#a fool a jester for the court a clown at the circus
lunarianbeams · 2 years
i feel stupid for being so excited about you
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It's gonna be my BIRTHDAY soon and I really need to rustle up some CASH so if u feel like this blog has made your life MEASURABLY WORSE (or just weirder) over the past year, perchance consider tipping your town fool? THANK YOU (kofi / paypal)
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jestercryptid · 1 year
no no no,
i prefer,
fool of the court (:<
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sslowdeathh · 9 months
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court jester nputs: requested by anon, forgive me for the wait :,)
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Pigeon. Chicot. Marx. Perkeo. Dimple. Blink. Binx. Chess. Happy. Pierrot. Lucky. Yo-Yo. Jingle. Hecklar. Bells. Jinx. Mischief. Antic. Outré. Marlow. Odette. Duckey. Ruffles. Sunshine. Squishy. Bongo. Squeak. Marble. Pancake. Patches. Zip(per). Rucellai. Plaisante. Furrow. Glutton. Linnet.
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Silly sillies. Clown clowns. Fool fools. Joke jokes. Trick tricks. Wit witty. Mock mocks. Enter tain. Jest jests. Mime mimes. Mim mimic. Cir cirus. Pie pierro. Pie pies. Prank pranks. Giggle giggles. Laugh laughs.
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Quick-witted. Buffoonery. Laughable. Gimmick. Laughingstock. Wisecrack. Ex-ggerate. Minstrel. Eccentric. C-rtoonishly. Derision. Ventriloquism. Marionette. Commendatore. Conniption.
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The puppeteer. The entertainer for all. The funniest. The knave. The fool. The one-cat circus. The funniest cat there is. The cat that'll make you laugh. The queens/kings fool. The gossip. The dressed up kitty cat. The cat of jokes. The fool of the town. The lowly. The plaisante. (A plaisante is a female jester :3).
cat can be replaced with any term :p
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vampseraph · 7 months
haai!! could i req jester npts..? thank yew squid :3
jester npts!
maverick, pigeon, triboulet, commedia, harlequin, spade, jinx, circus, pierrot, pantin, marionette, tricheur, astucieux, pagliaccio, pendolo, giullare, battutista, astuzia, astuto, maeve, rogue, dolos
2. pronouns
joke/jokes, jest/jests, vex/vexes, he/hem, zi/zir, fool/fools, clown/clows, co/comedy, wit/wits, fun/funs, card/cards, suit/suits, jinx/jinxes, trick/tricks, ruse/ruses, prank/pranks, jol/jolly, comic/comical, quip/quips,
3. titles
the jester, the fool, the comedian, the entertainer, prn who performs, the performer, prn with quick wit, the impish trickster, the cunning harlequin, prn who reigns over comedy, the court jester
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tinkadreamchaser · 5 months
Jester, not Clown. Fool, not idiot.
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This is going to be a bit of a pointless rant, BUT.
I'm sure someone already did this, but I want to do my own theorizing and detail dump. I realized that there were several clown-ish characters crossed out in the hallway featured in the pilot, including Kaufmo, but no jesters. So with the idea of Kinger having been with a 'Queen' character once before (and of course, we assigned a meaning to that, right?)
So, the characters forms got to have some meaning, which means I get to dive into a thorough analysis of what a jester and/or fool is supposed to be, do and represent.
Unlike modern clowns, jesters were employed by royalty to entertain the court, which is why they were called court jesters. They could also perform for the general public as part of travelling performers, but the connection to the court is what stuck out to me, since we already have a literal chess King as a character. And the close connection to the royal court would give jesters a bit more insight into the workings of the court and were given the privilege to speak the truth for comedic value. (Which is also something Shakespeare liked to do, let his jesters be little oracles of a sort.)
They were even considered as advisors and critics at times, since they had the Jester's Privilege to speak freely to the crown.
This, in combination with Pomni seeing and going for the elusive Exit right off the bat, makes me think she's just gonna keep seeing a bunch of stuff that was supposed to remain behind the scenes and hopefully relay it to the others. This has already happened in the second episode, in part. But she is still new, ergo a fool.
Which brings me to the dumbest connection my brain has made: The Fool tarot card.
The major arcana cards in tarot are supposed to represent life-altering events, the big steps a human being takes on their life's journey. And the Fool, number 0, is the first. (Usually pictured happily walking off a cliff, with their gaze to the clouds.)
The idea is that the fool has the potential to be great, but due to inexperience, may be seen as stupid.
So, whether the 'court' in the Amazing Digital Circus is a nod towards Kinger or Caine, I have no idea. Functionally, Caine is in charge, but maybe Kinger was at some point? Maybe it's both, but the one thing I am certain about in this chaotic trainwreck of a show is that Pomni is gonna wise up real quickly, and once she does, she'll probably dismantle the whole system.
Rant over. Do with it what you will.
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months
Lmao I don't get nothing to do this. But I think it's fun and I love to share the crazy stuff I make.
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I don't know what happened to me, I just decided that I wanted to make an "ambient" playlist inspired by the scene of the Festival Of Fools (tm) in The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. I think it happened when I was practicing my habit of searching for similatiries between my hyperfocuses and the songs I like, and it had enough potential to make a playlist about it. And since Spotify doesn't allows me to add little notes to each one of songs in the playlist, I'M GONNA MAKE THIS HERE ON TUMBLR, BECAUSE I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT
I would also like to point out that the songs are put in order of the events during the whole scene. From the moment Quasimodo arrives at the festival, the party and parade itself, Esmeralda's dance, Quasimodo's humiliation, Esmeralda's "justice" discourse and running from Frollo's guards. Yes I have songs for each one of this events in order that match the lyrics and sometimes even the instrumentals :)
These parts are like, "divided in sections". Idk how to explain it to you, but I do this often, it's like "part 1 of the playlist, followed by the part two, then part three..." it's like dividing the playlist in acts yk
And I thought it was better if I came here to explain each one of the songs instead of just waiting for someone to find the playlist somewhere and discover by themselves
So let me explain the reason why each one of these songs were added in that playlist, specifically (yes i'm autistic how did you found out)
First section of the playlist - Start of the Feast Of Fools!!🎊🎉
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That's where I put the "start" of the festival. The court of miracles is included because let's be honest Clopin eats it up every time, and this song has such a strong Topsy Turvy vibe too.
Feast Of Fools - When Quasimodo arrived.
Topsy Turvy- The start of the festival itself.
Court Of Miracles - Because it makes sense, our party goes on
Second section of the playlist - The festival!
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I was really excited to talk about this one, Cure For Me it's so Feast Of Fools/Clopin coded idc
Cure For Me - It's a song about self acceptance, being proud of who you are - despite having hateful people out there, it's not your fault, their hearts are bitter, yours shouldn't get too (which really reminds me of the whole topic of the movie, Quasimodo, Esmeralda...) That's the meaning! Now, the visuals and instrumentals just give those jester vibes. I feel like a clown in the best way possible. You should totally search for the visuals, like the music video or just the photoshoot! Aurora (the singer) dresses and dances like a jester, along with misterious masked figures. It just feels like a party in Venice. As you can see, there's two versions of Cure For Me; the first one is the studio one, the second one is acoustic. I decided to add the acoustic because it's inspired by brazillian's bossa nova, it has a choir of people singing, played by real instrumentals, it just sounds more like... someone singing in the streets. I like both versions!
I've Got A Dream - THAT'S SO COURT OF MIRACLES CODED I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SAY IT JUST IS. All those dangerous people reunited and threatening the protagonists of death while singing an upbeat song and showing that deep down they're not so bad just makes perfect sense. (Lmao we're really finding a lot of similarities between HOND and Tangled aren't we?)
Kingdom Dance + Kingdom Celebration - I don't even need to explain but I will for the minority of people who don't get this one. It's the song that plays in Rapunzel's village during a festival, they dance and have fun, and the second song is a similar song that plays at the end of the movie. It was also made by Disney, which makes it better.
Third section of the playlist - The party continues!! They're for immersion lmao
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These are a bunch of circus/medieval festival songs I choose to add a bit more of "realism". I didn't just added them randomly, I searched for medieval songs, medieval festival songs, circus music, VINTAGE CIRCUS MUSIC WITHOUT MAKING IT HORROR AND SCARY (it's rare but happens every time lmao), and even inside those playlist, not all of them made up to get here.
I made this part just in case you wanna pretend you're inside the festival bc I know how it feels to enjoy daydreaming and being delulu, I know I know
Fourth section of the playlist - Esmeralda's dance!
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Actually not all of these songs are part of the Esmeralda's dance section. I know *the crowd starts to boo
I just feel like they're not really part of the last section. So I'm gonna explain why did I put them in the playlist:
Some Type Of Skin: Aurora often sings about being a sensitive person and wishing the world was kinder, this song is not different. I can't explain exactly why this song reminds me of HOND, there's something in the quotes "however much it feels to bleed, it's only temporary", "we're good people and we both deserve peace" and the happy instrumental that just makes me want to dance and wish for a better world with her. To be honest, it kinda reminds me of Esmeralda! But Idk. It's a bit unrelated, I just wanted an excuse to add this to a HOND playlist. Let's pretend it's just part of the festival.
Giving In To The Love - Once again, this song is about hoping for a better world. BUT, IN THIS CASE, the context and lyrics are a bit different. I already spoke about this in other post I made, but the main topic of this album is how radical religious people sometimes harm more than they help. That post is great, the songs are amazing and they fit so well in the context of HOND, BUT, I'm just focusing on this playlist this time. This song I'm talking about has quotes like "I'm tired of the rules and your corrections... (self-explanatory) I want to live my life, be all of it's pages... (try things, love without being considered sinning, stuff like that) And underline that I am not an angel... (I'm not 100% pure, I'm a human) 'Cause if I'm not pure, I guess that I'm too much! I never know how to keep in, keep in touch... (self-explanatory) If I'll be somebody, I'll never let my skin decide it for me; I never had the world so why change for it? [...] ...Giving Into The Love." The music video is Aurora in a garden with statues that sometimes portray hateful and painful moments, like someone separating a gay couple, for example. At the end of the song the statues come alive and learn that loving, talking, making friends is better than being hateful. They all then go to take a swim in the lake. Yay! That was also a song I just wanted to fit in here. Let's pretend it's also part of the festival, it won't hurt a single fly
Rythm Of The Tambourine - That's an extra song added in the Hunchback Of Notre Dame musical. The people involved wrote these songs inspired by the ones in the movie, they added new original tracks AND OFFICIAL DELETED DISNEY HOND SONGS to the musical. That's an original track, and it's an extended version of Esmeralda's dance during the song Topsy Turvy, she sings here, and it lasts more. There's like Quasi's, Frollo's and Phoebus' reactions to Esmeralda's dance. It's a musical after all, so... and it's really good!
Artemis - It's one of Aurora's songs again! I never quite understood the meaning of this song though. The song is about the goddess Artemis, and it has a sexy and somehow dangerous and threatening tone to it. She sings in a low tone about decisions someone can make about the goddess (I believe so), since I can't explain you the lyrics, it will be better if I just show it to you.
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I just feel like this song is the personification of "fire Esmeralda" to Frollo. I can't explain why. The instrumentals remind me of Venice, there's an accordion in the middle of the song, which somehow still sounds sexy and misterious. If you'll hear to the song, you will know what I mean.
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*eating my own hand* if you know these songs (c'mon guys you're on tumblr) you know that's already great and we're not even in the best part yet (It WILL GET BETTER THAN THAT)
Pity Party: If you're not familiar with Melanie's songs, which is hard to believe if you're someone who grew up in the internet, this song is part of an album called Cry Baby. This album tells us the story of a little girl called Cry Baby, she was bullied and abused throughout her whole life, sometimes based on the singer’s life, and it was a big comfort for this huge outcast group we know on the internet (including myself), often criticizing society in her lyrics. This song specifically is about Cry Baby's birthday, but no one showed up for the party. She organizes the party perfectly and wait for her "friends" to arrive, but they don't which makes her question why, wondering if they're just making a cruel joke, and wondering that maybe if she had took different decisions in the decoration they would have shown up, but at the end she notices that it's because people just don't like her, and this drives her to madness, basically. She sings "It's my part and I'l cry if I want to", while proceeds to cry and destroy the decorations and toys she had scattered around, who she pretended were her friends, but then noticed that they're just... not real people and that she's alone. Reminds you of someone?
When Quasimodo was choosen as the "king of fools", people choose him because he had "the ugliest face in Paris". It was something good, because he was being treated as a king, but it was also bad because it wasn't for good reasons... people were just mocking him. (Lyrics)"Maybe it's a cruel joke on me, whatever, whatever" yes it is a cruel joke. The parallel between them is that they're being delusional and telling themselves that "those people aren't really mean, are they? They like me. It's just that *excuse*". But after sometime they notice that they're just convincing themselves of that, and well, yes... people don't like them indeed. In a day that was supposed to be a party, the best day ever for them. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to [...] I'm laughing, I'm crying, it feels like I'm dying"
The Contortionist: Melanie again! This song is more about an abusive relationship. Her abuser twists her like she's a contortionist, and that's not being pleasurable to her. The person claims that they love her, in one second they're loving her, in the other their pushing her, pulling her, grabbing her, and twisting her like a contortionists. It vaguely reminds me of that terrible scene, so I added it here.
Show And Tell: YOU'RE NOT MENTALLY READY FOR THIS ONE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO START HELP. THIS ONE IS SO IN CHARACTER THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT INTO WORDS. Do you remember when I mentioned that Melanie had that "Cry Baby" album about a girl with the same name? That girl went to school now and the album is called "K-12"... it's also a story. In this song, the protagonist did something that broke the principal's rules (he's supposed to be interpreted as a political leader or authority figure, this whole album is a metaphor for society) and the principal, an ugly bastard old guy, decided to punish her for that. Inside the context of the album, which is really surrealistic btw, she's turned into a ventriloquist doll to be waved around in front of the whole class (the society, people). In the music video, she's a little doll being controlled by the teacher to dance while all the students watch, laugh and shout, as if her suffering was entertainment to them. The principal knows that, and he doesn't care, because "she deserves this treatment" (she didn't do anything). At the end of the music video she's thrown by te teacher at the public, and they destroy and hurt her, because it is with her suffering that they entertain themselves with, until she's a broken porcelain doll.
The whole song and music video is a metaphor about how the artists are treated nowadays. The methaphor behind being a ventriloquist doll is how people control you to sell you to people, and the people are the students. They watch you close, have fun with your suffering, and they don't care about your boundaries. REMINDS YOU OF SOMETHING? HUH? SOMEONE? SOMEONE OUT THERE?? (lmao I thought this would be funny)
The ropes pulling her around, making her "dance" for them while she's clearly unhappy with everything. All of these lyrics. Shut up I'm not okay
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Cry Baby: It's the opening song of the album "Cry Baby". Talks about her character, she's crying in front of everyone and they're laughing at her for it, calling her a cry baby, while they don't know and don't give a damn about her kind and soft heart. You get why this matches Quasimodo don't you
Mr Potato Head: Another one of Melanie's songs. This one is not exactly related to the huniliation scene but it fits Quasi's character and I just wanted to add. This song talks about beauty standards, how people are modifiying themselves in an obsessive search for beauty, without realizing that they are erasing their own identity. She says ironically "No one will love you if you're unattractive [...] will a pretty face make it better?"
You Keep Me Crawling: That's part of that one Aurora's album about the harm that religion causes sometimes, and this song, You Keep Me Crawling, can be interpreted in two ways: as an abusive relationship, or as someone's experience in christianity. In the first verses, the lyrical self is trying to understand why the "abuser" treats them that way, why do this person makes them feel less, at the same time somehow excusing what this person is doing to them.... "maybe if I forgave you more, or that, I wouldn't be treated that way... maybe you never meant to do that? To make me suffer? That wasn't your intention, right?" and they start to question "but why do I feel less when I'm around you? Why do I feel smaller? Maybe it's because I need to serve someone..." and in the chorus the singer just repeats in a pleading, beautiful and yet deeply saddened way "So you keep me crawling on my knees, Lord you keep me crawling on my knees..."
In the next verse, though, she starts to wonder if that if she act a certain way, this abuser will understand, "If I keep confessing (religious hints) maybe if I'll believe that you never meant for love to hurt for me, maybe you'll feel a bit of sympathy..." and then she starts to noticed that, maybe, this situation can't be fixed... this person can't be fixed... and it reminds me of the scene where Frollo tries to stab Quasimodo, and Quasi finds out that the evils in the world that Frollo spoke about so often were just him. The person that was manipulating and abusing him was Frollo. And in that part of the song Aurora starts to notice that it's the abuser's fault and not hers, "why do I make you feel stronger? Why do you keep hunting like an animal? Maybe it's because you need to own someone..." and she keeps on singing "lord you keep me crawling on my knees", but this time, in a more desperate and heartbreaking way. Her emotions are stronger here. And the song ends with "maybe if I stop believing you will see that giving into love should never hurt for me... giving into love should set me free..." which is clearly a reference to the song I mentioned "Giving Into The Love". "Loving shouldn't hurt, so what you do to me it's not love, it's abuse". It reminds me of Quasimodo and Esmeralda, both in their own ways.
Last section of the playlist - "Justice!"
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EHEHEHEHEHEHH THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR *rubs my hands in a villainous way lol*
The Principal - This song is part of the "K-12" album that I mentioned. You remember when I told you that this album was about a school that was a methaphor for society? The principal was made inspired by a real political figure the singer doesn't support, and this song is about the character itself, and his role inside the story. The protagonist, who's singing the song, absolutely hates him, and she's the only one who was brave enough to tell him what she thinks of him in his face, without fear of punishment. All the other students are silenced by him, they're all afraid of saying out loud what they feel in fear of punishment, but she's not. In the song, she grabs a phone and says to him everything she thinks of him. "sneaky, greedy, money-seeking, always peeping, fucking creepy, got it on the down low, so you think you're always sneaky - what If I had told your mother... her son was a cruel mother fucker?"
And she proceedes to sing about his behavior, how he forces people to stay silent and follow him, when everybody thinks the same as her, but they're too afraid to say it out loud. "I've tried to make you listen, but you won't, it's your way, right? Killing kids all day and night [...] you're shooting at the angels while claiming your the good guy" it's like he's hurting the purest beings (angels) while he's claiming himself as the right one there. It's a song about protest, really, you should check it out.
A Soul With No King - Another one of Aurora's songs that has confusing lyrics! The instrumentals really do remind us of a medieval dance, most specifically a witch one, and I'm sure she did this on purpose. The lyrics, though, have some quotes that remind me of Esmeralda, but it's hard to explain exactly. It looks like Aurora is opposing against someone somehow. She starts somehow menacingly with "I know you know me... and you always will... like a man with no wisdom, and a soul with no king." She later continues "I know you fear me" and repeats "nothing will ever change, no gain, no shame; call out my name when you need me again" (we know very well that Frollo hates and loves Esmeralda at the same time, he wants her, and he's afraid of her somehow. But when he wants her and "needs her", he "calls out her name", you know what I mean? Hypocrisy). "If you know who I am, why don't you call my name?", (Are you afraid huh? Are you're afraid of calling my name?)
There are two quotes in this song that particularly catch my attention: "you speak of the devil like he's not your friend, when the world starts to burn give water to men" (you say you hate the devil but you're no better, and the part about the world burning is very ambiguous, but it reminds me of Frollo's actions) and my favorite one: "But if this is what you want, why speak of right and wrong? You still go in for the kill..."
This girl would be white men's nightmare if she was alive during medieval times (just like Esmeralda is Frollo's nightmare probably). You should DEFINITELY check this one too because it's not only the lyrics, but also the instrumentals, they both fit very well with HOND.
The Devil Is Human - OHHHH I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. IT'S 1 AM I'M TIRED I WANT TO SLEEP ARRGGGGH. In this song, Aurora pretends that she's talking to God, but she's actually calling out bad christians for the absurds they force people to swallow. Not only bad christians but also some... well... outdated social norms that are in the bible and they're also harmful to today's society. This one sounds like Esmeralda is talking directly to Frollo too. I want to sleep so I'll stop here but it's really worthy of your time. And I also spoke about this song in that other post I mentioned here, is that the third time I talk about this? I don't know, it's just a good post
Churchyard - This song talks about hate. Someone (a man) is saying hateful words towards the lyric self, saying that she belongs in a churchyard, she should be dead- and that she can walk away but she won't go very far. The lyric self, then, tells us this information very calmly, and sings about knowing that this person is bitter, blinded by the hate in his heart, and she hopes, truly, that one day he'll notice what he's doing and regret his actions. It's a really good song. And that's how we finish the playlist (and the festival), during Esmeralda's persecution.
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I made this playlist for funsies!! I make relations to my hyperfocuses and songs all the time, and I want to share, I NEED TO. Now you guys can hear to the playlist and pretend you're in the Feast Of Fools with me lmao
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stardusteyes · 5 months
My understanding of the various old school "heeheehaha" archetypes
The Fool- Tarot card, naive, but in a hopeful sense to represent beginnings. Obviously needs some guidance to keep from plummeting off a goddamn cliff, but destined for greatness and is going to make something of himself.
Joker- Playing card, evolution of Fool and his neutrality into true Chaotic Neutral, only exists to shake shit up, the Wild Card, while the others tend to have some consistency in their appearances, this one has had MANY different designs.
Jester- Court entertainers for high class people (usually royalty), an almost literal class clown that is allowed to make fun of the people employing them if only because they find it entertaining and are not willing to take them seriously, often used as a political symbol for satire for this very reason.
Pierrot- Commedia dell'arte character, monochrome, rival to Harlequin, a cuck, his primary personality trait is that he's sad all the time, just a pathetic little dude.
Harlequin- Commedia dell'arte character, colorful, rival to Pierrot, Mr. Steal-Yo-Girl, self-serving, broadly heroic but is a mischievous and fun-loving trickster to the point of being kind of a little shit sometimes.
Clown- Circus performer, also a general jack-of-all-trades but not necessarily in the same grand way as the Fool or Joker. More low key, I guess is the word. This one’s the Everyman, it seems. They usually laugh, but they can also be sad or whatever else.
(Let me know if any of my impressions were wrong! This is purely based on my own observation of what these guys are)
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vampireopossum · 2 years
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papirouge · 6 months
(Hannah) Pearl is still around? I can’t believe she’s obsessed with older women now, not just black women. She’s been so angry that women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s look really good with taking care of themselves - is she manic? Or just waiting until she turns 30 and she eventually flings herself off a balcony? Because it’s so creepy how scared she is of aging while not being picked to be a wife and mom. She’s too willing to be picked by the men she panders to who want to force their women to be submissive, yet she’s not normal enough for a normal guy to date. I’ve heard her say that she knows she’s ugly and knows she has low esteem so that’s why she attacks other women, but I think that’s a cope because she was visibly hurt when some guy who was interviewing her asked her why she wasn’t picked yet despite saying everything she believes men want to hear. What a creepy woman she is
Everything I learned about this woman has been against my will 💀
Anon, for your own wellbeing I really recommend you to stop trying to make any sense out of this people. Her time will come. The right & their sycophants has a long story to suck & spit their favorite pickme mouthpieces - i.e Lauren Southern, Tomi Larhen, Candace Owens very recently).
I can't be that mad about Pearl because I feel like nobody's taking her seriously (even her followers/enablers) so I don't think she's *that* threatening. She's like a jester, a what people seemingly to forget is that jester actually banked in acting like fools before the court. Her grift makes total sense actually. (the redpill space is a circus so of course it needs clown to pull out the show)
Even if they both belong to the same redpill space, I put Pearl in a very different category than Andrew Tate though, because people actually take him seriously and that's what make him dangerous. Even if she made very creepy/sexualizing comments about teenage girls bodies, she has yet to compel men to rape them and that they'll actually enjoy it
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lunarianbeams · 3 years
i can’t believe i’m 21 years old and still thinking about kissing that mf (affectionately)
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alphavanilla · 2 years
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Tumbling Jesters washi tape
My other new design! A troupe of fools on a chaotic motley background adorned with gold-foiled bells and stars.
Available on my UK store!
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
I'm sorry friends I am not doing a very good job at the clownery right now do you still think I'm hot?
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sun-bubble · 4 years
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Me too, Mr English. Me too
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scribbles-ink · 3 years
i am a clown of my own creation, a one man circus created for no man other than god to witness and chuckle at. i am a jester in a court which laughs at my every move, for i am a fool and i have brought this upon my self. i put on these clown shoes, and no matter how much i loathe it, i will die in them.
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why am i so feral over destiel, absolutely hysterical, a fool, a clown at a goddamn circus, a jester at a court, a chaotic stupid, a
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