papakhcn · 3 years
Well thank you, I do try my best to be as sweet as possible. Oh? Paying a visit, are you? Wonderful, I’ll definitely make sure to say hello to you and introduce myself in person. 
Hello mister Tony khan sir! Please book me in a fight against Eddie Kingston thanks. @papakhcn
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papakhcn · 3 years
Of course, I completely understand that and share that sentiment with you. Your work is very good, no surprise it always comes out good! 
I appreciate that coming from you, Mr. TK! Gotta take my work very seriously but it always comes out great in the end!
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papakhcn · 3 years
Time does heal all wounds or most I suppose. I suppose seeing you again after all this time just brought back some memories for me is all. Like you said though you wouldn’t understand, and I don’t expect you to. 
It’s been a wonderful ride to say the least, a lot has changed in ten years and some still the same. Thank you I appreciate that; you’ve done quite well for yourself head of talent relations? That’s quite the title. 
Hellooooo, your favorite person has arrived.
Or at least, most people's favorite person. ✨
Don't worry. I'm not here to fire anyone. Yet.
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papakhcn · 3 years
I’m sure they look incredible; you really are quite talented! 
@ WWE roster, Royal Rumble gears are done and I feel extra accomplished!!
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papakhcn · 3 years
 You wouldn’t understand when you truly love someone how it feels to have your heart stomped on and ripped out. I wouldn’t expect you to get it from my perspective. I do hope life’s been treating you well though and I really mean that. 
Hellooooo, your favorite person has arrived.
Or at least, most people's favorite person. ✨
Don't worry. I'm not here to fire anyone. Yet.
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papakhcn · 3 years
Favorite person? Hm...  Not sure you quite made that list. At least not anymore Arabella. 
I’d say it’s nice seeing you again, but I think we both know it’s really not. 
Hellooooo, your favorite person has arrived.
Or at least, most people's favorite person. ✨
Don't worry. I'm not here to fire anyone. Yet.
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papakhcn · 3 years
I made that connection, very cute name for a very cute woman. I admire that about you, wanting to make a difference in this business. It’s a hard thing to do but you can do it, AEW proved to me that even the most impossible things, are actually possible. 
Hello mister Tony khan sir! Please book me in a fight against Eddie Kingston thanks. @papakhcn
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papakhcn · 3 years
Not the most extensive cook I assume? If I read reports about a fire starting, I’ll know what happened. 
I think I’m gonna attempt to make Charlie dinner. 
Someone pray I don’t burn the house down. 
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papakhcn · 3 years
Evie? That's a very pretty name, I like it! I've seen your stuff by the way, really awesome. You're already doing big things and you're still so young? Should be proud of yourself on a serious note!
Hello mister Tony khan sir! Please book me in a fight against Eddie Kingston thanks. @papakhcn
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papakhcn · 3 years
👀👀 It's you? I wasn't sure if it was you or not.
No but really very cute. Welcome to the shit show Cathy, it's a pleasure to have you. 😂
I made the account but Gene, my dog son picked the profile picture. Cutest kid ever? It’s me, you guys!
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papakhcn · 3 years
And I love you for it!
Keep training, keep up the kick ass work, keep up making money for me. You're great, kid!
Good morning to all my favorite hookers! How are you guys?
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papakhcn · 3 years
Tumblr media
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papakhcn · 3 years
That's why I love you Cody, always seeing the bigger picture. Love your passion and dedication, it's truly unmatched!
Things are pretty crazy, a lot’s going on … but, and I can’t stress this enough guys — don’t forget to watch Elevation tonight if you haven’t already! Good wrestling? For free? On a Monday? It’s just what we do. No need to thank us.
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papakhcn · 3 years
Please just call me TK. As for the match with Eddie... I might be able to work something out with you. 👀
Oh by the way, pleasure to meet you.
Hello mister Tony khan sir! Please book me in a fight against Eddie Kingston thanks. @papakhcn
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papakhcn · 3 years
Congratulations Jack, I'm so happy for you! You deserve all the happiness in the world! Free dinner on me for the both of you as a congratulatory gift.
Holy shit I woke up engaged. I’m engaged guys!!! 😁😁😁
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papakhcn · 3 years
Oh thank you, thank you! You really shouldn't have.
Oh you know, living the dream! Drowning in work but wouldn't have it any other way! What's up with you?
Good morning to all my favorite hookers! How are you guys?
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papakhcn · 3 years
Hey there's the man, the myth, the legend himself. What's up man?
Good morning to all my favorite hookers! How are you guys?
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