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  "All's fair in love and war," said Ron brightly, "and this is a bit of both."  
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
i know the david dinozzo family saw wicked and since then have been singing to that soundtrack every night
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
Ziva David | Home (NCIS) Tiva (Tony&Ziva)
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
S10 Tony DiNozzo being protective of Ziva is hot. Like super hot
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
😍this starting with a moment between McGee,Jimmy and Tony made me immediately love this story
Their call was so funny and full of love,it was so cute the detail of Tony saying goodbye with an Ily,he grew up so much from season 1 and I totally see Tony being like this now. Poor Tony,I think it's a card industry fail that they don't have a card for them 😂. No but them joking about Tiva hooking up hahahaha,I live for this
Tony buying presents for both Ziva and Tali is adorable,and the tiva bits are so sweet
a little tiva valentine from me to all of you 🤍
“y’know, hallmark really needs to step up their game,” tony complains into his airpods, scouring the card rack in front of him.
“y’know,” tim counters, sounding exhausted, “you really need to remember the time difference when you call me.”
tony scoffs, “oh hush, timothy! i’m having a crisis and i called my best friends in the whole world to help solve it.”
“i’m just glad to be included,” jimmy pipes up, conferenced in seconds after tim had answered the call. “but did it have to be one in the morning?”
“it’s after seven here and i got so busy this week i forgot about valentine’s day,” tony grumbles and picks up a card that looks promising. he scowls and puts it back when he realizes the card is in french and it’s for a mistress, not helpful. “but like i was SAYING, hallmark needs to step up its game. i’m not seeing any cards for the woman who, you know, was my enemy and then my partner and then my friend and then who i danced around for ten years and maybe hooked up with once or twice -“
“just once or twice?” tim interjects on a laugh.
“yeah, it was that whole summer, wasn’t it?” jimmy’s voice sounds like he’s smiling.
“once or twice,” tony continues, ticking each stage of his and ziva’s relationship off on his fingers as if the dynamic duo hadn’t interrupted, “then who ran away and who i followed and then had my baby and then allegedly died but didn’t and went on the run to protect us and who i’m now living with and co-parenting, but who i’m madly in love with.”
he huffs a huge, dramatic sigh when he’s done, a little bug eyed from the monologue.
dryly, tim asks, “oh, is that it?”
“i think he may have missed a few stages in there,” jimmy continues the joke.
“oh ha! i forgot i’m dealing with abbott and costello here,” tony snaps. “i came to you in my time of need! and neither of you are helping me!”
“ziva probably won’t even care if you don’t get her a card,” tim sighs, put upon. “i think she’s just happy that you’re all together.”
“why don’t you make her a card?” jimmy chimes in. “i did that once or twice for breena and she loved it.”
tony purses his lips, thinking. he taps at his thigh and cocks his head. “that could be a good idea, jimbo. okay, i’ve got like,” he looks at his watch, “negative ten minutes. ziva’s probably woke up the second i left the apartment. this conversation has only been marginally helpful, thank you.”
his best friends grumble from across the ocean and tony doesn’t hesitate before saying, “love you both!”
he says that a lot more these days, to everyone that means something to him. he’s learned not to have regrets that he didn’t say something.
“love you too, tony,” tim laughs down the line and jimmy echoes the sentiment before they both hang up.
now left to his own devices, tony completes his errands, returning to the apartment to find both ziva and tali wide awake and giggling in the kitchen.
“my valentines!” tony crows when he opens the door, arms laden down with bags. tali makes a beeline for him, wrapping a hug around his waist and ziva smiles her amused smile at him from the kitchen. he winks at her and gets a toothy, genuine smile in return.
“daddy,” tali raises an eyebrow at him, her mother’s clone, “where’d you go?”
“secret mission,” he winks at her too and she rolls her eyes, dancing back to ziva’s side.
“a secret valentine mission?” ziva laughs, taking one of the bags from tony’s arms. “less stakes than usual, mr. bond.”
tony snorts. “stakes were plenty high, ms. david,” he replies and leans his hip against the counter. “my best girls only deserve the best.”
he unpacks the bags - ingredients for strawberry nutella crepes, both of their favorite candies, and a jellycat shaped like a ravioli for tali. she squeals when she sees the plush, crushing it to her chest and hugging tony tightly before running off to add it to her - frankly obscene - collection.
ziva starts on the crepes. “i never would have imagined tony dinozzo celebrating valentine’s day,” she muses, cracking eggs.
“yeah, well,” tony laughs wryly, “i didn’t and wouldn’t have. not before you and tali. but,” he shrugs, curves his lips in a smile, “times change.”
“yes,” she returns his smile, raking her eyes over his body, “they do.”
tony nudges one of the bags towards her, tips his chin at it. “i think you forgot something,” he says
ziva wipes her hands on a towel and raises an eyebrow at him, pulling the bag open. tony sees her face change when she spots the gift, the skepticism melting off and her eyes softening at the corners. “another jamcat?” she asks and tony doesn’t even correct her.
“it’s me and you,” he explains, laughing a little when she lifts the plush hearts from the bag. “locked together forever,” tony grins.
“you know they will end up in tali’s room before lunch,” ziva murmurs, wrapping her fingers around one plush arm.
“yeah, but they’re still in the apartment, so it’s fine,” tony shrugs. ziva laughs and steps toward him, cupping his cheek in her free hand and pressing a kiss to his face.
“thank you, tony,” she says softly and he knows she’s not talking about the plush toys
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
𝚠𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗… 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
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a tiva series of fanfics centered around two meaningful holidays, set in season 10 of NCIS
𝚠𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚍: - holidays can be a time of joy & celebration, but they can also change everything. for tony & ziva, it’s the latter.
𝚠𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚍 & 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔: - a silly little holiday covered in pink, red & candy hearts. things that are so typically not ziva david. unless, of course, anthony dinozzo is involved.
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
I'm single af but I'm happy thinking about Tony and Ziva spending another Valentine's day together
Plus nobody will change my mind: Tony always brings a present for Tali too (a rose,a toy,chocolate,your choice)
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benedettabeby · 15 days ago
Annoyed wife behaviour
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Tiva in every episode ↳ 6x14 - LOVE AND WAR
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benedettabeby · 16 days ago
Update on abby custom doll!
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These pics are actually awful guys she looks great irl guys TRUST ME.
(First post here)
So she's like kinda sorta done for now. She's gonna be like a forever work in progress because ideally i'll be making her new clothes whenever i have the chance and one day she will have a full wardrobe but like for now. She has a complete outfit.
Progress pics + more info below the break!
Since the last post i made her lab coat, shirt, and skirt! Aka her first outfit. I also repainted her lips again as I didn't like the color I had done, and I cut her hair! Which actually made such a HUGE difference.
Lab coat was the first thing I made and still my favorite item. I was really winging it without a pattern and I'm super happy with the result, especially with the tiny NCIS embroidery :)
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The shirt was actually the hardest part and I think turned out the "worst" as I messed up the sleeves connecting to the body a bit. Again no pattern here so you can't really blame me :P Originally i was gonna do all black but I had this burgundy fabric (it's darker irl) and wanted to try it! She will of course have a black shirt as well in the future
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Then was the pleated skirt! I was nervous about this but it came out so well! This was the only item I had a tutorial for and I thought it would be super hard but it was actually pretty simple and I think it looks great! I will also be making more of these in a variety of colors and lengths
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Then i went for tattoos... unfortunately these did not last as I used a Micron pen and that Doesn't Stay. I'm still working on figuring out what I'll use for this. I used watercolor pencil for her eyebrows and that's fine but the tattoos will experience more "wear and tear" from clothes coming on and off and rubbing against it, so I'll have to figure something out
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No pics of me redoing her lip color, so last up is the hair. I cut it kind of impulsively but despite that I think it turned out alright. I can't believe how much cutting the hair turned her into Abby. Like it was very crazy.
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Right now I'm working on 3D printing a Caf Pow! cup for her and finishing up her laptop screen. This was such a labor of love but soo worth it and fun. Thanks for reading if you made it this far!!!
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benedettabeby · 17 days ago
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I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. To think I don't have her. To feel that I've lost her. To hear the immense night, more immense without her. And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass. What does it matter that my love couldn't keep her. The night is full of stars, and she is not with me. That's all. Far away, someone sings. Far away. My soul is lost without her.
Pablo Neruda
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benedettabeby · 17 days ago
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Episode titles!? 😁❤️
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benedettabeby · 19 days ago
It's suddenly hot here
don't you hear me howling
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summary: Ziva goes undercover at a strip club. Tony can’t even blink.
Things go as expected. NSFW.
read it on ao3
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benedettabeby · 26 days ago
Season 5 Ziva was HELLA JEALOUS, currently rewatching and girlll chilll. Meanwile Tony is still recovering from Jeanne understandably but homegirl takls about soulmates and is ready to throw hands with other girls.
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benedettabeby · 27 days ago
scenes from a snow globe
(an NCIS/Tiva fic)
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Summary: Tony is enjoying the aftermath of a big snowstorm while out searching for evidence for a case. Ziva? Not so much. Set abstractly somewhere in Season 10. Featuring some warm hugs <3
Word Count: 6,954
(read on AO3)
Tag List (if you'd like to be added or taken off, lmk!): @atlolevad4ev @benedettabeby @earanemith @hopeless-nostalgiac @hundan @indestinatus @loismagic @loudlooks @mondlersswiftie @mrsmungus @natalias @nicolem194 @pokingacave @samwhity @sheistheweapon @slippery-soapbox @thewintersoldierdisaster @tivafanfic @tivajunkie @tonysziva @zeevah-ninja
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benedettabeby · 1 month ago
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Golden trio
It was the 90's! Yeah babe!
I read a head canon saying Harry hated tight clothes after his childhood with the Dursley, always wearing Dudley's too big for him stuff. So here he is in his baggy!
Hermione's in high colored outfit
And Ron with the inevitable combo backpack/army jacket.
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benedettabeby · 1 month ago
Tony: I'm sorry Ziva...if I were you,I would punch me right in the face-
Ziva:*punches him*
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