#a bumbling ramble
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cheebuss Ā· 3 months ago
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nick screenshot redraw + bumble from warrior cats bc I didn't want to draw a gun
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tr4sh-hive-3 Ā· 2 years ago
i need HELP pLEASE (& thank you)
i need help.
I am simply in shambles.
hi! my nameā€™s pan, Iā€™m 13, and Iā€™m failing all my classes. Fuck! Iā€™m so lonely. Everyoneā€™s disappointed in me. I canā€™t do anything. I canā€™t do anything. Please help me.
I want to do something. I need to do something, anything. I can write. I can go full fucking Hamilton on this bitch. Like tomorrow wonā€™t arrive, like Iā€™m running out of time, like itā€™s going out of style, all that jazz. thatā€™s my only skill, but fuck itā€™s pretty goddamn useful. I can do five (5) things; read, write, think, talk, and love. last one probably wouldnā€™t be super useful for college.
okay, I think Iā€™ve calmed down a bit. hear me out. I will post something on tumblr everyday. everyday. cause if I canā€™t do something regularly that actually takes consistent memory and planning and commitment and all that fucking jazz Iā€™m gonna start having suicidal daydreams again. even if itā€™s a stupid shitpost, I needā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”fucking something. This post has been in my drafts for, probably, some amount of weeks. I didnā€™t even finish that last sentence, ā€œI need-ā€œ. I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with me.
Yeah, writing is not useful. Theoretically, it should be, right? I should be seducing teachers and colleges and all sorts of academics with essays, but Iā€™m not. Iā€™m not even that good at writing. Mama says I am but sheā€™s fucking lying. She also says Iā€™m beautiful and smart and hardworking. The only reason I donā€™t have suicidal fantasies is cause of my mama. I love my mama very much. But sheā€™s a fucking liar.
I canā€™t write. (4).
The only thing I read is fanfiction. Iā€™m just gonna be honest ā€˜bout that. Iā€™ve read the first 5 chapters of Divergent and Jesus fucking Christ itā€™s boring as fuck. Hold on: reading test scores. Iā€™m usually in the 99th percentile for reading comprehension/proficiency. And lemme tell you, every time I take one of those silly little tests, it does WONDERS for my ego. But I am unable to read regularly.
I canā€™t read. (3).
Pretty sure I have severe social anxiety. Iā€™ve always thought I would be able to talk to and entertain and charm people easily. Because I can talk to myself. Iā€™m always talking to myself in made-up scenarios. And Iā€™m always charming and entertaining. Itā€™s so annoying when Iā€™m trying to socialize with actual humans and I keep stuttering and going quiet and covering my face in embarrassment. And at first I thought it wasnā€™t that bad. That I could make those annoying-ass mannerisms kinda cute, right? And I could lean into it and make ā€œcuteā€™nā€™shyā€ the selling point of my personality. I know that sounds super cringey. This whole post sounds super cringey. And my last post too. Iā€™m so scared that everyone else thinks Iā€™m cringey and annoying and obnoxious and too loud or too quiet and not worth talking to. Anyway, that selling point does not work. It just gives me more anxiety. And fuck if I know the impression it makes on anyone else.
I canā€™t talk (to other people). (2).
I think I might be cupioromantic. Iā€™ve read about romance. Iā€™ve heard it described as butterflies and ecstasy pills. Romantic, sexual attractions are supposed to be strong feelings. Or at least enjoyable ones. And heartbreak is supposed to feel physically painful. Iā€™ve never felt any of those. I thought I was touch-starved, but thereā€™s this guy that I donā€™t particularly like who says he has a crush on me and we cuddle at the bus stop and sure the cuddles are fine and I donā€™t mind his company but I am not attracted to him at all. For some reason, I thought cuddling with a tolerable person would be super nice? But itā€™s not. So now Iā€™m kinda just doing it so he doesnā€™t feel rejected. Not that Iā€™m leading him on! Iā€™ve been very clear that I am very much not attracted to him. I guess weā€™re friends. He refers to me as his crush. I donā€™t like that. This love rant has gotten kind of off topic. Back on track; I keep having these fantasies with a nameless person in which I hold their hand, kiss their forehead, make them pancakes, sing them love songs, write them love letters, give them little romantic gifts, pet their hair till they fall asleep, etc. Iā€™ve never actually felt that way about a real person. I might not ever feel that way about a real person. All this romance stuff is really confusing and annoying. Iā€™ll just stick to platonic relationships for now. But I donā€™t have any friends. I really hope everyoneā€™s indifferent towards me. Itā€™s so much easier to be unknown than it is to be disliked. Iā€™m not sure which one I am.
I canā€™t love. (1).
My grandfather patented a medical imaging thingamajig. He was pretty smart. Heā€™s dead now. Iā€™m actually typing this from one of his three phones that I inherited cause my old one got stolen. I always liked the bastard. My dad yelled at him a lot but he didnā€™t give a shit. He never got upset or offended or quiet or loud back when my dad was an ass to him. Maybe he wasnā€™t the best parent. His kids (my dad and tia) turned out to be some nasty pieces of work. Actually, just my dad. Tiaā€™s fineā€”just kinda loopy and alcoholic. Sheā€™s really nice. Her husbandā€™s an ass, though. And her son. I canā€™t really blame the son. His parents are a little subpar. I got off topic again. Sorry. Itā€™s kinda late and Iā€™ve been dreadfully sick these last few days. Youā€™ve got an attention span of steel if youā€™ve made it this far. Sorry again, back on track:
Following the pattern of this text post, I am now going to prove my state of <no thoughts head empty>.
I overthink things. A lot. I think thereā€™s something wrong with me. Or maybe I donā€™t. Maybe my thoughts are completely normal. Maybe this is what itā€™s like inside everyoneā€™s head. But if Iā€™m the same as everyone else, why is it that the average ā€œeveryone elseā€ can function as a human being? I canā€™t function. I can barely brush my teeth everyday. Let alone exist bearably in a school setting. Grades are the only things that matter right now. And mine are shit. So I donā€™t matter. I canā€™t even force myself to try. All of it is so fucking boring. AND Iā€™M OFF TOPIC. AGAIN. FUCKING CHRIST. MY GRADES? SHIT. GRADES DIRECTLY CORRELATE TO? INTELLIGENCE AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS. INTELLIGENCE AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS DIRECTLY CORRELATE TO? THINKING. ABILITY TO THINK. ABILITY TO BRAIN PROPERLY. BRAINING. BRAINING WELL. ZAPPING THE FUCKING BRAIN CELLS IN PROPER FUCKING ORDER. ALL THE BRAIN CELLS. FUCKING. BRAIN CELL ORGY. HOTEL? MOTHERFUCKING TRIVAGO.
Think? I cannot. Canā€™t think. I cannot think. (0).
Okay! Thatā€™s all five! I have zero (0) skills! Yay! Shit! I have provided evidence and reasoning. Iā€™m so proud of myself. Iā€™ve finally gotten to the end of this godforsaken text post. This bitch has been in the drafts for weeks. What was even the point of this? Is this what is feels like to finish something? To accomplish a task?
If youā€™re actually reading this, congratulations. Youā€™re ready to kill god. If you havenā€™t already. You have the focus of a goddamn hawk.
I. Am. Going. To. Stop. Rambling
I. Am. Going. To. Post. Everyday.
(insert clever sign-off here)
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awhoreintheory Ā· 7 months ago
Everyone likes to write Peter's favorite (dc) hero being wonderwoman or someone in the batfamily, but i disagree
Peter, the absolute NERD that he is, would hero worship The Flash on Iron Man level.
Like, you're telling me the kid who loves science wouldn't be absolutely enamored with a hero who can run so fast he can cross dimensions? Go backwards AND forwards in time? No way Jose.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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bumble-the-sun-bee Ā· 3 months ago
i went a bit ham
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@animatronic-assistant I think I like drawing Mal torturing your Sun :p
@stormbreaker-290 @obsessivecelestial @eternal-soup
Malware :3
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takami-takami Ā· 10 months ago
Still thinking of how fucking happy Keigo gets with a mouth full of pussy.
All glossy-eyed, muffled little sounds. Like a fucking puppy with a treat in his mouth.
He's not really... all there, you know? Cloud nine ain't enough to describe it. Absolutely pussy drunk, rough palms running up and down your thighs, breathing slowed as his heart rate thumps and he's dizzy with it. The wetness on his tongue, the way you dig your claws into his scalp.
The way Keigo practically mouths at your cunt as he gets into itā€” hand slowly crawling down to paw at his cock through the clothes... Slipping beneath the waistband just a little...
He promises he'll behave. He's a good boy, honest!
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waldosakimbo Ā· 4 months ago
OH MY GOD Heretic (2024) has me by the throat. I feel like this one is definitely worth rewatching, because it TELLS you so much, it advertises SO MUCH right away, and it's sinister how it plays out!
Does Sister Barnes have faith? Does Sister Paxton actually believe she's seen evidence of god from, hilariously, some amateur porn? You're given the idea Sister Paxton believes more but she has no converts and no baptisms. Sister Barnes is questioning, but she's more successful. Why is that? (Is it the big sad eyes?) When they spot the teenagers in the street and Sister Paxton earnestly says "I love them," they immediately betray her. She loves the world. Its cruel. She wants to save this man. He's cruel. Faith and cruelty. Iterations. The butterfly image. The dead moths coating the window. Belief and disbelief and god damn it's tasty. Quick aside, did anyone else think he drugged those drinks or not? I worried initially, but I think it was genuinely just another one of his tests for later. Also it's insidious how Reed tells them "truths." He tells them the walls and ceiling have metal but they don't know that would block cell phones. He tells them the front door locks by a mechanism timer that doesn't come undone until daylight, (but he can switch it off). He tells them the house is wired weird. He tells them he put the aromatic pie there, he tests them, and it's so. Good! So when he tells them about religion, his motivations, his study of theology, and the challenge from Sister Barnes (the faithless? Who choses Belief and stands up to him? Who has her throat slit as the sacrificial lamb? Beautiful, tragic) is the other side of that. The flipside of the coin. Hugh Grant is AMAZING in this, because he's Hugh Granting it up but instead of a comedy, it's a horror. Unsettling to the max. Why? Because it's just the power of humanity and faith. It's JUST. The power. Of humanity. And Faith. It's nothing supernatural. It's using knowledge, history, the arts, humanity and psychology. As a weapon. Longlegs fell short for me because it was eventually supernatural and I thought it clunky and mishandled in the second half. This one? It's just humans. It's just an evil man. And it's visceral. More grounded, which makes it Terrifying. Even when faced with a miracle, we learn it's false. It's a magic trick. Even when we could pray, we're told BY THE PERSON. WHO IS FAITHFUL, that it means nothing, but sometimes it's beautiful to still pray for someone. Which brings me to the point where Sister Paxton was stabbed and praying in level...three? of his twisted Dante's inferno house? Actually, quick aside to that, I love the back and forth of quoting Spider-Man or Voltaire. Quoting Virgil or the Swamp Thing. It's again putting them on opposite sides, another mirror. But also showing the house itself as a labyrinth, yes, but specifically I think that was Dante's Inferno poster in his office, making Paxton Virgil, travelling the levels of Hell to the frozen pit/horrifying chamber of cages where he keeps other pious women, going Through to get Out. "Sister P" Is praying even though she Just said it does nothing. Reed crawling towards her, his own throat slit. But there's this moment where he's draped over her, sobbing or choking, looking for the warmth of her prayer, I think trying to feel her belief because he's been searching for it for so long and he's left empty. Before he can find peace (or kill her, did he have his knife to her throat to kill her? I think he would, but I still think he had this moment where he wished he could believe to find peace with someone, especially after seeing that interview where Grant stated backstory of Reed that he was a lonely man who lost someone dearly to him and he searched through religions to find comfort and couldn't) he's killed. He's smashed in the head with the McGuffin from earlier. Victory. Did Barnes come back? I think she was saving her strength and had one final moment to help her friend. And then that fucking ending. Is she dead? Is she alive? Was the butterfly real? Did she believe? Is it only her belief, her butterfly, or is a final hallucination before she passes? Did she make it out of Hell? Anyways, I'm going to have to see this again soon. Delicious. Horrifying. Loved it.
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randomrabbidramblings Ā· 7 months ago
Phantom's "Captain Opera-Beard and the Bumbling Brigands of Toilet Water Bay"
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[Opera Beard's design is bound to change, I'm still not sure about his coat and especially his hat]
I've thought about this for a couple of weeks now and it's time to share some things I thought of! There's no real plot and I don't know if I will ever evolve it further than this, but I hope you enjoy it! (if you don't, it's Phantom's fault he wrote it lol)
Opera Beard is said to have lost his heart after some kind of love story and that's why he's seemingly invincible. Voices say to defeat him, you have to put his heart back, so he can become vulnerable again. However, he holds a secret...
Opera Beard isn't properly "dead". He was cursed by one of his past lovers to be a ghost before he lost the heart.
The Pirates under Opera Beard's command aren't cursed. They were some of his old theater crew that stuck with him. Hovever, even if they were around since the beginning of their piracy era and witnessed him getting cursed to his spectral form, even they don't know what happened to the Captain's heart.
Speaking of the heart, it's not really clear what happened to it. Some stories say he lost it because one of his lovers was a witch and she stole it, some others say he purposefully threw it away because of a terrible breakup and some even say it whithered away for the overuse. Without his heart the Captain is said to be invulnerable, so it needs to be put back to defeat him.
One of the Captain's goals is to find a soulmate. He spent his life witnessing all of his lovers drift away from him, be it his fault or the lovers'. He always justifies himself saying he has too much love to give and all of his past flings were too overwhelmed by his affection.
Opera Beard can take a smaller form and manfest legs to disguise himself as a living being, but only during the day. He's still very recognizable though, so to prove he's not the cursed pirate, he can mimic a heartbeat. It's in this form that he will go around on land in search of his soulmate.
In his usual specral form he's interestingly very wary of personal space, however in his "living" disguise he's pretty tactile and physically affectionate. He justifies it as not liking his spectral form and not wanting anyone feel how cold he is.
The Pirates's way to attack other ships is tostalk them in rocky or foggy places, often in the night when the other ship is busy manouvering or finding their way. You know they're right behind you when your sailors stop singing but the song doesn't.
The Pirates are attracted to music even when they're not stalking anyone. It's one of the Captain's only weaknesses.
The Pirates kidnapped Princess Peach of the near Kingdom once. The Captain thought the lady whose pure heart was known around the world, would be the perfect soulmate. What he didn't think was that she had a whole army ready to fight him including a seemingly worthless sailor who was able to kick his ass. Opera Beard wrote a loooong song about this sailor drowining as "revenge".
And lastly the Captain's secret: his heart was never lost. He made up the whole thing as to give himself more of a "cursed pirate" look and to deter people to try and defeat him just after he was cursed with his specral form. His insistence on personal space is an excuse to not let anyone hear his heartbeat while he's a ghost and his "fake heartbeat" of his living disguise it's his actual heartbeat.
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gunstellations Ā· 2 years ago
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double trouble
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watcher-bones Ā· 3 months ago
Leshy's kid having his eye(s?)
His partner would explain every detail to him. From what they inherited from him and from their partner.
Maybe the kid is mossy green like him.
Maybe they have his branches and move with their mood.
Leshy, however he would tear up as their partner described the kids eye(s). Ruby red with flecks of autumn orange.
Leshy might make a joke to hide that hidden sadness, "Aye, you finally get to see my eye color"
[Nevermind when Uncle Narinder sees his little brother mini me. The utter flashbacks the cat would get seeing those eyes]
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warmfuzzyanimal Ā· 7 months ago
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undergrounddweller89 Ā· 5 months ago
I have honestly a few transformers ships but every now and again I remember I could kinda dig megaton and bee.
When they did that patch in tfp what if when megaton was in his head and controlled his body, seduced bees mind , not into betraying the autobots, but letting him show him what he could do with his hands.
Even at points feeling a little frustrated that he doesn't have claws because the places he could reach if he had his sharp finger tips.
Bee ends up having thee most sensational overload and doesn't forget it so every time he sees megaton on the battle field he can't help but blush... and Megatron.... well, come into my parlour said the spider to the fly.
Only in this case why destroy something once when you could taste it again and again.
Soundwave's not impressed but he makes sure no one discovers them and in his attempt to distract a suspicious Starscream ends up forming a romance he never expected.
I dunno man , I'm tired let me ramble.
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kue-rangi Ā· 3 months ago
I am still not ready to be 23 next month ā€¢_ā€¢) , time goes by too fast ,,,,
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bumble-the-sun-bee Ā· 3 months ago
more lasso fill limited pallet art
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This time with Bloodmoon cuz I've been thinking about them
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cheecats Ā· 1 year ago
Hear me out... Bumble x Star Flower AU...
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the-owl-tree Ā· 2 years ago
i promise i wonā€™t make a habit of this but look a bad take about bumble is a bad take i have to wield my blade against. she was being threatened and beaten!! the scene where they reject her sheā€™s pleading for safety from her abuser!!!! the moor cats werenā€™t concerned about turtle tail they literally just thought about how fat and useless bumble was and it was framed as a good thing
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malwaresilly Ā· 1 month ago
Yapping Abt my characters: N0va
Sleep position: curled up as much as he can, usually a compact version of the fetal pose when in robor form so he doesn't fuck up his back too much. They are very anxious about having their stomach exposed and cuz they don't want to lay on their stomach because it's hard for him to get up in he's face down. So if he's uncertain or doesn't feel safe, he'll sleep on his side, curled up.
Fidgets: When nervous, he'll play with his fur or hair, rarely his antenna. When he's overwhelmed, he'll gently tug on his antenna, which makes them bend over his face usually. His tail with wrap around his leg or arm if he's nervous or scared
Fur: like a cat or most mammals, when threatened or scared, his fur with stand up. His hair seems to fluff out as well somehow (strange cartoon logic/hj)
Scars: he has a lot of scars, mainly on his shoulders and chest from picking at scabs from acne (like me) but also some scars from accidents he's had. He has one on his right knee from slicing it on a wood bench, two burn scars on his left forearm, scars on three of his knuckles on his left hand from a bike incident (it was actually a scooter but he'll never admit to it) and a few random scars on his fingers that came from picking at them and burning himself with a hot glue gun.
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