#a girl named racoon
dopaminestarvedsim · 6 months
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this bitch dgaf if you're in you're 3rd trimester & madly in love; she's gonna smack the shit out of you in front of god and everybody if you dare share a kiss in front of her.
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she's big mad 🤣 this screenie cracked me up, not even gonna lie about it. i feel like i magically captured ole aggie's essence here. ✨
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fusionswap-au · 1 year
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
not my supervisor literally saying "my best friend is black" when defending herself from a racism accusation
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
See, I don't think that the Pevensie kids were uncanny and dangerous upon returning to England so much as just like. Cool weirdos.
Lucy talks to animals sometimes. She doesn't expect responses or anything; it has the same energy as a person talking to their dog, except it's the squirrel she spotted on the quad or the racoon in the garbage. But she's super friendly in general so after the initial "what the heck" everyone shrugs it off because like, yeah, of course she does. She also went with me to a scary doctor's appointment having known me for like five minutes and gave me an incredible pep talk. She's cool like that.
Peter joins the fencing club and day one it's like he's never held a foil in his life and day two he loses to a kid half his size but then after like a month he just absolutely annihilates the instructor. But he's super humble about it and afterwards he helps everyone else out without being condescending at all. And while it's a little weird that he's just Suddenly an expert, people are like, "he's a fast learner, that's cool." He's really industrious in class too, just Peter being Peter. He probably practiced a whole bunch after hours.
Edmund gets extremely weird food cravings sometimes, like "wow, I could really go for chicken liver with raisins right about now" or "you guys know what's great? Gooseberry trifles." And his friends say, "I've never heard of that before but it sounds weird." So Edmund learns to cook and starts making all these vaguely antiquated fancy dishes with weird berries and organ meats and things and shares them around during study breaks and everyone's like "Yo! Pevensie brought food. Cool, thanks Pevensie." And he shares it with everyone, even the kids nobody likes, and it kinda brings people together.
Susan, who was always the Mom Friend, seems to have gotten a power-up because now she Everyone's mom and weirdly people actually listen to her? But she only uses those powers for good. Girl in her dorm not eating enough? Susan's here with snacks and look at that now she's eating. Those guys arguing look like they're about to throw down? Susan says "knock it off" and glares and they do. And her friends are like, "how do you do it???" and she says "You just have to act like you expect to be obeyed." It's very cool, though it can be a bit Much sometimes.
And they're all into mythology now? Like ancient Rome and King Arthur and stuff? That's kinda weird, but not off-putting; lots of kids have mythology phases. And Peter named the tree outside his dorm, but everyone kinda laughs and says "yeah okay." Edmund is adamantly anti-bullying now, it's nice. Susan and Lucy wear a lot of lion-themed jewelry and people definitely Notice, but that just means that they start getting more of it for Christmas/birthdays.
And of course whenever two or more of them are together it's like they've got a conspiracy going on. They're always fervently whispering back and forth, giggling an the million inside jokes they've got, giving each other Looks. And onlookers are mostly just like, "Man, it's cool that those Pevensie kids are all so tight; I wish I was that close with my siblings."
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lilacgaby · 22 days
𝟎𝟏 | serenity
chapter select!
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katsuki bakugo had a secret.
a secret that'd undo everything he did in his power to build. his reputation would be gone,
his ego destroyed, his life ruined.
at least in his mind.
and that was his obsession with 'serenity.'
serenity was the top manga of the year, surprisingly dominating the shoujo category along with the overall for its recent release. even beating longtime shounen manga with pure sales.
and he was a die hard fan since its creation.
he had randomly scrolled upon it on a piracy manga website, clicking on it becausethe art style was pretty, and the protagonist was even prettier.
it had spiraled from one thing to another, and before he knew it he had become such a longtime supporter, that he and the creator themselves were mutuals on twitter, with katsuki's account being among the biggest fan accounts for [name].
in his room where nobody was allowed, he had a shelf directly under allmights dedicated to the manga, and a corner just for the protagonist,
small trinkets, shitty attempts at fanart, official figures, and stickers littered the corner, with the biggest piece being a rare limited-edition figure that he was sent for being a longtime fan.
[name] was loved in both her manga and in his japan. she was written to be oblivious to just how many people at her school were enamored with her, and was even being pursued by two guys in a love triangle.
the manga was still ongoing, though talks of an anime adaptation were in place, a possible stage play (though katsuki doubted they could find a gorgeous enough actor), and lines of merch were all in the near future.
every sunday, a new volume would be released.
he shouldn't have to waste precious hours that he could spend training on walking down to the store to buy it, but he'd mistakenly made the mistake to wait for the next week and double up on manga volumes once. the entire twist was spoiled by dunce-face and racoon eyes during lunch. he had told them to shut up and avoided hearing any more spoilers from word of mouth but..
he got spoiled on twitter anyways.
so from then on, he opted to take the half-hour trip into town and get it himself.
with a black hoodie covering his face and sunglasses for his eyes, he looked suspicious. not like bakugo katsuki though so, it was good enough.
because he was going out on his own, he knew someone would be tailing him. a security measure.
he took several odd turns and confusing routes to lose them, and lose them he did.
he let out a satisfied laugh, before disappearing into a crowd.
his favorite manga store that always had every issue out on time was pretty busy, thankfully he only noticed people crowding the shounen sections.
he went up and grabbed one of the only latest issues left on the shelf. he smiled at the pretty cover art, though it just looked intimidating due to his strange appearance.
he also grabbed a blind bag, feeling around to try and make sure it wasn't the annoying love interest that he hated, who luckily had a character design with distinguishable hair.
after he was satisfied, he also grabbed a 'serenity' themed pen that had a small chibi figure of [name] on it.
he purchased it, noting how the popularity of the manga was starting to make everything more expensive.
he grumbled angrily to himself as he took a turn into an alley, the fastest way back to the main path to U-A.
a mugger jumped out from behind the trash can. "give me everything you've got kid."
bakugo's face scrunched up distastefully. "no way loser."
he clutched his manga in his hands, the blind bag and pen safely in his pocket.
he instinctually chucked the manga at the guy when the mugger suddenly jerked forward.
the man shot a ray of energy at the book, making
an almost comedic 'poof' sound came out, accompanied by a puff of smoke.
"what the-"
a girl.. not just any girl.
[name] was sitting there in the flesh, looking scared and confused as she took in the scenery around her. her eyes darted between his assaulter and him, perplexity evident in her glassy eyes.
the book was splayed out on the other side of her, the pages now fully blank.
katsuki was shocked, so shocked that he didn't even notice that his sunglasses had fallen, and that his hair was now exposed.
"oh, no shit! you're that crazy U-A kid! i'm out."
the mugger ran away as katsuki was left alone with [name].
"no way.. just-- no way."
"it can't be you!"
she slowly got up, still observing the world around them.
"where am i?"
"um.. you're. you're not in your world anymore [name]."
her face twisted in confusion. "what? what do you mean my world, and-- how do you know my name?"
"this is gonna sound crazy so, ugh..
come with me."
he held his hand out towards her, still not fully believing that this was happening right now.
as she took it, and he felt the solidity of her skin, the physicality of her body, it all set in.
the fact that her beauty was unmatched, the fact that was here, alive, speaking and--
he guided her to a bench, along the main path so they wouldn't be too far from U-A.
they were holding hands until she let go, he was glad though, because his hands were getting extremely sweaty.
he decided to just rip off the bandaid.
"this is going to be hard to hear, but you're not.. real."
"what?!" tears popped into her eyes, she was already on edge, and that was definitely not the right thing to say.
okay bad start.
"well, you are real, just not in this world. in this world you're an anime character."
"...you're not funny."
"im not joking around." he sighed and took out his phone.
he opened it to his fanpage dedicated to her, '[name]thinker.'
he clicked on the media tab and let her scroll through.
her eyes were wide as she saw scenes of her life drawn out in comic form, her friends, family, and even enemies were depicted so beautifully, and it captured all of her core memories.
"so.. you were serious."
"i am."
".. what do i do?" tears finally spilled over as she sunk into the park bench, her hands were gripping the skirt of her school uniform tightly as the fabric began to soak her tears.
"how'd i even get here?"
bakugo awkwardly stood by as she fought her tears.
"uh.. i can um- explain if you want."
she sniffled, and wiped away her tears before nodding, not trusting her voice at the moment.
"so, in this world, there are like-- superpowers. we call them quirks."
she honestly found it hard to believe, but there really would be no other explanation for her existence right now so, she nodded along.
"like, i have the ability to made explosions from my hands because i sweat nitroglycerin. see?"
he set off tiny explosions from his hands, smirking at the way her eyes go wide.
"that's really cool.. um?"
"bakugo. katsuki bakugo."
"oh okay i'm [name], but i guess you already know that."
so, since you all have superpowers, you think that guys had a power to bring me here?"
"that's the only thing it could've been, really. unless something odd happened to you?"
"no, i was just walking to school when i passed out suddenly."
"[name], i think you should come with me."
"okay. where to?"
"my school."
"why would we go to school?"
he gently grabbed her hand and internally fanboyed as they started walking towards U-A.
"we have dorms there, i need to talk to my teacher in the morning, so you can stay with me tonight."
"why would your teacher be able to help? is this a superhero school or something?" she joked.
"yes, it is."
your world is kinda weird."
he resisted the urge to question her thoughts about scenes that he thought were very impactful, and instead explained the simplicities of his world to her. things like the hero system, quirk prejudice, rankings, and specialty schools like U-A.
"so, are you any good then?" she asked, genuinely.
if it was anyone else he would've flipped out, but instead he just answered. "yeah, i know so. some may say im the next number one."
"who's some?"
"oh? i'll have to see you fight then."
they finally made it to U-A, but now came the issue of sneaking [name] in.
"this is a pretty fancy school."
"it's the number one hero school in the country."
"seriously? wow, cool."
"yeah but, we're not really supposed to bring anyone in so..
stay here for a second."
"um, okay."
bakugo went inside, it was still early afternoon, so everyone was out.
more importantly, iida was out. nobody else would snitch if they saw her so.
"coast is clear, come on." he yelled at her.
"got it!"
he shielded her from view as he walked her up to his dorm. before she could go in, he covered the corner of her memorabilia with a random box he had laying around.
"um.. make yourself comfortable [name]."
"thanks bakugo." she said, sitting down on his bed.
once he got over the surrealness of her actually being in his room, he choked out
"call me katsuki, it's only fair."
"hm. okay, thank you katsuki."
his heart did somersaults, she didn't have an official voice actor because none of the characters from her anime were confirmed yet,
but her voice was better than the one he had in his head.
"yeah um.. no problem. by the way, uh.. my teacher is off duty today so we'll have to wait for tomorrow to see what's up."
"oh, i see.
so, if im really an anime character, how am i supposed to like-- even walk out this room?"
"what do you mean?"
"unless im super unpopular, aren't people gonna notice?"
oh, she was right. she looked like she was pulled right out of the papers, because she was, and people would have to question her about it eventually.
"well, you are like really popular. your manga is literally fucking number one everywhere right now."
"really? yes!" she fist-pumped in happiness. hey, if she was gonna be an anime character she might as well be a popular one.
"so, i guess you'd have to say you're a cosplayer, that the author based the character of you, or something. if people knew you were the actual [name].."
"they just wouldn't believe it right?"
"well i mean.. in this world everything is pretty plausible."
"i guess."
she laid back in his bed, staring around his room. there were a couple of posters hanging around of a strange man with a pearly white smile. there was figures and even.. a book about him on the shelf.
"uh.. who's that?" she said, as she pointed to the largest photo with the strange man posing in the middle, 'I AM HERE' in bold, bright yellow letters as he stood proudly.
"oh him? that's all might. he's the best hero in existence, the world will never have another hero like him.
at least until i graduate." he said, nonchalantly leaning into the back of his chair.
"ah, that's really cool katsuki! so even in this hero school you're unmatched? are other quirks significantly weaker than yours?"
"it's not that i'm unmatched, it's that im destined to be at the top. even if someone managed to have a stronger quirk than me, id still be the best."
she let out a soft 'oh' as she got up. "you have anything fun to do?"
he thought about it for a second. in the manga she really liked puzzles so..
"got it, i'll be right back."
he darted out the room, leaving her alone.
he knocked on midoriya's door before barging in, midoriya taking notes at his desk.
"ah- kacchan? what do you need--"
"borrowing this." katsuki walked straight into the room, grabbed a five-hundred piece allmight puzzle, and turned to walk out.
"be careful with that! it's gold edition!"
"got it, deku."
he stormed back to his room, closed the door behind him, and handed [name] the puzzle.
"this should keep you busy. it's double-sided. also don't fuck it up, it's important to some idiot."
"uh, okay. thanks katsuki."
she spent the day completing one side of the puzzle, katsuki helping a bit occasionally as he viewed the manga leaks on twitter, since his version of the new issue of the manga was now fully blank.
he handed her clothes to sleep in, after changing she came out in his signature skull t-shirt and basketball shorts that did not fit her style
at all.
he stifled a laugh at the sight.
"what are you laughing at?"
"nothing, just go to bed loser."
"whatever." she laid on the far side of the bed, closest to the wall.
"uh.. there's no other place to sleep so, i'll just stay over here."
he shoved a blanket down the middle of the bed, laying down right after.
"g'night katsuki." she said, already half-asleep.
"good night [name]."
he couldn't fall asleep for a little while. the character that plagued his dreams was now physically next to him, in his own bed.
the feeling of her body flipping around and grabbing at him pulled him out of his thoughts completely, leaving him speechless.
still not believing this was real, he held her closely, not wanting his 'dream' to end.
| next!
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wonijin · 1 year
headcanons and moments between earth arcade member!reader and ahn yujin.
tags: 1.5k words of pure fluff.
warnings: none probably
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you were the 5th member of earth arcade. a young actress that has been garnering attention recently.
laughter echoed throughout the stairway. suddenly, nervousness prevents you to climb the last few steps of the stairs . you peek in the corner to see a familiar face facing the doorway, lee youngji.
deciding there’s really no choice but to move forward you enter the doorway, bowing and greeting. everybody paused for a second, then chaos ensued.
“woah!” lee eunji, a comedian you often see on TV, exclaims before reciting your lines from your latest drama.
mimi, from oh my girl, joins in not soon after. even going as far playing the role of your scene partner.
“thank you for having me. nice to meet you.” you greet politely.
“gosh. you’re so formal.” younji poked fun good-naturedly at your antics despite bowing in response. “don’t worry. im sure she’s going to be infected by your rowdiness soon enough.” eunji quickly replied earning a loud laugh from mimi.
“wait. wait. do you know anybody in this room?” this time it was producer na who took a jab at your surprising awkwardness.
“well, i know you.” you look straightly at producer na. he chuckled at your honesty.
“i know everybody from TV and mostly from social media. this is my first time meeting everybody.”
before you can react, you hear youngji let out a load “oh!”. you turn towards the door to see ahn yujin, one of the literally and figuratively hottest idols in the industry.
you’ve only seen her on your screen. now, your mouth gape at the sight of the real thing. ahn yujin in the flesh.
withouth thinking, you bowed repeatedly like an idiot. “oh my gosh, what an honor!”
“miss y/n l/n. oh my god.” yujin ran over to you. and the sole reason you stopped your continuous bowing was to admire her. ‘wow, she’s so close.’
your eyes popped out their sockets as she takes your hand and shakes it gently. “im a big fan. i watch your dramas religiously. i can name all your projects, i’ve watched each of them at least twice.” she professes, not once pausing.
“thank you. what an honor. im a big fan of yours as well. wow, you’re hands are so soft. sorry, im being weird. its just- wow.” you breathed out.
laughter echoed through the room as everybody watched your exchange.
“its like one fan girl meeting another.” mimi exclaims. “their eyes turned heart-shaped for a moment like those cartoon characters” eunji added.
your eyes find yujin’s only to find hers already looking you.
yujin was a big fan of yours even way before meeting you in jiraksil. what she didn’t know was that you were bigger fan of hers.
you rummage through your luggage until you found what you were looking for. if the people around you didn’t know any better they would've you were a thief thirsty for something valuable.
“y/n, you look like a racoon in a garbage can.” mimi jested.
“aha! found it!” you exclaimed, holding up a package in the air like its a trophy.
eunji steps closer to inspect. “its an…album.” she traced confusedly.
“yep.” you walked towards yujin who was watching the entire scene unfold through the comforts of her bed.
you held the album with both your hands and extended your arms towards her, looking similar to a school girl confessing to her crush by giving chocolates.
“will you please sign it.” you shut your eyes tightly, like a school girl afraid of getting rejected.
in the show, you play the good-for-nothing chaos maker role together with younji.
“oh come on. do i really have to pair up with you?” yujin complains but her wide smile betrays her.
“how could you say that?” you exclaim then proceeds to chase yujin around, puckering your lips and making kissing sounds while opening your arms. you both run around, you chasing her and yujin trying to escape your grasp. she squeals and giggles. and when you did catch her you wasted no time in tickling her.
“somebody get these two love birds away from me. i can’t watch any longer.” younji makes a gagging noise.
nine times out of ten you mess up causing you to receive an earful from a perfectionist yujin.
“you should've known that! it was so easy!” yujin berates you. but despite her words, her smile beams at you brightly.
“how would i know that? that song is practically ancient.” your hands fly up in the air defensively.
“even i know that.” yujin retorts.
“that’s because you’re like a grandma in teenagers body. a normal person your age wouldn’t know that.” you argued.
“what?!” yujin looked at you dramatically like you’ve done an unspeakable crime, like you just kicked a dog.
“there they go again. they’re like an old married couple.” eunji deadpans at the camera.
yujin likes annoying and bullying you as a form of showing her adoration.
“eunseo-ah! i got something to tell you!” yujin stand from the couch abruptly to recite your lines from your drama.
usually, you take pride in your work but yujin had impersonated you for the nth time today that you can’t help but cover your ears.
“somebody please! make it stop!” you plead. the other members chuckle at your misery.
“eunseo-ah! i’ve like you since we were kids! please go out with me.” yujin continued, this time much more dramatic than the last.
she's reenacting a scene from one of your most famous dramas. a scene where your love interest, which yujin is embodying right now, is confessing love to your character, eunseo.
“eunseo-ah! eunseo-ah” the idol shakes your arm giddily as you look straight. she takes entertainment at your exasperation. and continues to mimic your characters from various dramas for the rest of the night.
yet she never fails to show her adoration towards you in other ways.
“eunji, what do you think?” yujin asks the older girl who was browsing at the rack of clothes.
“it looks amazing on you! you should buy it!” eunji encourages the younger girl.
“oh! it isn’t for me. its for y/n” yujin clarifies.
“im sure she’d be happy to receive that. in fact, im sure she’d be over the moon with anything you give her.” eunji recalls how much you dote on yujin. “you could get her a random rock and she’d probably treasure it like it’s from space.”
yujin’s cheeks flared red at the thought. eunji laughs at her embarrassed state. “you’re both such dorks.”
in the end, yujin couldn’t decide which one you’d like best so she bought three different clothes for you.
your relationship peaked in the wake up mission where you secretly help yujin because you felt bad for her.
you found out yujin’s mission when you entered the shower after her. the shower reeked of garlic. you had to laugh at the absurdity of the smell. in addition, there were bits and pieces of garlic skin on the floor. putting two and two together didn’t take long after that.
the lights were out. youngji and mimi were asleep but you were unable to. so you ventured out until you heard noises. it was faint but your mind is still alert from all the caffeine you took that day.
heading towards the noise, you found yourself before yujin and eunji’s room. you carefully open the door to meet yujin’s wide eyes.
yujin looked like a lunatic holding the pestle midair with her crazy eyes. you chuckle lightly, tiptoeing towards her. “you’re too competitive for your own good.”
“don’t tell anybody.” yujin quickly pleads.
“there’s no one to tell anything to.” your words put her at ease. at much ease someone mincing garlic in the middle of the night could feel.
“why are you still awake anyway?” she asks you silently. “i don’t know. i guess my body was itching to pester you.” even through the dark, yujin’s smile still shined bright. and you hoped the darkness was enough to hide the redness of your cheeks.
fans adore your dynamic with yujin. the push and pull relationship you both have managed to gather a lot of attention on social media.
“everybody, slow down. i can’t read your comments, they’re too fast.” you squint at the screen. you were live on instagram, hoping to interact with your fans.
after the live chat had slowed down, one comment managed to catch your eye.
“are you wearing yujin’s shirt?” you looked down at the said piece of clothing. sure, you had no memory of buying this particular shirt but that goes a lot for your other shirts as well. some were sponsored, gifts or bought while drunk. you assumed it was one of those three.
until, a loud ping came from your phone and a notification popped at the top of your screen.
yujinnie: yes, that’s mine. i put it on your suitcase so it’ll remind you of me ;).
you smile like an idiot while reading the text. then, you realize something. yujin is watching this live because how else would she send that in perfect timing.
your face flush at the thought of her being amongst the thousands watching you right now. and you flush a shade darker, because she must’ve witnessed you grin at her text.
the comment remained unanswered as you decided to keep this detail to yourself.
even after filming season one, yujin continues to support you by posting scenes from your drama. her instagram quickly transformed into a fanpage because of how often she would fan girl about you.
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rollingsins · 1 year
Tara freaking out, wondering where R is only to see her and Sam come through the door, laughing with shopping bags in hand cause they had a ✨️future in-laws girls' day✨️ 😂
Filled, thanks babe.
“Call me back right now,” Tara hisses into the phone. 
She paces back and forth, the living room a mess. Cushions strewn across the floor, coffee table toppled over in a fit of panic and rage and more panic. 
“I mean it, YN, this isn’t funny. I have no idea where you are, you could be lying dead in a ditch for all I know. Call me back or I’ll-” 
She stops. Tries to think of an appropriate reaction for a slight of this sort. 
“I’ll call your Dad.” She nods, in agreement with herself, “I’ll call your Dad and tell him you’re missing and you know what happens when I get him involved.” 
She hangs up. 
She takes a deep breath. Her mind wanders to the worst - another Ghostface, some psychopath determined to take vengeance for some minor crimes Tara had committed when she wasn’t of right mind.
Then - her mind wanders to something much, much worse - maybe, you’re out with another woman. 
The thought almost flattens her. 
She breathes deep, rage and anger and jealousy brews like a tornado in her chest. She reaches for one of her Mom’s dumb decorative ornaments - a crystal duck - and tosses it as hard as she can to the floor. 
It shatters, leaving a mess of glass in its wake. 
Tara reaches for her phone again, determined to call once more. Her fingers quiver over your name. Remorse floods deep through her. 
You’re missing. You’re missing and she’s yelling at you. 
Tara swallows. She presses the phone to her ear once more and closes her eyes the moment she hears the beep of your dial tone. 
“Hi babygirl, it’s me again,” She says, voice softer, “I’m sorry for yelling, I’m just worried. Please call me back, sweetheart, I’m going out of my mind-” 
Tara freezes at the sound of a car on the driveway. 
She hears the sound of a laugh - Sam’s laugh and then yours. 
Her stomach flips. 
She races to the front door, trying to clean up the mess of her ire in her wake.
When you open the door, Tara is standing right in front of it. Her face is a little flushed, her eyes a little wild.  
“Hey baby.” You say, with a bright smile. You’re holding shopping bags in your hand. 
“Hey,” She says, voice a little high, “Where were you?”
“Girls day!” Sam says, jutting past the two of you, shopping bags in hand. 
Tara frowns. 
“I’m a girl, aren’t I?” She says, sounding a little aggrieved, “Why wasn’t I invited?” 
“Future sister-in-law day,” You say with a smile, pecking her cheek, “Sorry, babe, no future fiancés allowed.” 
Tara relaxes a little. She can’t help the smile that edges over her lips. 
“I got you something,” You tell her, bumping her hip with yours. You lower your voice so Sam can’t hear, “I’d give it to you now but I want you to wear it for me later.” 
Tara’s ears perk up. She peers into the bag you’re holding. 
And then Sam moves into the living room. 
“What happened in here?” Sam asks, looking crestfallen. 
Tara swallows as four sets of eyes find hers. 
“Um, nothing,” Tara says, voice hasty, “There was a racoon or something.” 
Sam’s eyes widen in horror. 
“Don’t worry, I got rid of it,” Tara says. 
Sam drops her bags and hurries off to no doubt clean up the mess the raccoon had caused.
“Do you mind if I borrow your phone?” Tara says, but it’s not a question. She reaches into your back pocket and tugs it out, “Thanks babe, I need to call Chad.”
“Something wrong with yours?” You question, voice wry as she fumbles your PIN into your phone. 
“Yeah,” Says Tara, eyebrows knit as she moves to clear your voicemail, “The raccoon- stole it.” 
“A raccoon stole your phone?” You question, eyebrows raised. 
Tara blinks up at you. 
“Peed on it,” She says, “Sorry. The raccoon peed on my phone.” 
She’s a terrible liar. But it’s fun to watch her try. You press your hand to her lower back and lean in to press a kiss to her forehead.
“You left a bunch of semi-threatening voicemails on my phone, didn’t you?” You question. 
Tara has the decency to look sheepish. 
“No.” She says, somewhat unconvincingly. 
You smile. Circle her back and press a kiss to her lips. 
“Sorry, baby,” You say, “I should have called.” 
“Mom’s duck!” Sam exclaims from the other room. 
Tara wedges her head into your neck. Her hands circle your waist, gripping tight. You press a tender kiss to the side of her head as Sam reenters. 
“I’m calling the exterminator,” Sam says, sounding stressed, “If a raccoon can cause all this damage while someone’s in the house, god knows what it can do if we’re all out.” 
She retreats back into the living room, hands in her hair. 
You sigh. Press a kiss to Tara’s lips and decide to save your girlfriend’s dignity. 
“I’ll call my Dad,” You call out to Sam, resigned, “He knows a guy.” 
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killuintense · 1 year
uh, olá, vi que os pedidos estão abertos e gostaria de fazer um pedido, pode ser leon re2, pode ser nsfw ou cute (já que ele é cute) onde ele encontra o leitora na delegacia e ele se vê em uma necessidade de protegê-la em tudo
❝ see you, leon ❞
rookie!leon kennedy x fem!reader
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Warning: first part, second part, final part / cont. smut
summary: Leon thought that his stay for work in Raccoon City would be boring and monotonous. But he didn't know that the Chief of Police had such a... interesting daughter.
content: 3.2k words, fluff, cute Leon, no Racoon City canon events, soft perv leon.
note: when i read your request i was excited because it was an idea that I had in mind for a while, and knowing that someone was interested encouraged me to write it! thank you for entrusting it to me, i'm sorry if it's too long. however, it will have one more part as i have in my plans. enjoy it, sweetheart ♡
Leon was often naive. But he could not help being a little clumsy sometimes; and that day he tried not to make it so obvious, as he walked behind the officer who was talking to him and indicating the different offices corresponding to each cadet.
That day he had arrived late, he didn't hear the alarm and of course; he had stayed late trying to reassure his ex-girlfriend who had insulted him in every possible way for being "a lying bastard" when he told her that he had chosen Racoon City as his work destination. According to the officers in charge of him in his police training, he had been practically the best performer, so they gave him the permission to choose any work assignment he wanted.
Why Racoon City? Well... ignoring the fact that he thought it was funny that it was named after such a "cute" (in his own words) animal, the amount of unsolved case news caught his attention.
There was only one problem: his girlfriend -now ex- to whom he had to give the terrible news and, as if that wasn't enough, run off to town because they were short-staffed, so he couldn't even fire her. It hurt, yes, but they had been three months together in which he had seen little or nothing except for those short vacations they spent together; it was almost a sigh in his opinion.
That's why he didn't count on the warmth in his chest he felt as he entered the main room, where all the cadets stood among the paperwork and calls, watching a young woman laughing along with one of the officers. "And this is where we usually spend most of our time" the officer in charge explained to him, gently reaching out his arms and looking sideways at him, denying with a chuckle "Kid, it's your first day, you're late and now you're distracted" he gently pats the blond and he seems to wake up from his silly slumber. He lost himself in the laughter of that girl a few months away, jokingly fighting with the other boy.
"I wish I could concentrate once in my life when I study here, Jake," you said to the officer next to you, who was jokingly reading the notes in your notebook. Leon laughed softly, he thought it was adorable how you stood on your tiptoes trying to reach your notebook, snorting at the failed attempt.
"And to top it off you get distracted by the boss's daughter" Jones laughs loudly, and Leon looks at him with a sheepish blush, freezing in place.
"Why would the officer's daughter be here? It's dangerous" he frowned and the officer laughed, he seemed to be making fun of him all the time; especially with that stupid nickname he gave him" 'rookie' he had said as soon as he welcomed him to Raccoon station.
"Well, the Chief would rather I spend time studying here than at home alone, I guess" he shrugged and pointed to the desk "You're in your lucky day, this is your workplace, rookie, here's your desk; and it's in front of Miss (y/n)" he meant you, who was now concentrating on her sheets and writing carefully.
Leon would be lying if he said he wasn't thanking God for putting the idea in his head to choose Raccoon City (apparently being guided by his parameters of "adorability" for an animal had served him well). He couldn't remember ever seeing someone so... cute, beautiful, with that unique harmony. It seemed that a force was pushing him to want to get closer to you; to want to protect you. And although that was his job, after all he chose that profession for a reason, he felt from a distance that it was not the same as with the others. That he would never be able to take care of you enough.
"Come, let's go say hello" the officer guided him, pushing him gently by the back to take him to the desk where you were, and after dodging a couple of tables, they arrived "(y/n)! Guess what? A new victim has arrived" he joked noisily, and soon Leon felt his legs trembling, he felt even there your scent and perfume invading him, and your presence hypnotizing him even worse now that he was closer.
You looked up, expecting to find someone Jake's age, who already had two children and was married, but your surprise was gigantic when a blond with eyes too beautiful to describe appeared in front of you. You had never seen him before; because if you had, you would have remembered him. Obviously you would have.
"Hey..." your words caught on your tongue and you laughed nervously, rising almost on impulse to reach out your hand "They were talking about you a lot here..." you tried to joke, afraid of looking like a fool but soon you felt your hearing being clouded by his soft laughter. Probably the most beautiful you had ever heard in your life.
"Leon Kennedy, a pleasure" he introduced himself, shaking your hand gently. Even in his touch you felt as if he didn't want to hurt you, as if he had used the slightest of strength to shake you in greeting "I hope they said nice things" he joked back.
"Hi, likewise the pleasure is mine" you softened your voice as you introduced yourself, and God, you felt the mockery in Officer Jones' gaze, since when were you such a form? If it had been anyone else a simple greeting would have been enough, but you felt you didn't want to take your presence away from him. "Well, you know how they are here, they didn't even deign to tell me your name, I really started to believe your name was 'rookie'" suddenly you noticed that his face turned as red as a tomato and his hands separated with some denial, you could even assure that he had noticed your doubt when doing so. For God's sake.
But before the embarrassment was too obvious Jones laughed outrageously again "Oh, Kennedy you look pathetic" he said and Leon frowned in confusion, making you bite your lip to hold back a giggle "I guess you will see each other often, the young lady studies here because her father is stubborn to accept that she is already a young college girl who can walk on her own" she denied and put her hands on her hips, while tapping the floor with her shoes.
"Oh, Jones, try to understand him. It's only my first year" you jokingly scold, sitting back down "Welcome Leon, I hope you feel comfortable in Raccoon City. It's really nice here."
'Oh, relax, I've seen enough of you to know that Raccoon City has the most beautiful view of all' thought Leon, feeling like a teenager again for having such cheesy thoughts. Cheesy and hormonal.
Soon they said their goodbyes, Jones hurrying the blond to go change into his uniform and start glancing at the paperwork waiting for him on his desk. Leon hadn't seen so much paperwork since the time he had to prepare for his final exam to graduate from high school.
However, he couldn't help visit your desk with his eyes whenever he could. Sometimes concentrating on the sheets, sometimes sighing because you didn't understand something, and sometimes talking to some officer who joked with you or asked you how things were going. Apparently they had known you since you were little, as he learned, since your father was well known in town for being the head of the department; and the affection was noticeable among the cadets, who made a point of wishing you luck in your exams before leaving for some job where they were required for days at a time. Leon felt jealous of them, they had had the joy of seeing you for years, days and days where they could share your presence. He really envied them.
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Leon would love to say that the goofy feeling in his eyes when he saw you was only for a couple of days and then he could concentrate properly on his work. But that would be a lie. And every time they seemed to run into each other more and more at the station. Like that time Leon decided to make himself a coffee in the break area, he had been too deep in research at his desk and it wasn't just his butt that was starting to bother him.
"Fuck, they didn't train me to avoid back pain" he complained to himself, putting the water on the electric kettle at his side to heat up. He carefully placed the coffee in the mug he had been given as a gift when he became a policeman.
"Oh, you beat me" he heard a soft little voice and felt all his aches and pains go away. There you were again. "I wanted to put some water to drink some tea" you laughed, denying as you approached with a pink cup in your hands.
"I-I've put enough water in!" he almost sounded a bit rushed to say that, making you laugh on the way "It'll suffice for both of us" he soothed, noticing your look of compression at his words. Seriously Leon was like a silly puppy. You stood next to him and began to prepare the infusion "And.... is everything going well with your studies?" he asked, clearing his throat as he folded his arms and leaned gently against the marble table.
"Mhm... I could say yes" a smile played across your lips, but you soon sighed "But it's complicated, I thought Freud would talk about more things than just why you're a terrible person for being raised defectively by your parents" you joked, glancing sideways with a smile playfully. Leon looked like he couldn't hold back a laugh, throwing his head back.
"I understand you, I thought I'd be solving my first case by now but the truth is getting more tedious than I imagined" he spoke complicitly, looking at you as he smiled, he seemed as comfortable with your presence as you were with his stay. It felt good to have someone close to your age who seemed to understand you.
"In fact, you seem very focused, looking at papers and writing on your notebook or computer" you had practically admitted to watching him from the privacy of your desk but you couldn't help the comment, it was endearing how he frowned in despair when the dots didn't seem to match and he had to go back and reread everything one more time. As adorable as now that his ears were as red as the apple he was devouring in the morning (very cute too) and his hands were nervously playing with the zipper of the jacket with his officer's badge. It should be illegal, however ironic, to look that good in uniform.
"Oh! Look at the water" he laughed nervously once the sound of the heater alerted them that the water was already at its indicated point, turning it off. Nerves were on edge inside the blond as he held you close, having to watch you carefully for fear of something happening to you, missing some event in your life "Let me, I'll put it in, we don't want you to burn yourself..." a soft voice came from him, deep and careful as he poured the water carefully into the cup.
"Thank you, Leon" he almost staggered the water filled device in his hands, hearing his name said in your voice with that soft and cute yet sensual and determined tone that made his hairs twitch as a jolt of electricity melted through his body. You were so close, with your arms touching, making the size difference between the two of you more evident; even though Leon wasn't exaggeratedly tall, his body was thick and strong. You felt yourself going crazy as the seconds passed. "Hey... I made you something..." you seemed more shy now, without any hint of the confidence you had since you entered the room. You played with your fingers and before you wanted to think about it too much, you looked for something in your backpack that you left there along with the other people's things "Look, I don't know if you're a fan of sweets but I wanted to leave you this little detail" you let out a nervous giggle and handed her a little bag decorated with a blue bow that you had prepared the day before. They were heart-shaped chocolate and vanilla cookies. Now you felt it had been too much, but before you could apologize or excuse yourself for that detail, Leon was about to choke on his coffee.
"Are you serious?" his gaze lit up, he set the cup aside trying to compose himself (and not feel so foolish) as he took the cute little bag in his hands.
"Yeah, I didn't know if you liked chocolate or vanilla better so I made you both..." a shy tone came through again, you were trying to ignore how hot your cheeks were not knowing that Leon wanted to hug you and kiss them softly. You were completely unaware of the way the blond's heart was shrinking and he had the need to squeeze you until you were soaked with his love. It was too much to hold in his body.
"You're the best, I don't think I've tasted homemade cookies in years" Leon praised, not wanting to open the bag just to admire the way you had decorated it with that blue bow, ignoring now that you based your choice of color on his beautiful eyes.
"I'll take it into account to bring you more often" now you could speak with more composure, taking your cup and smiling at him before walking to the exit door "See you, Leon" you gently raised your hand to greet him, leaving the room as if you were a ghost.
"Yeah, see ya..." he murmured softly, resting the baggie gently against his chest in an attempt to frame that moment not only in his head, but in his heart as well.
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From that moment on the little details became more common between the two of them. The greetings and little jokes in the morning when you passed by before going to college with your father, the little bags of candy or cookies that you would leave on Leon's desk with little notes of encouragement like 'you can do it', 'have a nice day' or 'Officer Kennedy sounds really good'. You were making it really hard for Leon to relieve those feelings for you and you, on your side, were feeling more and more that those looks and smiles you were sharing were too much for your heart. Especially because you noticed how uncomfortable Leon was, always tense when spoken to and afraid to say anything wrong. But with you he always seemed determined, at your side as if something was going to happen to you and he, always attentive, would drop everything and come to your rescue. Like the time when a man came like crazy to complain about an administrative problem and before even wanting to approach to help (as was common in his person), he preferred to stay in front of your desk, looking at the intruder with distrust and some reluctance.
Those little details made you fall for him more and more. It wasn't what he said or didn't say, what he gave you or didn't give you; it was that way of taking care of you and always keeping you in mind. Would he have a coffee? He always took care to leave water ready for you in the electric kettle, and if he had you by his side, he would serve you tea so that 'you wouldn't burn yourself by accident'. Did he have a job outside? Once he arrived at the station after hours out, he would come running to greet you if you were there, asking you if everything was going well, how your day had been. And if he noticed you were stressed, he'd throw out his silly jokes and support you and listen to whatever you needed. Fucking hell. He was too perfect to be real.
"Kennedy? That was your last name, right?" your father perched next to his desk after leaving his office, the blond stood up quickly and nodded stiffly, attentive to his commands.
"Dad! I told you I can go alone, for God's sake!" you groaned in embarrassment, tugging at his coat sleeve. You had been insisting all morning that someone bring you to the college since he would be busy; you hated it when he treated you like you were a silly teenager. And especially when he had to pester Leon to take you; you were sure he had more interesting things to do than escort his boss's 'spoiled' daughter to the university.
"I'm sorry, Leon, I really tried to get him to let me go alone..." the sorrow was in your voice, he had started the patrol car a few seconds ago and was driving very carefully, not before asking you to put on your seatbelt. As always, an angel.
"Hey, this is my job too" he smiled in an attempt to make you take it as something common for him. You knew it wasn't, but the way he treated you with care considering how you felt made your chest warm "Besides, it helps if I go out for some fresh air" he joked.
"Thanks...makes me feel less guilty" you sighed in relief and shook your head, looking sideways at him "Although, I'm sure it's not your job to drive girls to their places of study, is it?" you laughed now looking out the window.
"Well, even if my job from now on was to be your driver, believe me I'd gladly take it" he said it so matter-of-factly that you felt your legs swoon and you were thankful you were sitting down so that one didn't become embarrassing. You found it hard to believe that he wasn't being his usual shy self, but sometimes his words managed to surprise you. You even felt some disappointment when the patrol car stopped, since they had finally arrived at your university; even for the first time in your life you didn't feel that sense of disturbance at arriving in a police car and being seen by everyone. You wanted to stay there until they were forced to get off, you didn't want to get away from him.
"Thank you, Leon... really" you spoke with sincerity in your words, even when you saw him smile naturally and in the same way you leaned over and left a soft kiss on his cheek, opening the door before he could say anything "See you in the afternoon, take care" you went downstairs trying not to stumble and closed the door behind you, walking quickly. You didn't know if you were running away from what you just did, but you definitely didn't regret it.
Especially since you left a flushed and statuesque Leon with his hands still glued to the steering wheel. He hadn't expected that, he didn't even anticipate it but....
But it had been the best feeling of his whole fucking life.
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malleusarcanum · 1 year
Ace: *slammed open the door* Mc! Let's go to the-- *looked around, only saw Grim*
Deuce: Where is she?
Grim: Dunno nom nom *munching tuna* she was here nom nom awhile, then left nom nom fast nom nom
Ace: ....
Deuce: Did you just understand what he said? *whispered to Ace*
Ace: I never understood this racoon
Grim: Nyarhh!!! Nom nom wait till nom nom I finish eating! *Still stuffing tuna*
Sam: *heard the chimes from the door* How can I assist you Mr-- oh! Ms. Mc
Mc: Does this shop sells everything?
Sam: You bet yah!
Mc: Ummm.... as in EVERYTHING
Sam: Mostly.... depends on your necessities. What is it?
*Mc only played her fingers*
Sam: *gave suggestions* Vodoo dolls? Mask? Tarot cards? A potion that can Turn you into A frog to find your love?
*Mc blinked many times*
Sam: forget the last part, I could guess what you want but I see that you lack communication skills. So you need to talk to learn.
Mc: Well.... Uh... Do you sell something only girls use?
Sam: ahh... Specifically?
Mc: You know the..... Thingy that absorbs--
Leona: Blood?!
*Mc& Sam looked at the door*
*Leona rushed to Mc*
Leona: Herbivore! I won't accept any answers, only names! Who stabbed you from there!!! *Shouted with worry*
*Mc looked at her lower body then turned instantly to cover it*
Mc: This-is nothing, this is just strawberry juice.
Jack: Our nose can't lie
Ruggie: Let's go kick some asses!
Kalim: Hi guys!--
Leona: will you shut that mouth!! *Turned to Kalim while bearing it's fangs*
Kalim: Did this Lion have lost its prey?
Ruggie: Nah, your already here
Kalim: *looked to ruggie with boredom* Why's Garfield here?
Ruggie: Garfield?!!! Well you---
Kalim: Hahaha--
*Jack covered both their mouths and they stopped after seeing his eyes*
Jamil: Why is Leona roaring anyway? His voice almost reached outside
Jack: There's a blood from her behind
Kalim: I wanna see!
Mc: Kalim?!
Kalim: ?
Sam: *remembered something* I know what you need!
*Showed to Mc immediately & everyone saw it*
*Mc melted at the floor*
Leona: It's the other kind of blood...
Jack: ....
Jamil: women are such complicated creatures
Ruggie & Kalim: *laughing at the floor*
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mxdarling · 1 month
[first years]
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-> the lovely batch of first-year students, their appearances scream youthful glow and rebellious nature. as you get to know them throughout your school year, you'll start to realize that, they all share the same inexperienced approach towards love.
(masterlist) - (second years | third years)
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-> she is a cheerful girl who has the honor of serving as your tour guide on your first day. from what you can gather from your classmates, she's an overly friendly and cute girl who's part of the photography club and is considered one of the best of the best in the club. plus her association with the organization "astral express" as a member, her name has reached many ears. she's one of the members that people consider to be the most approachable.
[ "hello, new student! it is i, march 7th, your lovely tour guide for today! i'll make sure your first day will be a blast!" ]
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-> an awkward guy who doesn't say much, but he's definitely a chaotic fellow who tends to go head first, then think. he isn't exactly related to stelle, his friend and classmate, but many people have already assumed they were twins. not just because of their similar appearances but because of their personalities too. both he and stelle have a strange behavior of rummaging through many trash cans on the school grounds. working alongside march 7th and stelle in the organization "astral express,"  people say he, stelle, march, and dan heng are inseparable.
[ "awh.. nothing good in this one.. oh- hi! would you like to join me in trash hunt finding?" ]
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-> also an awkward gal who doesn't say much, but she's much more sassier—perhaps even a bit easier to provoke than her supposed "twin." time and time again, she's told people that she and caelus aren't blood related whatsoever, but they never really drop it; both she and caelus have a strange behavior of rummaging through many trash cans on the school grounds. working alongside march 7th and caelus in the organization "astral express,"  people say she, caelus, march, and dan heng are inseparable.
[ "hey! caelus and i had a bet who's better at this game, wanna help me beat his ass?" ]
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-> one of the more popular freshmen, her sweet personality and pretty appearance have put her in quite the spotlight among her peers, plus her family's pockets are deeper than your debts. lots of people have speculated about her relationship with arlan, but she insists nothing is ever beyond friends between them (which some have a hard time believing). due to her diligent and serious nature towards astronomy, she has been appointed as the head of the astronomy club. as of now, she and arlan are working under the name of "herta's research station".
[ "i need this thesis done by tonight and after that i- oh! hello there! i apologize for the mess, i haven't got the time to clean up..." ]
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-> the quiet, intimidating looking guy who sits at the back of the class. you could say he's the exact opposite of his friend, asta, who's popular and friendly-looking to their peers. some were even surprised that he was a friend of hers and started speculating about the status of their "friendship," and like asta, he too has denied anything that went beyond platonic. he was tasked with being the head of the security department because of his excellent fighting skills and his hypervigilance towards his surroundings. as of now, he and asta are working under the name of "herta's research station".
[ "please.. be careful around this parts, it's better to have a friend or someone from the security department go with you..." ]
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-> an enthusiastic and naive girl who firmly believes in the philosophy of "be eager to help those in need." her swordsmanship skills reflect her title as a newcomer to the swordfighting club, but there's still a long way to go before she can truly perfect her skills and capabilities and maybe get a spot in the "clouds knights". many have pointed out that she and guinaifen are often seen trying out one of guinaifen's performing arts and going on a trip to the nurse's office. sometimes it's her who's in bad shape, sometimes it's guinaifen who's in bad shape, or sometimes even both are in bad shape!
[ "one day, my name will go down in history as a legend from the cloud knights! you'll be there when i reach my goal, right?" ]
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-> described as a passionate and vivacious young girl, and just in her first year alone, she's gained a high number of fans and followers due to being a street performer. usually, after classes, she can be seen at the back of the academy performing stunts and tricks for students and teachers alike. on special occasions, she collabs with her best friend, sushang, during her performances. though, it seems nearly impossible to not see at least one of them injured after performing. they probably spend more time in the nurse's office than all their classes combined.
[ "hello! hello! welcome all to little gui's performance and lucky you, i've chosen you to be my little guest for today!" ]
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-> the one who skips classes the most, the few times she does attend classes, is if the other "stellaron hunters" are present, and the other three also rarely ever attend their own classes. many have attempted to try and find her when they were tasked with fetching the little troublemaker, yet give up each time. it's like she's always just out of the reach of everyone in the academy, and when they do actually get a hold of her, she completely ignores them in favor of her video games.
[ "can't you see i'm in the middle of a game? this boss fight is particularly difficult and i need to fight it in peace." ]
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sonnyangelgirl · 9 months
i need re2r stalker leon with an idol reader :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
warnings: stalking, gross leon, this is unfinished i donr think i ever will finish it 😇😇😇 enjoy tho i didnt proof read this
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imagine, you're an up-and-coming idol, your group isn't all that popular and you aren't really a fan favorite.
he's just some cop, doesn't have a girlfriend, probably not getting one soon. he's attractive, sure, but he's not good with women.
one day, he hangs out with claire. the whole time she just rambles about this girl group she discovered, showing leon a video of them!
claire was just ecstatic about the fact that your group was coming to racoon city and she got tickets to see you.
she invites leon to the concert with her, he doesn't have anything to do so he agrees to go. when the day comes, he sees you.
you're just so.. cute! the way you glow onstage, you have that kind, girl-next-door vibe to you. he can't help but stare at you in pure awe, you were so beautiful.
he had to have you to himself.
as soon as he got home he researched everything about you!
he feels so gross, hes a grown man! why is he so obsessed over an idol that doesn't even know he exists??
Well, its fine anyways. This is what your company wants, right? To make these creepy losers obsessed with your group and spend all their money ln merch!
Plus, he wasn't obsessed with you per se, he just... really liked you, alot!
He thought you were pretty and wanted to know everything about you, he wanted to count how many moles you had on your body, he wanted to know your favorite things, what you disliked, etc! There's nothing wrong with that.. right?
He wasn't gonna buy any of your merch, he wasn't that weird! For God's sake, he was a cop, a grown man, why would he spend his hard earned money on some stupid idol goodies?
As soon as he got his next paycheck, he ordered some of your merch.
This couldn't keep going! He just needed to be closer to you!
When your company announced tickets for a fansign, he was quick to buy them.
Sure, he will only be able to eat instant noodles of the next few weeks if he wanted to pay his bills, but it's okay! Its worth it because of you.
He saw people buying their favorite idols some gifts, he wasn't sure what to get you so he just bought a bouquet of flowers and a plushie of your favorite animal.. he tried.. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
He doesn't really care about talking to the other members much, and when it's his turn to talk to you, he could cry of happiness.
his face turns so flushed and he gets a bit sweaty, when you offer to shake his hand, he swears healmost creams his pants. Your hands were so small, he could smell your perfume and it was making him all hazy inside.
"Hii, what's your name?" Your voice echoes through his head, he cant even think.
"Leon — 'm.. uh.. I got you — a gift.." He stuttered like crazy, his hands trembled as he handed you the flowers and plushie.
You see the way he's nervous, you put a gentle hand on his shoulder and smile sweetly, "Hey, no need to be nervous, okay?" You say this despite the fact he has the mannerisms a total creep. Sure, hes cute, has a nice face and moles, but still, you cant help but feel creeped out.
It's your job as an idol though, to smile, be nice, let the fans be weird to you. His face lights up when you say that.
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dopaminestarvedsim · 6 months
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racoon: an icon 🤘🎸✨
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the fact that i just found her out in the snow raging on her guitar after finishing a run? legendary. chasing her down was the best thing i ever did in this silly lil game.
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who's who in the zoo wilderness
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like many yellowjackets fans i am Obsessed with the flashbacks in the pilot episode - but while many theories are about who pit girl is or who the antler queen is i also wanted to have a look at who each of the creepy cloaked cultee's might be under their masks...
in the flashbacks we have nine characters -
pit girl (called "The Runner" in the script)
antler queen (called "The Shaman")
the one wearing beaver fur ("The Overseer")
the one wearing a skunk fur ("The Hunter")
the one in the pink hood ("The Butcher")
one wearing an owl
one wearing racoons
one wearing what appears to be a wolf
one wearing pants/leggings in a way that looks rabbit-like.
The antler queen is the name the fans have given the mysterious veiled figure - but the creators have been firm in saying that is an interpretation and not a fact. What we know about this figure is she's referred to as "The Shaman" and she's obviously a significant figure in the group - but not necessarily the queen/leader. I don't think this character is automatically the leader of the cult.
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The definition of a shaman includes:
A member of certain traditional societies, especially of northern Asia and of North and South America, who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.
The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman. The noun is formed from the verb ša- ‘to know’; thus, a shaman is literally “one who knows.” 
So of these nine, seven of them must be our seven known survivors:
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just a note: aside from sammi hanratty (misty) none of the other actors were playing characters in this scene - those roles were filled by body doubles. so i'm not going to be too specific in comparing looks to try and match these characters to our known characters. There's also the fact that these scenes were written and filmed for the pilot before the show was greenlit and since then the story has changed somewhat (for example - van most likely originally dying from the wolf attack but that being rewritten because they loved what liv hewson did with the character and wanting them to continue). So I'll mostly be focusing on the characters we know were absolutely intended to be there: Shauna, Tai, Natalie (confirmed to survive in the pilot) as well as Travis and Lottie (confirmed to survive later in s1).
Only one figure is 100% confirmed - the Overseer being Misty, as she is the only character seen to remove her fur mask at the end of the pilot episode.
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The other that is basically confirmed is the identity of the Butcher being Shauna.
Not only was Shauna... literally the butcher in the past and the present ("Shauna, you're the best with the knife, so you'll handle the body. I mean cut it up." - Misty in 1x10) but when Shauna kills Adam she has flashbacks that include the Butcher bleeding the Runner's corpse.
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Then there's the Runner, and given that she dies gruesomely she is not one of the survivors, but is one of the yellowjackets who survived past the end of s2.
Aside from her face, she is the character we see the most of physically (so i will mention her physical appearance in relation with who her character might be) - she has long dark hair and lighter/olive coloured skin.
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based on this we know that pit girl is most likely either Gen or Mari (my vote is mari, and i wrote a meta on why). now that gen has been recast for s3 :( i'm thinking it's almost definitely mari.
that's 3/9 and where the clearest examples stop.
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I think the animals were chosen with intention, both by the costume designer and within the story by the characters. whereas the other masks seem more for the sake of warmth (like the raccoon pelts sort of sewed together into a hood) this one feels a lot more symbolic. like can you even skin an owl while keeping the feathers??
I think this is a reference to Tai's connection with the "Other Tai" - the one who comes out in sleepwalking, and somehow knows the lay of the land (where the symbols are, where the other yellowjackets are) in a way that Tai doesn't understand. The imagery of having a character appear to literally have two faces just screams Tai to me.
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From some very basic research it seems that owl can symbolically mean: wisdom, a guide in the dark, death, visions, etc.
While this could relate to Tai, it could also relate to Lottie.
While as the audience we know Lottie is schizophrenic and without her meds, the others have taken Lottie's visions as signs from the wilderness and treat her as the resident seer. While she's clearly trying to pull away from that role and the responsibility it entails by the end of s2 - the other yellowjackets already look to her as someone with the knowledge to guide them through the wilderness.
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There's also the clothing. While most clothes seem to be passed around communally (a sweater Misty & Mari wear in s2 is the legwarmers on the owl and the mask on the skunk) there are some items that are reserved for specific characters (like Shauna wearing Jackie's butterfly shirt).
In the '96 timeline Tai wears a lot of patterned blue and purple clothes, some of which almost definitely become part of the outfit for this owl character.
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There's also the vest - it could be an animal fur but it has some of similarities to Lottie's fluffy coat, especially one that's become dirtier while stranded without the cabin. This coat is only worn by Lottie. The raccoon character also wears a similar vest, so it could just be fur, but Lottie's coat resembles the owl character's vest more based on the colour, or the coat could have been split in two.
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Overall I think the owl character is most likely Tai.
in doomcoming and in the hunt in the future the upper half of tai's face is covered and it makes sense to me that trend would continue in all her hunt outfits. there's also the repeated imagery of eyes within her story - the man with no eyes, her grandmother's eyes, sammy's doll on the altar missing an eye, so her outfit having a taxidermy owl with no eyes tracks.
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unfortunately not many clear images exist for this character. i'm not even sure if the pelt they're wearing is a wolf, it could also be a bear, but i'm going with wolf for now.
i think this is Travis. travis is the other hunter of the group and it makes sense that the characters furs might come from their own hunts/kills. symbolism wise travis does fit a wolf as well - loyalty, protection, strength. wolves are closely tied to the bonds of packs and family, making sense that travis would be the lone wolf as he's lost his father and brother out here.
tai and van are also associated with wolves - but i don't think either of them would want to wear one all the time, given that van was attacked by one and tai is haunted by them.
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the wolf character also has some small details that fit for travis' character. their face is covered from the eyes down, something travis often does throughout season 2. the wolf, owl and skunk characters are also the only ones (that we can see) wearing fingerless gloves. given that the last time travis saw javi happy was him being gifted gloves by natalie, and that much of their clothes would have been destroyed in the fire (but not javi's, which were most likely still outside) i can see travis wearing javi's gloves.
The Hunter / Skunk
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i think this is Natalie. before the season 2 finale i would've said this was 100%. now knowing that natalie is their new leader, there is the possibility that she is the antler queen character, which i will talk about later, but for me this character only makes sense as natalie.
nat's the hunter! even as a new leader, she's still the most capable and knowledgeable in hunting. travis is very much her second while she leads the hunting trips. it also makes sense that as the leader she would be the first one to check The Runner, to stand over the pit. both an 'honour' and a duty.
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natalie's also been the one standing over the bodies so far. she's the one waiting outside with jackie's body at the start of 2x03, she's the one who takes jackie's remains and has a short memorial for her. she's the one who stays outside the longest, standing over travis with javi's body. obviously not definitive but does work with the skunk character.
as for the clothes - the hunter wears the iconic co-ed soccer shirt, pink converse, and for a mask the cloth is currently a sweater within the show.
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the shirt begins the show as van's - but almost every character has worn it now (including tai, travis, akilah, etc.). the pink connverse have never been quite as clear, but it appears that might have originally been shauna's (a darker colour that most likely faded over the 19 months) and have been worn by at least lottie, gen & tai. the sweater that the mask is made of has been worn by misty, mari & mel. so none of that narrows anything down sdjflsakhfl;h
i think the skunk is quite a specific choice too. could be about seeing things in black & white, about keeping your distance, etc. there's not a lot about skunk symbolism but it mainly seems to involve confidence, courage and direction. these are interesting when paired with natalie, given that she fits some very well but struggles with others.
it's also implied in the original pilot script that this character is natalie.
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while we do see the hunter pulling up the runner's body with the rope, the scene with natalie does not make it into the episode. it does suggest that when filming the pilot this character was thought of to be natalie though. of course, as the show progressed this may have changed.
still in 1x10 when it's decided that shauna will cut up adam's body, natalie is the one who volunteers to help her, while misty is the one who directs all of them, mirroring this scene with the butcher (shauna), overseer (misty) and hunter (natalie).
some say that the hunter is van - has a similar build and the general blankness/darkness that van has by the end of s2, as well as being the shirt's og owner. but van wasn't supposed to be there in the initial conception of this character. while it may have changed now, for me this character is natalie.
Raccoon & Rabbit
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I'm honestly not sure who these two might be. One is most likely Van, given that we know she survives.
Early on there were theories that Jackie was the Rabbit, due to her association with rabbits, which makes sense, but now we know Jackie's dead. Then they were possibly Javi, but he's dead too. As for symbolism, I'm not sure who of the remaining Yellowjackets fits either of these characters.
I think the creators were purposefully ambiguous to leave themselves with options. If the audience doesn't know who is who, they have the opportunity to change the story slightly as the show progresses (like with Van surviving).
The Shaman / Antler Queen
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while initially thought to be lottie, as she is set up as the leader in the wilderness, the season 2 finale revealed that natalie was the new leader. both of these characters could be the shaman, but i feel as though it makes more sense for natalie to be the hunter. even though there are moment that in retrospect hint that natalie becomes the leader (misty's devotion, natalie stating that she lacked a purpose after they were rescued, tai and shauna's conversation about nat being the reason they're alive), there are no clear references to natalie being the antler queen character in the story so far (although that could have been hidden on purpose for the reveal).
in the adult timeline the others are terrified of the antler queen in a way that's different from their reactions to the symbol from the wilderness. when they receive the postcards or realise the symbol is under travis' body they are disturbed, they have a distrust of the symbol and everything it reminds them of.
but their reactions to the shaman are different. she appears in shauna's flashbacks when she kills adam, in natalie's visions/hallucinations after she overdoses, and in lottie's visions/hallucinations after hearing natalie's experience and in her office with the fake therapist. each of them are utterly terrified when she appears.
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i think who the shaman is depends on what her role truly is. as i've already said, the "antler queen" is a title made up by the fans.
The Shaman does appear to be the leader of the group, sitting in the centre of the semi-circle, being elevated, everyone waiting for her go-ahead to begin the feast, and everyone waiting for her to leave first.
If The Shaman is the leader, then she is Natalie.
This is supported by the editing in the pilot episode - at the '96 party when Natalie gets high, she stands by the fire and sees Misty standing across from her. It then cuts to the Overseer bringing the Shaman the cooked feast.
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Chief Mourner:
If the Shaman is the chief mourner, it would depend on who the Runner is. If she's gen, the Shaman would most likely be mel in this instance. if she's mari, the most likely mourner would be akilah. the shaman doesn't appear to have akilah's dark skin, but body doubles were used and her face is veiled. if akilah has already died, the mourner might be lottie or gen.
It would be interesting with the idea that the antler queen changes from person to person. That they're all still terrified of "her" when what she represents is you losing the one you love most, you being the one with the most grief.
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This is supported by what's happened with the two acts of cannibalism so far in the series. Shauna is Jackie's chief mourner, she is the one to light her funeral pyre, she is the one to give the go ahead that they should eat Jackie's body ("She wants us to." - Shauna in 2x02). Travis is Javi's chief mourner, and he is also the one to give the go ahead to eat Javi's body, everyone rushing in for the 'meat' after Travis has put Javi's heart on the pan.
However the Shaman is never seen eating. Both Shauna and Travis have the first bite of their loved one, whereas the Shaman only nods for the feast to start. It's possible this is part of a ritual that evolved over time, but it's still puzzling.
Spiritual Advisor :
if the antler queen is some sort of spiritual advisor, then she's most likely lottie. this fits with what we've seen in the '96 timeline already, with lottie's wilderness connection and the reverence shown to her by other team mates. even though lottie abdicates her role of leader in the s2 finale and claims she 'can't hear' the wilderness anymore - it's clear this is because of the weight of the responsibility to keep them alive, as well as her grief and guilt over javi's death.
still, several of the others seem confused at lottie's decision, and only seem to be accepting natalie as the leader because lottie said so. if this is something that creates tension within the group, it makes sense that natalie might appoint lottie a role where they can still look to her.
natalie as the leader/hunter is the one brining in the kill, but lottie as a spiritual advisor/shaman is the one leading the ritual.
this is supported by how in the adult timeline when they are having another hunt, it's lottie that leads it, not natalie. though that may be because lottie was the one to initiate the hunt. lottie also still acts as a spiritual advisor, with the others coming to her for advice.
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the other option for a spiritual advisor is Tai. Not necessarily tai though... but Other Tai.
Much about Other Tai still remains a mystery. Is she another personality, a response to the trauma and repression, some sort of possession from the wilderness? In the adult timeline Lottie says that Other Tai is a part of Taissa, but Other Tai's conversation with Van in the woods raises questions about this.
Van: How do you know where you're going? Other Tai: He shows me. Van: Who's "he?" Other Tai: The one with no eyes. Van: Is that who you always follow? Other Tai: Only when she lets me. Van: Okay there's a "she" too, am I "she?" Other Tai: [shakes head] Van: Then who is "she?" Other Tai: Taissa. Van: Then who are you? Other Tai: [gives Van a look before walking away]
Other Tai's ability to track the whereabouts of the other survivors (Javi, Natalie), her connection to the man with no eyes, and knowing where all of the symbols are imply something more supernatural then just "sleepwalking".
Other Tai is the one to participate in cannibalising Jackie, she's strongly implied to be the one who pushes Taissa to continue running for senate even after she told Simone she would drop out, and she is the one to behead their fucking dog and make an altar in their basement. The creators and actors have talked about Other Tai and explain that she has Tai's best interest in mind, but she is willing to do what Tai wouldn't do to get it. Other Tai has a connection to the wilderness and the supernatural, she desires power and can become violent. She could very well be The Shaman.
"I don't know how bad it's going to get this time, but you know how bad it can get." - Tai in 1x06
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Group Hallucination:
It's been theorised that the Shaman / Antler Queen doesn't really exist at all.
With the show toeing the line between visions, hallucinations and grief-induced psychosis with multiple characters (including Lottie, Tai, Shauna, Natalie, Travis) it's possible that as the group spirals more and more out of control and into ritualistic cannibalism - a way that they attempt to cope is through this Shaman. A 'physical' manifestation of the Wilderness itself. Something that gives them permission to feast on the flesh of their teammates, but does not eat herself, because she's not really there.
We only see The Shaman during the feast scene, and in other's visions/hallucinations. We know there are seven known survivors, but during the pilot's flash forward scene we see eight. Only if The Shaman doesn't exist, it's our seven survivors and a hallucination sitting around the fire.
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So in the end my main theories/predictions/headcanons stand as:
Mari as The Runner / Pit Girl
Misty as The Overseer / Beaver
Shauna as The Butcher / Pink Hood
Natalie as The Hunter / Skunk
Tai as the owl
Travis as the wolf
Lottie as The Shaman / Antler Queen
the one I am least sure of is The Shaman, she could still be Tai or a hallucination, and I look forward to finding out!
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ariathelamia · 15 days
Hellhound HRT - Day -???
Little note at the start: Hellhound HRT is being written by Arynia, who is a alter... the only alter in this system ^^ Since she is unable to front so far, we decided to have her write the story~ well she tells me what to write and i do that~ Don't worry, Lamia HRT is going to continue! It's just a bit of a drawing rut on my end^^..
Thank you @dawning-mars for the cameo and help writing this~ it was a lot of fun working with you!! Anyway~ on to the story!!
“That FUCKING asshole!” 
I shout while kicking the empty can of soda down the alleyway, hitting a trash can and accidentally spooking the Racoon that was currently inside of it away..
I just happened to leave the clinic of this gigantic egotistical asshole doctor Erian, my tail all the way along my back and fur all over the place. Shit, getting ahead of myself here.
‘Sup, Names Arynia, but people just call me Nia. I’ve been on Wolf HRT for a while… probably what.. 4 to 5 months now? Well let me just paint a picture. Think about an average height punk girl, with a body mostly covered in a mix of orange and gray fur… Got a nice long undercut for hair, and an otherwise still pretty human face, if you discount the slight elongation that would become my snout one day.  Got me a pretty neat tail though! Doctor was quite surprised when he saw it, usually they don’t get that tall so quickly? I guess I lucked out on that one. Legs are still humanoid though… no signs of paws yet… they do ache a little but i guess i traded the Tail growth for the leg restructuring.. Well none of this matters now cause that fucker just cut me off the meds anyway because i accidentally let slip that “being a normal wolf might not be as fulfilling as i thought… that i wanted something a little… extra.”... Guess that was enough for that idiot asshole bastard to say “If you are not happy with the current progress then continuing from here on out won’t be in your best interest.” And something about coming back when i know what i actually want and if this is the right thing and- URGH!! I should have kept my mouth shut but that's just not my style… 
Anyway back to the here and now. Feeling kinda bad for the Racoon… well can’t say sorry now that it’s gone. But what the fuck do i do now? Well first things first, checking the messages… Lot’s o’ new people sending in their first dosage posts… pretty neat. Some new faces joined the support group-... ah shit gotta make the news that i probably gotta leave now.. since i don’t really have an ongoing prescription anymore… ACTUALLY- maybe someone has an idea what to do… yeah thats a better outlook, after all that asshole Theodore isn’t the only doc around. 
I ended up sending a lengthy text in the vent section about my situation.. At first people sent some pleasantries but then also some neat ideas on where to go. I did mention my wish for something more… extravagant and low and behold, someone heard of a library in Hypercity that I should check out. Something about a Mysterious worker there that spooked some customers away with her… “monstry aura”? Sounds neat. Just gotta find the place.
Good thing the Maps app on the phone works in Hyper City.. otherwise this place would become a maze… It’s been neat just exploring new areas though, seeing all kinds of people on different stages in their HRT. Cats… Bats… a freaking DRAGON… pretty sure saw some cyborg too but not sure if that’s HRT or just them wearing prosthetics.. either way looked pretty neat. Ever since this stuff hit the market, and more people managed to grab the formula and distribute it, new kinda therians pop out by the day. Good thing I got a spot in that support group when they still had any. Although things do be a bit hectic in the chats.. but that’s alright. Anything major and important is learned in the group sessions anyway.
After another half an hour of walking and listening to the instructions on my phone, I finally made it to the library…  Pretty normal looking place from the outside if you think about the worker here that everyone is making mysteries of is apparently supposed to be some kinda… space monster.. though the descriptions do shift from mention to mention. Anyway I decided it’s enough waiting around… time to go in.
The SECOND I stepped into the lobby, my instincts fired alarm signals. I don’t know how to interpret that but god damn, my fur was standing upright and my ears clenched backwards. What the fuck is going on? Despite my body telling me to run, I go forward… this wolf ain’t no quitter i tell you that! My hand slowly reaches for the bell at the reception, after three deep breaths I finally manage to ring it. The body is making one last attempt to try to make me run away, now that I have given away my position to whatever predator it was so afraid of. But I won't. I gotta know what the hell this place is about now.
As the bell rings, the library quickly goes cold. The lights seem to be weaker, trying to fight against a layer of darkness that wasn’t present before the ring. The air is heavy and the sounds of footsteps can be heard from book stacks. Through the Darkness emit 5 bright eyes, their pinkish purple hues fluctuate and pulse. 
“Hello Deary, Welcome to the Thayer Library. My name is Mars, how can I help you?” 
Her voice vibrates with an unnatural distortion. Emerging into view is a 7 foot tall creature. Her skin is an unsaturated purple that resembles that of a shark's skin. She wears a black 50’s style dress with a ribbon tied at her waist. A large black sun hat covers a portion of her feature lacking face.
Quite the contrast in style compared to my black tank top, skinny jeans with ripped sides and black and white sneakers…
Mars passes me, walking back to the front desk. She looks down and gives me a monstrously happy grin. 
I take a moment to take in this surreal sight… I’ve seen my fair share of therians and otherkin before… Hell, one of my friends is a freakin’ Lamia… but THIS?! This is something entirely different. Feel like I just got transported into a whole different world, even though my actual position did not change…
“Uhm- name’s Arynia.. I was told this place could help me out with a predicament I found myself in. You see i uh-... just got cut off from my HRT for wanting something more… “Special” than a normal wolf and uh-... yeah-... here I am. Is there anyone you can introduce me to? Or how does this work?...” 
I stop myself from just babbling on and wait with baited breath for the answer of Mars. Trying to figure out WHAT kind of otherkin she is…
“Hm, what exactly do you mean by ‘special’?” She asked, looking me over and giving an inquisitive glare. She didn’t have pupils to track, but the way her brows shifted and glared. I felt myself being scrutinized, like I was being dissected. I struggled to find the words, the eye on her forehead looked deeper than the rest. It’s unblinking resolve pierces through me to my very being. I felt afraid, angered, lost. She must’ve noticed how I felt as she reached to the lid of her hat and pulled it down to cover the fifth eye.
I looked at her with an unsure expression… What DID i mean by that? God, his words about being not sure what I even wanted came back to my head… I didn’t want to be just a wolf… although being a Wolf isn’t bad I just needed something more… “... demonic…”
I suddenly said quietly.. my own thoughts bubbling out of my mouth involuntarily.
“Not… like a demon-demon but like… I don't know… a Demon Wolf? Fur that is almost like smoke but also… solid? ... heat that burns in my chest…
That kinda special…”
Mars' expression changes and sits down at her computer. As her attention turned to the screen I felt a weight ease off me. I nervously watched as the being before me tapped away on her computer. As she typed up something she looked up.
“I think I understand” 
Mars says, not looking up from the computer screen.
“There are ways to be… ethereal, cosmic, existing both in the mortal realm and the outer realms. Technically speaking, what you’re asking fits the description of the Abrahamic Hellhound. But I feel that’s not what you're looking for. It’s hard to explain the unexplainable… trust me..”
Mars hits the enter button as she looks back up at me. A kinder smile on her face as she looked for my response. The pressure of her presence once more weighed down on me as I stumbled to respond.
I scratch the back of my head and nod. 
“Y-yeah. Kinda hard to find something that describes the kind of thing I am looking for. A Hellhound sounds not bad, maybe some kinda different version! Maybe something with a bit more… fur hehe.. I guess you would know what it’s like. I don’t want to sound mean but I have never seen anything like you either.”
“Well my transition is a bit… different than the rest.. it’s hard to explain and it’s harder to understand. Frankly I’m still trying to figure out what I am and what’s going on…”
I notice her grab something from behind their desk. She looks down as I hear her scribble something out before standing up once more.
“I think I have something of interest to you, within the archives we have a selection of old reproductions from the Library of Alexandria. It was there where I found a way to become what I am. I believe I know something in the vault that might help you”.
She walked past me, her back appendages stretching outward and then falling back to a rest state. Her tail sways as she walks past the stacks and to a glass door saying ‘Employees Only’.
“Stay here and I’ll have the item brought down for you, feel free to look around while I’m gone.”
It was then that I first noticed how freaking exhausted I was from all the tension that was constantly in my body. I slumped against the desk and felt like I could breathe normally for the first time in my life, even when I didn't notice me breathing abnormally before. This entire situation is beginning to make me feel… somewhat… no… not somewhat.. REALLY excited! When I first started my transition into a Wolf, I felt a slight excitement with it.. not nearly as strong as it is now.  I was sure, this is it! I am at the right place, whatever comes next is what I really wanted!! 
I didn’t start looking around, my feet were almost stuck to the ground, my body still somewhat on edge. My fur definitely needed a brush now with how much it keeps shifting from the adrenaline that keeps shooting through my body in waves. I can’t wait to see what Mars is going to bring back from that employee section… figures that the good stuff is being held back from the general public but hey, who am i to complain. It’s not like the things are not being used for others outside of the employees, guess there is a genuine reason.. if it is able to “produce” beings like Mars, maybe that’s for the better to keep it somewhat detained.
There’s a ding from behind the door and the sound of something rolling. As the employee door unlocks Mars steps out, pushing along a small cart. The second she’s within eyesight I feel her presence once more as I find myself frozen with anxiety. 
“Here we are, the Alexandria Chronicles.”
She says with a pleased chirp. She sets the book between two angled pieces of foam. She gently flips through the pages, being extra careful with her sharpened talons. She settles on a page with incantation circles and text written in some ancient language. She moves her head and runs her claw along the text before turning back to me.
“Arynia, what I have here is a book that contains the remnants of the Library to Alexandria. Within these pages contain the history of the old gods, the ones who continue to influence us in secret. If you want to be like me, you will be made aware of these old ones. You will endure immeasurable pain and psychosis. I say this not to scare you, but to warn you.. to prepare you..”
Mars ushers me forward with her hand. I feel myself walk towards her, but not on my own volition. I approach the book, seeing the inscriptions up close and find the page overwhelming with information. 
“Do you have any questions?”
I take a long look at the writing. Nothing I could ever understand… but still i feel the weight of Mars’s words on my entire body. “I was ready for the pain of the HRT. I saw how much it weighed down on people I care about so that point I am sure is not going to hold me back. As for these old ones…” I took a determined look at Mars, as much as I felt afraid when simply in her presence… There was also the resolve to continue.
“I guess my only question would be when we can start. I can worry about the rest later. Right now my heart tells me that this is the right thing for me.”
Mars smiles and gestures back to the book, her clawed finger gently pointing at a scribble written in the margins. The blurb appears to be an old attempt at translating the chant. The combination of consonants and vowels made it difficult to read. 
“If you need assistance, never be shy to reach out. With that said, let’s begin”.
I nod, but then raise an eyebrow. “So-  I just read out the stuff written on the page?”
“We’ll need to set up a ritual circle, but try reciting this till you feel confident. I’ll get the circle set up.”
Mars steps back and walks to the front door. I hear the latching of the front doors and her footsteps walking to the front desk. I turn my attention back to the few lines of translated text. I reread the text a few times working on the exotic letter combinations. Once confident I try saying it out loud in a hush tone. Tripping over a few words but finding it not as difficult as I initially thought. 
Would have never thought I would end up in a library, practicing ancient texts in order to get some medicine that turns me into a hellhound! Not to mention this being connected to eldritch gods? Wonder if i should give this maybe some more thought… but then again.. it’s this or going to that asshole Erian and beg him to put me back on the hrt… yeah no this is definitely the better option. 
I ended up practicing for, what felt like an hour, managing to no longer stumble over the words. I pick up the book, still mumbling the text while walking to where Mars is probably either still setting up, or is waiting for me. 
I reached a clearing and found a large summoning circle matching the one from the book. Another circle filled the center as well as a ring of the ancient language. She smiled at me as she stood and handed me a candle. 
“Set this where you like and light it. Once that’s done we’ll be ready”.
I nodded and turned away as I was handed a candle and a match. My mind raced with thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t stop contemplating if this was the right choice. If this would truly make me a hellhound. I felt drawn to a certain part of the circle and placed the candle. As I lit it I felt the air shift, my breath could be seen and as I turned back Mars sat just outside the circle with the book. She ushered me forward and like earlier I felt myself moving at her command. I kneeled next to her and looked at the book, sweat racing down my cheek as Mars placed a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s ok hun, I’ll be here to help you”.
I felt comforted by that and gave a gentle smile. I turned down to the book, nervously grabbing the edges and looking back at the translation. I grew worried that I would mess this up, that I flub the pronunciation. I felt like I was drowning and gasped for the biggest breath I’ve ever taken. And then, I began reading.
“Ph’nglui Mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh.. Wgah’nagl fhta-“
I felt a pit in my stomach, the last syllable seemed impossible to say, the ease and confidence was gone. Now I fought against some external force to finish the words.
Then there was a flash, my eyes began to tear up as I felt a rush of surging energy. The circle illuminated, the ground shook, I felt my face being pulled in all directions. I wanted to shut my eyes but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but witness waves of images and voices. My vision began to split, I could see more than just the library. I could see pillars, a cracking moon, a hall draped with yellow banners. These images flooded my mind and soul and then nothing. I was floating in a vast void, I felt a moment of ease before the realm began splitting, an eye larger than anything I’ve ever witnessed glared at me… through me? I tried avoiding its gaze, but I wasn't able to… I tried to speak up but my instincts clenched my mouth shut. 
I felt another rush as I was pulled away and then, finally, I blinked. My eyes celebrated the release of the tension as they began to refocus. I felt control regain in my mind and arms as I reached up and wiped the tears. I took a moment to recover, my mind still reeling from what I witnessed.
“Harsh, isn’t it?”
I turned to see Mars who looked relieved. She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. 
“You seemed to handle that very well. It’s something to have every sense we have to be overwhelmed. It’s crippling, and when we have that control it feels so foreign..”
Mars reached for the now closed book and took it in her arms. She cradled it like a child and stood up and offered me a hand. I wasn’t sure I could stand yet, my legs felt like they were still trembling. I could tell Mars read my expression as she pulled her hand away. 
“Sorry, why don’t you relax a bit while I get this all cleaned up.”
I nod to the best of my ability. Still trying to come to terms with what just happened. My eyes went from Mars towards the ground as my mind tried to make sure that I was back on earth… and not in whatever place I was before… It is at this very moment I start to realize what I just signed myself up for. And the fact settles in that this is not going to be the last time my very foundation of reality is going to be shaken. I look up at Mars one more time.
“Di-” I cough.. damn spit must have gotten in my throat at some point…
“Did it work?”
Mars turns her attention to the center of the circle and sees a small orange bottle. And smiles and turns back to me and nods.
“It did, welcome to family”
I looked back to the center of the circle when Mars did, turning back shortly after with a smile. 
“Thanks~ I guess I’ll be visiting this place more often now~” 
I slowly stand up, my legs still shaking from the ordeal and pick up that small orange pill bottle. It has my name on it… hades-lupusitine… bit on the nose name but hey, ain’t gonna complain as long as it does the job. The name of the prescribing doc was left blank though… then again that makes sense… don’t think you can fit whatever that eyeball's name was on the small tag of a pill bottle… IF that was the one that heard my call from the ritual… 1-0-1… so guess two of them a day… mornings and evenings huh?
I turn back to Mars with a smile as big as I can manage, and a wagging tail swishing behind me.. 
“Thank you so goddamn much for all of this Mars!” She smiled back at me. No more words needed to be spoken… not that I was really able to speak much after that mental strain anyway.. She kindly walked me out of the Library after putting the book back where it was safe. We waved each other goodbye, promising to stay in touch. I took my walk home, caressing the small pill bottle in my Jeans pocket and just itching to take the first pill in the evening. I just hope the next cosmic horrors at least knock first…  
Definitely check out Mars's Eldritch HRT series!!
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acslytherpuff · 14 days
Get to know my mc:
Cassie Luna
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Name: cassie delina luna
Birth date: october 5
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 16 (in game) = 18 (real age)
Sexuality: straight
Blood status: pure blood
Ethnicity: british - albanian
House: slytherin
Birthplace: tirana (albania)
Languages: english, albanian, latin
Wand: silver lime; dragon heartstring; unbeding; ten and a half inches
patronus: racoon
amortentia: vanilla, coconut, amber and flowers, sebastians hair
personal color: pink - green
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Cassie looks more like her mother but has little but significant features of her father. Her eyes are green but change color to lighter or darker depending on her mood. She never leaves the room without looking decent.
Her Lips are plump and her cheeks are squishy.
She has long brown hair which she likes to wear loose.
hair color: dark brown but it appears golden in the sun
skin: pale / beige
eye color: green - amber
build: skinny, hourglass
height: 5'3
features: cassie has a freckles in her face, one freckle above her cheekbone looks like a heart, she has a scar on her hip
Clothes and Make-up: She tends to wear the more elegant versions of school uniforms. Plaid Vest Uniform is her Favorite along with the Elegant Formal Uniform. Her style is very modern but always elegant. Cassie loves doing makeup. not too much but subtle. the eyes must always be well emphasized.
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(cassie 5-6th year - cassie 7th year)
Cassie is overall a bubbly and loveable girl. when she doesn't know people she appears as quite, and calm - but when she's with people she knows she is funny, cute and active. But some people are scared of her because she can look arrogant. She can be sometimes very cold from the outside because she is really insecure about herself.
She likes to help people even if she don't know them and sometimes she gets over her own boundaries for that. Even her whole personality seems calm she can be very temperamental. She loves with her full heart. When she wants something - she gets it. She loves adventures and is not afraid of anybody. truly a sweet badass.
She is strongly influenced by her past. She is very thoughtful and questions things very often.
She often tends to seek for her own mind and wants to be free. sometimes she falls into an emotional hole where she feels useless and powerless. If she thinks something isn't right then she will fight to make it right. She doesn't judge anyone about anything but sometimes her humor can be very judgy. She is known for her funny sassy sentences. She is a strong fighter and get VERY serious.
Positive traits: funny, helpful, ambitious, smart, loving, caring
Negative traits: too emotional, sassy sometimes, her temperament (because sometimes she can be a ticking bomb)
Likes: anything with cinnamon, traveling and exploring something new, deep talks, being outside in general, physical affection, music, make up, mytholgy, her friends, the night, pretty views, quidditch sebastian
Dislikes: people who r not funny, people who are mean towards her loved ones, being ignored
Fears: losing her most loved people, being locked up
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Cassie was born in Albania. Her Parents met there when her mother was there for for a journey, she grew up there until she was 4. She moved away when her father was killed by someone unknown and she was threatened that she would be next.Her father was a very strong magician of the balkans and it is assumed that because she inherited his powers they are after her too. she moved to France with her mother after her father was killed. Her mother forbade her to leave the house alone. She could only see daylight in small cracks in the window. She never wanted to speak about her father when Cassie asked about him. Cassie often suffered from depression and loneliness. When she reached the age she first went to Beauxbatons. But Cassie felt that she didn't belong there. everything was too perfect for her. She skipped class and broke the rules. Her mother quickly found out about it because she is a professor there. Cassie was different from the others there. She wanted to see the world, learn, understand why her father was killed, ensure justice and, above all, learn to deal with her magical power, which grew stronger every year. Cassie's mother knew she was different and put her down because of it. That no one would love her with her behavior,that she would never be able to get her life together and that she is a disappointment. Because of her enormous strength, she was invited to Hogwarts. Her mother forbade her to go to Hogwarts but Cassie simply ran away. She quickly finds connections and people who understand her. She also finds out a lot about herself and her past during her time at Hogwarts. Her family (mothers side) don't want to have anything to do with her because she resists the rules and has her own ideas. She doesn't know her father's side... but will get to know them at an important moment.
Sebastian Sallow - Sebastian and Cassie get to know eachother at her first day at hogwarts. Both had experienced a lot in 5th year together and after that they both grew apart for a bit. However, when Cassie sets out to find out about her past, Sebastian is immediately at her side. Both get to know the vulnerable sides of themselves and support each other. both learn to love each other. Sebastian is Cassie's soulmate and the one who supports her the most. He knows her best.
Alvin Hayoung - Alvin and Cassie are best best friends. They got to know eachother from classes they have together. Alvin is Cassies diary. Their bound is very strong (sebastian sometimes get jealous). When Cassie is sad Alvin has the best huggies for her. They both love each other like siblings.
Ominis Gaunt: ominis is a good friend. If she needs a honest opinion (sometimes she's scared tho because he is BRUTALY honest) or wants to know something about sebastian - ominis will gladly help her out! she enjoys a good conversation with ominis or doing the most evil inside jokes abt other students.
Valentine Black (belongs to @savingsallow ) - Cassies twin and best friend! Her Gossip Sister and Partner in crime! After Sebastian she spends most of her Time with Val. Both of them do have a LOT insiders about EVERYONE. They do know EVERY gossip in Hogwarts. But also if something is very serious both of them are supporting eachother immediately.
Other students: cassie gets along with all students so far! she is open for everyone and will help anyone if they need her. she is really popular.She is also friends with aaaaa lot of other mc's which she adore so much! (Sadly got no other relationship backgrounds w/them till now :c )
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> ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ < (. . . more incoming)
- Cassie has a baby Mooncalf since birth which is called „Moonie“. It lives in her Vivarium in Hogwarts.
- the first one ever who saw her scar was sebastian
- her and sebastian can be very sassy thats why their shipname is „sassie“
- her favorite classes are dada, astronomy and divination
- she believes in myths and rituals
- she prefers night time than day time
- girlys weakness is quidditch seb or messy hair seb
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Loumand (Spoilers)
This was so effed up, wow; I'm FURIOUS with Armand, even though I've been expecting this from him since Season 1. Cuz the ish he said just never lined up right; the most unreliable narrator's been Armand the whole time! Louis' brain is scrambled, but at least he's SINCERE. But THIS mofo has been deliberately LYING since JUMP.
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Longest divorce proceedings ever--took 77 years, dang. Armand said it was the night Madeleine was turned--Mr. They Gave Me A Choice. I Chose. But that's a effing lie, too!
Cuz in Ep6, BEFORE Louis even told Armand he was gonna turn Madz, Santiago was busy committing all those "strange crimes reported;" climbing the Eiffel Tower to wake up Lestat, and breaking into cinemas to steal their color film reels for the Trial's projector.
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They threw Sam under the bus as if HE wrote effed up Trial script--but THIS was when they actually started writing it--with ARMAND's input & direction.
But I'm jumping ahead.
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WTF is going on here?! O_O Is this a human the Theatre keeps around for the plays, zoned out so they stay alive until they're on stage? So Armand's punishment is the shame of having to feed the "cattle"? And HOW MANY nights was Lou in there? :(
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Louis was locked up for over a MONTH!? 😨 While Armand just SAT THERE?!
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Lou's not screaming from starvation, MORON--he starved himself for YEARS. His DAUGHTER is DEAD.
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The frame of Paul is wild--Louis was ready to end it all. U_U He didn't want to be "rescued"--he wanted his baby girl back. "What was left to endure for?"
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Man's a consummate actor--everything you're about to see is FAKE.
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A "sacrifice" for the "god" Armand serves, eh? (AMC got my guy out here sucking on rocks, omg. XD I hope they taste like chips or popcorn or something.)
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Louis CONSTANTLY shushing people on this show, I love it!
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LIES. Lou's WAY too good for Armand; I'd've been like SURPRISE! 🔥 "My rage and madness were asleep--" chile. You loved Armand, and thought he'd cared enough to save you, which is why you were able to swallow that weak AF I Could Not Prevent It excuse from a 500 yr old vamp.
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Daniel is on the hunt! I LOVE how they're introducing Raglan like he's just some kindly ole assistant/researcher/editor. Honey, you've got a big storm coming! "Reciprocation"--Daniel's a vampire now, so you KNOW Raglan's gonna start cashing in them I-O-Us from Dan! 💀
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77 years later.... 😬
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200 years is a mighty long time to maintain a relationship built on death threats, power imbalances, and lies.
Lestat was right--even 77 years was a effing miracle--extra time bought at the price of Louis' memories being oh-so-conveniently erased.
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THEY rehearsed it--LIE. There Armand goes, deflecting culpability.
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Louis sleeping in Claudia's coffin, stop, my feels. U_U
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Omfg Armand; of COURSE you don't remember the last thing y'all said to e/o in Paris b4 y'all left Lestat to travel Egypt--but you can "remember" alllll this other bullcrap, eh?
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So they've already done Trinity Gate?
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Not Sam being in Daftpunk, y'all need to stop IMMEDIATELY. (But now I know wtf was going on in the Season 3 announcement--I was so confused why they were mentioning Sam!)
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ARMAND told the coven to let the audience read Claudia's diaries and VIOLATE her body (of work), omfg 😱
Mr Frankenstein disrespected her at EVERY turn!
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I could forgive spitting over "Come to Me" and how Loustat met in NOLA, but I draw the line at spitting at adding the animation of Lestat killing that dear sweet racoon! XD
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Armand had the NERVE to look away when they bum-rushed Claudia & Louis with the Mind Gift.
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"It's their turn to hurt--" ARMAND said he didn't think Louis would love him for 200 years, so he SOLD THEM TF OUT--to DIE.
They were HOBBLING AROUND WITH GASHED ANKLES, LAUGHED at, and stuffed in RAT BOXES! And ARMAND was in on the whole thing!
This is WILD, AMC, y'all are sick for this, but I love it!
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Is DANIEL using Armand's "slave name" and abusing him, y'all? HUH? It's all BULLCRAP--Armand's BEEN in control, with all the real power the WHOLE. EFFING. TIME.
EFF what you call him, or whatever kinky ROLES he PLAYS.
ARMAND decides who lives and dies, as THE coven master--eff who's called Maitre!
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Armand was gonna let Lou DIE. "He just took credit for it when the opportunity presented itself." Wow.
He let Louis suffer in that crypt for over a MONTH before he FINALLY had a change of hear/conscience and pulled him out!
And even then he wasn't gonna go WITH Louis--he expected Louis to flee Paris! ALONE.
He stayed with Louis cuz Louis destroyed his whole effing coven! Who else did Armand HAVE but Louis after that? HE CHOSE THE COVEN.
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Poor dear; he wasn't held enough between ritualistic fledgling executions. 🙄😒 "We are teachers of one another! Louis, everything that gives you happiness gives me...." WHAT? What does it give you, Armand? (I cannot WAIT for S3 to do more DM, cuz I've been HATING Armand connected in any way to Louis & Claudia. I don't like not liking Armand; he's my fave book character! But AMC's bound & determined to make me spit every time he starts talking.)
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Excellent grounds to get the house, the dog, the Farm, Damek, AND Rashid in the divorce! XD
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And this gremlin's got the audacity to STILL be lying, even when caught LITERALLY red-handed with his notes to Santiago in the effing margins--meanwhile CLAUDIA was CONDEMNED TO DEATH for premeditating Lestat's death in HER written diaries--which ARMAND had passed around like candy at his carnival of horrors!
"An insignificant detail delivered by an insignificant mortal"--Rolin must hate Armand, he's not giving this dude an INCH. XD And SAM delivered it, not Daniel. SAM snitched on the coven. (WHEN?! And WHY?)
I don't like the whole "you should fear the other one--" only for Raglan to be like SOS GET OUT OF THERE NOW. Didn't Raglan know Armand was lying his arse off? Or was it misdirection--fear Louis' retribution when he busts a cap in Armand's lying arse?
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DanLou nation RISE! ^0^
This was beautiful; I'm so happy for them. They started off TERRIBLY, but look at that bond just blossom like a magnolia tree Armand tried to clip and prune and graft and manipulate--only for it to flourish wild and free!
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