of 268
Personal notes: At one point I thought S19 will be the first full-canon season, ultimately You're Not Yelping doesn't have enough follow-up for that. However, just like S6 it doesn't have any clear filler episodes.
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arkhaline · 5 months
My Complete Thoughts on RvB: Restoration
Major spoilers for the entire season below the cut!
I think the biggest sin of this season was not clarifying when it takes place, as it cheapened a lot of the twists by genuinely confusing me or contrasting information that we had already been given in S15-S18. Keep this in mind for the rest of the review.
Maybe the allusion to Caboose’s voice being “misremembered” was confirmation that it was in fact a simulation post-S13, but it still wasn’t super clear to me. Especially since Dylan was talking about the Reds and Blues (even though I know they met post-S10), which kinda made it feel like Restoration could be post-S18 (unless that was the point). There was just enough ambiguity that it really could have gone either way for most of the movie.
I feel like the humor was a bit off?? Maybe it was a generational gap since the show was going back to someone who hasn’t written for it in a while and is older than the current writers (case in point: he used tropes that Gen Z makes fun of a lot, e.g. he’s right behind me isn’t he). The Zoom call bit also went on WAY too long. The metacommentary about the changing attitudes toward RT also felt a bit tone deaf. In general, a lot of the trademark RvB banter just felt stale, it was the more general dialogue that was stronger (though Church telling Caboose to shut up when Simmons was talking did make me laugh).
Also, Grif was so angry all the time at the beginning?? Felt out of character and took me out of those early scenes. Maybe it was a setup for the whole discharge subplot but it just felt… off
The writing was just a bit clunky at the beginning, felt very direct and exposition-y, but that might be because they had so much to cover in so little time. It resolved itself later, anyway (except for the rapid fire ending, there was so much to unpack there).
Alright enough complaining about the general format, here are my more detailed thoughts.
Sheila!!! That is all.
I can excuse Caboose secretly speaking Spanish the whole time because there was a bit in S16 (maybe 17? can’t remember) where he understands something that Lopez said.
I initially completely missed the fact that the Meta’s color scheme was an allusion to Felix, that is so fucked up. Tucker dressed in the colors of the man he hates the most about to kill his closest friends? Jesus.
The Director being Epsilon’s therapist in the YouTube video made me laugh really hard.
Speaking of therapists, Wash was patient 619-B and I think that was the Counselor’s voice. Is the implication that he survived in this timeline?? Because he died before Epsilon fractured himself, so that much should at least be set in stone. Not really clear on that.
The “Great Destroyer” thing felt a bit retcon-y, but I can get behind it well enough.
I got so excited when 479er showed up, glad that we got confirmation that she made it out of Recovery okay. Wish we could’ve seen her and Wash (and Carolina) interact though.
I wish they had done Sarge’s death a bit differently. Kinda wish he hadn’t been all “that worked out well!” only to be stabbed, it felt very “he’s right behind me isn’t he” and made the fact that he was about to be stabbed obvious from a million miles away. There’s definitely something to be said about him sacrificing himself for a blue, and the deathbed interactions he had with the others were really good, but it kinda just felt like shock value?? Like there wasn’t enough build up to the payoff, it just kinda seemed like he decided to save Caboose last minute without any major character motivations or development behind the decision.
Which is another thing, it felt like it relied a LOT on Red vs. Blue dynamics in the beginning, and I was fucking flabbergasted when they actually left Caboose behind. The same people who broke time to save Wash would just leave Caboose to die like that? No way.
Meta!Tucker felt like it wasn’t explored enough, mostly just “no I won’t do your bidding” and “yes you will” back and forth with no real depth. However, credit where credit is due, I LOVED how this gave us a new perspective to Maine’s descent into madness. That ten-years-of-torture-in-a-few-seconds thing? So fucked up. Can you imagine being tortured by the remnants of your best friend, who have zero regard for your well-being? If they did all of that to Tucker in the short time they were together, just imagine what they did to Maine to get him to the point he was at at the end of S10/by Recollection.
Bonus points for the fact that the fragments tortured Tucker without a second thought when they themselves are a result of torture. They seemed to spare no empathy for Tucker despite having been through this themselves. Then again, I suppose they are they are copies of the original Leonard Church, who had no such qualms.
Didn’t realize that Meta!Tucker was voiced by Miles Luna (aka Felix’s voice actor) until the credits, that was an extra layer of fucked up and I loved it.
I really enjoyed Wash’s plot for the most part. I was definitely super intrigued the whole time since so much of his subplot didn’t add up from his perspective. I mean, I think he deserved something more for a send-off since most of his arc wasn’t really related to his character as a whole (besides the freelancer thing at the end). However, I still enjoyed it for what it was worth.
Additionally, if this is post-S13, I wish they’d clarified because I assumed that Wash was suffering from cerebral hypoxia and not some other injury. They kept alluding to something that happened on Chorus, but I wasn’t clear on the fact that it was a separate timeline of events. The Doc plot twist threw me off a lot more as a result.
I could tell he was gonna launch himself off the cliff and it still made me laugh hysterically.
I’m glad that the final battle was in Blood Gulch. It’s cliché, but it felt full-circle. Plus, it was the best resting place for Sarge in canon and a good set-up for a “why were we here” moment.
I knew Simmons was gonna have his arm broken but I still gasped anyway. And when the shotgun was cut in half??? Bro my jaw was on the floor, it was like when John Wick’s dog was killed (probably, I’ve never seen that movie). But the way Simmons cocked the shotgun with one hand was badass as hell, good for him.
I’m glad we got something resembling a Simmons character arc? I think it relied a lot on setup from previous seasons of him becoming a leader, with little to no actual development in S19 itself, but it still felt at least decently satisfying.
“Best throw ever. Of all time” made me laugh, I love a good callback. Actually, there were a lot of fun callbacks to jokes, like the irony bit. They were greatly appreciated.
Tucker getting launched by a warthog actually made me laugh really hard, I love the “shotgun as a code word” bit so much.
The Tex plot twist was SO GOOD, I totally didn’t see it coming. Much better direction to go anyway, since we already put Church to rest in S15. So glad that Caboose was able to get his moment in the spotlight and have the smartest plan of all of them. Unless it was Church’s plan, in which case I find it so sweet that he wanted to bring Tex back instead of himself (even if it did cheapen the S9 “let her go” thing a bit). I also really loved the callback where her armor turned black because of the teleporter, that was really good.
I got so excited when they started playing Round One I’ll be honest. Also, I Say Ooh?? Was not expecting that one.
In all honesty, I didn’t love the soundtrack (kinda felt stock music-y and cliché in a lot of parts, plus it didn’t have the musical style that we’ve come to expect from RvB). It was fine, but nothing to write home about. The campfire song was good too. I know about the whole thing where Trocadero wouldn’t join on unless everyone was brought back on, and now that we know that RT is shutting down, it’s possible that this was because multiple musical artists just weren’t in the budget. That said, it’s a shame that there weren’t more original songs.
I called that Carolina was gonna be Recovery (though now I think about it, why was she doing Recovery?? was it even Recovery since Charon had been shut down??? What happened to her after Chorus???? Also her talking about how her and Wash would do everything together from now on meanwhile she left him behind in some hospital?????). Anyway, the fight with her and Tex was SO fan service-y but I ate it up anyway, good for them.
Tex winning because she was a collection of the Reds and Blues’ memories and she always won against them was so, so good, something to be said about the positive nature of the memories of your friends (I mean just look at how happy they had been when recounting everything they’d been through!)
Also if just talking about someone was enough to create a functional AI, it kinda makes the whole “torturing Alpha to make more AI” thing totally pointless and retcons the entire show but. Whatever.
TEX DESERVED THIS ENDING!! I like the S9 ending in a lot of ways, it was poetic that she was finally allowed to rest after being dragged back so many times against her will, but I think it also felt incomplete because I don’t know if being put to rest was what Tex herself would actually want. There is a significant difference between not electing to bring her back again and choosing to take her out of the fight. Tex was never allowed to make her own decisions, not even in S9. This ending was entirely on her terms, which I think was fantastic.
I loved the rockslide, it reminded me a lot of the ice fight from S8 was just generally very fun.
It’s established that Tucker became the Meta because he had several AI when just two was enough to almost kill Carolina. If this isn’t the canon timeline, then why didn’t Tucker become the Meta in that one? For a reason besides “the writers didn’t think of it”.
I hope that Burnie came up with the idea for this season by reading Meta!Tucker fan fiction.
The Doc thing was so??? Why did they do a Sixth Sense. Like I think that twist would have worked a LOT better if they made it clearer when this took place (I kept flip flopping on whether this was an alternate timeline post-S13 or main timeline post-S18 up until this point, which made the whole Doc-died-on-Chorus thing feel like it came out of nowhere since, if it was post-S18, we knew that Doc survived Chorus. It also makes Epsilon’s sacrifice to get them all out of there feel a bit cheaper since they didn’t all get out of there, but maybe that suggests that S15-S18 are the main timeline).
How did Doc heal Wash’s leg?? Was it even broken in the first place??? Did they ever clarify that????
I GASPED when the Freelancers showed up. It was camp as hell and hard to take seriously but also I don’t even care. I’m glad he got some kind of goodbye, since he was always too late to do so as a Recovery agent.
Kinda funny that Wyoming wasn’t there but Florida was, and also South was there even though Wash murdered her in cold blood. Anyway.
When One showed up I felt every emotion I think
Bro where the hell was Donut? There was no good reason for him not to at least show up, maybe on the pelican with One or something. Especially since S16 and S17 were dedicated to an entire arc about how everyone should stop disrespecting Donut, like come on.
Edit: did a little research and it might be because there’s no pink armor in the game this season was filmed in? Which is so hard to believe, since Halo has so many references to RvB. I can’t believe they would just cut out the armor colors of one of the main characters and make it impossible for him to return in the way we know him, it’s messed up.
I know time was short, but I wish we had more time to explore Tucker’s feelings post-Meta. Especially since he killed Sarge, even though it definitely wasn’t his fault. There probably wasn’t enough time to get into all that, but still, he seemed remarkably fine after everything that had happened. I guess that kind of exploration is what AO3 is for lol.
I have mixed feelings about the end for Tex and Church. On one hand, Tex calling herself Allison Church was so sweet and I loved how caring she was, it reminded me of when she said goodbye to Alpha during the Freelancer saga. Also, the fact that there was finally a Church free of the memories of his predecessors felt very satisfying. However, I kind of wish that they could have just had their happily ever after and stayed in the memory unit. I understand the decision—destroying the remaining AI was really the best way to make sure Project Freelancer was put to rest forever—but I kinda feel like she and Church deserved better than simply being put down after everything they’d been through.
One final team kill for Caboose. Ow.
The animation was really, really good!! It looked much better than that plasticky look the trailer had. I didn’t love Epsilon’s animations (they felt a bit jerky and overacted), but otherwise I think they did a really great job. I especially loved how they animated the AI on Tucker’s visor, it looked cool as hell.
I think one of the things this season suffered from was the overall tonal shift in the writing. Burnie hadn’t written for, and Matt hadn’t solely directed, a season in a LONG time. We’ve come to expect more character-focused narratives that dive into the nuisances of the characters and their relationships, and we didn’t really get that here (unless you count Sarge’s deathbed confession to Grif that he was hard on him because he wanted him to be more, which still felt a bit shallow. Actually, there are lot of things which could be considered set-ups in retrospect, but their intended payoffs didn’t feel like payoffs). I think there was a consequential whiplash as compared to what we have come to expect from RvB, and while the writing style we got wasn’t inherently bad (again, I liked a lot of it), it was definitely different.
I really, really hated that Grif left at the end. That’s literally the antithesis of his S15 arc, which felt much more complete and true to the character than this one. It’s impossible not to compare these arcs because of how inherently similar they are, and because I believe the S15 arc is superior (Grif’s exhaustion was a more subtle and believable reaction than this Grif’s raw anger, and his realization of how much he relied on his team was much more powerful than this Grif just tapping out), it makes the S19 Grif arc feel poorly thought out.
Also, he wanted to be discharged, but I don’t think they worked for the UNSC or any other military organization after Chorus since they all retired, so was any of that really necessary? Maybe retirement is just a vessel, so to speak, to represent Grif leaving adventure behind him for good. Still, I liked the way S15 handled this arc a lot more.
Vale Deah. Ow.
The most we got was Grif leaving and asking Simmons to come with him but like. “not scared to take risks my ass”, Burnie.
Honestly, I think this season was a victim of its format. Eighty minutes isn’t a lot of time to properly send off these characters, especially when RvB as a format is based on multi-season arcs. There just wasn’t enough time to build up tension or explore the dynamics of something as extreme as Meta!Tucker in a way that would feel satisfying. That said, I think Burnie did a pretty good job fitting as many things as he did into this format. A part of me is almost glad that Grimmons wasn’t made canon? I feel like it might’ve felt rushed to give it a satisfying arc in just 80 minutes in addition to all of the other shit going on, and I think after 21 years they deserved at least a satisfying resolution. However, they did NOT deserve an ending which implied that they would never see each other again, what the fuck.
TL;DR? 7.5/10. Far from perfect, and there were a lot of creative decisions made that I heavily disagree with. However, they did a lot right, too, and it still seems heartfelt in a way that helps me overlook some of its flaws. Overall, I enjoyed this season for what it was worth. There are some qualities of S17 that I think made for a better final goodbye to these characters, and some qualities of S19 that I think made for a better goodbye (in all honesty I never finished S18, but it wasn’t really a “goodbye” season anyway). Wrapping up a 21-year-old series is very difficult, and I have a lot of respect for Burnie and the others who worked on Restoration for what they put together. Truthfully, I’m gonna pick and choose which segments of S17 and S19 are canon in my heart (S17 is still the overall canon ending for me), but I’m happy with what we got in the end.
Anyways, I’m happy to chat more in the replies, let me know your thoughts!
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websurfshark · 5 months
season 19 was a let down 😭😭
spoilers below!
i’m sure that over a year of hype doesn’t help my case here but i really was expecting something a little better 😭
i don’t mean to be too much of a critic in this post and sorry if i seem like i’m complaining but man 🧍‍♂️ full review here we go
sarges death was expected and the character arc that simmons got from it was pretty well done , he was cool — sarges death did just seem kind of rushed but that’s probably also time constraints , nobody seemed super affected by it tho and that kinda put me off ☹️ sure the reds were like Sad right after he died , and grif + simmons had the moment at his grave, but it’s literally not brought up again ? simmons just gets to be a leader kinda and tucker doesn’t get told he killed sarge, nobody else brings it up after the climax?? not even during the climax as they fight meta again ?
^ although sarges final moments were done very nicely and the va’s had a ton of emotion ❤️
along with that, wash’s acting was amazing as always
grif was characterized really weirdly throughout the first half of the season - i’m guessing they tried to make him the “straight man” of the group but it kinda fell flat because he just seemed irrationally angry every single time he spoke 😭 he kinda evened out as it went on tho so that’s better than nothing
Simmons was very kind this season that was interesting and cool He didn’t have a care in the world
animation was wonky at times but it was there - fight scenes weren’t monty oum style of crazy but they were creative with them and ill give them that! good callbacks during the fight
character callbacks were cool! i’m glad we got a little bit of kai (no reunion with grif tho so that sucks), dylan was there but she was kinda characterized weird, grey there, agent one (???) for some reason, 479er!!!!! she was well done and she fit really well into the plot!, no checkup on chorus life which was kinda sad (no lieutenants boohoohoo) some of the callbacks felt out of place tho
i don’t like how they handled tex cause even though it was cool she was back , i feel like we’ve done this dance a thousand times
also carolina quite literally came out of nowhere ?? how did she just ? drop from the sky what ??? LOL
absolutely no donut at all ? there was like one mention of him that i can remember ? lopez is just forgotten about back at the bases ??? i don’t know if the donut thing was something behind the scenes but Uhh
music wasnt up to par - they just reused old songs basically , the weird song that played during the “Memories” sequence wasn’t good
i’m not the hugest fan of the ais in general so i don’t think about them too much but i feel like sigma wasn’t characterized in the same way he was in the freelancer seasons — in pfl he kind of subtly manipulated maine into becoming meta etc etc but for tucker , he basically just like😭 tortured him WHICH IS PROBABLY CAUSE LIKE tucker knows This guy is evil Ahhhh!!! but still that was a little weird
no grimmons sad day for the rvb fandom - some scenes could be read as grimmons, like grif basically inviting simmons to go with him , i’m confused on why simmons stayed because simmons himself literally said One last mission ? so idk what he’s doing bro idk if he’s staying in blood gulch or what — grif just straight up leaves and like ? are they gonna see eachother again orrr ? what’s happening
the ending felt rushed and kinda weird - just vibes , i think i’m biased because i now realize that not a lot can beat the s13 ending , but even so , grif just kinda leaves and that’s the end 😭
i feel like we didn’t get a whole lot of conclusions for all the characters even tho that’s what was promised
overall i’m probably giving this a solid 5-6/10 , the season was overall very hit or miss in some aspects and scenes
ANWYAYS😭 don’t let my opinions take away from your experience with season 19! this is just how i felt about it after my first watchthrough and my opinions might/will change!
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rvb-is-gay · 5 months
Final Thoughts on RVB Restoration
(note that i did not bother with proper punctuation here and additional thoughts may be added later)
wow. i have A LOT to say about this
first, lets start with the things i really liked about this finale:
red team fight scenes. simmons and grif fighting the meta was so good, especially simmons being SO BADASS. simmons stans were fed well. i always love seeing the reds and blues fighting, even if theyre not good, as opposed to freelancers fighting
caboose did a lot and i think had some solid development (as much as he could get in only an hour and 25 mins, at least) and it seems like they made him less dumb?? which is fine with me, it almost seemed like he matured. i also kinda liked seeing caboose being thrown around and beaten up cause it HURT ME SO MUCH but i love being hurt (i love caboose this isnt meant to be an insult to him). it was also just so surreal seeing caboose actually being hurt in an animation because he always managed to avoid major beatings like that before. him and tucker having a brief moment together was soul crushing and i wish we couldve had more of that
tucker being influenced by the meta has been a thing since the s13 finale and seeing it actually happen was really cool
tex being brought back was kind of a meh thing for me. i think everything tex related shouldve just been left in s10 because that season really wrapped it all up nicely. i did enjoy having her back, though, just for the sake of her as a character cuz i love her. and her and church together was so fucking cute and heartbreaking
sarge dying to save caboose was obviously fucking SADDENING but also sweet in a way cause i love caboose being the honorary red member. he loves his blue son
again, simmons being a badass was so fucking good
the grimmons scene with grif saying "come with me" was romantic as hell 😭😭😭
churchs gay little pose
chex scene with tex holding churchs hand was so gjfHDJSAFKGHSDJFSDFKAS GODDDDD THIS M/F SHIP HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD
now, the things i DIDNT like:
really unfortunate that the movie/season was only 1 hr 25 mins. it really limited what they could do with the plot and characters, but i understand if it wasnt possible for RT to do more due to warner bros for example
churchs whole youtube video thing was kinda funny but also dragged on for too long and was the perfect example of "show dont tell" NOT being implemented
a lot of stuff felt ooc, like how the reds didnt wanna help caboose at all. the beginning with epsilon showing up was understandable with how they didnt want to get involved, but later on the ship they just leave caboose to be choked out by the meta? THAT part didnt feel like the reds at all. grif also for some reason was so fucking mad and yelling a lot? idk where all that came from? it was so random like grif chill dude 😭
wash just being stuck in a mental hospital for something we dont even find out about until the end, which in a story sense isnt inherently bad obviously and can really add to the narrative, but in this case it just felt so confusing and like it didnt make sense. why would carolina and the reds and blues just let that happen to wash? not to say that getting help with mental health is bad or anything, just what i mean is they dont seem to care that hes gone or anything and dont visit him and hes treated like hes crazy the whole time hes in the hospital
479er being alive was really awesome, but it came out of nowhere (i understand that this is also probably due to the runtime restraint)
WHERE THE HELL WERE DONUT AND LOPEZ THE WHOLE TIME???? lopez showed up once and donut was in a 5 second thought bubble from simmons? the FINAL season of rvb and they dont even have the full crew of characters fighting together one last time? nobody talked about them at all? come on guys
the beginning with the convention was just really unnecessary and boring
why does nobody seem to care that TUCKER IS MISSING WITH MAINES ARMOR?? it feels like everyone just got brainwashed to forget about all the years they spent being friends
what was the deal with the covid jokes 💀
sarge wouldve never let himself die to a blue
doc just dies offscreen and its only vaguely mentioned at the very end and just happened out of nowhere, almost as an excuse for wash to not be present during everything with the meta?
where the hell has carolina been? she was never mentioned once until she showed up at the end
why why WHY did GRIF LEAVE??? i know season 15 was retconned, but the fact that he CARES ABOUT HIS FRIENDS and doesnt actually want to leave them unlike what he says shouldnt have just been forgotten about. AND SIMMONS JUST DOESNT WANNA GO TO EARTH TO VISIT? HELLO THIS IS NOT THE SAME GRIF AND SIMMONS WE'VE BEEN WITH ALL THESE YEARS. wheres that tweet saying "found family separating after the journey is bs" cause thats how i feel about that. 21 years spent building up these amazing relationships between these amazing characters just for them to seemingly not give a shit about each other?? is simmons just alone in blood gulch with tucker and caboose now?? 💀💀💀
i understand because he was the meta, tucker didnt have control, but it was still unfortunate to barely have any tucker this season
i understand that the meta was a threat to everybodys lives, but it feels like everyone was just ok with killing tucker to be able to kill the meta. it wouldve been so much better and angstier if they were having difficulties with it because thats their friend
why did one have to show up. i dont really have anything personal against her as a character or anything but i wouldve really preferred any and all things related to zero to just be wiped off the face of the planet
the music was just terrible. really unfortunate they wouldnt have trocadero return :( it felt so unnerving having this weird stock music playing whenever people were just standing and talking. throughout all of rvb, 99% of the standing talking scenes never had any music so this was so bizarre
some animated scenes looked really off, idk if it was just me
one personal gripe i have that doesnt actually really matter that much to the overall season, but it really bothered me, is that that IS NOT HOW THE BUBBLE SHIELD WORKS!!! i think technically we've never actually seen the bubble shield be entered or exited on screen so i guess you could argue that it works differently from how they work in halo? idk still bothered me
this season in general just felt like an AU?? even 15 through 17 felt more real as seasons of rvb than this did, and i HATED season 16, so thats saying something
and of course, grimmons. big congrats to RT for the longest queerbaited couple in i think tv show history. this one really pisses me off the most because just. how. theres a difference between a queer ship existing because people like it, and a queer ship existing because there was actual subtext and clues and their relationship is written so perfectly and its been around for so long that so many queer people came to really love and identify with it in spite of how shitty they were treated. idc, grimmons is canon in all of our hearts, fuck that
a great point from mod janae: the whole point of rvb, which aiden price even talks about, is that they come together as friends/family and even though they individually suck, together they can do anything, and a better ending wouldve been not to bring back tex carolina or even wash but to have gotten all the reds and blues back together to stop the meta. it was never about being the strongest but about working together
in general, i did not like the season. it had a few things i liked, but obviously the cons outweigh the pros here and so overall, i hated it. i mightve hated it even more than season 16 which is insane because ill fight tooth and nail for why season 16 is such a catastrophe. really disappointing that this is how rvb ends. i wouldve much preferred a cheesy "friendship defeats the bad guy and saves the day" ending because that IS what rvb is to a degree. anyways i understand how GOT fans feel now
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adidegmez · 1 month
spn s13 spoilers
s13 ep1(lost and found)
if dean thinks cas is really dead then what did they do to his body? did they burn him, bury him or nothing? jack is just a baby right now. winchesters are maybe not superheroes but they are my heroes. dean is just telling the truth?! he is not okay. he lost everyone he cared except sam. sam is calmer than dean. jack is just a sweet little boy. sam is scared. castiel is jacks father(according to jack at least). thats nice. damian as in damian wayne? i dont think i know anyone else named damian. dean'S prayer… he even add crowley he loved him(sometimes). and Chuck he left and he just doesnt care. he left lucifer on earth. everything happened on this Show is because of him. and i still believe if they raise jack right he will be good. no one is born evil. even if lucifer was a bad guy he was an angel he was the angel. jack is half angel and this is not a bad thing. dean said goodbye to everyone cas, kelly, mom and crowley. and crowley i just cant he said his name with the other people he cared about people he respected and its sad that crowley didnt get to see this. Dean accepted the deaths of all of them. How can he do this? They can still return, why not? and mary did return she is not dead.
s13 ep2(the rising son)
im sos sorry dean but sam is right. He is right on every part of this issue. Jack is not bad, your mother is alive, the only way to save her is with Jack's help. i knew jack was watching scooby i thought dean would let him watch. but i think he needs a little time to know jack. sam is nerveous when talking to jack because he never had an experience with kids like dean had. dean would calm jack down he wouldve known what to do but he is mourning the people he lost and he is angry. and that prevents him see the way that sam sees. sam did a good job with jack. i expected dean to say he is batman but i guess its not the time. lucifer is funny sometimes. good job jack. i think dean will understand jack, eventually. i hope that time comes soon.
s13 ep3(patience)
kelly was a great mother. i get deans point of view but he needs to calm down. it's been a long time missouri. she died! jack really cares about deans opinions just like his dad(cas). dean will get over this and he will be nicw to jack eventually, i just hope it wont be late. yes, sam is the best person to understand jack. this is brilliant. i really love how he treats jack. i love sam. i know dean is in pain but sam is right this is resembles to sam's situation. sam deserved to be saved so does jack. and jack didnt do anything wrong yet he has been on earth like a week. and cas mary it wasnt his fault. dean lost them and he is blaming jack. but its lucifers fault. and jack doesnt deserves a this treatment from dean. dean should help sam save jack. i have always been on the same page as dean always but not this time. i hope dean changes his mind soon. because i need both winchesters in the same page. cas! im glad he is back but if he could return does this mean crowley could return too. and i think i finally understand something. Charlie and now rowena are dead and they wont return cause the story doesnt need them anymore. but i need them to return. i always see spoilers but ive never heard rowenas death. and ive never seen anything about charlie's return. but i want them to return. I didn't even like Rowena that much in the beginning but lately I've started to like her. Charlie is a completely different matter, i always loved her, I need her to come back.
s13 ep4(the big empty)
clone wars!!!!!!! i didnt see that coming. clone wars is my favorite star wars Show. i love ahsoka too but anakin is not bad sam. well he turned to vader but he was a good master palpatine manipulated. i hope jack loves clones. they are my favorite thing about star wars. clones are amazing. dean cas sam and crowley closed the door. crowley sacrificed himself. i think i love jack. cas where are you? why does lucifer need mary? Dean needs to pull himself together as soon as possible, he scares Jack, he even upsets Sam. misha is amazing. finally dean complimented jack. i needed that. finally dean is thinking like sam. thank you dean. cas is back.
s13 ep5(advanced thanatology)
yes, something is wrong with sam. dean wears sunglasses indoors. Do the w's represent how many times the winchesters died? did billie become death? she is death thats not good. I wish Dean hadn't killed death. I loved him. thats a good thing afterall. billie let dean live. Dean lost his faith. But when Cas comes, he will be happy. hi cas. welcome back. look in their eyes. team free will together again.
s13 ep6(tombstone)
cas is back. everyone is happy. i missed you cas. and the hugs. jack did it jack brought him back. team free will 2.0 . dean is back. he really missed cas. his eyes are shining. i missed funny dean. Seeing Dean happy makes me happy. cas… all i can think about is his character development. he is an amazing character. he changed so much. his talk with jack was beautiful. hats, dean is really back. dean finally said it, jack is not a monster. i wish he didnt leave. i hope hell come back.
s13 ep7(war of the worlds)
what happened to mary? So will Michael be the villain of this season? i knew it was kevin. hi kevin! i missed you. i think i would prefer lucifer to that Michael. lucifer is so funny. lucifer is back, Mary stayed in the other World. i thought ketch was a clone. I don't remember seeing anything about clones in this series, but for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is always clones. But it turned out to be an evil twin. i believe that story hes telling the truth. rowena isnt dead right? cas and lucifer, lucifer is so funny. and he is trying to save the World for himself probably. i believed ketch. asmodeus and ketch, they will trouble the Winchesters. If Dean had said yes to Ketch, would Ketch have worked with them instead of Asmodeus?
s13 ep8(the scorpion and the frog)
supernatural really did everything. now there is a heist episode. and it was funny. yes, i missed hopeful dean. it was nice to see that. Didn't Bart say there were copies of the spell? Couldn't they find them? The bus scene reminded me of the scene where they left Charlie on the bus. i missed Charlie.
s13 ep9(the bad place)
i think jack wants to bring mary back not lucifer. Jack gets very happy when he gets a "good job" from Dean. And that makes me happy too. Jack also joined the family. I love him. dean! why did you treat her like that? well at least jack found mary and the winchesters are together. but idk where kaia is.
s13 ep10(wayward sisters)
claire is getting better at hunting. they are on a hunting trip… they said it again. i like it. i love donna and the others, we should see them more. i love jody. Claire's speech was like the beginning of a new series. I researched but they haven't made a mini series, I hope they tell this story here. i love the girls they are amazing.
s13 ep11(breakdown)
the real fbi is here. The beginnings of the episodes always resemble Criminal Minds. but almost the entire episode was really like cm. garcia would find her quickly. i liked doug. i hoped he would become a hunter. doug and donna were good. come on, first dean now sam they lost hope but it was always like this and they believed this job. but now they are in a dark place. i need hopeful winchesters back.
s13 ep12(various & sundry villans)
lucifer is hilarious. omg not the love spell. not dean please. yes sam save dean. hello boys(crowley said it the best). hi rowena. welcome back. how are you alive? they all forgot about adam. cas loves his son. i love how he talks about jack. Rowena asked about Crowley because she wondered if he might pose a risk to her, right? I wish there were nice mother and son scenes. I don't even think Rowena would be upset about Crowley's death, but I wish she would be. she is sad?! rowena is right. when is lucifer ever gone. he always comes back. cas and lucifer made a good team. that was a little brutal. Rowena took the page, didn't she? i thought sam would give her but i didnt think would do it. but he did. lucifer is not dead. We forget the traumas of the Winchesters very quickly, they are not even mentioned. They always show themselves strong, they don't show what's inside them. Dean spent 40 years in hell, Sam was tortured by Lucifer, Dean had to survive in purgatory… I hope Rowena doesn't cause trouble for the boys.
s13 ep13(devil's bargain)
i thought lucifer would let cupid live but he killed him and i suppose he did it just for fun. i forgot about ketch. How did Lucifer not die? i missed kevin. sister jo(daneel ive been waiting for this, i thought we would saw her earlier on the show). Doesn't the prophet know the difference between Cas and Asmodeus? ketch is right. lucifer cant do the things he promised, right? gabriel!!! well, i hope winchesters can save him.
s13 ep14(good intentions)
Dean you are amazing Cas you are amazing too. Mary is not Mary. They're still messing with Jack's head, right? hi bobby! sometimes jack's smiles are sweet but sometimes he scared me he smiles like lucifer sometimes, other than that he is just a sweet boy. and i love him. i love this bobby too but i want old bobby. mary made the deal she brought so much pain to her boys but we saw what the world would be like if she hadn't made that deal, and I think Mary did the right thing. If that deal hadn't happened, we would never have met the boys. cas! i dont like where this is going. i hope cas wont go far. Dean and Sam are Jack's role models, I think he chose very good role models. Whatever it takes… both Dean and Cas go too far. They need to calm down and think a bit. I hope nothing bad happens to them. I'm sorry about Donatello, I didn't like him as much as Kevin, but he was still a good guy. He didn't deserve what happened to him (like all the good characters in the series)
s13 ep15(a most holy man)
While Dean was saying enjoy, he was thinking things like this will be the last time you drive and he was imagining how he would kill that man. yes i totally believe dean would kill for the baby. I heard that that scene was improvised and it's really a perfect scene. I never thought that the blood would come from that man. I thought it would be from someone we knew before or someone very important.
s13 ep16(scoobynatural)
do you know how long i've been waiting for this. I've seen a lot of clips about this episode and I was very curious about it. When I started this season, I was thinking that they were opening a portal to the Scooby universe with Jack. I even thought that they would travel to different universes throughout the season thanks to Jack's portals. just for fun. But when it comes to SPN, sometimes this is only possible for a few episodes. There is a villain in every season and the world is in danger, so team Free Will has to save the World all over again. But did the trickster really die and come back, or was he never dead? i really love when dean is being a fanboy. he genuinely loves them and he shows that he loves them. and i love him for this. i love deans love for scooby-doo. this is one of my favorite episodes now. it was awesome. i love dean. i love sam and cas too but dean has a special place in my heart.
s13 ep17(the thing)
poor gabriel, I hope he can get out of there. Ketch is saving Gabriel right now, even if it's for himself. where is cas? why aent they waiting for him? ketch did some bad things, idk how to feel about him. gabriel is okay for nw with sam. dean really has a death wish. he doesnt care if he dies he only care about the others. yeah this is a nice thing but he would die to protect them and i dont want him to die.
s13 ep18(bring 'em back alive)
Charlie! Until two days ago, I didn't see anything about whether we would see Charlie in this series again but then I learned that we will see the apocalyptic world version of her. I knew she would come but I didn't expect that we would see her now. i missed her. She shouldn't have died. why didnt they wait for cas? i think ketch really cared about mary. gabriel is back! and he left. Asmodeus is dead, right? i hope he wont come back. ketch is complicated. Charlie is acting like our Charlie. i couldnt believe charlie's death and i still cant. she shouldn't have died.
s13 ep19(funeralia)
rowena what are you doing? i thought maybe rowena was trying to get crowley back but then i said she wouldnt do that. is she really trying to get fergus back? if thatsthe truth please let her try. i want crowley back. rowena is kinda right only team free will gets to come back from the dead. naomi is alive. I hope Sam doesn't have to kill Rowena. I started to love Rowena even more. I think there is such a thing as the Winchester Effect. They changed an angel, the king of hell, the most powerful witch and many more people and turned them into better people, and it is great to watch the character development of those characters. They changed Rowena as well as Crowley. I think Rowena loved Crowley. I wish she had the chance to tell Crowley that, or at least show it.
s13 ep20(unfinished business)
Fenrir from Norse mythology, right? I realized the last part was similar to Steve and Tony's argument (Marvel). we'll löse, we'll do that together too… they lost, steve wasn't there. i hope sam could be there when it comes to that. I can't be sure about deaths when it comes to tricksters. I even wondered if Loki replaced Gabriel at the end, but they wouldn't do such a thing because the story would be extended unnecessarily and there is no need for such a thing. i missed our kevin, he wouldnt do that. poor jack. mary sees her as a son:)
s13 ep21(beat the devil)
rowena and gabriel? little awkward but funny. In the beginning ep was hilarious but then it all went dark. rowena didn't run, this time she stayed. she has changed(the winchester effect). lucifer's bar scene was awesome. Sam died and came back, thanks to Lucifer. I'm glad he is back but lucifer brought him. they found jack and mary. dean watched his brother die, again. and the look on his face is telling everything. im glad the brothers are back together.
s13 ep22(exodus)
no, mary. i know you want to help the other World but your boys came for you. you shouldnt do that to them. lucifer is not entirely wrong. yes he does so many bad things but sometimes he does good things. like most of the villains on spn he is complicated. I've seen the scene where Cas and Lucifer drive the bus on the internet before, but I didn't think it was real. I thought it was someone's dream or something. i know lucifer is bad but he tried to do the right thing. he fought Michael, and now he is doing bad things because sam wouldnt let him come with them. sam has hs reasons but now lucifer is going to help Michael nd i think he is not happy about it because h will have brought Michael to the other world, just as his relationship with Jack was getting better. and he knows this will upset his son. Gabriel isn't really dead, right? Otherwise they woudn't have zoomed in on his face. its always good to see bobby but i wish we couldve seen our bobby with the boys and our Charlie.
s13 ep23(let the good times roll)
I would like to see charlie and rowena together. Dean's dream is very beautiful, but with their luck, it is impossible. I wish it could happen, no one deserved retirement more than them. but i dont think they would get a happy ending. This is how I wanted Dean to treat Jack from the beginning. Dean's speech was beautiful. soft dean is my favorite, he is kind and sweet when he needs to be. I love him. I was going to believe in Lucifer because he wanted his son and was doing good things just for him, but in the end he ruined everything again. Dean, you tried so hard to keep Michael from getting to you. I wanna cry. michael has dean, i hope dean can beat him. Is Lucifer really gone? dean… i want to kill Michael. i hope dean will be the one to kill him. The suit and hat suit Dean very well. Just when good things are happening, everything turns bad, and every season, boys cannot find comfort. Can't the kids relax for just one season? There won't be a big bad guy for the end of the season, maybe if they want they can hunt like in the first season or just have a good time together in the
bunker. only 1 season. I wish… but it's impossible. i just want to see them happy.
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hirocimacruiser · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Powerful S13 Silvia armed with stylish full aero
Liberty Cars 847 Kurami, Samukawa-cho, Koza-gun, Kanagawa 253-01 0467-73-1496
The S13 Silvia has grown into a standard tuning car, replacing the AE86, which was the mainstream for drifting. Its popularity has reached a stable period and it is quite easy to buy.
I've settled on the price.
Even in the used car market, the mainstream is shifting from CA to SR, but CA still seems to be very popular. Since there are so many Silvias out there, it would be a good idea to not only tune up your ride, but also dress up to make yourself a little different from the crowd.
For such people, we recommend the Silvia wearing full aero. The Silvia, which is based on a tuned car and has aero parts installed at Liberty Cars, has an attractive stylish form. The front spoiler is also unique, but the veil side rear spoiler also has a distinctive form. It's not just the appearance that is different. contents
It's also well tuned. Since it has been changed to a larger turbine, supercharging takes effect later than in the normal model, but the power it produces is intense. Still, it doesn't give the impression that it's difficult to handle, and since it's a 4-cylinder engine, even with a larger turbine, there's little deterioration in response. The effect of increasing power will be greater than that, and you should be able to drive comfortably.
Large intercooler, blow-off valve
Most of the basic tuning items such as fuel valves and HKS mufflers are installed. The suspension area where GAB is installed has a hard setting, but it's not just hard, it's also flexible.
●HKS EVC is stored in the glove box, so it is not normally visible. The interior is kept in almost normal condition, so you don't get the impression that it's a tuned car.
●It is dressed up with full aerodynamics, and the large Veilside rear spoiler is the main accent. A mesh wheel is attached to the front.
Changed the CA 18DET's stock turbine to a large-capacity Garrett turbine. Equipped with HKS power flow and blow-off valve, it takes advantage of the good response of the 4-cylinder engine to increase power.
Silvia K's
1990 model with 2 years of inspection
Mileage 57,000km 1,290,000 yen
Tune data: Garrett turbine
HKS power flow blow-off valve
Large intercooler
HKS muffler
Full aero
GAB suspension etc.
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spearheadrampancy · 5 months
i think more people should do something with the fact that we only see felix kill like 2 people tops with knives. in machinima he never assassinates anyone with one*, but because felix is often seen holding one, and inflicted a few non-lethal knife wounds, the fanbase went nuts about it. sure he nails that one guy with a knife but its like the only time we actually see him using one with any real level of skill.
i propose the "felix likes knives because he thinks they make him look more dangerous or cool but has only the absolute bare minimum proficiency with them" headcanon. not saying he's bad or doesnt know how to use them. just that he passed CQC training when he was in the UNSC and thats it.
*felix doesnt, to my knowledge, assassinate anybody in machinima. but locus does, in season 11. that adds something to it i think. some kind of commentary on locus using it as a skill but felix doing it for style points, or something.
[ spoilers for season 12 and 13. no i dont care that i spoiler warning nearly 10 year old content. yes i feel weird about the chorus trilogy being 10 years old. ]
besides, this makes the knife scene with wash in s13 infinitely funnier. felix gets caught out by someone being As Good As Him, if not better, with knives and his brain short circuits instantly. up to that point he got by in a knife fight simply through sheer luck and intimidation (the latter by virtue of his stupid showmanship), but wash has experience and felix is starting to piss him off. would explain why all felix says is a quiet little "huh" instead of getting bitchy about being bested like he did when fighting carolina in s12. it's a different kind of comeuppance. and also it's thematically appropriate for the ways in which felix is starting to fail by season 13.
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picnokinesis · 1 year
could you tell me (without major plot spoilers -- details about characters and character dynamics are fine) what you loved most about 13's era? <3 I've started my first major who rewatch since I fell off the bandwagon (somewhere along season 11), and I'd love to know what I can look forward to!!
Oh my days hello!! Welcome to my blog! :D Be careful scrolling around because there are a LOT of spoilers (one character in particular is a walking spoiler rip) but oh man hMMM this is such a good question okay because I'll be 100% honest with you, I wasn't actually the biggest fan of s11? Like, don't get me wrong, there are certain episodes that I absolutely love (The Woman Who Fell to Earth is a prime example) and I know there are a lot of people who love it a lot, but on the whole I was pretty 'meh' about that season. It's a great set up, though, for what comes next - because you know how in s11 the Doctor is very much, on the surface, all happy go lucky and everything about the universe is wonderful? Well, that's one hell of a façade, and I really love s12 and 13 because we gradually get to see that mask start to crack under pressure, and it's SO good to see how the Doctor just...steadily losing her ability to keep it up. And she's so SO terrible with vulnerability - I said it in an ask yesterday, but I'm certain that a LOT of that comes from Grace dying so fast after she met her, newly regenerated, as well as losing Bill at the end of s10, and it means that she keeps everyone else at arm's length and won't let anyone see her vulnerable, because she has to keep everyone safe and she can't let anyone else die she can't lose anyone she can't do that again. And in s12 and 13, you get to see some of the consequences of her not actually being upfront about everything with her companions.
On a similar note, I really REALLY love the key thematic threads in the last two series! There's a lot about memory, identity, trauma and grief in s12 particularly, but also in s13 too, and I absolutely LOVE stories that delve into those. For me, it's been such a treat to have storylines that really dig into these ideas and explore them. There's also a general anti-imperialist theme, especially in s12 and 13, which I really enjoyed. There is some pretty divisive additions to Gallifreyan/Doctor Who lore in s12 and 13, but I personally really REALLY love it - I think it really adds to the story and expands the sandbox, so to speak, whilst also doing this INCREDIBLE job of 1) adding new layers of angst to old episodes of Doctor Who reaching waaaaaay back into Classic, whilst preserving the episodes as they were before so you can read them either way, as well as 2) taking odd bits of canon that didn't make sense and weaving them into a coherent storyline. It's genuinely really cool, to me at least. So I would say go into that with an open mind.
There's also some WONDERFUL characters in s12 and 13 - I won't say who or what or where, but there's a lot of fun stuff. I don't know how you found my blog, so you might not know that I write a lot of fanfic, and I've had a whale of time exploring some of the side/recurring characters in s12 and 13, and they're such a joy to write :) But of course the MAIN characters are so SO fantastic - I absolutely ADORE thirteen, she's awful and a massive hypocrite but also just doing her best and trying to keep herself together (and failing), and she's so great to write. I've written over half a million words (literally) about her now, so I think that should tell you how much inspiration Thirteen and this entire era has given me. And the companions are just fabulous. ALSO!! There's a LOT of telepathy and other tropes in this era that I've reaaaaally really loved.
Also - and this is just a little thing, but whilst I love Moffat's era, he did have a tendency to overuse the TARDIS cloister bell - which, I mean, that's fine because I love it HAHA but in Chibnall's era, I think we only hear it......once? I think? I may be wrong, but I remember the one main time we hear it is pretty far into his era and I was like YOOOOOOOOO because we hadn't heard it in so long, right? And so to suddenly hear it again.......it was like 'oh frick, this is REALLY BAD then', and it just gave me chills, yknow? So I liked that a lot!
There are probably a bunch of other things too, but I reckon that gives you a sense of it. I think one thing to really remember with Chibnall's era is that the more you dig into the stories and engage with them, the more you discover and the more it rewards you. A lot of storylines that can seem really simple or sparse on the surface can end up being SO rich once you sit with them for a few minutes. I think I've particularly discovered this as I've written fanfic, but also just thinking about stuff and how it all connects - within itself as an era, but also back into previous eras too! It's such a celebration of the entire show - especially the last episode - and it's very VERY obviously been made by a team of people who had an absolute blast making it, and were all very supportive of each other. I've also really appreciated that there's been a genuine strive towards diversity, both in front of and behind the camera, and whilst there have definitely been some pretty blatant missteps, from what I've seen and heard (for example, during Gally One panels) these efforts were done with good intentions behind them, and all the time actively striving towards something better? And I personally think that a flawed end result is much better than one that plays it safe with no diversity at all. It's a step in the right direction, at least - and, post Doctor Who, Chibnall pretty much immediately went to set up a project that trained up new producers because he said that 'too many showrunners are people like me' - so I think that suggests (to me, at least) that his money is where his mouth is.
ANYWAY that ended up being long....hope this helps, though!! And I really hope that you enjoy watching this era as much as I did!! :D I've loved Doctor Who since 2005, but s12 and s13 just catapulted me into being absolutely obsessed with it again, and it's been so wonderful to get so much joy out of something that I've loved since I was a kid
VERY QUICKLY THOUGH - list of some of my favourite Thirteen episodes, in no particular order:
War of the Sontarans
Spyfall (parts 1 and 2)
Village of the Angels
The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Survivors of the Flux
Ascension of the Cybermen
Fugitive of the Judoon
Eve of the Daleks
The Power of the Doctor
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
In your opinion, is it worth watching Supernatural if you missed the superwholock craze and your only exposure has been meta posts
my darling anon, i’m a supernatural fan, i’m going to say yes. BUT. with caveats. one; depends on the meta you’ve been exposed to, because if you’ve been told by tumblr gifs it’ll be an epic love story between that dude and his angel, i’m so sorry to disappoint you but that’s not what the show is about. but if the meta you’ve gotten is about the actual themes of the show, go right ahead.
(to be clear, like, there’s still stuff to dig into for destiel. i just wouldn’t want you to go in expecting a romcom in a horror story.)
CAVEAT TWO: you gotta understand that supernatural is really like 5 or 6 shows in a trenchcoat building on top of one another. like s1-3 are pretty solidly their own show, cut down early by the writer’s strike and even delineated nicely by being filmed on. film. rather than digitally. s4-5 are their own thing. s1-5 are their own complete arc, and honestly, you can just watch that and have a pretty good time with some genuinely fantastically put together television. and then after that s6 is kinda its own thing, 7-8 too, 9-11, and then 12-15 i just lump together as Bad but im sure someone else would actually classify them by arc or whatever.
okay god we’re putting a cut now im not gonna shut up im sorry
i think more people should watch s1-5 of supernatural. it’s silly, it’s scary, it’s full of fucked up shit and things that will mess you up for life (affectionate). and then i say watch the rest until you don’t enjoy it and then drop it. don’t feel obligated to watch all 15 cause it loses the plot Fast and it also. gets bad. like if you want my rec, i say stick it out till s11 and then if you can stand it, s12 for [SPOILER] coming back to life. but i would never in my life tell anyone to watch s13-15 unless they had literally nothing left to do and a gun to their head. i watched it but im not a good role model.
uhhh what else should you know. oh, yeah, there’s a lot of references to non-con/rape in it, some of them the show takes seriously and some it’ll play for laughs with some 2010s era misogyny. there’s also a lot of moments that, depending on how charitable you feel like being, are either poorly thought out or straight out racist or homophobic. the show does very little to address its misogyny, homophobia, or racism until it gets put down like a dog behind a shed. i’m telling you this to prepare you for it, because i think engaging with the show is still worth something, especially if you take the time to entangle those elements and examine how the writers have used them to justify a world in which two white guys roll into town, kill a scary monster with extrajudicial justice to save the suburban families, and leave.
and then, of course, if u watch it you can also come yell at me about it :3
uhm. but seriously. supernatural is a complicated show. but it’s worth watching. there’s a lot of good in there with the bad. the way it approaches angels and heaven in the early seasons especially is so fucking fascinating, so if you like religious stuff at all, i’d say go in for it. the acting can be. well. the main guys range from ‘holy shit this is stressing me out to watch it’s so good’ to ‘okay’ to ‘jesus fucking christ please get the camera off of him.’ (and if you watch the show, i’ll let you guess which is which lmao.) but a lot of the people who come in to play side characters kill it in their roles. shout out to jdm. there for like 3 episodes purely to fuck me up forever. lifechanging performance, i’m so serious.
tldr: supernatural is genuinely a good show, for a while, and when it ain’t, it’s still fun, and when it stops being that, just put the show down. just keep your expectations in check regarding what the show is telling you it’s about and don’t expect it to be more. (like. feel free to fantasize about what if it Was more, i sure do, but don’t let that cloud your vision on what the show, as it stands, really is about and is trying to say.) and be prepared for the messy shit it’ll hit you with along the way.
and the fandom is pretty neat too, so long as you use the block button liberally <3
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benedettabeby · 3 months
I'm alright! Super duper excited tho and currently on a NCIS bingewatch aha. Honestly, my only wish is to see them co-parenting Tali and just them being soft? 😭💗 and like Daddy!Tony????? i finished s13 today and oh my god the last episode???? With Tony and Tali? it was so sweeeet!!!!
Oh you're still on season 13? You need to watch for more then,stay away from spoilers! I agree that family First was a wonderful episode, Michael deserved an oscar for the pain he showed like for example in the "ALL HANDS ON DECKS" scene
Yes daddy tony will be my death, I'm sure Tali has her daddy wrapped around her little finger
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Jesus fucking christ.
We had TEN people at the bar tonight. TEN. And then a group from the theatre came over at like, 11pm, pianos stopped at 12, and THEY JUST WOULD NOT LEAVE. We had our entire cashouts done and printed and sealed, the bar torn completely down and a guy STILL tried to order a drink from me?!?!
Anyways. I’m FINALLY fucking home and it’s 2 am, but it’s “Thursday” so y’all know what that means!!!
Law & order (svu, oc/mothership maybe) spoilers under the cut!
Domestic snuggles.. imma miss this shit
Also why do people never plug their phones in overnight on tv!?
Grace that is a NICE coat, she looks great.
Noah being 12… someone remind me to do math on this later.
“I’ve been on 500 bumble dates, how different could these questions be?”
OKKKKAY now I understand more why Velasco was in the wedding shots, cause I lowkey thought it was weird he was there for the ceremony.
Nice plaid muncy… #bivibes
Jessie an billie have pink drinks (I assume Shirley temples) and it looks like Velasco just handed noah champagne… like I know it’s probs gingerale or apple juice but like… BRUH. It looked like Velasco was so distracted he just handed alcohol off without realizing it was a kid lololol
Is it REALLY that big of a surprise that johnny d has other kid out there? Also how long is it until noah asks about his dad? Like what has liv told him?
Noah knows he’s adopted, he knows his mom is dead and that he can’t see gramma Sheila anymore, he only has liv and she works so much that she definitely should let them meet.
OH okay so he knows his dad was a criminal… noted… noted….
liv…baby…. I know you’re concerned about him being johnny d’s kid, but like, so is noah… also bebe remember the time you left your kid with his “friends” and they locked him in a dog cage? Pls. let him play playstation.
Okay staying the night is a little much. Like first watching them look like a full happy family, but also FLASHBACKS TO SHIELA STEALING HIM.
FUCK Velasco in a suit… I forgot how good that looks.
Jfc. These rollins and liv grilling this guy in the hotel room?! Getting all super close power lady?! FUCK ME.
Grace m’am, you are on the stand, homegirl do up one more button pls.
Oh muncy…. You sweet summer child. I LOVE you but I hope sonny tears a STRIP off you because you deserve it. Like all im picturing rn is barba/alex/casey basically murdering you.
“on a scale of 1-10?”  “I’d say Vladmir putin.” FUCK FIN lololol
“remember I used to joke about you two in a hotel room? And now here *we* are” THAT’S GAY LADIES.
“You were a different person, you would’t let me in.” EXCUSE ME OLIVIA?!?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS A GIANT CUNT IN S13!! YOU were the one who kept brushing off amanda whenever she tried to talk to you or learn anything for like a year!
GOD this scene mustve been so fucking hard to film for these two….
Okay…. Okay… I said this to the discord earlier this week as I got to s8. Muncy does have some Dani Beck vibes…and her on the stand just enforces that. (minus the fact that I love grace and HATE dani)
Carisi saying “my wife” while looking all lovey dovey eyes. FUCK.
GOOD GOD. Im fucking bawling over the actual good bye scene. Fuck me. (also was that walk past then pull back into a hug a call back? Or is that just me?)
Okay. I am VERY glad honestly that Muncy was both not at the wedding and didn’t get a hug at the end (despite a random uni getting one). Not only have they only known each other 9 eps, it just wouldn’t be fucking fair to Kelli. I get it, Molly might not have known she was a replacement when she auditioned/got the job BUT, it just would’ve been a kick in the face to Kelli. Still and always love them both. But… yeah… it’s like when you have to train your own replacement right before getting fired kinda thing? Not cool. So im glad they were able to do that..
 Okay. Onto mothership… lets see how much I have to say lol.
Mechad is a fucking snack. Why must I be attracted to at least two people on every one of these shows? Three hours of tv after getting off work this late is TOO MUCH AND I still have a new criminal minds to watch. Fuck.
 Fuck…. That escalated quickly…. I mean….expected but…
Oh jesus christ…tonight really is about cops fucking up.
This is heartbreaking. The poor suspect is now gonna get extra charges because they were wrongfully arrested/sent to rikers. Fucking ouch. Why l&o gotta be like this tonight…
Okay… my stream cut out for the second time and fucked up and we ALL know Im not invested enough to care.
OC time here we go.
This purple looks great on bell!
Okay, new guy, cant remember his name rn, but him not only getting everyone gifts but having them wrapped that nicely? What do we think? Did he have the store do that or does he do it himself? The “I’ve always been that guy” makes me think he did it himself.
“merry Christmas everyone” jet’s way of saying “welp, mom and dad are fighting on xmas..”
Okay just kidding this stream died on me too… so…imma call it here, have my svu thoughts and some other tiny ramblings for tonight byyeee
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circular-time · 2 years
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154 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
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177 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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A reminder of that powerful clip Jodie Whittaker released for fans, especially children, on March 25, 2020, two days after covid lockdown began in the UK.
186 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
So before I fall asleep and forget panels
Mandip really has loved every minute, talks about how good a "number one" is - Jodie leading the cast in a totally supportive way so everyone had lunch in her trailer just as a matter of course as they talked things out and she looked out for them; she's "the boss" to Bradley Walsh and even he was impressed by how she does that BTS job of kind of being the captain and anchoring/guiding them (Colin Spaul who did classic Who and new mentions there really isn't much time for rehearsal now, unlike the old days, so not a lot of time to plan and experiment)
S11-12 Jodie was 1, Brad 2, Tosin 3, she was 4, and she probably should've been 3 with John Bishop's experience but Jodie said absolutely not; also in scenes without the Doctor Mandip was half jokingly being 1 but had actually learned a lot from Jodie about leading a cast, a lot of bts stuff she'll take with her [parallelling Yaz!] obviously admires her as well as being really good friends
it's Mandip's first con in the states so of course she's getting really competitive trying to beat Barrowman's ribbon collection
she doesn't think of it as work (she said this at the smaller meet & greet) she really does love acting!
Mandip was a little disappointed they had to stay in wales ("I love Wales!" she hastened to add) for s13 after going to S Africa and Tenerife and Bulgaria, but she liked the continuity, getting to work with actors for several stories like past work
Her favorite stunt so far, although they're tiring, was the crane, just because she'd been doing "telly in the kitchen" right before that, and that scene told her right away this was Big (although she didn't like the heights)
upside down isn't as fun as she thought it would be; headache!
She didn't know that yaz was going to fall for the Doctor until she read those lines on the page — she and Jodie were both like "hm, yeah, we can work with this!" —although it was a natural progression. Until then had been playing it that Yaz admired and loved the Doctor in one way or another, but it totally made sense (she talked about falling in love after becoming good friends with someone, and about how Yaz's flashes of anger with the Doctor are because it hurts more when someone you love hurts you; you don't care so much "if it's a bus driver being rude")
Yes, she had her "Thasmin is canon" ribbon; it was the first thing she mentioned, to much applause. Given her by interviewer Riley Silverman
She talked about representation, understanding it as an Asian actor and why it matters to see characters like you on the media you watch.
And it was just a relaxed and comfortable interview. Riley mentioned at lobbycon that Mandip appreciated Riley had really listened to what she said, more than most interviewers do, which Riley noted as sad. [That's the trouble with prepared questions. Riley is a standup comic, so she's better at improv.]
I feel like I should have more for Sacha but his interview was before Mandips and the interviewer's questions weren't as good.
He has tremendous respect for and spent a lot of time with Waris Hussein. (Who said he did a good job, except while watching rehearsal "I was more posh."
Sacha joking about his not-posh Mancunian (Manchester) accent: he's the first Master not to call himself Maaaahst-ah with that initial posh a-sound. He's from a small village in Manchester, misses it.
Talked a lot about variable modes of his Master, that rather than wearing latex masks he rips off, he likes to settle into other roles, other lives, almost as if he's trying to escape being himself — he's the "Master of disguise" and keeps acting in new ways so you're never quite sure which is the real him.
Got down into his mind a little bit, being resentful of not being appreciated, old friends/enemies with the Doctor, etc etc etc.
Suggested a wild idea— with canon changing/refreshing in weird ways — he could be the next Doctor (I almost think he meant his Master; he's still learning the lore. But he was joking around.)
Asked if he had a controversial take on the Master, what he would have his Master say, he kind of curled around the mike and did a tortured "I love you, Doctor" which would have caused several shippers' heads to explode. I'm not sure he is aware of the shipping, although I suspect by the end of this weekend, he'll be informed.
He and the interviewer had mentioned therapy at some point, so they concluded that perhaps s14 should include the Doctor and the Master in couples therapy.
219 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The AU Two Doctors 😍
241 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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nightmanatee · 2 years
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430 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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570 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
635 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
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sums up yaz in s13 perfectly
664 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a little bit of regeneration energy. probably cost me an arm or a leg somewhere down the line. or i`ll just be really little line and then we get 13 is like so FUNNY
676 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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thismustbetheblog · 2 years
**Walking up to the bouncer at a nightclub steamin**
My friend: Just act natural
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