#a heart that loves like you / re: karlach.
sharransepulchre · 23 days
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[ sharran shadowheart visage ] — can't afford any mistakes .
[ selûnite shadowheart visage ] — whatever's next ; i'm ready .
[ sharran shadowheart attire ] — being someone else ; even just for a while .
[ selûnite shadowheart attire ] — shame - the colour might have suited me .
[ sharran shadowheart interactions ] — darkness guide me .
[ selûnite shadowheart interactions ] — wits and blades ; always sharp .
[ faithless shadowheart interactions ] — a new church shall rise ; united , in your image , and blessed with the blood of the faithless .
[ sharran shadowheart answers ] — have to keep focused. can't afford to get attached - to anyone .
[ selûnite shadowheart answers ] — always a pleasure .
[ faithless shadowheart answers ] — which path calls to you - darkness or light ?
[ shadowheart aesthetics ] — better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity .
[ selûnite shadowheart headcanons ] — i think i may have overdone it with the black and purple for - oh - my entire life .
[ shadowheart character study ] — i wonder how i'll feel when i remember everything .
[ selûnite shadowheart attractions ] — yes ; you sit right there and let me drink in the sight of you .
[ faithless shadowheart attractions ] — your heart swells with shadow and silver alike , and the undying love of countless followers . at last , you are whole .
[ shadowheart desires ] — i love a nice secret hideaway .
[ shadowheart skillsets ] — you must inflict pain in order to end pain .
[ shadowheart scenery ] — nothing wrong with a nice subdued ambience .
[ shadowheart playlist ] — the one pocket of light in the gloom .
[ shadowheart games ] — hilarious. you belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort ; with a hooded man standing by ; axe in hand .
[ shadowheart poetry ] — that ' s either profoundly poetic or childishly simple . i ' m going with poetic .
[ sharran shadowheart body study ] — its a form of freedom - if a tragic one .
[ selûnite shadowheart body study ] — forty years of my life ; documented like i was some sort of specimen .
[ ship : shadowlach ] — you ' re a beautiful woman , karlach . i would kiss you if i valued my life a little less .
#[ sharran shadowheart visage ] — can't afford any mistakes .#[ selûnite shadowheart visage ] — whatever's next ; i'm ready .#[ sharran shadowheart attire ] — being someone else ; even just for a while .#[ selûnite shadowheart attire ] — shame - the colour might have suited me .#[ sharran shadowheart interactions ] — darkness guide me .#[ selûnite shadowheart interactions ] — wits and blades ; always sharp .#[ sharran shadowheart answers ] — have to keep focused. can't afford to get attached - to anyone .#[ selûnite shadowheart answers ] — always a pleasure .#[ shadowheart aesthetics ] — better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity .#[ selûnite shadowheart headcanons ] — i think i may have overdone it with the black and purple for - oh - my entire life .#[ shadowheart character study ] — i wonder how i'll feel when i remember everything .#[ selûnite shadowheart attractions ] — yes ; you sit right there and let me drink in the sight of you .#[ shadowheart desires ] — i love a nice secret hideaway .#[ shadowheart skillsets ] — you must inflict pain in order to end pain .#[ shadowheart scenery ] — nothing wrong with a nice subdued ambience .#[ shadowheart playlist ] — the one pocket of light in the gloom .#[ shadowheart games ] — hilarious. you belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort ; with a hooded man standing by ; axe in hand .#[ sharran shadowheart body study ] — its a form of freedom - if a tragic one .#[ selûnite shadowheart body study ] — forty years of my life ; documented like i was some sort of specimen .#[ faithless shadowheart interactions ] — a new church shall rise ; united in your image and blessed with the blood of the faithless .#[ faithless shadowheart answers ] — which path calls to you - darkness or light ?#[ faithless shadowheart attractions ] — your heart swells with shadow and silver alike and the undying love of countless followers .#[ ship : shadowlach ] — you ' re a beautiful woman karlach . i would kiss you if i valued my life a little less .#[ shadowheart poetry ] — that ' s either profoundly poetic or childishly simple . i ' m going with poetic .
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swordpact · 1 year
Who is Oriax gonna romance? Do you have any headcanons about them? I am making grabby hands I want to know everything.
he's currently romancing astarion in his game........im a sucker for oriax and vampires i can't help it. but i also love love love him with karlach -- there's something about the three of them all being from baldur's gate but being from vastly different walks of life and all seeing the city in different ways.
with astarion and oriax, it's a case of 'i can make him better while he makes me worse' for a long time. oriax pulls astarion onto this side of good alignment while they feedback loop on each other for the possibility of gaining great power from the mindflayer tadpoles. there's a bond there of 'i have my freedom now and no one will take it from me again' and astarion is one that shows oriax that living in a golden cage is still living in a cage. they really are kind of a whirlwind when they finally get close enough to start sharing feelings with one another, and astarion is one of the few who get to see past oriax's facade of trying to keep it together.
karlach, on the other hand, brings out a mischievous joy in oriax that's hard to get anywhere else. he doesn't care as much about his noble exterior around her -- she's rough and tumble and covered in blood most of the time, and she makes going into battle fun as all hell. he's happy to run alongside her and dive headlong into the things that make her happy because she's got an infectious kind of joy at being out of the hells and into the world again. and when they get to baldur's gate, she shows him all the places she remembers, places a noble like oriax would never go on his own.
relationship asks.
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dekariosclan · 28 days
Attention Galemancers: Gale thinks you are wonderful
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In celebration of Galemancer week, this post is dedicated to all my fellow wizard-lovers 💜
We’ve talked plenty about how much we love Gale—but in this post I want to talk about how Gale Dekarios loves us, too. Very, very much.
From Astarion-to-Gale pipeliners, to the gamers who played BG3 not intending to romance anyone, to players who thought they’d just play the game casually and mayyybe smooch the hunky Druid elf guy or hot fiery lady, we all played BG3 thinking we had a pretty clear idea of how it was going to go—only to find ourselves rizzed by the wizard.
But we didn’t just choose Gale—Gale chose us.
Remember, Tav does not initiate the romance; Gale has to choose to start the weave scene. So if you’re reading this and you’re a Galemancer, it’s because Gale wanted you to be one.
That’s right Galemancers: Your Pixel Husband©️ took one look at you/your Tav, liked you immediately, and told the other romanceable companions, ‘I beg your pardon, this one is mine.’ The rest is history.
Gale loves us just as much as we love him—and this goes for ALL GALEMANCERS, no matter how your romance went:
Did you go into the game already liking Gale and actively wanting your Tav to romance him? Then Gale applauds your excellent taste. It’s one of the many reasons he chose you! To like so many things about him, and right from the start…he thinks your generosity is quite wonderful.
Did your Tav choose another companion first, and only romance Gale later on/during a second play through? No matter. He knew that you would come to your senses eventually! (just like he’s sure Minthara will appreciate him at some point…) He just had to be patient. It’s fine; you were worth the wait, after all.
Did you get Sneaky God Gale and have to re-do your run/start a new one to get your human proposal ending? Gale knew from the start that you were special—and that you would love him enough to replay the game and fix any bad outcomes. He knew you would do whatever was necessary to correct his path so he could marry you! Seeing you do all that for him…well…it only makes him want you more.
Did you encourage Gale to become a God & have him ascend your Tav, too? Then GodGale is beyond thrilled he chose you. Like he says in the human epilogue: ‘I could spend an eternity in your company.’ Now he can finally do that! (One small request—please keep his ambition in check, but do allow him to continue to troll Raphael as often as he likes.)
Did you romance Gale, but have your Tav go to Avernus with Karlach to help her? Gale always knew you had a heart of gold, and that’s one of the reasons he chose you. A little distance & time won’t hurt a bond like yours—and he’ll have his hearth & home waiting for your return.
Did you read online guides to do Gale’s & Tav’s romance correctly and get the ending you wanted from the start? What divine calculus plucked you from the heavens and thrust you into Gale’s arms? He knew you were studious and detail-oriented from the moment he met you, which is why he chose you! To know you studied so hard in order to get a good ending for him…none have loved him so purely before.
— — —
In short: Gale Dekarios doesn’t toss the ‘L’ word around lightly. He only picks someone to be a Galemancer if he truly thinks they are wonderful—and that’s not just anyone.
In conclusion: Galemancers, you are wonderful!
Now go enjoy the rest of this week with your well-earned and well-deserved pixel wizard—who chose you 💜
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autistichalsin · 7 months
Some of my favorite voice lines (either because of the lines themselves or because of Dave's delivery) from this collection of every line Halsin had in the game (and some he technically didn't because they weren't Halsin lines at all, but lines other characters have that they had Dave record for some reason):
5:07 "Fancy a b-oink? Indeed, you'll be hard-pressed to find a joke I haven't."
8:26 "I am Halsin. First Druid of the Emerald Grove. And I am here to VISIT NATURE'S FURY UPON YOU!" (From his revenge scene if the grove is raided- just, brilliant acting, gives me the chills every time. Give Dave an award please)
10:10 "Karlach. I am glad you can enjoy the touch of another once again. And I hope you are afforded much more time than you've been told. A lifetime and more, if I have a say in it."
17:33 "Lae'zel could not have wished for a finer companion by her side. You truly love her, I can tell. Just... keep each other safe, please."
25:05 (Tav or Durge line) "Yeah, she's not coming back."
27:44 "Shadowheart. These truths that have been revealed to you... I know they must be painful. But Oak Father as my witness, I know you are strong enough to bear them. You need not walk this path alone."
34:08 "I am sorry, Gale. You tried. Mystra was wrong to turn on you, no matter what mistakes you made in the past."
35:57 "Time can prove to be a trickster on one's recollections. What would be multiple lifetimes for others now separate me from my captivity. Perhaps I have lost perspective on what happened to me."
39:06 "Re-education. As if this sect has not mangled poor Shadowheart's mind enough already."
41:59 "I need you!"
47:08 (Shadowheart line) "Let's see what comfort we can offer a grieving mother."
47:57 "You have carried this burden for too long already. I simply do not believe that ceremorphosis is the only course left to you! Orpheus must help us." (He is so protective of the player 😭 )
52:03 "We need to be gone from here- now!"
53:10 (Tav/Dark urge line) "In my name." (Amazing acting for that line, makes me wish SO BAD we could have Origin Halsin)
1:04:13 "A mindflayer?! What foul trickery is this?"
1:04:20 "I am no stranger to the Underdark. Cruelty comes to Lolth's followers as naturally as breathing. I have seen it- experienced it." (You can tell he still holds so much grief and anger over what happened to him in the Underdark.)
1:04:32 "Do not yield, Karlach. The world has need for you yet. I have need for you yet. Please." (The way his voice breaks here just wrecks me.)
1:10:13 "Let our enemies' corpses nourish the ground!"
1:13:20 "Gale, what's troubling you? We're nearly at the end, I know it."
1:14:52 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "That's what was in there? Those little shits."
1:21:26 "You have upended nature's balance. Only your death can restore it!" (From the Halsin revenge scene.)
1:24:31 "Last Light fell because you could not control the violence in your heart. All those people perished because of what you did to Isobel. You must try harder. You must be better."
1:24:26 "There must be no more Yennas."
1:25:39 "No, it's wooden. Um. I suppose it burns if you find yourself in dire need of kindling, but I hope it does not come to that." (Referring to his whittled duck)
1:35:12 (Karlach line) "Rest in peace, Astarion. You may have been a bloodthirsty murderer, but I liked you all the same."
1:37:03 "Death is nature's final slumber. It awaits us all. Do not punish yourself over those lost, or give in to despair. Not while there are folks in need of your help."
1:40:57 "Do not yield, Karlach. Stay with us. Stay with the ones who love you." (Just breaks my heart. 😭 )
1:43:28 "You deserve so much better, but alas... I understand. Do as you must."
1:57:27 "You seem to be mumbling to yourself- aren't I enough company for you?" (To Shadowheart)
2:08:57 "GLORY?! There's no glory here! Now there's nothing here. Only shadows, and the total absence of hope!"
2:09:37 "I see. Well. Perhaps not all friendships are destined to be balanced and reciprocal. But I remain eternally grateful for having met you, all the same. Rest well."
2:13:27 "We are. Yet there is a burden to being the survivor, the witness to others' tragedies. It only grows heavier with time."
2:16:26 "You worship Shar?! That umbral witch unleashed a plague of darkness on nature! Her followers slew many of my fellow Druids!" (So much pain and anger here.)
2:20:41 "It wasn't just power this needed! It was wisdom, understanding! I suffered along with this place for years trying to understand the curse! And it seems I will continue to do so."
2:21:46 Maniacal laughter (I can only imagine this happens if you get hit with Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and this one was incredible in that it SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME LMFAO I was so creeped out. HUGE props to Dave Jones for that one.)
2:26:15 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name."
2:33:13 "Poor creature! Locked in a cage, denied her true nature. Civilization would cause her a monstrosity, yet it treats her like this?!"
2:34:54 "What are you doing?! No!"
2:39:01 "Ah, but the glory can be found in the telling! The children love tales of underdogs, facing odds most unlikely! They shall appreciate your story, trust me."
2:40:20 "The Rite of Thorns? No..."
2:42:09 "I was not here to guide them. Now they rest forever, while I carry the weight of my failings."
2:52:35 "Nature cares little for nobility- it is pure artifice. But I can still hold some respect for Wyll's accomplishment. He shall be a fine duke, I am sure."
2:53:50 "Please. Don't sully the gratitude I feel towards you by making excuses for Kagha. My choice was clear."
2:56:01 (Orin-as-Halsin) "Please, wait. I did not want this. I could not stop it."
3:19:56 "Hmm. Perhaps I can substitute the bloodlust and, well, general lust for cuddles and animals in the retelling. The children will be confused, but no matter- they will soon be asleep."
3:23:38 "I am glad to have Gale back with us. The group would be poorer without his insights- and his company."
3:27:00 "That was no killing blow- far from it. What happened?"
3:27:49 "Silvanus guard us- what have you done?!"
3:29:58 "If this is what you truly want, I shall respect your wishes. But know that you shall not die, not truly. Nature's realm shall be yours- in the air, the trees, the waters."
3:32:27 "Don't do this! Your life!" (When a mind flayer character commits suicide in the ending)
3:34:47 Pained groaning (IDK it just sounded so damn real here, I could just imagine Halsin with a giant gaping wound or something here)
3:38:53 "The machine! It's going to blow!"
3:41:12 "Come on, you useless turnip!"
3:46:43 "You can still save yourself, Karlach. You can return to Avernus- it need not be forever. Just long enough to give yourself a chance..." (His voice sounds so small and pleading here 😭 )
3:48:12 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name." (Just a really good delivery)
3:48:54 "But... friendship is no consolation trophy. I cherish the bond we have forged. Whether it should grow into something else is... not for me to predict."
3:49:20 "Vampire spawn assailing us in the night? I thought we had ample troubles as it was. At least you are safe, Astarion."
3:51:00 "I was never afforded a chance to start a family of my own- serving nature always had to come first."
3:51:07 "You thought she was an imposter- a threat. This was a trap of Orin's creation. Yenna's death is on her hands, not yours."
3:51:22 "Your rage is most impressive, Karlach. If the lesson is not to provoke your temper, consider it well-learned."
3:59:04 "Ha! I suppose I did, didn't I? I was so focused on helping Thaniel that my sense of decorum was neglected."
4:06:02 "Truly? I thought you felt the same way as me. There was a connection, I-I was sure!" (Oh my god he sounds like he's fucking CRYING here and this legitimately made me whimper out loud and hide my face. I have NEVER needed to hug a character THIS BADLY before oh my god give Dave Jones all of the awards please)
4:17:03 "Oak Father, what did I do to deserve such allies?!"
4:18:03 "This... orb. Gale carries a most dire burden. I wish he had shared it with us sooner."
4:18:58 "Time for blood!" (In bear form)
4:19:31 "Karlach has had her mortality defined to her in most cruel terms. I do not know if we can help her, but perhaps we can at least be there for her."
4:23:19 "FINE!" (He just sounds so done lmfao)
4:23:20 "And yet, she fears there are none to inherit her work, so she goes on. Long life can be a burden at times- I know that well."
4:24:45 "You shall live on. And wherever I go, I shall feel your presence, and you mine." (To Origin Karlach in the ending- this whole scene would be really beautiful if they would just fix a few things)
4:27:55 "Your power is buoyed by a sea of innocent blood! I hope you are pleased."
4:28:26 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "In my name." (Gave me chills)
4:30:59 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "What in the hells, Astarion?! You bit me!"
4:32:39 "Remember, whatever evil is trying to control you, I know you are stronger. Resist."
4:35:08 Pained groaning and cries (They just sounded so real and painful)
4:37:11 "Dominate the brain! Do it now, or all is lost!"
4:47:46 "I will not go on without you!"
4:49:18 "Perhaps try attacking the enemy!" (He sounds so done lmfao)
4:49:25 "That contraption looks set to kill you, not save you! Get clear of it at once!"
4:50:27 "A cruel blow. Astarion loved feeling the caress of the sun, only now it gouges him with its claws. Perhaps we shall meet again, beneath the shield of darkness."
4:53:23 Maniacal laughter (Truly terrifying just like the other one)
4:58:49 (Yenna line [yes really]) "Where am I? I don't like this dream!"
4:59:04 "Nature bows to none. It will fight on and survive, no matter what madness your god has inspired you to undertake."
5:03:51 "Stuck, eh? Straight out of bawdy literature."
5:09:57 "Killing Orin won't bring Yenna back, but it may give her some peace, and me... a great deal of satisfaction."
5:11:26 "No! Have you taken leave of your senses?!"
5:15:27 "This may keep the city safe, but to seal all those unfortunates away forever? Death would have been more merciful."
5:16:44 "Stay your hand, Astarion! To sacrifice so many is a tyrant's ambition!"
5:16:52 "I... cannot imagine how you are feeling, Gale. For a goddess to ask a mortal to pay such a price... I am sorry for... for your burden."
5:19:44 "Immortal... and angered. What have I done...?"
5:20:43 "The power of the bear lies within me!"
5:22:47 "In that case, nothing more needs to be said. Farewell." (Said if a player who has low approval with Halsin at the epilogue party says they have no interest in taking the olive branch Halsin extended; I like this one because he sounds like a strange combination of sad and relieved at the same time, which is such a realistic combination of feelings!)
5:26:14 "Slain and stuffed. I would like to do the same to whoever's handiwork this is." (About a taxidermy baby bear)
5:26:19 "My heart grows heavy for Karlach. She can touch once more, yet is her remaining time to truly be so short? I shall pray to Silvanus that it does not come to pass."
5:32:10 "I... cannot imagine how you are feeling, Gale. For a goddess to ask a mortal to pay such a price... I am sorry for... for your burden. Though I wish you had told us of your predicament before."
5:36:33 (Orin-as-Halsin) "I lost control. I felt the bear take over, blood-crazed. And she forced me into a cage, along with... *sobs* with children, taken from the streets." (I think this one is a slightly different version than what ended up used? The sobbing is definitely more prominent if nothing else.)
5:39:28 "I hoped my friends would save me..." (Dave manages to make Halsin's body sound dead-corpse-emotionless and yet sad at the same time.)
5:39:45 "I hoped my loved would save me..." (Same as above)
5:41:08 "Your gold and your loins. Not for me to dictate what you do with either."
5:41:20 "You were not even born when Shar's followers slew my fellow Druids, or when her shadow curse tainted the land. I can get past those... but I truly wish you had trusted me sooner."
5:52:36 "No matter how long I live, I will never get used to the cruelty that infests our world. That such evil is allowed to breathe the same air as us is an abomination."
5:57:33 (Tav/Durge line) "In my name."
6:02:56 "Of course... somehow I'd hoped for a miracle, but of course... the only miracles are those we make ourselves." (He's talking about Karlach/her engine here)
6:03:57 "I was all too eager to surrender my responsibilities towards the Grove, and now it has been sealed away from the world! Perhaps I was never meant to be Archdruid... to be a leader."
6:08:29 "NO! Cease now, before you doom us all!"
6:09:22 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name."
6:20:05 "I shall endeavor to be more tactful when trying to make friends in future."
6:22:06 "You are afraid because you are alive, and you have something to lose. Hold onto that."
6:26:58 "You will not desecrate this grove! Not while I draw breath!"
6:33:00 "This need not be a parting, so long as you fight on. You and I can each roam apart, until nature compels our paths to cross once again."
6:41:42 "I shall miss him, though I hope he proves to be a kindly god. I've had my fill of the tyrannical sort."
6:42:29 "Do as you must, as shall I. We shall meet again. It is as sure as the break of dawn, or the spring thaw."
6:44:49 "And I have been evicted from the very place I was charged to safeguard. A telling summary of my time as Archdruid, perhaps."
6:45:47 "Stay with me, my love."
6:50:36 "Do not falter, I am here!"
6:51:15 "Karlach. I am sorry. I shall not try to soothe you with gilded words, but... know that I am here for you."
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avocado-writing · 7 months
I love love love your bg3 writing so much. I'm so glad i found your blog.
if you're comfortable writing about marriage, could you write the companions (minus lae'zel) reactions to a githyanki Tav proposing? like, Tav has done research into material plane customs and what marriage entails and has decided they want that with their love.
thank you if you do!! ♡♡♡
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A little baffled when he sees you get down to one knee so sincerely, thinking you can’t possibly be about to propose. That’s not a thing githyanki do is it? Gods, he should have asked Lae’zel…
Eyes widen when you produce the ring. Dead heart skips.
Is utterly bowled over that this is happening. That anyone would think he was worth proposing to, especially wonderful you.
You start a spiel about why you think you’d be a spouse he should consider, usual githyanki directness, and he cuts you off - “you don’t need to convince me, my sweet. The answer is yes. It’s always yes.”
You slide a ring onto his finger and he watches the way it sparkles.
You must have saved up for ages. He never thought he’d be deserving of something like this, but is going to try and see himself through your eyes from now on.
As you drop to a knee, he’s sorting through every piece of information in his head that he knows about githyanki, because you can’t possibly be about to —
Just stares for a moment when you bring out a ring. He sees your brow furrow.
“you are displeased.” Him, quickly, “no, no! Far from it! I’m just… surprised.”
”why would you be surprised, Gale? You are the most treasured thing in my life, and I believe this is how people in Faerûn seal that bond.”
He’s reduced to speechlessness at your sincerity. All he can do is nod and put on the ring, allowing you to scoop him up in your arms and kiss him over and over ❤️
The second you drop to a knee she says yes.
“Karlach I believe I am meant to ask the question first—” “sorry, I got overexcited! do it properly then.”
”… will you marry m—“ “YES”
She grabs you and pulls you into her embrace, holding you in a bridal carry and kissing you deeply.
“Would you like to see the ring?” “There’s a ring too?!”
She’s so happy, man. You’re certain you’ve never made a better decision in your life.
“I researched into what gem would be preferred in a ring, and measured your gloves to get the size correct.” “You did all this for me? 🥹” “Karlach, you are worth moving the stars for.”
She goes around the camp showing off her ring. She can’t stop smiling all day ❤️
Raised eyebrows when you kneel.
“Hmm, I wasn’t aware that githyanki knew of marriage.” “I didn’t. I read up about it. But I suppose if you’re against it—“ “no no, I didnt say that…”
Smiles when you drop to a knee again, pretends to be coy in her answer, but she knows she’d never say anything but yes.
You lay there with her that evening as she discusses all of the intricacies of planning a wedding, her hand tangled in yours, going into great detail about what she wants. Her face hurts by the time she falls asleep because she’s been grinning all day.
He is so utterly surprised when you propose — but not for any untoward reason.
“Wait right there!” his face is so excited when he runs back into his tent, and when he re-emerges he has a ring box in his hand too.
“oh… is it custom for us both to have a ring when proposing?” “No, my darling. It’s just fortuitous luck that I was going to propose to you, too.”
“I see. So is your answer yes, then?” “Of course my love. A thousand times.”
You smile widely, and the two of you exchange rings, before he reaches over and kisses you sweetly.
Is happy, but also wants you to know you don’t have to do this. That proposal might be a custom of this plane but if you aren’t certain, it isn’t something you have to do.
“I want this, Halsin. I have done my research thoroughly. I can think of nothing more joyous than being married to you. I do not enter into the lightly, and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
He smiles so widely it threatens to crack his face in two. Lifts you in his arms and gives you a passionate kiss, assuring you that he will make you happy for the rest of his days.
Can’t stop looking at the ring on his finger. He’s an old elf, but he’s never felt more treasured in his life.
Smirks. She knew this was coming.
Doesn’t say much, but confirms “you made the right choice. Yes. I will marry you.”
She scrutinises the ring as you slide it on your finger, but seems content. She keeps glancing down to how it reflects the light.
Proves just how pleased she is later that night in bed 😏
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kayann9 · 5 months
Hope is a dangerous game
Thank you so much to anyone who read the last one shot! I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read, like or re-blog!
This is mainly from Gale's P.O.V just before Shadow-cursed Lands and his confession. Nothing explicit; just fluff. Tav (f -Serena) X Gale. 1057 words and I do not own anything other than Serena :)
Gods she was beautiful.
Gale’s brain let the thought roam free, the urge he’d had to reign it in when the dark magic coursing through his veins heaved had vanished. He watched her train with abandon and revelled in the fact he could glance in her direction without the guilt and concern that doing so would end their lives.
He had noted that beauty when she’d dragged him out of the portal.
The type of grace that elves possessed was a magic unto itself, but she was spectacular. The others had made the same eyes at her that he had; his incessant babbling about his life in Waterdeep and tales of misbegotten adventures as a youth had been his weapons in the war for her attention.
“Your flank. It’s always the flank!” Karlach’s voice boomed as it broke his silent reverie. “You know, I will always watch your back Ren but sooner or later you’re going to feel the point of a sword there.”
“I’m left-handed! It’s hard.”
Serena was left-handed. Of course, she was. Gale had spent his time studying her since he’d decided he’d have to keep away from her, since the night of magic happened, and he’d seen that thought whirring in her brain. He’d worked out that she liked the outdoors, that she enjoyed the sound of water, she was better at cards than she told anyone – often faking poor hands and bluffs - and that when she was happy, genuinely so, she smiled with her whole face. This was one of those times and far from the usually clench of agony in his chest, it was just his heartbeat throbbing away at the sight of the brightness in her eyes.
It was a different kind of feeling.
There was no anxiety around her. There were no knots in his stomach when he looked at her; just the feeling of warmth. The feeling of not wanting to wait until she spoke to him or looked at him again. He didn’t question that she was fond of him, whilst their relationship had not been spoken out loud, their glances and touches were the most intimate he’d ever felt.
He was falling in love with her.
He was in love with her.
And wasn’t that the cruellest joke of them all.
His Mother would have been thrilled if he’d spoken to her and told her of Serena; intelligent, brave, beautiful, good. She’d been no fan of his special relationship with Mystra; no fan of his designs of wanting more than mortality. This, this she would have been ecstatic about.
And he wouldn’t ever be able to tell her.
Because it wouldn’t be anything more than a blip in time; maybe a moment before his destruction. His Mother would never know about how he’d met someone who made his heart sing; who laughed at his stories, genuinely and with heart; who made fun out of him with a soft glance.
He supposed the real question was would he even be able to tell Serena?
Would it be fair?
One part of him screamed to do it; to take her away to a secluded spot, show her the heavens and then some, tell her how if it were the real world and if he were at home, in his cluttered tower, he would’ve taken all the time in the world to do this right. He’d have taken her out, showed her any realm she wished to see, taken her to any place she had wished to visit.
Then there was the other part. The part that couldn’t forget the orb despite its silence. The part that reminded him how selfish that would be when he knew what the outcome was: oblivion.
And that was if she was even receptive to the whole idea. It hadn’t been lost on him that they were from different worlds; hers filled with blood and steel, his filled with mysticism and power. It was possible he’d read the whole thing wrong. That her glances were that of sympathy and pity not wanting and compassion.
He groaned and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.
It was all so complex.
It was all so human.
“You look a million miles away.” He startled as she sat beside him. “I’m tired of my flank being told off so I am having a break.”
Sweat beaded along her brow, her skin flushed with the heat. She glowed. “Just lost in thought. Your flank looked good to me.” As the words left his mouth, his brain caught up.
“I am very glad to have you watching my flank.” Her shoulder knocked into his, that familiar teasing tone had been slowly creeping back since Elminster’s visit. “Maybe you should go and spar with her, I can watch your flank too.”
He didn’t flush, for that he was grateful.
“I’m not sure sword fighting is my forte. A wise man knows him limitations and using an executioner’s axe is most definitely mine, especially if you want me to keep my hands. Very difficult to cast the array of spells at my arsenal without them.”
“I am almost positive they have much better uses than simply casting spells.”
Gale’s heart stuttered. This was definitely a flirtation. It was one of her more obvious ones. While he had tormented himself about all the outcomes, the more impulsive part of him couldn’t help but lean into her: messy hair sitting on her damp skin, rosy glow of her face in the evening light.
“Oh, really?”
Serena was so fast that he barely had chance to register, entwining her fingers in his. “Oh, most definitely.” Her voice lowered to a whisper and he couldn’t help but glance around the wide space, checking to make sure he had not actually succumbed to death, and this was some sordid fantasy he’d spent weeks pushing away.
Her breath tickled his cheek, her lips close to his ear.
“You… are also an excellent cook.” The giggle brought him back to reality and before he could register his disappointment, she planted the lightest kiss on his cheek before dancing away.
His skin tingled with the faintest ghost of her lips.
His soul tingled with faintest glimmer of hope.
For the first time, in what felt like an eternity, the tiniest gleam of a new voice in his head whispered: maybe she will find another way.
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gnomishcunning · 6 months
Re: requests, literally any nsfw for Zevlor? I love one (1) sad old tiefling
i, too, love one sad ole' tiefling. he and karlach own my wholeass heart. some of my own headcanons/portrayals of him snuck into these, hope ya don't mind.
(please send me more asks about zevlor i love him so much)
nsfw below the cut! MDNI
in general-
zevlor's a hopeless romantic in the truest of sense. his entire life has been about devotion - he joined a group of soldiers that you can't quite, he's a paladin who lived by his oath for decades, and he followed the literal god of guardians. he believes in devotion, and that undoubtedly leaked into his concept of relationships
maybe back in his young soldiering days, zevlor had some one-night stands, maybe an occasional fling or two. but his devotion to his duty came first, and he sadly never found time to fall in love like he wanted, or start a family.
so, if you somehow managed to lure zevlor into your bed? you need to know it's because he loves you. even if he hasn't told you.
he's an old, broken paladin. he's not willing to risk heartbreak and further grind down his sense of self-worth, not with everything he's been through.
he's already lost everything that made him who he was. he can't loose you, too.
the first time around? it's all sweetness. he approaches your naked body with a sort of reverence, like he can't quite believe what he's seeing. that this is actually happening.
his attention to detail is paramount. he's trimmed all his talons to a dull sort of safety, he's got warming oil tucked into his belt-pouch, hell - he brings his own contraceptive herbs, if he's with the type partner where that's a concern. he'll eat em in front of you if that helps.
consent is the sexiest thing, and he unwraps you like a present, carefully asking with every piece of clothing removed, dipping his head to press kisses to every new bit of your beautiful self revealed to him.
His hands tremble as they travel over soft skin, careful on every curve he covers. he's constantly checking in, making sure you're okay- can he touch here? caress you?
it's admittedly a very vanilla affair, but it's probably the most tender, loving sex you'll ever have.
he's going to want to top, and gods, how can you say no to that face?
you'll come first. no matter what. he presses kisses down your body until he can attend your clit or cock with careful flicks of his tongue, he'll dribble oil onto his fingers in front of you so he can slowly work you open, taking one finger, then two-
and gods, you just know he'd have amazing hands, right? callused and dextrous after a lifetime of sword-wielding, but ever-so careful and exact.
he won't want to take you until you've made a mess of the bedsheets, and when he does? he wants to take you in missionary so he can reach you everywhere, kiss every bit, and watch - commit every bit of this to memory, just in case he never has the opportunity take you apart, ever again
he's going to do his gods-damned best to insure you both cum at the same time. he'll press careful kisses to your mouth as you fall apart, one hand cupping your chin, just so he can watch your face as you cum
he's not a very loud moaner, but he repeats your name on loop until he finishes.
he gets hella clingy afterwards, and if you two have the right kind of relationship where he feels safe enough to be vulnerable which of course you two do, he'll probably cry afterwards
thankfully, this becomes a regular occurrence for both of you
in terms of kinks? zevlor's a bit of a mixed bag. he's got a lot of things he's passingly thought would be very hot to try with a partner, but he may carry some weird guilt about it.
in kinky, bdsm terms-
i'm a firm believer he's a switch, and he's equally willing (and wanting, tbh) to take both roles on, depending on the night. while bdsm wouldn't be a lifestyle-like thing for him and the majority of y'all's sex is vanilla, there's definitely occasions where he wants to indulge. and they're usually like, specifically-planned and orchestrated occasions, set to consume a whole evening, for both the kinky sex and the aftercare.
safewords include the faerun equivalent to the stoplight system (which i'm still working on), or something simple and straightforward that both of you can easily remember.
'bridle' is what comes to mind off the bat
he's absolute delighted if his partner wanted to take care of him, and yield without a fight. if he verbally protests he should be taking care of you, just say you wanna show him how much you love him. he'll fall apart in moments.
as a submissive? his biggest kinks would be praise and body worship, especially contrasted with some light verbal degradation. he's got some guilt to work through, and it's nice to do that with someone he trusts implicitly. but focus more on rewarding good behavior, rather than punishing bad behavior. he's disappointed enough in himself.
it's worth mentioning, this man is the furthest thing from a brat (for the most part). he wants to be good and get praised, since nothing else gets his heart beating as fast - but if you're being a tease, he's not above squirming and cursing at you in infernal
bondage is a yes, but he prefers one particular facet: rope. shibari's equal parts art form and bondage, and he'd appreciate the care and attention to detail that goes into it.
ironically? you wouldn't need bondage to hold him still. he's pretty damn good at following orders, and he's definitely eager to please. i don't think he'd be into 'good boy', but call him a 'sweet lil soldier'??? hahahaha oh wow
sweet and reassuring aftercare is a necessity, there's like a 95% chance he'd cry in a weird, cathartic sorta way. he's definitely a candidate for subdrop, so watch for that.
regardless of how pretty he is when he falls apart, he'd additionally play dominant with just as much eagerness. just say you trust him implicitly, he's incredibly handsome and attractive when he's in-charge, and you want him to take control. he'll more than happily agree - he's enthusiastic about it, especially when he sees how excited you are about the concept
speaking of- titles. Master sits weird with him, but "Sir" and "Commander" are both on deck. he kinda a fun lil illicit thrill using his old title in the bedroom. it'd go a long way to restore that ole' Hellrider Commander confidence, ngl.
he's a very firm, but very kind dominant, if that makes sense? he issues his commands, wants and expects them to be followed. his rewards good behavior with praise and petting (hair, or elsewhere on your body)
he's got a very good understanding about the lengths and limits of subspace given how well he knows you, he's incredibly attentive about how far his submissive has sunk, mentally, and he'll take them as far as they're looking to go- whether that's just taking their mind off a situation with some sweet tending and an orgasm or three, or totally obliterating their brainpower in a positive way with the paladick(tm) treatment
very into getting his partner to the point all they remember his name, designation, and 'please'. equally as fond as leaving hickies/marks/love bites all across their body, especially where people might be able to see. leaving physical evidence of his effect on his lover is a big turn-on
as equally into bondage and rope as a dominant as he is a submissive. it's a hobby he occasionally indulges in, and he enjoys prettying you up in fancy hemp ropes he probably dyed himself
he's fan-fuckin-tastic with aftercare, it's kind of insane. he's soft and careful, getting you a glass of water, he draws you a warm bath and helps you clean up, and then lures you back into your body from the weird, floaty world of subspace with soft touches and sweet praises. he'll get you snacks afterwards if you need them, and do just about anything you'll ask - from reading a book out-loud so you can listen to his voice, to granting you another orgasm if needed.
for the record if y'all want deets about how he is with a brat or an obedient submissive, someone needs to bite the bullet and send the ask, otherwise this post is gonna extend into forever
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soullessmocha · 9 months
{ karlach x gn!tav }
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rating: everyone
warnings: light spoilers, mild gore, death, angst
word count: 1499 
like with most of my writing i rarely re-read and go over it. i am mediocre writer with heavy bg3 brain rot after finishing my first playthrough of the game.
Your body felt cold yet hot at the same time as you felt life drain out of you. You stare blankly at the ceiling of the foyer in the House of Hope, a demonic spike going through your chest. “You dare to mess with me, steal my from me! Look how piteous thing you are. Let this remind your friends- AH!” Raphael hisses in your ear, his new form causing nothing but the smell of flint and death before he was slain. You barely realize how far your own body was flung until you hit the last soul tower, it crumbles over you as your body splatters on the ground. The horrific roars coming from the devil himself only deafen your ears more. You can’t hear anything. Just the ringing from your head and the screams. You couldn’t tell if it was your scream or your adventurous friends. Maybe even your lovers.
The hot weight of the stone was being ripped off of you. It’s a warm hand that turns your body over. “Oh gods, no, no, no, no…” The warm, honey-like, voice soothes through the ringing. You were saying the same thing as your body began to get so increasingly cold that even turning your joints brought splintering pain. “Hope, please! Help!” Wyll cries out but Hope can only stand over you with a distant look on her face. Karlach ripped off your armor to see where the damage was starting, “You’re not dying here soldier!” Her voice cracks, it makes your blood-stained lips curl slightly. Your bare hand grasps her bicep, “Karlach… No,” you choke out. She doesn’t listen to you.
With your body being moved you let out a blood-piercing scream that even the tadpole in your head couldn’t stand as it vibrated in your cranium in reaction. It was losing its life source. You. Karlach settles you on the sigil glowing in the foyer marble flooring. It was so cold for a place that was burning in one of the levels of Hell. The shiver sent down your spine only made a reaction in your body to spasm, cough up more congealed blood that was threatening its way through your system. Everything was shutting down on you. You couldn’t feel your lower half anymore. 
“We’re going to get you to Shadowheart-” Karlach choked out, her tears being burnt down her cheeks. Something she hasn’t been able to do in gods knows how many centuries. She was supposed to be the first one to go with her infernal engine only being a ticking time bomb. Not you. Not her deepest of love. Not her very own heart. She covers the puncture wound with her own hands, trying to stop the blood from seeping through anymore. She could only wince at your whimper from the pressure. 
“Please, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go!” Karlach begs you, her forehead resting on yours. The warmth comforted you as everything around started to get dark and fuzzy. Yet Karlach was the only thing shining bright for you. In this moment her words of confession roamed in your head. It just wasn’t meant in the stars for the two of you but to go out with a bang was all she needed. 
You weakly feel your hand raise to her cheek, your thumb gently tracing over her features to memorize them one last time, “Out with a bang, right?” You couldn’t even recognize your voice, your hand slid from her cheek to her soft hair, feeling the locks one last time. Death was knocking on your door but you were fighting every second to be with your love. “You're going to go to Avernus,” you hiccup to get air into your lungs, “fix that damned engine of yours and make that bastard pay for what he’s done.” Your body spasms again as the sickly iron-tasting crimson splatters from your throat. “Don’t bring me back… Don’t ask Withers. You save the city. Save yourself. Then come and get me…” Your lower lip trembles as your world starts to crumble around Karlach her glow shining brighter as her sobs become more violent. She was shaking her head at your request. She didn’t even want to think about going through this alone, without her solider by her side. It couldn’t be done. Not without you by her side. 
“Please, don’t go.” Karlach whimpers against your cheek while she peppers warm kisses all over your cold skin, burying her face in the crook of your neck. “I can’t do this without you!” Her voice increases in volume and the flames dancing on her burgundy skin glow blue. All you can do is hold her close while her body curls around yours, rubbing her back with numb arms. “I love you,” you whisper in her ear but before you were able to place one last kiss on her beautiful face you slipped away. Your soul knew deep down that everywhere would be hell without Karlach by your side in whatever afterlife there was as it dissipated away.
Her back felt empty as your strength faded. Her body could nearly melt you away from how cold you were in her arms. “Tav?” she whispers noticing your arms fall by her side, caught on her armor. “Tav, wake up!” She lifted herself from your body, hovering to look you over. The sight horrified her. No longer did your eyes glimmer with life, they were dull. Lifeless. Your skin is pale and clammy from the damned heat of hell. Karlach gently cupped your cheek, her long nails gingerly brushing hair from your expressionless features. Your eyes were staring at the damning mural in the foyer ceiling. Karlach gently closed your eyes. Her warm lips pressed on each eyelid. Strong arms curl under your body to bring you close.
She stood shakingly, weak in every joint as a part of her had fled this realm. Tears flowed down her cheeks yet she was stoic. Unable to rest until your body was at peace. “I love you, **ph myirz.” 
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You wake up in a familiar stone enclosure. Withers stood over your body watching you closely to make sure everything went right to his ancient doings. All you could do was blink up at the forgotten god. “Breatheth. Thee wilt beest did confuse and has't many questions. Howev'r, holdeth onto those folk and liveth again f'r tonight.  Th're is a celebration happening and many art waiting to seeth thee.” His dried hands help you sit up and bring your feet over the stone bed. 
Withers only gives you a nod towards the archway where you can hear music playing and chatter dancing in the air. You take in recognition of your own hands first, this is your body still. Nothing changed. Until you notice how quiet your mind is. Slipping off of the stone bed you run a hand through your hair, gripping the roots to set the reality that there is no more tadpole squirming in your brain.
As you walk across the tree bark others turn silent and watch you emerge from the shrubbery.  Eyes all new and foreign greet you with a softness only few could recognize as relief, their mourning was gone. Yet your eyes only searched for one flaming person. Then you see her around the bend of the stone. Karlach stood over the fire, her arms crossed as anxiety rippled over her features. Gold glowing eyes pierced into the bonfire as if she was silently praying to whatever god would listen to bring you back. Yet the sharp gaze stopped when she noticed you, standing afar. She could smell you again. 
The lost expression on your features made her grin fasten wider. Both of your bodies slammed into one another as you ran towards each other. This was your Karlach, not some twisted hell. It was her. The same scent of vanilla and ember came off of her heated skin. Tears blurred your vision, you buried your face in her neck. “You did it.” You whisper against her skin. Karlach only rocks the both of you. It seemed as if the world around the two of you didn’t matter anymore. “I did it,” she repeats after you before gently pulling you back to get a good look over you.
You could feel your very own heat rush to your face as her golden orbs take in your features. You hadn’t known how long it had been since she’d last laid eyes on you but from the looks of it. Too long. “Are you just going to keep staring or kiss me Karlach?” you quipped at her which broke her concentration. Her soft solemn smile turned into a cheeky grin as her hand landed just above your lower back and pulled you close, “You don’t have to ask me twice soldier.” 
With her lips planted on yours and the intoxicating smell of her scent, you knew this was heaven. She was your heaven.
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** ph myriz = my heart (infernal)
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thetavolution · 8 months
Modern Day AU
I spent a moment to think what everyone would be up to in a modern day AU.
Astarion: He was pre-law when he got caught up with Cazador. It's less a vampire spawn situation and a more straightforward abuse situation. I think in the AU he was also much younger when Cazador found him. Once he breaks free of Cazador, he might go back into law. He'd end up in therapy and he'd probably have to take a step back to re-evaluate what he wants in life.
Gale: Of course he's a professor. With magic off the table in this particular AU, he'd probably teach as many subjects as they'd let him. Students would constantly have deja vu seeing him in so many classes. He'd be teaching somewhere like Cambridge or Oxford. The subjects that came to mind were English, History of Art, Linguistics, Philosophy, and for reasons I can't explain, German.
Shadowheart: Her ass would be in a cult. She was kidnapped into some kind of Gloriavale situation as a kid. She'd eventually get a taste of freedom and leave the cult for good, especially if a Tav comes her way. Then she'd write a tell-all book and do a lot of Ted Talks about it. As she got older, she'd become more reclusive. She'd write books from her little countryside house full of animals.
Halsin: Halsin would still be a tree-hugging hippy. He'd have an environmentalism related job, like wind turbine technician, environmental technician, or solar installer. (I imagine he'd want something very hands on.) He'd 100% be part of a nudist colony. He'd still be poly, and he'd be very choosey about who he lets into the polycule.
Lae'zel: She'd go to university where she'd be expanding her world. It would force her to unpack her unhealthy home life is. She was probably raised in a jingoistic family. After discovering the power of friendship and self-discovery, she'd make better choices for herself. She'd still be INCREDIBLY disciplined so I imagine she'd be an athlete. Either she'd do professional rugby or MMA. She might do pro wrestling. She wouldn't join the theatrics on purpose. They'd just tap into her natural persona for her character.
Karlach: She worked for Gortash before he made a name for himself in politics. I'm still trying to work out exactly what would happen to her. I imagine he framed her in this universe and she spent 10 years in prison instead of Avernus. Now she's out and wants revenge... but also would love to get her life back. Possibly she has a chronic illness that, if untreated, could kill her. It's not a 1-to-1 for her heart situation, but close.
Jaheira: She refuses to ever retire from her work. She's been a part of almost every humanitarian world org that'll have her, like The Peace Corps. She now runs her own organization that travels the world for humanitarian efforts. She's a widow and she's still the mother to several adopted children.
Wyll: He was on track to make his father proud. He was going to Oxford to study politics until he realized how much he hated it. His father is the mayor of a major city. I'm hesitant to say London because it feels too obvious. Instead, Wyll drops out to pursue humanitarian work. This is where his path crosses with Jaheira as he joins her organization. His father just doesn't get it and they're at odds over it.
Minthara: Military brat who grew up to join the British Military. In her off time, she's in the BDSM scene.
Orin: She is either running a true crime podcast or being talked about on one. Either that or she's a CEO of a drug company a la The Fall of the House of Usher (2023).
Gortash: This dude is running as a Tory and you know it. He left a huge trail of problematic behavior on his Twitter. He made an anonymous Reddit account to post relationship problems on, but everyone figured out it was him almost immediately.
Barcus: This poor man is so tired. He never found his "dream" and he's been going from job to job for decades. After he starts to stand up for himself, he opens an online store based on all his interests and thrives.
I might do more later, but this is all I could think of for now.
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paarthursass · 11 months
well i GOTTA ask ""you haven't changed." "...do you mean that in a good way or bad way?""
exes to lovers dialogue
"You haven't changed."
Aurel did not meet Wyll's gaze. They sat within a breadth of each other; Wyll's hands were warm as he bandaged the burns on Aurel’s chest. 
He had borne burn scars on his back, once.  It seemed only fitting that now he would bear the reverse; a symbolic branding of the change he had undergone.
'I could only obtain one Scroll of True Polymorph. Karlach required it more urgently than I.'
"That's not what I meant," Wyll hissed.
Aurel almost missed the intimacy of when they had both carried tadpoles in their minds; the effortless psychic link that had cropped up between them, even back when Aurel was so desperately trying to hide himself from Wyll.  He could have re-established the connection now; his own psychic powers were strong enough, and he did so dearly wish he could just know what Wyll was thinking instead of trying to interpret the cadence of his voice and the way he breathed. 
But it would be an invasion of privacy, and it would mean facing the full force of Wyll's grief. 
Aurel grieved himself enough.
'Then say what you mean.'
"You broke into Mephistopheles' library, Aurel!"
'Yes,' Aurel replied plainly, still not facing Wyll. 'We have spent months chasing inconclusive leads among Zariel's forces. Conversely, we knew with certainty that Mephistopheles' realm held tomes and scrolls of every arcane spell in existence.  And with Hope’s House holding a portal to Cania, it was more efficient to steal a scroll from him than to chase flimsy rumors to every end of Avernus.'
"Don't do that," the small part of Aurel's heart that was still a man twinged at how Wyll’s voice broke. "Don't try and speak to me like you're just a mind flayer."
'I am just a mind flayer.'
Aurel felt bile rise in his throat.  He snapped his head to the side to turn his cold, violet gaze onto Wyll.  HIs old lover paused in his work, his dark devil-eye staring back unflinchingly.
There was a time he could have read Wyll’s face with ease.  He would have known what the clench of his jaw meant, or if the way his fingers trembled were from anger or grief.
Or perhaps he had been fooling himself, lost in the throws of new love, and he didn’t know Wyll at all.
'You and Karlach have been putting on a pantomime. Whether for my sake or to ease your own grief, I do not know, but what I do know is that Mizora was right; Aurel died that day in the Astral Prism. His soul has left for the Fugue Plane, and I am only an echo of his memories. I am an abomination to illithid-kind, and a cruel reminder to you.'
Wyll’s jaw flexed, his lips pursed into a thin trembling line — grief then.  Of course.  The man he loved was dead. 
Once, Aurel would have pulled him close to chase those tears away. He would have cupped his face in his hands, kissed his cheeks, held him as he wept...
His mouth was no longer made for tenderness, but for cracking through skulls and gorging on the grey matter within. His hands were warped into cold, slimy claws that inspired more disgust than warmth. His closeness would only bring Wyll more discomfort.
That seemed to be all he brought Wyll nowadays.
'Well, you need no longer continue this farce,' Aurel went on. 'With the Scroll of True Polymorph, Karlach can inhabit a new body free of the Infernal Engine. The two of you may return to the Material Plane.'
"You're not coming with us?" Wyll's voice broke, his remaining eye large and wet and grief-stricken.
'I will not force you to endure my presence any longer,' Aurel turned away. And he cursed his ceremorphosis — not for transforming him into a monster, but for making him this incomplete thing that still wavered when faced with Wyll’s forlorn gaze.
'There is ample food for me here, and I will take pleasure in knowing I am thinning Zariel's forces as I feed.'
He hated how quiet Wyll's voice was. Why didn't he hate him? Why were they both clinging to a ship they both knew was sinking?
'I cannot be what you want,' Aurel said stiffly. 'I have told you; I am an echo of who Aurel was. I am a living reminder of your dead love. You need not suffer me any longer.'
"I don't suffer you."
'I see how you look at me, Wyll!' Aurel snapped his head around to look at Wyll once more, tentacles flaring. 'You do not see me; you see a dead man you once loved. You saw how Mayrina dragged along the rotting corpse of her husband; I will not be your Connor!'
Wyll flinched, as did Aurel — surprised by the force of his own psychic lashing. Every time he spoke he tried to keep a tether on his telepathy, tried to keep himself from probing too far and sharing too much but in that moment...
"That's really what you think you are," Wyll breathed, his eyes wide. "A shambling zombie trailing after me?"
Aurel's tentacles twitched, and he turned so he could no longer look at Wyll's large, sad eyes.
'Mizora was right,' he said again. He could almost hear her shrill laughter, echoing on the winds of Avernus. 'I am a worm wriggling around in a dead man's brain. I recall his life, his feelings, as if they were my own...and when left to my own devices, I still trick myself into thinking I am him.'
Aurel was quiet for a moment. The balcony doors were open, the rust-red sky of Avernus plain to see. The faint smell of sulfur wafted in, but in Raphael's old boudoir the smell of incense still overpowered Avernus's acrid stench.
They had killed Haarlep here. The incubus had leered at him, tongue tracing their fangs as they looked to make Aurel their next meal, and Wyll had held on to his hand so tightly, as if he was afraid one lecherous look from the incubus would pull him away from his side.
Haarlep hadn't taken him, but only a few days later...the Netherbrain, the Emperor, Orpheus...
'I thought about it.'
Aurel glanced back at Wyll, cheeks wet from silent tears but eyes soft with confusion. "Thought about what?"
'When Orpheus said what needed to be done,' Aurel turned to look back at Avernus. He couldn't look at Wyll, not when admitting this. 'I thought of asking him to do it instead.'
Wyll went quiet. Aurel did not know whether it was grief, or disappointment, or shame that caused his silence, but he persisted all the same.
'The rightful Prince of the Githyanki; their best hope of liberation and ending Vlaakith's tyranny. I thought of asking him to become illithid instead. Worse, I thought it would have been better to let the Emperor feed on him, to let them kill him and take his power, because that would have meant it wouldn't have to be me.'
The carefully maintained dam of his telepathy cracked again. Just a little as his grief, as his anger bubbled over. But it seemed to be enough; Wyll's lips parted, his eyes widened as the torrent of Aurel's emotions seeped through.
'I thought to damn the Githyanki people — Lae'zel's people. I was weak, and I was terrified, and all I could think about was how I wanted to go to that dinner with Karlach and Fytz. I wanted to see Gale’s tower in Waterdeep.  Hells, I even wanted to help Astarion find a new home for him and the other spawn.'
Aurel's entire body had gone rigid. He shook, his claws digging into the sheets of the bed while his tentacles trembled as he stared intently at the wall.
'I wanted my father to recognize me when I went home,' he could not sob, not anymore, but the flood of thoughts and feelings felt nearer to hysteria than he'd been in a long, long time. 'I wanted us to have more than just that one night under the Wilden Oak. I wanted to go to sleep at night by your side and then kiss you awake each morning. And I wondered to myself, 'Could I?' Could I sacrifice the freedom of an entire people just so I could wake up each morning with you in my arms?'
His whole body trembled as those emotions ceremorphosis should have snuffed out spilled over into the air. A small, broken gasp escaped Wyll as he felt it, as all the rage and grief and shame that Aurel had been so desperately trying to hide all these months spilled over into the light.
'I was almost so weak. Weak and stupid and selfish. And I have spent these past months trying to convince myself that it was worth it. That becoming this was worth sacrificing our future.'
He didn't think he was capable of this anymore. This rage, this overwhelming grief, this pain. 
The baubles on the nightstand were rattling, even the bed seemed to be shaking as his telekinesis bubbled within him. 
He hadn't felt this raw and uncontrolled since he was an adolescent.
He forced himself out of the bed and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blot out the everything as if that would stop this.  Stop him.  
He couldn’t. 
It wasn’t just him shaking now; he could hear the bed rattling against the wall, the water in the bath splashing.  Something fell onto the floor and shattered.  He couldn’t stop.  He couldn’t.
And then there was a clawed hand on his arm.  Tentative; just a brush against his cold skin, but enough to share its warmth.
Aurel shuddered, and with that his telekinesis calmed.  The rattling stopped, the House of Hope stood still once more, and Aurel stood there with Wyll hovering inches away.
Aurel stepped away from him.  Out, further, onto the balcony.  He turned to stare blankly out at the barren landscape of Avernus, at the red mountains on the horizon and the smoke rising in the distance.
I will never see the mountains of my home again.
I will never see my father again.
'It is bad enough that I must spend the rest of my days feeling sorry for myself, but I cannot, will not bring you down with me, Wyll. I will not have you standing by my side out of duty and staring at me while you mourn the man you love. That is no life, not for either of us. So leave; go with Karlach back to Baldur's Gate, grieve me, move on, and let me die here knowing I took as many of Zariel's soldiers with me as I could.'
A shuddering exhale escaped Wyll. He was right there, right behind Aurel. He could feel his breath on his neck, could feel the prickling of his warmth on his back.
"Is that what you want?" Wyll asked, his voice ragged and raw.
Aurel closed his eyes.
'What I want does not matter.'
"It does."
'I cannot have it,' Aurel snapped. 'Don't you see, Wyll? I want you to look at me without shame. I want to be able to walk with you in the sunlight. I want to see my father again, with you by my side. I want...I want to be me again.'
A shaky, rattling exhale escaped through Aurel's teeth as he looked up.
'But I am not. Even polymorphing back into my original body could not change that. I am...I am not him. But I don't know who I am when I'm not him. And I do not think I can ever know.'
This was why mind flayers forgot who they were. This was why partialism was such a taboo to them. No mind flayer would be able to survive this agony.
Aurel almost felt sorry for the Emperor. Deluding himself into believing he was still Balduran, that he was better as a mind flayer, had to be the only way he could survive such a thing.
Ansur really would have done him a mercy if he'd killed him.
A pair of warm arms wrapped around Aurel's middle. He tensed, his breath hitched as Wyll rested his forehead against Aurel's back and squeezed with his arms.
"Why did you go to Mephistopheles' library alone," Wyll murmured.
Aurel trembled.
'Because it was dangerous,' he said. 'Because if I failed, then you and Karlach would still be safe.'
Wyll's breath hitched as he squeezed Aurel.
"That's what I meant," he sighed. "Oh Aurel, I’m not leaving you here.”
‘You must.’
Aurel tried to pull away, but Wyll only loosened his grip enough to spin Aurel around - to force them eye to eye while Wyll grabbed his shoulders.  His claws dug into Aurel’s skin, and his eye blazed.
“You haven’t changed,” he insisted. “You’re still the same as you were before.  I should have known from the moment you agreed to jump with Karlach into Avernus without a thought; you’re still the same man who bargained with Mizora for my soul, who risked a sinking prison for my father…who became a mind flayer to save the world.”
Wyll was crying again.  The tears were running freely down his cheeks, spilling onto his tunic.  Aurel stared at the dark spots dumbly as his head spun.
“And then you went and stole from Mephistopheles, and you could have just helped yourself but you didn’t.  You thought…you thought I didn’t love you as you were and you still thought to save Karlach first.”
Wyll’s claws dug in further as he stared up at Aurel, and he gave his shoulders a firm shake.
“I’m not leaving you to sacrifice yourself to Zariel’s forces,” he said. “You’re the same.  You’re the same.”
Aurel wished again to reach out his telepathy, to feel the edges of Wyll’s mind so he might know.
But instead he just nodded his head, and he relished the relieved sob that escaped Wyll.
He wanted to believe this. 
Even if it was a lie.
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orangechickenpillow · 5 months
Hello, fellow enjoyer of BG3/Prospect/Arcane/The Ghoul Boys/TAD/WWDITS/probably other things I've yet to discover because you clearly have stellar taste in media! ✨
I wanted to throw an idea at you that has been rotting my brain: TAD songs for BG3 characters.
"Inkpot Gods" simply IS Wyll and Karlach. "The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace" might seem the obvious choice for Astarion but I would like to make an argument that "Farewell Wanderlust" is even better. "The Horror and The Wild" is Karlach's all on her own. "Elsa's Song" is giving Gale for some reason? Unsure why.
Anyway, sorry for the random long-ish ask. But what do you think? :D
Ahhhh thank you so much. I've seen you in my notifs and am happy to report that we're officially best friends now <3
Thank you so much for throwing this idea at me holy shit???? I went back and listened to all three TAD albums specifically to answer this, so.... yeah, we're definitely best friends.
I'm loving what you've got so far -- Inkpot Gods works so perfectly for the Avernus duo, and honestly could be the theme song for bg3 in general. Jesus christ, what a song, am I right. Farewell wanderlust is sooooo Astarion I'm going to lose my mind about it I mean be totally normal. Also I feel like it fits Lae'zel really well too. I actually found that a lot of songs I liked for Astarion worked for Lae just as well. Interesting. Anyway, during my trillionth re-listen to the TAD albums here are the notes I took on my phone lmao:
Love Run for Wyll. The wholesome, strong, hopefulness this song radiates fits him so well. It's also really fucking romantic, and so is he.
I also think that Two Minutes is fitting for him. That whole vibe of an abandoned child, of someone who is so tired and beaten down by life but still manages to keep going despite it all. I really adore Wyll, and the more romantic TAD songs fit him perfectly.
I love Wild Blue Yonder for Karlach. It's silly but heartfelt, and so full of yearning. It has a light approach to life while still acknowledging how hard things can be, and that's just so Karlach. Also, "We don't know what's out there -- could be ghosts or monsters, or a robot vampire, I don't know" sounds like something she would say lol
You're so right about The Horror and the Wild. That's just. Karlach and Gortash. "Give me back my heart you wingless thing" are you fucking kidding me right now, I'm going to pull a Karlach and explode.
Also I think The Horror and the Wild fits Astarion equally well. I'll always yammer on about how Astarion and Karlach are two sides of the same coin, and this song is a great representation of that. "You passed your fingers through my hair and called me child -- witness me, old man, I am the wild" -- Astarion and Cazador. Please send help, I am ill over this and will not be recovering.
"Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring" Karlach. Astarion. Shadowheart. Lae'zel. Literally help me.
Blossoms for Gale. It's a very intense song, but it's also weary. It's strong but desperate, yet determined. I also think it fits him as the one who would be leading the group if Tav wasn't around. It's a somber and dramatic song, but it's ultimately fueled by tender love. Sound like anyone else we know?
Similarly to you pairing him with Elsa's Song (which I love btw), I think The Rockrose and the Thistle is VERY Gale (and, dare I say, bloodweave? The singer begging to die and the other person "sewing" them back together??? Hello?????) Just like the more romantic songs fit Wyll, the quieter, more subdued songs fit Gale. I think those songs really capture desperation in its most potent form, and Gale is kind of like the human version of that (sorry Gale)
Okay, New York Torch Song could be any of the ladies. Literally any of them. It's perfect. This one also makes me think of Karlach and Wyll.
I adore That Unwanted Animal for Astarion. The helplessness paired with the subtle sense of revenge and violence. The sexual tones throughout. The lack of romance.
I like The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace for Astarion, and I also really like it for Lae'zel. Her whole being raised by a cult thing really aligns with the vibe of the song -- being told that you're one thing and having to fight to be anything else, the desperation of feeling like you have no purpose. Fighting it all and coming out on top anyway. The steady increase in the intensity of the song representing getting your power back. It's so herrrrrr
King fits her well too. This song is so badass. I think it represents the soldier archetype well. It's cool, she's cool, it's perfect.
Pray makes me think of Shadowheart. Obviously the religious tone of the song fits her well, but also its pure spite. It's really giving "abandoned daughter" vibes, which is perfect for her. Also, "honey I'm no man, I'm what's left when children go to war" are you fucking kidding me.
Anywayyyyy, this was long, yikes. I have a lot of Thoughts as you can see. Thank you SO much for letting me yap about two of the things I love very much and might be obsessed with, who knows. I'll end by officially asking for your hand in marriage <3
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
The last chapter of A Honest Lie had been incredible! I was at re-read of A Bleeding Heart, and Astarion's POV IS GORGEOUS. You manage to capture his mischievous self so well. It shows he did not change that much, he is still the Astarion Rose (and we) met, but there is also some subtle way she has influenced him. Also, the way you managed to save everyone, I'm applauding your commitment. I gave up on the third try.
And oh how I understand Astarion considering Wyll's father. I would have left him there to rot for what he did to my precious Wyll. But then Wyll would have been so sad, and probably less agreeable to go in Avernus with Karlach, so yeah. Live Ulder. For now *rubs hands in Dark Urge*
And wow, I can see Rose from Pieces in this Rose so clearly. The bossy Rose. I like her. Very much. Maybe too much.
I am so sorry you feel down. I'm sending you peanut butter cookies (hope you don't have allergies) and a very nice cup of tea. Please take your time and don't push yourself, as a writer I know how draining it can feel. Hope you will feel better after some rest! And may all the stress fade.
alas, anon, i did not save everyone in the Iron Throne, and my steel foundry was bugged and thus a fucking bloodbath (it must be known just how much of my fanfic is to make up for my utter uselessness as a gamer, the fic is always the game I *wish* I'd played lmaooo. I log my play hrs in gdocs rather than steam these days, don't ask me how i fair in QTEs plz plz plz.)
honestly, I wrote Astarion's hesitation in that scene from a place of "I don't want this much responsibility, I'll only fuck it up, fuck this" as opposed to his opinions on Ulder. He didn't want to have to play hero, particularly for Wyll's father, as then the stakes are high in a way where failure is a consequence. I can't imagine Astarion relishing that prospect in the slightest! If I were to be honest about my characterisation of him, I imagine it hasn't occurred to him to question Wyll's narrative about Ulder that much yet, bc that would involve him introspecting on other's peoples stories which um... I reckon that's post Cazador lmao, bro's plate if full rn with his own and his gf's mental illness.
And yes, we love a woman in charge 😌
As for your message! thank you! I'll take the cookies. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for everyone who reads me, fic is one of the few reliable sources of serotonin I have, which means there will be two honest lie chapters this week I think x
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thedragonagelesbian · 8 months
Okay since your asks were so fun, I’m going to do the same for you and ask the LI classes for the dnd character class asks:
Barb, Druid, and Warlock for Cyrus
Paladin and Cleric (👀) for Yiseeril
eee thank you!!!
d&d character class asks
Cyrus (answering for pallybarb for the first two and ranger for the third)
barbarian: What makes your muse angry? How do they manage their anger? Has their rage ever led them to destroy something important?
In typical lawful good fashion, the things that make Cyrus the angriest are things like injustice, cruelty, indifference toward others, greed, etc. Above all else what makes him furious is hurting the people he cares about.
Initially, like a lot of his negative emotions, instead of managing his anger, Cyrus just kind of swallows it (unless he can easily smite its source). It's only through meeting Karlach and having her teach him how to be a barbarian that he learns how to make that anger productive, but it takes a lot of work. No matter how hard Karlach pushes him to get him to rage during their sparring sessions, he can't unlock his emotions until someone else is at risk (I usually imagine Halsin as the one who volunteers to be Karlach's prop). The first couple of times Cyrus does rage, it's very overwhelming and disorienting, since it undoes so much of the self-possession and self-control that he prides himself on... but Karlach & Halsin call him a good boy, which makes everything better.
And. You know. The dialogue option that broke Cyrus' oath was a barbarian option. So there's always that :)
druid: How does your muse interact with the natural world? Are they good with animals? Plants? Do they keep any pets?
I don't think pallybarb!Cyrus had a ton of thoughtful interaction with nature pre-game. He'd do some adventuring in the woods around Baldur's Gate and along the Chionthar, but he hadn't yet discovered his love for gardening. The Grove was a... mixed experience. On the one hand, I think it sparked a very starry-eyed admiration for druidic magics. On the other, their treatment of the tiefling refugees and Kagha's dealings with the Shadow Druids upset him greatly.
So meeting Halsin and hearing how he talks about nature and being able to help him heal the Shadowlands are pivotal for Cyrus, laying the groundwork for him to (centuries down the line) become an Oath of the Ancients paladin at Halsin's side.
As a wild heart barbarian, he can cast speak with animals and does so constantly. I think he and Halsin get some little planters going in the Elfsong Tavern in Act 3 so being stuck in the city doesn't feel quite so maddening for Halsin, and that's how Cyrus discovers his green thumb.
Re pets: Avernus isn't a. Great environment for that lol. I think Scratch stays with Shadowheart post-game (Cyrus has always had a mild phobia of dogs anyway...) and the owlbear goes with Halsin until Cyrus and Karlach return and take it on their adventures across Faerun.
warlock: Has your muse ever made a deal to get something they wanted? Is there anything your muse wants enough to broker for it? What would your muse sacrifice to get what they want?
Cyrus' preoccupation with being self-sufficient (ranger!Cyrus even more so) gives him a decent measure of resistance against temptation, but FUCK does he come close to making a stupid deal with Raphael after the Emperor threatens to make him a thrall. Raphael offers him not just a night of respite from the Emperor's omnipresence--pervasive and heavy even when the Emperor isn't exerting its will over Cyrus--but as many nights and sweet dreams as he wants until the Elder Brain is defeated... in exchange for Cyrus being Raphael's locus of control on the Council of Chosen through influencing Duke!Wyll. And Cyrus would sooner damn his soul to the Hells than compromise Wyll, so the deal is functionally equivalent to condemning himself to the House of Hope, and as panicked as he is, Cyrus is cognizant of that fact.
...And he seriously considers the deal anyway.
And even though he ultimately rejects it, he does still make the deal to trade the Crown of Karsus for getting the Orphic Hammer immediately. And it's never far from hand.
Self-sacrifice is still instinctive for Cyrus, even if he's tried so hard to break himself of that habit.
paladin: What does your muse fight for? What tenets or oaths drive them? Have they ever had to break a vow, and if they have, why?
Yiseeril fights for herself, for her friends, for power, and for the bit. The closest thing to a tenet or oath that drives her is power good, but even that is. Flexible, given that there's very much a timeline where that pursuit is tempered.
I think if Yiseeril makes a vow, she either (a) is being a lying liar about it & thus breaking it doesn't hold any moral weight for her or (b) believes it with her whole irradiated chest & thus would never want to break it (i.e., her vow to Minthara that she'll stay with her & that they'll take over the Absolute together).
The one exception might be the vows she took when she became a Haruspex of Oghma. Certainly post-tadpole-ing she's stopped observing any rituals or complying with the strict mandates of her abbey or even praying to Oghma except in moments of crisis, but I think she's still following the spirit of those vows to protect, preserve, and pursue knowledge and to embody the voice of creativity.
cleric: Does your muse believe in any god or follow any religion? What drives their faith? Or, if they're faithless, why? What would it take for them to find faith in something or someone?
/big flashing neon sign that says IT'S COMPLICATED/
Nothing is so emblematic of Yiseeril's fundamental uncertainty and unmooring like her relationship to faith. She was (obviously) a follower of Oghma, raised by an order of monks called the Children of the Passive Voice who trained her relentlessly from birth to undergo the rite for which the sect was named-- one that would make her the one 'true' conduit for Oghma's divine and infinite knowledge on the Material Plane.
The ritual succeeded somewhat but left her mind broken and her divinity fallen until the tadpole returned some measure of autonomy to her, and now....................................
Yiseeril hasn't had any time to grow out of the 'world's best sacrificial lamb' mindset that she was raised in, feeding an aching desire to be loved by a god any god it doesn't have to be Oghma she flirts with the Absolute's love with Shar's love with anything that will have her.
But. She is also painfully aware of how divinity has ruined her. And the only thing she hates more than Oghma--for failing her, for allowing his followers to destroy her, for not saving her--is the fact that he seems to be protecting her now. The fact that every time she reaches out to him--for spells, for blessings, for shelter in a moment of panic--he answers. The fact that everything she does feels like service to him. Her curiosity. Her thirst for knowledge. Her music and her bard magic and her creativity and her inspiration, she wants it to be for herself, but it still feels like worship.
Like the engraving you find the Chapel of Jergal: through knowledge comes atonement.
She finds faith more readily in her new friends, and in Minthara in particular (gay). It gives her something to hold onto when the cognitive dissonance of her relationship to Oghma gets too overwhelming.
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ree-duh · 7 months
hi! i would personally love to know your bollywood bg3 assignments 👀✨
Thank you for indulging me 🥰
Keeping in mind a lot of them do not have actual reasons behind the choices other than literally pure vibes but they make sense in my head
Karlach - O Saki saki (like imagine her at the tiefling party with this song 🙄🤚🏽)
Wyll - Aa Re Pritam Pyaare (this is me @ him 😩❤️)
Gale - fevicol se (I could give him a million choices but we will leave it as just this one for now)
Shadow heart - razia gundo mein phas gayi (I don’t know how to explain but vibes plus I think she’s kill the outfit)
Laezel - suraiyya (vibes but also because I think the line about giving your life for her fits)
Halsin - chikni chameli (vibes but also points for animal references)
Minthara - nahi maloom (Ngl I do not know much about her so mostly vibes but this is one of my personal favourites so do with that what you will)
Astarion - sheela ki jawani (he gets a basic choice because I’m currently having one sided beef with him 🙄)
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taedelta · 1 year
Hi there! My name is V/Ven/Venny, and I have recently started writing fics!
I mostly deal in the x reader category, because I feel it's easier to write from a reader standpoint, and I honestly love the feedback I get on them.
I'm mostly proficient in the whole AFAB/Transmasc/Nonbinary reader category, being AFAB Nonbinary myself!
I can write anything in all honesty though, MLM/NBLM, WLW/NBLW, and of course, F/M!
My main fandoms/interests are listed below! This includes the media, and the characters I mostly write for :) (Be advised, if you don't see a character, I will most likely still write for them as long as I can figure out basic character details!)
FANDOMS: ★ = Currently hyperfixated/writing the most about
Baldur's Gate 3 ★
Jujutsu Kaisen ★
Resident Evil ★
Detroit Become Human
Attack On Titan
Final Fantasy XIV ★
Borderlands (All games)
There are more that I can't think of off the top of my head
CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: ♡ = Currently hyperfixated/writing about the most
Astarion (BG3) ♡
Karlach (BG3) ♡
Shadowheart (BG3) ♡
Lae'zel (BG3) ♡
Raphael/Haarlep (BG3) ♡
Nanami (JJK) ♡
Gojo (JJK) ♡
Shoko (JJK) ♡
Utahime (JJK) ♡
Albert Wesker (RE) ♡
Claire Redfield (RE) ♡
Jill Valentine (RE) ♡
Chris Redfield (RE)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE)
I will also write for Donna Beneviento and Lady Dimistrescu and her daughters, this list is just getting very long ♡
Certain Kinks (Can be discussed via messages or in the request box!)
Straight up S/A, I'm fine with CNC but not genuine S/A play
Certain kinks, again, open to discussion!
As of right now I am taking requests for drabbles/headcannons, and comms for full fics! I'm starting full fics at $3 per 1k words, and if you would like to preview my works feel free to check out my ao3!
Overall, my general goal is just to make some side money to save up for certain things in life, and I have a passion for writing! Money isn't the entire goal, however, as I'd love to just write and reach out to people and all that fun stuff!
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message or go ahead and ask whatever your heart desires!
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I fell into the BG3 pit too. Holy crap, look at all these amazing characters with amazing backstories that I want to love all the trauma out of. I just finished the Pale Elf quest and had to take a few laps around my house for a bit because it hit me so hard. I loved the catharsis of having my Little Star (canNOT get over that being his nickname TOO SWEET HELP ME) finally facing Cazador the way he did and just...I honestly had to turn the game off after the boss fight and dealing with the spawn. It was so much. Every companion went through their own pain and I love them all for letting Tav into their hearts, but my vampire boy has a special place for being the first to let my girl in. ;-;
I know, right? They don't hit you in the feels so much as run you over like a locomotive. Karlach and Astarion's trauma resonate with my own in many ways. A couple times they triggered my PTSD and I had to take a break for a day. It helps their actors just fucking knocked it out of the park. When I went to House of Hope, Karlach started basically having a panic attack and fucking hell if I did not FEEL that shit. I live with that shit every day, and watching her fidget nervously and listening to the anxiety right down to the quickening of breath nearly undid me. I said, "oh no, baby, we aren't going to do that to you" and reloaded to a prev save and had her stay in camp. Hell, I didn't even like Astarion at first but he's the most charming little disaster that ever snarked his way from one crisis to the next, how could I not learn to love him? To tell the truth,the only one I am not particularly fond of is Shadowheart. She just rubs me the wrong way, even after finishing her story arc. While I feel terrible for her, I just do not connect with her. And, that's the beauty of this game. The writing is so good that even companions you don't much care for are still dynamic and complex. Such a good game.
Well, I am hating the gauntlet of shit I am running through to get to the actual final battle, but that's never a fun time in any game. I am going to get some sleep and puzzle it out tomorrow after I get my hair re-purple-fied. That always makes me feel like I can take on an epic boss battle.
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