#a counter suggestion if you will
jhonskii · 1 month
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How to kindly shut your alligator ex-boss up for making more deals to potentially dangerous people
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scatterbrainedart · 9 months
Alright, if we're still doing the winners' poem, let's talk through some Scar ideas I've seen floating around (and some of my own). But first, see this post breaking down the poem as a whole and explaining why Martyn is definitely mars, if you want.
The Earth:
Probably the most popular. And it makes sense. Scar, full of life, so full of tragedy. Forever growing, like the sunflowers of sunflower valley, and the flowers on his cape. The earth, revolving around the sun and having its tides pulled by the moon. Both of whom he fought to the death, one of whom he won.
A Solar Eclipse:
Ah, more sun and moon. The moon blocking out the sun. Something could be said for parallels of the fight. Of a denied sacrifice followed by a fight already over before it had even begun. A fight that was always going to end the way it did.
Or, perhaps, if we take it another direction. The secret keepers blacking out all his light. He won as a forced villain.
And of course, an eclipse just generally being a bad omen, which also fits into his villainy. It also slightly ties into the sunflowers of sunflower valley. Just a bit. A sliver.
A Black Hole:
Similarly to the eclipse, the black hole is also devoid of light. Even more dramatically so. But still, he has a gravity that managed to pull people in during their last moments.
If I use the same thought process as I did for Martyn's "mars", I must mention the roman god. Mercury was the Roman equivalent of Hermes. He was also the god of thievery, wealth, trading and language. And what is Scar known for, if not for his silver tounge and swindling? Mercury is also the god of luck. And although Scar hasn't really had all that good luck this season, it still drives me to think about the first episode. The hard task, that wasn't all that hard. And the warden, and wither. How he just couldn't seem to die. Luck, maybe.
Mercury is a small planet, often overlooked. I don't think many people expected Scar to be a threat this season, not when he initially struggled to keep both secrets and hearts.
It also has no moons. Scar has no allies. And yes, of course, it's the closest planet to the sun.
The Void:
This is the first season where the end has been unlocked. A cold, lonely place. Makes me think of the word "devoid", and how many things haven't Scar had taken away from him? Potential allies, a home burnt and blown to smithereens.
Barely even a planet. People wouldn't think he'd even be included in the line of notable celestial bodies for this poem. But then again, most people didn't think they'd see Scar win either. And definitely not in the season where taking any damage had lasting consequences. Similar to the point I made about mercury, but when more pointed tbh.
Pluto is the furthest away from the other planets. Pluto is lonely, terribly so. Pluto, who has been told time and time again what he is and what he isn't (planet status, villain tasks), which has alienated him from the other planet (still, it has that little heart looking shape on it. Like a scar. Like a wish to be loved).
Now, of course, the Roman god. Pluto is the god of wealth. Fitting for a man whose whole thing this season was trading (and who, in every other season, also had a thing for material goods and negotiating). Pluto is also the god of the dead. Scar is the only winner to have been killed (by another player, in the cactus ring) and the only winner to have survived.
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mokeonn · 6 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
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"Mr. Page received your letter directed unto my lady Anne, and delivered the same. There is yet no answer. She gave kind words, but will not promise to speak to the King for you." Cromwell to the Cardinal.
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superkitten-poison · 5 months
is house gonna fuck that cop
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
I miss that brief golden era from like 2012 to 2016 when the online witchcraft community was actually good and full of open minded people looking to learn more and share what they know plus maybe the occasional vampire middle schooler instead of the situation now where it's been taken over by capitalist tiktok transphobes who like to come up with ways to shift to hogwarts via their inherent magical vagina powers and then sell coated quartz to cure cancer instead of seeing doctors.
#hal rambles#saying controversial things tonight i guess#btw i have done astral projection and at first when i heard about shifting i was like#'oh basically a different name for the same thing?'#then it turns out these guys are just lucid dreaming and thinking that takes them to an entire other universe#like fine enough i don't want to be mean about someone's beliefs#And then i find out about some of the dramas involved and I'm just like o_O#pls use your critical thinking skills#This is way more important when it comes to stuff like herbology though#because not checking side effects dosage etc can legitimately KILL YOU DEAD#and I've seen. So many incredibly stupid things. only to ask for a source and they send me a link to a tiktok...#This is vagueposting about certain friends#Like tiktok 'witchcraft' is completely counter to all the good I've seen in the community last decade#It's ABOUT thinking critically and learning#It's ABOUT exploring ideas that are not the most popular and not taking mainstream beliefs for absolute granted#And so much more!#Yes it can also be about belief and intuition but you have to use that responsibly#Think about why you are tempted to something#Is it actually from your subconscious or some sort of sign or did something online suggest this to you#And that's not to say all internet knowledge is bad - sometimes people do make original and useful observations on here#or compile existing resources/knowledge#But you've got to THINK about it#Same with stuff in books and from people. I'm not the 'it's published so it's automatically legit' type#Sorry for the rant#I'm up a bit too late and i was thinking about it#Time to go dream about killing someone for the Aesthetic and Drama (my favorite lucid dream series)#(and you see - I'm not going into another universe and murdering people via lucid dreaming about it)
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im-not-a-sheep · 25 days
i love miss pauling so fucking much orugfhrudghfiughzjksfgjkghl
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primordialchoice · 9 months
I frankly think Lilith finds it beyond amusing that nudity has become sexualized. Not having that shame ingrained in her (because she never ate the forbidden fruit), she would show off her body in so-called lewd ways just to mess with people. Some would be aroused, others embarrassed, some outraged, while others confused. Why is this naked chick being lascivious on my porch?! Get the bear spray, honey!
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Gonna start streaming some Skyrim here in a bit hopefully, and unlike other streamers, my goal is to have a run that is chosen and essentially run by Tumblr users. Of course, being a tumblr user myself, this allows me to start the game fresh and ready whenever. However, once this post gets some notes with suggestions on what to do, I will sort through them and make decisions based on the notes entirely on this post.
This will all start the 16th of this month of April. Giving this post plenty of time to take off and give everyone a chance to be involved in it.
Keep in mind, you will control it all, character creation, decisions made, quests taken, major results of storylines, and even down to things like stealing a particular piece of cheese from a particular shelf in a particular building. As well as all the dlc. If you guys suggest it, I do it. And if only one person suggests it, I will do it. However, if two people counter a suggestion, I won't do it. That is the level of control you will have.
And the more reblogs this gets, the more suggestions I get for the stream, as a result, the more fucked up shit I will be forced to do. You could make my character build be an Ork Nord supremacist that ends up fighting for the imperials in the Civil War questline. For shits n gigs. Or you could make me reasonable and essentially just be a graybeard pacifist that only kills out of necessity. Or make me a Goblin Slayer knockoff with falmer.
Streaming whenever I'm able to and have the motivation to here On Twitch and when I have the channel set up, on YouTube. In the mean time I'll be streaming when I've got the time. But when I start streaming this actual plan, I'll have a regular schedule and be able to more often. However that's likely to be early morning so I'll need the youtube channel set up. Once I'm able to dual stream I'll end up doing that. Which may be sooner than I thought. I just need a new ssd for my old desktop as it turns out. So my needed pc budget just got brought down to about $300. I'll have that on Wednesday. And the new ssd in the following days. Sure, that's my spending money for the month, but that will bring me a lot of joy over the next few years so I'd consider it worthwhile. The local computer shop is unfortunately closed on Wednesday and Thursday, though honestly, good call for their workers' sanity.
So my question is,
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tam--lin · 2 years
good grief what a sucky few days.
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Lemme tell you, if the new show explicitly disproves any of my takes on how TMA’s world functions: No it didn’t, because I’m not going to listen to that thing until it’s over (not judgemental; just how I roll), and I don’t have to account for canon I don’t consume.
I might add/amend some of what I absorb by osmosis, if I like ‘em, but that’s a mighty big “might.”
Also, if my headcanons are cooler, I’m still sticking with them.
This is also how I’m approaching comics, for the record :P (Awful lot of osmosis, but I am moseying my way forwards.)
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homunculusrex · 1 year
saw somebody on tiktok try and say that being sluggish in the morning and having a low libido is a sign of PCOS so buy my vitamins and im like HAVING HIGH T GIVES YOU A LOW LIBIDO?! have u met a trans man.
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emrrys · 2 years
i spent 7 minutes on the phone at work talking to someones grandma about legos
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rubiatinctorum · 2 years
I wish I wouldn't be caught in the crossfire of physical contact becoming more expected now that most people think COVID isn't something to concern themselves with anymore.
Firstly, I am still incredibly scared of COVID!
Secondly, and more pertinent to the point I intend to convey here, I don't get much physical contact and therefore that I do get feels somewhat sacred and monumental. Ergo, I am not comfortable with it casually or from most people I don't know well, or even most friends! There is no metric that qualifies someone that I can clearly name, but it is very important to me.
In the last two weeks I was expected to make contact with someone's hand at least twice when I did not want to, two different people, and for one time, my "it's not COVID-safe though!" excuse was countered. NO! I wish people could clearly read my excuses as such and refuse to press the matter further! I do not feel comfortable saying "I do not want to touch you," directly! I would like for people to realise that if I am saying some reason why I cannot for something like that, it is because I would not like to. I hate handshakes with most people I hate being encouraged to touch people and I hate when people ignore my excuses as to why I mustn't. You must understand: physical contact is a ration to me, a sacred and profound ration. I cannot so suddenly give and receive it so casually without feeling deeply wrong about it.
Finally, my depth perception is rotten. If you ask me to shake your hand or something similar, I will feel like a fucking idiot trying to find exactly how far away your hand is from me so I don't put mine too far ahead or back. I am trying to be more open with people about my depth perception problems lately, but it is still an embarrassing situation to be in for me and I like to avoid it where possible.
I feel like people talk about unwanted contact a lot when it comes to relatives, which is great! I just wish people would realise that those ideas also apply to them when they are interacting with their friends and acquaintances. I do not want to be a "good" friend if the metric is how willing I am to let people touch me even when I express that I do not want them to.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
Every sales job I’ve worked has that one item. The white whale. The biggest ticket you can sell. The sale you brag about when you’re chatting with other industry people.
When I sold mattresses it was a split king adjustable base. That’s two twin extra long mattresses next to each other to make a king, but each side can move independently. They’re insanely expensive and honestly kind’ve impractical but it was the biggest ticket thing to sell.
When I sold sex toys though our white whale was the 20lb ass. It was a female pelvis, a cut out from the waist to the tops of the thighs. It was hyper realistic material and cost about $500. I definitely had bigger tickets but not in one item typically.
In my time at the sex shop, I sold three. Each time was completely different in terms of how the guy acted about buying it. The first man was a little embarrassed and shy about it. I was professional and supportive as I rang it up. Once I handed him the receipt he looked at the box. Then he looked at me.
If you’ve ever wondered how big a box has to be to fit a 20lb ass let me just tell you: it’s pretty damn big. It’s an uncomfortably large armful of box and every side has a picture of the sex toy inside on it. It’s not subtle.
“Could I get a bag….?”
There was no bag that existed that could possibly contain all that ass. “Hang on,” I told him.
I got scissors and tape and covered the box in cut up black bags. Looking relieved he picked up his purchase and left.
The next man to buy one carried it proudly to the counter; self assured and not embarrassed in the least. When I said I didn’t have a bag, but I could wrap it for him he gave a hearty shrug and hefted it into his arms, marching out the door with the butt on full display.
The last man to get one was just kind’ve an odd guy. Not creepy, but eccentric. We got along great, and as I rang him up I said, “Well one guy wanted his taped over, and one guy carried it out. What would you prefer?”
“There’s no bags?”
“No store bags. I think our jumbo trash bags in the back might fit it….?” It seemed rude to suggest putting a $500 item into a trash bag, but he wasn’t bothered.
He considered this then said, “Bring me the trash bag.”
When I delivered it to him he still managed to surprise me. Instead of shoving the huge box into it he opened the box. He took out his new $500 sex toy, and all the little things it came with, tipping them unceremoniously into the trash bag.
“There! Now I don’t have to deal with the box later!”
I was slightly stunned but agreed that I could easily deal with the trash. Then in a move I still think about with delight he flung the trash bag over his shoulder like a Santa with a sack full of ass and sauntered out the door.
If this or my other escapades made you laugh you could pop a tip into my Ko-fi! For more like this check my tag "ffs foibles".
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medicinemane · 4 days
I don't know, I get tired of a lot of positivity
Like yes yes, the world's wonderful and I'm so strong or whatever generic thing is being said (because it's always so generalized to the point of meaningless), but you know shit is what it is, and the only way forward is with changes I manage to make... which you're not helping with at all
And as for like... my internal mood, I'm deeply isolated, sorry if hollow platitudes don't sooth the gaping maw inside me
It is what it is, and I probably get my shit together enough to do stuff like teach out of my basement like I'd like, it's just I believe that I'll be alone in a crowd like I've always been
But positivity... I just... I kinda get sick of it. There's this guy on youtube I watch who talks about economics stuff, he's recently started doing positivity and... I just fucking know his personality enough where it's like sorry mate but I'm not interested in hearing you spout Secret light kinds off drivel
...I don't know, I suppose it boils down to this
One, I can barely fucking take in positive things said directly to me, about me. Generalizations don't help even a little... I'm a mess, I'd really like someone to toss me a life preserver instead of always tossing confetti at me while I struggle to stay afloat... doesn't help
Two, the world is a terribly imperfect place, and rather than taking a mentality of "everything will work out", I think it's important to acknowledge that sometimes good people live alone, die alone, and they never got the break they needed and slowly bled out
I think it's worth knowing that if you can't step in and help yourself, then maybe no help'll come at all
...I don't know, I suppose in the end the core of what I'm saying is a lot of positivity seems like self help tier stuff and... I get tired of that, and I see so many good people struggling and... eh... either I can at least come in and say something positive custom fit to them, or I can keep my mouth shut
Just fucking let me rot. Help or let me fester on my own, you know?
I got rid of the trailer, I maybe did something like cleaning though I can't tell... at what point will my pace on trying to make things better be good enough for people, and I'll be able to stop having people tell me to fix my life... as if I hadn't thought of that already
...everyone means well, it's just tiring
#it's like when people make you being suicidally depressed about them#I... don't really want to say some more specific details cause they might be able to pick themselves out of a line up#but it's just like... man... is this more about trying to get me in a better place; or about making you feel better#wears me out#mm tag so i can find things later#just seems impossible for people to not offer advice on things#the thing people never think of with advice; is that people living a situation often have thought about that situation a whole lot#it's like why... with my friend that's looking for theatre jobs; I don't offer a lot of advice because I figure they've done quite a bit#just kinda... offer to help the best I can and ask what they need; and then mostly just listen#it's not like I never ever say anything; it's just I try to back up advice with something concrete#like... for instance if I wanted to suggest someone do therapy; then I'm gonna be offering to help them find a therapist as best I can#cause I get that it's not like you just 'go to therapy'... getting started on things is often the hardest part#eh... keeping this as vague as possible cause I want the actions I took not the details#but when I had a friend who was someone who didn't treat them at all well#I didn't directly try to get them to leave cause I know that... it's hard; they were in deep#instead I just made sure to validate their perception of reality a whole lot#counter the literal gaslighting by just pointing out that they made sense and questioning how reasonable their partner was#and then I attempted to get them in touch with some other people so they were less isolated and had other people to validate them#and thankfully they're not with that person anymore; they're doing a great job at life and are much healthier now#...but advice... honestly I don't think I gave them much#I more asked leading questions to try and shine a light on things; or would brainstorm about what to do with various stuff#they were real stuck; and it was painful to see them stuck in such a bad situation; but... better to sit with them than push push push#it felt like if I gave them my actual advice; dump that abusive freak; they couldn't have heard me#it was easy for me to tell them the solution; but that didn't account for all the barriers to implementing that solution#in this case; many of the barriers were internal; but internal or external; barriers are barriers#I don't know... I just think sometimes you gotta be comfortable sitting with discomfort along side someone#unless you got an actual fix; and you're willing to put in the work to fix it... shut up about fixing and just be there for them#mhh... we'll take one of the only things I'm actually capable of doing instead of something more serious#if someone wants a minecraft server; I can either fucking help them set it up; or I can kinda keep my mouth shut#if I'm not helping them set it up; I can give them shit like 'that sounds cool; I bet you could do it'
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