#a fun and functional site for all your oc needs
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bones-and-branmuffins · 11 months ago
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aureumdev · 8 months ago
Welcome to The Aureum
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Hi! I'm a newer software dev, but with a long history with programming (thanks to this accursed site in 2014 and my desire to join robotics) I also happen to love writing and art, and have a lot of OCs. I always struggled with keeping them organized and finding a software that works for me.
Enter, The Aureum!
What is The Aureum?
The Aureum is a work in progress web based app made with electron that I am working on so that I can organize my characters in a bit of a different way. A lot of elements and planned features take inspiration from the fandom community wiki, mixed with some of my other favorite world building websites that just ended up not being a good fit for me.
I made this blog so I can easily keep track of my development progress on this, and maybe make some cool new friends in the process.
What does it do?
Currently? Very little, other than make characters with information.
However, I'm currently working on a number of features, one of my most ideal features being project organization. This would allow me (and other users ofc) to sort their OCs and locations BY the project. Maybe you're a writer working on a few different series/stories at the same time, and you need some way to seperate them. Maybe your a game dev, visual novel creator, etc and you just want to have some way to store all of your story and character information in one place.
I also have some more fun and 'unique' features that are being worked on, like an automatic reference sheet generator, which prints out some of your characters information like name, age, height, weight, body type, and some of your preselected colors.
Another favorite feature I'm working on are the personality sliders! In the characters page there are sliders that you can edit to have a little more of a 'fun' view of how your characters act. Here are some screenshots of the layout from within Figma!
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Currently, I'm setting up the data storage structure so that we can input all of this character information and still be able to create a project after to put the character in. But while I'm still working out the kinks, here's a list of the main planned features that will be implemented before i send it out to friends to alpha test!
Multiple Projects/ Worlds
Entirely locally hosted, no internet connection required
Personality sliders
Character sheet generator
Timeline feature per project/world
Ability to link to sources and citations
Relationship linking between characters (Similar to fandom wiki setups)
The Aurei - The golden ones, your favorite OC's flagged so that you can access them faster, especially if you have favorites from multiple projects.
Random generation features, for things like art prompts and writing prompts.
Ideas for future releases
D20, d6, etc dice roller
Fake social media screenshot generator similar to twinote or photonote
Additional timeline just on a character by character basis
Ability to sort OCs by tag - by gender, species, location, etc.
Dark mode (maybe custom color palettes for later that users can upload/customize via css)
and more!
Okay but when will it be done?
Truthfully, who knows? I'm solo deving this software for fun, while working a full time job on top of my normal small game projects I make. It might be functional in a few months, or it might take a few years. Ultimately, I have no timeline for this project, and I want to be up front right out of the gate. Once i get a stablle build with the main character and project features implemented and organized, I'll send it off to friends to alpha test, and if all goes well for a few weeks, then I'll post the alpha build for others to use.
Why are you doing this?
the short answer is just because i want to. The longer answer is because, while I love using things like notion, obsidian, metos, worldanvil, etc. I find that there's always one or two things missing from each of them that I'd personally like to have. A lot of these softwares/websites are created with specific things in mind, like note taking, etc. But for me, I make games, i do art, i write stories, and I'm a DND Dungeon Master, so not all of those softwares will work for my every project.
I wanted to make something that would work for everyone, for all of their creative needs.
Also a mini note, to anyone who comes back and sees this or is curious, this project *will* be free on release to the public and likely hosted on itch.io. There are currently NO plans for an online sync or any only features, as that is not within my devstack or technical abilities at this time.
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rpclefairy · 2 years ago
Hi I’m thinking of setting up a RP account but have no idea where to start, would be for an OC. Do you have any advice? Thanks 😊
posting publicly in case anyone else can think of other advice, please comment! ocs have never really been my thing so i don't really have experience with them, it's totally possible i'll miss something.
the only things you really *need* per se are a rules page and an about page.
on your rules (or guidelines or whatever you want to call it) you'd write all the "terms of engagement" you can think of. topics you will not write, your preference in writing style or length, if there are any fandoms or characters you won't write with, whether your blog may feature nsfw content, your alias and age range, etc.
on your about page you'd list all of your character's information. name, age, place of birth, personality, stats, physical description, etc. you can format this however you want, there are tons of templates floating around tumblr.
since you'll be writing an original character i would also include a biography and universe description if possible so people can get an idea of what the universe your character's from is like.
the unnecessary extras of rp blogs would be anything aesthetic. icons, graphics for promos, post dividers and the like. those are for fun and but you don't really need them and most people don't care if you're iconless tbh! as long as you use clean formatting (not eye frying colors, not multiple spaces) you're good!
an extra that i would consider technically a need is xkit rewritten. you'll need it to trim posts, but if you're a tumblr user in 2023 you likely already know xkit is necessary to make this site functional rip.
i highly recommend using carrd to make your pages since tumblr pages on your blog are not accessible from mobile! google docs has some issues with not displaying properly on mobile as well, but google sites does work and it's also free. carrd is the option that works best on mobile so far though, and you can use it for free.
lastly, i'd look around indie rp tags and check people's blogs for inspo and reference! you'll organically get the hang of how people generally arrange their blogs if you look at them. you'll see that generally people make a pinned post with a description of their blog, a link to their carrd / pages, etc. if you click on those pages you can see how they format their about and rules. you don't have to copy everything everyone does though. if you don't vibe with the general aesthetic people use or how they format certain things that's alright, you get to pick and choose!
ultimately the best part about indie roleplay blogs is that you're independent from everyone and everything else so you get to set up your account however you want :)
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galaxyedging · 3 years ago
Tumblr Writers Q&A
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)?
Nothing completed.
2) How many WIPS do you have right now?
Six, but am only counting the recent ones.😂
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both?
I've never really had a request. Part of me would be thrilled someone would want to request something from me, the rest of me would crumble under the pressure.
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have?
5) How many fandoms do you write for?
All Pedro Pascal Characters and a bit of Moon Knight.
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for?
Supernatural. Bucky Barnes but I'd still write for him.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other?
Reader inserts. Ships and OCs might need actual planning.😬
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for?
I did Gio Ricci before he had a name. If that counts. 😂
9) Do you read fics as well as write them?
Of course. Not as much when am writing, I don't have time and I like to keep my version of the character clear in my head.
10) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Sci-fi or things that have an otherworldly element.
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)?
Best friends/partners/found family to lovers. Am a sucker for a bond that evolves.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write?
Nothing in particular. I just have to hope that I have the holy trinity of time, ideas and the ability to focus.
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write?
I love to read complex work that you can tell has been planned out and worked on for a long time. It's so satisfying to go on a journey with the characters.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested?
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction?
On and off for two decades. Two years on here.
16) Did you read fanfiction before you started writing?
I wrote it first. Fanfiction wasn't easy for me to access when I started.
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well?
AO3. Mainly on Tumblr now.
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”?
I have no idea! Drabble less than 500 maybe. The difference between one shot and fics to me is if they are standalone or not.🤷‍♀️
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other?
Anything. I don't plan I just write so something may start as one then morph into another.
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why?
A James Conrad ( Kong:Skull Island) fic. I got in my head about it then got too busy. I can't go back to it because I hate read my own work some times.
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr?
I don't really have any. Maybe my own lack of confidence.
22) Do you write at a particular time of day?
Whenever I have time. Mainly in the evening.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc. to write or do you need silence?
Am Neurodiverse so some times I need noise to function other times the slightest noise will annoy me so much!
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing?
Honestly, no. I probably should. I just get an idea, write, edit and shape as I go.
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day?
Most of the time am just thankful that I got myself to finish one. I post straight away.
Thank you for asking @misspearly1 I had fun doing this. I wouldn't normally join in with things like this, I'd just assume no one would want to know.
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years ago
((so i was gonna open up my askbox again but I got distracted doing this and watching streams i think idr what i did the past few hours, buuut there's something I need to cover first, especially since there are so many new people around! Hello! Especially since so many of you are playing OCs/MCs.
Don't worry, it's a tip to hopefully help you along! It may get a little long, especially as I try and provide examples. . .but hopefully it'll help.
I'm gonna talk a lot about OCs but this applies to canon characters too a bit. It certainly helps.
Tl;dr, you should have a character profile page.
(also remember that tumblr mobile doesn't really have direct access to Pages made with the Pages function on desktop, so you'll have to link them manually in your pinned or description or host them on another site(I used Google Docs in the apst) or in a regular post(this makes it very easy to lose as a forewarning) for maximum accessibility!)
(rules pages are also really really handy if you have alot of resteictions.)
So, in general, OCs have a bit of a lower reception rate in rp. Idk if that'll be the case here with MCs because they're, well, the main character. Housamo is also a series that lends itself well to OCs pretty well, especially non-human ones, but I figured I'd warn for that.
BUT. That doesn't mean you shouldn't play an OC! It just means there are things you need to keep in mind!
Think of all of the OCs you've seen--you all seem to be fun and wonderful people, and your characters are surely interesting. But. . .if you don't tell anybody about them, nobody will know what's going on or where to start, which makes asking questions a little hard, right? That's easier to work around with MC characters--we've played the game, we know the story, we know the characters, so we can figure out questions fairly easily based on that alone and go from there.
But with other OCs, especially those that don't represent charactera from mythology or fiction like many other characters in housamo do, there's like. Nowhere to start. We may see a face or some dialogue, but otherwise we don't have a frame of reference.
That's where a profile comes in!
Azazel-mun, I don't want to share all of the info about my character at once!
What if I don't know everything about my OC yet and want to figure it out along thw way?
The profile doesn't have to be super detailed! At most it shoule include things like the character's name and age and probably things like their location, profession, grade in school or place of work, etc., and anything you'd notice on the surface like their apperance. It's never a bad thing to include a description of their personality too, or a small section about their history/background. Little things that even you should probably know, too.
You can also section your profile off a bit into things like "surface info," "meta info," "things you could easily figure out about them," etc. That way, no one can spoil themself. Making lists like this can help you think these things through if you haven't already as well.
Let's use Azazel, a character that you probably know already, as an example here. I don't have a profile set
Name: Azazel
Species: Fallen Angel; Capra Therian - an anthropomorphic Goat (?)
Gender(pronouns): Male(he/him)
Age: difficult to calculate; several thousand years old?
Apperance age: hard to say, he's not human. Adult.
Origins: banished from his home world of Eden, has been in the human world for several thousand years
Profession: Priest of dubious denomination, most likely Catholic or Protestant; teacher at Daikanyama Academy; de facto head of the Missionaries Non-Profit charity Organization; supervisor of the Aoyama Missionaries
Role & Rule: Watcher; Revelation - allows him to see anything within the territory of the Aoyama Missionaries and anywhere the pages of his Artifact see
Apperance: Azazel is a 5'10"(180cm) tall, anthropomorphic goat of ambiguous breed, with fawn fur all over his body and lighter fur on his head and around his neck. He has brown, riged horns which curve out and back. Though his eyes are often closed, when opened they're red. He always carried around a leather bound bible with an eye on the cover, and is never seen without several chains on his person, although only the one(s) around his neck can be seen unless he's undressed.
He wears a black priest's cassock with a maroon sash and a capelet of the same color, with the same eye as on his bible on the shoulders of the cape, and brown dress shoes. The front of the robe is always open to expose his bare chest and the chains beneath.
Personality: Azazel is kind and doting, very fitting of both a teacher and priest, although his openly flirtatious, lustful, and secretive nature causes others to distrust him. He doesn't mind this at all. He has a strong adoration for humans, and values love in all of its forms more than anything. He's a bit of a passive person, often being unmotivated but working hard regardless, and seems to prefer to watch others and the world go by, although he won't decline most invitations to take part in it. He is always aware of anything that happens within the extensive territory of the Missionaries, and seems to know and see just about everything about anyone he meets, from their surface to their soul. . . .
If you know Azazel, or take note of some of the wording or question marks, you'll note I didn't explain everything(although I may have shared more than you want to.) This is just a bare bones exampe of how I do my profiles--but it can get even more bare!
I'll do two this time, a more vague version of Azazel's, and another that obscures information all together, using the same or a similar format to the above.
Name: Azazel
Species: anthropomorphic goat
Gender(pronouns): male (he/him)
Age: unquestionably an adult
Origins: Eden
Profession: Priest; teacher; head of a charity NPO; member of the Missionaries
Apperance: Horned goatman of slightly above average human height. Light brown fur, blond fur-hair, red eyes. Wears priest robes and a gold chain around his neck and chest. Carries around a bible with an eye on it?
Personality: Kind of eerie, but friendly and affectionate. A little flirtatious, especially towards humans. Seems to know everything about people for some reason?
Compare it to the one before--see how I've left even more things off or left things ambiguous while still sharing what's necessary or surface level? However, it's also not as engaging or as informative as the other one where I gave more information.
As someone who plays him, profiles like this aren't as helpful for me lol since he knows so much about everyone and everything, having a lot of details helps me play my character!
Now, as helpful as this is, this is also a character you probably know. So how about I do this with an OC? Normally I'm extremely detailed in my profiles and such, especially for OCs, sharing headcanons and ideas for relationships between characters. But, again, I'll try and show how you can show some info while leaving some up to people to ask about to later be filled in.
Name: Kezia
Faceclaim/Art Source: [this is where you would put where you get the art for any icons you use--if you draw it yourself, say so; if you use official art from a series, credit the name of the character and the series; if you use picrews, link the specific picrews. DO NOT USE ART YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PERMITTED TO USE. DO NOT STEAL ART. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE CREDIT, ASK SOMEONE TO HELP YOU, DO NOT JUST SAY THAT IT ISN'T YOURS. DO NOT USE ART YOU HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN PERMISSION TO USE OR THAT ISN'T FROM A SERIES OF SOME SORT.]
Species: Human
Gender(pronouns): Female (she/her)
Age: mid 20's~early 30's?
Apperance age: older than she looks?
Origins: Tokyo?
Profession: Professor; Witch
Apperance: A fidgety woman who looks older than she is. She looks anxious and confused as often as she looks curious and confident. Wavy light brown hair. Often carries around schoolbooks and is never alone, always with a Rattus Therian and often with a Nyarlathotep.
Personality: seemingly anxious, but curious and exploratative nonetheless. On the awkward side, but can still keep up with the Nyarls that accompany her. Gets into trouble when she gets ahead of herself in exploring and learning about the arcane, but her Rule allows her to disappear easily.
History: Has always been curious about magic and attempted to run through a Gate when they began to open up. Performed a summon and brought a certain transients to Tokyo and recieved her familiar and the magic to use her Rule as a result. Currently teaches at a college. She stumbled into a certain someone while attempting to explore time, and became a fan ever since.
That tells you a fair amount, doesn't it? Even for someone you don't know? It may even raise some questions that you could ask. At the same time, it doesn't tell you that much, and that can be as much of a hindrance for coming up with questions as saying too much can. It's really up to you what's too much and too little. Here's a more detailed version! Some things have been left vague or confusing in such a way that they could be filled in after being revealed through asks and play. That way, people are encouraged to/given ideas of what to ask--and you can still share things in the long run.
Name: Kezia
Faceclaim/Art Source: [N/A]
Species: Human
Gender(pronouns): Female (she/her)
Age: mid 20's~early 30's?
Apperance age: somewhere in her 30's, maybe even a little older
Origins: Tokyo, with some sort of connection to at least one other world
Profession: Professor of [?] at [?] Academy; Witch
Role & Rule: [?] & [?]
Artifact, Summon, Familiar?: Always accompanied by at least one Nyarlathotep and some sort of man-rat? She also carries around a book that's labeled as a Grimoire, but it's rare for someone to be both a summon-user and an Artifact-user. . . .
Apperance: A fidgety older woman wearing a labcoat and a witch's hat. She looks quite stressed and has trouble sitting still. Her ashy brown hair is thin and a little wavy, with some strands of gray. Although she often squints, she doesn't wear glasses. She carries around a lot of books relating to maths and sciences and one labeled 'Grimoire' decorated with arcane symbols from Gehenna and Old Ones. She's always accompanied by at least one Nyarlathotep and a very short, bearded man who can best be described as a brown rat therian with a human-like face. Sometimes there's a normal rat on her person or in her pockets.
Personality: Kezia is a fidgety and anxious magic practitioner. She's very curious about other worlds and has been since the Gates appeared in this Tokyo since she was a child, however she has been pursuing magic before then. She often appears somewhat confused about or fascenated by even her usual surroundings, but, at other times moves through the world with confidence even in unfamiliar territory. She also likes rats and other rodents, and as such will often avoid felines and birds of prey. She has a tendency to disappear, seeming to walk through walls despite assuredly being alive.
She's a little bit awkward with people, but somehow keeps up with Nyarlathoteps nonetheless. She's a good teacher, once she figures out how to explain things in ways others can understand easily, but can be a bit difficult to follow and flighty up until then. Aware of this, she's rather patient, if a little down on herself at times. However, she most often simply has her mind elsewhere. Despite this and the company she keeps, she's relatively sane. . .most of the time.
She shares a name with a witch from the world of Old Ones who made a pact with Nyarlathotep, believing him to be the Devil. . .and the ratman always at her side uses the same name as that witch's familiar as well. It's. . .probably just a coincidence. . .who would rightfully make a pact with Nyarlathotep?
History: Kezia is an adult human from this Tokyo before the apperance of the Gates and construction of the Walls. She's explored various witchcraft pursuits since she was a child, with what was originally a mere imaginative curiosity and fascination. After the arrival of the Gates when she was still young, she snuck over the fences built around one and attempted to go inside the massive pillar of light, which she attributes to the reason she often seems to struggle with her vision. Several years later, she performed a successful summon and she recieved her familiar, Brown Jenkin, transformed into a somewhat therian form from one of her pet rats, and was given some powers from Nyarlathotep. She has no discernable control over any of the chaotic creatures, however they seem to spend time around her regardless.
At present she's a professor of a subject that interests her at a certain college. She's had other dangerous run-ins due to her excitement over the arcane and "darker" arts, but doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping. However, after an incident in an attempt to explore time itself, she encountered a certain guardian of time and feels reluctant for once to explore it further. . .although she's become quite a big fan of his.
. . .i ran out of steam amd kinda lost track of where i was going. idk if that helped at all really. But maybe it did! I hope it did. You don't need to use any of those things exactly by any means, but that's the kind of thing you usually see in profile pages. Basics like someone's name and birthday and age and apperance and a little about their personality, maybe some history. Oftentimes things like powers and weapons and the like. Interests, hobbies, ways they could be intereacted with, etc. Just stuff that'd help you know the character.
I write everything in paragraph form, but everyone is more than welcome to use a more script format. I love making profiles, myself--it really helps to think about the character and details about them. Normally I make really, really detailed profiles, but maybe I'll try and be more simple about it this time around. depends on how i'm feeling.
I know this seems weirdly hypocritical given I don't have one but when I first made this blog there were like four of us including myself. I didn't see the need for a rules or profile page because I didn't anticipate that there'd be so many of us or, like, people from other fandoms or who aren't familiar with certain characters. I'll rectify that soon hopefully. But I figured I'd pass along this idea/knowledge to others.
. . .I'm gonna go reopen my askbox now. Feel free to send asks again, ask about this, etc! You can send me an IM too if you want. I'll properly close up the guest event tomorrow. I'm real tired rn lol so idk how much i'll get done, but i usually do things super late at night my time, so i have some time to pull my shit together haha))
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bebepac · 4 years ago
Ri-Liamo de Bergerac (Happy birthday Zoehanji )
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Happy birthday @zoehanji​ !!!!!
Original Post date: 04/27/21 at 9:52PM EST  (4/28 where you are celebrating your birthday!!!) 
I have no idea when we started talking but we did, somewhere in the beginning of my writing journey on this site.  Even though I still consider myself to be a beginner here. Thank you for being my friend and being a fellow long distance cousin, as our relative in common would be Drama Whore!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha   🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I hope you enjoy this.  I know that Fast Forward has always been one of your favorites.  
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  /  Maxwell x Taylor  (Maxwell x F!OC)
Warnings:  Sexual Innuendo  and fluff. 
Word Count:  1889
Summary:  Maxwell and Taylor go on their first date.  Both are nervous and ask Liam and Riley for an assist.  
A/N:  This is a little similar version of Cyrano de Bergerac, not in the take that someone has a big nose, no one does, but the aspect of someone getting help in a conversation by using someone else’s words.  I did ask around to see if anyone had done something similar to this.  No one recalled of a similar story, so any similarities to anything currently on the fandom is completely unintentional.  
I also used @theworldofprompts  prompt: "All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you." which will appear in bold.  
Song inspiration for this.  I heard this song while i was desperately needing to calm down while i was listening to the calm station on my pandora and I came across this song and enjoyed it so, so here it is for you all to enjoy too. I feel like it has a little sweet nervous energy, but then the music builds like you’re getting used to being with someone. it’s truly a beautiful piece.  
First Love by Yiruma 
I don’t own rights to the music. But i’m quickly becoming a Yiruma fan.  Every song was amazing that i heard today and it had such a unique feel.  I could pick them when they started playing on pandora.  
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Riley raised her eyebrow at Maxwell. She saw him pacing nervously as he kept glancing in Taylor's direction. Taylor was completely oblivious as she had her nose buried in a book she'd gotten from the estate library.
Finally Maxwell had psyched himself up. He walked over to Taylor sitting in the lawn chair next to her.
"Hey Softie."
Taylor put down her book, as did Ellie as she was sharing the oversized lounge chair in the sun with Taylor. Both lifted their sunglasses to their hair.  
"Lord Playlist?"
"So I was wondering if you want to have dinner tonight."
"Silly Uncle Maxwell, we eat dinner every night."  Ellie confirmed matter of factly.
"What Riley Jr. said."  Both Taylor and Ellie picked up their books again, sliding their glasses back to cover their eyes.
Riley laughed to herself.  Oh my God Taylor she thought. She is absolutely adorably clueless. 
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Liam laughed softly.  He gently rubbed Riley's stomach.
"Aren't you glad we're married? We don't  have to do that."
"You were never like that."
Liam blushed.  "I felt like that when I talked to you the first time. I don't even remember what I said on the street to you. I was so dumbfounded by your beauty."
"You don't remember me being so awkward, Liam?"  
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Liam shook his head. "You… were perfect, is all I remember, My Love."
A light blush hit Max's cheeks.  
"What I meant Softie, was you and me alone, away from the estate."
Taylor slowly lowered the book again, her eyes slowly meeting Maxwell’s.
"So like a date?"
"I mean date is a strong word, but it could be an accurate one. Two people dressed nicely eating food together at the same table. I mean I'm not opposed to the idea if you are."
"Auntie Taylor likes food, and to dress nicely. You should see Auntie Taylor's dress for the ball. I picked it!!!!!"
"Excuse me Miss Crown Princess read your book."
"So… whaddya say Softie? Dinner tonight?"
"Sure. Riley Jr. nailed it pretty much."  
"Great! I'll meet you out front at seven."
"I swear this baby likes to just sit in there and poke my bladder for fun." Riley tried to roll out of the lounge chair she was on. “A little help Liam?”
Liam immediately jumped up to assist Riley to her feet.  
"You just went thirty minutes ago."
"You tell your daughter that."
Liam affectionately rubbed her stomach, kneeling to plant a soft kiss on it.
"Little One be nice to Mommy. She has kept you safe all this time and we still have a few weeks to go. Let Mommy relax.."
Riley had stepped out of the lavatory only a few steps when Taylor descended on her like a ninja.
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"Jesus Christ! Taylor you almost scared the crap out of me, and the way this baby has my bodily functions out of whack it could have legit happened!!!"
“Ew. Riley. Gross.  Another reason I won’t procreate.  Did you see, Maxwell asked me out!!!! On a date!!!!"
Riley laughed.  "Because he likes you, and you like him."
"What are we going to talk about alone?!?!"
"You guys talk, and you are texting back and forth all the time."
"We talk in a group Riley. All Me and Maxwell do via text is meme war each other."
"Our whole texting conversation… nothing but memes!!!"
She swiped on Maxwell's conversation in her phone it was nothing but pictures.
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"It's okay, I'll get an ear piece set  from Nico, and help you.”
“You’d do that for me?”  
“Of course I would.  Can’t have your first date with the guy you like nothing but uncomfortable dead air.”  
“Thanks Ri.  Can you keep this between us?”
“Sure! Do you need help picking an outfit for tonight?"
"Nope, with the outfit, you kind of already did when you gave me my new wardrobe. If I can’t pick from there, I’m truly an idiot."
Little did Riley and Taylor know Maxwell and Liam were having a similar conversation.
“Liam I didn’t think she would really say yes!!!  She said yes!!!! She said yes…..” 
Then it looked like the gravity of the situation crashed into him.  Maxwell looked like he was about to hyperventilate.  
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“Calm down Maxwell.  Taylor likes you.  It’s easy to tell from the trained eye.  She lets down her guard around you.”  
“What are we going to talk about?  I can’t talk about peacocks all night.  Or Memes. She’ll think I'm a complete buffoon.   I don’t even have reservations anywhere.  I asked her on a nice date and I don’t even have reservations ANYWHERE!!!! What am i going to do?!?!?!
Liam grabbed Maxwell by the shoulders.  “Get a hold of yourself man!!!!  And take a breath, your face is turning blue.”  
Maxwell took a few cleansing breaths.  
“Don’t worry about the reservations, I can handle that.  It’s good you are friends with the King and Queen.  And for conversation I can got it.  I’ll get an earpiece from Bastien, and you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t tell Riley.  She still hasn’t let go about the fact of my baby hippo tattoo.”
“Nor will I thank you for reminding me of it.”  Liam laughed loudly.  
Maxwell and Taylor left on their date.   Both Liam and Riley made excuses to not be in the other’s company for the evening.  
Both Liam and Riley were pleasantly surprised being a whisper in someone’s ear how well the night was going.  Both couldn’t stop thinking about how natural the moments between the two of them felt, and how perfect they were for each other.  
“I can’t tell you enough Taylor how beautiful you look to me tonight.  And I know you’ve had trouble seeing yourself that way when it comes to that word. But you are Taylor.”  
She heard her sister softly gasp.   Tears filled Riley’s eyes.    
Tell him Thank you, and that you wanted to look nice…. For him.”
Taylor parroted her words.
Taylor starred at the menu. None of it was in English and she had no idea what any of it meant.
I wish I had your eyes right now Riley. Taylor thought.  
The conversation was sweet and romantic. It was the perfect date.   Maxwell reached across the table taking Taylor’s hand.  
“Would you like to dance?”
As they danced,  Taylor started relaxing in Maxwell’s arms.  
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“You know I have a hard time sharing my emotions sometimes. All the time..”  
“I know. And that’s okay.  We can take this slow.  There’s no rush Softie.”  
This felt familiar to Liam..  Too familiar.  He knew those words…..her words.
Riley felt the same way but she couldn’t be sure.  
Both had gotten up from their desks to investigate to see what the other was up to.  
Taylor had never felt like a moment was so perfect and what Riley said, she really felt in her heart.
"All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
“Riley?”  But she had the feeling, it wasn’t Maxwell’s question.
Taylor pulled away from Maxwell.
Liam and Riley stared at each other in the hallway.  
He touched her ear feeling her ear piece and she touched his, feeling the same. 
“I knew it was you.” They both said in unison.
“I could feel your heart Riley, through the words even though it wasn’t you saying them.”  
“I could feel you too.”  
From the earpieces they could hear Liam and Riley kissing and the sounds of commotion.
“Bedroom, now?”  Liam's voice deep, rumbling with desire and need.
“YES LIAM!" Riley cried out.
"OH GOD!" Taylor shrieked.
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Both Maxwell and Taylor ripped out their earpieces.  
“Well that escalated quickly.”  Max cleared his throat looking at their earpieces that were laying on the table.  “Won’t be using those for the rest of the evening.” 
“Why did you think you needed help on the date Maxwell?”
“Because I’m awkward, when I’m around you.”  
“No you’re not.  You’re funny, and really nice.  I’m the awkward one. I don’t know how to do this normally.  I’ve never had a healthy romantic relationship before.”  
“That’s okay.  I haven’t been in many relationships before either.  We can learn together.”  
“So can I be honest with you?  I have no clue what the hell I ordered.  This place is nice but it’s too much for me.  I’m guessing it was Liam’s idea?  Can we go somewhere else?”
“I know just the place.”  
Maxwell and Taylor left that restaurant, and when they got to the second place, Taylor’s smile widened.  
“Now stop me Softie if you’ve ever heard this one,  a dashing noble wearing a squid tie with an affinity for peacocks, and a Queen of Cordonia lookalike walk into a bar…….”
Date one for Maxwell and Taylor part two was them dressed up like they were going to the ball, eating burgers and drinking cheap Cordonian Beer, playing pool.  And it was perfect.. For them.
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No. Dead. Air.  Conversation flowed easily between the pair.
“Wow.  I can’t believe the earpiece stayed in.”  
“You don’t think they heard anything did they?”  
“I’m sure they probably took them out.”  
"Can I ask you something?"
He could hear the slight sadness in Riley's voice. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
"Do you think I'm cool?"
Liam laughed out loud but abruptly stopped when he saw the look on Riley's face.
"Of course you are Riley."
"Then why is Ellie my sister's shadow right now?  Why do I feel like she wants nothing to do with me?"
"Riley… it's not that. This pregnancy has been rough on you.  You know how active our children are, and how active you were with them. Even while you were pregnant.  Well….Taylor fills that spot  for what you aren't physically able to do right now. Before it was me. I think you notice it more now because it is her.. But yes, it is clear Ellie adores Taylor. They have bonded and really love each other. “
"It was just so hard when I came back from California  Liam. She hated me."
"She didn't. She loved you, and it was my doing that put a wedge between you and her. She was hurting Riley. I did that to her. Not you. I’m sorry for that."
“It’s okay Liam.”  
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*^*^*^*^*^*  Breakfast next day *^*^*^*^*^*^*
“How was dinner last night Taylor?”  Riley asked.
“It was great.  We went for Burgers and beers.”  
“That’s nice.”  
Liam lightly cleared his throat.
“We didn’t hear anything.  We both ripped our ear pieces out when we heard where things were heading.”  
“Riley you’re about to pop, how is that even aerodynamically possible right now?!?!?!”  
“Oh it’s possible!”  Liam chuckled.  “God yes it’s possible.”
“Taylor it’s like when the amusement park is about to close and you want to get on your favorite ride one last time.  Even if you’ve had too much food and you’re full and you might throw up.  You got to get on that ride one more time.”
“You went to a carnival Mommy?”  
“No, she just went on a royal scepter ride. God did I say that out loud?”  Taylor slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Oh my God!!! Can we change the subject now please?”  Liam inquired, beads of sweat were forming on his face.    
“Yes please because this conversation went incredibly awkward!”
Riley laughed looking around the table.  The adults looked like they wanted to climb out of their skins and her children looked either confused or unaware of what was happening.
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songtoyou · 4 years ago
Chapter 1: The Pope, The Rabbi, and The Gypsy
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Tolerate It
Paring: Modern!Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character
Story Rating: R (No minors should read this fic).
Word Count: 1,795
Warnings: Talks of sexual content.
Description: Tommy Shelby is the owner and CEO of Shelby Company Limited. Starting out as a Bookmaker, Tommy had big ideas to expand his riches. In the past ten years, the company has grown rapidly to expand its business ventures from bars to producing alcohol, manufacturing motor vehicle parts, and exporting. One of the richest men in Great Britain, Tommy Shelby, has it all. Unfortunately, the death of his wife, Grace, left the multi-millionaire mogul alone and depressed. He needed someone to fulfill his needs and deepest darkest desires.
A/N: I was very pleased with the positive reaction to the prologue of this fic. I am glad that some of you are liking it. For this chapter, we learn a little more about the OC, and how she will meet Tommy. We also learn about the owners and some of Excelsior's clientele, the secret exclusive club in downtown London. Tommy looks for a new girl now that Lizzie is gone. 
Note: Italics represent the past or past conversations.
Feedback is wonderful. It is nice knowing if people actually like this fic. I do not permit my work to be posted on any other site without my permission.
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Excelsior was an exclusive invite-only club located in downtown London. Members included high profile men from actors, musicians, politicians, and business moguls. The activities that occur at Excelsior were top secret. Members and workers at the club were bound by a non-disclosure agreement to ensure nothing was made public. Excelsior was merely a very high-end gentlemen's club to the unassuming public, but underneath, it allowed members to succumb to their deepest desires.
Owned and run by "Duchess" Izabella Petrovna and her niece, "Princess" Tatiana Petrovna, the club was steeped in excess and glamour. No suspecting individual would ever think to confuse the establishment as an underground sex club. While the Duchess ran the business side of the operations, the Princess recruited the women. There was a certain criterion that the Princess enforced when it came to employing. First, the women had to be between the ages of twenty-one to thirty-five. The women underwent an extensive background check, along with a psych evaluation. Many of the employees found it hilarious that the Duchess and Princess required a psych evaluation considering that they themselves were equally eccentric…or insane, to put it mildly. Birth control was a non-negotiable requirement the women had to abide by. The women at the club had to partake in monthly STD tests to ensure they were clean and healthy. 
While the Duchess and Princess were an oddball pairing, there was no denying that they cared for their girls and valued the work they did for the members. Their business endeavor allowed the Petrovna's to continue to live in luxuries that Russia no longer was able to provide. They paid well.
It was how Rose Turner provided a decent life for herself and her son, Louis. Rose had been working at the club for six years and in that time had garnered quite the clientele. However, it would be three men who would have a tumultuous impact on Rose's life. She referred to them as the Pope, the Rabbi, and the Gypsy. 
The Pope was Luca Changretta, an Italian man from New York. Luca was a prominent businessman whose family still resided in England. While Audrey Changretta was a former school teacher, her husband Vincent, and youngest son Angel, owned restaurants and bars from Manchester to Birmingham, to London. They also dabbled in the real estate business and owned numerous high rise apartment buildings. The Changretta family was viewed as a rival to the Shelby clan. Both have tried to partner on business ventures with no deal ever emerging. The two families did not trust one another. 
With Luca stationed over in the States, he would visit his family throughout the year during holidays, for birthdays, weddings, funerals, openings of new Changretta establishments. Time home also allowed for Luca to engage in his pleasures. His visits to Excelsior were always a big deal. Everything had to be perfect, according to Izabella. Tatiana assigned Rose to Luca. 
"You are his type, no," Tatiana would say. "He likes the way you look. That innocent and doe-eyed look. Hooker with a heart of gold, they say, right."
Rose did not question Tatiana. She read through Luca's file to find out more about her new client and what he liked. The man was noticeably big into role play, especially in a religious aspect. He loved playing the part of a holy man while Rose played the Catholic school girl or nun. It was how Luca got the nickname, "The Pope." The man thankfully always managed to be a gentleman. He respected the rules of the club and never went overboard. If Rose was uncomfortable with acting out a scene, she knew it was okay to voice her worries. Luca never tried to fight her or manipulate her into partaking in a scene. He respected Rose's boundaries. She was one of his favorites at the club. 
Alfie Solomons was nicknamed "The Rabbi" and another important client at Excelsior. He had his fill of women during his time at the club. So much so that the girls would talk openly with one another about his particular habits. For instance, Alfie never partook in actual intercourse with the women. Instead, he relied on toys such as dildos or vibrators to bring pleasure to his women. He would also make sure to wear black latex gloves while touching the women. Many assumed it was to keep himself clean and pure since he participated in activities that would be deemed excruciatingly unholy. Alfie made sure that Tatiana only gave him gentile women.
"No Jewish women, love. They are holy creatures and should be remained as such, okay," Alfie demanded.
When Rose saw Alfie for the first time, she was intimidated by his big stature. However, Alfie proved to be one of Rose's favorite clients. The man knew how to pleasure a woman. He always made scenes fun and intense. Some women would even fight over who got to be with Alfie on certain nights he was at the club. They all loved him. 
As the son of a Russian Jewish woman and working-class Londoner father, Alfie worked his way up in the world. It would be the distillery business where Alfie would make his fortunes. From rum and vodka to gin, beer, and cider, Solomons & Sons was the top distillery company in the United Kingdom. It did not take long for the Shelby family came knocking on Alfie's door to partner with on business endeavors. While Alfie would continue to remain skeptical about the Shelby family, he knew the business deal with them would be too good to pass up. He loved having a go at Tommy Shelby from time-to-time to see how far he could push the Birmingham lad. 
In fact, it was Alfie who told Tommy about Excelsior. 
"You go from whore to whore with no care in the world. It is like you got a death wish. Seriously, don't you ever worry about getting the clap? I'll tell ya what…let me talk with one of my associates about inviting you to join this club I frequent. It will have everything you ever wanted and more. Trust me," Alfie shared with Tommy at one of their business meetings two years ago. 
Tommy merely scoffed as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Trust you. Not likely, Alfie. As I recall, it was because of you that the deal with the Changrettas fell apart. Something about mentioning how my brother John got into a fight with Angel Changretta over a girl they both were seeing at the time."
With a shit-eating grin, Alfie replied, "I am a beacon of truth, eh."
"More like a pain in my ass," Tommy smirked. 
As promised, Alfie talked with Tatiana about inviting Tommy to the club. She was adamant about meeting with the self-made millionaire. The Princess wanted to make sure he was suitable to partake in her establishment. If Tatiana had the ability, she would have kept Tommy all to herself if she could. 
"None of those whores deserve you, Thomas," said Tatiana as she laid in bed next to him.
"No, they deserve better. Better than me, that is for sure. But…they are all I got. So, I need your help in finding the best one for me. One that I can take out in public if need be. One who can be presentable to society at certain functions I have to attend. That way, I can keep up the appearance of a family man who still grieves the loss of his wife while trying to move on with my life."
Lizzie Stark filled that position for two years before her sudden and unexpected departure at Excelsior. Now Tatiana had to find a new girl to assign for Tommy, which was no easy task with his certain expectations. The man was rather picky, to say the least. Perusing her girls' files, she realized that there was only one who could meet the requests of Tommy Shelby.
"Rose Turner," announced Tatiana and handed Tommy her file. "She has been with us for a couple of years. She is considered top-quality—good reviews from our top clients. As you can see, she is beautiful, no. She can be elegant if need be for your functions. Adventurous…flexible, if you know what I mean. She'd be perfect for you. What do you think?"
Tommy looked over Rose's file. Her birthdate indicated she was in her early thirties and from Blackpool, a seaside resort town on England's Irish Sea coast. It was England's very own Coney Island. Ada took Karl and Charlie there for a weekend getaway not long after Grace died to cheer up her nephew.
"How many men does she see regularly?" Tommy asked.
"Rose is considered top quality. Her clientele is small. She has no more than four regulars. One does not live here full-time. He only sees her when he visits family. The others…well, they are people from your circle of business partners."
"Is that so. Who would these men be?" Tommy inquired as he continued to look through Rose's file.
"I am not at liberty to tell you such vital information…"
"Well, Tatiana, let me take a guess. Could Alfie Solomons be one of Rose's clients? How about Darby Sabini? Is he on the list? Billy Kimber before his untimely departure on this Earth?" Tommy took a drag of his cigarette and tossed Rose's file on Tatiana's desk. "Set up a meeting for me with Rose. Not here, though. Tell her to meet me at The Savoy Hotel this Saturday night. Give her this as well," Tommy handed Tatiana an envelope she assumed had cash in it. "Tell her to buy something nice for the occasion. The two of us can talk over dinner, and if all goes well, we can end the night on a good note. Just know this Princess, if all goes well, then Rose becomes mine. Her other clients can fuck off for all I care. I am not one to share what is mine."
So here Rose was, at one of London's top boutiques picking out a dress for Saturday night. Tatiana explained the possible arrangement with Mr. Shelby, and if things went well, he would be Rose's main client. Meaning he would become Rose's only client. She had reservations about it until Tatiana shared how much Mr. Shelby was willing to pay. It was more money than Rose originally would make. Tatiana shared that Mr. Shelby would provide Rose a weekly allowance on top of her services' standard fees. The deal with too good to pass up. However, Tatiana was adamant to Rose that meeting Tommy first would be wise before agreeing to any deals. 
All Rose knew was that she had a date with The Gypsy. 
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cutiepisenpai · 5 years ago
Dear Stranger Series Ch. 5: Unicorn(Spencer Reid x Female OC)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Warnings: Some suggestive sexual activities(nothing graphic), Fluff
Melinda and Spencer’s morning routine starts off normal, the alarm rings and one of them hits snooze, it rings again and the other turns it off, when it rings a third they finally start to get up. “Ugh, we need a vacation.” Melinda groans sitting up in the bed. Although it can be assumed that the good doctor was a morning person, he was in fact less enthusiastic about the early hours of the day. It took at least two cups of coffee before he gained any kind of pep although he can function if necessary.  But Melinda has a trick of her own to get him moving. “You know if we’re quick I can put on the coffee now and we can shower together.” It works like a charm he is up heading for the shower before she even has a chance to get up. 
Arriving at Quantico a few minutes late, their shower activities dragged on a little too long. Spencer has a thermos with coffee but he will need more soon. Spencer is walking behind Melinda arms wrapped around her,his head resting atop of her head, it makes for a rather weird walk but he’s ok with that. Walking through the doors of the BAU the strange site garners the attention of the team eliciting giggles from JJ, Penelope, and Emily. Morgan rounds the corner taking in the site laughing, “Long night?” Spencer, still not fully functional on the singal cup of coffee, just nods in response. This causes the others to erupt in laughter. “Attay Boy, but he looks like the one that has been worn out so maybe it should be an atta girl?” He says, quirking an eyebrow. Melinda thinks it's best to just ignore all of them and heads towards hers and Spencer's desks, stopping in front of Spencer’s. “This is your stop.” He kisses the top of her head before taking a seat at his desk as Melinda moves around to set her stuff down. 
Today has been an uneventful day for the BAU, they don’t have a current case so it is a catch up on paperwork day. Spencer is in his own personal heaven speeding through his paperwork much to the dismay of everyone. Melinda specifically cannot fathom his love of paperwork and as his complete opposite in this area she was in hell. Slowly reading through each file. Spencer has offered a few times to take a portion of her files but she refuses each offer she could move faster through it but was just unmotivated to do so. Since there isn't much need to hear everyone else they’re working semi-independently she decides to place an earbud in her ear humming along to the music as she works. 
   Completely enveloped in the paperwork before her and the music flowing in her ear Melinda missing Penelope walking up behind her exclaiming, “Lucy, you got some splainin to do.” in her best Ricky Ricardo impression. Receiving no response from Melinda she taps her on the shoulder. “Hey girly, you got some splainin to do.” Melinda is confused, wondering if she forgot something. She may be just and smart as her other half but one of the many differences they share is she does not have an eidetic memory. “Yes my love, what did I do?” She decides to just ask. “You know how I always joke and call you a unicorn because like how does a person as perfect as you exist.” Penelope starts to explain. “I’ve told you a hundred times I am not perfect. I am actually rather strange, I thought you would have noticed by now.” “Shush it I’m making a point. You are very weird but your cute habits just add to your charm. You failed to mention you are an actual unicorn and that is not an exaggeration.” Penelope continues to rant. “Come on Pen seriously what the hell are you talking about?” Melinda asks, not following her Rant. From above them Rossi calls out, “Maybe she finally saw those devilish horns growing from your forehead and confused it with a unicorn.” He says with a laugh. “Alright everyone to the conference now.” She demands grabbing Melinda by the arm and heading off. Spencer who was getting his 5th cup of coffee for the day missing the conversation that had just happened is confused coming in to sit down. “Did we get a case?” He asks. “No but something much more important has come to my intention. You are all familiar with our resident Unicorn, well look at this.” On the screen appears Melinda’s face yet again but this photo is much older taken about 8 years prior. The biggest difference in her appearance other than her age is the rainbow dyed hair she is sporting. Oh that’s what she meant when she said Unicorn. “Where did you even find that I don't have social media for you to cipher through.” Melinda asks, genuinely intrigued by where the photo came from. “Oh I talked to your bff and she was more than happy to share about your rebellious stage.” Penelope says changing the screen to show other photos of Melinda in her teens sporting all different colors of hair. “I don’t know if I would call it rebellious more along the lines of I was already done with 3 degree at the time and wanted to have fun before I had to start working and having “natural” hair color.” Melinda looked at all the photos four different rainbow hair colors, two blue and one purple. She really didn’t see it as all that rebellious. She just wanted to have fun and with her dad constantly working being left with her stepmother (the wicked witch of the west as Melinda calls her) she felt the need to bring joy into her life and she used color to do so. Now that she thinks about it rubbing her ear feeling all the piercings she began adorning along with the dyed hair, she guesses she may have had a mild teenage rebellion. “Hey at least it's not as bad as Emily’s high school photos.” Spencer says coming to her defense. But not quite thinking of the consequences of throwing his co-worker under the bus, Emily makes an offended sound, “Really is that how it's gonna be? Why don’t we just pull up everyone's teen photos and compare?” Emily's comments cause a commotion, everyone disagreeing with taking things that far. Melinda turns to Spencer, “So would you still date me if I had rainbow hair?” He pauses for a moment before answering, “Yes but please don’t dye your hair.”  
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zwiezraczek · 5 years ago
6 + 1 Underground [Four x OC/reader] Chapter 1
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SUMMARY: Sasha is a Polish girl, with a strange past. She has various skills, driving amongst others. So she becomes Eight. And you know that Four plus Four is Eight...
CHAPTER 1: Eight is Born - CHAPTER 2
WORDS: 2.3k
Sasha instantly opened her eyes, taking the gun from under her pillow and pointing it at the black figure that stood in front of the window of her apartment. Her blond messy hair was all over her face as she tried to focus on the intruder, waiting for them to move, to put their arms up, to surrender. But they didn't. They stood immobile, there, in between the airy curtains moved by the breeze.
“Got me,” the man said with a warm tone, just as if he was smiling, “you're quick as hell.”
“Shut the fuck up and turn on the lights motherfucker,” she barked still pointing at him. Her eyes were focused on the man moving slowly towards the little lamp in the right corner, as she moved herself on her bed. But he took his time, and she didn't like it. “Don't you fucking play with me or I'll fucking kill you.”
“So many swear words coming from the mouth of a young and delicate lady,” the stranger teased just before switching on the light.
The scene could have been embarrassing if Sasha was the shy type of girl, but she wasn't. Her large white t-shirt barely covered her panties as she was on her knees over her sheets, eyes focused on her target. Her blue pearly eyes looked at him, she had the face of an angel. This was why they chose her.
When her mother died, she lost everything, even her father, who spiraled down into immorality more than he did before. So she decided to go all illegal, no strings attached in this Polish city, Sasha and her pretty face coming right into the Polish mafia. They told her that the best she could be was a whore for them, maybe even the boss if she was lucky enough, but Sasha was so much more than she looked. She was Kubica. That was how her mother used to call her when she was behind the steering wheel. She was reckless, she was bold, she could be a danger for the people driving around her and to tone this down, her mother made her take some ballet classes. Discipline and recklessness, everything Sasha was made of. From pseudo whore to mafia's chef, Piotr's, driver.
“Fuck you, don't you dare telling me what I should be or not, you fucker,” she dangerously whispered as the man casually stood next to the lamp, arms crossed. “What do you want from me?”
“Why don't you run from me?” the stranger continued still looking at her. She felt disoriented, making a small head tilt as he said these words. “Fucking millennials, when you try to be like them they go “No, I don't get you old man, tbh sorry”,” he continued, a little bit deceived by what he just witnessed. “Billie Eilish, or whatever? Doesn't ring a bell?”
“I won't repeat myself,” she warned, her index ready to pull the trigger. “You don't talk, you won't live.”
“Okay, okay, let's chill a bit. I'm not here to kill you or whatever, but more to... Allow you to be free?” She rose an eyebrow, not putting down her gun. This man was stranger than she had expected, it would have been easier if he just wanted to kill her. She would have pulled the trigger. Boom, no problem. “Well, you know, I know you very well Sasha.”
“Ho the fuck do you know my name?” her words were sharper than a blade. Nobody in the mafia world knew her by her real name, she was Kubica. No Sasha, just Kubica, the driver.
“I know many things about you Sasha... Damn, that's so uncomfortable to stand, I'll sit if you don't mind,” he concluded before sitting on a small stool near the lamp. “So, I was saying. I know many things about you, that you're a ballerina...”
“Was,” she corrected angrily.
“Yeah, dancing stays dancing,” he brushed the subject off as soon as he spoke about it, “you work for that mafia for a long time because your father is an asshole that let you down when your mother died...”
“Don't you dare talking about my mother, understood?”
“Wow, relax. Promise. Wow, taboo. Okay, I'll remember that. So,” he pursued after a small pause, “your dad does some bad shit, you didn't like that shit so you started to do your own shit and your ways are parted now, Kubica.”
“My mom used to call me like that,” she whispered, body slowly becoming less and less tense. “Who are you?”
“Guardian angel, wanker, asshole billionaire... Names are countless, depends of the people you're asking. But mostly, I'm a ghost.”
“You fucking kidding me,” she erected while looking at him from head to toe.
“Well, technically, in the records, I'm dead. But, really, I'm not. Can you believe how simple it is to fake your own death?”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“Exactly,” he said as if she cared. “And then comes the fun part of being dead: you can do whatever you want. Heard about the big Coup, Murat Alimov, Rovach Alimov?” She only nodded. “Our job. We did it.”
“We? I thought you were alone.”
“We'll make the introductions later if you don't mind Sasha. But, well, we have another touchy touchy mission and we'd need a good driver so...”
“I'm working for Piotr,” she interrupted him harshly. “I'm loyal.”
“I know, discipline and shit but like... We really need you? Pretty please?”
“You have plenty of drivers in the sea, go and fish for them.”
“No many drivers are Kubica and look like an angel.”
“I said I'm loyal. Now leave or I'll blow your head.”
“Wouldn't you like to piss your father off even a tiny bit little more? Imagine him learning that you're dead, and you know, he's a motherfucker basically, he fucks around now... You'll be able to do some nasty things to that immoral motherfucker without being punished for it. Total freedom. Piotr can't guarantee that, but I can.”
He got her.
“I'll listen to you.”
She became Eight. She died in a car accident, suicide as the media said. She drove directly into the Odra, from the golden bridge right into it. Big scandal for the media, as they found the big Polish billionaire's daughter dead – in fact they never found her body, only the car – after years of searching for her. Daddy was very concerned, he cried his eyes out during the funeral. From afar, she saw Piotr attending the funeral, along with some of her mafia's friends. Magda stood next to Piotr, holding his hand, while she sobbed with puffy eyes. Sasha's heart was ready to stop as she saw this girl crying for her, she would cry for her too if it was her funeral. But now, Sasha was dead. Eight was born.
“No shit, your dad's a fucking actor,” One commented, standing next to her in the snow.
Already January. Snow fell during Christmas Eve, the day she spent with Maga watching stupid Polish movies and drinking cheap wine from the shop around the corner. Her last Christmas. The bare trees carried now a large amount of snow on their branches, sometimes falling off. Anna liked snow, she would miss it in California. She would miss her country, she would miss the food, she would miss everything. She would miss her language. But she should be able to make it, for her mom right?
“My father's a fucking asshole who knows how to cover up his fucking deeds,” she replied. “I don't wanna see this masquerade or whatever, we should go.”
“Wow, the last time somebody told me that they wanted to go and not watch their own funeral was... Right now,” he admitted. “Even Two wanted to watch it until the end. But fine, we'll have plenty of time to discuss our next move with the Ghosts.”
“Let's go then. I hope you have nice cars in the US.”
He smiled, not answering. That was a yes.
She slept during half of the flight, they arrived around noon, time to sleep in Poland, still early in the morning. She rubbed her eyes, siting next to One in the pilot's cabin. The engine was still roaring as they landed safely on the yellowish sand. This was too early for any shit like this, she thought as she grabbed her sport bag in which all her belongings were stuffed. Some comfy clothes, the keys of the cars that died with her and a picture of her mom and her, hidden between all these matters. One forbid taking too personal stuff, he agreed for the keys though, but she needed her mother with her. Just to feel like home.
She instantly regretted putting on a sweater when she stepped outside the engine. She felt drops of sweat run on her back, she knew she was absolutely sweaty right now; the only thing that reassured her was that she put a tank top under all of this. Life saver. She followed One's steps in the sand, sleepy as hell, wishing for a bed and a shower just to function properly. They landed in the middle of abandoned planes, in the middle of nowhere, in a Californian desert. Great, she was dead and lost. Was it all worth it, she asked herself as she followed one into one of the planes with a large ghost imprinted on it.
There were the others, the five others. They didn't even flinch when she entered the room with One, doing what they had to do. She looked all around her, the atmosphere was oppressive because of the lack of lighting, some neon green lights escaped from the monitors some of them worked on, stale smell spread all around the “room”. One clapped and all their heads rose, all eyes on Sasha, Eight, now. They scrutinized her, and she scrutinized them as they all gathered around them. It was like a cult welcoming a new member. She got shivers down her spine, tightening her grip around her bag. A short brunette holding folders against her chest was now standing in front of them, next to her a black man with a gun in his hand; a cold blonde looked at them and slowly made her way up to them, next to a man sitting on a chair in front of a computer. And the last one,a  blond man with a hoodie jumped over the table to find himself near, standing now next to the brunette. Great picture, the Power Rangers, she thought.
“Please welcome Eight, our new driver,” One said the group as they all looked at her. “No hugs, no kisses, she's a Kubica, no paparazzi or whatever.”
“Kubica,” the blond man whispered, catching Sasha's attention before the man sitting stood up and interrupted him.
“Welcome Eight, I'm Three. Was a hitman, now I'm a good hitman,” he precised with a finger up as the blonde who was standing next to him rolled her eyes.
“Shut up”, she cut him off as he looked offended.
“Ay, mami why are you so nasty with me?”
“I'm Two, former French FBI agent,” she pursued ignoring the man's whining.
“Clear and precise,” Sasha commented under her breath, already amazed by the woman. “Nice to meet you.”
“Five, former doctor in a Mexican hospital,” the brunette said with a welcoming smile. “It will always be a pleasure to heal your wound. Hope you won't move as much as Two when I try to do my magic.”
“Shut up,” Two groaned.
“Seven, sniper,” the black man introduced himself after putting the gun on the table and coming to shake her hand. “Hope you drive smoothly so I can give head shots from the car window.”
“I'll try my best,” she shyly answered while knowing she could do it. She actually did it sometimes as Piotr's men were having a hard time.
“Four, skywalker,” the hooded man said looking at her with his green eyes. “If you wanna watch a movie or something like that, just hit me up,” he continued as he ran his hand through his hair after putting down his hoodie. His curly blond hair was all messy, was he trying to comb it with his fingers?
“Thanks,” Sasha replied with a little smile. “So, I'm Eight, mafia's driver.”
“Liar,” Three commented, “not with this pretty face of yours.”
“You'd be surprised,” One interrupted as he patted Three's shoulder. “That girl has exceptional skills.”
“Six had exceptional skills too,” Two remarked, arms crossed now. “Didn't prevent his death.”
“Will we wallow for a long time, mourn and stuff like this,” One asked while looking at her. “He died a hero, that's it. We all knew what the mission was about and accepted possible death. Period as millennials say.”
“Period,” Two asked. “That's not the women's thing?”
“Dot if you prefer,” Sasha could hear One's sigh as he answered, but Two wasn't convinced. “Whatever, Eight's our new driver and that's it.”
“He promised some nice cars,” Sasha tried to say, but only Five seemed to listen to her.
“He's a liar, we had a horrible car in Hong Kong, not practical at all,” the brunette told her, as she seemed to bite her lip.
“Not practical,” Three added almost yelling.
“Whose fault? Whose,” One reproached him. “Okay, now we're finished with our complaints, Five, take Eight to her trailer please, it's the one next to yours. And Eight, make yourself at home.”
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comicteaparty · 5 years ago
May 9th-May 15th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from May 9th, 2020 to May 15th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What experiences do you have related to contests for comics, and do you find them worthwhile?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
:0 what a relevant question(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Funnily enough, I was going to enter this year’s WEBTOON competition, but I decided to focus on my webcomic instead. I still have concept art of my original idea (based off of Russian folklore) that I might draw one day, but it was fun drawing it.
I decided instead to just support the friends and fellow artists I know who entered the contest. It’s nice to see their hard work pay off.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I usually had either no time or no interest in a particular contest, so I have no clue. The only time I had both you needed to give up your copyright to enter, and thus I found it more worthwhile to put the effort into my own art and the dayjob.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I’ve never submitted to a contest I’ve considered submitting my existing work for various contests/awards, but in the end I always decide my story just isn’t far enough along yet to justify it. And my brain isn’t buzzy enough to create an original short story for something like the Webtoon one, so I’m out on that. I did get nominated for an award that turned into a voting contest anyway, but the winners were going to be practically guaranteed based on existing popularity, so... it was a nice gesture without any real chance of success. But it was cool to be up there with some heavy hitters. I dunno. Maybe one day I’ll feel more comfortable with the idea, once I feel like I’ve earned the chance
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Not webcomic related, but back in 5th grade, there was this shounen jump-like Korean magazine that I was reading. One day, they announced a contest with the first and second place winners being offered a chance to serialize their own thing. While I had been doodling my own comics before that point, that was the first time it occurred to me: hey, I could be doing this like a pro. I could be a pro. So I tried to make my own entry for that contest. I never finished it, nor did I, in retrospect, stand a chance. But it was an eye-opener: my work could be taken seriously, could be seen by others. It was a possibility! I was going through a less than ideal time in my life at the time, too. Nothing super bad or abusive, just unstable/unpredictable, left me no headspace for a 5th grade kid to dream of the future. So it was pretty meaningful to have that kind of eye-opening excitement about possibilities/ future/ change.
I no longer want to go pro. I don't think I can deal with the emotional burden of relying on audience reception for income. But it was a good phase to go through.
For comics it's never crossed my mind to submit anything for a contest, the prizes never catch my interest since I'd rather just buy something if I want it. I'm not much of a competitive person in general, if I do get like that it's usually for something fun that doesn't require as much stress, time and resources as art. (like sports or video games) A while back I saw two contests to win a digital drawing tablet, it was getting a lot of hype in the webcomic Twitter community, but I already have a tablet and almost never use it so the contests were kind of pointless for me. Even if the tablets were those fancy screen tablets you draw directly on. Not comic related, but when I was a teen I hung out on Gaia Online almost all day and partook in the art contests there to win items and gold. Drawing was just some fun thing back then since I didn't have to worry about cost of materials or the value of my time, so I indulged in those contests often. My mom used to get really mad at me wasting my "talent" and resources pretty much for free. Lol I still have all the avie drawings saved on my computer.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, Gaia contests were fun that way
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Speaking of contest, I did participate in an illustration fan contest for ADV (when it was still around), I found it while I was still a small Deviantart artist. I don't have strong hope of winning but when I did, my school kid self was excited. My work was appreciated and I made art for a series I loved. I felt a little victory. :) It's easier to draw for a fan series than make up an original that has obstacles stacked against me. But I might try to participate in a comic contest one day(edited)
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) Fff Gaia was such a low stress site, I loved hanging out there. Getting those monthly special items was a while event.
I agree dani, i have never understood the point of art contests where the prize is tablet. what do you think they're drawing on to enter it??
I think a lot of the people who do have contests for art supplies like that have sponsorships, but they're pretty pointless if you're good with what you got... and you just don't like competing in general.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It probably makes more sense with traditional media supplies since you run out of them all the time. But tablets... yeah
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I had kind of a similar early experience with contests as keii'ii. Went I was a kiddo, Tokyo Pop still existed and had their rising stars of manga contest. Seeing other Americans being published like that really took me from "I love these comics and drawing fan art and ocs for them" to "I could write my own stories with my own characters and other kids could buy them at the store and be inspired." My adult experience with contest had mostly been that they're a one way a good way to feel heart broken for a while X') I've got a lot of perfectionist tendencies, so loosing always feels really bad. Maybe also because I take a lot of pride in my work and I want to be recognized for it. And I think maybe winning a contest is kind of an easier way of feeling accomplished than a followed count or monthly site statistics? I'm not sure XD also it would just be cool to be able to tell people I'm an award winning comic artist XDXD Dealing with rejection/not winning is definitely something I've gotten better at. I'm hoping to make a small submission for that shonen jump contest that got posted here a few days ago. Not cuz I think I'll probably win anything, but it feel like a neat thing to do for myself. But also... Always got that secret hope of what if I did haha! XD
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) In a way it's kind of redundant though? If you think about it you're using up your resources to get more, which would probably just be enough to refill the stock you used for the contest with a little extra. (depending on how much work you put into the illustration/comic) Unless the contest was for a year supply of 'X' you don't get much out of it. xP I can also see the tablet contest being good for people who can't afford to get one, or can't afford to upgrade if theirs is broken down and old, but yeah. It's not super useful if you already have a good functioning one. I know for some contests it's also the bragging rights, or some credibility when you're trying to get art/comic jobs, but it's just not my thing.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Aww I understand how you feel @mariah (rainy day dreams) you describe the same emotion I felt trying to enter comic submissions, wanting that chance to get it noticed and picked up. Yeah as long as you give it a try, at least a story is made!
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soradragon · 5 years ago
A Change Within
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This is the fourth and fifth prompt of the 57 week challenge hosted by the lovely @sdavid09 ^^
This took far too long to finnish, school and other things got in the way, but I did it! After many atemps hehe...
This story is from an AU I made myself ( I still don’t have a name for it) I had so much fun (and frustration in a good way) making this! 
I hope you guys like it!^^
Warnings: Bit of gore, mentions of death, angst, and more I think??
Prompts: A seed of doubt has been planted, will it grow or weeded out? Gone was the timid child they once knew, in their place stood a determined woman
Slightly Leonardo x oc if you squint
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics please go ahead and ask^^
52 week challenge masterlist
Main masterlist
Anyway, Enjoy^^
"We'll lose more supplies and people then we gain from that girl, if it keeps going like this then we should've ignored that van like I told you guys from the start!"
"let's not get hasty bro-"
"No, Raph's right...As much as I hate to say this, it's true, we cannot sacrifice so many supplies and people for just one person...especially if we don't gain valuable things in return, we can't forget the many mouths we need to feed."
She muted out the rest. Having no need to listen any longer, the new information was more than enough...
She didn't blame them...how could she? It was all true...
Regarding the circumstances, it would've been only a matter of time... until the subject would be addressed.
She just thought, or more precisely hoped that it would be much later than sooner...
Liquid dripped onto her bare palms, warming the chilled hands only a bit. She looked down at them, choking out a sob when she saw the brown string tied around her left wrist with a knot.
"There! Now you'll only have to look at it and think of me, and I'll chase those mean monsters away!"
The tears ran down her face faster, her chest began to tighten, she swallowed, trying to get rid of the bile in her throat.
She blinked, the glistening tears in her hands trembled as they let go a trail of the colour red.
It bled all over her palms, painting her hands bloody, tickling down her wrists and arms onto the grass and boots.
A silent scream of terror left her lips as she stared at her bloody hands, her whole body trembling.
"E-every...T-thing...w-wi-il be...al-lr-righ...t....r-right...?"
She could hear the weak sobs and coughs through his scared voice.
"Y-yes! Everything w-will be al-alright, don't - don't you worry..."
She couldn't breathe, it was all too real...the pain, too unbearable...
The blood, trickling down his chin... he was scared...yet, he smiled...
"I...I-I promise."
Promises...aren't meant to be made...
"Norah, concentrate!"
She gritted her teeth as she slashed her sword down onto the dummy, slightly gracing the side of the head.
"Are you trying to get yourself or your teammates killed!? Hit the stupid dummy!"
Norah tried to ignore the taunting words, putting all her energy in her arms, raising the heavy sword above her head. Sweat ran down her back and brow. She gripped the sword tighter, trying to keep it in her clammy hands.
It tilted a bit backwards before she slashed it downward with a roar.
Hitting the dummy in the shoulder.
A laugh full of relief left her lips.
"I did it!"
"Good job. Now get the sword out of it."
Norah glanced towards the lizard mutant who looked at her expectantly with his arms crossed. Waiting for her to make a move.
He had taken the time to help train her with the sword after Raphael gave up, giving her the chance to humour him, he kept going even though she was so bad at it. Really testing his patience and calmness, he was good at it. 
He hadn't screamed once at her in anger.
Though, she had noticed his tail swishing back and forth in impatience, betraying his real emotions.
But still, she was thankful he didn't give up on her, even though she felt like giving up herself...
Norah grasped the handle of the sword with two hands, trying to yank it out.
It was stuck.
'You've got to be kidding...'
She felt so hopeless, useless from the moment she entered the camp.  
The poor girl had been stuck in bed for two months... to recover from the hell her body went through, she had to literally regain the capacity to move her entire body to fully function again.
A strange foreign wound, she didn't even know it existed, caused her body to shut down and paralysed her for weeks, it left a scar inside her body...
Making it hard to lift and do things smoothly with any kind of heavy objects,
She couldn't even move when wearing heavy armour.
Norah sat on the ground. Leaning her back against the silken material of the tent, resting her chin on her knees, listening to the many footsteps, chimes and noises of armour and weaponry being carried around the camping site.
An attack was soon to be taken place at the High-Ground, everyone was preparing for it.
And Norah had been shooed away from helping, being told multiple times she shouldn't go even near anything remotely heavy, cause of the fear she would do more harm than good.
She felt like she was treated like a small child, a child who's been scolded for touching a very expensive vase and accidentally breaking it.
So here she was, sitting inside her tent curled up in herself, even though she wanted to storm out and demand to let her at least help.
But, on the other hand, they were right.
Every time Norah tried to help something would happen, a pot with food or water would break, armour would be dented, metals or other stuff would be scattered all over the floor.
The words of the four leaders from a week ago still echo throughout her head, it pained her to hear them. She wanted to deny what they said, wanted to prove that they were wrong, but, a seed of doubt had already been planted inside of her. 
It slowly drowned the hope she had with thorns.
She couldn't make herself deny the accusing words, after all.
They were true. Three lives lost because she couldn't fight, couldn't act fast enough...
Whenever a tear fell, the plant would grow, jabbing into her flesh with its sharp thorns.
Every time something went wrong, the plant would let its roots crawl further and deeper, making it harder and harder to weed it out.
Norah gripped the fabric of her tent, watching as the troops left the camp. Children and the wounded stayed behind, waving at the departing troops, wishing them a safe trip and praying for a secure return.
Leonardo roared, pulling his youngest brother away in the nick of time from an oncoming barrage of laser blasts, which penetrated the ground into misshapen smoking holes where Mikey just stood not a second ago.
the turtle in orange stared wide eyes at the holes, his mouth formed a silent 'oh' before letting out a breath. "Thanks, bro..."
Leonardo gave a silent nod, glaring at the bots across the field, shooting laser blasts from their foreign high-tech weapons.
The leader in blue cursed softly under his breath. He hadn't considered the possibility of the Krang fighting their own battle.
He struck his enemy horizontally across the chest area, watching as the brainwashed mutant crumpled down onto the ground, clutching it's bleeding chest, and letting out gurgling noises.
Leo closed his eyes for a moment, seeing flashes of memories going past his eyes, too fast to make any sense of them. Emotions of all kind spread throughout his body before he pushed them away, deep, deep into his unconsciousness.
He opened his eyes again, gripping his katana in both hands. And struck with a restrained sigh down into the back, through the chest.
Sounds of screams and metal clashing against metal flooded into his system. He pulled the katana from the body, slashing downward to get rid of the dark red blood trickling down the blade made of steel.
Leonardo was about to run into the fray again when he heard a shout full of panic. He turned his head to the side. Keeping one eye on the battle before him. And on the person who called out to them from behind. Running at them like a manic while screaming.
Leonardo's blood ran cold...
Norah had just fallen asleep when a scream of bloody murder tore through the camp.
Scaring the crap out of Norah, who fell out of her bed in shock.
She hurriedly stood back up while staggering towards the tent's entrance, "what the heck is going on!?"
She wanted to ask, but she already had her answer.
Crazy mutants stormed through the camp, slashing and destroying everything that came into their path.
Norah stood frozen stiff, watching with wide eyes as the mutants chased after the people. Some tried to fight them, but since almost all of the weapons were gone with the troops...
There wasn't much to fight with.
Norah trembled. What could she do? She was helpless...Couldn't even fight to save herself...
A roar shook her out of her trance, she stared straight into the scared eyes of a young boy, cowering in a corner, trying to hide from the mutants.
It snapped something within her when she saw a mutant stalking towards him.
Norah sprinted forward towards the boy, tackling him. 
The impact was just strong enough to knock herself and the boy a couple meters away from the mutant.
Norah looked down at the shivering boy beneath her, she quickly glanced over her shoulder, seeing the mutant stomp on the crate where the boy just had been hiding.
"Come on, we need to hide."
She whispers, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a random tent, leaning her back against the fabric of the tent trying to tell if a mutant went towards them.
"We have to warn the troops..."
Norah muttered to herself, looking back at the sobbing boy.
"Hey...are you okay?"
She softly asked, reaching out to touch his shoulder, he trembled, gasping for air as he shook his head.
"I-I'm scared....D-don't let them t-take me...!"
He sobbed. Norah's eyes widened for a fraction, before softly patting his head with a forced smile, she hoped it looked reassuring.
This felt all too familiar.
tears pricked at the corner of her eyes.
She couldn't utter any kind of assurance, so instead, she tried to be confident.
"Can you run fast?"
The boy gave her a confused look before nodding.
"We need to warn the troops. You have to run to the High-Ground and tell the leaders "They are here." Can you do that?"
Norah has never been so happy for her keen hearing, she remembered overhearing one of the captains speaking to the leaders about a code word, for if the camp were to be ambushed, and the troops were away.
The boy gave a soft nod, mumbling the message to himself a couple of times before looking at her with a determined expression.
Norah looked around for a moment, only now recognising the place they were located.
The kitchen.
There had to be something useful in here.
"Stay here for a moment."
Norah muttered, before searching through the cabinets and drawers for anything useful.
She only found five kitchen knives.
"Here, take this. You'll never know if you need this."
Norah handed the boy a knife, who took it and held it in his left hand a bit clumsily.
"As soon as the curtain's opened, you need to run as fast as you can,"
The boy looked at her with uncertainty, she grabbed his shoulders and softly squeezed reassuringly.
"Don't worry. I'll cover you..."
'For as long as I can...'
Norah yanked the fabric of the tent to the side, the boy ran not long after, Norah followed closely behind knives at ready.
The mutants saw it happening and went after them.
'Please...Please let this work...'
Norah let out a battle cry as she threw one of the four blades at the spider looking mutant.
It was as if time slowed down, watching as the dagger whizzed through the air, getting closer and closer to its target.
It felt like hours what was in reality only seconds before she could identify if she hit her target or not, she had only closed her eyes for but one second.
A muffled sound of something being buried deep inside something, a gasp and a splash of liquid hitting the floor.
Norah looked over her shoulder, feeling like she just won the jackpot.
The knife was stuck inside the chest of the spider looking monster, it fell down.
Struggling to grasp the remaining of its life, before the light in its eyes died.
Norah reached out her hand and pulled the boy to the side, the boy almost tripped, gathering his footing in the last second, Norah slashed with a yell across a mutant's face, who let out a scream and held its face in its weirdly two-fingered shaped hands.
Norah glared at it and struck one of the knives inside its head, ripping it out again and throwing it into the shoulder of a rodent-like mutant.
She didn't think, didn't hesitate. It just happened, striking down mutant after mutant with just three knives, like second nature.
She saw the boy run in the corner of her eyes, silently praying and wishing he would make it to the four leaders.
'Just got to keep them focused on me long enough...'
All kinds of scenarios ran through Leonardo's head, bad and worse, each had to do with death and ruin. 
His muscles screamed at him to stop, his lungs burned yet still he ran, the troops followed close behind him.
The leader in blue glanced briefly towards the boy, cradled in Donatello's arms.
The poor boy was exhausted, running such a long distance to warn them...
Leo could see Raph fuming in the corner of his eye, muttering harshly to himself. The turtle in blue could make out only a couple of words like 'Krang' and 'cowards'. He was blaming himself just as much as Leo did, maybe even more... He, after all, took great pride and responsibility to look after the order. He would never admit it, but he too knew he had a soft spot for the people he swore to protect. 
Secretly taking care of them without noticing, like a mother hen looking after someone else's chicks.
They reached the end of the camp, Leo's heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of a ruined camp; 
The ground, muddy and covered in red, the tents were in shambles, poles sticking through the cloth of the tents, the campfires had been destroyed. 
Everything was a mess.
Leo readied his katana, signalling to the others to spread out and take down the mutants.
 The three brothers followed him to the centre of the camp, where they found a display in front of them, they never thought they would see...
Norah was surrounded by mutant bodies on the ground, and she was taking on a big bear-like mutant by herself. Two flimsy knives in hands.
She was barely standing, but still, she kept going on, striking with one knife and blocking attacks from the mutant's claws with the other.
The girl before them let out a battle cry, twisting two claws downwards before plunging the other knife into the mutant's head when she pulled it in her direction.
Ending its life before anyone could even react.
Her whole body trembled as panted heavily, her chest rising and falling, with each deep, ragged breath.
Norah glanced behind her staring straight into the four leaders eyes without any emotion.
She looked...older as if any trace of the young, clumsy girl, just disappeared, vanished into thin air...
Gone was the timid child they once knew, and in their shoes stood a determined woman.
Leo took a step forward, before rushing forward in a panic as the woman before them, fell down, eyes rolled back into her head as she faded into unconsciousness...
Pain...everything...hurts...why...Why does everything hurt...?
Muffled voices mumbled into the void, she couldn't grasp what they were saying. Where was she anyway?
A voice whispered.
....Rest...? I...I...I don't want to...
A blanket enveloped her senses, pulling her again into a calm slumber.
"Good morning sleepy head!"
A cheerful familiar voice echoed, stirring her softly from slumber.
A serious voice spoke up, "well, it's not actually moring, its actually noon..."
Norah slowly opened her eyes, with difficulty and stared straight into the baby blue eyes of the youngest leader, Michelangelo.
He grinned, "she's awake! At last!"
"Welcome back to the land of the living!"
Norah tried to slowly sit up to look around better.
"Was I gone then?"
She asked, looking around before she jumped when she heard a rustle in the corner.
"You almost were...But you came back to us."
The leader in blue said, a calm smile on his face as he took a seat next to her bed.
"What you did there, in the camp, was very courageous, thanks to you we could save most of our people."
Norah frowned, shaking her head. "I didn't do much...The boy warned you..."
Her eyes widened, "how is he doing!? He is fine, right?"
Raph nodded. "He's fine, don't ya worry."
She let out a relieved sigh, "that's good..."
"What's most important right now is that you get rest, you need it."
Leo stated, leaving no room for argument with the stern look he gave her.
Norah sighed, "fine...but, only if I can see the boy afterwards. I-I need to see how he's doing with my own eyes."
The four brothers looked at each other, Donatello shrugged, turning to Norah. "Deal, but first rest."
With that, the four leaders left the tent. A weight Norah didn't know she had, lifted off of her, leaving behind a feeling of content. She glanced at the roof of the tent.
'something changed, hasn't it...I hope that's it is for the better...'
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tnthclass-moved-blog · 6 years ago
This blog is mutuals only. Which means we must be following each other for interaction to happen. Of course, the only exception to this rule are sideblogs, just as long you're following me from your main blog, we're good.
I. AM. SLOW. In more reasons than one. So unless I know you, I'm slow af when it comes to following. I'm slow in replying. I'm just slow in general. So please have some patience with me, especially since I tend to have the memory span of a goldfish.
I am chill with sideblogs, multimuse, blogs that use animated/comic/game face claims. The only exception is smut blogs, though that can change depending how comfortable I become with the mun behind the blog.
I’m good with OCs as I only had OC blogs before deciding to try a canon blog again. Though please note that sometimes I am selective when it comes to following. Please respect this as my choice. Sometimes I'll follow, sometimes I won't. It all depends.
I just need to get this out of the way, I tend to prefer chemistry over instant-shipping. I'm also willing to talk about a possible ship between muses, but as I said, chemistry is key. If I don't feel it happening, chances are that it won't happen.
On another note, I don't do smut. It won't happen on this blog, even though the muse and I, the mun, are of-age. Fade-to-black is preferred if anything kinky happens.
I am totally down with crossovers and/or AUs. I've been in fandoms where the numbers are not exactly overflowing with participants, so I've always relied on it for threads. It's always fun to come up with ideas for them.
Unless I know what fandom your blog is from, I won't usually follow from the start. I tend to do a bit of research and if I'm interested, usually I'll follow back.
As this is a blog taking place where dying is common, unethical experiments happen, gibblets flying all about, there will be situations where not-so nice things happen. Violence, death, possibly body horror and the like. As such, they will always be tagged as 'trigger //'.
Now sometimes, I might forget to tag things. Feel free to let me know and I will do my best to fix it. Also, if there are certain triggers that you want tagged, feel free to come into my inbox--anon or not--and I will do what I can to make things better. Just remember to do so politely.
Coloring PSD for the icons comes from the ever so lovely: @venuscommissions ! You can specifically find the PSD that I’m using for my icons here
Graphics Templates that I use for headcanons and edits are from @polarizerps. The ones that I’m using are here and here !
Screencaps for the icons come from the Team Fortress site ! Which you can find here !
Border PSD is made by moi.
Hello ! My name is Robs. I’m a semi-functioning 25+ year old adult that has a steady job and rping is a nice hobby for me to do. I’ve gotten into TF2 some odd years ago, but recently started getting back into. I haven’t been able to play the game -gasp- shocker I know. Mostly because I’m a console player and I don’t know if my laptop is able to handle the game.
Anyways, that’s it that’s all. You made it through to the end and there’s no super secret password or page to like ! I look forward to future interactions with you and your muse ! :)
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augustdmco709 · 3 years ago
10 No-Fuss Ways to Figuring Out Your oc events photo booth
Tumblr media
You may produce common straight 1:1 videos as well as garden 16:9 straight video recordings, depending on your requirements.
Our company can easily tailor your 360 adventure to satisfy your event needs to have.
A Well-maintained and also Modern Setup
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Vivid LED Lighting Fixtures
Our 360 Booth appears modern and modern along with a triangle online video lighting that will certainly surprise your attendees, and also deliver best online video lighting. Considerably improve the high quality of the video lithing with the 360 4 Piece Extra video Lighting pacakge. Possesses 4 accent online video lights on reduced profile page Mic stands, no oc photo booth cords for a spick-and-span appearance.
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At the aspect when you look for a corporate photo booth rentals, you are actually similarly seeking a strategy for receiving pictures that can easily be submitted on social networking sites systems for the advertising.
Many picture cubicle rentals, specifically ipad tablet image booths, offer customers an alternative to present their photos straight on Facebook or Instagram after they have actually taken all of them.
This submitting effectiveness is going to mesmerize your workers that just like to submit about their night. This can possibly do surprises for your firm's social system. You may make a grandstand and also make the event pleasing by throwing with these satisfying photographes.
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Yet another great idea to take a snap on the delay with the internet is actually live uploading. You will definitely be actually capable to manage the online program on Facebook as well as allow people stream the event reside.
People that couldn't participate in the celebration may view the live video as well as feel like they belong of the celebration.
Inform people that they can easily share their idea as well as prefers on the online electronic camera via photograph cubicle rental and permit the whole entire world recognize how much you like them.
It Does Not Tension Guests
A lot of the amount of time, website visitors will definitely need to believe comfortable and possess a lot of enjoyable. A couple of individuals obtain tense since they think that they won't look great aware as well as have a fear. Still, there is actually no pressure that you need to take an image at the cubicle. The office party concepts are actually solely for enjoyment functions. This indicates that the guests can take pleasure in the event in relief.
Whether you are actually organizing a birthday party, a wedding event, or even a business gathering, you can usually use a photo display rental as something that records exhilarating as well as precious memoirs throughout the festival. Simply call Precious stone Booth and receive an unrivaled service.
Right here's one fact every person can confirm: Everybody likes to take pictures in celebrations. Might it be actually a social or even loved ones party, folks love to document where they are actually, that they are actually along with, the amount of fun they are having.
In firm and corporate events, celebration and also advertising coordinators need to have to see to it guests are having the greatest time in these events. These may be legitimized through spoken as well as written customer reviews, word of oral cavity, as well as due to the fact that our company are currently in the age of social networking sites, recognition happens using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and various other social media sites systems.
Generally, in business activities, planners attempt to duplicate that atmosphere of lightness and also comfort one eagerly anticipates in household events and festivities-- wedding events, birthday celebrations, weekend break barbeques. After a demanding day at the office, an excellent business thanks providing or city center celebration may be a stroll for everybody.
This is actually also one reason that an image booth is actually a terrific idea, certainly not simply for social events, however additionally for corporate events. Location a picture booth at any event and in a few mins you'll have a warm and comfortable environment, a laughing group as well as a terrific event that you'll be chatting about for the remainder of the full week!
Hiring a picture booth has various other advantages tailor match in maximizing and also complimenting your advertising goals, pair of birds in one stone!
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master-sass-blast · 7 years ago
Strong as Stone- Part Twelve
Welcome back! Sorry I’m a little late. I’ve been weaning onto some new meds, and it’s been a bit of a doozy.
But! Why worry about that when we can read fanfiction instead!
Last time, we watched the latest edition of “Politics suck!” starring our least favorite troglodite, President Donald Trump.
Trump smacked Okoye across the ass, and --yes--Okoye will get her revenge, but right now it’s gay time!
This edition covers Wakanda’s “Festival of Loves,” which includes Wakanda’s version of Pride.
Author’s Note: This is not me saying how we do Pride is wrong. I’m just playing with some different concepts for a work of fiction. Don’t eat me alive, please.
Rating: T for language and mentions of abuse.
Warnings: mentions of abuse/abusers, enough fluff to rot your teeth off, lots and lots of gay energy, and mild sexual content.
Pairings: Okoye x M’Baku, Shuri x OC, and background T’Challa x Nakia.
Everyone has their own perspective on what makes the best source of power. Some will say wealth. Some will say strength. Some will say cunning.
All of those are fine and good, but know that love is the strongest power there is, my dears.
Love of self can lead one man to hoard away unimaginable wealth from the needy. Love of things can lead many to fill their lives with material objects --and a great deal of debt.
Love can also lead to beautiful art, powerful movements, inspired leadership, and healthy, tender individuals. This is why we celebrate love. It is a gift from Bast, as much as the heart-shaped herb.
It may seem contradictory, but keep love in your lives, my dears. A Dora who knows no love is no Dora at all.
Okoye had to force herself to keep from sprinting as she navigated the back halls of the palace. Try to stay composed. You wouldn’t want to actually run into someone.
Five minutes ago, Ayo had poked her head in her office to deliver the news she’d been waiting five days to hear.
M’Baku’s ship had landed.
Okoye allowed herself to up her pace to a brisk walk as she caught sight of M’Baku on the landing pad, walking towards the main palace entrance. But it’s not like I need to take the scenic route, either.
Two months. Two long, lonely months of separation. Two months of being relegated to video calls and passionate letters –M’Baku, as she had discovered, was something of a closet romantic. Two months of not being able to touch her lover, of not being able to feel his strong arms wrap around her, of not being able to hear his warm, deep laughter right in her ears.
Okoye jogged around a corner, then broke into a run as she saw M’Baku step into the hall, grinning widely.
M’Baku ran towards her, just as eager, and caught her in his arms. He swept her off her feet and spun her in a circle, kissing her passionately as he murmured praises to her and Hanuman. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Okoye wrapped her arms around his neck, sighing happily. “I missed you.”
A growl slipped past M’Baku’s lips as his arms tightened around her. “And I you.” He stepped forward, still holding her in his arms, until they were up against the wall.
Okoye inhaled sharply as M’Baku started kissing and sucking his way down her neck, his hips rocking against hers. “M’Baku, this is not the time or the place!”
“On the contrary. We’ve missed each other for several weeks. What could be a better time than now?”
“M’Baku. Please.”
M’Baku let out a disgruntled sigh and stepped back, carefully setting her on the floor. “I’ve missed you, Okoye. I don’t feel any particular shame in that.”
“Neither do I, but there’s something to be said for professionalism,” Okoye said as she straightened her armor. When M’Baku’s frustrated expression didn’t lift, she smoothed her hands over his chest in a soothing fashion. “Besides, I’m taking the second day of the festival off so we can celebrate together.”
M’Baku raised an eyebrow. “And the significance thereof?”
“The second day focuses relationships, romantic and platonic. I thought it was fitting.” She grinned up at him. “It also means that I get the night and next morning off. I don’t suppose you can think of something I could do with all that free time.”
M’Baku grinned down at her. “You could do me.”
Okoye chuckled as she leaned up on her toes to kiss him. “I like the sound of that.”
M’Baku sighed as they broke the kiss a few moments later. “How have you been, Okoye?” His expression darkened slightly. “How are you fairing from your run in with the American idiot?”
Okoye grimaced as they started walking down the hall in the direction M’Baku had come from. “I’m alright. I’ve been meeting with my assigned counselor. The White House hasn’t issued an apology yet, but the King’s legal aide is confident we have enough to launch a lawsuit at the President for sexual assault and emotional damages.”
M’Baku let out an annoyed huff. “He deserves worse. I’d love to see you kick his ass in ritual combat.”
“So would I, but I doubt they’ll spring for that.”
M’Baku ‘hmph-ed’ and took her hand in his. “Well, I’m glad you’re alright. And I’m glad that we’ll get some time together during this… celebration. What will be going on, exactly?”
“Well, the festival of Loves officially lasts for three days, though the entire month is dedicated to expressing love in all forms. The first day focuses on love among family, the second on love between platonic and romantic relationships, and the third is about queer identities and attractions.”
M’Baku nodded. “And what is the third day like?”
“Well, lectures about queer identity, expression, and history are held at the central library during the morning. During the hottest part of the day, the main news network runs a broadcast recognizing contributions to the arts, sciences, and humanities by queer individuals, and during the evening a parade takes place in the streets. Official functions break off after the sun finishes setting, but a lot of people will stay out and have fun.”
“And have there ever been… incidents on the third day?”
It was Okoye’s turn to raise an eyebrow as she looked up at M’Baku. “Do you mean incidents like your uncle?”
Okoye shook her head. “Not really. Everyone uses different paints on their faces to indicate how they identify. Those looking for an ‘encounter’ wear a bracelet on their left hand. Those who aren’t wear one on their right. Everything’s pretty easy to understand, so miscommunications are rare. And, for the odd bigot or two that would be daring enough to show their face, we have a security team that is trained to escort them out or detain them, depending on what the situation calls for.”
M’Baku nodded, seemingly impressed. “I wasn’t expecting that level of thoroughness. Shuri already told me about the idea behind the third day. I thought it would be good for Dewani to be surrounded by that kind of support and positivity, but she was a little…”
“To put it mildly.”
Okoye squeezed his hand. “Well, don’t force her to go if she doesn’t want to, but definitely let her know that she’ll be perfectly safe while she’s there.”
“I will. Will I be able to see you tonight?”
“Actually, you will. The Queen Mother invited me to dinner with you, Dewani, and the family. But as for now, I have a meeting with Ayo to schedule the duty rosters for the festival.”
The corner of M’Baku’s mouth lifted in a smile. “Then I’ll see you later, my love.” He kissed her cheek, and let go of her hand with a squeeze.
Okoye smiled back and started walking in the direction of her office.
“…and that pretty much settles the security team rosters. We did manage to settle the two boyfriends that wanted to celebrate the third day together.”
Okoye frowned as she studied the list. “Are they working separate shifts or together?”
“Together. I was able to find enough singles who were willing to switch for one reason or another.”
Okoye nodded, then grinned. “Very nice, Ayo. You’ve done very well in arranging everything. How are the Dora looking?”
“Djabi and Aneka wanted to switch days. Aneka wanted the third day off to participate the parades, and Djabi wanted the first day to see her grandmother. I need your approval for that.”
Okoye nodded. “You have it.” She sat back in her seat. “This is the first festival that you’ve organized the entire duty roster for by yourself. How do you feel?”
Okoye snorted as Ayo smirked. “A woman of few words. I’m taking the second day off, so I’ll cover for you on the third day, if you like.”
Ayo nodded. “I’d appreciate it. What’s the King’s schedule look like?”
“He’s making an appearance with the Princess, the Queen Mother, and Lady Nakia tomorrow at the main festival site in each tribe’s territory –save the Jabari. That’ll run from the morning to before noon, take a break for the heat of the day, then finish before dinner. From what I’ve heard, Chief M’Baku and Dewani will coming with.”
Ayo peered at the holographic display of the schedule. “Will the Chief’s primes be accompanying him?”
“Yes. On the second day, the King and Lady Nakia will be walking through the main plaza in Birnin Zana before a celebration at the palace with the tribal leaders and their partners.”
Ayo grimaced slightly. “Great. A building full of leaders with different opinions and no problem with expressing them.”
“It’s only for a couple hours. After that, the King and Lady Nakia will be enjoying a private celebration of their own, no guards required.”
“No guards will want to be present for that bit, trust me.”
Okoye smirked. “I’ll be off on the second day. Can you handle running everything for that long?”
Ayo nodded, the picture of stoic confidence. “Of course.”
“Alright. Since the Princess is out –and, given Nakia’s orientation—the family will be participating more directly in the parades on the third day. You’ll be off then, so there’s nothing there for you to worry about.” She groaned as her kimoyo beads started chirping, reminding her of an appointment. “I have to go. The Queen Mother invited me to dinner with the family, M’Baku, and Dewani tonight.”
A ghost of a smile flickered across Ayo’s face as Okoye stood a straightened her armor. “Sounds like fun.”
Okoye grimaced. “It’s always so awkward.”
“Well, you ought to get used to it. I imagine you’ll be dealing with it more, since you’re involved with the Chief.”
Okoye sighed. “I know. It’s just… weird.”
Dinner was pleasant enough. Everyone was familiar enough with each other that the conversation flowed easily, letting Okoye sit back and watch as they moved from course to course. 
Dewani, however, was uncharacteristically quiet as she poked at her main course with her fork.
Shuri, amidst her excited chatter about the latest development in satellite technology, seemed to notice that her usually brash girlfriend wasn’t contributing to the controlled chaos and nudged her in the side with her elbow. “Hey. Why so glum?”
“What? I’m not glum.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve barely said a word!”
Dewani shrugged, eyes not leaving her plate. “Just tired. That’s all.”
Shuri pursed her lips, and she looked like she was itching to argue, but she settled at a warning look from her mother. “Well, I can’t wait for you to see the queer solidarity parades on the third day. There’s always fireworks, and a lot of dancing!” She grinned excitedly. “I actually get to participate this year! I don’t have to watch from the sides anymore!”
Nakia grinned back. “It’s a lot of fun. I remember my first parade. I was eleven, and my father carried me on his shoulders so I wouldn’t get trampled by the other, larger adults there.”
“Sounds like it’s quite the event,” Dewani said quietly.
“It’s awesome!” Shuri beamed at her girlfriend. “Did you ever get to do anything like that in the Jabari lands?”
Dewani’s mouth twitched into a frown. “Uh… no. I couldn’t really do that… with my uncle and everything.”
The table went dead silent at the reminder of F’Tendi and the abuse Dewani had suffered.
Shuri paled, bit the inside of her cheek, and dropped her head into her hands. “For Bast’s sake, how can I be a super genius and shove my foot in my mouth that badly?”
At that, Dewani laughed. “It’s fine. I’m glad you’re excited. I just… don’t have the same confidence in my orientation, I guess.”
“No one says you have to be out at the festival,” Okoye interjected. “Plenty of people go without identifying because they aren’t sure how they want to identify or just don’t want to. You’re not obligated.”
“Yeah, but I know I’m a lesbian.”
“Yes, you are, but you can come out on your own time,” Nakia said gently. “Just because you know who you’re attracted to doesn’t mean you have to share it right then and there.”
Dewani pushed a few pieces of potato around on her plate before looking up at Okoye, an anxious glint in her eyes. “You’ve worked the festival before, right?”
“I have.”
“Do things… do people ever show up and try to… hurt anyone?”
Okoye sat back in her seat, running through her mental catalogue of all the times she’d served and attended the love parades. “I can only remember one time. There was an ex-boyfriend whose girlfriend had broken up with him for multiple reasons. He’d stalked her for a couple months, and tried to jump her at the parade.”
Dewani grimaced. “What happened?”
“Three other guys and the girl’s new girlfriend beat the shit out of him. He was arrested afterwards for stalking and harassment.”
“The parade is extremely safe,” Nakia added with a reassuring smile. “We all look out for each other.”
Okoye watched carefully as Dewani smiled back with a dim, nervous smile. Something else is going on.
Or maybe not. The girl had been abused most of her life by a homophobic, bigoted uncle. It could be past abuse and fear surfacing.
Well, it’ll become clear in due time, Okoye thought as she sipped at her wine.
Okoye rolled her neck and shoulders as the ship landed on a private dock in the Mining tribe territory. Last one. Last one, and then we’re home. 
The first day was always the longest. As the ruler of Wakanda, T’Challa had to attend the official family-honoring ceremony for each tribe. Each tribe had a different time reserved, based on their respective traditions and values that surrounded the concept of family. However, without fail, three things happened during each visit:
First, the King would be greeted by the entire tribe in the spiritual and ceremonial center of the territory.
Second, the King would give a speech –tailored to the unique values and beliefs of the tribe—about the importance of love amongst family, how Wakanda was a family as a nation, and how loving and supporting each other as Wakandans was important and in the spirit of the festival.
Third, the belief specific function –for the Mining tribe, it meant that the King would meet any new infants that had been borne before the festival.
She inhaled deeply as she escorted the King, his family, M’Baku, Dewani, and the Jabari primes to the center of the Mining tribe territory with the Dora Milaje on the roster for the day. Almost done.
The greeting and speech went well. Okoye watched carefully while two off the more recent recruits –to make up for the women she’d lost fighting Killmonger and the Border tribe—stand by the King and his family as parents of new babies brought their children up for the King to see. So far, everything was going well.
Dewani sidled up next to her, having opted to hang back instead of stand with Shuri. “Can I ask you a question, or do I need to wait until we’re on the ship?”
“Ask away,” Okoye said, careful to keep an eye on the crowd and the King.
“How safe are the parades?”
Okoye frowned. “How do you mean?”
Dewani looked down at her feet, rubbing her hand up and down her arm. “You mentioned the stalker guy…”
Okoye smiled slightly, trying to be reassuring while trying to appear professional and somewhat menacing at the same time. “That was a one-off, Dewani. And, like I said, everyone jumped him before he could do anything.”
Dewani didn’t seem too reassured. She quirked her mouth from side to side as she shifted back and forth before murmuring through gritted teeth “We have celebrations like these in the Jabari lands, too. My uncle always told me that if I ever went to them, he’d find out and remind me of my place in the world.”
Okoye kept her face neutral as she processed the new information. “And you’re worried about him finding you?”
“Or one of his supporters.”
Okoye mulled the idea over. “Well, any Jabari are going to stand out amongst the crowd. Are any others coming?”
“Just a few of my brother’s friends who were curious about the festival.”
“Then I’ll make sure they and the Primes are put in our system. Anyone who doesn’t match them will be watched. Is that good?”
Dewani swallowed hard. “I guess.”
Okoye bit back a frown as Dewani walked away. Feasibly, there wasn’t too much else she could do. She had no way of knowing who was a supporter of F’Tendi and who wasn’t. However, it stood to reason that he and any others who shared his views would pose a threat to the festival-goers, meaning it warranted some sort of plan. As Okoye watched Dewani lean against her brother out of the corner of her eye, she settled on a couple ideas.
First, she needed to talk to Ayo before she clocked out for the day.
Second, she needed to talk to M’Baku and see if he knew the identities of his uncle’s supporters.
Oh no, F’Tendi, Okoye thought as the King finished seeing the last of the new children. You won’t be interfering this time. Not on my watch.
Ayo was waiting for her in her office when she got back. “Nice shirt.” 
Okoye looked down at the low cut tank top she’d put on after showering. “Is it too much?”
“Depends. Are you seeing M’Baku tonight?”
“Are you looking to get plowed?”
Okoye stuck her tongue at her best friend. “As a matter of fact, I am.”
“Then it’s perfect. Your message said you wanted to talk to me?”
“Yes.” Okoye filled Ayo in on what Dewani had told her. “I’ll try to get any identities of F’Tendi’s supporters from M’Baku, and we can list the Jabari that are members of M’Baku’s and Dewani’s party, but there’s no real way of knowing who’ll be a supporter and who won’t.”
A shadow of frown flickered across Ayo’s face. “That is a problem. Do we need to put more Dora into rotation for the third day?”
Okoye mulled the idea over for a moment before ultimately shaking her head. “I don’t think so. The Jabari are going to stand out in the crowd regardless, and bigots are going to stand out even more. They don’t have any weapons outside of the ones they craft out of their sacred wood, and those can only do so much damage at a time. Besides, as ignorant and hateful as F’Tendi might be, I don’t think he’d risk causing an inter-tribe incident.”
Ayo nodded. “Alright. Anything else?”
“Actually, there was one other thing I wanted to talk to you about…”
Okoye knocked on the door to M’Baku’s room. 
It opened a few seconds after, revealing M’Baku’s massive form. He smiled when he realized that she was the one who had knocked. “Well, hello.”
Okoye grinned up at him and leaned against the door frame. “I’m off for the night. I don’t suppose you’d know a good place for me to stay?”
M’Baku grinned back. “You could stay with me. Actually, the Queen Mother offered to watch Dewani for the night so she and Shuri could hang out. I’ve got the suite to myself.”
“Goodness. I guess all that’s left is for you to invite me in.”
M’Baku scooped her into his arms, kissing her passionately as he carried her inside and closed the door behind him. “You’re always welcome to stay with me.”
“I need to talk to you about something.” 
“Well, then I guess it’s good that we’re standing right next to each other and have several hours of uninterrupted time.”
Okoye smacked M’Baku on the arm as he laughed, delighted with himself.
They were in one of the public parks on the outskirts of Birnin Zana. There were a few people walking here and there, but the lush, green expanse of grass and trees was largely empty. Between the shade of the tree they’d settled under and the steady, cool breeze, it was a pleasant morning –even by M’Baku’s standards.
“It’s about Dewani,” Okoye said once M’Baku had settled down.
“Go on,” M’Baku said, voice carefully neutral. He’d stopped looking at her, deliberately focusing on the park in front of them, and his shoulders had gone stiff.
“Relax,” Okoye said as she nudged him with her own shoulder. “We’re fine. I’m just worried about her, is all.”
That got M’Baku’s attention. He frowned down at her. “How so?”
Okoye told him about what she and Dewani had talked about the day prior. “I don’t know any of your uncle’s connections, and they could be a real threat to the regular festival goers if they show up. If you could provide me with any names and IDs, I’d appreciate it.”
“I can do that, but a Jabari is going to stand out among all you low-landers.”
“Yes, but I don’t know if any of your people are going to come down of their own volition. I don’t want them to be unfairly profiled because of what they wear or how they act, only to leave the festival with the belief that we don’t trust your tribe.”
M’Baku smiled and kissed the top of her head. “You’re wonderful, ‘koye. I’ll make sure I have a list for you by the end of the day.”
“Thank you.”
M’Baku resumed his scan of the park, far more relaxed than he had been at the start of the conversation. He jerked his chin at a stand of trees at the edge of the park. “You said there was a river over there.”
Okoye nodded. “It runs through the whole of Wakanda. It’s the same river that you found the King in.”
M’Baku stood. “Do you mind if we check it out? I’ve always wondered what it looked like at the other end.”
Okoye smiled, and took his hand as she stood. “Not at all.”
M’Baku stared at the page of colored patterns that had been set on the table in front of them. “What is all of this?” 
They had gathered in the formal dining room so that everyone could do up their festival paint for the evening. Nakia –already wearing the paint that marked her as pansexual—was laughing as she did up T’Challa’s ally paint. Shuri was beaming excitedly as Ramonda did up her paint for the lesbian pattern; Ramonda, for her part, looked like she was holding back tears of pride with considerable success.
“These are the orientation and gender identity marks that everyone will be wearing today,” Okoye explained, her face already painted. “Some people don’t use it because they don’t want to, but those who do use the patterns and colors that correlate to whichever identity suits them best.”
“Right. So, you’re this one—” he tapped at the woman’s pattern for straight ally “—and I’m this one?” He tapped at the man’s pattern for straight ally.
“Yes, but you have the wrong bowl. Here, let me help you.” As she started painting the right stripes on M’Baku’s cheeks, she looked over at two of his Primes, who were smiling and talking in the Jabari dialect as they painted the symbols for homosexuality on each other. “They look they’re having fun.”
“Yeah. They’re the couple I married while you were gone.”
“Oh! Cool.” She looked up as a servant announced that O’Chenga, advisor to Chief M’Baku, had arrived. “What’s he doing here?”
“I asked him to come,” M’Baku said. “To help keep an eye on things.”
As M’Baku introduced O’Chenga to the royal family, Okoye glanced over at Dewani.
The girl had sequestered herself off in a dark corner of the room. She was sitting so that she was almost crunched in on herself, a bowl of paint and the card with the designs in her lap and a mirror in her hand. Her hands were shaking, smearing the designs into indiscernible blobs all over her face.
Okoye was about to walk over and help her when the doors opened again. 
All of the Dora Milaje walked in, lead by Ayo. Her cheeks were done up with the bisexual symbols, and she was wearing a shirt that had a poem about queer identity and pride screened onto the front of it. Behind her, Aneka was done up with the asexual paint and a shirt with the pattern of the asexual flag.
All of the Dora, in fact, had come ready for the parades --face pant, parade appropriate clothing and jewelry, the bracelets, everything. Lesbian, pansexual, genderqueer, omnisexual, gender fluid, skoliosexual, transgender, demi-romantic, demi-sexual, non-binary, agender, bigender, questioning, polyamorous, queer, asexual, aromantic, bisexual, and allies… a united group of beautiful differences.
Okoye smiled, heart swelling with pride for the women she was honored to serve with and call friends.
“Commander,” T’Challa said, both caught off guard and impressed by the appearance. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I had some business to finish before I headed out to the festival.”
Dewani was staring at the rest of the Dora Milaje, mouth hanging open slightly.
I wonder if she’s ever seen this many queer people in one place before, Okoye thought.
Ayo noticed Dewani sitting in the corner and walked over to her. She knelt in front of the teenager and started talking to her, smiling gently and gesturing to the card.
After a moment, Dewani nodded and moved to a chair by the table.
“Aneka, can you get me a make-up wipe?” Ayo wiped off the smudged, bleary paint and started redrawing the symbols with the finesse of an expert. “I like your dress.”
“Thanks.” Dewani smoothed her hands over the skirt of her blue and green dress. “When… when did you realize you were bi?”
“When I was sixteen,” Ayo said. “I met a girl at the parades and realized she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And then I met a guy later that night who was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”
Aneka chuckled. “Bisexual and weak.”
Dewani chewed on her lower lip. “What are the parades like?”
“Honestly, I think you’ll like them,” Ayo said. “There’s a lot of music and dancing. And blacklights. The paint glows under them.”
“It’s basically a giant, city-wide street party, but a thousand times gayer,” Aneka chimed in.
Ayo nodded as she stepped back and handed Dewani a mirror. “You’re done. What do you think?”
Dewani let a tentative smile tug at her lips as she stared at her reflection. “I like it. It looks really good. Thank you.”
M’Baku grinned down at his sister and squeezed her shoulder with his hand. “You look good. Thank you, Commander.”
“Will you be at the parade?” Dewani asked as she stood and tucked herself under her brother’s arm.
“Of course.”
“And… you’re not worried?”
Ayo pulled a vibranium knife out of her pocket and flipped it open to reveal a glinting, six-inch vibranium blade. “Not really.” She winked as she flipped the knife shut and pocketed the weapon. “It’s a safe event. And, since you’re going with the Princess, you’ll be guarded by the Dora.”
Shuri sidled up to Dewani, resplendent in the same face paint and a shirt that read “Gay and Proud.” “See, there are benefits to going out with me.”
Dewani grinned and slung her arm around Shuri’s shoulder. “Oh, trust me, I already knew that.”
Okoye smiled as she watched Dewani and Shuri walked out of the dining room, surrounded by the Dora Milaje. She nudged Ayo’s arm with her elbow. “Thanks.”
“No problem. We have to look out for each other.”
O’Chenga stared after her as Ayo walked out of the dining room, mouth hanging open and an awestruck expression on his face. “Is she single?”
Music blared through speakers that hovered over the crowd. Fireworks burst into the air, in the colors of the Pride flags and the patterns that were painted on thousands upon thousands of faces. People danced together, face paint and smiles glowing under black lights that hovered next to the speakers. 
An undeniable energy of excitement and joy hung in the air, filtering through everything and everyone until every last person was swept up in the celebration.
Okoye smiled as she watched Dewani and Shuri dance together, laughing breathlessly as they moved and bounced to the beat of the music.
Off to the side, the two husbands that served on M’Baku’s team of Primes exchanged soft, gentle smiles as they swayed to the music.
In the background, she could see Ayo and O’Chenga talking while sitting at a bar. Okoye smiled when she caught Ayo’s eye, and waved subtly as Ayo lifted her glass.
M’Baku put his hand on her shoulder, jolting her out of her reverie. He smiled as he watched his sister, then nodded as he took in the excited, happy crowd. “I’ll admit it. This is amazing.”
Okoye beamed with pride as she looked out over the throng of people. “This is Wakanda.”
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luckyfrogphotos · 4 years ago
Do This First before Booking Your next Photo Booth Rental in Orange County
Booking your next Photo Booth rental is a breeze with Lucky Frog Photo Booth Rental in OC. From planning to booking your event, you don’t have to worry about anything as our Orange County Photo Booth rental team will take care of all the details for you. However, before you book your next Photo Booth rental in Orange County, make sure that you’re doing everything in your power to make it the most memorable event of your life!  When it comes to renting a photo booth for your next event in Orange County, it's important to take the time to do your research. As a photo booth rental company, we've been at the forefront of the industry since 2013. We've seen it all and are able to provide you with the best photo booth service in Orange County, CA. There are a variety of reasons why you may need to rent a photo booth rental for your next event or party. Maybe you need to get employee engagement or recruit new talent for your business. Maybe you want to boost brand awareness or make an unforgettable impression. Maybe your event is a simple backyard BBQ or a major corporate function. Whatever the reason, getting the right photo booth rental is essential to ensure that everyone has a great experience.
Make Sure You budget Enough Money For a Quality Photo Booth Rental With a sea of low budget photo booth options out there, it is tempting to book the “cheapest” photo booth for your event. Like everything else in life, booking the cheapest service usually provides the worst quality, and half the time they don’t even show up to the event! You want to hire a photo booth company in Orange County with a history of providing excellent service, will get the job done right and that has a solid reputation. You wouldn’t feed your guests McDonalds right? ​
What Photo Booth Rental is Right for Your Event?
Photo Booths have evolved a ton over the past decade, so let our team of highly trained professionals assess your event needs and present you with the best options. You need to decide what features are important to you, and take a look at our different setups and options to determine what setup may be a match for your event. For some, it is really important that they have printed photos on-site, while others want to have boomerangs and GIFs with nice lighting. Maybe you want a fancy Red Carpet GLAM look or a fun Inflatable booth? ​
How many Photo Booth Rentals will Your Event need?
Moving forward into 2021 and beyond, Orange County event sizes will get larger, and allow for more people to gather, For larger events, it is recommended to book more than one booth. If you have an event upwards of 200 people, you want the line to move faster and capture more images in a smaller amount of time. A great solution would be to book and open air photo booth along with a selfie station rental; that way you get physical prints along with crazy boomerangs all in one go! ​
Check with your Venue First before booking a photo booth rental in OC
More Venues in Orange County are requiring vendor liability insurance and some also require an addendum for additional liability coverage. Please check with your event coordinator and venue to find out about these requirements before booking, to avoid any unexpected expenses. We do provide general liability coverage and a Certificate of Insurance (COI) can be provided to your venue upon request. If the venue requires an additional insurance addendum, we will bill you at our cost for the extra policy. Normally, adding additionally insured and extra requirements runs from $50 - $100 extra, depending on the requirement. Again, do your homework before booking your vendors, and find out what extra requirements your venue has; the fancier the venue, the more strict they are as a general rule.    
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nightmare-fantasia · 7 years ago
Things I Have Been Needing To Get Off My Chest.
{Hello folks! It is I, your friendly neighborhood Oddball speaking. I am making this post to inform everyone as to why I have continuously disappeared these past few weeks. This post will probably get kind of long, and will probably mostly me ranting and venting. So do not feel obligated to read this. ^>^
  Recently I have begun to wonder what my place on this site truly is. Sure my blog may be nothing great to look at, but it’s functional and works for me. That is beside the point...  When I leave for these long intervals, I wonder how many of my mutuals truly miss me. I know not everyone likes ooc chat, so that’s fine. I have no problem with that. It’s just... I don’t know. There are times, especially as of late, where I have started to feel as if I have hit some sort of roadblock. I follow new people, make sure to read rules and send in passwords if requested of the mun, etc. But now... 99% of the time I get nothing. Nothing even acknowledging the fact that I have read their rules. I mean... Why even bother to reach out to people when they hardly ever show you the same courtesy?
  I know this is about roleplay, and it’s a hobby and it should be fun, yadda yadda. Still... It hurts after awhile. When you put so much time and effort into creating your characters like I do, trying to give them at least somewhat fleshed out backstories... It starts to feel like a wasted effort. Sure I know I could do a lot better on my part about sending in asks and all that, but sometimes even those get ignored. Usually, it is because tumblr ate it, and I eventually resend it and things get worked out. Other times... Nothing. 
   Do not even get me started on opens and starters. Sure if I write a starter for a very good mutual of mine we get somewhere, and the same with those I do not know well. But eventually, they just stop replying, so I assume they have just lost interest which happens. When it happens consistently though... I start giving up. And opens just aren’t worth the effort when you start to feel no one even looks at them. 
   I have also tried for many years to follow canon blogs of series I enjoy because I do get excited about the possibility of one of my Oc’s interacting with canon characters. And I do love making new verses for them, getting to see how they would fit into different universes, what their abilities might be, and so on. But now these days it feels as if it is nearly impossible to get a canon blog even glance at mine... Especially since mine is a multi-muse Oc blog. Where did this stigma against multi-muses come from? I have never been able to figure it out. 
   This post is by no means supposed to be a callout post, but whatever. I also need to get this off of my chest. I personally love the show RWBY, and I have enjoyed roleplaying my Oc Raven in that universe. I love it so much that I have been thinking of revamping the entire verse because of some things that have come to light in the most recent episodes. 
   ...Once again I got off track. Where I was going with this was I wonder if it is worth the time and effort. It seems as if many people in the RWBY fandom who rp canon characters are either super selective about Oc’s, and at times just do not allow them at all. For all intents and purposes, I have nothing against this in theory. I also know people have had bad experiences with Oc’s in the past that may make them wary of Oc’s. That is totally understandable. In any case, it seems like it is nearly impossible to make it as some sort of RWBY Oc blog or a person who has a RWBY verse for a character unless they already know someone in the fandom.  Connections I guess have become extremely important in the rpc it seems these days. Connections that I do not have. So what am I to do? And is it worth spreading my wings into a fandom I know to be toxic? Probably not... Even though I desperately want to. I want to be able to explore the ideas I have with people, but my god does the FNDM fucking terrify me. For the time being, it is probably for the best that I do not pursue any of this for the high possibility of getting hate because that is the last thing I need right now. 
   Hmm... I do not have much more to say, really. All I know is that I do not know where I belong on here anymore. Sometimes I wonder if myself or my characters actually have any sort of impact on people. Probably not... I don’t consider myself a very memorable person. At times I wonder if my characters reflect that sentiment. I bet they do. 
   Well... That’s all I have to say for now. I am not sure where I am going from here, but I may just not be on tumblr a bit longer. So if you want a better place to reach me here is my Discord: The Oddball#0127. And if you have read this shit show of a post, thank you. It really means a lot to me. ^>^}
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